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Tadsawiya Padkao, PT, M.Sc.
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
      University of Phayao

• To learn definitions, cause, clinical manifestations
  for cardiac diseases related to surgery
• To review the types and procedures for operations
• To study the post-operative complications
• To analyze the management of cardiopulmonary
  dysfunction secondary to acute surgical conditions

                         Padkao T                        2
Heart Disease: in relation to cardiac structure
             Myocardium            Pericardium        Coronary             Valves              Conduction
                                                      arteries                                 system
Congenital   -Atrial/ventricular                      -Anatimical          -Bicuspid atresia   -Abnormal
disease      septal defects                           abnormalities                            pathway
             -Atrioventricular                        -Homozygous                              -Wolff-Parkinson-
             Canal Defect                             hypercholesterola                        White syndrome
             -Hypertriphic                            emia                                     -AV block
Acquired     -Myocardial           -Pericarditis      -Artheriosclerosis   -Rhumatic fever     -AV block
disease      infarction            -Tamponade         -Syndrom X           -Infective          -Sick sinus
             -Myocarditis          -Malignancy                             -Stenosis           syndrome
             -Ventricular septal                                           -Regurgitation      -AV nodal re-
             defect                                                        -Papillary muscle   entrant
             -Cardiomyopathies                                             rupture             tachycardia
                                                                           -Chordae tendinea
                                                   Padkao T                rupture                             3
Heart Diseases: Other
Other Congenital Heart Disease
• Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (A)
• Coartation of Aorta (D)
• Total Anomalous Pulmonary
  Venous Return
• Transport of Great Vessels (B)
• Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF or “Tet”)

Other Acquired Heart Disease:
• Congestive Heart Failure (HF):
  Right HF or Lt HF
• Orthostatic Hypotension
• Arrhythmias

                              Padkao T   4
• Coronary arteries become
  narrowed or blocked, the area
  of the muscle supplied by that
  artery ischemic and injured,
  and infarction may result.

• Pathogenesis
      The exact mechanism by
  which the development of
  coronary artery disease (CAD)
  can be explained has yet be

                            Padkao T   5
Sign and symptom

• Symptom of CAD may not appear until the lumen of
  coronary artery narrow by 75%
• Angina pectoris
• Breathlessness

                      Padkao T                   6
• MI, also know as a heart attack
  or coronary, is the
  development of ischemia with
  resultant necrosis of
  myocardial tissue

• Sign and symptom
    Angina Pectoris
    Breathlessness at middle of night
    Fever

                                 Padkao T   7
Padkao T   8
Padkao T   9
ECG demonstrating Ischemia. Note, ST-segment depression (I, V3–V6).

                              Padkao T                                10
ECG demonstrating anteroseptal myocardial infarction.
         Note the ST-segment elevation.

                       Padkao T                         11
Padkao T   12
Describe and interpret this ECG

             Padkao T             13
Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTCA)

• This means that, through the skin (percutaneous), a
  procedure is performed inside an artery (transluminal)
  of the heart (coronary) that reshapes (angioplasty) the
  narrowed or blocked arteries.

• PTCA is performed with local anesthesia while you are
  awake. This procedure is quite like the diagnostic
  procedure called coronary angiography.

                          Padkao T                          14
Coronary angiography is
performed to detect
obstruction in the coronary
arteries of the heart. During
the procedure a catheter
(thin flexible tube) is
inserted into an artery in
your arm or groin and then
threaded carefully into the
heart. The blood vessels of
the heart are then studied
by injection of contrast
media through the catheter.
A rapid succession of X-
rays (fluoroscopy) is taken
to view blood flow

                                     (Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company)

                                Padkao T                                   15
PTCA: Procedure Overview

                  Padkao T   16

• A stent is introduced into
  blood vessel on a balloon
  catheter and advanced
  into the blocked area of

• The stent stays in place
  permanently, holding the
  vessel open and
  improving the flow of

                          Padkao T   17
PTCA: Procedure Overview

                  Padkao T   18
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)

• Surgery may also be
  indicated to improve long-
  term survival by preserving
  left ventricular function and
  preventing MI

• There are three sources of
  grafts that are used to bypass
  stenosed coronary arteries:
  the greater saphenous vein,
  internal memory artery,
  gastroepiploic artery
                              Padkao T    19
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Surgery(CABG) creates new
pathways around narrowed or
blocked coronary arteries so that
more blood and oxygen flows to
the heart muscle. This surgery
uses segments of veins or arteries
taken from another part of the
body to bypass coronary arteries
on the heart that are blocked or
narrowed. It diverts blood flow past
the blockage allowing more blood
and oxygen to flow to the heart.

                (, 2007)

                                       Padkao T   20
(Family Doctor Publications, 2009)

Padkao T                                 21
CABG : Procedure Overview

                  Padkao T   22
(Healthwise, 2010)

CABG : Procedure Overview
                                                2. The sternum is cut
 1. A coronary artery is blocked                (open heart surgery)

                                       The surgeon makes a vertical incision in the
                                       skin and muscle in the middle of the chest and
                                       then cuts through the breastbone (sternum).
                                   Padkao T                                        23
(Family Doctor Publications, 2009)
CABG : Procedure Overview
                              Heart – Lung or Cardiopulmonary
                                       Bypass Machine

                   Padkao T                                     24
Padkao T   25
(Healthwise, 2010)

CABG : Procedure Overview

   3. The heart is exposed              4. Blood flow is rerouted

                             Padkao T                                 26
(Healthwise, 2010)

CABG : Procedure Overview

 5. Oxygen-rich blood flows to heart muscle

                                              Regardless of which type of blood
                                                 vessel is used, oxygen-rich
                                                 blood from the aorta is
                                                 rerouted around the blocked
                                                 section of the coronary artery
                                                 to feed the heart muscle.

                                 Padkao T                                   27
Showing Bypass Grafts

         Padkao T       28
Incision Lines

          Traditional Sternotomy

     Padkao T                      29
Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS):
         CABG Surgery Update

                                Kenneth Herskowitz, M.D.

                 Padkao T                           30
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

• CHF is a condition in which
  the heart is unstable to pump
  sufficient blood to supply the
  body needs.

• CHF happens when the heart
  weak pumping action causes
  a buildup of fluid called
  congestion in your lungs and
  other body tissue.

                           Padkao T      31
Risk Factors for CHF include:
 Previous heart attack
 Coronary artery disease
 High blood pressure (hypertension)
 Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
 Heart valve disease (especially of the aorta and mitral
 Cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle)
 Congenital heart defects (defects you are born with)
 Alcohol and drug abuse

                           Padkao T                         32
Padkao T   33
Signs and Symptoms
• If the LEFT side of your heart is not
  working properly (left-side heart
  failure), blood and fluid back up into
  your lung. You will feel
  - shortness of breath
  - be very tried
  - have a cough (especially at night)
  - cough up pinkish, blood-tinged

                                  Padkao T   34
Padkao T   35
Signs and Symptoms
• If the RIGHT side of your heart is
  not working properly (right-side
  heart failure), the slowed blood flow
  causes a buildup of fluid in your
  veins involved
  - feet, legs and ankles swelling
  - the lungs, liver and stomach
  - Fluid buildup is also hard on your
  kidneys. It affects their ability to
  dispose of salt (sodium) and water,
  which can lead to kidney failure.
  - Jugular vein distension

                                 Padkao T   36
Orthostatic Hypertension
• In standing from a supine or sitting position, signifies a decrease of 20
  mmHg or greater in systolic BP or drop of 10 mmHg or more of
  both systolic and diastolic arterial BP with concomitant pulse
  increase of 15 bpm or more on.
• Etiology
    Volume depletion
    Venous pooling
    Side effects of medication
    Prolong immobility
    Starvation
    Performing valsava’s maneuver
    ANS dysregulation

                                   Padkao T                                   37
Sign and Symptom

• Signs and symptom
   Falls or mobility problem
   Acute or chronic mental confusion
   Cardiac symptom

                          Padkao T      38

• Arrhythmias are disorder of the regular rhythmic
  beating of the heart
• Symptoms
   Palpitations or rapid thumping
    in your heart
   Feeling tired or light-headed
   Passing out
   Shortness of breath
   Chest pain

                           Padkao T                  39
What are some of the types of arrhythmias?

• Atrial fibrillation
     The heart beats too fast and irregularly. This type of
     arrhythmia requires treatment and can increase your risk
     of stroke.

                           Padkao T                         40
What are some of the types of arrhythmias?

• Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
    The heart has episodes when it beats fast, but regularly.
    This type of arrhythmia may be unpleasant but is usually
    not dangerous.

    Atrial 160-250/min: may conduct to ventricles 1:1, or 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 into the
                              presence ofTa block.
                                   Padkao                                          41
What are some of the types of arrhythmias?

• Ectopic beats
    The heart has an extra beat. Treatment usually is not
    needed unless you have several extra beats in a row
    and/or other problems with your heart (such as heart
    disease or congenital heart failure)

                           Padkao T                         42
What are some of the types of arrhythmias?
• Ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation
     The heart beats too fast and may not pump enough blood. These
     types of arrhythmias are very dangerous and need immediate

                               Padkao T                              43

          Padkao T   44
Mitral Valve Stenosis (MS)

• In mitral valve stenosis,
  the mitral valve leaflets
  are fused to getter by scar
  tissue, gradually
  narrowing the valve and
  slowing the flow of blood
  from the left atrium to the
  left ventricle.
• Cause: Rheumatic heart
• Signs and symptom: Atrial
  fibullation, orthopnea
                          Padkao T      45
Treatment of MS
• MVS’s treatment are
  percutaneous balloon mitral
  valvolotomy (PBMV), closed
  mitral commissurotomy and
  mitral commissurotomy.

                          Padkao T   46
(De Dang Hanh, MD, A Thomas Pezzella, MD, 2000)

Closed Mitral Commissurotomy

 Figure (A) The left atrium enlarges to the right, increasing visualization from the right thoracotomy approach. (B) The interatrial groove is dissected
      approximately l-cm deep, down to the left atrial wall. The pursestring suture is placed in the nondissected area. This prevents tearing of the
      dissected left atrial wall when the suture is tied down. (C) Sagittal view shows location of mitral valve in relation to the atriotomy. (D) Direction of
      the index finger allows easy palpation of the valve. (E) Usually, the first assistant ties the pursestring suture as the operating surgeon removes the
      index finger. (F) A second-layer closure acts as a buttress to reinforce the suture line and restore the interatrial groove.

                                                                    Padkao T                                                                          47
Disadvantage of closed
    mitral commissurotomy
     1. Risk of embolic events
        due to dislodging atrial

     2. Incomplete relief of
        mitral regurgitation due
        to tearing of the leaflets
        rather than opening of
        the fused commissures.

Padkao T                           48
Open Mitral Commissurotomy

                  Padkao T   49
Mitral Valve Regurgitation (MR)
• Mitral valve regurgitation or mitral
  regurgitation (MR) is a condition in
  which the mitral valve doesn't close
  tightly, allowing blood to flow backward
  in your heart.
• Cause: infective endocarditis, dilated
  cardiomyopathy, rheumatic disease,
  collagen vascular disease, rupture of
  the chordae tendineae and cardiac
• Cardiac manifestation:
    Lack of sign warm
    Exertional dyspnea
    Exercise-induced fatigue

                               Padkao T      50
Treatment of MR

• Surgical intervention
  my be recommended
  if the left ventricular
  function is impaired.
• Mitral valve repair has
  a lower operation
  mortality and better
  late outcome than
  mitral replacement.

                            Padkao T   51
Mitral Valve Prolapse (MP)

• Defines as a slight variation in the shape or
  structure of the mitral valve.
• Etiology: may be genetic component
• Clinical manifestation: profound fatigue, tremor,
  swelling, sleep disturbance, irritable bowel syndrom
• Treatment: β-blocker to control arrhythmia,
  prophylaxis, surgyry

                        Padkao T                    52
Aortic Stenosis (AS)

• Defined as a
  narrowing or
  obstruction of the
  hearts aortic valve,
  which prevent from
  opening properly and
  blocks the flow of
  blood from the left
  ventricle to aorta

                     Padkao T      53
• Fainting or weakness with activity
• Breathlessness with activity
• Sensation of feeling the heart beat
• Chest pain, angina-type
  - under the sternum, may radiate
  - crushing, squeezing, pressure,
  - increased with exercise, relieved with
• Treatment
  - Medicine
  - Surgery: Balloon valvuloplasty, Valve
  replace ment
                                  Padkao T   54
Balloon valvuloplasty
Percutaneous AVR
a) Balloon valvuloplasty; b)
Balloon catheter with valve in
the diseased valve; c) Balloon
inflation to secure the valve; d)
Valve in place

                                    Padkao T   55
Aortic Valve
Aortic valve replacement is an open-heart
surgery that removes a malfunctioning
aortic valve and puts a new one in place.
The replacement valve may be:

* Mechanical–Made entirely out of artificial

* Bioprosthetic–Engineered out of a
combination of artificial materials and
tissues from a pig, cow, or other animal

* Homograft or Allograft–Harvested from
a donated human heart

* Ross Procedure (Self-donated)–In
selected patients less than 50 years of age,
another one of the patient’s own heart
valves, the pulmonic valve, may be
removed from its original location and sewn
in to take the place of the faulty aortic valve.
A homograft is then sewn in to take the
original place of the pulmonic valve.

                                                   Padkao T   56
Aortic Valve Regurgitation (AR)
• If the valve leaflet are damaged or fail
  to close properly, blood leaks back
  from the aorta into the left ventricle
  between heartbeats.
• Symptoms
  - Usually none until age 40-50 yrs old
  - Shortness of breath on exertion
  - Shortness of breath while resting
  - Chest pain
  - Light headedness

                                   Padkao T   57
• Congenital bicuspid aortic valve (person is born with only two aortic
  valve leaflets, instead of the normal three)
• Rheumatic heart disease (caused by untreated – strep throat in children)
• Hypertention
• Infective endocarditis
• Marfan’s syndrome
• Ankylosing spondylytis
• Reiter syndrom
• Aortic dissection
• Syphitis

• Medication
• Surgery
                                 Padkao T                               58

• Defined as an infection that invades the innermost
  lining of the heart, the endothelium
• Cause: Bacteremia
• Symptom: fever, fatigue, weight loss, new rashes,
  (either painful or painless), headaches, backaches,
  joint pains and confusion.
• A new heart murmur as well as new skin, fingernail
  and retinal lesion are typical physical findings in
• Treatment: medication and surgery
                        Padkao T                    59
Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease

• Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease. It can
  affect many of bodies connective tissues –
  especially those of heart joints, brain or skin.
• Cause: Streptococal bacteria
• Incidence: children 5-15 yrs old
• Symptom: Eritherma marginum, Carditis,

                        Padkao T                   60
What are the chest physiotherapy used in
surgical patients?

• Preoperation
• Postoperation

                    Padkao T               61

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Cardiac surgeries_Padkao T

  • 1. Tadsawiya Padkao, PT, M.Sc. Faculty of Allied Health Sciences University of Phayao
  • 2. PURPOSES • To learn definitions, cause, clinical manifestations for cardiac diseases related to surgery • To review the types and procedures for operations • To study the post-operative complications • To analyze the management of cardiopulmonary dysfunction secondary to acute surgical conditions Padkao T 2
  • 3. Heart Disease: in relation to cardiac structure Myocardium Pericardium Coronary Valves Conduction arteries system Congenital -Atrial/ventricular -Anatimical -Bicuspid atresia -Abnormal disease septal defects abnormalities pathway -Atrioventricular -Homozygous -Wolff-Parkinson- Canal Defect hypercholesterola White syndrome -Hypertriphic emia -AV block obstructive myocardiopathies Acquired -Myocardial -Pericarditis -Artheriosclerosis -Rhumatic fever -AV block disease infarction -Tamponade -Syndrom X -Infective -Sick sinus -Myocarditis -Malignancy -Stenosis syndrome -Ventricular septal -Regurgitation -AV nodal re- defect -Papillary muscle entrant -Cardiomyopathies rupture tachycardia -Chordae tendinea Padkao T rupture 3
  • 4. Heart Diseases: Other Other Congenital Heart Disease • Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (A) • Coartation of Aorta (D) • Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return • Transport of Great Vessels (B) • Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF or “Tet”) (C) Other Acquired Heart Disease: • Congestive Heart Failure (HF): Right HF or Lt HF • Orthostatic Hypotension • Arrhythmias Padkao T 4
  • 5. • Coronary arteries become narrowed or blocked, the area of the muscle supplied by that artery ischemic and injured, and infarction may result. • Pathogenesis The exact mechanism by which the development of coronary artery disease (CAD) can be explained has yet be determined. Padkao T 5
  • 6. Sign and symptom • Symptom of CAD may not appear until the lumen of coronary artery narrow by 75% • Angina pectoris • Breathlessness Padkao T 6
  • 7. • MI, also know as a heart attack or coronary, is the development of ischemia with resultant necrosis of myocardial tissue • Sign and symptom  Angina Pectoris  Breathlessness at middle of night (women)  Fever Padkao T 7
  • 10. ECG demonstrating Ischemia. Note, ST-segment depression (I, V3–V6). Padkao T 10
  • 11. ECG demonstrating anteroseptal myocardial infarction. Note the ST-segment elevation. Padkao T 11
  • 12. Padkao T 12
  • 13. Describe and interpret this ECG Padkao T 13
  • 14. Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTCA) • This means that, through the skin (percutaneous), a procedure is performed inside an artery (transluminal) of the heart (coronary) that reshapes (angioplasty) the narrowed or blocked arteries. • PTCA is performed with local anesthesia while you are awake. This procedure is quite like the diagnostic procedure called coronary angiography. Padkao T 14
  • 15. Coronary angiography is performed to detect obstruction in the coronary arteries of the heart. During the procedure a catheter (thin flexible tube) is inserted into an artery in your arm or groin and then threaded carefully into the heart. The blood vessels of the heart are then studied by injection of contrast media through the catheter. A rapid succession of X- rays (fluoroscopy) is taken to view blood flow (Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company) Padkao T 15
  • 17. Stenting • A stent is introduced into blood vessel on a balloon catheter and advanced into the blocked area of artery. • The stent stays in place permanently, holding the vessel open and improving the flow of blood. Padkao T 17
  • 19. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) • Surgery may also be indicated to improve long- term survival by preserving left ventricular function and preventing MI • There are three sources of grafts that are used to bypass stenosed coronary arteries: the greater saphenous vein, internal memory artery, gastroepiploic artery Padkao T 19
  • 20. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery(CABG) creates new pathways around narrowed or blocked coronary arteries so that more blood and oxygen flows to the heart muscle. This surgery uses segments of veins or arteries taken from another part of the body to bypass coronary arteries on the heart that are blocked or narrowed. It diverts blood flow past the blockage allowing more blood and oxygen to flow to the heart. (, 2007) Padkao T 20
  • 21. (Family Doctor Publications, 2009) Padkao T 21
  • 22. CABG : Procedure Overview Padkao T 22
  • 23. (Healthwise, 2010) CABG : Procedure Overview 2. The sternum is cut 1. A coronary artery is blocked (open heart surgery) The surgeon makes a vertical incision in the skin and muscle in the middle of the chest and then cuts through the breastbone (sternum). Padkao T 23
  • 24. (Family Doctor Publications, 2009) CABG : Procedure Overview Heart – Lung or Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine Padkao T 24
  • 25. Padkao T 25
  • 26. (Healthwise, 2010) CABG : Procedure Overview 3. The heart is exposed 4. Blood flow is rerouted Padkao T 26
  • 27. (Healthwise, 2010) CABG : Procedure Overview 5. Oxygen-rich blood flows to heart muscle Regardless of which type of blood vessel is used, oxygen-rich blood from the aorta is rerouted around the blocked section of the coronary artery to feed the heart muscle. Padkao T 27
  • 28. Showing Bypass Grafts Padkao T 28
  • 29. Incision Lines Traditional Sternotomy Padkao T 29
  • 30. Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS): CABG Surgery Update Kenneth Herskowitz, M.D. Padkao T 30
  • 31. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) • CHF is a condition in which the heart is unstable to pump sufficient blood to supply the body needs. • CHF happens when the heart weak pumping action causes a buildup of fluid called congestion in your lungs and other body tissue. Padkao T 31
  • 32. Risk Factors for CHF include:  Previous heart attack  Coronary artery disease  High blood pressure (hypertension)  Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)  Heart valve disease (especially of the aorta and mitral valves)  Cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle)  Congenital heart defects (defects you are born with)  Alcohol and drug abuse Padkao T 32
  • 33. Padkao T 33
  • 34. Signs and Symptoms • If the LEFT side of your heart is not working properly (left-side heart failure), blood and fluid back up into your lung. You will feel - shortness of breath - be very tried - have a cough (especially at night) - cough up pinkish, blood-tinged sputum Padkao T 34
  • 35. Padkao T 35
  • 36. Signs and Symptoms • If the RIGHT side of your heart is not working properly (right-side heart failure), the slowed blood flow causes a buildup of fluid in your veins involved - feet, legs and ankles swelling - the lungs, liver and stomach edema - Fluid buildup is also hard on your kidneys. It affects their ability to dispose of salt (sodium) and water, which can lead to kidney failure. - Jugular vein distension Padkao T 36
  • 37. Orthostatic Hypertension • In standing from a supine or sitting position, signifies a decrease of 20 mmHg or greater in systolic BP or drop of 10 mmHg or more of both systolic and diastolic arterial BP with concomitant pulse increase of 15 bpm or more on. • Etiology  Volume depletion  Venous pooling  Side effects of medication  Prolong immobility  Starvation  Performing valsava’s maneuver  ANS dysregulation Padkao T 37
  • 38. Sign and Symptom • Signs and symptom  Falls or mobility problem  Acute or chronic mental confusion  Cardiac symptom Padkao T 38
  • 39. Arrhythmia • Arrhythmias are disorder of the regular rhythmic beating of the heart • Symptoms  Palpitations or rapid thumping in your heart  Feeling tired or light-headed  Passing out  Shortness of breath  Chest pain Padkao T 39
  • 40. What are some of the types of arrhythmias? • Atrial fibrillation The heart beats too fast and irregularly. This type of arrhythmia requires treatment and can increase your risk of stroke. Padkao T 40
  • 41. What are some of the types of arrhythmias? • Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia The heart has episodes when it beats fast, but regularly. This type of arrhythmia may be unpleasant but is usually not dangerous. Atrial 160-250/min: may conduct to ventricles 1:1, or 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 into the presence ofTa block. Padkao 41
  • 42. What are some of the types of arrhythmias? • Ectopic beats The heart has an extra beat. Treatment usually is not needed unless you have several extra beats in a row and/or other problems with your heart (such as heart disease or congenital heart failure) Padkao T 42
  • 43. What are some of the types of arrhythmias? • Ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation The heart beats too fast and may not pump enough blood. These types of arrhythmias are very dangerous and need immediate treatment. Padkao T 43
  • 44. VALVULAR DISEASES Padkao T 44
  • 45. Mitral Valve Stenosis (MS) • In mitral valve stenosis, the mitral valve leaflets are fused to getter by scar tissue, gradually narrowing the valve and slowing the flow of blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle. • Cause: Rheumatic heart disease • Signs and symptom: Atrial fibullation, orthopnea Padkao T 45
  • 46. Treatment of MS • MVS’s treatment are percutaneous balloon mitral valvolotomy (PBMV), closed mitral commissurotomy and mitral commissurotomy. Padkao T 46
  • 47. (De Dang Hanh, MD, A Thomas Pezzella, MD, 2000) Closed Mitral Commissurotomy Figure (A) The left atrium enlarges to the right, increasing visualization from the right thoracotomy approach. (B) The interatrial groove is dissected approximately l-cm deep, down to the left atrial wall. The pursestring suture is placed in the nondissected area. This prevents tearing of the dissected left atrial wall when the suture is tied down. (C) Sagittal view shows location of mitral valve in relation to the atriotomy. (D) Direction of the index finger allows easy palpation of the valve. (E) Usually, the first assistant ties the pursestring suture as the operating surgeon removes the index finger. (F) A second-layer closure acts as a buttress to reinforce the suture line and restore the interatrial groove. Padkao T 47
  • 48. Disadvantage of closed mitral commissurotomy 1. Risk of embolic events due to dislodging atrial thrombi. 2. Incomplete relief of mitral regurgitation due to tearing of the leaflets rather than opening of the fused commissures. Padkao T 48
  • 50. Mitral Valve Regurgitation (MR) • Mitral valve regurgitation or mitral regurgitation (MR) is a condition in which the mitral valve doesn't close tightly, allowing blood to flow backward in your heart. • Cause: infective endocarditis, dilated cardiomyopathy, rheumatic disease, collagen vascular disease, rupture of the chordae tendineae and cardiac tumor • Cardiac manifestation:  Lack of sign warm  Exertional dyspnea  Exercise-induced fatigue Padkao T 50
  • 51. Treatment of MR • Surgical intervention my be recommended if the left ventricular function is impaired. • Mitral valve repair has a lower operation mortality and better late outcome than mitral replacement. Padkao T 51
  • 52. Mitral Valve Prolapse (MP) • Defines as a slight variation in the shape or structure of the mitral valve. • Etiology: may be genetic component • Clinical manifestation: profound fatigue, tremor, swelling, sleep disturbance, irritable bowel syndrom • Treatment: β-blocker to control arrhythmia, prophylaxis, surgyry Padkao T 52
  • 53. Aortic Stenosis (AS) • Defined as a narrowing or obstruction of the hearts aortic valve, which prevent from opening properly and blocks the flow of blood from the left ventricle to aorta Padkao T 53
  • 54. Symptoms • Fainting or weakness with activity • Breathlessness with activity • Sensation of feeling the heart beat (palpitation) • Chest pain, angina-type - under the sternum, may radiate - crushing, squeezing, pressure, tightness - increased with exercise, relieved with rest • Treatment - Medicine - Surgery: Balloon valvuloplasty, Valve replace ment Padkao T 54
  • 55. Balloon valvuloplasty Percutaneous AVR a) Balloon valvuloplasty; b) Balloon catheter with valve in the diseased valve; c) Balloon inflation to secure the valve; d) Valve in place Padkao T 55
  • 56. Aortic Valve Replacement Aortic valve replacement is an open-heart surgery that removes a malfunctioning aortic valve and puts a new one in place. The replacement valve may be: * Mechanical–Made entirely out of artificial materials * Bioprosthetic–Engineered out of a combination of artificial materials and tissues from a pig, cow, or other animal * Homograft or Allograft–Harvested from a donated human heart * Ross Procedure (Self-donated)–In selected patients less than 50 years of age, another one of the patient’s own heart valves, the pulmonic valve, may be removed from its original location and sewn in to take the place of the faulty aortic valve. A homograft is then sewn in to take the original place of the pulmonic valve. Padkao T 56
  • 57. Aortic Valve Regurgitation (AR) • If the valve leaflet are damaged or fail to close properly, blood leaks back from the aorta into the left ventricle between heartbeats. • Symptoms - Usually none until age 40-50 yrs old - Shortness of breath on exertion - Shortness of breath while resting prone - Chest pain - Light headedness Padkao T 57
  • 58. Cause: • Congenital bicuspid aortic valve (person is born with only two aortic valve leaflets, instead of the normal three) • Rheumatic heart disease (caused by untreated – strep throat in children) • Hypertention • Infective endocarditis • Marfan’s syndrome • Ankylosing spondylytis • Reiter syndrom • Aortic dissection • Syphitis Treatment: • Medication • Surgery Padkao T 58
  • 59. Endocarditis • Defined as an infection that invades the innermost lining of the heart, the endothelium • Cause: Bacteremia • Symptom: fever, fatigue, weight loss, new rashes, (either painful or painless), headaches, backaches, joint pains and confusion. • A new heart murmur as well as new skin, fingernail and retinal lesion are typical physical findings in endocarditis. • Treatment: medication and surgery Padkao T 59
  • 60. Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease • Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease. It can affect many of bodies connective tissues – especially those of heart joints, brain or skin. • Cause: Streptococal bacteria • Incidence: children 5-15 yrs old • Symptom: Eritherma marginum, Carditis, Polyarthitis Padkao T 60
  • 61. What are the chest physiotherapy used in surgical patients? • Preoperation • Postoperation Padkao T 61