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• History of Magnetism       • Sources of Magnetism
• Bar Magnets                • Spin & Orbital Dipole
• Magnetic Dipoles
                             • Permanent Magnets
• Magnetic Fields
                             • Earth’s Magnetic Field
• Magnetic Forces on
  Moving Charges and Wires   • Magnetic Flux
• Electric Motors            • Induced Emf and Current
• Current Loops and          • Generators
                             • Crossed Fields
• Solenoids
History of Magnetism
• The first known magnets were naturally occurring lodestones, a type
  of iron ore called magnetite (Fe3O4). People of ancient Greece and
  China discovered that a lodestone would always align itself in a
  longitudinal direction if it was allowed to rotate freely. This property
  of lodestones allowed for the creation of compasses two thousand
  years ago, which was the first known use of the magnet.
• In 1263 Pierre de Maricourt mapped the magnetic field of a lodestone
  with a compass. He discovered that a magnet had two magnetic poles
  North and South poles.
• In the 1600's William Gilbert, physician of Queen Elizabeth I,
  concluded that Earth itself is a giant magnet.
• In 1820 the Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted discovered an
  electric current flowing through a wire can cause a compass needle to
  deflect, showing that magnetism and electricity were related.
History      (cont.)
• In 1830 Michael Faraday (British) and Joseph Henry (American)
  independently discovered that a changing magnetic field produced a current

 in a coil of wire. Faraday, who was perhaps the greatest experimentalist of
 all time, came up with the idea of electric and magnetic “fields.” He also
 invented the dynamo (a generator), made major contributions to chemistry,
 and invented one of the first electric motors
• In the 19th century James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist and one of
  the great theoreticians of all times, mathematically unified the electric and
  magnetic forces. He also proposed that light was electromagnetic radiation.
• In the late 19th century Pierre Curie discovered that magnets loose their
  magnetism above a certain temperature that later became known as the
  Curie point.
• In the 1900's scientists discover superconductivity. Superconductors are
  materials that have a zero resistance to a current flowing through them
  when they are a very low temperature. They also exclude magnetic field
Magnetic Dipoles
Recall that an electric dipole consists
of two equal but opposite charges                  -      +
separated by some distance, such as in
a polar molecule. Every magnet is a
magnetic dipole. A bar magnet is a
simple example. Note how the E field      Electric dipole and E field
due an electric dipole is just like the
magnetic field (B field) of a bar
magnet. Field lines emanate from the
+ or N pole and reenter the - or S
pole. Although they look the same,
they are different kinds of fields. E             S       N
fields affect any charge in the
vicinity, but a B field only affects
moving charges. As with charges,
opposite poles attract and like poles     Magnetic dipole and B field
Magnetic Monopole Don’ t Exist

We have studied electric fields to due isolated + or - charges, but as
far as we know, magnetic monopole do not exist, meaning it is
impossible to isolate a N or S pole. The bar magnet on the left is
surrounded by iron filings, which orient themselves according to the
magnetic field they are in. When we try to separate the two poles by
breaking the magnet, we only succeed in producing two distinct
dipoles (pic on right).                              Bar magnet demo
Magnetic Fields
You have seen that electric fields and be uniform, nonuniform and
symmetric, or nonuniform and asymmetric. The same is true for
magnetic fields. (Later we’ll see how to produce uniform
magnetic fields with a current flowing through a coil called a
solenoid.) Regardless of symmetry or complexity, the SI unit for
any E field is the N/C, since by definition an electric field is force
per unit charge. Because there are no magnetic monopoles, there
is no analogous definition for B. However, regardless of
symmetry or complexity, there is only one SI unit for a B field. It
is called a tesla and its symbol is T. The coming slides will show
how to write a tesla in terms of other SI units. The magnetic field
vector is always tangent to the magnetic field. Unlike E fields, all
magnetic field lines that come from the N pole must land on the S
pole--no field lines go to or come from infinity.
Force Due to Magnetic Field
The force exerted on a charged particle by a magnetic field is given
by the vector cross product:

                          F = qv ×B
F = force (vector)
q = charge on the particle (scalar)
v = velocity of the particle relative to field (vector)
B = magnetic field (vector)
Recall that the magnitude of a cross is the product of the
magnitudes of the vectors times the sine of the angle between
them. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is given by
                          F = q v B sinθ
 where θ is angle between q v and B vectors.
Cross Product Review
Let v1 = 〈 x1, y1, z1 〉 and v2 = 〈 x2, y2, z2 〉 .
By definition, the cross product of these vectors (pronounced “v1
cross v2”) is given by the following determinant.

                               i    j    k
               v1 × v2 =      x1 y1 z1
                              x2 y2 z2

= (y1 z2 - y2 z1) i - (x1 z2 - x2 z1) j + (x1 y2 - x2 y1) k
Note that the cross product of two vectors is a vector itself that is
⊥ to each of the original vectors. i, j, and k are the unit vectors
pointing, along the positive x, y, and z axes, respectively. (See the
vector presentation for a review of determinants.)
Right Hand Rule Review
A quick way to determine the direction of a cross product is to
use the right hand rule. To find a × b, place the knife edge of
your right hand (pinky side) along a and curl your hand toward
b, making a fist. Your thumb then points in the direction ofa × b.

                                                     a× b
 It can be proven that the magnitude of
a × b is given by:
|a× b|=         a b sinθ                                         b
 where θ is the angle between                             φ
 a and b.                                                       a
Magnetic Field Units

     F = q           v        B       sinθ

   1 N = 1 C (m / s) (T)
From the formula for magnetic force we can find a relationship
between the tesla and other SI units. The sine of an angle has no
units, so
                   1N         1N
             1T =           =
                  C (m / s)   Am
  A magnetic field of one tesla is very powerful magnetic field.
  Sometimes it may be convenient to use the gauss, which is
  equal to 1/10,000 of a tesla. Earth’s magnetic field, at the
  surface, varies but has the strength of about one gauss.
Direction of Magnetic Field & Force
Near the poles, where the field lines are close together, the field is very strong (so
the field vector are drawn longer). Anywhere in the field the mag. field vector is
always tangent to the mag. field line there. The + charge in the pic in moving into
the page. Since q is +, the q v vector is also into the page. The - charge
is moving to the right, so the q v vector is to the left. The mag. force vector is
always ⊥ to plane formed by the q v vector and the B vector.
The force on the - charge is into              F
the page. If a charge is motionless
relative to the field, there is no
magnetic force on it, but if either a              +                 -                   v
magnet is moving or a charge is
moving, there could a force on the
charge. If a charge moves parallel
to a magnetic field, there is no
magnetic force on it, since
sin 0° = 0.
Magnetic Field & Force Practice
Find the direction of the magnetic force or velocity:
1.   A + charge at P is moving out of the page.
2.   A - charge at Q is moving out of the page.
3.   A - charge at Q is moving to the right.
4.   A + charge at Q is moving up.
5.   A - charge at R is
     moving up and to the left.
6.   A + charge at R is moving
     down and to the right.                             P
7.   A - charge at R feels a
     force into the page.
8.   A + charge at P feels a
     force out of the page.
9.   A - charge at Q feels an           Q
     upward force.
Magnetic Force Sample Problem
This magnet is similar to a parallel plate capacitor in that there is a strong uniform
field between its poles with some fringing on the sides. Suppose the magnetic field
strength inside is 0.07 T and a 4.3 mC charge is moving through the field at right
angle to the field lines. How strong and which way is the magnetic force on the
                                                       charge? Answer:

                                                        F = qv ×B ⇒ F = q v B
                                                       since sin 90° = 1.
                                                          5 m/s

                                     N N                 So, F = 0.0015 N
                                                        directed out of the page.
Motion of a Charge in a Magnetic Field
 The ×’s represent field lines pointing into the page. A positively charged
 particle of mass m and charge q is shot to the right with speed v. By the
 right hand rule the magnetic force on it is up. Since v is ⊥ to B,
 F = FB = q v B. Because F is ⊥ to v, it has no tangential component; it is
 entirely centripetal. Thus F causes a centripetal acceleration. As the particle
 turns so do v and F, and if B is uniform the particle moves in a circle. This
 is the basic idea behind a particle accelerator like Fermilab. Since F is a
 centripetal force, F = FC = m v2 / R. Let’s see how speed, mass, charge,
× × × × × × × × × × × × ×                       field strength, and radius of
                                                curvature are related:
× × × × × × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × × × × × ×                                 FB = FC
× ×    ×   ×   ×    ×    ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×
× ×    ×   ×   ×    F
                    ×    ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ⇒ q v B = m v2 / R
× ×    ×   ×   ×    ×    ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×         mv
× ×    ×   ×   ×    ×+   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×    ⇒ R=
                   q, m          v                         qB
× × × × × × × × × × × × ×
Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Wire
A section of wire carrying current to the right is shown in a uniform magnetic
field. We can imagine positive charges moving to right, each feeling a magnetic
force out of the page. This will cause the wire to bow outwards. Shown on the
right is the view as seen when looking at the N pole from above. The dots
represent a uniform                                      mag. field coming out of the
                                                         page. The mag. force on the
                                                         wire is proportional to the
                                                         field strength, the current,
                          S                              and the length of the wire.

                                               I        ............
                                                        . .I . . . . . . . . . .
                          N                                                B
Magnetic Force on a Wire                   (cont.)
Current is the flow of positive charge. As a certain amount of
charge, q, moves with speed v through a wire of length L, the force
of this quantity of charge is:

         F = qv × B
Over the time period t required for the charge to traverse the length
of the wire, we have:
        F = (q / t ) v t × B                         ............
 Since q / t = I and v t = L, we can                 . .I . . . . . . . . . .
 write:                                              ............
        F = IL × B                                                    B

 where L is a vector of magnitude L pointing in the direction of I.
Electric Motor                                                        I

                       I                           }d

                   I                                                 B

Current along with a magnetic field can produce torque. This is the basic idea behind
an electric motor. Above is a wire loop (purple) carrying a current provided by some
power source like a battery. The current loop is submerged in an external field. From
F = I L × B, the force vectors in black are perpendicular to their wire segments. The
net force on the loop is zero, but the net torque about the center is nonzero. The forces
on the left and right wires produce no torque since the moment arm is zero for each
(they point right at the center). However, the force F on the top wire (in the
background) has a moment arm d, so it produces a torque F d. The bottom wire (in
the foreground) produces the same torque. These torques work together to rotate the
loop, converting electrical energy into mechanical energy.                 Continued…
Electric Motor          (cont.)
As the loop turns it eventually reaches a vertical position (the plane of
the loop parallel to the field). This is when the moment arms of the
forces on the top and bottom wires are the longest, so this is where
the torque is at a max. 90° later the loop will be perpendicular to the
field. Here all moment arms and all torques are zero. This is the
equilibrium point. The angular momentum of the loop, however, will
allow it to swing right through this position.
Now is when the current must change direction, otherwise the torques
will attempt to bring the loop back to the equilibrium. This would
amount to simple harmonic motion of the loop, which is not
particularly useful. If the current changes direction every time the
loop reach equilibrium, the loop will spin around in the same
direction indefinitely. Although a battery only pumps current in one
direction, the change in direction of current can be accomplished with
help of a commutator, as can be seen with these animations:
                     Animation 1       Animation 2
Electromagnets: Straight Wire
Permanent magnets aren’t the only things that produce magnetic fields. Moving
charges themselves produce magnetic fields. We just saw that a current carrying
wire feels a force when inside an external magnetic field. It also produces its own
mag-netic field. A long straight wire produces circular field lines centered on the
wire. To find the direction of the field, we use another right hand rule: point your
thumb in the direction of the current; the way your fingers of your right hand wrap is
the direction of the magnetic field. B diminishes with distance from the wire. The
pics at the right
                   I                      show cross sections of a current carrying
                                  I out of page,                  I into page,
                                  B counterclockwise              B clockwise

B                                                                          ×
Straight Wire Practice
 Draw some magnetic field lines (loops in this case) along the wire.


Using x’s and dots to represent vectors out of and into the page,
show the magnetic field for the same wire. Note B diminishes with
distance from the wire.
                    . . . . . . . . . . . .
 B out of page
                    . . . . . . . . . . . .
                    . . . . . . . . . . . .                I
                    × × × × × × × × × ×           ×
  B into page       × × × × × × × × × ×           ×
                    × × × × × × × × × ×           ×
Current Loops and Magnetic Fields
The magnetic field inside a current loop tends to be strong; outside, it tends to be
weak. Here’s why: Using the right hand rule we see that each length of wire
contributes to a B field into the page (all lengths reinforcing one another). Outside
the loop, say at P, the field is weak since the left side of the wire produces a field
out of the page, but the right side produces a field into the page. Explain why the
field is weak above the top wire. The situation is the same with a circular loop. The
effect is magnified with multiple turns of wire. Yet another right hand rule helps
with current loops: Wrap your right hand in the direction of the loop and your
thumb points in the direction of B inside. This is reminiscent of angular momentum
for a spinning body.
                             I                             I

                       strong field           I
             I                                                 strong field
     P                inside loop,
                                                                into page
weak field            directed into
 outside                   page

                                                                        weak field
Current Loops and Bar Magnets
Notice how similar the magnetic field of a
current loop is to that of a simple bar magnet.
Wrap your right hand along the loop in the
direction of the current and your thumb points in
the direction of the north pole of your electro-
magnet. Note also how the field lines are very
close together inside the loop, just as they are
when they thread through a bar magnet.

• Solenoids are one of the most common
• Solenoids consist of a tightly wrapped
  coil of wire, sometimes around an iron
  core. The multiple loops and the iron
  magnify the effect of the single loop
• A solenoid behaves as just like a simple
  bar magnet but only when current is
• The greater the current and the more
  turns per unit length, the greater the
  field inside.
• An ideal solenoid has a perfectly uniform
  magnetic field inside and zero field
Wire         Direction
   How Solenoids Work                              Sections        of B
The cross section of a solenoid is shown.
At point P inside the solenoid, the B field          1-3        Up & Right
is a vector sum of the fields due to each             4           Right
section of wire. Note from the table that            5-8      Down & Right
each section of wire produce a field vector
with a component to the right, resulting in         9-11      Down & Right
a strong field inside. In the ideal case the         12           Right
magnetic field would be uniform inside
                                                    13-16       Up & Right
and zero outside.
                   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                                                     I out of the page
           B              P
                   x x x x x x x x                   I into the page
                  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Solenoids and Bar Magnets
A solenoid produces a magnetic field just like a simple bar magnet.
Since it consists of many current loops, the resemblance to a bar
magnet’s field is much better than that of a single current loop.
Sources of Magnetism
We have seen charges in motion (as in a current) produce magnetic
fields. This is one source of magnetism.
Another source is the electron itself. Electrons behave as if they were
tiny magnets. Quantum mechanics is required to explain fully the
magnetic properties of electrons, but it is helpful to relate these
properties back to the motion of charges. Every electron in an atom
behaves as a magnet in two ways, each having two magnetic dipole
Spin magnetic dipole moment - due to the “rotation” of an electron.
Orbital magnetic dipole moment - due to the “revolution” of an
electron about the nucleus.
Note: Electrons are not actually little balls that rotate and revolve like
planets, but imagining them this way is useful when explaining
magnetism without quantum mechanics.
Spin Magnetic Dipole Moment
Just as electrons have the intrinsic properties of mass and charge, they have an intrinsic
property called spin. This means that electrons, by their very nature, possess these three
attributes. You’re already comfortable with the notions of charge and mass. To
understand spin it will be helpful to think of an electron as a rotating sphere or planet.
However, this is no more than a helpful visual tool.
Imagine an electron as a soccer ball smeared with negative charge rotating about an axis.
By the right hand rule, the angular momentum of the ball due to its rotation points down.
But since its charge is negative, the spinning ball is like a little current loop flowing in
the direction opposite its rotation, and the ball becomes an electromagnet with the N
pole up. For an electron we would say its spin magnetic dipole moment vector, μs,
points up. Because of its spin, an electron is like a little bar magnet.

     - -- -

         --                                           I                        S
       - -
Orbital Magnetic Dipole Moment
Imagine now a planet that not only rotates but also revolves around its star. If the
planet had a net charge, its rotation would give it a spin magnetic dipole moment,
and its revolution would give it an orbital magnetic dipole moment. Charge in
motion once again produces a magnetic field.
Since an electron’s charge is negative, its orbit is like a current loop in the opposite
direction. By the right hand rule, the angular momentum vector in the pic below
would point down and the orbital magnetic dipole moment, μorb, points up. An
orbiting electron behaves like a tiny electromagnet with its N pole in the direction of
 μorb. Remember, though, that in reality electrons are not like little planets. In
quantum mechanics, instead of circular orbits we speak of electrons behaving like
waves and we can only talk of their positions in terms of

                                                μorb                        N

                  -                                      I
Materials and Magnetism
• Each electron in an atom has two magnetic dipole moments associated with it,
  one for spin, and one for orbit. Each is a vector.
• These two dipole moments combine vectorially for each electron.
• The resultant vectors from each electron then combine for the whole atom,
  often canceling each other out.
• For most materials the net dipole moment for each atom is about zero.
• For some materials each atom has a nonzero dipole moment, but because the
  atoms have all different orientations, the material as a whole remains
• Ferromagnetic materials, like iron, are comprised of atoms that each have net
  dipole moment. Furthermore, all the atoms have the same alignment, at least
  within very tiny regions called domains. The domains can have different
  orientations, though, leaving the iron nonmagnetic except when placed in an
  external field.
• Permanent magnets are produced when the domains in a ferromagnetic
  material are aligned.
Permanent Magnets
Each atom in a ferromagnetic material       Lets melt the iron, and
like iron is like a little magnet, and      bring in a magnetic field.     Temp
these magnets are all aligned in tiny
regions called domains. At high temps       Now, when we let the solid
these domains can align in the              cool down, and take away
presence of an external field (like         the external magnetic field,
Earth’s) leaving a permanent magnet.        we have formed a perma-
This happens at the Mid-Atlantic            nent magnet in the same
Ridge beneath the Atlantic Ocean.           direction as external field.


                                 Bar Magnet
Earth’s Magnetic
                      Earth’s field looks similar to what we’d
      Field           expect if there were a giant bar magnet
                      imbedded inside it, but the dipole axis of this
                      magnet is offset from the axis of rotation by
                      11.5°. Also, the south pole of this magnet is
                      near the geographic north pole, NG. A
                      compass points in the direction of the
 NM       NG          magnetic north pole, NM, around which the
                      field lines reenter Earth’s surface. (Magnetic
                      north is actually the south pole of Earth’s
      S               magnetic dipole.) NM, which is currently
                      located in Greenland, drifts about over the
                      centuries. About every million years Earth’s
                      field reverses entirely, as we know from the
          N           orientations of magnetic fields near the Mid-
                      Atlantic Ridge. The field is likely due to the
               μorb   motion of charged particles in the fluid outer
                      core, and it protects us from an otherwise
Magnetic Fields: Overview

Although the magnetic properties of electrons must ultimately be
explained with quantum mechanics, we can think of magnetism
arising whenever we have charge in motion. This motion can be that
of an electron (either spinning or orbiting) or it can be in the form of
a current. Remember: moving charges produce magnetic fields, and
external magnetic fields exert a magnetic force on moving charges
(at least if the charge has a component of its velocity perpendicular
to the field).
Magnetic Flux
Magnetic flux, informally speaking, is a measure of the amount of magnetic field
lines going through an area. If the field is uniform, flux is given by:

 ФB = B · A = B A cosθ
The area vector in the dot product is a vector that points                     A
perpendicular to the surface and has a magnitude equal                   θ
to the area of the surface.
Imagine you’re trying to orient a window so as to allow
the maximum amount of light to pass through it. To do
this you would, of course, align A with the light rays.
With θ = 0, cosθ = 1, and the number of light rays
passing through the window (the flux) is a max. Note:
with the window oriented parallel to the rays, θ = 90°
and ФB = 0 (no light enters the window).
The SI unit for magnetic flux is the tesla-square meter:
T m2. This is also know as a weber (Wb).
Changing Magnetic Flux
• A changing magnetic flux in a wire loop induces an electric current.
• The induced current is always in a direction that opposes the change

    in flux.
 These facts were discovered by Michael Faraday and represent a key connection
 between electricity and magnetism. One simple example of this is a magnet
 moving in and out of a wire loop. As a bar magnet approaches a wire loop along a
 line perpendicular to the loop, more and more field lines poke through the loop and
 the flux increases. To oppose this change in flux a current is induced in the
 direction                                          shown. Note that the induced
                                                    current produces its own
                                                    magnetic field pointing to the
                                                    right. Also note that there is no
                                                    battery in the loop! This current
                             N              S       will only exist when the flux
                                                    inside the loop changes. When
                                                    the magnet is withdrawn the flux
                                            v       decreases and current is induced
                                                    in the other direction. There is no
                                     Java script    current when the magnet is still.
Induced emf’s and Currents
The current induced in a loop come not from a battery but from a changing
magnetic flux. We can think of the loop containing an imaginary battery that
gets turned on whenever flux in the loop changes. The strength of this
battery is called the emf (electromotive force); it’s symbol is a script E: ,
and it’s measured in volts. The induced current is given by:

  I =  /R              where R is the internal resistance in the loop.

 itself depends on the rate at which the flux inside the loop is changing. If
the flux is changing at a constant rate,

                             This Faraday’s law. The negative sign here
    = - ∆ФB / ∆t            indicates the emf opposes the change in flux.

 The greater the change in flux the greater, the greater the induced emf, and
 greater the induced current.
Electromagnetic Induction: Practice
 For each scenario determine the direction of the induced emf and current.
          wire loop

 ....                           × × ×                       ........
 ....                                                       ........
 ....                           × × ×
                                × × × ×

                                                          B very large
B increasing                B decreasing
                                                          but constant

                                                                × × ×
                                                                × × ×
                                                                × × × ×

B increasing                    B decreasing                B increasing
Induction: Nonuniform, Static Fields
y                                                   B is static (constant in time). It is uniform in
                        × × × × ×

                                    × × × × ×
                                                    space in the y and z directions but not in the
                                                    x direction. B decreases as x increases. As
                                                    the rectangular loop is moved in the following
                                                    directions, determine the direction of the

                                                    induced emf and current as well as the direction

                                                    of the net force on the loop by the field.
    Loop motion: 1. Left                   2. Right     3. Up     4. Down       5. In    6. Out

    .   .   .   .   .   .                              B is uniform here but only in the region
    .   .   .   .   .   .                              shown. Beyond this region B is
    .   .   .   .   .   .                              approximately zero. As the loop is pulled
    .   .   .   .   .   .                              out of the field determine the direction of
    .   .   .   .   .   .                              the induced emf and current as well as the
    .   .   .   .   .   .                              direction of the net force on the loop. Do
                                                       the same as the loop is pushed into the field.
Electric Generators
In a motor we have seen that a current loop in an external magnetic field produces
a torque on the loop. In a generator we’ll see that a torque on a current loop inside
a magnetic field produces a current. In summary:

Motor:           Current + Magnetic field → Torque
Generator:       Torque + Magnetic field → Current

Turbines in a power plant are usually rotated either by a waterfall or by steam
created heat produced from nuclear power or the burning of coal. As the turbines
rotate, current loops turn through a magnetic field to generate electricity. This
process converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

     The simplest form of an electric generator is called an alternating current
     (AC) generator. The current produced by an AC generator switches directions
     every time the wire inside of it is rotated through a half turn. In the United
     States, generator generally have a frequency of 60 Hz, which means the
     current switches direction 120 times every second! A graph of the current
     output from an AC generator produces a sinusoidal curve due to the periodic
     nature of the generator’s rotation.                                   Continued…

As a turbine turns (due to some power source like coal) a current loop (purple) is
rotated inside a magnetic field. The field is static but as the loop turns as the
number of field lines poking through it changes. Thus we have a changing flux and
a corresponding induced emf and current. The pic shows a loop just after it was
horizontal (perpendicular to the field). The flux is decreasing since the loop is
becoming more vertical. Since fewer field lines are entering the loop, the induced
current is in a direction to produce more field lines downward. Just prior to this, as
the loop was approaching horizontal, the number of field lines inside it was
increasing, so the current was in the other direction to oppose this change. The
current changes direction twice with each turn--whenever the loop is horizontal.
The result here is AC, but (direct current) DC motors exist as well in which current
only flows in one direction.
Electric & Magnetic Fields
Picture tubes in standard televisions are basically cathode ray tubes (CRT’s). In a
CRT electrons are shot from a hot filament into a region of “crossed fields” in
which a magnetic field is perpendicular to an electric field. On the other side of
the crossed fields is a fluorescent screen (not shown) where electrons produce
spots of light when they make contact with it. J. J. Thompson used a CRT to
discover the electron in 1897. When the charge
enters the fields, FE is up and FB           + + + + + + + + + +
is down. By adjusting B and                ×      ×     ×     ×     ×      ×      ×
measuring the deflection of the         B× × × × × ×
electrons, Thompson determined
that they were negatively charged          ×     ×      ×     ×     ×      ×      ×
and calculated their mass to charge
ratio. Let’s find a relationship           ×     ×      ×     ×     ×      ×      ×
between q, B, and E                  v × × × × × ×
if there is no deflection    -             ×     ×      ×     ×     ×      ×      ×
at all:                        q, m
                                         ×      ×     ×      ×     ×      ×           E
Fnet = 0 ⇒ FB = FE                       ×
                                         ×      ×     ×      ×     ×      ×     ×
⇒ qvB = qE ⇒ v =                             - - - - - - - - - - -
How speakers work
Bestiary of magnetic minerals
History of magnets
Slide show
Best ever site for pictures, simple explanations, etc.
Another good site for how magnets work
Equations and such
See also:
How a metal detector works
How a compass is oriented magnetically
How Faraday did his current experiment
How a hard drive works
How magnet lines is working
How two magnets repel and attract
Nuclear spin up/down
Pulsed magnets

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  • 1. MAGNETISM • History of Magnetism • Sources of Magnetism • Bar Magnets • Spin & Orbital Dipole Moments • Magnetic Dipoles • Permanent Magnets • Magnetic Fields • Earth’s Magnetic Field • Magnetic Forces on Moving Charges and Wires • Magnetic Flux • Electric Motors • Induced Emf and Current • Current Loops and • Generators Electromagnets • Crossed Fields • Solenoids
  • 2. History of Magnetism • The first known magnets were naturally occurring lodestones, a type of iron ore called magnetite (Fe3O4). People of ancient Greece and China discovered that a lodestone would always align itself in a longitudinal direction if it was allowed to rotate freely. This property of lodestones allowed for the creation of compasses two thousand years ago, which was the first known use of the magnet. • In 1263 Pierre de Maricourt mapped the magnetic field of a lodestone with a compass. He discovered that a magnet had two magnetic poles North and South poles. • In the 1600's William Gilbert, physician of Queen Elizabeth I, concluded that Earth itself is a giant magnet. • In 1820 the Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted discovered an electric current flowing through a wire can cause a compass needle to deflect, showing that magnetism and electricity were related.
  • 3. History (cont.) • In 1830 Michael Faraday (British) and Joseph Henry (American) independently discovered that a changing magnetic field produced a current in a coil of wire. Faraday, who was perhaps the greatest experimentalist of all time, came up with the idea of electric and magnetic “fields.” He also invented the dynamo (a generator), made major contributions to chemistry, and invented one of the first electric motors • In the 19th century James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist and one of the great theoreticians of all times, mathematically unified the electric and magnetic forces. He also proposed that light was electromagnetic radiation. • In the late 19th century Pierre Curie discovered that magnets loose their magnetism above a certain temperature that later became known as the Curie point. • In the 1900's scientists discover superconductivity. Superconductors are materials that have a zero resistance to a current flowing through them when they are a very low temperature. They also exclude magnetic field
  • 4. Magnetic Dipoles Recall that an electric dipole consists of two equal but opposite charges - + separated by some distance, such as in _ a polar molecule. Every magnet is a magnetic dipole. A bar magnet is a simple example. Note how the E field Electric dipole and E field due an electric dipole is just like the magnetic field (B field) of a bar magnet. Field lines emanate from the + or N pole and reenter the - or S pole. Although they look the same, they are different kinds of fields. E S N fields affect any charge in the vicinity, but a B field only affects moving charges. As with charges, opposite poles attract and like poles Magnetic dipole and B field
  • 5. Magnetic Monopole Don’ t Exist We have studied electric fields to due isolated + or - charges, but as far as we know, magnetic monopole do not exist, meaning it is impossible to isolate a N or S pole. The bar magnet on the left is surrounded by iron filings, which orient themselves according to the magnetic field they are in. When we try to separate the two poles by breaking the magnet, we only succeed in producing two distinct dipoles (pic on right). Bar magnet demo
  • 6. Magnetic Fields You have seen that electric fields and be uniform, nonuniform and symmetric, or nonuniform and asymmetric. The same is true for magnetic fields. (Later we’ll see how to produce uniform magnetic fields with a current flowing through a coil called a solenoid.) Regardless of symmetry or complexity, the SI unit for any E field is the N/C, since by definition an electric field is force per unit charge. Because there are no magnetic monopoles, there is no analogous definition for B. However, regardless of symmetry or complexity, there is only one SI unit for a B field. It is called a tesla and its symbol is T. The coming slides will show how to write a tesla in terms of other SI units. The magnetic field vector is always tangent to the magnetic field. Unlike E fields, all magnetic field lines that come from the N pole must land on the S pole--no field lines go to or come from infinity.
  • 7. Force Due to Magnetic Field The force exerted on a charged particle by a magnetic field is given by the vector cross product: F = qv ×B F = force (vector) q = charge on the particle (scalar) v = velocity of the particle relative to field (vector) B = magnetic field (vector) Recall that the magnitude of a cross is the product of the magnitudes of the vectors times the sine of the angle between them. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is given by F = q v B sinθ where θ is angle between q v and B vectors.
  • 8. Cross Product Review Let v1 = 〈 x1, y1, z1 〉 and v2 = 〈 x2, y2, z2 〉 . By definition, the cross product of these vectors (pronounced “v1 cross v2”) is given by the following determinant. i j k v1 × v2 = x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 = (y1 z2 - y2 z1) i - (x1 z2 - x2 z1) j + (x1 y2 - x2 y1) k Note that the cross product of two vectors is a vector itself that is ⊥ to each of the original vectors. i, j, and k are the unit vectors pointing, along the positive x, y, and z axes, respectively. (See the vector presentation for a review of determinants.)
  • 9. Right Hand Rule Review A quick way to determine the direction of a cross product is to use the right hand rule. To find a × b, place the knife edge of your right hand (pinky side) along a and curl your hand toward b, making a fist. Your thumb then points in the direction ofa × b. a× b It can be proven that the magnitude of a × b is given by: |a× b|= a b sinθ b where θ is the angle between φ a and b. a
  • 10. Magnetic Field Units F = q v B sinθ 1 N = 1 C (m / s) (T) From the formula for magnetic force we can find a relationship between the tesla and other SI units. The sine of an angle has no units, so 1N 1N 1T = = C (m / s) Am A magnetic field of one tesla is very powerful magnetic field. Sometimes it may be convenient to use the gauss, which is equal to 1/10,000 of a tesla. Earth’s magnetic field, at the surface, varies but has the strength of about one gauss.
  • 11. Direction of Magnetic Field & Force Near the poles, where the field lines are close together, the field is very strong (so the field vector are drawn longer). Anywhere in the field the mag. field vector is always tangent to the mag. field line there. The + charge in the pic in moving into the page. Since q is +, the q v vector is also into the page. The - charge is moving to the right, so the q v vector is to the left. The mag. force vector is always ⊥ to plane formed by the q v vector and the B vector. B The force on the - charge is into F the page. If a charge is motionless relative to the field, there is no magnetic force on it, but if either a + - v magnet is moving or a charge is moving, there could a force on the B charge. If a charge moves parallel to a magnetic field, there is no magnetic force on it, since sin 0° = 0.
  • 12. Magnetic Field & Force Practice Find the direction of the magnetic force or velocity: 1. A + charge at P is moving out of the page. 2. A - charge at Q is moving out of the page. 3. A - charge at Q is moving to the right. 4. A + charge at Q is moving up. 5. A - charge at R is moving up and to the left. 6. A + charge at R is moving down and to the right. P 7. A - charge at R feels a force into the page. 8. A + charge at P feels a force out of the page. R 9. A - charge at Q feels an Q upward force.
  • 13. Magnetic Force Sample Problem This magnet is similar to a parallel plate capacitor in that there is a strong uniform field between its poles with some fringing on the sides. Suppose the magnetic field strength inside is 0.07 T and a 4.3 mC charge is moving through the field at right angle to the field lines. How strong and which way is the magnetic force on the charge? Answer: F = qv ×B ⇒ F = q v B since sin 90° = 1. S 5 m/s + N N So, F = 0.0015 N directed out of the page.
  • 14. Motion of a Charge in a Magnetic Field The ×’s represent field lines pointing into the page. A positively charged particle of mass m and charge q is shot to the right with speed v. By the right hand rule the magnetic force on it is up. Since v is ⊥ to B, F = FB = q v B. Because F is ⊥ to v, it has no tangential component; it is entirely centripetal. Thus F causes a centripetal acceleration. As the particle turns so do v and F, and if B is uniform the particle moves in a circle. This is the basic idea behind a particle accelerator like Fermilab. Since F is a centripetal force, F = FC = m v2 / R. Let’s see how speed, mass, charge, × × × × × × × × × × × × × field strength, and radius of curvature are related: × × × × × × × × × × × × × R × × × × × × × × × × × × × FB = FC × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × F × × × × × × × × ⇒ q v B = m v2 / R × × × × × × × × × × × × × mv B × × × × × ×+ × × × × × × × ⇒ R= q, m v qB × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
  • 15. Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Wire A section of wire carrying current to the right is shown in a uniform magnetic field. We can imagine positive charges moving to right, each feeling a magnetic force out of the page. This will cause the wire to bow outwards. Shown on the right is the view as seen when looking at the N pole from above. The dots represent a uniform mag. field coming out of the page. The mag. force on the wire is proportional to the field strength, the current, S and the length of the wire. I ............ ............ ............ ............ . .I . . . . . . . . . . ............ N B Continued…
  • 16. Magnetic Force on a Wire (cont.) Current is the flow of positive charge. As a certain amount of charge, q, moves with speed v through a wire of length L, the force of this quantity of charge is: F = qv × B Over the time period t required for the charge to traverse the length of the wire, we have: ............ F = (q / t ) v t × B ............ ............ ............ Since q / t = I and v t = L, we can . .I . . . . . . . . . . write: ............ F = IL × B B where L is a vector of magnitude L pointing in the direction of I.
  • 17. Electric Motor I F I }d I I B Current along with a magnetic field can produce torque. This is the basic idea behind an electric motor. Above is a wire loop (purple) carrying a current provided by some power source like a battery. The current loop is submerged in an external field. From F = I L × B, the force vectors in black are perpendicular to their wire segments. The net force on the loop is zero, but the net torque about the center is nonzero. The forces on the left and right wires produce no torque since the moment arm is zero for each (they point right at the center). However, the force F on the top wire (in the background) has a moment arm d, so it produces a torque F d. The bottom wire (in the foreground) produces the same torque. These torques work together to rotate the loop, converting electrical energy into mechanical energy. Continued…
  • 18. Electric Motor (cont.) As the loop turns it eventually reaches a vertical position (the plane of the loop parallel to the field). This is when the moment arms of the forces on the top and bottom wires are the longest, so this is where the torque is at a max. 90° later the loop will be perpendicular to the field. Here all moment arms and all torques are zero. This is the equilibrium point. The angular momentum of the loop, however, will allow it to swing right through this position. Now is when the current must change direction, otherwise the torques will attempt to bring the loop back to the equilibrium. This would amount to simple harmonic motion of the loop, which is not particularly useful. If the current changes direction every time the loop reach equilibrium, the loop will spin around in the same direction indefinitely. Although a battery only pumps current in one direction, the change in direction of current can be accomplished with help of a commutator, as can be seen with these animations: Animation 1 Animation 2
  • 19. Electromagnets: Straight Wire Permanent magnets aren’t the only things that produce magnetic fields. Moving charges themselves produce magnetic fields. We just saw that a current carrying wire feels a force when inside an external magnetic field. It also produces its own mag-netic field. A long straight wire produces circular field lines centered on the wire. To find the direction of the field, we use another right hand rule: point your thumb in the direction of the current; the way your fingers of your right hand wrap is the direction of the magnetic field. B diminishes with distance from the wire. The pics at the right I show cross sections of a current carrying wire. I out of page, I into page, B counterclockwise B clockwise B ×
  • 20. Straight Wire Practice Draw some magnetic field lines (loops in this case) along the wire. I Using x’s and dots to represent vectors out of and into the page, show the magnetic field for the same wire. Note B diminishes with distance from the wire. . . . . . . . . . . . . B out of page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I × × × × × × × × × × × B into page × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
  • 21. Current Loops and Magnetic Fields The magnetic field inside a current loop tends to be strong; outside, it tends to be weak. Here’s why: Using the right hand rule we see that each length of wire contributes to a B field into the page (all lengths reinforcing one another). Outside the loop, say at P, the field is weak since the left side of the wire produces a field out of the page, but the right side produces a field into the page. Explain why the field is weak above the top wire. The situation is the same with a circular loop. The effect is magnified with multiple turns of wire. Yet another right hand rule helps with current loops: Wrap your right hand in the direction of the loop and your thumb points in the direction of B inside. This is reminiscent of angular momentum for a spinning body. I I strong field I I strong field P inside loop, into page weak field directed into outside page weak field I
  • 22. Current Loops and Bar Magnets Notice how similar the magnetic field of a current loop is to that of a simple bar magnet. Wrap your right hand along the loop in the direction of the current and your thumb points in the direction of the north pole of your electro- magnet. Note also how the field lines are very close together inside the loop, just as they are when they thread through a bar magnet. I
  • 23. Solenoids • Solenoids are one of the most common electromagnets. • Solenoids consist of a tightly wrapped coil of wire, sometimes around an iron core. The multiple loops and the iron magnify the effect of the single loop electromagnet. • A solenoid behaves as just like a simple bar magnet but only when current is flowing. • The greater the current and the more turns per unit length, the greater the field inside. • An ideal solenoid has a perfectly uniform magnetic field inside and zero field outside.
  • 24. Wire Direction How Solenoids Work Sections of B The cross section of a solenoid is shown. At point P inside the solenoid, the B field 1-3 Up & Right is a vector sum of the fields due to each 4 Right section of wire. Note from the table that 5-8 Down & Right each section of wire produce a field vector with a component to the right, resulting in 9-11 Down & Right a strong field inside. In the ideal case the 12 Right magnetic field would be uniform inside 13-16 Up & Right and zero outside. B=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I out of the page B P x x x x x x x x I into the page 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  • 25. Solenoids and Bar Magnets A solenoid produces a magnetic field just like a simple bar magnet. Since it consists of many current loops, the resemblance to a bar magnet’s field is much better than that of a single current loop.
  • 26. Sources of Magnetism We have seen charges in motion (as in a current) produce magnetic fields. This is one source of magnetism. Another source is the electron itself. Electrons behave as if they were tiny magnets. Quantum mechanics is required to explain fully the magnetic properties of electrons, but it is helpful to relate these properties back to the motion of charges. Every electron in an atom behaves as a magnet in two ways, each having two magnetic dipole moments: Spin magnetic dipole moment - due to the “rotation” of an electron. Orbital magnetic dipole moment - due to the “revolution” of an electron about the nucleus. Note: Electrons are not actually little balls that rotate and revolve like planets, but imagining them this way is useful when explaining magnetism without quantum mechanics.
  • 27. Spin Magnetic Dipole Moment Just as electrons have the intrinsic properties of mass and charge, they have an intrinsic property called spin. This means that electrons, by their very nature, possess these three attributes. You’re already comfortable with the notions of charge and mass. To understand spin it will be helpful to think of an electron as a rotating sphere or planet. However, this is no more than a helpful visual tool. Imagine an electron as a soccer ball smeared with negative charge rotating about an axis. By the right hand rule, the angular momentum of the ball due to its rotation points down. But since its charge is negative, the spinning ball is like a little current loop flowing in the direction opposite its rotation, and the ball becomes an electromagnet with the N pole up. For an electron we would say its spin magnetic dipole moment vector, μs, points up. Because of its spin, an electron is like a little bar magnet. μs - -- - N -- I S - -
  • 28. Orbital Magnetic Dipole Moment Imagine now a planet that not only rotates but also revolves around its star. If the planet had a net charge, its rotation would give it a spin magnetic dipole moment, and its revolution would give it an orbital magnetic dipole moment. Charge in motion once again produces a magnetic field. Since an electron’s charge is negative, its orbit is like a current loop in the opposite direction. By the right hand rule, the angular momentum vector in the pic below would point down and the orbital magnetic dipole moment, μorb, points up. An orbiting electron behaves like a tiny electromagnet with its N pole in the direction of μorb. Remember, though, that in reality electrons are not like little planets. In quantum mechanics, instead of circular orbits we speak of electrons behaving like waves and we can only talk of their positions in terms of probabilities. μorb N S - I
  • 29. Materials and Magnetism • Each electron in an atom has two magnetic dipole moments associated with it, one for spin, and one for orbit. Each is a vector. • These two dipole moments combine vectorially for each electron. • The resultant vectors from each electron then combine for the whole atom, often canceling each other out. • For most materials the net dipole moment for each atom is about zero. • For some materials each atom has a nonzero dipole moment, but because the atoms have all different orientations, the material as a whole remains nonmagnetic. • Ferromagnetic materials, like iron, are comprised of atoms that each have net dipole moment. Furthermore, all the atoms have the same alignment, at least within very tiny regions called domains. The domains can have different orientations, though, leaving the iron nonmagnetic except when placed in an external field. • Permanent magnets are produced when the domains in a ferromagnetic material are aligned.
  • 30. Permanent Magnets Each atom in a ferromagnetic material Lets melt the iron, and like iron is like a little magnet, and bring in a magnetic field. Temp these magnets are all aligned in tiny regions called domains. At high temps Now, when we let the solid Melting these domains can align in the cool down, and take away point presence of an external field (like the external magnetic field, Earth’s) leaving a permanent magnet. we have formed a perma- This happens at the Mid-Atlantic nent magnet in the same Ridge beneath the Atlantic Ocean. direction as external field. Domains Bar Magnet
  • 31. Earth’s Magnetic Earth’s field looks similar to what we’d Field expect if there were a giant bar magnet imbedded inside it, but the dipole axis of this 11.5° magnet is offset from the axis of rotation by 11.5°. Also, the south pole of this magnet is near the geographic north pole, NG. A compass points in the direction of the NM NG magnetic north pole, NM, around which the field lines reenter Earth’s surface. (Magnetic north is actually the south pole of Earth’s S magnetic dipole.) NM, which is currently located in Greenland, drifts about over the centuries. About every million years Earth’s field reverses entirely, as we know from the N orientations of magnetic fields near the Mid- Atlantic Ridge. The field is likely due to the μorb motion of charged particles in the fluid outer core, and it protects us from an otherwise
  • 32. Magnetic Fields: Overview Although the magnetic properties of electrons must ultimately be explained with quantum mechanics, we can think of magnetism arising whenever we have charge in motion. This motion can be that of an electron (either spinning or orbiting) or it can be in the form of a current. Remember: moving charges produce magnetic fields, and external magnetic fields exert a magnetic force on moving charges (at least if the charge has a component of its velocity perpendicular to the field).
  • 33. Magnetic Flux Magnetic flux, informally speaking, is a measure of the amount of magnetic field lines going through an area. If the field is uniform, flux is given by: ФB = B · A = B A cosθ The area vector in the dot product is a vector that points A perpendicular to the surface and has a magnitude equal θ to the area of the surface. Imagine you’re trying to orient a window so as to allow the maximum amount of light to pass through it. To do this you would, of course, align A with the light rays. With θ = 0, cosθ = 1, and the number of light rays passing through the window (the flux) is a max. Note: with the window oriented parallel to the rays, θ = 90° and ФB = 0 (no light enters the window). The SI unit for magnetic flux is the tesla-square meter: T m2. This is also know as a weber (Wb).
  • 34. Changing Magnetic Flux • A changing magnetic flux in a wire loop induces an electric current. • The induced current is always in a direction that opposes the change in flux. These facts were discovered by Michael Faraday and represent a key connection between electricity and magnetism. One simple example of this is a magnet moving in and out of a wire loop. As a bar magnet approaches a wire loop along a line perpendicular to the loop, more and more field lines poke through the loop and the flux increases. To oppose this change in flux a current is induced in the direction shown. Note that the induced current produces its own magnetic field pointing to the right. Also note that there is no battery in the loop! This current N S will only exist when the flux inside the loop changes. When the magnet is withdrawn the flux v decreases and current is induced I in the other direction. There is no Java script current when the magnet is still.
  • 35. Induced emf’s and Currents The current induced in a loop come not from a battery but from a changing magnetic flux. We can think of the loop containing an imaginary battery that gets turned on whenever flux in the loop changes. The strength of this battery is called the emf (electromotive force); it’s symbol is a script E: , and it’s measured in volts. The induced current is given by: I =  /R where R is the internal resistance in the loop.  itself depends on the rate at which the flux inside the loop is changing. If the flux is changing at a constant rate, This Faraday’s law. The negative sign here  = - ∆ФB / ∆t indicates the emf opposes the change in flux. The greater the change in flux the greater, the greater the induced emf, and greater the induced current.
  • 36. Electromagnetic Induction: Practice For each scenario determine the direction of the induced emf and current. wire loop .... × × × ........ .... ........ .... × × × × × × × ........ B very large B increasing B decreasing but constant × × × × × × × × × × B increasing B decreasing B increasing
  • 37. Induction: Nonuniform, Static Fields y B is static (constant in time). It is uniform in × × × × × × × × × × × × × × space in the y and z directions but not in the × × × × × x direction. B decreases as x increases. As the rectangular loop is moved in the following × × × × × directions, determine the direction of the × × × × × induced emf and current as well as the direction × × × × × × of the net force on the loop by the field. x Loop motion: 1. Left 2. Right 3. Up 4. Down 5. In 6. Out . . . . . . B is uniform here but only in the region . . . . . . shown. Beyond this region B is . . . . . . approximately zero. As the loop is pulled . . . . . . out of the field determine the direction of . . . . . . the induced emf and current as well as the . . . . . . direction of the net force on the loop. Do the same as the loop is pushed into the field.
  • 38. Electric Generators In a motor we have seen that a current loop in an external magnetic field produces a torque on the loop. In a generator we’ll see that a torque on a current loop inside a magnetic field produces a current. In summary: Motor: Current + Magnetic field → Torque Generator: Torque + Magnetic field → Current Turbines in a power plant are usually rotated either by a waterfall or by steam created heat produced from nuclear power or the burning of coal. As the turbines rotate, current loops turn through a magnetic field to generate electricity. This process converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The simplest form of an electric generator is called an alternating current (AC) generator. The current produced by an AC generator switches directions every time the wire inside of it is rotated through a half turn. In the United States, generator generally have a frequency of 60 Hz, which means the current switches direction 120 times every second! A graph of the current output from an AC generator produces a sinusoidal curve due to the periodic nature of the generator’s rotation. Continued…
  • 39. Electric Generator (cont.) Animation B Iinduced As a turbine turns (due to some power source like coal) a current loop (purple) is rotated inside a magnetic field. The field is static but as the loop turns as the number of field lines poking through it changes. Thus we have a changing flux and a corresponding induced emf and current. The pic shows a loop just after it was horizontal (perpendicular to the field). The flux is decreasing since the loop is becoming more vertical. Since fewer field lines are entering the loop, the induced current is in a direction to produce more field lines downward. Just prior to this, as the loop was approaching horizontal, the number of field lines inside it was increasing, so the current was in the other direction to oppose this change. The current changes direction twice with each turn--whenever the loop is horizontal. The result here is AC, but (direct current) DC motors exist as well in which current only flows in one direction.
  • 40. Electric & Magnetic Fields Picture tubes in standard televisions are basically cathode ray tubes (CRT’s). In a CRT electrons are shot from a hot filament into a region of “crossed fields” in which a magnetic field is perpendicular to an electric field. On the other side of the crossed fields is a fluorescent screen (not shown) where electrons produce spots of light when they make contact with it. J. J. Thompson used a CRT to discover the electron in 1897. When the charge enters the fields, FE is up and FB + + + + + + + + + + is down. By adjusting B and × × × × × × × measuring the deflection of the B× × × × × × electrons, Thompson determined that they were negatively charged × × × × × × × and calculated their mass to charge ratio. Let’s find a relationship × × × × × × × between q, B, and E v × × × × × × if there is no deflection - × × × × × × × at all: q, m × × × × × × E Fnet = 0 ⇒ FB = FE × × × × × × × × E ⇒ qvB = qE ⇒ v = - - - - - - - - - - - B
  • 41. Credits How speakers work Bestiary of magnetic minerals History of magnets Magnetite Slide show Best ever site for pictures, simple explanations, etc. Another good site for how magnets work Equations and such See also: How a metal detector works How a compass is oriented magnetically How Faraday did his current experiment How a hard drive works How magnet lines is working How two magnets repel and attract Nuclear spin up/down Pulsed magnets