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Technologies for higher education
          Prof. dr. Frederik Questier
           Vrije Universiteit Brussel

         Management workshop for
        University of Cuenca, Ecuador
                 March 2010
My background
➢   Teaching courses:
    ➢   Educational Technologies
    ➢   Learning Technologies
    ➢   Virtual Learning Environments
    ➢   E-learning design

➢   Departments
    ➢   Interdisciplinary Teacher Training
    ➢   Educational Sciences

➢   Former head of center for
    ➢   Education innovation
    ➢   Teacher staff training
    ➢   Virtual learning Environment
My research interests

Projects with Cuba

Projects with Kenia
                     (Nairobi and Moi universities)

Expertise Centre ICT for edu
Postgraduate master ICT in Education              7
One Laptop Per Child

Topic of today's workshop

How can we improve teaching and learning with
 Information and Communication Technologies


Research studies show that

      how much and how effectively
         teachers integrate ICT
        in their teaching process
depends mainly on their educational vision

          (not age, gender, ...)

University of Cuenca
    Educational mission and vision
Formation of graduates with ethical, academic and technical skills
 capable of tackling the challenges of today and next generation,
       with focus on the sustainable economic development
        of Ecuador’s rich resources in harmony with nature
and focus on equity between different genders, races and cultures.

         Evolving from passive to participatory education
                  at pre- and postgraduate level;
                      Introducing research via
            thesis projects and postgraduate programs
    (from professional master to master of science programs)

How can we educate
  our students for
the unknown future?

The best way
to predict the future
    is to invent it.
  (Alan Kay, 1971)

Information Society ?

Knowledge Society

From information scarcity to information abundance !

Evolution of the internet?

       Web 2.0 (Social)

      Web 3.0 (Semantic)

    Mobile and Ubiquitous

   Global brain – intelligence

Virtual reality gets photorealism

Crysis                                       18
Augmented Reality

Evolution of organizations

               Source: Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps, Virtual Teams

Network society

➢   More than facts
➢   Distributed
    ➢   in network of people and information sources
➢   Total knowledge is doubling every year

➢   Explicit knowledge
    ➢   Knowledge that can be expressed and transfered easily
➢   Tacit knowledge
    ➢   Knowledge that is not easy to express or transfer

Knowledge Spiral

➢   Nonaka, Ikujiro, and Hirotaka Takeuchi, The Knowledge Creating Company, New York, Oxford University Press 1995
➢   Source figure: Jeremy J. S. B. Hall,
Major learning theories
Behaviourism           Learning = change of behaviour
                       Stimulus → response
                       Learner is passive receiver of knowledge
                       Mind = black box
Cognitivism            Focuses on how the brain works
                       Metacognition, learning strategies
Constructivism         Knowledge is actively constructed by the learner
                       New knowledge is linked to prior knowledge
                       Learners discover themselves facts and relationships
Social Constructivism Social interaction plays a fundamental role
                      Discussions lead to deeper understanding and increased motivation
Constructionism        Constructing an artifact or something that can be shared leads to
                       better learning
Connectivism           Learning is a process of connecting nodes or information sources
                       Knowledge and learning may reside in non-human appliances
                       Try to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts
                       Know-what & Know-how → Know-where
Demand for new skills?
➢   Social skills
    ➢     communicating, networking, teamwork
➢   Creativity
➢   Entrepeneurship
➢   Information technology skills
    ➢     Handle information overload
➢   ...

➢   Learning to learn → Life Long Learning!

Competences ?!

➢   ability to use
           ➢ knowledge

           ➢ skills

           ➢ attitudes

➢   in complex, authentic situations

Educational innovation

         “The highest-ranked universities are the ones that
 make significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge through research,

teach with the most innovative curricula and pedagogical methods
              under the most conducive circumstances”

                                 World Bank

Staff are digital immigrants,
students are digital natives

Are we innovating fast enough
     the way we teach?

“Schools we have today
were designed around commonsense assumptions
     that had never been scientifically tested”
                 R. Keith Sawyer

Educational innovation?
Traditional learning            New Learning
teacher oriented                student oriented
(passive) knowledge transfer    (active) knowledge construction; interaction
focus on knowledge              focus on competences
individual learning             collaborative learning
focus on course contents        also focus on learning process
                                (learning to learn, reflection)
teacher = expert                teacher = coach
teacher directs                 also self-directed learning
selective education             adaptive education
students focus on good scores   attention for (intrinsic) motivation
surface learning                deep (natural) learning

Educational innovation?
Traditional learning                     New Learning
abstract, school-like examples & tasks   authentic contexts
evaluation by teacher                    self/co/peer-assessment, ...
summative evaluation                     + formative evaluation
                                         (learning from mistakes and feedback)
linear curriculum                        flexible curriculum
independent courses and disciplines      connexion, integration, interdisciplinarity
supply oriented                          demand oriented
uniform education                        differentiated education
                                         (adapted to e.g. learning styles)
classroom                                flexible learning environment
                                         (also online & virtual)
course materials                         powerful learning environments
formal learning                          + informal learning
behaviorism and cognitivism              Social constructivism (and connectivism)

How can we improve
     teaching and learning with ICT?
➢   Don't apply traditional teaching methods in new

               (dropping your coursebook online)

Seek the synergy!

  Theories about learning
      and technologies
       have evolved
towards very similar concepts

Model Jonassen for
(constructive) learning environments

  → Technologies can support the intentional construction,
 in a collaborative way, of complex contextualized artifacts
         and the conversation and reflection about it

 Which characteristics of Jonassen's model
apply to the following learning environments?
Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

                         Case kit (Ugent, Jan Velghe)

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

                     Pharmacy simulations

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

                                  ICT supported

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

                                  ICT supported

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

                                Competition + ?

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle)

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle)

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle)

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle)

Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle)

Evolution in E-learning?
e-learning 1.0                       e-learning 2.0
closed source software               open source software
solitary platform                    integrated in ICT-environment
closed to outer world                open where useful,closed where necessary
only own institution                 connected with other institutions
focus on technology                  focus on pedagogy
consumption                          interaction
courses                              communities
teacher oriented                     student centered
content management                   knowledge management
upload of materials                  authoring environment
tools                                intelligent assistant
institutional learning environment   personal learning environment

        (virtual learning environment)
➢   is becoming
    ➢   the centre of learning
    ➢   the face of your university
    ➢   crucial
    ➢   corner stone infrastructure

Murphy's law
    Anything that can go wrong will go wrong
➢   power interruptions and surges
➢   overheating (air-conditioning failure)
➢   hardware failure
➢   network interruptions and congestions
➢   bugs
➢   broken updates
➢   unintentional deletes
➢   dirty/faulty data input
➢   security breaches
➢   viruses
➢   fire, flooding, theft

Scale (up) adequately
    Prepare for disaster recovery
Have separate test and backup setups

Is this ICT supported
 learning paradigm shift
    possible without
teacher learning/training?
Rogers' Model:
Diffusion of innovations

How to get every teacher
        to apply innovative teaching?

➢   Innovators and early adopters
    ➢   will start when you show them best practices
➢   The rest
    ➢   will need in situ support

Build an
        educational innovation center
➢   Expertise center
    ➢   Resources for experimentation
    ➢   Research approach
➢   Mixed team
    ➢   Educational scientists
    ➢   Educational technologists
➢   Provide services to teaching staff and students
    ➢   E-learning environment
    ➢   Training of teacher staff
    ➢   Facilitation of innovation
Formalize contact with faculties
➢   Educational innovation steering committee
    ➢   members from
        ➢   each faculty
        ➢   central academic services

➢   and/or
    ➢   in each faculty
        ➢   an active, full time responsible for educational innovation

Collaborate with edu researchers
➢   Researchers / teachers from school of
    educational sciences could
    ➢   assist with advice
    ➢   help in training teacher staff
    ➢   elaborate research projects around local context
    ➢   provide internship and thesis students

Educational mission
        and vision on teaching learning

➢   Get it written
➢   Get it known
➢   Get it implemented
    ➢   ask on every curriculum reform
    ➢   ask every new teacher to elaborate her vision on it

Perform a teacher needs analysis
               Our results
➢   Didactical support for which tasks? (56%-30%)
    ➢   Adapt to the way students learn most efficiently
    ➢   Development of activating tasks
    ➢   Use of ICT in education
    ➢   Development of efficient learning materials
    ➢   Motivating my students
    ➢   Translate competences to evaluation
    ➢   Giving feedback to my students
    ➢   Translate competencies to effective learning activities
    ➢   Formulating end competences for my courses
    ➢   Adapt to the prior knowledge of my students
Perform a teacher needs analysis
               Our results
➢   Didactical support in which way? (66%-33%)
    ➢   Online self study courses
    ➢   Workshops
    ➢   Individual support of an educational advisor
    ➢   Intervision
    ➢   Project group
    ➢   Individual coaching/mentoring by an experienced colleague

➢   Formal training 'academical didactics'?
    ➢   57% 'yes'

Disseminate best practices
➢   Website, news letter, books, ...

➢   Yearly day of Educational Innovation
    ➢   External keynotes
    ➢   Workshops from internal innovators
    ➢   Panel discussions
    ➢   Poster sessions

Provide didactical seminar
            for (new) teachers
➢   yearly
➢   4 days residential
➢   'obligatory' for new teachers
➢   reflection about personal educational vision
➢   didactical methods
➢   Introduction to educational technologies
➢   feedback with video recordings

Provide workshops
➢   How to motivate my students?
➢   How to make my courses more interactive?
➢   Peer assessment for group projects
➢   E-learning platform
➢   Student portfolio
➢   Formulation & analysis of Multiple Choice tests
➢   Intellectual property & plagiarism
➢   Digital formats
➢   Open learning with wiki’s, Wikipedia, wiki courses, ...
➢   Open Source Software & reusable learning resources
➢   Voice techniques
Provide question driven support
➢   Face to face advise and consultancy

➢   E-mail helpdesk
    ➢   OTRS (Open Source Trouble Ticket System)

Facilitate innovation projects
➢   Open call for projects in faculties
➢   Provide funding
    ➢   Anything from small seed money to 2y 1 FTE
        ➢   Challenge: continuation after the funding
➢   Or: assign central people that can go from
    project to project

Facilitate communication
      between students and staff


     + variants for 'ad valvas' and 'work students'

Software: GNU mailman :

Involve your VLE users

Reflection task
➢   Which recommendations do you have for you

    ➢   How can we improve teaching and learning with ICT?

Nominal group technique
             University of Cuenca results
➢   ICT-edu training for teachers (and students)
➢   Funding for ICT-edu projects
➢   Policy for the use of ICT-edu
➢   Promote teachers that have good use of ICT
➢   Introduce ICT in curriculum, carreer, faculties
➢   Center for educational innovation and technologies
➢   Professional networks to share experiences & information
➢   Create awareness about reasons for ICT-edu use
➢   Promote evirtual, e.g. with workshops
➢   Workshops on ICT-edu
➢   Request feedback from attendance in ICT workshops
➢   Give teachers a few months training (learning) time
➢   Deadline for ICT-edu
➢   Open mind for new technologies
➢   Research about ICT-edu (tools)
➢   Project to implement ICT in the classroom with supervisors that monitor implementation
➢   Stimulate ICT instead of manual work for course descriptions
➢   Collect statistics of availability of students computers
➢   Budget for student computers and computer labs                                         87
Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective

                  Questions? Comments?
                     Muchas gracias!

                                                               See also


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Technologies For Higher Education

  • 1. Technologies for higher education Prof. dr. Frederik Questier Vrije Universiteit Brussel Management workshop for University of Cuenca, Ecuador March 2010
  • 2.
  • 4. Teaching courses: ➢ Educational Technologies ➢ Learning Technologies ➢ Virtual Learning Environments ➢ E-learning design ➢ Departments ➢ Interdisciplinary Teacher Training ➢ Educational Sciences ➢ Former head of center for ➢ Education innovation ➢ Teacher staff training ➢ Virtual learning Environment
  • 7. Projects with Kenia (Nairobi and Moi universities) Expertise Centre ICT for edu Training Consultancy Research Postgraduate master ICT in Education 7
  • 8. One Laptop Per Child 8
  • 9. Topic of today's workshop How can we improve teaching and learning with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) ? Why? How? 9
  • 10. Research studies show that how much and how effectively teachers integrate ICT in their teaching process depends mainly on their educational vision (not age, gender, ...) 10
  • 11. University of Cuenca Educational mission and vision Formation of graduates with ethical, academic and technical skills capable of tackling the challenges of today and next generation, with focus on the sustainable economic development of Ecuador’s rich resources in harmony with nature and focus on equity between different genders, races and cultures. Through: Evolving from passive to participatory education at pre- and postgraduate level; Introducing research via thesis projects and postgraduate programs (from professional master to master of science programs) 11
  • 12. How can we educate our students for the unknown future? 12
  • 13. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. (Alan Kay, 1971) 13
  • 16. From information scarcity to information abundance ! 16
  • 17. Evolution of the internet? Web 2.0 (Social) Web 3.0 (Semantic) Mobile and Ubiquitous Global brain – intelligence 17
  • 18. Virtual reality gets photorealism Crysis 18
  • 20. Evolution of organizations Source: Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps, Virtual Teams 20
  • 22. 22
  • 23. Knowledge? ➢ More than facts ➢ Distributed ➢ in network of people and information sources ➢ Total knowledge is doubling every year ➢ Explicit knowledge ➢ Knowledge that can be expressed and transfered easily ➢ Tacit knowledge ➢ Knowledge that is not easy to express or transfer 23
  • 24. Knowledge Spiral ➢ Nonaka, Ikujiro, and Hirotaka Takeuchi, The Knowledge Creating Company, New York, Oxford University Press 1995 ➢ Source figure: Jeremy J. S. B. Hall, 24
  • 25. Major learning theories Behaviourism Learning = change of behaviour Stimulus → response Learner is passive receiver of knowledge Mind = black box Cognitivism Focuses on how the brain works Metacognition, learning strategies Motivation Constructivism Knowledge is actively constructed by the learner New knowledge is linked to prior knowledge Learners discover themselves facts and relationships Social Constructivism Social interaction plays a fundamental role Discussions lead to deeper understanding and increased motivation Constructionism Constructing an artifact or something that can be shared leads to better learning Connectivism Learning is a process of connecting nodes or information sources Knowledge and learning may reside in non-human appliances Try to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts Know-what & Know-how → Know-where 25
  • 26. 26
  • 27. Demand for new skills? ➢ Social skills ➢ communicating, networking, teamwork ➢ Creativity ➢ Entrepeneurship ➢ Information technology skills ➢ Handle information overload ➢ ... ➢ ➢ Learning to learn → Life Long Learning! 27
  • 28. Competences ?! ➢ ability to use ➢ knowledge ➢ skills ➢ attitudes ➢ in complex, authentic situations 28
  • 29. Educational innovation “The highest-ranked universities are the ones that make significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge through research, teach with the most innovative curricula and pedagogical methods under the most conducive circumstances” World Bank 29
  • 30. Staff are digital immigrants, students are digital natives (Prensky) 30
  • 31. Are we innovating fast enough the way we teach? 31
  • 32. “Schools we have today were designed around commonsense assumptions that had never been scientifically tested” R. Keith Sawyer 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. Educational innovation? Traditional learning New Learning teacher oriented student oriented (passive) knowledge transfer (active) knowledge construction; interaction focus on knowledge focus on competences individual learning collaborative learning focus on course contents also focus on learning process (learning to learn, reflection) teacher = expert teacher = coach teacher directs also self-directed learning selective education adaptive education students focus on good scores attention for (intrinsic) motivation surface learning deep (natural) learning 34
  • 35. Educational innovation? Traditional learning New Learning abstract, school-like examples & tasks authentic contexts evaluation by teacher self/co/peer-assessment, ... summative evaluation + formative evaluation (learning from mistakes and feedback) linear curriculum flexible curriculum independent courses and disciplines connexion, integration, interdisciplinarity supply oriented demand oriented uniform education differentiated education (adapted to e.g. learning styles) classroom flexible learning environment (also online & virtual) course materials powerful learning environments formal learning + informal learning behaviorism and cognitivism Social constructivism (and connectivism) 35
  • 36. How can we improve teaching and learning with ICT? ➢ Don't apply traditional teaching methods in new technologies! Substitution? (dropping your coursebook online) Transformation! 36
  • 37. Seek the synergy! Theories about learning and technologies have evolved towards very similar concepts 37
  • 38. Model Jonassen for (constructive) learning environments → Technologies can support the intentional construction, in a collaborative way, of complex contextualized artifacts and the conversation and reflection about it 38
  • 39. Exercise Which characteristics of Jonassen's model apply to the following learning environments?
  • 40. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 40
  • 41. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective Case kit (Ugent, Jan Velghe) 41
  • 42. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 42
  • 43. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 43
  • 44. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 44
  • 45. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 45
  • 46. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective Pharmacy simulations 46
  • 47. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective ICT supported 47
  • 48. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective ICT supported 48
  • 49. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 49
  • 50. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective Competition + ? 50
  • 51. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 51
  • 52. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 52
  • 53. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 53
  • 54. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 54
  • 55. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 55
  • 56. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 56
  • 57. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 57
  • 58. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective 58
  • 59. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle) 59
  • 60. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle) 60
  • 61. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle) 61
  • 62. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle) 62
  • 63. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective (Moodle) 63
  • 64. Evolution in E-learning? e-learning 1.0 e-learning 2.0 closed source software open source software solitary platform integrated in ICT-environment closed to outer world open where useful,closed where necessary only own institution connected with other institutions focus on technology focus on pedagogy consumption interaction courses communities teacher oriented student centered content management knowledge management upload of materials authoring environment tools intelligent assistant institutional learning environment personal learning environment 64
  • 65. The VLE (virtual learning environment) ➢ is becoming ➢ the centre of learning ➢ the face of your university ➢ crucial ➢ corner stone infrastructure 65
  • 66. Murphy's law Anything that can go wrong will go wrong ➢ power interruptions and surges ➢ overheating (air-conditioning failure) ➢ hardware failure ➢ network interruptions and congestions ➢ bugs ➢ broken updates ➢ unintentional deletes ➢ dirty/faulty data input ➢ security breaches ➢ viruses ➢ fire, flooding, theft 66
  • 67. Scale (up) adequately Prepare for disaster recovery Have separate test and backup setups 67
  • 68. Is this ICT supported learning paradigm shift possible without teacher learning/training?
  • 69. Rogers' Model: Diffusion of innovations 69
  • 70. How to get every teacher to apply innovative teaching? ➢ Innovators and early adopters ➢ will start when you show them best practices ➢ The rest ➢ will need in situ support 70
  • 71. 71
  • 72. 72
  • 73. Build an educational innovation center ➢ Expertise center ➢ Resources for experimentation ➢ Research approach ➢ Mixed team ➢ Educational scientists ➢ Educational technologists ➢ Provide services to teaching staff and students ➢ E-learning environment ➢ Training of teacher staff ➢ Facilitation of innovation 73
  • 74. Formalize contact with faculties ➢ Educational innovation steering committee ➢ members from ➢ each faculty ➢ central academic services ➢ and/or ➢ in each faculty ➢ an active, full time responsible for educational innovation 74
  • 75. Collaborate with edu researchers ➢ Researchers / teachers from school of educational sciences could ➢ assist with advice ➢ help in training teacher staff ➢ elaborate research projects around local context ➢ provide internship and thesis students 75
  • 76. Educational mission and vision on teaching learning ➢ Get it written ➢ Get it known ➢ Get it implemented ➢ ask on every curriculum reform ➢ ask every new teacher to elaborate her vision on it 76
  • 77. Perform a teacher needs analysis Our results ➢ Didactical support for which tasks? (56%-30%) ➢ Adapt to the way students learn most efficiently ➢ Development of activating tasks ➢ Use of ICT in education ➢ Development of efficient learning materials ➢ Motivating my students ➢ Translate competences to evaluation ➢ Giving feedback to my students ➢ Translate competencies to effective learning activities ➢ Formulating end competences for my courses ➢ Adapt to the prior knowledge of my students 77
  • 78. Perform a teacher needs analysis Our results ➢ Didactical support in which way? (66%-33%) ➢ Online self study courses ➢ Workshops ➢ Individual support of an educational advisor ➢ Intervision ➢ Project group ➢ Individual coaching/mentoring by an experienced colleague ➢ ➢ Formal training 'academical didactics'? ➢ 57% 'yes' 78
  • 79. Disseminate best practices ➢ Website, news letter, books, ... ➢ Yearly day of Educational Innovation ➢ External keynotes ➢ Workshops from internal innovators ➢ Panel discussions ➢ Poster sessions 79
  • 80. Provide didactical seminar for (new) teachers ➢ yearly ➢ 4 days residential ➢ 'obligatory' for new teachers ➢ reflection about personal educational vision ➢ didactical methods ➢ Introduction to educational technologies ➢ feedback with video recordings 80
  • 81. Provide workshops ➢ How to motivate my students? ➢ How to make my courses more interactive? ➢ Peer assessment for group projects ➢ E-learning platform ➢ Student portfolio ➢ Formulation & analysis of Multiple Choice tests ➢ Intellectual property & plagiarism ➢ Digital formats ➢ Open learning with wiki’s, Wikipedia, wiki courses, ... ➢ Open Source Software & reusable learning resources ➢ Voice techniques 81
  • 82. Provide question driven support ➢ Face to face advise and consultancy ➢ E-mail helpdesk ➢ ➢ OTRS (Open Source Trouble Ticket System) 82
  • 83. Facilitate innovation projects ➢ Open call for projects in faculties ➢ Provide funding ➢ Anything from small seed money to 2y 1 FTE ➢ Challenge: continuation after the funding ➢ Or: assign central people that can go from project to project 83
  • 84. Facilitate communication between students and staff + variants for 'ad valvas' and 'work students' Software: GNU mailman : 84
  • 85. Involve your VLE users 85
  • 86. Reflection task ➢ Which recommendations do you have for you university? ➢ How can we improve teaching and learning with ICT? 86
  • 87. Nominal group technique University of Cuenca results ➢ ICT-edu training for teachers (and students) ➢ Funding for ICT-edu projects ➢ Policy for the use of ICT-edu ➢ Promote teachers that have good use of ICT ➢ Introduce ICT in curriculum, carreer, faculties ➢ Center for educational innovation and technologies ➢ Professional networks to share experiences & information ➢ Create awareness about reasons for ICT-edu use ➢ Promote evirtual, e.g. with workshops ➢ Workshops on ICT-edu ➢ Request feedback from attendance in ICT workshops ➢ Give teachers a few months training (learning) time ➢ Deadline for ICT-edu ➢ Open mind for new technologies ➢ Research about ICT-edu (tools) ➢ Project to implement ICT in the classroom with supervisors that monitor implementation ➢ Stimulate ICT instead of manual work for course descriptions ➢ Collect statistics of availability of students computers ➢ Budget for student computers and computer labs 87
  • 88. Active/Manipulative - Collaborative - Complex - Constructive - Contextualized - Conversational - Intentional - Reflective Questions? Comments? Muchas gracias! See also 88