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April 14, 2015
1. Iranian officials demanded immediate sanctions relief and rejected the P5+1’s proposal for IAEA-led military site
inspections as part of the nuclear framework agreement, which Supreme Leader Khamenei has neither supported nor
2. Al Houthis lost ground in Aden and Abyan but expanded into Shabwah where they seized the governorate’s capital.
3. The Kenyan government continues to target al Shabaab militants both in Kenya and Somalia following the April 2 Garissa
University attack.
The Saudi-led Operation Decisive Storm continued to lose popular support among the Yemeni people as civilian casualties
mounted from April 4-10. Separately, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stated that the U.S. is aware of Iranian support for the
al Houthis in Yemen. Iran has continued to call for an end to Saudi-airstrikes in Yemen and for all parties to return to dialogue.
Outlook: Operation Decisive Storm will continue to lose support as civilian casualties mount. Saudi Arabia will feel pressed to
find a solution to the Yemen crisis before ending its airstrikes.
Anti-al Houthi militias appeared to make progress against the al Houthis in Aden and Abyan governorates. Anti-al Houthi forces
reportedly pushed the al Houthis out of al Mukalla and Dar Saad, Aden, on April 8. Anti-al Houthi forces in Abyan reportedly
retook Lawder city from al Houthi control on April 5 and Shaqra city on April 8. Al Houthi control expanded in Shabwah
governorate, as al Houthi forces seized Ataq city on April 8. Separately, local tribesmen in Ibb and Taiz began launching attacks
on al Houthi sites within the governorates.
Outlook: Operation Decisive Storm has impeded but failed to halt al Houthi southward and eastward expansion. The al Houthis
seem to be suffering losses in Abyan but have captured territory in Shabwah. Local resistance movements may inhibit the
ability of the al Houthis to control the territory they currently occupy.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
Ansar al Sharia seized military bases in al Abr, Hadramawt, on April 7 and remain in partial control of the capital of Hadramawt,
al Mukalla, which they reportedly plan to defend from al Houthi expansion. Suspected Ansar al Sharia militants carried out an
SVBIED attack targeting al Houthis in Bayhan, Shabwah on April 10.
Outlook: Ansar al Sharia will continue to consolidate territory in eastern Yemen and are depicting themselves as an alternative
to al Houthi expansion in Yemen.
1) 04 -10 APR: Al
Houthi militants
battled anti-al Houthi
militias for control of
Aden city, Aden.
2) 04 - 09 APR: Ansar
al Sharia attacked
military bases in
3) 09 APR: Al Houthi
militants and allied
military units seized
Ataq city, Shabwah.
4) 10 APR: Ansar al
Sharia militants
conducted SVBIED
attack targeting al
Houthis in Bayhan,
Following the April 2 Garissa University attack, opposition leaders in Kenya called for the Kenyan Defense Forces to withdraw
from Somalia in order to prevent further attacks. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, however, called for Kenya to continue to
fight against al Shabaab and for Kenyan Muslims to help root out al Shabaab members and sympathizers from their
communities. To this end, the Kenyan Minister for Foreign Affairs called for Kenya’s U.S. and European partners to increase
their support for Kenya in the fight against al Shabaab.
Outlook: Kenya will continue to combat al Shabaab in Kenya and Somalia. Discontent with the current policies could grow if
the situation does not improve.
Kenya continued to target al Shabaab in Somalia when it conducted airstrikes in Gedo region on April 6. Kenyan officials
claimed that the strikes were effective, while al Shabaab claimed that the strikes did not target bases but rather farmland.
Following the April 2 Garissa University attack, Uganda arrested a number of suspected terrorists. One of the suspects arrested
was an ex-Gauntanamo detainee.
Outlook: The Kenyan airstrikes signify Kenya’s continued participation in the fight against al Shabaab in Somalia. Uganda’s
arrests signal that it is concerned about possible al Shabaab attacks in the country.
Al Shabaab
Al Shabaab released a video on April 4 calling the Garissa University attack retaliation for Kenyan troops in Somalia. In the
video al Shabaab said that they had repeatedly warned Kenya of the consequences of its actions and warned of future attacks
if the policies do not change. The Somali Federal Government also placed bounties on 11 al Shabaab members, including the
group’s leader Ahmad Umar and the reported planner of the Garissa University attack, Mohamed Mohamud.
Outlook: Al Shabaab’s likely objective of the Garissa University attack was to convince Kenya to withdraw from Somalia. Al
Shabaab will likely attempt further attacks in Kenya to achieve this goal.
1) 06 APR: Kenyan
airstrikes targeted al
Shabaab bases in
Gedo region.
2) 07 APR: Police
arrested terror
suspects in Wakiso
district and Kampala,
3) 07 APR: Suspected
al Shabaab IED attack
in Galkayo, Mudug
4) 09 APR: Police
arrested terror
suspects in Kasese,
Kasese district,
Abdullah al Thinni directed the National Oil Company to deposit its revenue into the Tobruk government’s UAE bank account
rather than the politically neutral Central Bank of Libya. Neither the National Oil Company nor the Central Bank of Libya has
responded to this order. Additionally al Thinni successfully lobbied the Egyptian and Kuwaiti governments to cease
rebroadcasting al Nabaa TV, the primary television station for Libya Dawn. This has effectively shut down the channel.
Outlook: The neutrality of the Central Bank, and therefore the oil profits, is one of the few stabilizing forces in Libya today.
Should one side gain control of this money, they would not only have access to the funds, but also the massive attached
patronage networks.
Libyan National Army (LNA) forces have made gains throughout the country, clearing key districts in Benghazi and expanding
their presence around Tripoli. Additionally, key LNA and al Saiqa leaders have claimed that Benghazi will be completely secured
in the near future.
Outlook: It is highly unlikely that fighting in Benghazi will cease in the foreseeable future, but by clearing Buhadema it is judged
that the LNA currently has the upper hand. The future of the Tripoli operation remains unclear.
Ansar al Sharia Libya and ISIS in Libya
Ansar al Sharia in Libya published a video entitled “The Chargers of Dawn” showing military activities near Benina Airport in
Benghazi. Included in the video was a short speech from Abu Abdullah al Libi, the cleric who was rumored to have defected to
ISIS. This calls into question the validity of those rumors. Additionally, Ansar al Sharia published several picture sets over the
course of the week, increasing their social media presence significantly.
Outlook: The expansion of Ansar al Sharia’s media presence indicates a desire to raise the profile of the organization, which
primarily works within coalitions and alliances in major cities. This coalition strategy was likely designed to minimize risk during
a period in which the organization was vulnerable and therefore the expansion could represent perceived organizational
Abdelmalek Droukdel, AQIM’s emir, congratulated Jabhat al Nusra and Jaish al Fatah for their recent gains in Syria in an audio
recording. The recording is the emir’s first statement since 2012.
Outlook: The resurfacing of Abdelmalek Droukdel is likely to renew support for AQIM in the Maghreb region.
Ansar al Sharia (Tunisia)
Militant attacks continue to target Tunisian security forces in Tunisia’s Kasserine region. Unknown militants attacked a Tunisian
military patrol leaving five soldiers dead and nine others wounded in the Kasserine governorate near the Algerian border.
Tunisian security forces arrested 13 men suspected of being behind this ambush, but the search for the remaining militants is
ongoing. No militant organizations has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Outlook: Although Tunisia has increased its counter-terrorism operations since the Bardo Museum Attack, militant activity
targeting Tunisian security forces will likely increase. Tunisian security forces will continue their anti-terror sweeps particularly
near the borders.
Associated Movements in the Sahel (Ansar al Din, al Murabitoun)
Five unidentified gunmen kidnapped a Romanian security officer in Tambao, Burkina Faso, close to the Malian border. The
gunmen headed toward Mali after the kidnapping, and so far no group has claimed responsibility for the incident. Burkinabe
authorities are currently hunting for the kidnappers in Mali with the help of French and U.S. troops. Separately, unknown
assailants shelled the northern Malian town of Gao, killing one civilian and wounding three others. A landmine also detonated
beneath a MINUSMA convoy in Kidal, northern Mali, wounding two peacekeepers. Unidentified gunmen attacked the town of
Boni, in central Mali, leaving two civilians dead.
Outlook: Recent attacks against civilians and peacekeeping forces coupled with the kidnapping of a Romanian represent a
disturbing trend in increased militant activity. Islamist militant groups like MUJAO are likely to stage more attacks and will
continue to benefit from Mali’s instability.
1) 05 APR:
ISIS detonated an
SVBIED on a Libya
Dawn checkpoint in
Misrata, killing 6 and
wounding 21.
2) 07 APR: LNA
forces clashed with
Libya Dawn southwest
of Tripoli. LNA forces
are reportedly close to
securing the district.
3) 08 APR: LNA
forces launched a
complex attack on the
Mujahedeen Shura
Council of Derna.
4) 09-10 APR: LNA
forces have made
significant progress
clearing Benghazi.
1) 07 APR: A militant
ambush on a military
patrol left five
soldiers dead and
nine others wounded
in Kasserine. Tunisian
forces arrested 13
2) 09 APR: Algerian
security forces killed
four members of the
Soldiers of the
Caliphate in
3) 10 APR: Tunisian
security forces
arrested the leader
of a Uqba ibn Nafaa
cell that was plotting
explosions in the
2 3
1) 04 APR:
Unidentified gunmen
kidnapped a
Romanian security
officer in Tambao,
Burkina Faso, and
then fled towards the
Malian border.
2) 05 APR: Unknown
militants shelled the
town of Gao.
3) 06 APR: An IED
exploded underneath
a MINUSMA convoy
near Kidal.
4) 06 APR: French
special forces
conducted a raid
against AQIM in
Tessalit and freed a
Dutch hostage.
Regional Developments
Senior Iranian officials continued to criticize the Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen. The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
escalated Tehran’s rhetoric against Riyadh, calling the Arab coalition’s military campaign an act of genocide. Khamenei said that
the lack of composure and strategic depth displayed by the Saudis is due to the “inexperienced youngsters” appointed to
positions of power. Khamenei explicitly warned Riyadh of the consequences it will face, stating that “it will certainly take losses
and will not emerge victorious at all.” Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, meanwhile, met with Pakistani Prime Minister
Nawaz Sharif to stress the need for political dialogue in resolving the crisis in Yemen.
Outlook: Iran will continue to promote inclusive dialogue in Yemen, while highlighting the strategic and political costs
associated with a prolonged conflict, as part of Tehran’s diplomatic strategy to undermine the Saudi-led coalition.
Nuclear Talks
Numerous senior regime officials and IRGC personnel solidly endorsed the P5+1-Tehran nuclear framework agreement last
week. Commander of the IRGC Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari expressed his support for the agreement, while Parliament
Speaker Ali Larijani hailed it as a “promising” track to “economic prosperity.” Officials such as AFGS Headquarters Chief Major
General Hassan Firouzabadi and Judiciary Head Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani also praised the Iranian negotiating team.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, however, expressed general ambivalence about the framework agreement, citing the
fact that the two sides have not yet reached a final deal. Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani were among the regime
officials who reiterated the Supreme Leader’s longstanding redline of immediate – rather than phased – relief from all sanctions
in the event of a final nuclear deal.
Outlook: Regime officials will continue to demand immediate sanctions relief as part of a final nuclear deal as negotiations
continue with the P5+1.
1305 APR – 09 APR 2015
APR 5: President Hassan Rouhani reiterated that sanctions must be removed, not suspended, in the event of
a final P5+1 nuclear deal.
APR 6: Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani lent his support for the nuclear framework agreement.
APR 7: IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari expressed support for the framework agreement
and praised the negotiating team.
APR 7: President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed eight agreements;
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei met with Erdogan.
APR 7: Pakistan-based militants killed eight border guards in Sistan va Baluchistan province.
APR 8: The Artesh Navy announced that the 34th Fleet departed for the Gulf of Aden and the Bab el Mandeb
Strait for a three-month deployment.
APR 8: Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian met with China’s special envoy to the Middle East
Gong Xiaosheng to discuss the crises in Yemen.
APR 8: Defense Minister IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan rejected reports claiming the nuclear framework
agreement will permit inspections of sensitive military sites.
APR 9: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated that he is “neither for, nor against” the framework
agreement, and reiterated his prerequisites for a final deal.
APR 9: President Hassan Rouhani reinforced immediate removal of sanctions as the Supreme Leader’s
bottom line for a final nuclear deal.
APR 9: Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh met with the Chinese Energy Minister in Beijing to discuss energy
APR 9: Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with Pakistani Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz
Sharif, and discussed the crises in Yemen.
Atomic Energy Agency of Iran (AEOI)
African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS)
Ansar al Sharia Tunisia (AAS-T)
Asa’ib Ahl al Haq (AAH)
Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)
Islamic State (IS)
Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH)
Libyan National Army (LNA)
Lebanese Hezbollah (LH)
United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA)
The Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO)
North Waziristan (NWA)
Pakistani Military (PakMil)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Supreme Council for National Security (SCNS)
Somalia National Army (SNA)
South Waziristan (SWA)
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
Katherine Zimmerman
senior al Qaeda analyst
(202) 888-6576
Alexis Knutsen
al Qaeda analyst
(202) 888-6570
Marie Donovan
Iran analyst
(202) 888-6572
Mehrdad Moarefian
Iran analyst
(202) 888-6574
For more information about AEI’s Critical Threats Project,

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2015 04-14 ctp update and assessment

  • 2. TOP THREE TAKEAWAYS 2 1 3 1. Iranian officials demanded immediate sanctions relief and rejected the P5+1’s proposal for IAEA-led military site inspections as part of the nuclear framework agreement, which Supreme Leader Khamenei has neither supported nor opposed. 2. Al Houthis lost ground in Aden and Abyan but expanded into Shabwah where they seized the governorate’s capital. 3. The Kenyan government continues to target al Shabaab militants both in Kenya and Somalia following the April 2 Garissa University attack. 2
  • 3. ASSESSMENT: Political The Saudi-led Operation Decisive Storm continued to lose popular support among the Yemeni people as civilian casualties mounted from April 4-10. Separately, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stated that the U.S. is aware of Iranian support for the al Houthis in Yemen. Iran has continued to call for an end to Saudi-airstrikes in Yemen and for all parties to return to dialogue. Outlook: Operation Decisive Storm will continue to lose support as civilian casualties mount. Saudi Arabia will feel pressed to find a solution to the Yemen crisis before ending its airstrikes. Security Anti-al Houthi militias appeared to make progress against the al Houthis in Aden and Abyan governorates. Anti-al Houthi forces reportedly pushed the al Houthis out of al Mukalla and Dar Saad, Aden, on April 8. Anti-al Houthi forces in Abyan reportedly retook Lawder city from al Houthi control on April 5 and Shaqra city on April 8. Al Houthi control expanded in Shabwah governorate, as al Houthi forces seized Ataq city on April 8. Separately, local tribesmen in Ibb and Taiz began launching attacks on al Houthi sites within the governorates. Outlook: Operation Decisive Storm has impeded but failed to halt al Houthi southward and eastward expansion. The al Houthis seem to be suffering losses in Abyan but have captured territory in Shabwah. Local resistance movements may inhibit the ability of the al Houthis to control the territory they currently occupy. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) Ansar al Sharia seized military bases in al Abr, Hadramawt, on April 7 and remain in partial control of the capital of Hadramawt, al Mukalla, which they reportedly plan to defend from al Houthi expansion. Suspected Ansar al Sharia militants carried out an SVBIED attack targeting al Houthis in Bayhan, Shabwah on April 10. Outlook: Ansar al Sharia will continue to consolidate territory in eastern Yemen and are depicting themselves as an alternative to al Houthi expansion in Yemen. 3 YEMENGULF OF ADEN
  • 4. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY: 4 YEMENGULF OF ADEN 1) 04 -10 APR: Al Houthi militants battled anti-al Houthi militias for control of Aden city, Aden. 2) 04 - 09 APR: Ansar al Sharia attacked military bases in Hadramawt. 3) 09 APR: Al Houthi militants and allied military units seized Ataq city, Shabwah. 4) 10 APR: Ansar al Sharia militants conducted SVBIED attack targeting al Houthis in Bayhan, Shabwah. 3 4 1 2
  • 5. ASSESSMENT: Political Following the April 2 Garissa University attack, opposition leaders in Kenya called for the Kenyan Defense Forces to withdraw from Somalia in order to prevent further attacks. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, however, called for Kenya to continue to fight against al Shabaab and for Kenyan Muslims to help root out al Shabaab members and sympathizers from their communities. To this end, the Kenyan Minister for Foreign Affairs called for Kenya’s U.S. and European partners to increase their support for Kenya in the fight against al Shabaab. Outlook: Kenya will continue to combat al Shabaab in Kenya and Somalia. Discontent with the current policies could grow if the situation does not improve. Security Kenya continued to target al Shabaab in Somalia when it conducted airstrikes in Gedo region on April 6. Kenyan officials claimed that the strikes were effective, while al Shabaab claimed that the strikes did not target bases but rather farmland. Following the April 2 Garissa University attack, Uganda arrested a number of suspected terrorists. One of the suspects arrested was an ex-Gauntanamo detainee. Outlook: The Kenyan airstrikes signify Kenya’s continued participation in the fight against al Shabaab in Somalia. Uganda’s arrests signal that it is concerned about possible al Shabaab attacks in the country. Al Shabaab Al Shabaab released a video on April 4 calling the Garissa University attack retaliation for Kenyan troops in Somalia. In the video al Shabaab said that they had repeatedly warned Kenya of the consequences of its actions and warned of future attacks if the policies do not change. The Somali Federal Government also placed bounties on 11 al Shabaab members, including the group’s leader Ahmad Umar and the reported planner of the Garissa University attack, Mohamed Mohamud. Outlook: Al Shabaab’s likely objective of the Garissa University attack was to convince Kenya to withdraw from Somalia. Al Shabaab will likely attempt further attacks in Kenya to achieve this goal. HORN OF AFRICAGULF OF ADEN 5
  • 6. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY: 1) 06 APR: Kenyan airstrikes targeted al Shabaab bases in Gedo region. 2) 07 APR: Police arrested terror suspects in Wakiso district and Kampala, Uganda. 3) 07 APR: Suspected al Shabaab IED attack in Galkayo, Mudug region. 4) 09 APR: Police arrested terror suspects in Kasese, Kasese district, Uganda. 6 HORN OF AFRICAGULF OF ADEN 6 HORN OF AFRICAGULF OF ADEN 6 HORN OF AFRICAGULF OF ADEN 6 HORN OF AFRICAGULF OF ADEN 66 1 2 3 4
  • 7. ASSESSMENT: Political Abdullah al Thinni directed the National Oil Company to deposit its revenue into the Tobruk government’s UAE bank account rather than the politically neutral Central Bank of Libya. Neither the National Oil Company nor the Central Bank of Libya has responded to this order. Additionally al Thinni successfully lobbied the Egyptian and Kuwaiti governments to cease rebroadcasting al Nabaa TV, the primary television station for Libya Dawn. This has effectively shut down the channel. Outlook: The neutrality of the Central Bank, and therefore the oil profits, is one of the few stabilizing forces in Libya today. Should one side gain control of this money, they would not only have access to the funds, but also the massive attached patronage networks. Security Libyan National Army (LNA) forces have made gains throughout the country, clearing key districts in Benghazi and expanding their presence around Tripoli. Additionally, key LNA and al Saiqa leaders have claimed that Benghazi will be completely secured in the near future. Outlook: It is highly unlikely that fighting in Benghazi will cease in the foreseeable future, but by clearing Buhadema it is judged that the LNA currently has the upper hand. The future of the Tripoli operation remains unclear. Ansar al Sharia Libya and ISIS in Libya Ansar al Sharia in Libya published a video entitled “The Chargers of Dawn” showing military activities near Benina Airport in Benghazi. Included in the video was a short speech from Abu Abdullah al Libi, the cleric who was rumored to have defected to ISIS. This calls into question the validity of those rumors. Additionally, Ansar al Sharia published several picture sets over the course of the week, increasing their social media presence significantly. Outlook: The expansion of Ansar al Sharia’s media presence indicates a desire to raise the profile of the organization, which primarily works within coalitions and alliances in major cities. This coalition strategy was likely designed to minimize risk during a period in which the organization was vulnerable and therefore the expansion could represent perceived organizational strength. 7 LIBYAWEST AFRICA
  • 8. ASSESSMENT: AQIM Abdelmalek Droukdel, AQIM’s emir, congratulated Jabhat al Nusra and Jaish al Fatah for their recent gains in Syria in an audio recording. The recording is the emir’s first statement since 2012. Outlook: The resurfacing of Abdelmalek Droukdel is likely to renew support for AQIM in the Maghreb region. Ansar al Sharia (Tunisia) Militant attacks continue to target Tunisian security forces in Tunisia’s Kasserine region. Unknown militants attacked a Tunisian military patrol leaving five soldiers dead and nine others wounded in the Kasserine governorate near the Algerian border. Tunisian security forces arrested 13 men suspected of being behind this ambush, but the search for the remaining militants is ongoing. No militant organizations has claimed responsibility for the attack. Outlook: Although Tunisia has increased its counter-terrorism operations since the Bardo Museum Attack, militant activity targeting Tunisian security forces will likely increase. Tunisian security forces will continue their anti-terror sweeps particularly near the borders. Associated Movements in the Sahel (Ansar al Din, al Murabitoun) Five unidentified gunmen kidnapped a Romanian security officer in Tambao, Burkina Faso, close to the Malian border. The gunmen headed toward Mali after the kidnapping, and so far no group has claimed responsibility for the incident. Burkinabe authorities are currently hunting for the kidnappers in Mali with the help of French and U.S. troops. Separately, unknown assailants shelled the northern Malian town of Gao, killing one civilian and wounding three others. A landmine also detonated beneath a MINUSMA convoy in Kidal, northern Mali, wounding two peacekeepers. Unidentified gunmen attacked the town of Boni, in central Mali, leaving two civilians dead. Outlook: Recent attacks against civilians and peacekeeping forces coupled with the kidnapping of a Romanian represent a disturbing trend in increased militant activity. Islamist militant groups like MUJAO are likely to stage more attacks and will continue to benefit from Mali’s instability. 8 MAGHREB AND SAHELWEST AFRICA
  • 9. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY: 9 LIBYAWEST AFRICA 9999999 1) 05 APR: ISIS detonated an SVBIED on a Libya Dawn checkpoint in Misrata, killing 6 and wounding 21. 2) 07 APR: LNA forces clashed with Libya Dawn southwest of Tripoli. LNA forces are reportedly close to securing the district. 3) 08 APR: LNA forces launched a complex attack on the Mujahedeen Shura Council of Derna. 4) 09-10 APR: LNA forces have made significant progress towards clearing Benghazi. 1 2 4 3
  • 10. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY: 10 NORTH AFRICAWEST AFRICA 10 NORTH AFRICAWEST AFRICA 10 NORTH AFRICAWEST AFRICA 10 NORTH AFRICAWEST AFRICA 10 NORTH AFRICAWEST AFRICA 10 NORTH AFRICAWEST AFRICA 10 NORTH AFRICAWEST AFRICA 10 NORTH AFRICAWEST AFRICA 1) 07 APR: A militant ambush on a military patrol left five soldiers dead and nine others wounded in Kasserine. Tunisian forces arrested 13 suspects. 2) 09 APR: Algerian security forces killed four members of the Soldiers of the Caliphate in Boumerdes. 3) 10 APR: Tunisian security forces arrested the leader of a Uqba ibn Nafaa cell that was plotting explosions in the capital. 1 2 3
  • 11. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY: 11 1 1) 04 APR: Unidentified gunmen kidnapped a Romanian security officer in Tambao, Burkina Faso, and then fled towards the Malian border. 2) 05 APR: Unknown militants shelled the town of Gao. 3) 06 APR: An IED exploded underneath a MINUSMA convoy near Kidal. 4) 06 APR: French special forces conducted a raid against AQIM in Tessalit and freed a Dutch hostage. WEST AFRICA 2 3 SAHEL 4
  • 12. ASSESSMENT: Regional Developments Senior Iranian officials continued to criticize the Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen. The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei escalated Tehran’s rhetoric against Riyadh, calling the Arab coalition’s military campaign an act of genocide. Khamenei said that the lack of composure and strategic depth displayed by the Saudis is due to the “inexperienced youngsters” appointed to positions of power. Khamenei explicitly warned Riyadh of the consequences it will face, stating that “it will certainly take losses and will not emerge victorious at all.” Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, meanwhile, met with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to stress the need for political dialogue in resolving the crisis in Yemen. Outlook: Iran will continue to promote inclusive dialogue in Yemen, while highlighting the strategic and political costs associated with a prolonged conflict, as part of Tehran’s diplomatic strategy to undermine the Saudi-led coalition. Nuclear Talks Numerous senior regime officials and IRGC personnel solidly endorsed the P5+1-Tehran nuclear framework agreement last week. Commander of the IRGC Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari expressed his support for the agreement, while Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani hailed it as a “promising” track to “economic prosperity.” Officials such as AFGS Headquarters Chief Major General Hassan Firouzabadi and Judiciary Head Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani also praised the Iranian negotiating team. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, however, expressed general ambivalence about the framework agreement, citing the fact that the two sides have not yet reached a final deal. Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani were among the regime officials who reiterated the Supreme Leader’s longstanding redline of immediate – rather than phased – relief from all sanctions in the event of a final nuclear deal. Outlook: Regime officials will continue to demand immediate sanctions relief as part of a final nuclear deal as negotiations continue with the P5+1. 12 IRAN
  • 13. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY:IRAN 1305 APR – 09 APR 2015 APR 5: President Hassan Rouhani reiterated that sanctions must be removed, not suspended, in the event of a final P5+1 nuclear deal. APR 6: Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani lent his support for the nuclear framework agreement. APR 7: IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari expressed support for the framework agreement and praised the negotiating team. APR 7: President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed eight agreements; Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei met with Erdogan. APR 7: Pakistan-based militants killed eight border guards in Sistan va Baluchistan province. APR 8: The Artesh Navy announced that the 34th Fleet departed for the Gulf of Aden and the Bab el Mandeb Strait for a three-month deployment. APR 8: Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian met with China’s special envoy to the Middle East Gong Xiaosheng to discuss the crises in Yemen. APR 8: Defense Minister IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan rejected reports claiming the nuclear framework agreement will permit inspections of sensitive military sites. APR 9: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated that he is “neither for, nor against” the framework agreement, and reiterated his prerequisites for a final deal. APR 9: President Hassan Rouhani reinforced immediate removal of sanctions as the Supreme Leader’s bottom line for a final nuclear deal. APR 9: Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh met with the Chinese Energy Minister in Beijing to discuss energy cooperation. APR 9: Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with Pakistani Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, and discussed the crises in Yemen.
  • 14. ACRONYMS 14 Atomic Energy Agency of Iran (AEOI) African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) Ansar al Sharia Tunisia (AAS-T) Asa’ib Ahl al Haq (AAH) Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Islamic State (IS) Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH) Libyan National Army (LNA) Lebanese Hezbollah (LH) United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) The Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) North Waziristan (NWA) Pakistani Military (PakMil) Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Supreme Council for National Security (SCNS) Somalia National Army (SNA) South Waziristan (SWA) Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
  • 15. CRITICAL THREATS PROJECT ANALYSTS Katherine Zimmerman senior al Qaeda analyst (202) 888-6576 Alexis Knutsen al Qaeda analyst (202) 888-6570 Marie Donovan Iran analyst (202) 888-6572 Mehrdad Moarefian Iran analyst (202) 888-6574 For more information about AEI’s Critical Threats Project, visit 15