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Prof. M.C. Bansal.
                  MBBS.MS. MICOG . FICOG .
             Founder Principal & Controller.,
        Jhalawar Medical College & Hospital ,
                             Jhalawar ( Raj.)
Ex. P&C .MGMC and hospital,. Sitapura Jaipur
 Breathlessness ( Dyspnoea ) / shortness of breath
  /difficult, laboured , consciousness about taking breath
  is a common symptom during pregnancy.
 May be related to physiological changes in cardio-
  pulmonary, haemopoetic system , increase in weight
 Degree of breathlessness---
1. Orthopnoea-breathlessness when lying flat.
 2. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea- sudden onset of
    dyspnoea at night.
 3. Dyspnoea on rest.
 4. Dyspnoea-Mild , Moderate Extraneous.
 Breathlessness  of cardiac origin—Cardio-
  myopathies and congenital anomalies
  (surgically corrected or uncorrected ).
 Breathlessness of Respiratory origin.
 Haematological---Anaemia.
 Drug induced—NFT , NSAIDs, Inhalers ,
  Amiodarone .
 Psychological– anxiety , fear , Minor or major
 Metabolic—Acidosis / Alkalosis.
•      Other Congenital ___2
•      Unknown heart disease___2
•      Endocarditis _____3
•      Myocardiac infarction________5
•     Aortic Dissection________5
•     Peri Partum cardiomyopathy ______________7
•     Pulmonary hypertension_________________8
•     Myocarditis _____________________9
•   T0tal______________________________41
 Cardiao-myopathies—
    1. Peripartum cardiomyopathy.
    2. Dilated cardiomyopathy.
    3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

   Congenital heart Disease.
     1. Surgically corrected.
      2. non corrected.
 Breathlessness   caused by cardiomyopaty in
  pregnancy mainly comprises three types----
 1, Peripartum.,
 2, Dilated
 3, hypertrophic.
    Dilated and hypertrophic can effect any one and
  at any time in pregnancy.
     Peripartum cardiomyopathy occurs mostly in
  young women of Afro –Caribbean origin during last
  trimester or in the 1st 6 weeks of postpartum.
 - occurring in 1 in 3000-15000 pregnancy.
 -Some form of viral myocarditis has been
 -Maternal mortality is as high as 20% though foetal
 outcome is good.
 -Management is to correct the impaired systolic
 function of ventricles.
 -There is substantial risk of recurrence in future
 pregnancy and permanent impairment of left
 ventricular function.
 Condition is poorly tolerated in pregnancy.
 7% maternal mortality .
 There is elevated risk of heart failure., to be
 managed on same line of treatment as that for non
 pregnant women.
 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are
 avoided as they cause renal agenesis in foetus.
 Patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy usually
  tolerate the increased load in pregnancy ,. as left
  ventricle adopts in a physiological way.
 Women with murmur and increased gradient across
  the left ventricular flow may present with
  breathlessness for the 1st time in pregnancy.
 There is no risk of sudden death and maternal
  ECG, Ecogardiography trademill, genetic counselling
  are done for diagnosis.
 Women with severe diastolic dysfunction develop
  pulmonary congestion---leading to increased
  breathlessness and even pulmonary edema.
 complete bed rest, B-blockers are continued and
  diuretics are added.
 Atrial fibrillation is managed with low-molecular
   weight heparin and B- blockade . Cardioconversion
  may be done after excluding thrombus in atrium by
  trans oesophagial echocrdigraphy.
 prophylactic low forceps – vaginal delivery can be
  managed in as usual way for other cardiac patients.,
  less chances of prolonged labour and blood loss.
 Classification of congenital Heart disease----
 1. Low risk lesion.
       Ventricular septal defect .
       Atrial septal Defect ( unoperated)
        coarctation Of aorta
        Teratology of fallot repaired
   2. Moderate Risk lesion
         Mitral Stenosis
         Aortic Stenosis
         Fortan- type circulation
   3. High Risk Lesion
       Marfan Syndrome
       Eisenmanger Syndrome
Lesion            Exclude before   Potential risk   Recomonded Rx
                  Pregnancy                         in preg &
Low Risk Lesion
1.Ventrcular      Pulmonary        Arrhythmias      Antibiotic
septal defe3ct    arterial         SABE             Prophylaxis foe
                  hypertension                      SABE

2.Atrial septal   Pulmonary        Arrhythmia       Thrombo
defect            arterial                          prophylaxis if pt
 (un operated )   hypertension                      Is on complete
                  Ventricular                       bed rest
Lesion          Exclude            Potential      Recomonded
                Before             hazards        Rx in preg., 7
                pregnancy                         PUERPARIUM
3.Coarctation   Re-coarctation     PIH            Low dose Asprin
(reported)      Aneurism           Aortic         therapy
                formation at       dilatation/
                the site of        dissection     B-blockers to
                operation.                        control BP
                Associated         C HF
                 Aortic            Endocarditis   Elective LSCS
                bicuspid valve (                  as soon as
                with / with out                   foetal lung
                stenosis /                        maturity
                regurgitation ,                   obtained
                ascending                         Antibiotic
                atropathy ,                       prophylaxis.
                Systemic BP
Lesion           Exclude before Potential Risks   Recommended
                 pregnancy                        treatment In
4.Tetralogy of   Severe Right    Arrhythmias      Pre term
Fallot           Ventricular                      delivery if RVF
                 outflow tract                    develop
                 obstruction ,   RVF              Antibiotics
                 pulmonary       Endocarditis
Moderate Risk
Lesion           exclude Before Potential        Recomonded
                Pregnancy       Hazards          Treatment in
                                                 Preg ,
1. Mitral       Severe Stenosis   Atrial         Beta –Blockers
Stenosis         Pulmonary        Fibrillation
                Venous            Thrombi-       Low dose
                Hypertension      embolic        Aspirin
                                  Phenomenon     Hospitalization
                                  Pulmonary      in 3rd trimester
                                  edema          .
Lesion                Exclude before    Potential          Recommended
                      Pregnancy         Hazards            Treatment during
2. Aortic stenos is   Severe Stenosis ( Arrhythmia         Hospitalization
                      peak pressure                        withThromboprop
                      gradient on USG >                    hylaxis
                      80 mmHg, ST
                      depression        Angina             Balloon aortic
                      ,symptoms)                           Valvotomy , Pre
                      Left Ventricular                     term LSCS By pass
                      dysfunction.                         surgery carries
                                                           20% risk of foetal

Fontan –Type          Ventricular       Heart Failure      Low molecular
circulation           dysfunction,      Arrhythmia ,       Heparine& aspirin
                      Arrhythmias ,     thromboembolic ,   in whole preg,
                      Heart failure     Endocarditis       Antibiotics
High Risk lesions
Lesions              Exclude before     Potential Risks        Recomonded
                     Pregnancy                                 Treatment in Preg,
Marfan Syndrome      Aortic Root        Type A Dissection of   Beta—blockers
                     dilatation >4 cm   aorta                  Elective LSCS at 35
                                                               weeks .
Eisenmanger          Ventricular        30-50 % risk of        Therapuetic MTP.
syndrome             dysfunction        maternal death
Pulmonary arterial                                             If pregnancy
Hypertension         Arrhythmias        Arrhythmia             continues , CVs
                                        Heart failure          Monitoring,
                                        Endocarditis           hospitalization ,
                                                               vasodilators with O2
                                                               Cntnue same in
 1. Ventricular Septal defect----A small VSD
  with normal right sided pressures
 Puts no added risk to pregnancy .
  Prophylactic antibiotics and care full ANC is
  that all needed. Paradoxical embolism ia not
  common in VSD with large pressure gradient
  across the defect . Large VSD with pulmonary
  HTN & Eisenmenger complex need special
  cardiac care.
 2.
   Unoperated Atrial Septal Defect---
 Unrepaired ASD are well tolerate pregnancy ,
 when pulmonary resistance is normal. Pre
 existing tendency to atrial fibrillation ---
 hypercoagulable state of pregnancy and
 potential right to left shunt increase the
 chances of paradoxical embolism., more so
 when intra thorasic pressure increases during
 active labour. This accident can also occur in
 cases of patent foramen ovale. There is
 definite role of prophylactic antilcoaglant
   3. Repaired Coarctation of Aorta----As majority
    of pt get operated in childhood hence it puts no
    risk in pregnancy as long as there is no
    development of aneurism at the site of repair .
    This can be confirmed by MRI.

 4. Repaired Teratology of Fallot ---Most common
 cynotic congenital heart disease ., once
 corrected one lives asymptomatic normal life .
 Pregnancy is well tolerated by such women.
one need not to emphasise to asses such
 patients thoroughly before planning pregnancy.
 , torule out and treat any decompensation
 before hand.
   5. Fontan Type Circulation—These patient are
    not cynosed . , but experience long standing low
    output circulation and risk of ventricular failure
    and atrial arrhythmias. They need long term ore
    warferin therapy and arte to be put on low
    molecular Heparin therapy as soon as pregnancy
    is planned or diagnosed. There is 30 % twice
    more risk of abortion as compared to normal
    pregnant women. Maternal outcome depends on
    functional capacity of ventricle , it is better
    when single ventricle is left. Advice to continue
    the pregnancy is given when there is no
   6. Mitral Stenosis—
     Commonest rheumatic valvular disease (
    corrected / uncorrected –compensated or
    decompensated )is diagnosed during ANC ,. More
    common in developing, over populated ,localities
    with poor sanitation, medical and health services.

     it can remain silent till the 3rd decade., symptoms
    often develop during pregnancy as cardiac load
    increases . Congenital fusion of the commissures,
    parchute mitral valve or left atrial mixoma are
    other causes of mitral stenosis.
Heamodynamic changes in pregnant women with mitral
 stenosis include
 Elevated left atrial , pulmonary ( venous and arterial )
 pressures which flow across the mitral valve.
 Maternal complications include pulmonary edema,
 pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure.
 Tachycardia and dyspnoea may be precipitated by exertion
 , anxiety , anaemia, fever.this may decrease diastolic left
 ventricular filling time , further elevation of left atrial
 pressure there by decreased cardiac output.
The end result is biventricular failure., atrial fibrillation
 ,pulmonary edema and embolic phenomenon
 Clinical
   pregnant woman with MS may come in
 state of failure of both left and right
 ventricles depending upon the degree of
 decompensation, duration and severity of
 valvular disease.
 Symptoms of left ventricular failure are
 more common --- orthopnoea , paroxysmal
 nocturnal / exertional dyspnoea, hamoptesis.
  Symptoms of right ventricular failure
 develop very late and include ascites and
 edema feet .
careful cardiac examination specially for
 opening snap and a diastolic rumbling
 murmur with pre systolic accentuation in
 mitral area.
 Elevated jugular venous pressure ,
 hepatomegaly , loud P2 , right ventricular
 haeve in epigastric region support the
 diagnosis of MS.
  Transthorasic Echocardiography helps in
 diagnosis as well as severity of cardiac
 dysfunction ,important to assess the success
 of percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty by
 baloon. It can be done safely in such women.
 Symptomatic AS is less common than MS in
Rheumatic AS is more common in developing
  countries . Conge4nital AS secondary to
  membrane on bicuspid valve may also be seen,
  women is at risk of dissection of aorta related to
  hormonal changes on connective tissue in
Pressure gradient across aortic valve is responsible
  for haemodynamic changes in AS.
Increase in left ventricular systolic pressure leads
  to left ventricular hypertrophy and later on left
  ventricular failure and diminished coronary flow.
 Increase in stroke volume and fall in peripheral
  resistance in pregnancy are responsible for
  increase in pressure gradient across Aortic valve.
  Increase demand to increase Cardiac output in
  late pregnancy and labour ---women with AS
  develops symptoms of left ventricular failure.
 Clinical Presentation depends on degree of
  stenosis .woman with aortic valve area > 1.0cm
  tolerate pregnancy well. Women with more
  severe stenosis will develop left ventricular
  failure., manifesting as dyspnea and pulmonary
  edema. Left ventricular impulse is sustained and
  displaced laterally towards maxilla. A systolic
  ejection murmur is heard along right boarder of
  sternum and radiates to neck in carotid area.
 A systolic ejection click may be heard. 4th heart
  sound may be present indicating abnormal
  diastolic function too.
 Presence of slow rising pulse and narrow pulse
  pressure (difference between systolic and
  diastolic pressure indicates significant aortic
 Diagnosis can be confirmed by echocardiography
  and aortic gradient and area of aortic valve can
  be calculated by dopller flow study. Patient with
  < 55% ejection flow are at risk of left ventricular
  failure . fetus of mother with congenital AS is at
  risk (15%) of developing same cardiac anomaly.
 Pregnant  women carries 1% risk of type A
  aortic dissection.
 But it is ten time more when Aortic root
  diameter is > 4cm. Its repair carries 22%
  maternal mortality., such women should be
  advise against going for pregnancy.
 Women who become pregnant and want to
  continue it , should be kept on B –blockers
  and under go elective LSCS on fetal maturity.
 Patients should also be aware of the 50%
  recurrence rate.
 Pulmonary hypertension of any reason carries a
  high maternal risk.
Patient with Eisenmenger complex carries > 50%
 Women should be advised not to become
In the event of pregnancy MTP in early weeks (6-
  10 ) is indicated .
Male partner should be vasectomies / laparoscopic
  sterilization can be done with explained risk.
The progesterone sub dermal implant
  contraceptive is as effective as sterilization and
  safe also.
 ANC Such women once become pregnant or
  as soon as heart disease is diagnosed for the 1st
  time in ANC should be referred to tertiary care
  centre with 24hrs available facility of
  cardiologist, high risk pregnancy care , cardiac
  anesthetist , parental medicine , and well
  equipped premature NICU.
 Patient and her husband should be involved in
  decision making and let them understand the
  ‘minimal risk approach’
 Generous approach to hospitalization as and
  when needed and more so in last trimester.
  Patient confined to bed rest should receive Low
  molecule Heparin as prophylaxis against risk of
  thrombi embolism.
 Pregnant women with congenital heart disease ,
  Atrial arrhyhmias , prolonged bed rest Are at 6
  fold increased risk of thromboembolism in
  pregnancy and 11fold more in
  puerperium.Therefore achieving thorough
  anticoagulation is more important in such cases.
 Anti coagulation therapy also carries maternal
  fetal complications. Warfare crosses the
  placenta and carries more risk to fetus hence not
 Heparin does not cross the placenta hence safe .
 Strict monitoring of dose and regular laboratory
  test must bed done .

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Breathlessness in pregnancy c

  • 1. Prof. M.C. Bansal. MBBS.MS. MICOG . FICOG . Founder Principal & Controller., Jhalawar Medical College & Hospital , Jhalawar ( Raj.) Ex. P&C .MGMC and hospital,. Sitapura Jaipur
  • 2.  Breathlessness ( Dyspnoea ) / shortness of breath /difficult, laboured , consciousness about taking breath is a common symptom during pregnancy.  May be related to physiological changes in cardio- pulmonary, haemopoetic system , increase in weight etc.  Degree of breathlessness--- 1. Orthopnoea-breathlessness when lying flat. 2. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea- sudden onset of dyspnoea at night. 3. Dyspnoea on rest. 4. Dyspnoea-Mild , Moderate Extraneous.
  • 3.  Breathlessness of cardiac origin—Cardio- myopathies and congenital anomalies (surgically corrected or uncorrected ).  Breathlessness of Respiratory origin.  Haematological---Anaemia.  Drug induced—NFT , NSAIDs, Inhalers , Amiodarone .  Psychological– anxiety , fear , Minor or major illness.  Metabolic—Acidosis / Alkalosis.
  • 4. Other Congenital ___2 • Unknown heart disease___2 • Endocarditis _____3 • Myocardiac infarction________5 • Aortic Dissection________5 • Peri Partum cardiomyopathy ______________7 • Pulmonary hypertension_________________8 • Myocarditis _____________________9 • T0tal______________________________41
  • 5.  Cardiao-myopathies— 1. Peripartum cardiomyopathy. 2. Dilated cardiomyopathy. 3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  Congenital heart Disease. 1. Surgically corrected. 2. non corrected.
  • 6.  Breathlessness caused by cardiomyopaty in pregnancy mainly comprises three types----  1, Peripartum.,  2, Dilated  3, hypertrophic.  Dilated and hypertrophic can effect any one and at any time in pregnancy.  Peripartum cardiomyopathy occurs mostly in young women of Afro –Caribbean origin during last trimester or in the 1st 6 weeks of postpartum. 
  • 7.  - occurring in 1 in 3000-15000 pregnancy.  -Some form of viral myocarditis has been postulated.  -Maternal mortality is as high as 20% though foetal outcome is good.  -Management is to correct the impaired systolic function of ventricles.  -There is substantial risk of recurrence in future pregnancy and permanent impairment of left ventricular function.
  • 8.  Condition is poorly tolerated in pregnancy.  7% maternal mortality .  There is elevated risk of heart failure., to be managed on same line of treatment as that for non pregnant women.  Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are avoided as they cause renal agenesis in foetus. 
  • 9.  Patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy usually tolerate the increased load in pregnancy ,. as left ventricle adopts in a physiological way.  Women with murmur and increased gradient across the left ventricular flow may present with breathlessness for the 1st time in pregnancy.  There is no risk of sudden death and maternal mortality.
  • 10.  ECG, Ecogardiography trademill, genetic counselling are done for diagnosis.  Women with severe diastolic dysfunction develop pulmonary congestion---leading to increased breathlessness and even pulmonary edema.  complete bed rest, B-blockers are continued and diuretics are added.  Atrial fibrillation is managed with low-molecular  weight heparin and B- blockade . Cardioconversion may be done after excluding thrombus in atrium by trans oesophagial echocrdigraphy.  prophylactic low forceps – vaginal delivery can be managed in as usual way for other cardiac patients., less chances of prolonged labour and blood loss. 
  • 11.  Classification of congenital Heart disease----  1. Low risk lesion.  Ventricular septal defect .  Atrial septal Defect ( unoperated)  coarctation Of aorta  Teratology of fallot repaired  2. Moderate Risk lesion  Mitral Stenosis  Aortic Stenosis  Fortan- type circulation  3. High Risk Lesion  Marfan Syndrome  Eisenmanger Syndrome
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Lesion Exclude before Potential risk Recomonded Rx Pregnancy in preg & puerperium Low Risk Lesion 1.Ventrcular Pulmonary Arrhythmias Antibiotic septal defe3ct arterial SABE Prophylaxis foe hypertension SABE 2.Atrial septal Pulmonary Arrhythmia Thrombo defect arterial prophylaxis if pt (un operated ) hypertension Is on complete Ventricular bed rest dysfunction
  • 15. Lesion Exclude Potential Recomonded Before hazards Rx in preg., 7 pregnancy PUERPARIUM 3.Coarctation Re-coarctation PIH Low dose Asprin (reported) Aneurism Aortic therapy formation at dilatation/ the site of dissection B-blockers to operation. control BP Associated C HF Lesions— Aortic Endocarditis Elective LSCS bicuspid valve ( as soon as with / with out foetal lung stenosis / maturity regurgitation , obtained ascending Antibiotic atropathy , prophylaxis. Systemic BP
  • 16. Lesion Exclude before Potential Risks Recommended pregnancy treatment In prig, puerperium 4.Tetralogy of Severe Right Arrhythmias Pre term Fallot Ventricular delivery if RVF outflow tract develop obstruction , RVF Antibiotics severe pulmonary Endocarditis obstruction ,right ventricular dysfunction, DiGeorge Syndrom
  • 17. Moderate Risk Lesions Lesion exclude Before Potential Recomonded Pregnancy Hazards Treatment in Preg , puerperium 1. Mitral Severe Stenosis Atrial Beta –Blockers Stenosis Pulmonary Fibrillation Venous Thrombi- Low dose Hypertension embolic Aspirin Phenomenon Hospitalization Pulmonary in 3rd trimester edema . Thrmboprophyl axisAntibiotics
  • 18. Lesion Exclude before Potential Recommended Pregnancy Hazards Treatment during Pregnancy 2. Aortic stenos is Severe Stenosis ( Arrhythmia Hospitalization peak pressure withThromboprop gradient on USG > hylaxis 80 mmHg, ST segment depression Angina Balloon aortic ,symptoms) Valvotomy , Pre Left Ventricular term LSCS By pass dysfunction. surgery carries 20% risk of foetal death. Fontan –Type Ventricular Heart Failure Low molecular circulation dysfunction, Arrhythmia , Heparine& aspirin Arrhythmias , thromboembolic , in whole preg, Heart failure Endocarditis Antibiotics
  • 19. High Risk lesions Lesions Exclude before Potential Risks Recomonded Pregnancy Treatment in Preg, puerperium Marfan Syndrome Aortic Root Type A Dissection of Beta—blockers dilatation >4 cm aorta Elective LSCS at 35 weeks . Eisenmanger Ventricular 30-50 % risk of Therapuetic MTP. syndrome dysfunction maternal death Pulmonary arterial If pregnancy Hypertension Arrhythmias Arrhythmia continues , CVs Heart failure Monitoring, Endocarditis hospitalization , pulmonary vasodilators with O2 supplimentation. Cntnue same in puerperium
  • 20.  1. Ventricular Septal defect----A small VSD with normal right sided pressures  Puts no added risk to pregnancy . Prophylactic antibiotics and care full ANC is that all needed. Paradoxical embolism ia not common in VSD with large pressure gradient across the defect . Large VSD with pulmonary HTN & Eisenmenger complex need special cardiac care.
  • 21.  2. Unoperated Atrial Septal Defect--- Unrepaired ASD are well tolerate pregnancy , when pulmonary resistance is normal. Pre existing tendency to atrial fibrillation --- hypercoagulable state of pregnancy and potential right to left shunt increase the chances of paradoxical embolism., more so when intra thorasic pressure increases during active labour. This accident can also occur in cases of patent foramen ovale. There is definite role of prophylactic antilcoaglant therapy.
  • 22. 3. Repaired Coarctation of Aorta----As majority of pt get operated in childhood hence it puts no risk in pregnancy as long as there is no development of aneurism at the site of repair . This can be confirmed by MRI.  4. Repaired Teratology of Fallot ---Most common cynotic congenital heart disease ., once corrected one lives asymptomatic normal life . Pregnancy is well tolerated by such women. one need not to emphasise to asses such patients thoroughly before planning pregnancy. , torule out and treat any decompensation before hand.
  • 23. 5. Fontan Type Circulation—These patient are not cynosed . , but experience long standing low output circulation and risk of ventricular failure and atrial arrhythmias. They need long term ore warferin therapy and arte to be put on low molecular Heparin therapy as soon as pregnancy is planned or diagnosed. There is 30 % twice more risk of abortion as compared to normal pregnant women. Maternal outcome depends on functional capacity of ventricle , it is better when single ventricle is left. Advice to continue the pregnancy is given when there is no decompensation.
  • 24. 6. Mitral Stenosis— Commonest rheumatic valvular disease ( corrected / uncorrected –compensated or decompensated )is diagnosed during ANC ,. More common in developing, over populated ,localities with poor sanitation, medical and health services. it can remain silent till the 3rd decade., symptoms often develop during pregnancy as cardiac load increases . Congenital fusion of the commissures, parchute mitral valve or left atrial mixoma are other causes of mitral stenosis.
  • 25. Heamodynamic changes in pregnant women with mitral stenosis include Elevated left atrial , pulmonary ( venous and arterial ) pressures which flow across the mitral valve. Maternal complications include pulmonary edema, pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure. Tachycardia and dyspnoea may be precipitated by exertion , anxiety , anaemia, fever.this may decrease diastolic left ventricular filling time , further elevation of left atrial pressure there by decreased cardiac output. The end result is biventricular failure., atrial fibrillation ,pulmonary edema and embolic phenomenon
  • 26.  Clinical Presentation--- pregnant woman with MS may come in state of failure of both left and right ventricles depending upon the degree of decompensation, duration and severity of valvular disease. Symptoms of left ventricular failure are more common --- orthopnoea , paroxysmal nocturnal / exertional dyspnoea, hamoptesis. Symptoms of right ventricular failure develop very late and include ascites and edema feet .
  • 27. careful cardiac examination specially for opening snap and a diastolic rumbling murmur with pre systolic accentuation in mitral area. Elevated jugular venous pressure , hepatomegaly , loud P2 , right ventricular haeve in epigastric region support the diagnosis of MS. Transthorasic Echocardiography helps in diagnosis as well as severity of cardiac dysfunction ,important to assess the success of percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty by baloon. It can be done safely in such women.
  • 28.  Symptomatic AS is less common than MS in pregnancy. Rheumatic AS is more common in developing countries . Conge4nital AS secondary to membrane on bicuspid valve may also be seen, women is at risk of dissection of aorta related to hormonal changes on connective tissue in pregnancy. Pressure gradient across aortic valve is responsible for haemodynamic changes in AS. Increase in left ventricular systolic pressure leads to left ventricular hypertrophy and later on left ventricular failure and diminished coronary flow.
  • 29.  Increase in stroke volume and fall in peripheral resistance in pregnancy are responsible for increase in pressure gradient across Aortic valve. Increase demand to increase Cardiac output in late pregnancy and labour ---women with AS develops symptoms of left ventricular failure.  Clinical Presentation depends on degree of stenosis .woman with aortic valve area > 1.0cm tolerate pregnancy well. Women with more severe stenosis will develop left ventricular failure., manifesting as dyspnea and pulmonary edema. Left ventricular impulse is sustained and displaced laterally towards maxilla. A systolic ejection murmur is heard along right boarder of sternum and radiates to neck in carotid area.
  • 30.  A systolic ejection click may be heard. 4th heart sound may be present indicating abnormal diastolic function too.  Presence of slow rising pulse and narrow pulse pressure (difference between systolic and diastolic pressure indicates significant aortic Stenosis.  Diagnosis can be confirmed by echocardiography and aortic gradient and area of aortic valve can be calculated by dopller flow study. Patient with < 55% ejection flow are at risk of left ventricular failure . fetus of mother with congenital AS is at risk (15%) of developing same cardiac anomaly.
  • 31.  Pregnant women carries 1% risk of type A aortic dissection.  But it is ten time more when Aortic root diameter is > 4cm. Its repair carries 22% maternal mortality., such women should be advise against going for pregnancy.  Women who become pregnant and want to continue it , should be kept on B –blockers and under go elective LSCS on fetal maturity.  Patients should also be aware of the 50% recurrence rate. .
  • 32.  Pulmonary hypertension of any reason carries a high maternal risk. Patient with Eisenmenger complex carries > 50% mortality. Women should be advised not to become pregnant. In the event of pregnancy MTP in early weeks (6- 10 ) is indicated . Male partner should be vasectomies / laparoscopic sterilization can be done with explained risk. The progesterone sub dermal implant contraceptive is as effective as sterilization and safe also.
  • 33.  ANC Such women once become pregnant or as soon as heart disease is diagnosed for the 1st time in ANC should be referred to tertiary care centre with 24hrs available facility of cardiologist, high risk pregnancy care , cardiac anesthetist , parental medicine , and well equipped premature NICU.  Patient and her husband should be involved in decision making and let them understand the ‘minimal risk approach’  Generous approach to hospitalization as and when needed and more so in last trimester. Patient confined to bed rest should receive Low molecule Heparin as prophylaxis against risk of thrombi embolism.
  • 34.  Pregnant women with congenital heart disease , Atrial arrhyhmias , prolonged bed rest Are at 6 fold increased risk of thromboembolism in pregnancy and 11fold more in puerperium.Therefore achieving thorough anticoagulation is more important in such cases.  Anti coagulation therapy also carries maternal fetal complications. Warfare crosses the placenta and carries more risk to fetus hence not recommended.  Heparin does not cross the placenta hence safe .  Strict monitoring of dose and regular laboratory test must bed done .