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Prof.Mahesh Chandra Bansal. 
Founder Principal & Controller; 
Jhalawar Medical College And Hospital, Jhalawar. 
Ex. Principal & Controller; 
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College And Hospital, 
Sitapura , Jaipur.
 How and what Makes the labour process to switch on ? 
It remains poorly defined till date. 
 Two major components are thought to be concerned 
with labour initiation--- 
1. Loss of functions pregnancy maintenance factors . 
2. Synthesis of factors that induce parturition. 
Phase 1 of parturition starts well before the actual 
labour starts.
Myometrial Quiescence 
Factors responsible for maintenance 
of pregnancy 
1. Myometrial quiescenceis likely to be the result of many 
factors that include--- 
a. Estrogen and progesterone action through intra cellular 
b. Myometrial plasma membrane receptor ---mediated 
increase in cAMP. 
c. Generation of cGMP. 
d. other systems including modification in myometrial cell 
ion channels. 
Uterine quiescence is so remarkable that all manners of bio-molecular 
systems –Neural.Endocine, Paracrine and 
Autocrine are operating are operating to implement and 
maintain a state of uterine un responsiveness to all factors 
which can stimulate myometrial contractions.
Role of Sex Steroids in Uterine 
Quiescence  Progesterone inhibits while estrogen promotes myometrial 
 Low progesterone level in LPD case ---Abortion– Can be 
prevented by Rx with progesterone . 
 Progesterone therapy causes--- Physiological encirclage in cases 
of incompetent Os. 
 Progesterone antagonists –Mifepriston ( Ru486 and Onapriston 
can induce abortion and premature labour. 
 Progesterone i9nduces uterine quiescence directly / indirectly --- 
-causing decreased expression of myometrial contraction 
proteins (CAPS ). 
 Progesterone inhibits expression of Gap Junction proteins 
connexon 43 --- Use of progesterone antagonist (Ru 486 ) leads 
to premature induction of this Connexon 43 protein production 
there by initiate of labour. 
 Fall in Progesterone and relatively high level of Estrogens at 
term has been co related with onset of parturition phase 2.
Role of Receptors in Myometrial Quiescence 
 G- protein receptors 
 B –Adreno receptors---stimulants—Retodine / 
terbutalin , sabutamol Isoxipurine are used to control 
premature labour 
 LH & hCG receptors--- hCG therapy is used to control 
pregnancy loss in LPD, ART cases 
These all receptors in coordinated way bring uterine 
relaxation--- No of G-protein receptors associated with 
G- alphas mediated activation of adenolyl cyclase 
cAMP together with appropriate legands act in concert 
with progesterone -- as part of fail safe system to 
maintain myometrial quiescence.
Role of Relaxin In Uterine Quiescence 
 Relaxin a peptide hormone having A & B chains more 
similar to insulin family proteins. 
 Relaxin--- there are 2 separate human relaxin genes H1 And 
H2. H1 is expressed in decidua, trophoblasts where as H2 is 
primarily expressed in carpus luteum . 
 During pregnancy relaxin is mostly produced by carpus 
luteum . 
 Plasma membrane surface receptors for relaxin ---Relaxin 
family peptide receptors 1( RXFP1) ---mediates its activity 
by activation of adenolyl cyclase ---- results in relaxation of 
all smooth muscles , ligaments of joints and myometrium 
during pregnancy. 
 Relaxin also effects cervical modulating through cell 
proliferation and changes in extracellular cell matrix of 
cervix ---cervical softening , ripening and dilation in phase 
1 of parturition.
Role of Cortico Tropin Releasing (CRH)Hormone 
on Myometrium 
 CRH-- is produced by Hypothalamous and placenta. 
 Recent studies reveal that CRH plays dual role on 
myometrium during pregnancy and parturition. 
 These actions are mediated through specific CRH 
receptors variants present 0n myometrium . 
 During pregnancy it signals pathways, initiate cAMP 
and subsequent relaxation. 
 CRH hormone increases in last 2 weeks of pregnancy 
and activates Gq-alpha protein pathway ---- favors 
myometrial contraction.
Prostaglandins --- myometrial 
 Prostaglandins interact with a family of eight different G-protein 
coupled receptors. 
 Several of them are present on myometyrium. 
 Tp –trombxane 1 –A2 ,DP-PGD2, IP –prostacyclin or PGI2, 
FP-PGF2 a ,and EP1,2,3and 4 , PGE2 receptors etc 
 .Prostgladin PGI2 could potentiate myometrial relaxation 
by increasing camp signaling. 
 Many studies show that there are many regional changes in 
upper and lower segment during pregnancy. 
 An variable concentration gradient of different PG 
receptor from fundus towards cervix has been noted. 
 Thus it is entirely possible that prostanoids contribute to 
uterine quiescence in pregnancy and myometrial 
contraction at the time of parturition
Natriuretic Peptide And Cyclic Guanosine monophosphate(cGMP) --- 
Uterine Quiescence  Activation of guanylyl cyclase increases intracellular 
concentration of cGMP in myometrium and results in its 
 Intra myometrial cGMP is also increased by Atrial and 
Brain Natriuretic peptides (ANP & BNP )--- both are 
present in myometrium during pregnancy. 
 BNP is secreted by amnion in large amount while ANP is 
expressed by placenta. 
 Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase is also activated by Nitric Oxide 
which penetrates the plasma membrane of myometrium -- 
-- Nitric oxide reacts with Iron and stimulates Guanylyl 
Cyclase to produce plenty of cGMP and myometrial 
relaxation . 
 How much role does this mechanism play in uterine 
quiescence is not much clear?
Accelerated Uterotonins 
Degradation---Uterine quiescence 
 There is strikingly increased activities of enzymes --that degrade 
or in activate the uterotonins --- Bio-Chemicals that stimulate 
uterine contractions. 
 PGDH –degrades PGs. 
 enkephalinase and endothelins. 
 Oxytocinase--- inactivate –oxytocin. 
 Diamine oxidase and Histamine. 
 Catachol-o –methyl transferase. 
 Angoitensinase and Angiotensin II. 
 Platelet activating Factor( PAF ), acetyl hydralase and PAF etc. 
 Activity of these degrading and inactivating enzymes is 
increased by progesterone.
Summary of factors ---Cause Uterine Quiescence 
Receptors --- G. Proteins ,B adenolyl cyclase –cAMP and 
legends ,LH & hCG and Progesterone receptors 
Degradation of Uterotonins 
Cortico tropin 
ANP, BNP and cGMP 
Nitric Oxide 
Apocrines & 
Uterine contractions 
In Parturition
Possible mechanism of Initiation 
of labour 
 Fetus is initial source of signals for parturition 
initiation . 
 One or many uterotonins( Bio chemicals that 
stimulate myometrial contraction ) produced in 
increasing amount and presence of myometrial 
receptors on/ in myocytes for uterotonins.
Unique features of myometrium 
 Degree of muscle fiber shortening with contraction is 
greater than that of skeletal muscle fiber. 
 Force generated by myometrial muscle contraction can be 
extended in multiple directions . 
 In myometrium , the thick and thin filaments are filaments 
are found in long and Random bundles throughout the 
muscle cell . This plaxiform arrangement aids greater 
shortening and force generating capacity to the muscle 
 Greater multidirectional force generation occur in the 
uterine upper segment as compared to lower segment 
which permits versatility in expulsive force directionally.
Regulation of myometrial 
Contraction And Relaxation 
 Myometrial Contraction ---controlled by transcription 
of Key Genes ; that produce kinetic proteins that 
repress/ enhance cellular activity. 
 These Kinetic proteins – 
1. Enhance the inter action between Actin & myosin 
proteins bring about muscle contraction 
2. increase excitability of each individual cell. 
3.Promote intracellular cross talk that allows 
synchronous contraction.
Actin –Myosin Interaction 
 Actin-Myocin interaction is essential for muscle contraction. 
 Interaction needs conversion of globular Actin in to filamentous 
form . 
 Actin must be attached to at a focal point at cytoskeleton in the 
cell membranes –to allow tension. 
 Actin must partner with Myosin. 
 Myosin Is composed of light and heavy chains . 
 Interaction of Actin –Myosin Needs activation of ATP --- ATP 
hydrolysis—Generation of energy –e.g. Force. 
 This is brought about by Enzyme Phosphorilation—of the 20- 
KDa (light chain of Myosin. 
 Phosphorilation reaction is catalyzed by Both the enzyme – 
Myosin light chain Kinase –activated By Ca++. 
 Ca++ binds to Calmodium , a Ca ++ binding regulatory protein, - 
--This complex binds and activate the Myosin light chain Kinase. 
As explained in FiG A and B
Role of Ca++ in Myometrial 
 Myometrial contractility is regulated by electro –chemical potential gradient 
across the cell membrane. 
 Prior to labour Myocyte maintains High(Intra cellular ) electro negativity . 
 This state is maintained by combined actions of ATPase –driven Na+ --- K + 
Pump and large conductance ; voltage andCa2++ sensitive K channel –called 
maxi K Channel. 
 During uterine quiescence . This maxi-K channel is opened and allows K+ to 
move out of cell and thus the intra cellular electro negativity is maintained. 
 At the time of labour electro negativity leads to depolarization and brings 
about contraction . 
 Myocyte contraction requires intracellular influx of Ca2++ through legend and 
voltage regulatory channels. 
 Ca2++ influx is brought about by agents like – PgF2a and oxytocin . 
 PGF2a and oxytocin combines with their receptors and open the legend 
activated Ca2++ channels. 
 Activation of these receptors also release Ca++ from internal sacroplasm 
reticulum . 
 Increase intracellular Ca== leads to drop in intra cellular electro negativity --- 
action potential is generated ----Actin –Myosin interaction ------myocyte 
Gap Junctions in Myometrium  Gap junctions are intercellular channels through which , 
cellular signals for contraction / relaxation are transferred 
from one myocyte to adjoining myocyte. 
 Establishment of intercellular communication also aids in 
the process of electric, ion and metabolic coupling . 
 Transmembrane channels that makeup the gap junctions-- 
- consists of 2 proteins ; called “hemi channels” also termed 
as Connexons. 
 Each connexon is made of 6 sub unit proteins 
 These pair of connexons establish conduit between couple 
cells for the exchange of small molecules like nutrients b, 
waste products, metabolites . Ions and second massagers 
Myometrial Cell surface receptors 
 There are many surface receptors which directly regulate 
the myocyte contraction state. 
 Their major Varieties are 1. G. protein linked 2. Ion 
channel linked and 3.Enzyme linked. 
 G. Protein linked receptors associated with Adenolyl 
cyclase activation –example LH and CRHR1a receptors 
,G.protein mediated activation of Phosphoryilase C. 
 Legend of G. coupled receptors also include neuropeptides, 
hormones and autocoids . 
 These varieties of cell surface receptors are increased many 
fold in pregnancy and parturition . 
 Their modes include endocrine, paracrine and autocrines 
and through the surface receptors they effect / modulate 
the myomtrial response during pregnancy and parturition.
Role of Functional Progesterone 
Withdrawal in human Parturition 
 There are varieties of progesterone receptors— 
(A) Nuclear—progesterone receptor protein isomers—PR-A, 
PR-Band PR-C .and their co activtors . 
(B) Membrane associated progesterone receptors –mPR-alpha, 
mPR-beta, mPR-y.mPR alpha and beta couple with 
inhibitory G. proteins , legend binding to these receptors 
decreases cAMP levels and increase myosin 
phospholyration both of them increase myometrial 
contractility at term . 
Multiple pathways exist for a functional withdrawal of 
progesterone in term myometrium to make it less 
quiescent and more responsive to contraction effect of 
Estrogens ---myometrial 
preparation for Parturition 
 Estrogen level remain high throughout the pregnancy 
,but functional withdrawal of progesterone ---makes 
its upper hand. 
 Estrogen Brings about myometrial hyperplasia and 
hypertrophy during early gestational period . 
 It promotes glycogen storage in myometium . 
 It enriches Myometrial with ATP, Ca++. 
 It makes myometrium more sensitive to uterotonins 
like Oxytocin, PGE2 and PGF2a.
Oxytocin Receptors---Phase 2 Of Parturition 
 There is marked increase in number of oxytocin receptors 
and their activation in phase2 of parturition; more over 
there activation in increased Phospholipase C activity, 
subsequent influx of Ca++ in cytoplasm of myocytes and 
increased uterine contractility. 
 The level of oxytocin receptor in human term myometrium 
is greater than that in preterm myometrium . 
 Estradiol and progestins are primary regulators of oxytocin 
receptors expression . 
 Estradiol increase oxytocin receptors which can be 
prevented to some extend by progesterone therapy. 
 Progesterone increase degradation of intra cytoplasmic 
oxytocin receptors and inhibit the activation of oxytocin 
receptors on cell surface too.
Relaxin in Phase2 OF Parturition 
 Relaxin Though plays its role in uterine quiescence in 
pregnancy, but also has its role in remodeling the 
Extra cellular tissue of female genital tract ,Pubis 
symphysis and breast. 
 Relaxin mediate synthesis of Glycoso aminoglycans , 
prtoglycans and matrix metalloproteases which 
degrade macro molecules of collagen.
Fetal –Placental Cascade leading to Parturition 
 Activation of Fetal Hypothalmo-pituitary- Adrenal axis at term--- 
ACTH secretion. 
 Fetal Adrenals --- produce – DHEA-5. cortisol and Estradiol by 
aromatization . 
 Fetal Adrenals are also stimulated by placental CRH. 
 CRH levels are increased in maternal , fetal circulation as well as in 
amniotic fluid . 
 Fetal cortisol also stimulates fetal CRH which modulate uterine 
contractility through CRH-Rid isomers of CRH receptors . 
 Fetal cortisol---increases myometrial contractility by stimulating 
Prostaglandin biosynthesis by fetal membranes, 
 Fetal –adrenal estrogen crosses placental barrier and reach in maternal 
circulation ---changing estrogen to progesterone ratio---promote series 
of contractile proteins in myometrium ---loss of uterine quiescence. 
 Increased CRH level in last weeks of gestation and phase2 of 
parturition reflects –A FETAL PLACENTAL CLOCK.. 
 Thus fetus and placenta through their endocrinological events 
influence the timing of parturition
Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone( 
in phase 2& 3 of parturition 
 In late pregnancy and parturition the modification in 
CRH receptors expression --- favors its role cAMP 
(relaxation effect ) to protein Kinase C activation --- 
results in increased Ca++ influx in myometrium --- 
myometrial contractions start. 
 Oxytocin attenuates CRH receptors expressing 
through cAMP and so the CRH now augments the 
contractile responsiveness of myometrium to even 
small dose of oxytocin at term. 
 CRH also acts to increase the myometrial contraction 
force in response to PGF2a.
Fetal Lung Maturity And 
 Surfactant proteins A ( SP-A )produced by fetal lung is 
required for fetal lung maturity. 
 Pulmo-bronchial tree is communicating with amniotic sac 
– SP-A level rises in amniotic fluid , parallel to lung 
maturity--- It activates fluid macrophases ---migrate to 
endometrium and induce Nuclear Factor-KB. 
 Nuclear factor KB activates inflammatory response genes 
in myometrium --- promote PG receptors and PG synthesis 
too --- increased myometrial contractility. 
 Pulmonary surfactant and other surfactant components 
such as platelet activating Factor when secreted in 
Amniotic Fluid ---- have been reported to induce PGs 
synthesis and uterine contractions.
Utertonins---Systems to ensure 
SuCcurcreenst dsa toa ffa vPohr tahes tehe 3or yo off Lpabaorrt iunirtiiattiioonn by 
 Increased production of uterotonins must follow once 
phase one is suspended, phase 2 is implemented . 
 Number of uterotonins are important for success of 
phase 3 e.g. Active labor. 
 Uterotonins are--- Oxytocin, prostaglandins, serotonin 
,histamine, PAF, Endothelin , Angiotensin II and 
others--- all have been shown to stimulate myometrial 
contraction through G protein coupling.
Oxytocin = Quick Birth,(Synthesis) 
Magnacellular Neurones of Supra optic , 
Paraventricular nucleus Of Hypothalamus 
Production of Prohormone 
Transported with Carrier 
Protein –Neuro physin 
Neural lobe of Posterior 
Pituitary –Stored in 
Prohormone is 
changed by Enzyme 
in to Oxytocin 
during Transport
Oxytocin In phase 2,3 and 4 of 
 Number of Oxytocin receptors in myometrium and other 
tissues are increased by > 50 fold at term. 
 Oxytocin acts on decidua to produce PGs. 
 Oxytocin is also produced locally by decdiua, Extra 
embryonic fetal tissue and placenta. 
 The blood level of active Oxytocin is increase many times 
during active phase of labor and immediately after the end 
of 3rd stage . 
 Its secretion also increases during Breast feeding. 
 Oxytocin produces increased level of mRNA in myometrial 
genes that encode proteins ----interstitial collagenase , 
monocyte attractant , interleukin 8 and urokinase 
plasminogen activator ---those help in uterine contraction 
and retraction --- more so in puerperium necessary for 
Prostaglandins in Phase 3 of 
Parturition  Role of PGs in Phase 2 is limited and unclear , but these play 
a critical role in phase 3 of parturition—Evidenced by- 
1. Levels of PGs and metabolites increase in myometrium, AF, 
decidua, maternal plasma and urine in active labor. 
2. Administration of PGs can result in abortion / delivery at any 
gestational period. 
3. Administration of PGHS-2 inhibitors like Endomethacin/ 
Aspirin can inhibit myometrial contractions. 
4. Receptor for PGf2a increase in decidua and myometrium at 
term –a most regulatory step in action of PG on 
5. Myometrium itself also synthesizes PGHS-2, though 
decidua is main source of PGs. 
6. PGs level increases in fore water bag more than that in hind 
water bag due to local damage to separating decidua. Pgs 
along with cytokinins result in degradation of cervical 
matrix --- cervical ripening and dilatation
Platelet Activating factor(PAF) 
 PAF is produced In Basophill.Eosinophills, Neutophills, 
monocyes, macrophase and endothelial cells.PAF receptors 
are member of G. protein coupled family of trans 
membrane receptors. 
 PAF is inactivated by PAF acetylhydrolase(PAF-AH) present 
in macrophases – found in large amount in decidua during 
pregnancy and inhibits PAF action On Myometrial cell 
membrane--- no Ca++ influx in myocytes during 
pregnancy and help in uterine quiescence. 
 But at term and during labor level of PAF increases locally 
and its inhibitory effect is absent(no enzymaic inhibition ) 
as a result PAF activity Increases Ca++ influx in 
myometrium and uterine contraction start.
Endothelin -1 
 Endothelins are a family of 21 amino acid peptides. 
 Its receptor endothelin A receptor is present on muscle 
cells and is stimulated by endothelin 1 to increase 
Ca++ influx in muscle cell – resulting in myometrial 
 Endothelin1 is present in myometrium and amniotic 
fluid during labor . 
 Enzyme to catalyze and inhibit its action is also 
present in chorion leave during pregnancy – Uterine 
quiescence --- It decreases at term.
Angiotensin II– in phase of 
 There are 2 types of G. protein linked Angiotensin 
Receptors –AT 1 & AT2. 
 AT2 is prominent in non pregnant uterus , AT 1 is 
expressed during pregnancy and labour . 
 Potential mechanism of Angiotensin II through 
receptor AT1(by increased responsiveness ) during 
PET and eclampsia emphasizes its role in physiology of 
Contribution of Intra uterine tissue 
To Parturition 
 Intra Uterine Tissue 
They have a potential role in parturition initiation 
Amnion , chorion laeve and decidua parietals are likely to 
have alternate action 
.Amnion and decidua comprises and important tissue cell 
around fetus that serves as physical, immunological and 
metabolic protective shield that protect against untimely 
initiation of parturition. 
In late weeks of gestation the amniotic membranes indeed 
may prepare for initiation of parturition.
Contribution of Intra uterine tissue 
To Parturition 
 Amnion Tensile strength of membranes and resistance to 
rupture is provided by amnion. 
-This avascular tissue is highly resistant to penetration by 
leucocytes and micro organisms. 
- It also serves as protective filter to prevent fetal 
particulates –bound lung and skin secretion of fetus from 
entering in maternal circulation i.e. adverse effect of fetal 
particulates and secretion on deciduas, myometrial 
activation and even Amniotic fluid embolism. 
- several bioactive peptides and PGs are secreted ( 
synthesized Phospholirase A2 and PGHS2 )by amnion and 
these regulate the events to initiate the process of 
parturition and rupture of membranes.
Amnion --- Cont. 
 Influence of amnion derived PGs on uterine quiescence 
during pregnancy and uterine contractions during labor is 
less clear. 
 Decidua prevents their( PGs) penetration to myometrium 
and inactivation by PG Dehydrogenase enzyme --- keep 
them away from myometrium during pregnancy ---- 
uterine quiescence is maintained. 
 In late weeks of pregnancy production and activity of PG 
dehydrogenase decreases markedly and at the same time 
decidual permeability to amnion –PGs also increases , 
increased synthesis of PGs by increasing activity of 
phospholirase A2 and PGH synthase type 2 (PGSH 2) 
enzymes . 
 Thus expression of PGf2 a on myometrium through 
increased PG receptors in myometrium --- it plays an 
important role in initiation of labor.
Decidua Parietalis 
 Generation of decidual uterotonins---that act in paracrine 
manner on myometium. 
 Decidua expresses steroidal metabolic enzymes such as 
20aHSD and 5a R1 ---they regulate local progesterone 
 Deciduas prevents penetration of amniotic PGs to 
myometrium and PGs dehydrogenase enzyme activity 
destroys PGS. --- Uterine quiescence during pregnancy. 
 Decidual contribution to active labour in late pregnancy 
appears to be localized to the exposed decidual fragments 
lining the forewater bag which has separated from its 
attachment with myometrium of lower segment. 
 Trauma ,hypoxia , exposure of fore water bag decidual 
fragments to endotoxins--- lipopolysccides, micro 
organisms, interleukin1B(IL-1B)present in the vaginal 
fluids ---provoke inflammatory process as cervical canal is 
partially open .
Open Internal Os---Exposed and 
separated fore water bag from cervical 
Fragmented Decidua– 
inflammatory reaction 
by elements in vaginal 
Partially Dilated cervix and more 
exposed fore water bag to vaginal 
D Tehcis iindfluamam aptoray raciteiont a---lciysto-k-in-in-es are produced – 
increase production of PGs in amniotic membranes ----- 
can reach to myometrium and act directly on it------ 
initiation of uterine contraction. 
 Tumor Necrotizing Factor alpha (TNFa) and interleukins 1, 
6, 8, and 12 also act as chemokinines that recruit to the 
 Infiltration of leukocytes--- as inflammatory process --- 
production of cyokinines and increased phospholyration of 
Archadonic acid to PGF2a.----increased uterine activity . 
 Major role of decidual PGs regulation is not only increased 
permeability to PGs ,but its production also and increased 
expression of PGF2a receptors on myometrium.
Initiation Of 
coupled receptors-actin 
myosin action –phase 
increased Estrogen - increasedE2 
receptors & their 
response.Producton of Oxytocin, 
E:P ratio 
activity of 
Fetal Adrenals – 
Pituitary axis --- 
e production 
from DHt from 
Pgs synthesis in fetal membranes – 
PGF2a &PGE2 promote Gap 
Junction , increase d response to 
receptors –E2, oxytocin 
,cytokinines,PAF, endothelines , 
PGs synthesis ---increased Uterine 
compliance – 
y –Pgs 
Summary( phase 3,4 of parturition) 
 It is possible that multiple and redundant processes 
contribute to success of active labour as once the phase 1 ( 
uterine quiescence and cervical remodeling) ends, and 
phase 2 is implemented. 
 Phase 3 is highlighted by activity of G –proteins coupled 
receptors which inhibit cAMP formation , increases 
intracellular Ca++ storage – action potential generated , 
ATP liberate energy , acting myosin action --- bring 
myometral contractions. 
 Increased , coordinated progressive and effective 
myometrial contractions with sufficient amplitude and 
frequency generate enough force ---pressure gradient and 
increased intra uterine pressure needed to push fetus 
downwards in birth canal.
 Simultaneously cervical protoglycans bring about changes in 
collagen tissue of cervix --- promote structural changes, 
cervical tissue compliance, increased softness, strachibility, 
distensionablity,---progressive cervical dilatation . 
 The source of regulatory legends --- receptors variation , 
endocrinological hormones such as oxytocin to locally 
produce PGs in fetal Membranes . 
 In phase 4 , a complete series of repair forces and initiative to 
resolve inflammatory response ---removal of glycoso-aminoglycans, 
protoglycans and structurally compromised 
collagen . 
 Simultaneously intercellular matrix and cellular components 
needed for uterine involution are synthesized. 
 Dense connective tissue and structural integrity of rigid, 
firm, closed cervix --- cervical reform--- also achieved . 
 Other body parts are also march back to their pre pregnancy 
status--- so far possible.

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Endocrinology --- control of parturition

  • 1. Prof.Mahesh Chandra Bansal. MBBS, MS . MICOG. FICOG. Founder Principal & Controller; Jhalawar Medical College And Hospital, Jhalawar. Ex. Principal & Controller; Mahatma Gandhi Medical College And Hospital, Sitapura , Jaipur.
  • 2. Introduction  How and what Makes the labour process to switch on ? It remains poorly defined till date.  Two major components are thought to be concerned with labour initiation--- 1. Loss of functions pregnancy maintenance factors . 2. Synthesis of factors that induce parturition. Phase 1 of parturition starts well before the actual labour starts.
  • 3. Mechanism Of Myometrial Quiescence In Pregnancy
  • 4. Factors responsible for maintenance of pregnancy 1. Myometrial quiescenceis likely to be the result of many factors that include--- a. Estrogen and progesterone action through intra cellular receptors. b. Myometrial plasma membrane receptor ---mediated increase in cAMP. c. Generation of cGMP. d. other systems including modification in myometrial cell ion channels. Uterine quiescence is so remarkable that all manners of bio-molecular systems –Neural.Endocine, Paracrine and Autocrine are operating are operating to implement and maintain a state of uterine un responsiveness to all factors which can stimulate myometrial contractions.
  • 5.
  • 6. Role of Sex Steroids in Uterine Quiescence  Progesterone inhibits while estrogen promotes myometrial contractility.  Low progesterone level in LPD case ---Abortion– Can be prevented by Rx with progesterone .  Progesterone therapy causes--- Physiological encirclage in cases of incompetent Os.  Progesterone antagonists –Mifepriston ( Ru486 and Onapriston can induce abortion and premature labour.  Progesterone i9nduces uterine quiescence directly / indirectly --- -causing decreased expression of myometrial contraction proteins (CAPS ).  Progesterone inhibits expression of Gap Junction proteins connexon 43 --- Use of progesterone antagonist (Ru 486 ) leads to premature induction of this Connexon 43 protein production there by initiate of labour.  Fall in Progesterone and relatively high level of Estrogens at term has been co related with onset of parturition phase 2.
  • 7.
  • 8. Role of Receptors in Myometrial Quiescence  G- protein receptors  B –Adreno receptors---stimulants—Retodine / terbutalin , sabutamol Isoxipurine are used to control premature labour  LH & hCG receptors--- hCG therapy is used to control pregnancy loss in LPD, ART cases These all receptors in coordinated way bring uterine relaxation--- No of G-protein receptors associated with G- alphas mediated activation of adenolyl cyclase cAMP together with appropriate legands act in concert with progesterone -- as part of fail safe system to maintain myometrial quiescence.
  • 9. Role of Relaxin In Uterine Quiescence  Relaxin a peptide hormone having A & B chains more similar to insulin family proteins.  Relaxin--- there are 2 separate human relaxin genes H1 And H2. H1 is expressed in decidua, trophoblasts where as H2 is primarily expressed in carpus luteum .  During pregnancy relaxin is mostly produced by carpus luteum .  Plasma membrane surface receptors for relaxin ---Relaxin family peptide receptors 1( RXFP1) ---mediates its activity by activation of adenolyl cyclase ---- results in relaxation of all smooth muscles , ligaments of joints and myometrium during pregnancy.  Relaxin also effects cervical modulating through cell proliferation and changes in extracellular cell matrix of cervix ---cervical softening , ripening and dilation in phase 1 of parturition.
  • 10. Role of Cortico Tropin Releasing (CRH)Hormone on Myometrium  CRH-- is produced by Hypothalamous and placenta.  Recent studies reveal that CRH plays dual role on myometrium during pregnancy and parturition.  These actions are mediated through specific CRH receptors variants present 0n myometrium .  During pregnancy it signals pathways, initiate cAMP and subsequent relaxation.  CRH hormone increases in last 2 weeks of pregnancy and activates Gq-alpha protein pathway ---- favors myometrial contraction.
  • 11. Prostaglandins --- myometrial relaxant  Prostaglandins interact with a family of eight different G-protein coupled receptors.  Several of them are present on myometyrium.  Tp –trombxane 1 –A2 ,DP-PGD2, IP –prostacyclin or PGI2, FP-PGF2 a ,and EP1,2,3and 4 , PGE2 receptors etc  .Prostgladin PGI2 could potentiate myometrial relaxation by increasing camp signaling.  Many studies show that there are many regional changes in upper and lower segment during pregnancy.  An variable concentration gradient of different PG receptor from fundus towards cervix has been noted.  Thus it is entirely possible that prostanoids contribute to uterine quiescence in pregnancy and myometrial contraction at the time of parturition
  • 12. Natriuretic Peptide And Cyclic Guanosine monophosphate(cGMP) --- Uterine Quiescence  Activation of guanylyl cyclase increases intracellular concentration of cGMP in myometrium and results in its relaxation.  Intra myometrial cGMP is also increased by Atrial and Brain Natriuretic peptides (ANP & BNP )--- both are present in myometrium during pregnancy.  BNP is secreted by amnion in large amount while ANP is expressed by placenta.  Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase is also activated by Nitric Oxide which penetrates the plasma membrane of myometrium -- -- Nitric oxide reacts with Iron and stimulates Guanylyl Cyclase to produce plenty of cGMP and myometrial relaxation .  How much role does this mechanism play in uterine quiescence is not much clear?
  • 13. Accelerated Uterotonins Degradation---Uterine quiescence  There is strikingly increased activities of enzymes --that degrade or in activate the uterotonins --- Bio-Chemicals that stimulate uterine contractions.  PGDH –degrades PGs.  enkephalinase and endothelins.  Oxytocinase--- inactivate –oxytocin.  Diamine oxidase and Histamine.  Catachol-o –methyl transferase.  Angoitensinase and Angiotensin II.  Platelet activating Factor( PAF ), acetyl hydralase and PAF etc.  Activity of these degrading and inactivating enzymes is increased by progesterone.
  • 14. Summary of factors ---Cause Uterine Quiescence Receptors --- G. Proteins ,B adenolyl cyclase –cAMP and legends ,LH & hCG and Progesterone receptors Uterine Quiscence Degradation of Uterotonins Relaxin Cortico tropin Realeasing Hormone Prostacylins ANP, BNP and cGMP Progesterone Nitric Oxide Apocrines & autocrines
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  • 16. Machanism Of Uterine contractions In Parturition
  • 17. Possible mechanism of Initiation of labour  Fetus is initial source of signals for parturition initiation .  One or many uterotonins( Bio chemicals that stimulate myometrial contraction ) produced in increasing amount and presence of myometrial receptors on/ in myocytes for uterotonins.
  • 18. Unique features of myometrium  Degree of muscle fiber shortening with contraction is greater than that of skeletal muscle fiber.  Force generated by myometrial muscle contraction can be extended in multiple directions .  In myometrium , the thick and thin filaments are filaments are found in long and Random bundles throughout the muscle cell . This plaxiform arrangement aids greater shortening and force generating capacity to the muscle cell.  Greater multidirectional force generation occur in the uterine upper segment as compared to lower segment which permits versatility in expulsive force directionally.
  • 19. Regulation of myometrial Contraction And Relaxation  Myometrial Contraction ---controlled by transcription of Key Genes ; that produce kinetic proteins that repress/ enhance cellular activity.  These Kinetic proteins – 1. Enhance the inter action between Actin & myosin proteins bring about muscle contraction 2. increase excitability of each individual cell. 3.Promote intracellular cross talk that allows synchronous contraction.
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  • 21. Actin –Myosin Interaction  Actin-Myocin interaction is essential for muscle contraction.  Interaction needs conversion of globular Actin in to filamentous form .  Actin must be attached to at a focal point at cytoskeleton in the cell membranes –to allow tension.  Actin must partner with Myosin.  Myosin Is composed of light and heavy chains .  Interaction of Actin –Myosin Needs activation of ATP --- ATP hydrolysis—Generation of energy –e.g. Force.  This is brought about by Enzyme Phosphorilation—of the 20- KDa (light chain of Myosin.  Phosphorilation reaction is catalyzed by Both the enzyme – Myosin light chain Kinase –activated By Ca++.  Ca++ binds to Calmodium , a Ca ++ binding regulatory protein, - --This complex binds and activate the Myosin light chain Kinase. As explained in FiG A and B
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  • 27. Role of Ca++ in Myometrial Contractility  Myometrial contractility is regulated by electro –chemical potential gradient across the cell membrane.  Prior to labour Myocyte maintains High(Intra cellular ) electro negativity .  This state is maintained by combined actions of ATPase –driven Na+ --- K + Pump and large conductance ; voltage andCa2++ sensitive K channel –called maxi K Channel.  During uterine quiescence . This maxi-K channel is opened and allows K+ to move out of cell and thus the intra cellular electro negativity is maintained.  At the time of labour electro negativity leads to depolarization and brings about contraction .  Myocyte contraction requires intracellular influx of Ca2++ through legend and voltage regulatory channels.  Ca2++ influx is brought about by agents like – PgF2a and oxytocin .  PGF2a and oxytocin combines with their receptors and open the legend activated Ca2++ channels.  Activation of these receptors also release Ca++ from internal sacroplasm reticulum .  Increase intracellular Ca== leads to drop in intra cellular electro negativity --- action potential is generated ----Actin –Myosin interaction ------myocyte contraction
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  • 34. Gap Junctions in Myometrium  Gap junctions are intercellular channels through which , cellular signals for contraction / relaxation are transferred from one myocyte to adjoining myocyte.  Establishment of intercellular communication also aids in the process of electric, ion and metabolic coupling .  Transmembrane channels that makeup the gap junctions-- - consists of 2 proteins ; called “hemi channels” also termed as Connexons.  Each connexon is made of 6 sub unit proteins  These pair of connexons establish conduit between couple cells for the exchange of small molecules like nutrients b, waste products, metabolites . Ions and second massagers etc.
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  • 36. Myometrial Cell surface receptors  There are many surface receptors which directly regulate the myocyte contraction state.  Their major Varieties are 1. G. protein linked 2. Ion channel linked and 3.Enzyme linked.  G. Protein linked receptors associated with Adenolyl cyclase activation –example LH and CRHR1a receptors ,G.protein mediated activation of Phosphoryilase C.  Legend of G. coupled receptors also include neuropeptides, hormones and autocoids .  These varieties of cell surface receptors are increased many fold in pregnancy and parturition .  Their modes include endocrine, paracrine and autocrines and through the surface receptors they effect / modulate the myomtrial response during pregnancy and parturition.
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  • 40. Role of Functional Progesterone Withdrawal in human Parturition  There are varieties of progesterone receptors— (A) Nuclear—progesterone receptor protein isomers—PR-A, PR-Band PR-C .and their co activtors . (B) Membrane associated progesterone receptors –mPR-alpha, mPR-beta, mPR-y.mPR alpha and beta couple with inhibitory G. proteins , legend binding to these receptors decreases cAMP levels and increase myosin phospholyration both of them increase myometrial contractility at term . Multiple pathways exist for a functional withdrawal of progesterone in term myometrium to make it less quiescent and more responsive to contraction effect of utertonins
  • 41. Estrogens ---myometrial preparation for Parturition  Estrogen level remain high throughout the pregnancy ,but functional withdrawal of progesterone ---makes its upper hand.  Estrogen Brings about myometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy during early gestational period .  It promotes glycogen storage in myometium .  It enriches Myometrial with ATP, Ca++.  It makes myometrium more sensitive to uterotonins like Oxytocin, PGE2 and PGF2a.
  • 42. Oxytocin Receptors---Phase 2 Of Parturition  There is marked increase in number of oxytocin receptors and their activation in phase2 of parturition; more over there activation in increased Phospholipase C activity, subsequent influx of Ca++ in cytoplasm of myocytes and increased uterine contractility.  The level of oxytocin receptor in human term myometrium is greater than that in preterm myometrium .  Estradiol and progestins are primary regulators of oxytocin receptors expression .  Estradiol increase oxytocin receptors which can be prevented to some extend by progesterone therapy.  Progesterone increase degradation of intra cytoplasmic oxytocin receptors and inhibit the activation of oxytocin receptors on cell surface too.
  • 43. Relaxin in Phase2 OF Parturition  Relaxin Though plays its role in uterine quiescence in pregnancy, but also has its role in remodeling the Extra cellular tissue of female genital tract ,Pubis symphysis and breast.  Relaxin mediate synthesis of Glycoso aminoglycans , prtoglycans and matrix metalloproteases which degrade macro molecules of collagen.
  • 44. Fetal –Placental Cascade leading to Parturition  Activation of Fetal Hypothalmo-pituitary- Adrenal axis at term--- ACTH secretion.  Fetal Adrenals --- produce – DHEA-5. cortisol and Estradiol by aromatization .  Fetal Adrenals are also stimulated by placental CRH.  CRH levels are increased in maternal , fetal circulation as well as in amniotic fluid .  Fetal cortisol also stimulates fetal CRH which modulate uterine contractility through CRH-Rid isomers of CRH receptors .  Fetal cortisol---increases myometrial contractility by stimulating Prostaglandin biosynthesis by fetal membranes,  Fetal –adrenal estrogen crosses placental barrier and reach in maternal circulation ---changing estrogen to progesterone ratio---promote series of contractile proteins in myometrium ---loss of uterine quiescence.  Increased CRH level in last weeks of gestation and phase2 of parturition reflects –A FETAL PLACENTAL CLOCK..  Thus fetus and placenta through their endocrinological events influence the timing of parturition
  • 45. Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone( CRH) in phase 2& 3 of parturition  In late pregnancy and parturition the modification in CRH receptors expression --- favors its role cAMP (relaxation effect ) to protein Kinase C activation --- results in increased Ca++ influx in myometrium --- myometrial contractions start.  Oxytocin attenuates CRH receptors expressing through cAMP and so the CRH now augments the contractile responsiveness of myometrium to even small dose of oxytocin at term.  CRH also acts to increase the myometrial contraction force in response to PGF2a.
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  • 48. Fetal Lung Maturity And parturition  Surfactant proteins A ( SP-A )produced by fetal lung is required for fetal lung maturity.  Pulmo-bronchial tree is communicating with amniotic sac – SP-A level rises in amniotic fluid , parallel to lung maturity--- It activates fluid macrophases ---migrate to endometrium and induce Nuclear Factor-KB.  Nuclear factor KB activates inflammatory response genes in myometrium --- promote PG receptors and PG synthesis too --- increased myometrial contractility.  Pulmonary surfactant and other surfactant components such as platelet activating Factor when secreted in Amniotic Fluid ---- have been reported to induce PGs synthesis and uterine contractions.
  • 49. Utertonins---Systems to ensure SuCcurcreenst dsa toa ffa vPohr tahes tehe 3or yo off Lpabaorrt iunirtiiattiioonn by uterotonins.  Increased production of uterotonins must follow once phase one is suspended, phase 2 is implemented .  Number of uterotonins are important for success of phase 3 e.g. Active labor.  Uterotonins are--- Oxytocin, prostaglandins, serotonin ,histamine, PAF, Endothelin , Angiotensin II and others--- all have been shown to stimulate myometrial contraction through G protein coupling.
  • 50. Oxytocin = Quick Birth,(Synthesis) Magnacellular Neurones of Supra optic , Paraventricular nucleus Of Hypothalamus Production of Prohormone Transported with Carrier Protein –Neuro physin Neural lobe of Posterior Pituitary –Stored in Vesicles Prohormone is changed by Enzyme in to Oxytocin during Transport
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  • 52. Oxytocin In phase 2,3 and 4 of parturition  Number of Oxytocin receptors in myometrium and other tissues are increased by > 50 fold at term.  Oxytocin acts on decidua to produce PGs.  Oxytocin is also produced locally by decdiua, Extra embryonic fetal tissue and placenta.  The blood level of active Oxytocin is increase many times during active phase of labor and immediately after the end of 3rd stage .  Its secretion also increases during Breast feeding.  Oxytocin produces increased level of mRNA in myometrial genes that encode proteins ----interstitial collagenase , monocyte attractant , interleukin 8 and urokinase plasminogen activator ---those help in uterine contraction and retraction --- more so in puerperium necessary for involution.
  • 53. Prostaglandins in Phase 3 of Parturition  Role of PGs in Phase 2 is limited and unclear , but these play a critical role in phase 3 of parturition—Evidenced by- 1. Levels of PGs and metabolites increase in myometrium, AF, decidua, maternal plasma and urine in active labor. 2. Administration of PGs can result in abortion / delivery at any gestational period. 3. Administration of PGHS-2 inhibitors like Endomethacin/ Aspirin can inhibit myometrial contractions. 4. Receptor for PGf2a increase in decidua and myometrium at term –a most regulatory step in action of PG on myometrium. 5. Myometrium itself also synthesizes PGHS-2, though decidua is main source of PGs. 6. PGs level increases in fore water bag more than that in hind water bag due to local damage to separating decidua. Pgs along with cytokinins result in degradation of cervical matrix --- cervical ripening and dilatation
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  • 57. Platelet Activating factor(PAF)  PAF is produced In Basophill.Eosinophills, Neutophills, monocyes, macrophase and endothelial cells.PAF receptors are member of G. protein coupled family of trans membrane receptors.  PAF is inactivated by PAF acetylhydrolase(PAF-AH) present in macrophases – found in large amount in decidua during pregnancy and inhibits PAF action On Myometrial cell membrane--- no Ca++ influx in myocytes during pregnancy and help in uterine quiescence.  But at term and during labor level of PAF increases locally and its inhibitory effect is absent(no enzymaic inhibition ) as a result PAF activity Increases Ca++ influx in myometrium and uterine contraction start.
  • 58. Endothelin -1  Endothelins are a family of 21 amino acid peptides.  Its receptor endothelin A receptor is present on muscle cells and is stimulated by endothelin 1 to increase Ca++ influx in muscle cell – resulting in myometrial contraction.  Endothelin1 is present in myometrium and amniotic fluid during labor .  Enzyme to catalyze and inhibit its action is also present in chorion leave during pregnancy – Uterine quiescence --- It decreases at term.
  • 59. Angiotensin II– in phase of parturition  There are 2 types of G. protein linked Angiotensin Receptors –AT 1 & AT2.  AT2 is prominent in non pregnant uterus , AT 1 is expressed during pregnancy and labour .  Potential mechanism of Angiotensin II through receptor AT1(by increased responsiveness ) during PET and eclampsia emphasizes its role in physiology of Parturition.
  • 60. Contribution of Intra uterine tissue To Parturition  Intra Uterine Tissue They have a potential role in parturition initiation Amnion , chorion laeve and decidua parietals are likely to have alternate action .Amnion and decidua comprises and important tissue cell around fetus that serves as physical, immunological and metabolic protective shield that protect against untimely initiation of parturition. In late weeks of gestation the amniotic membranes indeed may prepare for initiation of parturition.
  • 61. Contribution of Intra uterine tissue To Parturition  Amnion Tensile strength of membranes and resistance to rupture is provided by amnion. -This avascular tissue is highly resistant to penetration by leucocytes and micro organisms. - It also serves as protective filter to prevent fetal particulates –bound lung and skin secretion of fetus from entering in maternal circulation i.e. adverse effect of fetal particulates and secretion on deciduas, myometrial activation and even Amniotic fluid embolism. - several bioactive peptides and PGs are secreted ( synthesized Phospholirase A2 and PGHS2 )by amnion and these regulate the events to initiate the process of parturition and rupture of membranes.
  • 62. Amnion --- Cont.  Influence of amnion derived PGs on uterine quiescence during pregnancy and uterine contractions during labor is less clear.  Decidua prevents their( PGs) penetration to myometrium and inactivation by PG Dehydrogenase enzyme --- keep them away from myometrium during pregnancy ---- uterine quiescence is maintained.  In late weeks of pregnancy production and activity of PG dehydrogenase decreases markedly and at the same time decidual permeability to amnion –PGs also increases , increased synthesis of PGs by increasing activity of phospholirase A2 and PGH synthase type 2 (PGSH 2) enzymes .  Thus expression of PGf2 a on myometrium through increased PG receptors in myometrium --- it plays an important role in initiation of labor.
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  • 64. Decidua Parietalis  Generation of decidual uterotonins---that act in paracrine manner on myometium.  Decidua expresses steroidal metabolic enzymes such as 20aHSD and 5a R1 ---they regulate local progesterone withdrawal.  Deciduas prevents penetration of amniotic PGs to myometrium and PGs dehydrogenase enzyme activity destroys PGS. --- Uterine quiescence during pregnancy.  Decidual contribution to active labour in late pregnancy appears to be localized to the exposed decidual fragments lining the forewater bag which has separated from its attachment with myometrium of lower segment.  Trauma ,hypoxia , exposure of fore water bag decidual fragments to endotoxins--- lipopolysccides, micro organisms, interleukin1B(IL-1B)present in the vaginal fluids ---provoke inflammatory process as cervical canal is partially open .
  • 65. Open Internal Os---Exposed and separated fore water bag from cervical tissue Fragmented Decidua– inflammatory reaction by elements in vaginal fluid
  • 66. Partially Dilated cervix and more exposed fore water bag to vaginal fluid
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  • 68. D Tehcis iindfluamam aptoray raciteiont a---lciysto-k-in-in-es are produced – increase production of PGs in amniotic membranes ----- can reach to myometrium and act directly on it------ initiation of uterine contraction.  Tumor Necrotizing Factor alpha (TNFa) and interleukins 1, 6, 8, and 12 also act as chemokinines that recruit to the myometrium  Infiltration of leukocytes--- as inflammatory process --- production of cyokinines and increased phospholyration of Archadonic acid to PGF2a.----increased uterine activity .  Major role of decidual PGs regulation is not only increased permeability to PGs ,but its production also and increased expression of PGF2a receptors on myometrium.
  • 69. Initiation Of Parturition-G-proteins coupled receptors-actin myosin action –phase 2,3,4, Progesterone withdrawal increased Estrogen - increasedE2 receptors & their response.Producton of Oxytocin, PGF2a Altered E:P ratio decreased activity of Oxytocinase activity Fetal Adrenals – Pituitary axis --- cortisol,estradiol e production from DHt from placenta Pgs synthesis in fetal membranes – PGF2a &PGE2 promote Gap Junction , increase d response to receptors –E2, oxytocin ,cytokinines,PAF, endothelines , PGs synthesis ---increased Uterine contractility fragmentation, inflammatory cervical Decidual compliance – ripening dilatation ,Streachibilit y –Pgs synthesis action Ferguson reflex
  • 70. Summary( phase 3,4 of parturition)  It is possible that multiple and redundant processes contribute to success of active labour as once the phase 1 ( uterine quiescence and cervical remodeling) ends, and phase 2 is implemented.  Phase 3 is highlighted by activity of G –proteins coupled receptors which inhibit cAMP formation , increases intracellular Ca++ storage – action potential generated , ATP liberate energy , acting myosin action --- bring myometral contractions.  Increased , coordinated progressive and effective myometrial contractions with sufficient amplitude and frequency generate enough force ---pressure gradient and increased intra uterine pressure needed to push fetus downwards in birth canal.
  • 71. Summary---  Simultaneously cervical protoglycans bring about changes in collagen tissue of cervix --- promote structural changes, cervical tissue compliance, increased softness, strachibility, distensionablity,---progressive cervical dilatation .  The source of regulatory legends --- receptors variation , endocrinological hormones such as oxytocin to locally produce PGs in fetal Membranes .  In phase 4 , a complete series of repair forces and initiative to resolve inflammatory response ---removal of glycoso-aminoglycans, protoglycans and structurally compromised collagen .  Simultaneously intercellular matrix and cellular components needed for uterine involution are synthesized.  Dense connective tissue and structural integrity of rigid, firm, closed cervix --- cervical reform--- also achieved .  Other body parts are also march back to their pre pregnancy status--- so far possible.

Editor's Notes

  1. On contiguous