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Plasma Proteins
Plasma Proteins
 The plasma is the liquid medium of the
  blood(55-60%),in which the cell
  components namely
  erythrocytes,leukocytes,platelets and
  many proteins are suspended.
 Plasma – clotting factors=Serum
 Total concentration of plasma protein in
  blood is 7g/dl, which in total makes 7% of
  total blood volume.
General characteristics
of plasma proteins
 All the plasma proteins are synthesized
  in liver except gamma globulins which is
  synthesized by Plasma cells.
 Almost all the plasma proteins are
 Some of the plasma proteins exhibit
  polymorphism(exist in different
  phenotypes) e.g α1 antitrypsin,transferrin
  and hepatoglobin.
 The concentration of certain plasma
  proteins (acute phase proteins)
  increases in disease states such as
  inflamation and tissue damage.These
  include C-reactive proteins,hepatoglobin,
  fibrinogen and α1 antitrypsin.
 Electrophoresis is the most commonly
  employed technique for the separation
  plasma proteins.
 Electrophoresis is used for the diagnosis
  of certain diseases e.g multiple
  myeloma,acute infections,Neprotic
  syndrome etc.
Plasma Proteins

  Albumins
  Globulins
    α1-Globulins
    α1-antitrypsin
    Lipoprotein
    Orosomucoid
    Retinol binding protein
    Thyroxin binding protein
 α2 Globulins
   α 2-Macroglobulin
   Hepatoglobins
   Prothrombin
   Ceruloplasmin
 β Globulins
   Lipoproteins
   Transferrin
   Hemopexin
 γ Globulins
 Immunoglobulins.

 Fibrinogen
Plasma Proteins
  most abundant blood plasma protein.
  Concentration is 3.5-5.0g/dl
  Produced in the liver
  Normally constitutes about 60-80% of human
   plasma protein.
  Half life is of 20 days
  Examples
  In animals Serum albumin,
Plasma Proteins
  Carriers for molecules of low water
   solubility including lipid soluble
   hormones, bile salts, un-conjugated
   bilirubin, free fatty acids (apo-protein),
   calcium ions, and some drugs like
Plasma Proteins
  Metal Binding:
  A large proportion of zinc in serum is bound to
   albumin. Albumin binds other divalent cations,
   such as Ca, Mg, Mn, Cd, Co, and Ni.
  Fatty Acid Binding:
  Fatty acids, such as linoleic, linolenic and oleic
   acid are insoluble in aqueous solutions and
   must be delivered to cells by a carrier
Osmotic function
 Albumin contributes to 75-80% OF TOTAL
  Hg).Thus albumin plays a predominant role in
  maintaing the blood volume and body fluid
 Decrease in plasma albumin levels results in
  fall in plasma osmotic pressure,leading to
  enhanced fluid retention in tissue spaces
  causing EDEMA.
Regulation of colloidal pressure

     Gaw: Clinical Biochemistry; Churchill Livingstone (1999), p. 44.
Plasma Proteins
  Mixed Disulfides or Albumin:
  Human and bovine albumins contain an
   unpaired sulfhydryl at position 34 in their
   primary sequences. This sulfhydryl group
   often forms a covalent link with other
   sulfhydryl molecules such as cysteine or
   glutathione. Protect these molecules
   from oxidation and improve their
   availability for cells.
Plasma Proteins
 Albumins (Cont.)
  Low albumin (hypoalbuminemia) may be
   caused by liver disease, nephrotic syndrome,
   burns, protein-losing enteropathy,
   malabsorption, malnutrition, pregnancy,
   genetic variations and malignancy.
  High albumin (hyperalbuminemia) is almost
   always caused by dehydration.
Plasma Proteins
  Some globulins are produced in the liver, while
   others are made by the immune system.
  High molecular weight
  Solubility and electrophoretic migration rates
   lower than for albumin
  Normal concentration in blood is 2 to 3.5 g/dl.
Plasma Proteins
  Globular protein.
  Protein electrophoresis is used to
   categorize globulins into the following
   four categories:
  Alpha 1 globulins
  Alpha 2 globulins
  Beta globulins
  Gamma globulins
Plasma Proteins

 Transferrin(β globulin)
  A glycoprotein
  polypeptide chain containing 679 amino acids
  Binds iron reversibly
  molecular weight of around 80 KDa
  transferrin protein loaded with iron binds to
   transferrin receptor
  transported into the cell
Plasma Proteins
  Each transferrin molecule has the ability to
   carry two iron ions in the ferric form (Fe3+).
  Protects the body against the toxic effects
   of free iron.
Plasma Proteins
  Increased serum transferrin level occurs
   in iron deficiency anemia.
  An absence of transferrin in the body
   occurs in a rare genetic disorder known
   as atransferrinemia.
Plasma Proteins
 Ceruloplasmin (Alpha 2 globulins)
  Copper-carrying protein
  Synthesized in the liver
  Carries 90% of the copper in our plasma
  Molecular weight 151KDa .
  Low Ceruloplasmin levels: hepatic disease,
   Wilson's disease.
  Elevated levels: pregnancy, acute and chronic
Plasma Proteins
  Fibrous protein
  Involved in the clotting of blood
  Fibrin is made from fibrinogen
  Soluble plasma glycoprotein
  Synthesized by the liver
  340 KDa glycoprotein
Plasma Proteins
  blood plasma is 1.5-4.0 g/L
  Hexamer containing two sets of three different
   chains (α, β, and γ), linked to each other by
   disulfide bonds. The N-terminal sections of
   these three chains contain the cysteines that
   participate in the cross-linking of the chains.
   The C-terminal parts of the α, β and γ chains
   contain a domain of about 225 amino-acid
   residues, which can function as a molecular
   recognition unit.
Plasma Proteins
  Congenital deficiency (afibrinognenemia)
  Acquired deficiency: after hemodilution.
Haptoglobin(Alpha 2
  Acute phase protein.
  It binds with free hemoglobin(extracorpuscular
   hemoglobin) that spills into the plasma due to
  The Hp-Hb complex (155,000) cannot pass
   through glomeruli of kidney while free Hb
   (65,000) can.
  Hepatoglobin therefore prevents the loss of
   free hemoglobin into the kidney.

• Major component of the acute phase response and a
marker of bacterial infection.

• Mediates the binding of foreign polysaccharides,
phospholipids and complex polyanions, as well as the
activation of complement

• <1 mg/mL in normal plasma

• Slightly elevated levels of CRP are indicative of
chronic, low-grade inflammation and have been
correlated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
disease .
Alpha 1
 Higher vertebrates including man,have
  evolved a defense system to protect
  themselves against the invasion of
  foreign substances a virus,a bacterium or
  a protein.The defense strategies of the
  body are collectively known as
  immunoglobulins or antibodioes
  produced by the B cells.
Plasma Proteins
    Antibodies
    Also known as immunoglobulins
    Abbreviated as Ig
    Gamma globulin proteins
    General structure of all antibodies is very
 Proteins that recognize and bind to a particular antigen
 with very high specificity.
 Made in response to exposure to the antigen.
 One virus or microbe may have several antigenic
 determinant sites(epitopes), to which different
 antibodies may bind.
 Each antibody has at least two identical sites that bind
 antigen: Antigen binding sites.
 Valence of an antibody: Number of antigen binding
 sites. Most are bivalent.
 Belong to a group of serum proteins called
 immunoglobulins (Ig’s).
Antibody structure
                                   Disulfide bond
  Variable & Constant
    VL & CL
    VH & CH
  Hinge Region    VL

                                                              CH2           CH3
                                               Hinge Region
Human Immunoglobulin
    IgG - Gamma heavy chains
    IgM - Mu heavy chains
    IgA - Alpha heavy chains
    IgD - Delta heavy chains
    IgE - Epsilon heavy chains
•   L chains are one of two types
•Designated κ and λ and only
•one type is found in Ig.
•    L and H chains are subdivided into
variable and constant regions.The regions
are composed of three-dimensionally folded,
repeating segments called domains. An L
chain consists of one variable (VL) and one
constant (CL) domain.Most H chains consist
of one variable (VH) and three constant(CH)
domains.(IgG and IgA have three CH
domains,whereas IgM and IgE have four.)
The variable regions are
responsible for antigenbinding ,whereas
the constant regions are responsible
for various biologic functions eg,
complement activation and binding to
cell surface receptors.
Immunoglobulin Classes

 I. IgG
    Structure: Monomer
    Most abundant (75-80%).
    Can traverse blood vessels.
    Transfers mother’s immunity to fetus.
    Mediates foreign cell destruction by
    complement system.
Immunoglobulin Classes

 II. IgM
  Structure: Pentamer                            Ch
  Percentage serum antibodies: 5-10%             ain

  Location: Blood, lymph, B cell surface
  (monomer)                                       C
  Half-life in serum: 5 days                      4

  Complement Fixation: Yes
  Placental Transfer: No
  Known Functions: First antibodies produced
  during an infection. Effective against microbes
  and agglutinating antigens.
Immunoglobulin Classes

   Structure: Dimer
   Percentage serum antibodies: 10-15%
   Location: Secretions (tears, saliva, intestine,
   milk), blood and lymph.
   Predominant antibody in the clostrum.
   Half-life in serum: 6 days
   Known Functions: Localized protection of
   mucosal surfaces. Provides immunity to infant
   digestive tract.
Immunoglobulin Classes

 IV. IgD
  Structure: Monomer
  Percentage serum antibodies: 0.2%
  Location: B-cell surface, blood, and lymph
  Half-life in serum: 3 days
  Known Functions: In serum function is
  unknown. On B cell surface, act as B cell
  receptor, initiate immune response.
Immunoglobulin Classes

 V. IgE
  Structure: Monomer
  Percentage serum antibodies: 0.002%
  Location: Bound to mast cells and
  basophils throughout body. Blood.
  Placental Transfer: No
  Known Functions: Allergic reactions. The
  IgE molecules tightly bind with mast cells
  and release histamine and cause allergy.
Multiple Myeloma(Plasma
cell cancer).
  Abnormal Ig production
  Malignancy of a single clone of plasma
   cells in bone marrow.
  Results in overproduction of
   Ig’s,mostely(75%) IgG,and in some
   cases(25%) IgA or IgM.
  Synthesis of normal immunoglobulins is
   diminshed causing diminshed immunity.
 Bence jones proteins.
 These are light chains of
  immunoglobulins that are synthesized in
 In about 20% of patients of multiple
  myeloma,Bence jones proteins are
  excreated in the urine which often
  damages the renal tubules.

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Plasma proteins

  • 2. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) The plasma is the liquid medium of the blood(55-60%),in which the cell components namely erythrocytes,leukocytes,platelets and many proteins are suspended. Plasma – clotting factors=Serum Total concentration of plasma protein in blood is 7g/dl, which in total makes 7% of total blood volume.
  • 3. General characteristics of plasma proteins All the plasma proteins are synthesized in liver except gamma globulins which is synthesized by Plasma cells. Almost all the plasma proteins are glycoproteins. Some of the plasma proteins exhibit polymorphism(exist in different phenotypes) e.g α1 antitrypsin,transferrin and hepatoglobin.
  • 4.  The concentration of certain plasma proteins (acute phase proteins) increases in disease states such as inflamation and tissue damage.These include C-reactive proteins,hepatoglobin, fibrinogen and α1 antitrypsin.
  • 5.  Electrophoresis is the most commonly employed technique for the separation plasma proteins.  Electrophoresis is used for the diagnosis of certain diseases e.g multiple myeloma,acute infections,Neprotic syndrome etc.
  • 6. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) Types  Albumins  Globulins  α1-Globulins  α1-antitrypsin  Lipoprotein  Orosomucoid  Retinol binding protein  Thyroxin binding protein
  • 7.  α2 Globulins  α 2-Macroglobulin  Hepatoglobins  Prothrombin  Ceruloplasmin  β Globulins  Lipoproteins  Transferrin  Hemopexin
  • 8.  γ Globulins  Immunoglobulins.  Fibrinogen
  • 9. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) Albumins  most abundant blood plasma protein.  Concentration is 3.5-5.0g/dl  Produced in the liver  Normally constitutes about 60-80% of human plasma protein.  Half life is of 20 days  Examples  In animals Serum albumin, ovalbumin,lactalbumin. 
  • 10. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) Functions  Carriers for molecules of low water solubility including lipid soluble hormones, bile salts, un-conjugated bilirubin, free fatty acids (apo-protein), calcium ions, and some drugs like warfarin.
  • 11. Plasma Proteins (Cont.)  Metal Binding:  A large proportion of zinc in serum is bound to albumin. Albumin binds other divalent cations, such as Ca, Mg, Mn, Cd, Co, and Ni.  Fatty Acid Binding:  Fatty acids, such as linoleic, linolenic and oleic acid are insoluble in aqueous solutions and must be delivered to cells by a carrier molecule.
  • 12. Osmotic function  Albumin contributes to 75-80% OF TOTAL PLASMA OSMOTIC PRESSURE(25 mm Hg).Thus albumin plays a predominant role in maintaing the blood volume and body fluid distribution.  Decrease in plasma albumin levels results in fall in plasma osmotic pressure,leading to enhanced fluid retention in tissue spaces causing EDEMA.
  • 13. Regulation of colloidal pressure Gaw: Clinical Biochemistry; Churchill Livingstone (1999), p. 44.
  • 14. Plasma Proteins (Cont.)  Mixed Disulfides or Albumin:  Human and bovine albumins contain an unpaired sulfhydryl at position 34 in their primary sequences. This sulfhydryl group often forms a covalent link with other sulfhydryl molecules such as cysteine or glutathione. Protect these molecules from oxidation and improve their availability for cells.
  • 15. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) Albumins (Cont.)  Low albumin (hypoalbuminemia) may be caused by liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, burns, protein-losing enteropathy, malabsorption, malnutrition, pregnancy, genetic variations and malignancy.  High albumin (hyperalbuminemia) is almost always caused by dehydration.
  • 16. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) Globulin  Some globulins are produced in the liver, while others are made by the immune system.  High molecular weight  Solubility and electrophoretic migration rates lower than for albumin  Normal concentration in blood is 2 to 3.5 g/dl.
  • 17. Plasma Proteins (Cont.)  Globular protein.  Protein electrophoresis is used to categorize globulins into the following four categories:  Alpha 1 globulins  Alpha 2 globulins  Beta globulins  Gamma globulins
  • 18. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) Transferrin(β globulin)  A glycoprotein  polypeptide chain containing 679 amino acids  Binds iron reversibly  molecular weight of around 80 KDa  transferrin protein loaded with iron binds to transferrin receptor  transported into the cell
  • 19. Plasma Proteins (Cont.)  Each transferrin molecule has the ability to carry two iron ions in the ferric form (Fe3+).  Protects the body against the toxic effects of free iron.
  • 20. Plasma Proteins (Cont.)  Increased serum transferrin level occurs in iron deficiency anemia.  An absence of transferrin in the body occurs in a rare genetic disorder known as atransferrinemia.
  • 21. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) Ceruloplasmin (Alpha 2 globulins)  Copper-carrying protein  Synthesized in the liver  Carries 90% of the copper in our plasma  Molecular weight 151KDa .  Low Ceruloplasmin levels: hepatic disease, Wilson's disease.  Elevated levels: pregnancy, acute and chronic inflammation
  • 22. Plasma Proteins (Cont.) Fibrinogen  Fibrous protein  Involved in the clotting of blood  Fibrin is made from fibrinogen  Soluble plasma glycoprotein  Synthesized by the liver  340 KDa glycoprotein
  • 23. Plasma Proteins (Cont.)  blood plasma is 1.5-4.0 g/L  Hexamer containing two sets of three different chains (α, β, and γ), linked to each other by disulfide bonds. The N-terminal sections of these three chains contain the cysteines that participate in the cross-linking of the chains. The C-terminal parts of the α, β and γ chains contain a domain of about 225 amino-acid residues, which can function as a molecular recognition unit.
  • 24. Plasma Proteins (Cont.)  Congenital deficiency (afibrinognenemia)  Acquired deficiency: after hemodilution.
  • 25. Haptoglobin(Alpha 2 globulin)  Acute phase protein.  It binds with free hemoglobin(extracorpuscular hemoglobin) that spills into the plasma due to hemolysis.  The Hp-Hb complex (155,000) cannot pass through glomeruli of kidney while free Hb (65,000) can.  Hepatoglobin therefore prevents the loss of free hemoglobin into the kidney.
  • 26. C-REACTIVE PROTEIN (CRP) • Major component of the acute phase response and a marker of bacterial infection. • Mediates the binding of foreign polysaccharides, phospholipids and complex polyanions, as well as the activation of complement • <1 mg/mL in normal plasma • Slightly elevated levels of CRP are indicative of chronic, low-grade inflammation and have been correlated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease .
  • 29.  Higher vertebrates including man,have evolved a defense system to protect themselves against the invasion of foreign substances a virus,a bacterium or a protein.The defense strategies of the body are collectively known as immunity.
  • 30.  CELLULAR IMMUNITY.Mediated by T cells.  HUMORAL IMMUNITY.Mediated by immunoglobulins or antibodioes produced by the B cells.
  • 31. Plasma Proteins (Cont.)  Antibodies  Also known as immunoglobulins  Abbreviated as Ig  Gamma globulin proteins  General structure of all antibodies is very similar
  • 32. Antibodies Proteins that recognize and bind to a particular antigen with very high specificity. Made in response to exposure to the antigen. One virus or microbe may have several antigenic determinant sites(epitopes), to which different antibodies may bind. Each antibody has at least two identical sites that bind antigen: Antigen binding sites. Valence of an antibody: Number of antigen binding sites. Most are bivalent. Belong to a group of serum proteins called immunoglobulins (Ig’s).
  • 33. Antibody structure Disulfide bond  Variable & Constant Regions Carbohydrate  VL & CL  VH & CH CL  Hinge Region VL CH2 CH3 CH1 Hinge Region VH
  • 34. Human Immunoglobulin Classes  IgG - Gamma heavy chains  IgM - Mu heavy chains  IgA - Alpha heavy chains  IgD - Delta heavy chains  IgE - Epsilon heavy chains
  • 35. L chains are one of two types •Designated κ and λ and only •one type is found in Ig.
  • 36. L and H chains are subdivided into variable and constant regions.The regions are composed of three-dimensionally folded, repeating segments called domains. An L chain consists of one variable (VL) and one constant (CL) domain.Most H chains consist of one variable (VH) and three constant(CH) domains.(IgG and IgA have three CH domains,whereas IgM and IgE have four.)
  • 37. The variable regions are responsible for antigenbinding ,whereas the constant regions are responsible for various biologic functions eg, complement activation and binding to cell surface receptors.
  • 38. Immunoglobulin Classes I. IgG Structure: Monomer Most abundant (75-80%). Can traverse blood vessels. Transfers mother’s immunity to fetus. Mediates foreign cell destruction by complement system.
  • 39. Immunoglobulin Classes II. IgM J Structure: Pentamer Ch Percentage serum antibodies: 5-10% ain Location: Blood, lymph, B cell surface (monomer) C Half-life in serum: 5 days 4 Complement Fixation: Yes Placental Transfer: No Known Functions: First antibodies produced during an infection. Effective against microbes and agglutinating antigens.
  • 40. Immunoglobulin Classes III. IgA Structure: Dimer Percentage serum antibodies: 10-15% Location: Secretions (tears, saliva, intestine, milk), blood and lymph. Predominant antibody in the clostrum. Half-life in serum: 6 days Known Functions: Localized protection of mucosal surfaces. Provides immunity to infant digestive tract.
  • 41. Immunoglobulin Classes IV. IgD Structure: Monomer Percentage serum antibodies: 0.2% Location: B-cell surface, blood, and lymph Half-life in serum: 3 days Known Functions: In serum function is unknown. On B cell surface, act as B cell receptor, initiate immune response.
  • 42. Immunoglobulin Classes V. IgE Structure: Monomer Percentage serum antibodies: 0.002% Location: Bound to mast cells and basophils throughout body. Blood. Placental Transfer: No Known Functions: Allergic reactions. The IgE molecules tightly bind with mast cells and release histamine and cause allergy.
  • 43. Multiple Myeloma(Plasma cell cancer).  Abnormal Ig production  Malignancy of a single clone of plasma cells in bone marrow.  Results in overproduction of Ig’s,mostely(75%) IgG,and in some cases(25%) IgA or IgM.  Synthesis of normal immunoglobulins is diminshed causing diminshed immunity.
  • 44.  Bence jones proteins.  These are light chains of immunoglobulins that are synthesized in excess.  In about 20% of patients of multiple myeloma,Bence jones proteins are excreated in the urine which often damages the renal tubules.