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Overview of Statistics I:
Statistical Testing
Presented by: Jeff Skinner, M.S.ese ted by Je S e , S
Biostatistics Specialist
Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Branch (BCBB)
Office of Cyber Infrastructure and Computational Biology (OCICB)y p gy ( )
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Want To Publish Statistical Results?
Most research journals ask three big questions:
• Do your statistical tests inappropriately assume your
data is normal or Gaussian distributed?
P t i t t t i t t Parametric tests vs. nonparametric tests
 E.g. Student’s T-tests vs. Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests
D t ti ti l t t i l l ?• Do your statistical tests require large samples?
 Approximate tests vs. exact tests
• Do you require adjustments for multiple testing?
 False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjustments for high throughput biology
 Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) for analysis of variance Tukey s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) for analysis of variance
Nature – Statistical Checklist
• Review the statistical testing process
• When do I use one-sided vs. two-sided tests?
Wh d I t i t i t t ?• When do I use parametric vs. nonparametric tests?
• When do I use large-sample tests vs. exact tests?g p
• When do I need to adjust for multiple testing?
• Additional questions about testing?
Recall the Statistical Testing Processg
• Formulate null and alternative hypotheses
 E.g. (null) H0: μ1 = μ2 vs. (alternative) HA: μ1 ≠ μ2
• Calculate the appropriate test statistic
 E g Student’s t-test Wilcoxon testE.g. Student s t test, Wilcoxon test, …
• Compute the probability of observing the test statistic
(i.e. your sample data) under the null hypothesis
 I.e. Compute a p-value
• Make a statistical decision
“Reject the n ll h pothesis” or “fail to reject the n ll h pothesis” “Reject the null hypothesis” or “fail to reject the null hypothesis”
• Make a biological conclusion
 E.g. New drug reduces viral load, vitamin C helps prevent cancer, …g g , p p ,
Null and Alternative Hypothesesyp
• (null) Drug and placebo viral loads are equal vs. (alternative) viral
loads higher for placebo group than for drug group
• (null) H : μ – μ ≤ 0 vs (alternative) H : μ – μ > 0• (null) H0: μP – μD ≤ 0 vs. (alternative) HA: μP – μD > 0
What is a Statistical Test?
• Almost all tests used in inferential statistics can be
li d th ti f “diff ” “ ”generalized as the ratio of a “difference” over an “error”
 Difference between a statistic and null value (usually 0)
 A statistic is nothing more than a numeric summary of the experimental
d t ith t t th ll h th idata with respect to the null hypothesis
 A null value is an assumption about the population under the null
 An error is an estimate of the sampling distribution error An error is an estimate of the sampling distribution error
Example: Two-sample Student’s T-testp p
X X 0statistic null value
T* 
X1  X2  0
1 1
n11 s1
 n21 s2
2 standard
1  1 2  2
n1  n2  2
• The “statistic” in a two-sample t-test is a difference between
the two sample means and the null value is zero
 The hypothesis μ1 = μ2 implies μ1 – μ2 = 0
• The standard error is an estimate of the common variance• The standard error is an estimate of the common variance
Null Distributions
Compute T* statistic
f lfor our sample
C i t thCompare against the
distribution of all possible
T* statistics for all
possible samples from
the population under the
• If the null hypothesis is true (i.e. no difference between groups),
p p
null hypothesis
yp ( g p ),
then the T* statistics from most samples should be near zero
• Many null distributions (or sampling distributions) approximately
follow well known probability distributions e g normal distributionfollow well known probability distributions, e.g. normal distribution
• A p-value is the probability of
observing your data given that theobserving your data given that the
null hypothesis is actually true
O• P-values do NOT represent the
probability that the null is true
• P-values do NOT represent the
probabilty that a model is incorrect
If the null distribution follows a well
• P-values do NOT represent the
strength or size of an effect
known probability distribution, like
the normal distribution, the p-values
are computed by integration
Statistical Decisions and
Bi l i l C l iBiological Conclusions
• A statistical decision is a choice to “reject the null
hypothesis” or “fail to reject the null hypothesis”
 The decision is based on a critical value or decision rule The decision is based on a critical value or decision rule
 E.g. Reject the null hypothesis if p-value < 0.05
A bi l i l l i i th fi l i t t ti f• A biological conclusion is the final interpretation of
the statistical testing process in plain language
 E g Vitamin C prevents cancer drug reduced viral loadE.g. Vitamin C prevents cancer, drug reduced viral load, …
 Make sure conclusion can be justified by the hypotheses
Type I and Type II Errorsyp yp
Actual population difference?Actual population difference? 
Yes No
Type I Error
Was the difference 
detected by the 
i i l ?
Yes OK
Type I Error
(False Positive)
Type II Error
Diff t t f i t tt t t i i i
statistical test? No
Type II Error
(False Negative)
• Different types of experiments attempt to minimize
Type I errors, Type II errors or both kinds of errors
 E.g. Type II errors are more important in medical testingE.g. Type II errors are more important in medical testing
Type I and Type II Errors - Exampleype a d ype o s a p e
• Suppose mean viral load is 7,000
lower after taking a new druglower after taking a new drug
 Drug population mean viral load 33,000
 Placebo population mean viral load
• Samples from the population may
not be representative
 By chance we sample 120 sickly patients
for the drug treatment group
 By chance we sample 120 robust patients
for the placebo treatment groupfor the placebo treatment group
• This data yields a Type II error
because of a strange sample
Review: Statistical Testingg
• Formulate null and alternative hypotheses
 Null and alternative hypotheses are mutually exclusive
and exhaustive statements about the population
 Typically assume the null hypothesis is true, until we find
evidence to refute the null in favor of the alternative
 E.g. H0: µ = 0 versus HA: µ ≠ 0
• Calculate the appropriate test statistic and find its
probability under the null hypothesis
• Make a statistical decision and biological conclusion
Two-sample Student’s T-testp
X1  X2  0
T*  1 2
n1 n2
Assumptions of Student’s T‐test:p
 Data from each group are normal 
or sample sizes greater than 30
 Equal variances among groups
• Student’s T-test is a parametric test
to compare means of two samples
from normal distributed populations
Equal variances among groups
 Independent and identically 
distributed (iid) normal random 
errors from the group meansp p errors from the group means
Parametric Statistical Tests
• Parametric tests assume the populations have known distributions
ith k t th t t b ti t d ( d d)with unknown parameters that must be estimated (and compared)
Central Limit Theorem
• Student’s T-test is computed with
a difference of two samplep
• Draw thousands of samples of
size n from one population top p
view the distribution of their
sample means
• As sample size n increases, thep ,
distribution of the sample means
becomes Gaussian (normal),
even from non-normal
• Student’s T-test does not require
normal data if sample size is
large Sample means from a uniform distribution
are approximately normal for n = 20
Equal Variance AssumptionEqual Variance Assumption
T* 
X1  X2  0
• Usual two-sample Student’s T-test computations assume both
samples share approximately equal variances
• Welsh’s correction computes an appropriate T-test when variances
are NOT equal among the two samples
• Welch’s correction is available on most software, so look carefully, y
Two-Sided Test
• Researchers expect two samples
ill b diff t b t d t kwill be different, but do not know
which will have the higher mean
 E.g. viral load for drug group could
be higher or lower than placebo
 E.g. H0: μP = μD vs. HA: μP ≠ μD
• Two-sided tests are less powerful,p
but more general than analogous
one-sided tests of same data
 The α = 0.05 rejection region of aThe α 0.05 rejection region of a
two-sided test is divided in two parts
 Need larger T-statistic for significant
p-values with two-sided testp
One-Sided Test
• Researchers expect one sample
will have a higher mean than the
other sample before testing
 E.g. viral load for drug group should
be lower than placebo
 E.g. H0: μP ≤ μD vs. HA: μP > μD
O id d t t f l• One-sided tests are more powerful
but require more assumptions
 The α = 0.05 rejection region of the
one-sided test is all on one side
 Smaller T-statistics will produce
significant p-values in one-sided
Nonparametric Statistical TestsNonparametric Statistical Tests
• Nonparametric tests make no assumptions about the distribution of
a population and focus on more general descriptions like mediansa population and focus on more general descriptions, like medians
Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestWilcoxon Rank Sum Test
n n 1  n n
Z* 
R1 
n1 n1 1 
1 n1n2
n1 n21 
• The Wilcoxon rank sum test is a
nonparametric test to compare
the sums of two ranked samples Wilcoxon rank sum test assumes both 
the sums of two ranked samples
• If assumptions are met, the test
can be used to compare medians
samples are from the same type of 
distribution with different locations
 Also known as the Mann Whitney Test Also known as the Mann‐Whitney Test
Example: Wilcoxon-Rank Sum Test
n1 n1 1  n1n2
Example: Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
statistic null value
Z* 
R1  1 1 
 1 2
1 
n1 n21 
• The “statistic” in a Wilcoxon rank sum test is equivalent to the
diff b t th f th k d d t i h ldifference between the sums of the ranked data in each class
• The null hypothesis R1 = R2 produces a strange statistic, null value
and standard error due to relationships among sums of ranks
Does It Really Compare Medians?Does It Really Compare Medians?
• If two samples come from the same
type of distributiontype of distribution …
 Median of a sample is comparable to its
middle ranked observation(s)middle ranked observation(s)
 If two samples share a similar shape, the
sample with the significantly higher rank
sums will have the higher median too
• If two samples come from two very
different types of distributions … NO
 The Wilcoxon rank sum test actually
 Control and Treated samplescompares the sums of the ranked data
 Many counter examples have significant
Wilcoxon tests, but equal medians
 Control and Treated samples 
both have median = 100
 Wilcoxon rank sum test has a 
i ifi t l 0 0000027significant p‐value = 0.0000027
Does Wilcoxon Compare Distributions?Does Wilcoxon Compare Distributions?
• Wilcoxon rank sum test
does NOT compare the
distributions of samples
• Samples from two very
different distributions can
yield non-significanty g
Wilcoxon test p-values
• It is difficult to interpretIt is difficult to interpret
Wilcoxon rank sum test if
assumptions aren’t met
Student’s T vs WilcoxonStudent s T vs. Wilcoxon
• Two-sample Student’s T-test
A l ti l b t k f ll Assumes populations are normal, but works for all
populations if large sample sizes are used for both
 Assumes variances are equal or requires Welch
Wil R k S T t• Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
 Assumes both samples are from the same type of
 Generally preferred over Student’s T-test by all journals
• What if neither test is appropriate?
Example: Viral LoadsExample: Viral Loads
• Want to compare viral loadsp
under treatment and placebo
 Viral loads are very high (> 10,000)
and skewed right for the placebo
 Viral loads all equal zero for treatment
• Both Student’s T-test and the
Wilcoxon test are inappropriateWilcoxon test are inappropriate
 Don’t have normal data or equal
variances for Student’s T-test
 Can’t use Wilcoxon test to compare
two different distributions
• Need an appropriate p-value, so
what statistical test can we use?
Exact Tests vs Approximate TestsExact Tests vs. Approximate Tests
• Exact statistical tests are based on probabilityExact statistical tests are based on probability
statements that are valid for any sample size
 Usually based combinatorial or resampling strategies
 All resampling tests are considered exact tests
 Some implementations of Wilcoxon tests use exact tests based on
combinatorial arguments for small sample sizes
• Approximate statistical tests are based mathematical
arguments about convergence with large sample sizes
 Student’s T-test is an approximate test based on arguments similar to
the Central Limit Theorem
 Approximate tests may have inaccurate p-values for small samples
Example: Bootstrap Samplesa p e: oo s ap Sa p es
Original Data Bootstrap Samples
Class Data
A 1
A 2
A 3
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 …
3 1 2 …
3 5 2 …
2 3 2A 3
A 4
A 5
2 3 2 …
4 1 4 …
2 2 1 …
B 6
B 7
B 8
7 9 6 …
6 6 7 …
8 6 8 …
• Bootstrapping uses sampling with replacement within each class
B 9 8 9 9 …
Example: Jackknife Samplesp p
Original Data
Cl D t
Jackknife Samples
S l 1 S l 2 S l 3Class Data
A 1
A 2
A 3
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 …
1 1 …
2 2 …
3 3A 3
A 4
A 5
3 3 …
4 4 4 …
5 5 5 …
B 6
B 7
B 8
6 6 …
7 7 …
8 8 …
• Jackknifing uses “leave one out” sampling within each class
B 9 9 9 9 …
Example: Permutation Samplesp p
Original Data
Cl D t
Permutation Samples
S l 1 S l 2 S l 3Class Data
A 1
A 2
A 3
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 …
B A A …
B A B …
A A AA 3
A 4
A 5
A A A …
A B B …
B A A …
B 6
B 7
B 8
A B B …
A A B …
A B A …
• Permutation tests scramble the class labels among the samples
B 9 B B A …
Example: Viral Loadsp
• One-sided permutation test
to compare the mediansto compare the medians
from two different samples
• Permutations of differences• Permutations of differences
in median are centered at 0
• Compute p value using:• Compute p-value using:
p 
# permutations > true difference in medians
t t l # t titotal # permutations
p 
# permutations < true difference in medians
total # permutationsp
Example: Viral LoadsExample: Viral Loads
 Two‐sided permutation test p
uses absolute values of each 
permutation and the true 
difference in mediansdifference in medians
 Permutations of differences 
are all greater than zeroare all greater than zero
 Compute p‐value using:
p 
# permutations > true difference in medians
total # permutations
Multiple Testingp g
• Use Family-Wise Error-Rate (FWER) adjustments for
l i f i (ANOVA) t t ianalysis of variance (ANOVA) tests or comparisons
among 3-20 groups of samples
 One-way ANOVA is an extension of the Student’s T-test
 Kruskal-Wallis is an extension of the Wilcoxon rank sum test
 Permutation tests can be adjusted with Bonferroni and other methods
• Use False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjustments for high-
throughput biology experiments like microarrays
 E.g. Microarrays, real time PCR, next gen sequencing, …E.g. Microarrays, real time PCR, next gen sequencing, …
 FDR methods are more powerful than family-wise error rate (FWER)
controlling methods, like those used in ANOVA, for high-throughput
methods with hundreds or thousands of tests
FWER Adjustments: Bonferronij
• Suppose you want to compare 5 new drugs against
l b b t k ll 5 d i ff tia placebo, but you know all 5 drugs are ineffective
 Compute 5 Student’s T-tests with false positive rate α = 0.05
 Each test has a 95% chance to correctly find p > 0.05Each test has a 95% chance to correctly find p 0.05
 Among all 5 tests, the chance of at least one false positive is:
1 – 0.955 = 0.23 > 0.05
• The Bonferroni FWER adjustment
 Divide the false positive rate α = 0 05 by the number of tests so onlyDivide the false positive rate α 0.05 by the number of tests, so only
p-values smaller than α = 0.05 / 5 = 0.01 are significant
 Multiply p-values by the number of tests for an “adjusted p-value”,
using the formula min(1 5*p) for these five testsusing the formula min(1, 5 p) for these five tests.
Other FWER MethodsOther FWER Methods
• Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference
 Uses the “standardized range” method for all pair-wise comparisons
 E.g. for three groups, compare A vs. B, B vs. C and A vs. C
• Dunnett’s Multiple Comparisons Against a Control
 Uses “standardized range method” for comparisons against a control
 E.g. for three groups, compare A vs. C and B vs. C for control group C
• Popular yet outdated methods• Popular, yet outdated methods
 Fisher’s LSD, Student-Newman-Keuls, Duncan’s Test, …
False Discovery Rate MethodsFalse Discovery Rate Methods
• Consider a microarray experiment with 20,000 genes
B f i i f l iti t 0 05 / 20 000 0 0000025 Bonferroni requires a false positive rate α = 0.05 / 20,000 = 0.0000025
 Few, if any, genes will be statistically significant using Bonferroni
• The purpose of a microarray experiment is different
than an ANOVA experiment comparing 3-20 groups
 Microarray experiments are often considered “fishing expeditions” Microarray experiments are often considered fishing expeditions”
 Want to find approximately 100 genes of interest for follow up
experiments with quantitative real-time PCR or other methods
Willing to accept a few false positives among our significant results if Willing to accept a few false positives among our significant results, if
we can capture all the biologically important genes in the process
FDR Methods (cont)
• Suppose you could test
5 000 genes that were not5,000 genes that were not
differentially expressed
Th 000 ld• Those 5,000 genes would
include many false
• The p-values should
follow a uniformfollow a uniform
distribution from
p = 0.00 to p = 1.00
FDR Methods (cont.)
• Add in 1,000 differentially
expressed genes (DEGs)expressed genes (DEGs)
• All DEGs have p < 0.05p
• Want to adjust the cut-off
value α = 0.05 until the list
of significant genes has a
controlled proportion ofp p
false positives
Th k YThank You
For questions or comments please contact:

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Overview of statistics: Statistical testing (Part I)

  • 1. Overview of Statistics I: Statistical Testing Presented by: Jeff Skinner, M.S.ese ted by Je S e , S Biostatistics Specialist Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Branch (BCBB) Office of Cyber Infrastructure and Computational Biology (OCICB)y p gy ( ) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
  • 2. Want To Publish Statistical Results? Most research journals ask three big questions: • Do your statistical tests inappropriately assume your data is normal or Gaussian distributed? P t i t t t i t t Parametric tests vs. nonparametric tests  E.g. Student’s T-tests vs. Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests D t ti ti l t t i l l ?• Do your statistical tests require large samples?  Approximate tests vs. exact tests • Do you require adjustments for multiple testing?  False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjustments for high throughput biology  Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) for analysis of variance Tukey s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) for analysis of variance
  • 4. Outline • Review the statistical testing process • When do I use one-sided vs. two-sided tests? Wh d I t i t i t t ?• When do I use parametric vs. nonparametric tests? • When do I use large-sample tests vs. exact tests?g p • When do I need to adjust for multiple testing? • Additional questions about testing?
  • 5. Recall the Statistical Testing Processg • Formulate null and alternative hypotheses  E.g. (null) H0: μ1 = μ2 vs. (alternative) HA: μ1 ≠ μ2 • Calculate the appropriate test statistic  E g Student’s t-test Wilcoxon testE.g. Student s t test, Wilcoxon test, … • Compute the probability of observing the test statistic (i.e. your sample data) under the null hypothesis  I.e. Compute a p-value • Make a statistical decision “Reject the n ll h pothesis” or “fail to reject the n ll h pothesis” “Reject the null hypothesis” or “fail to reject the null hypothesis” • Make a biological conclusion  E.g. New drug reduces viral load, vitamin C helps prevent cancer, …g g , p p ,
  • 6. Null and Alternative Hypothesesyp • (null) Drug and placebo viral loads are equal vs. (alternative) viral loads higher for placebo group than for drug group • (null) H : μ – μ ≤ 0 vs (alternative) H : μ – μ > 0• (null) H0: μP – μD ≤ 0 vs. (alternative) HA: μP – μD > 0
  • 7. What is a Statistical Test? ValueNullStatisticDifference Error ValueNullStatistic Error Difference Test   • Almost all tests used in inferential statistics can be li d th ti f “diff ” “ ”generalized as the ratio of a “difference” over an “error”  Difference between a statistic and null value (usually 0)  A statistic is nothing more than a numeric summary of the experimental d t ith t t th ll h th idata with respect to the null hypothesis  A null value is an assumption about the population under the null hypothesis  An error is an estimate of the sampling distribution error An error is an estimate of the sampling distribution error
  • 8. Example: Two-sample Student’s T-testp p X X 0statistic null value T*  X1  X2  0 1 1    n11 s1 2  n21 s2 2 standard error1 n1  1 n2    1  1 2  2 n1  n2  2 • The “statistic” in a two-sample t-test is a difference between the two sample means and the null value is zero  The hypothesis μ1 = μ2 implies μ1 – μ2 = 0 • The standard error is an estimate of the common variance• The standard error is an estimate of the common variance
  • 9. Null Distributions Compute T* statistic f lfor our sample C i t thCompare against the distribution of all possible T* statistics for all possible samples from the population under the • If the null hypothesis is true (i.e. no difference between groups), p p null hypothesis yp ( g p ), then the T* statistics from most samples should be near zero • Many null distributions (or sampling distributions) approximately follow well known probability distributions e g normal distributionfollow well known probability distributions, e.g. normal distribution
  • 10. P-values • A p-value is the probability of observing your data given that theobserving your data given that the null hypothesis is actually true O• P-values do NOT represent the probability that the null is true • P-values do NOT represent the probabilty that a model is incorrect If the null distribution follows a well • P-values do NOT represent the strength or size of an effect known probability distribution, like the normal distribution, the p-values are computed by integration
  • 11. Statistical Decisions and Bi l i l C l iBiological Conclusions • A statistical decision is a choice to “reject the null hypothesis” or “fail to reject the null hypothesis”  The decision is based on a critical value or decision rule The decision is based on a critical value or decision rule  E.g. Reject the null hypothesis if p-value < 0.05 A bi l i l l i i th fi l i t t ti f• A biological conclusion is the final interpretation of the statistical testing process in plain language  E g Vitamin C prevents cancer drug reduced viral loadE.g. Vitamin C prevents cancer, drug reduced viral load, …  Make sure conclusion can be justified by the hypotheses
  • 12. Type I and Type II Errorsyp yp Actual population difference?Actual population difference?  Yes No Type I Error Was the difference  detected by the  i i l ? Yes OK Type I Error (False Positive) Type II Error Diff t t f i t tt t t i i i statistical test? No Type II Error (False Negative) OK • Different types of experiments attempt to minimize Type I errors, Type II errors or both kinds of errors  E.g. Type II errors are more important in medical testingE.g. Type II errors are more important in medical testing
  • 13. Type I and Type II Errors - Exampleype a d ype o s a p e • Suppose mean viral load is 7,000 lower after taking a new druglower after taking a new drug  Drug population mean viral load 33,000  Placebo population mean viral load 40,000, • Samples from the population may not be representative  By chance we sample 120 sickly patients for the drug treatment group  By chance we sample 120 robust patients for the placebo treatment groupfor the placebo treatment group • This data yields a Type II error because of a strange sample
  • 14. Review: Statistical Testingg • Formulate null and alternative hypotheses  Null and alternative hypotheses are mutually exclusive and exhaustive statements about the population  Typically assume the null hypothesis is true, until we find evidence to refute the null in favor of the alternative  E.g. H0: µ = 0 versus HA: µ ≠ 0 • Calculate the appropriate test statistic and find its probability under the null hypothesis • Make a statistical decision and biological conclusion
  • 15. Two-sample Student’s T-testp T* X1  X2  0 T*  1 2 sp 1  1 p n1 n2 Assumptions of Student’s T‐test:p  Data from each group are normal  or sample sizes greater than 30  Equal variances among groups • Student’s T-test is a parametric test to compare means of two samples from normal distributed populations Equal variances among groups  Independent and identically  distributed (iid) normal random  errors from the group meansp p errors from the group means
  • 16. Parametric Statistical Tests • Parametric tests assume the populations have known distributions ith k t th t t b ti t d ( d d)with unknown parameters that must be estimated (and compared)
  • 17. Central Limit Theorem • Student’s T-test is computed with a difference of two samplep means • Draw thousands of samples of size n from one population top p view the distribution of their sample means • As sample size n increases, thep , distribution of the sample means becomes Gaussian (normal), even from non-normal populations • Student’s T-test does not require normal data if sample size is large Sample means from a uniform distribution are approximately normal for n = 20
  • 18. Equal Variance AssumptionEqual Variance Assumption T*  X1  X2  0 s1 2 s2 2 s1 n1  s2 n2 • Usual two-sample Student’s T-test computations assume both samples share approximately equal variances • Welsh’s correction computes an appropriate T-test when variances are NOT equal among the two samples • Welch’s correction is available on most software, so look carefully, y
  • 19. Two-Sided Test • Researchers expect two samples ill b diff t b t d t kwill be different, but do not know which will have the higher mean  E.g. viral load for drug group could be higher or lower than placebo  E.g. H0: μP = μD vs. HA: μP ≠ μD • Two-sided tests are less powerful,p but more general than analogous one-sided tests of same data  The α = 0.05 rejection region of aThe α 0.05 rejection region of a two-sided test is divided in two parts  Need larger T-statistic for significant p-values with two-sided testp
  • 20. One-Sided Test • Researchers expect one sample will have a higher mean than the other sample before testing  E.g. viral load for drug group should be lower than placebo  E.g. H0: μP ≤ μD vs. HA: μP > μD O id d t t f l• One-sided tests are more powerful but require more assumptions  The α = 0.05 rejection region of the one-sided test is all on one side  Smaller T-statistics will produce significant p-values in one-sided teststests
  • 21. Nonparametric Statistical TestsNonparametric Statistical Tests • Nonparametric tests make no assumptions about the distribution of a population and focus on more general descriptions like mediansa population and focus on more general descriptions, like medians
  • 22. Wilcoxon Rank Sum TestWilcoxon Rank Sum Test n n 1  n n Z*  R1  n1 n1 1  2  n1n2 2 1 n1n2 n1 n21  12 • The Wilcoxon rank sum test is a nonparametric test to compare the sums of two ranked samples Wilcoxon rank sum test assumes both  the sums of two ranked samples • If assumptions are met, the test can be used to compare medians samples are from the same type of  distribution with different locations  Also known as the Mann Whitney Test Also known as the Mann‐Whitney Test
  • 23. Example: Wilcoxon-Rank Sum Test R n1 n1 1  n1n2 Example: Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test statistic null value Z*  R1  1 1  2  1 2 2 1  statistic n1n2 n1 n21  12 standard error 12 • The “statistic” in a Wilcoxon rank sum test is equivalent to the diff b t th f th k d d t i h ldifference between the sums of the ranked data in each class • The null hypothesis R1 = R2 produces a strange statistic, null value and standard error due to relationships among sums of ranks
  • 24. Does It Really Compare Medians?Does It Really Compare Medians? • If two samples come from the same type of distributiontype of distribution … YES  Median of a sample is comparable to its middle ranked observation(s)middle ranked observation(s)  If two samples share a similar shape, the sample with the significantly higher rank sums will have the higher median too • If two samples come from two very different types of distributions … NO  The Wilcoxon rank sum test actually  Control and Treated samplescompares the sums of the ranked data  Many counter examples have significant Wilcoxon tests, but equal medians  Control and Treated samples  both have median = 100  Wilcoxon rank sum test has a  i ifi t l 0 0000027significant p‐value = 0.0000027
  • 25. Does Wilcoxon Compare Distributions?Does Wilcoxon Compare Distributions? • Wilcoxon rank sum test does NOT compare the distributions of samples • Samples from two very different distributions can yield non-significanty g Wilcoxon test p-values • It is difficult to interpretIt is difficult to interpret Wilcoxon rank sum test if assumptions aren’t met
  • 26. Student’s T vs WilcoxonStudent s T vs. Wilcoxon • Two-sample Student’s T-test A l ti l b t k f ll Assumes populations are normal, but works for all populations if large sample sizes are used for both classes  Assumes variances are equal or requires Welch correction Wil R k S T t• Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test  Assumes both samples are from the same type of distribution  Generally preferred over Student’s T-test by all journals • What if neither test is appropriate?
  • 27. Example: Viral LoadsExample: Viral Loads • Want to compare viral loadsp under treatment and placebo  Viral loads are very high (> 10,000) and skewed right for the placebo groupgroup  Viral loads all equal zero for treatment • Both Student’s T-test and the Wilcoxon test are inappropriateWilcoxon test are inappropriate  Don’t have normal data or equal variances for Student’s T-test  Can’t use Wilcoxon test to compare two different distributions • Need an appropriate p-value, so what statistical test can we use?
  • 28. Exact Tests vs Approximate TestsExact Tests vs. Approximate Tests • Exact statistical tests are based on probabilityExact statistical tests are based on probability statements that are valid for any sample size  Usually based combinatorial or resampling strategies  All resampling tests are considered exact tests  Some implementations of Wilcoxon tests use exact tests based on combinatorial arguments for small sample sizes • Approximate statistical tests are based mathematical arguments about convergence with large sample sizes  Student’s T-test is an approximate test based on arguments similar to the Central Limit Theorem  Approximate tests may have inaccurate p-values for small samples
  • 29. Example: Bootstrap Samplesa p e: oo s ap Sa p es Original Data Bootstrap Samples Class Data A 1 A 2 A 3 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 … 3 1 2 … 3 5 2 … 2 3 2A 3 A 4 A 5 2 3 2 … 4 1 4 … 2 2 1 … B 6 B 7 B 8 7 9 6 … 6 6 7 … 8 6 8 … • Bootstrapping uses sampling with replacement within each class B 9 8 9 9 …
  • 30. Example: Jackknife Samplesp p Original Data Cl D t Jackknife Samples S l 1 S l 2 S l 3Class Data A 1 A 2 A 3 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 … 1 1 … 2 2 … 3 3A 3 A 4 A 5 3 3 … 4 4 4 … 5 5 5 … B 6 B 7 B 8 6 6 … 7 7 … 8 8 … • Jackknifing uses “leave one out” sampling within each class B 9 9 9 9 …
  • 31. Example: Permutation Samplesp p Original Data Cl D t Permutation Samples S l 1 S l 2 S l 3Class Data A 1 A 2 A 3 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 … B A A … B A B … A A AA 3 A 4 A 5 A A A … A B B … B A A … B 6 B 7 B 8 A B B … A A B … A B A … • Permutation tests scramble the class labels among the samples B 9 B B A …
  • 32. Example: Viral Loadsp • One-sided permutation test to compare the mediansto compare the medians from two different samples • Permutations of differences• Permutations of differences in median are centered at 0 • Compute p value using:• Compute p-value using: p  # permutations > true difference in medians t t l # t titotal # permutations or p  # permutations < true difference in medians total # permutationsp
  • 33. Example: Viral LoadsExample: Viral Loads  Two‐sided permutation test p uses absolute values of each  permutation and the true  difference in mediansdifference in medians  Permutations of differences  are all greater than zeroare all greater than zero  Compute p‐value using: p  # permutations > true difference in medians total # permutations
  • 34. Multiple Testingp g • Use Family-Wise Error-Rate (FWER) adjustments for l i f i (ANOVA) t t ianalysis of variance (ANOVA) tests or comparisons among 3-20 groups of samples  One-way ANOVA is an extension of the Student’s T-test  Kruskal-Wallis is an extension of the Wilcoxon rank sum test  Permutation tests can be adjusted with Bonferroni and other methods • Use False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjustments for high- throughput biology experiments like microarrays  E.g. Microarrays, real time PCR, next gen sequencing, …E.g. Microarrays, real time PCR, next gen sequencing, …  FDR methods are more powerful than family-wise error rate (FWER) controlling methods, like those used in ANOVA, for high-throughput methods with hundreds or thousands of tests
  • 35. FWER Adjustments: Bonferronij • Suppose you want to compare 5 new drugs against l b b t k ll 5 d i ff tia placebo, but you know all 5 drugs are ineffective  Compute 5 Student’s T-tests with false positive rate α = 0.05  Each test has a 95% chance to correctly find p > 0.05Each test has a 95% chance to correctly find p 0.05  Among all 5 tests, the chance of at least one false positive is: 1 – 0.955 = 0.23 > 0.05 • The Bonferroni FWER adjustment  Divide the false positive rate α = 0 05 by the number of tests so onlyDivide the false positive rate α 0.05 by the number of tests, so only p-values smaller than α = 0.05 / 5 = 0.01 are significant  Multiply p-values by the number of tests for an “adjusted p-value”, using the formula min(1 5*p) for these five testsusing the formula min(1, 5 p) for these five tests.
  • 36. Other FWER MethodsOther FWER Methods • Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference  Uses the “standardized range” method for all pair-wise comparisons  E.g. for three groups, compare A vs. B, B vs. C and A vs. C • Dunnett’s Multiple Comparisons Against a Control  Uses “standardized range method” for comparisons against a control  E.g. for three groups, compare A vs. C and B vs. C for control group C • Popular yet outdated methods• Popular, yet outdated methods  Fisher’s LSD, Student-Newman-Keuls, Duncan’s Test, …
  • 37. False Discovery Rate MethodsFalse Discovery Rate Methods • Consider a microarray experiment with 20,000 genes B f i i f l iti t 0 05 / 20 000 0 0000025 Bonferroni requires a false positive rate α = 0.05 / 20,000 = 0.0000025  Few, if any, genes will be statistically significant using Bonferroni • The purpose of a microarray experiment is different than an ANOVA experiment comparing 3-20 groups  Microarray experiments are often considered “fishing expeditions” Microarray experiments are often considered fishing expeditions”  Want to find approximately 100 genes of interest for follow up experiments with quantitative real-time PCR or other methods Willing to accept a few false positives among our significant results if Willing to accept a few false positives among our significant results, if we can capture all the biologically important genes in the process
  • 38. FDR Methods (cont) • Suppose you could test 5 000 genes that were not5,000 genes that were not differentially expressed Th 000 ld• Those 5,000 genes would include many false positives • The p-values should follow a uniformfollow a uniform distribution from p = 0.00 to p = 1.00
  • 39. FDR Methods (cont.) • Add in 1,000 differentially expressed genes (DEGs)expressed genes (DEGs) • All DEGs have p < 0.05p • Want to adjust the cut-off value α = 0.05 until the list of significant genes has a controlled proportion ofp p false positives
  • 40. Th k YThank You For questions or comments please contact: 301.496.4455 40