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-Inquires: They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the
skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show
independece in learning.They actively enjoy learning and this
love of learning will be sustained troughout their lives.
-Knowledgeable: They explore concepts, ideas and issues that
have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in
depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad
and balanced range dsciplines.
-Thinkers: They excercise initiative in applying thinking skills
critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex
problems, and make reasoned,ethical decisions.

Communicators: They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in
   more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and
   willingly in collaboration with others

-Principled: They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice, and respect for
     the dignity of the individual, groups, and communities.They take responsibility for their own actions
     and the consequences that accompany them.

-Open minded: They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open
    to the perspectives, values, and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are
    accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are wiling to grow from the

-Caring: They show empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They
    have a personal commitment to service, and act to make positive difference to the lives of others
    and to the environment.
- Risk takers: They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty
  with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit
  to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies. They are brave and
  articulate in defending their beliefs.

- Balanced:       They      understand    the     importance     of
  intellectual, physical, and emotional balance to achieve personal
  well-being for themselves and others.

- Reflective: They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning
  and experience. They are able to assess and understand their
  strenghts and limitations in order to support their learning and
  personal development.
Habitat:       The environment in which a species normally lives, or the
              location of a living organism.
Species:      A group of organisms that can be interbreed and produce fertile
Population:   A groups of organisms of the same species who live in the same
              area at the same time.
Community:    A group of populations living and interacting with each other in
              an area.
Ecosystem:    A community and its abiotic environment.
Ecology:      The study of relationships between living organisms and
              between organisms and their environment.
• Living organisms do not live in isolation. If we study
  organisms in their natural habitat, we invariably find that
  they live with other members of their species and with
  populations of other species, in what ecologists refer to as
  a community.
• Living organisms depend on their environment, whether it
  consists of air, water, soil or rock. There are many types of
  relationships between organisms and their environment.
• The community of organisms in an area and their non-living
  environment can be considered to be a single higly complex
  interacting system, known as ecosystem
2.1.1.- Food Sources
Autotroph:     An organism that synthesizes its organic molecules from simple
               inorganic substances
Heterotroph:   An organisms that obtains organic molecules from other organisms
Consumer:      An organism that ingests organic matter that is living or recently
Detritivore    An organism that ingests non-living organic matter
Saprotroph:    An organism that lives on or in non-living organic matter, secreting
               digestive enzymes into it and absorbing the products of digestion
2.1.1.- Food Sources
All organisms need a supply of organic molecules, such as glucose and aminoacids.
    They are needed for growth and reproduction.

Methods of obtaining organic molecules:
1.- Some organisms make their own organic molecules from carbon dioxide and other
    simple inorganic substances: Autotroph organisms (self feeding)
2.- Some organisms obtain their organic molecules from other organisms and of
    digesting it so that it can be absorbed:
   2.1.: By ingesting organisms and digesting them inside the gut, these organisms are
    called consumers
   2.2.: By ingesting dead organic matter derived from living organisms and by
    digesting it inside the gut, these organisms are called detritivores
   2.3.: By secreting digestive enzymes into dead organic matter derived from living
    organisms and by absorbing the products of externl digestion, these organisms are
    called saprotrophs
2.1.2.- Food chains
• A food chain is a sequence of organisms, each of which feeds on the
  previous one.
• There are usually between 2 and 5 organisms in a food chain
• Producers are autotrophic. They are usually photosynthetic
  organisms, such as terrestrial green plants and phytoplankton. As
  theydo not obtain food from other organisms, producers are always
  the first organisms in a food chain.
• The subsequent organisms are consumers. Primary consumers feed
  on producers, secondary consumers feed on primary consumers,
  tertiary consumers feed on secondary consumers and so on.
• Consumers obtain energy from the organic matter of the organisms
  on which they feed. The arrows in a food chain therefore indicate
  the diretion of energy flow
2.1.3.- Trophic levels
• The categories of organism, producer, primary
  consumer, secondary consumer and so on, are
• The word trophic means “nourishment” in old
• Trophic levels:
   - Producer
   - Primary consumer
   - Secondary consumer
   - Terciary consumer …..
Trophic levels- FOOD WEBS
2.1.3.- Food webs
• Trophic     relationships     within    ecological
  communities tend to be complex and web-like.
  This is because most species fed on by more than
  one species and most consumers feed on more
  than one species.
• When a food web is constructed, organisms at
  the same trophic level are often shown at the
  same level in a web. This isn’t always possible, as
  some organisms feed at more that one trophic
Food webs
Alaska’s Food web
2.1.4.- Energy flow in food chains
• For most biological communities, the initial source of
  energy is LIGHT captured by plants undergoing
• Plants convert light into chemical energy.
• A portion of this energy is used by the plant in cellular
  respiration and is ultimately released as waste heat to the
• Energy stored in plant tissues is passed to the next trophic
  level, if plant matter is eaten by primary consumers.
• Also a portion of the plant’s material may become detritus,
  in which case stored energy can be passed on to
  Saprotrophs or Detrivores.
• The energy stored in plant matter eaten by
  primary consumers can be used directly as a
  source of energy for cellular respiration. This
  energy can also be released as waste heat, from
  the primary consumers.
• The alternative is that organic matter containing
  stored energy in the primary consumer can be
  eaten by a secondary consumer.
• In addition, undigested plant matter released as
  feces by the primary consumer contains available
  energy for saprotrophs and detrivores to use.
• Energy is passed from consumer to consumer in a
  food chain, but with every transformation energy
  is lost from the community in heat generated by
• One of the laws of physics states that energy
  transformations are never 100% efficient.
  Further, when an animal eats, a portion of its
  food is never absorebed and is egested as feces.
• Some material such as bones or air, may not be
  eaten. That energy can be used by decomposers.
2.1.5.- Pyramids of energy
• The amount of energy converted to new biomass
  during a given time period by each trophic
  level, in an ecological community, can be
  represented by a pyramid of energy.
• The width of the bars is proportinal to the energy in
  that trophic level.
• There’s always loss of energy trough the food chain.
• To be more accurate, the boxes should be drawn to
  have relative widths that match the relative energy
  content at each trophic level.
• Pyramids of energy show how much energy is lost
  between trophic levels. Typically only between 5% and
  20% of the energy in one trophic level is passed on to
  the next.
• As a result there is less and less energy available to
  each succesive trophic level. Eventually there is too
  little energy to sustain a population, that is why food
  chains are limited in lenght.

• Population studies, often focus on variables
  such as population size, density, growth and
  the interaction of the population with the
  biotic and abiotic factors of the habitat it
Sigmoid S-Shaped growth curve
Sigmoid S-Shaped growth curve
• The figure, shows the population growth of a
  group of organisms, kept in controlled conditions,
  including a constant supply of food. The figure
  illustrates a pattern called the Sigmoid or S-
  Shaped, growth curve.
• The S-curve is representative of what happens
  when a population colonizes a new habitat. With
  limited environmental resistance, a population
  will growth exponentially. At this stage, birth rate
  (natality) is higher than death rate (mortality).
• As population density increases, various
  density- dependent factors begin to limit
  population growth.
• Examples of such limiting factors include:
 1.- Competition for resources
 2.- toxic products of metabolism
 3.- Increase in predation
 4.- Increase in the incidence of disease.
  The initial result is that natality slows in
  relation to mortality. This is the transition
  phase of the curve.
• The maximum size of a population that and
  environment can support is its carrying
  capacity *
• In the sigmoid growth pattern, when a
  population reaches its carrying capacity, the
  population will stop growing and natality and
  mortality will be equal. This is referred to as
  the plateau phase on the S-curve.
* The carrying capacity of a biological species in an environment, is the
   population size of the species that the environment can sustain
   indefinitely, given the food, habitat, water and other necessities
   available in the environment.
• Some populations can overshoot the carrying
  capacity of the environment. The result is a
  “boom-and-bust” pattern.

Advances in technology have meant that the
  creation and publication of data is increasingly
  exceeding the rate at which it can be analysed.
  Hypothesis testing is increasingly possible by
  extracting data from a database rather than the
  researcher directly collectong the data
• Unlike energy, which flows through an ecosystem
  and must be constantly replenished, nutrients are
  recycled within ecosystems. Nutrients are
  chemicaql elements such as carbon, nitrogen and
  phosphorus. The basic pattern of nutrient cycles
  involves three stages:
1.- There is an inorganic reserve of each element in
  the ecosystem, for example carbon dioxide in the
  atmosphere. Autotrophs abosrb the element
  from this reserve and convert it into organic
  compounds, for example nitrate is converted into
  amino acids.
2.- Consumers obtain the element in organic form, by
   feeding on autotrophs or other consumers.For
   example, elephants obtain amino acids, containing
   nitrogen, from the plants that they eat.
3.- Dead organic matter, containing the element is
   released when organisms excrete or egest waste
   material or they die. The element would remain locked
   up in the organic matter if it were not for the activity of
   saprothophs (fungi, bacteria) or detritivores. These
   organisms therefore, have a crucial role in recycling.
For example: saprotrophs release nitrogen in the form of
   ammonia, which is converted by bacteria into nitrates.
Generalized nutrient cycle
• As life is based on carbon compounds, the
  carbon cycle is especially important. In marine
  and aquatic ecosystems, the inorganic reserve
  of carbon is: dissolved cabron dioxide and
  hydrogen carbonate, which is absorbed by
  producers, and by various means is released
  back into the water.
• In a greenhouse, light enters and warms up
  the solid surfaces.The glass prevents the heat
  from escaping and the temperature inside the
  greenhouse rises. A similar sequence of events
  happens inside an automobile with its
  windows closed, when it has been parked in
  full sunlight. The rise in temperature is known
  as the greenhouse effect. It also occurs in the
  Earth’s atmosphere.
• Much of the light from the sun has short
  wavelenghts and high energy, and it passes
  through the atmosphere, to the Earth’s
• The warm surface of the Earth re-emits
  energy, but with much longer wavelenghts,
  and lower energy than the light from the sun.
• Most of this re-emitted energy is infrared
  radiation. Certain gases in the atmosphere
  absorb infrared radiation and re-emit it, some
  towards the Earth.
• Certain gases in the atmosphere absorb
  infrared radiation and re-emit it, some
  towards the Earth. The effect is GLOBAL
  WARMING and makes the Earth habitable.
• Without the Greenhouse Effect it is estimated
  that the mean temperature at the Earth’s
  surface would be about -18ºC.
• The main gases that contribute to the global
  warming, known as greenhouse gases, are
  carbon dioxide, methane and oxides of
2.3.3.- The enhanced greenhouse
There is a considerable evidence that the Earth
is becoming warmer.
• An obvious explanation for the global warming is
  an enhanced greenhouse effect caused by human
  additions of greenhouse gases to the
  atmosphere, mostly trough fossil fuel burning.
• Now we know that the atmospheric levels of
  carbon dioxide have grown since the past
  century; due to the increase of industralization.
• Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas
  and the concentrations of others, including
  methane and nitrogen oxides, have also been
  rising as a result of human activities.
2.3.4. The precautionary principle
• Governments are responsable for protecting
  when assessing new techonolgies. This requires a
  balance between encouraging innovation and
  minimizing risk. Scientists are often asked to
  advise governments about risks.
• Traditional risk analysis involves assessing the
  likelihood that new technologies will harm the
  public. This puts the burden of proof on those
  who are concerned about the risk. However,
  damage may already have been done long before
  evidence harm exists.
• A contrasting approach is the precautionary
  approach. In the late 1970s, when private
  landowners in Germany observed that significant
  tracts of forest were being killed. There was not
  yet scientific proof that ACID RAIN was the cause,
  but the government acted to regulate power-
  plant emissions. more strictly anyway
Precautionary principle
          Anti-precautionary principle
In 1997, The European Union banned the import of products from
   cattle that had been treated with bovine somatotropin (BST), a
   hormone that when given to cattle, increases milk yields by about
   10%. The USA inmediately appealed to the World Trade
   Organization (WTO). They argued that there was no known example
   of humans being affected by BST. The WTO gave EU a year to
   privide evidence of harm to humans. If they could not do this, the
   ban would have be lifted. The WTO was applying what we might call
   the anti-precautionary principle: it is for society to show that
   something is dangerous, instead of requiring the perpetrator to
   show it is safe.
Excersice: Thinking about science
              DRUG TESTING
• The precautionary principle argues that the action to protect must
  precede certainty of risk. The principle is particularly relevant when
  the potential consequences of the activity are catastrophic. Some
  drugs have had catastrophic effects when they were introduced
  without effective testing.
• In some jurisdictions, a relatively conservative protocol has emerged
  for approval of drugs so that they become available for later than in
  other jurisdictions. Patient advocacy groups often exert pressure for
  the process to be expedited. Tests and trials make drugs less risky,
  but the risk is never removed entirely. Urging that drugs be made
  available earlier is equivalent to urging that grater levels of risk be
• 1) Can it be argued that there is a scientific
  standard for acceptable levels of risk?
• 2) If there were a shortage of milk produced
  globally, would that make the possible risk from
  BST more acceptable?
• 3) If there are no effective treatments forb a
  disease, does that make it more acceptable to
  release a drug for use, before it has been
  subjected to all normal testing protocols?
The precautionary principle applied to
        the grenhouse effect
• The UN Framework Convention on Climate
  Change made the case in 1992 that: Parties
  should take precautionary measures to
  anticipate, prevent or minimize the causes of
  climate change and mitigate its adverse
  affects. Where there are threats of serious or
  irreversible damage, lack of full scientific
  certainty should not be used as a reason for
  postponing such measures.
• Given the dependence of current economic systems on
  fossil fuels, others argue that the data to support the
  benefit of significant reductions in carbon dioxide
  emissions is insufficient to justify the economic
  consequences. It is not certain that adverse effects on
  the environment would occur if no such action was
  taken, neither can we be certain that limiting emissions
  would be sufficient to slow current global warming
• Those who support the precautionary principle argue
  that there ir enough preliminary evidence of both the
  likely harm of emissions continuing to increase and the
  benefits of limiting emissions, to promt action. Most
  reasonable scientist agree that the impacts of
  greenhouse gas emissions on climate change are
  significant and potentially catastrophic.
• One politician representing the island state of
  Vanuata, Ambassador to the UN Robert van
  Lierop, puts it as follows:
For us, the precautionary principle is much more
  than a semantic or theoretical excercise. It is
  and ecological and moral imperative. We do
  not have the luxury of waiting for conclusive
  proof, as some have suggested in the past. The
  proof we fear will kill us.
• The word EVOLUTION, has several different meanings.
1) Biological meaning: evolution is the process by which
   living organisms are formed, by gradual change, from
   previous organisms.

As currently understood, the process takes many
   generations and works at the level of a population.
   Individual organisms cannot evolve because the
   characteristics that they acquire during their lifetime
   cannot be inherited by the next generation.
Charles Darwin

12 February 1809 – 19 April
 1882; was an English
 naturalist. He established
 that all species of life
 have descended over
 time     from     common
 ancestry, and proposed
 the scientific theory that
 this branching pattern of
 evolution resulted from a
 process that he called
 natural selection
Charles Darwin
• Charles Darwin proposed a mechanism for evolution:
  NATURAL SELECTION. He probably developed this theory in
  the late 1830s, but did not publish it for 20 years.

• Historians of science have claimed that the delay was due
  to Darwin being nervous about hostile reactions, but his
  letters and other writings do not suggest this.

• The real reasons are probably that he wanted to amass as
  much evidence for natural selection as he could before
  publishing, and also that Darwin was very busy with other
• It was a letter from Alfred Wallace, suggesting a similar
  theory, that finally stimulated Darwin to make public
  his ideas.
• Darwin and Wallace presented their papers jointly to a
  learned society in London in July 1858, and in the
  following year he published his great work, THE ORIGIN
• Much of it, is concerned with evidence for evolution by
  natural selection: These are the main types of
1) Breeding of domesticated animals and crop plants
2) Fossils
3) Homologus structures
4) Geographical distribution of animals and plants.
Darwin’s caricature from Punch’s
        Almanack- 1882
2.4.1.- Evidence for evolution
Humans have deliberatly bred and used particular animal
  species for thousands of years. If modern breed of
  livestock are compared with the wild species that they
  most resemble, the differences are often huge.
Consider the differences between modern egg-laying
  hens and the jungle fowl of Southern Asia, or between
  Belgian Blue cattle and aurochs of Western Asia. There
  are also many different breeds of sheep, cattle and
  other domesticated livestock, with much variation
  between breeds.
• It is clear that domesticated breeds have not always
  existed in their current form. The only credible
  explanation is that the change has been achieved
  simply by repeadly selecting for breeding the
  individuals most suited to human uses. This process is
  called artificial selection.
• The effectiveness of artificial selection is shown by the
  considerable changes that have occured in
  domesticated animals over periods of time that are
  very short, in comparison to geological time. It shows
  that selection can cause evolution, but it does not
  prove that evolution of species has actually occured
  naturally, or that the mechanism for evolution is
  natural selecion.

In the first half of the 19th century, the sequence in which
   layers or strata of rock were deposited was worked out
   and the geological eras were named. It became
   obvious that the fossils found in the various layers were
   different; there was a sequence of fossils. In the 20th
   century, reliable methods of radiosotope dating
   revelaed that ages os the rock strata an of the fossils in
   them. There has been a huge amount of research into
   fossils, which is the branch of science called
   paleontology. It has given us the strong evidence that
   evolution has occured.
Fossil evidence:
The sequence in which fossils appear matches
   the sequence in which they would be
   expected to evolve:
- Bacteria and simple algae appearing first
- Fungi and worms later
- Vertebrates then: fish  amphibians 
   reptiles birds  mammals.
Fossils and rock layers
3) Homologus structures
3) Homologus structures
Darwin pointed out in the Origin of the species that some
  similarities between organisms are superficial.
Similarities like those between the tail fins of whales and
  fishes are known as analogus structures. When we
  study them closely we find that these structures are
  very different. An evolutionary interpretation is that
  they have had different origins and have become
  similar because they perform the same or similar
  function. This is called CONVERGENT EVOLUTION.
Homologus structures are the converse of this. They
  are structures that may look superficially
  different and perfomr a different function, but
  they have a “unity type”. These limbs, include the
  same bones, in the same relative positions,
  despite on the surface appearing completely
The evolutionary explanation is that they have had
  the same origin, from an ancestor that had a
  pentadactyl or 5 digit limb, and that they have
  become different because they perform different
  functions. This is called adaptive radiation.
There are many examples of homologus structures. They
  do not prove that organisms have evolved or had a
  common ancestry and do not reveal anything about
  the mechanism of evolution; But they are difficult to
  explain without evolution.
Particulary interesting are the structures that serve no
  function. They are called VESTIGIAL ORGANS, and
  examples of thme are the beginning of teeth found in
  embryo baleen whales; despite adults being toothless.
Another example is the appendix in human being.
These structures are easily explained by evolution as
  structures that have lost their function and so are
  being gradually lost.
• Darwin developed his understanding of
  evolution over many years after returning to
  Englad from his voyage around the world.
• He probably developed the theory of natural
  selection in 20 or 30 years.
• Observations and deductions of this theory:
Observation  Deduction
1)Populations tend to reproduce rapidly and if
  every individual survived, there would be a
  geometrical or exponential increase in the
  population. On the other hand, when natural
  populations are studied, they tend to remain
  stable. There are natural checks to increases in
  population, for example, food supplies for
  animals. There is a limit to the size of population
  of a species that the environment can support 
2) Organisms vary- there are differences between
  individual organisms even if they are members of
  the same species. These differences affect how
  well suited of fiited and organism is to its
  environment and model of existence. This is
  called adaptation. Some individuals are better
  adapted that others because they have the
  favourable variations.  IN STRUGGLE FOR
3) Much of the variation between individuals can be
  passed on to offspring: it his heritable 
Linked concepts in Darwin’s theory of
1.- Population growth
2.- Resource limitation
3.- A struggle for existence
4.- Variation
5.- Adaptation
6.- Differential reproduction
7.- Natural selection
8.- Descent with modification
9.- Origin of species
10.- Extinction of species.
• Darwin visited the Galápagos Islands in 1835 and
  collected specimens of small birds, which were
  subsequently identified as finches. There are 14
  species in all. Darwin observed that the sizes and
  shapes of the beaks of the finches varied, as did
  their diet.
• From the overall similarities between birds and
  their distribution over the Galàpagos islands,
  Darwin hypothesized that “ one might really
  fancy that from an original paucity of birds in this
  archipielago, one species had been taken and
  modified for different ends”
• Characters and diet are closely related and
  when one changes, the other does also.
• Variation in the shape and size of the beaks is
  mostly due to genes, though the environment
  has some effect.
The proportion on the variation due to genes is
 called the heritability
Antibiotic resistance
             Evolution in action
• After an antibiotic is introduced and used on
  patients, bacteria showing resistance appear
  within a few years.
• Resistance to the antibiotic spreads to more and
  more species of pathogenic bacteria.
• In each species the proportion of infections that
  are caused by a resistant strain increases
• Strains of bacteri appear that are resistant to
  more and more different antibiotics; this is called
• There has been very widespread use of
  antibiotics, both for treating diseases and in
  animal feeds used in farms.
• Bacteria can reproduce very rapidly, with a
  generation time of less than an hour.
• Populations of bacteria are often huge, increasing
  the chance of a gene for antibiotic resistance
  being formed by mutation.
• Bacteria can pass genes on to other bacteria in
  several ways, including useing plasmids, which
  allow one species of bacteria to gain antibiotic
  resistance genes from another species.
Antibiotic resistance
• It is natural for humans to recognize the features of living organisms
  and to use these features to put organisms into groups. At a basic
  level, simple observation shows that there are often many
  organisms of the same type.
• If we agree on a name for a groups of organisms, we can the talk
  about them.
• Naming organisms is called NOMENCLATURE.
• The idea of a group of organisms of the same type has developed
  into the biological concept of the species.
• In every language, names have been chosen for species, but science
  is an international venture and so names are needed to be
  understood throughout the world.
Biological system
The system that biologists use is called
  BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE  scientific name
  of 2 words: Linnaea borealis.

1) First name: Genus name  Genus is a group
   of species that share the same
2) Second name: Species or specific name
Binomial Nomenclature’s Rules:
1) The genus name begins with an upper-case
   (capital) letter and the species name with a
   lower-case (small) letter.
2) In typed or printed text, a binomial is shown in
3) After a binomial has been used once in a piece
   of text, it can be abbreviated to the initial letter
   of the genus name with the full species name.
   Ex: L. borealis.
4) The earliest published name for a species, from
   1753 onwards, is the correct one.
2.5.1.- The hierarchy of taxa
Taxon: things that are arranged into a group
Taxa: Plurarl of taxon
1) KINGDOM: Animalia
2) PHYLUM: Chordata
3) CLASS: Mammalia
4) ORDER: Carnivora
5) FAMILY: Canidae
6) GENUS: Canis
7) SPECIES: lupus

Canis lupus.
Dichotomus keys: How to classify
Kingdom: Plantae
Characteristics:Photosynthetic, Chlorophyll, Cellulose, cell wall, Vacuoles
                        permanent,Store starch
5. Ecology and evolution

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5. Ecology and evolution

  • 1. IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME THE IB LEARNER PROFILE: -Inquires: They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independece in learning.They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained troughout their lives. -Knowledgeable: They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range dsciplines. -Thinkers: They excercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned,ethical decisions.
  • 2. THE IB LEARNER PROFILE: Communicators: They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others -Principled: They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice, and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups, and communities.They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. -Open minded: They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values, and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are wiling to grow from the experience. -Caring: They show empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
  • 3. THE IB LEARNER PROFILE: - Risk takers: They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs. - Balanced: They understand the importance of intellectual, physical, and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. - Reflective: They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strenghts and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.
  • 5. 2.1.- COMMUNITIES AND ECOSYSTEMS WORD DEFINITION Habitat: The environment in which a species normally lives, or the location of a living organism. Species: A group of organisms that can be interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Population: A groups of organisms of the same species who live in the same area at the same time. Community: A group of populations living and interacting with each other in an area. Ecosystem: A community and its abiotic environment. Ecology: The study of relationships between living organisms and between organisms and their environment.
  • 6. ECOLOGY: • Living organisms do not live in isolation. If we study organisms in their natural habitat, we invariably find that they live with other members of their species and with populations of other species, in what ecologists refer to as a community. • Living organisms depend on their environment, whether it consists of air, water, soil or rock. There are many types of relationships between organisms and their environment. • The community of organisms in an area and their non-living environment can be considered to be a single higly complex interacting system, known as ecosystem
  • 7. 2.1.1.- Food Sources WORD DEFINITION Autotroph: An organism that synthesizes its organic molecules from simple inorganic substances Heterotroph: An organisms that obtains organic molecules from other organisms Consumer: An organism that ingests organic matter that is living or recently killed Detritivore An organism that ingests non-living organic matter Saprotroph: An organism that lives on or in non-living organic matter, secreting digestive enzymes into it and absorbing the products of digestion
  • 8. 2.1.1.- Food Sources All organisms need a supply of organic molecules, such as glucose and aminoacids. They are needed for growth and reproduction. Methods of obtaining organic molecules: 1.- Some organisms make their own organic molecules from carbon dioxide and other simple inorganic substances: Autotroph organisms (self feeding) 2.- Some organisms obtain their organic molecules from other organisms and of digesting it so that it can be absorbed: 2.1.: By ingesting organisms and digesting them inside the gut, these organisms are called consumers 2.2.: By ingesting dead organic matter derived from living organisms and by digesting it inside the gut, these organisms are called detritivores 2.3.: By secreting digestive enzymes into dead organic matter derived from living organisms and by absorbing the products of externl digestion, these organisms are called saprotrophs
  • 9. 2.1.2.- Food chains • A food chain is a sequence of organisms, each of which feeds on the previous one. • There are usually between 2 and 5 organisms in a food chain • Producers are autotrophic. They are usually photosynthetic organisms, such as terrestrial green plants and phytoplankton. As theydo not obtain food from other organisms, producers are always the first organisms in a food chain. • The subsequent organisms are consumers. Primary consumers feed on producers, secondary consumers feed on primary consumers, tertiary consumers feed on secondary consumers and so on. • Consumers obtain energy from the organic matter of the organisms on which they feed. The arrows in a food chain therefore indicate the diretion of energy flow
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. 2.1.3.- Trophic levels • The categories of organism, producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer and so on, are called TROPHIC LEVELS. • The word trophic means “nourishment” in old Greek. • Trophic levels: - Producer - Primary consumer - Secondary consumer - Terciary consumer …..
  • 14. 2.1.3.- Food webs • Trophic relationships within ecological communities tend to be complex and web-like. This is because most species fed on by more than one species and most consumers feed on more than one species. • When a food web is constructed, organisms at the same trophic level are often shown at the same level in a web. This isn’t always possible, as some organisms feed at more that one trophic level.
  • 17. 2.1.4.- Energy flow in food chains • For most biological communities, the initial source of energy is LIGHT captured by plants undergoing photosynthesis. • Plants convert light into chemical energy. • A portion of this energy is used by the plant in cellular respiration and is ultimately released as waste heat to the environment. • Energy stored in plant tissues is passed to the next trophic level, if plant matter is eaten by primary consumers. • Also a portion of the plant’s material may become detritus, in which case stored energy can be passed on to Saprotrophs or Detrivores.
  • 18. • The energy stored in plant matter eaten by primary consumers can be used directly as a source of energy for cellular respiration. This energy can also be released as waste heat, from the primary consumers. • The alternative is that organic matter containing stored energy in the primary consumer can be eaten by a secondary consumer. • In addition, undigested plant matter released as feces by the primary consumer contains available energy for saprotrophs and detrivores to use.
  • 19. • Energy is passed from consumer to consumer in a food chain, but with every transformation energy is lost from the community in heat generated by respiration. • One of the laws of physics states that energy transformations are never 100% efficient. Further, when an animal eats, a portion of its food is never absorebed and is egested as feces. • Some material such as bones or air, may not be eaten. That energy can be used by decomposers.
  • 20. 2.1.5.- Pyramids of energy • The amount of energy converted to new biomass during a given time period by each trophic level, in an ecological community, can be represented by a pyramid of energy.
  • 21. • The width of the bars is proportinal to the energy in that trophic level. • There’s always loss of energy trough the food chain. • To be more accurate, the boxes should be drawn to have relative widths that match the relative energy content at each trophic level. • Pyramids of energy show how much energy is lost between trophic levels. Typically only between 5% and 20% of the energy in one trophic level is passed on to the next. • As a result there is less and less energy available to each succesive trophic level. Eventually there is too little energy to sustain a population, that is why food chains are limited in lenght.
  • 23. 2.2. POPULATIONS • 2.2.1. POPULATION GROWTH: • Population studies, often focus on variables such as population size, density, growth and the interaction of the population with the biotic and abiotic factors of the habitat it occupies
  • 25. Sigmoid S-Shaped growth curve • The figure, shows the population growth of a group of organisms, kept in controlled conditions, including a constant supply of food. The figure illustrates a pattern called the Sigmoid or S- Shaped, growth curve. • The S-curve is representative of what happens when a population colonizes a new habitat. With limited environmental resistance, a population will growth exponentially. At this stage, birth rate (natality) is higher than death rate (mortality).
  • 26. • As population density increases, various density- dependent factors begin to limit population growth. • Examples of such limiting factors include: 1.- Competition for resources 2.- toxic products of metabolism 3.- Increase in predation 4.- Increase in the incidence of disease. The initial result is that natality slows in relation to mortality. This is the transition phase of the curve.
  • 27. • The maximum size of a population that and environment can support is its carrying capacity * • In the sigmoid growth pattern, when a population reaches its carrying capacity, the population will stop growing and natality and mortality will be equal. This is referred to as the plateau phase on the S-curve. * The carrying capacity of a biological species in an environment, is the population size of the species that the environment can sustain indefinitely, given the food, habitat, water and other necessities available in the environment.
  • 28. • Some populations can overshoot the carrying capacity of the environment. The result is a “boom-and-bust” pattern. DATA BASES IN ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH: Advances in technology have meant that the creation and publication of data is increasingly exceeding the rate at which it can be analysed. Hypothesis testing is increasingly possible by extracting data from a database rather than the researcher directly collectong the data themselves.
  • 30. • Unlike energy, which flows through an ecosystem and must be constantly replenished, nutrients are recycled within ecosystems. Nutrients are chemicaql elements such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. The basic pattern of nutrient cycles involves three stages: 1.- There is an inorganic reserve of each element in the ecosystem, for example carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Autotrophs abosrb the element from this reserve and convert it into organic compounds, for example nitrate is converted into amino acids.
  • 31. 2.- Consumers obtain the element in organic form, by feeding on autotrophs or other consumers.For example, elephants obtain amino acids, containing nitrogen, from the plants that they eat. 3.- Dead organic matter, containing the element is released when organisms excrete or egest waste material or they die. The element would remain locked up in the organic matter if it were not for the activity of saprothophs (fungi, bacteria) or detritivores. These organisms therefore, have a crucial role in recycling. For example: saprotrophs release nitrogen in the form of ammonia, which is converted by bacteria into nitrates.
  • 33. 2.3.1.- THE CARBON CYCLE • As life is based on carbon compounds, the carbon cycle is especially important. In marine and aquatic ecosystems, the inorganic reserve of carbon is: dissolved cabron dioxide and hydrogen carbonate, which is absorbed by producers, and by various means is released back into the water.
  • 34.
  • 35. 2.3.2.- THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT • In a greenhouse, light enters and warms up the solid surfaces.The glass prevents the heat from escaping and the temperature inside the greenhouse rises. A similar sequence of events happens inside an automobile with its windows closed, when it has been parked in full sunlight. The rise in temperature is known as the greenhouse effect. It also occurs in the Earth’s atmosphere.
  • 36. • Much of the light from the sun has short wavelenghts and high energy, and it passes through the atmosphere, to the Earth’s surface. • The warm surface of the Earth re-emits energy, but with much longer wavelenghts, and lower energy than the light from the sun. • Most of this re-emitted energy is infrared radiation. Certain gases in the atmosphere absorb infrared radiation and re-emit it, some towards the Earth.
  • 37. • Certain gases in the atmosphere absorb infrared radiation and re-emit it, some towards the Earth. The effect is GLOBAL WARMING and makes the Earth habitable. • Without the Greenhouse Effect it is estimated that the mean temperature at the Earth’s surface would be about -18ºC. • The main gases that contribute to the global warming, known as greenhouse gases, are carbon dioxide, methane and oxides of nitrogen.
  • 38. 2.3.3.- The enhanced greenhouse effect There is a considerable evidence that the Earth is becoming warmer.
  • 39. • An obvious explanation for the global warming is an enhanced greenhouse effect caused by human additions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, mostly trough fossil fuel burning. • Now we know that the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide have grown since the past century; due to the increase of industralization. • Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas and the concentrations of others, including methane and nitrogen oxides, have also been rising as a result of human activities.
  • 41. 2.3.4. The precautionary principle • Governments are responsable for protecting when assessing new techonolgies. This requires a balance between encouraging innovation and minimizing risk. Scientists are often asked to advise governments about risks. BUT HOW SHOULD GOVERNMENTS ACT WHEN SCIENTISTS OFFER INCOMPLETE INFORMATION OR CONTESTED KNOWLEDGE?
  • 42. • Traditional risk analysis involves assessing the likelihood that new technologies will harm the public. This puts the burden of proof on those who are concerned about the risk. However, damage may already have been done long before evidence harm exists. • A contrasting approach is the precautionary approach. In the late 1970s, when private landowners in Germany observed that significant tracts of forest were being killed. There was not yet scientific proof that ACID RAIN was the cause, but the government acted to regulate power- plant emissions. more strictly anyway
  • 43. Precautionary principle vs. Anti-precautionary principle EXAMPLE: In 1997, The European Union banned the import of products from cattle that had been treated with bovine somatotropin (BST), a hormone that when given to cattle, increases milk yields by about 10%. The USA inmediately appealed to the World Trade Organization (WTO). They argued that there was no known example of humans being affected by BST. The WTO gave EU a year to privide evidence of harm to humans. If they could not do this, the ban would have be lifted. The WTO was applying what we might call the anti-precautionary principle: it is for society to show that something is dangerous, instead of requiring the perpetrator to show it is safe.
  • 44. Excersice: Thinking about science DRUG TESTING • The precautionary principle argues that the action to protect must precede certainty of risk. The principle is particularly relevant when the potential consequences of the activity are catastrophic. Some drugs have had catastrophic effects when they were introduced without effective testing. • In some jurisdictions, a relatively conservative protocol has emerged for approval of drugs so that they become available for later than in other jurisdictions. Patient advocacy groups often exert pressure for the process to be expedited. Tests and trials make drugs less risky, but the risk is never removed entirely. Urging that drugs be made available earlier is equivalent to urging that grater levels of risk be accepted.
  • 45. QUESTIONS: • 1) Can it be argued that there is a scientific standard for acceptable levels of risk? • 2) If there were a shortage of milk produced globally, would that make the possible risk from BST more acceptable? • 3) If there are no effective treatments forb a disease, does that make it more acceptable to release a drug for use, before it has been subjected to all normal testing protocols?
  • 46. The precautionary principle applied to the grenhouse effect • The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change made the case in 1992 that: Parties should take precautionary measures to anticipate, prevent or minimize the causes of climate change and mitigate its adverse affects. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing such measures.
  • 47. • Given the dependence of current economic systems on fossil fuels, others argue that the data to support the benefit of significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions is insufficient to justify the economic consequences. It is not certain that adverse effects on the environment would occur if no such action was taken, neither can we be certain that limiting emissions would be sufficient to slow current global warming trends. • Those who support the precautionary principle argue that there ir enough preliminary evidence of both the likely harm of emissions continuing to increase and the benefits of limiting emissions, to promt action. Most reasonable scientist agree that the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on climate change are significant and potentially catastrophic.
  • 48. • One politician representing the island state of Vanuata, Ambassador to the UN Robert van Lierop, puts it as follows: For us, the precautionary principle is much more than a semantic or theoretical excercise. It is and ecological and moral imperative. We do not have the luxury of waiting for conclusive proof, as some have suggested in the past. The proof we fear will kill us.
  • 49. 2.4. EVOLUTION • The word EVOLUTION, has several different meanings. 1) Biological meaning: evolution is the process by which living organisms are formed, by gradual change, from previous organisms. As currently understood, the process takes many generations and works at the level of a population. Individual organisms cannot evolve because the characteristics that they acquire during their lifetime cannot be inherited by the next generation.
  • 50. Charles Darwin 12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882; was an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection
  • 51. Charles Darwin • Charles Darwin proposed a mechanism for evolution: NATURAL SELECTION. He probably developed this theory in the late 1830s, but did not publish it for 20 years. • Historians of science have claimed that the delay was due to Darwin being nervous about hostile reactions, but his letters and other writings do not suggest this. • The real reasons are probably that he wanted to amass as much evidence for natural selection as he could before publishing, and also that Darwin was very busy with other work!
  • 52. • It was a letter from Alfred Wallace, suggesting a similar theory, that finally stimulated Darwin to make public his ideas. • Darwin and Wallace presented their papers jointly to a learned society in London in July 1858, and in the following year he published his great work, THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. • Much of it, is concerned with evidence for evolution by natural selection: These are the main types of evidence: 1) Breeding of domesticated animals and crop plants 2) Fossils 3) Homologus structures 4) Geographical distribution of animals and plants.
  • 53. Darwin’s caricature from Punch’s Almanack- 1882
  • 54. 2.4.1.- Evidence for evolution • 1) DOMESTICATED ANIMALS Humans have deliberatly bred and used particular animal species for thousands of years. If modern breed of livestock are compared with the wild species that they most resemble, the differences are often huge. Consider the differences between modern egg-laying hens and the jungle fowl of Southern Asia, or between Belgian Blue cattle and aurochs of Western Asia. There are also many different breeds of sheep, cattle and other domesticated livestock, with much variation between breeds.
  • 55. • It is clear that domesticated breeds have not always existed in their current form. The only credible explanation is that the change has been achieved simply by repeadly selecting for breeding the individuals most suited to human uses. This process is called artificial selection. • The effectiveness of artificial selection is shown by the considerable changes that have occured in domesticated animals over periods of time that are very short, in comparison to geological time. It shows that selection can cause evolution, but it does not prove that evolution of species has actually occured naturally, or that the mechanism for evolution is natural selecion.
  • 56. 2) FOSSIL RECORD: In the first half of the 19th century, the sequence in which layers or strata of rock were deposited was worked out and the geological eras were named. It became obvious that the fossils found in the various layers were different; there was a sequence of fossils. In the 20th century, reliable methods of radiosotope dating revelaed that ages os the rock strata an of the fossils in them. There has been a huge amount of research into fossils, which is the branch of science called paleontology. It has given us the strong evidence that evolution has occured.
  • 57. Fossil evidence: The sequence in which fossils appear matches the sequence in which they would be expected to evolve: - Bacteria and simple algae appearing first - Fungi and worms later - Vertebrates then: fish  amphibians  reptiles birds  mammals.
  • 60. 3) Homologus structures Darwin pointed out in the Origin of the species that some similarities between organisms are superficial. Similarities like those between the tail fins of whales and fishes are known as analogus structures. When we study them closely we find that these structures are very different. An evolutionary interpretation is that they have had different origins and have become similar because they perform the same or similar function. This is called CONVERGENT EVOLUTION.
  • 61. Homologus structures are the converse of this. They are structures that may look superficially different and perfomr a different function, but they have a “unity type”. These limbs, include the same bones, in the same relative positions, despite on the surface appearing completely different. The evolutionary explanation is that they have had the same origin, from an ancestor that had a pentadactyl or 5 digit limb, and that they have become different because they perform different functions. This is called adaptive radiation.
  • 62. There are many examples of homologus structures. They do not prove that organisms have evolved or had a common ancestry and do not reveal anything about the mechanism of evolution; But they are difficult to explain without evolution. Particulary interesting are the structures that serve no function. They are called VESTIGIAL ORGANS, and examples of thme are the beginning of teeth found in embryo baleen whales; despite adults being toothless. Another example is the appendix in human being. These structures are easily explained by evolution as structures that have lost their function and so are being gradually lost.
  • 63. NATURAL SELECTION • Darwin developed his understanding of evolution over many years after returning to Englad from his voyage around the world. • He probably developed the theory of natural selection in 20 or 30 years. • Observations and deductions of this theory:
  • 64. Observation  Deduction 1)Populations tend to reproduce rapidly and if every individual survived, there would be a geometrical or exponential increase in the population. On the other hand, when natural populations are studied, they tend to remain stable. There are natural checks to increases in population, for example, food supplies for animals. There is a limit to the size of population of a species that the environment can support  THERE IR A STRUGGLE FOR EXISTANCE, IN WHICH SOME INDIVIDUALS SURVIVE AND SOME DIE.
  • 65. 2) Organisms vary- there are differences between individual organisms even if they are members of the same species. These differences affect how well suited of fiited and organism is to its environment and model of existence. This is called adaptation. Some individuals are better adapted that others because they have the favourable variations.  IN STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE, THE LESS-WELL ADAPTED INDIVIDUALS WILL TEND TO DIE AND THE BETTER ADAPTED WILL TEND TO SURVIVE. THIS IS NATURAL SELECTION.
  • 67. Linked concepts in Darwin’s theory of evolution 1.- Population growth 2.- Resource limitation 3.- A struggle for existence 4.- Variation 5.- Adaptation 6.- Differential reproduction 7.- Natural selection 8.- Descent with modification 9.- Origin of species 10.- Extinction of species.
  • 69. • Darwin visited the Galápagos Islands in 1835 and collected specimens of small birds, which were subsequently identified as finches. There are 14 species in all. Darwin observed that the sizes and shapes of the beaks of the finches varied, as did their diet. • From the overall similarities between birds and their distribution over the Galàpagos islands, Darwin hypothesized that “ one might really fancy that from an original paucity of birds in this archipielago, one species had been taken and modified for different ends”
  • 70. • Characters and diet are closely related and when one changes, the other does also. • Variation in the shape and size of the beaks is mostly due to genes, though the environment has some effect. P=G+E The proportion on the variation due to genes is called the heritability
  • 71. Antibiotic resistance Evolution in action • After an antibiotic is introduced and used on patients, bacteria showing resistance appear within a few years. • Resistance to the antibiotic spreads to more and more species of pathogenic bacteria. • In each species the proportion of infections that are caused by a resistant strain increases • Strains of bacteri appear that are resistant to more and more different antibiotics; this is called MULTIPLE RESISTANCE.
  • 72. • There has been very widespread use of antibiotics, both for treating diseases and in animal feeds used in farms. • Bacteria can reproduce very rapidly, with a generation time of less than an hour. • Populations of bacteria are often huge, increasing the chance of a gene for antibiotic resistance being formed by mutation. • Bacteria can pass genes on to other bacteria in several ways, including useing plasmids, which allow one species of bacteria to gain antibiotic resistance genes from another species.
  • 74. 2.5.- CLASSIFICATION • It is natural for humans to recognize the features of living organisms and to use these features to put organisms into groups. At a basic level, simple observation shows that there are often many organisms of the same type. • If we agree on a name for a groups of organisms, we can the talk about them. • Naming organisms is called NOMENCLATURE. • The idea of a group of organisms of the same type has developed into the biological concept of the species. • In every language, names have been chosen for species, but science is an international venture and so names are needed to be understood throughout the world.
  • 75. Biological system The system that biologists use is called BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE  scientific name of 2 words: Linnaea borealis. 1) First name: Genus name  Genus is a group of species that share the same characteristics. 2) Second name: Species or specific name
  • 76. Binomial Nomenclature’s Rules: 1) The genus name begins with an upper-case (capital) letter and the species name with a lower-case (small) letter. 2) In typed or printed text, a binomial is shown in italics. 3) After a binomial has been used once in a piece of text, it can be abbreviated to the initial letter of the genus name with the full species name. Ex: L. borealis. 4) The earliest published name for a species, from 1753 onwards, is the correct one.
  • 77. 2.5.1.- The hierarchy of taxa Taxon: things that are arranged into a group Taxa: Plurarl of taxon 1) KINGDOM: Animalia 2) PHYLUM: Chordata 3) CLASS: Mammalia 4) ORDER: Carnivora 5) FAMILY: Canidae 6) GENUS: Canis 7) SPECIES: lupus Canis lupus.
  • 78. Dichotomus keys: How to classify organisms
  • 79. Kingdom: Plantae Characteristics:Photosynthetic, Chlorophyll, Cellulose, cell wall, Vacuoles permanent,Store starch