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Ophtha Case Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8  Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Identifying data VR, 59 yr old male Blurring of vision, OU Informant reliability: 80% OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
History of Present Illness VR, 59 yr male Chief complaint: blurring of vision, OU 1 month PTC ,[object Object]
Worse at night
With an associated eye pain, OSOphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
History of Present Illness VR, 59 yr male Chief complaint: blurring of vision, OU 1 month PTC ,[object Object]
Worse at night
With an associated eye pain, OS2 weeks PTC ,[object Object]
Financial constraints prevented him to have lab tests done
Given anti-hypertensive medsOphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
History of Present Illness VR, 59 yr male Chief complaint: blurring of vision, OU 1 month PTC ,[object Object]
Worse at night
With an associated eye pain, OS2 weeks PTC ,[object Object]
Financial constraints prevented him to have lab tests done
Anti-hypertensive drugs given1 week PTC ,[object Object],OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
History of Present Illness VR, 59 yr male Chief complaint: blurring of vision, OU 1 month PTC ,[object Object]
Worse at night
With an associated eye pain, OS2 weeks PTC ,[object Object]
Financial constraints prevented him to have lab tests done
Anti-hypertensive drugs given1 week PTC ,[object Object],2 days PTC ,[object Object]
T/C ARMD, OD and Narrow angle glaucoma, OS
Given Acetazolamide250 mg 2 tabs then TID for 3 daysOphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Review of Systems VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS  No history of trauma No weight loss No cough and cold No rashes No changes in hair/nails No changes in color No tinnitus No nosebleeds No hemoptysis No chest pain No syncope No changes in bowel habits OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Past Medical History VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS  Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma No known history of asthma and/or COPD No known history of diabetes No known history of urinary stones OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Past Medical History VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma  Medications: Losartan and Betahistine Acetazolamide 250 mg 2 tab, then 3x/day for 3 days OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Family History VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma  Paternal history of Pulmonary tuberculosis Maternal history of Diabetes mellitus Maternal history of Hypertension No known family history of the following:  	- cancer          - stroke          - asthma          - allergies OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Personal and Social History VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension  Inactive carpenter 43 pack year smoker Non-alcohol beverage drinker Lives with his wife  Has four children with families of their own Poor health-seeking behavior Financial constraints OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension  Awake, ambulatory,  not in cardiorespiratory distress BP: 160/80 (hypertensive) HR: 75(normal) RR: 20 (normal)  OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive  HENNT No TPC, No CLAD Neck veins not dilated Intact tympanic membrane Midline septum, no discharge No neck rigidity Dry lips, moist buccal mucosa Nonhyperemic pharynx OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive  Chest/Lungs Symmetrical chest expansion Resonant on percussion Equal tactile and vocal fremiti No retractions No rales No wheezes OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive  Heart Adynamicprecordium No heaves or thrills Apex beat is at 5th ICS MCL Normal rate, regular rhythm No murmurs OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive  Abdomen Flat, soft abdomen No tenderness No organomegaly No masses Normoactive bowel sounds OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive  Extremities Full pulses No edema, no cyanosis Good turgor No rashes, no lesions Equally distributed hair No clubbing CRT <2sec  OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive  Neuro Awake, cooperative, coherent Motor: 5/5 on all extremities Sensory: 100% on all extremities Gait: normal, very slow  GCS 15 Cranial Nerves: intact OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive  Ophthalmologic Visual Acuity OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS  Ophthalmologic Gross Examination OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS  Ophthalmologic Gross Examination OS OD OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS  Ophthalmologic Extra-ocular Movements OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS  Ophthalmologic Tonometry OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS  Increased IOP, OS  Ophthalmologic Fundoscopy OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS  Increased IOP, OS  Ophthalmologic Neovascularization, OS OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS  Increased IOP, OS  Iris neovascularization, OS  Ophthalmologic Optic nerve OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS  Increased IOP, OS  Iris neovascularization, OS  Ophthalmologic Peripheral anterior synechiae with trabecular meshwork seen OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness  No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive  Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS  Increased IOP, OS  Iris neovascularization, OS  Ophthalmologic Closed angle OphthaCase Presentation  By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum        Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health

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Neovascular glaucoma

  • 1. Ophtha Case Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8 Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 2. Identifying data VR, 59 yr old male Blurring of vision, OU Informant reliability: 80% OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 3.
  • 5. With an associated eye pain, OSOphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 6.
  • 8.
  • 9. Financial constraints prevented him to have lab tests done
  • 10. Given anti-hypertensive medsOphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 11.
  • 13.
  • 14. Financial constraints prevented him to have lab tests done
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 18.
  • 19. Financial constraints prevented him to have lab tests done
  • 20.
  • 21. T/C ARMD, OD and Narrow angle glaucoma, OS
  • 22. Given Acetazolamide250 mg 2 tabs then TID for 3 daysOphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 23. Review of Systems VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS No history of trauma No weight loss No cough and cold No rashes No changes in hair/nails No changes in color No tinnitus No nosebleeds No hemoptysis No chest pain No syncope No changes in bowel habits OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 24. Past Medical History VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma No known history of asthma and/or COPD No known history of diabetes No known history of urinary stones OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 25. Past Medical History VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Medications: Losartan and Betahistine Acetazolamide 250 mg 2 tab, then 3x/day for 3 days OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 26. Family History VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Paternal history of Pulmonary tuberculosis Maternal history of Diabetes mellitus Maternal history of Hypertension No known family history of the following: - cancer - stroke - asthma - allergies OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 27. Personal and Social History VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Inactive carpenter 43 pack year smoker Non-alcohol beverage drinker Lives with his wife Has four children with families of their own Poor health-seeking behavior Financial constraints OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 28. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Awake, ambulatory, not in cardiorespiratory distress BP: 160/80 (hypertensive) HR: 75(normal) RR: 20 (normal) OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 29. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive HENNT No TPC, No CLAD Neck veins not dilated Intact tympanic membrane Midline septum, no discharge No neck rigidity Dry lips, moist buccal mucosa Nonhyperemic pharynx OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 30. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Chest/Lungs Symmetrical chest expansion Resonant on percussion Equal tactile and vocal fremiti No retractions No rales No wheezes OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 31. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Heart Adynamicprecordium No heaves or thrills Apex beat is at 5th ICS MCL Normal rate, regular rhythm No murmurs OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 32. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Abdomen Flat, soft abdomen No tenderness No organomegaly No masses Normoactive bowel sounds OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 33. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Extremities Full pulses No edema, no cyanosis Good turgor No rashes, no lesions Equally distributed hair No clubbing CRT <2sec OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 34. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Neuro Awake, cooperative, coherent Motor: 5/5 on all extremities Sensory: 100% on all extremities Gait: normal, very slow GCS 15 Cranial Nerves: intact OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 35. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Ophthalmologic Visual Acuity OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 36. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Ophthalmologic Gross Examination OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 37. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Ophthalmologic Gross Examination OS OD OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 38. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Ophthalmologic Extra-ocular Movements OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 39. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Ophthalmologic Tonometry OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 40. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Increased IOP, OS Ophthalmologic Fundoscopy OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 41. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Increased IOP, OS Ophthalmologic Neovascularization, OS OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 42. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Increased IOP, OS Iris neovascularization, OS Ophthalmologic Optic nerve OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 43. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Increased IOP, OS Iris neovascularization, OS Ophthalmologic Peripheral anterior synechiae with trabecular meshwork seen OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 44. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Increased IOP, OS Iris neovascularization, OS Ophthalmologic Closed angle OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 45. Physical Examination VR, 59 yr male CC: blurring of vision, OU Eye pain, OS Diagnosed with cataract, OU T/C ARMD, OD T/C Narrow angle glaucoma, OS Unknown history of hypertension 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness No history of ocular trauma Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension Hypertensive Light perception, OS Mid-dilated, poorly reactive, OS Increased IOP, OS Iris neovascularization, OS Ophthalmologic OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 46.
  • 47. CC: blurring of vision, OU
  • 49. Unknown history of hypertension
  • 50. 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness
  • 51. No history of ocular trauma
  • 52. Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension
  • 57. Iris neovascularization, OS OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 58.
  • 59. CC: blurring of vision, OU
  • 61. Unknown history of hypertension
  • 62. 2 months PTC, patient had right sided weakness
  • 63. No history of ocular trauma
  • 64. Family history of PTB, DM, hypertension
  • 69. Iris neovascularization, OS OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 70. Differential Diagnosis OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 71. At the OPD Brimonidinetartrate Possible valve implant, OS Anti-VEGF injection, OS CP clearance Hypertension work-up (IM referral) HPN Stage II BP Monitoring for two weeks Captopril 25 mg ½ tab OD OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 72.
  • 73. historically, it has been referred to as hemorrhagic glaucoma, thrombotic glaucoma, congestive glaucoma, rubeotic glaucoma, and diabetic hemorrhagic glaucoma
  • 74. secondary ocular and systemic diseases that share one common element, retinal ischemia/hypoxia and subsequent release of an angiogenesis factorOphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 75. Pathophysiology OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 76. Pathophysiology OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 77. Pathophysiology OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 78. Pathophysiology OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 79. Diagnostics OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 80.
  • 81. treating the underlying disease that led to the ischemic insult OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 82.
  • 85. Surgical interventionOphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 86. Treatment OphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 87.
  • 89. TrabeculectomyOphthaCase Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 90. Ophtha Case Presentation By: Cristal Ann G. Laquindanum Year Level 8 Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health

Editor's Notes

  2. Sudden blurring of vision of both eyes… the exact date not known. Basta the patient noted that he can still see properly during the barangay elections which was last week of October Worse at nightEye pain OSNo medications were taken No consult was done
  3. Symptoms persisted which prompted consult in another institution where he was diagnosed to have mature cataract of both eyeHe was being worked up for hypertension and lab tests were requested but due to financial constraints, he was not able to do them
  4. Few days after that consult the patient’s left eye became red and very painful. He can only perceive light. This prompted him to consult our institution for the first time
  5. Few days after that consult the patient’s left eye became red and very painful. He can only perceive light. This prompted him to consult our institution for the first time
  6. Asthma and/or COPD – limit the use of topical beta blockersSystemic hpn – systemic beta blocers may mask elevated IOPDiabetes – increasingly prevalent and associate with open angle and neovascular glaucomaUrinary stones – limit systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  7. Asthma and/or COPD – limit the use of topical beta blockersSystemic hpn – systemic beta blocers may mask elevated IOPDiabetes – increasingly prevalent and associate with open angle and neovascular glaucomaUrinary stones – limit systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  8. Asthma and/or COPD – limit the use of topical beta blockersSystemic hpn – systemic beta blocers may mask elevated IOPDiabetes – increasingly prevalent and associate with open angle and neovascular glaucomaUrinary stones – limit systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  9. Insert growth chart
  10. Insert growth chart
  11. Insert growth chart
  12. Insert growth chart
  13. Insert growth chart
  14. Insert growth chart
  15. Insert growth chart
  16. Insert growth chart
  17. Insert growth chart
  18. Full and equal
  19. Insert growth chart
  20. Insert growth chart
  21. Insert growth chart
  22. Insert growth chart
  23. Insert growth chart
  24. Insert growth chart
  25. Insert growth chart
  26. Insert growth chart
  27. Aqueous humour is secreted into the posterior chamber by the ciliary body, specifically the non-pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body(pars plicata). It flows through the narrow cleft between the front of the lens and the back of the iris, to escape through the pupil into the anterior chamber, and then to drain out of the eye via the trabecular meshwork. From here, it drains into Schlemm&apos;s canal by one of two ways: directly, via aqueous vein to the episcleral vein, or indirectly, via collector channels to the episcleral vein by intrascleral plexus and eventually into the veins of the orbit.[edit]
  28. almost always ischemic in nature. Under hypoxic conditions, diffusible angiogenic factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor, have been detected in the human and animal retina and vitreous, promoting new vessel growth. Clinically, the three most common conditions responsible for NVG are diabetic retinopathy, central retinal vein occlusion and carotid artery obstructive disease.Anterior segment neovascularization involving the iris, the angle or both is accompanied by the formation of a fibrovascular membrane that is seen histologically.
  29. This membrane initially obstructs the aqueous outflow through the trabecular meshwork and results in open-angle glaucoma, which may be amenable to pharmacological management of the elevated IOP as the disease progresses, the proliferating myofibroblasts of the fibrovascular membrane contract, leading to ectropionuveae, peripheral anterior synechiae and, ultimately, total synechial angle closure. This stage is not reversible by PRP. The resultant secondary glaucoma is often refractory to pharmacological management and requires surgical intervention.
  30. three most common conditions responsible for NVG are diabetic retinopathy, central retinal vein occlusion and carotid artery obstructive disease.
  31. Intravenous fluorescein angiogram and electroretinography (ERG) to assess retinal ischemiaB-scan ultrasoundOptical coherence tomography2- Images observed per grade of neovascular glaucomaGrade 1: No modificationGrade 2: A slightly hyper-reflective linear iris secondary to neovascularizationGrade 3: A thickened hyper-reflective iridocorneal angle with possible iridocorneal synechiaeGrade 4: Closed iridocorneal angle associated with iris contraction and uveae ectropion