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Maria Carmela L. Domocmat, RN, MSN
School of Nursing
Northern Luzon Adventist College
Common Nursing Diagnoses and
Collaborative Interventions

                 CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   2

             Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN   8/9/2012   3
Door to needle time
Door to balloon time

                       CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   4
Goals of care

1. Treat the acute attack immediately
2. Determine location of myocardial infarction
3. Monitor for complications

                  Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN   8/9/2012   5
cells in ischemic area – are salvageable if
reperfusion therapies and inotropic support is
promptly instituted (Schumacher &
Chernecky, 2006)
within 10 min of arrival of suspected AMI –
ingest aspirin and obtain baseline cardiac
serum markers, 12-lead ECG

                Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN   8/9/2012   6
Medical management
    Reduce risk factors
    Restore blood supply
    Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
    Directional coronary atherectomy
    Laser ablation
    Transmyocardial revascularization
Nursing management
    Reduce risk factors
    Restore blood supply
Surgical management
    Cardiac surgery
    Open heart surgery
    Coronary artery bypass graft
Nursing management
    before cardiac surgery
    Phase I (In-hospital) Rehabilitation Programs
    Phase 2 (Outpatient Exercise Training) Rehabilitation Programs
    Phase 2 (Community) Rehabilitation Programs
    Home exercise Rehabilitation Programs

                                                                     CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   7
Medical mgmt
first-line and initial treatment
(Schumacher & Chernecky, 2006; Smetzer, 2010)

    Semi folwer’s position
    O2 (2-4 lpm)
    IV access
    obtain 12-lead EKG
    VS and pulse oximetry
    labs (serum cardiac markers)
    ECG monitoring
    conduct hx and PE
    reduce pain
    administer meds
                                            Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN   8/9/2012   8
Medical mgmt
first-line and initial treatment cont.
  admit to CCU
    invasive line placement (arterial line, pulmo artery cath)
    - to provide further data to monitor ventricular
    IABP – intraaortic balloon pump
      for severe L ventricular dysfunction
      to assist ventricular ejection and promote CA perfusion
    anticipate emergency PTCA or CABG
      reperfusion procedures
      if thrombolytics are either CI or unsuccessful

                         Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN   8/9/2012   9
Nursing mgmt: Goals

 Recognize and treat cardiac ischemia
 Admin thrombolytic therapy as ordered, or
 ready client for PTCA and observe for
 Recognize and treat potentially life-
 threatening dysrhythmias

                Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN   8/9/2012   10
Nursing mgmt: Goals

 Monitor for complications of reduced CO
 Maintain a therapeutic critical care envt
 Identify the psychosocial impact of AMI on
 client and family
 Educate the client in lifestyle changes and

                 Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN   8/9/2012   11
Nursing Diagnoses

 Acute Pain
 Ineffective Tissue perfusion (Cardiopulmonary)
 Activity Intolerance
 Ineffective Coping
 Potential or dysrhythmias
 Potential for heart failure
 Potential for recurrent symptoms and extension
 of injury
                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   12
Acute Pain
related to imbalance between myocardial
oxygen supply and demand

                                  CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   13
Acute Pain

1. Obtain description of chest discomfort
2. Vital signs and cardiac monitoring
3. Check vascular access
4. Place in semi fowler’s position
5. 12 lead ECG
6. O2 inhalation

                         CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   14
7. Provide pain meds and aspirin
  a. Nitroglycerine – increases collateral blood flow,
  redistributes blood flow toward the subendocardium and
  causes dilation of the coronary arteries
  b. Morphine sulfate – relieves MI pain, decreases
      sympathetic stimulation which decreases O2
      demand and reduces circulating catecholamines
8. Assess the client’s VS and intensity of pain 5
   minutes after administration of meds
9. Notify physician if patients condition deteriorates

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CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   16
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   17
Let’s review

               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   18
Let’s review: Acute Pain

1. Obtain description of chest discomfort
2. Vital signs and cardiac monitoring
3. Check vascular access
4. Place in semi fowler’s position
5. 12 lead ECG
6. O2 inhalation
7. Provide pain meds and aspirin
8. Assess the client’s VS and intensity of pain 5
   minutes after administration of meds
9. Notify physician if patients condition deteriorates
                                 CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   19
Ineffective Tissue perfusion

  (Cardiopulmonary) related to
  interruption of blood flow
• goal : to restore perfusion to the injured area
  to reduce the size of the infarct and improve
  left ventricular function

                             CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   20
Ineffective Tissue perfusion
 Ineffective Tissue perfusion (Cardiopulmonary)
related to interruption of blood flow

                                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   21
Ineffective Tissue perfusion

1. Thrombolytic therapy
2. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA Inhibitors
3. Antiplatelets
4. Beta blockers
5. ACE Inhibitors

                       CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   22
Ineffective Tissue perfusion

1. Thrombolytic therapy
  - Tissue plasminogen activator,
    streptokinase, reteplase
  - Indicated for patients who have chest pain
    of greater than 30 minutes, unrelieved by
    nitroglycerin and transmural MI (Q wave

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CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   24
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   25
Thrombolytic therapy

 dissolves thrombus and promote
 the golden period is 30 minutes from
 “door to needle” or from onset of pain till
 thrombolytic therapy within 30 minutes
 or PTCA within 1 hour
 Watch out for signs of bleeding and
 hypersensitivity reaction ( Streptokinase )
 IV infusion
                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   26
Ineffective Tissue perfusion

2. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA Inhibitors
  - targets the platelet component of the
  thrombus to prevent fibrinogen from
  attaching to activated platelets at the
  site of the thrombus
  - Examples: Abciximab, Eptifibatide,
                Abciximab, Eptifibatide,
  - Administered through IV

                        CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   27
Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA
Inhibitors Examples: Abciximab,, Eptifibatide,, Tirofiban
                     Abciximab Eptifibatide

                                    CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   28

 Swallow the tablets with a full glass of
 Taken as regular (not enteric-coated) low-
                       enteric-         low-
 dose aspirin.
   Swallow the extended-release tablets whole with
   a full glass of water. Do not break, crush, or chew
   Chewable aspirin tablets may be chewed, crushed,
   or swallowed whole.
   Drink a full glass of water, immediately after
   taking these tablets.
                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012     29
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   30

 If taking aspirin on a regular basis to prevent
 heart attack or stroke, do not take ibuprofen
 (Advil, Motrin) or other NSAIDs to treat pain
 or fever (Ibuprofen can interfere with the anti-
 platelet effect of low dose aspirin)
 If need only a single dose of ibuprofen, take it
 eight hours before or 30 minutes after taking
 a regular (not enteric-coated) low-dose

                            CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   31

 Ask a doctor before giving aspirin to child or
   Aspirin may cause Reye's syndrome (a serious
   condition in which fat builds up on the brain, liver,
   and other body organs) in children and teenagers,
   especially if they have a virus such as chicken pox
   or the flu.

                                CLDomocmat   8/9/2012      32

 when combined with
 aspirin , more
 effective in reducing
 death, MI or stroke
 when compared to
 aspirin alone

                         CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   33
Nrg Considerations: Aspirin and
 teach: may bleed more     if having surgery,
 easily or for a longer    including dental
 time than usual while     surgery, tell doctor or
 you are taking            dentist that taking
 clopidogrel. Be careful   aspirin or Plavix
 not to cut or hurt

                             CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   34
Beta blockers – Metoprolol

 reduces myocardial O2 requirement by
 blocking beta receptors and slowing heart rate,
 prolong diastole and increase myocardial
 aka: beta-adrenergic blocking agents
 reduces myocardial O2 requirement by blocking
 beta receptors and slowing heart rate, prolong
 diastole and increase myocardial perfusion
 Ex: Metoprolol, Acebutolol (Sectral), Atenolol
 (Tenormin), Bisoprolol (Zebeta), Propranolol
 (Inderal LA)
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CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   36
Let’s review

               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   37
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
 given within 48 hours of
 MI prevents ventricular    Benazepril (Lotensin)
 remodeling and             Captopril
 development of CHF
                            Enalapril (Vasotec)
 help relax blood vessels   Fosinopril
                            Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril)
                            Moexipril (Univasc)
                            Perindopril (Aceon)
                            Quinapril (Accupril)
                            Ramipril (Altace)
                            Trandolapril (Mavik)

                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012         38
ACE Inhibitors

           In some people the first dose can cause a drop in blood
           pressure immediately. The following is advice for
           starting ACE inhibitors:
                If taking a diuretic (water tablet), may be advised not to take it
                for a day or so before starting an ACE inhibitor.
                After the very first dose, on the first day start an ACE inhibitor:
                    Stay indoors for about four hours, as occasionally some people
                    feel dizzy.
                    If you do feel dizzy, sit or lie down and it will usually ease off.
                    If you become very dizzy, contact your doctor immediately.
                Thereafter, there is no need to take any special precautions.     CLDomocmat   8/9/2012              39
ACE Inhibitors

                 CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   40
Let’s review:
Ineffective Tissue perfusion
1. Thrombolytic therapy
2. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA Inhibitors
3. Antiplatelets
4. Beta blockers
5. ACE Inhibitors

                     CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   41
Activity Intolerance
related to imbalance between oxygen
supply and demand

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Activity Intolerance

1. Bed rest with commode privilege for only 24-
   48 hours unless with complications.
2. Explain that the purpose of CCU confinement
   is for continuous monitoring and safety during
   the early recovery period.
3. Administer diazepam as ordered
4. Provide psychosocial support to the patient
   and his family. Calmness and competency are
   extremely reassuring.
                             CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   43
Cardiac Rehabilitation

  actively assisting the client in achieving and
 maintaining a vital and productive life while
 remaining within the limits of the hearts ability to
 respond to increases in activity and stress
 begins the moment a client is admitted to the
 3 Phases
   1. From acute illness and ends with discharge from
   the hospital
   2. After discharge and continues through
   convalescence at home
   3. Long term conditioning

                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012    44
Program of Physical Activity

1. Increase activities gradually after the first 24-
   48 hours
2. Early mobilization after an MI. May be allowed
   to sit on a chair for increasing periods of time
   and begins ambulation on the 4th or 5th day
3. Monitor V/S before activities.
4. An exercise session is terminated if any one of
   the following occurs:cyanosis, cold sweats,
   faintness, extreme fatigue, severe dyspnea,
   pallor, chest pain, PR > 100, dysrhythmias, Bp
   > 160/90

                                CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   45
5   Physical Activity: Sexual intercourse

      4-6 weeks post MI or when
      a patient with
      uncomplicated MI is
      capable of walking 2 flights
      of stairs without difficulty
      nitroglycerine before sex
      avoid concomitant use with
                             CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   46
Sexual intercourse

 Perform sexual activity in a cool, familiar
 Refrain from sexual activity during a fatiguing
 day, after eating a large meal, or after drinking
 If dyspnea, chest pain, dizziness or palpitations
 occur, moderation should be observed. If
 symptoms persist stop sexual activity.

                              CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   47
Sexual intercourse

  assume position with less strain
    Ex: woman on top, side lying

                            CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   48
Ineffective Coping

  related to effects of acute illness, major
  changes in lifestyle or loss of control
  over a body part
1. Anxiolytics during the acute phase of illness
2. Provide opportunity for the patient and family
   to explore their concerns
3. Identify clients coping mechanism
  1. denial, anger and depression

                                CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   49
Promote Nutrition and
Provide small frequent feedings
Low calorie, low cholesterol, low sodium
Avoid stimulants
Avoid taking very hot or very cold beverages and
gas forming foods to prevent vasovagal
Use of bedpan and straining at stool should be
avoided. Avoid valsalva maneuver
Bedside commode
Administer stool softeners as ordered

                           CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   50
Potential for recurrent symptoms
& extension of injury
 Goal: minimal angina while engaging in ADLs
 and exercise program
   Percutaneous Transluminal coronary angioplasty
   Coronary artery Bypass graft surgery (CABG)
   Minimally invasive Direct coronary artery bypass
   Transmyocardial Laser Vascularization
   Of-pump Coronary Artery Bypass (OPCAB)

                                CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   51
Complications of MI
Cardiogenic shock
Rupture of the myocardium
Ventricular aneurysm

                       CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   52
Potential or dysrhythmias

 Assess hemodynamic status
 Monitor cardiac rhythm and CR
 Evaluate for discomfort

                         CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   53

 most common complication and most major
 cause of death among clients with MI
 When Dysrhythmias develop the cardiac nurse
 1. Identify the Dysrhythmias
 2. Assess the client’s hemodynamic status
 3. Evaluate the client for chest
 4. attach to cardiac monitor
                             CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   54
Inferior Wall MI
     - bradycardia – atropine
     - second degree AV block – Pacemaker

Anterior Wall MI
     - 3rd degree AV block – Pacemaker
     - Ventricular irritability
     - PVC’s – the most common dysrhythmia in MI
            - notify physician if more than 6 PVC’s
              occur per minute and client is
              symptomatic (hypotensive, chest pain)

                                 CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   55
Potential for heart failure

 Goal: regain hemodynamic stability as
 evidenced by:
   BP and PR – within client’s acceptable range and
   adequate for metabolic demands
   Adequate UO
   Mental alertness
   Clear lungs o auscultation
   Palpable peripheral pulses

                              CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   56
Potential for heart failure (HF)

 Manage L ventricular failure
     Assess and monitor
     Classfication of Post MI HF (Killip I, II, III, IV)
     Relieve pain
     Decrease myocardial O2 reqt
     Intra-aortic balloon pump
     Immediate reperfusion (L sided heart cath; PTCA,

                                  CLDomocmat   8/9/2012    57
Potential for heart failure (HF)

 Manage R ventricular failure
  Enhance R ventricular preload
    IFI – as much as 200 ml/hr
      Monitor CO
    Note: prevent dev L side HF :
      Aucultate lungs

                                    CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   58
Decreased Cardiac output

 Heart Failure is a relatively common
 complication after an MI
 results from left ventricular dysfunction,
 rupture of the intra-ventricular septum,
 papillary muscle rupture with valvular
 dysfunction or cardiogenic shock

                         CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   59
Medical Management for Killip IV

  Goal is to relieve pain and decrease myocardial O2
  demand through preload and possibly after load reduction
1. IV morphine
2. O2 therapy – intubation and mechanical ventilation
3. Preload reduction – nitroglycerin, nitroprusside,
  diuretics – monitor BP constantly
4. Vasopressor and Inotropes – dopamine, dobutamine –
  used to maintain organ perfusion but can increase O2
  consumption and can worsen ischemia

                                      CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   60
Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)

 used when clients do not respond to drug
 invasive intervention that is used to improve
 myocardial perfusion during an acute MI,
 reduce after load and facilitate left ventricular
 inflation of balloon during diastole increases
 diastolic pressure and improves coronary
 deflation of the balloon before diastole reduces
 after load at the time of systolic contraction

                              CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   61

                                        CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   62
☺ Let’s watch how it works!

                                             Video animation of
YouTube - IABP Intraaortic Ballon Pump.flv

                                                   Video of IABP in
                           G:E CARMELA
                    video downloadsvideos cardi


                                                                      CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   63
          IABP What precautions to take?

                 See handout
    sun/news/printer.cfm?id=602   CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   64

       CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   65
Thromboembolism: Pulmonary Embolism
r/t phlebitis of the leg & pelvic veins

                                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   66
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   67
Collaborative Management
 Move legs, avoid placing pressure under the knees,
 elastic stockings
 Early ambulation
 Observe for signs and symptoms indicative of
 pulmonary embolism
   Sudden onset of dyspnea
   Chest pain
   Rapid weak pulse

                              CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   68

 28% of post MI patients
 2-4 days post MI
 inflamed areas of infarction rubs against the
 pericardial surface causing it to lose
 lubricating fluid

                           CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   69

 Dressler’s syndrome (Late Pericarditis)- 6
 weeks to months after MI
   The client presents with fever lasting 1 week or
   longer, pericardial chest pain, pericardial friction
   rub, and occasional pericardial effusion
   self limiting
   Bed rest, aspirin, prednisone, opioid analgesics

                                 CLDomocmat   8/9/2012    70
Rupture of the myocardium

Mitral Regurgitation,
VSD and Ventricular

                        CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   71
Mitral Regurgitation ,VSD and
Ventricular Aneurysm
 MR due to rupture of papillary muscle
 of LV
   thinning , ballooning and hypokinesia of
   the left     ventricular wall after a
   transmural MI
   the dysfunctional area often becomes filled
   with necrotic debris and clot

                           CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   72
Mitral Regurgitation ,VSD and
Ventricular Aneurysm
 the aneurysm may rupture causing
 cardiac tamponade and death
 usually 7-10 days post MI
 report presence of new murmur
 PVC’s- due to irritability of necrotic

                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   73

 arteriolar vasodilation - to lower systemic
 surgery- 4-6 weeks post MI
 excise ventricular aneurysm
 replace mitral valve
 repair VSD
 pericardiocentesis for tamponade
                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   74

                CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   75
Surgical Treatment

 Coronary artery Bypass graft surgery
 Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass
 Minimally invasive Direct coronary artery
 Transmyocardial Laser revascularization
 Open heart surgery

                        CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   76
Percutaneous Coronary
Interventions (PCI)

                  CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   77

 AKA: Percutaneous transluminal coronary
  Balloon angioplasty
  Laser with balloon angioplasty

                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   78

 an invasive procedure used to eliminate
 stenosis in the coronary arteries by
 insertion a catheter through the skin and
 moving forward through the veins. At the
 last stage,a balloon catheter is inserted in
 the coronary arterial lesion and the balloon
 is inflated at the level of occlusion to open
 the lumen

                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   79
PTCA: types

1. Percutaneous Coronary Laser
   Angioplasty or Laser with balloon
2. Placement of Percutaneous
   Coronary Stent
3. Percutaneous Coronary
4. Brachytherapy
                      CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   80
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   81
Angioplasty stent
                                            CLDomocmat 8/9/2012   82
PTCA: Lasers with balloon
 creates a smoother
 lumen of the blood

Lasers angioplasty

                      CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   83
PTCA: Directional coronary

       G:E CARMELA
video downloadsvideos cardi


                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   84
Nursing Management

 Same Preop prep
  Consent for procedure
  NPO 8 hrs
  Skin prep – shave bilateral groins

                       CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   85
Nursing Management: Post-op

 VS, monitor for complications
 Assess for development of crackles,
 wheezes, tachypnea, frothy sputum, S3
 heart sound
 Administer medications as ordered
  Anti-coagulation with aspirin/heparin
  SL Nifedipine – to prevent coronary spasm
  Glycoprotein IIb/IIIA – prevent restenosis

                             CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   86
Nursing Management: Post-op

 Monitor for signs of poor organ perfusion
   Change in LOC
   Cool, clammy extremities with decreased pulses
   Unusual fatigue
   Recurrent chest pain
 Monitor right atrial pressure , pulmonary
 artery wedge pressure (measure of preload)
 by using the Swan Ganz catheter
   if < 18mmHg do volume infusion or administer
                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   87
Nursing Management

 Nursing care of client having PCI Adobe Acrobat

                           CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   88
Coronary artery Bypass graft
surgery (CABG)

                   CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   89
 bypass of a blockage in artery
 use of saphenous vein or internal
 mammary artery (graft of choice because it
 has a 90% patency rate after the procedure)
 reduces 80-90% of symptoms
 indicated when clients do not respond to
 medical management of CAD or when
 disease progression is evident
 cardiopulmonary bypass needed

                            CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   90

                    G:E CARMELA                   G:E CARMELA
             video downloadsvideos cardi    video downloadsvideos cardi
              Let us watch!                  Let us watch!
        Animation of Heart Bypass           CABG in the OR
            Surgery (CABG)        CLDomocmat         8/9/2012   91
Heart-lung bypass machine or
Extracorporeal circulation (ECC)

                    CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   92
Heart-lung bypass machine or
Extracorporeal circulation

                CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   93
Heart-lung bypass machine or
Extracorporeal circulation

                CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   94
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   95
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   96
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   97
Nursing care of client undergoing CABG          Adobe Acrobat

                        CLDomocmat   8/9/2012                   98
Off-pump Coronary Artery
Bypass (OPCAB)
 "beating heart" surgery
                            CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   99
                                                                          CLDomocmat 8/9/2012       100

        CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   101
Minimally Invasive Direct
Coronary Artery Bypass

                  CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   102
Minimally invasive Direct
coronary artery bypass
 indicated for clients with a lesion of the left
 anterior descending artery
 left thoracotomy incision with removal of 4th rib
 dissection of the left IMA and attached to the
 still beating heart below the level of the lesion in
 the LAD
 no cardiopulmonary bypass needed
                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012    103
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   104
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   105

 Totally Endoscopic,
 Minimally Invasive
 Coronary Bypass
 Surgery : High-
 Precision Robotic
 Surgery Without any
 Opening of the Chest
  The da Vinci robot's
  instruments provide
  a greater range of
  motion than the
  human hand while
  physician tremor.

                         CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   106
TECAB   CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   107
Laser Revascularization
  Laser ablation

                   CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   108
             a procedure used to relieve severe angina or chest pain in
             very ill patients who aren't candidates for bypass surgery or

                  a surgeon makes an incision on the left breast to expose the
                  Then, using a laser, the surgeon drills a series of holes from the
                  outside of the heart into the heart's pumping chamber.
                  From 20 to 40 mm laser channels are placed during the
                  Bleeding from the laser channels on the outside of the heart
                  stops after a few minutes of pressure from the surgeon's finger.
             In some patients TMR is combined with bypass surgery. In
             those cases an incision through the breastbone is used.                           109
                                                               CLDomocmat   8/9/2012

 How does it work?
  How TMR reduces angina still isn't fully understood.
  The laser may stimulate new blood vessels to grow,
  called angiogenesis
  It may destroy nerve fibers to the heart, making
  patients unable to feel their chest pain.

  The heart feeds itself by taking blood from within its
  chambers, just like in reptiles, whose hearts have no
  coronary arteries.

                                                                 CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   110
  people who are high-risk candidates for a second
  bypass or angioplasty.
  people whose blockages are too diffuse to be
  treated with bypass alone.
  some patients with heart transplants who develop
  atherosclerosis after their transplant.

                            CLDomocmat   8/9/2012    111
TMLR: Before

                                                        CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   112
TMLR: After

                                                        CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   113

       CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   114

          G:E CARMELA
   video downloadsvideos cardi
An animation of the transmyocardial
revascularization procedure

                                      CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   115
Other sources
 Cardiac surgery/Open heart surgery
 Heart Attack
 Coronary Artery Angioplasty (PCI, Heart Stent

                                             CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   116

       CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   117
Cardiac tamponade
 is pressure on the heart that occurs when blood or fluid
 builds up in the space between the heart muscle
 (myocardium) and the outer covering sac of the heart
 Cardiac tamponade is a condition involving compression of
 the heart caused by blood or fluid accumulation in the
 space between the myocardium (the muscle of the heart)
 and the pericardium (the outer covering sac of the heart).
 Blood or fluid collects within the pericardium. This prevents
 the ventricles from expanding fully, so they cannot
 adequately fill or pump blood. Cardiac tamponade is an
 emergency condition that requires hospitalization.

                                    CLDomocmat   8/9/2012        118
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   119
pulsus paradoxus

           an abnormal inspiratory decrease in arterial
           blood pressure, seen in cardiac tamponade
           and caused by a decreased pulmonary venous

                                                                   CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   120
inotropic agent

  any of a class of agents affecting the force of
 muscle contraction, particularly a drug
 affecting the force of cardiac contraction;
 positive inotropic agents increase, and
 negative inotropic agents decrease the force
 of cardiac muscle contraction.

                            CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   121
Drugs affect the function of the heart in three
         main ways. They can affect the force of
         contraction of the heart muscle (inotropic
         effects); they can affect the frequency of the
         heartbeat, or heart rate (chronotropic
         effects); or they can affect the regularity of
         the heartbeat (rhythmic effects).

                                                                    CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   122
Inotropic agents
A drug may be classified by the chemical type of the active ingredient or
by the way it is used to treat a particular condition. Each drug can be
classified into one or more drug classes.
Inotropic agents affect the contraction of the heart muscle. Positive
inotropes stimulate and increase the strength of heart muscle
contraction causing the heart rate to increase. Negative inotropic
agents weaken the force of muscular contractions.
Inotropic state depends on the amount of calcium in the cytoplasm of
the heart muscle wall, as contractility of the heart depends on control of
intracellular calcium i.e. control of calcium entry into the cell membrane
and calcium storage in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The main factors
controlling calcium entry are activity of voltage gated calcium channels
and sodium ions, which affects calcium/sodium ion exchange.
Positive inotropes usually increase the level of intracellular calcium and
negative inotropes decrease it.

                                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012              123
Inotropic agents


                   CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   124
pulsus paradoxus
      also paradoxic pulse or paradoxical pulse, is defined as an
      abnormally large decrease in systolic blood pressure and
      pulse wave amplitude during inspiration.
      The normal fall in pressure is less than 10 mmHg or 10 torr.
      When the drop is more than 10mm Hg, it is referred to as
      pulsus paradoxus.
      has nothing to do with pulse rate or heart rate. The normal
      variation of blood pressure during breathing/respiration is a
      decline in blood pressure during inhalation/inspiration and
      an increase during exhalation/expiration.
      is a sign that is indicative of several conditions, including
      cardiac tamponade, pericarditis, chronic sleep apnea,
      croup, and obstructive lung disease (e.g. asthma, COPD).
                                              CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   125

      CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   126
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   127
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   128
Adult/Pediatric Chest
Drainage Model A-
6000. The Pleur-evac
Chest Drainage
Systems have been the
world's most popular
units since their
inception in 1967.
(Courtesy of Deknatel,
Inc., Fall River, MA.)

                         CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   129
1. Standard percutaneous access to the
venous system is performed.

                         CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   130
2. The Trellis catheter is advanced through
the clot over a standard 0.035" guidewire.

                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   131
3. The distal occluding balloon is inflated.

                            CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   132
4. After the proximal occluding balloon is
inflated, delivery of the thrombolytic agent

                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   133
5. The Trellis dispersion wire is activated with
the motor drive unit.

                            CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   134
6. Clot dispersion continues.

                           CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   135
7. After clot is dispersed, remaining material
is aspirated through the Trellis catheter.

                           CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   136
8. The Trellis catheter and guidewire are
withdrawn when treatment is complete.

                          CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   137
CLDomocmat   8/9/2012   138

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Surgical Site Infections, pathophysiology, and prevention.pptx
Surgical Site Infections, pathophysiology, and prevention.pptxSurgical Site Infections, pathophysiology, and prevention.pptx
Surgical Site Infections, pathophysiology, and prevention.pptx

Nursing care of client with Coronary artery disease part 2 of 2

  • 2. Common Nursing Diagnoses and Collaborative Interventions CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 2
  • 3. Management Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN 8/9/2012 3
  • 4. Door to needle time Door to balloon time CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 4
  • 5. Goals of care 1. Treat the acute attack immediately 2. Determine location of myocardial infarction 3. Monitor for complications Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN 8/9/2012 5
  • 6. cells in ischemic area – are salvageable if reperfusion therapies and inotropic support is promptly instituted (Schumacher & Chernecky, 2006) within 10 min of arrival of suspected AMI – ingest aspirin and obtain baseline cardiac serum markers, 12-lead ECG Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN 8/9/2012 6
  • 7. Medical management Reduce risk factors Restore blood supply Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty Directional coronary atherectomy Laser ablation Transmyocardial revascularization Nursing management Reduce risk factors Restore blood supply Surgical management Cardiac surgery Open heart surgery Coronary artery bypass graft Nursing management before cardiac surgery Phase I (In-hospital) Rehabilitation Programs self-care Phase 2 (Outpatient Exercise Training) Rehabilitation Programs Phase 2 (Community) Rehabilitation Programs Home exercise Rehabilitation Programs CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 7
  • 8. Medical mgmt first-line and initial treatment (Schumacher & Chernecky, 2006; Smetzer, 2010) Semi folwer’s position O2 (2-4 lpm) IV access obtain 12-lead EKG VS and pulse oximetry labs (serum cardiac markers) ECG monitoring conduct hx and PE reduce pain administer meds Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN 8/9/2012 8
  • 9. Medical mgmt first-line and initial treatment cont. admit to CCU invasive line placement (arterial line, pulmo artery cath) - to provide further data to monitor ventricular dysfunction IABP – intraaortic balloon pump for severe L ventricular dysfunction to assist ventricular ejection and promote CA perfusion anticipate emergency PTCA or CABG reperfusion procedures if thrombolytics are either CI or unsuccessful Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN 8/9/2012 9
  • 10. Nursing mgmt: Goals Recognize and treat cardiac ischemia Admin thrombolytic therapy as ordered, or ready client for PTCA and observe for complications Recognize and treat potentially life- threatening dysrhythmias Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN 8/9/2012 10
  • 11. Nursing mgmt: Goals Monitor for complications of reduced CO Maintain a therapeutic critical care envt Identify the psychosocial impact of AMI on client and family Educate the client in lifestyle changes and rehabilitation Maria Carmela L.Domocmat, RN, MSN 8/9/2012 11
  • 12. Nursing Diagnoses Acute Pain Ineffective Tissue perfusion (Cardiopulmonary) Activity Intolerance Ineffective Coping Potential or dysrhythmias Potential for heart failure Potential for recurrent symptoms and extension of injury CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 12
  • 13. Acute Pain related to imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 13
  • 14. Acute Pain 1. Obtain description of chest discomfort 2. Vital signs and cardiac monitoring 3. Check vascular access 4. Place in semi fowler’s position 5. 12 lead ECG 6. O2 inhalation CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 14
  • 15. 7. Provide pain meds and aspirin a. Nitroglycerine – increases collateral blood flow, redistributes blood flow toward the subendocardium and causes dilation of the coronary arteries b. Morphine sulfate – relieves MI pain, decreases sympathetic stimulation which decreases O2 demand and reduces circulating catecholamines 8. Assess the client’s VS and intensity of pain 5 minutes after administration of meds 9. Notify physician if patients condition deteriorates CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 15
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  • 18. Let’s review CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 18
  • 19. Let’s review: Acute Pain 1. Obtain description of chest discomfort 2. Vital signs and cardiac monitoring 3. Check vascular access 4. Place in semi fowler’s position 5. 12 lead ECG 6. O2 inhalation 7. Provide pain meds and aspirin 8. Assess the client’s VS and intensity of pain 5 minutes after administration of meds 9. Notify physician if patients condition deteriorates CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 19
  • 20. Ineffective Tissue perfusion (Cardiopulmonary) related to interruption of blood flow • goal : to restore perfusion to the injured area to reduce the size of the infarct and improve left ventricular function CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 20
  • 21. Ineffective Tissue perfusion Ineffective Tissue perfusion (Cardiopulmonary) related to interruption of blood flow CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 21
  • 22. Ineffective Tissue perfusion 1. Thrombolytic therapy 2. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA Inhibitors 3. Antiplatelets Aspirin Clopidogrel 4. Beta blockers 5. ACE Inhibitors CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 22
  • 23. Ineffective Tissue perfusion 1. Thrombolytic therapy - Tissue plasminogen activator, streptokinase, reteplase - Indicated for patients who have chest pain of greater than 30 minutes, unrelieved by nitroglycerin and transmural MI (Q wave MI) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 23
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  • 26. Thrombolytic therapy dissolves thrombus and promote reperfusion the golden period is 30 minutes from “door to needle” or from onset of pain till thrombolytic therapy within 30 minutes or PTCA within 1 hour Watch out for signs of bleeding and hypersensitivity hypersensitivity reaction ( Streptokinase ) IV infusion CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 26
  • 27. Ineffective Tissue perfusion 2. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA Inhibitors - targets the platelet component of the thrombus to prevent fibrinogen from attaching to activated platelets at the site of the thrombus - Examples: Abciximab, Eptifibatide, Abciximab, Eptifibatide, Tirofiban - Administered through IV CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 27
  • 28. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA Inhibitors Examples: Abciximab,, Eptifibatide,, Tirofiban Abciximab Eptifibatide CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 28
  • 29. Aspirin Swallow the tablets with a full glass of water. Taken as regular (not enteric-coated) low- enteric- low- dose aspirin. Swallow the extended-release tablets whole with a full glass of water. Do not break, crush, or chew them. Chewable aspirin tablets may be chewed, crushed, or swallowed whole. Drink a full glass of water, immediately after taking these tablets. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 29
  • 30. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 30
  • 31. Aspirin If taking aspirin on a regular basis to prevent heart attack or stroke, do not take ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or other NSAIDs to treat pain or fever (Ibuprofen can interfere with the anti- platelet effect of low dose aspirin) If need only a single dose of ibuprofen, take it eight hours before or 30 minutes after taking a regular (not enteric-coated) low-dose aspirin. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 31
  • 32. Aspirin Ask a doctor before giving aspirin to child or teenager. Aspirin may cause Reye's syndrome (a serious condition in which fat builds up on the brain, liver, and other body organs) in children and teenagers, especially if they have a virus such as chicken pox or the flu. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 32
  • 33. Clopidogrel Plavix when combined with aspirin , more effective in reducing death, MI or stroke when compared to aspirin alone CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 33
  • 34. Nrg Considerations: Aspirin and Plavix teach: may bleed more if having surgery, easily or for a longer including dental time than usual while surgery, tell doctor or you are taking dentist that taking clopidogrel. Be careful aspirin or Plavix not to cut or hurt CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 34
  • 35. Beta blockers – Metoprolol reduces myocardial O2 requirement by blocking beta receptors and slowing heart rate, prolong diastole and increase myocardial perfusion aka: beta-adrenergic blocking agents reduces myocardial O2 requirement by blocking beta receptors and slowing heart rate, prolong diastole and increase myocardial perfusion Ex: Metoprolol, Acebutolol (Sectral), Atenolol (Tenormin), Bisoprolol (Zebeta), Propranolol (Inderal LA) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 35
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  • 37. Let’s review CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 37
  • 38. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors given within 48 hours of MI prevents ventricular Benazepril (Lotensin) remodeling and Captopril development of CHF Enalapril (Vasotec) help relax blood vessels Fosinopril Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) Moexipril (Univasc) Perindopril (Aceon) Quinapril (Accupril) Ramipril (Altace) Trandolapril (Mavik) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 38
  • 39. ACE Inhibitors In some people the first dose can cause a drop in blood pressure immediately. The following is advice for starting ACE inhibitors: If taking a diuretic (water tablet), may be advised not to take it for a day or so before starting an ACE inhibitor. After the very first dose, on the first day start an ACE inhibitor: Stay indoors for about four hours, as occasionally some people feel dizzy. If you do feel dizzy, sit or lie down and it will usually ease off. If you become very dizzy, contact your doctor immediately. Thereafter, there is no need to take any special precautions. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 39
  • 40. ACE Inhibitors CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 40
  • 41. Let’s review: Ineffective Tissue perfusion 1. Thrombolytic therapy 2. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA Inhibitors 3. Antiplatelets Aspirin Clopidogrel 4. Beta blockers 5. ACE Inhibitors CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 41
  • 42. Activity Intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and demand CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 42
  • 43. Activity Intolerance 1. Bed rest with commode privilege for only 24- 24- 48 hours unless with complications. 2. Explain that the purpose of CCU confinement is for continuous monitoring and safety during the early recovery period. 3. Administer diazepam as ordered 4. Provide psychosocial support to the patient and his family. Calmness and competency are extremely reassuring. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 43
  • 44. Cardiac Rehabilitation actively assisting the client in achieving and maintaining a vital and productive life while remaining within the limits of the hearts ability to respond to increases in activity and stress begins the moment a client is admitted to the hospital 3 Phases 1. From acute illness and ends with discharge from the hospital 2. After discharge and continues through convalescence at home 3. Long term conditioning CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 44
  • 45. Program of Physical Activity 1. Increase activities gradually after the first 24- 24- 48 hours 2. Early mobilization after an MI. May be allowed to sit on a chair for increasing periods of time and begins ambulation on the 4th or 5th day 3. Monitor V/S before activities. 4. An exercise session is terminated if any one of the following occurs:cyanosis, cold sweats, occurs:cyanosis, faintness, extreme fatigue, severe dyspnea, pallor, chest pain, PR > 100, dysrhythmias, Bp > 160/90 CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 45
  • 46. 5 Physical Activity: Sexual intercourse 4-6 weeks post MI or when a patient with uncomplicated MI is capable of walking 2 flights of stairs without difficulty nitroglycerine before sex avoid concomitant use with Sildenafil CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 46
  • 47. Sexual intercourse Perform sexual activity in a cool, familiar environment Refrain from sexual activity during a fatiguing day, after eating a large meal, or after drinking alcohol If dyspnea, chest pain, dizziness or palpitations occur, moderation should be observed. If symptoms persist stop sexual activity. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 47
  • 48. Sexual intercourse assume position with less strain Ex: woman on top, side lying CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 48
  • 49. Ineffective Coping related to effects of acute illness, major changes in lifestyle or loss of control over a body part 1. Anxiolytics during the acute phase of illness 2. Provide opportunity for the patient and family to explore their concerns 3. Identify clients coping mechanism 1. denial, anger and depression CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 49
  • 50. Promote Nutrition and Elimination Provide small frequent feedings Low calorie, low cholesterol, low sodium Avoid stimulants Avoid taking very hot or very cold beverages and gas forming foods to prevent vasovagal stimulation Use of bedpan and straining at stool should be avoided. Avoid valsalva maneuver Bedside commode Administer stool softeners as ordered CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 50
  • 51. Potential for recurrent symptoms & extension of injury Goal: minimal angina while engaging in ADLs and exercise program Ix Percutaneous Transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) Coronary artery Bypass graft surgery (CABG) Minimally invasive Direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) Transmyocardial Laser Vascularization Of-pump Coronary Artery Bypass (OPCAB) Robotics CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 51
  • 52. Complications of MI Dysrhythmias Cardiogenic shock Thromboembolism Pericarditis Rupture of the myocardium Ventricular aneurysm CHF CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 52
  • 53. Potential or dysrhythmias Identify Assess hemodynamic status Monitor cardiac rhythm and CR Evaluate for discomfort CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 53
  • 54. Dysrhythmias most common complication and most major cause of death among clients with MI When Dysrhythmias develop the cardiac nurse must: 1. Identify the Dysrhythmias 2. Assess the client’s hemodynamic status 3. Evaluate the client for chest discomfort 4. attach to cardiac monitor CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 54
  • 55. Inferior Wall MI - bradycardia – atropine - second degree AV block – Pacemaker Anterior Wall MI - 3rd degree AV block – Pacemaker - Ventricular irritability - PVC’s – the most common dysrhythmia in MI - notify physician if more than 6 PVC’s occur per minute and client is symptomatic (hypotensive, chest pain) (hypotensive, CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 55
  • 56. Potential for heart failure Goal: regain hemodynamic stability as evidenced by: BP and PR – within client’s acceptable range and adequate for metabolic demands Adequate UO Mental alertness Clear lungs o auscultation Palpable peripheral pulses CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 56
  • 57. Potential for heart failure (HF) Manage L ventricular failure Assess and monitor Classfication of Post MI HF (Killip I, II, III, IV) Relieve pain Decrease myocardial O2 reqt Morphine O2 Intra-aortic balloon pump Immediate reperfusion (L sided heart cath; PTCA, CABG) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 57
  • 58. Potential for heart failure (HF) Manage R ventricular failure Enhance R ventricular preload IFI – as much as 200 ml/hr Monitor CO Note: prevent dev L side HF : Aucultate lungs PAWP CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 58
  • 59. Decreased Cardiac output Heart Failure is a relatively common complication after an MI results from left ventricular dysfunction, rupture of the intra-ventricular septum, intra- papillary muscle rupture with valvular dysfunction or cardiogenic shock CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 59
  • 60. Medical Management for Killip IV Goal is to relieve pain and decrease myocardial O2 demand through preload and possibly after load reduction 1. IV morphine 2. O2 therapy – intubation and mechanical ventilation 3. Preload reduction – nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, nitroprusside, diuretics – monitor BP constantly 4. Vasopressor and Inotropes – dopamine, dobutamine – used to maintain organ perfusion but can increase O2 consumption and can worsen ischemia 5. IABP CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 60
  • 61. Intra- Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) used when clients do not respond to drug therapy invasive intervention that is used to improve myocardial perfusion during an acute MI, reduce after load and facilitate left ventricular emptying inflation of balloon during diastole increases diastolic pressure and improves coronary perfusion deflation of the balloon before diastole reduces after load at the time of systolic contraction CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 61
  • 63. ☺ Let’s watch how it works! Video animation of IABP YouTube - IABP Intraaortic Ballon Pump.flv Video of IABP in G:E CARMELA OR video downloadsvideos cardi public/documents/image/ucm064550.gif CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 63
  • 64. IABP: IABP What precautions to take? See handout sun/news/printer.cfm?id=602 CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 64
  • 65. PAWP CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 65
  • 66. Thromboembolism: Thromboembolism: Pulmonary Embolism r/t phlebitis of the leg & pelvic veins CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 66
  • 67. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 67
  • 68. Collaborative Management Anticoagulants Thrombolytics Move legs, avoid placing pressure under the knees, elastic stockings Early ambulation Observe for signs and symptoms indicative of pulmonary embolism Sudden onset of dyspnea Chest pain Coughing Hemoptysis Rapid weak pulse Pallor CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 68
  • 69. Pericarditis 28% of post MI patients 2-4 days post MI inflamed areas of infarction rubs against the pericardial surface causing it to lose lubricating fluid CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 69
  • 70. Pericarditis Dressler’s syndrome (Late Pericarditis)- 6 Pericarditis) weeks to months after MI The client presents with fever lasting 1 week or longer, pericardial chest pain, pericardial friction rub, and occasional pericardial effusion self limiting Bed rest, aspirin, prednisone, opioid analgesics CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 70
  • 71. Rupture of the myocardium Mitral Regurgitation, VSD and Ventricular Aneurysm CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 71
  • 72. Mitral Regurgitation ,VSD and Ventricular Aneurysm MR due to rupture of papillary muscle of LV thinning , ballooning and hypokinesia of the left ventricular wall after a transmural MI the dysfunctional area often becomes filled with necrotic debris and clot CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 72
  • 73. Mitral Regurgitation ,VSD and Ventricular Aneurysm the aneurysm may rupture causing cardiac tamponade and death usually 7-10 days post MI 7- report presence of new murmur PVC’s- PVC’s- due to irritability of necrotic tissue CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 73
  • 74. Management arteriolar vasodilation - to lower systemic pressure IABP surgery- surgery- 4-6 weeks post MI excise ventricular aneurysm replace mitral valve repair VSD pericardiocentesis for tamponade CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 74
  • 75. SURGICAL TREATMENT CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 75
  • 76. Surgical Treatment PCI or PTCA Coronary artery Bypass graft surgery Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Minimally invasive Direct coronary artery bypass Transmyocardial Laser revascularization Open heart surgery CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 76
  • 78. PCI AKA: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty Balloon angioplasty Laser with balloon angioplasty Stent Atherectomy Brachytherapy CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 78
  • 79. PTCA an invasive procedure used to eliminate stenosis in the coronary arteries by insertion a catheter through the skin and moving forward through the veins. At the last stage,a balloon catheter is inserted in the coronary arterial lesion and the balloon is inflated at the level of occlusion to open the lumen CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 79
  • 80. PTCA: types 1. Percutaneous Coronary Laser Angioplasty or Laser with balloon angioplasty 2. Placement of Percutaneous Coronary Stent 3. Percutaneous Coronary Atherectomy 4. Brachytherapy CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 80
  • 81. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 81
  • 83. PTCA: Lasers with balloon angioplasty creates a smoother lumen of the blood vessel Video: Lasers angioplasty CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 83
  • 84. PTCA: Directional coronary atherectomy G:E CARMELA Atherectomy video downloadsvideos cardi video CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 84
  • 85. Nursing Management Same Preop prep Consent for procedure NPO 8 hrs Skin prep – shave bilateral groins etc CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 85
  • 86. Nursing Management: Post-op VS, monitor for complications (AMI,Spasm) Assess for development of crackles, wheezes, tachypnea, frothy sputum, S3 heart sound Administer medications as ordered Anti-coagulation with aspirin/heparin SL Nifedipine – to prevent coronary spasm Glycoprotein IIb/IIIA – prevent restenosis CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 86
  • 87. Nursing Management: Post-op Monitor for signs of poor organ perfusion Change in LOC Oliguria Cool, clammy extremities with decreased pulses Unusual fatigue Recurrent chest pain Monitor right atrial pressure , pulmonary artery wedge pressure (measure of preload) by using the Swan Ganz catheter if < 18mmHg do volume infusion or administer inotropes CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 87
  • 88. Nursing Management Nursing care of client having PCI Adobe Acrobat Document CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 88
  • 89. Coronary artery Bypass graft surgery (CABG) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 89
  • 90. CABG bypass of a blockage in artery use of saphenous vein or internal mammary artery (graft of choice because it has a 90% patency rate after the procedure) reduces 80-90% of symptoms 80- indicated when clients do not respond to medical management of CAD or when disease progression is evident cardiopulmonary bypass needed CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 90
  • 91. CABG G:E CARMELA G:E CARMELA video downloadsvideos cardi video downloadsvideos cardi Let us watch! Let us watch! Animation of Heart Bypass CABG in the OR Surgery (CABG) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 91
  • 92. Heart-lung bypass machine or Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 92
  • 93. Heart-lung bypass machine or Extracorporeal circulation CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 93
  • 94. Heart-lung bypass machine or Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 94
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  • 97. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 97
  • 98. Nursing care of client undergoing CABG Adobe Acrobat Document CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 98
  • 99. Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass (OPCAB) "beating heart" surgery CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 99
  • 101. OPCAB CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 101
  • 102. Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass (MIDCAB) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 102
  • 103. Minimally invasive Direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) indicated for clients with a lesion of the left anterior descending artery left thoracotomy incision with removal of 4th rib dissection of the left IMA and attached to the still beating heart below the level of the lesion in the LAD no cardiopulmonary bypass needed CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 103
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  • 105. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 105
  • 106. TECAB Totally Endoscopic, Minimally Invasive Coronary Bypass Surgery : High- Precision Robotic Surgery Without any Opening of the Chest The da Vinci robot's "wristed" instruments provide a greater range of motion than the human hand while eliminating physician tremor. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 106
  • 107. TECAB CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 107
  • 108. TransMyocardial Laser Revascularization (TMLR) Laser ablation CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 108
  • 109. TMLR a procedure used to relieve severe angina or chest pain in very ill patients who aren't candidates for bypass surgery or angioplasty. Procedure a surgeon makes an incision on the left breast to expose the heart. Then, using a laser, the surgeon drills a series of holes from the outside of the heart into the heart's pumping chamber. From 20 to 40 mm laser channels are placed during the procedure. Bleeding from the laser channels on the outside of the heart stops after a few minutes of pressure from the surgeon's finger. In some patients TMR is combined with bypass surgery. In those cases an incision through the breastbone is used. 109 CLDomocmat 8/9/2012
  • 110. TMLR How does it work? How TMR reduces angina still isn't fully understood. The laser may stimulate new blood vessels to grow, called angiogenesis It may destroy nerve fibers to the heart, making patients unable to feel their chest pain. The heart feeds itself by taking blood from within its chambers, just like in reptiles, whose hearts have no coronary arteries. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 110
  • 111. Indications people who are high-risk candidates for a second bypass or angioplasty. people whose blockages are too diffuse to be treated with bypass alone. some patients with heart transplants who develop atherosclerosis after their transplant. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 111
  • 114. TMLR CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 114
  • 115. Transmyocardial revascularization G:E CARMELA video downloadsvideos cardi An animation of the transmyocardial revascularization procedure CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 115
  • 116. Other sources Cardiac surgery/Open heart surgery Atherosclerosis =related Heart Attack e=channel Coronary Artery Angioplasty (PCI, Heart Stent Surgery) eature=related CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 116
  • 117. ETC… CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 117
  • 118. Cardiac tamponade is pressure on the heart that occurs when blood or fluid builds up in the space between the heart muscle (myocardium) and the outer covering sac of the heart (pericardium). Cardiac tamponade is a condition involving compression of the heart caused by blood or fluid accumulation in the space between the myocardium (the muscle of the heart) and the pericardium (the outer covering sac of the heart). Blood or fluid collects within the pericardium. This prevents the ventricles from expanding fully, so they cannot adequately fill or pump blood. Cardiac tamponade is an emergency condition that requires hospitalization. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 118
  • 119. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 119
  • 120. pulsus paradoxus an abnormal inspiratory decrease in arterial blood pressure, seen in cardiac tamponade and caused by a decreased pulmonary venous return. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 120
  • 121. inotropic agent any of a class of agents affecting the force of muscle contraction, particularly a drug affecting the force of cardiac contraction; positive inotropic agents increase, and negative inotropic agents decrease the force of cardiac muscle contraction. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 121
  • 122. Drugs affect the function of the heart in three main ways. They can affect the force of contraction of the heart muscle (inotropic effects); they can affect the frequency of the heartbeat, or heart rate (chronotropic effects); or they can affect the regularity of the heartbeat (rhythmic effects). s-affecting-the-heart?anchor=ref295300 CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 122
  • 123. Inotropic agents A drug may be classified by the chemical type of the active ingredient or by the way it is used to treat a particular condition. Each drug can be classified into one or more drug classes. Inotropic agents affect the contraction of the heart muscle. Positive inotropes stimulate and increase the strength of heart muscle contraction causing the heart rate to increase. Negative inotropic agents weaken the force of muscular contractions. Inotropic state depends on the amount of calcium in the cytoplasm of the heart muscle wall, as contractility of the heart depends on control of intracellular calcium i.e. control of calcium entry into the cell membrane and calcium storage in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The main factors controlling calcium entry are activity of voltage gated calcium channels and sodium ions, which affects calcium/sodium ion exchange. Positive inotropes usually increase the level of intracellular calcium and negative inotropes decrease it. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 123
  • 124. Inotropic agents Digoxin Dobutamine Milrinone CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 124
  • 125. pulsus paradoxus also paradoxic pulse or paradoxical pulse, is defined as an abnormally large decrease in systolic blood pressure and pulse wave amplitude during inspiration. The normal fall in pressure is less than 10 mmHg or 10 torr. When the drop is more than 10mm Hg, it is referred to as pulsus paradoxus. has nothing to do with pulse rate or heart rate. The normal variation of blood pressure during breathing/respiration is a decline in blood pressure during inhalation/inspiration and an increase during exhalation/expiration. is a sign that is indicative of several conditions, including cardiac tamponade, pericarditis, chronic sleep apnea, croup, and obstructive lung disease (e.g. asthma, COPD). us CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 125
  • 126. CTT CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 126
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  • 128. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 128
  • 129. Pleur-evacⓇ Adult/Pediatric Chest Drainage Model A- 6000. The Pleur-evac Chest Drainage Systems have been the world's most popular units since their inception in 1967. (Courtesy of Deknatel, Inc., Fall River, MA.) CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 129
  • 130. 1. Standard percutaneous access to the venous system is performed. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 130
  • 131. 2. The Trellis catheter is advanced through the clot over a standard 0.035" guidewire. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 131
  • 132. 3. The distal occluding balloon is inflated. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 132
  • 133. 4. After the proximal occluding balloon is inflated, delivery of the thrombolytic agent begins. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 133
  • 134. 5. The Trellis dispersion wire is activated with the motor drive unit. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 134
  • 135. 6. Clot dispersion continues. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 135
  • 136. 7. After clot is dispersed, remaining material is aspirated through the Trellis catheter. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 136
  • 137. 8. The Trellis catheter and guidewire are withdrawn when treatment is complete. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 137
  • 138. CLDomocmat 8/9/2012 138