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  Doctor Aram Baram
Thoracic Trauma
• Thoracic trauma is responsible for more than 25% of
  trauma deaths.
• Blunt trauma accounts for 70% of chest injuries and more
  than 70% of these injuries result from Motor Vehicle
• Penetrating injuries: 60 to 70% are due to stab wounds.
• Chest wall and soft tissue are the most common locations
  for both blunt and penetrating trauma.
• Less than 10% of blunt injuries and only 15 to 30% of
  penetrating injuries require thoracotomy
• One in four cases with cardiothoracic trauma,
  regardless of etiology, requires hospital admission.    2
•Blunt   70% of chest injuries

• Penetrating      60 to 70% are due
 to stab wounds.

Penetrating Trauma
• Injuries are uncommon in either elderly or pediatric
  patients, but they remain one of the most common
  causes of death from trauma in persons up to 40 years
  of age.

• Low-velocity handguns, seen primarily in the civilian
  population, transmit very little damage to surrounding

• Conversely, much more damage and energy is
  conducted along the path of high-velocity missiles,
  usually associated with the military, but now often
  seen in violent assaults as well.
Blunt Trauma
Accounts for 70% of chest injuries and more
 than 70% of these injuries result from Motor
 Vehicle Accidents.

Less than 10% of blunt injuries and
 only 15 to 30% of penetrating
 injuries require thoracotomy
Initial Assessment and Management

Primary survey
Resuscitation of vital functions
Detailed secondary survey
Definitive care

Pathophysiology of Chest Trauma
Is the derrangement in normal flow of air
               and blood

      perfusion        Inadequate oxygen
      mismatch         delivery to tissues

      changes in
       pressure              TISSUE
     relationships          HYPOXIA
Rapid and thorough performance of the “ABCs” is the standard.
This begins with traditional resuscitation as outlined by the American College
   of Surgeons in the Advanced Trauma Life Support guidelines.

The airway must be controlled and breathing assessed and established
   immediately if necessary.

Circulation must be supported through rapid establishment of reliable, large-
    bore venous access and the initiation of fluid resuscitation.

The primary survey is performed to search for immediate life-threatening
   injuries that could account for ventilation or hemodynamic instabilities,
   which, if left uncorrected, could cause the acute demise of the patient.

These life-threatening injuries are listed in the table below:

Injuries                                     Management

Tension pneumothorax                           Tube thoracostomy

Massive haemothorax                            Tube thoracostomy      operative repair

Cardiac tamponade                              Pericardiocentesis    operative repair

Deceleration aortic injury                     Operative repair

Massive flail    chest   with   pulmonary
                                               Intubation, pain control, fluid restriction

Upper and lower airway obstruction             Intubation, airway, bronchoscopy

Tracheobronchial rupture                       Bronchoscopy, operative repair

Diaphragmatic    rupture     with   visceral
                                               Operative repair

Esophageal perforation                         Operative repair
The presentation depends on the mechanism of injury
            and the organ systems injured.

 • Thoraco-abdominal
       • Any wound below
         nipples in front and
       • Inferior scapula
         angles dorsally

•Any penetrating wound such as this should be considered
to have an abdominal component until proven otherwise.
Diagnosing Thoracic Injuries
• The time of injury, mechanism of injury,
  estimates of MVA velocity and deceleration,
  and evidence of associated injury to other
  systems (eg, loss of consciousness) are all
  salient features of an adequate clinical history.

• Information should be obtained directly from
  the patient whenever possible and from other
  witnesses to the accident if available.

• Chest Wall: look for signs of injury such as wounds
  (sucking), contusions, abnormal movement (flail chest),
  swellings, cyanosis, pallor, types of respiration…
• Neck: distended neck veins, subcutaneous
  emphysema, swelling and cyanosis.
• Abdomen: scaphoid abdomen(diaphragmatic rupture)
  or rocking horse ventilation(high cord injury).
       Never forget the back
Physical Exam
• General examination: PR, RR, BP
• Palpation: tracheal position, tenderness, or
  crepitus (surgical emphysema).
• Percussion: dullness for hemothorax and
  hyperresonance for pneumothorax
• Auscultation: Equal breath sounds & air entry,
  heart sounds, bowel sounds high in chest.

Imaging studies
• The chest radiograph (CXR) (PA& Lateral):
• Focused Assessment for the Sonographic Examination
  of the Trauma Patient (FAST).

• Chest CT scan

• Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)

Angiography remains the gold standard in the diagnosis of aortic transection or injuries to the
   great vessels. Indications for Angiographic Studies for Potential Thoracic Injuries are:

1) High-speed deceleration injuries
2) Chest X-ray findings:
           Widened mediastinum
           Loss of aortic knob shadow
           Tracheal or esophageal deviation to the right
           Widening of paraspinal stripe and/or apical capping
           Downward displacement of left mainstem bronchus
           Obliteration of the aortopulmonary window

3) Fractured first rib, sternum, or scapula
4) Multiple rib fractures or flail chest
5) Massive hemothorax
6) Upper extremity hypertension
7) Unexplained hypotension
8) Pulse deficits or asymmetry
9) Systolic murmur


Performed in the resuscitative
  phase as a diagnostic or at
  best a temporising modality
  in cardiac tamponade.

Pericardiocentesis cannot be
  relied on to diagnose cardiac
  injuries in a trauma setting
  because of high false positive
  and false negative (10 to 20%)
  rates.                           16
Lab studies
• Blood type and cross match
• Arterial blood gas:
  Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis, though not as important in the initial assessme
  of trauma victims, is important in their subsequent management.
• Serum chemistry profile: Urea , createnin, K,Na, Ca,…etc.
• Coagulation profile
   The coagulation profile, including prothrombin time/activated partial
  thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation product, and D-dimer
  analyses, can be helpful in the management of patients who receive massive
  transfusions (eg, >10 U packed RBCs).
• Serum troponin levels
• Serum myocardial muscle creatine kinase isoenzyme levels.
• Serum lactate levels

Primary Survey

• Airway

• Breathing

• Circulation
• Initial management
  As always in trauma, management begins with establishing ABCs.
• Indications for emergency endotracheal intubation include apnea,
   profound shock, and inadequate ventilation.

• Chest radiography is not indicated in patients with clinical signs of a
  tension pneumothorax, and immediate chest decompression is
  accomplished with either a large-bore needle at the second intercostal
  space or, more definitively, with a tube thoracostomy.

• A sucking chest wound must be appropriately covered to permit
  adequate ventilation and to prevent the iatrogenic development of a
  tension pneumothorax.

Initial assessment and management

• Hypoxia is most serious problem - early
  interventions aimed at reversing
• Immediate life-threatening injuries treated
  quickly and simply - usually with a tube or a
• Secondary survey guided by high suspicion for
  specific injuries

             A. Chest wall Injuries
• 1. Fracture Ribs
• Fracture of the ribs is the most common blunt thoracic injury,
  occurring in an estimated 39% of patients.
• Rib fractures represent an important indicator of trauma
  severity. In general, the greater the number of ribs fractured,
  the higher the patient’s morbidity and mortality.
• The number of ribs fractured has been significantly correlated
  with the presence of hemothorax or pneumothorax, with
  81% of patients having either condition if two or more ribs
  were fractured.
• Fractures of the fourth through the ninth rib are associated
  with injuries to the lung, bronchus, pleura, and heart,
  whereas fractures below the ninth rib are indicative of
  spleen, hepatic, or renal injuries.
• The main symptoms include pain, tenderness, and
  possibly crepitus.
• An upright chest X-ray is the standard way to diagnose
• After adjusting for severity of injury, comorbidity, and
  presence of multiple rib fractures, elderly patients (>65
  years old) with simple rib fractures still were five times
  more likely to die compared with patients under age
• First rib fracture has particular significance because of
  the great force required for it to occur and the
  likelihood that intrathoracic visceral injury also has
  taken place
• Once a haemopneumothorax and major skeletal
  injuries are excluded, the management is mainly
  for control of chest pain by
• Nalgesics mostly NSAIDS,
• intercostals blocks by local anesthesia, T.E.N.S
  may be useful.
• Chest strapping or bed rest is no longer advised
  and early ambulation with vigorous
  physiotherapy (and oral antibiotics if necessary)
  is encouraged
Flail Chest
• Free floating segment of ribs.
   – 3 or more rib fractures broken in 2 places.
• Look for paradoxical chest wall motion
   – Inhaleinward
   – Exhaleoutward
• Decreased air entry.

Types of flail chest
• Anterior: Bilateral anterior fractures with
  bilateral costochondral separation (15%) or
  fractures of sternum with associated
  costochondral separation (7%).
• Lateral: Multiple fractures on the same side
  with or without costochondral separation
  (73%) or fractures of several ribs with two or
  more fracture points on the same side (5%).
• Approximately 50% of patients with flail chest can be managed without
  mechanical ventilation with the use of epidural analgesia, chest
  physiotherapy, bronchoscopy for mucus plugs, bronchodilators and
  mucolytic agents and supplemental oxygen.
• Mechanical ventilation is used when signs of progressive hypoxia not
  responding to simple oxygen therapy.

• In the more severe case, endotracheal intubation is required with
  positive-pressure ventilation for up to 3 weeks, until the frac-tures
  become less mobile.

• Thoracotomy with fracture fixation is occasionally appropriate if there is
  an underlying lung injury to be treated at the same time.

• An anterior flail segment with the sternum moving paradoxically with
  respiration can be stabilised by internal fixation but operative
  management is not usual for either.
Sternal Fractures
• Most often in MVA.
• Incidence 3%.
• Normal vitals and normal EKG. Repeat EKG in
  6 hrs and D/C if unchanged.
• Practice varies between institutions.

Subcutaneous Emphysema

• Air leak from lung parenchyma, or
  tracheobronchial tree.
• Interstitial lung injury through hilum and
• If extensive then suspect injury to
  pharynx, larynx, or esophagus.
• Should be assumed that pt has
  pneumothorax even if not visible on
  chest x-ray.
Thanks for your

Traumatic Pneumothorax
• Traumatic injury causes
  laceration of the lung
  parenchyma &/or
  tracheobronchial tree and
  air enters the pleural
• Negative pressure in
  pleural space facilitates air

Traumatic Pneumothorax


   Simple       Open or sucking      Tension
pneumothorax.   pneumothorax.     pneumothorax.
Simple Pneumothorax
    • Clinically the breath sounds are
      decreased on the affected side
      with a hyper resonant percussion
    • An erect CXR aids the diagnosis.
    • Pneumothoraces <2cm from the
      inner rib surface could observed
    • If these patients decompensate,
      or if pneumothorax enlarges or if
      the patient needs ventilation,
      tube thoracostomy should be
Tension Pneumothorax
• Develops when a "one way
  valve" air leak occurs either
  from the lung or through the
  chest wall (Sucking wound).
• The mediastinum is displaced
  to the opposite side leading to
  decrease venous return and
  compression of the opposite
  lung and impaired ventilation
  and end with circulatory
• This is a clinical diagnosis and
  treatment should not be
  delayed by waiting for
  radiologic confirmation.
Inferior vena cava
Tension Pneumothorax
Tension pneumothorax is
  characterised by
† air hunger,
† respiratory distress,
† tachycardia,
† hypotension,
† tracheal deviation to the
  opposite side of injury,
† unilateral absence of breath   Tension pneumothorax requires immediate
  sounds,                        decompression and is managed initially by
† neck vein distention and       rapid insertion of a large bore needle into the
                                 2nd intercoastal space in the mid-clavicular
† cyanosis as a late             line.
  manifestation.                 Definitive treatment is tube thoracostomy via
                                 a chest tube inserted in the safety triangle.
Chest Tube
should be in the “safe
triangle” is the triangle
bordered by the anterior
border of the latissimus
dorsi, the lateral border of
the pectoralis major muscle,
a line superior to the
horizontal level of the
nipple, and an apex below
the axilla.

Open Pneumothorax
                                             A: Inspiration
Seen in patients with large chest wall
   defects (Sucking wound), where the
   area of the defect is 2/3 that of
   tracheal diameter or is larger than the
   area of glottic opening.

Air passes preferentially through the
   chest defect with each respiratory
   effort because air tends to follow the
   path of least resistance through the
   large chest wall defect.

Open Pneumothorax

 Haemothorax is a collection of blood in the
  pleural space and may be caused by blunt
  or penetrating trauma.
 Most haemothoraces are the result of rib
  fractures, lung parenchymal and minor
  venous injuries, and as such are self-
 Less commonly there is an arterial injury
  (intercostal or internal mammary vessels)
  which is more likely to require surgical
  repair.                                       39
• Diagnosis is made on clinical examination by the
  decreased breath sounds and dullness to
  percussion on affected side.
• Confirmation is by CXR which shows complete or
  partial opacification of the affected side.
• Chest tube thoracostomy is performed in the
  safety triangle for haemothorax by wide-bore
  tube (> 28French).
• Bleeding is classified as minimal (<350 ml),
                            moderate (350 to 500ml)
                            massive (>1500 ml).
Massive Hemothorax
• Each hemithorax can hold 40-50% of blood
• Defined: 1500 mL or more intial drainge.
• Cause: Injury to lung parenchyma, intercostal
  artery or internal mammary artery

Which exam to request?

 Hematological: To detecte
  blood loss
 Chest x-ray:
• Upright film (PA & Lat):
  200-300 mL of blood.
• Supine film: >1000mL of
Chet tube : In 85% of the patients, > 32F

About 5-15% of pts admitted with chest
  trauma require thorocotomy.

Indications of Thoracotomy:
     1) The initial blood drainage is >1500ml.
     2) When bleeding persists at a rate of 200
        to 300ml per hour over 3 to 4 hours.
     3) When there is haemodynamic
        instability.                          43
Pulmonary Contusion
•   Occurs in 50 to 60% of patients with blunt trauma.

•   Intrusion of ribs after frontal or lateral impact can cause direct damage injury to alveolar
    lining, capillaries and lung parenchyma cause hemorrhage and cellular disruption.

•   Grossly involved lung becomes hemorrhagic consolidated and oedematous irregular

•   The resulting hypoxemia occurs 24 to 36 hours after injury.

•   Localised contusion usually resolves without major sequelae. This process usually takes 10
    to 14 days.
•    Alternatively this may progress to varying degrees of ARDS in some patients.
•   Supplement oxygen.
•   Chest physiotherapy.
•   Bronchodilators and mucolytics.
•   Limit fluid administration.
•   Steroids - use controversial.
•   Antibiotics also controversial.
•   Mechanical ventilation if indicated.
•   Analgesics are strongly indicated
Diaphragmatic rupture
• The mechanism for diaphragmatic rupture is high-
  speed blunt abdominal trauma with a closed glottis.

• The incidence is 1-3% of all chest trauma cases.

• The sudden rise in intra-abdominal pressure breaches
  the weakest part of the abdominal wall, namely the

• The injury to left diaphragm is 4 times commoner than
  the right due to protection afforded by the liver on the
Diaphragmatic rupture
• Bowel sounds may be heard in the chest and the chest
  radiograph may reveal bowel gas in the lung fields.

• A plain chest x-ray with a NG tube in the stomach can
  confirm the diagnosis or a contrast study.

• But if the patient has signs of acute abdomen the
  repair to be by a laperatomy to deal with any intra-
  abdominal injuries.

• Whilst chronic injuries (more than one month) should
  be approached through the chest due to adhesions.
Oesophageal injury
• It should be noted whether the presentation after
  injury is delayed >24hours as this affects
• The majority of cases occur in the cervical region.
• The clinical suspicion is heightened by the
  association of fever, pain in the neck and
  tachycardia (Makler’s triad), crepitus and a
  “mediastinal crunch” may be heard on
• Contrast radiography could be performed by
Early diagnosis :
  An NG tube should be passed and IV prophylactic antibiotics
   started. A right sided thoracotomy is used for the middle 1/3
   oesophageal injury. The lower 1/3 is better approached via the
   left side of the chest.
Delayed presentation:
    Primary closure is often not possible due to florid sepsis. Options
   open to a surgeon are:
• Tube drainage and oesophageal suction
• T-tube insertion in perforation
• Cervical oesophagostomy and distal ligation
• Oesophageal resection

The mortality for delayed presentation is +/-25%
Cardiac Tamponade
• Is impairment of ventricular filling due to
  increased intrapericardial pressure due an
  increase in the intrapericardial content such
  as blood and/or effusions.
• Unless recognized and treated promptly
  cardiac tamponade can be fatal.
• The pericardial space normally contains 20-50
  mL of fluid.
Cardiac Tamponade
• Rapid accumulation of as little as 150 mL of
  fluid can result in a marked increase in
  pericardial pressure and can severely impede
  cardiac output.

• Approximately 2% of penetrating injuries are
  reported to result in cardiac tamponade
• Beck’s Triad: (hypotension, jugular venous
  distention, and muffled heart sounds) occurs in
  only 10% to 40% of patients.
• Pulsus paradoxus also paradoxic pulse This is an
  exaggeration (>12 mm Hg or 9%) of the normal
  inspiratory decrease in systemic blood pressure..
• Kussmaul’s sign, or paradoxical inspiratory
  distention of neck veins upon expiration, is
  another classic sign attributed to pericardial
• FAST is rapid and accurate method of diagnosis
Cardiac Tamponade
• A clinical syndrome caused by the accumulation of
  fluid in the pericardial space, resulting in reduced
  ventricular filling and subsequent hemodynamic

• The overall risk of death depends on the speed of
  diagnosis, the treatment provided, and the
  underlying cause of the tamponade.

Cardiac Tamponade
•   Caused by blunt and penetrating trauma.
•   Stab wounds to midchest most common cause.
•   Pericardial sack has poor compliance.
•   Normally it contains 20-50 mL of fluid.

      Only 150-200 mL can result in tamponade.

Cardiac Tamponade
• History:
• Symptoms vary with the underlying cause and
  the acuteness of the tamponade.
• Patients with acute tamponade may present
  with dyspnea, tachycardia, and tachypnea.
• Cold and clammy extremities from
  hypoperfusion are also observed in some

• Pericardiocentesis or
• Subxiphoid
  pericardiotomy or
• Left anterior thoracotomy
• Paraxiphoid approach
• Can direct needle toward
  left scapula or right scapula
  (less likely to damage
• Up and back at 45 degrees
  for 4-5 cm.
• Aspirate every 1-2mm.
• Removal of 5-10 mL can
  increase stroke volume by
  25-50%.                         56
     Pulmonary           Pleural Space         Vascular

Atelectasis          Empyema             Thromboembolism

Acute respiratory   Bronchopleural       Air embolism
distress            fistula
syndrome/acute lung
Pneumonia           Organized            Pseudoaneurysm
Infarction          Chylothorax          Great vessel fistula

Lung abscess         Fibrothorax         Vascular

Arteriovenous fistula Diaphragmatic      Thromboembolism
Bronchial stenosis    Pleural Space      Air embolism

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Surgery 6th year, Tutorial (Dr. Aram Baram)

  • 1. Thoracic Trauma By Doctor Aram Baram
  • 2. Thoracic Trauma • Thoracic trauma is responsible for more than 25% of trauma deaths. • Blunt trauma accounts for 70% of chest injuries and more than 70% of these injuries result from Motor Vehicle Accidents. • • Penetrating injuries: 60 to 70% are due to stab wounds. • Chest wall and soft tissue are the most common locations for both blunt and penetrating trauma. • Less than 10% of blunt injuries and only 15 to 30% of penetrating injuries require thoracotomy • One in four cases with cardiothoracic trauma, regardless of etiology, requires hospital admission. 2
  • 3. Types •Blunt 70% of chest injuries • Penetrating 60 to 70% are due to stab wounds. 3
  • 4. Penetrating Trauma • Injuries are uncommon in either elderly or pediatric patients, but they remain one of the most common causes of death from trauma in persons up to 40 years of age. • Low-velocity handguns, seen primarily in the civilian population, transmit very little damage to surrounding tissues. • Conversely, much more damage and energy is conducted along the path of high-velocity missiles, usually associated with the military, but now often seen in violent assaults as well. 4
  • 5. Blunt Trauma Accounts for 70% of chest injuries and more than 70% of these injuries result from Motor Vehicle Accidents. Less than 10% of blunt injuries and only 15 to 30% of penetrating injuries require thoracotomy 5
  • 6. Initial Assessment and Management Primary survey Resuscitation of vital functions Detailed secondary survey Definitive care 6
  • 7. Pathophysiology of Chest Trauma Is the derrangement in normal flow of air and blood hypovolemia ventilation- perfusion Inadequate oxygen mismatch delivery to tissues changes in intrathoracic pressure TISSUE relationships HYPOXIA 7
  • 8. THE PRIMARY SURVEY Rapid and thorough performance of the “ABCs” is the standard. This begins with traditional resuscitation as outlined by the American College of Surgeons in the Advanced Trauma Life Support guidelines. The airway must be controlled and breathing assessed and established immediately if necessary. Circulation must be supported through rapid establishment of reliable, large- bore venous access and the initiation of fluid resuscitation. The primary survey is performed to search for immediate life-threatening injuries that could account for ventilation or hemodynamic instabilities, which, if left uncorrected, could cause the acute demise of the patient. These life-threatening injuries are listed in the table below: 8
  • 9. Injuries Management Tension pneumothorax Tube thoracostomy Massive haemothorax Tube thoracostomy operative repair Cardiac tamponade Pericardiocentesis operative repair Deceleration aortic injury Operative repair Massive flail chest with pulmonary Intubation, pain control, fluid restriction contusion Upper and lower airway obstruction Intubation, airway, bronchoscopy Tracheobronchial rupture Bronchoscopy, operative repair Diaphragmatic rupture with visceral Operative repair herniation Esophageal perforation Operative repair 9
  • 10. The presentation depends on the mechanism of injury and the organ systems injured. • Thoraco-abdominal injury • Any wound below nipples in front and • Inferior scapula angles dorsally •Any penetrating wound such as this should be considered to have an abdominal component until proven otherwise. 10
  • 11. Diagnosing Thoracic Injuries • The time of injury, mechanism of injury, estimates of MVA velocity and deceleration, and evidence of associated injury to other systems (eg, loss of consciousness) are all salient features of an adequate clinical history. • Information should be obtained directly from the patient whenever possible and from other witnesses to the accident if available. 11
  • 12. Inspection • Chest Wall: look for signs of injury such as wounds (sucking), contusions, abnormal movement (flail chest), swellings, cyanosis, pallor, types of respiration… • Neck: distended neck veins, subcutaneous emphysema, swelling and cyanosis. • Abdomen: scaphoid abdomen(diaphragmatic rupture) or rocking horse ventilation(high cord injury). Never forget the back 12
  • 13. Physical Exam • General examination: PR, RR, BP • Palpation: tracheal position, tenderness, or crepitus (surgical emphysema). • Percussion: dullness for hemothorax and hyperresonance for pneumothorax • Auscultation: Equal breath sounds & air entry, heart sounds, bowel sounds high in chest. 13
  • 14. Imaging studies • The chest radiograph (CXR) (PA& Lateral): • ECG • Focused Assessment for the Sonographic Examination of the Trauma Patient (FAST). • Chest CT scan • Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) 14
  • 15. Angiography Angiography remains the gold standard in the diagnosis of aortic transection or injuries to the great vessels. Indications for Angiographic Studies for Potential Thoracic Injuries are: 1) High-speed deceleration injuries 2) Chest X-ray findings: Widened mediastinum Loss of aortic knob shadow Tracheal or esophageal deviation to the right Widening of paraspinal stripe and/or apical capping Downward displacement of left mainstem bronchus Obliteration of the aortopulmonary window 3) Fractured first rib, sternum, or scapula 4) Multiple rib fractures or flail chest 5) Massive hemothorax 6) Upper extremity hypertension 7) Unexplained hypotension 8) Pulse deficits or asymmetry 9) Systolic murmur 15
  • 16. Pericadiocentesis: Performed in the resuscitative phase as a diagnostic or at best a temporising modality in cardiac tamponade. Pericardiocentesis cannot be relied on to diagnose cardiac injuries in a trauma setting because of high false positive and false negative (10 to 20%) rates. 16
  • 17. Lab studies • Blood type and cross match • Arterial blood gas: Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis, though not as important in the initial assessme of trauma victims, is important in their subsequent management. • Serum chemistry profile: Urea , createnin, K,Na, Ca,…etc. • Coagulation profile The coagulation profile, including prothrombin time/activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation product, and D-dimer analyses, can be helpful in the management of patients who receive massive transfusions (eg, >10 U packed RBCs). • Serum troponin levels • Serum myocardial muscle creatine kinase isoenzyme levels. • Serum lactate levels 17
  • 18. Primary Survey • Airway • Breathing • Circulation 18
  • 19. Management • Initial management As always in trauma, management begins with establishing ABCs. • Indications for emergency endotracheal intubation include apnea, profound shock, and inadequate ventilation. • Chest radiography is not indicated in patients with clinical signs of a tension pneumothorax, and immediate chest decompression is accomplished with either a large-bore needle at the second intercostal space or, more definitively, with a tube thoracostomy. • A sucking chest wound must be appropriately covered to permit adequate ventilation and to prevent the iatrogenic development of a tension pneumothorax. 19
  • 20. Initial assessment and management • Hypoxia is most serious problem - early interventions aimed at reversing • Immediate life-threatening injuries treated quickly and simply - usually with a tube or a needle • Secondary survey guided by high suspicion for specific injuries 20
  • 21. SPECIFIC INJUERIES: A. Chest wall Injuries • 1. Fracture Ribs • Fracture of the ribs is the most common blunt thoracic injury, occurring in an estimated 39% of patients. • Rib fractures represent an important indicator of trauma severity. In general, the greater the number of ribs fractured, the higher the patient’s morbidity and mortality. • The number of ribs fractured has been significantly correlated with the presence of hemothorax or pneumothorax, with 81% of patients having either condition if two or more ribs were fractured. • Fractures of the fourth through the ninth rib are associated with injuries to the lung, bronchus, pleura, and heart, whereas fractures below the ninth rib are indicative of spleen, hepatic, or renal injuries. 21
  • 22. Symptoms • The main symptoms include pain, tenderness, and possibly crepitus. • An upright chest X-ray is the standard way to diagnose fractures. • After adjusting for severity of injury, comorbidity, and presence of multiple rib fractures, elderly patients (>65 years old) with simple rib fractures still were five times more likely to die compared with patients under age 65. • First rib fracture has particular significance because of the great force required for it to occur and the likelihood that intrathoracic visceral injury also has taken place 22
  • 23. Treatment • Once a haemopneumothorax and major skeletal injuries are excluded, the management is mainly for control of chest pain by • Nalgesics mostly NSAIDS, • intercostals blocks by local anesthesia, T.E.N.S may be useful. • Chest strapping or bed rest is no longer advised and early ambulation with vigorous physiotherapy (and oral antibiotics if necessary) is encouraged 23
  • 24. Flail Chest • Free floating segment of ribs. – 3 or more rib fractures broken in 2 places. • Look for paradoxical chest wall motion – Inhaleinward – Exhaleoutward • Decreased air entry. 24
  • 25. Types of flail chest • Anterior: Bilateral anterior fractures with bilateral costochondral separation (15%) or fractures of sternum with associated costochondral separation (7%). • Lateral: Multiple fractures on the same side with or without costochondral separation (73%) or fractures of several ribs with two or more fracture points on the same side (5%). 25
  • 26. Treatment: • Approximately 50% of patients with flail chest can be managed without mechanical ventilation with the use of epidural analgesia, chest physiotherapy, bronchoscopy for mucus plugs, bronchodilators and mucolytic agents and supplemental oxygen. • Mechanical ventilation is used when signs of progressive hypoxia not responding to simple oxygen therapy. • In the more severe case, endotracheal intubation is required with positive-pressure ventilation for up to 3 weeks, until the frac-tures become less mobile. • Thoracotomy with fracture fixation is occasionally appropriate if there is an underlying lung injury to be treated at the same time. • An anterior flail segment with the sternum moving paradoxically with respiration can be stabilised by internal fixation but operative management is not usual for either. 26
  • 27. Sternal Fractures • Most often in MVA. • Incidence 3%. • Normal vitals and normal EKG. Repeat EKG in 6 hrs and D/C if unchanged. • Practice varies between institutions. 27
  • 28. Subcutaneous Emphysema • Air leak from lung parenchyma, or tracheobronchial tree. • Interstitial lung injury through hilum and mediastinum. • If extensive then suspect injury to pharynx, larynx, or esophagus. • Should be assumed that pt has pneumothorax even if not visible on chest x-ray. 28
  • 29. Thanks for your Attention 29
  • 30. Traumatic Pneumothorax • Traumatic injury causes laceration of the lung parenchyma &/or tracheobronchial tree and air enters the pleural space. • Negative pressure in pleural space facilitates air escape 30
  • 31. Traumatic Pneumothorax Trauma Simple Open or sucking Tension pneumothorax. pneumothorax. pneumothorax.
  • 32. Simple Pneumothorax • Clinically the breath sounds are decreased on the affected side with a hyper resonant percussion note. • An erect CXR aids the diagnosis. • Pneumothoraces <2cm from the inner rib surface could observed • If these patients decompensate, or if pneumothorax enlarges or if the patient needs ventilation, tube thoracostomy should be performed.
  • 33. Tension Pneumothorax • Develops when a "one way valve" air leak occurs either from the lung or through the chest wall (Sucking wound). • The mediastinum is displaced to the opposite side leading to decrease venous return and compression of the opposite lung and impaired ventilation and end with circulatory collaps. • This is a clinical diagnosis and treatment should not be delayed by waiting for radiologic confirmation.
  • 35. Tension Pneumothorax Tension pneumothorax is characterised by † air hunger, † respiratory distress, † tachycardia, † hypotension, † tracheal deviation to the opposite side of injury, † unilateral absence of breath Tension pneumothorax requires immediate sounds, decompression and is managed initially by † neck vein distention and rapid insertion of a large bore needle into the 2nd intercoastal space in the mid-clavicular † cyanosis as a late line. manifestation. Definitive treatment is tube thoracostomy via a chest tube inserted in the safety triangle.
  • 36. Chest Tube Insertion: should be in the “safe triangle” is the triangle bordered by the anterior border of the latissimus dorsi, the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle, a line superior to the horizontal level of the nipple, and an apex below the axilla. 36
  • 37. Open Pneumothorax A: Inspiration Seen in patients with large chest wall defects (Sucking wound), where the area of the defect is 2/3 that of tracheal diameter or is larger than the area of glottic opening. Air passes preferentially through the chest defect with each respiratory effort because air tends to follow the path of least resistance through the large chest wall defect. B:Experation
  • 39. Haemothorax  Haemothorax is a collection of blood in the pleural space and may be caused by blunt or penetrating trauma.  Most haemothoraces are the result of rib fractures, lung parenchymal and minor venous injuries, and as such are self- limiting.  Less commonly there is an arterial injury (intercostal or internal mammary vessels) which is more likely to require surgical repair. 39
  • 40. Haemothorax • Diagnosis is made on clinical examination by the decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion on affected side. • Confirmation is by CXR which shows complete or partial opacification of the affected side. • Chest tube thoracostomy is performed in the safety triangle for haemothorax by wide-bore tube (> 28French). • Bleeding is classified as minimal (<350 ml), moderate (350 to 500ml) massive (>1500 ml).
  • 41. Massive Hemothorax • Each hemithorax can hold 40-50% of blood volume. • Defined: 1500 mL or more intial drainge. • Cause: Injury to lung parenchyma, intercostal artery or internal mammary artery 41
  • 42. Which exam to request? Hematological: To detecte blood loss Chest x-ray: • Upright film (PA & Lat): 200-300 mL of blood. • Supine film: >1000mL of blood 42
  • 43. Management Chet tube : In 85% of the patients, > 32F About 5-15% of pts admitted with chest trauma require thorocotomy. Indications of Thoracotomy: 1) The initial blood drainage is >1500ml. 2) When bleeding persists at a rate of 200 to 300ml per hour over 3 to 4 hours. 3) When there is haemodynamic instability. 43
  • 44. Pulmonary Contusion • Occurs in 50 to 60% of patients with blunt trauma. • Intrusion of ribs after frontal or lateral impact can cause direct damage injury to alveolar lining, capillaries and lung parenchyma cause hemorrhage and cellular disruption. • Grossly involved lung becomes hemorrhagic consolidated and oedematous irregular patches. • The resulting hypoxemia occurs 24 to 36 hours after injury. • Localised contusion usually resolves without major sequelae. This process usually takes 10 to 14 days. • Alternatively this may progress to varying degrees of ARDS in some patients. Treatment: • Supplement oxygen. • Chest physiotherapy. • Bronchodilators and mucolytics. • Limit fluid administration. • Steroids - use controversial. • Antibiotics also controversial. • Mechanical ventilation if indicated. • Analgesics are strongly indicated
  • 45. Diaphragmatic rupture • The mechanism for diaphragmatic rupture is high- speed blunt abdominal trauma with a closed glottis. • The incidence is 1-3% of all chest trauma cases. • The sudden rise in intra-abdominal pressure breaches the weakest part of the abdominal wall, namely the diaphragm. • The injury to left diaphragm is 4 times commoner than the right due to protection afforded by the liver on the right.
  • 46. Diaphragmatic rupture • Bowel sounds may be heard in the chest and the chest radiograph may reveal bowel gas in the lung fields. • A plain chest x-ray with a NG tube in the stomach can confirm the diagnosis or a contrast study. • But if the patient has signs of acute abdomen the repair to be by a laperatomy to deal with any intra- abdominal injuries. • Whilst chronic injuries (more than one month) should be approached through the chest due to adhesions.
  • 47. Oesophageal injury • It should be noted whether the presentation after injury is delayed >24hours as this affects management. • The majority of cases occur in the cervical region. • The clinical suspicion is heightened by the association of fever, pain in the neck and tachycardia (Makler’s triad), crepitus and a “mediastinal crunch” may be heard on auscultation. • Contrast radiography could be performed by Gastrografine.
  • 48. Management Early diagnosis : An NG tube should be passed and IV prophylactic antibiotics started. A right sided thoracotomy is used for the middle 1/3 oesophageal injury. The lower 1/3 is better approached via the left side of the chest. Delayed presentation: Primary closure is often not possible due to florid sepsis. Options open to a surgeon are: • Tube drainage and oesophageal suction • T-tube insertion in perforation • Cervical oesophagostomy and distal ligation • Oesophageal resection The mortality for delayed presentation is +/-25%
  • 49. Cardiac Tamponade • Is impairment of ventricular filling due to increased intrapericardial pressure due an increase in the intrapericardial content such as blood and/or effusions. • Unless recognized and treated promptly cardiac tamponade can be fatal. • The pericardial space normally contains 20-50 mL of fluid.
  • 50. Cardiac Tamponade • Rapid accumulation of as little as 150 mL of fluid can result in a marked increase in pericardial pressure and can severely impede cardiac output. • Approximately 2% of penetrating injuries are reported to result in cardiac tamponade
  • 51. Diagnosis • Beck’s Triad: (hypotension, jugular venous distention, and muffled heart sounds) occurs in only 10% to 40% of patients. • Pulsus paradoxus also paradoxic pulse This is an exaggeration (>12 mm Hg or 9%) of the normal inspiratory decrease in systemic blood pressure.. • Kussmaul’s sign, or paradoxical inspiratory distention of neck veins upon expiration, is another classic sign attributed to pericardial tamponade. • FAST is rapid and accurate method of diagnosis
  • 52. Cardiac Tamponade • A clinical syndrome caused by the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space, resulting in reduced ventricular filling and subsequent hemodynamic compromise. • The overall risk of death depends on the speed of diagnosis, the treatment provided, and the underlying cause of the tamponade. 52
  • 53. Cardiac Tamponade • Caused by blunt and penetrating trauma. • Stab wounds to midchest most common cause. • Pericardial sack has poor compliance. • Normally it contains 20-50 mL of fluid. Only 150-200 mL can result in tamponade. 53
  • 54. Cardiac Tamponade • History: • Symptoms vary with the underlying cause and the acuteness of the tamponade. • Patients with acute tamponade may present with dyspnea, tachycardia, and tachypnea. • Cold and clammy extremities from hypoperfusion are also observed in some patients. 54
  • 55. Treatment • Pericardiocentesis or • Subxiphoid pericardiotomy or • Left anterior thoracotomy
  • 56. Pericardiocentesis • Paraxiphoid approach • Can direct needle toward left scapula or right scapula (less likely to damage ventricle). • Up and back at 45 degrees for 4-5 cm. • Aspirate every 1-2mm. • Removal of 5-10 mL can increase stroke volume by 25-50%. 56
  • 57. COMPLICATIONS OF THORACIC TRAUMA Pulmonary Pleural Space Vascular Atelectasis Empyema Thromboembolism Acute respiratory Bronchopleural Air embolism distress fistula syndrome/acute lung injury Pneumonia Organized Pseudoaneurysm hemothorax Infarction Chylothorax Great vessel fistula Lung abscess Fibrothorax Vascular Arteriovenous fistula Diaphragmatic Thromboembolism hernias Bronchial stenosis Pleural Space Air embolism