software testing software development books agile agile software development quality assurance k12education devops children agile testing quality testing exploratory testing test automation software dragons ai artificial intelligence education fantasy learning climate change machine learning ohjelmistotestaus generative ai climate impact sustainability skills drawing dragonsoutoy digitalization cloud fistb istqb certification efficiency test environment insights talent tester schools storytelling knights technology teaching checklist conference kirjat coding information technology book heuristics future qa scrum security user experience performance ux coaching knowit mobile review anomaly detection prediction llm predictive quality chatgpt test selection green testing green coding green ict test optimization shift left dstb creativity ict carbon handprint optimization carbon footprint teachers leadership adults cloud computing energy sustainable development green consulting test improvement test management test design multitalented #testeroftheyear multitalent vision career path roles tieturi image recognition metamorphic testing adversarial attacks pixel attack developer data scientist algorithms model bias data development artifial intelligence ml gamification different approach school fantasía oppikirja koodaus mathematics matematiikka koulut life long education continuous learning talent management ebooks oslo child a4q avain austinmacauley illustration analogy germantesting ideas workshop keynote test crowdfunding testing is the new basic skill deployment automation automation lean startup maturity continuous release experience manual testing thinking tools performance testing usability internet of things customer service cio support lean it-department advisor safe kanban speed effective testing et internet training case study tuning qual
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