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I dressed the wound; god healed It“ 
-Ambroise Pare, French Surgeon, 16th Century
ī‚§ WOUND 
ī‚§ Wound is a break in the integrity of skin or 
tissue often ,which may be associated with 
disruption of the structure and function. 
ī‚§ Wound is an injury to the body that is usually 
associated with damage to underlying 
ī‚§ Common causes are violence, accident or 
surgery that typically involves laceration or 
breaking of a membrane (as skin).
(Rank &Wakefield) 
ī‚§ Two Types: 
ī‚§ 1.TIDY-Incised,caused by sharp object, 
no tissue loss,heal by primary intention. 
ī‚§ 2.UNTIDY-Crushed,teared,devitalised,burn, 
tissue loss,heal by secondary intention.
-Contusion or bruising 
-Crushed or contused wound
ī‚§ Contusion:-Minor soft injury without break in skin 
and there is discolouration of skin. 
ī‚§ Abrasion:-Shearing of skin,surface rubbed off and 
epidermis of skin scraped exposing dermis.Painful 
as dermal nerve exposed. 
ī‚§ Haematoma:-Collection of blood following injury.It 
may be subcutaneous,intramuscular, subfascial and 
intra articular. 
ī‚§ Incised wound:-Caused by sharp object,neat and 
clean scar,tidy 
ī‚§ Lacerated wound:-Caused by blunt object like in 
RTA or fall on stone.Edges are irregular and 
ragged,devitalised tissue,untidy
ī‚§ Penetrating wound:Like stab injury of abdomen 
.It look like small but may have been damage 
internal organ.Depth is more than length. 
ī‚§ Crushed wound:Caused by blunt trauma like 
RTA,earthquakes,wall collapse.Dangerous as 
they cause severe haemorrhge,death of tissue 
and crushing blood vessel.More prone for gas 
gangrene, tetanus,muscle ischemia, etc.
CONTUSION-soft tissue injury without break in skin. collection of 
blood underneath
ABRASION-epidermis is scraped, exposing dermis
HEMATOMA-collection of blood following injury or spontaneously 
as in patients who have bleeding tendencies
INCISED WOUND-caused by sharp objects like knife,blade,glass 
etc,have sharp edges
LACERATED WOUND-caused by blunt objects,like fall on hard 
surface,road traffic accidents
PENETRATING WOUND-stab injuries, innocent injury with 1-2 
cm cut, but internal organs might have been damaged
CRUSHED WOUND-caused by blunt traumadue to run over by 
vehicle, wall collapse, earth quakes or industrial accidents.severe 
haemorrhage,death of tissues and crushing of blood vessels
Wound healing is a mechanism where by the 
body attempts- 
ī‚§ To restore the integrity and function of 
injured part 
ī‚§ To reform barrier to fluid loss and infection 
ī‚§ Limit further entry of foreign organism and material 
ī‚§ Re-establish normal blood and lymphatic’s patterns
1.By Primary intention:Occurs in clean incised 
wound,edges opposed and minimal scar that is 
clean,neat and thin. 
2.By Secondary intention:Occurs in infected 
wound,discharging pus and skin loss like in 
major trauma,burn or sepsis.Wound left 
open,increased inflammation and proliferation. 
it heals by granulation,contraction and 
epithelialisation.Poor,ugly and wide scar.
3.ByTertiary intention:Wound initially left 
open,edges later opposed when healing 
condition favourable.
Wound Healing 
Features Primary union 
(First intention ) 
Secondary union 
(Second intention ) 
1 ) Cleanliness Clean Unclean 
2 )Infection Generally uninfected May be infected 
3 )Margins Surgically clean Irregular 
4 )Sutures Used Not used 
5 ) Healing Scanty granulation tissue 
at the incised gap and 
along suture tracks 
Exuberant granulation 
tissue to fill the gap 
6 )Outcome Neat linear scar Contracted irregular 
7 ) Complications Infrequent, epidermal 
inclusion cyst formation 
Suppuration, may require 
ī‚§ 1.Inflammatory phase 
ī‚§ 2.Proliferative phase 
ī‚§ 3.Remodelling phase(maturation phase) 
ī‚§ All these 3 phase involve: 
-stage of inflammation 
-stage of granulation tissue formation and 
-stage of epithelialisation 
-stage of scar formation and resorption 
-stage of maturation
ī‚§ Inflammatory phase/lag/substrate or exudative 
Occasionally haemostatic phase is referred to 
occur before inflammatory phase consisting of 
formation of blood clot (vasoconstriction & 
thrombus formation ) Inflammatory phase begin 
immediately after wounding and last 2-3 days. 
ī‚§ Features-Rubur(redness),Tumour(swelling), 
Calor(heat),Dolor(pain) and loss of function.
Inflammatory Phase (contâ€Ļ) 
ī‚§ Damaged epithelial Blood platelets Macrophages 
EGF TNF Prostaglandins Collagenase 
Interleukin Histamine Elastase 
Platelet factor I V 
Platelets and local tissue release vasoactive amines like 
histamine,serotonin,prostaglandins.Vasoactive amines 
&Growth factors attract inflammatory cells 
Increase vascular permeability aiding inflammatory cell 
Polymorphonuclear cell+macrophages ,PMN cells appears after 
48hrs which secretes inflammatory mediators & bactericidal 
oxygen derived free radicals 
These cells remove devitalised tissue, microorganism, foreign 
Macrophages regulate fibroblast activity by secreting FGF 
which enhances angiogenesis 
Beginning of Proliferative phase
ī‚§ Proliferative phase:Last from 3rd day to 3rd week. 
ī‚§ As fibroblastic activity begin it give rise to 
protocollagen which is converted into collagen 
in presence of protocollagen hydroxylase by 
hydroxylation require O2,vit-c and ferrous ions. 
ī‚§ Production of collagen and ground 
substance(proteoglycans help in binding 
collagen fiber).from 5th day PMN cell decrease 
and monocyte increase(specialised scavanger). 
ī‚§ Start growth of new blood vessel as capillary 
loop(angiogenesis) and re-epithelisation of 
wound surface.
ī‚§ In early stage-Intense proliferation of fibroblast 
and capillaries and granulation tissue formation 
which is tissue in wound compromising newly laid 
capillaries with fibroblast and ground substance 
along with inflammatory cells.Epithelium of each 
side continue to grow and eventually unites in the 
upper dermis. 
ī‚§ In late stage- There is increase tensile strength of 
wound due to increase collagen,which is first 
deposited in random fashion and consist of 
type III collagen. 
ī‚§ 80-90 % of final strength (in postop period ) is 
achieved in 30 days.
ī‚§ Remodelling phase(maturation phase)(3week to 2 
year):Begins during the fibroblastic phase. 
Reorganisation of previously synthesized collagen. 
Maturation of collagen (type-I replacing type-III 
until 4:1 achieved).Balance between collagen 
synthesis and collagenolysis.Realignment of 
collagen fiber along line of tension and get cross 
linked for giving further tensile strength to scar. 
In latter decreased wound vascularity and wound 
contraction due to fibroblast and myofibroblast 
activity so redness of scar fades gradually.Scar may 
be hypertophic at first but flatten out eventually due 
to contraction of dermal collagen network and 
increase breakdown of collagen .
Remodelling (Cont..) 
Collagen production is not present after 42 days of wound healing. 
ī‚§ Wound is strengthened by proliferation of Fibroblast 
and myofibroblast which get structural support from 
Extracellular matrix which has following components : 
A- Collagen (Fibrous tissue,Bone, Cartilage,Valves, 
Cornea etc ) Stimulated by GF. Defective collagen 
synthesis leads to Fibrosis, Hypertrophic scar, Organ 
B-Adhesive Glycoproteins (Glue) 
C- Elastic Fibres (Elastic recoil) 
D- Proteoglycans eg Dermatan & chondroitin sulphate 
Healing in specific tissue 
1. Bone:fracture of bone 
Ist stage-stage of haematoma: From injury to blood 
vessel to haematoma formation. 
.osteoblast synthesis 
.fracture end gap filled by blood 
.blood clot act as frame work formed by fibrin 
This stage last up to 7days.If gap exist, secondary 
healing lead to malunion,delayed union and 
ī‚§ IInd stage-Stage of granulation tissue: 
Procallus formation(mass of tissue , 
disorganise tissue) 
Mineralisation of procallus 
Fracture is mobile 
Last up to 2-3week 
ī‚§ IIIrd stag-stage of callus:Bony callus formed 
,fracture clinically united.Last up to 4-12week. 
ī‚§ IVth stage:stage of remodelling of callus,done by 
osteoclast.Out line of callus become dense and 
sharply defined.It takes 1-4years 
ī‚§ Vth stage:stage of modelling of endosteal 
&periosteal,fracture site is indistinguishable.
2.Cartilage:Injury lead to permanent defect due to 
less blood supply. 
In superficial injury healing power inadequate 
&regeneration is incomplete ,slow to heal result 
persistent structural defect. 
In deep injury healing is better as underlying bone 
and soft tissue involvement(vascular).
3.Tendon:Due to mobility of underlying bone or 
muscle, damage ends usually separated. 
Healing process is similar as other area of body. 
Hypovascular tendon tends to heal with less 
motion and more scar formation than tendon 
with better blood supply.
4.Nerve:Distal to wound ,wallerian degeneration 
occur.Proximally the nerve suffer traumatic 
degeneration as far as last node of Ranvier. 
Regenerating nerve fiber attracted to their 
receptors by neurotropism which is mediated by 
growth factor,hormone and other extracellular 
matrix trophins.Profuse growth of nerve fiber 
which sprout from the cut proximal wound . 
Overgrowth with poor approximation lead to 
neuroma formation.
1. Age (older) - healing delayed 
2. Obesity and weight loss 
3. Smoking 
4. Malnutriton=vit-c and zinc deficency delay wound 
healing as vit-c is cofactor for hydroxylation and 
zinc is cofactor for collagen synthesis, protein 
depletion prolongs inflammatory phase, Copper - 
extracellular cofactor, required for collagen 
crosslinking,Magnesium -cofactor in glycolization 
Vit-A increase inflammatory response in membrane 
so deficiency delay wound healing. Vit E does not 
increase wound healing, in absence of steroids may 
reactivate disease for which steroids are given, it 
decreases collagen synthesis and inhibits wound healing.
5.Trace Metals- Zinc, Copper, Mg 
6 .Anemia 
7.Diabetic patient :delayed healing due to 
microangiopathy , atherosclerosis and decrease 
phagocytic activity 
8.Jaundice and uraemic patient :healing delayed due to 
fibroblastic repair delayed 
9.Colonisation (gram-ve bact) and translocation in 
GI tract(failure of gut-associated with lymphoid 
tissue and villous atrophy)
10.Drug-Steroids(early given delay, after healing no 
effect) inhibit macrophage function, decrease 
inflammatory response and its inhibitory effects 
reversed by VitA . 
Anti neoplastic agent - 
(cyclophosphamide,methotrexate) decreased WBC’s, 
decreased fibroblast proliferation, decreased 
woundcontraction, decreased protein synthesis 
NSAIDs - decrease collagen synthesis by 45% even at 
normal levels. 
Tamoxifen(antiestrogen) delay healing 
12.HIV and immunosuppresive disease 
13.Peripheral vascular diseases
1. Local infection 
2. Presence of necrotic tissue and foreign body 
3. Poor blood supply and perfusion 
4. Venous or lymph stasis 
5. Tissue tension 
6. Haematoma and dead space 
7. Large defect or poor opposition 
8. Recurrent trauma 
9. X-ray irradiated area 
10. Site of wound-eg.over joint and back has poor 
11.Type of wound 
13.Faulty technique of wound closure
ī‚§ Investigate according to location and type of 
ī‚§ Investigate to rule out cause of delayed healing 
ī‚§ Hb gm%-to rule out anemia 
ī‚§ Total leucocyte count-to rule out infection 
ī‚§ Blood sugar-to rule out DM 
ī‚§ Blood urea-to rule out uraemia 
ī‚§ LFT-to rule out jaundice 
ī‚§ Lipid profile and doppler study of arterial 
pressure to rule out any ischemic aetiology 
ī‚§ X-ray of dependent part to rule out is bony 
pathology involve or fracture.
ī‚§ Careful history 
ī‚§ Examination of wound and classified it: 
depth of wound 
involvement of underlying structure 
nonviable tissue 
if vital area involve then - 
airway maintained,bleeding controlled,IV FLUID 
started,if require o2 given
ī‚§Administration of tetnus prophylaxis 
ī‚§Administration of pain killer 
ī‚§With normal saline clean the wound and remove the 
foreign material.(Iodine,hydrogen peroxide and 
organically based antibacterial not used as they impair 
wound healing due to injury to neutrophil and 
macrophage at wound site)
ī‚§ If exsessive bleeding is there, haemostasis 
maintained by pressure pad and start I.V line. 
ī‚§ If there is non-viable or devitalised tissue 
debridement done until bleeding occur. 
ī‚§ All hematoma present within wounds should be 
carefully evacuated and bleeding sources 
controlled with ligature or cautery. 
ī‚§ Having ensured hemostasis and adequate 
debridement and removal of foreign 
body,irregular wound edge should be debride in 
order to provide fresh edge for reapproximation.
ī‚§ Approximation of superficial layer by 
nonabsorable suture,staples,monofilament, 
octyl-cyanoacrylate tissue glues and deeper layer 
by absorble suture . 
- incised wound-primary suturing 
- lacerated wound-excison and primary 
- crushed-delayed primary suturing after 
- deep devitalised tissue-after debridement and 
granulation if it is small then secondary suturing,if 
it is large then split skin grafting done. 
- in significant tissue loss require tissue mass for 
ī‚§ Primary suturing: 
suturing wound within few hour following 
injury(ideal 6hr). 
DONE IN-Incised wound,no infection and foreign 
body,minimal injury to either side structure. 
ī‚§ Wound excision and primary suturing of skin 
indicated when wound edge are jagged , 
contamination of wound by organism or foreign 
body,tissue are crushed or devitalised then wound 
is explored ,remove foreign body, wound irrigated 
with saline ,convert lacerated wound into incised 
then suturing done.
ī‚§ Wound excision and delayed primary suturing 
done in lacerated wound with major crush injury 
so in such situation excision of dead tissue , 
irrigation of wound by antiseptic agent,dressing 
done and after 4-6 day wound re-examined if no 
infection then suturing done. 
ī‚§ Suturing is avoided because of-gross 
increase tissue tension 
contamination with bacteria
Sometimes after operations sutures may give way 
because of severe infection with persistent 
discharge of pus 
7-14 Days later, after controlling infection,skin is 
free from the edge of the wound from granulation 
tissue and skin is approximated .This is called 
secondary suturing .
ī‚§ If wound is associated with tension then 
fasciotomy done to prevent compartment 
ī‚§ Drain may be placed in area at risk of forming 
fluid collection(craniotomy,intrathoracic, 
ī‚§ Fascicular repair of nerve and vessel using 8/0 or 
10/0 monofilament nylon 
ī‚§ Tendon repair for acheiving mobilisation. 
ī‚§ Removal of suture :4-5day of face and 7-10 day 
of other skin ,failure to remove result 
cosmetically inferior wound.
ī‚§ Antibiotics :used when obvious wound infection. 
Systemic antibiotic used as topical antibiotic 
frequently causes contact dermatitis. 
ī‚§ Wound dressing:it provide ideal environment for 
wound healing,comfortability,pain control,odour 
control and prevent from viral and bacterial 
contamination and further damage. 
ī‚§ 2type- primary:placed directly on wound and 
provide absorption of fluid and prevent from 
secondary:placed on primary dressing for 
further protection .
1. Absorbent-keep cotton or sponge 
2. Non adherent dressing-paraffin,petroleumjelly,jelonet 
they maintain moist environment and allow exudate 
to pass through them.Secondary dressing must be 
3. Semipermiable films(tegaderm)-Useful in superficial 
wound and dressing around catheter 
sites.Impermiable to bacteria and fluid but permeable 
to air and water vapour. 
4. Hydrogel(actiform cool,sterigel)transluscent,jelly like 
having soothing,cooling and analgesic effect.They are 
able to donate water to wound surface to maintain 
moist environment.useful in superficial and deep 
wound,sinus and cavity.useful in burn treatment.
5.Hydrocolloid(tegasorb)-adhere to dry or moist site and 
allow patient to bathe.useful in shallow or cavity 
wound especially in difficult area such as sacrum and 
6.Absorbent material:Used within wound as hemostat 
and include collagen,gelatin and oxidised cellulose. 
7.Alginates(sorbsan,kaltostat):derived from brown 
algae.Use –skin loss,open surgical wound with medium 
exudation and full-thickness chronic wound 
8.Medicated dressing: Used as drug delivery 
system.Agent delivered in dressing include benzoyal 
peroxide,zinc oxide,neomycin and bacitracin-zinc.They 
shown increase epithelisation by 28%.Used depends 
upon amount of wound drainage.
Complication of wound healing 
1. Infection 
2. Avoidable scar 
3. Excess healing-keloid and Hypertrophic scar 
4. Pigmentation of skin 
5. Marjolin ulcer-occur due to scar tissue 
6. Contractures 
7. Incisional hernia and wound dehiscence
INFECTED WOUND-when wound is red, swollen, 
painful, it has discharging pus or smells bad
ī‚§ LIKE CLAW:Excessive scar tissue 
that extend beyond the 
boundaries of original incision or 
ī‚§ Etiology is unknown usually 
associated with elevated level of 
growth factor ,deeply pigmented 
skin and inherited tendencey. 
ī‚§ Growth after 3month to year 
ī‚§ Area involve 
xiphisternum,shoulder tip ,upper 
back,ear lobe 
ī‚§ Excess collagen and hyper 
ī‚§ Itching present,margin slight tender,vascular,red 
and erythematous.Burning sensation present. 
ī‚§ Treatment:Excision alone of keloids is subject to 
high recurrence rate 45 to 100%.Fewer recurrence 
when surgical excision combined with other 
modalities such as-application 
of silicone sheet 
use of radiation or pressure 
ī‚§ Intralesional corticosteroid injection 
ī‚§ Topical retinods 
ī‚§ Vit-E or palm oil massage
ī‚§ Excessive scar tissue does not 
extend beyond the boundary 
of original incision or wound 
but rises above skin level. 
ī‚§ Develop 4 week after trauma 
ī‚§ Stocking ,armlet, elastic 
bandage(pressure garments) 
ī‚§ Excision, if required skin 
grafting done
INCISIONAL HERNIA-bulge or protusion at or 
near the area of surgical incision
CONTRACTURES-excessive contraction during wound 

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Wound healing

  • 2. I dressed the wound; god healed It“ -Ambroise Pare, French Surgeon, 16th Century
  • 4. WOUND ī‚§ Wound is a break in the integrity of skin or tissue often ,which may be associated with disruption of the structure and function. ī‚§ Wound is an injury to the body that is usually associated with damage to underlying tissues. ī‚§ Common causes are violence, accident or surgery that typically involves laceration or breaking of a membrane (as skin).
  • 5. CLASSIFICATION OF WOUND (Rank &Wakefield) ī‚§ Two Types: ī‚§ 1.TIDY-Incised,caused by sharp object, no tissue loss,heal by primary intention. ī‚§ 2.UNTIDY-Crushed,teared,devitalised,burn, tissue loss,heal by secondary intention.
  • 7. OTHER CLASSIFICATION 1.CLOSED WOUND -Contusion or bruising -Abrasion -Haematoma 2.OPENED WOUND -Incised -Lacerated -Penetrating -Crushed or contused wound
  • 8. ī‚§ Contusion:-Minor soft injury without break in skin and there is discolouration of skin. ī‚§ Abrasion:-Shearing of skin,surface rubbed off and epidermis of skin scraped exposing dermis.Painful as dermal nerve exposed. ī‚§ Haematoma:-Collection of blood following injury.It may be subcutaneous,intramuscular, subfascial and intra articular. ī‚§ Incised wound:-Caused by sharp object,neat and clean scar,tidy ī‚§ Lacerated wound:-Caused by blunt object like in RTA or fall on stone.Edges are irregular and ragged,devitalised tissue,untidy
  • 9. ī‚§ Penetrating wound:Like stab injury of abdomen .It look like small but may have been damage internal organ.Depth is more than length. ī‚§ Crushed wound:Caused by blunt trauma like RTA,earthquakes,wall collapse.Dangerous as they cause severe haemorrhge,death of tissue and crushing blood vessel.More prone for gas gangrene, tetanus,muscle ischemia, etc.
  • 10. CONTUSION-soft tissue injury without break in skin. collection of blood underneath
  • 12. HEMATOMA-collection of blood following injury or spontaneously as in patients who have bleeding tendencies
  • 13. INCISED WOUND-caused by sharp objects like knife,blade,glass etc,have sharp edges
  • 14. LACERATED WOUND-caused by blunt objects,like fall on hard surface,road traffic accidents
  • 15. PENETRATING WOUND-stab injuries, innocent injury with 1-2 cm cut, but internal organs might have been damaged
  • 16. CRUSHED WOUND-caused by blunt traumadue to run over by vehicle, wall collapse, earth quakes or industrial accidents.severe haemorrhage,death of tissues and crushing of blood vessels
  • 17. WOUND HEALING Wound healing is a mechanism where by the body attempts- ī‚§ To restore the integrity and function of injured part ī‚§ To reform barrier to fluid loss and infection ī‚§ Limit further entry of foreign organism and material ī‚§ Re-establish normal blood and lymphatic’s patterns
  • 18. CLASSIFICATION OF WOUND HEALING 1.By Primary intention:Occurs in clean incised wound,edges opposed and minimal scar that is clean,neat and thin. 2.By Secondary intention:Occurs in infected wound,discharging pus and skin loss like in major trauma,burn or sepsis.Wound left open,increased inflammation and proliferation. it heals by granulation,contraction and epithelialisation.Poor,ugly and wide scar.
  • 19. 3.ByTertiary intention:Wound initially left open,edges later opposed when healing condition favourable.
  • 20. Wound Healing Features Primary union (First intention ) Secondary union (Second intention ) 1 ) Cleanliness Clean Unclean 2 )Infection Generally uninfected May be infected 3 )Margins Surgically clean Irregular 4 )Sutures Used Not used 5 ) Healing Scanty granulation tissue at the incised gap and along suture tracks Exuberant granulation tissue to fill the gap 6 )Outcome Neat linear scar Contracted irregular wound 7 ) Complications Infrequent, epidermal inclusion cyst formation Suppuration, may require debridement
  • 21. PHASES OF WOUND HEALING ī‚§ 1.Inflammatory phase ī‚§ 2.Proliferative phase ī‚§ 3.Remodelling phase(maturation phase) ī‚§ All these 3 phase involve: -stage of inflammation -stage of granulation tissue formation and organisation -stage of epithelialisation -stage of scar formation and resorption -stage of maturation
  • 22. ī‚§ Inflammatory phase/lag/substrate or exudative phase: Occasionally haemostatic phase is referred to occur before inflammatory phase consisting of formation of blood clot (vasoconstriction & thrombus formation ) Inflammatory phase begin immediately after wounding and last 2-3 days. ī‚§ Features-Rubur(redness),Tumour(swelling), Calor(heat),Dolor(pain) and loss of function.
  • 23. Inflammatory Phase (contâ€Ļ) ī‚§ Damaged epithelial Blood platelets Macrophages cell GROWTH FACTORS CYTOKINES ENZYMES EGF TNF Prostaglandins Collagenase Interleukin Histamine Elastase Serotonin PDGF Platelet factor I V TGFβ F GF
  • 24. Platelets and local tissue release vasoactive amines like histamine,serotonin,prostaglandins.Vasoactive amines &Growth factors attract inflammatory cells Increase vascular permeability aiding inflammatory cell Polymorphonuclear cell+macrophages ,PMN cells appears after 48hrs which secretes inflammatory mediators & bactericidal oxygen derived free radicals These cells remove devitalised tissue, microorganism, foreign body Macrophages regulate fibroblast activity by secreting FGF which enhances angiogenesis Beginning of Proliferative phase
  • 25. ī‚§ Proliferative phase:Last from 3rd day to 3rd week. ī‚§ As fibroblastic activity begin it give rise to protocollagen which is converted into collagen in presence of protocollagen hydroxylase by hydroxylation require O2,vit-c and ferrous ions. ī‚§ Production of collagen and ground substance(proteoglycans help in binding collagen fiber).from 5th day PMN cell decrease and monocyte increase(specialised scavanger). ī‚§ Start growth of new blood vessel as capillary loop(angiogenesis) and re-epithelisation of wound surface.
  • 26. ī‚§ In early stage-Intense proliferation of fibroblast and capillaries and granulation tissue formation which is tissue in wound compromising newly laid capillaries with fibroblast and ground substance along with inflammatory cells.Epithelium of each side continue to grow and eventually unites in the upper dermis. ī‚§ In late stage- There is increase tensile strength of wound due to increase collagen,which is first deposited in random fashion and consist of type III collagen. ī‚§ 80-90 % of final strength (in postop period ) is achieved in 30 days.
  • 27. ī‚§ Remodelling phase(maturation phase)(3week to 2 year):Begins during the fibroblastic phase. Reorganisation of previously synthesized collagen. Maturation of collagen (type-I replacing type-III until 4:1 achieved).Balance between collagen synthesis and collagenolysis.Realignment of collagen fiber along line of tension and get cross linked for giving further tensile strength to scar. In latter decreased wound vascularity and wound contraction due to fibroblast and myofibroblast activity so redness of scar fades gradually.Scar may be hypertophic at first but flatten out eventually due to contraction of dermal collagen network and increase breakdown of collagen .
  • 28. Remodelling (Cont..) Collagen production is not present after 42 days of wound healing. ī‚§ Wound is strengthened by proliferation of Fibroblast and myofibroblast which get structural support from Extracellular matrix which has following components : A- Collagen (Fibrous tissue,Bone, Cartilage,Valves, Cornea etc ) Stimulated by GF. Defective collagen synthesis leads to Fibrosis, Hypertrophic scar, Organ dysfunction B-Adhesive Glycoproteins (Glue) C- Elastic Fibres (Elastic recoil) D- Proteoglycans eg Dermatan & chondroitin sulphate ī‚§
  • 29. Healing in specific tissue 1. Bone:fracture of bone Ist stage-stage of haematoma: From injury to blood vessel to haematoma formation. .osteoblast synthesis .fracture end gap filled by blood .blood clot act as frame work formed by fibrin This stage last up to 7days.If gap exist, secondary healing lead to malunion,delayed union and nonunion.
  • 30. ī‚§ IInd stage-Stage of granulation tissue: Procallus formation(mass of tissue , disorganise tissue) Mineralisation of procallus Fracture is mobile Last up to 2-3week ī‚§ IIIrd stag-stage of callus:Bony callus formed ,fracture clinically united.Last up to 4-12week. ī‚§ IVth stage:stage of remodelling of callus,done by osteoclast.Out line of callus become dense and sharply defined.It takes 1-4years ī‚§ Vth stage:stage of modelling of endosteal &periosteal,fracture site is indistinguishable.
  • 31. 2.Cartilage:Injury lead to permanent defect due to less blood supply. In superficial injury healing power inadequate &regeneration is incomplete ,slow to heal result persistent structural defect. In deep injury healing is better as underlying bone and soft tissue involvement(vascular).
  • 32. 3.Tendon:Due to mobility of underlying bone or muscle, damage ends usually separated. Healing process is similar as other area of body. Hypovascular tendon tends to heal with less motion and more scar formation than tendon with better blood supply.
  • 33. 4.Nerve:Distal to wound ,wallerian degeneration occur.Proximally the nerve suffer traumatic degeneration as far as last node of Ranvier. Regenerating nerve fiber attracted to their receptors by neurotropism which is mediated by growth factor,hormone and other extracellular matrix trophins.Profuse growth of nerve fiber which sprout from the cut proximal wound . Overgrowth with poor approximation lead to neuroma formation.
  • 34. FACTOR AFFECTING WOUND HEALING ī‚§ GENERAL FACTOR: 1. Age (older) - healing delayed 2. Obesity and weight loss 3. Smoking 4. Malnutriton=vit-c and zinc deficency delay wound healing as vit-c is cofactor for hydroxylation and zinc is cofactor for collagen synthesis, protein depletion prolongs inflammatory phase, Copper - extracellular cofactor, required for collagen crosslinking,Magnesium -cofactor in glycolization Vit-A increase inflammatory response in membrane so deficiency delay wound healing. Vit E does not increase wound healing, in absence of steroids may reactivate disease for which steroids are given, it decreases collagen synthesis and inhibits wound healing.
  • 35. 5.Trace Metals- Zinc, Copper, Mg 6 .Anemia 7.Diabetic patient :delayed healing due to microangiopathy , atherosclerosis and decrease phagocytic activity 8.Jaundice and uraemic patient :healing delayed due to fibroblastic repair delayed 9.Colonisation (gram-ve bact) and translocation in GI tract(failure of gut-associated with lymphoid tissue and villous atrophy)
  • 36. 10.Drug-Steroids(early given delay, after healing no effect) inhibit macrophage function, decrease inflammatory response and its inhibitory effects reversed by VitA . Anti neoplastic agent - (cyclophosphamide,methotrexate) decreased WBC’s, decreased fibroblast proliferation, decreased woundcontraction, decreased protein synthesis NSAIDs - decrease collagen synthesis by 45% even at normal levels. Tamoxifen(antiestrogen) delay healing 11.Malignancy 12.HIV and immunosuppresive disease 13.Peripheral vascular diseases
  • 37. ī‚§ LOCAL FACTOR: 1. Local infection 2. Presence of necrotic tissue and foreign body 3. Poor blood supply and perfusion 4. Venous or lymph stasis 5. Tissue tension 6. Haematoma and dead space 7. Large defect or poor opposition 8. Recurrent trauma 9. X-ray irradiated area 10. Site of wound-eg.over joint and back has poor healing
  • 38. 11.Type of wound 12.Hypoxia 13.Faulty technique of wound closure
  • 39. INVESTIGATION ī‚§ Investigate according to location and type of wound ī‚§ Investigate to rule out cause of delayed healing ī‚§ Hb gm%-to rule out anemia ī‚§ Total leucocyte count-to rule out infection ī‚§ Blood sugar-to rule out DM ī‚§ Blood urea-to rule out uraemia ī‚§ LFT-to rule out jaundice ī‚§ Lipid profile and doppler study of arterial pressure to rule out any ischemic aetiology ī‚§ X-ray of dependent part to rule out is bony pathology involve or fracture.
  • 40. MANAGING THE WOUND ī‚§ Careful history ī‚§ Examination of wound and classified it: depth of wound involvement of underlying structure configuration nonviable tissue if vital area involve then - airway maintained,bleeding controlled,IV FLUID started,if require o2 given
  • 41. ī‚§Administration of tetnus prophylaxis ī‚§Administration of pain killer ī‚§With normal saline clean the wound and remove the foreign material.(Iodine,hydrogen peroxide and organically based antibacterial not used as they impair wound healing due to injury to neutrophil and macrophage at wound site)
  • 42. ī‚§ If exsessive bleeding is there, haemostasis maintained by pressure pad and start I.V line. ī‚§ If there is non-viable or devitalised tissue debridement done until bleeding occur. ī‚§ All hematoma present within wounds should be carefully evacuated and bleeding sources controlled with ligature or cautery. ī‚§ Having ensured hemostasis and adequate debridement and removal of foreign body,irregular wound edge should be debride in order to provide fresh edge for reapproximation.
  • 43. ī‚§ Approximation of superficial layer by nonabsorable suture,staples,monofilament, octyl-cyanoacrylate tissue glues and deeper layer by absorble suture . - incised wound-primary suturing - lacerated wound-excison and primary suturing. - crushed-delayed primary suturing after debridement - deep devitalised tissue-after debridement and granulation if it is small then secondary suturing,if it is large then split skin grafting done. - in significant tissue loss require tissue mass for closure.
  • 44. ī‚§ Primary suturing: suturing wound within few hour following injury(ideal 6hr). DONE IN-Incised wound,no infection and foreign body,minimal injury to either side structure. ī‚§ Wound excision and primary suturing of skin indicated when wound edge are jagged , contamination of wound by organism or foreign body,tissue are crushed or devitalised then wound is explored ,remove foreign body, wound irrigated with saline ,convert lacerated wound into incised then suturing done.
  • 45. ī‚§ Wound excision and delayed primary suturing done in lacerated wound with major crush injury so in such situation excision of dead tissue , irrigation of wound by antiseptic agent,dressing done and after 4-6 day wound re-examined if no infection then suturing done. ī‚§ Suturing is avoided because of-gross oedema increase tissue tension haematoma contamination with bacteria
  • 46. SECONDARY SUTURING Sometimes after operations sutures may give way because of severe infection with persistent discharge of pus IN SUCH SITUATIONS 7-14 Days later, after controlling infection,skin is free from the edge of the wound from granulation tissue and skin is approximated .This is called secondary suturing .
  • 47. ī‚§ If wound is associated with tension then fasciotomy done to prevent compartment syndrome. ī‚§ Drain may be placed in area at risk of forming fluid collection(craniotomy,intrathoracic, intraabdominal) ī‚§ Fascicular repair of nerve and vessel using 8/0 or 10/0 monofilament nylon ī‚§ Tendon repair for acheiving mobilisation. ī‚§ Removal of suture :4-5day of face and 7-10 day of other skin ,failure to remove result cosmetically inferior wound.
  • 48. ī‚§ Antibiotics :used when obvious wound infection. Systemic antibiotic used as topical antibiotic frequently causes contact dermatitis. ī‚§ Wound dressing:it provide ideal environment for wound healing,comfortability,pain control,odour control and prevent from viral and bacterial contamination and further damage. ī‚§ 2type- primary:placed directly on wound and provide absorption of fluid and prevent from infection. secondary:placed on primary dressing for further protection .
  • 49. 1. Absorbent-keep cotton or sponge 2. Non adherent dressing-paraffin,petroleumjelly,jelonet they maintain moist environment and allow exudate to pass through them.Secondary dressing must be kept 3. Semipermiable films(tegaderm)-Useful in superficial wound and dressing around catheter sites.Impermiable to bacteria and fluid but permeable to air and water vapour. 4. Hydrogel(actiform cool,sterigel)transluscent,jelly like having soothing,cooling and analgesic effect.They are able to donate water to wound surface to maintain moist environment.useful in superficial and deep wound,sinus and cavity.useful in burn treatment.
  • 50. 5.Hydrocolloid(tegasorb)-adhere to dry or moist site and allow patient to bathe.useful in shallow or cavity wound especially in difficult area such as sacrum and heels. 6.Absorbent material:Used within wound as hemostat and include collagen,gelatin and oxidised cellulose. 7.Alginates(sorbsan,kaltostat):derived from brown algae.Use –skin loss,open surgical wound with medium exudation and full-thickness chronic wound 8.Medicated dressing: Used as drug delivery system.Agent delivered in dressing include benzoyal peroxide,zinc oxide,neomycin and bacitracin-zinc.They shown increase epithelisation by 28%.Used depends upon amount of wound drainage.
  • 51. Complication of wound healing 1. Infection 2. Avoidable scar 3. Excess healing-keloid and Hypertrophic scar 4. Pigmentation of skin 5. Marjolin ulcer-occur due to scar tissue 6. Contractures 7. Incisional hernia and wound dehiscence
  • 52. INFECTED WOUND-when wound is red, swollen, painful, it has discharging pus or smells bad
  • 53. KELOID ī‚§ LIKE CLAW:Excessive scar tissue that extend beyond the boundaries of original incision or wound. ī‚§ Etiology is unknown usually associated with elevated level of growth factor ,deeply pigmented skin and inherited tendencey. ī‚§ Growth after 3month to year ī‚§ Area involve xiphisternum,shoulder tip ,upper back,ear lobe ī‚§ Excess collagen and hyper vascularity
  • 54. ī‚§ Itching present,margin slight tender,vascular,red and erythematous.Burning sensation present. ī‚§ Treatment:Excision alone of keloids is subject to high recurrence rate 45 to 100%.Fewer recurrence when surgical excision combined with other modalities such as-application of silicone sheet use of radiation or pressure ī‚§ Intralesional corticosteroid injection ī‚§ Topical retinods ī‚§ Vit-E or palm oil massage
  • 55. HYPERTROPHIC SCAR ī‚§ Excessive scar tissue does not extend beyond the boundary of original incision or wound but rises above skin level. ī‚§ Develop 4 week after trauma ī‚§ Stocking ,armlet, elastic bandage(pressure garments) ī‚§ Excision, if required skin grafting done
  • 56. INCISIONAL HERNIA-bulge or protusion at or near the area of surgical incision