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Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis Series
January 14, 2015
Andrew Oler, PhD
High-throughput Sequencing Bioinformatics Specialist
BCBB instructors for this NGS series
Andrew Oler Vijay Nagarajan Mariam Quiñones
Bioinformatics and Computational
Biosciences Branch
Contact BCBB at
Contact HPC Cluster team at:
Bioinformatics and Computational
Biosciences Branch
§  Bioinformatics Software
§  Computational Biologists
§  Project Managers &
When you leave today, I hope you will be able to
1.  Open a terminal and know how to navigate
2.  Know how to do basic file manipulation and create files and
directories from the command line
3.  Submit a job to the HPC cluster
To accomplish these goals, we will
1.  Learn the most useful Unix terminal commands
2.  Practice a few of these commands
3.  Practice preparing and submitting some scripts to the NIAID
HPC Cluster
1.  You may not be a Unix expert when you leave today (and
that’s okay).
Anatomy of the Terminal, “Command Line”,
or “Shell”
Prompt (computer_name:current_directory username)
Command Argument
Mac: Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
Windows: Download open source software
Other SSH Clients (
File Manager/Browser by Operating System
OS: Windows Mac OSX Unix
FM: Explorer Finder Shell
Typical UNIX directory structure
essential binaries
system config
user directories
USER1 home
USER2 home
network drives
system binaries
shared, read-only
other binaries
installed packages
installed binaries
variable data
program caches
pwd “print working directory”; tells where you are
How to execute a command
command argument
Some basic Unix commands
§  pwd
§  ls
§  mkdir
§  cd
§  wget
§  curl
§  cp
§  wc
§  head
§  tail
§  less
§  cat
§  **See Pre-lecture worksheet.**
Tips to make life easier!
Tab completion: hit Tab to make computer guess your filename.
type: ls unix[Tab]
result: ls unix_hpc
If nothing happens on the first tab, press tab again…
Up Arrow: recall the previous command(s)
Ctrl+a go to beginning of line
Ctrl+e go to end of line
Ctrl+c kill current running process in terminal
Aliases (put in ~/.bashrc file … see handout)
alias ls='ls -AFG'
alias ll='ls -lrhT'
history show every command issued during the session
!ls repeat the previous “ls” command
!! repeat the previous command
man [command] read the manual for the command
man ls read the manual for the ls command
Accessing the NIAID HPC
§  Login to HPC “submit node,” which is the computer from which you submit jobs.
ssh secure shell, remote login
ssh fill in XXX with number
§  Copy	
scp secure copy to remote location
scp -r ~/data/dir
§  ssh	
mv (“move file”)
mv file1 temp/ move “file1” to the “temp” directory
mv file1 file2 rename “file1” to “file2”
mv -i file2 temp/file3 move “file2” to the “temp” directory and
rename it “file3”; ask to make sure
*without -i, it will overwrite an existing file!*
mv *.fastq ~ move all “.fastq” files to the home directory
Exercise 1:
mv *.fastq temp/ (moveall “.fastq” files to the “temp” directory)
ls temp (check that the files are there)
Note: syntax for mv and cp are similar
rm (“remove file”)
rm file1 delete “file1”
rm -i file2 delete “file2”, but ask first
rm *.pdb delete all “.pdb” files
rm -r temp delete the “temp” directory
rm -rf temp delete the “temp” directory, no questions asked!
Be careful!
rm -r *
File and system information
wc file1 “word count”; output is “lines”, “words”, characters”
wc *.fastq “word count” of all fastq files, including summary
du -h temp “disk usage” (size) of each file in the “temp”
directory (outputs a list)
top report for local machine on the processes using the
most system resources (memory, CPU, etc.); “q” to
File compression
gzip temp/* compress every file in “temp”;
adds .gz extension
gunzip temp/*.gz expand every “gzipped” file in
tar -zcvf myfiles.tar.gz temp/* create a single archive of
every file in “temp”
tar –xvf test_data.tar.gz copy every file out of the archive
“tarball” ≠
File manipulation
cat file1 file2 > file3 write “file3”, containing first “file1”,
then “file2”
cat file1 >> file2 append “file1” onto “file2”
sort file1 alphabetize “file1.txt”
sort -n file1 sort “file1” by number
sort -n -r -k 2 file1 sort “file1” by the second word or
column in reverse numerical order
grep (search within files)
grep key file* report the file name and line where “key” appears in file*
grep -v key file* report the file names of files that do not match “key”
man grep see other functions of grep. (lots! regular expressions!)
Linking files (making “shortcuts”)
ln -s ~/myapp/binary ~/bin make a shortcut (“symbolic link”)
in “~/bin” that points to “~/myapp/
ln -s /usr/local data make a shortcut in current
directory pointing to /usr/local
cd data takes you to /usr/local
Downloading Files
wget download multiple files from ftp or http address
curl download single files from ftp, http, sftp, etc.
ls | wc count the number of files in a directory
grep | sort > file1 pull out searched-for lines, sort them, and
write a new file
Exercise 2:
head –n 2000 lymph1k.fastq | gzip > head2K.txt.gz
for assign a variable for each of a space-separated list of values
; Use to separate commands
do done Marks start and end of loop to repeat
Exercise 3:
for i in 1 13 200; do echo $i; done
for i in file*; do echo $i; mv “$i” “${i}.txt”; done
Recommended Reading
Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth
Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins,
Robert Love, Arnold Robbins
Running Linux, 5th
Matthias Kalle
Dalheimer, Matt Welsh
UNIX® Shells by
Fourth Edition
Ellie Quigley
Take Away
Using NIAID Grid Engine Cluster
High Performance Computing
§  “A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected
computers that work together so that in many respects they can
be viewed as a single system.”
HPC Glossary
§  node individual workstation within a network or cluster; a collection of processors all
accessing the same memory (RAM).
§  CPU abbreviation for central processing unit. The processor of a node. Also
referred to as a socket.
•  try cat /proc/cpuinfo
•  Note that “processors” in the output are actually “cores” by the definition below
§  core separate execution core for calculations. e.g., “dual-core” means the
processor has two cores. Sometimes each core is referred to as a separate
§  slot a single core available for use within a node. e.g., if a node has 16 cores, it
will have 16 slots.
§  hyper-threaded technology (HTT) Where a single execution core is treated as
being two virtual cores (or two logical processors) by the system. Some of the nodes
in the cluster have HTT. E.g., if there are 16 physical cores, there would be 32 logical
§  thread a single process of a multi-process job. Each thread runs on a separate logical
processor. E.g., if you run tophat with -p 10, 10 threads will be created and run in
These definitions are somewhat flexible…
Accessing the NIAID HPC
§  Request an HPC account (for NIAID members and collaborators only)
•  “Request Account”
§  Login to HPC “submit node,” which is the computer from which you submit jobs.
ssh secure shell, remote login
§  Copy	
scp secure copy to remote location
scp -r ~/data/dir
§  ssh	
Mounting HPC Drives
Mac Windows
1.  Click "Start" > "Computer”
2.  Click on "Map Network
3.  Choose an available drive
4.  Enter ai-hpcfileserver.niaid.nih.govbcbb
in the “Folder” field,
replacing “bcbb” with your
group name or your user
(For more details, see link to
FAQ below.)
Cluster Architecture and Access
image modified from
regular.q interactive.q memLong.q
qrsh -q interactive.q
qsub -q memLong.q
Submit Node
Cluster Queue System: Sun Grid Engine
§  Computers have Linux Red Hat Operating System
§  Grid Engine is a batch queuing system
§  Other queuing systems (
•  Portable Batch System (PBS) (e.g., Biowulf)
•  TORQUE Resource Manager
•  Maui
•  Moab
•  others…
•  Each will require a slightly different syntax for scripts
§  Comes with a set of commands to communicate with the cluster
§  Monitors available resources and users’ workloads to start jobs at the appropriate time
Grid Engine jobs
§  Three types of jobs
•  Batch/Serial (one node,
one processor)
•  Parallel (multiple
processors or nodes)
•  Interactive
Input Process Output
Input Process Output
Grid Engine Jobs: Interactive
§  Login to a node like ssh
qrsh -l h_vmem=20G
§  Need to specify parameters
-l requested resources in space-delimited list
•  For interactive job:
§  For Biowulf (PBS) (
qsub -I -V -l nodes=1
Cluster Architecture and Access
image from
regular.q interactive.q memLong.q
qrsh -q interactive.q
Submit Node
Test TopHat Job in Interactive Session
§  TopHat is a short read aligner for RNA-seq data
§  Manual:
1.  Check dependencies (e.g., PATH)
2.  Check command syntax and options
3.  Run command with test dataset
Grid Engine Jobs: Batch / Serial
§  Single processor, one job
§  Submit a script to the cluster from the submit node,
Cluster Architecture and Access
image from
regular.q interactive.q memLong.q
qsub -q memLong.q
*No queue necessary*
Submit Node
Text Editors for Composing Scripts (batch jobs)
§  Not the same as a word processor! e.g., Microsoft Word
§  Try some, choose a favorite
§  Popular for Windows:
•  Notepad++ (nice color-coding)
•  EditPad Lite (can open large files > 4Gb)
§  Popular for Mac:
•  TextWrangler
§  Popular for Terminal:
•  nano
•  vi
•  emacs
Quick Look at a Shell Script
Exercise 4:
cd ~/unix_hpc/test_data
§  A few things to notice:
•  #!/bin/bash
–  “shebang” or “hashbang,” used to specify the program to run for the script
•  qsub options (next slide)
•  export (used to set environmental variables)
•  PATH=/path/to/folder:/path/to/another/folder:$PATH
–  used to allow you to simply type the name of the executable instead of the
full path to the executable, e.g., type “tophat” instead of “/usr/local/
•  Comments about when you ran the job
•  Command for job
*PBS Script for Biowulf as well.
SGE qsub options
qsub [options] command to submit a job to the cluster
-S /bin/bash shell to use (default is csh)
-N job_name name for your job
-q queue.q queue(s) to submit to, e.g.,
-M email address to send alert to
-m abe when to send email (e.g., beginning, end, aborted)
-l resources resources to request, e.g.,
-cwd run from current working directory. Output to here.
-j y join stderr and stdout into one
-pe threaded 10 parallel environment: “round” means processors
could be on separate machines, “threaded” all
processors on same machine. number of processors/
§  You can put these options on the command-line or in your shell
§  Lines with these options should begin with #$
Submitting jobs with PBS (Biowulf)
§  PBS options and examples for Biowulf:
§  Examples
•  qsub -I -V -l nodes=1
•  qsub -l nodes=1 myjob.bat
•  qsub -l nodes=8:o2800 myparalleljob
•  qsub -v np=3 -l nodes=2:g24:c24,mem=0
§  Option lines start with #PBS instead of #$
§  Application-specific usage for Biowulf as well, e.g.,
Grid Engine Jobs: Batch / Serial
§  Submit a script to the cluster from the
submit node
Exercise 5:
cd ~/unix_hpc/test_data (remember to try tab
completion J)
It should say “Your job XXXXXX ("tophat_test") has been
submitted” where XXXXXX is the job number.
ls –al
Do you see a file called tophat_test.oXXXXXX where
XXXXXX is your job number?
cat tophat_test.oXXXXXX (substitute job number for
Grid Engine Jobs: Parallel
§  pe commands (threaded, single, etc.)
§  Basic use in script:
#$ -pe threaded 8
§  Can also use advanced options, e.g.,
•  "-pe 12threaded 48" means use 12 cores per node, for a total
of 48 cores needed. This will allocate the job to run on 4 nodes
with 12 cores each. Your program must be able to support this
•  "-pe threaded 5-10" means run the job with 10 if available, but
down to 5 cores is fine too.
§  Do the math for memory!
•  h_vmem is not total, it’s per thread. E.g., if you have a job that
needs 10G total, running on 5 processors, you’ll assign
h_vmem=2G, not h_vmem=10G.
•  Let’s edit our script to make it run parallel…
Edit Shell Script in the Terminal with nano
Navigation in nano:
§  use arrow keys for up, down, left, right
§  Ctrl+a for beginning of line; Ctrl+e for end of line
§  Other commands at bottom of screen e.g., Ctrl+o, Ctrl+x
Exercise 6:
cd ~/unix_hpc/test_data
Make new script for parallel, open in nano
Add line to script with SGE options
#$ -pe threaded 4
Modify tophat command
tophat -p 4 …
Save and close
Ctrl+o, [ENTER]
Now submit the jobs
Monitoring Jobs
Exercise 7:
qstat check on submitted jobs
echo $LOGNAME check your username
qstat -u $LOGNAME check status or your jobs
qstat -u $LOGNAME -ext check resource usage, including memory
qstat -u $LOGNAME -ext -g t get extended details, including MASTER, SLAVE
nodes for parallel jobs
qstat -j job-ID get detailed information about your job status
qacct –j 999072 see info about a job after it was run
qalter [new qsub options] [job id] In case you want to change parameters while in
“qw” status
qdel –u username delete all of your submitted jobs
qdel jobnumber delete a single job
§  Websites
•  Cluster status:
•  Current State:
•  Ganglia toolkit:
Contact Us	
Example Script For SGE
## SGE options (see man qsub for more options)
#$ -S /bin/bash #type of shell. default is csh
#$ -N tophat_test #name of job
#$ -q regular.q,memRegular.q #which queue to submit job to.
#$ -M #email address to send email to
#$ -m abe #when to send email: aborted, beginning, end
#$ -l h_vmem=5G,h_cpu=1:00:00 #resources (virtual memory, cpu time)
#$ -cwd #run the script from current working directory
#$ -j y #join stderr and stdout into one job_id.o file
## Script dependencies
#export the path for bowtie (tophat needs this)
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bio_apps/bowtie
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bio_apps/tophat/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bio_apps/samtools/
## Write comments (to make the future you happy)
# Ran tophat on the test dataset - andrew (111013)
#full path to tophat: /usr/local/bio_apps/tophat/bin/tophat
time tophat -r 20 test_ref reads_1.fq reads_2.fq
“hashbang,” to specify program used to run script
export command for
setting environment
command for job

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UNIX Basics and Cluster Computing

  • 1. 1/13/15   1   Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis Series January 14, 2015 Andrew Oler, PhD High-throughput Sequencing Bioinformatics Specialist BCBB/OCICB/NIAID/NIH BCBB instructors for this NGS series Andrew Oler Vijay Nagarajan Mariam Quiñones 2 Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Branch NIH/NIAID/OD/OSMO/OCICB Contact BCBB at Contact HPC Cluster team at:
  • 2. 1/13/15   2   Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Branch §  Bioinformatics Software Developers §  Computational Biologists §  Project Managers & Analysts 3 Objectives When you leave today, I hope you will be able to 1.  Open a terminal and know how to navigate 2.  Know how to do basic file manipulation and create files and directories from the command line 3.  Submit a job to the HPC cluster To accomplish these goals, we will 1.  Learn the most useful Unix terminal commands 2.  Practice a few of these commands 3.  Practice preparing and submitting some scripts to the NIAID HPC Cluster Caveat: 1.  You may not be a Unix expert when you leave today (and that’s okay). 4
  • 3. 1/13/15   3   Anatomy of the Terminal, “Command Line”, or “Shell” Prompt (computer_name:current_directory username) Cursor Command Argument Window Output Mac: Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal Windows: Download open source software PuTTY Other SSH Clients ( 6
  • 4. 1/13/15   4   File Manager/Browser by Operating System 7 OS: Windows Mac OSX Unix FM: Explorer Finder Shell Typical UNIX directory structure / “root” /bin essential binaries /etc system config /home user directories /home/USER1 USER1 home /home/USER2 USER2 home /mnt network drives /sbin system binaries /usr shared, read-only /usr/bin other binaries /usr/local installed packages /usr/local/bin installed binaries /var variable data /var/tmp program caches pwd “print working directory”; tells where you are 8
  • 5. 1/13/15   5   How to execute a command command argument output output 9 Some basic Unix commands §  pwd §  ls §  mkdir §  cd §  wget §  curl §  cp §  wc §  head §  tail §  less §  cat §  **See Pre-lecture worksheet.** 10
  • 6. 1/13/15   6   Tips to make life easier! Tab completion: hit Tab to make computer guess your filename. type: ls unix[Tab] result: ls unix_hpc If nothing happens on the first tab, press tab again… Up Arrow: recall the previous command(s) Ctrl+a go to beginning of line Ctrl+e go to end of line Ctrl+c kill current running process in terminal Aliases (put in ~/.bashrc file … see handout) alias ls='ls -AFG' alias ll='ls -lrhT' history show every command issued during the session !ls repeat the previous “ls” command !! repeat the previous command man [command] read the manual for the command man ls read the manual for the ls command 11 Accessing the NIAID HPC §  Login to HPC “submit node,” which is the computer from which you submit jobs. ssh secure shell, remote login ssh fill in XXX with number §  Copy  files  to/from  HPC   scp secure copy to remote location scp -r ~/data/dir §  ssh  and  scp  will  prompt  you  to  enter  your  password   12
  • 7. 1/13/15   7   mv (“move file”) mv file1 temp/ move “file1” to the “temp” directory mv file1 file2 rename “file1” to “file2” mv -i file2 temp/file3 move “file2” to the “temp” directory and rename it “file3”; ask to make sure *without -i, it will overwrite an existing file!* mv *.fastq ~ move all “.fastq” files to the home directory Exercise 1: mv *.fastq temp/ (moveall “.fastq” files to the “temp” directory) ls temp (check that the files are there) Note: syntax for mv and cp are similar 13 rm (“remove file”) rm file1 delete “file1” rm -i file2 delete “file2”, but ask first rm *.pdb delete all “.pdb” files rm -r temp delete the “temp” directory rm -rf temp delete the “temp” directory, no questions asked! Be careful! rm -r * 14
  • 8. 1/13/15   8   File and system information wc file1 “word count”; output is “lines”, “words”, characters” wc *.fastq “word count” of all fastq files, including summary du -h temp “disk usage” (size) of each file in the “temp” directory (outputs a list) top report for local machine on the processes using the most system resources (memory, CPU, etc.); “q” to exit 15 File compression gzip temp/* compress every file in “temp”; adds .gz extension gunzip temp/*.gz expand every “gzipped” file in “temp” tar -zcvf myfiles.tar.gz temp/* create a single archive of every file in “temp” tar –xvf test_data.tar.gz copy every file out of the archive “tarball” ≠ 16
  • 9. 1/13/15   9   File manipulation cat file1 file2 > file3 write “file3”, containing first “file1”, then “file2” cat file1 >> file2 append “file1” onto “file2” sort file1 alphabetize “file1.txt” sort -n file1 sort “file1” by number sort -n -r -k 2 file1 sort “file1” by the second word or column in reverse numerical order Careful ! 17 grep (search within files) grep key file* report the file name and line where “key” appears in file* grep -v key file* report the file names of files that do not match “key” man grep see other functions of grep. (lots! regular expressions!) 18
  • 10. 1/13/15   10   Linking files (making “shortcuts”) ln -s ~/myapp/binary ~/bin make a shortcut (“symbolic link”) in “~/bin” that points to “~/myapp/ binary” ln -s /usr/local data make a shortcut in current directory pointing to /usr/local cd data takes you to /usr/local 19 Downloading Files wget download multiple files from ftp or http address curl download single files from ftp, http, sftp, etc. 20
  • 11. 1/13/15   11   Pipelining ls | wc count the number of files in a directory grep | sort > file1 pull out searched-for lines, sort them, and write a new file Exercise 2: head –n 2000 lymph1k.fastq | gzip > head2K.txt.gz 21 Loops for assign a variable for each of a space-separated list of values ; Use to separate commands do done Marks start and end of loop to repeat Exercise 3: for i in 1 13 200; do echo $i; done 1 13 200 ls for i in file*; do echo $i; mv “$i” “${i}.txt”; done file1 file2 ls 22
  • 12. 1/13/15   12   Recommended Reading Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins Running Linux, 5th Edition Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, Matt Welsh UNIX® Shells by Example, Fourth Edition Ellie Quigley 23 Take Away Use  mnemonics     Read  “man”  pages     Work  on  copies,  make  backups,  and  use  “rm”,  “mv”,  and  “>”   carefully     Pick  a  text  editor  and  master  it  (pico/nano,  emacs,  vi/vim,  etc.)     Be  clever!   Questions? 24
  • 13. 1/13/15   13   Using NIAID Grid Engine Cluster 25 High Performance Computing §  “A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected computers that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system.” 26
  • 14. 1/13/15   14   HPC Glossary §  node individual workstation within a network or cluster; a collection of processors all accessing the same memory (RAM). §  CPU abbreviation for central processing unit. The processor of a node. Also referred to as a socket. •  try cat /proc/cpuinfo •  Note that “processors” in the output are actually “cores” by the definition below §  core separate execution core for calculations. e.g., “dual-core” means the processor has two cores. Sometimes each core is referred to as a separate processor. §  slot a single core available for use within a node. e.g., if a node has 16 cores, it will have 16 slots. §  hyper-threaded technology (HTT) Where a single execution core is treated as being two virtual cores (or two logical processors) by the system. Some of the nodes in the cluster have HTT. E.g., if there are 16 physical cores, there would be 32 logical processors. §  thread a single process of a multi-process job. Each thread runs on a separate logical processor. E.g., if you run tophat with -p 10, 10 threads will be created and run in parallel. These definitions are somewhat flexible… 27 Accessing the NIAID HPC §  Request an HPC account (for NIAID members and collaborators only) • •  “Request Account” §  Login to HPC “submit node,” which is the computer from which you submit jobs. ssh secure shell, remote login ssh §  Copy  files  to/from  HPC   scp secure copy to remote location scp -r ~/data/dir §  ssh  and  scp  will  prompt  you  to  enter  your  password   28
  • 15. 1/13/15   15   Mounting HPC Drives 29 Mac Windows 1.  Click "Start" > "Computer” 2.  Click on "Map Network Drive”. 3.  Choose an available drive letter. 4.  Enter ai-hpcfileserver.niaid.nih.govbcbb in the “Folder” field, replacing “bcbb” with your group name or your user name. (For more details, see link to FAQ below.) Cluster Architecture and Access image modified from regular.q interactive.q memLong.q qrsh -q interactive.q qsub -q memLong.q ssh Submit Node 30
  • 16. 1/13/15   16   Cluster Queue System: Sun Grid Engine §  Computers have Linux Red Hat Operating System §  Grid Engine is a batch queuing system §  Other queuing systems ( •  Portable Batch System (PBS) (e.g., Biowulf) •  TORQUE Resource Manager •  Maui •  Moab •  others… •  Each will require a slightly different syntax for scripts §  Comes with a set of commands to communicate with the cluster §  Monitors available resources and users’ workloads to start jobs at the appropriate time 31 Grid Engine jobs §  Three types of jobs •  Batch/Serial (one node, one processor) •  Parallel (multiple processors or nodes) •  Interactive 32 Input Process Output Input Process Output Process Process
  • 17. 1/13/15   17   Grid Engine Jobs: Interactive §  Login to a node like ssh qrsh -l h_vmem=20G §  Need to specify parameters -l requested resources in space-delimited list •  For interactive job: h_vmem= §  For Biowulf (PBS) ( qsub -I -V -l nodes=1 33 Cluster Architecture and Access image from regular.q interactive.q memLong.q qrsh -q interactive.q ssh Submit Node 34
  • 18. 1/13/15   18   Test TopHat Job in Interactive Session §  TopHat is a short read aligner for RNA-seq data §  Manual: § 1.  Check dependencies (e.g., PATH) 2.  Check command syntax and options 3.  Run command with test dataset 35 Grid Engine Jobs: Batch / Serial §  Single processor, one job §  Submit a script to the cluster from the submit node, “submit-1” 36
  • 19. 1/13/15   19   Cluster Architecture and Access image from regular.q interactive.q memLong.q qsub -q memLong.q OR qsub *No queue necessary* ssh Submit Node 37 Text Editors for Composing Scripts (batch jobs) §  Not the same as a word processor! e.g., Microsoft Word §  Try some, choose a favorite §  Popular for Windows: •  Notepad++ (nice color-coding) •  EditPad Lite (can open large files > 4Gb) §  Popular for Mac: •  TextWrangler §  Popular for Terminal: •  nano •  vi •  emacs § 38
  • 20. 1/13/15   20   Quick Look at a Shell Script Exercise 4: cd ~/unix_hpc/test_data cat §  A few things to notice: •  #!/bin/bash –  “shebang” or “hashbang,” used to specify the program to run for the script •  qsub options (next slide) •  export (used to set environmental variables) •  PATH=/path/to/folder:/path/to/another/folder:$PATH –  used to allow you to simply type the name of the executable instead of the full path to the executable, e.g., type “tophat” instead of “/usr/local/ bio_apps/tophat/bin/tophat” •  Comments about when you ran the job •  Command for job *PBS Script for Biowulf as well. 39 SGE qsub options qsub [options] command to submit a job to the cluster -S /bin/bash shell to use (default is csh) -N job_name name for your job -q queue.q queue(s) to submit to, e.g., memLong.q,memRegular.q -M email address to send alert to -m abe when to send email (e.g., beginning, end, aborted) -l resources resources to request, e.g., h_vmem=20G,h_cpu=1:00:00,mem_free=10G -cwd run from current working directory. Output to here. -j y join stderr and stdout into one -pe threaded 10 parallel environment: “round” means processors could be on separate machines, “threaded” all processors on same machine. number of processors/ threads. §  You can put these options on the command-line or in your shell script §  Lines with these options should begin with #$ 40
  • 21. 1/13/15   21   Submitting jobs with PBS (Biowulf) §  PBS options and examples for Biowulf: • §  Examples •  qsub -I -V -l nodes=1 •  qsub -l nodes=1 myjob.bat •  qsub -l nodes=8:o2800 myparalleljob •  qsub -v np=3 -l nodes=2:g24:c24,mem=0 §  Option lines start with #PBS instead of #$ §  Application-specific usage for Biowulf as well, e.g., 41 Grid Engine Jobs: Batch / Serial §  Submit a script to the cluster from the submit node Exercise 5: cd ~/unix_hpc/test_data (remember to try tab completion J) qsub It should say “Your job XXXXXX ("tophat_test") has been submitted” where XXXXXX is the job number. ls –al Do you see a file called tophat_test.oXXXXXX where XXXXXX is your job number? cat tophat_test.oXXXXXX (substitute job number for XXXXXX) 42
  • 22. 1/13/15   22   Grid Engine Jobs: Parallel §  pe commands (threaded, single, etc.) §  Basic use in script: #$ -pe threaded 8 §  Can also use advanced options, e.g., •  "-pe 12threaded 48" means use 12 cores per node, for a total of 48 cores needed. This will allocate the job to run on 4 nodes with 12 cores each. Your program must be able to support this •  "-pe threaded 5-10" means run the job with 10 if available, but down to 5 cores is fine too. §  Do the math for memory! •  h_vmem is not total, it’s per thread. E.g., if you have a job that needs 10G total, running on 5 processors, you’ll assign h_vmem=2G, not h_vmem=10G. •  Let’s edit our script to make it run parallel… 43 Edit Shell Script in the Terminal with nano Navigation in nano: §  use arrow keys for up, down, left, right §  Ctrl+a for beginning of line; Ctrl+e for end of line §  Other commands at bottom of screen e.g., Ctrl+o, Ctrl+x Exercise 6: cd ~/unix_hpc/test_data Make new script for parallel, open in nano cp nano Add line to script with SGE options #$ -pe threaded 4 Modify tophat command tophat -p 4 … Save and close Ctrl+o, [ENTER] Ctrl+x Now submit the jobs qsub qsub 44
  • 23. 1/13/15   23   Monitoring Jobs Exercise 7: qsub qstat check on submitted jobs echo $LOGNAME check your username qstat -u $LOGNAME check status or your jobs qstat -u $LOGNAME -ext check resource usage, including memory qstat -u $LOGNAME -ext -g t get extended details, including MASTER, SLAVE nodes for parallel jobs qstat -j job-ID get detailed information about your job status qacct –j 999072 see info about a job after it was run qalter [new qsub options] [job id] In case you want to change parameters while in “qw” status qdel –u username delete all of your submitted jobs qdel jobnumber delete a single job §  Websites •  Cluster status: %20Status •  Current State: •  Ganglia toolkit: 45 Contact Us     h5p://bioinforma;   46
  • 24. 1/13/15   24   Example Script For SGE #!/bin/bash ## SGE options (see man qsub for more options) #$ -S /bin/bash #type of shell. default is csh #$ -N tophat_test #name of job #$ -q regular.q,memRegular.q #which queue to submit job to. #$ -M #email address to send email to #$ -m abe #when to send email: aborted, beginning, end #$ -l h_vmem=5G,h_cpu=1:00:00 #resources (virtual memory, cpu time) #$ -cwd #run the script from current working directory #$ -j y #join stderr and stdout into one job_id.o file ## Script dependencies #export the path for bowtie (tophat needs this) export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bio_apps/bowtie export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bio_apps/tophat/bin export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bio_apps/samtools/ ## Write comments (to make the future you happy) # Ran tophat on the test dataset - andrew (111013) #full path to tophat: /usr/local/bio_apps/tophat/bin/tophat time tophat -r 20 test_ref reads_1.fq reads_2.fq 47 “hashbang,” to specify program used to run script qsuboptions export command for setting environment variables command for job