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BCBB Bioinformatics Development Series
April 30, 2014
Andrew Oler, PhD
High-throughput Sequencing Bioinformatics Specialist
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
Branch (BCBB)
Biocomputing Research Consulting and
Scientific Software Development
§  Introduction
§  Perl programming principles
o Variables
o Flow controls/Loops
o File manipulation
o Regular expressions
§  BioPerl
o What is BioPerl?
o How do you use BioPerl?
o How do you learn more about BioPerl?
•  An interpreted programming language created in
1987 by Larry Wall
•  Good at processing and transforming plain text, like
GenBank or PDB files
•  Official motto: “TMTOWTDI” (There’s More Than
One Way To Do It!)
•  Extensible – currently has a large and active user
base who are constantly adding new functional
•  Portable – can use in Windows, Mac, & Linux/Unix
"Perl is remarkably good for slicing, dicing, twisting, wringing, smoothing,
summarizing and otherwise mangling text. Although the biological sciences
do involve a good deal of numeric analysis now, most of the primary data is
still text: clone names, annotations, comments, bibliographic references.
Even DNA sequences are textlike. Interconverting incompatible data
formats is a matter of text mangling combined with some creative
guesswork. Perl's powerful regular expression matching and string
manipulation operators simplify this job in a way that isn't equalled by any
other modern language."
Examples of Bioinformatics Software with
Perl components
§  GBrowse, GMOD
§  samtools
§  Illumina CASAVA
§  MEME
§  Velvet
§  miRDeep
§  Rosetta
§  ViennaRNA
§  RUM
§  Trinity
§  ...Many more
Getting Perl
•  Latest version – 5.18.2
Getting Help
•  perl –v
•  Perl manual pages
•  Books and Documentation:
–  The O’Reilly Books:
§  Learning Perl
§  Programming Perl
§  Perl Cookbook, etc.
•  BCBB – for help writing your custom scripts
perldoc perl
perldoc perlintro
File Manager/Browser by Operating System
OS: Windows Mac OSX Unix
FM: Explorer Finder Shell
Running Perl scripts
Anatomy of the Terminal, “Command Line”,
or “Shell”
Prompt (computer_name:current_directory username)
Command Argument
Mac: Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
Windows: Download open source software
Other SSH Clients (
Cygwin (
How to execute a command
command argument
cd (“change directory”) and
mkdir (“make directory”)
cd ~ change to home directory
cd test_data change to “test_data” directory
cd .. change to higher directory (“go up”)
cd ~/unix_hpc change to home directory > “unix_hpc” directory
mkdir dir_name make directory “dir_name”
pwd “print working directory”
***See Handout “HPC Cluster Computing and Unix Basics Handout” for
more helpful Unix Terminal commands.***
"Hello world" script
• file
•  Run
# This is a comment
print "Hello worldn";
Hello world
>perl -e 'print "Hello worldn”;'
Hello world
The shebang line must be the first line.
It tells the computer where to find perl.
•  print is a Perl function name
•  Double quotes are used for Strings
•  The semi-colon must be present at the end of
every command in Perl
A Few Helpful Things for a Template
§  #!/usr/bin/env perl!
§  $| = 1; !# Accurate line numbers (for debugging) !
§  use warnings; !# Helpful warnings (for debugging)!
§  use diagnostics; !# Helpful warnings (for debugging)!
§  use strict;! !# Requires you to declare variables
Basic Programming Concepts
•  Variables
–  Scalars
–  Arrays
–  Hashes
•  Flow Control
–  if/else
–  unless
•  Loops
–  for
–  foreach
–  while
–  until
•  Files
•  Regexes
§ In computer programming, a variable is a symbolic
name used to refer to a value – WikiPedia
o Examples
•  Variable names can contain letters, numbers, and _,
but cannot begin with a number
•  $five_prime OK
•  $5_prime NO
  $x = 4;
  $y = 1.0;
  $name = 'Bob';
  $seq = "ACTGTTGTAAGC”;
Perl will treat integers and floating
point numbers as numbers, so x and
y can be used together in an
Strings are indicated by either
single or double quotes.
Perl Variables
•  Scalar
•  Array
•  Hash
Variables - Scalar
•  Can store a single string, or number
•  Begins with a $
•  Single or double quotes for strings
  my $x = 4; # use “my” to declare a variable
  my $name = 'Bob';
  my $seq= "ACTGTTGTAAGC";
  print "My name is $name.";
#prints My name is Bob.
&& and
|| or
! not
= assignment
. string concatenation
.. range operator
Numeric Comparison
Boolean Logic
eq equality
ne inequality
lt less than
gt greater
le less than or equal
ge greater than or equal
String Comparison
Scalar Operators
== equality
!= inequality
< less than
> greater
<= less than or equal
>= greater than or equal
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
++ increment (by one)
-- decrement (by one)
+= increment (by value)
-= decrement (by value)
$m = 3;
$f = “hello”;
if ($x == 3)
if ($x eq ‘hi’)
Common Scalar Functions
Function Name Description
length Length of the scalar value
lc Lower case value
uc Upper case value
reverse Returns the value in the opposite order
substr Returns a substring
chomp Removes the last newline (n) character
chop Removes the last character
defined Checks if scalar value exists
split Splits scalar into array How to use any Perl function
Common Scalar Functions Examples
my $string = "This string has a newline.n";
chomp $string;
print $string;
#prints "This string has a newline.”
$string = lc($string);
print $string;
#prints ”this string has a newline.”
@array = split(" ", $string);
#array looks like [“this", "string", "has",
"a", "newline."]
Scalar Variables Exercise
§  Write a program that computes the circumference of a
circle with a radius of 12.5
§  C = 2 * π * r
§  (Answer should be about 78.5)
Andrew Burke Darrell Vijay Mike
0 1 432
•  Stores a list of scalar values (strings or numbers)
•  Zero based index
Variables - Array
•  Begins with @
•  Use the () brackets for creating
•  Use the $ and [] brackets for retrieving a single
element in the array
my @grades = (75, 80, 35);
my @mixnmatch = (5, "A", 4.5);
my @names = ("Bob", "Vivek", "Jane");
# zero-based index
my $first_name = $names[0];
# retrieve the last item in an array
my $last_name = $names[-1];
Common Array Functions
Function Name Description
scalar Size of the array
push Add value to end of an array
pop Removes the last element from an array
shift Removes the first element from an array
unshift Add value to the beginning of an array
join Convert array to scalar
splice Removes or replaces specified range of elements from array
grep Search array elements
sort Orders array elements
push/pop modifies the end of an array
Tim Molly Betty Chris
push(@names, "Charles");
@names =
@names = Tim Molly Betty Chris Charles
@names = Tim Molly Betty Chris
shift/unshift modifies the start of an array
Tim Molly Betty Chris
unshift(@names, "Charles");
@names =
@names = Charles Tim Molly Betty Chris
@names = Tim Molly Betty Chris
Variables - Hashes
Title Programming Perl, 3rd Edition
Publisher O’Reilly Media
ISBN 978-0-596-00027-1
•  Stores data using key, value pairs
Variables - Hash
§  Indicated with %
§  Use the () brackets and => pointer for creating
§  Use the $ and {} brackets for setting or retrieving a
single element from the hash
my %book_info = (
title =>"Perl for bioinformatics",
author => "James Tisdall",
pages => 270,
price => 40
print $book_info{"author"};
#returns "James Tisdall"
Common Hash Functions
Function Name Description
keys Returns array of keys
values Returns array of values
reverse Converts keys to values in hash
Retrieving keys or values of a hash
•  Retrieving single value
•  Retrieving all the keys/values as an
•  NOTE: Keys and values are unordered
my $book_title = $book_info{"title"};
#$book_title has stored "Perl for bioinformatics"
my @book_attributes = keys %book_info;
my @book_attribute_values = values %book_info;
Variables summary
# A. Scalar variable
my $first_name = "andrew";
my $last_name = "oler”;
# B. Array variable
# use 'circular' bracket and @ symbol for assignment
my @personal_info = ("andrew", $last_name);
# use 'square' bracket and the integer index to access an entry
my $fname = $personal_info[0];
# C. Hash variable
# use 'circular' brackets (similar to array) and % symbol for assignment
my %personal_info = (
first_name => "andrew",
last_name => "oler"
# use 'curly' brackets to access a single entry
my $fname1 = $personal_info{first_name};
Tutorial 1
§ Create a variable with the following sequence:
§ print in lowercase
§ split into an array
§ print the array
§ print the first value in the array
§ shift the first value off the array and store it in a
§ print the variable and the array
§ push the variable onto the end of the array
§ print the array
Basic Programming Concepts
•  Variables
–  Scalars
–  Arrays
–  Hashes
•  Flow Control
–  if/else
–  unless
•  Loops
–  for
–  foreach
–  while
–  until
•  Files
•  Regexes
Flow Controls
•  If/elsif/else
•  unless
  $x = 4;
  if ($x > 4) {
  print "I am greater than 4";
  }elsif ($x == 4) {
  print "I am equal to 4";
  }else {
  print "I am less than 4";
  unless($x > 4) {
  print "I am not greater than 4";
# the traditional way
if ($x == 4) {
print "I am 4.";
# this line below is equivalent to the
if statement above, but you can only
use it if you have a one line action
print "I am 4." if ( $x == 4 );
print "I am not 4." unless ( $x == 4);
Basic Programming Concepts
•  Variables
–  Scalars
–  Arrays
–  Hashes
•  Flow Control
–  if/else
–  unless
•  Loops
–  for
–  foreach
–  while
–  until
•  Files
•  Regexes
•  for (EXPR; EXPR; EXPR)
•  foreach
  for ( my $x = 0; $x < 4 ; $x++ ) {
  print "$xn";
  #prints 0, 1, 2, 3 on separate lines
  my @names = ("Bob", "Vivek", "Jane");
  foreach my $name (@names) {
  print "My name is $name.n";
  #My name is Bob.
  #My name is Vivek.
  #My name is Jane.
Hashes with foreach
my %book_info = (
title =>"Perl for Bioinformatics",
author => "James Tisdall");
  foreach my $key (keys %book_info) {
  print "$key : $book_info{$key}n";
  #title : Perl for Bioinformatics
  #author : James Tisdall
Loops - continued
•  while
•  until
  my $x =0;
  until($x >= 4) {
  print "$xn";
  my $x = 0;
  while($x < 4) {
  print "$xn";
Tutorial 2
§  Iterate through the array (using foreach) and print
everything unless ILE
§  Use a hash to count how many times each amino acid
§  Iterate through the hash and print the counts in a table
Basic Programming Concepts
•  Variables
–  Scalars
–  Arrays
–  Hashes
•  Flow Control
–  if/else
–  unless
•  Loops
–  for
–  foreach
–  while
–  until
•  Files
•  Regexes
•  Existence
o  if(-e $file)
•  Open
o  Read open(FILE, "< $file");
o  New open(FILE, "> $file");
o  Append open(FILE, ">> $file");
•  Read (for input/read file handle)
o  while(<FILE>){ }
o  Each line is assigned to special variable $_
•  Write (for output--new/append--file handle)
o  print FILE $string;
•  Close
o  close(FILE);
•  Existence
o  if(-d $directory)
•  Open
o  opendir(DIR, "$directory")
•  Read
o  readdir(DIR)
•  Close
o  closedir(DIR)
•  Create
o  mkdir($directory) unless (-d
# A. Reading file
# create a variable that can tell the program where to find your data
my $file = "/Users/oleraj/Documents/perlTutorials/myFile.txt";
# Check if file exists and read through it
if(-e $file){
open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open file";
my $line = $_;
#do something useful here
# B. Reading directory
my $directory = "/Users/oleraj";
if(-d $directory){
opendir(DIR, $directory);
my @files = readdir(DIR);
print @files;
Notice the special character.
When it is used here, it holds the
line that was just read from the file.
The array @files will hold the name
of every file in the the directory.
Basic Programming Concepts
•  Variables
–  Scalars
–  Arrays
–  Hashes
•  Flow Control
–  if/else
–  unless
•  Loops
–  for
–  foreach
–  while
–  until
•  Files
•  Regexes
Regular Expressions (REGEX)
•  "A regular expression ... is a set of pattern matching rules
encoded in a string according to certain syntax rules." -wikipedia
•  Fast and efficient for "Fuzzy" matches
•  Applications:
•  Checking if a string fits a pattern
•  Extracting a pattern match from a string
•  Altering the pattern within the string
•  Example - Find all sequences from human
•  $seq_name =~ /(human|Homo sapiens)/i;
•  Uses
1.  Find/match only (yes/no) with m// or //
§  e.g., m/regex/; m/human/
2.  Find and replace a string with s///
§  e.g., s/regex/replacement/; s/human/Homo sapiens/
3.  Translate character by character with t///
§  e.g., t/list/newlist/; t/abcd/1234/;
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics - James Tisdall
Simple Examples
my $protein = "MET SER ASN ASN THR SER";
$protein =~ s/SER/THR/g;
print $protein;
$protein =~ m/asn/i;
#will match ASN
Regular Expressions (REGEX)
Symbol Meaning
. Match any one character (except
^ Match at beginning of string
$ Match at end of string
n Match the newline
t Match a tab
s Match any whitespace character
w Match any word
character (alphanumeric plus "_")
W Match any non-word character
d Match any digit character
[A-Za-z] Match any letter
[0-9] same as d
my $string = "See also xyz";
$string =~ /See also ./;
#matches "See also x”
$string =~ /^./;
#matches "S”
$string =~ /.$/;
#matches "z”
$string =~ /wsw/;
#matches "e a"
Regular Expressions (REGEX)
Quantifier Meaning
* Match 0 or more times
+ Match at least once
? Match 0 or 1 times
{COUNT} Match exactly COUNT times.
{MIN,} Match at least MIN times (maximal).
{MIN, MAX} Match at least MIN but not more
than MAX times (maximal).
my $string = "See also xyz";
$string =~ /See also .*/;
#matches "See also xyz”
$string =~ /^.*/;
#matches "See also xyz”
$string =~ /.?$/;
#matches "z”
$string =~ /w+s+w+/;
#matches "See also"
REGEX Examples
my $string = ">ref|XP_001882498.1| retrovirus-related pol polyprotein
[Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82]";
$string =~/s.*virus/;
#will match " retrovirus"
$string =~ /XP_d+/;
#will match "XP_001882498”
$string =~ /XP_d/;
#match “XP_0”
$string =~ /[.*]$/;
#will match "[Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82]"
$string =~ /^.*|/;
#will match ">ref|XP_001882498.1|"
$string =~ /^.*?|/;
#will match ">ref|"
$string =~ s/|/:/g;
#string becomes ">ref:XP_001882498.1: retrovirus-related pol polyprotein
[Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82]"
Tutorial 3
§  open the file "example.fa"
§  read through the file
§  print the id lines for the human sequences (NOTE: the
ids will start with HS)
Summary of Basics
•  Variables
–  Scalar
–  Array
–  Hash
•  Flow Control
–  if/else
–  unless
•  Loops
–  for
–  foreach
–  while
–  until
•  Files
•  Regexes
Longer Script Examples
§  Take a bed file of junctions from RNA-seq analysis
(e.g., TopHat output) and print out some basic
•  Open up the file
§  Other examples you would like to discuss?
Time for a little break...
Regular Expressions
§  What is a module (in Perl)?
§  Where do you get BioPerl?
§  What is BioPerl?
§  How do you use BioPerl?
§  How do you learn more about BioPerl?
§  Additional Resources
What is module (in Perl)?
§  A module is set of Perl variables and methods that are
written to accomplish a particular task
•  Enables the reuse of methods and variables
between Perl scripts / programs
•  Tested
•  End in “.pm” extension
§  Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)
–  Type “cpan” in terminal to open
Creating a Module
package Foo;!
sub bar {!
print "Hello $_[0]n"!
sub blat {!
print "World $_[0]n"!
Using a Module
use Foo;!
bar( "a" );!
blat( "b" );
-  Jason Stajich, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor at the University of California, Riverside
BioPerl developer since 2000
Where do you get BioPerl?
§  In-class tutorial
•  Already installed! Yeah!
§  URL
§  Modules
•  Bioperl-core
•  Bioperl-run
•  Bioperl-network
•  Bioperl-DB
What is BioPerl?
§  BioPerl is:
•  A collection of Perl modules for biological data and
•  An open source toolkit with many contributors
•  A flexible and extensible system for doing bioinformatics
data manipulation
•  Consists of >1500 modules; ~1000 considered core
§  Modules are interfaces to data types:
•  Sequences
•  Alignments
•  (Sequence) Features
•  Locations
•  Databases
65Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
With BioPerl you can…
§  Retrieve sequence data from NCBI
§  Transform sequence files from one format to another
§  Parse (or search) BLAST result files
§  Manipulate sequences, reverse complement, translate
coding DNA sequence to protein
§  And so on…
66Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
Major Domains Covered
67Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
Additional Domains
68Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
Hypothetical Research Project
§  Interested in looking for universal vaccine candidates for
an Influenza virus
•  Would ultimately involve other programs and data (i.e.
epitope data)
§  Protocol
•  Obtain influenza HA sequence
–  2009 pandemic influenza virus hemagglutinin sequence for A/
California/04/2009(H1N1) “FJ966082”
–  Convert into other formats
•  BLAST sequence to find similar sequences
•  Parse BLAST metadata and load into Excel
•  Align similar sequences and save alignment
•  Find motifs in sequences
•  Compute basic sequence metadata
§  Biological Sequence Input & Output
§  Bioinformatics file reading and writing
§  Enables easy file conversion
§  Example supported formats:
•  ABI, BSML, Fasta, Fastq, GCG, Genbank, Interpro,
KEGG, Lasergene, Phred Phd, Phred Qual, Pir,
How do we get Genbank sequence / file if
we have accession?
Sequence Retrieval from NCBI using Bio::DB::GenBank and Bio::SeqIO
#!/usr/bin/perl –w!
use strict;!
use Bio::DB::GenBank;!
use Bio::SeqIO;!
my $accession = 'FJ966082';!
my $genBank = new Bio::DB::GenBank; !
my $seq = $genBank->get_Seq_by_acc($accession); !
my $seqOut = new Bio::SeqIO(-format => 'genbank', !
! ! ! -file => ”>$"); !
(The downloaded file ”” can also be found in the class folder)
72Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
Convert from GenBank to FASTA Format
use warnings;!
use strict;!
use Bio::SeqIO;!
# create one SeqIO object to read in,and another to write out!
my $seq_in = Bio::SeqIO->new(!
-file => "",!
-format => "genbank"!
my $seq_out = Bio::SeqIO->new(!
-file => ">FJ966082.fa",!
-format => "fasta"!
# write each entry in the input file to the output file!
while (my $inseq = $seq_in->next_seq) {!
73Slide adapted from: BioPerl HowTo
Bio::SeqIO Sequence Object Methods
How to BLAST a Sequence
§  Options to BLAST a single sequence:
•  Go to NCBI GenBank website and BLAST
§  Options to BLAST multiple sequences
•  Use NCBI GenBank website / server to BLAST
through an API (application programmers interface)
•  Setup BLAST software and databases on local
A Few BLAST Details 
PQG 18
PEG 15
PKG 14
PRG 14
PDG 13
PHG 13
PMG 13
PNG 13
PSG 13
PQA 12
PQN 12
a +LA++L+ TP G R++ +W+ P+ D + ER + A
76Source: S. Altschul
§  Biological Search Input & Output
§  Plugging in different parsers for pairwise alignment
§  Searches parsed with Bio::SearchIO are organized as
follows (see SearchIO HOWTO and Parsing BLAST
HSPs for much more detail):
§  the Bio::SearchIO object contains
•  Results, which contain
–  Hits, which contain
§  HSPs.
Parse BLAST output
#!/usr/bin/perl -w!
use strict;!
use Bio::SearchIO;!
my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast',!
! ! ! ! ! -file => 'blast-results.txt');!
open (OUTFILE, '>blast-data.txt');!
while(my $result = $in->next_result()){!
while(my $hit = $result->next_hit()){!
! !while(my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp()){!
! !if($hsp->length('total') > 50 && $hsp->percent_identity() >= 50){!
! ! !print OUTFILE "Query = ". $result->query_name(). "t" .!
! ! ! !"Hit = ". $hit->name(). "t" .!
! ! ! !"Length = ". $hsp->length('total'). "t" .!
! ! ! !"Percent_id = ". $hsp->percent_identity()."n";!
! ! !}!
! !}!
close (OUTFILE);!
Bio::SearchIO Methods
   algorithm string	
   2.2.4 [Aug-26-2002]	
   algorithm version	
   query name	
   query accession	
   query length	
   Oryza sativa ... 977CE9AF checksum.	
   query description	
   database name	
   number of residues in database	
   number of database entries	
   effectivespaceused ... dbletters	
   statistics used	
   gapext matrix allowgaps gapopen	
   parameters used	
   number of hits	
Parsed Output in Excel
§  Drag blast-data.txt file onto Microsoft Excel icon to
§  Enables user to quickly harness Excel knowledge and
abilities to do meta analysis of BLAST results
§  Bioinformatics multiple sequence alignment input &
§  Pluggable parsers and renderers for multiple
sequence alignments
§  A summary of multiple alignment formats is also a
good introduction to the file formats
Extract the HSPs to a FASTA file using
#!/usr/bin/perl -w!
use strict;!
use Bio::AlignIO;!
use Bio::SearchIO;!
my $in = new Bio::SearchIO(-format => 'blast', -file => 'blast-results.txt');!
my $alnIO = Bio::AlignIO->new(-format =>"fasta", -file => ">hsp.fas");!
while(my $result = $in->next_result()){!
!while(my $hit = $result->next_hit()){!
! !while(my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp()){!
! ! !if($hsp->length('total') > 50 && $hsp->percent_identity() >= 50){!
! ! ! !my $aln = $hsp->get_aln;!
! ! !$alnIO->write_aln($aln);!
! ! !}!
! !}!
Finding Motifs in Sequences
#!/usr/bin/perl -w!
use strict;!
use Bio::SeqIO;!
my $file = 'hsp.fas';!
my $motif = "[ATG]A";!
#my $motif = '(A[^T]{2,}){2,}’;!
my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-format => 'fasta', -file => $file);!
my $motif_count = 0;!
while ( my $seq = $in->next_seq) {!
!my $str = $seq->seq; ! !# get the sequence as a string!
!if ( $str =~ /$motif/i ) {!
! !$motif_count++; # of sequences that have this motif!
printf "%d sequences have the motif $motifn", $motif_count;
Using Bio::SeqIO to
Calculate Sequence Metadata
#!/usr/bin/perl -w!
use strict;!
use Bio::SeqIO;!
my $file = "hsp.fas";!
my $seq_in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $file, -format => "fasta");!
my ($seqcount, $basecount, $basecount_nostops);!
while (my $inseq = $seq_in->next_seq) {!
$seqcount++;! ! !# count the number of sequences!
$basecount += $inseq->length; !# count bases in whole db!
my $str = $inseq->seq; !# get the sequence as a string!
$str =~ s/*//g; ! !# remove all '*' from sequence!
$basecount_nostops += length($inseq); !# add bases from string!
print "In $file there are $seqcount sequences, and $basecount bases
($basecount_nostops ignoring *)n";!
85Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
Additional Bioperl Examples
§  Review “examples” directory within bioperl directory
§  BioPerl API (the details)
§  BioPerl Tutorials
§  BCBB Handout(s)
§  Jason Stajich
§  European Molecular Biology Open Source Suite
§  Command line programs to accomplish many
bioinformatics tasks
§  Bioperl-run has numerous wrappers for EMBOSS
§  Download
§  Try out
Thank you!	
If you have Questions or Comments, please contact us:

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Introduction to Perl and BioPerl

  • 1. BCBB Bioinformatics Development Series April 30, 2014 Andrew Oler, PhD High-throughput Sequencing Bioinformatics Specialist BCBB/OCICB/NIAID/NIH
  • 2. Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Branch (BCBB)
  • 3. Biocomputing Research Consulting and Scientific Software Development High Throughput Illustration Animation
  • 4. Outline §  Introduction §  Perl programming principles o Variables o Flow controls/Loops o File manipulation o Regular expressions §  BioPerl o What is BioPerl? o How do you use BioPerl? o How do you learn more about BioPerl?
  • 5. Introduction •  An interpreted programming language created in 1987 by Larry Wall •  Good at processing and transforming plain text, like GenBank or PDB files •  Official motto: “TMTOWTDI” (There’s More Than One Way To Do It!) •  Extensible – currently has a large and active user base who are constantly adding new functional libraries •  Portable – can use in Windows, Mac, & Linux/Unix
  • 6. Introduction "Perl is remarkably good for slicing, dicing, twisting, wringing, smoothing, summarizing and otherwise mangling text. Although the biological sciences do involve a good deal of numeric analysis now, most of the primary data is still text: clone names, annotations, comments, bibliographic references. Even DNA sequences are textlike. Interconverting incompatible data formats is a matter of text mangling combined with some creative guesswork. Perl's powerful regular expression matching and string manipulation operators simplify this job in a way that isn't equalled by any other modern language."
  • 7. Examples of Bioinformatics Software with Perl components §  GBrowse, GMOD §  samtools §  Illumina CASAVA §  MEME §  Velvet §  miRDeep §  Rosetta §  ViennaRNA §  RUM §  Trinity §  NCBI BLAST §  I-TASSER §  MAKER §  ...Many more § extensively-in-biology-research § heavily-used-in-bioinformatics 7
  • 8. Getting Perl •  Latest version – 5.18.2 • 5.12.3 (Lion)
  • 9. Getting Help •  perl –v •  Perl manual pages •  Books and Documentation: – –  The O’Reilly Books: §  Learning Perl §  Programming Perl §  Perl Cookbook, etc. • • •  BCBB – for help writing your custom scripts perldoc perl perldoc perlintro
  • 10. File Manager/Browser by Operating System 10 OS: Windows Mac OSX Unix FM: Explorer Finder Shell Input Method: Running Perl scripts
  • 11. Anatomy of the Terminal, “Command Line”, or “Shell” Prompt (computer_name:current_directory username) Cursor Command Argument Window Output Mac: Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal Windows: Download open source software PuTTY Other SSH Clients ( Cygwin ( 11
  • 12. How to execute a command command argument output output 12
  • 13. cd (“change directory”) and mkdir (“make directory”) cd ~ change to home directory cd test_data change to “test_data” directory cd .. change to higher directory (“go up”) cd ~/unix_hpc change to home directory > “unix_hpc” directory mkdir dir_name make directory “dir_name” pwd “print working directory” ***See Handout “HPC Cluster Computing and Unix Basics Handout” for more helpful Unix Terminal commands.*** 13
  • 14. "Hello world" script • file •  Run #!/usr/bin/perl # This is a comment print "Hello worldn"; >perl Hello world >perl -e 'print "Hello worldn”;' Hello world The shebang line must be the first line. It tells the computer where to find perl. •  print is a Perl function name •  Double quotes are used for Strings •  The semi-colon must be present at the end of every command in Perl
  • 15. A Few Helpful Things for a Template §  #!/usr/bin/env perl! §  $| = 1; !# Accurate line numbers (for debugging) ! §  use warnings; !# Helpful warnings (for debugging)! §  use diagnostics; !# Helpful warnings (for debugging)! §  use strict;! !# Requires you to declare variables 15
  • 16. Basic Programming Concepts •  Variables –  Scalars –  Arrays –  Hashes •  Flow Control –  if/else –  unless •  Loops –  for –  foreach –  while –  until •  Files •  Regexes
  • 17. Variables § In computer programming, a variable is a symbolic name used to refer to a value – WikiPedia o Examples •  Variable names can contain letters, numbers, and _, but cannot begin with a number •  $five_prime OK •  $5_prime NO   $x = 4;   $y = 1.0;   $name = 'Bob';   $seq = "ACTGTTGTAAGC”; Perl will treat integers and floating point numbers as numbers, so x and y can be used together in an equation. Strings are indicated by either single or double quotes.
  • 19. Variables - Scalar •  Can store a single string, or number •  Begins with a $ •  Single or double quotes for strings   my $x = 4; # use “my” to declare a variable   my $name = 'Bob';   my $seq= "ACTGTTGTAAGC";   print "My name is $name."; #prints My name is Bob.
  • 20. && and || or ! not = assignment . string concatenation .. range operator Arithmetic Numeric Comparison Boolean Logic Miscellaneous eq equality ne inequality lt less than gt greater le less than or equal ge greater than or equal String Comparison Scalar Operators == equality != inequality < less than > greater <= less than or equal >= greater than or equal + addition - subtraction * multiplication / division ++ increment (by one) -- decrement (by one) += increment (by value) -= decrement (by value) Examples: $m = 3; $f = “hello”; if ($x == 3) if ($x eq ‘hi’)
  • 21. Common Scalar Functions Function Name Description length Length of the scalar value lc Lower case value uc Upper case value reverse Returns the value in the opposite order substr Returns a substring chomp Removes the last newline (n) character chop Removes the last character defined Checks if scalar value exists split Splits scalar into array How to use any Perl function
  • 22. Common Scalar Functions Examples my $string = "This string has a newline.n"; chomp $string; print $string; #prints "This string has a newline.” $string = lc($string); print $string; #prints ”this string has a newline.” @array = split(" ", $string); #array looks like [“this", "string", "has", "a", "newline."]
  • 23. Scalar Variables Exercise §  Write a program that computes the circumference of a circle with a radius of 12.5 §  C = 2 * π * r §  (Answer should be about 78.5) 23
  • 24. Array Andrew Burke Darrell Vijay Mike 0 1 432 •  Stores a list of scalar values (strings or numbers) •  Zero based index
  • 25. Variables - Array •  Begins with @ •  Use the () brackets for creating •  Use the $ and [] brackets for retrieving a single element in the array my @grades = (75, 80, 35); my @mixnmatch = (5, "A", 4.5); my @names = ("Bob", "Vivek", "Jane"); # zero-based index my $first_name = $names[0]; # retrieve the last item in an array my $last_name = $names[-1];
  • 26. Common Array Functions Function Name Description scalar Size of the array push Add value to end of an array pop Removes the last element from an array shift Removes the first element from an array unshift Add value to the beginning of an array join Convert array to scalar splice Removes or replaces specified range of elements from array grep Search array elements sort Orders array elements
  • 27. push/pop modifies the end of an array Tim Molly Betty Chris push(@names, "Charles"); @names = @names = Tim Molly Betty Chris Charles pop(@names); @names = Tim Molly Betty Chris
  • 28. shift/unshift modifies the start of an array Tim Molly Betty Chris unshift(@names, "Charles"); @names = @names = Charles Tim Molly Betty Chris shift(@names); @names = Tim Molly Betty Chris
  • 29. Variables - Hashes KEYS VALUES Title Programming Perl, 3rd Edition Publisher O’Reilly Media ISBN 978-0-596-00027-1 •  Stores data using key, value pairs
  • 30. Variables - Hash §  Indicated with % §  Use the () brackets and => pointer for creating §  Use the $ and {} brackets for setting or retrieving a single element from the hash my %book_info = ( title =>"Perl for bioinformatics", author => "James Tisdall", pages => 270, price => 40 ); print $book_info{"author"}; #returns "James Tisdall"
  • 31. Common Hash Functions Function Name Description keys Returns array of keys values Returns array of values reverse Converts keys to values in hash
  • 32. Retrieving keys or values of a hash •  Retrieving single value •  Retrieving all the keys/values as an array •  NOTE: Keys and values are unordered my $book_title = $book_info{"title"}; #$book_title has stored "Perl for bioinformatics" my @book_attributes = keys %book_info; my @book_attribute_values = values %book_info;
  • 33. Variables summary # A. Scalar variable my $first_name = "andrew"; my $last_name = "oler”; # B. Array variable # use 'circular' bracket and @ symbol for assignment my @personal_info = ("andrew", $last_name); # use 'square' bracket and the integer index to access an entry my $fname = $personal_info[0]; # C. Hash variable # use 'circular' brackets (similar to array) and % symbol for assignment my %personal_info = ( first_name => "andrew", last_name => "oler" ); # use 'curly' brackets to access a single entry my $fname1 = $personal_info{first_name};
  • 34. Tutorial 1 § Create a variable with the following sequence: ILE GLY GLY ASN ALA GLN ALA THR ALA ALA ASN SER ILE ALA LEU GLY SER GLY ALA THR THR § print in lowercase § split into an array § print the array § print the first value in the array § shift the first value off the array and store it in a variable § print the variable and the array § push the variable onto the end of the array § print the array
  • 35. Basic Programming Concepts •  Variables –  Scalars –  Arrays –  Hashes •  Flow Control –  if/else –  unless •  Loops –  for –  foreach –  while –  until •  Files •  Regexes
  • 36. Flow Controls •  If/elsif/else •  unless   $x = 4;   if ($x > 4) {   print "I am greater than 4";   }elsif ($x == 4) {   print "I am equal to 4";   }else {   print "I am less than 4";   }   unless($x > 4) {   print "I am not greater than 4";   }
  • 37. Post-condition # the traditional way if ($x == 4) { print "I am 4."; } # this line below is equivalent to the if statement above, but you can only use it if you have a one line action print "I am 4." if ( $x == 4 ); print "I am not 4." unless ( $x == 4);
  • 38. Basic Programming Concepts •  Variables –  Scalars –  Arrays –  Hashes •  Flow Control –  if/else –  unless •  Loops –  for –  foreach –  while –  until •  Files •  Regexes
  • 39. Loops •  for (EXPR; EXPR; EXPR) •  foreach   for ( my $x = 0; $x < 4 ; $x++ ) {   print "$xn";   }   #prints 0, 1, 2, 3 on separate lines   my @names = ("Bob", "Vivek", "Jane");     foreach my $name (@names) {   print "My name is $name.n";   }   #prints:   #My name is Bob.   #My name is Vivek.   #My name is Jane.
  • 40. Hashes with foreach my %book_info = ( title =>"Perl for Bioinformatics", author => "James Tisdall");   foreach my $key (keys %book_info) {   print "$key : $book_info{$key}n";   }   #prints:   #title : Perl for Bioinformatics   #author : James Tisdall
  • 41. Loops - continued •  while •  until   my $x =0;   until($x >= 4) {   print "$xn";   $x++;   }   my $x = 0;   while($x < 4) {   print "$xn";   $x++;   }
  • 42. Tutorial 2 §  Iterate through the array (using foreach) and print everything unless ILE §  Use a hash to count how many times each amino acid occurs §  Iterate through the hash and print the counts in a table
  • 43. Basic Programming Concepts •  Variables –  Scalars –  Arrays –  Hashes •  Flow Control –  if/else –  unless •  Loops –  for –  foreach –  while –  until •  Files •  Regexes
  • 44. Files •  Existence o  if(-e $file) •  Open o  Read open(FILE, "< $file"); o  New open(FILE, "> $file"); o  Append open(FILE, ">> $file"); •  Read (for input/read file handle) o  while(<FILE>){ } o  Each line is assigned to special variable $_ •  Write (for output--new/append--file handle) o  print FILE $string; •  Close o  close(FILE);
  • 45. Directory •  Existence o  if(-d $directory) •  Open o  opendir(DIR, "$directory") •  Read o  readdir(DIR) •  Close o  closedir(DIR) •  Create o  mkdir($directory) unless (-d $directory)
  • 46. # A. Reading file # create a variable that can tell the program where to find your data my $file = "/Users/oleraj/Documents/perlTutorials/myFile.txt"; # Check if file exists and read through it if(-e $file){ open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open file"; while(<FILE>){ chomp; my $line = $_; #do something useful here } close(FILE); } # B. Reading directory my $directory = "/Users/oleraj"; if(-d $directory){ opendir(DIR, $directory); my @files = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); print @files; } Notice the special character. When it is used here, it holds the line that was just read from the file. The array @files will hold the name of every file in the the directory.
  • 47. Basic Programming Concepts •  Variables –  Scalars –  Arrays –  Hashes •  Flow Control –  if/else –  unless •  Loops –  for –  foreach –  while –  until •  Files •  Regexes
  • 48. Regular Expressions (REGEX) •  "A regular expression ... is a set of pattern matching rules encoded in a string according to certain syntax rules." -wikipedia •  Fast and efficient for "Fuzzy" matches •  Applications: •  Checking if a string fits a pattern •  Extracting a pattern match from a string •  Altering the pattern within the string •  Example - Find all sequences from human •  $seq_name =~ /(human|Homo sapiens)/i; •  Uses 1.  Find/match only (yes/no) with m// or // §  e.g., m/regex/; m/human/ 2.  Find and replace a string with s/// §  e.g., s/regex/replacement/; s/human/Homo sapiens/ 3.  Translate character by character with t/// §  e.g., t/list/newlist/; t/abcd/1234/;
  • 49. Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics - James Tisdall
  • 50. Simple Examples my $protein = "MET SER ASN ASN THR SER"; $protein =~ s/SER/THR/g; print $protein; #prints "MET THR ASN ASN THR THR"; $protein =~ m/asn/i; #will match ASN
  • 51. Regular Expressions (REGEX) Symbol Meaning . Match any one character (except newline). ^ Match at beginning of string $ Match at end of string n Match the newline t Match a tab s Match any whitespace character w Match any word character (alphanumeric plus "_") W Match any non-word character d Match any digit character [A-Za-z] Match any letter [0-9] same as d my $string = "See also xyz"; $string =~ /See also ./; #matches "See also x” $string =~ /^./; #matches "S” $string =~ /.$/; #matches "z” $string =~ /wsw/; #matches "e a"
  • 52. Regular Expressions (REGEX) Quantifier Meaning * Match 0 or more times + Match at least once ? Match 0 or 1 times {COUNT} Match exactly COUNT times. {MIN,} Match at least MIN times (maximal). {MIN, MAX} Match at least MIN but not more than MAX times (maximal). my $string = "See also xyz"; $string =~ /See also .*/; #matches "See also xyz” $string =~ /^.*/; #matches "See also xyz” $string =~ /.?$/; #matches "z” $string =~ /w+s+w+/; #matches "See also"
  • 53. REGEX Examples my $string = ">ref|XP_001882498.1| retrovirus-related pol polyprotein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82]"; $string =~/s.*virus/; #will match " retrovirus" $string =~ /XP_d+/; #will match "XP_001882498” $string =~ /XP_d/; #match “XP_0” $string =~ /[.*]$/; #will match "[Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82]" $string =~ /^.*|/; #will match ">ref|XP_001882498.1|" $string =~ /^.*?|/; #will match ">ref|" $string =~ s/|/:/g; #string becomes ">ref:XP_001882498.1: retrovirus-related pol polyprotein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82]"
  • 54. Tutorial 3 §  open the file "example.fa" §  read through the file §  print the id lines for the human sequences (NOTE: the ids will start with HS)
  • 55. Summary of Basics •  Variables –  Scalar –  Array –  Hash •  Flow Control –  if/else –  unless •  Loops –  for –  foreach –  while –  until •  Files •  Regexes
  • 56. Longer Script Examples §  Take a bed file of junctions from RNA-seq analysis (e.g., TopHat output) and print out some basic statistics •  Open up the file §  Other examples you would like to discuss? 56
  • 57. Time for a little break... 57 Regular Expressions
  • 58.
  • 59. Outline §  What is a module (in Perl)? §  Where do you get BioPerl? §  What is BioPerl? §  How do you use BioPerl? §  How do you learn more about BioPerl? §  Additional Resources 59
  • 60. What is module (in Perl)? §  A module is set of Perl variables and methods that are written to accomplish a particular task •  Enables the reuse of methods and variables between Perl scripts / programs •  Tested •  End in “.pm” extension §  Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) – –  Type “cpan” in terminal to open 60
  • 61. Creating a Module #!/usr/bin/perl! ! package Foo;! sub bar {! print "Hello $_[0]n"! }! ! sub blat {! print "World $_[0]n"! }! 1; 61
  • 62. Using a Module #!/usr/bin/perl! ! use Foo;! ! bar( "a" );! blat( "b" ); 62
  • 63. -  Jason Stajich, Ph.D. Assistant Professor at the University of California, Riverside BioPerl developer since 2000 63
  • 64. Where do you get BioPerl? §  In-class tutorial •  Already installed! Yeah! §  URL • §  Modules •  Bioperl-core •  Bioperl-run •  Bioperl-network •  Bioperl-DB 64
  • 65. What is BioPerl? §  BioPerl is: •  A collection of Perl modules for biological data and analysis •  An open source toolkit with many contributors •  A flexible and extensible system for doing bioinformatics data manipulation •  Consists of >1500 modules; ~1000 considered core §  Modules are interfaces to data types: •  Sequences •  Alignments •  (Sequence) Features •  Locations •  Databases 65Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
  • 66. With BioPerl you can… §  Retrieve sequence data from NCBI §  Transform sequence files from one format to another §  Parse (or search) BLAST result files §  Manipulate sequences, reverse complement, translate coding DNA sequence to protein §  And so on… 66Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
  • 67. Major Domains Covered 67Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
  • 68. Additional Domains 68Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
  • 69. 69
  • 70. Hypothetical Research Project §  Interested in looking for universal vaccine candidates for an Influenza virus •  Would ultimately involve other programs and data (i.e. epitope data) §  Protocol •  Obtain influenza HA sequence –  2009 pandemic influenza virus hemagglutinin sequence for A/ California/04/2009(H1N1) “FJ966082” –  Convert into other formats •  BLAST sequence to find similar sequences •  Parse BLAST metadata and load into Excel •  Align similar sequences and save alignment •  Find motifs in sequences •  Compute basic sequence metadata 70
  • 71. Module: Bio::SeqIO §  Biological Sequence Input & Output §  Bioinformatics file reading and writing §  Enables easy file conversion §  Example supported formats: •  ABI, BSML, Fasta, Fastq, GCG, Genbank, Interpro, KEGG, Lasergene, Phred Phd, Phred Qual, Pir, Swissprot 71
  • 72. How do we get Genbank sequence / file if we have accession? Sequence Retrieval from NCBI using Bio::DB::GenBank and Bio::SeqIO ! #!/usr/bin/perl –w! use strict;! use Bio::DB::GenBank;! use Bio::SeqIO;! ! my $accession = 'FJ966082';! my $genBank = new Bio::DB::GenBank; ! my $seq = $genBank->get_Seq_by_acc($accession); ! my $seqOut = new Bio::SeqIO(-format => 'genbank', ! ! ! ! -file => ”>$"); ! $seqOut->write_seq($seq);! ! ! ! ! ! ! (The downloaded file ”” can also be found in the class folder) 72Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
  • 73. Convert from GenBank to FASTA Format #!/usr/bin/perl! ! use warnings;! use strict;! use Bio::SeqIO;! ! # create one SeqIO object to read in,and another to write out! my $seq_in = Bio::SeqIO->new(! -file => "",! -format => "genbank"! );! my $seq_out = Bio::SeqIO->new(! -file => ">FJ966082.fa",! -format => "fasta"! );! ! # write each entry in the input file to the output file! while (my $inseq = $seq_in->next_seq) {! $seq_out->write_seq($inseq);! }! 73Slide adapted from: BioPerl HowTo
  • 74. Bio::SeqIO Sequence Object Methods 74Source:
  • 75. How to BLAST a Sequence §  Options to BLAST a single sequence: •  Go to NCBI GenBank website and BLAST §  Options to BLAST multiple sequences •  Use NCBI GenBank website / server to BLAST through an API (application programmers interface) •  Setup BLAST software and databases on local computer 75
  • 76. A Few BLAST Details  Query: ...GSVEDTTGSQSLAALLNKCKTPQGQRLVNQWIKQPLMDKNRIEERLNLVEAFVEDAELRQTLQEDL...  PQG 18 PEG 15 PKG 14 PRG 14 PDG 13 PHG 13 PMG 13 PNG 13 PSG 13 PQA 12 PQN 12 etc…      Query: 325 SLAALLNKCKTPQGQRLVNQWIKQPLMDKNRIEERLNLVEA 365 a +LA++L+ TP G R++ +W+ P+ D + ER + A Subject: 290 TLASVLDCTVTPMGSRMLKRWLHMPVRDTRVLLERQQTIGA 330  76Source: S. Altschul
  • 78. Module: Bio::SearchIO §  Biological Search Input & Output §  Plugging in different parsers for pairwise alignment objects §  Searches parsed with Bio::SearchIO are organized as follows (see SearchIO HOWTO and Parsing BLAST HSPs for much more detail): §  the Bio::SearchIO object contains •  Results, which contain –  Hits, which contain §  HSPs. 78
  • 79. Parse BLAST output #!/usr/bin/perl -w! use strict;! use Bio::SearchIO;! ! my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast',! ! ! ! ! ! -file => 'blast-results.txt');! ! open (OUTFILE, '>blast-data.txt');! ! while(my $result = $in->next_result()){! ! while(my $hit = $result->next_hit()){! ! ! !while(my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp()){! ! ! !if($hsp->length('total') > 50 && $hsp->percent_identity() >= 50){! ! ! !print OUTFILE "Query = ". $result->query_name(). "t" .! ! ! ! !"Hit = ". $hit->name(). "t" .! ! ! ! !"Length = ". $hsp->length('total'). "t" .! ! ! ! !"Percent_id = ". $hsp->percent_identity()."n";! ! ! !}! ! !}! !}! }! close (OUTFILE);! 79
  • 80. Module: Bio::SearchIO Methods 80 Method   Example   Description   algorithm   BLASTX   algorithm string   algorithm_version   2.2.4 [Aug-26-2002]   algorithm version   query_name   20521485|dbj|AP004641.2   query name   query_accession   AP004641.2   query accession   query_length   3059   query length   query_description   Oryza sativa ... 977CE9AF checksum.   query description   database_name   test.fa   database name   database_letters   1291   number of residues in database   database_entries   5   number of database entries   available_statistics   effectivespaceused ... dbletters   statistics used   available_parameters   gapext matrix allowgaps gapopen   parameters used   num_hits   1   number of hits  
  • 81. Parsed Output in Excel §  Drag blast-data.txt file onto Microsoft Excel icon to open §  Enables user to quickly harness Excel knowledge and abilities to do meta analysis of BLAST results 81
  • 82. Module: Bio::AlignIO §  Bioinformatics multiple sequence alignment input & output §  Pluggable parsers and renderers for multiple sequence alignments §  A summary of multiple alignment formats is also a good introduction to the file formats 82
  • 83. Extract the HSPs to a FASTA file using Bio::AlignIO #!/usr/bin/perl -w! use strict;! use Bio::AlignIO;! use Bio::SearchIO;! ! my $in = new Bio::SearchIO(-format => 'blast', -file => 'blast-results.txt');! ! my $alnIO = Bio::AlignIO->new(-format =>"fasta", -file => ">hsp.fas");! ! while(my $result = $in->next_result()){! ! !while(my $hit = $result->next_hit()){! ! ! !while(my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp()){! ! ! ! !if($hsp->length('total') > 50 && $hsp->percent_identity() >= 50){! ! ! ! ! !my $aln = $hsp->get_aln;! ! ! ! !$alnIO->write_aln($aln);! ! ! ! !}! ! !}! !}! } 83
  • 84. Finding Motifs in Sequences #!/usr/bin/perl -w! use strict;! use Bio::SeqIO;! ! my $file = 'hsp.fas';! my $motif = "[ATG]A";! #my $motif = '(A[^T]{2,}){2,}’;! ! my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-format => 'fasta', -file => $file);! my $motif_count = 0;! ! while ( my $seq = $in->next_seq) {! !my $str = $seq->seq; ! !# get the sequence as a string! !if ( $str =~ /$motif/i ) {! ! !$motif_count++; # of sequences that have this motif! !}! }! ! printf "%d sequences have the motif $motifn", $motif_count; 84
  • 85. Using Bio::SeqIO to Calculate Sequence Metadata #!/usr/bin/perl -w! use strict;! use Bio::SeqIO;! ! my $file = "hsp.fas";! my $seq_in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $file, -format => "fasta");! my ($seqcount, $basecount, $basecount_nostops);! ! while (my $inseq = $seq_in->next_seq) {! $seqcount++;! ! !# count the number of sequences! $basecount += $inseq->length; !# count bases in whole db! my $str = $inseq->seq; !# get the sequence as a string! $str =~ s/*//g; ! !# remove all '*' from sequence! $basecount_nostops += length($inseq); !# add bases from string! }! ! print "In $file there are $seqcount sequences, and $basecount bases ($basecount_nostops ignoring *)n";! 85Slide adapted from: Jason Stajich
  • 86. Additional Bioperl Examples §  Review “examples” directory within bioperl directory 86
  • 87. Resources §  BioPerl API (the details) • §  BioPerl Tutorials • §  BCBB Handout(s) • Bioinformatics/seminars.aspx §  Jason Stajich • master/examples/BioPerl • 87
  • 88. EMBOSS §  European Molecular Biology Open Source Suite §  Command line programs to accomplish many bioinformatics tasks §  Bioperl-run has numerous wrappers for EMBOSS programs §  Download • §  Try out • 88
  • 89. Thank you!     h5p://bioinforma;   If you have Questions or Comments, please contact us: