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Grammar Book 
Caitlyn Pallas
Table of Contents 
 Preterit- slide 3 
 Constructions of se- slide 4 
 Adverbs- slide 5 
 Preterite VS. Imperfect- slide 6 
 Por vs. Para- slide 7 
 Stressed Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns- slide 8 
 Formal Commands- slide 9 
 Informal Commands- slide 10 
 Nosotros Commands- slide 11 
 Object Pronoun Placement- slide 12 
 Present Subjunctive- slide 13 
 Subjuntive with Verbs of Will and Influence- slide 14 
 Bibliography- slide 15
Yo é í 
Tú aste iste 
El/Ella ó ió 
Nosotros amos imos 
Vosotros asteis isteis 
Ellos/Ellas aron ieron 
Dar-to give Ver-to see Ser/Ir-to be, go Hacer-to do 
di vi fui hice 
diste viste fuiste hiciste 
dio vio fue hizo 
dimos vimos fuimos hicimos 
disteis visteis fuisteis hicisteis 
dieron vieron fueron hicieron 
*No accent marks!!! 
Trigger Words: 
Anoche:last night 
-Antaeyer:day before yesterday 
-La Semana pasada:last week 
-El Mes Pasado:last month 
-El Año Pasado:last year 
-car Yo -qué 
-gar Yo -gué 
-zar Yo -cé 
Saber Sup 
Querer Quis 
Hacer Hic (el/ 
ella: Hizo) 
Venir Vin 
Decir Dij* 
Traer Traj* 
Conducir Conduj* 
Andar Anduv 
Estar Estuv 
Tener Tuv 
Caber Cup 
Haber Hub 
Poder Pud 
Poner Pus 
No accent marks! 
No accent marks! 
No accent marks! 
oí oímos 
oíste oísteis 
oyó oyeron 
leí leímos 
leíste leísteis 
leyó leyeron 
creí creímos 
creíste creísteis 
creyó creyeron
Constructions with Se 
Can be used when the person performing the action is not expressed or deemphasized 
Impersonal constructions with se 
• Verbs that aren’t reflexive can be used with se 
to create impersonal constructions. 
• The are the statements in which the person 
performing the action is not expressed or 
• In English this is the passive voice or indefinite 
subjects (you, they, one) 
• Example: 
• Se habla español en Costa Rica. 
• Spanish is spoken in Costa Rica. 
• Se hacen operaciones aquí 
• They perform operations here. 
*Verbs are in third person and they match the 
nouns (plural or singular)* 
They are often used in signs, advertisements 
and directions 
Se for unplanned events 
• Se is also used to describe accidental or 
unplanned events 
• Person who performs the construction is 
deemphasized to imply that the 
accident/unplanned event is not his or 
her direct responsibility. 
• Commonly used verbs with se- Caer 
(dejar caer) perder, dañarr, olvidar, 
quedar, and romper 
• Construction pattern: 
Se + IO pronoun + verb + subject 
Se te perdieron las llaves. 
Se nos dañó el radio. 
The subject is the object (las llaves) and 
the verb corresponds to it (perdieron). The 
person is just an IO. In a way, the keys lost 
To clarify or emphasis the person use a + 
[noun] or a + [prepositional pronoun] 
Ex- Al paciente se le perdió la receta. 
The patient lost his prescription
• Words that describe how, when, and where an action takes place. 
• They can modify verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. 
• Most common adverbs are those that end in –mente. This is the 
equivalent to –ly in English. 
• Ex: 
• Fácilmente: easily 
• Generalmente: generally 
• Verdaderamente: truly, really 
• Simplemente: simply 
• To form adverbs ending in –mente 
1-start with an adjective 
2- Then take its feminine form 
3- Add –mente 
• Ex- fabuloso=fabulosa=fabulosamente 
****If the adjective doesn’t have a special feminine form, then just add 
mente to create the standard form of the adverb. 
Ex- feliz=felizmente enorme=enormemente 
• Adverbs that end in –mente generally follow the verb; while adverbs 
that modify adjectives or another adverb preceed the word they modify. 
• When a sentence contains 2 or more adverbs in a sentence, -mente is 
dropped from all but the last adverb. 
• Ex- El medico nos habló siempre y abiertamente. (simply and openly) 
• Adjectives DON’T loose their accents when adding –mente 
Common Adverbs 
and Adverbial 
-a menudo: often 
-a tiempo: on 
-basante: enough 
-casi: almost 
-despacio: slowly 
-muchas veces: a 
lot, many times 
-pronto: soon 
-rápido: quickly
Preterite VS Imperfect 
Preterite Imperfect 
• Used for single events, 
actions repeated a 
specific number of 
times, actions that 
occurred during a 
specific time period, 
actions that were a part 
of a chain of events, to 
state the beginning or 
end of an action. 
• Definite end and 
beginning, actions are 
seen as completed. 
• Does not have a 
definite beginning or 
end or actions not 
seen as being 
• Used for describing 
actions that were 
habitually repeated, 
“setting the stage” for 
another action, telling 
time, stating one’s age 
in the past
1. Motion or a general location 
Ex- La excursion nos llevó por el centro 
The tour took us through downtown 
2. Duration of an Action 
Ex- Estuve en la Patagonia por un mes 
I was in Patagonia for a month. 
3. Reason or Motive for an Action 
Ex- Lo hizo por su familia. 
She did it on behalf her family 
4. Object of the Search 
Ex- Vengo por ti a las ocho 
Im coming for you at eight. 
5. Means by which Something is Done 
Ex- Ellas viajan por a autopisa. 
They traveled by (the way of) the highway 
6. Exchange or Substitution 
Ex- Pagué diez dólores por esta camisa. 
I paid ten dollars for this shirt. 
7. Unit of Measure 
Ex- Yo manejaba a 120 kilómetros por hora. 
I was traveling 120 km per hour. 
1. Destination 
Ex- Salimos para Córdoba el sábado. 
We are leaving for Córdoba on Saturday. 
2. Deadline or a Specific Time in the 
Ex- Él va arregular el carro para el Viernes 
He will fix the car by Friday. 
3. Purpose or Goal + [Infinitive] 
Ex- Juan estudia para (ser) mecánico. 
Juan is studying to be a mechanic. 
4. Purpose + [Noun] 
Ex- Es una llana para el carro. 
It’s a tire for the car. 
5. Recipient of Something 
Ex- Compré una impresora para mi hijo. 
I bought a printer for my son 
6. Comparison with others or an Opinion 
Ex- Para mí, esta lección no es difícil. 
For me, this lesson isn’t difficult. 
7. In the employ of 
Ex- Sara trabaja para Telecom Argentina 
Sara works for Telecom Argentina.
Stressed (long) Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns 
-Used for emphasis or to express the English phrases 
of mine, of yours, of his, ect. 
Masculine Feminine 
Mío(s) Mía(s) My; (of) mine 
Tuyo(s) Tuya(s) Your; (of) yours 
Suyo(s) Suya(s) Your; (of) yours 
His; (of) his; her; 
(of) her; its 
Nuestro(s) Nuestra(s) Our; (of) ours 
Vuestro(s) Vuestra(s) Your; (of) yours fam. 
Suyo(s) Suya(s) Your; (of) yours; 
their; (of) theirs 
-Possessive adjectives with un or una are similar in 
meaning to of mine, of yours, ect. 
-Must agree in gender and in number with nouns 
Ex- La impresora suya= her printer 
Ex- Los televisores nuestros= our television sets 
Definite article/indefinite article/demonstrative adj. + 
[noun]+ stressed possessive adj. 
-Can also use de to show ownership. 
Ex- el telclado de usted 
-Used to replace a noun modified by a 
possessive adjective 
-They have the same form as the stressed 
possessive adjectives 
-They are preceded by a definite article 
-Possessive pronoun= definite article + 
stressed adjective 
La calculadora nuestra= la nuestra 
Los archivos suyos= los suyos 
Possessive pronouns agree in number and 
in gender with the nouns they replace 
¿Tienes las revistas de Carlos? 
-Do you have Carlos’ magazines? 
No, pero tengo las nuestras. 
-No but I have ours. 
*****Definite articles such as el, la, los, 
las are usually omitted when a stressed 
possessive pronoun follows the verb ser 
Ex- ¿Pero es suya esta cámara? 
No, no es mía.
Formal Commands 
Command forms are used for orders and advice. Used with people 
you address as usted or ustedes 
Infinitive Present 
tense yo 
-ar Limpiar limpio limpie limpien 
-er Barrer Barro barra barran 
-ir Sacudir sacudo sacuda sacudan 
Hable Con ellos 
Talk with them 
Coma frutas y 
Eat fruits and 
-Verbs that have irregular yo forms 
maintain the same irregularity in 
their formal commands!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
-Common irregular verbs: 
Ponga la mesa 
Set the table 
Negative Commands 
-To form a negative command just 
add no before the command 
Stem-Changing Verbs 
Stem-changing verbs 
maintain their stem 
changes in usted and 
ustedes commands 
Verbs with Irregular Commands 
Car, Gar, Zar Verbs 
Jugar g > gu juegue, juegen 
Almorzar z > c almuerce, almuercen 
Sacar c > qu saque, saquen 
For positive commands 
IO pronoun 
DO pronoun 
Ex- Siéntense 
IO pronoun 
DO pronoun 
+ [verb] 
Ex- No se 
(Tú commands) Used to address familiar people- friends, family, ect. 
Tú commands are formed the same way as present 
indicitive form 
Verb Ud. Form 
-AR hablar Habla 
-ER comer Come 
-IR Escribir Escribe 
Negative Tú Commands 
Negative informal commands use the tú form of 
the present subjunctive and putting no in front 
of it. 
Verb Present 
-AR Hablar Hables No Hables 
-ER Comer Comas No comas 
-IR Escribir Escribas No escribas 
Decir- Di 
Hacer- Haz 
Ir- Ve 
Poner- Pon 
Ser- Sé 
Tener- Ten 
Venir- Ven 
Examples: Di la mentiras. No 
digas verdad. Haz tu tarea. 
No hagas eso. 
Pronoun Placement 
For affirmative commands the 
pronoun is attached at the end. 
Example: Hazlo 
For negative commands the 
pronoun goes before verb. 
Example: No te duermas. 
Don’t forget to add accents!!!!!!
Command form used when the speaker suggests an action to be performed by a group 
of people he or she belongs to. 
Nosotros commands are formed by taking the 
nosotros form of the present subjunctive. 
Comamos en la casa. 
Contemos el efectivo. 
Nosotros commands can also be formed by 
Vamos a + inifinitive 
Vamos a trabajar 
Negative Commands 
To form negative nosotros commands 
you simple put no before it. 
No comamos en la casa. 
No contemos el efectivo. 
Nosotros commands with pronouns 
Don’t forget to add accents when 
adding a pronoun!!! With affirmative 
commands, the final –s of the 
command is dropped when adding the 
pronouns se or nos. 
Sentemos+nos= Sentémonos 
Escribamos+se+la= Escribámosela 
For negative nosotros commands you 
just put the pronoun before the 
Example: No nos sentemos 
The only irregular is the verb ir which 
uses the present indicative for the 
affirmative command only. 
Example: Vamos. 
It is regular for negative form 
Example: No vayamos.
Direct Object Placement 
Direct objects receive the action of the 
verb. They answer the questions what? or 
whom? with regard to what the sentence’s 
subject is doing. 
Pronouns that replace the name of the 
subject: Me Nos 
Te Os 
Lo/La Los/Las 
****To make negative just put 
no in front! The pronoun goes 
after the no and before the 
conjugated verb 
You can use a DO pronoun to replace the 
name of direct object. 
In sentences with 2 verbs, you can put the 
1. Place it immediately before the 
conjugated verb. 
2. Attach it directly to the infinitive 
Ex: Lo quiero comer. Quiero comerlo. 
The same rules apply to questions. 
Ex: ¿Lo debemos comprar? 
Indirect Object Placement 
Indirect objects answer the questions for 
whom? and to whom? the action of the 
verb is performed. 
IO pronouns: 
Me Nos 
Te Os 
Le Les 
In an affirmative statement with one 
verb, the indirect object pronoun comes 
immediately before the conjugated verb. 
Ex- Loki me compra un regalo. 
For sentences with 2 verbs, it is the same 
rules for direct objects. 
1.Place it immediately before the 
conjugated verb. 
2. Attach it directly to the infinitive. 
Ex- Necesitas darme un regalo. 
Me necesitas dar un regalo.
Present Subjunctive 
Expresses the speakers subjective attitudes towards events, actions or states the 
viewer views as uncertain or hypothetical 
Forms -AR -ER -IR 
Yo E A A 
Tú Es As As 
Ud./Él/Ella E A A 
Nosotros/as Emos Amos Amos 
Vosotros/as Éis Áis Áis 
Uds./Ellos/Ellas En An An 
Yo and usted form are the same!!! 
Verbs that have irregular yo forms 
keep their irregularities in 
subjunctive form. 
Ex: Conducir= conduzca 
Decir= diga Oír=oiga 
Hay= haya 
5 irregular verbs in present 
subjunctive: Dar, estar, ir, saber, ser 
Dar= De 
Car Gar Zar Verbs 
Car Gar Zar verbs have 
special stem changes 
Sacar= saque 
Jugar= juegue 
Almorzar= almorcéis 
Stem-Changing Verbs 
Stem-changing verbs ending 
in ar and er maintain their 
stem changes in the 
subjunctive form. 
Ex- Yo piense 
Ir verbs have the same 
stem-changes but nosotros 
and vosotros forms also 
changes. E-> I and o->u 
Ex- Durmamos 
Subjunctive is used to express will 
and influence, emotion, doubt, 
disbelief, and denial, indefiniteness 
and nonexistence. 
Que connects the main clause to 
the subordinating clause. 
Impersonal expressions are alsways 
followed by subordinating clauses. 
Ex: Es Bueno que Es malo que 
Es importante que Es major que
Will and influence= affect actions and behaviors of others 
Examples of these verbs: Desear, necesitar, pedir, preferir, querer 
Aconsejar-to advise 
Importar- to be important; to matter 
Insistir- to insist 
Mandar- to order 
Prohibir- to prohibit 
Comendar- to recommend 
Rogar- to beg 
Sugerir- to suggest 
Impersonal expressions like es necessario que, es importante que, es major que, and es 
urgente que are also considered expressions of will and influence. 
When the main clause contains a verb of will or influence the subordinating clause is required 
to be in subjunctive form provided that the two clauses have different subjects. 
Infintives are only used in verbs of will and influence if there is no change in subject. 
Indirect object pronouns are often used with the verbs aconsejar, importar, mandar, pedir, 
prohibir, recomendar, rogar, and sugerir. 
All forms of prohibir (except nosotros) have an accented I in the present tense.

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Grammer book Caitlyn

  • 2. Table of Contents  Preterit- slide 3  Constructions of se- slide 4  Adverbs- slide 5  Preterite VS. Imperfect- slide 6  Por vs. Para- slide 7  Stressed Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns- slide 8  Formal Commands- slide 9  Informal Commands- slide 10  Nosotros Commands- slide 11  Object Pronoun Placement- slide 12  Present Subjunctive- slide 13  Subjuntive with Verbs of Will and Influence- slide 14  Bibliography- slide 15
  • 3. Preterite REGULAR -AR -ER/IR Yo é í Tú aste iste El/Ella ó ió Nosotros amos imos Vosotros asteis isteis Ellos/Ellas aron ieron Dar-to give Ver-to see Ser/Ir-to be, go Hacer-to do di vi fui hice diste viste fuiste hiciste dio vio fue hizo dimos vimos fuimos hicimos disteis visteis fuisteis hicisteis dieron vieron fueron hicieron *No accent marks!!! Trigger Words: Anoche:last night -Ayer:yesterday -Antaeyer:day before yesterday -La Semana pasada:last week -El Mes Pasado:last month -El Año Pasado:last year -car Yo -qué -gar Yo -gué -zar Yo -cé Saber Sup Querer Quis Hacer Hic (el/ ella: Hizo) Venir Vin Decir Dij* Traer Traj* Conducir Conduj* Andar Anduv Estar Estuv Tener Tuv Caber Cup Haber Hub Poder Pud Poner Pus No accent marks! No accent marks! No accent marks! e iste o imos isteis ieron *eron oí oímos oíste oísteis oyó oyeron leí leímos leíste leísteis leyó leyeron creí creímos creíste creísteis creyó creyeron
  • 4. Constructions with Se Can be used when the person performing the action is not expressed or deemphasized Impersonal constructions with se • Verbs that aren’t reflexive can be used with se to create impersonal constructions. • The are the statements in which the person performing the action is not expressed or defined. • In English this is the passive voice or indefinite subjects (you, they, one) • Example: • Se habla español en Costa Rica. • Spanish is spoken in Costa Rica. • Se hacen operaciones aquí • They perform operations here. *Verbs are in third person and they match the nouns (plural or singular)* They are often used in signs, advertisements and directions Se for unplanned events • Se is also used to describe accidental or unplanned events • Person who performs the construction is deemphasized to imply that the accident/unplanned event is not his or her direct responsibility. • Commonly used verbs with se- Caer (dejar caer) perder, dañarr, olvidar, quedar, and romper • Construction pattern: Se + IO pronoun + verb + subject Examples: Se te perdieron las llaves. Se nos dañó el radio. The subject is the object (las llaves) and the verb corresponds to it (perdieron). The person is just an IO. In a way, the keys lost themselves. To clarify or emphasis the person use a + [noun] or a + [prepositional pronoun] Ex- Al paciente se le perdió la receta. The patient lost his prescription
  • 5. Adverbs • Words that describe how, when, and where an action takes place. • They can modify verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. • Most common adverbs are those that end in –mente. This is the equivalent to –ly in English. • Ex: • Fácilmente: easily • Generalmente: generally • Verdaderamente: truly, really • Simplemente: simply • To form adverbs ending in –mente 1-start with an adjective 2- Then take its feminine form 3- Add –mente • Ex- fabuloso=fabulosa=fabulosamente ****If the adjective doesn’t have a special feminine form, then just add mente to create the standard form of the adverb. Ex- feliz=felizmente enorme=enormemente • Adverbs that end in –mente generally follow the verb; while adverbs that modify adjectives or another adverb preceed the word they modify. • When a sentence contains 2 or more adverbs in a sentence, -mente is dropped from all but the last adverb. • Ex- El medico nos habló siempre y abiertamente. (simply and openly) • Adjectives DON’T loose their accents when adding –mente (débilmente). Examples: -bien -mal -muy -nunca -hoy -siempre -temprano -ayer -aquí Common Adverbs and Adverbial Expressions- -a menudo: often -a tiempo: on time -basante: enough -casi: almost -despacio: slowly -muchas veces: a lot, many times -pronto: soon -rápido: quickly
  • 6. Preterite VS Imperfect Preterite Imperfect • Used for single events, actions repeated a specific number of times, actions that occurred during a specific time period, actions that were a part of a chain of events, to state the beginning or end of an action. • Definite end and beginning, actions are seen as completed. • Does not have a definite beginning or end or actions not seen as being completed. • Used for describing actions that were habitually repeated, “setting the stage” for another action, telling time, stating one’s age Both Describe events that happened in the past
  • 7. 1. Motion or a general location Ex- La excursion nos llevó por el centro The tour took us through downtown 2. Duration of an Action Ex- Estuve en la Patagonia por un mes I was in Patagonia for a month. 3. Reason or Motive for an Action Ex- Lo hizo por su familia. She did it on behalf her family 4. Object of the Search Ex- Vengo por ti a las ocho Im coming for you at eight. 5. Means by which Something is Done Ex- Ellas viajan por a autopisa. They traveled by (the way of) the highway 6. Exchange or Substitution Ex- Pagué diez dólores por esta camisa. I paid ten dollars for this shirt. 7. Unit of Measure Ex- Yo manejaba a 120 kilómetros por hora. I was traveling 120 km per hour. 1. Destination Ex- Salimos para Córdoba el sábado. We are leaving for Córdoba on Saturday. 2. Deadline or a Specific Time in the Future Ex- Él va arregular el carro para el Viernes He will fix the car by Friday. 3. Purpose or Goal + [Infinitive] Ex- Juan estudia para (ser) mecánico. Juan is studying to be a mechanic. 4. Purpose + [Noun] Ex- Es una llana para el carro. It’s a tire for the car. 5. Recipient of Something Ex- Compré una impresora para mi hijo. I bought a printer for my son 6. Comparison with others or an Opinion Ex- Para mí, esta lección no es difícil. For me, this lesson isn’t difficult. 7. In the employ of Ex- Sara trabaja para Telecom Argentina Sara works for Telecom Argentina.
  • 8. Stressed (long) Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Adjectives -Used for emphasis or to express the English phrases of mine, of yours, of his, ect. Masculine Feminine Mío(s) Mía(s) My; (of) mine Tuyo(s) Tuya(s) Your; (of) yours Suyo(s) Suya(s) Your; (of) yours His; (of) his; her; (of) her; its Nuestro(s) Nuestra(s) Our; (of) ours Vuestro(s) Vuestra(s) Your; (of) yours fam. Suyo(s) Suya(s) Your; (of) yours; their; (of) theirs Form. -Possessive adjectives with un or una are similar in meaning to of mine, of yours, ect. -Must agree in gender and in number with nouns Ex- La impresora suya= her printer Ex- Los televisores nuestros= our television sets -PLACE STRESSED POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES AFTER THE NOUN THEY MODIFY Definite article/indefinite article/demonstrative adj. + [noun]+ stressed possessive adj. -Can also use de to show ownership. Ex- el telclado de usted Pronouns -Used to replace a noun modified by a possessive adjective -They have the same form as the stressed possessive adjectives -They are preceded by a definite article -Possessive pronoun= definite article + stressed adjective Ex:= La calculadora nuestra= la nuestra Los archivos suyos= los suyos Possessive pronouns agree in number and in gender with the nouns they replace Ex: ¿Tienes las revistas de Carlos? -Do you have Carlos’ magazines? No, pero tengo las nuestras. -No but I have ours. *****Definite articles such as el, la, los, las are usually omitted when a stressed possessive pronoun follows the verb ser Ex- ¿Pero es suya esta cámara? No, no es mía.
  • 9. Formal Commands Command forms are used for orders and advice. Used with people you address as usted or ustedes Formation ****TO MAKE NEGATIVE JUST PUT NO BEFORE IT Infinitive Present tense yo Form Ud Command Uds. Command -ar Limpiar limpio limpie limpien -er Barrer Barro barra barran -ir Sacudir sacudo sacuda sacudan Examples: Hable Con ellos Talk with them Coma frutas y verduras. Eat fruits and vegetables IRREGULARS -Verbs that have irregular yo forms maintain the same irregularity in their formal commands!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Common irregular verbs: venir tener hacer traducir decir traer oír conducir ofrecer conocer salir ver poner -Examples: Ponga la mesa Set the table Salga inmediatamente Leave immediately Negative Commands -To form a negative command just add no before the command Stem-Changing Verbs Stem-changing verbs maintain their stem changes in usted and ustedes commands Verbs with Irregular Commands Dar Estar Ir Saber Ser Dé Esté Vaya Sepa Sea Car, Gar, Zar Verbs Den Estén Vayan Sepan Sean Jugar g > gu juegue, juegen Almorzar z > c almuerce, almuercen Sacar c > qu saque, saquen For positive commands [verb]+ Reflexive pronoun IO pronoun DO pronoun Ex- Siéntense **ACCENTS** Reflexive pronoun IO pronoun DO pronoun + [verb] Ex- No se preocupe
  • 10. (Tú commands) Used to address familiar people- friends, family, ect. Tú commands are formed the same way as present indicitive form Verb Ud. Form -AR hablar Habla -ER comer Come -IR Escribir Escribe Negative Tú Commands Negative informal commands use the tú form of the present subjunctive and putting no in front of it. Verb Present Subjunctive Command -AR Hablar Hables No Hables -ER Comer Comas No comas -IR Escribir Escribas No escribas Irregulars Decir- Di Hacer- Haz Ir- Ve Poner- Pon Salir-Sal Ser- Sé Tener- Ten Venir- Ven Examples: Di la mentiras. No digas verdad. Haz tu tarea. No hagas eso. Pronoun Placement For affirmative commands the pronoun is attached at the end. Example: Hazlo For negative commands the pronoun goes before verb. Example: No te duermas. Don’t forget to add accents!!!!!!
  • 11. Command form used when the speaker suggests an action to be performed by a group of people he or she belongs to. Formation Nosotros commands are formed by taking the nosotros form of the present subjunctive. Examples: Comamos en la casa. Contemos el efectivo. Nosotros commands can also be formed by Vamos a + inifinitive Examples: Trabajemos Vamos a trabajar Negative Commands To form negative nosotros commands you simple put no before it. Example: No comamos en la casa. No contemos el efectivo. Nosotros commands with pronouns Don’t forget to add accents when adding a pronoun!!! With affirmative commands, the final –s of the command is dropped when adding the pronouns se or nos. Example: Sentemos+nos= Sentémonos Escribamos+se+la= Escribámosela For negative nosotros commands you just put the pronoun before the command. Example: No nos sentemos Irregulars The only irregular is the verb ir which uses the present indicative for the affirmative command only. Example: Vamos. It is regular for negative form Example: No vayamos.
  • 12. Direct Object Placement Direct objects receive the action of the verb. They answer the questions what? or whom? with regard to what the sentence’s subject is doing. Pronouns that replace the name of the subject: Me Nos Te Os Lo/La Los/Las ****To make negative just put no in front! The pronoun goes after the no and before the conjugated verb You can use a DO pronoun to replace the name of direct object. In sentences with 2 verbs, you can put the DO 1. Place it immediately before the conjugated verb. 2. Attach it directly to the infinitive Ex: Lo quiero comer. Quiero comerlo. The same rules apply to questions. Ex: ¿Lo debemos comprar? Indirect Object Placement Indirect objects answer the questions for whom? and to whom? the action of the verb is performed. IO pronouns: Me Nos Te Os Le Les In an affirmative statement with one verb, the indirect object pronoun comes immediately before the conjugated verb. Ex- Loki me compra un regalo. For sentences with 2 verbs, it is the same rules for direct objects. 1.Place it immediately before the conjugated verb. 2. Attach it directly to the infinitive. Ex- Necesitas darme un regalo. Me necesitas dar un regalo.
  • 13. Present Subjunctive Expresses the speakers subjective attitudes towards events, actions or states the viewer views as uncertain or hypothetical Forms -AR -ER -IR Yo E A A Tú Es As As Ud./Él/Ella E A A Nosotros/as Emos Amos Amos Vosotros/as Éis Áis Áis Uds./Ellos/Ellas En An An **OPPOSITE ENDINGS!!! Yo and usted form are the same!!! Irregulars Verbs that have irregular yo forms keep their irregularities in subjunctive form. Ex: Conducir= conduzca Decir= diga Oír=oiga Hay= haya 5 irregular verbs in present subjunctive: Dar, estar, ir, saber, ser Dar= De Car Gar Zar Verbs Car Gar Zar verbs have special stem changes Sacar= saque Jugar= juegue Almorzar= almorcéis Stem-Changing Verbs Stem-changing verbs ending in ar and er maintain their stem changes in the subjunctive form. Ex- Yo piense Ir verbs have the same stem-changes but nosotros and vosotros forms also changes. E-> I and o->u Ex- Durmamos Subjunctive is used to express will and influence, emotion, doubt, disbelief, and denial, indefiniteness and nonexistence. Que connects the main clause to the subordinating clause. Impersonal expressions are alsways followed by subordinating clauses. Ex: Es Bueno que Es malo que Es importante que Es major que
  • 14. Will and influence= affect actions and behaviors of others Examples of these verbs: Desear, necesitar, pedir, preferir, querer Aconsejar-to advise Importar- to be important; to matter Insistir- to insist Mandar- to order Prohibir- to prohibit Comendar- to recommend Rogar- to beg Sugerir- to suggest Impersonal expressions like es necessario que, es importante que, es major que, and es urgente que are also considered expressions of will and influence. When the main clause contains a verb of will or influence the subordinating clause is required to be in subjunctive form provided that the two clauses have different subjects. Infintives are only used in verbs of will and influence if there is no change in subject. Indirect object pronouns are often used with the verbs aconsejar, importar, mandar, pedir, prohibir, recomendar, rogar, and sugerir. All forms of prohibir (except nosotros) have an accented I in the present tense.
  • 15. Biblography  m   