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Spanish 4 Grammar Book
   Catalina Vivlamore
   Spanish 4H Period 1
Tabla de Contentos
1.   El Presente (3-5)               8.    8. Subjunctive in Adjective
2.   Ser o Estar (6-7)                     Clauses (25)
3.   Verbos Como Gustar (8)          9.    9. Mandatos (26-28)
4.   El Preterito (9-16)             10.   10. Object Pronouns (29-33)
5.   El Imperfecto (17-19)           11.   11. Possessive Adjectives and
6.   Preterito vs. Imperfecto (19)         Pronouns (34-35)
7.   Subjunctive in Noun Clauses     12.   12. Demonstrative Adjectives
     (20-24)                               and Pronouns (36-37)
                                     13.   13. Reflexive Verbs (38)
                                     14.   14. Por y Para (39-41)
                                     15.   15. To Become (42-43)
El Presente
• Used to express actions or situations that are
  going on at the present time and to express
  general truths.
• Also used to express habitual actions or actions
  that will take place in the near future.
• Regular –ar, -er, -ir verbos
• Nota: We normally omit subject pronouns.
Stem-Changing Present
• E—>ie {ej. pensar)
• O ue (ej. Poder)
• EI (ej. Pedir)
• Uue (ej. Jugar)
• Construir, destruir, incluir, influir add a y before
  the personal endings, except in forms noted
• Change in all forms except nosotros y vosotros.
Irregular Yo Present Tense
• Many –er and –ir verbs have irregular yo forms in
  the present tense.
• -cer or –cir -zco
• -ger or –gir -jo
• Several verbs have irregular –go endings (ej.
  Caercaigo), and a few have individual
• Others: caber—> quepo; saber se; verveo
• Some verbs with irregular yo forms have stem
  changes as well
• Verbs with prefixes follow the same patterns (ej.
Ser o Estar
• Ser and estar both mean to be, but they are not
• Ser is used to express the idea of permanence, such as
  inherent or unchanging qualities and characteristics.
• Estar is used to express temporality, including qualities
  or conditions that change with time.
• With most descriptive adjectives, either ser or estar can
  be used, but the meaning of each statement is different.
• Some adjectives have two different meanings depending
  on whether they are used with ser or estar.
• Nota: Estar, not ser, is used with muerto/a.
Uses of Ser y Estar
• Uses of Ser:               • Uses of Estar:
  ▫ Nationality and origin     ▫ Location or spatial
  ▫ Profession/occupation        relationships
  ▫ Characteristics of         ▫ Health
    people,animals, and        ▫ Physical states and
    things                       conditions
  ▫ Generalizations            ▫ Emotional states
  ▫ Possession                 ▫ Certain weather
  ▫ Material of                  expressions
    composition                ▫ Ongoing actions
  ▫ Time, date, season           (progressive tenses)
  ▫ Where/when an event        ▫ Results of actions (past
    takes place                  participles)
Verbos Como Gustar
• Though gustar is translated as to like in English, its literal meaning is to
• Gustar is preceded by an indirect object pronoun.
• Because the thing or person that pleases is the subject, gustar agrees in
  person and number with it.
• When gustar is followed by one or more verbs in the infinitive, the singular
  form of gustar is always used.
• Gustar is often used in the conditional (me gustaria) to soften a request.
• Many verbs follow the same pattern as gustar:
   ▫ Aburrir, apetecer, caer bien/mal, disgustar, doler, encantar, faltar, fascinar, hacer
     falta, importar, interesar, molestar, preocupar, quedar, sorprender
• The construction a+prepositional pronoun or a+noun can be used to
  emphasized who is pleased, bothered, etc.
• Faltar expresses what someone or something lacks and quedar expresses
  what someone or something has left. Quedar is also used to talk about how
  clothing fits or looks on someone.
• Ejemplos
El Preterito
 A definite time in the past with a beginning and/or

• Regular -ar Verbs:           • Regular –er/-ir Verbs

  -é           -amos          -í          -imos

  -aste        -asteis        -iste       -isteis

  -ó           -aron          -ió         -ieron
-Car, -Gar, -Zar
• The first group of irregular preterite verbs.
• It only changes in the first person tense.
• This group pertains to verbs ending in –car, -
  gar, or –zar.                  Examples:

Verbs ending                   Infinitive:   Conjugation:
   in -Car     • -qué          Tocar         Toqué

Verbs ending
  in –Gar      • -gué          Jugar         Jugué

Verbs ending
  in –Zar      • -cé           Comenzar      Comencé
Spock Verbs
• Ir, ser, dar, ver, y hacer.
• Another grouping of irregular preterite verbs.


Tablas para Verbos de Spock

 Ir/Ser              Dar/Ver                   Hacer
 Fui      Fuimos     (d/v)i      (d/v) imos    Hice      Hicimos
 Fuiste   Fuisteis   (d/v)iste   (d/v)isteis   Hiciste   Hicisteis
 Fue      Fueron     (d/v)io     (d/v)ieron    Hizo      Hicieron
Cucaracha Verbs
• A third grouping of irregular preterite verbs.
• A way to remember their conjugations is to sing
  them to the tune of ―La Cucaracha.‖
• For the verbs ―conducir,‖ ―producir,‖ and
  ―traducir,‖ drop the ―i‖ in –ieron in the third
  person plural tense.
Tabla para Verbos de Cucaracha
Andar      Anduv-    -e      -imos
Estar      Estuv-
                     -iste   -isteis
Poder      Pud-
Poner      Pus-      -o      -ieron
Querer     Quis-
Saber      Sup-
Tener      Tuv-
Venir      Vin-
Conducir   Conduj-
Producir   Produj-
Traducir   Traduj-
Decir      Dij-
Traer      Traj-
Snakes and Snakeys
• The last groupings of irregular preterite verbs.
• In the ―snakes‖ group, there is a stem change in
  the third person.
• In the ―snakeys‖ group, the ―i‖ changes to a ―y‖
  in the third person. These verbs usually have
  double vowels in infinitive form.
Tablas de Snakes y Snakeys
    Dormir                           Pedir
   Dormí      Dormimos           Pedí           Pedimos

   Dormiste   Dormisteis         Pediste        Pedisteis

   Durmió     Durmieron          Pidió          Pidieron


                Leer   Leí           Leímos

                       Leíste        Leísteis

                       Leyó          Leyeron
Imperfect Tense
• Used to describe past activities in a different
  way, it is an IMPERFECTED ACTION in the
  past. There is no definite beginning or ending.
• It is like a movie; preterite tense is like a photo.
  -AR Verbs                       -ER/IR Verbs

 -aba         -abamos           -ía        -íamos

 -abas        -abais            -ías       -íais

 -aba         -aban             -ía        -ían
Imperfect Tense Irregulars
       • There are only 3 irregulars, and never any stem
Iba       Íbamos                         Era          Éramos
Ibas      Ibais    Ir                    Eras         Erais
Iba       Iban                           Era          Eran

                              Veía    Veíamos

                        Ver   Veías   Veías
                              Veía    Veían
Imperfect Trigger Words
• Todos los dias              • Imperfect tense is used for:
                              1. Habitual/repeated actions
• Mientras                    2. Events/actions that were in
• Los lunes, martes              progress
  (etc.)                      3. Physical characteristics
                              4. Mental/emotional states
• Siempre                     5. Time-telling
• Muchas veces                6. Age
• Cada
• ***These will distinguish
  use of preterite from use
  of imperfect.***
Subjunctive in Noun Clauses
• Subjunctive mood: attitudes, uncertain,
• Main clause + connector +subordinate clause
• -ar: e, es, e, emos, en
• -er/-ir: a, as, a, amos, an
• Irregulars: dar (de), estar (este), ir (vaya), saber
  (sepa), haber (haya), ser (sea)
• WEDDING: Wishing/wanting, emotions, doubt,
  disbelief, impersonal expressiosn, negation,
Impersonal Expressions
•   Es bueno que… [Subjunctive Clause]
•   Es mejor que… [Subjunctive Clause]
•   Es malo que… [Subjunctive Clause]
•   Es importante que… [Subjunctive Clause]
•   Es necesario que… [Subjunctive Clause]
•   Es urgente que… [Subjunctive Clause]
•   Y mucho mas!
Verbs of Will and Influence
•   Aconsejar- to advise
•   Importar=- to be important, to matter
•   Ionsistir (en)- to insist (on)
•   Mandar- to order
•   Prohibir- to prohibit
•   Recomendar (e->ie)- to recommend
•   Rogar (oue)- to beg, to plead
•   Sugerir (eie) to suggest
•   Any of these+que+subjunctive
Common Verbs and Expressions of
•   Alegrarse (de)- to be happy
•   Esperar- to hope, to wish
•   Senir (eie)- to be sorry, to regret
•   Sorprender- to surprise
•   Temer- to be afraid, to fear
•   Es triste- it’s sad
•   Ojala (que)- I hope (that), I wish (that)
•   Any of these+subjunctive
Expressions of Doubt, Disbelief, and
•   Dudar- to doubt
•   Negar (eie)- to deny
•   Es imposible- it’s impossible
•   Es improbable- it’s improbable
•   No es cierto- It’s not true, it’s not certain
•   No es seguro- It’s not certain
•   No es verdad- it’s not true
Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses
• An adjective clause is a group of words containing a verb
  that tells something about a noun.
• The subjunctive is used in an adjective clause when the
  antecedent is someone or something whose existence in
  unknown, hypothetical, or uncertain from the point of
  view of the speaker.
• EJ: Necesito un amigo que me comprenda.
• There is NO personal ―a‖ because it’s not a definite
• If the antecedent is known to exist, then use the
  indicative mood instead
• When the antecedent is not mentioned, introduce
  adjective clauses by using ―lo que‖
Mandatos- Usted Commands
• Use an usted command to tell someone what to do
  using the formal tense.
• Put the verb in ―yo‖ form and change ―o‖ ending to
  the opposite vowel (are; er/ira)
• Do this for both affirmative and negative
• Add an ―n‖ at the end for a plural command.
• IRREGULARES: TVDISHES– they are irregular in
  ALL commands
  ▫ T=Tener; V=Venir; D=Dar/Decir; I=Ir; S=Ser;
    H=Hacer/haber; E=Estar; S=Saber
Mandatos- Tú Commands
• Use a tú command to tell someone what to do in
  the familiar tense.
• For the AFFIRMATIVE: Conjugate to ―tú‖ form
  and simply drop the ―s‖!
• For the NEGATIVE: Put it in ―yo‖ form and
  change the ―o‖ ending to the opposite vowel (like
  in a formal command), then add an ―s‖
Mandatos- Nosotros Commands
• Use a nosotros command to tell a group of
  people you are in to do something with you.
• Conjugate into ―yo‖ form and change the ―o‖
  ending to these opposite vowel endings:
  aremos; er/iramos
• This is for both affirmative and negative. (Just
  add a ―no‖ in front for negative.)
• MONOS Verbs: Affirmative Nosotros
  Commands with a Reflexive Verb
  ▫ Drop the extra ―s‖! (EJ: VámosnosVámanos)
Object Pronouns
• Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns.
• Direct object pronouns directly receive the
  action of the verb. “what”
• Indirect object pronouns identify to whom or for
  whom an action is done.

   Direct   Objects         Indirect   Objects
   Me       Nos             Me         Nos

   Te       Os              Te         Os

   Lo/La    Los/Las         Le         Les
Position of Object Pronouns
• Direct and indirect object pronouns (los pronombres
  de complemento directo e indirecto) precede the
  conjugated verb.
• Ej: IO- Carla siempre me da boletos para el cine. (Carla
  always gives me movie tickets.)
• Ej: DO- Ella los consigue gratis. (She gets them for
• Object pronouns may attach to an infinitive, gerund, or
  affirmative command. Or they may go before the
  conjugated verb as usual.
• EJ: Voy a hacerlo enseguida./Lo voy a hacer enseguida.
• Lo is also used to refer to an abstract thing or idea that
  has no gender. ―It‖
Double Object Pronouns
• The indirect object pronoun precedes the direct object
  pronoun when they are used together in a sentence.
• EJ: Me los mandaron por correo.
• Le and les change to se when they are used with lo, la,
  los, or las.
• EJ: Se las damos.
• The ―se‖ has nothing to do with reflexives!
• When object pronouns are attached to infinitives,
  gerunds, or commands, a written accent is often required
  to maintain proper words stress.
• Put accent over third-to-last or fourth-to-last syllable,
  depending on how many pronouns were attached.k
Prepositional Pronouns
Prepositional    Pronouns
Mí               Me, myself
Ti               You, yourself
Ud.              You, Yourself
Él               Him, it
Ella             Her, it
Sí               Himself, herself, itself
Nosotros/as      Us, ourselves
Vosotros/as      You, Yourselves
Uds.             You, yourselves
Ellos            Them
Ellas            Them
Sí               Themselves
Prepositional Pronouns
• Prepositional pronouns function as the objects of prepositions.
• Except for mí, tí, and sí, they are identical to their corresponding
  subject pronouns.
• EJ: Lo compramos para ti.
• A + [prepositional pronoun] is often used for clarity or emphasis.
• EJ: A mí me fascina.
• The pronoun sí is the preopositional prnoun used to refer back to
  the same third-person subject. In this case, the adjective
  mismo/a(s) is usually added for clarifictation.
• EJ: Juan se lo regaló a sí mismo.
• When mí, ti, and sí are used with con, they become conmigo,
  contigo, and consigo.
• These prepositions are used with tú and yo instead of mí and ti:
  entre, excepto, incluso, menos, salvo, según.
• EJ: Todos están de acuerdo menos tú y yo.
Possessive Adjectives
• Tells who is in possession of something– whose
  object the object is. (EJ: My book.)
• Possessive adjectives must agree with the noun
  in gender and number. (Gender only applies to
  nosotros and vosotros forms)
       Mi (s)        Nuestro (a, s, as)

       Tu (s)        Vuestro (a, s, as)

       Su (s)        Sus
Possessive Pronouns
• Tells who is in possession of an object, but uses a
  pronoun to replace the noun. (EJ: Mine is blue.)
• They also must agree in gender an number to the noun
  that they are replacing.
• Possessive pronouns usually are used with the
  corresponding definite article.
       El/La mío (a)          El/La nuestro (a)
       Los/Las míos (as)      Los/Las nuestros (as)
       El/La tuyo (a)         El/La vuestro (a)
       Los/Las tuyos (as)     Los/Las vuestros (as)
       El/La suyo (a)         El/La suyo (a)
       Los/Las suyos (as)     Los/Las suyos (as)
Demonstrative Adjectives
 • To be more specific as to which an object is–
   ―this,‖ ―that,‖ or ―that one over there.‖
Este/This must agree in gender and number.
 • They Singular Plural
Masculin   Este       Estos
                               Aquel      Singular   Plural
Feminine Esta         Estas
                               Masculine Aquel       Aquellos
Ese/That   Singular   Plural
                               Feminine   Aquella    Aquellas
Masculin Ese          Esos
Feminin    Esa        Esas
Demonstrative Pronouns
   • To be more specific as to which an object is–
     ―this,‖ ―that,‖ or ―that one over there,‖ and
     replacing the noun with the following pronouns
   • Must agree in gender and number
Este/This Singular Plural
   • They’re the same as the adjectives!
Masculin   Este       Estos
e                              Aquel      Singular   Plural
Feminine Esta         Estas    Masculine Aquel       Aquellos
Ese/That   Singular   Plural   Feminine   Aquella    Aquellas
Masculin Ese          Esos
Feminin    Esa        Esas
Reflexive Verbs
• Reflects the action of the verb back to the subject
• If a verb acts on something other than the
  subject, use non-reflexive verb form
• If verb acts on subject, use reflexive verb form

             Me        Nos

             Te        Os

             Se        Se
Por y Para
• ―For‖
• However, they have specific usages, so they are
  easy to confuse, despite being translated to mean
  the same
• In Spanish, you must use the correct one
  because using the wrong one may give the
  sentence a different meaning!
Uses of “POR”
•   Indicates motion/general location
•   Duration of an action
•   Reason or motivation for action
•   Object of a search
•   Means by which something is done
•   Exchange or substitution
•   Unit of measure
•   Mulitplication
•   Idiomatic Expressions (EJ: por ejemplo, por eso, por
    fin, etc.)
Uses of “PARA”
•   Destination
•   Deadline or specific time in future
•   Purpose/Goal + Infinitive
•   Purpose + Noun
•   Recipient of something
•   Comparison with others or an Opinion
•   In the employment of
“To Become”
• In Spanish, there is no specific infinitive that
  means ―to become‖
• Instead, a variety of other infinitives used in
  certain ways and phrases are used to convey the
  same meaning as ―to become‖
• The verb used depends on the nature of the
  change that occurs (e.g. deliberate, involuntary)
Phrases for “To Become”
• Llegar a ser: ―to eventually become,‖ usually change over a
  long period of time, usually with effort.
  ▫ EJ: Antonio became old= Antonio llegó a ser anciano.
• Ponerse: Refers to a change in mood or emotion, especially a
  temporary or sudden change. It is also used to refer to
  changes in physical appearance and many other traits.
  Doesn’t have to apply to just people.
  ▫ EJ: I became sick= Me puse enferma.
• Hacerse: Deliberate or voluntary changes, such as a change in
  identity, affiliation, religion, etc.
  ▫ EJ: Carmen became a Christian= Carmen se hace una cristiana.
• Volverse: A typically involuntary change, generally applying to
  ▫ Jorge became/went crazy: Jorge se volvió loco.

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Grammar Book SP4H

  • 1. Spanish 4 Grammar Book Catalina Vivlamore Spanish 4H Period 1
  • 2. Tabla de Contentos 1. El Presente (3-5) 8. 8. Subjunctive in Adjective 2. Ser o Estar (6-7) Clauses (25) 3. Verbos Como Gustar (8) 9. 9. Mandatos (26-28) 4. El Preterito (9-16) 10. 10. Object Pronouns (29-33) 5. El Imperfecto (17-19) 11. 11. Possessive Adjectives and 6. Preterito vs. Imperfecto (19) Pronouns (34-35) 7. Subjunctive in Noun Clauses 12. 12. Demonstrative Adjectives (20-24) and Pronouns (36-37) 13. 13. Reflexive Verbs (38) 14. 14. Por y Para (39-41) 15. 15. To Become (42-43)
  • 3. El Presente • Used to express actions or situations that are going on at the present time and to express general truths. • Also used to express habitual actions or actions that will take place in the near future. • Regular –ar, -er, -ir verbos • Nota: We normally omit subject pronouns.
  • 4. Stem-Changing Present • E—>ie {ej. pensar) • O ue (ej. Poder) • EI (ej. Pedir) • Uue (ej. Jugar) • Construir, destruir, incluir, influir add a y before the personal endings, except in forms noted below • Change in all forms except nosotros y vosotros.
  • 5. Irregular Yo Present Tense • Many –er and –ir verbs have irregular yo forms in the present tense. • -cer or –cir -zco • -ger or –gir -jo • Several verbs have irregular –go endings (ej. Caercaigo), and a few have individual irregularities • Others: caber—> quepo; saber se; verveo • Some verbs with irregular yo forms have stem changes as well • Verbs with prefixes follow the same patterns (ej. detenerdetengo)
  • 6. Ser o Estar • Ser and estar both mean to be, but they are not interchangeable. • Ser is used to express the idea of permanence, such as inherent or unchanging qualities and characteristics. • Estar is used to express temporality, including qualities or conditions that change with time. • With most descriptive adjectives, either ser or estar can be used, but the meaning of each statement is different. • Some adjectives have two different meanings depending on whether they are used with ser or estar. • Nota: Estar, not ser, is used with muerto/a.
  • 7. Uses of Ser y Estar • Uses of Ser: • Uses of Estar: ▫ Nationality and origin ▫ Location or spatial ▫ Profession/occupation relationships ▫ Characteristics of ▫ Health people,animals, and ▫ Physical states and things conditions ▫ Generalizations ▫ Emotional states ▫ Possession ▫ Certain weather ▫ Material of expressions composition ▫ Ongoing actions ▫ Time, date, season (progressive tenses) ▫ Where/when an event ▫ Results of actions (past takes place participles)
  • 8. Verbos Como Gustar • Though gustar is translated as to like in English, its literal meaning is to please. • Gustar is preceded by an indirect object pronoun. • Because the thing or person that pleases is the subject, gustar agrees in person and number with it. • When gustar is followed by one or more verbs in the infinitive, the singular form of gustar is always used. • Gustar is often used in the conditional (me gustaria) to soften a request. • Many verbs follow the same pattern as gustar: ▫ Aburrir, apetecer, caer bien/mal, disgustar, doler, encantar, faltar, fascinar, hacer falta, importar, interesar, molestar, preocupar, quedar, sorprender • The construction a+prepositional pronoun or a+noun can be used to emphasized who is pleased, bothered, etc. • Faltar expresses what someone or something lacks and quedar expresses what someone or something has left. Quedar is also used to talk about how clothing fits or looks on someone. • Ejemplos
  • 9. El Preterito A definite time in the past with a beginning and/or ending • Regular -ar Verbs: • Regular –er/-ir Verbs -é -amos -í -imos -aste -asteis -iste -isteis -ó -aron -ió -ieron
  • 10. -Car, -Gar, -Zar • The first group of irregular preterite verbs. • It only changes in the first person tense. • This group pertains to verbs ending in –car, - gar, or –zar. Examples: Verbs ending Infinitive: Conjugation: in -Car • -qué Tocar Toqué Verbs ending in –Gar • -gué Jugar Jugué Verbs ending in –Zar • -cé Comenzar Comencé
  • 11. Spock Verbs • Ir, ser, dar, ver, y hacer. • Another grouping of irregular preterite verbs. Ir/ser Dar/ver Hacer
  • 12. Tablas para Verbos de Spock Ir/Ser Dar/Ver Hacer Fui Fuimos (d/v)i (d/v) imos Hice Hicimos Fuiste Fuisteis (d/v)iste (d/v)isteis Hiciste Hicisteis Fue Fueron (d/v)io (d/v)ieron Hizo Hicieron
  • 13. Cucaracha Verbs • A third grouping of irregular preterite verbs. • A way to remember their conjugations is to sing them to the tune of ―La Cucaracha.‖ • For the verbs ―conducir,‖ ―producir,‖ and ―traducir,‖ drop the ―i‖ in –ieron in the third person plural tense.
  • 14. Tabla para Verbos de Cucaracha Andar Anduv- -e -imos Estar Estuv- -iste -isteis Poder Pud- Poner Pus- -o -ieron Querer Quis- Saber Sup- Tener Tuv- Venir Vin- Conducir Conduj- Producir Produj- Traducir Traduj- Decir Dij- Traer Traj-
  • 15. Snakes and Snakeys • The last groupings of irregular preterite verbs. • In the ―snakes‖ group, there is a stem change in the third person. • In the ―snakeys‖ group, the ―i‖ changes to a ―y‖ in the third person. These verbs usually have double vowels in infinitive form.
  • 16. Tablas de Snakes y Snakeys Snakes: Dormir Pedir Dormí Dormimos Pedí Pedimos Dormiste Dormisteis Pediste Pedisteis Durmió Durmieron Pidió Pidieron Snakeys: Leer Leí Leímos Leíste Leísteis Leyó Leyeron
  • 17. Imperfect Tense • Used to describe past activities in a different way, it is an IMPERFECTED ACTION in the past. There is no definite beginning or ending. • It is like a movie; preterite tense is like a photo. -AR Verbs -ER/IR Verbs -aba -abamos -ía -íamos -abas -abais -ías -íais -aba -aban -ía -ían
  • 18. Imperfect Tense Irregulars • There are only 3 irregulars, and never any stem changes Iba Íbamos Era Éramos Ibas Ibais Ir Eras Erais Iba Iban Era Eran Ser Veía Veíamos Ver Veías Veías Veía Veían
  • 19. Imperfect Trigger Words • Todos los dias • Imperfect tense is used for: 1. Habitual/repeated actions • Mientras 2. Events/actions that were in • Los lunes, martes progress (etc.) 3. Physical characteristics 4. Mental/emotional states • Siempre 5. Time-telling • Muchas veces 6. Age • Cada dia/mes/noche/año • ***These will distinguish use of preterite from use of imperfect.***
  • 20. Subjunctive in Noun Clauses • Subjunctive mood: attitudes, uncertain, hypothetical • Main clause + connector +subordinate clause • -ar: e, es, e, emos, en • -er/-ir: a, as, a, amos, an • Irregulars: dar (de), estar (este), ir (vaya), saber (sepa), haber (haya), ser (sea) • WEDDING: Wishing/wanting, emotions, doubt, disbelief, impersonal expressiosn, negation, God/grief
  • 21. Impersonal Expressions • Es bueno que… [Subjunctive Clause] • Es mejor que… [Subjunctive Clause] • Es malo que… [Subjunctive Clause] • Es importante que… [Subjunctive Clause] • Es necesario que… [Subjunctive Clause] • Es urgente que… [Subjunctive Clause] • Y mucho mas!
  • 22. Verbs of Will and Influence • Aconsejar- to advise • Importar=- to be important, to matter • Ionsistir (en)- to insist (on) • Mandar- to order • Prohibir- to prohibit • Recomendar (e->ie)- to recommend • Rogar (oue)- to beg, to plead • Sugerir (eie) to suggest • Any of these+que+subjunctive
  • 23. Common Verbs and Expressions of Emotion • Alegrarse (de)- to be happy • Esperar- to hope, to wish • Senir (eie)- to be sorry, to regret • Sorprender- to surprise • Temer- to be afraid, to fear • Es triste- it’s sad • Ojala (que)- I hope (that), I wish (that) • Any of these+subjunctive
  • 24. Expressions of Doubt, Disbelief, and Denial • Dudar- to doubt • Negar (eie)- to deny • Es imposible- it’s impossible • Es improbable- it’s improbable • No es cierto- It’s not true, it’s not certain • No es seguro- It’s not certain • No es verdad- it’s not true
  • 25. Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses • An adjective clause is a group of words containing a verb that tells something about a noun. • The subjunctive is used in an adjective clause when the antecedent is someone or something whose existence in unknown, hypothetical, or uncertain from the point of view of the speaker. • EJ: Necesito un amigo que me comprenda. • There is NO personal ―a‖ because it’s not a definite person • If the antecedent is known to exist, then use the indicative mood instead • When the antecedent is not mentioned, introduce adjective clauses by using ―lo que‖
  • 26. Mandatos- Usted Commands • Use an usted command to tell someone what to do using the formal tense. • Put the verb in ―yo‖ form and change ―o‖ ending to the opposite vowel (are; er/ira) • Do this for both affirmative and negative commands. • Add an ―n‖ at the end for a plural command. • IRREGULARES: TVDISHES– they are irregular in ALL commands ▫ T=Tener; V=Venir; D=Dar/Decir; I=Ir; S=Ser; H=Hacer/haber; E=Estar; S=Saber
  • 27. Mandatos- Tú Commands • Use a tú command to tell someone what to do in the familiar tense. • For the AFFIRMATIVE: Conjugate to ―tú‖ form and simply drop the ―s‖! • For the NEGATIVE: Put it in ―yo‖ form and change the ―o‖ ending to the opposite vowel (like in a formal command), then add an ―s‖
  • 28. Mandatos- Nosotros Commands • Use a nosotros command to tell a group of people you are in to do something with you. • Conjugate into ―yo‖ form and change the ―o‖ ending to these opposite vowel endings: aremos; er/iramos • This is for both affirmative and negative. (Just add a ―no‖ in front for negative.) • MONOS Verbs: Affirmative Nosotros Commands with a Reflexive Verb ▫ Drop the extra ―s‖! (EJ: VámosnosVámanos)
  • 29. Object Pronouns • Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. • Direct object pronouns directly receive the action of the verb. “what” • Indirect object pronouns identify to whom or for whom an action is done. Direct Objects Indirect Objects Me Nos Me Nos Te Os Te Os Lo/La Los/Las Le Les
  • 30. Position of Object Pronouns • Direct and indirect object pronouns (los pronombres de complemento directo e indirecto) precede the conjugated verb. • Ej: IO- Carla siempre me da boletos para el cine. (Carla always gives me movie tickets.) • Ej: DO- Ella los consigue gratis. (She gets them for free.) • Object pronouns may attach to an infinitive, gerund, or affirmative command. Or they may go before the conjugated verb as usual. • EJ: Voy a hacerlo enseguida./Lo voy a hacer enseguida. • Lo is also used to refer to an abstract thing or idea that has no gender. ―It‖
  • 31. Double Object Pronouns • The indirect object pronoun precedes the direct object pronoun when they are used together in a sentence. • EJ: Me los mandaron por correo. • Le and les change to se when they are used with lo, la, los, or las. • EJ: Se las damos. • The ―se‖ has nothing to do with reflexives! • When object pronouns are attached to infinitives, gerunds, or commands, a written accent is often required to maintain proper words stress. • Put accent over third-to-last or fourth-to-last syllable, depending on how many pronouns were attached.k
  • 32. Prepositional Pronouns Prepositional Pronouns Mí Me, myself Ti You, yourself Ud. You, Yourself Él Him, it Ella Her, it Sí Himself, herself, itself Nosotros/as Us, ourselves Vosotros/as You, Yourselves Uds. You, yourselves Ellos Them Ellas Them Sí Themselves
  • 33. Prepositional Pronouns • Prepositional pronouns function as the objects of prepositions. • Except for mí, tí, and sí, they are identical to their corresponding subject pronouns. • EJ: Lo compramos para ti. • A + [prepositional pronoun] is often used for clarity or emphasis. • EJ: A mí me fascina. • The pronoun sí is the preopositional prnoun used to refer back to the same third-person subject. In this case, the adjective mismo/a(s) is usually added for clarifictation. • EJ: Juan se lo regaló a sí mismo. • When mí, ti, and sí are used with con, they become conmigo, contigo, and consigo. • These prepositions are used with tú and yo instead of mí and ti: entre, excepto, incluso, menos, salvo, según. • EJ: Todos están de acuerdo menos tú y yo.
  • 34. Possessive Adjectives • Tells who is in possession of something– whose object the object is. (EJ: My book.) • Possessive adjectives must agree with the noun in gender and number. (Gender only applies to nosotros and vosotros forms) Mi (s) Nuestro (a, s, as) Tu (s) Vuestro (a, s, as) Su (s) Sus
  • 35. Possessive Pronouns • Tells who is in possession of an object, but uses a pronoun to replace the noun. (EJ: Mine is blue.) • They also must agree in gender an number to the noun that they are replacing. • Possessive pronouns usually are used with the corresponding definite article. El/La mío (a) El/La nuestro (a) Los/Las míos (as) Los/Las nuestros (as) El/La tuyo (a) El/La vuestro (a) Los/Las tuyos (as) Los/Las vuestros (as) El/La suyo (a) El/La suyo (a) Los/Las suyos (as) Los/Las suyos (as)
  • 36. Demonstrative Adjectives • To be more specific as to which an object is– ―this,‖ ―that,‖ or ―that one over there.‖ Este/This must agree in gender and number. • They Singular Plural Masculin Este Estos e Aquel Singular Plural Feminine Esta Estas Masculine Aquel Aquellos Ese/That Singular Plural Feminine Aquella Aquellas Masculin Ese Esos e Feminin Esa Esas e
  • 37. Demonstrative Pronouns • To be more specific as to which an object is– ―this,‖ ―that,‖ or ―that one over there,‖ and replacing the noun with the following pronouns • Must agree in gender and number Este/This Singular Plural • They’re the same as the adjectives! Masculin Este Estos e Aquel Singular Plural Feminine Esta Estas Masculine Aquel Aquellos Ese/That Singular Plural Feminine Aquella Aquellas Masculin Ese Esos e Feminin Esa Esas
  • 38. Reflexive Verbs • Reflects the action of the verb back to the subject • If a verb acts on something other than the subject, use non-reflexive verb form • If verb acts on subject, use reflexive verb form Me Nos Te Os Se Se
  • 39. Por y Para • ―For‖ • However, they have specific usages, so they are easy to confuse, despite being translated to mean the same • In Spanish, you must use the correct one because using the wrong one may give the sentence a different meaning!
  • 40. Uses of “POR” • Indicates motion/general location • Duration of an action • Reason or motivation for action • Object of a search • Means by which something is done • Exchange or substitution • Unit of measure • Mulitplication • Idiomatic Expressions (EJ: por ejemplo, por eso, por fin, etc.)
  • 41. Uses of “PARA” • Destination • Deadline or specific time in future • Purpose/Goal + Infinitive • Purpose + Noun • Recipient of something • Comparison with others or an Opinion • In the employment of
  • 42. “To Become” • In Spanish, there is no specific infinitive that means ―to become‖ • Instead, a variety of other infinitives used in certain ways and phrases are used to convey the same meaning as ―to become‖ • The verb used depends on the nature of the change that occurs (e.g. deliberate, involuntary)
  • 43. Phrases for “To Become” • Llegar a ser: ―to eventually become,‖ usually change over a long period of time, usually with effort. ▫ EJ: Antonio became old= Antonio llegó a ser anciano. • Ponerse: Refers to a change in mood or emotion, especially a temporary or sudden change. It is also used to refer to changes in physical appearance and many other traits. Doesn’t have to apply to just people. ▫ EJ: I became sick= Me puse enferma. • Hacerse: Deliberate or voluntary changes, such as a change in identity, affiliation, religion, etc. ▫ EJ: Carmen became a Christian= Carmen se hace una cristiana. • Volverse: A typically involuntary change, generally applying to people. ▫ Jorge became/went crazy: Jorge se volvió loco.