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Teaching HCI to Undergraduate Computing Students:
                 the Quest for the Golden Rules
                                                           Roberto Polillo
                                               DISCO - University of Milano Bicocca
                                                Viale Sarca 336, 20123 Milano (Italy)

                                                                      courses are not listed, so their number is not known, but often the
ABSTRACT                                                              offering is limited to a single HCI course per degree.
I discuss a methodological framework for implementing effective       As a consequence, HCI literacy and skills among computing
Human-Computer Interaction courses in undergraduate computing         students is still largely unsatisfactory because time allocated to
university degrees, and propose some “golden rules” for teaching,     HCI concepts and practice is extremely limited. Since in many
derived from my 10 years of experience in such courses at the         programs HCI courses are not mandatory, a large number of
University of Milano Bicocca.                                         students will graduate totally unaware even of the basic notions
                                                                      related to the design of usable systems.
Categories and Subject Descriptors                                    Teachers of HCI courses are in a difficult position because they
K.3.2. [Computers and Education]: Computer and Information            have to combat on a double front. On one side, they must struggle
Science Education – computer science education, information           to get teaching space from “harder” subject matters, like computer
systems education, curriculum.                                        programming, operating systems, mathematics or theoretical
                                                                      computer science. On the other side, they have to cope with the
General Terms                                                         students themselves, who may be uneasy with the unexpected
Design, Human Factors.                                                “fuzziness” of the practice of the design of usable systems. Even
                                                                      the students who have voluntarily chosen an elective course on
                                                                      HCI - perhaps attracted by the glamour of innovative interaction
Keywords                                                              technologies - may be disappointed when faced with the lack of
HCI, Human Computer Interaction, Interaction Design.                  clearly defined rules of the discipline. Computing students are
                                                                      accustomed to more technical courses and may perceive HCI
1. INTRODUCTION                                                       topics as common sense not worth much attention [2]. Many
For a number of years, courses on Human Computer Interaction          colleagues teaching HCI can easily share the frustration expressed
(HCI) have been offered in most university undergraduate              by Terry Winograd in the foreword to an HCI textbook [7]:
computing degrees. These courses are not aimed at forming              “In years of teaching human-computer interaction, I have often
professional interaction designers or usability specialists, their     felt frustrated in trying to capture for students the experience of
goal being – simply – to introduce students of the different           creating useful, useable and likeable interactive systems”.
computer careers to the main concepts and methods of HCI. This
has been a slow process because the computer mainstream               The purpose of this short paper is to stimulate a discussion among
community has been slow to recognize the importance of user           teachers of HCI courses, to identify ways of improving their
interface design and HCI issues in computer education. Today,         effectiveness. To this end, I will summarize a number of
the importance of HCI courses in undergraduate computing              suggestions, from my 10-year experience in teaching an
programs is recognized in all computing curricula developed by        introductory HCI course for third-year undergraduate students in
the joint working groups of ACM and the IEEE [1]. These               Informatics (Laurea Triennale in Informatica) at the University of
curricula usually suggest a number of “core” (i.e.mandatory)          Milano Bicocca. It is a one-semester elective course, with an
classroom hours on specified knowledge units of the HCI               attendance of 80-120 students (4 to 6 credits, depending on the
knowledge area. Regrettably, this number is still small because       year). It is compliant with ACM-IEEE recommendations and has
HCI must compete with many other knowledge areas, which also          been recently developed in a textbook [6].
demand the attention of students and teachers.                        Section 2 will summarize the space allocated to HCI in the ACM-
In Italy the development of HCI courses has been even slower.         IEEE undergraduate computing curricula. Section 3 will mention
For example, while in the University of Milano the first degree in    the challenges and opportunities in designing an introductory HCI
Informatics dates back to 1981, the first HCI courses started about   course. Section 4 will propose a teaching approach drawn from
two decades later. GRIN1 data show that in 2009 only one third of     my experience. Section 5 will summarize the key points.
the 52 GRIN-certified first level degrees in Informatics of Italian
universities have one mandatory HCI course in at least one of the     2. HCI IN ACM-IEEE CURRICULA
offered curricula (mostly one-semester, 6 credit courses). Elective   The first consolidation of HCI as a discipline can be traced back
                                                                      to 1992, when ACM SIGCHI issued a first set of
                                                                      recommendations for education in HCI [3]. This document, now
1                                                                     considered obsolete, had an enormous impact on HCI teaching for
    GRIN (Gruppo di Informatica,      many years. It gave a very broad definition of HCI, as “a
    certifies and collects data on Informatics degrees in Italian     discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and
    public universities.
implementation of interactive computing systems for human use              where it is defined as one of the five “pillars” of IT, together with
and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them”, and               programming, network, databases and Web systems. This is not
organized the HCI topics as shown in Table 1.                              surprising, since the IT degree focuses on the integration between
  Table 1. HCI topics, according to SIGCHI curriculum [3]                  information technologies and business processes. But the teaching
                                                                           space is still only 20 core hours, or 6.4% of the total.
 Topics and Subtopics
 The Nature of HCI: (Meta-)Models
                                                                           3. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES
 Use and Context of Computers: Human Social Organization and Work.         All ACM-IEEE curricula contain detailed descriptions of the
 Application Areas. Human-Machine Fit and Adaptation.
                                                                           suggested HCI basic course, so there is plenty of material to start
 Human Characteristics: Human Information        Processing.   Language,   with. Nevertheless, defining an undergraduate HCI course is a
 Communication, Interaction. Ergonomics.
                                                                           challenging task:
 Computer Systems and Interface Architecture: Input and Output Devices.
 Dialogue Techniques. Dialogue Genre. Computer Graphics. Dialogue          •    Suggested HCI topics are very heterogeneous, ranging from
 Architecture.                                                                  human factors to widget development. There is always too
 Development Process: Design Approaches: Implementation Techniques.             much to teach in a single course. On the other hand, in real
 Evaluation Techniques. Example Systems and Case Studies.                       life good design solutions can only be devised when the full
 Project Presentation and Examination.                                          range of issues involved is taken into account.
                                                                           •    The teaching space available is limited: even if the course is
                                                                                mandatory (as it should always be, and usually is not), it will
The document suggested that “all computer science students
                                                                                be normally the unique HCI course offered in a 4 year
should be exposed to the issues and concerns of HCI as part of
                                                                                program (3 years in Italy).
their fundamental courses”, and defined a set of alternative 4
introductory HCI courses (42 hours each) in which the above                •    Computer students are analytically-minded, and more at ease
topics had different emphasis, depending on the course audience.                with hacking at a computer keyboard than with the “fuzzy”
These courses were broadly characterized as either technology                   problems posed by humans, which may sometimes be
oriented (CS1: User Interface Design and Development and CS2:                   considered uninteresting or even trivial [2].
Phenomena and Theories of HCI) or human oriented (PSY1:
                                                                           •    Theory must be interiorized with practice, therefore large
Psychology of HCI and MIS1: Human Aspects of Information
                                                                                space should be allocated to project work, and this further
Systems), and as moving from a general professional/practical
                                                                                stresses the time constraints.
orientation (CS1 and MIS1) to one that is more specialized and
research oriented (CS2 and PSY1), and were intended to be                  •    Linking theory with practice (e.g. specific design solutions to
personalized according to particular situations. The document                   specific usability guidelines) requires experience, and
stressed the importance of having the students understand basic                 individual coaching is necessary. The teacher should discuss
HCI concepts, terminology, facts and principles and be able to                  with each project group, on a step-by-step basis, the
apply them in real life situations.                                             advancement of their work, pinpointing the possible
                                                                                consequences of their choices. This is extremely demanding
In subsequent years various work groups were jointly established
                                                                                when large classes are involved, even if now some coaching
from ACM and IEEE, to define undergraduate university
                                                                                can be done online with suitable tools.
curricula for different computing areas. The 2001 Curriculum for
Computer Science (CS) undergraduate programs included HCI as               •    Team work on projects is advisable because it helps to
one of the 14 core knowledge areas and recognized the need for                  analyze problems from a plurality of point of views,
HCI courses, but the core (i.e. mandatory) classroom hours                      encourages knowledge transfer between individuals, and
allocated to it were only 8 (out of a total of 280). The HCI course             prepares for real-life situations. This makes it difficult to
description contained both ergonomic issues and technical aspects               evaluate the individual contributions of the group members.
of GUI development. In the following years, other curricula were           •    Design projects and usability assessments give best results
developed: Information Systems (IS: 2002, 2010), Software                       when they cope with real problems, involving real
Engineering (SE: 2004), Computer Engineering (CE: 2004),                        stakeholders, and they may not be always available.
Information Technology (IT: 2006, 2008). The Computing
Curricula 2005 [1] gives a comparative summary of these                    On the other side, HCI courses have some advantages with
documents, which can be downloaded from the education section              respect to other more technical courses:
of the ACM Web site. All curricula contain an HCI course, but its          •    Lab structures and expensive tools are not necessary. For
space is not much higher than in CS (Table 2). Interestingly, HCI               introductory HCI courses, students only need their laptops.
gains its best credit in the 2008 revision of the IT Curriculum,                Useful software tools (e.g. for prototyping or usability
                                                                                testing), are often freely available. If not, free trial periods
                                                                                are usually enough to complete student projects.
  Table 2. Summary of HCI space in ACM-IEEE curricula
                                                                           •    HCI courses may be fun. Humans and human behaviors are
                                                                                strange and interesting subjects. Lots of video material is
                                                                                available on the net, to easily organize media-rich lessons.
                                                                           •    HCI design projects can spur student creativity. Because
                                                                                initial prototyping is usually involved, students can
                                                                                concentrate on innovation, without being overwhelmed with
                                                                                detailed implementation problems.
4.1 HCI Course Dimensions
Topics suggested for an introductory HCI course in the ACM-           At every cycle, the instructor reviews the prototype, tracing back
IEEE curricula are very heterogeneous, ranging from human             weaknesses and strengths to design decisions, mentioning
cognitive processes to implementation techniques. This leaves an      applicable general principles and techniques, and helping students
enormous space to teacher choices. As suggested in [3], mapping       to conceptualize – ex post – what has been made and relating it to
the course topics on a two dimensions schema (Figure 1) may be        the theory. The design-prototype-evaluate cycle allows touching
very useful for tailoring the course to a certain degree. Any         all the major topics of an HCI introductory course: the most
content item can be presented in different ways according to the      effective way to understand HCI concepts is through design.
quadrant in which the course is placed. Let’s consider, e.g., the
topic of multi-touch interaction. While A-courses might examine       Actual projects may vary from case to case, both in content (what
device characteristics and performances, B-courses might require      is designed) and in size (small group projects vs a single project
that students practice with it. C-courses might describe              involving the whole class). Although every choice may be
applications using it. D-courses might model the user interaction.    justified, working with small groups of 3-4 students, who choose
                                                                      their own project of interest, often is better. Indeed, interaction
                                                                      during revision is more direct, and projects may be tailored to
                                                                      actual student interests and experiences.
                                                                      Of course, there are also lots of facts that should be mentioned in
                                                                      an introductory course, requiring more structured classroom
                                                                      presentations. These should be allocated in suitable moments
                                                                      according to progress of project work, in order to maximize
                                                                      theory ↔ practice feedbacks.

                                                                      4.3 Ten Golden Rules for Design Projects
                                                                      The above suggestions may seem obvious, and certainly the
                                                                      benefits of a project-based experiential learning have been largely
                                                                      discussed in the education literature. But if we consider the
                                                                      mentioned constraints (the short time available and the broad
                                                                      range of HCI topics suggested in the computing curricula), they
                                                                      are not easily implemented. Moreover, most popular HCI
                                                                      textbooks do not help: they adopt a top-down, concepts-first
            Figure 1. Dimensions of an HCI course.                    approach, extensively developed in hundreds of pages. Inevitably,
                                                                      if not explicitly, they suggest a rather traditional, lecture-first
4.2 Project-Based Experiential Education                              teaching. In my experience, to get good learning results in the
The importance of having students practice in lab projects is         short timeframe available, it is necessary to renounce trade-offs,
common sense, and there is no need to comment on it. All              and adopt a radical teaching approach, where direct, coached
mentioned curricula stress the importance of practical exercises      design experience has top priority over systematic
and projects, and team work. While this is applicable to most         conceptualization. Since the short space available here does not
computer courses, for HCI this requires a rather radical approach.    permit a longer discussion, in the following I will summarize in
Experience shows that presenting theory first and applying it later   10 short “golden rules” what I have learned in my courses after
does not work. Interspersing theory and teacher-narrated              years of trials and errors.
examples does not work either. HCI concepts may seem obvious
if tackled out of a concrete problem solving context. Which           4.3.1 Practice first, concepts follow
student would not agree with Nielsen heuristics? They are             Assign project work as soon as possible, ideally at the very start
perceived as obvious and… immediately forgotten and never             of the course.
applied.                                                              4.3.2 Situated design, not simulation
Introductory HCI courses require a project-based experiential         Use real problems for design projects, with real constraints and
education approach [8][9]. This is opposed to the traditional way     real stakeholders which can be interviewed by the students.
of teaching, in which the instructor presents facts and concepts to   Simulated problems have fictitious constraints, which are easily
the classroom and prescribes textbook study and learning              disregarded or relaxed. Instead, real stakeholders (customers and
exercises in which facts and concepts are applied. Project-based      users) are difficult to cope with, and are not always right. They
experiential education uses projects as the central focus of          may have preconceptions leading to bad design; trying to
instruction. The instructor acts as a coach, leading students along   convince them is very instructive (e.g., see [4]). Whenever
a learning loop:                                                      possible, pursue a situated learning approach [5].
Concrete experience → observation and reflection on that              4.3.3 Interaction, not description
experience → formation of abstract concepts based on reflection       Ask students to build interactive prototypes, not simply a
→ testing the new concepts in new situations.                         description of the proposed system. Interaction cannot be
                                                                      narrated, it must be experienced. Charts, storyboards, interaction
Although this approach could in principle be implemented with a
                                                                      diagrams and the like do not tell the whole story, and are not
variety of project assignments, it matches perfectly well with
                                                                      enough to evaluate a design. Learning a design language is not the
iterative design projects, where the cycle is:
goal of an HCI course. We need a prototype, and it must be               5. CONCLUSIONS
interactive, so we can put our hands on it, and let users do the         Since the late 1980’s, HCI has been recognized as a core
same.                                                                    knowledge area in almost all ACM-IEEE curricula for computing
4.3.4 Mostly coaching, not teaching                                      undergraduate students, and detailed course descriptions have
Allow a very substantial percentage of teacher hours for planned         been proposed, including a broad range of content topics. There is
coaching. Revise frequently the output of each project group, and        also general agreement on the importance of having students
discuss it with students, relating project issues to design principles   practice in concrete projects to learn HCI. But implementing an
when appropriate. Since HCI is not an exact science, involve             effective HCI course is still very difficult, since the subject matter
different reviewers whenever possible. They will have different,         is very broad, and the available teaching space is limited, because
even conflicting, points of view: confronting them is extremely          HCI competes with many other important knowledge areas. In
instructive. Involve other students as reviewers. Professors are         this short paper I have summarized a methodological framework
not always right: letting students discover it is part of the            which may help in organizing effective HCI courses for
teaching.                                                                undergraduate computer students, based on my 10 years trials-
                                                                         and-errors in teaching HCI courses to undergraduate students in
4.3.5 User testing is mandatory                                          computing. It advocates a radical project-based, experiential
Ask students to perform user testing of every prototype. Every           learning approach, in which small groups of students design
student must experience usability testing, as a user, as a               simple interactive systems in real environments, using a coached
facilitator, as a developer of the tested system. The simplest           iterative process, with the help of elementary prototyping tools
setting is the fittest: a table and chairs, a laptop with a webcam,      and extensive user testing. This approach is summarized in ten
free software to capture and synchronize video, audio and screen         proposed “golden rules”, and is called radical in the sense that
action, think-aloud protocol. Usability labs are harmful: they           design practice and project coaching have absolute priority over
suggest that user testing requires expensive settings, which is not      traditional lectures, which might be kept to a very minimum:
true.                                                                    concepts should develop from projects, and not the other way
4.3.6 Iterate prototypes until “Wow!”                                    around.
Pursue perfection. Never accept an almost-good prototype:
always ask to improve it. Seeing how a prototype slowly changes          6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
from poor to excellent is an essential part of HCI learning. One         I am strongly indebted with Piero Schiavo Campo, for his support,
or two iterations are never enough. Big problems hide small              over many years, to my courses at University of Milano Bicocca,
problems, which become visible only later in the cycle. But a            and for many discussions on how to improve them.
moment will always arrive in which everything goes to its place,
and everybody will immediately recognize it. This is the “Wow!           7. REFERENCES
moment”. Never stop earlier.                                             [1] ACM–IEEE. 2005. Computing Curricula 2005 – Overview
4.3.7 Make students learn design, not design tools
Use paper prototyping for lo-fi prototypes, and simple                   [2] Aberg, J. 2010. Challenges with Teaching HCI Early to
presentation programs (such as Power Point) for medium-fi                    Computer Students. In Proc. of the 15th Conference on
prototypes. The best tools have zero learning time, as there is no           Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
time to do otherwise in an HCI course. An incredible number of               (Ankara, Turkey, June 2010). ITiCSE’10. ACM.3-7
interesting systems can be effectively prototyped using a simple         [3] Hewett, T.T. (ed.). 1992. ACM SIGCHI Curricula for
presentation program. There is no need to look elsewhere.                    Human-Computer Interaction. ACM, New York, N.Y.
4.3.8 Ban any intrusive prototyping tools                          
Prohibit the use of tools which may influence system look-and-           [4] Koppelman, H. and Van Dijk, B. 2006. Creating a Realistic
feel and interaction style, such as HTML generators for non-Web              Context for Team Projects in HCI. In Proceedings of
systems, or computer animation tools, even when students are                 ITiCSE’06 (Bologna, Italy, June 2006). ACM.58-62
expert user of these tools. Once again, use presentation tools.          [5] Lave, J. and Wenger, E. 1991. Situated Learning. Legitimate
4.3.9 Use the Web as a resource                                              Peripheral Participation. Cambridge University Press.
The Web can be helpful in many ways: to support group                    [6] Polillo, R. 2010. Facile da Usare – Una moderna
communication and online coaching; to investigate the technical              introduzione all’ingegneria dell’usabilità. Apogeo, Milano.
feasibility of the designed system; to find similar systems already
                                                                         [7] Rosson, M.B. and Carroll, J.M. 2002. Usability Engineering
available; to download useful software tools and stencil galleries
                                                                             – Scenario-Based Development of HCI. Morgan Kaufmann.
for prototype development. Learning to use this resource should
be a primary goal of any HCI course.                                     [8] Sas, C. 2006. Learning Approaches for Teaching Interaction
                                                                             Design. In HCI Educators Workshop (Limerick, Ireland, 23-
4.3.10 Capitalize on student specific experiences                            24 March 2006).
Do not assign a unique, one-size-fits-all class project. Ask each        [9] Thimbleby, H. 2009. Teaching and Learning HCI. In
student team to propose a different project, based on their specific         Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction.
interests and expertise. Hobbies, job experiences, previous school           Addressing Diversity. LNCS 2009, Vol.5614/2009, 625-635
careers make every student unique. Mixing diverse and interesting
experiences in a project group may produce a formidable boost to
Teaching HCI to Undergraduate Computing Students: the Quest for the Golden Rules

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Teaching HCI to Undergraduate Computing Students: the Quest for the Golden Rules

  • 1. Teaching HCI to Undergraduate Computing Students: the Quest for the Golden Rules Roberto Polillo DISCO - University of Milano Bicocca Viale Sarca 336, 20123 Milano (Italy) +39-335-219668 courses are not listed, so their number is not known, but often the ABSTRACT offering is limited to a single HCI course per degree. I discuss a methodological framework for implementing effective As a consequence, HCI literacy and skills among computing Human-Computer Interaction courses in undergraduate computing students is still largely unsatisfactory because time allocated to university degrees, and propose some “golden rules” for teaching, HCI concepts and practice is extremely limited. Since in many derived from my 10 years of experience in such courses at the programs HCI courses are not mandatory, a large number of University of Milano Bicocca. students will graduate totally unaware even of the basic notions related to the design of usable systems. Categories and Subject Descriptors Teachers of HCI courses are in a difficult position because they K.3.2. [Computers and Education]: Computer and Information have to combat on a double front. On one side, they must struggle Science Education – computer science education, information to get teaching space from “harder” subject matters, like computer systems education, curriculum. programming, operating systems, mathematics or theoretical computer science. On the other side, they have to cope with the General Terms students themselves, who may be uneasy with the unexpected Design, Human Factors. “fuzziness” of the practice of the design of usable systems. Even the students who have voluntarily chosen an elective course on HCI - perhaps attracted by the glamour of innovative interaction Keywords technologies - may be disappointed when faced with the lack of HCI, Human Computer Interaction, Interaction Design. clearly defined rules of the discipline. Computing students are accustomed to more technical courses and may perceive HCI 1. INTRODUCTION topics as common sense not worth much attention [2]. Many For a number of years, courses on Human Computer Interaction colleagues teaching HCI can easily share the frustration expressed (HCI) have been offered in most university undergraduate by Terry Winograd in the foreword to an HCI textbook [7]: computing degrees. These courses are not aimed at forming “In years of teaching human-computer interaction, I have often professional interaction designers or usability specialists, their felt frustrated in trying to capture for students the experience of goal being – simply – to introduce students of the different creating useful, useable and likeable interactive systems”. computer careers to the main concepts and methods of HCI. This has been a slow process because the computer mainstream The purpose of this short paper is to stimulate a discussion among community has been slow to recognize the importance of user teachers of HCI courses, to identify ways of improving their interface design and HCI issues in computer education. Today, effectiveness. To this end, I will summarize a number of the importance of HCI courses in undergraduate computing suggestions, from my 10-year experience in teaching an programs is recognized in all computing curricula developed by introductory HCI course for third-year undergraduate students in the joint working groups of ACM and the IEEE [1]. These Informatics (Laurea Triennale in Informatica) at the University of curricula usually suggest a number of “core” (i.e.mandatory) Milano Bicocca. It is a one-semester elective course, with an classroom hours on specified knowledge units of the HCI attendance of 80-120 students (4 to 6 credits, depending on the knowledge area. Regrettably, this number is still small because year). It is compliant with ACM-IEEE recommendations and has HCI must compete with many other knowledge areas, which also been recently developed in a textbook [6]. demand the attention of students and teachers. Section 2 will summarize the space allocated to HCI in the ACM- In Italy the development of HCI courses has been even slower. IEEE undergraduate computing curricula. Section 3 will mention For example, while in the University of Milano the first degree in the challenges and opportunities in designing an introductory HCI Informatics dates back to 1981, the first HCI courses started about course. Section 4 will propose a teaching approach drawn from two decades later. GRIN1 data show that in 2009 only one third of my experience. Section 5 will summarize the key points. the 52 GRIN-certified first level degrees in Informatics of Italian universities have one mandatory HCI course in at least one of the 2. HCI IN ACM-IEEE CURRICULA offered curricula (mostly one-semester, 6 credit courses). Elective The first consolidation of HCI as a discipline can be traced back to 1992, when ACM SIGCHI issued a first set of recommendations for education in HCI [3]. This document, now 1 considered obsolete, had an enormous impact on HCI teaching for GRIN (Gruppo di Informatica, many years. It gave a very broad definition of HCI, as “a certifies and collects data on Informatics degrees in Italian discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and public universities.
  • 2. implementation of interactive computing systems for human use where it is defined as one of the five “pillars” of IT, together with and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them”, and programming, network, databases and Web systems. This is not organized the HCI topics as shown in Table 1. surprising, since the IT degree focuses on the integration between Table 1. HCI topics, according to SIGCHI curriculum [3] information technologies and business processes. But the teaching space is still only 20 core hours, or 6.4% of the total. Topics and Subtopics The Nature of HCI: (Meta-)Models 3. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Use and Context of Computers: Human Social Organization and Work. All ACM-IEEE curricula contain detailed descriptions of the Application Areas. Human-Machine Fit and Adaptation. suggested HCI basic course, so there is plenty of material to start Human Characteristics: Human Information Processing. Language, with. Nevertheless, defining an undergraduate HCI course is a Communication, Interaction. Ergonomics. challenging task: Computer Systems and Interface Architecture: Input and Output Devices. Dialogue Techniques. Dialogue Genre. Computer Graphics. Dialogue • Suggested HCI topics are very heterogeneous, ranging from Architecture. human factors to widget development. There is always too Development Process: Design Approaches: Implementation Techniques. much to teach in a single course. On the other hand, in real Evaluation Techniques. Example Systems and Case Studies. life good design solutions can only be devised when the full Project Presentation and Examination. range of issues involved is taken into account. • The teaching space available is limited: even if the course is mandatory (as it should always be, and usually is not), it will The document suggested that “all computer science students be normally the unique HCI course offered in a 4 year should be exposed to the issues and concerns of HCI as part of program (3 years in Italy). their fundamental courses”, and defined a set of alternative 4 introductory HCI courses (42 hours each) in which the above • Computer students are analytically-minded, and more at ease topics had different emphasis, depending on the course audience. with hacking at a computer keyboard than with the “fuzzy” These courses were broadly characterized as either technology problems posed by humans, which may sometimes be oriented (CS1: User Interface Design and Development and CS2: considered uninteresting or even trivial [2]. Phenomena and Theories of HCI) or human oriented (PSY1: • Theory must be interiorized with practice, therefore large Psychology of HCI and MIS1: Human Aspects of Information space should be allocated to project work, and this further Systems), and as moving from a general professional/practical stresses the time constraints. orientation (CS1 and MIS1) to one that is more specialized and research oriented (CS2 and PSY1), and were intended to be • Linking theory with practice (e.g. specific design solutions to personalized according to particular situations. The document specific usability guidelines) requires experience, and stressed the importance of having the students understand basic individual coaching is necessary. The teacher should discuss HCI concepts, terminology, facts and principles and be able to with each project group, on a step-by-step basis, the apply them in real life situations. advancement of their work, pinpointing the possible consequences of their choices. This is extremely demanding In subsequent years various work groups were jointly established when large classes are involved, even if now some coaching from ACM and IEEE, to define undergraduate university can be done online with suitable tools. curricula for different computing areas. The 2001 Curriculum for Computer Science (CS) undergraduate programs included HCI as • Team work on projects is advisable because it helps to one of the 14 core knowledge areas and recognized the need for analyze problems from a plurality of point of views, HCI courses, but the core (i.e. mandatory) classroom hours encourages knowledge transfer between individuals, and allocated to it were only 8 (out of a total of 280). The HCI course prepares for real-life situations. This makes it difficult to description contained both ergonomic issues and technical aspects evaluate the individual contributions of the group members. of GUI development. In the following years, other curricula were • Design projects and usability assessments give best results developed: Information Systems (IS: 2002, 2010), Software when they cope with real problems, involving real Engineering (SE: 2004), Computer Engineering (CE: 2004), stakeholders, and they may not be always available. Information Technology (IT: 2006, 2008). The Computing Curricula 2005 [1] gives a comparative summary of these On the other side, HCI courses have some advantages with documents, which can be downloaded from the education section respect to other more technical courses: of the ACM Web site. All curricula contain an HCI course, but its • Lab structures and expensive tools are not necessary. For space is not much higher than in CS (Table 2). Interestingly, HCI introductory HCI courses, students only need their laptops. gains its best credit in the 2008 revision of the IT Curriculum, Useful software tools (e.g. for prototyping or usability testing), are often freely available. If not, free trial periods are usually enough to complete student projects. Table 2. Summary of HCI space in ACM-IEEE curricula • HCI courses may be fun. Humans and human behaviors are strange and interesting subjects. Lots of video material is available on the net, to easily organize media-rich lessons. • HCI design projects can spur student creativity. Because initial prototyping is usually involved, students can concentrate on innovation, without being overwhelmed with detailed implementation problems.
  • 3. 4. PLANNING AN HCI COURSE 4.1 HCI Course Dimensions Topics suggested for an introductory HCI course in the ACM- At every cycle, the instructor reviews the prototype, tracing back IEEE curricula are very heterogeneous, ranging from human weaknesses and strengths to design decisions, mentioning cognitive processes to implementation techniques. This leaves an applicable general principles and techniques, and helping students enormous space to teacher choices. As suggested in [3], mapping to conceptualize – ex post – what has been made and relating it to the course topics on a two dimensions schema (Figure 1) may be the theory. The design-prototype-evaluate cycle allows touching very useful for tailoring the course to a certain degree. Any all the major topics of an HCI introductory course: the most content item can be presented in different ways according to the effective way to understand HCI concepts is through design. quadrant in which the course is placed. Let’s consider, e.g., the topic of multi-touch interaction. While A-courses might examine Actual projects may vary from case to case, both in content (what device characteristics and performances, B-courses might require is designed) and in size (small group projects vs a single project that students practice with it. C-courses might describe involving the whole class). Although every choice may be applications using it. D-courses might model the user interaction. justified, working with small groups of 3-4 students, who choose their own project of interest, often is better. Indeed, interaction during revision is more direct, and projects may be tailored to actual student interests and experiences. Of course, there are also lots of facts that should be mentioned in an introductory course, requiring more structured classroom presentations. These should be allocated in suitable moments according to progress of project work, in order to maximize theory ↔ practice feedbacks. 4.3 Ten Golden Rules for Design Projects The above suggestions may seem obvious, and certainly the benefits of a project-based experiential learning have been largely discussed in the education literature. But if we consider the mentioned constraints (the short time available and the broad range of HCI topics suggested in the computing curricula), they are not easily implemented. Moreover, most popular HCI textbooks do not help: they adopt a top-down, concepts-first Figure 1. Dimensions of an HCI course. approach, extensively developed in hundreds of pages. Inevitably, if not explicitly, they suggest a rather traditional, lecture-first 4.2 Project-Based Experiential Education teaching. In my experience, to get good learning results in the The importance of having students practice in lab projects is short timeframe available, it is necessary to renounce trade-offs, common sense, and there is no need to comment on it. All and adopt a radical teaching approach, where direct, coached mentioned curricula stress the importance of practical exercises design experience has top priority over systematic and projects, and team work. While this is applicable to most conceptualization. Since the short space available here does not computer courses, for HCI this requires a rather radical approach. permit a longer discussion, in the following I will summarize in Experience shows that presenting theory first and applying it later 10 short “golden rules” what I have learned in my courses after does not work. Interspersing theory and teacher-narrated years of trials and errors. examples does not work either. HCI concepts may seem obvious if tackled out of a concrete problem solving context. Which 4.3.1 Practice first, concepts follow student would not agree with Nielsen heuristics? They are Assign project work as soon as possible, ideally at the very start perceived as obvious and… immediately forgotten and never of the course. applied. 4.3.2 Situated design, not simulation Introductory HCI courses require a project-based experiential Use real problems for design projects, with real constraints and education approach [8][9]. This is opposed to the traditional way real stakeholders which can be interviewed by the students. of teaching, in which the instructor presents facts and concepts to Simulated problems have fictitious constraints, which are easily the classroom and prescribes textbook study and learning disregarded or relaxed. Instead, real stakeholders (customers and exercises in which facts and concepts are applied. Project-based users) are difficult to cope with, and are not always right. They experiential education uses projects as the central focus of may have preconceptions leading to bad design; trying to instruction. The instructor acts as a coach, leading students along convince them is very instructive (e.g., see [4]). Whenever a learning loop: possible, pursue a situated learning approach [5]. Concrete experience → observation and reflection on that 4.3.3 Interaction, not description experience → formation of abstract concepts based on reflection Ask students to build interactive prototypes, not simply a → testing the new concepts in new situations. description of the proposed system. Interaction cannot be narrated, it must be experienced. Charts, storyboards, interaction Although this approach could in principle be implemented with a diagrams and the like do not tell the whole story, and are not variety of project assignments, it matches perfectly well with enough to evaluate a design. Learning a design language is not the iterative design projects, where the cycle is:
  • 4. goal of an HCI course. We need a prototype, and it must be 5. CONCLUSIONS interactive, so we can put our hands on it, and let users do the Since the late 1980’s, HCI has been recognized as a core same. knowledge area in almost all ACM-IEEE curricula for computing 4.3.4 Mostly coaching, not teaching undergraduate students, and detailed course descriptions have Allow a very substantial percentage of teacher hours for planned been proposed, including a broad range of content topics. There is coaching. Revise frequently the output of each project group, and also general agreement on the importance of having students discuss it with students, relating project issues to design principles practice in concrete projects to learn HCI. But implementing an when appropriate. Since HCI is not an exact science, involve effective HCI course is still very difficult, since the subject matter different reviewers whenever possible. They will have different, is very broad, and the available teaching space is limited, because even conflicting, points of view: confronting them is extremely HCI competes with many other important knowledge areas. In instructive. Involve other students as reviewers. Professors are this short paper I have summarized a methodological framework not always right: letting students discover it is part of the which may help in organizing effective HCI courses for teaching. undergraduate computer students, based on my 10 years trials- and-errors in teaching HCI courses to undergraduate students in 4.3.5 User testing is mandatory computing. It advocates a radical project-based, experiential Ask students to perform user testing of every prototype. Every learning approach, in which small groups of students design student must experience usability testing, as a user, as a simple interactive systems in real environments, using a coached facilitator, as a developer of the tested system. The simplest iterative process, with the help of elementary prototyping tools setting is the fittest: a table and chairs, a laptop with a webcam, and extensive user testing. This approach is summarized in ten free software to capture and synchronize video, audio and screen proposed “golden rules”, and is called radical in the sense that action, think-aloud protocol. Usability labs are harmful: they design practice and project coaching have absolute priority over suggest that user testing requires expensive settings, which is not traditional lectures, which might be kept to a very minimum: true. concepts should develop from projects, and not the other way 4.3.6 Iterate prototypes until “Wow!” around. Pursue perfection. Never accept an almost-good prototype: always ask to improve it. Seeing how a prototype slowly changes 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS from poor to excellent is an essential part of HCI learning. One I am strongly indebted with Piero Schiavo Campo, for his support, or two iterations are never enough. Big problems hide small over many years, to my courses at University of Milano Bicocca, problems, which become visible only later in the cycle. But a and for many discussions on how to improve them. moment will always arrive in which everything goes to its place, and everybody will immediately recognize it. This is the “Wow! 7. REFERENCES moment”. Never stop earlier. [1] ACM–IEEE. 2005. Computing Curricula 2005 – Overview Report. 4.3.7 Make students learn design, not design tools Use paper prototyping for lo-fi prototypes, and simple [2] Aberg, J. 2010. Challenges with Teaching HCI Early to presentation programs (such as Power Point) for medium-fi Computer Students. In Proc. of the 15th Conference on prototypes. The best tools have zero learning time, as there is no Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education time to do otherwise in an HCI course. An incredible number of (Ankara, Turkey, June 2010). ITiCSE’10. ACM.3-7 interesting systems can be effectively prototyped using a simple [3] Hewett, T.T. (ed.). 1992. ACM SIGCHI Curricula for presentation program. There is no need to look elsewhere. Human-Computer Interaction. ACM, New York, N.Y. 4.3.8 Ban any intrusive prototyping tools Prohibit the use of tools which may influence system look-and- [4] Koppelman, H. and Van Dijk, B. 2006. Creating a Realistic feel and interaction style, such as HTML generators for non-Web Context for Team Projects in HCI. In Proceedings of systems, or computer animation tools, even when students are ITiCSE’06 (Bologna, Italy, June 2006). ACM.58-62 expert user of these tools. Once again, use presentation tools. [5] Lave, J. and Wenger, E. 1991. Situated Learning. Legitimate 4.3.9 Use the Web as a resource Peripheral Participation. Cambridge University Press. The Web can be helpful in many ways: to support group [6] Polillo, R. 2010. Facile da Usare – Una moderna communication and online coaching; to investigate the technical introduzione all’ingegneria dell’usabilità. Apogeo, Milano. feasibility of the designed system; to find similar systems already [7] Rosson, M.B. and Carroll, J.M. 2002. Usability Engineering available; to download useful software tools and stencil galleries – Scenario-Based Development of HCI. Morgan Kaufmann. for prototype development. Learning to use this resource should be a primary goal of any HCI course. [8] Sas, C. 2006. Learning Approaches for Teaching Interaction Design. In HCI Educators Workshop (Limerick, Ireland, 23- 4.3.10 Capitalize on student specific experiences 24 March 2006). Do not assign a unique, one-size-fits-all class project. Ask each [9] Thimbleby, H. 2009. Teaching and Learning HCI. In student team to propose a different project, based on their specific Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. interests and expertise. Hobbies, job experiences, previous school Addressing Diversity. LNCS 2009, Vol.5614/2009, 625-635 careers make every student unique. Mixing diverse and interesting experiences in a project group may produce a formidable boost to creativity.