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Respiratory System

Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals
                   HSC 1531
      Florida State College of Jacksonville
        Professor: Michael Whitchurch, MHS
Respiratory System at a Glance
 Functions of the Respiratory System
    Inhale fresh air into lungs
    Exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide
    Exhale stale air
Respiratory System at a Glance
 Organs of the Respiratory System
      Nasal cavity
      Pharynx
      Larynx
      Trachea
      Bronchial tubes
      Lungs
Respiratory System Combining Forms

 alveol/o                  bronch/o
      alveolus; air sac         bronchus
 anthrac/o                 bronchi/o
      coal                      bronchus
 atel/o                    bronchiol/o
      incomplete                bronchiole
Respiratory System Combining Forms

 coni/o             laryng/o
      dust               larynx
 diaphragmat/o      lob/o
      diaphragm          lobe
 epiglott/o         nas/o
      epiglottis         nose
Respiratory System Combining Forms

 orth/o                    pleur/o
      straight, upright         pleura
 ox/o, ox/i                pneum/o
      oxygen                    lung, air
 pharyng/o                 pneumon/o
      pharynx                   lung, air
Respiratory System Combining Forms

 pulmon/o              spir/o
      lung                  breathing
 rhin/o                trache/o
      nose                  trachea, windpipe
 sinus/o
      sinus, cavity
Respiratory System Suffixes
 –capnia                    –pnea
      carbon dioxide             breathing
 –ectasis                   –ptysis
      dilated, expansion         spitting
 –osmia                     –thorax
      smell                      chest
 –phonia
      voice
Anatomy and Physiology
 Cells of body require constant gas exchange
    Delivery of oxygen
    Removal of carbon dioxide
 Respiratory system works in conjunction with ….
                   Cardiovascular system to meet this need
 Must be continuous to meet cells’ needs
 Subdivided into three distinct parts:
    Ventilation
    Inhalation
    Exhalation
 Flow of air between outside environment and lungs
 Inhalation
    Flow of air into lungs
    Brings fresh oxygen into air sacs
 Exhalation
    Flow of air out of lungs
    Removes carbon dioxide from body
 Flow of air between outside environment and lungs
 Inhalation
    Flow of air into lungs
    Brings fresh oxygen into air sacs
 Exhalation or Expiration
    Flow of air out of lungs
    Removes carbon dioxide from body
External Respiration
 Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in lungs
 Gases diffuse in opposite directions
 Oxygen
    Leaves air sacs and enters blood stream
 Carbon dioxide
    Leaves blood stream and enters air sacs
Internal Respiration
 Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange at cellular level
 Oxygen
    Leaves bloodstream and is delivered to tissue
    Used immediately for metabolism
 Carbon dioxide
    Waste product of metabolism
    Leaves tissue and enters bloodstream
Respiratory System Organs
   Nasal cavity
   Pharynx
   Larynx
   Trachea
   Bronchial tubes
   Lungs
Respiratory System Animation

    Click here to view an animation of the respiratory system.
Nasal Cavity

 Air enters through nares
 Nasal cavity divided by nasal septum
 Palate in roof of mouth separates nasal
  cavity above from mouth below
nasal septum

Nasal Cavity

 Cilia
    Small hairs line opening to nasal cavity
    Filter out large dirt particles before they can enter lungs
 Walls of nasal cavity and nasal septum
    Made of flexible cartilage
    Covered with mucous membrane
Nasal Cavity
 Much of respiratory tract is coved with mucous
    Mucus is thick and sticky secretion of membrane
    Cleanses air by trapping dust and bacteria
 Capillaries in mucous membranes
    Warm air
    Humidify air
Nasal Cavity
 Paranasal sinuses
    Located within facial bones
    Echo chamber for sound production
    Gives resonance to voice
Figure 7.1 – Sagittal section of upper respiratory system illustrating the internal
             anatomy of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea.
                                                             Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
  Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition         Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
  Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                            All rights reserved.

 Commonly called throat
 Used by respiratory and
  digestive systems
 At end of pharynx
   Air enters trachea
   Food and liquids enter
Three Subdivisions of Pharynx

 Nasopharynx
   Upper section by
    nasal cavity
 Oropharynx
   Middle section by
    oral cavity
 Laryngopharynx
   Lower section by

 Lymphatic tissue
   Removes
    pathogens in air
    and food
 Three pairs
   Adenoids
   Palatine
   Lingual
Eustachian or Auditory Tube
 Opening found in nasopharynx
 Other end opens into middle ear
 Tube opens with each swallow
   Equalizes air pressure between
     middle ear and outside
Figure 7.1 – Sagittal section of upper respiratory system illustrating the
  internal anatomy of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea.

 Commonly called voice box
 Muscular tube between
  pharynx and trachea
 Contains vocal cords

 Walls of larynx
   Composed of
    cartilage plates
   Held in place by
    ligaments and
   Thyroid cartilage
    forms the Adam’s
Vocal Cords
 Folds of membranous tissue
    Not actually cord-like in structure
 Vibrate to produce sound as air passes through opening
  between folds
    Called glottis
Figure 7.2 – The vocal cords within the larynx, superior view
           from the pharynx. (CNRI/Phototake NYC)
                                                         Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.

 Flap of cartilage
 Sits above glottis
 Covers larynx and
  trachea during
   Food goes into
   Not into trachea
Figure 7.1 – Sagittal section of upper respiratory system illustrating the internal
          anatomy of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea.
                                                             Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
  Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition         Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
  Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                            All rights reserved.

 Commonly called
 Carries air from larynx
  to main bronchi
 Approximately four
  inches in length
Figure 7.3 – Structure of the trachea which extends from the
            larynx above to the main bronchi below.
                                                         Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
 Tube composed of:
    Smooth muscle
    Cartilage rings
 Lined with mucous membrane and cilia
    Assists in cleansing, warming, and moisturizing air as it
     travels to lungs
Bronchial Tubes

 Distal end of trachea
   Forms left and right main
    or primary bronchi
 Each bronchus enters a
 Branches to form
  secondary bronchi
Figure 7.4 – The bronchial tree, note how each main bronchus
     enters a lung and then branches into smaller and smaller
      primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, and bronchioles.

 Bronchi continue to
  branch to form
  narrow bronchioles
 Bronchiole
  terminates in alveoli
 Approximately 150
  million alveoli in each
Respiratory Membrane
 Pulmonary capillaries encase
  each alveolus
 Alveoli wall + capillary wall forms
  respiratory membrane
    External respiration takes place
     across respiratory membrane
Figure 7.5 - A) Each bronchiole terminates in an alveolar sac, a group of
         alveoli. B) Alveoli encased by network capillaries, forming the
                              respiratory membrane.

                                                         Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
 Each is total collection of bronchi,
  bronchioles, and alveoli
 Two lungs
   Right lung has 3 lobes
   Left lung has 2 lobes
 Spongy because they contain air
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Lungs
 Apex
   Pointed superior portion
 Base
   Broad lower area
 Hilum
   Entry and exit point
   Bronchi, blood vessels,

 Protected externally
  by the ribs
 Protected internally
  by double membrane
  called pleura
 Parietal pleura
    Outer membrane that lines wall of chest cavity
 Visceral pleura
    Inner membrane that adheres to surface of lungs
 Pleura is folded to form a sac around each lung called
  pleural cavity
 Serous fluid between two pleural layers reduces friction
  when two layers rub together during ventilation
Figure 7.6 - Position of the lungs within the thoracic cavity, anterior view
   illustrating lung structure and their relationship to other thoracic organs.

                                                           Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition         Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                            All rights reserved.
Respiratory System Structure

Click here to review the respiratory system anatomy with a labeling exercise.
Pulmonary Function Tests
 It is important to measure actual volume of air flowing in
  and out of lungs
    Can then determine lung capacity
 Respiratory therapist
    Measures lung volumes
    Pulmonary function tests
Lung Volumes
Tidal volume (TV)      Volume of air moving in and out of lungs in
                       a single relaxed breath
Inspiratory reserve    Volume of air that can be forcefully inhaled
volume (IRV)           after a normal inhale
Expiratory reserve     Volume of air that can be forcefully exhaled
volume (ERV)           after a normal exhale
Residual volume (RV)   Volume of air remaining in lungs after a
                       forced exhale
Lung Capacities
Inspiratory capacity   Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume
Functional residual    Expiratory reserve volume + residual
capacity (FRC)         volume
Vital capacity (VC)    Inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume +
                       expiratory reserve volume
Total lung capacity    Inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume +
(TLC)                  expiratory reserve volume + residual
Respiratory Muscles - Inhalation

 Diaphragm
   Muscle separates abdomen from thoracic cavity
   Contracts and moves down into abdominal cavity
   Causes decrease of pressure, negative pressure, within
    chest cavity
   Air then enters lungs (inhalation) to equalize pressure
Respiratory Muscles - Inhalation
 Intercostal muscles
      Located between ribs
      Raise rib cage to further enlarge thoracic cavity
      Increases negative pressure
      Assists with forceful inhalation
Figure 7.7 – A) Bell jar apparatus demonstrating how downward movement of the
      diaphragm results in air flowing into the lungs. B) Action of the intercostal
     muscles lifts the ribs to assist the diaphragm in enlarging the volume of the
                                     thoracic cavity.
                                                            Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
   Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
   Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
Respiratory Muscles - Exhalation
 Unforced exhale results when:
      Diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax
      Thoracic cavity becomes smaller
      Creates positive thoracic pressure
      Air flows out of lungs to equalize pressure
 For forceful exhale
    Use additional chest and neck muscles to further decrease
     size of thoracic cavity
    Create greater positive pressure
Respiratory Rate
 One of the vital signs (VS), along with heart rate,
  temperature, and blood pressure
 Respiratory rate dependent on level of CO2 in blood
 When CO2 level is high, we breathe more rapidly to
  expel excess
 If CO2 levels drop, respiratory rate will also drop until
  CO2 builds up in bloodstream
Respiratory Rates by Age Group
 Age               Respirations per Minute
     Newborn             30–60
     1-year-old          18–30
     16-year-old         16–20
     Adult               12–20
Respiratory Rate Assessment Video

    Click here to view a video on assessing respiratory rate.
Word Building with bronch/o

–gram     bronchogram     record of bronchus
–itis     bronchitis      inflammation of bronchus
–plasty   bronchoplasty   surgical repair of bronchus
–genic    bronchogenic    produced by bronchus
–scope    bronchoscope    instrument to view bronchus
                          involuntary muscle contraction of
–spasm    bronchospasm
–ial      bronchial       pertaining to bronchus
Word Building with bronchi/o and
–ectasis   bronchiectasis   dilated bronchus

–ic        diaphragmatic    pertaining to diaphragm
Word Building with laryng/o

–ectomy   laryngectomy    surgical removal of larynx
–itis     laryngitis      inflammation of larynx
–plasty   laryngoplasty   surgical repair of larynx
–scope    laryngoscope    instrument to view larynx
–eal      laryngeal       pertaining to larynx
–plegia   laryngoplegia   paralysis of larynx
Word Building with lob/o & pleur/o

–ectomy     lobectomy        surgical removal of lobe

                             puncture of pleura to withdraw
–centesis   pleurocentesis
–ectomy     pleurectomy      surgical removal of pleura
–dynia      pleurodynia      pleura pain
Word Building with ox/o and ox/i

–meter        oximeter    instrument to measure oxygen

an–   –ia     anoxia      condition of no oxygen
                          blood condition of insufficient
hypo– –emia   hypoxemia
hypo– –ia     hypoxia     condition of insufficient oxygen
Word Building with pharyng/o
and pulmon/o
–itis         pharyngitis       inflammation of pharynx
–eal          pharyngeal        pertaining to pharynx
                                inflammation of nose and
nas/o –itis   nasopharyngitis

–logist       pulmonologist     lung specialist
–ary          pulmonary         pertaining to lungs
Word Building with rhin/o

–itis         rhinitis       inflammation of nose
                             abnormal condition of fungus in
myc/o –osis   rhinomycosis
–plasty       rhinoplasty    surgical repair of nose
–rrhagia      rhinorrhagia   rapid flow (of blood) from nose
–rrhea        rhinorrhea     nose discharge
Word Building with sinus/o & thorac/o

pan– –itis   pansinusitis   inflammation of all sinuses

–algia       thoracalgia    chest pain
–ic          thoracic       pertaining to the chest
–otomy       thoracotomy    incision into chest
Word Building with trache/o

endo– –al   endotracheal      pertaining to within trachea
–otomy      tracheotomy       incision into trachea
–stenosis   tracheostenosis   narrowing of trachea
Word Building with –phonia & –capnia

a–       aphonia       no voice
dys–     dysphonia     abnormal voice

a–       acapnia       no carbon dioxide
hyper–   hypercapnia   excessive carbon dioxide
Word Building with –osmia & –thorax

an–       anosmia        no smell

hem/o     hemothorax     blood in the chest
py/o      pyothorax      pus in the chest
pneum/o   pneumothorax   air in the chest
Word Building with –pnea

a–       apnea       no breathing
brady–   bradypnea   slow breathing
dys–     dyspnea     difficult, labored breathing
eu–      eupnea      normal breathing
hyper–   hyperpnea   excessive (deep) breathing
hypo–    hypopnea    insufficient (shallow) breathing
ortho–   orthopnea   (sitting) straight breathing
tachy–   tachypnea   rapid breathing
Respiratory System Vocabulary
              lack of oxygen; can lead to unconsciousness and
              withdrawing fluid using suction; removing phlegm from
              patient’s airway; inhaling food or liquid into trachea
              abnormal breathing pattern with long periods of apnea
              followed by deep & rapid breathing
              abnormal widening and thickening of fingers due to
              chronic oxygen deficiency
Respiratory System Vocabulary

cyanosis            blue skin caused by low oxygen in blood
epistaxis           a nosebleed
hemoptysis          cough up blood or blood-stained sputum
hyperventilation    breathing too fast and too deep
hypoventilation     breathing too slow and too shallow
                    branch of medicine involving diagnosis and
internal medicine   treatment of diseases of internal organs;
                    physician is an internist
Respiratory System Vocabulary
                      two-pronged plastic device to deliver
nasal cannula
                      oxygen into the nose
                      difficulty breathing made worse by lying
                      flat; patient breaths better sitting up
                      branch of medicine involving diagnosis and
otorhinolaryngology   treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and
Respiratory System Vocabulary

patent        open or unblocked
              using fingers to tap on surface to determine
              condition beneath surface
phlegm        thick mucus secreted by respiratory tract
              grating sound made when layers of pleura rub
pleural rub
              together during respiration
              branch of medicine involving diagnosis and
pulmonology   treatment of diseases of respiratory system;
              physician is a pulmonologist
Respiratory System Vocabulary
               abnormal crackling sound during inspiration; indicates
               fluid or mucus in airway
               musical sound during expiration; caused by bronchial
               tube spasms
respiratory    allied health specialty; assists with respiratory and
therapy        cardiopulmonary disorders
shortness of indicates that a patient is having difficulty breathing;
breath (SOB) also called dyspnea
Respiratory Therapy Video

      Click here to view a video on respiratory therapy.
Respiratory System Vocabulary

sputum     phlegm coughed up from respiratory tract
           harsh, high-pitched breath sound; indicates obstruction
           in the airway
thoracic   branch of medicine involving diagnosis and treatment of
surgery    diseases of respiratory system using surgical means
Upper Respiratory System Pathology

              acute respiratory condition in children; characterized
              by barking type of cough
              bacterial infection characterized by formation of thick
              membranous film across throat; high mortality rate
              bacterial infection of upper respiratory system;
              characterized by whooping cough
Bronchial Tube Pathology
                 difficulty breathing caused by bronchospasms,
                 dyspnea, coughing, and wheezing
                 enlarged bronchi due to destruction of bronchial
                 wall; result of infections
                 cancerous tumor originating in bronchi
Asthma Video

        Click here to view a video on asthma.
Figure 7.8 – Color enhanced X-ray of large malignant tumor in
              right lower lung. (ISM/Phototake NYC)
                                                         Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
Lung Pathology
adult respiratory   acute respiratory failure; characterized by
distress syndrome   tachypnea, dyspnea, cyanosis, and
(ARDS)              hypoxemia
                    type of pneumoconiosis; coal dust collecting in
                    lungs; also called black lung or miner’s lung
                    type of pneumoconiosis; asbestos fibers
                    collecting in lungs
Lung Pathology

                  condition in which alveoli in a
atelectasis       portion of lung collapses; prevents
                  gas exchange in lung
                  progressive, chronic, and usually
                  irreversible group of conditions; like
                  emphysema; lungs have decreased
                  capacity to function
                  genetic condition; produces very
cystic fibrosis
                  thick mucus that causes severe
                  congestion in lungs
COPD Video

 Click here to view a video on chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Cystic Fibrosis Video

       Click here to view a video on cystic fibrosis.
Lung Pathology
                     chronic lung condition characterized by
                     destruction of alveolar walls
histoplasmosis       fungal infection of the lungs
infant respiratory   most common in premature infants;
distress syndrome    characterized by tachypnea; previously
(IRDS)               called hyaline membrane disease
influenza            viral infection of respiratory system
Lung Pathology
                        severe bacterial infection causing
Legionnaire’s disease
                        pneumonia, liver, and kidney damage
                        less severe but longer lasting form of
                        bacterial pneumonia; also called walking
                        accumulation of foreign particles, such as
                        coal dust, in the lungs
Lung Pathology
Pneumocystis carinii   pneumonia caused by a fungus; an
pneumonia (PCP)        opportunistic infection seen in AIDS patients
                       inflammatory condition of lungs; results in
                       alveoli filling with fluid
                       excessive amount of tissue fluid
pulmonary edema
                       accumulating in the lung tissues
                       floating blood clot obstructs pulmonary
pulmonary embolism
                       artery; causes infarct of lung tissue
Lung Pathology
                     formation of fibrous scar tissue in lung;
pulmonary fibrosis
                     reduced ability to expand lungs
severe acute
                     acute viral respiratory infection; begins like flu
                     but quickly progresses; very high mortality rate
syndrome (SARS)
                     type of pneumoconiosis; accumulation of silica
                     dust in lungs
Lung Pathology
                     breathing stops repeatedly during sleep;
sleep apnea
                     causes drop in oxygen levels
                    unexpected and unexplained death of
sudden infant death
                    apparently well infant; stops breathing for
syndrome (SIDS)
                    unknown reasons
                     bacterial lung infection; results in inflammation
tuberculosis (TB)
                     and calcification of lungs
Tuberculosis Testing Video

      Click here to view a video on tuberculosis testing.
Pleural Cavity Pathology

                 accumulation of pus in pleural
                 space; also called pyothorax

                 accumulation of fluid in pleural
pleural effusion cavity; prevents lungs from
                 fully expanding

                 inflammation of pleura;
pleurisy         characterized by sharp pain
                 with each breath
                 collection of air in pleural
pneumothorax     cavity; may result in collapsed
Figure 7.9 – Pneumothorax. Figure illustrates how puncture of thoracic wall
       and tearing of pleural membrane allows air into lung and results in
                                collapsed lung.

                                                          Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
 Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
Clinical Laboratory Tests
arterial blood      blood test of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in
gases (ABGs)        the blood
sputum culture &    cultures sputum for bacterial growth, if present,
sensitivity (C&S)   then determines best antibiotic to use
sputum cytology     examining sputum for malignant cells
Diagnostic Imaging
                 X-ray of lung after inhaling radiopaque
chest X-ray      X-ray of the organs of the thoracic cavity
pulmonary        X-ray of lungs after injecting dye into blood
angiography      vessel
                 nuclear medicine test; radioactive air is inhaled
                 for ventilation portion; radioactive dye is injected
perfusion scan
                 for perfusion portion; looks for pulmonary emboli
Endoscopic Procedures
bronchoscopy   visual examination of bronchial tubes using a
(Bronch)       bronchoscope
laryngoscopy   visual examination of larynx using a laryngoscope
Figure 7.10 – Bronchoscopy. Figure illustrates physician using a
              bronchoscope to inspect the patient’s bronchial tubes.

                                                         Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
Pulmonary Function Tests

                measures oxygen level in
oximetry        blood; uses oximeter on
                patient’s finger tip

pulmonary       group of tests to measure air
function test   flow in and out of lungs, lung
(PFT)           volumes, and gas exchange

                measures lung capacity using
                a spirometer
Oximetry Video

     Click here to view a video on performing oximetry.
Spirometry Video

        Click here to view a video on spirometry.
Additional Diagnostic Procedures
                  monitoring patient
polysomnography   sleeping to identify sleep
                  test for cystic fibrosis;
                  this disease causes
sweat test
                  large amount of salt in
                  introducing purified
                  protein derivative (PPD)
tuberculin skin
                  under the skin;
tests (TB test)
                  determines if person has
                  been exposed to TB
Respiratory Therapy

               medication suspended in a
aerosol        mist and inhaled; delivered by
therapy        a nebulizer or metered dose
               inhaler (single puff dose)

             placing a tube through the
             mouth and into the trachea to
             keep airway open
               method for assisting patients in
               breathing with a machine that
               produces an increase in
               positive thoracic pressure
Nebulizer Video

        Click here to view a video on nebulizers.
Metered Dose Inhaler Video

    Click here to view a video on using metered dose inhalers.
Endotrachael Intubation Video

     Click here to view a video on endotrachael intubation.
Figure 7.11 – Endotracheal intubation. First, a lighted scope is used
      to identify the trachea from the esophagus. Next, the tube is
      placed through the pharynx and into the trachea. Finally, the
               scope is removed, leaving the tube in place.
                                                         Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
Respiratory Therapy

             drainage of bronchial secretions
             by placing patient in positions
             using gravity to promote
             drainage; cystic fibrosis
supplement   providing additional oxygen
oxygen       concentration to improve oxygen
therapy      levels in bloodstream
             machine that provides artificial
ventilator   ventilation for a patient unable to
             breathe alone
Nasal Cannula Video

    Click here to view a video on applying a nasal cannula.
Surgical Procedures
                surgical puncture of chest
thoracentesis   wall to remove fluids; also
                called thoracocentesis
                insertion of tube (a chest
thoracostomy    tube) into chest to drain off
                fluid or air
                emergency procedure to
                create an opening directly
tracheostomy    into trachea so person can
                breathe easier; also called
Figure 7.12 – Patient with tracheostomy tube in place receiving oxygen
    through mask placed over the tracheostomy opening and attached to a
                    ventilator. (Ansell Horn/Phototake NYC)
                                                         Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
Figure 7.13 – Thoracentesis. The needle is inserted between the ribs to
        withdraw fluid from the pleural sac at the base of the left lung.

                                                         Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition       Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht                                          All rights reserved.
Additional Procedures

cardiopulmonary       emergency treatment given to persons
resuscitation (CPR)   when respiration and heart stop
                      technique for removing foreign body
Heimlich maneuver
                      obstructing trachea or pharynx
Respiratory System Pharmacology

antibiotic      kills bacteria             Amoxil, Cipro

                blocks histamine released Allegra, Claritan,
                during allergy attack     Benadryl
                                           Hycodan, Vicks
antitussive     relieves urge to cough
                                           Formula 44
Respiratory System Pharmacology
bronchodilator                     Ventolin,
                  ms; treats
corticosteroids                    Nasonex,
                  of respiratory
                  congestion in    Afrin, Drixoral,
                  respiratory      Sudafed
Respiratory System Pharmacology

              improves ability to cough
expectorant                               Robitussin, Mucinex
              up mucus
              liquefies mucus so it is
mucolytic                                 Mucomyst
              easier to cough up
Respiratory System Abbreviations

ABGs     arterial blood gases

ARDS     adult respiratory distress syndrome

Bronch   bronchoscopy

CO2      carbon dioxide

COPD     chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPR      cardiopulmonary resuscitation

C&S      culture and sensitivity
Respiratory System Abbreviations

CTA      clear to auscultation

CXR      chest X-ray

DOE      dyspnea on exertion

DPT      diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

ENT      ear, nose, and throat

ERV      expiratory reserve volume

FRC      functional residual capacity
Respiratory System Abbreviations

HMD      hyaline membrane disease

IC       inspiratory capacity

IPPB     intermittent positive pressure breathing

IRDS     infant respiratory distress syndrome

IRV      inspiratory reserve volume

LLL      left lower lung

LUL      left upper lung
Respiratory System Abbreviations

MDI      metered dose inhaler

O2       oxygen

PCP      Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

PFT      pulmonary function test

PPD      purified protein derivative

R        respiration

RA       room air
Respiratory System Abbreviations

RDS      respiratory distress syndrome

RLL      right lower lung

RML      right middle lobe

RRT      registered respiratory therapist

RV       residual volume

RUL      right upper lung

SARS     severe acute respiratory syndrome
Respiratory System Abbreviations

SIDS     sudden infant death syndrome

SOB      shortness of breath

TB       tuberculosis

TLC      total lung capacity

TPR      temperature, pulse, respiration

TV       tidal volume

URI      upper respiratory infection

VC       vital capacity
1. Ventilation, external respiration, internal respiration
2. Oxygen, carbon dioxide
3. Mucous membrane, mucus
4. Nasopharynx, middle ear
5. Epiglottis
6. Bronchioles
7. Alveoli
8. Hilum
9. Tidal volume
10. Respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, blood pressure
1. Bronchoplasty
2. Laryngitis
3. Lobectomy
4. Anoxia
5. Pleurocentesis
6. Rhinorrhea
7. Pansinusitis
8. Pharyngeal
9. Hemothorax
10. Tachypnea

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Respiratory System

  • 1. Respiratory System Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals HSC 1531 Florida State College of Jacksonville Professor: Michael Whitchurch, MHS
  • 2. Respiratory System at a Glance  Functions of the Respiratory System  Inhale fresh air into lungs  Exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide  Exhale stale air
  • 3. Respiratory System at a Glance  Organs of the Respiratory System  Nasal cavity  Pharynx  Larynx  Trachea  Bronchial tubes  Lungs
  • 4.
  • 5. Respiratory System Combining Forms  alveol/o  bronch/o  alveolus; air sac  bronchus  anthrac/o  bronchi/o  coal  bronchus  atel/o  bronchiol/o  incomplete  bronchiole
  • 6. Respiratory System Combining Forms  coni/o  laryng/o  dust  larynx  diaphragmat/o  lob/o  diaphragm  lobe  epiglott/o  nas/o  epiglottis  nose
  • 7. Respiratory System Combining Forms  orth/o  pleur/o  straight, upright  pleura  ox/o, ox/i  pneum/o  oxygen  lung, air  pharyng/o  pneumon/o  pharynx  lung, air
  • 8. Respiratory System Combining Forms  pulmon/o  spir/o  lung  breathing  rhin/o  trache/o  nose  trachea, windpipe  sinus/o  sinus, cavity
  • 9. Respiratory System Suffixes  –capnia  –pnea  carbon dioxide  breathing  –ectasis  –ptysis  dilated, expansion  spitting  –osmia  –thorax  smell  chest  –phonia  voice
  • 10. Anatomy and Physiology  Cells of body require constant gas exchange  Delivery of oxygen  Removal of carbon dioxide  Respiratory system works in conjunction with …. Cardiovascular system to meet this need
  • 11. Respiration  Must be continuous to meet cells’ needs  Subdivided into three distinct parts:  Ventilation  Inhalation  Exhalation
  • 12. Ventilation  Flow of air between outside environment and lungs  Inhalation  Flow of air into lungs  Brings fresh oxygen into air sacs  Exhalation  Flow of air out of lungs  Removes carbon dioxide from body
  • 13. Ventilation  Flow of air between outside environment and lungs  Inhalation  Flow of air into lungs  Brings fresh oxygen into air sacs  Exhalation or Expiration  Flow of air out of lungs  Removes carbon dioxide from body
  • 14. External Respiration  Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in lungs  Gases diffuse in opposite directions  Oxygen  Leaves air sacs and enters blood stream  Carbon dioxide  Leaves blood stream and enters air sacs
  • 15. Internal Respiration  Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange at cellular level  Oxygen  Leaves bloodstream and is delivered to tissue  Used immediately for metabolism  Carbon dioxide  Waste product of metabolism  Leaves tissue and enters bloodstream
  • 16. Respiratory System Organs  Nasal cavity  Pharynx  Larynx  Trachea  Bronchial tubes  Lungs
  • 17. Respiratory System Animation Click here to view an animation of the respiratory system.
  • 18. Nasal Cavity  Air enters through nares  Nasal cavity divided by nasal septum  Palate in roof of mouth separates nasal cavity above from mouth below
  • 21. Nasal Cavity  Cilia  Small hairs line opening to nasal cavity  Filter out large dirt particles before they can enter lungs  Walls of nasal cavity and nasal septum  Made of flexible cartilage  Covered with mucous membrane
  • 22. Nasal Cavity  Much of respiratory tract is coved with mucous membrane  Mucus is thick and sticky secretion of membrane  Cleanses air by trapping dust and bacteria  Capillaries in mucous membranes  Warm air  Humidify air
  • 23. Nasal Cavity  Paranasal sinuses  Located within facial bones  Echo chamber for sound production  Gives resonance to voice
  • 24. Figure 7.1 – Sagittal section of upper respiratory system illustrating the internal anatomy of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 25. Pharynx  Commonly called throat  Used by respiratory and digestive systems  At end of pharynx  Air enters trachea  Food and liquids enter esophagus
  • 26. Three Subdivisions of Pharynx  Nasopharynx  Upper section by nasal cavity  Oropharynx  Middle section by oral cavity  Laryngopharynx  Lower section by larynx
  • 27. Tonsils  Lymphatic tissue  Removes pathogens in air and food  Three pairs  Adenoids  Palatine  Lingual
  • 28. Eustachian or Auditory Tube  Opening found in nasopharynx  Other end opens into middle ear  Tube opens with each swallow  Equalizes air pressure between middle ear and outside atmosphere
  • 29. Figure 7.1 – Sagittal section of upper respiratory system illustrating the internal anatomy of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea.
  • 30. Larynx  Commonly called voice box  Muscular tube between pharynx and trachea  Contains vocal cords
  • 31. Larynx  Walls of larynx  Composed of cartilage plates  Held in place by ligaments and muscles  Thyroid cartilage forms the Adam’s apple
  • 32. Vocal Cords  Folds of membranous tissue  Not actually cord-like in structure  Vibrate to produce sound as air passes through opening between folds  Called glottis
  • 33. Figure 7.2 – The vocal cords within the larynx, superior view from the pharynx. (CNRI/Phototake NYC) Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 34. Epiglottis  Flap of cartilage  Sits above glottis  Covers larynx and trachea during swallowing  Food goes into esophagus  Not into trachea
  • 35. Figure 7.1 – Sagittal section of upper respiratory system illustrating the internal anatomy of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 36. Trachea  Commonly called windpipe  Carries air from larynx to main bronchi  Approximately four inches in length
  • 37. Figure 7.3 – Structure of the trachea which extends from the larynx above to the main bronchi below. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 38. Trachea  Tube composed of:  Smooth muscle  Cartilage rings  Lined with mucous membrane and cilia  Assists in cleansing, warming, and moisturizing air as it travels to lungs
  • 39. Bronchial Tubes  Distal end of trachea divides  Forms left and right main or primary bronchi  Each bronchus enters a lung  Branches to form secondary bronchi
  • 40. Figure 7.4 – The bronchial tree, note how each main bronchus enters a lung and then branches into smaller and smaller primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, and bronchioles.
  • 41. Alveoli  Bronchi continue to branch to form narrow bronchioles  Bronchiole terminates in alveoli  Approximately 150 million alveoli in each lung
  • 42. Respiratory Membrane  Pulmonary capillaries encase each alveolus  Alveoli wall + capillary wall forms respiratory membrane  External respiration takes place across respiratory membrane
  • 43. Figure 7.5 - A) Each bronchiole terminates in an alveolar sac, a group of alveoli. B) Alveoli encased by network capillaries, forming the respiratory membrane. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 44. Lungs  Each is total collection of bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli  Two lungs  Right lung has 3 lobes  Left lung has 2 lobes  Spongy because they contain air
  • 46. Lungs  Apex  Pointed superior portion  Base  Broad lower area  Hilum  Entry and exit point  Bronchi, blood vessels, nerves
  • 47. Lungs  Protected externally by the ribs  Protected internally by double membrane called pleura
  • 48. Pleura  Parietal pleura  Outer membrane that lines wall of chest cavity  Visceral pleura  Inner membrane that adheres to surface of lungs  Pleura is folded to form a sac around each lung called pleural cavity  Serous fluid between two pleural layers reduces friction when two layers rub together during ventilation
  • 50. Figure 7.6 - Position of the lungs within the thoracic cavity, anterior view illustrating lung structure and their relationship to other thoracic organs. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 51. Respiratory System Structure Exercise Click here to review the respiratory system anatomy with a labeling exercise.
  • 52. Pulmonary Function Tests  It is important to measure actual volume of air flowing in and out of lungs  Can then determine lung capacity  Respiratory therapist  Measures lung volumes  Pulmonary function tests
  • 53. Lung Volumes Tidal volume (TV) Volume of air moving in and out of lungs in a single relaxed breath Inspiratory reserve Volume of air that can be forcefully inhaled volume (IRV) after a normal inhale Expiratory reserve Volume of air that can be forcefully exhaled volume (ERV) after a normal exhale Residual volume (RV) Volume of air remaining in lungs after a forced exhale
  • 54. Lung Capacities Inspiratory capacity Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume (IC) Functional residual Expiratory reserve volume + residual capacity (FRC) volume Vital capacity (VC) Inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + expiratory reserve volume Total lung capacity Inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + (TLC) expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
  • 55. Respiratory Muscles - Inhalation  Diaphragm  Muscle separates abdomen from thoracic cavity  Contracts and moves down into abdominal cavity  Causes decrease of pressure, negative pressure, within chest cavity  Air then enters lungs (inhalation) to equalize pressure
  • 56. Respiratory Muscles - Inhalation  Intercostal muscles  Located between ribs  Raise rib cage to further enlarge thoracic cavity  Increases negative pressure  Assists with forceful inhalation
  • 57. Figure 7.7 – A) Bell jar apparatus demonstrating how downward movement of the diaphragm results in air flowing into the lungs. B) Action of the intercostal muscles lifts the ribs to assist the diaphragm in enlarging the volume of the thoracic cavity. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 58. Respiratory Muscles - Exhalation  Unforced exhale results when:  Diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax  Thoracic cavity becomes smaller  Creates positive thoracic pressure  Air flows out of lungs to equalize pressure  For forceful exhale  Use additional chest and neck muscles to further decrease size of thoracic cavity  Create greater positive pressure
  • 59. Respiratory Rate  One of the vital signs (VS), along with heart rate, temperature, and blood pressure  Respiratory rate dependent on level of CO2 in blood  When CO2 level is high, we breathe more rapidly to expel excess  If CO2 levels drop, respiratory rate will also drop until CO2 builds up in bloodstream
  • 60. Respiratory Rates by Age Group  Age Respirations per Minute  Newborn 30–60  1-year-old 18–30  16-year-old 16–20  Adult 12–20
  • 61. Respiratory Rate Assessment Video Click here to view a video on assessing respiratory rate.
  • 62. Word Building with bronch/o –gram bronchogram record of bronchus –itis bronchitis inflammation of bronchus –plasty bronchoplasty surgical repair of bronchus –genic bronchogenic produced by bronchus –scope bronchoscope instrument to view bronchus involuntary muscle contraction of –spasm bronchospasm bronchus –ial bronchial pertaining to bronchus
  • 63. Word Building with bronchi/o and diaphragmat/o –ectasis bronchiectasis dilated bronchus –ic diaphragmatic pertaining to diaphragm
  • 64. Word Building with laryng/o –ectomy laryngectomy surgical removal of larynx –itis laryngitis inflammation of larynx –plasty laryngoplasty surgical repair of larynx –scope laryngoscope instrument to view larynx –eal laryngeal pertaining to larynx –plegia laryngoplegia paralysis of larynx
  • 65. Word Building with lob/o & pleur/o –ectomy lobectomy surgical removal of lobe puncture of pleura to withdraw –centesis pleurocentesis fluid –ectomy pleurectomy surgical removal of pleura –dynia pleurodynia pleura pain
  • 66. Word Building with ox/o and ox/i –meter oximeter instrument to measure oxygen an– –ia anoxia condition of no oxygen blood condition of insufficient hypo– –emia hypoxemia oxygen hypo– –ia hypoxia condition of insufficient oxygen
  • 67. Word Building with pharyng/o and pulmon/o –itis pharyngitis inflammation of pharynx –eal pharyngeal pertaining to pharynx inflammation of nose and nas/o –itis nasopharyngitis pharynx –logist pulmonologist lung specialist –ary pulmonary pertaining to lungs
  • 68. Word Building with rhin/o –itis rhinitis inflammation of nose abnormal condition of fungus in myc/o –osis rhinomycosis nose –plasty rhinoplasty surgical repair of nose –rrhagia rhinorrhagia rapid flow (of blood) from nose –rrhea rhinorrhea nose discharge
  • 69. Word Building with sinus/o & thorac/o pan– –itis pansinusitis inflammation of all sinuses –algia thoracalgia chest pain –ic thoracic pertaining to the chest –otomy thoracotomy incision into chest
  • 70. Word Building with trache/o endo– –al endotracheal pertaining to within trachea –otomy tracheotomy incision into trachea –stenosis tracheostenosis narrowing of trachea
  • 71. Word Building with –phonia & –capnia a– aphonia no voice dys– dysphonia abnormal voice a– acapnia no carbon dioxide hyper– hypercapnia excessive carbon dioxide
  • 72. Word Building with –osmia & –thorax an– anosmia no smell hem/o hemothorax blood in the chest py/o pyothorax pus in the chest pneum/o pneumothorax air in the chest
  • 73. Word Building with –pnea a– apnea no breathing brady– bradypnea slow breathing dys– dyspnea difficult, labored breathing eu– eupnea normal breathing hyper– hyperpnea excessive (deep) breathing hypo– hypopnea insufficient (shallow) breathing ortho– orthopnea (sitting) straight breathing tachy– tachypnea rapid breathing
  • 74. Respiratory System Vocabulary lack of oxygen; can lead to unconsciousness and asphyxia death withdrawing fluid using suction; removing phlegm from aspiration patient’s airway; inhaling food or liquid into trachea Cheyne- abnormal breathing pattern with long periods of apnea Stokes followed by deep & rapid breathing respiration abnormal widening and thickening of fingers due to clubbing chronic oxygen deficiency
  • 75. Respiratory System Vocabulary cyanosis blue skin caused by low oxygen in blood epistaxis a nosebleed hemoptysis cough up blood or blood-stained sputum hyperventilation breathing too fast and too deep hypoventilation breathing too slow and too shallow branch of medicine involving diagnosis and internal medicine treatment of diseases of internal organs; physician is an internist
  • 76. Respiratory System Vocabulary two-pronged plastic device to deliver nasal cannula oxygen into the nose difficulty breathing made worse by lying orthopnea flat; patient breaths better sitting up branch of medicine involving diagnosis and otorhinolaryngology treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat
  • 77. Respiratory System Vocabulary patent open or unblocked using fingers to tap on surface to determine percussion condition beneath surface phlegm thick mucus secreted by respiratory tract grating sound made when layers of pleura rub pleural rub together during respiration branch of medicine involving diagnosis and pulmonology treatment of diseases of respiratory system; physician is a pulmonologist
  • 78. Respiratory System Vocabulary abnormal crackling sound during inspiration; indicates rales fluid or mucus in airway musical sound during expiration; caused by bronchial rhonchi tube spasms respiratory allied health specialty; assists with respiratory and therapy cardiopulmonary disorders shortness of indicates that a patient is having difficulty breathing; breath (SOB) also called dyspnea
  • 79. Respiratory Therapy Video Click here to view a video on respiratory therapy.
  • 80. Respiratory System Vocabulary sputum phlegm coughed up from respiratory tract harsh, high-pitched breath sound; indicates obstruction stridor in the airway thoracic branch of medicine involving diagnosis and treatment of surgery diseases of respiratory system using surgical means
  • 81. Upper Respiratory System Pathology acute respiratory condition in children; characterized croup by barking type of cough bacterial infection characterized by formation of thick diphtheria membranous film across throat; high mortality rate bacterial infection of upper respiratory system; pertussis characterized by whooping cough
  • 82. Bronchial Tube Pathology difficulty breathing caused by bronchospasms, asthma dyspnea, coughing, and wheezing enlarged bronchi due to destruction of bronchial bronchiectasis wall; result of infections bronchogenic cancerous tumor originating in bronchi carcinoma
  • 83. Asthma Video Click here to view a video on asthma.
  • 84. Figure 7.8 – Color enhanced X-ray of large malignant tumor in right lower lung. (ISM/Phototake NYC) Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 85. Lung Pathology adult respiratory acute respiratory failure; characterized by distress syndrome tachypnea, dyspnea, cyanosis, and (ARDS) hypoxemia type of pneumoconiosis; coal dust collecting in anthracosis lungs; also called black lung or miner’s lung type of pneumoconiosis; asbestos fibers asbestosis collecting in lungs
  • 86. Lung Pathology condition in which alveoli in a atelectasis portion of lung collapses; prevents gas exchange in lung chronic progressive, chronic, and usually obstructive irreversible group of conditions; like pulmonary emphysema; lungs have decreased disease capacity to function (COPD) genetic condition; produces very cystic fibrosis thick mucus that causes severe (CF) congestion in lungs
  • 87. COPD Video Click here to view a video on chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
  • 88. Cystic Fibrosis Video Click here to view a video on cystic fibrosis.
  • 89. Lung Pathology chronic lung condition characterized by emphysema destruction of alveolar walls histoplasmosis fungal infection of the lungs infant respiratory most common in premature infants; distress syndrome characterized by tachypnea; previously (IRDS) called hyaline membrane disease influenza viral infection of respiratory system
  • 90. Lung Pathology severe bacterial infection causing Legionnaire’s disease pneumonia, liver, and kidney damage less severe but longer lasting form of Mycoplasma bacterial pneumonia; also called walking pneumonia pneumonia accumulation of foreign particles, such as pneumoconiosis coal dust, in the lungs
  • 91. Lung Pathology Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia caused by a fungus; an pneumonia (PCP) opportunistic infection seen in AIDS patients inflammatory condition of lungs; results in pneumonia alveoli filling with fluid excessive amount of tissue fluid pulmonary edema accumulating in the lung tissues floating blood clot obstructs pulmonary pulmonary embolism artery; causes infarct of lung tissue
  • 92. Lung Pathology formation of fibrous scar tissue in lung; pulmonary fibrosis reduced ability to expand lungs severe acute acute viral respiratory infection; begins like flu respiratory but quickly progresses; very high mortality rate syndrome (SARS) type of pneumoconiosis; accumulation of silica silicosis dust in lungs
  • 93. Lung Pathology breathing stops repeatedly during sleep; sleep apnea causes drop in oxygen levels unexpected and unexplained death of sudden infant death apparently well infant; stops breathing for syndrome (SIDS) unknown reasons bacterial lung infection; results in inflammation tuberculosis (TB) and calcification of lungs
  • 94. Tuberculosis Testing Video Click here to view a video on tuberculosis testing.
  • 95. Pleural Cavity Pathology accumulation of pus in pleural empyema space; also called pyothorax accumulation of fluid in pleural pleural effusion cavity; prevents lungs from fully expanding inflammation of pleura; pleurisy characterized by sharp pain with each breath collection of air in pleural pneumothorax cavity; may result in collapsed lung
  • 96. Figure 7.9 – Pneumothorax. Figure illustrates how puncture of thoracic wall and tearing of pleural membrane allows air into lung and results in collapsed lung. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 97. Clinical Laboratory Tests arterial blood blood test of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in gases (ABGs) the blood sputum culture & cultures sputum for bacterial growth, if present, sensitivity (C&S) then determines best antibiotic to use sputum cytology examining sputum for malignant cells
  • 98. Diagnostic Imaging X-ray of lung after inhaling radiopaque bronchography substance chest X-ray X-ray of the organs of the thoracic cavity pulmonary X-ray of lungs after injecting dye into blood angiography vessel nuclear medicine test; radioactive air is inhaled ventilation- for ventilation portion; radioactive dye is injected perfusion scan for perfusion portion; looks for pulmonary emboli
  • 99. Endoscopic Procedures bronchoscopy visual examination of bronchial tubes using a (Bronch) bronchoscope laryngoscopy visual examination of larynx using a laryngoscope
  • 100. Figure 7.10 – Bronchoscopy. Figure illustrates physician using a bronchoscope to inspect the patient’s bronchial tubes. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 101. Pulmonary Function Tests measures oxygen level in oximetry blood; uses oximeter on patient’s finger tip pulmonary group of tests to measure air function test flow in and out of lungs, lung (PFT) volumes, and gas exchange measures lung capacity using spirometry a spirometer
  • 102. Oximetry Video Click here to view a video on performing oximetry.
  • 103. Spirometry Video Click here to view a video on spirometry.
  • 104. Additional Diagnostic Procedures monitoring patient polysomnography sleeping to identify sleep apnea test for cystic fibrosis; this disease causes sweat test large amount of salt in sweat introducing purified protein derivative (PPD) tuberculin skin under the skin; tests (TB test) determines if person has been exposed to TB
  • 105. Respiratory Therapy medication suspended in a aerosol mist and inhaled; delivered by therapy a nebulizer or metered dose inhaler (single puff dose) placing a tube through the endotracheal mouth and into the trachea to intubation keep airway open intermittent method for assisting patients in positive breathing with a machine that pressure produces an increase in breathing positive thoracic pressure (IPPB)
  • 106. Nebulizer Video Click here to view a video on nebulizers.
  • 107. Metered Dose Inhaler Video Click here to view a video on using metered dose inhalers.
  • 108. Endotrachael Intubation Video Click here to view a video on endotrachael intubation.
  • 109. Figure 7.11 – Endotracheal intubation. First, a lighted scope is used to identify the trachea from the esophagus. Next, the tube is placed through the pharynx and into the trachea. Finally, the scope is removed, leaving the tube in place. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 110. Respiratory Therapy drainage of bronchial secretions by placing patient in positions postural using gravity to promote drainage drainage; cystic fibrosis treatment supplement providing additional oxygen oxygen concentration to improve oxygen therapy levels in bloodstream machine that provides artificial ventilator ventilation for a patient unable to breathe alone
  • 111. Nasal Cannula Video Click here to view a video on applying a nasal cannula.
  • 112. Surgical Procedures surgical puncture of chest thoracentesis wall to remove fluids; also called thoracocentesis insertion of tube (a chest thoracostomy tube) into chest to drain off fluid or air emergency procedure to create an opening directly tracheostomy into trachea so person can breathe easier; also called tracheotomy
  • 113. Figure 7.12 – Patient with tracheostomy tube in place receiving oxygen through mask placed over the tracheostomy opening and attached to a ventilator. (Ansell Horn/Phototake NYC) Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 114. Figure 7.13 – Thoracentesis. The needle is inserted between the ribs to withdraw fluid from the pleural sac at the base of the left lung. Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht All rights reserved.
  • 115. Additional Procedures cardiopulmonary emergency treatment given to persons resuscitation (CPR) when respiration and heart stop technique for removing foreign body Heimlich maneuver obstructing trachea or pharynx
  • 116. Respiratory System Pharmacology antibiotic kills bacteria Amoxil, Cipro blocks histamine released Allegra, Claritan, antihistamine during allergy attack Benadryl Hycodan, Vicks antitussive relieves urge to cough Formula 44
  • 117. Respiratory System Pharmacology relaxes Proventil, bronchospas bronchodilator Ventolin, ms; treats Theo-Dur asthma reduces Flonase, inflammation corticosteroids Nasonex, of respiratory Azmacort tract reduces congestion in Afrin, Drixoral, decongestant respiratory Sudafed system
  • 118. Respiratory System Pharmacology improves ability to cough expectorant Robitussin, Mucinex up mucus liquefies mucus so it is mucolytic Mucomyst easier to cough up
  • 119. Respiratory System Abbreviations ABGs arterial blood gases ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome Bronch bronchoscopy CO2 carbon dioxide COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation C&S culture and sensitivity
  • 120. Respiratory System Abbreviations CTA clear to auscultation CXR chest X-ray DOE dyspnea on exertion DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus ENT ear, nose, and throat ERV expiratory reserve volume FRC functional residual capacity
  • 121. Respiratory System Abbreviations HMD hyaline membrane disease IC inspiratory capacity IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing IRDS infant respiratory distress syndrome IRV inspiratory reserve volume LLL left lower lung LUL left upper lung
  • 122. Respiratory System Abbreviations MDI metered dose inhaler O2 oxygen PCP Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia PFT pulmonary function test PPD purified protein derivative R respiration RA room air
  • 123. Respiratory System Abbreviations RDS respiratory distress syndrome RLL right lower lung RML right middle lobe RRT registered respiratory therapist RV residual volume RUL right upper lung SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
  • 124. Respiratory System Abbreviations SIDS sudden infant death syndrome SOB shortness of breath TB tuberculosis TLC total lung capacity TPR temperature, pulse, respiration TV tidal volume URI upper respiratory infection VC vital capacity
  • 125. 1. Ventilation, external respiration, internal respiration 2. Oxygen, carbon dioxide 3. Mucous membrane, mucus 4. Nasopharynx, middle ear 5. Epiglottis 6. Bronchioles 7. Alveoli 8. Hilum 9. Tidal volume 10. Respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, blood pressure
  • 126. 1. Bronchoplasty 2. Laryngitis 3. Lobectomy 4. Anoxia 5. Pleurocentesis 6. Rhinorrhea 7. Pansinusitis 8. Pharyngeal 9. Hemothorax 10. Tachypnea

Editor's Notes

  1. Why are we combining these systems into a single unit ? Blood and Lymph are both fluids have functions within the immune system. We will begin with a discussion of the different elements found in blood and the function of each as part of the immune response…. Next slide