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  Liliana Russell

           1. Nationality            11. Negative tú Commands/
         2. Stem changers             Irregulars/ Pronoun Placement
              3. Para                   12. Sequencing events
              4. IOP                          13. Preterite
      5. Pronoun Placement                 14. Trigger Words
             6. Gustar                    15. -Car, -Gar, -Zar
7. Affirmative and Negative Words
                                       16. Deber and infinitive
          8. Superlatives
                                            17. Modal verbs
           9. Reflexives
                                        18. Present progressive
  10. Affirmative tú Commands/
     Irregulars/ Pronoun Placement            19. Adverbs

Dormir                  Jugar                     Pedir
Duermo     Dormimos       Juego      Jugamos      Pido       Pedimos
Duermes    Dormeis        Juegas     Jugáis       Pides      Pedís
Duerme     Duermen        Juega      Juegan       Pide       Piden

Pensar                   Almorzar                  Contar
 Pienso    Pensamos      Almuerzo    Almorzamos    Cuento        Cuentamos
 Piensas   Pensáis       Almuerzas   Almorzáis     Cuentas       Cuentais
 Piensa    Piensan       Almuerza    Almuerza      Cuenta        Cuentan

     The stem doesn‟t change for the nosotros or vosotros form

         • Use para (for, in order to) to indicate…

The recipient of               Purpose
items                          • Vamos al restaraunte
• El regalo para tú              para comer.

               Implied purpose
               • Tengo dinero para
                 (comprar) algo.

• They are nouns that tell whom/ what      • The pronouns le and
            or for whom/ what                les can refer to
      • Replace object pronouns or           different indirect
         accompany indirect objects          object. To clarify what
         • Can be in three places            they mean, they are
                                             accompanied by:
       1. Before a conjugated verb
                                           a+ name, noun, or
 2. Attached to the end of an infinitive   pronoun
   3. Attached to a gerund (-ing verb)
            Me              Nos
            Te               Os
            Le               Les

               1. Attach the pronoun to the infinitive
              2. Attach the pronoun to the progressive
           3. Attach the pronoun to an affirmative tense
           4. Place the pronoun before a conjugated verb
                           *IO Placement
 • When the pronoun accompanies a conjugated verb, the pronoun
                         comes before the verb
• But when the pronoun accompanies a sentence with an infinitive, it
   can either go before the conjugated verb or be attached to the end
                             of the infinitive
                                                  ¡NO LA TOQUES!

                   Me                          • Gusta singular
                                                   • Me gusta el carro.
       Les                    Te               • Infinitive gusta
                                                   • Me gusta hablar español.
                                               • Plural gusta
                                                   • Me gustan los carros.
        Os                    Le
                                               *Read the sentence backwards
                  Nos                          • Me gusta el carro.
                                                  The car is liked by me.
•   A mi= me gusta                             *A MI me gusta tacos.
•   A ti= te gusta                             • Used for emphasis
•   A usted/ a el/ a ella= le gusta
•   A nosotros= nos gusta
•   A ustedes/ a ellas/ a ellos= les gusta     • The form of gustar matches the
•   A vosotros= os gusta                         noun, not the speaker

 •       When you want to talk about an indefinite or negative situation, you use an
                              affirmative or a negative word
                  Affirmative Words                      Negative Words

                   • Algo= something                      • Nada= nothing
                  • Alguien= someone                      • Nadie= no one
               • Algún/ alguno(a)= some            • Ningún/ Ninguno(a)= none
                    • Siempre=always                       • Nunca= never
                     • También=also                     • Tampoco= neither

     Alguno and ninguno must match the gender of the noun they replace or
   modify. They have different forms when used before masculine or singular
 • If a verb is proceeded by no, words that follow must be negative. A double
            negative is required in Spanish when no proceeds the verb.
• However, if a negative words, such as nunca or nadie, comes before the verb, a
                           second negative is not needed.

• The suffix –ismo, -isimos, -isima, and –isimas are added to adjectives and adverbs
     • It is equivalent to extremely or very before and adjective or adverb
                           Malo            Malísimo
                           Muchas          Muchísimas
                           Difícil         Dificilísimo
   • Adjectives & adverbs ending in C, G, or Z change spelling to que, gu, and c
                           Rico            Riquísimo
                           Largo           Larguísima
                           Feliz           Felicísimo
           • Adjectives that end in –n or –r form by adding –cisimo/a

                         Joven             Jovencísimo
                         Trabajador        Trabajadorcísimo

•  To describe people doing things for themselves, use •     In the reflexive construction, the subject is
                      reflexive verbs.                                       also the object
 • Ex: brushing one‟s teeth or combing one‟s hair        •   A person does as well as receives the action
• Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs to •      The subject, the pronoun, and the verb are
  indicate that the subject of the sentence receives the                 all in the same form
                    action of the verb.                                   • Por ejemplo:
               Me lavo      Nos lavamos
                                                                    Yo me levanto a las ocho de la mañana.
               Te lavas     Os laváis
                                                                         •     How do you form these verbs?
               Se lava      Se lavan
    •  Many verbs can be used with or without reflexive                  1.        Conjugate the verb as always
     pronouns. When there is no reflexive pronoun, the          •        Posición de los pronombres reflexivos
      person doing the action does not receive the action
Sara se lava. ← Reflexive Not reflexive →Sara lava el                    1.        In front of a conjugated verb
carro.                                                                         2.      Attached to a gerund
Sara washes herself.                 Sara washes the car.
                                                                              3.     Attached to an infinitive
     • They include the concept of possession.
  • You can put the reflexive pronoun in front of                   4.        Attached to an infinitive command
                    the conjugated verb.                                       *Reflexive= se on the end
  * When you use the infinitive form of a reflexive verb                                  -acostarse
    after a conjugated verb, be sure to use the correct
                    reflexive pronoun.                                                    -bañarse
Tener             No tengas

 Venir             No vengas
 Dar/ decir        No des/ digas
 Ir                No vayas                 AFFIRMATIVE TÚ COMMANDS/
 Ser               No seas               IRREGULARS/ PRONOUN PLACEMENT
 Hacer             No hagas
 Estar             No estés
 Saber/ salir      No sepas/ salgas

          A f f i r m a t ive t ú C o m m a n d s                   I r r e g u l a r A f f i r m a t ive t ú C o m m a n d s
       They give instructions or commands to
                                                                           Remember that when you use a pronoun with an
        someone by using the Affirmative tú
                                                                          affirmative command, the pronoun attaches to the
            commands of regular verbs.                                                      command
*Notice it is a tú command, but ends like a 3 rd
                                                                                             •    Pon te otra camisa.
                   house form
         Caminar                Camina                                                 Put on (yourself) another shirt
         Comer                  Come
          Abrir                  Abre           1)    Affirmative: Drop the –s             Infinitive
                                                                                                             Affirmative tú Command
                                                                                             decir                       di
                                           2)   Put in yo form, change vowel, add –s         hacer                     haz
            Camina en el parque                                                                 ir                       ve
               Come toda la                3)   Affirmative irregulars: Di haz, ven,         poner                     pon
               hamburguesa                             pon, sal, se, ten, ven                 salir                     sal
            Abre la puerta, quiero                                                             ser                       se
                    entrar                       4)    Irregular Commands:                                              ten
                                                                                             tener                     ven
              • When using an object pronoun, attach the pronoun to the end of the command.
                                         ex. Cruza el parque → ¡Crúzalo!
                                     IRREGULARS/ PRONOUN PLACEMENT
Vayas             N e g a t ive T ú C o m m a n d s               Ir regular tú Commands
                                                           A few verbs have irregular negative
          When you tell someone what not to
                                                           tú commands. Notice that none of
              do, use a negative command.
                                                          the yo forms of these verbs end in -o
           Negative tú commands are formed
                                                                                             Negative tú
          by taking you form of the present                   Infinitive (yo form)
             tense, dropping the –o, and                                             • No les des mi dirección a
                                                          •   Dar (doy)
           adding the appropriate ending.                                              nadie
                                                          •   Estar (estoy)            • Don‟t give my address to
          Infinitive         Yo form
                                            Negative tú   •   Ir (voy)               • No estés triste.
                                            Command       •   Ser (soy)                • Don‟t be sad.
       • Hablar           • Hablo         • No hables                                • No vayas a la tienda.
                                                                                       • Don‟t go to the store.
       • volver           • Vuelvo        • No vuelvas
                                                                                     • No seas mala.
       • Venir                                                                         • Don‟t be bad.

   Object pronouns precede the verbs in negative commands, just as with other conjugated verbs.
                         Ex: No lo uses. (Don‟t use it (the blow-dryer)

Primero        Entonces               Luego/ después   Por fin

First          Then                   Later/ after     Finally

                      Antes de/ después de
                      Before/ after

          Por la mañana/ tarde/ noche
          In/ during the… (NO SPECIFIC TIME GIVEN)

                 AR                                          Er/ir
       é                   Amos                     í                   Imos
     hable                hablamos               Comí                 Comimos
     Aste                                        Escribí              Escribimos
    hablaste                                   Iste
       ó                   Aron              Comiste
     habló                hablaron           Escribiste
                                                   Ió                    Ieron
                                                 Comió                Comieron
                                                 Escribió             escribieron

• -car ending preterite verbs in the yo            Perfected action in the past
  form will change to –que in order to             “snapshot”
  keep the hard „c‟ sounds:                        Beginning &/ or ending
    Ex. Yo saque (sacar) la basura ayer.

          Tocaste                      Comenzar
         Tocaron                         Comenzaste
         Jugar                            Comenzó
           Jugué                         comenzamos
          Jugaste                        Comenzaron

Car -> yo -> que         This applies to verbs that end in –car, -gar,
Gar -> yo -> gue      -zar. The verb form only changes in the yo form.
Zar-> yo -> ce

Debo            Debemos            -¿Por qué te debo ayudar?
                                     -En vez de sacar fotos,
Debes           Debéis
                                       debes ayudarme.
Debe            Deben
                                   *Remember you can put a
The verb deber means should or
                                     pronoun in front of a
ought to. To say what people       conjugated verb or attach
should do, use a conjugated form       it to an infinitive.
of deber with the infinitive of
another verb.

When verbs are used in
      the modal verb           Deber       Should, ought to

 combinations, the 2nd         Desear      To desire
                               Necesitar   To need
verb is not conjugated.        Poder       Can, could, might
It is left in the infinitive   Querer      Want, would like to

    form. You would            Saber       Know, know how to
                               Soler       Usually, used to
  never say “no puedo

Estoy                Estamos
                                                     Three Vowel Rule
Estas                Estáis
                                                            1.    Leer
Esta                 Están
                                                       2.        Leindo
Ar                   Ando                              3.        Leyendo
                                           *When the stem of an –er or –ir verb
Er/ir                Iendo                ends in a vowel, change the –iendo to –
3 vowel              Yendo                 yendo to form the present progressive
Estar+ present progressive                  *e- i stem- changing verbs have a
                                                vowel change in the stem
*When you use pronouns with the present     *Some other verbs also have a vowel
progressive, you can put them in one of two        change in the stem
1. Put pronouns before the conjugated verb
2. Attach them to the end of the present

To describe how something is done, use adverbs. Many adverbs in Spanish are made by changing an
            existing adjective. When the verb ends in –o, you replace the –o with an –a.
                   When an adjective ends in e, l, or z, simply add –mente to the end.
                    When you use two adverbs. Drop the –mente from the first one
                    Irregular Adverbs                   Adjective               Adverb
            Mucho            A lot
            Muy              Very
                                                        Reciente                Recientemente
            Mal              Bad                        Frecuente               Frecuentemente
            Bestante         Quite
                                                        Fácil                   Fácilmente
            Bien             Good
            Ya               Already
                                                        Normal                  Normalmente
            Tan              So                         Especial                Especialmente
            Demasiado        Too
                                                        Feliz                   Felizmente
            Nunca            Never
            Poco             Little
                                                        Cuidadoso               Cuidadosamente
                                                        Lento                   Lentamente
            Peor             Worse
            Siempre          always                     Tranquilo               Tranquilamente

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Grammar book

  • 1. GRAMMAR BOOK Liliana Russell
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Nationality 11. Negative tú Commands/ 2. Stem changers Irregulars/ Pronoun Placement 3. Para 12. Sequencing events 4. IOP 13. Preterite 5. Pronoun Placement 14. Trigger Words 6. Gustar 15. -Car, -Gar, -Zar 7. Affirmative and Negative Words 16. Deber and infinitive 8. Superlatives 17. Modal verbs 9. Reflexives 18. Present progressive 10. Affirmative tú Commands/ Irregulars/ Pronoun Placement 19. Adverbs
  • 4. STEM CHANGE Dormir Jugar Pedir Duermo Dormimos Juego Jugamos Pido Pedimos Duermes Dormeis Juegas Jugáis Pides Pedís Duerme Duermen Juega Juegan Pide Piden Pensar Almorzar Contar Pienso Pensamos Almuerzo Almorzamos Cuento Cuentamos Piensas Pensáis Almuerzas Almorzáis Cuentas Cuentais Piensa Piensan Almuerza Almuerza Cuenta Cuentan The stem doesn‟t change for the nosotros or vosotros form
  • 5. PARA • Use para (for, in order to) to indicate… The recipient of Purpose items • Vamos al restaraunte • El regalo para tú para comer. mama Implied purpose • Tengo dinero para (comprar) algo.
  • 6. IOP • They are nouns that tell whom/ what • The pronouns le and or for whom/ what les can refer to • Replace object pronouns or different indirect accompany indirect objects object. To clarify what • Can be in three places they mean, they are accompanied by: 1. Before a conjugated verb a+ name, noun, or 2. Attached to the end of an infinitive pronoun 3. Attached to a gerund (-ing verb) Me Nos Te Os Le Les
  • 7. PRONOUN PLACEMENT 1. Attach the pronoun to the infinitive 2. Attach the pronoun to the progressive 3. Attach the pronoun to an affirmative tense 4. Place the pronoun before a conjugated verb *IO Placement • When the pronoun accompanies a conjugated verb, the pronoun comes before the verb • But when the pronoun accompanies a sentence with an infinitive, it can either go before the conjugated verb or be attached to the end of the infinitive ¡TÓCALA! ¡BÁÑATE! ¡NO LA TOQUES!
  • 8. GUSTAR Me • Gusta singular • Me gusta el carro. Les Te • Infinitive gusta • Me gusta hablar español. Gusta • Plural gusta • Me gustan los carros. Os Le *Read the sentence backwards Nos • Me gusta el carro. The car is liked by me. • A mi= me gusta *A MI me gusta tacos. • A ti= te gusta • Used for emphasis • A usted/ a el/ a ella= le gusta • A nosotros= nos gusta • A ustedes/ a ellas/ a ellos= les gusta • The form of gustar matches the • A vosotros= os gusta noun, not the speaker
  • 9. AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE WORDS • When you want to talk about an indefinite or negative situation, you use an affirmative or a negative word Affirmative Words Negative Words • Algo= something • Nada= nothing • Alguien= someone • Nadie= no one • Algún/ alguno(a)= some • Ningún/ Ninguno(a)= none • Siempre=always • Nunca= never • También=also • Tampoco= neither • Alguno and ninguno must match the gender of the noun they replace or modify. They have different forms when used before masculine or singular nouns. • If a verb is proceeded by no, words that follow must be negative. A double negative is required in Spanish when no proceeds the verb. • However, if a negative words, such as nunca or nadie, comes before the verb, a second negative is not needed.
  • 10. SUPERLATIVES • The suffix –ismo, -isimos, -isima, and –isimas are added to adjectives and adverbs • It is equivalent to extremely or very before and adjective or adverb Malo Malísimo Muchas Muchísimas Difícil Dificilísimo • Adjectives & adverbs ending in C, G, or Z change spelling to que, gu, and c Rico Riquísimo Largo Larguísima Feliz Felicísimo • Adjectives that end in –n or –r form by adding –cisimo/a Joven Jovencísimo Trabajador Trabajadorcísimo
  • 11. REFLEXIVES • To describe people doing things for themselves, use • In the reflexive construction, the subject is reflexive verbs. also the object • Ex: brushing one‟s teeth or combing one‟s hair • A person does as well as receives the action • Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs to • The subject, the pronoun, and the verb are indicate that the subject of the sentence receives the all in the same form action of the verb. • Por ejemplo: Me lavo Nos lavamos Yo me levanto a las ocho de la mañana. Te lavas Os laváis • How do you form these verbs? Se lava Se lavan • Many verbs can be used with or without reflexive 1. Conjugate the verb as always pronouns. When there is no reflexive pronoun, the • Posición de los pronombres reflexivos person doing the action does not receive the action Sara se lava. ← Reflexive Not reflexive →Sara lava el 1. In front of a conjugated verb carro. 2. Attached to a gerund Sara washes herself. Sara washes the car. 3. Attached to an infinitive • They include the concept of possession. • You can put the reflexive pronoun in front of 4. Attached to an infinitive command the conjugated verb. *Reflexive= se on the end * When you use the infinitive form of a reflexive verb -acostarse after a conjugated verb, be sure to use the correct reflexive pronoun. -bañarse
  • 12. Tener No tengas Venir No vengas Dar/ decir No des/ digas Ir No vayas AFFIRMATIVE TÚ COMMANDS/ Ser No seas IRREGULARS/ PRONOUN PLACEMENT Hacer No hagas Estar No estés Saber/ salir No sepas/ salgas A f f i r m a t ive t ú C o m m a n d s I r r e g u l a r A f f i r m a t ive t ú C o m m a n d s They give instructions or commands to Remember that when you use a pronoun with an someone by using the Affirmative tú affirmative command, the pronoun attaches to the commands of regular verbs. command *Notice it is a tú command, but ends like a 3 rd • Pon te otra camisa. house form Caminar Camina Put on (yourself) another shirt Comer Come Abrir Abre 1) Affirmative: Drop the –s Infinitive Affirmative tú Command decir di 2) Put in yo form, change vowel, add –s hacer haz Camina en el parque ir ve Come toda la 3) Affirmative irregulars: Di haz, ven, poner pon hamburguesa pon, sal, se, ten, ven salir sal Abre la puerta, quiero ser se entrar 4) Irregular Commands: ten tener ven venir • When using an object pronoun, attach the pronoun to the end of the command. ex. Cruza el parque → ¡Crúzalo!
  • 13. NEGATIVE TÚ COMMANDS/ IRREGULARS/ PRONOUN PLACEMENT Negativos Des Estés Vayas N e g a t ive T ú C o m m a n d s Ir regular tú Commands Seas A few verbs have irregular negative When you tell someone what not to tú commands. Notice that none of do, use a negative command. the yo forms of these verbs end in -o Negative tú commands are formed Negative tú by taking you form of the present Infinitive (yo form) Command tense, dropping the –o, and • No les des mi dirección a • Dar (doy) adding the appropriate ending. nadie • Estar (estoy) • Don‟t give my address to anyone Infinitive Yo form Negative tú • Ir (voy) • No estés triste. Command • Ser (soy) • Don‟t be sad. • Hablar • Hablo • No hables • No vayas a la tienda. • Don‟t go to the store. • volver • Vuelvo • No vuelvas • No seas mala. • Venir • Don‟t be bad. Object pronouns precede the verbs in negative commands, just as with other conjugated verbs. Ex: No lo uses. (Don‟t use it (the blow-dryer)
  • 14. SEQUENCING EVENTS Primero Entonces Luego/ después Por fin First Then Later/ after Finally Antes de/ después de Before/ after Por la mañana/ tarde/ noche In/ during the… (NO SPECIFIC TIME GIVEN)
  • 15. PRETERITE AR Er/ir é Amos í Imos hable hablamos Comí Comimos Aste Escribí Escribimos hablaste Iste ó Aron Comiste habló hablaron Escribiste Ió Ieron Comió Comieron Escribió escribieron • -car ending preterite verbs in the yo Perfected action in the past form will change to –que in order to “snapshot” keep the hard „c‟ sounds: Beginning &/ or ending Ex. Yo saque (sacar) la basura ayer.
  • 17. -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR Tocar Toque Tocaste Comenzar Toco Tocamos Comencé Tocaron Comenzaste Jugar Comenzó Jugué comenzamos Jugaste Comenzaron Jugo Jugamos jugaron Car -> yo -> que This applies to verbs that end in –car, -gar, Gar -> yo -> gue -zar. The verb form only changes in the yo form. Zar-> yo -> ce
  • 18. DEBER AND INFINITIVE Debo Debemos -¿Por qué te debo ayudar? -En vez de sacar fotos, Debes Debéis debes ayudarme. Debe Deben *Remember you can put a The verb deber means should or pronoun in front of a ought to. To say what people conjugated verb or attach should do, use a conjugated form it to an infinitive. of deber with the infinitive of another verb.
  • 19. MODAL VERBS When verbs are used in the modal verb Deber Should, ought to combinations, the 2nd Desear To desire Necesitar To need verb is not conjugated. Poder Can, could, might It is left in the infinitive Querer Want, would like to form. You would Saber Know, know how to Soler Usually, used to never say “no puedo nadar”
  • 20. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Estoy Estamos Three Vowel Rule Estas Estáis 1. Leer Esta Están 2. Leindo Ar Ando 3. Leyendo *When the stem of an –er or –ir verb Er/ir Iendo ends in a vowel, change the –iendo to – 3 vowel Yendo yendo to form the present progressive Estar+ present progressive *e- i stem- changing verbs have a vowel change in the stem *When you use pronouns with the present *Some other verbs also have a vowel progressive, you can put them in one of two change in the stem places. 1. Put pronouns before the conjugated verb 2. Attach them to the end of the present participle
  • 21. ADVERBS To describe how something is done, use adverbs. Many adverbs in Spanish are made by changing an existing adjective. When the verb ends in –o, you replace the –o with an –a. When an adjective ends in e, l, or z, simply add –mente to the end. When you use two adverbs. Drop the –mente from the first one Irregular Adverbs Adjective Adverb Mucho A lot Muy Very Reciente Recientemente Mal Bad Frecuente Frecuentemente Bestante Quite Fácil Fácilmente Bien Good Ya Already Normal Normalmente Tan So Especial Especialmente Demasiado Too Feliz Felizmente Nunca Never Poco Little Cuidadoso Cuidadosamente Lento Lentamente Peor Worse Siempre always Tranquilo Tranquilamente