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Head and Neck
Oral cavity
Professor Dr. Mohamed El Fiky
Professor of anatomy and embryology
1. Anteriorly by lips
2. Laterally by cheeks
3. Posteriorly and medially by teeth
and gums
1. Anteriorly laterally by teeth
and gums
2. Superiorly by the palate
3. Inferiorly by the tongue and
the floor of the mouth
4. Posteriorly by opening into
the pharynx
1- Vestibule
2- mouth cavity proper .
The Mouth
Oral Vestibule
Oral Cavity Proper
The mouth cavity extends from the lips to the oropharyngeal
isthmus. It is composed of 2 main parts
Mohamed el fiky
Lingual frenulum
(connects the tongue to the
floor of the mouth)
Papillae ( openings of
submandibular duct)
Sublingual fold
(passes lateraly and
backwards from the papilla
and overlies the sublingual
Sublingual region
Shows the following structures:
Ø Frenulum of the tongue
Ø Sublingual papilla : lies on each side of the frenulum and the submandibular duct opens on it
Ø Sublingual fold : produced by the underlying sublingual salivarygland and the ducts of the gland open on
its summit.
Mohamed el fiky
Ø It is composed of a striated muscular mass, covered by mucous membrane.
Ø It is anterior 2/3 (oral part) lies in the floor of the mouth Ø It is posterior 1/3 (pharyngeal part) lies in the
Muscles of the tongue:
Intrinsic muscles:
Ø They consist of longitudinal, transverse & vertical fibers.
Ø Nerve supply : Hypoglossal nerve.
Ø Action: They alter the shape of the tongue.
Extrinsic muscles:
Hyoglossus , genioglossus , styloglossus and palatoglossus.
Nerve supply of the tongue: = Motor:
Ø All the intrinsic & extrinsic muscles of the tongue are
supplied by the hypoglossal nerve EXCEPT the
palatoglossus which is supplied by the cranial root of
accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus ( vago-
accessory complex ).
= Sensory:
Ø Anterior 2/3:
- Lingual nerve (general sensation)
- Chorda tympani (taste sensation)
Ø Posterior 1/3 : Glossopharyngeal nerve : (general & taste)
Ø Root: Vagus nerve, through the internal laryngeal nerve.
Blood supply of the tongue:
Ø Lingual artery
Ø Tonsillar branch of facial artery
Ø Ascending pharyngeal artery Mohamed el fiky
Mohamed el fiky
Hard palate
Soft palate
Ø It forms the roof of the mouth and floor of the nasal
Ø It is divided into : hard (anterior 2/3) & soft (posterior 1/3)
Hard palate
Ø It is the bony portion which is formed by the palatine process of the maxillae and the horizontal
plates of the palatine bone.
Soft palate
Ø A mobile fold attached to posterior border of hard palate
Ø It is formed of the palatine aponeurosis and muscles.
Muscles of the soft palate:
= Tensor palati:
Ø Origin : scaphoid fossa , spine of sphenoid and
lateral surface of the cartilaginous part of auditory tube.
Ø Insertion : palatine aponeurosis and palatine crest.
Ø Nerve supply : nerve to medial pterygoid
Ø Action : the 2 muscles tighten the soft palate.
Levator veli palatini:
Ø origin : lower part of the auditory tube and lower
surface of the petrous bone.
Ø Insertion : into the palatine aponeurosis.
Ø Nerve supply : pharyngeal plexus.
Action : elevates the soft palate.
Mohamed el fiky
Origin: platine aponeurosis.
Insertion : into the side of the tongue.
Nerve supply : pharyngeal plexus .
Action : pulls the root of the tongue upwards.
= Palatopharyngeus:
Origin : palatine aponeurosis.
Insertion : posterior border of thyroid cartilage . Nerve suppy : pharyngeal plexus.
Action : elevates the wall of the pharynx.
= Musculus uvulae :
Origin : posterior border of hard palate .
Insertion: mucous membrane of uvula.
Nerve supply : pharyngeal plexus.
Action : elevates the uvula.
Blood supply of the palate
Ø Greater palatine , lesser palatine and sphenopalatine arteries (from maxillary artery).
Ø Ascending palatine artery (from facial artery)
Ø Ascending pharyngeal artery .
Nerve supply of the palate:
= Sensory
Ø Glossopharyngeal nerve.
Ø Greater & lesser palatine nerves.
Ø Middle palatine nerve.
Ø Sphenopalatine nerve.
= Motor:
· All the muscles of the soft palate are supplied by the cranial part of
the accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus EXCEPT the tensor palati which is supplied by the
mandibular nerve.
Mohamed el fiky
Soft Palate
Muscles of Soft Palate
Mohamed el fiky
Ø It is a funnel shaped fibro-muscular tube of about 13 cm . length
Ø It extends form the base of the skull to the level of the 6th cervical vertebrae.
Ø Its anterior wall is deficient and lies behind the cavities of the nose, mouth and larynx
Ø Accordingly it is divided into 3 parts: Nasopharynx , oropharynx & laryngeopharynx .
a)Base of skull
(basioociput and basi
sphenoid) àsoft palate
b)Plane of hard palate
àhyoid bone
c) Hyoid boneà lower
border of cricoid
Mohamed el fiky
Consists of the following from within outwards:
1. Mucous coat lined by stratified squamous epithelium.
2. Inner fibrous coat (pharyngo-basilar fascia).
3. Muscular coat.
4. Outer fibrous coat (buccopharyngeal fascia).
Muscles of the pharynx
Ø Outer circular layer:
3 constrictors of the pharynx.
Ø Inner longitudinal layer:
3 longitudinal muscles.
Constrictors of the pharynx.
1- Sup.constrictor
2- mid.constrictor
3- inf.constrictor
longitudinal muscles.
1- Stylo-pharyngeus
2- Salpingo – pharyngeus
N.B. All muscles of pharynx take nerve supply from pharyngeal plexus except stylopharyngeus
from glossopharyngeal nerve
Mohamed el fiky
Pharyngeal Muscles
• O:medial aspect
of styloid
• Gap between
middle and
• NS:
• O: upper surface
of palatine
aponeurosis as 2
• Moves along
inner aspect of
the constrictor
• NS: pharyngael
• O: cartilage of
the auditory tube
near the
opening of it.
All the 3 are inserted as a conjoint sheet at the post
border of thyroid cartilage and lat aspect of epiglottis
Mohamed el fiky
Pharyngeal Muscles
Mohamed el fiky
Trachea Oesophagus
Digastric (posterior
belly) cut
Middle constrictor
Stylohyoid ligament
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Pharyngotympanic tube
Superior constrictor
Tensor veli palatini
Mandibular nerve
Levator veli palatini
Middle meningeal
Mohamed el fiky
Pharyngeal Muscles
Pharyngobasilar fascia
Styloid process
Attachment of
pharyngeal raphe to
pharyngeal tubercle (occipital bone)
Tensor veli palatini
Levator veli palatini
Stylohyoid (cut)
Fibres of middle
constrictor from
stylohyoid ligament
Stylohyoid (cut)
Pharyngeal raphe
Greater cornu
of hyoid bone
Inferior constrictor
Inferior constrictor
Mohamed el fiky
Lies in wall of nasopharynx and oropharynx
Wide origin
• Post border of med pterygoid plate &pterygoid
• Pterygomandibular raphae
• Post end of mylohyoid line
• Mucus membrane on side of tongue
Lower part covered by middle constrictor.
Superior Constrictor
Mohamed el fiky
Middle Constrictor
• Hypopharynx
• O: lower part of stylohyoid ligament
lesser and greater cornu of hyoid
• Inferiorly overlapped by inferior constrictor.
Mohamed el fiky
Inferior Constrictor
Thickest of the 3
O:oblique line of thyroid cartilage
inferior cornu of thyroid
O: ant part of cricoid cartilage between
attachment of cricothyroid and
articulation of inferior cornu .
qInsertion :All of the fibres get inserted
the median fibrous raphae Extending
Pharyngeal tubercle up to the
qActions 0f the constrictor muscles :
Muscles of 2 sides act as a sphincter
Function– prevent the entry of air in
to the oesophagus in the interval
between swallowing So sphincter
relaxes during swallowing Contracts
between the acts of swallowing.Mohamed el fiky
Killian’s Dehiscence
• Potential gap b/w weak area of pharyngeal wall
• Gateway of Tear à perforation can occur at this
site during oesophagostomy.
Killian’s triangle
Laimer’s triangle
Inferior constrictor
(cricopharyngeal part)
Inferior constrictor
(thyropharyngeal part)
Fundiform part (cricopharyngeal sphincter,
Killian’s sling)
Mohamed el fiky
• 2 potential spaces in relation to pharynx:
• Retropharyngeal space:
– Situated behind pharynx
– Extends from base of skull to the bifurcation of
• Parapharyngeal space:
– Situated on the side of pharynx
– Contains carotid vessels, jugular veins, last four
cranial nerves & cervical sympathetic chain
Mohamed el fiky
Pharyngeal Plexus of Nerves
• Almost all of the nerve supply to the pharynx, whether motor
or sensory, is derived from the pharyngeal plexus
• Formed by the pharyngeal branches of the glossopharyngeal
(sensory )and vagus nerves (motor) with contributions
from the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion.
all the muscles of the pharynx take nerve supply from The
pharyngeal branch of the vagus except stylopharyngeus ,
which is supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve
Mohamed el fiky
Passavant’s Ridge
• A mucosal ridge raised by fibres of
• Forms a ring around post and lat walls of
nasopharyngeal isthmus.
• When soft palate is elevated the muscle band
appear as a ridge àPassavant’s ridge
• During act of swallowing palate and the ridge
Mohamed el fiky
Gaps in the pharyngeal wall
Mohamed el fiky
I-first gap : ( Above superior constrictor Between Base of the skull and Upper border
of the superior constrictor ) . It occupied by :
- Auditory tube.
- Levator palati muscle.
II-second gap : Between : Lower border of the superior constrictor &Upper border of the
middle constrictor. . It occupied by :
- Stylopharyngeus muscle.
-Glossopharyngeal nerve.
III-third gap : Lower border of the middle constrictor& Upper border of the inferior constrictor
It occupied by :
- Internal laryngeal nerve .
- Superior laryngeal artery.
IV-fourth gap :Below lower border of the inferior constrictorIt occupied by :
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
- Inferior laryngeal artery.
Mohamed el fiky
it shows the following features:
Ø Opening of auditory tube .
Ø Tubal elevation : it is the elevation formed by the upper and posterior
margins of the opening of the auditory tube.
Ø Pharyngeal recess: is a depression in the pharyngeal wall behind the
tubal elevation
Ø Salpingopharyngeal fold:
§ It is a vertical fold of mucous membrane which runs downwards from the tubal elevation to the side wall of pharynx.
§ It contains the salpingopharyneus muscle. Tubal tonsils: collections of lymph tissue near the tubal opening.
Mohamed el fiky
It lies behind the oral cavity : extends from the soft palate above to the upper border of epiglottis below.
Palatine tonsil
Ø A large ovoid mass of lymphoid tissue
Ø It looks like a large almond.
Ø It has :
§ 2 poles : upper & lower
§ 2 borders : anterior & posterior
§ 2 surfaces : medial & lateral
Ø It has 12-15 tonsillar crypts which open on its medial surface
q Position :
Located in the tonsillar fossa on the lateral wall of oropharynx Ø The tonsillar fossa is bounded by :
§ Anteriorly : the palatoglossal arch
§ Posteriorly : the palatopharyngeal arch
Relations :
Medial surface
Ø Covered by the mucous membrane
Ø Tonsillar pits are small orifices on the medial surface which lead into the tonsillar crypts.
Latcral surface
¡ Capsule :
Ø Separates the tonsil from the superior constrictor of pharynx. Superior constrictor:Ø Separates the tonsil from:
1- The facial artery and its branches:
2- Para-tonsillar vein:
3- Glossopharyngeal nerve: Mohamed el fiky
Blood supply of the tonsil:
Arteries :
Ø Tonsillar branches of descending palatine artery
Ø Tonsillar branch of the facial artery.
Ø Tonsillar branches of ascending palatine artery. Ø Tonsillar branches of dorsal lingual artery.
= Veins :
Ø Pharyngeal plexus of veins receives most of the veins.
Ø Some veins drain into the lingual vein
Sensory nerve supply : lesser palatine (maxillary) and
glossopharyngeal nerve.
r Lymphatic srainage of the tonsil: Ø The deep cervical lymph nodes.
Waldeyer’s ring : is a tonsilar ring at the oropharyngeal isthmus , formed of linguinal , palatine ,
tubal and pharyngeal tonsils .
Mohamed el fiky
Waldeyer’s Ring
q The palatine tonsils,
nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoid)
and lingual tonsil constitute the
major part of Waldeyer's ring or
nasal-associated lymphoid tissue
(NALT), with the tubal tonsils and
lateral pharyngeal bands as less
prominent component
q A ring composed of NALT at
beginning of food and air passage.
q Produce B and T lymphocytes
q Local defense
q Also produce lymphocytes to send
to other lymph nodes.
Mohamed el fiky

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Oral cavity palate - pharynx

  • 1. Head and Neck Oral cavity Professor Dr. Mohamed El Fiky Professor of anatomy and embryology
  • 2. A. ORALVESTIBULE Boundaries: 1. Anteriorly by lips 2. Laterally by cheeks 3. Posteriorly and medially by teeth and gums B. ORAL CAVITY PROPER Boundaries: 1. Anteriorly laterally by teeth and gums 2. Superiorly by the palate 3. Inferiorly by the tongue and the floor of the mouth 4. Posteriorly by opening into the pharynx 1- Vestibule 2- mouth cavity proper . The Mouth Oral Vestibule Oral Cavity Proper The mouth cavity extends from the lips to the oropharyngeal isthmus. It is composed of 2 main parts Mohamed el fiky
  • 3. III. FLOOR OF THE MOUTH Lingual frenulum (connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth) Papillae ( openings of submandibular duct) Sublingual fold (passes lateraly and backwards from the papilla and overlies the sublingual gland) Sublingual region Shows the following structures: Ø Frenulum of the tongue Ø Sublingual papilla : lies on each side of the frenulum and the submandibular duct opens on it Ø Sublingual fold : produced by the underlying sublingual salivarygland and the ducts of the gland open on its summit. Mohamed el fiky
  • 4. TONGUE Ø It is composed of a striated muscular mass, covered by mucous membrane. Ø It is anterior 2/3 (oral part) lies in the floor of the mouth Ø It is posterior 1/3 (pharyngeal part) lies in the oropharynx Muscles of the tongue: Intrinsic muscles: Ø They consist of longitudinal, transverse & vertical fibers. Ø Nerve supply : Hypoglossal nerve. Ø Action: They alter the shape of the tongue. Extrinsic muscles: Hyoglossus , genioglossus , styloglossus and palatoglossus. Nerve supply of the tongue: = Motor: Ø All the intrinsic & extrinsic muscles of the tongue are supplied by the hypoglossal nerve EXCEPT the palatoglossus which is supplied by the cranial root of accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus ( vago- accessory complex ). = Sensory: Ø Anterior 2/3: - Lingual nerve (general sensation) - Chorda tympani (taste sensation) Ø Posterior 1/3 : Glossopharyngeal nerve : (general & taste) Ø Root: Vagus nerve, through the internal laryngeal nerve. Blood supply of the tongue: Ø Lingual artery Ø Tonsillar branch of facial artery Ø Ascending pharyngeal artery Mohamed el fiky
  • 5. PALATE Mohamed el fiky Hard palate Soft palate
  • 6. PALATE Ø It forms the roof of the mouth and floor of the nasal cavity. Ø It is divided into : hard (anterior 2/3) & soft (posterior 1/3) Hard palate Ø It is the bony portion which is formed by the palatine process of the maxillae and the horizontal plates of the palatine bone. Soft palate Ø A mobile fold attached to posterior border of hard palate Ø It is formed of the palatine aponeurosis and muscles. Muscles of the soft palate: = Tensor palati: Ø Origin : scaphoid fossa , spine of sphenoid and lateral surface of the cartilaginous part of auditory tube. Ø Insertion : palatine aponeurosis and palatine crest. Ø Nerve supply : nerve to medial pterygoid Ø Action : the 2 muscles tighten the soft palate. Levator veli palatini: Ø origin : lower part of the auditory tube and lower surface of the petrous bone. Ø Insertion : into the palatine aponeurosis. Ø Nerve supply : pharyngeal plexus. Action : elevates the soft palate. Mohamed el fiky
  • 7. Palatoglossus: Origin: platine aponeurosis. Insertion : into the side of the tongue. Nerve supply : pharyngeal plexus . Action : pulls the root of the tongue upwards. = Palatopharyngeus: Origin : palatine aponeurosis. Insertion : posterior border of thyroid cartilage . Nerve suppy : pharyngeal plexus. Action : elevates the wall of the pharynx. = Musculus uvulae : Origin : posterior border of hard palate . Insertion: mucous membrane of uvula. Nerve supply : pharyngeal plexus. Action : elevates the uvula. Blood supply of the palate Ø Greater palatine , lesser palatine and sphenopalatine arteries (from maxillary artery). Ø Ascending palatine artery (from facial artery) Ø Ascending pharyngeal artery . Nerve supply of the palate: = Sensory Ø Glossopharyngeal nerve. Ø Greater & lesser palatine nerves. Ø Middle palatine nerve. Ø Sphenopalatine nerve. = Motor: · All the muscles of the soft palate are supplied by the cranial part of the accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus EXCEPT the tensor palati which is supplied by the mandibular nerve. Mohamed el fiky
  • 8. Soft Palate Muscles of Soft Palate Mohamed el fiky
  • 9. PHARYNX Ø It is a funnel shaped fibro-muscular tube of about 13 cm . length Ø It extends form the base of the skull to the level of the 6th cervical vertebrae. Ø Its anterior wall is deficient and lies behind the cavities of the nose, mouth and larynx Ø Accordingly it is divided into 3 parts: Nasopharynx , oropharynx & laryngeopharynx . a)Base of skull (basioociput and basi sphenoid) àsoft palate b)Plane of hard palate àhyoid bone c) Hyoid boneà lower border of cricoid cartilage Nasopharynx Oropharynxx Larygeopharynx Mohamed el fiky
  • 10. WALLS OF THE PHARYNX Consists of the following from within outwards: 1. Mucous coat lined by stratified squamous epithelium. 2. Inner fibrous coat (pharyngo-basilar fascia). 3. Muscular coat. 4. Outer fibrous coat (buccopharyngeal fascia). Muscles of the pharynx Ø Outer circular layer: 3 constrictors of the pharynx. Ø Inner longitudinal layer: 3 longitudinal muscles. Sup.constrictor mid.constrictor inf.constrictor Constrictors of the pharynx. 1- Sup.constrictor 2- mid.constrictor 3- inf.constrictor longitudinal muscles. 1- Stylo-pharyngeus 2- Salpingo – pharyngeus N.B. All muscles of pharynx take nerve supply from pharyngeal plexus except stylopharyngeus from glossopharyngeal nerve 3-Palato-pharyngeus: Mohamed el fiky
  • 11. Pharyngeal Muscles Stylopharyngeus • O:medial aspect of styloid process • Gap between middle and superior constrictor • NS: glossopharyngea l Palatopharyngeus • O: upper surface of palatine aponeurosis as 2 fasiculi • Moves along inner aspect of the constrictor • NS: pharyngael plexus Salpingopharyngeus • O: cartilage of the auditory tube near the pharyngeal opening of it. LONGITUDINAL MUSCLES All the 3 are inserted as a conjoint sheet at the post border of thyroid cartilage and lat aspect of epiglottis Mohamed el fiky
  • 13. Trachea Oesophagus Digastric (posterior belly) cut Middle constrictor Stylohyoid ligament Stylohyoid Recurrent laryngeal nerve Stylopharyngeus Glossopharyngeal nerve Thyropharyngeus Cricopharyngeus Pterygomandibular raphe Buccinator Pharyngotympanic tube Superior constrictor Tensor veli palatini Mandibular nerve Levator veli palatini Middle meningeal artery Mohamed el fiky
  • 14. Pharyngeal Muscles Pharyngobasilar fascia Styloid process Attachment of pharyngeal raphe to pharyngeal tubercle (occipital bone) Tensor veli palatini Levator veli palatini Stylohyoid (cut) Stylopharyngeus Styloglossus Fibres of middle constrictor from stylohyoid ligament Stylohyoid (cut) Pharyngeal raphe Greater cornu of hyoid bone Inferior constrictor (cricopharyngeus) Inferior constrictor (thyropharyngeus) Middle constrictor Superior constrictor Mohamed el fiky
  • 15. Lies in wall of nasopharynx and oropharynx Wide origin • Post border of med pterygoid plate &pterygoid hamulus • Pterygomandibular raphae • Post end of mylohyoid line • Mucus membrane on side of tongue Lower part covered by middle constrictor. Superior Constrictor Mohamed el fiky
  • 16. Middle Constrictor • Hypopharynx • O: lower part of stylohyoid ligament lesser and greater cornu of hyoid • Inferiorly overlapped by inferior constrictor. Mohamed el fiky
  • 17. Inferior Constrictor Thickest of the 3 Thyropharyngeus O:oblique line of thyroid cartilage inferior cornu of thyroid Cricopharyngeus O: ant part of cricoid cartilage between attachment of cricothyroid and articulation of inferior cornu . ************************************* qInsertion :All of the fibres get inserted into the median fibrous raphae Extending from Pharyngeal tubercle up to the oesophagus qActions 0f the constrictor muscles : Muscles of 2 sides act as a sphincter Function– prevent the entry of air in to the oesophagus in the interval between swallowing So sphincter relaxes during swallowing Contracts between the acts of swallowing.Mohamed el fiky
  • 18. Killian’s Dehiscence • Potential gap b/w weak area of pharyngeal wall • Gateway of Tear à perforation can occur at this site during oesophagostomy. Killian’s triangle Laimer’s triangle Inferior constrictor (cricopharyngeal part) Inferior constrictor (thyropharyngeal part) Fundiform part (cricopharyngeal sphincter, Killian’s sling) Mohamed el fiky
  • 19. PHARYNGEAL SPACES • 2 potential spaces in relation to pharynx: • Retropharyngeal space: – Situated behind pharynx – Extends from base of skull to the bifurcation of trachea • Parapharyngeal space: – Situated on the side of pharynx – Contains carotid vessels, jugular veins, last four cranial nerves & cervical sympathetic chain Mohamed el fiky
  • 20. Pharyngeal Plexus of Nerves • Almost all of the nerve supply to the pharynx, whether motor or sensory, is derived from the pharyngeal plexus • Formed by the pharyngeal branches of the glossopharyngeal (sensory )and vagus nerves (motor) with contributions from the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. all the muscles of the pharynx take nerve supply from The pharyngeal branch of the vagus except stylopharyngeus , which is supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve Mohamed el fiky
  • 21. Passavant’s Ridge • A mucosal ridge raised by fibres of palatopharyngeus. • Forms a ring around post and lat walls of nasopharyngeal isthmus. • When soft palate is elevated the muscle band appear as a ridge àPassavant’s ridge • During act of swallowing palate and the ridge approximated. Mohamed el fiky
  • 22. Gaps in the pharyngeal wall Mohamed el fiky
  • 23. RELATIONS (GAPS IN LATERAL WALL OF PHARYNX) I-first gap : ( Above superior constrictor Between Base of the skull and Upper border of the superior constrictor ) . It occupied by : - Auditory tube. - Levator palati muscle. II-second gap : Between : Lower border of the superior constrictor &Upper border of the middle constrictor. . It occupied by : - Stylopharyngeus muscle. -Glossopharyngeal nerve. III-third gap : Lower border of the middle constrictor& Upper border of the inferior constrictor It occupied by : - Internal laryngeal nerve . - Superior laryngeal artery. IV-fourth gap :Below lower border of the inferior constrictorIt occupied by : - Recurrent laryngeal nerve. - Inferior laryngeal artery. Mohamed el fiky
  • 24. Nasopharynxx it shows the following features: Ø Opening of auditory tube . Ø Tubal elevation : it is the elevation formed by the upper and posterior margins of the opening of the auditory tube. Ø Pharyngeal recess: is a depression in the pharyngeal wall behind the tubal elevation Ø Salpingopharyngeal fold: § It is a vertical fold of mucous membrane which runs downwards from the tubal elevation to the side wall of pharynx. § It contains the salpingopharyneus muscle. Tubal tonsils: collections of lymph tissue near the tubal opening. Mohamed el fiky
  • 25. Oropharynxx It lies behind the oral cavity : extends from the soft palate above to the upper border of epiglottis below. Palatine tonsil Ø A large ovoid mass of lymphoid tissue Ø It looks like a large almond. Ø It has : § 2 poles : upper & lower § 2 borders : anterior & posterior § 2 surfaces : medial & lateral Ø It has 12-15 tonsillar crypts which open on its medial surface q Position : Located in the tonsillar fossa on the lateral wall of oropharynx Ø The tonsillar fossa is bounded by : § Anteriorly : the palatoglossal arch § Posteriorly : the palatopharyngeal arch Relations : Medial surface Ø Covered by the mucous membrane Ø Tonsillar pits are small orifices on the medial surface which lead into the tonsillar crypts. Latcral surface ¡ Capsule : Ø Separates the tonsil from the superior constrictor of pharynx. Superior constrictor:Ø Separates the tonsil from: 1- The facial artery and its branches: 2- Para-tonsillar vein: 3- Glossopharyngeal nerve: Mohamed el fiky
  • 26. Blood supply of the tonsil: Arteries : Ø Tonsillar branches of descending palatine artery Ø Tonsillar branch of the facial artery. Ø Tonsillar branches of ascending palatine artery. Ø Tonsillar branches of dorsal lingual artery. . = Veins : Ø Pharyngeal plexus of veins receives most of the veins. Ø Some veins drain into the lingual vein Sensory nerve supply : lesser palatine (maxillary) and glossopharyngeal nerve. r Lymphatic srainage of the tonsil: Ø The deep cervical lymph nodes. Waldeyer’s ring : is a tonsilar ring at the oropharyngeal isthmus , formed of linguinal , palatine , tubal and pharyngeal tonsils . Mohamed el fiky
  • 27. Waldeyer’s Ring q The palatine tonsils, nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoid) and lingual tonsil constitute the major part of Waldeyer's ring or nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT), with the tubal tonsils and lateral pharyngeal bands as less prominent component q A ring composed of NALT at beginning of food and air passage. q Produce B and T lymphocytes q Local defense q Also produce lymphocytes to send to other lymph nodes. Mohamed el fiky