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Training & Workshop 
CEM Kamel Zmirline 
Mr. Samir Bounab
9:00 - 
Opening Session 
( Greeting & Welcoming audience) 
9:10 - 10:00 
10:00 -10:10 
10:00 – 10:30 
• Power point presentation 
• Coffee pause 
• Feed back & discussion about the presentation 
10:30 – 11:30 • Workshops (Planning 4 Levels Middle School lesson 
11:30 – 12:oo • Feed back / Delivery of the workshop 
12:00 • Closure of the meeting and workshop
A Lesson 
Never Delivered 
A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description 
of the course of instruction for one class. 
A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to 
guide class instruction. 
Details will vary depending on the preference of 
the teacher, subject being covered, and the need 
and/or curiosity of students. 
There may be requirements mandated by the 
school system regarding the plan.
1.Teachers should prepare a lesson plan before 
2.Teachers should consider learners ’ abilities, 
interests, learning preferences, and the 
institutional program while planning. 
3.Teacher should analyze their lesson plans 
before and after teaching. 
4.Lesson plans should include specific 
5.Objectives should concretely state the 
communicative objectives of the lesson.
Before planning, teachers should know what 
they are teaching and why. 
Lessons should focus on helping learners develop 
communication skills – not finishing the curriculum, 
memorizing grammar rules or learning to transcribe 
They should consider learners ’ ability, age, 
learning preferences, interests, available 
resources, previously taught information and the 
institutional program.
time Interactio 
procedure competency VAKT 
Time = is very important , teachers should master that . 
Interaction = In order to avoid TTT ( Teacher Talking Time) and split the role 
among his or her learners 
Procedure = here the teachers plans his or her lesson with different stages 
& steps. 
Competency = Since we are dealing with CBA < Competency Based Approach> 
teachers must know when his or her learners perform the 
“3IIP”{ Interact – Interpret – Produce} 
VAKT = Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile = Teachers must know which 
kind of aids must be used at any stage of teaching.
1.In all lessons there is a prep to teaching ( 
icebreakers/ games/ warmers/ lead 
2. while lesson which is split into 
presentation and practice/ others will 
refer to observation / analysis and 
practice , in case it is a grammar / 
vocabulary lesson . 
3.The post lesson is the productive 
Teaching Frameworks 
 4 ps= Preparation – presentation – practice – produce / 3 
ps= presentation – practice – produce 
 PPU = Presentation – practice – Use /ju:s/ < Speaking 
( grammar ) lesson> 
 PDP = Pre( reading/listening) During (reading/listening ) 
Post ( reading /listening) 
 PIASP( grammar or pronunciation item) P= presentation / I= 
Isolation / A = Analysis/ S= Stating rule / P= Practice (Oral 
or Written = 3 type of tasks < 1- based form 2- Meaning 
based 3- communicative based 
 Teaching Writing= writing process= Problem solving 
integrating situation= a- Brainstorming b- planning or 
organizing c- drafting d- editing e- publishing
ice- breaker, warmer and lead in are nearly the same there is a slight 
difference but all serve one objective is to get the learner ready and ease 
for the learning sequence : 
1- Icebreakers are discussion questions or activities used to help participants relax and 
ease into a group meeting or learning situation.. The icebreakers can be used to generate 
interest in a topic and activate the student’s prior knowledge. 
2- Lead-ins (topic) Topic Lead-ins will direct the student into the content that will be 
taught and encourage the sharing of information and resource. 
3- Warmers are usually fun activities that focus on fluency practice. Ideally, warmers 
should only last a few minutes, while a warmer is usually has no direct relationship to the 
REST of the lesson, a lead-in is a quick preview of the material that will be covered in 
class. both lean in and warmer have their strengths. A fun, breezy warmer can add a bit 
of variety to a lesson, and might appeal to students who like a change of pace. On the 
other hand, a lead-in is a better choice for a more cohesive lesson. This is particularly 
important with beginning level students, who need a lot of structure and repetition. Sorry 
fro being a bit long.
 Warm-up : The lesson usually begins with a warm-up, built 
around a visual aid, « to expand students’ vocabulary » 
  Students : 
Talk about subjects of interest to them. 
Students use the material they have already learned 
Acquire new vocabulary in a meaningful context 
Use some of the structures they practiced in the previous lesson. 
Students retrieve and reuse material from previous lessons in a real 
exchange of ideas. 
Elicit their interest in the present lesson.
PRESENTATION : The teacher : [decides on the teaching aids to be 
Conveys the meaning of new material / language to students 
(inductively or deductively) context of com/ examples analysed then rule 
for the inductive it is context of com , elicitation of target example for giving 
the rule, then practise. It is what is commonly known as rule eg for inductive 
and eg rule for deductive. 
Gives them the chance to interact with it and to indicate in some way (not 
necessarily by producing the language) that they have understood 
 How : 
•answering simple Yes/No / "Wh-questions, 
•pointing or marking correct pictures or replies, 
•ordering pictures , 
•matching items , 
•deducing and explaining rules or concepts, 
•creating questions 
•employ dramatization, role-playing, problem-solving, oral or written reports, 
discussion, lecturing, grouping, picture-drawing, showing objects, etc,
PRACTICE : {engage the students in an interchange of 
communication using what they have been learning} 
Students work with the material in a controlled context to help them 
develop accuracy, confidence and move toward fluency . 
Activities begin as more controlled : « Guided practice » 
•info gaps 
•picture card games 
•simple fill-ins (word, dialog, gesture, strategy) . 
Activities next move to being freer or more complex : « Free practice » 
question-answer exercises where students are restricted to a particular 
certain vocabulary items .
USE : 
 Students are required to choose and 
discriminate among choices in language 
within a less controlled context. 
 Activities allow for student learning to be 
demonstrated as defined by the lesson 
 Common activities include role plays 
personal reactions ,discussions, values 
clarification and games.
• A Listening lesson plan is made of the following steps: 
• {Pre-listening (P) –During/While listening (D) – Post-listening(P)} 
• Pre-Listening: 
• The teacher builds schema and introduces new language as needed. 
• Use pre-listening activities to prepare students for what they are going to hear or view. 
• The activities chosen during pre-listening may serve as preparation for listening in 
several ways. During pre-listening the teacher may : 
 Assess students’ background knowledge of the topic and linguistic content of the text. 
 Provide students with the background knowledge necessary for their comprehension of 
the listening passage or activate the Existing knowledge that the students possess; 
 Clarify any cultural information which may be necessary to comprehend the passage; 
 Make students aware of the type of text they will be listening to, the role they will play, 
and the purpose(s) for which they will be listening; 
 Provide opportunities for group or collaborative work and for background reading or 
class discussion activities
Sample pre-listening activities : 
 Looking at pictures, maps, diagrams, or graphs 
 Reviewing vocabulaire or grammatical structures 
 Reading something relevant 
 Constructing semantic webs (a graphic 
arrangement of concepts or words showing how 
they are related) 
 Predicting the content of the listening text 
 Going over the directions or instructions for the 
 Doing guided practice
During- listening: While-listening activities relate directly to 
the text, and students do them during or immediately after the 
time they are listening. Keep these points in mind when planning while-listening 
 If students are to complete a written task during or immediately after 
listening, allow them to read through it before listening 
 Keep writing to a minimum during listening. Remember that the 
primary goal is comprehension, not production 
 Organize activities so that they guide listeners through the 
text :Students complete multiple tasks that move from a general to 
specific focus in order to deepen their understanding of the text and 
develop specific listening / reading skills, such as reading / listening 
for gist or specifics, skimming and scanning ,using context clues to 
predict content 
 Use predicting to encourage students to monitor their comprehension 
as they list 
 Give immediate feedback whenever possible
Sample -while-listening- activities : 
Listening with visuals. 
Filling in graphs and charts. 
Following a route on a map. 
Checking off items in a list. 
Listening for the gist . 
Searching for specific clues to meaning. 
Completing cloze (fill-in) exercises. 
Distinguishing between formal and 
informal registers.
Post- listening: Use post-listening activities to: 
• Check comprehension, 
•Evaluate listening skills and use of listening strategies 
• Extend the knowledge gained to other contexts. 
A post-listening activity may relate to a pre-listening 
 A post-listening activity must reflect the real-life uses to 
which students might put information they have gained 
through listening 
Students complete activities that expand on content or 
language from the text using other skills 
, i.e. grammar, speaking, writing.
A Reading lesson plan is made of the following steps : 
{ Pre-reading (P) –During/While reading (D) – Post-reading (P)} 
•Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, 
resulting in comprehension 
•Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain 
information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer’s ideas or 
writing style 
•A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language 
being read. 
•The text presents letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning. 
•The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that meaning is 
•In the case of reading, this means producing students who can use reading strategies to 
maximize their comprehension of text, identify relevant and non-relevant information, and 
tolerate less than word-by-word comprehension.
Sample pre-reading activities : 
Using the title, subtitles, and divisions within the text to predict content and 
organization or sequence of information 
Looking at pictures, maps, diagrams, or graphs and their captions 
Talking about the author’s background, writing style, and usual topics 
Skimming to find the theme or main idea and eliciting related prior knowledge 
Reviewing vocabulary or grammatical structures 
Reading over the comprehension questions to focus attention on finding that 
information while reading 
Constructing semantic webs (a graphic arrangement of concepts or words 
showing how they are related) 
Doing guided practice with guessing meaning from context or checking 
comprehension while reading 
Asking the learners to anticipate from a picture or the title . 
Introducing the topic through some key words . 
Telling a parallel story to introduce some difficult words . 
Having the learners predict information constituents . 
Review a previous lesson that is thematically or structurally linked to the new 
one . 
Ask pointed questions to whet the pupils' appetite and raise their motivation.
While-reading activities 
True / false / not mentioned. 
Table filling 
Matching pair activities 
Sentence completion . 
Open ended comprehension questions graded from : 
a)Reference questions : where the answer are explicitly given 
in the text 
b)Inference questions :where the pupils have to read 
between the lines to find the answers . 
C) Evaluation questions : although these questions are too 
difficult at this level
Post reading phase : 
The role of the teacher here is that of evaluator .He checks that 
the objectives set , that is the activities set in the reading phase 
have been done to his satisfaction .These activities are 
corrected . 
This is also an opportunity to diagnose more common mistakes 
and offer remedial works to the hole class for mistakes made by 
all .There may also be follow up written or oral activities : 
The learners can ask each other questions on the passage . 
They can imagine a different ending orally , to pave the way to 
written expression . 
They can retell the passage from a different character's 
point of view . 
They can learn how to summarize the passage orally first then 
Reading Aloud in the Classroom 
• Students do not learn to read by reading aloud. 
• A person who reads aloud and comprehends the meaning of the text is 
coordinating word recognition with comprehension and speaking and 
pronunciation ability in highly complex ways. Students whose language skills are 
limited are not able to process at this level. 
• In addition, reading aloud is a task that students will rarely, if ever, need to do 
outside of the classroom 
• It does not test a student’s ability to use reading to accomplish a purpose or goal. 
 There are three ways to use reading aloud productively in the language 
• Read aloud to your students as they follow along silently. You have the ability to use 
inflection and tone to help them hear what the text is saying. Following along as 
you read will help students move from word-by-word reading to reading in 
phrases and thought units, as they do in their first language. 
• Use the “read and look up” technique. With this technique, a student reads a 
phrase or sentence silently as many times as necessary, then looks up (away from 
the text) and tells you what the phrase or sentence says. This encourages students 
to read for ideas, rather than for word recognition. 
• However, reading aloud can help a teacher assess whether a student is “seeing” 
word endings and other grammatical features when reading
1-P= Presentation<Presenting the context in which the structure 
a2p- pIseoalrast>io n: 
the focus is temporarily on the grammatical item itself and the aim is :to 
get the learner perceive & recognize the grammatical item what it looks 
l3ik- eA nalysis : 
Here you will try to make ur learners analyze the isolated items the aim is : 
to get your learners perceive how it is formed ( structure), how it functions 
and what it means and the rule that govern it 
4- Stating Rule : 
Here after they analyse you help them to formulate the grammar rule 
5- Practice: This is achieved through three (3) type of tasks 
a- Based form task: Mechanical manipulation < focus only on the form > 
b- Meaning based task: Focus is on meaning 
c- Communicative based task: ( emphasis is on transmitting message)
2 planning ‐ or organizing 
3‐drafting(writing the first 
1. :getting started is the most difficult task in writing. With the help of brainstorming we 
make it less painful for the students . in the brain storming stage,the students starts 
thinking about the topic given. This may be done as a whole class activity or in groups so 
the students benefits from each other as well.the teacher writes on the board every idea 
that comes from the students without eliminating any. 
To initiate thinking and generate possible writing topics,it s important for students to 
explore ideas for writing topics using a variety of pre‐writing strategies,such as the 
following : 
• word map 
• *viewing media such as pictures,movies, and television 
• *interviewing a person knowledgebale about the topic 
• *engaging in peer or teacher_student discussion 
• *reading about and researching the topic 
• *free writing 
• *listing 
• *reflecting upon personal experience 
• *examing writing models 
• *role playing 
• *asking the Ws..who,what,where ,when and why
2‐ planning stage: once the ideas are put randomly on the board,it is now time to 
eliminate some and organize the rest of the ideas as « main support » ; in other words, 
plan the writing. 
3‐ drafting (writing the first draft) : by looking at the plans, the students 
start writing their essays.they may change the order of their main 
supports,or re_arrange their minor supports.if you have read myths about 
people writing a perfect essay on their first try, it is time to face the 
truth : there is always a mistake either in the organization or in the 
grammar or the choice/form of the vocabulary.this leads us to editing. 
4‐ Editing:what is the editing stage ? The editing stage is when you check your essay 
f*ogrr mamistmakaers aanndd csoprreelclti nthge m: . Editing steps : 
‐check your spelling ‐check your grammar. ‐read your essay again 
‐make sure each sentence has a subject ‐«make sure your subject 
and verb agree with each other ‐make sure that each sentence 
makes sense. 
*style and organization : ‐make sure your essay has an 
‐check that you have a thesis statement that identifies the main 
idea of the essay. 
‐.check that all your paragraphs follow the paragraph format 
‐see if your essay is interesting.
5‐ Editing: what is the publishing stage ? The publishing stage is when 
you produce a final copy of your essay to hand in. * 
•‐make a paper copy of your essay read ‐ to group ‐hand in 
your work to your teacher. 
•planning stage 
publishing steps : 
‐ask them for hints on how to improve your writing.
Assessing The Lesson Plan 
After writing the lesson plan teachers should check to be sure that 
it is well planned. 
Teachers may check that the lesson communicates objectives to 
the learners, that it is well sequenced, has a balance of teacher and 
learner-centered activities, etc. 
After teaching the lesson, teachers should make notes on the 
lesson plan about what was effective, what was not effective and 
strategies to make the lesson more effective next time they teach 
Then they should file the lesson for future reference.
Thank you 
Resources : 
Allegement du program d’anglais mai 2013 
How to teach ppu and pdp by Mr.Samir Bounab

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Lesson Plan

  • 1. Training & Workshop CEM Kamel Zmirline Medea By Mr. Samir Bounab
  • 2. Time Tasks 9:00 - 9:05 Opening Session ( Greeting & Welcoming audience) 9:10 - 10:00 10:00 -10:10 10:00 – 10:30 • Power point presentation • Coffee pause • Feed back & discussion about the presentation 10:30 – 11:30 • Workshops (Planning 4 Levels Middle School lesson plans) 11:30 – 12:oo • Feed back / Delivery of the workshop 12:00 • Closure of the meeting and workshop
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. A Lesson is Never Delivered By Experience
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class instruction. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the need and/or curiosity of students. There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan.
  • 11. 1.Teachers should prepare a lesson plan before teaching. 2.Teachers should consider learners ’ abilities, interests, learning preferences, and the institutional program while planning. 3.Teacher should analyze their lesson plans before and after teaching. 4.Lesson plans should include specific information. 5.Objectives should concretely state the communicative objectives of the lesson.
  • 12. Before planning, teachers should know what they are teaching and why. Lessons should focus on helping learners develop communication skills – not finishing the curriculum, memorizing grammar rules or learning to transcribe words. They should consider learners ’ ability, age, learning preferences, interests, available resources, previously taught information and the institutional program.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. time Interactio n procedure competency VAKT Time = is very important , teachers should master that . Interaction = In order to avoid TTT ( Teacher Talking Time) and split the role among his or her learners Procedure = here the teachers plans his or her lesson with different stages & steps. Competency = Since we are dealing with CBA < Competency Based Approach> teachers must know when his or her learners perform the “3IIP”{ Interact – Interpret – Produce} VAKT = Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile = Teachers must know which kind of aids must be used at any stage of teaching.
  • 16. 1.In all lessons there is a prep to teaching ( icebreakers/ games/ warmers/ lead in 2. while lesson which is split into presentation and practice/ others will refer to observation / analysis and practice , in case it is a grammar / vocabulary lesson . 3.The post lesson is the productive stage.
  • 17. Teaching Frameworks  4 ps= Preparation – presentation – practice – produce / 3 ps= presentation – practice – produce  PPU = Presentation – practice – Use /ju:s/ < Speaking ( grammar ) lesson>  PDP = Pre( reading/listening) During (reading/listening ) Post ( reading /listening)  PIASP( grammar or pronunciation item) P= presentation / I= Isolation / A = Analysis/ S= Stating rule / P= Practice (Oral or Written = 3 type of tasks < 1- based form 2- Meaning based 3- communicative based  Teaching Writing= writing process= Problem solving integrating situation= a- Brainstorming b- planning or organizing c- drafting d- editing e- publishing
  • 18.
  • 19. ice- breaker, warmer and lead in are nearly the same there is a slight difference but all serve one objective is to get the learner ready and ease for the learning sequence : 1- Icebreakers are discussion questions or activities used to help participants relax and ease into a group meeting or learning situation.. The icebreakers can be used to generate interest in a topic and activate the student’s prior knowledge. 2- Lead-ins (topic) Topic Lead-ins will direct the student into the content that will be taught and encourage the sharing of information and resource. 3- Warmers are usually fun activities that focus on fluency practice. Ideally, warmers should only last a few minutes, while a warmer is usually has no direct relationship to the REST of the lesson, a lead-in is a quick preview of the material that will be covered in class. both lean in and warmer have their strengths. A fun, breezy warmer can add a bit of variety to a lesson, and might appeal to students who like a change of pace. On the other hand, a lead-in is a better choice for a more cohesive lesson. This is particularly important with beginning level students, who need a lot of structure and repetition. Sorry fro being a bit long.
  • 20.  Warm-up : The lesson usually begins with a warm-up, built around a visual aid, « to expand students’ vocabulary »   Students : Talk about subjects of interest to them. Students use the material they have already learned Acquire new vocabulary in a meaningful context Use some of the structures they practiced in the previous lesson. Students retrieve and reuse material from previous lessons in a real exchange of ideas. Elicit their interest in the present lesson.
  • 21. PRESENTATION : The teacher : [decides on the teaching aids to be used] Conveys the meaning of new material / language to students (inductively or deductively) context of com/ examples analysed then rule deduced, for the inductive it is context of com , elicitation of target example for giving the rule, then practise. It is what is commonly known as rule eg for inductive and eg rule for deductive. Gives them the chance to interact with it and to indicate in some way (not necessarily by producing the language) that they have understood  How : •answering simple Yes/No / "Wh-questions, •pointing or marking correct pictures or replies, •ordering pictures , •matching items , •deducing and explaining rules or concepts, •creating questions •employ dramatization, role-playing, problem-solving, oral or written reports, discussion, lecturing, grouping, picture-drawing, showing objects, etc,
  • 22. PRACTICE : {engage the students in an interchange of communication using what they have been learning} Students work with the material in a controlled context to help them develop accuracy, confidence and move toward fluency . Activities begin as more controlled : « Guided practice » •repetition •coping •info gaps •picture card games •simple fill-ins (word, dialog, gesture, strategy) . Activities next move to being freer or more complex : « Free practice » question-answer exercises where students are restricted to a particular topic certain vocabulary items .
  • 23. USE :  Students are required to choose and discriminate among choices in language within a less controlled context.  Activities allow for student learning to be demonstrated as defined by the lesson objective.  Common activities include role plays personal reactions ,discussions, values clarification and games.
  • 24. • A Listening lesson plan is made of the following steps: • {Pre-listening (P) –During/While listening (D) – Post-listening(P)} • Pre-Listening: • The teacher builds schema and introduces new language as needed. • Use pre-listening activities to prepare students for what they are going to hear or view. • The activities chosen during pre-listening may serve as preparation for listening in several ways. During pre-listening the teacher may :  Assess students’ background knowledge of the topic and linguistic content of the text.  Provide students with the background knowledge necessary for their comprehension of the listening passage or activate the Existing knowledge that the students possess;  Clarify any cultural information which may be necessary to comprehend the passage;  Make students aware of the type of text they will be listening to, the role they will play, and the purpose(s) for which they will be listening;  Provide opportunities for group or collaborative work and for background reading or class discussion activities
  • 25. Sample pre-listening activities :  Looking at pictures, maps, diagrams, or graphs  Reviewing vocabulaire or grammatical structures  Reading something relevant  Constructing semantic webs (a graphic arrangement of concepts or words showing how they are related)  Predicting the content of the listening text  Going over the directions or instructions for the activity  Doing guided practice
  • 26. During- listening: While-listening activities relate directly to the text, and students do them during or immediately after the time they are listening. Keep these points in mind when planning while-listening activities:  If students are to complete a written task during or immediately after listening, allow them to read through it before listening  Keep writing to a minimum during listening. Remember that the primary goal is comprehension, not production  Organize activities so that they guide listeners through the text :Students complete multiple tasks that move from a general to specific focus in order to deepen their understanding of the text and develop specific listening / reading skills, such as reading / listening for gist or specifics, skimming and scanning ,using context clues to predict content  Use predicting to encourage students to monitor their comprehension as they list  Give immediate feedback whenever possible
  • 27. Sample -while-listening- activities : Listening with visuals. Filling in graphs and charts. Following a route on a map. Checking off items in a list. Listening for the gist . Searching for specific clues to meaning. Completing cloze (fill-in) exercises. Distinguishing between formal and informal registers.
  • 28. Post- listening: Use post-listening activities to: • Check comprehension, •Evaluate listening skills and use of listening strategies • Extend the knowledge gained to other contexts. A post-listening activity may relate to a pre-listening activity  A post-listening activity must reflect the real-life uses to which students might put information they have gained through listening Students complete activities that expand on content or language from the text using other skills , i.e. grammar, speaking, writing.
  • 29. A Reading lesson plan is made of the following steps : { Pre-reading (P) –During/While reading (D) – Post-reading (P)} •Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension •Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer’s ideas or writing style •A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. •The text presents letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning. •The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that meaning is •In the case of reading, this means producing students who can use reading strategies to maximize their comprehension of text, identify relevant and non-relevant information, and tolerate less than word-by-word comprehension.
  • 30. Sample pre-reading activities : Using the title, subtitles, and divisions within the text to predict content and organization or sequence of information Looking at pictures, maps, diagrams, or graphs and their captions Talking about the author’s background, writing style, and usual topics Skimming to find the theme or main idea and eliciting related prior knowledge Reviewing vocabulary or grammatical structures Reading over the comprehension questions to focus attention on finding that information while reading Constructing semantic webs (a graphic arrangement of concepts or words showing how they are related) Doing guided practice with guessing meaning from context or checking comprehension while reading Asking the learners to anticipate from a picture or the title . Introducing the topic through some key words . Telling a parallel story to introduce some difficult words . Having the learners predict information constituents . Review a previous lesson that is thematically or structurally linked to the new one . Ask pointed questions to whet the pupils' appetite and raise their motivation.
  • 31. While-reading activities MCQ True / false / not mentioned. Table filling Matching pair activities Sentence completion . Open ended comprehension questions graded from : a)Reference questions : where the answer are explicitly given in the text b)Inference questions :where the pupils have to read between the lines to find the answers . C) Evaluation questions : although these questions are too difficult at this level
  • 32. Post reading phase : The role of the teacher here is that of evaluator .He checks that the objectives set , that is the activities set in the reading phase have been done to his satisfaction .These activities are corrected . This is also an opportunity to diagnose more common mistakes and offer remedial works to the hole class for mistakes made by all .There may also be follow up written or oral activities : The learners can ask each other questions on the passage . They can imagine a different ending orally , to pave the way to written expression . They can retell the passage from a different character's point of view . They can learn how to summarize the passage orally first then written
  • 33. Reading Aloud in the Classroom • Students do not learn to read by reading aloud. • A person who reads aloud and comprehends the meaning of the text is coordinating word recognition with comprehension and speaking and pronunciation ability in highly complex ways. Students whose language skills are limited are not able to process at this level. • In addition, reading aloud is a task that students will rarely, if ever, need to do outside of the classroom • It does not test a student’s ability to use reading to accomplish a purpose or goal.  There are three ways to use reading aloud productively in the language classroom. • Read aloud to your students as they follow along silently. You have the ability to use inflection and tone to help them hear what the text is saying. Following along as you read will help students move from word-by-word reading to reading in phrases and thought units, as they do in their first language. • Use the “read and look up” technique. With this technique, a student reads a phrase or sentence silently as many times as necessary, then looks up (away from the text) and tells you what the phrase or sentence says. This encourages students to read for ideas, rather than for word recognition. • However, reading aloud can help a teacher assess whether a student is “seeing” word endings and other grammatical features when reading
  • 34. 1-P= Presentation<Presenting the context in which the structure a2p- pIseoalrast>io n: the focus is temporarily on the grammatical item itself and the aim is :to get the learner perceive & recognize the grammatical item what it looks l3ik- eA nalysis : Here you will try to make ur learners analyze the isolated items the aim is : to get your learners perceive how it is formed ( structure), how it functions and what it means and the rule that govern it 4- Stating Rule : Here after they analyse you help them to formulate the grammar rule 5- Practice: This is achieved through three (3) type of tasks a- Based form task: Mechanical manipulation < focus only on the form > b- Meaning based task: Focus is on meaning c- Communicative based task: ( emphasis is on transmitting message)
  • 35. 1-brainstorming 2 planning ‐ or organizing 3‐drafting(writing the first draft 4‐editing 5‐publishing
  • 36. 1. :getting started is the most difficult task in writing. With the help of brainstorming we make it less painful for the students . in the brain storming stage,the students starts thinking about the topic given. This may be done as a whole class activity or in groups so the students benefits from each other as well.the teacher writes on the board every idea that comes from the students without eliminating any. To initiate thinking and generate possible writing topics,it s important for students to explore ideas for writing topics using a variety of pre‐writing strategies,such as the following : • word map • *viewing media such as pictures,movies, and television • *interviewing a person knowledgebale about the topic • *engaging in peer or teacher_student discussion • *reading about and researching the topic • *free writing • *listing • *reflecting upon personal experience • *examing writing models • *role playing • *asking the Ws..who,what,where ,when and why
  • 37. 2‐ planning stage: once the ideas are put randomly on the board,it is now time to eliminate some and organize the rest of the ideas as « main support » ; in other words, plan the writing. 3‐ drafting (writing the first draft) : by looking at the plans, the students start writing their essays.they may change the order of their main supports,or re_arrange their minor supports.if you have read myths about people writing a perfect essay on their first try, it is time to face the truth : there is always a mistake either in the organization or in the grammar or the choice/form of the vocabulary.this leads us to editing. 4‐ Editing:what is the editing stage ? The editing stage is when you check your essay f*ogrr mamistmakaers aanndd csoprreelclti nthge m: . Editing steps : ‐check your spelling ‐check your grammar. ‐read your essay again ‐make sure each sentence has a subject ‐«make sure your subject and verb agree with each other ‐make sure that each sentence makes sense. *style and organization : ‐make sure your essay has an introduction. ‐check that you have a thesis statement that identifies the main idea of the essay. ‐.check that all your paragraphs follow the paragraph format ‐see if your essay is interesting.
  • 38. 5‐ Editing: what is the publishing stage ? The publishing stage is when you produce a final copy of your essay to hand in. * •‐make a paper copy of your essay read ‐ to group ‐hand in your work to your teacher. •planning stage •drafting •Editing •publishing publishing steps : ‐ask them for hints on how to improve your writing.
  • 39. Assessing The Lesson Plan After writing the lesson plan teachers should check to be sure that it is well planned. Teachers may check that the lesson communicates objectives to the learners, that it is well sequenced, has a balance of teacher and learner-centered activities, etc. After teaching the lesson, teachers should make notes on the lesson plan about what was effective, what was not effective and strategies to make the lesson more effective next time they teach it. Then they should file the lesson for future reference.
  • 40. Thank you Resources : Allegement du program d’anglais mai 2013  How to teach ppu and pdp by Mr.Samir Bounab