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Prof. M.C.Bansal.
NIMS medical College ,Jaipur.
Founder Principal & Controller ;
Jhalawar Medical CollegeAnd Hospital , Jhalawar.
Ex. Principal & controller;
MahatmaGandhi Medical CollegeAnd Hospital ,
Sitapur, Jaipur .
Pre requisites for clinical
 Thorough clinical examination is essential and
integral part of clinical approach to any patient ; to
reach the provisional diagnosis one should co relate
and analyse the positive as well as negative points
noted in history taking and findings of clinical
 On the basis of probable cause; necessary and
relevant investigations should be ordered . , their
interpretations must be done in the light of above
findings and analysis done ___ final diagnosis so
derived is more likely to be exact and true.
 Reaching to diagnosis by short history / few clinical
finding is always deceiving.
Pre requisites for clinical
examinations--- Ensure adequate Privacy .
 Good and sufficient light (As good as natural color).
 Take consent of parent/ guardian if patient is minor / patient herself
when major.
 A female nurse/ her relative should also stand near by when female
patient is examined., so that intensions of gynaecologist are not
 Keep all necessary equipments before patient ‘s examination is
started; weighing machine, measuring tap, height measuring scale
stand ,Bp. Instrument, torch, Pair of gloves, appropriate size and
variety of vaginal speculum, swabs ( dry, soaked with
antiseptic), swab sticks for collection of discharge for office
procedure for wet film- microscopic examination / culture , glass slide
and cover slips, Ayres spatula ,carrying /preservative media and
cervical brush for pap smear , acetic acid 1-5% , Lugols iodine, saline
for colposcopy or simple naked eye inspection of cervical lesion.
 This will make the examination quicker, complete and comfortable to
both patient as well as patient.
General physical examination
 Height , weight –calculate BMI.
 Nails , palms --- for pallor , pigmentation, palmer
arrhythmia, clubbing, platynaechia ,fungal infection of
 Carrying angle of elbow in turners .
 Axilla –hair growth, lymph nodes .
 Neck –Webbing of neck , thyroid goiter, lymph nodes
tubercular chain / healed sinus scar/ wircow’gland in left
supra clavicular region – metastasis in ca cervix / ovary.
 Eyes– conjunctiva—pallor, sclera--- jaundice.
 Face– hair growth--- hirsutism(use Ferriman-Gallway
score ) / familial hypertrichosis , achne – PCOD / steroid
or OCs therapy.
Skin Pigmentation (palms) in secondary Syphilis
 Increased carrying angles, shield chest, no
development of secondary characters , stunted
growth ( height and weight)
Webbed Neck
Female Development
Klinfelter’s syndrome
Precocious puberty
in girl at 8years age.
Well developed
No Pubic hair
7 & ½ years old Girl with well developed
Thalarche, puvarche and regular menses (
Homlogous precocious puberty)
Testicular faminizing
developed, tall girl , primary
amenorrhoea. , no pubic hair
inguinal hernia may be there
containing testicle absence of
testicular receptors at end organs
prevent in development of wolfian
duct, but neutral development
makes one to look like female ; as
mullerian system development
enzymes are also not secreted by
testicles the mullerin duct
development is also not fully
supressed . It remains under
developed as estrogen is not
produced . Brest development is
under adrenal androgens
16 years old girl with 46xx , dysplasia
, no secondary sex characters yet
developed , reporting as a case of
delayed menarche
General Physical Examination
cont-- Scalp—hair loss –secondary to
chemotherapy, receding hair line in
musculinizing conditions .
 Note --- BP, Pulse
, respiration, temperature,Gait, edema, vericos
e veins .
 Other group of lymph nodes --- inguinal.
 Development of secondary sex characters ---
> Breast development.
> Axillary Hair.
> Pubic Hair.
Blood Pressure Recording
Stages of development of
Examination Of Breast
 One should never forget to examine the breast
 Adolescent girls presenting w2ith
amenorrhea(primary)—may have under /
undeveloped breast for the age and breast
development should be assessed according to
tanner’s staging .
 Women with secondary amenorrhea may have
galactorrhoea---Post Pill, prolactin secreting
pituitary tumor, hypothyroidism, drug induced .
 Woman. Should be taught to-do self breast
Method of breast examination
 Clinical examination of breast should be carried out
with the pads of 3 middle fingers of both hands
, with the patient(raised arms above her head and
arms by side of her chest ) while she is sitting on
stool / in supine position lying down on examination
 Each breast should be examined systematically for
lumps if present –size location mobility
, consistency and nipple discharge if present should
be collected on glass slide for microscopy.
 Compare both the breast in each aspect .
Systematic Breast Examination
 Position –sitting with arms raised.
 Extent ---lateral boarder of sternum to posterior
maxillary line and from clavicle to costal margin.
 Inspection ---col0r of skin, pigmentation , engorged
subcutaneous blood vessels, edema , dimpling , puddie
–orange skin. Nipple retraction , nipple eczema.Any
visible swelling, ulcer, accessory nipple.
 Palpation --- nipple discharge , palpable mass / cyst---its
size location, boundaries , mobility , consistency
, adherent to skin / underlying pectoral
muscle, tenderness, local rise in temperature and
surrounding tissue thickening.
 Regional lymph nodes --- axillary group and
Picture of self examination
Stepwise Self Examination of
Brest Stand in front of mirror and look at your breast well expose as in previous slide-
Step 1-- to look at breast while standing with arms hanging next to the body .
Step2– Look at breasts when arms are behind your head.
Step 3– look at breasts while arms are by the side with hands resting at hip
What to look for ?
Look for any change or difference in color, size shape, dimpling , any visible
prominent swelling in any part of either breast. Look for any in drawing /
retraction of nipple.
Step 4– feeling of( palpation ) whole surface and consistency of either breast
with flat of all the fingers pressed firmly against breast( right hand for left and
left hand for right breast ) in a circular fashion ; starting from areola to its
margins e.g from chest bone to the fold of arm pit and from collar bone to lower
limits of rib boarder. Brest is even and any abnormality can be appreciated easily
in the form of nodule/ swelling . . Feel the arm pit for ant nodule / swelling in the
tail of the breast / lymph nodes.
Step 5--- Nipple is picked in thumb and index finger, lit it out , sqeez for any
discharge --- milk, watery/ blood stained.
Step 6--- Feel for breast and nipple in the same manner as in step 4&5 , but
Picture of clinical
A & B Pagets disease of nipple
C –Benign Reactive
Inflammatory carcinoma of breast
Systemic Examination
 CVS– heart sounds, any murmur , parasternal heave , Epigastric
pulsation, prominent jugular veins. Compare all the peripheral
pulses in cases of turnner’s syndrome as coarctation of aorta
may co –exist.
 Respiratory system--- Rate, breath odour, cynosis , clubbing
, breathlessness at rest / exertion/ bilateral lung examination---
air entery, chest movements, percussion (any dullness or hyper
resonance) , breath sounds and adventitious sounds(
crepitation , ronchi, plural rub etc).
 Spine-- scoliosis, lordosis. Kyphosis, fracture spine / tenderness
over any spinal vertebra especially in menopausal women .
 Mental function – orientation to place, time . Pituitary dwarf
are intelligent and have poor sex development while thyroid
dwarfs are having low IQ.
 CNS--- when intra cranial lesion is suspected.
Abdominal Examination
 Inspection---color of skin, pigmentation , caput
medusa, prominent veins and direction of blood
flow in them, protrusion of umbilicus/ its
displacement. Umbilical slitting –transverse or
vertical, thoraces-abdominal respiration , shape(
saphead / distension may be due to fat , as
cites, fetus , mass. Distended bladder, flatus and
faeces).Hernia sites ,striae gravidorum , linea
nigrans and albicans, bruises ., visible pulsations ---
intestinal / aneurism of abdominal aorta.cunter
irritation marks/ scar of previous surgery.
Hernia site in
Hernia sites and type of hernia in Inguinal region
Scaphoid abdomen
Abdominal wall Hernia
Ventral hernia
Pelvic mass
Giant abdominal Aneurism
Abdominal Palpation
 Palpation should be started from the are which has no pain .
 Palpate for liver , spleen and kidney enlargement if any present
and describe it well in terms of size, shape margin ,consistency
surface, margin and tenderness ?
 If mass is present – its localization and extension in abdominal
quadrant quadrants; is it arising from pelvis (lower pole can not
be reached as it is below symphysis pubis joint) ,is it arising in
abdomen and growing down?.
feel for its shape, margins all round, consistency(soft, solid . Firm.
Hard, variable , mobility—(up --down , side to side or tangential
to line of attachment of mesentery, does the abdominal wall
moves over it with respiration), nodularity , oblation.
Any tenderness ,muscle guarding / rigidity. Rebound tenderness.
Bimanual palpattion for lumber mass
Abdominal percussion
 For generalized dull note --- ascites ,fluid thrill and
shifting dullness can be noted.
 Abdominal mass maybe dull with in its boundary ( if
cystic fluid thrill may be present) rest abdomen will
be resonant as in cases of large ovarian cyst /
 Solid tumors will be dull.
 Hyper resonant abdomen present in cases of
intestinal obstruction due to distended bowel loops
with gases.
 Liver dullness is obliterated in intestinal perforation /
or after pneumoperitoneum create in laparoscopy.
Percusion of enlarged spleen
Abdominal Auscultation
 Very useful to auscult intestinal sounds --- if
absent, paralytic ileus –high pitched
exaggerated sounds in intestinal obstruction ;
rarely a bruit may be heard on hyper vascular
fibroid .
 Pulsatile tumor may be aortic aneurism / solid
tumor sitting over normal aorta may also
conduct sound .
 Bruit in renal angle present in cases of renal
artery aneurism ---- secondary Hypertension
Abdominal Auscultation
Examination of Female Genital
Tract Positions --- dorsal, left lateral ( sim’s ), Knee elbow .
 Examination is usually performed in dorsal position with hip
and knee flexed and feet resting on the examination couch .
Her buttocks are brought down to the edge of tail end of the
 Lithotomy position with legs in strips is to combersom to
patient for examination in OPD. It is used in MOT while doing
short office procedure with / with out sedation.
 Gynaecologist stands on her right side nearer to her foot end.
 Head of patient can be with pillow raised to relax the
abdominal muscles.
 Examination is conducted in the same order as described in
next slide
Lithotmy postion for office procedure and surgery through vaginal route
Examination 0f Child
Examination of small child
by putting Her in the lap Of
Her Mother
Common sites of tenderness at
Photomicrograph of Burrows with
Scabies . A Mite is seen (far right )
with seven eggs
Pubic Lice in Hairs & Lice
Benign skin
Tag at vulva
InjuryVulva --Haematoma
PsoriasisOfVulvaal SkinAs a Part of Generalized Skin disorder
Cadidiasis in diabetic Old women
Lichen Sclerosis ofVulva
Cancer of vulva
Labial Adhesions
D/D of thee CommonTypes OfVulvar Ulcers
Kissing ulcers atVulva ( chancre ---Primary Syphilis )
Condylomat Lata --Secondary Syphilis
Shallow, Painful, multiple ulcers due to
Herpes simplex viral Infection
Genital warts (HPV
Groin Sign In Lympho grannuloma inguinal
BUBOS ( enlarged L. N. Inguinal Ligament
Deceits Ulcer
Uterovaginal prolapse
Cervical Rim
of Uterus
Vulval Contracture—narrow Introitus ---Leucoplakic changes in old women
High Gr5adeVIN with Pigmentation atVulva
Vin and Leucoplakia Vulva
Molusca Contasosium
Bartholin Cyst
SolidTumor ofVulva Biopsy revealed Endometrial Carcinoma ; MetastasisTo clitorus
Shapes of Hymen
Imperforated Hymen
!9Yrs old girlWith Secondary Amenorrhoea
Acne, Hirsutism, Flattened Breasts -- < in height
than her younger Sister and mother
UlcerVulva In Childhood
Male Pseudo Hermophrodite
Female child 46 XX with congenital adrenal hyperplasia -----clitoral enlargement
, fusion of poorly developed labia with narrow vestibule --- urethral and vaginal
Clitoral Enlargement In female hrmophrodyte secondary to congenital adrenal hyperplasia
RudimentaryVulva, small phallos , hypospedius
Candidasis of vulva in Child Girl with Dermatitis
Botryoid Sarcoma Protruding throughVaginal Introitus in Girl
Vaginal Per Speculum
ExaminationVagina Cervix
Dryness / discharge
Mucosal Lesions
Bleeding from vaginal
Structural anomalies
External OS
Tears lacerations
Sqamo columnar Junction
Transitional Zone .
Nebothian Follicle / cyst
Polyp / growth/ protruding IUCD thread
Bleeding on touch
Bleeding through os
Examination after application of acetic acid
and Lugol’s iodine with naked eye if needed
---Colposcopy as office procedure
Bi valveVaginal Speculum
Bivalve Cusco’s Speculum Examination
Sim’s speculum with anterior vaginal wall retractor
Endo Cervical Speculum Exposing the Cervical Canal
Cervical Rim
Scamo columnar
Chronic Cervicitis -- hypertrohied Cervix -- Nebothian Follicle
Distilbestrol Exposed ( Inta uterine life)—Cervix with vaginal fold ( arrow )
Cervix After application of AceticAcid 5%
cervical Erossio
Aceto white Area
Cervix After ApplicationOf Lugol’s Iodine
Unstained area –site of
immature / cin
Area– high
content in
Low Grade CIN
CINGrade 3With Mosaic pattern
Abnormal vascular pattern in CIN
Inasive Cancer Cervix
Post coital injury --- Eversion of vagina
Abdomino- pelvic Bimanual Examination
 Gloved, lubricated index and middle fingers are insert in vagina
after cleaning vulva and vestibule with antiseptic lotion and
separating both labia with the finger and thumb of left hand.
 Once internal finger reach the cervix the palmer surface of all
fingers of left hand are placed parallel to S.P. over supra pubic
lower abdomen.
 Direction of cervix is decide – forte ward ( if external is facing to
and anterior lip is near to S.P. / Backward when external os is
facing posterior fornix and anterior lip is facing posterior
vaginal wall. Feel for its consistency(soft in pregnancy / firm –
normal / hard in malignancy . tender Cx on movement ---
ectopic/ acute inflammation. Ulcer / protruding growth /polyp /
valvety erosion and IUCD thread may also be felt ; protruding
down in / through cervical canal , slippery shaft , smooth
mucous polyp may some time be present.
Abdomino- pelvic Bimanual
Examination Now put your both fingers in posterior fornix
, uterus is pushed upward and anteriorly towards
the abdominal hand and uterus is palpated
between two hands --- its size , shape , surface
, consistancy and tenderness.
 If uterine fundus and its posterior surface can be
palpated ---uterus is ante flexed (AF) ante verted
(AV) , if uterus can not be lifted and its fundus is
posterior in POD ---it is retro flexed (RF) and
retro verted ( RV )
Abdomino- pelvic Bimanual Examination
 The normal uterus is anteverted, anteflexd , pear
shaped firm,6-7 cm long and 4cm wide at its
fundus. mobile regular and non tender.
 Normal adnexa is not palpable , all fornices are
free / empty, non tender .
 Ovaries are about3x2 cm in size and usually not
palpable unless enlarged.
 Palpable ovary in menopausal women should be
viewed with suspicion.
Bimanual Abdomino –vaginal examination
Abdomino- pelvic Bimanual Examination
 Vaginal fingers are now to lateral (right and left )
fornices respactvely to palpate ; while abdominal
hand is placed just medial to ipsilateral
anteriosperior iliac spine well above the poupart’s
ligament and adnexa is palpated in between two
 Some time to palpate thickening / induratin /
infiltration in recto vaginal fascia one has to
per0form bimanual rectal and vaginal examination
at the same time ---index Finger in vagina and
middle finger in rectum with their pulp facing
anteriorly; left hand is put on abdomen as usual for
performing bimanaual palpation.
Bimanual Pelvic Examination – PV and PR simultaneously; to palpate the involvement of
anterior Rectal and posteriorVaginal wall By malignancy / Endometriosis
Bimanual examination – findings to be
noted-----1. Uterus
Anteverted / anteflxed / midposition / shifted to
right or left side of mid line/ retroverted /
Size—normal / enlarged ( measured in terms of
enlargement as in gestational period )
Shape –regular/ irregular
Surface – smooth / bossed / uneven
consistency– firm / soft / heard / variable
Mobility– mobile / fixed / restricted.
Tenderness– absent / present
Bimanual examination – findings to be
Palpable / not palpable
size –in approx Cm in all diameters—longitudinal / transverse / oblique.
Surface – regular smooth / nodular / lobulated.
Unilateral / bilateral
consistency--- soft/ cystic / firm / hard / variable.
Mobility --- mobile/ fixed / restricted .
Tenderness --- absent / present .
Induration .
Attachment to uterus --- does it move with uterus or cervcal movements /
while moving the adnexal mass uterus/ cervix also move .
3. Pouch Of Douglas 
Any mass / thickening nodules fixed / fullness / tenderness / raised local
temperature / consistency of mass / fullness.
4.Per rectal Examination 
thickening / indurations / adherent / ulcerated anterior rectal wall / sacral
ligament / recto vaginal fascia.
Bimanual Examination ---
Uterus1. Consistency
Soft--- Pregnancy , pyrometer
Hard --- Malignancy, calcified momma
2. Enlargement
Regular---- Pregnancy, adenomyosis, pyometra ,
Haemtometra , carcinoma .
Irregular--- Myoma, endomatrioma.
3. Mobility 
Mobile--- Myoma , adenomyosis, pregnancy.
Fixed / restricted---PID, Endometriosis,malignancy.
4,TendernessAdnomyosis, pyometra, haematrometra /
Bimanual Examination ---Adnexa
Size Large >10cm
Shape Retort Shaped Hydrosalpinx
Mobility Mobile
Benign ,non inflammatory
Endometriosis , PID ,
Consistency Cystic
Variable consistency
Benign tumor
Malignancy, broad ligament
Inflammatory / malignancy
Tenderness Tender Inflammatory ,
Bimanual palpation of Uterine
PV examintion in OvarianTumor __lump is separate from normal sized
pelvic mass in left Fornix lateral and separate from Uterus , there is
free area ( cleavage in between Cervix and medial side of lower
pole of tumor
Cleavage/ free area
Differentiating uterine from adnexal
Criterias Uterus Adnexal mass
Location Central lateral
Size normal in size uterus / if
enlarged its size varies
Palpable if enlarged
Groove between mass and
absent present
Transmitted mobility present Absent
Special situations
 Children, adolescent and old women present special situation.
 Children – local examination of vulva and vestibule should be
examined in presence of and with the help of her mother in
separating thighs and labia apart, speculum and pv
examination is not done if indicated ; it can be done under
general anaesthesia by using nasal speculum . Pr with little
finger will replace pv examination.
 Adolescent Girls  avoid speculum/ pv examination , pr can be
done, if pathology is highly suspected USG can help ; still some
vaginal examination / procedure is must the it should be done
after proper counselling , proper consent and under sedation /
 Post menopausal women with narrow introitus due to estrogen
deficiency --- small size speculum with lubrication should be
Screening / diagnostic procedures done
at the time of gynaecological
 Pap Smear .
 Examination of vaginal / cervical/ nipple
discharge. A- saline preparation ; B- KOH
preparation ;C- Gram staining.
 Endometrial sampling.
 Culdoscentesis.
Current Recommendations For Pap
 Start at the age of 21 year --- if sexually active.
 Once in 2 years till 30 years age .
 Once in 3 years there after --- if HVP DNA
negative , low risk factors present for developing
Ca Cervix, last 3 samples are negative.
 Annual Screening ---High risk for cancer / HVP
DNA positive.
 Stop at 65 age if no positive smear in last 10
Diagnosis of vaginitis by Examination Of
DischargeDiagnosis (Chief
Wet Film KOH Preparation Gram Stain
BacterialVaginosis (
Watery vaginal
discharge with bad
Clie Cells Fishy odour (Amine)
T.Vaginalis Vaginitis (
cream colored frothy
vag. Dis.With burning
at vulva)
Candida Albicans (
thick curdy vag. Dis.
With itching at vulva)
Fungal Hyphae
, Spores
Gonococcal cervicitis
( dysurea, mailase
feverish ness
Gram Negative , intra
cellular diplococci.
Clue cells in Vagnalis vaginosis (Squamous
Epithelium Cells Loaded with Anerobes –
Gardenella Gondi
Large Motile Protozoa--- Trichmonas
Undulant Membrane
Inclusion Bodies in
Candida Albicans ( Hyphae &

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Clinical approach to gynaecological patient(part 2

  • 1. CLINICAL APPROACH TO GYNAECOLOGICAL PATIENT(PART-2) Prof. M.C.Bansal. MBBS, MS. FICOG, MICOG NIMS medical College ,Jaipur. Founder Principal & Controller ; Jhalawar Medical CollegeAnd Hospital , Jhalawar. Ex. Principal & controller; MahatmaGandhi Medical CollegeAnd Hospital , Sitapur, Jaipur .
  • 2. Pre requisites for clinical examinations  Thorough clinical examination is essential and integral part of clinical approach to any patient ; to reach the provisional diagnosis one should co relate and analyse the positive as well as negative points noted in history taking and findings of clinical examination.  On the basis of probable cause; necessary and relevant investigations should be ordered . , their interpretations must be done in the light of above findings and analysis done ___ final diagnosis so derived is more likely to be exact and true.  Reaching to diagnosis by short history / few clinical finding is always deceiving.
  • 3. Pre requisites for clinical examinations--- Ensure adequate Privacy .  Good and sufficient light (As good as natural color).  Take consent of parent/ guardian if patient is minor / patient herself when major.  A female nurse/ her relative should also stand near by when female patient is examined., so that intensions of gynaecologist are not misunderstood.  Keep all necessary equipments before patient ‘s examination is started; weighing machine, measuring tap, height measuring scale stand ,Bp. Instrument, torch, Pair of gloves, appropriate size and variety of vaginal speculum, swabs ( dry, soaked with antiseptic), swab sticks for collection of discharge for office procedure for wet film- microscopic examination / culture , glass slide and cover slips, Ayres spatula ,carrying /preservative media and cervical brush for pap smear , acetic acid 1-5% , Lugols iodine, saline for colposcopy or simple naked eye inspection of cervical lesion.  This will make the examination quicker, complete and comfortable to both patient as well as patient.
  • 4. General physical examination  Height , weight –calculate BMI.  Nails , palms --- for pallor , pigmentation, palmer arrhythmia, clubbing, platynaechia ,fungal infection of nails.  Carrying angle of elbow in turners .  Axilla –hair growth, lymph nodes .  Neck –Webbing of neck , thyroid goiter, lymph nodes tubercular chain / healed sinus scar/ wircow’gland in left supra clavicular region – metastasis in ca cervix / ovary.  Eyes– conjunctiva—pallor, sclera--- jaundice.  Face– hair growth--- hirsutism(use Ferriman-Gallway score ) / familial hypertrichosis , achne – PCOD / steroid or OCs therapy.
  • 5. Skin Pigmentation (palms) in secondary Syphilis
  • 6.  Increased carrying angles, shield chest, no development of secondary characters , stunted growth ( height and weight)
  • 11. Precocious puberty in girl at 8years age.
  • 13. 7 & ½ years old Girl with well developed Thalarche, puvarche and regular menses ( Homlogous precocious puberty)
  • 14. Testicular faminizing syndrome—Breast developed, tall girl , primary amenorrhoea. , no pubic hair inguinal hernia may be there containing testicle absence of testicular receptors at end organs prevent in development of wolfian duct, but neutral development makes one to look like female ; as mullerian system development enzymes are also not secreted by testicles the mullerin duct development is also not fully supressed . It remains under developed as estrogen is not produced . Brest development is under adrenal androgens
  • 15. 16 years old girl with 46xx , dysplasia , no secondary sex characters yet developed , reporting as a case of delayed menarche
  • 16.
  • 17. General Physical Examination cont-- Scalp—hair loss –secondary to chemotherapy, receding hair line in musculinizing conditions .  Note --- BP, Pulse , respiration, temperature,Gait, edema, vericos e veins .  Other group of lymph nodes --- inguinal.  Development of secondary sex characters --- > Breast development. > Axillary Hair. > Pubic Hair.
  • 20.
  • 21. Examination Of Breast  One should never forget to examine the breast  Adolescent girls presenting w2ith amenorrhea(primary)—may have under / undeveloped breast for the age and breast development should be assessed according to tanner’s staging .  Women with secondary amenorrhea may have galactorrhoea---Post Pill, prolactin secreting pituitary tumor, hypothyroidism, drug induced .  Woman. Should be taught to-do self breast examination.
  • 22. Method of breast examination  Clinical examination of breast should be carried out with the pads of 3 middle fingers of both hands , with the patient(raised arms above her head and arms by side of her chest ) while she is sitting on stool / in supine position lying down on examination coach.  Each breast should be examined systematically for lumps if present –size location mobility , consistency and nipple discharge if present should be collected on glass slide for microscopy.  Compare both the breast in each aspect .
  • 23. Systematic Breast Examination  Position –sitting with arms raised.  Extent ---lateral boarder of sternum to posterior maxillary line and from clavicle to costal margin.  Inspection ---col0r of skin, pigmentation , engorged subcutaneous blood vessels, edema , dimpling , puddie –orange skin. Nipple retraction , nipple eczema.Any visible swelling, ulcer, accessory nipple.  Palpation --- nipple discharge , palpable mass / cyst---its size location, boundaries , mobility , consistency , adherent to skin / underlying pectoral muscle, tenderness, local rise in temperature and surrounding tissue thickening.  Regional lymph nodes --- axillary group and supraclavicular.
  • 24. Picture of self examination
  • 25. Stepwise Self Examination of Brest Stand in front of mirror and look at your breast well expose as in previous slide- Step 1-- to look at breast while standing with arms hanging next to the body . Step2– Look at breasts when arms are behind your head. Step 3– look at breasts while arms are by the side with hands resting at hip bones. What to look for ? Look for any change or difference in color, size shape, dimpling , any visible prominent swelling in any part of either breast. Look for any in drawing / retraction of nipple. Step 4– feeling of( palpation ) whole surface and consistency of either breast with flat of all the fingers pressed firmly against breast( right hand for left and left hand for right breast ) in a circular fashion ; starting from areola to its margins e.g from chest bone to the fold of arm pit and from collar bone to lower limits of rib boarder. Brest is even and any abnormality can be appreciated easily in the form of nodule/ swelling . . Feel the arm pit for ant nodule / swelling in the tail of the breast / lymph nodes. Step 5--- Nipple is picked in thumb and index finger, lit it out , sqeez for any discharge --- milk, watery/ blood stained. Step 6--- Feel for breast and nipple in the same manner as in step 4&5 , but
  • 27.
  • 28. A & B Pagets disease of nipple C –Benign Reactive Dermatitis
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Systemic Examination  CVS– heart sounds, any murmur , parasternal heave , Epigastric pulsation, prominent jugular veins. Compare all the peripheral pulses in cases of turnner’s syndrome as coarctation of aorta may co –exist.  Respiratory system--- Rate, breath odour, cynosis , clubbing , breathlessness at rest / exertion/ bilateral lung examination--- air entery, chest movements, percussion (any dullness or hyper resonance) , breath sounds and adventitious sounds( crepitation , ronchi, plural rub etc).  Spine-- scoliosis, lordosis. Kyphosis, fracture spine / tenderness over any spinal vertebra especially in menopausal women .  Mental function – orientation to place, time . Pituitary dwarf are intelligent and have poor sex development while thyroid dwarfs are having low IQ.  CNS--- when intra cranial lesion is suspected.
  • 35. Abdominal Examination  Inspection---color of skin, pigmentation , caput medusa, prominent veins and direction of blood flow in them, protrusion of umbilicus/ its displacement. Umbilical slitting –transverse or vertical, thoraces-abdominal respiration , shape( saphead / distension may be due to fat , as cites, fetus , mass. Distended bladder, flatus and faeces).Hernia sites ,striae gravidorum , linea nigrans and albicans, bruises ., visible pulsations --- intestinal / aneurism of abdominal aorta.cunter irritation marks/ scar of previous surgery.
  • 37. Hernia sites and type of hernia in Inguinal region Femoral
  • 38.
  • 42.
  • 45. Abdominal Palpation  Palpation should be started from the are which has no pain .  Palpate for liver , spleen and kidney enlargement if any present and describe it well in terms of size, shape margin ,consistency surface, margin and tenderness ?  If mass is present – its localization and extension in abdominal quadrant quadrants; is it arising from pelvis (lower pole can not be reached as it is below symphysis pubis joint) ,is it arising in abdomen and growing down?. feel for its shape, margins all round, consistency(soft, solid . Firm. Hard, variable , mobility—(up --down , side to side or tangential to line of attachment of mesentery, does the abdominal wall moves over it with respiration), nodularity , oblation. Any tenderness ,muscle guarding / rigidity. Rebound tenderness.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. Bimanual palpattion for lumber mass
  • 49. Abdominal percussion  For generalized dull note --- ascites ,fluid thrill and shifting dullness can be noted.  Abdominal mass maybe dull with in its boundary ( if cystic fluid thrill may be present) rest abdomen will be resonant as in cases of large ovarian cyst / hydronephrosis.  Solid tumors will be dull.  Hyper resonant abdomen present in cases of intestinal obstruction due to distended bowel loops with gases.  Liver dullness is obliterated in intestinal perforation / or after pneumoperitoneum create in laparoscopy.
  • 50.
  • 52. Abdominal Auscultation  Very useful to auscult intestinal sounds --- if absent, paralytic ileus –high pitched exaggerated sounds in intestinal obstruction ; rarely a bruit may be heard on hyper vascular fibroid .  Pulsatile tumor may be aortic aneurism / solid tumor sitting over normal aorta may also conduct sound .  Bruit in renal angle present in cases of renal artery aneurism ---- secondary Hypertension
  • 54. Examination of Female Genital Tract Positions --- dorsal, left lateral ( sim’s ), Knee elbow .  Examination is usually performed in dorsal position with hip and knee flexed and feet resting on the examination couch . Her buttocks are brought down to the edge of tail end of the couch.  Lithotomy position with legs in strips is to combersom to patient for examination in OPD. It is used in MOT while doing short office procedure with / with out sedation.  Gynaecologist stands on her right side nearer to her foot end.  Head of patient can be with pillow raised to relax the abdominal muscles.  Examination is conducted in the same order as described in next slide
  • 55.
  • 56. Lithotmy postion for office procedure and surgery through vaginal route
  • 57. Examination 0f Child Examination of small child by putting Her in the lap Of Her Mother
  • 58.
  • 59. Common sites of tenderness at vulva
  • 60. Photomicrograph of Burrows with Scabies . A Mite is seen (far right ) with seven eggs
  • 61. Pubic Lice in Hairs & Lice
  • 66.
  • 67. PsoriasisOfVulvaal SkinAs a Part of Generalized Skin disorder
  • 69.
  • 73. D/D of thee CommonTypes OfVulvar Ulcers
  • 74. Kissing ulcers atVulva ( chancre ---Primary Syphilis )
  • 76. Shallow, Painful, multiple ulcers due to Herpes simplex viral Infection
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 81. Groin Sign In Lympho grannuloma inguinal BUBOS ( enlarged L. N. Inguinal Ligament
  • 84. Vulval Contracture—narrow Introitus ---Leucoplakic changes in old women
  • 85. High Gr5adeVIN with Pigmentation atVulva
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. SolidTumor ofVulva Biopsy revealed Endometrial Carcinoma ; MetastasisTo clitorus
  • 98.
  • 102. !9Yrs old girlWith Secondary Amenorrhoea Acne, Hirsutism, Flattened Breasts -- < in height than her younger Sister and mother
  • 103.
  • 105.
  • 106.
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 110. Female child 46 XX with congenital adrenal hyperplasia -----clitoral enlargement , fusion of poorly developed labia with narrow vestibule --- urethral and vaginal openings
  • 111.
  • 112. Clitoral Enlargement In female hrmophrodyte secondary to congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • 114.
  • 115.
  • 116.
  • 117.
  • 118.
  • 119. Candidasis of vulva in Child Girl with Dermatitis
  • 120.
  • 121. Botryoid Sarcoma Protruding throughVaginal Introitus in Girl
  • 122. Vaginal Per Speculum ExaminationVagina Cervix Color Dryness / discharge Mucosal Lesions Cysts Growth Bleeding from vaginal Mucosa. Structural anomalies Color External OS Tears lacerations Ectropion Erosion ulcer Sqamo columnar Junction Transitional Zone . Discharge. Nebothian Follicle / cyst Polyp / growth/ protruding IUCD thread Bleeding on touch Bleeding through os Examination after application of acetic acid and Lugol’s iodine with naked eye if needed ---Colposcopy as office procedure
  • 125. Sim’s speculum with anterior vaginal wall retractor
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 128. Endo Cervical Speculum Exposing the Cervical Canal
  • 131. Chronic Cervicitis -- hypertrohied Cervix -- Nebothian Follicle
  • 132. Distilbestrol Exposed ( Inta uterine life)—Cervix with vaginal fold ( arrow )
  • 133. Cervix After application of AceticAcid 5% cervical Erossio Aceto white Area
  • 134. Cervix After ApplicationOf Lugol’s Iodine Unstained area –site of immature / cin Collumner Epithelium Iodine stained Area– high glycogen content in healty mature Sqamous epithelium
  • 139. Post coital injury --- Eversion of vagina
  • 140. Abdomino- pelvic Bimanual Examination  Gloved, lubricated index and middle fingers are insert in vagina after cleaning vulva and vestibule with antiseptic lotion and separating both labia with the finger and thumb of left hand.  Once internal finger reach the cervix the palmer surface of all fingers of left hand are placed parallel to S.P. over supra pubic lower abdomen.  Direction of cervix is decide – forte ward ( if external is facing to and anterior lip is near to S.P. / Backward when external os is facing posterior fornix and anterior lip is facing posterior vaginal wall. Feel for its consistency(soft in pregnancy / firm – normal / hard in malignancy . tender Cx on movement --- ectopic/ acute inflammation. Ulcer / protruding growth /polyp / valvety erosion and IUCD thread may also be felt ; protruding down in / through cervical canal , slippery shaft , smooth mucous polyp may some time be present.
  • 141.
  • 142. Abdomino- pelvic Bimanual Examination Now put your both fingers in posterior fornix , uterus is pushed upward and anteriorly towards the abdominal hand and uterus is palpated between two hands --- its size , shape , surface , consistancy and tenderness.  If uterine fundus and its posterior surface can be palpated ---uterus is ante flexed (AF) ante verted (AV) , if uterus can not be lifted and its fundus is posterior in POD ---it is retro flexed (RF) and retro verted ( RV )
  • 143. Abdomino- pelvic Bimanual Examination  The normal uterus is anteverted, anteflexd , pear shaped firm,6-7 cm long and 4cm wide at its fundus. mobile regular and non tender.  Normal adnexa is not palpable , all fornices are free / empty, non tender .  Ovaries are about3x2 cm in size and usually not palpable unless enlarged.  Palpable ovary in menopausal women should be viewed with suspicion.
  • 145. Abdomino- pelvic Bimanual Examination  Vaginal fingers are now to lateral (right and left ) fornices respactvely to palpate ; while abdominal hand is placed just medial to ipsilateral anteriosperior iliac spine well above the poupart’s ligament and adnexa is palpated in between two hands.  Some time to palpate thickening / induratin / infiltration in recto vaginal fascia one has to per0form bimanual rectal and vaginal examination at the same time ---index Finger in vagina and middle finger in rectum with their pulp facing anteriorly; left hand is put on abdomen as usual for performing bimanaual palpation.
  • 146. Bimanual Pelvic Examination – PV and PR simultaneously; to palpate the involvement of anterior Rectal and posteriorVaginal wall By malignancy / Endometriosis
  • 147. Bimanual examination – findings to be noted-----1. Uterus Anteverted / anteflxed / midposition / shifted to right or left side of mid line/ retroverted / retoflaxed. Size—normal / enlarged ( measured in terms of enlargement as in gestational period ) Shape –regular/ irregular Surface – smooth / bossed / uneven consistency– firm / soft / heard / variable Mobility– mobile / fixed / restricted. Tenderness– absent / present
  • 148. Bimanual examination – findings to be noted----- 2.Adnexa--> Palpable / not palpable size –in approx Cm in all diameters—longitudinal / transverse / oblique. Shape Surface – regular smooth / nodular / lobulated. Unilateral / bilateral consistency--- soft/ cystic / firm / hard / variable. Mobility --- mobile/ fixed / restricted . Tenderness --- absent / present . Induration . Attachment to uterus --- does it move with uterus or cervcal movements / while moving the adnexal mass uterus/ cervix also move . 3. Pouch Of Douglas  Any mass / thickening nodules fixed / fullness / tenderness / raised local temperature / consistency of mass / fullness. 4.Per rectal Examination  thickening / indurations / adherent / ulcerated anterior rectal wall / sacral ligament / recto vaginal fascia.
  • 149. Bimanual Examination --- Uterus1. Consistency Soft--- Pregnancy , pyrometer Hard --- Malignancy, calcified momma 2. Enlargement Regular---- Pregnancy, adenomyosis, pyometra , Haemtometra , carcinoma . Irregular--- Myoma, endomatrioma. 3. Mobility  Mobile--- Myoma , adenomyosis, pregnancy. Fixed / restricted---PID, Endometriosis,malignancy. 4,TendernessAdnomyosis, pyometra, haematrometra / PID
  • 150. Bimanual Examination ---Adnexa Size Large >10cm Bilateral Malignancy Malignancy Shape Retort Shaped Hydrosalpinx Mobility Mobile Fixed Benign ,non inflammatory mass Endometriosis , PID , Malignancy. Consistency Cystic Solid Variable consistency Benign tumor Malignancy, broad ligament fibroid Inflammatory / malignancy Tenderness Tender Inflammatory ,
  • 151. Bimanual palpation of Uterine fibroids
  • 152.
  • 153. PV examintion in OvarianTumor __lump is separate from normal sized Uterus
  • 154. pelvic mass in left Fornix lateral and separate from Uterus , there is free area ( cleavage in between Cervix and medial side of lower pole of tumor Cleavage/ free area Cervix tumor
  • 155. Differentiating uterine from adnexal mass Criterias Uterus Adnexal mass Location Central lateral Size normal in size uterus / if enlarged its size varies Palpable if enlarged adenexa Groove between mass and uterus absent present Transmitted mobility present Absent
  • 156. Special situations  Children, adolescent and old women present special situation.  Children – local examination of vulva and vestibule should be examined in presence of and with the help of her mother in separating thighs and labia apart, speculum and pv examination is not done if indicated ; it can be done under general anaesthesia by using nasal speculum . Pr with little finger will replace pv examination.  Adolescent Girls  avoid speculum/ pv examination , pr can be done, if pathology is highly suspected USG can help ; still some vaginal examination / procedure is must the it should be done after proper counselling , proper consent and under sedation / anaesthesia.  Post menopausal women with narrow introitus due to estrogen deficiency --- small size speculum with lubrication should be used.
  • 157. Screening / diagnostic procedures done at the time of gynaecological examination  Pap Smear .  Examination of vaginal / cervical/ nipple discharge. A- saline preparation ; B- KOH preparation ;C- Gram staining.  Endometrial sampling.  Culdoscentesis.
  • 158. Current Recommendations For Pap Smear.  Start at the age of 21 year --- if sexually active.  Once in 2 years till 30 years age .  Once in 3 years there after --- if HVP DNA negative , low risk factors present for developing Ca Cervix, last 3 samples are negative.  Annual Screening ---High risk for cancer / HVP DNA positive.  Stop at 65 age if no positive smear in last 10 years.
  • 159. Diagnosis of vaginitis by Examination Of DischargeDiagnosis (Chief complain) Wet Film KOH Preparation Gram Stain BacterialVaginosis ( Watery vaginal discharge with bad smell) Clie Cells Fishy odour (Amine) T.Vaginalis Vaginitis ( cream colored frothy vag. Dis.With burning at vulva) FlagillatedOrganism Candida Albicans ( thick curdy vag. Dis. With itching at vulva) Fungal Hyphae , Spores Gonococcal cervicitis ( dysurea, mailase feverish ness Gram Negative , intra cellular diplococci.
  • 160. Clue cells in Vagnalis vaginosis (Squamous Epithelium Cells Loaded with Anerobes – Gardenella Gondi
  • 161. Large Motile Protozoa--- Trichmonas Vaginalis. Flagella Nuclus Undulant Membrane Inclusion Bodies in Cytoplasm
  • 162. Candida Albicans ( Hyphae & Heads)