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Ecosystem Processes and
Describing Life on Earth
  Taxonomic Hierarchy
     Classifying species
     Biogeographical Realms
  Trophic Hierarchy
     Energy and nutrient flow
     Food chains and Food webs
     Nutrient Cycles
  Ecological Hierarchy
     Communities and Assemblages
     Stability, succession and disturbance
     Terrestrial Ecosystems
  Formation classes
Biogeography: the study of the
distributions of plants and animals and
related ecosystems; the geographical
relationships with their environments
over time
The Biosphere
The biosphere encompasses all of the living
species on earth (Biodiversity)
  What the species are
  How they interact with each other
  How they are distributed over the globe
Scientific perspectives derive from
  Evolutionary theory
     Genetic relationship between species
         Natural selection
     Interaction with each other through competition for resources
     Co-occurrence of species in given areas
     Competition (especially in food chains) regulates the flow of
     energy through
Global classification based on
  Evolutionary linkages (Realms and Regions)
  Ecological relationships (Biomes)
Hierarchies of Life
Biodiversity is shaped by the
interactions of species that result in the
formation of stable groups (or unstable
groups) of species through the
regulation of the flow of energy and
  Taxonomic hierarchies
    organization of related species
  Trophic hierarchies
    organization of energy and nutrient flow
  Ecological hierarchies
    organization of species into groups
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Taxonomy: the systematic classification of
plants, animals and other life forms according
to presumed natural relationships
Taxon: a group or entity within a
classification system (pl. taxa)
  Species      specific
  Kingdom      general
Groupings based on identified evolutionary
Species are classified according to:
  Morphology – similarity of physical and behavioral
  Reproductive criteria
  genetic relationships
Species named with Latin binomials,
according to taxonomic criteria
  Genus + Specific epithet
     Example: Genus Syzygium
        Syzygium inophylloides
        S. samarangense
        S. dealatum
        S. savaiiense
  Groupings into similar genera and families implies
  evolutionary linkage
    Kingdom Monera (prokaryotic bacteria and
    Kingdom Protista (eukaryotic single-cell
    organisms; protozoa, amoebas,
    multicellular algae)
    Kingdom Myceteae: fungi
    Kingdom Animalia: animals
    Kingdom Plantae: plants
Links (1)
Kingdom Plantae: Phyla
  Bryophyta: mosses
  Pteridophyta: ferns
  Coniferophyta: conifers (gymnosperms)
  Anthophyta: flowering plants
Kingdom Animalia
    Arthropods (Insects, spiders, mites, crustaceans)
    Jellyfish, corals
    Starfish, sponges
There are roughly 1.8 million known species
on Earth
  Estimates on total species vary between 4 million
  and 20 million
Taxonomic distribution
  56% Insects
    Beetles (Coleoptra) comprise 24% of the total
  17% Other arthropods and invertebrates
  14% Plants
  9% Algae, protozoans, fungi
  2.7% Vertebrates
  1% Bacteria and viruses
Numbers of described species by major taxa
  Insecta: 751,000
  Plantae (Multicellular plants): 248,428
  Non-insect arthropoda (mites, spiders, crustaceans): 123,151
  Mollusca: 50,000
  Fungi: 46,983
  Protozoa: 30,800
  Algae: 26,900
  Pisces (fish): 19,056
  Platyhelminthes (flatworms): 12,200
  Nematoda (roundworms): 12,000
  Annelida (Earthworms): 12,000
  Aves (Birds): 9,040
  Coelenterata (Jellyfish, corals): 9,000
  Reptilia: 6,300
  Echinodermata (starfish, etc.): 6,100
  Porifera (sponges): 5,000
  Monera (Bacteria, blue-green algae): 4,760
  Amphibia: 4,184
  Mammalia: 4,000
Biogeographic Realms

 As continental masses separated off from
 each other, their isolation from each other
 allowed their species to evolve separately,
 giving rise to unique assemblages
 Oceans form main barrier to spread, but also
 mountains, climatic conditions
Trophic Hierarchy
Organizing life according to the flow of energy
  Solar energy
Critical role of plants: photosynthesis
trophic levels, foodchains, efficiency, food
  Producers: plants (autotrophs)
  Consumers (heterotrophs)
     Primary consumers: herbivores
     Secondary consumers: carnivores
     Tertiary consumers: higher order carnivores, omnivores
Food Chains & Food webs
  Chains indicate linear pathways of energy flow
  (single path)
  Food webs illustrate complex multiple pathways
  Efficiency: Loss of energy at each level
Abiotic Components
Light: photoperiod
Climate: temperature and water
Altitudinal zones (life zones)
  Increases in altitude mimic increases in latitude
  Normal lapse rate: temperatures cool with
  increasing altitude: changing climatic patterns
Elemental cycles (biogeochemical cycles)
  Nitrogen cycle
  Carbon and oxygen cycle
Limiting factors: an abiotic or chemical factor
that is in short supply and inhibits ecosystems
from operating at full potential.
Producers, consumers, detrivores, decomposers
Food chains and food webs
Trophic levels
  Primary consumers
  Secondary consumers
  Tertiary consumers
    higher level carnivores
Critical Role of Plants
A vital link between the abiotic and biotic
  with help from soil biota
  Stores Carbon dioxide, water, and energy
  Creates Carbohydrates and oxygen
6CO2 + 6H2O             C6H12O6 + 6O2
  Releases stored energy, carbon dioxide and water vapor
 C6H12O6 + 6O2              6CO2 + 6H2O
Plants also intercept Nitrogen, a building block of
Net Primary Productivity: photosynthesis usually
exceeds respiration.
Net primary productivity results in increased biomass
Biomass: net dry weight of organic material
Consider also grass-fed beef; although similar inefficiencies exist,
people cannot directly digest grass. In areas where agriculture is
not viable, this makes ecological sense.
Nitrogen Cycle, Revisited
Carbon cycle, revisited
Ecological Hierarchy
Organization of life according to number of
species and spatial scale
Individual Species
Ecosystem: communities plus trophic interactions
Biomes: ecosystems on a global scale,
differentiated by levels of abiotic inputs and
primary productivity
Ecosystem: a self-regulating
association of plants, animals and
physical environment
Ecology: the study of the various
interactions between components
of the environment
Ecosystem Components
 Ecosystems have biotic and
 abiotic components
   solar energy input
   nutrient cycles
     an assemblage of interacting plants and animals
     the type of environment that a particular species lives in and is
     adapted to.
         Some species are adapted to one type of habitat
            “habitat specialists”
         Some species are adapted to several habitats
            “habitat generalists”
  Niche: the functional role a species plays in its community
     Habitat niche
     Trophic niche: producer, consumer, decomposer
     Reproductive niche
     Competitive exclusion principle
     An ecosystem is most stable when all of its niches are filled
Range and Distribution
The distribution of the abiotic resources that
a species needs affects where that species
can occur
Climatic factors are important determinants of
Species that are limited to one or a few areas
are referred to as endemics
  These species are often highly specialized to a
  particular niche
  Often the most efficient competitor for that niche,
  but are susceptible to change
Generalist species often have a much greater
spatial range than specialized species, and
are more tolerant of change
Stability, Succession, Disturbance
 Basic Concepts
   Stability: ability of a community to retain its species
   composition: most stable when all niches are filled
      Climax community
   Resilience: ability of a community to recover its
   original species composition after a disturbance
   Biodiversity: the number and abundance of species in
   an area
   Disturbance: an event that alters community
   composition, re-allocates stored nutrients, and alters
   nutrient pathways
   Succession: changes in species composition in a
   community over time as the community moves toward
   stability following a disturbance
 Biodiversity and stability
   High native biodiversity conveys ecosystem stability
      Prevent loss of energy and nutrients
When a disturbance is small in comparison to the
community in question, the community quickly
reincorporates the disturbance and reestablishes
  Example: tree fall, creating gaps in forest canopy
When a disturbance is larger than a community
and occurs relatively frequently, the type of
disturbance structures the community composition
  “Disturbance Regime”
  Examples: Hurricanes, fire ecology
When a disturbance is of similar spatial scale and
occurs with a frequency comparable to succession
rates, transformation of ecosystems can occur
Ecological Succession
  Patch Dynamics
     Seed banks (seeds already present at a location)
     Dispersal (seeds transported into a location)
  Areas of infrequent disturbance are more likely to return to
  original community composition
  Areas of frequent disturbance will change composition
  toward dispersible species from outside the patch
Terrestrial Succession
  Primary Succession
     Occurs in areas with no vegetation
         example: lava flows
         example: surface mining
     Species adapted to growing on little or no soil (lichens, mosses)
     are often the pioneer species
  Secondary Succession
     Occurs where disturbance leaves some vegetation
     Rapidly dispersing, opportunistic species are frequent pioneer
Fire Ecology
A disturbance regime
Fire is a “natural” part of many ecosystems
  Especially in the western US
  Lightning strikes
  Native American land management
     created a “park-like landscape” that provided habitat for
  Many tree species are adapted to fire, and require
  it to complete their reproductive cycles
Fire suppression allowed accumulation of
fuel, contributing to catastrophic fires
Fire is now used as a management tool
Ecosystems and Biomes
Terrestrial Ecosystems
  self-regulating assemblages of plant and
  animal species interacting with each other
  and their abiotic environment
  The assemblage of plant species gives
  each ecosystem its defining character
    provides link between abiotic and biotic
    components (distinguishes ecosystems from
    provides habitat and niche
Biome: large, stable, terrestrial
  Classification based on dominant
  Ecotone: transition zone between biomes
  Formation classes: dominant vegetation
  within the general biome classes
Formation Classes
Equatorial and Tropical Rainforest (ETR)
Tropical Seasonal Forest and Scrub (TrSF)
Tropical Savanna (TRS)
Midlatitude Broadleaf and Mixed Forest (MBME)
Needleleaf Forest and Montane Forest (NF/MF)
Temperate Rain Forest (TeR)
Mediterranean Shrubland (MSh)
Midlatitude Grasslands (MGr)
Warm Desert and Semi-desert (DBW)
Cold Desert and Semi-desert (DBC)
Arctic and Alpine Tundra (AAT)
Equatorial and Tropical Rainforest
 Occur in tropical areas that receive high amounts
 of rainfall regularly throughout the year
 High net primary productivity and biomass
 Vertical arrangement of ecological niches
   Emergent Layer: Intense sunlight, high temperatures,
   strong winds, low humidity
   Canopy Layer: 90% of species live here; epiphytes,
   lianas, primates
   Understory: 2 – 15% of sunlight; dark, sparse, shade
   tolerant species
   Forest Floor: Less than 2% light. Decomposing organic
 Oxisols, Ultisols
 Represent approximately half of the world’s
 remaining forests
Tropical Seasonal Forest and Scrub
   Also called Moist Deciduous forest
   On the margins of tropical rainforests
   Seasonal variation in rainfall
     Tropical Savanna climate
     Tropical Monsoon climate
   Semi-deciduous trees
     lose their leaves during the dry-season
   Oxisols, Ultisols, Vertisols, Alfisols
   Caatinga (Brazil), Chaco (Paraguay and
   Argentina), brigalow (Australia), dornveld
   (South Africa)
Tropical Savanna
Transitional between tropical forests and semi-
arid tropical steppes and deserts
Mixture of grasslands and small trees and
Herbivores that move in herds are characteristic
of landscapes that are wide open
Fire-ecology disturbance regime
  Rainfall only occurs with ITCZ (less than 6 months)
  Dry conditions otherwise
     xerophytic vegetation
Alfisols, Ultisols, Oxisols
Midlatitude Broadleaf and Mixed
 Moist continental climates
   humid sub-tropical hot-summer climate
   marine west coast climates
   cool summer, winter drought climate
 Mixture of deciduous and evergreen
 Community structure greatly altered by
 human activity
 Ultisols, Alfisols, some Spodosols
Needleleaf Forest and Montane
 Also called boreal forests
   Taiga in in areas transitional to arctic or subarctic
 Humid microthermal climates
   Needleaf forests not common in S. Hemisphere
   Montane forests found world wide (altitudinal
   Pine, spruce and fir
 Characteristic fauna
   Beaver, moose, snowshoe rabbit, lynx, wolverine
 Spodosols, Histosols, some Alfisols
Temperate Rainforest
Mostly in the Pacific NW of N America
Relatively low diversity of tree species
  Tallest trees in the world: Giant Redwoods
  (Sequoia sempervirens)
  Evergreens, some deciduous
Extremely wet climate
Tongass National Forest, Alaska
  The world’s last pristine temperate
Spodosols, Inceptisols
Mediterranean Shrubland
Mediterranean dry-summer climate
Poleward of subtropical high pressure
  Stable high-pressure creates dry conditions
Fire ecology disturbance regime
Sclerophyllous vegetation
  hardy, drought resistant shrubs with deep
  roots and hard waxy leaves
Alfisols, Mollisols
Midlatitude Grasslands

The most heavily human modified biome
  mining of Mollisols for agriculture
  Very little of this biome left
Fauna also characterized by herding
Prairies of the Great Plains, Pampas of
Mollisols, Aridisols
Warm Desert and Semi-desert

Subtropical high pressure cells create the
dry conditions in these areas
Atacama Desert, Chile
Xerophytic shrubs, succulents, thorn trees
Aridisols, Entisols
Cold desert and Semidesert
Higher latitudes than warm deserts
Rainshadows and cold ocean currents
influence the dryness
Sage brush and scrub
Many were former short-grass regions,
transformed by intensive grazing
Aridisols, Entisols
Arctic and Alpine Tundra
Northern hemisphere, bordering the Arctic
ocean North of 10o latitude
Tundra vegetation
  Mosses, lichens, short grass, some small trees
  Alpine tundra: high altitude zonation
  Lemmings, caribou, musk ox, arctic fox, polar bear
Gellisols, Inceptisols, Entisols

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  • 2. Overview Describing Life on Earth Taxonomic Hierarchy Classifying species Biogeographical Realms Trophic Hierarchy Energy and nutrient flow Food chains and Food webs Nutrient Cycles Ecological Hierarchy Communities and Assemblages Stability, succession and disturbance Terrestrial Ecosystems Biomes Biomes Formation classes
  • 3. Biogeography: the study of the distributions of plants and animals and related ecosystems; the geographical relationships with their environments over time
  • 4. The Biosphere The biosphere encompasses all of the living species on earth (Biodiversity) What the species are How they interact with each other How they are distributed over the globe Scientific perspectives derive from Evolutionary theory Genetic relationship between species Natural selection Interaction with each other through competition for resources Ecology Co-occurrence of species in given areas Competition (especially in food chains) regulates the flow of energy through Global classification based on Evolutionary linkages (Realms and Regions) Ecological relationships (Biomes)
  • 5. Hierarchies of Life Biodiversity is shaped by the interactions of species that result in the formation of stable groups (or unstable groups) of species through the regulation of the flow of energy and nutrients. Taxonomic hierarchies organization of related species Trophic hierarchies organization of energy and nutrient flow Ecological hierarchies organization of species into groups
  • 6. Taxonomic Hierarchy Taxonomy: the systematic classification of plants, animals and other life forms according to presumed natural relationships Taxon: a group or entity within a classification system (pl. taxa) Species specific Genus Family Order Class Phylum Kingdom general Groupings based on identified evolutionary relationships
  • 7. Species are classified according to: Morphology – similarity of physical and behavioral traits Reproductive criteria genetic relationships Species named with Latin binomials, according to taxonomic criteria Genus + Specific epithet Example: Genus Syzygium Syzygium inophylloides S. samarangense S. dealatum S. savaiiense Groupings into similar genera and families implies evolutionary linkage
  • 8. Kingdoms Kingdom Monera (prokaryotic bacteria and cyanobacteria) Kingdom Protista (eukaryotic single-cell organisms; protozoa, amoebas, multicellular algae) Kingdom Myceteae: fungi Kingdom Animalia: animals Kingdom Plantae: plants Links (1)
  • 9. Kingdom Plantae: Phyla Bryophyta: mosses Pteridophyta: ferns Coniferophyta: conifers (gymnosperms) Anthophyta: flowering plants (angiosperms) monocotyledons dicotyledons Others
  • 10. Kingdom Animalia Invertebrates Arthropods (Insects, spiders, mites, crustaceans) Mollusks Flatworms Roundworms Earthworms Jellyfish, corals Starfish, sponges Vertebrates Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals
  • 11. There are roughly 1.8 million known species on Earth Estimates on total species vary between 4 million and 20 million Taxonomic distribution 56% Insects Beetles (Coleoptra) comprise 24% of the total 17% Other arthropods and invertebrates 14% Plants 9% Algae, protozoans, fungi 2.7% Vertebrates 1% Bacteria and viruses
  • 12. Numbers of described species by major taxa Insecta: 751,000 Plantae (Multicellular plants): 248,428 Non-insect arthropoda (mites, spiders, crustaceans): 123,151 Mollusca: 50,000 Fungi: 46,983 Protozoa: 30,800 Algae: 26,900 Pisces (fish): 19,056 Platyhelminthes (flatworms): 12,200 Nematoda (roundworms): 12,000 Annelida (Earthworms): 12,000 Aves (Birds): 9,040 Coelenterata (Jellyfish, corals): 9,000 Reptilia: 6,300 Echinodermata (starfish, etc.): 6,100 Porifera (sponges): 5,000 Monera (Bacteria, blue-green algae): 4,760 Amphibia: 4,184 Mammalia: 4,000
  • 13. Biogeographic Realms Realms As continental masses separated off from each other, their isolation from each other allowed their species to evolve separately, giving rise to unique assemblages Oceans form main barrier to spread, but also mountains, climatic conditions
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  • 16. Trophic Hierarchy Organizing life according to the flow of energy Solar energy Critical role of plants: photosynthesis trophic levels, foodchains, efficiency, food pyramids Producers: plants (autotrophs) Consumers (heterotrophs) Primary consumers: herbivores Secondary consumers: carnivores Tertiary consumers: higher order carnivores, omnivores Food Chains & Food webs Chains indicate linear pathways of energy flow (single path) Food webs illustrate complex multiple pathways Efficiency: Loss of energy at each level
  • 17.
  • 18. Abiotic Components Light: photoperiod Climate: temperature and water Altitudinal zones (life zones) Increases in altitude mimic increases in latitude Normal lapse rate: temperatures cool with increasing altitude: changing climatic patterns Elemental cycles (biogeochemical cycles) Nitrogen cycle Carbon and oxygen cycle Limiting factors: an abiotic or chemical factor that is in short supply and inhibits ecosystems from operating at full potential.
  • 19. Trophism Producers, consumers, detrivores, decomposers Food chains and food webs Trophic levels Producers plants Primary consumers herbivores Secondary consumers carnivores Tertiary consumers higher level carnivores
  • 20. Critical Role of Plants A vital link between the abiotic and biotic components with help from soil biota Photosynthesis Stores Carbon dioxide, water, and energy Creates Carbohydrates and oxygen 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 Respiration Releases stored energy, carbon dioxide and water vapor C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O Plants also intercept Nitrogen, a building block of proteins Net Primary Productivity: photosynthesis usually exceeds respiration.
  • 21.
  • 22. Net primary productivity results in increased biomass Biomass: net dry weight of organic material
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  • 28. Consider also grass-fed beef; although similar inefficiencies exist, people cannot directly digest grass. In areas where agriculture is not viable, this makes ecological sense.
  • 31. Ecological Hierarchy Organization of life according to number of species and spatial scale Individual Species Individual Population Metapopulation Community Assemblages Guilds Ecosystem: communities plus trophic interactions Biomes: ecosystems on a global scale, differentiated by levels of abiotic inputs and primary productivity Biosphere
  • 32. Ecosystems Ecosystem: a self-regulating association of plants, animals and physical environment Ecology: the study of the various interactions between components of the environment
  • 33. Ecosystem Components Ecosystems have biotic and abiotic components Abiotic: solar energy input nutrient cycles nitrogen carbon
  • 34. Biotic Communities an assemblage of interacting plants and animals Competition Mutualisms Habitat the type of environment that a particular species lives in and is adapted to. Some species are adapted to one type of habitat “habitat specialists” Some species are adapted to several habitats “habitat generalists” Niche: the functional role a species plays in its community Habitat niche Trophic niche: producer, consumer, decomposer Reproductive niche Competitive exclusion principle An ecosystem is most stable when all of its niches are filled
  • 35. Range and Distribution The distribution of the abiotic resources that a species needs affects where that species can occur Climatic factors are important determinants of range Species that are limited to one or a few areas are referred to as endemics These species are often highly specialized to a particular niche Often the most efficient competitor for that niche, but are susceptible to change Generalist species often have a much greater spatial range than specialized species, and are more tolerant of change
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  • 38. Stability, Succession, Disturbance Basic Concepts Stability: ability of a community to retain its species composition: most stable when all niches are filled Climax community Resilience: ability of a community to recover its original species composition after a disturbance Biodiversity: the number and abundance of species in an area Disturbance: an event that alters community composition, re-allocates stored nutrients, and alters nutrient pathways Succession: changes in species composition in a community over time as the community moves toward stability following a disturbance Biodiversity and stability High native biodiversity conveys ecosystem stability Prevent loss of energy and nutrients
  • 39. Disturbance When a disturbance is small in comparison to the community in question, the community quickly reincorporates the disturbance and reestablishes stability Example: tree fall, creating gaps in forest canopy When a disturbance is larger than a community and occurs relatively frequently, the type of disturbance structures the community composition “Disturbance Regime” Examples: Hurricanes, fire ecology When a disturbance is of similar spatial scale and occurs with a frequency comparable to succession rates, transformation of ecosystems can occur
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  • 41.
  • 42. Ecological Succession Patch Dynamics Succession Seed banks (seeds already present at a location) Dispersal (seeds transported into a location) Areas of infrequent disturbance are more likely to return to original community composition Areas of frequent disturbance will change composition toward dispersible species from outside the patch Terrestrial Succession Primary Succession Occurs in areas with no vegetation example: lava flows example: surface mining Species adapted to growing on little or no soil (lichens, mosses) are often the pioneer species Secondary Succession Occurs where disturbance leaves some vegetation Rapidly dispersing, opportunistic species are frequent pioneer species
  • 43. Fire Ecology A disturbance regime Fire is a “natural” part of many ecosystems Especially in the western US Lightning strikes Native American land management created a “park-like landscape” that provided habitat for game Many tree species are adapted to fire, and require it to complete their reproductive cycles Fire suppression allowed accumulation of fuel, contributing to catastrophic fires Fire is now used as a management tool
  • 44. Ecosystems and Biomes Terrestrial Ecosystems self-regulating assemblages of plant and animal species interacting with each other and their abiotic environment The assemblage of plant species gives each ecosystem its defining character provides link between abiotic and biotic components (distinguishes ecosystems from communities) provides habitat and niche
  • 45. Biome: large, stable, terrestrial ecosystem Classification based on dominant vegetation forest savanna shrubland grassland desert tundra Ecotone: transition zone between biomes Formation classes: dominant vegetation within the general biome classes
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  • 57. Formation Classes Equatorial and Tropical Rainforest (ETR) Tropical Seasonal Forest and Scrub (TrSF) Tropical Savanna (TRS) Midlatitude Broadleaf and Mixed Forest (MBME) Needleleaf Forest and Montane Forest (NF/MF) Temperate Rain Forest (TeR) Mediterranean Shrubland (MSh) Midlatitude Grasslands (MGr) Warm Desert and Semi-desert (DBW) Cold Desert and Semi-desert (DBC) Arctic and Alpine Tundra (AAT) (Ice)
  • 58.
  • 59. Equatorial and Tropical Rainforest Occur in tropical areas that receive high amounts of rainfall regularly throughout the year High net primary productivity and biomass Vertical arrangement of ecological niches Emergent Layer: Intense sunlight, high temperatures, strong winds, low humidity Canopy Layer: 90% of species live here; epiphytes, lianas, primates Understory: 2 – 15% of sunlight; dark, sparse, shade tolerant species Forest Floor: Less than 2% light. Decomposing organic matter Oxisols, Ultisols Represent approximately half of the world’s remaining forests
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  • 65. Tropical Seasonal Forest and Scrub Also called Moist Deciduous forest On the margins of tropical rainforests Seasonal variation in rainfall Tropical Savanna climate Tropical Monsoon climate Semi-deciduous trees lose their leaves during the dry-season Oxisols, Ultisols, Vertisols, Alfisols Caatinga (Brazil), Chaco (Paraguay and Argentina), brigalow (Australia), dornveld (South Africa)
  • 66. Tropical Savanna Transitional between tropical forests and semi- arid tropical steppes and deserts Mixture of grasslands and small trees and shrubs Herbivores that move in herds are characteristic of landscapes that are wide open Fire-ecology disturbance regime Rainfall only occurs with ITCZ (less than 6 months) Dry conditions otherwise xerophytic vegetation Alfisols, Ultisols, Oxisols
  • 67. Midlatitude Broadleaf and Mixed Forest Moist continental climates humid sub-tropical hot-summer climate marine west coast climates cool summer, winter drought climate Mixture of deciduous and evergreen species Community structure greatly altered by human activity Ultisols, Alfisols, some Spodosols
  • 68. Needleleaf Forest and Montane Forest Also called boreal forests Taiga in in areas transitional to arctic or subarctic climates Humid microthermal climates Needleaf forests not common in S. Hemisphere Montane forests found world wide (altitudinal zonation) Evergreens Pine, spruce and fir Characteristic fauna Beaver, moose, snowshoe rabbit, lynx, wolverine Spodosols, Histosols, some Alfisols
  • 69.
  • 70. Temperate Rainforest Mostly in the Pacific NW of N America Relatively low diversity of tree species Tallest trees in the world: Giant Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) Evergreens, some deciduous Extremely wet climate Tongass National Forest, Alaska The world’s last pristine temperate rainforest Spodosols, Inceptisols
  • 71. Mediterranean Shrubland Mediterranean dry-summer climate Poleward of subtropical high pressure cells Stable high-pressure creates dry conditions Fire ecology disturbance regime Sclerophyllous vegetation hardy, drought resistant shrubs with deep roots and hard waxy leaves Chaparral Alfisols, Mollisols
  • 72. Midlatitude Grasslands The most heavily human modified biome mining of Mollisols for agriculture Very little of this biome left Fauna also characterized by herding herbivores Prairies of the Great Plains, Pampas of Argentina Mollisols, Aridisols
  • 73. Warm Desert and Semi-desert Subtropical high pressure cells create the dry conditions in these areas Atacama Desert, Chile Xerophytic shrubs, succulents, thorn trees Aridisols, Entisols
  • 74. Cold desert and Semidesert Higher latitudes than warm deserts Rainshadows and cold ocean currents influence the dryness Sage brush and scrub Many were former short-grass regions, transformed by intensive grazing Aridisols, Entisols
  • 75. Arctic and Alpine Tundra Northern hemisphere, bordering the Arctic ocean North of 10o latitude Tundra vegetation Mosses, lichens, short grass, some small trees Alpine tundra: high altitude zonation Fauna Lemmings, caribou, musk ox, arctic fox, polar bear Gellisols, Inceptisols, Entisols permafrost