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The Blood Group Systems

  Inheritance and Genetics
    Nawsherwan sadiq
•The blood group you belong to depends on
what you have inherited from your parents.
• There are more than 20 genetically determined
blood group systems known today

• The AB0 and Rhesus (Rh) systems are the
most important ones used for blood transfusions.

• Not all blood groups are compatible with each
other. Mixing incompatible blood groups leads to
blood clumping or agglutination, which is
dangerous for individuals.
AB0 blood grouping system
                            Blood group A
                            If you belong to the blood
                            group A, you have A
                            antigens on the surface of
                            your RBCs and B
                            antibodies in your blood

                            Blood group B
                            If you belong to the blood
                            group B, you have B
                            antigens on the surface of
                            your RBCs and A
                            antibodies in your blood
Blood group AB
If you belong to the blood group
AB, you have both A and B
antigens on the surface of your
RBCs and no A or B antibodies
at all in your blood plasma.

Blood group O
If you belong to the blood group O,
you have neither A or B antigens on
the surface of your RBCs but you have
both A and B antibodies in your blood
• The "A“ and "B" antigens are also produced
by some other plants and microorganisms.
Thus, individuals who do not recognize one or
more of these antigens as "self" will produce
antibodies against the plant or microbial

• These antibodies will also react with human
antigens of the same kind whether introduced
via a blood transfusion or a tissue graft.
Inheritance of ABO Groups
Allele from   Allele from   Genotype of   Blood types of
the mother    the father     offspring       offspring

    A             A             AA              A

    A             B             AB             AB

    A             O             AO              A

    B             A             AB             AB

    B             B             BB              B

    B             O             BO              B

    O             O             OO              O

ABO Typing
• Cell Group             • Reverse Group
   – Test Washed Cells      – Test plasma/serum
     With:                    with:
   – Monoclonal Anti-A      – Known A1 cells
                            – Known B cells
   – Monoclonal Anti-B
                            – Known O cells
   – Inert control
                            – ? Known A2 cells
• Agglutination is a     • Reactions may be
  positive result          weaker than cell group

Significance of ABO Group
• ABO mismatched transfusions:
  –   Rare
  –   May be life threatening
  –   Can be caused by technical or clerical error
  –   Intravascular haemolysis
  –   More severe in group O patients

The Rh(D) Antigen
• RH is the most complex system, with
  over 45 antigens
• Discovered in 1940 after work on
  Rhesus monkeys
• Subsequently discovered to be
  unrelated to monkeys
• RH gene located on short arm of
  chromosome 1

Simple Genetics of Rh(D)
• 86% of caucasians are Rh(D) pos
• The antigen d has not been found
• The d gene is recessive:
  – Dd, dD, DD, persons are Rh(D) pos
  – Only dd persons are Rh(D) neg

Distribution of Rh(D) Types
Population   Rh(D) pos   Rh(D) neg

Caucasian      86%         14%

 African-      95%          5%
 Oriental     >99%         <1%

Significance of Rh(D)
• 80% of Rh(D) neg persons exposed to Rh(D) pos
  blood will develop anti-D
• Anti-D can also be stimulated by pregnancy with
  an Rh(D) positive baby
   – Sensitisation can be prevented by the use of anti-D
     immunoglobulin, antenatally and post natally
• Rh(D) neg females of childbearing potential
  should never be given Rh(D) positive blood
• ABO & RH genes are not linked
• ABO & Rh(D) type are inherited
For example:
  An A Rh(D) pos mother
  and a B Rh(D) pos father
  could have an O Rh(D) neg child

                    ABO & Rh(D)     14
Inheritance of ABO and Rh(D)

    Mother                        Father
 Group A AO                    Group B BO
 Rh(D) pos Dd                  Rh(D) pos Dd

Group A AO      Group B BO          Group O OO
Rh(D) pos Dd    Rh(D) pos Dd        Rh(D) neg dd

ABO inheritance and genetics

 • The ABO gene is autosomal (the gene is not on either sex

 • The ABO gene locus is located on the chromosome 9.

• A and B blood groups are dominant over the O blood group

• A and B group genes are co-dominant

• Each person has two copies of genes coding for their ABO blood
group (one maternal and one paternal in origin)
Principles of Heredity
• Antigens and enzymes are genetically controlled
  – Genes: responsible for transfer of hereditable material
  – Genes are found on chromosomes, which are found in the
    nucleus of every cell

• Human Cells contain 46 chromosomes with the
  exception of the egg and sperm, which contain only
  – 23 of these chromosomes are inherited from mother
  – 23 of these chromosomes are inherited from father
Genes Come in Pairs

• The position a gene occupies on a chromosome is called a

• Genes for the same trait are located at the same locus on
  both the mother and the father’s chromosomes.

• Alternative forms of genes that influence a given
  characteristic are called alleles.
   – Father: allele for brown eyes
   – Mother: allele for blue eyes
Blood Types are Genetic

• A and B Blood Types are Dominant
  – Dominant: Characteristic is shown

• Blood Type O is Recessive
  – Recessive: Characteristic is hidden
  – Recessive characteristics only appear when both alleles
    are recessive
     • Homozygous recessive OO
Phenotype V. Genotype

• Phenotype: individual’s outward characteristics

• Genotype: individual’s pair of allele genes together

• Example:
  – Phenotype               Genotype
    Type B Blood            Could be BO or
                            BB depending
                            on parents
Important Parts for Forensic Science

• Red Blood Cells—because of their importance in
  blood typing

• Serum—because of its’ importance in carrying
• The term serology refers to a broad scope of
  laboratory tests that use specific antigen and serum
  antibody reactions.

• Blood typing falls into this category.
ABO and H Antigen Genetics
• Genes at three separate loci control the
  occurrence and location of ABO antigens

• The presence or absence of the A, B, and H
  antigens is controlled by the H and ABO
• The presence or absence of the ABH
  antigens on the red blood cell membrane is
  controlled by the H gene
• The presence or absence of the ABH
  antigens in secretions is indirectly
  controlled by the Se gene
ABO Antigen Genetics
• H gene – H and h alleles (h is an amorph)

• Se gene – Se and se alleles (se is an

• ABO genes – A, B and O alleles
H Antigen
• The H gene codes for an enzyme that adds
  the sugar fucose to the terminal sugar of a
  precursor substance (PS)
• The precursor substance (proteins and
  lipids) is formed on an oligosaccharide
  chain (the basic structure)
RBC Precursor Structure


(stays the         N-acetylglucosamine
Formation of the H antigen


H antigen                  Galactose



H antigen
• The H antigen is the foundation upon which
  A and B antigens are built
• A and B genes code for enzymes that add an
  immunodominant sugar to the H antigen
  – Immunodominant sugars are present at the
    terminal ends of the chains and confer the ABO
    antigen specificity
A and B Antigen
• The ―A‖ gene codes for an enzyme (transferase)
  that adds N-acetylgalactosamine to the terminal
  sugar of the H antigen
   – N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase

• The ―B‖ gene codes for an enzyme that adds D-
  galactose to the terminal sugar of the H antigen
   – D-galactosyltransferase
Formation of the A antigen





Formation of the B antigen





• The H antigen is found on the RBC when
  you have the Hh or HH genotype, but NOT
  from the hh genotype
• The A antigen is found on the RBC when
  you have the Hh, HH, and A/A, A/O, or
  A/B genotypes
• The B antigen is found on the RBC when
  you have the Hh, HH, and B/B, B/O, or A/B
A          A

                                A                      A
                Group O                   Group A

  Many H                   Fewer             A
antigen sites             H antigen

                             Most of the H antigen sites in a
                             Group A individual have been
                              converted to the A antigen
ABO Antigens in Secretions
• Secretions include body fluids like plasma,
  saliva, synovial fluid, etc

• Blood Group Substances are soluble
  antigens (A, B, and H) that can be found in
  the secretions. This is controlled by the H
  and Se genes
Secretor Status
• The secretor gene consists of 2 alleles (Se
  and se)
• The Se gene is responsible for the
  expression of the H antigen on glycoprotein
  structures located in body secretions
• If the Se allele is inherited as SeSe or Sese,
  the person is called a ―secretor‖
  – 80% of the population are secretors
• Secretors express soluble forms of the H
  antigen in secretions that can then be
  converted to A or B antigens (by the
• Individuals who inherit the sese gene are
  called ―nonsecretors‖
  – The se allele is an amorph (nothing expressed)
  – sese individuals do not convert antigen
    precursors to H antigen and has neither soluble
    H antigen nor soluble A or B antigens in body
Secretor Status Summary
• The Se gene codes for the presence of the H
  antigen in secretions, therefore the presence
  of A and/or B antigens in the secretions is
  contingent on the inheritance of the Se gene
  and the H gene                A antigen
Se gene (SeSe      H antigen in           and/or
    or Sese)        secretions        B antigen

se gene   (sese)   No antigens secreted
                    in saliva or other
                       body fluids
ABO Subgroups
• ABO subgroups differ in the amount of antigen
  present on the red blood cell membrane
   – Subgroups have less antigen
• Subgroups are the result of less effective enzymes.
  They are not as efficient in converting H antigens
  to A or B antigens (fewer antigens are present on
  the RBC)
• Subgroups of A are more common than subgroups
  of B
Subgroups of A
• The 2 principle subgroups of A are: A1 and
  – Both react strongly with reagent anti-A
  – To distinguish A1 from A2 red cells, the lectin
    Dolichos biflorus is used (anti-A1)
  – 80% of group A or AB individuals are
    subgroup A1
  – 20% are A2 and A2B
A2 Phenotype
• Why is the A2 phenotype important?
  – A2 and A2B individuals may produce an anti-A1
  – This may cause discrepancies when a
    crossmatch is done (incompatibility)
• What’s the difference between the A1 and
  A2 antigen?
  – It’s quantitative
  – The A2 gene doesn’t convert the H to A very
  – The result is fewer A2 antigen sites compared to
    the many A antigen sites
A1 and A2 Subgroups*
      Anti-A Anti-A1 Anti-H                ABO                         # of
     antisera antisera lectin           antibodies                   antigen
                                         in serum                   sites per
A1     4+       4+         0                Anti-B                 900 x103

A2     4+        0        3+             Anti-B &                  250 x103

                       *Adapted from Flynn, J. (1998). Essentials of Immunohematology
Other A subgroups
• There are other additional subgroups of A
  – Aint (intermediate), A3, Ax, Am, Aend, Ael, Abantu
• A3 red cells cause mixed field
  agglutination when polyclonal anti-A or
  anti-A,B is used
• Mixed field agglutination appears as small
  agglutinates with a background of
  unagglutinated RBCs
• They may contain anti-A1
B Subgroups
• B subgroups occur less than A subgroups
• B subgroups are differentiated by the type
  of reaction with anti-B, anti-A,B, and anti-H
• B3, Bx, Bm, and Bel
ABO Blood Group:

   ABO Antibodies
Landsteiner’s Rule:
• Normal, Healthy
  individuals possess
  ABO antibodies to
  the ABO antigen
  absent from their
Blood Group Systems
• Most blood group systems (ABO and
  others) are made up of:
  – An antigen on a red cell and the absence of it’s
    corresponding antibody in the serum (if you’re
    A, you don’t have anti-A)
• If you do NOT have a particular antigen on
  your red cells then it is possible (when
  exposed to foreign RBCs) to illicit an
  immune response that results in the
  production of the antibody specific for the
  missing antigen
• Remember:
  – The ABO Blood Group System does NOT
    require the presence of a foreign red blood cell
    for the production of ABO antibodies
  – ABO antibodies are ―non-red blood cell
    stimulated‖ probably from environmental
    exposure and are referred to as ―expected
• Group O and B individuals contain anti-A
  in their serum
• However, the anti-A can be separated into
  different components: anti-A and anti-A1
• Anti-A1 only agglutinates the A1 antigen,
  not the A2 antigen
• There is no anti-A2.
• Found in the serum of group O individuals
• Reacts with A, B, and AB cells
• Predominately IgG, with small portions
  being IgM
• Anti-A,B is one antibody, it is not a mixture
  of anti-A and anti-B antibodies
ABO antibodies
• IgM is the predominant antibody in Group
  A and Group B individuals
  – Anti-A
  – Anti-B
• IgG (with some IgM) is the predominant
  antibody in Group O individuals
  – Anti-A,B (with some anti-A and anti-B)
ABO antibody facts
• Reactions phase: Room temperature
• Complement can be activated with ABO
  antibodies (mostly IgM, some IgG)
• High titer: react strongly (4+)
ABO Antibodies
• Usually present within the first 3-6 months
  of life
• Stable by ages 5-6 years
• Decline in older age
• Newborns may passively acquire maternal
  antibodies (IgG crosses placenta)
  – Reverse grouping (with serum) should not be
    performed on newborns or cord blood
Paternity Tests

• No blood group can be present in a child without
  being present in one of the parents

• Paternity tests can be resolved in this way unless
  disputed fathers have the same blood type

• Paternity tests can also be determined by using DNA
Blood as Evidence

• Blood typing not so useful anymore because of
  DNA technology

• Scientists can now characterize biological evidence
  by selecting regions of our DNA
             The alleles for Blood
            group are in the same
      A           place on the         B
           chromosome 9. However
               the genes have a
           different code giving the
             different blood group         Dad

What do co-dominant genes mean?
This meant that if a person inherited one A group gene and one
B group gene their red cells would possess both the A and B
blood group antigens.

These alleles were termed A ( which produced the A antigen ),
B (which produced the B antigen) and O (which was "non
functional"and produced no A or B antigen)
Possible Blood group Genotypes

Parent    A          B           O


Possible Blood group Genotypes

Parent    A          B           O
A         AA         AB          AO

B         AB         BB          BO

O         AO         BO          OO
The ABO blood groups

• The most important in assuring a safe blood transfusion.

• The table shows the four ABO phenotypes ("blood groups") present
in the human population and the genotypes that give rise to them.

  Blood Antigens
                        Antibodies in Serum       Genotypes
  Group on RBCs

    A          A                 Anti-B             AA or AO
     B         B                Anti-A              BB or BO
    AB      A and B             Neither               AB
    O       Neither        Anti-A and anti-B          OO
The ABO Blood Group System

Laboratory Determination of the
        ABO System
Several methods for testing the ABO group of an
individual exist. The most common method is:

Serology: This is a direct detection of the ABO
antigens. It is the main method used in blood
transfusion centres and hospital blood banks.

This form of testing involves two components:

a) Antibodies that are specific at detecting a
particular ABO antigen on RBCs.

b) Cells that are of a known ABO group that
are agglutinated by the naturally occurring
antibodies in the person's serum.
• Illustration of the forward and reverse
grouping reaction patterns of the ABO
groups using a blood group tile
When RBCs carrying one or both antigens are exposed to the
corresponding antibodies, they agglutinate; that is, clump
together. People usually have antibodies against those red cell
antigens that they lack.

 Human RBC before (left) and after (right) adding serum
 containing anti-A antibodies. The agglutination reaction
 reveals the presence of the A antigen on the surface of the
Blood   Antigens   Antibodies   Can give       Can
Group                           blood to     receive
                                           blood from




Blood   Antigens   Antibodies    Can give         Can
Group                            blood to       receive
                                              blood from

 AB     A and B      None           AB        AB, A, B, O

 A         A           B        A and AB       A and O

 B         B           A        B and AB       B and O

 O       None       A and B     AB, A, B, O       O

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Inheritance and genetic of blood group

  • 1. The Blood Group Systems Inheritance and Genetics Nawsherwan sadiq 2012-2013
  • 2. •The blood group you belong to depends on what you have inherited from your parents.
  • 3. • There are more than 20 genetically determined blood group systems known today • The AB0 and Rhesus (Rh) systems are the most important ones used for blood transfusions. • Not all blood groups are compatible with each other. Mixing incompatible blood groups leads to blood clumping or agglutination, which is dangerous for individuals.
  • 4. AB0 blood grouping system Blood group A If you belong to the blood group A, you have A antigens on the surface of your RBCs and B antibodies in your blood plasma. Blood group B If you belong to the blood group B, you have B antigens on the surface of your RBCs and A antibodies in your blood plasma.
  • 5. Blood group AB If you belong to the blood group AB, you have both A and B antigens on the surface of your RBCs and no A or B antibodies at all in your blood plasma. Blood group O If you belong to the blood group O, you have neither A or B antigens on the surface of your RBCs but you have both A and B antibodies in your blood plasma.
  • 6. • The "A“ and "B" antigens are also produced by some other plants and microorganisms. Thus, individuals who do not recognize one or more of these antigens as "self" will produce antibodies against the plant or microbial antigens. • These antibodies will also react with human antigens of the same kind whether introduced via a blood transfusion or a tissue graft.
  • 7. Inheritance of ABO Groups Allele from Allele from Genotype of Blood types of the mother the father offspring offspring A A AA A A B AB AB A O AO A B A AB AB B B BB B B O BO B O O OO O 7
  • 8. ABO Typing • Cell Group • Reverse Group – Test Washed Cells – Test plasma/serum With: with: – Monoclonal Anti-A – Known A1 cells – Known B cells – Monoclonal Anti-B – Known O cells – Inert control – ? Known A2 cells • Agglutination is a • Reactions may be positive result weaker than cell group 8
  • 9. Significance of ABO Group • ABO mismatched transfusions: – Rare – May be life threatening – Can be caused by technical or clerical error – Intravascular haemolysis – More severe in group O patients 9
  • 10. The Rh(D) Antigen • RH is the most complex system, with over 45 antigens • Discovered in 1940 after work on Rhesus monkeys • Subsequently discovered to be unrelated to monkeys • RH gene located on short arm of chromosome 1 10
  • 11. Simple Genetics of Rh(D) • 86% of caucasians are Rh(D) pos • The antigen d has not been found • The d gene is recessive: – Dd, dD, DD, persons are Rh(D) pos – Only dd persons are Rh(D) neg 11
  • 12. Distribution of Rh(D) Types Population Rh(D) pos Rh(D) neg Caucasian 86% 14% African- 95% 5% American Oriental >99% <1% 12
  • 13. Significance of Rh(D) • 80% of Rh(D) neg persons exposed to Rh(D) pos blood will develop anti-D • Anti-D can also be stimulated by pregnancy with an Rh(D) positive baby – Sensitisation can be prevented by the use of anti-D immunoglobulin, antenatally and post natally • Rh(D) neg females of childbearing potential should never be given Rh(D) positive blood products 13
  • 14. Inheritance • ABO & RH genes are not linked • ABO & Rh(D) type are inherited independently For example: An A Rh(D) pos mother and a B Rh(D) pos father could have an O Rh(D) neg child ABO & Rh(D) 14
  • 15. Inheritance of ABO and Rh(D) Mother Father Group A AO Group B BO Rh(D) pos Dd Rh(D) pos Dd Group A AO Group B BO Group O OO Rh(D) pos Dd Rh(D) pos Dd Rh(D) neg dd 15
  • 16. ABO inheritance and genetics • The ABO gene is autosomal (the gene is not on either sex chromosomes) • The ABO gene locus is located on the chromosome 9. • A and B blood groups are dominant over the O blood group • A and B group genes are co-dominant • Each person has two copies of genes coding for their ABO blood group (one maternal and one paternal in origin)
  • 17. Principles of Heredity • Antigens and enzymes are genetically controlled – Genes: responsible for transfer of hereditable material – Genes are found on chromosomes, which are found in the nucleus of every cell • Human Cells contain 46 chromosomes with the exception of the egg and sperm, which contain only 23. – 23 of these chromosomes are inherited from mother – 23 of these chromosomes are inherited from father
  • 18. Genes Come in Pairs • The position a gene occupies on a chromosome is called a locus. • Genes for the same trait are located at the same locus on both the mother and the father’s chromosomes. • Alternative forms of genes that influence a given characteristic are called alleles. – Father: allele for brown eyes – Mother: allele for blue eyes
  • 19. Blood Types are Genetic • A and B Blood Types are Dominant – Dominant: Characteristic is shown • Blood Type O is Recessive – Recessive: Characteristic is hidden – Recessive characteristics only appear when both alleles are recessive • Homozygous recessive OO
  • 20. Phenotype V. Genotype • Phenotype: individual’s outward characteristics • Genotype: individual’s pair of allele genes together • Example: – Phenotype Genotype Type B Blood Could be BO or BB depending on parents
  • 21. Important Parts for Forensic Science • Red Blood Cells—because of their importance in blood typing • Serum—because of its’ importance in carrying antibodies
  • 22. • The term serology refers to a broad scope of laboratory tests that use specific antigen and serum antibody reactions. • Blood typing falls into this category.
  • 23. ABO and H Antigen Genetics • Genes at three separate loci control the occurrence and location of ABO antigens • The presence or absence of the A, B, and H antigens is controlled by the H and ABO genes
  • 24. Location • The presence or absence of the ABH antigens on the red blood cell membrane is controlled by the H gene • The presence or absence of the ABH antigens in secretions is indirectly controlled by the Se gene
  • 25. ABO Antigen Genetics • H gene – H and h alleles (h is an amorph) • Se gene – Se and se alleles (se is an amorph) • ABO genes – A, B and O alleles
  • 26. H Antigen • The H gene codes for an enzyme that adds the sugar fucose to the terminal sugar of a precursor substance (PS) • The precursor substance (proteins and lipids) is formed on an oligosaccharide chain (the basic structure)
  • 27. RBC Precursor Structure RBC Glucose Galactose Precursor Substance (stays the N-acetylglucosamine same) Galactose
  • 28. Formation of the H antigen RBC Glucose H antigen Galactose N-acetylglucosamine Galactose Fucose
  • 29. H antigen • The H antigen is the foundation upon which A and B antigens are built • A and B genes code for enzymes that add an immunodominant sugar to the H antigen – Immunodominant sugars are present at the terminal ends of the chains and confer the ABO antigen specificity
  • 30. A and B Antigen • The ―A‖ gene codes for an enzyme (transferase) that adds N-acetylgalactosamine to the terminal sugar of the H antigen – N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase • The ―B‖ gene codes for an enzyme that adds D- galactose to the terminal sugar of the H antigen – D-galactosyltransferase
  • 31. Formation of the A antigen RBC Glucose Galactose N-acetylglucosamine Galactose N-acetylgalactosamine Fucose
  • 32. Formation of the B antigen RBC Glucose Galactose N-acetylglucosamine Galactose Galactose Fucose
  • 33. Genetics • The H antigen is found on the RBC when you have the Hh or HH genotype, but NOT from the hh genotype • The A antigen is found on the RBC when you have the Hh, HH, and A/A, A/O, or A/B genotypes • The B antigen is found on the RBC when you have the Hh, HH, and B/B, B/O, or A/B genotypes
  • 34. A A A A Group O Group A Many H Fewer A antigen sites H antigen sites Most of the H antigen sites in a Group A individual have been converted to the A antigen
  • 35. ABO Antigens in Secretions • Secretions include body fluids like plasma, saliva, synovial fluid, etc • Blood Group Substances are soluble antigens (A, B, and H) that can be found in the secretions. This is controlled by the H and Se genes
  • 36. Secretor Status • The secretor gene consists of 2 alleles (Se and se) • The Se gene is responsible for the expression of the H antigen on glycoprotein structures located in body secretions • If the Se allele is inherited as SeSe or Sese, the person is called a ―secretor‖ – 80% of the population are secretors
  • 37. Secretors • Secretors express soluble forms of the H antigen in secretions that can then be converted to A or B antigens (by the transferases) • Individuals who inherit the sese gene are called ―nonsecretors‖ – The se allele is an amorph (nothing expressed) – sese individuals do not convert antigen precursors to H antigen and has neither soluble H antigen nor soluble A or B antigens in body fluids
  • 38. Secretor Status Summary • The Se gene codes for the presence of the H antigen in secretions, therefore the presence of A and/or B antigens in the secretions is contingent on the inheritance of the Se gene and the H gene A antigen Se gene (SeSe H antigen in and/or or Sese) secretions B antigen se gene (sese) No antigens secreted in saliva or other body fluids
  • 39. ABO Subgroups • ABO subgroups differ in the amount of antigen present on the red blood cell membrane – Subgroups have less antigen • Subgroups are the result of less effective enzymes. They are not as efficient in converting H antigens to A or B antigens (fewer antigens are present on the RBC) • Subgroups of A are more common than subgroups of B
  • 40. Subgroups of A • The 2 principle subgroups of A are: A1 and A2 – Both react strongly with reagent anti-A – To distinguish A1 from A2 red cells, the lectin Dolichos biflorus is used (anti-A1) – 80% of group A or AB individuals are subgroup A1 – 20% are A2 and A2B
  • 41. A2 Phenotype • Why is the A2 phenotype important? – A2 and A2B individuals may produce an anti-A1 – This may cause discrepancies when a crossmatch is done (incompatibility) • What’s the difference between the A1 and A2 antigen? – It’s quantitative – The A2 gene doesn’t convert the H to A very well – The result is fewer A2 antigen sites compared to the many A antigen sites
  • 42. A1 and A2 Subgroups* Anti-A Anti-A1 Anti-H ABO # of antisera antisera lectin antibodies antigen in serum sites per RBC A1 4+ 4+ 0 Anti-B 900 x103 A2 4+ 0 3+ Anti-B & 250 x103 anti-A1 *Adapted from Flynn, J. (1998). Essentials of Immunohematology
  • 43. Other A subgroups • There are other additional subgroups of A – Aint (intermediate), A3, Ax, Am, Aend, Ael, Abantu • A3 red cells cause mixed field agglutination when polyclonal anti-A or anti-A,B is used • Mixed field agglutination appears as small agglutinates with a background of unagglutinated RBCs • They may contain anti-A1
  • 44. B Subgroups • B subgroups occur less than A subgroups • B subgroups are differentiated by the type of reaction with anti-B, anti-A,B, and anti-H • B3, Bx, Bm, and Bel
  • 45. ABO Blood Group: ABO Antibodies
  • 46. Landsteiner’s Rule: • Normal, Healthy individuals possess ABO antibodies to the ABO antigen absent from their RBCs
  • 47. Blood Group Systems • Most blood group systems (ABO and others) are made up of: – An antigen on a red cell and the absence of it’s corresponding antibody in the serum (if you’re A, you don’t have anti-A) • If you do NOT have a particular antigen on your red cells then it is possible (when exposed to foreign RBCs) to illicit an immune response that results in the production of the antibody specific for the missing antigen
  • 48. ABO • Remember: – The ABO Blood Group System does NOT require the presence of a foreign red blood cell for the production of ABO antibodies – ABO antibodies are ―non-red blood cell stimulated‖ probably from environmental exposure and are referred to as ―expected antibodies‖
  • 49. Anti-A1 • Group O and B individuals contain anti-A in their serum • However, the anti-A can be separated into different components: anti-A and anti-A1 • Anti-A1 only agglutinates the A1 antigen, not the A2 antigen • There is no anti-A2.
  • 50. Anti-A,B • Found in the serum of group O individuals • Reacts with A, B, and AB cells • Predominately IgG, with small portions being IgM • Anti-A,B is one antibody, it is not a mixture of anti-A and anti-B antibodies
  • 51. ABO antibodies • IgM is the predominant antibody in Group A and Group B individuals – Anti-A – Anti-B • IgG (with some IgM) is the predominant antibody in Group O individuals – Anti-A,B (with some anti-A and anti-B)
  • 52. ABO antibody facts • Reactions phase: Room temperature • Complement can be activated with ABO antibodies (mostly IgM, some IgG) • High titer: react strongly (4+)
  • 53. ABO Antibodies • Usually present within the first 3-6 months of life • Stable by ages 5-6 years • Decline in older age • Newborns may passively acquire maternal antibodies (IgG crosses placenta) – Reverse grouping (with serum) should not be performed on newborns or cord blood
  • 54. Paternity Tests • No blood group can be present in a child without being present in one of the parents • Paternity tests can be resolved in this way unless disputed fathers have the same blood type • Paternity tests can also be determined by using DNA testing
  • 55. Blood as Evidence • Blood typing not so useful anymore because of DNA technology • Scientists can now characterize biological evidence by selecting regions of our DNA
  • 56. AUTOSOMAL CHROMOSOME The alleles for Blood group are in the same A place on the B chromosome 9. However the genes have a different code giving the different blood group Dad Mom
  • 57. What do co-dominant genes mean? This meant that if a person inherited one A group gene and one B group gene their red cells would possess both the A and B blood group antigens. These alleles were termed A ( which produced the A antigen ), B (which produced the B antigen) and O (which was "non functional"and produced no A or B antigen)
  • 58. Possible Blood group Genotypes Parent A B O Allele A B O
  • 59. Possible Blood group Genotypes Parent A B O Allele A AA AB AO B AB BB BO O AO BO OO
  • 60. The ABO blood groups • The most important in assuring a safe blood transfusion. • The table shows the four ABO phenotypes ("blood groups") present in the human population and the genotypes that give rise to them. Blood Antigens Antibodies in Serum Genotypes Group on RBCs A A Anti-B AA or AO B B Anti-A BB or BO AB A and B Neither AB O Neither Anti-A and anti-B OO
  • 61. The ABO Blood Group System Laboratory Determination of the ABO System
  • 62. Several methods for testing the ABO group of an individual exist. The most common method is: Serology: This is a direct detection of the ABO antigens. It is the main method used in blood transfusion centres and hospital blood banks. This form of testing involves two components: a) Antibodies that are specific at detecting a particular ABO antigen on RBCs. b) Cells that are of a known ABO group that are agglutinated by the naturally occurring antibodies in the person's serum.
  • 63. • Illustration of the forward and reverse grouping reaction patterns of the ABO groups using a blood group tile
  • 64. When RBCs carrying one or both antigens are exposed to the corresponding antibodies, they agglutinate; that is, clump together. People usually have antibodies against those red cell antigens that they lack. Human RBC before (left) and after (right) adding serum containing anti-A antibodies. The agglutination reaction reveals the presence of the A antigen on the surface of the cells.
  • 65. Blood Antigens Antibodies Can give Can Group blood to receive blood from AB A B O
  • 66. Blood Antigens Antibodies Can give Can Group blood to receive blood from AB A and B None AB AB, A, B, O A A B A and AB A and O B B A B and AB B and O O None A and B AB, A, B, O O