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Pill pushers claim that
supplements are necessary
to guard your health,
compensate for processed
foods, enhance your
athletic abilities, and
promote future “super
s VITAMINS are essential organic
  substances needed in minute
  amounts by the body to perform
  specific metabolic functions
s When a vitamin is synthesized
  from existing chemicals in the
  body the ingredient to make the
  conversion are called pro-
  vitamins (ex: carotine--Vit A.)

s   RUTIN (Lipoic Acid)
s   Bioflavonoids (Vit P)
s   Par-amino-benzoic acid
s   Carnitine (Choline)
Where do Vitamins
     Come From?
s All vitamins are found in
  green leaves and roots of
  plants except Vit B12 which
  is found only in animals
s Man cannot synthesize Vit C
  and most of the fat soluble
s   essential links and regulators in
s   tissue synthesis
 - A (Retinol); D (Cholecaciferol); E
   (Tocopherol); K (Menadione)
 - C (Ascorbic Acid); B-complex-
   Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin,
   B-6, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin,
   Folacin, B-12
A, D, E, K
 - Daily ingestion unnecessary,
   as they are stored in the
   liver, fat cells and
 - No mechanism to leave the
 - Can be toxic in excess
Vit A   night blindness   headach, vomiting,
                          anorexia swelling
Vit D   rickets           vomiting, diarrhea

Vit E   possible anemia   relatively nontoxic

Vit K   severe bleeding   relatively nontoxic,
s   Functions
    - Source of vitamin A
    - Antioxidants
    - Other health benefits
s   Food Sources
    - Yellow-orange vegetables
    - Orange fruits
    - Dark-green leafy vegetables
Three biologically active molecules:
retinol, retinal (retinaldehyde) and retinoic

    Retinal                 Retinoic Acid

ß-carotene is Converted to Vitamin A

         ß-carotene           O2
                              Bile salts


                       C  O

Retinal is Reduced to
            Retinaldehyde               O

                      NADPH (NADH)
Retinaldehyde           + H+
                     NADP+ (NAD+)

Retinal can be Oxidized to
      Retinoic Acid
    Retinaldehyde             O

              Retinoic acid
Cells Dependent on Vitamin A

s Skin
s Cornea
s Trachea
s Immunocytes
Bitot’s Spots
Bitot’s Spots
Vitamin A in Food =
Carotene + Vitamin A Esters
Hypervitaminosis A

s Vitamin  A
     (not carotenoids)
s Liver damage
s Hemorrhage
s Coma
s Death
Vitamin A Teratogenesis

s Associated   with > 20% rate
  of spontaneous abortions
  and birth defects
s 13-cis-retinoic acid
s During first trimester
s Accutane
Anti-carcinogenic Properties of
               Vitamin A
s   Epidemiologic studies
    - Colon
    - Skin, breast, liver, prostate, & lung
s Not replicated in basal diet
  separately or in combination
s Other compounds in fruits & vegetables?
s Mechanism?
    - Oxygen radical trap
    - A complements properties of E
sA vitamin in search of a
  “no known evidence of dietary
  deficiency of vitamin E in
s Anti-oxidant effects
 - protects polyunsaturated fats
   and vitamin A from destruction
   by oxygen
-The α-tocopherol molecule is the most potent of
   the tocopherols.
-is absorbed from the intestines packaged in
- is delivered to the tissues via chylomicron
   transport and then to the liver through
   chylomicron remnant uptake. The liver can
   export vitamin E in VLDLs.
- Due     to its lipophilic nature, vitamin E
   accumulates in cellular membranes, fat deposits
   and other circulating lipoproteins.
- - The major site of vitamin E storage is in
   adipose tissue.
Vitamin E
Major Function:
 -Act as a natural antioxidant by
 scavenging free radicals and molecular
 oxygen. In particular vitamin E is
 important for preventing peroxidation of
 polyunsaturated membrane fatty acids.
 The vitamins E and C are interrelated in
 their antioxidant capabilities.
Sources and Absorption of
           Vitamin E
s Vegetable oils
s Bile salts
s Pancreatic secretions
s Mixed micelles
s Chylomicrons
Clinical Significances of
      Vitamin E Deficiency
s   No major disease states have been
    found to be associated with vitamin E
    deficiency due to adequate levels in the
    average American diet. The major
    symptom of vitamin E deficiency in
    humans is an increase in red blood cell
    fragility. Since vitamin E is absorbed from
    the intestines in chylomicrons, any fat
    malabsorption diseases can lead to
    deficiencies in vitamin E intake.
s Neurological disorders have been associated
  with vitamin E deficiencies associated with
  fat malabsorptive disorders.
s Increased intake of vitamin E is
  recommended in premature infants fed
  formulas that are low in the vitamin as well
  as in persons consuming a diet high in
  polyunsaturated fatty acids.
s Polyunsaturated fatty acids tend to form free
  radicals upon exposure to oxygen and this
  may lead to an increased risk of certain
Vitamin E
Progression of Neurologic Symptoms of
             Vitamin E Deficiency
      + 19 - 25% of patients     + 25 - 75% of patients

       + 75 - 100% of patients
Hypoflexia or Areflexia

Truncal Ataxia

Limb Ataxia
Peripheral Neuropathy

0      2      4     6     8     10 12       14    16
                     Age intervals, Year
s Vitamin  D is a steroid hormone
 that functions to regulate specific
 gene      expression      following
 interaction with its intracellular
s The  biologically active form of the
  hormone is 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin
  D3 (1,25-(OH)2D3, also termed
s Calcitriol functions primarily to
  regulate calcium and phosphorous
s Maintains  plasma calcium &
  phosphorous concentrations
s Supports cellular processes,
  neuromuscular function, & bone
s Enhances calcium & phosphorous
  absorption from small intestine &
  mobilization from bone
Exists as several lipids;
1) D3 - made in skin exposed to

2) D2 - additive in fortified milk
Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2)

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)
Vitamin D
Bone Mineral
 Content in
 Children w/

 Changes in
Bone Mineral
Bowed Legs of
Rachitic Rosary
s   War-time supplementation
    - 2,000 IU + 50 - 100 % more
    - Nutritional deprivation
    - Lack of sunlight
s Epidemic of calcimia
s Some permanent brain damage
s Resultant laws in Europe
s   Deficiency
    - Rickets in children
    - Osteomalacia and
      osteoporosis in
s   Toxicity
    - Hypercalcemia
s   Functions
    - Blood clotting
    - Formation of bone
s   Food sources
    - Green vegetables, liver,
      egg yolks
(P hylloquinone)
Hemorrhagic Disease of the
s Intrauterine vitamin K deficiency
s Sterile intrauterine gut
s Why/how would Mother Nature let this
Water Soluble
s Transported  throughout
  the water medium of the
s Not stored in the body
Deficiency of Water
  Soluble Vitamins
s Pathophysiology   is result of
  reduced enzyme activities.
s Multiple deficiencies are common.
s Diagnostic Challenge? To
  recognize multiple findings.
Drugs may act as Vitamin
  Analogs (Media Serv)
Toxicity of Water
    Soluble Vitamins
s Toxicity recapitulates deficiency if
  co-enzyme ≠ vitamin
s Enzyme inactivation
s Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin,
  Niacin, Pyridoxine, Folic acid
s Not Biotin or Vitamin C
Causes of Water Soluble
  Vitamin Deficiency
s Decreased intake
s Decreased absorption
    - Enhanced loss during enterohepatic
s   Requirement
    - Pregnancy
s   Decreased Precursor
    - Inborn error of metabolism
B Vitamins
   s B vitamins act
     primarily as
   s Work as catalysts
   s Function in energy-
     metabolic reactions
    - Coenzyme in energy metabolism
    - Helps synthesize
s   Food sources
    - Whole and enriched grains
    - Pork, legumes, nuts, liver
s   Deficiency
    - Beriberi
           ATP          TPP

Thiamine                            TPP

           Phosphoryl Transferase
Clinical Significances of Thiamin
s   The earliest symptoms of thiamin deficiency
    include constipation, appetite suppression, nausea
    as well as mental depression, peripheral
    neuropathy and fatigue.
s   Chronic thiamin deficiency leads to more severe
    neurological symptoms including ataxia, mental
    confusion and loss of eye coordination.
s   Other clinical symptoms of prolonged thiamin
    deficiency are related to cardiovascular and
    musculature defects.
The severe thiamin deficiency disease is known as
Beriberi, is the result of a diet that is carbohydrate rich
andt hiamindeficient.

An additional thiamin deficiency related disease is
known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This disease
is most commonly found in chronic alcoholics due to
their poor dietetic lifestyles.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is characterized by
acute encephalopathy followed by chronic impairment
of short-term memory. Persons afflicted with Wernicke-
Korsakoff syndrome appear to have an inborn error of
metabolism that is clinically important only when the
diet is inadequate in thiamin.
Dry Beriberi
Wet Beriberi
s   Functions
    - Coenzyme in energy metabolism
    - Supports antioxidants
s   Food sources
    - Milk and dairy products
    - Whole and enriched grains
s   Deficiency
    - Ariboflavinosis
s   Riboflavin is the precursor for the
    coenzymes, flavin mononucleotide
    (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide

s   The enzymes that require FMN or FAD
    as cofactors are termed flavoproteins.
Clinical Significances of Flavin
s   Riboflavin deficiency is often seen in chronic
    alcoholics due to their poor dietetic habits.
s   Symptoms associated with riboflavin deficiency
    include itching and burning eyes, angular stomatitis
    and cheilosis (cracks and sores in the mouth and lips),
    bloodshot eyes, glossitis (inflammation of the tongue
    leading to purplish discoloration), seborrhea (dandruff,
    flaking skin on scalp and face), trembling,
    sluggishness, and photophobia (excessive light
s   Riboflavin decomposes when exposed to visible light.
s   Functions
    - Coenzyme in energy metabolism
    - Supports fatty acid synthesis
s   Food sources
    - Whole and enriched grains
    - Meat, poultry, fish, nuts, and peanuts
s   Deficiency
    - Pellagra
s   Toxicity
    - High doses used to treat high blood cholesterol
    - Side effects: skin flushing, liver damage
•Niacin (nicotinic acid and nicotinamide) is also known
as vitamin B3. Both nicotinic acid and nicotinamide
can serve as the dietary source of vitamin B3.

•Niacin is required for the synthesis of the active forms
of vitamin B3, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
(NAD+) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (NADP+). Both NAD+ and NADP+ function
as cofactors for numerous dehydrogenases, e.g.,
lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase.
Clinical Significances of Niacin and
                 Nicotinic Acid
•A diet deficient in niacin (as well as tryptophan) leads to glossitis
of the tongue (inflammation of the tongue leading to purplish
discoloration), dermatitis, weight loss, diarrheAdepression and
dementia. The severe symptoms, depression, dermatitis and
diarrhea, are associated with the condition known as pellagra.

•Nicotinic acid (but not nicotinamide) when administered in
pharmacological doses of 2–4 g/day lowers plasma cholesterol
levels and has been shown to be a useful therapeutic for
hypercholesterolemia. The major action of nicotinic acid in this
capacity is a reduction in fatty acid mobilization from adipose
tissue. Although nicotinic acid therapy lowers blood cholesterol it
also causes a depletion of glycogen stores and fat reserves in
skeletal and cardiac muscle.
Pellagra’s Dermatitis- Hand
Pellagra’s Dermatitis- Foot
Casal’s Necklace &
Hyperpigmentation of
Before & After Niacin
Pellagra GI & CNS

GI symptoms

CNS findings
Depression, insomnia, headaches, dizziness
Progression to limb rigidity, paresis, and fatal
s   Pyridoxal,     pyridoxamine    and   pyridoxine   are
    collectively known as vitamin B6.

s   All three compounds are efficiently converted to the
    biologically active form of vitamin B6, pyridoxal
    phosphate (PLP).

s   This conversion is catalyzed by the ATP requiring
    enzyme, pyridoxal kinase.

Pyridoxine   Pyridoxal   Pyridoxamine

 Pyridoxal Phosphate
s   Pyridoxal phosphate functions as a cofactor in
    enzymes involved in transamination reactions required
    for the synthesis and catabolism of the amino acids as
    well as in glycogenolysis as a cofactor for glycogen
    phosphorylase and as a co-factor for the synthesis of
    the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid
s   The requirement for vitamin B6 in the diet is
    proportional to the level of protein consumption
    ranging from 1.4–2.0 mg/day for a normal adult.
    During pregnancy and lactation the requirement for
    vitamin B6 increases approximately 0.6 mg/day.
s   Deficiencies of vitamin B6 are rare and usually are
    related to an overall deficiency of all the B-complex
s   Other symptoms that may appear with deficiency in
    vitamin B6 include nervousness, insomnia, skin
    eruptions, loss of muscular control, anemia, mouth
    disorders, muscular weakness, dermatitis, arm and leg
    cramps, loss of hair, slow learning, and water
s   Functions
    - Coenzyme in protein and amino
    - Supports immune system
s   Food sources
    - Meat, fish, poultry, liver
    - Potatoes, bananas,
      sunflower seeds
s   Deficiency
    - Microcytic hypochromic anemia
s   Toxicity
    - Can cause permanent nerve
      damage in high doses
s   Functions
    - Coenzyme in DNA synthesis and cell
    - Needed for normal red blood cell
s   Food sources
    - Green leafy vegetables, orange juice,
    - Fortified cereals, enriched grains
s   Deficiency
     - Megaloblastic anemia
     - Can contribute to neural
       tube defects
     - Women of childbearing age
       need 400 micrograms/day
       of folic acid
s   Toxicity
     - Can mask vitamin B12
        OF FOLATE
Folate deficiency results in complications nearly
identical to those described for vitamin B12 deficiency.

The inability to synthesize DNA during erythrocyte
maturation leads to abnormally large erythrocytes
termed macrocytic anemia.

Certain drugs such as anticonvulsants and oral
contraceptives can impair the absorption of folate.
Cobalamin is more commonly known as
vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is composed of a complex
tetrapyrrol ring structure (corrin ring) and a
cobalt ion in the center.

Vitamin B12 is synthesized exclusively by
microorganisms and is found in the liver of
animals bound to protein as methycobalamin
or 5‘deoxyadenosylcobalamin.

s   Functions
    - Needed for normal folate function
       • DNA and red blood cell synthesis
    - Maintains myelin sheath around nerves
s   Food sources
    - Only animal foods: meats, liver, milk,
s   Deficiency
    - Pernicious anemia
       • Megaloblastic anemia + nerve damage
 Corrin ring contains
 central cobalt atom


Pernicious anemia
  Megaloblastic anemia
  Neuropathy: particularly degeneration of spinal
  Universally fatal
  Extrinsic factor from liver

Patients were not producing enough
  Gastric acid to denature R protein
  Intrinsic factor
s Increases  absorption of iron
s Influences serum cholesterol
s Affects immune system
s Affects synthesis of collagen
s Affects drug metabolism
s Protects DNA in sperm
VITAMIN C (cont)
s Megadoses
 - 1970 Linus Pauling - Vit C &
   common cold
   • recover more quickly
s Possible
        effects of
 - Gout
 - Destruction of B vitamins
 - Breakdown of RBC
VITAMIN C (cont)

     Ascorbic Acid
s   Deficiency in vitamin C leads to the disease
    scurvy due to the role of the vitamin in the post-
    translational modification of collagens. Scurvy is
    characterized by easily bruised skin, muscle
    fatigue, soft swollen gums, decreased wound
    healing and hemorrhaging, osteoporosis, and
s   Vitamin C is readily absorbed and so the primary
    cause of vitamin C deficiency is poor diet and/or an
    increased requirement. The primary physiological
    state leading to an increased requirement for
    vitamin C is severe stress (or trauma). This is due
    to a rapid depletion in the adrenal stores of the
VITAMIN C (cont)
s 4%of the body’s mass is
 composed of 22 metallic
Major and Minor
s Major
              Minor       s

 Minerals                     Minerals
                              (< 100 mg/day)
 (>100 mg/day)
                              - iron
 -   sodium
                              - zinc
 -   potassium                - copper
 -   calcium                  - selenium
 -   phosphorus               - iodine
 -   magnesium                - fluorine
 -                            - chromium
                              - molybdenum
 -   chlorine
                              - manganese
      • 4% of body mass consists of minerals
Where Do Minerals
      Come From?
s Minerals occur freely in nature
  (rivers, lakes, oceans, topsoil, under
  earth’s surface
s Minerals are found in root systems
  of plants and in the body structures
  of animals that consume plants and
s Best sources of minerals are animal
  products (because they are more
  concentrated in animal tissues than
  in plants)
  s of
Recommended Intake
and Sources of Minerals
s Mineral supplements are generally
  not needed because most
  minerals are readily available in
  foods and the water supply
s Exceptions include some
  geographic regions where the soil
  or water is deficient in a particular
    - What regions are scarce in iodine?
    - What is iodized salt?
    - What is iron insufficiency?
     -is required for the synthesis of the
thyroid hormones
     - plays an important role in the
regulation of energy metabolism via
thyroid hormone functions.
Iodine- A major Deficiency
   Problem in the World
           s Swelling of thyroid
             gland known as
             goiter (iodine
           s Hypothyroidism
             -lower metabolism,
 Goiter      metal retardation,
           s 20% of world pop is
s Thereis synergism in consuming
 some minerals and vitamins
 - Fe absorption is improved with
   vitamin C
   (drink glass orange juice with Fe
   containing foods)
 - Ca uptake is facilitated if Ca-rich
   foods are consumed with foods
   high in vitamin D
s Consuming too much fiber (>35g
  daily) decreases absorption of Ca,
  Zn, Mg, and Fe
   These minerals become bound to
  dietary phytate and oxalate and are
  in the urine and feces
s What are phytate and oxalate?
    - fiberous compounds that bind minerals
      • phytates found in coffee, grain fibers
      • oxalates found in chocolate, tea, coffee
s The body’s most abundant mineral
  (1.5 to 2.0% of body mass; 1400 g)
s Ca combines with P to form
  hydroxyapatite, the crystalline
  structure of bones and teeth
s Ionized, Ca     serves these
    • muscle contraction
    • transmission nerve impulses
    • activation of enzymes
    • blood clotting
    • fluid movement across membranes
What is
s When calcium is deficient, the
  bones “give up” their Ca to try
  and restore the deficit. The bones
  literally become “hollow” or
  porous, leading to breaks and
s The hormone estrogen is linked
  to osteoporosis (because
  estrogen enhances Ca
  absorption; a decrease in
  estrogen no longer offers a
Bone Disease of Epidemic
s   1.2 million fractures yearly
s   500,000 spinal fractures
s   230,000 hip fractures
s   each year, 1.3 million osteoporetic women
    will fracture one or more of their bones
s   About 1 of 6 older men & 1 of 3 older women
    will sustain hip fractures (death will occur in
s   Often, x-rays don’t detect the disease until
    bone loss reaches 30 to 50% of its total
    mineral content!
s   30-50% bone loss by age
    70 y

s   Shrinkage of spinal
Who Gets the
s By age 50, men lose about 0.4%
  bone each year; in women, the loss
  is about 0.8% starting at age 35
  (double the loss 15 years sooner!)
s During menopause, bone loss
  accelerates to between 1% to 3%
  each year. Thus, by age 60, a
  woman can lose about 15% of her
  bone mass, and by age 70, bone
  loss can be as much as 30%
Where Does The
       Loss Occur?
  Most occurs in the vertebrae (person
  shrinks in stature by up to 6 inches
  from age 45-50 to age 70).
s The “spongy” bone (trabecular bone)
  loses its mineral content, causing the
  bone to crumble. The inside of the
  bone becomes honeycombed (like a
  beehive) and porous
Why is Dietary Calcium
s Shockingly, about 30% of college-
  age females consume only 400 to
  500 mg of calcium daily (RDA =
  1200 mg daily)
s Calcium rich foods (dairy products)
  contain vitamin D and this increases
  Ca absorption into the bones
s Adequate Ca intake, begun at an
  early age (6-14 years old),
  increases bone density
s 1200   to 1500 mg Ca
 - sardines, pink salmon, ricotta
   cheese, dried figs
   • calcium carbonate and calcium citrate
     can help
   • meat, salt, coffee, alcohol inhibit Ca
s Exercise   -weight bearing help
 - weight training important for “bone
Sodium: How Much is
s isa key circulating electrolyte
s functions in the regulation of ATP-
  dependent channels with potassium.
s These channels are referred to as
  Na+/K+-ATPases and their primary
  function is in the transmission of nerve
  impulses in the brain.
Sodium: How Much is
s   Excessive sodium intake increases fluid
    volume and peripheral vascular
    - sodium-induced hypertension (occurs in 1/3 of
      individuals with hypertension in U.S. and
s   Recommended level = 1100 to 3300
    mg/day (average in U.S = 3000 to 7000
    mg/day; amount actually needed = 500
s   Sodium plentiful in table salt, MSG, soy
    sauce, condiments, canned foods, baking
    soda, baking powder
s although  considered a trace element,
  has a critical role in the transport of
s Iron is the functional center of the heme
  moiety found in each of the protein
  subunit of hemoglobin.
s The function of iron is to coordinate the
  oxygen molecule into heme of
  hemoglobin so that it can be transported
  from the lungs to the tissues.
s 80%   of Fe is heme (heme +
  protein globin --->
s Iron Deficiency Anemia -
  iron isufficiency (low Hb -
  sluggishness, loss of
s Inadequate Fe intake
  (30-50% of females Fe
Other Functions of
s Heme iron is an important
  component of myoglobin, a storage
  and transport compound of oxygen
  within muscle cells (myoglobin
  contains about 5% of the body’s
  total iron stores)
s Heme iron a constituent of
  cytochromes that aids energy
  transfer within mitochondria
s Cytochromes transfer electrons
  (H + ) during redox reactions in
  cellular respiration
Iron Deficiency
                Anemia provides only
    Fact: Typical Western diet
    6 mg iron per 1000 calories of food
s   Hemoglobin (Hb) reduced to low levels
    and produces sluggishness, loss of
    appetite, reduced exercise capacity
s   Thus, a female who consumes 1700
    kCal daily only consumes 10.2 mg iron
s   Recommended intake for females: 15
s   Recommended intake for males: 12 mg/
Sports Anemia?
s Clinical   anemia (12 g/100 ml

s Fe loss is transient and
 occurs in early phase of
Iron Status in
s 30 to 50% of American women
  (young children, teenagers, women
  of child-bearing age, and “athletes”
  are iron deficient
s Consuming an additional 5 mg iron
  a day would would increase iron
  intake by 150 mg in one month. If
  15-17% of this iron is absorbed,
  this would make an additional 15 to
  25 mg available to help to counter
  the 5 to 45 mg iron loss during
Source of Iron
s Iron absorption varies depending on the
    source of the iron (i.e., bioavailability
    depends on the source of the iron)
s   Vegetable sources: 2-20% of iron absorbed
s   Animal sources: 10-35% of iron absorbed
s   Are vegetarian athletes at risk for iron
s   What can you do to increase iron absorption?
     - add foods rich in vitamin C to iron rich
       foods to increase their bioavailability.
     - drink glass OJ with cereal; add sesame
       seeds to salad; add wheat germ to cereal.
       This produces
Minerals and
s Sweat loss during exercise
 (1-5 kg loss is common) - 1.5 -
 8.0 g salt
 - Heat cramps - involuntary muscle
 - Heat exhaustion - weak rapid
   pulse, low BP, headache,
   dizziness, sweating reduced
 - Heat Stroke - sweating ceases,
   circulatory collapse, death
sThe  energy content of a food is inversely
related to it’s water content. What does this

     Foods high in water content are low in
    calories, and foods low in water content
               are high in calories

Example: (cheese v watermelon)   water

Foods High in Water
              (are low in calories)
                         %Water kCal
s   Lettuce               95.8%   3.7
s Tomato, Squash, Pumpkin     93.7%   5.7
s Cabbage                 92.2%   6.5
s Strawberries            91.5%   8.6
s Watermelon              91.2%   8.9
s Grapefruit              90.8%   9.1
s Chocolate fudge         8.1%    115
Soft Drink Consumption

  in the United States
s The  average American
  consumes 1 gallon of soft
  drinks each week (52 gallons
  a year), or about 1 ton of soft
  drinks between the ages of 20
  and 50!
s One-third of soft drinks are
  diet drinks
s           Terminology
    - Normal daily water variation
s   Hyperhydration
    - Increased water content
s   Hypohydration
    - Decreased water content
s   Dehydration
    - Losing water
s   Rehydration
    - Gaining water
Body’s Water Compartments
s Intracellular fluid or ICF (62%)
s Extracellular fluid or ECF (38%)
    - Blood plasma accounts for 20% of ECF (3 L)
       • When you sweat, the water comes from the blood
         plasma (i.e., the ECF)
       • If you don’t replace the ECF volume by
         consuming water on a regular basis, blood
         viscosity increases, placing a strain on
         cardiovascular function
       • Other components of the ECF include lymph,
         saliva, fluids in eyes and joints, fluids secreted by
         glands, fluids in the intestines, fluids excreted by
         kidneys and skin, and fluids bathing nerves and
         spinal cord
Electrolytes and
    Body Water
 - low concentrations of Na + and Cl-
 - high concentrations of K+

 - high concentrations of Na + and Cl-
 - low concentrations of K+
Water Absorption
s   2.0 Liters ingested daily
    - Saliva, gastric secretions, bile and
      pancreatic and intestinal secretions
      contribute an additional 7 L each
s   Of the 9 Liters ingested, not all is
    - Ingested solutions and foods (salt,
      AA, sugar drinks) blunt water
s pH ranges between 4.5 to 8.0
s High protein diets produce acidic
s CHO rich (vegetarian) diets produce
  alkaline urine (is pH above or below
s Color of urine produced by pigment
  urochrome, an end product of Hb
s In disease states, smell of urine
  changes; fruity smell (acetone) in
  diabetes, and solutes in urine
Functions of Body
                Water system
s Serves as body’s transport
s   Gas transport and gas exchange takes
    place across moist surfaces
s   Nutrients and gases are transported in
    aqueous solution
s   Waste products exit via urine and feces
s   Water has heat stabilizing qualities
    (absorbs large amounts of heat with
    minimal changes in Temp)
s   Fluids lubricate joints; prevents bone
s   Gives turgor to body tissues because
  - No
Defend Against
s   Don’t remove “soaked” clothing—
    dry clothes hinder evaporative
    - Evaporation major physiologic
    - Evaporative loss of 1 L of sweat =
      600 kCal of heat energy loss

s   Drink water regularly during
    physical activity, especially during
    events lasting 60 minutes or
What is the
Primary Aim
   of Fluid
To maintain plasma
so that circulation and
 sweating progress at
    optimal levels
Glucose Polymers
 s What is a glucose polymer? (link
   of 10-15 glucose molecules)
 s Sports drinks are popular
    - low osmolarity (maltodextrins).
      Polymerized glucose solutions
      provide water and CHO at a faster
      rate than a drink of similar CHO
      content consisting of
      monosaccharides Summary:
              Generalized and disaccharides.
Drink Cool Solutions, Drink Often, Choose the Brand
Gastric Emptying
s Fluids must be emptied from the
  stomach before absorption in the
  small intestine.
s Three factors influence gastric
  - Fluid temperature; cold water empties
    fastest (41 degrees F)
  - Fluid volume; 8.5 oz every 15 min. Too
    much slows gastric emptying
  - Fluid osmolarity; gastric emptying slowed
    when fluid is concentrated >10%. Sugary
    solutions (4 - 8% should be goal for CHO
    concentration for exercise longer than 60
Water Intoxication
     (Hyponatremia )
s Water intoxication refers to excessive
  water intake of more than 10 quarts a
s Causes significant dilution of the
  body’s normal sodium concentration
s Symptoms include head-ach, blurred
  vision, excessive sweating, and
  vomiting. In severe cases, there is
  cerebral edema, convulsions,
  comatose, and death
Exercise and Heat
s Prevention is the most
 effective way to control heat
 stress injuries
 -   Acclimatization
 -   Water
 -   Salt
 -   Know when to exercise
Heat Disorders
 Cause: Prolonged exer in heat; negative Na
 Symptom: Tightening, cramps, low Na
 Prevent: Salt, acclimatization
 Cause: Cumulative negative water loss
 Symptom: Exhaustion, hypohydration, flushed skin
 Prevent: Hydration before, during exercise
 Cause: extreme hyperthermia, circulation failure
 Symptom: hyperpyrexia, lack of sweat, neurologic
 Prevent: Acclimatization, water, minerals, no exercise
Activity And Heat
ACSM Position Stand:
 Exercise and Fluid Replacement

1. Primary objective for replacing body fluid loss
  during exercise is to maintain normal hydration.
2. Important to consume adequate fluids during the
  24-h period before an event and drink about 500
  ml (about 17 0z) of fluid about 2 h before exercise
  to promote adequate hydration and allow time for
  excretion of excess ingested water.
3. To minimize risk of thermal injury and impairment of
   exercise performance during exercise, fluid replacement
   should attempt to equal fluid loss.
4. At equal exercise intensity, the requirement for fluid
   replacement becomes greater with increased sweating
   during environmental thermal stress.
5. During exercise lasting longer than 1 h, it
   is important to do the following:
  a. add CHO to the fluid replacement solution to maintain blood
  glucose concentration and delay the onset of fatigue
b. electrolytes (primarily NaCl; ) should be added to the
   fluid replacement solution to enhance palatability and
   reduce the probability for development of
c. During exercise fluid and CHO requirements can be
   met simultaneously by ingesting 600-1200 ml/hr of
   solutions containing 4% to 8% CHO.
d. During exercise greater than 1 h, approximately 0.5 to
   0.7 g of sodium per liter of water would be appropriate
   to replace that lost from sweating.
Water Loss
Ergogenic-“tending to increase work”
An ergogenic aid is defined as “.. A
physical, mechanical, nutritional,
psychological, or pharmacological
substance or treatment that either
directly improves physiological variables
associated with exercise performance or
removes subjective restraints which may
limit physiological capacity”
Examples of Ergogenic Aids
• Warm-up               • Caffeine ingestion   • Carbohydrate ingestion
• Liquid ingestion      • Glycerol ingestion   • Phosphate ingestion • •
 • Creatine ingestion   • Blood doping         • NaHCO3- ingestion
• Erythropoietin        • Growth hormone       • Testosterone

          Nutritional Ergogenic Aids
• Caffeine Glycerol • Carnitine Phosphate
• Sodium Bicarbonate • Dichloroacetate
• Creatine • Branched chain amino acids
During the last decade, the use of
herbs as nutritional supplements has
expanded significantly. Thus,
knowledge of herbs, their purported
beneficial effects, and possible
negative side effects takes on added
importance for athlete and others
contemplating their use.
Commonly used herbal compounds
  -   Astragalus (Huang qi)
  -   Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
  -   Bee Pollen (Buckwheat pollen; Puhuang)
  -   Chamomile
  -   Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)
  -   Ephedra
  -   Garlic (Allium sativum)
  -   Ginseng, Asian (Pannax)
  -   Ginseng, Siberian (Eleuthero Root)
  -   Ginkgo Biloba (Maindenhair tree)
Commonly used herbal compounds (cont)
  Guarna (Paullinia cupana)
  Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)
  Milk Thistle (Silbum marianum)
  Glucosamine Sulfate
  Grape Seed Extract
  Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)
  St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
  Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)
s Structure   and action
 - Sterol structure similar to testosterone
 - Promotes protein synthesis
s Stacking
 - Combining multiple steroid
   preparations in oral & injectable form
s Pyramiding
 - Progressively increasing the dosage
Anabolic Steroids
s Drug with a considerable
 - Its becoming increasingly
   popular with more than just
   strength athletes
s Effectiveness
 - Dosage is an important factor
 - Training volume accompanying
Changes from
baseline in average
FFM, muscle, fat,
and strength over
10-wks of
Examples of oral and injectable anabolic steroids
  Generic Name    Commerical           Form            Retail $       Black
                    Name                                             Market $
Oxymetholone     Anadrol-50       Oral: 50 mg        $115/100 tabs   $200-500
Oxandrolone      Oxandrin         Oral; 2.5 mg       $420/100 tabs   $600-1600
Stanazolol       Winstrol V       Oral; 2 mg         $100/100 tabs   $200-500
Nandrolone       Durabolin        Inject; 25 mg/ml   $275/ml vial    $200-500
Deconate         Deca-Durabolin   Inject; 25 mg/ml   $12/2 ml vial   $400-750
Androlone-D200   Neo-durabolic    Inject; 50 mg/ml   $12/2 ml vial   $450-750
Life-shortening Effects of Exogenous Steroids Use in Mice
    Side effects and medical
      • Cystic acne, “road rage,” peliosis hepatis,
        increased plasma lipoproteins
      • In males: testicular atrophy & gynecomastia
      • In females: clitoral enlargement, squaring of the
        jaw, lowering of voice

      • ACSM Position Statement on Anabolic Steroids
Growth Hormone
s Genetic   engineering comes to sports
  - Human growth hormone
    • Produced in the Pituitary gland
    • Stimulates bone & cartilage growth
    • Enhances fatty acid oxidation
    • Reduces glucose & amino acid breakdown
  - Excess GH may result in:
    • Gigantism
    • Acromegaly
  - No unanimity among researchers
DHEA: A Worrisome
s DHEA- Dehydroepiandersterone
    - Steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands
s   Claims for DHEA
      •   Testosterone booster
      •   Bolsters immune system
      •   Preserves youth
      •   Decreases fatigue & joint pain
      •   Slows aging
      •   Invigorates sex life
    - An unregulated compound with uncertain safety
s   Claims:
    -   Stimulates production of endogenous testoterone
    -   Enables one to train harder
    -   Increases muscle mass
    -   Aids healing/recovery process

s   Research shows no effect of
    supplementation on basal serum
    testosterone or any training response in
    terms of muscle size & strength
Amino Acid
 Supplements for an
   Anabolic Effect
 Boost body’s natural production of:
  - Testosterone
  - Growth hormone
  - Insulin-like Growth Factor – 1
  Resulting in an increase in muscle mass
   and a reduction in fat mass
s   Supplement form - creatine monohydrate
    - Important component of high-energy phosphates
    - Documented benefits in humans
      • Improved muscular strength and power
      • Enables heavier lifting for greater overload
    - Creatine loading
      • 20 –25 g/day
    - Some research shows no benefit
Amino Acid
Stimulating an anabolic effect
 Consuming carbohydrate and/or
 protein immediately after resistance
 training may augment hormonal
 response to the training
Branched Chain Amino Acids
The main BCAA’s are leucine,
isoleucine, and valine. These
amino acids decrease the ability for
tryptophan to cross the blood brain
barrier, impeding the formation of
seratonin and the perception of
fatigue (central fatigue).
 Improved exercise            Stimulant to CNS

 ↑ Diuresis
                                        ↑ Lipolysis

  ↑ Incidence of          ↓ Muscle glycogenolysis
cardiac arrythmias
 • The most highly consumed drug in North America
   and Europe
 • IOC initially banned caffeine in 1962, then
   removed from list in 1972
 • Today, urinary caffeine > 12 mg/L is an IOC
 • This urinary level requires > 13.5 mg/kg caffeine,
   where 1 cup coffee provides 80 mg (Assume 75 kg BW)
    IOC banned dosage        Ergogenic benefit
1012 mg/80 = 12.7 cups     330 mg/80 = 4.1 cups
Warning About Caffeine
s Possible   side effects:
   • Nervous irritability
   • Muscle twitching
   • Psychomotor agitation
   • Elevated HR & blood pressure
   • Increased occurrence of PVCs
   • Insomnia
Caffeine produced significantly faster split times
                                      Effects of
                                      caffeine on
                                      results from
                                      use of fat as
                                      an exericse
                                      fuel, thus

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Chapter 9 vitamins and chapter 10 minerals

  • 2. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF VITAMINS/MINERALS/SUPPLEMEN TS Pill pushers claim that supplements are necessary to guard your health, compensate for processed foods, enhance your athletic abilities, and promote future “super health”
  • 3. WHAT ARE VITAMINS? s VITAMINS are essential organic substances needed in minute amounts by the body to perform specific metabolic functions s When a vitamin is synthesized from existing chemicals in the body the ingredient to make the conversion are called pro- vitamins (ex: carotine--Vit A.)
  • 5. NON-VITAMINS s RUTIN (Lipoic Acid) s Bioflavonoids (Vit P) s Par-amino-benzoic acid (PABA) s Carnitine (Choline)
  • 6. Where do Vitamins Come From? s All vitamins are found in green leaves and roots of plants except Vit B12 which is found only in animals s Man cannot synthesize Vit C and most of the fat soluble vitamins
  • 8. FUNCTIONS OF VITAMINS s essential links and regulators in metabolism s tissue synthesis
  • 9. TWO TYPES OF VITAMINS s FAT SOLUBLE - A (Retinol); D (Cholecaciferol); E (Tocopherol); K (Menadione) s WATER SOLUBLE - C (Ascorbic Acid); B-complex- Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B-6, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Folacin, B-12
  • 10. FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS A, D, E, K - Daily ingestion unnecessary, as they are stored in the liver, fat cells and subcutaneously - No mechanism to leave the body - Can be toxic in excess
  • 11. FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS VITAMIN DEFICIENCY EXCESS Vit A night blindness headach, vomiting, anorexia swelling Vit D rickets vomiting, diarrhea Vit E possible anemia relatively nontoxic Vit K severe bleeding relatively nontoxic, jaundice
  • 12. VITAMIN A Carotenoids s Functions - Source of vitamin A - Antioxidants - Other health benefits s Food Sources - Yellow-orange vegetables - Orange fruits - Dark-green leafy vegetables
  • 13. Three biologically active molecules: retinol, retinal (retinaldehyde) and retinoic acid. R Retinal Retinoic Acid Retinol
  • 14. ß-carotene is Converted to Vitamin A ß-carotene ß-carotene O2 Dioxygenase Bile salts H C Retinaldehyde O C O H Retinaldehyde
  • 15. Retinal is Reduced to Retinol H C Retinaldehyde O NADPH (NADH) Retinaldehyde + H+ Reductase NADP+ (NAD+) CH2OH Retinol
  • 16. Retinal can be Oxidized to Retinoic Acid H C Retinaldehyde O NAD, FAD OH C O Retinoic acid (all-trans)
  • 17. Cells Dependent on Vitamin A s Skin s Cornea s Trachea s Immunocytes
  • 20. Vitamin A in Food = Carotene + Vitamin A Esters
  • 21. Hypervitaminosis A s Vitamin A (not carotenoids) s Liver damage s Hemorrhage s Coma s Death
  • 22. Vitamin A Teratogenesis s Associated with > 20% rate of spontaneous abortions and birth defects s 13-cis-retinoic acid s During first trimester s Accutane
  • 23. Anti-carcinogenic Properties of Vitamin A s Epidemiologic studies - Colon - Skin, breast, liver, prostate, & lung s Not replicated in basal diet separately or in combination s Other compounds in fruits & vegetables? s Mechanism? - Oxygen radical trap - A complements properties of E
  • 24. VITAMIN E sA vitamin in search of a disease! “no known evidence of dietary deficiency of vitamin E in humans” s Anti-oxidant effects - protects polyunsaturated fats and vitamin A from destruction by oxygen
  • 25. Vitamin E (TOCOPHEROLS) -The α-tocopherol molecule is the most potent of the tocopherols. -is absorbed from the intestines packaged in chylomicrons. - is delivered to the tissues via chylomicron transport and then to the liver through chylomicron remnant uptake. The liver can export vitamin E in VLDLs. - Due to its lipophilic nature, vitamin E accumulates in cellular membranes, fat deposits and other circulating lipoproteins. - - The major site of vitamin E storage is in adipose tissue.
  • 26. Vitamin E Major Function: -Act as a natural antioxidant by scavenging free radicals and molecular oxygen. In particular vitamin E is important for preventing peroxidation of polyunsaturated membrane fatty acids. The vitamins E and C are interrelated in their antioxidant capabilities.
  • 27. Sources and Absorption of Vitamin E s Vegetable oils s Bile salts s Pancreatic secretions s Mixed micelles s Chylomicrons
  • 28. Clinical Significances of Vitamin E Deficiency s No major disease states have been found to be associated with vitamin E deficiency due to adequate levels in the average American diet. The major symptom of vitamin E deficiency in humans is an increase in red blood cell fragility. Since vitamin E is absorbed from the intestines in chylomicrons, any fat malabsorption diseases can lead to deficiencies in vitamin E intake.
  • 29. s Neurological disorders have been associated with vitamin E deficiencies associated with fat malabsorptive disorders. s Increased intake of vitamin E is recommended in premature infants fed formulas that are low in the vitamin as well as in persons consuming a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. s Polyunsaturated fatty acids tend to form free radicals upon exposure to oxygen and this may lead to an increased risk of certain cancers.
  • 31. Progression of Neurologic Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency + 19 - 25% of patients + 25 - 75% of patients + 75 - 100% of patients Hypoflexia or Areflexia Truncal Ataxia Limb Ataxia Peripheral Neuropathy Ophthalmoplegia 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Age intervals, Year
  • 32. VITAMIN D s Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that functions to regulate specific gene expression following interaction with its intracellular receptor.
  • 33. VITAMIN D s The biologically active form of the hormone is 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2D3, also termed calcitriol). s Calcitriol functions primarily to regulate calcium and phosphorous homeostasis.
  • 34. THE ROLE OF VITAMIN D s Maintains plasma calcium & phosphorous concentrations s Supports cellular processes, neuromuscular function, & bone ossification s Enhances calcium & phosphorous absorption from small intestine & mobilization from bone
  • 35. VITAMIN D Exists as several lipids; 1) D3 - made in skin exposed to sunlight. 2) D2 - additive in fortified milk
  • 38. Bone Mineral Content in Children w/ Cholestasis Changes in Bone Mineral Content
  • 39. Bowed Legs of Rickets
  • 41. TOXICITY OF VITAMIN D s War-time supplementation - 2,000 IU + 50 - 100 % more - Nutritional deprivation - Lack of sunlight s Epidemic of calcimia s Some permanent brain damage s Resultant laws in Europe
  • 42. VITAMIN D s Deficiency - Rickets in children - Osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults s Toxicity - Hypercalcemia
  • 43. VITAMIN K s Functions - Blood clotting - Formation of bone s Food sources - Green vegetables, liver, egg yolks
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  • 46. Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn s Intrauterine vitamin K deficiency s Sterile intrauterine gut s Why/how would Mother Nature let this happen?
  • 47. Water Soluble Vitamins s Transported throughout the water medium of the body s Not stored in the body
  • 48. Deficiency of Water Soluble Vitamins s Pathophysiology is result of reduced enzyme activities. s Multiple deficiencies are common. s Diagnostic Challenge? To recognize multiple findings.
  • 49. Drugs may act as Vitamin Analogs (Media Serv)
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  • 51. Toxicity of Water Soluble Vitamins s Toxicity recapitulates deficiency if co-enzyme ≠ vitamin s Enzyme inactivation s Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Folic acid s Not Biotin or Vitamin C
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  • 54. Causes of Water Soluble Vitamin Deficiency s Decreased intake s Decreased absorption - Enhanced loss during enterohepatic circulation s Requirement - Pregnancy s Decreased Precursor - Inborn error of metabolism
  • 55. B Vitamins s B vitamins act primarily as coenzymes s Work as catalysts s Function in energy- producing metabolic reactions
  • 56. VITAMIN B1 s (THIAMIN) Functions - Coenzyme in energy metabolism - Helps synthesize neurotransmitters s Food sources - Whole and enriched grains - Pork, legumes, nuts, liver s Deficiency - Beriberi
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  • 59. TPP-ATP Phosphoryltransferase ATP TPP Thiamine TPP Thiamine-ATP Phosphoryl Transferase
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  • 61. Clinical Significances of Thiamin Deficiency s The earliest symptoms of thiamin deficiency include constipation, appetite suppression, nausea as well as mental depression, peripheral neuropathy and fatigue. s Chronic thiamin deficiency leads to more severe neurological symptoms including ataxia, mental confusion and loss of eye coordination. s Other clinical symptoms of prolonged thiamin deficiency are related to cardiovascular and musculature defects.
  • 62. The severe thiamin deficiency disease is known as Beriberi, is the result of a diet that is carbohydrate rich andt hiamindeficient. An additional thiamin deficiency related disease is known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This disease is most commonly found in chronic alcoholics due to their poor dietetic lifestyles. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is characterized by acute encephalopathy followed by chronic impairment of short-term memory. Persons afflicted with Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome appear to have an inborn error of metabolism that is clinically important only when the diet is inadequate in thiamin.
  • 65. VITAMIN B2 (RIBOFLAVIN) s Functions - Coenzyme in energy metabolism - Supports antioxidants s Food sources - Milk and dairy products - Whole and enriched grains s Deficiency - Ariboflavinosis
  • 66. VITAMIN B2 (RIBOFLAVIN) s Riboflavin is the precursor for the coenzymes, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). s The enzymes that require FMN or FAD as cofactors are termed flavoproteins.
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  • 71. Clinical Significances of Flavin Deficiency s Riboflavin deficiency is often seen in chronic alcoholics due to their poor dietetic habits. s Symptoms associated with riboflavin deficiency include itching and burning eyes, angular stomatitis and cheilosis (cracks and sores in the mouth and lips), bloodshot eyes, glossitis (inflammation of the tongue leading to purplish discoloration), seborrhea (dandruff, flaking skin on scalp and face), trembling, sluggishness, and photophobia (excessive light sensitivity). s Riboflavin decomposes when exposed to visible light.
  • 72. VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN) s Functions - Coenzyme in energy metabolism - Supports fatty acid synthesis s Food sources - Whole and enriched grains - Meat, poultry, fish, nuts, and peanuts s Deficiency - Pellagra s Toxicity - High doses used to treat high blood cholesterol - Side effects: skin flushing, liver damage
  • 73. VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN) •Niacin (nicotinic acid and nicotinamide) is also known as vitamin B3. Both nicotinic acid and nicotinamide can serve as the dietary source of vitamin B3. •Niacin is required for the synthesis of the active forms of vitamin B3, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+). Both NAD+ and NADP+ function as cofactors for numerous dehydrogenases, e.g., lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase.
  • 75. Clinical Significances of Niacin and Nicotinic Acid •A diet deficient in niacin (as well as tryptophan) leads to glossitis of the tongue (inflammation of the tongue leading to purplish discoloration), dermatitis, weight loss, diarrheAdepression and dementia. The severe symptoms, depression, dermatitis and diarrhea, are associated with the condition known as pellagra. •Nicotinic acid (but not nicotinamide) when administered in pharmacological doses of 2–4 g/day lowers plasma cholesterol levels and has been shown to be a useful therapeutic for hypercholesterolemia. The major action of nicotinic acid in this capacity is a reduction in fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissue. Although nicotinic acid therapy lowers blood cholesterol it also causes a depletion of glycogen stores and fat reserves in skeletal and cardiac muscle.
  • 78. Casal’s Necklace & Hyperpigmentation of Hands: Before & After Niacin Therapy
  • 79. Pellagra GI & CNS GI symptoms Vomiting Diarrhea CNS findings Depression, insomnia, headaches, dizziness Progression to limb rigidity, paresis, and fatal encephalopathy
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  • 81. VITAMIN B-6 s Pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and pyridoxine are collectively known as vitamin B6. s All three compounds are efficiently converted to the biologically active form of vitamin B6, pyridoxal phosphate (PLP). s This conversion is catalyzed by the ATP requiring enzyme, pyridoxal kinase.
  • 82. VITAMIN B-6 Pyridoxine Pyridoxal Pyridoxamine
  • 84. VITAMIN B-6 s Pyridoxal phosphate functions as a cofactor in enzymes involved in transamination reactions required for the synthesis and catabolism of the amino acids as well as in glycogenolysis as a cofactor for glycogen phosphorylase and as a co-factor for the synthesis of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). s The requirement for vitamin B6 in the diet is proportional to the level of protein consumption ranging from 1.4–2.0 mg/day for a normal adult. During pregnancy and lactation the requirement for vitamin B6 increases approximately 0.6 mg/day.
  • 85. VITAMIN B-6 s Deficiencies of vitamin B6 are rare and usually are related to an overall deficiency of all the B-complex vitamins. s Other symptoms that may appear with deficiency in vitamin B6 include nervousness, insomnia, skin eruptions, loss of muscular control, anemia, mouth disorders, muscular weakness, dermatitis, arm and leg cramps, loss of hair, slow learning, and water retention.
  • 86. VITAMIN B-6 s Functions - Coenzyme in protein and amino acid metabolism - Supports immune system s Food sources - Meat, fish, poultry, liver - Potatoes, bananas, sunflower seeds s Deficiency - Microcytic hypochromic anemia s Toxicity - Can cause permanent nerve damage in high doses
  • 87. VITAMIN B9 (FOLATE) s Functions - Coenzyme in DNA synthesis and cell division - Needed for normal red blood cell synthesis s Food sources - Green leafy vegetables, orange juice, legumes - Fortified cereals, enriched grains
  • 89. FOLATE s Deficiency - Megaloblastic anemia - Can contribute to neural tube defects - Women of childbearing age need 400 micrograms/day of folic acid s Toxicity - Can mask vitamin B12 deficiency
  • 90. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FOLATE Folate deficiency results in complications nearly identical to those described for vitamin B12 deficiency. The inability to synthesize DNA during erythrocyte maturation leads to abnormally large erythrocytes termed macrocytic anemia. Certain drugs such as anticonvulsants and oral contraceptives can impair the absorption of folate.
  • 91. VITAMIN B-12 Cobalamin is more commonly known as vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is composed of a complex tetrapyrrol ring structure (corrin ring) and a cobalt ion in the center. Vitamin B12 is synthesized exclusively by microorganisms and is found in the liver of animals bound to protein as methycobalamin or 5‘deoxyadenosylcobalamin.
  • 92. VITAMIN B-12 s Functions - Needed for normal folate function • DNA and red blood cell synthesis - Maintains myelin sheath around nerves s Food sources - Only animal foods: meats, liver, milk, eggs s Deficiency - Pernicious anemia • Megaloblastic anemia + nerve damage
  • 93. STRUCTURE OF VITAMIN B-12 Cobalamins Corrin ring contains central cobalt atom Adenosylcobalamin Methylcobalamin
  • 96. VITAMIN B-12 Pernicious anemia Megaloblastic anemia Neuropathy: particularly degeneration of spinal cord Universally fatal Extrinsic factor from liver Patients were not producing enough Gastric acid to denature R protein Intrinsic factor
  • 97. VITAMIN C s Increases absorption of iron s Influences serum cholesterol s Affects immune system s Affects synthesis of collagen s Affects drug metabolism s Protects DNA in sperm
  • 98. VITAMIN C (cont) s Megadoses - 1970 Linus Pauling - Vit C & common cold • recover more quickly s Possible effects of megadoses - Gout - Destruction of B vitamins - Breakdown of RBC
  • 99. VITAMIN C (cont) Ascorbic Acid
  • 100. VITAMIN C s Deficiency in vitamin C leads to the disease scurvy due to the role of the vitamin in the post- translational modification of collagens. Scurvy is characterized by easily bruised skin, muscle fatigue, soft swollen gums, decreased wound healing and hemorrhaging, osteoporosis, and anemia. s Vitamin C is readily absorbed and so the primary cause of vitamin C deficiency is poor diet and/or an increased requirement. The primary physiological state leading to an increased requirement for vitamin C is severe stress (or trauma). This is due to a rapid depletion in the adrenal stores of the vitamin.
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  • 109. CHAPTER 10 MINERALS s 4%of the body’s mass is composed of 22 metallic minerals
  • 110. Major and Minor s Major Minerals Minor s Minerals Minerals (< 100 mg/day) (>100 mg/day) - iron - sodium - zinc - potassium - copper - calcium - selenium - phosphorus - iodine - magnesium - fluorine - - chromium sulfur - molybdenum - chlorine - manganese • 4% of body mass consists of minerals
  • 112. Where Do Minerals Come From? s Minerals occur freely in nature (rivers, lakes, oceans, topsoil, under earth’s surface s Minerals are found in root systems of plants and in the body structures of animals that consume plants and water s Best sources of minerals are animal products (because they are more concentrated in animal tissues than in plants)
  • 113. Function s of Minerals
  • 114. Recommended Intake and Sources of Minerals s Mineral supplements are generally not needed because most minerals are readily available in foods and the water supply s Exceptions include some geographic regions where the soil or water is deficient in a particular mineral - What regions are scarce in iodine? - What is iodized salt? - What is iron insufficiency?
  • 115. IODINE -is required for the synthesis of the thyroid hormones - plays an important role in the regulation of energy metabolism via thyroid hormone functions.
  • 116. Iodine- A major Deficiency Problem in the World s Swelling of thyroid gland known as goiter (iodine deficiency) s Hypothyroidism -lower metabolism, Goiter metal retardation, cretinism s 20% of world pop is
  • 117. Vitamin-Mineral Interactions s Thereis synergism in consuming some minerals and vitamins together - Fe absorption is improved with vitamin C (drink glass orange juice with Fe containing foods) - Ca uptake is facilitated if Ca-rich foods are consumed with foods high in vitamin D
  • 118. Fiber-Mineral Interactions s Consuming too much fiber (>35g daily) decreases absorption of Ca, Zn, Mg, and Fe These minerals become bound to dietary phytate and oxalate and are excreted in the urine and feces s What are phytate and oxalate? - fiberous compounds that bind minerals • phytates found in coffee, grain fibers • oxalates found in chocolate, tea, coffee
  • 119. Calcium s The body’s most abundant mineral (1.5 to 2.0% of body mass; 1400 g) s Ca combines with P to form hydroxyapatite, the crystalline structure of bones and teeth s Ionized, Ca serves these functions: • muscle contraction • transmission nerve impulses • activation of enzymes • blood clotting • fluid movement across membranes
  • 120. What is Osteoporosis? s When calcium is deficient, the bones “give up” their Ca to try and restore the deficit. The bones literally become “hollow” or porous, leading to breaks and fractures s The hormone estrogen is linked to osteoporosis (because estrogen enhances Ca absorption; a decrease in estrogen no longer offers a
  • 121. Osteoporosis Bone Disease of Epidemic Proportions s 1.2 million fractures yearly s 500,000 spinal fractures s 230,000 hip fractures s each year, 1.3 million osteoporetic women will fracture one or more of their bones s About 1 of 6 older men & 1 of 3 older women will sustain hip fractures (death will occur in 20%) s Often, x-rays don’t detect the disease until bone loss reaches 30 to 50% of its total mineral content!
  • 122. Progressive Disease s 30-50% bone loss by age 70 y s Shrinkage of spinal vertebrae
  • 123. Who Gets the Disease? s By age 50, men lose about 0.4% bone each year; in women, the loss is about 0.8% starting at age 35 (double the loss 15 years sooner!) s During menopause, bone loss accelerates to between 1% to 3% each year. Thus, by age 60, a woman can lose about 15% of her bone mass, and by age 70, bone loss can be as much as 30%
  • 124. Where Does The Bone s Loss Occur? Most occurs in the vertebrae (person shrinks in stature by up to 6 inches from age 45-50 to age 70). s The “spongy” bone (trabecular bone) loses its mineral content, causing the bone to crumble. The inside of the bone becomes honeycombed (like a beehive) and porous
  • 125. Why is Dietary Calcium Crucial? s Shockingly, about 30% of college- age females consume only 400 to 500 mg of calcium daily (RDA = 1200 mg daily) s Calcium rich foods (dairy products) contain vitamin D and this increases Ca absorption into the bones s Adequate Ca intake, begun at an early age (6-14 years old), increases bone density
  • 126. CALCIUM AND EXERCISE HELPS s 1200 to 1500 mg Ca - sardines, pink salmon, ricotta cheese, dried figs • calcium carbonate and calcium citrate can help • meat, salt, coffee, alcohol inhibit Ca absorption s Exercise -weight bearing help - weight training important for “bone fitness”
  • 127. Sodium: How Much is Enough? s isa key circulating electrolyte s functions in the regulation of ATP- dependent channels with potassium. s These channels are referred to as Na+/K+-ATPases and their primary function is in the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain.
  • 128. Sodium: How Much is Enough? s Excessive sodium intake increases fluid volume and peripheral vascular resistance - sodium-induced hypertension (occurs in 1/3 of individuals with hypertension in U.S. and Japan) s Recommended level = 1100 to 3300 mg/day (average in U.S = 3000 to 7000 mg/day; amount actually needed = 500 mg/day) s Sodium plentiful in table salt, MSG, soy sauce, condiments, canned foods, baking soda, baking powder
  • 129. IRON s although considered a trace element, has a critical role in the transport of oxygen. IRON s Iron is the functional center of the heme moiety found in each of the protein subunit of hemoglobin. s The function of iron is to coordinate the oxygen molecule into heme of hemoglobin so that it can be transported from the lungs to the tissues.
  • 130. IRON s 80% of Fe is heme (heme + protein globin ---> hemoglobin s Iron Deficiency Anemia - iron isufficiency (low Hb - sluggishness, loss of appetite. s Inadequate Fe intake (30-50% of females Fe
  • 131. Other Functions of Iron s Heme iron is an important component of myoglobin, a storage and transport compound of oxygen within muscle cells (myoglobin contains about 5% of the body’s total iron stores) s Heme iron a constituent of cytochromes that aids energy transfer within mitochondria s Cytochromes transfer electrons (H + ) during redox reactions in cellular respiration
  • 132. Iron Deficiency s Anemia provides only Fact: Typical Western diet 6 mg iron per 1000 calories of food intake s Hemoglobin (Hb) reduced to low levels and produces sluggishness, loss of appetite, reduced exercise capacity s Thus, a female who consumes 1700 kCal daily only consumes 10.2 mg iron daily s Recommended intake for females: 15 mg/d s Recommended intake for males: 12 mg/
  • 133. Sports Anemia? s Clinical anemia (12 g/100 ml blood) s Fe loss is transient and occurs in early phase of training
  • 134. Iron Status in Females s 30 to 50% of American women (young children, teenagers, women of child-bearing age, and “athletes” are iron deficient s Consuming an additional 5 mg iron a day would would increase iron intake by 150 mg in one month. If 15-17% of this iron is absorbed, this would make an additional 15 to 25 mg available to help to counter the 5 to 45 mg iron loss during menstruation
  • 135. Source of Iron Important s Iron absorption varies depending on the source of the iron (i.e., bioavailability depends on the source of the iron) s Vegetable sources: 2-20% of iron absorbed s Animal sources: 10-35% of iron absorbed s Are vegetarian athletes at risk for iron insufficiency? s What can you do to increase iron absorption? - add foods rich in vitamin C to iron rich foods to increase their bioavailability. - drink glass OJ with cereal; add sesame seeds to salad; add wheat germ to cereal. This produces
  • 136. Minerals and Exercise s Sweat loss during exercise (1-5 kg loss is common) - 1.5 - 8.0 g salt - Heat cramps - involuntary muscle spasms - Heat exhaustion - weak rapid pulse, low BP, headache, dizziness, sweating reduced - Heat Stroke - sweating ceases, circulatory collapse, death
  • 137. Water sThe energy content of a food is inversely related to it’s water content. What does this mean? Foods high in water content are low in calories, and foods low in water content are high in calories cheese hi Example: (cheese v watermelon) water melon lo calories
  • 138. Foods High in Water Content (are low in calories) %Water kCal s Lettuce 95.8% 3.7 s Tomato, Squash, Pumpkin 93.7% 5.7 s Cabbage 92.2% 6.5 s Strawberries 91.5% 8.6 s Watermelon 91.2% 8.9 s Grapefruit 90.8% 9.1 s Chocolate fudge 8.1% 115
  • 139. Soft Drink Consumption in the United States s The average American consumes 1 gallon of soft drinks each week (52 gallons a year), or about 1 ton of soft drinks between the ages of 20 and 50! s One-third of soft drinks are diet drinks
  • 140. Hydration s Terminology Euhydration - Normal daily water variation s Hyperhydration - Increased water content s Hypohydration - Decreased water content s Dehydration - Losing water s Rehydration - Gaining water
  • 141. Body’s Water Compartments s Intracellular fluid or ICF (62%) s Extracellular fluid or ECF (38%) - Blood plasma accounts for 20% of ECF (3 L) • When you sweat, the water comes from the blood plasma (i.e., the ECF) • If you don’t replace the ECF volume by consuming water on a regular basis, blood viscosity increases, placing a strain on cardiovascular function • Other components of the ECF include lymph, saliva, fluids in eyes and joints, fluids secreted by glands, fluids in the intestines, fluids excreted by kidneys and skin, and fluids bathing nerves and spinal cord
  • 142. Electrolytes and Body Water s ICF - low concentrations of Na + and Cl- - high concentrations of K+ s ECF - high concentrations of Na + and Cl- - low concentrations of K+
  • 143. Water Absorption s 2.0 Liters ingested daily - Saliva, gastric secretions, bile and pancreatic and intestinal secretions contribute an additional 7 L each day s Of the 9 Liters ingested, not all is absorbed - Ingested solutions and foods (salt, AA, sugar drinks) blunt water absorption
  • 144. Urine s pH ranges between 4.5 to 8.0 s High protein diets produce acidic urine s CHO rich (vegetarian) diets produce alkaline urine (is pH above or below 7.4?) s Color of urine produced by pigment urochrome, an end product of Hb breakdown s In disease states, smell of urine changes; fruity smell (acetone) in diabetes, and solutes in urine
  • 145. Functions of Body Water system s Serves as body’s transport s Gas transport and gas exchange takes place across moist surfaces s Nutrients and gases are transported in aqueous solution s Waste products exit via urine and feces s Water has heat stabilizing qualities (absorbs large amounts of heat with minimal changes in Temp) s Fluids lubricate joints; prevents bone grinding s Gives turgor to body tissues because
  • 146. Water Balance - No Exercise
  • 148. Defend Against Dehydration s Don’t remove “soaked” clothing— dry clothes hinder evaporative cooling - Evaporation major physiologic defense - Evaporative loss of 1 L of sweat = 600 kCal of heat energy loss s Drink water regularly during physical activity, especially during events lasting 60 minutes or
  • 149. What is the Primary Aim of Fluid Replacement?
  • 150. To maintain plasma volume so that circulation and sweating progress at optimal levels
  • 151. Glucose Polymers s What is a glucose polymer? (link of 10-15 glucose molecules) s Sports drinks are popular because: - low osmolarity (maltodextrins). Polymerized glucose solutions provide water and CHO at a faster rate than a drink of similar CHO content consisting of monosaccharides Summary: Generalized and disaccharides. Drink Cool Solutions, Drink Often, Choose the Brand Wisely
  • 152. Gastric Emptying s Fluids must be emptied from the stomach before absorption in the small intestine. s Three factors influence gastric emptying: - Fluid temperature; cold water empties fastest (41 degrees F) - Fluid volume; 8.5 oz every 15 min. Too much slows gastric emptying - Fluid osmolarity; gastric emptying slowed when fluid is concentrated >10%. Sugary solutions (4 - 8% should be goal for CHO concentration for exercise longer than 60
  • 153. Water Intoxication (Hyponatremia ) s Water intoxication refers to excessive water intake of more than 10 quarts a day s Causes significant dilution of the body’s normal sodium concentration s Symptoms include head-ach, blurred vision, excessive sweating, and vomiting. In severe cases, there is cerebral edema, convulsions, comatose, and death
  • 154. Exercise and Heat s Prevention is the most effective way to control heat stress injuries - Acclimatization - Water - Salt - Know when to exercise
  • 155. Heat Disorders HEAT CRAMPS Cause: Prolonged exer in heat; negative Na Symptom: Tightening, cramps, low Na Prevent: Salt, acclimatization HEAT EXHAUSTION Cause: Cumulative negative water loss Symptom: Exhaustion, hypohydration, flushed skin Prevent: Hydration before, during exercise HEAT STROKE Cause: extreme hyperthermia, circulation failure Symptom: hyperpyrexia, lack of sweat, neurologic failure Prevent: Acclimatization, water, minerals, no exercise
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  • 159. ACSM Position Stand: Exercise and Fluid Replacement 1. Primary objective for replacing body fluid loss during exercise is to maintain normal hydration. 2. Important to consume adequate fluids during the 24-h period before an event and drink about 500 ml (about 17 0z) of fluid about 2 h before exercise to promote adequate hydration and allow time for excretion of excess ingested water.
  • 160. 3. To minimize risk of thermal injury and impairment of exercise performance during exercise, fluid replacement should attempt to equal fluid loss. 4. At equal exercise intensity, the requirement for fluid replacement becomes greater with increased sweating during environmental thermal stress. 5. During exercise lasting longer than 1 h, it is important to do the following: a. add CHO to the fluid replacement solution to maintain blood glucose concentration and delay the onset of fatigue
  • 161. b. electrolytes (primarily NaCl; ) should be added to the fluid replacement solution to enhance palatability and reduce the probability for development of hyponatremia. c. During exercise fluid and CHO requirements can be met simultaneously by ingesting 600-1200 ml/hr of solutions containing 4% to 8% CHO. d. During exercise greater than 1 h, approximately 0.5 to 0.7 g of sodium per liter of water would be appropriate to replace that lost from sweating.
  • 162. Water Loss and Temperatur e
  • 164. Ergogenic-“tending to increase work” An ergogenic aid is defined as “.. A physical, mechanical, nutritional, psychological, or pharmacological substance or treatment that either directly improves physiological variables associated with exercise performance or removes subjective restraints which may limit physiological capacity”
  • 165. Examples of Ergogenic Aids • Warm-up • Caffeine ingestion • Carbohydrate ingestion • Liquid ingestion • Glycerol ingestion • Phosphate ingestion • • • Creatine ingestion • Blood doping • NaHCO3- ingestion • Erythropoietin • Growth hormone • Testosterone Nutritional Ergogenic Aids • Caffeine Glycerol • Carnitine Phosphate • Sodium Bicarbonate • Dichloroacetate • Creatine • Branched chain amino acids
  • 166. Nutritional Herbs/Supplements During the last decade, the use of herbs as nutritional supplements has expanded significantly. Thus, knowledge of herbs, their purported beneficial effects, and possible negative side effects takes on added importance for athlete and others contemplating their use.
  • 167. HERBAL AGENTS Commonly used herbal compounds - Astragalus (Huang qi) - Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) - Bee Pollen (Buckwheat pollen; Puhuang) - Chamomile - Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) - Ephedra - Garlic (Allium sativum) - Ginseng, Asian (Pannax) - Ginseng, Siberian (Eleuthero Root) - Ginkgo Biloba (Maindenhair tree)
  • 168. HERBAL AGENTS Commonly used herbal compounds (cont) Guarna (Paullinia cupana) Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) Milk Thistle (Silbum marianum) Glucosamine Sulfate Grape Seed Extract Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) Yohimbe Valerian
  • 169. Anabolic Steroids s Structure and action - Sterol structure similar to testosterone - Promotes protein synthesis s Stacking - Combining multiple steroid preparations in oral & injectable form s Pyramiding - Progressively increasing the dosage
  • 170. Anabolic Steroids s Drug with a considerable following - Its becoming increasingly popular with more than just strength athletes s Effectiveness - Dosage is an important factor - Training volume accompanying use
  • 171. Changes from baseline in average FFM, muscle, fat, and strength over 10-wks of testosterone treatment
  • 172. Examples of oral and injectable anabolic steroids Generic Name Commerical Form Retail $ Black Name Market $ Oxymetholone Anadrol-50 Oral: 50 mg $115/100 tabs $200-500 Oxandrolone Oxandrin Oral; 2.5 mg $420/100 tabs $600-1600 Stanazolol Winstrol V Oral; 2 mg $100/100 tabs $200-500 Nandrolone Durabolin Inject; 25 mg/ml $275/ml vial $200-500 Deconate Deca-Durabolin Inject; 25 mg/ml $12/2 ml vial $400-750 Androlone-D200 Neo-durabolic Inject; 50 mg/ml $12/2 ml vial $450-750
  • 173. Life-shortening Effects of Exogenous Steroids Use in Mice
  • 174. Anabolic s Steroidsrisks Side effects and medical • Cystic acne, “road rage,” peliosis hepatis, increased plasma lipoproteins • In males: testicular atrophy & gynecomastia • In females: clitoral enlargement, squaring of the jaw, lowering of voice • ACSM Position Statement on Anabolic Steroids
  • 175. Growth Hormone s Genetic engineering comes to sports - Human growth hormone • Produced in the Pituitary gland • Stimulates bone & cartilage growth • Enhances fatty acid oxidation • Reduces glucose & amino acid breakdown - Excess GH may result in: • Gigantism • Acromegaly - No unanimity among researchers
  • 176. DHEA: A Worrisome Trend s DHEA- Dehydroepiandersterone - Steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands s Claims for DHEA • Testosterone booster • Bolsters immune system • Preserves youth • Decreases fatigue & joint pain • Slows aging • Invigorates sex life - An unregulated compound with uncertain safety
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  • 178. Androstenedione s Claims: - Stimulates production of endogenous testoterone - Enables one to train harder - Increases muscle mass - Aids healing/recovery process s Research shows no effect of supplementation on basal serum testosterone or any training response in terms of muscle size & strength
  • 179. Amino Acid Supplements for an Anabolic Effect Claims: Boost body’s natural production of: - Testosterone - Growth hormone - Insulin-like Growth Factor – 1 Resulting in an increase in muscle mass and a reduction in fat mass
  • 180. Creatine s Supplement form - creatine monohydrate - Important component of high-energy phosphates - Documented benefits in humans • Improved muscular strength and power • Enables heavier lifting for greater overload - Creatine loading • 20 –25 g/day - Some research shows no benefit
  • 181. Amino Acid Supplements Stimulating an anabolic effect Consuming carbohydrate and/or protein immediately after resistance training may augment hormonal response to the training
  • 182. Branched Chain Amino Acids The main BCAA’s are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These amino acids decrease the ability for tryptophan to cross the blood brain barrier, impeding the formation of seratonin and the perception of fatigue (central fatigue).
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  • 186. Caffeine Improved exercise Stimulant to CNS endurance ↑ Diuresis ↑ Lipolysis ↑ Incidence of ↓ Muscle glycogenolysis cardiac arrythmias
  • 187. Caffeine • The most highly consumed drug in North America and Europe • IOC initially banned caffeine in 1962, then removed from list in 1972 • Today, urinary caffeine > 12 mg/L is an IOC infringement • This urinary level requires > 13.5 mg/kg caffeine, where 1 cup coffee provides 80 mg (Assume 75 kg BW) IOC banned dosage Ergogenic benefit 1012 mg/80 = 12.7 cups 330 mg/80 = 4.1 cups
  • 188. Warning About Caffeine s Possible side effects: • Nervous irritability • Muscle twitching • Psychomotor agitation • Elevated HR & blood pressure • Increased occurrence of PVCs • Insomnia
  • 189. Caffeine produced significantly faster split times Effects of caffeine on high- intensity exercise results from facilitated use of fat as an exericse fuel, thus sparing CHO reserves