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BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Detailed definition of BIM abbreviation
BIM is a technology based on merging characterization and modeling process with the
building form. It is a shortcut to Building Information Modeling that means designing a
building model that includes all of its information and data. The meaning of a model here
goes beyond the concept of building a mere three-dimensional model. The model of the
building in the BIM technology means creating a simulation and characterization of all
phases of its construction and it includes its construction as a three-dimensional model
(3D) with its properties which can be entered, and also includes the time factor (4D) and
the cost factor (5D) .... And other factors that go beyond its being just a three-
dimensional model.
Modeling.‫العناصر‬ ‫لخصائص‬ ‫حي‬ ‫وتوصيف‬ ‫المرفقة‬ ‫للمعلومات‬ ‫مرئي‬ ‫نموذج‬ ‫وتعني‬ :
The abbreviation BIM stands for the following:
Building: It means all kinds of buildings such as schools, houses, factories and towers,
including roads, bridges and other facilities. This word also means the process of
building, not just the building only.
Information: means availability of information and data about the building type and all
its elements. Each element has its own information that we can program to definite this
element in these programs and identify it through.
Modeling: means a visual model of the attached information and a live description of the
properties of the elements.
The History of the BIM concept:
The concept of BIM is not recent, it appeared for the first time in 1962 by the American
engineer Douglas C. Englebart when he said (the architect next begins to enter a series
of specifications and data: a six-inch slab floor, twelve-inch concrete walls eight feet high
within the excavation, and so on. when he has finished, the revised scene appears on
the screen. A structure is taking shape. He examines it and adjusts it. The lists grow into
an ever more-detailed, interlinked structure, which represents the maturing thought
behind the actual design.) Douglas developed the principle of integrating information into
a single structure, not segregating them as most of the scientific disciplines followed
later to specialize in various fields and not only in construction field.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Douglas was researching the interaction relation between the man and the computer,
making use of it to make the world a better place, not about BIM precisely and it is
helpful to mention here that Dr. Engelpert is the official inventor of the computer mouse!
Which are used today by Billions as the main tool to interact with the computers and
gives BIM a big push ahead.
This concept emerged again in the 1970s in a scientific article by Van Niedervin et al.,
and was developed by many researchers such as Herbert Simon, Nicholas
Negroponte and Ian McHarg.
One of the most prominent authors on the theory of BIM is Charles Eastman, especially
his book (BIM handbook) and his article (The use of computers instead of drawings
in building design) which was published in 1975 and he spoke about the Building
Description System (BDS).
He spoke about the parameters, how to generate two-dimensional shapes from 3D
models, how this system will affect the inventory and strongly criticized making each
drawing separate from the other.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
In 1977, Charles Eastman worked on the GLIDE project (official language of interactive
design) at Carnegie Mellon University and the features of BIM began to appear.
The term of Building Information Modeling was documented by Van Nederveen G. A.
and Tolman F. in the book (Modeling Multiple Views on Buildings) in 1992.
Although the theory is old but the computers were not powerful enough and they could
not handle this amount of data. When these computers developed, there was a
significant development in cost saving, such as the cost of modification, and a reduction
in the time schedule by resolving conflict problems before the actual implementation
GRAPHISOFT Company used the term of Virtual Building; the first model to be fully built
with the BIM system was in favor of it and was represented by ArchiCAD in 1987.
A 1984 image was from inside Graphisoft of Radar CH program which was named later
Bentley Systems Company used the term of Integrated Project Models but Autodesk
Company used the term of Building Information Modeling which is widespread and
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
currently used.
Autodesk program was AutoCAD Architecture in 1998
Purchase of Revit in 2002 for $ 133 million was a significant development for Autodesk
and also a development for Revit and Autodesk possibilities enabled Revit to do more
Comparisonbetweenthe BIM systemand the CAD system:
The abbreviation of CAD system stands for Computer Aided Design. It is a process
based mainly on preparing of computer-aided design drawings which is dealt with by
drawing lines no more. The programs that use this system cannot identify the elements
because these programs consider the elements as lines so we have to draw all the plans
to show a specific element and this is eliminated by the BIM system, because BIM deals
with the elements separately; the model is done by specifying its elements rather than by
drawing its lines. And so the results are amazing where all plans, sections and even a
three-dimensional model are created easily to define every element and not draw it more
than once in different plans.
When we want to make a change to one of the building elements, it requires us to
redraw the change in all plans, elevations, detailed sections and other views if we use
the CAD technique (it is a purely drawing technique, which means they are just lines
whose function cannot be determined and physical properties cannot be added to).
Building Information Modeling provides us with a complete library of three-dimensional
elements for physical representation of the building. In essence, BIM is a practical way
of constructing the building before it is actually implemented. It is a digital representation
of the physical and functional characteristics of the building and creating a model using
BIM is quite different from drawing 2D and 3D (as in CAD). When a BIM model of a
building is created, we rely on using intelligent elements, thus its difference from a CAD
model is almost radical. As an example, we can define a wall in the BIM system in terms
of its thickness, its constituent layers and material of each layer, and we can also make
a complete inventory of these layers and another of the wall as a whole, and deduct
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
places of doors and windows of its total area ... and other data and results which are
difficult to provide them in the CAD environment.
By comparison, building a project by BIM system takes more time than the CAD system
in the beginning, but defining the properties of each element from the beginning will save
a great deal of time during extracting all documents necessary to execute and
accomplish the project, unlike the CAD system.
Because everything has advantage and disadvantage, when the experts discovered
faults of the CAD system, they thought and invented the concept of BIM. For example,
CAD has many faults such as not detecting faults of drawing and problems except at the
time of implementation, and difficulty of resolving clashes during implementation
because it does not distinguishes between lines of architecture and lines of air
conditioning, for example.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
ComparisonbetweenBIM programs and 3D MAX program:
The 3DMax program is one of the most powerful rendering programs, but it does not
provide features such as enormous features of BIM system. It deals with a group of
engineering masses, provides relationship between them, allocates materials to them
and controls how these materials are properly presented to the client. in other words, the
3D MAX program and similar rendering programs does not provide us with tools to
define physical and functional properties of these masses, and therefore lacks the most
important distinguishing feature of the BIM system which is possibility of defining
elements through their properties. In order to address the problem of rendering in the
BIM system in a way that simulates its magnificence in the 3DMax program, the Revit
program (which uses the BIM system) provides final output tools (Render) which allow
users to output images of the project in a way that is close to quality of specialized
programs such as 3-DMax, and provides special tools for exporting the Revit model to 3-
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Benefits of BIM:
The BIM system enables its users to exchange information between the design team,
which reduces losses and provides more useful information to the project owner. In
addition to providing a model supporting decision making process, which is an important
and essential process for the project engineer and its manager.
As a matter of fact, any building is embodiment of cooperation of a group of engineers of
different disciplines, and this technology enables us to exchange information between
design team (architects, structural engineers, surveyors and mechanical engineers),
main contractor, subcontractors and then project owner. It provides information more
easily and enables us to avoid problems so it reduces losses, saves expenses and finds
early solutions to clashes that may emerge among participating disciplines of the project
during its execution before the project starts actually.
We can summarize some of benefits of BIM technology as follows:
1- Creating an accurate and informative model of the building.
2 - Saving time, solving problems before they occur- especially problems that occur
during design and implementation- and avoiding cost wasted due to poor planning and
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
lack of clear vision of the project.
Applying BIM technology keeps us away from serious and obvious errors that can be
made during implementation without noticing them in design phases as shown in the
grouped images in the following figure:
3- Ease of presentation and navigation even before signing contract of project and this
has its direct effect on client. When he sees only 2D drawings, he will not be able to
understand them well and will not object. But after accomplishing the building, he will
require some modifications either when he will see the building realistically or when he
will realize them before implementation.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
5- Improving the final visualization, simulation and rendering.
6- Applying coordination technology between different plans, sections and tables of a
single project, which depends on automatic update of any modification in element.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
7- Merging all types of drawings; drawings of design, shop drawing and as-built are the
similar with few modifications.
8- Ease of making modification to the model and its updating
9- Accurate inventory of all parts of the project especially in the early stages.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
10- Assistance in maintenance process after accomplishing the project.
11- It is a modern way of flexible building which saves money and better quality using
modern ideas such as:
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)
12- Providing a realistic visualization of construction processes; 92% of clients
acknowledge that designs drawn by using the CAD system are not sufficient for
construction processes.
The favorite colourof BIM:
The favorite colour of BIM is green which symbolizes green buildings and preserving the
environment. Using BIM reduces expenditure costs, reduces energy use and seeks to
reduce material waste during construction.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
The role of governments in implementing BIM:
Governments certainly play an effective role in implementing the BIM technology. They
should support the issue, develop a special code with appropriate standards for the
State and then make it mandatory for public sectors as in Europe and America now. So
this has a significant influence on saving a lot of money and resolving clashes in any
new project.
In May 2011, the British Government published a document stating that BIM is a
requirement for state-funded projects starting from 2016. The document focuses on
improving purchases in publicly funded projects in the UK which represents 40% of all
capital expenditures. It helps in its adopt such as existence of tolerance or reward for
those who use BIM in construction, such as allowing more area to be built by 30-50%, or
reducing fees. Years later, BIM will be made mandatory with no commitment to a
specific program of BIM programs. The target is not BIM implementation but profit,
saving and enhancing productivity because BIM technology is a means, not a target.
In the Arab countries, Dubai Governor, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
announced project of transforming Dubai into a smart city which ensure managing all the
city's facilities and services through intelligent, interconnected electronic systems,
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
providing high-speed Internet access for all residents in public places and distributing
sensors everywhere to provide Information and live services for moving to a new quality
of life for all residents and visitors of the Emirate of Dubai.
One of the smart city's strategies was implementation of the BIM system in line with
Dubai Municipality's efforts to upgrade the level of services. Dubai Municipality's
pertained to the application of the first stage of BIM in the construction and mechanical
(parts) on buildings which are above 40 floors, buildings which their area is larger than
300 thousand square feet, specialized buildings such as hospitals and universities, and
all buildings requested on behalf of a foreign office.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Global projects implemented BIM technology
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
 Build London Live 2012
 Build Qatar Live 2012
 D.C. Riverside Office Building
 Ellicott Heights
 Arboleda Open BIM project
BIM in the Middle East
Housing and Building National Research Center is working on a BIM code to
force companies to implement BIM technology. Now most of the engineers know about
BIM but only the multinational companies changed their system to BIM as in ECG, Dar
Al-Handasah, Al-Diyar, Orascom CC, Sons of Hassan Allam and many other large
companies as well and the rest have started. But the others change their system
according to their projects if the client seeks using the BIM in his project. Egypt still has
many issues with the political and economic situations so most owners think twice about
moving toward BIM because the change needs costs to be implemented.
‫الكبير‬ ‫المصري‬ ‫المتحف‬
The GreatEgyptian Museum
‫أوراسكوم‬ ‫بيسيكس‬ :‫المقاول‬JV
• Contractor: Bisex Orascom
‫تكلف‬795‫دوالر‬ ‫مليون‬
Cost: $ 795 million
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
‫المصرية‬ ‫الثقافة‬ ‫وزارة‬ ‫العميل‬
Client : the Egyptian Ministry of Culture
‫مساحة‬480‫م‬ ‫ألف‬2(5،200،000)‫مربع‬ ‫قدم‬
area : 480,000 square meters (5,200,000 square feet )
‫بنغ‬ ‫هنغان‬ ‫مهندس‬Heneghan Peng
Engineers : Heneghan Peng , Boro Habold
‫المهندس‬‫أروب‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫للخدمات‬ ‫اإلنشائي‬
Structural engineer: Arup Services Company
‫هابولد‬ ‫بورو‬ ‫مهندس‬
/ ‫لإلنشاء‬ ‫أوراسكوم‬ ‫الرئيسي‬ ‫المقاول‬BESIX
Main contractor: Orascom Construction (BESIX)
‫مصر‬ ‫مول‬ Mall of Egypt
‫أوراسكوم‬ ‫بيسيكس‬ :‫المقاول‬JV
Contractor: Bisex Orascom JV
‫الفطيم‬ ‫:ماجد‬‫العميل‬
Client: Majid Al Futtaim
Qatar is a unique country in presence of projects designed using BIM. BIM delivery of
2022 FIFA World Cup stadiums, Doha Metro projects, ongoing developments in Lusail
and Katara, and almost every major new project is required. Construction growth is also
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
the motivation behind Qatar’s National Vision 2030. The state aims to become an
advanced country by diversifying its economy, achieving sustainable development and
providing high standards of living for the population.
Qatar National Museum, internal area is 40,000 square meters; total area is
140,000 square meters.
● ‫العالم‬ ‫لكأس‬ ‫قطر‬ ‫استاد‬2022.‫م‬ Qatar Stadium for 2022 World Cup
 .‫الدوحة‬ ‫مترو‬ Doha Metro
1.United Arab Emirates
The UAE decided to be part of worldwide change by reformulating AEC industry and
adopting BIM in this industry. Baldwin 2012 stated that government bodies and
associated bodies in the Middle East have also taken some important steps to make BIM
as an integral part of the construction process. Tourism Development and Investment
Company Mubadala in the UAE government increasingly require BIM as a part of their
qualification process. At the same time, Dubai Municipality's has imposed BIM as a
mandatory requirement for most buildings in Dubai on 1 January 2014 through the
issued circular No. 196 for all developers, contractors and consultants.
"Changes for adoption of BIM are still going on .whether we like that or not” Jernigan
said (2014). Therefore, those who are not good at adapting to the new change and
expressing their unwillingness to implement the BIM technology will be severely affected
and will be soon out of the game (outside the field). "When the new technology moves
towards you, you will be just part of the road if you do not succeed in being part of that
technology," Steward Brand said.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Many important projects in the UAE have benefited from using BIM, for example but not
limited to the following:
Cultural Center on SaadiyatIsland, Abu Dhabi
‫مبادلة‬ :‫العميل‬Mubadala)‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫(حكومة‬
Client: Mubadala (Abu Dhabi Government)
‫هابولد‬ ‫بورو‬ + ‫االعلى‬ ‫في‬ ‫كما‬ :‫تصميم‬ ‫استشارات‬
Design Consulting : as above + Boro Habold
‫من‬ ‫بدعم‬ ‫تب‬ُ‫ك‬ :‫البيم‬ ‫مواصفات‬Gehry Technologies
BIM specifications: books supported by Gehry Technologies
‫أبوظبي‬ ،‫مصدر‬ ‫مدينة‬
MasdarCity, Abu Dhabi
‫مبادلة‬ :‫العميل‬Mubadala)‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫(حكومة‬
Client: Mubadala (Abu Dhabi Government)
Area: 6 square kilometers
:‫التكلفة‬19‫دوالر‬ ‫مليار‬
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Cost: $19 billion
‫بنتلي‬ :‫البيم‬ ‫مواصفات‬Bentley
BIM Specifications: Bentley
‫يذكر‬IFC‫تطلب‬ ‫ولكن‬DGN‫األولي‬ ‫النموذج‬ ‫تسليم‬ ‫بتنسيق‬
‫البناء‬ ‫ودعم‬‫والتنسيق‬ ‫النمذجة‬ :‫المتطلبات‬
Requirements: modeling, coordination and construction support
‫أبوظبي‬ ،‫المفرق‬ ‫مستشفى‬
Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi
‫صحة‬ :‫العميل‬-‫الصحة‬ ‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫هيئة‬
Client: Health - Abu Dhabi Health Authority
‫هيل‬ ‫بيرت‬ :‫االستشاريون‬ ‫تصميم‬
Design consultants: Bert Hill
:‫المساحة‬246‫م‬ ‫ألف‬2
Area: 246,000 square meters
:‫التكلفة‬‫دوالر‬ ‫مليار‬
Cost: $1 billion
‫النموذج‬ ‫ويقدم‬ ،‫المطلوب‬ ‫البيم‬ ‫برنامج‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الريفيت‬ ،‫استشاري‬ ‫تصميم‬ :‫بقلم‬ ‫البيم‬ ‫مواصفات‬
‫شكل‬ ‫على‬RVT‫ذلك‬ ‫في‬ ‫(بما‬ ‫أخرى‬ ‫أشكال‬ ‫في‬ ‫نماذجها‬ ‫تقديم‬ .IFC.‫مقبول‬ ‫غير‬ )
BIM Specifications By: Design Consultant, Revit is the required program of BIM and the
model is delivered in the form of RVT. Delivery of models in other forms (including IFC)
is unacceptable.
‫الوسط‬ ‫محطة‬ ‫لبناء‬ ‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫مطار‬
Abu Dhabi Airport for building the center station
‫شركة‬ ‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫مطار‬ :‫العميل‬
Client: Abu Dhabi Airport Company
:‫االستشاري‬ ‫تصميم‬KPF‫اروب‬
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Design Consultant: KPP Arup
:‫المساحة‬630‫م‬ ‫ألف‬2
Area: 630,000 square meters
:‫التكلفة‬6.8‫دوالر‬ ‫مليار‬
Cost: $ 6.8 billion
‫بالتعاون‬ ‫كتب‬ :‫البيم‬ ‫مواصفات‬‫مع‬building SMART ME.
BIM specifications: books in collaboration with SMART ME building.
There are also other projects:
Louvre Abu Dhabi
Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
Dubai International Airport Concourse 4
Investment Council Headquarters (ICHQ).
Some other government authorities in the UAE, particularly in Dubai, have admitted
benefits of BIM and decided to change to BIM. The Roads and Transport Authority (
RTA) decided to change to BIM, it started in 2014 and will reach the third level of BIM in
2019. Similarly, the Water Authority (Dewa) used BIM in their new head office (AL-
Sheraa), in addition to Dubai Electricity that is in the phase of moving to BIM.
2.:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Centerof Abdul-Aziz Khalid for International Culture
Client: Saudi Aramco
Design: Consultants :Snøhetta, Boro Habold
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Area: 45,000 square meters
Cost: $ 400 million
‫المملكة‬ ‫برج‬ Kingdom Tower
Client: Saudi Bin Laden Group
Contractors: SBG
Abraj Al-Bait in Mecca
Dar Al-handasah Shair & Partner
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
‫الوطني‬ ‫الكويت‬ ‫بنك‬ Nationalbank of Kuwait
Client: Emaar for Trading and Contracting
It is located in a prominent location in Kuwait city and designed by Foster & Partners.
Because its height is 300 meter, it has a distinct presence among high-rise buildings in
the east. Its design combines structural innovation with an anonymous form with high
efficiency and protects offices from harsh climates in Kuwait where temperatures
average is 40 ° C in the summer months.
Jordan is a rich country in human resources eager to learn. It is also a major country in
exporting manpower to the Gulf countries, which are distinguished in large-scale real
estate and urban development, which requires applying the latest technology of
construction management. But at the same time, traditional methods are still used for
design and construction due to limited development projects, and the limited number of
construction projects does not encourage construction companies to invest in new
technology and methods.
However, with recent exceptions, there has been a demand for Building Information
Modeling from two parties:
- Some engineering consulting companies have started or attempted to apply BIM in
response to requirements of Gulf Arab companies where in this case ,clients are Gulf or
foreign companies working in the Arabian Gulf.
- Companies are modeling existing designs for countries such as Qatar, Dubai or foreign
countries because of the low cost of manpower in Jordan.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
I do not remember existence of projects carried out or designed within the Building
Information Modeling System in Jordan except a hotel project in Abdali. It was modeled
during the design phase and the qualified contractors were requested to complete it
within the BIM requirements, but I think it was not completed as required and the
traditional methodology was used.
‫َمان‬‫ع‬ ‫ريجيس‬ ‫سانت‬
‫المعبر‬ ‫شركة‬ :‫العميل‬
‫أرابتك‬ :‫المقاولون‬
‫أرابتك‬ ‫جردانة‬ :‫االستشاريون‬
‫مان‬ُ‫ع‬ ‫مطار‬ Oman Airport
:‫العميل‬Pierre Dammous & Partners
Client: Pierre Dammous & Partners
‫من‬ :‫المشروع‬ ‫مدة‬2011‫حتى‬ ‫م‬2012‫م‬
Project duration: from 2011 to 2012
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
‫العربي‬ ‫بيروت‬ ‫جامعة‬–‫تريبولي‬
Beirut Arab University - Tripoli
:‫العميل‬Qualco, Quality Construction Company
:‫المقاولين‬Qualco, Quality Construction Company
Sky Gate Tower
‫مؤسسة‬ :‫المقاولون‬MAN
Contractors: MAN Corporation
‫غالم‬ ‫نبيل‬ :‫المستشارين‬
Consultants: Nabil Ghulam
Size: 40 floors
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
‫حوارة‬ ‫مشروع‬Hawara Project
Client: Erga Group
Consulting Company: Erga Group
Area: 2,350,000 square meters

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Detailed definition of bim abbreviation

  • 1. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Detailed definition of BIM abbreviation BIM is a technology based on merging characterization and modeling process with the building form. It is a shortcut to Building Information Modeling that means designing a building model that includes all of its information and data. The meaning of a model here goes beyond the concept of building a mere three-dimensional model. The model of the building in the BIM technology means creating a simulation and characterization of all phases of its construction and it includes its construction as a three-dimensional model (3D) with its properties which can be entered, and also includes the time factor (4D) and the cost factor (5D) .... And other factors that go beyond its being just a three- dimensional model. Modeling.‫العناصر‬ ‫لخصائص‬ ‫حي‬ ‫وتوصيف‬ ‫المرفقة‬ ‫للمعلومات‬ ‫مرئي‬ ‫نموذج‬ ‫وتعني‬ : The abbreviation BIM stands for the following: Building: It means all kinds of buildings such as schools, houses, factories and towers, including roads, bridges and other facilities. This word also means the process of building, not just the building only. Information: means availability of information and data about the building type and all its elements. Each element has its own information that we can program to definite this element in these programs and identify it through. Modeling: means a visual model of the attached information and a live description of the properties of the elements. The History of the BIM concept: The concept of BIM is not recent, it appeared for the first time in 1962 by the American engineer Douglas C. Englebart when he said (the architect next begins to enter a series of specifications and data: a six-inch slab floor, twelve-inch concrete walls eight feet high within the excavation, and so on. when he has finished, the revised scene appears on the screen. A structure is taking shape. He examines it and adjusts it. The lists grow into an ever more-detailed, interlinked structure, which represents the maturing thought behind the actual design.) Douglas developed the principle of integrating information into a single structure, not segregating them as most of the scientific disciplines followed later to specialize in various fields and not only in construction field.
  • 2. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Douglas was researching the interaction relation between the man and the computer, making use of it to make the world a better place, not about BIM precisely and it is helpful to mention here that Dr. Engelpert is the official inventor of the computer mouse! Which are used today by Billions as the main tool to interact with the computers and gives BIM a big push ahead. This concept emerged again in the 1970s in a scientific article by Van Niedervin et al., and was developed by many researchers such as Herbert Simon, Nicholas Negroponte and Ian McHarg. One of the most prominent authors on the theory of BIM is Charles Eastman, especially his book (BIM handbook) and his article (The use of computers instead of drawings in building design) which was published in 1975 and he spoke about the Building Description System (BDS). He spoke about the parameters, how to generate two-dimensional shapes from 3D models, how this system will affect the inventory and strongly criticized making each drawing separate from the other.
  • 3. BIMarabia – Omar Selim In 1977, Charles Eastman worked on the GLIDE project (official language of interactive design) at Carnegie Mellon University and the features of BIM began to appear. The term of Building Information Modeling was documented by Van Nederveen G. A. and Tolman F. in the book (Modeling Multiple Views on Buildings) in 1992. Although the theory is old but the computers were not powerful enough and they could not handle this amount of data. When these computers developed, there was a significant development in cost saving, such as the cost of modification, and a reduction in the time schedule by resolving conflict problems before the actual implementation begins. GRAPHISOFT Company used the term of Virtual Building; the first model to be fully built with the BIM system was in favor of it and was represented by ArchiCAD in 1987. A 1984 image was from inside Graphisoft of Radar CH program which was named later ArchiCAD. Bentley Systems Company used the term of Integrated Project Models but Autodesk Company used the term of Building Information Modeling which is widespread and
  • 4. BIMarabia – Omar Selim currently used. Autodesk program was AutoCAD Architecture in 1998 Purchase of Revit in 2002 for $ 133 million was a significant development for Autodesk and also a development for Revit and Autodesk possibilities enabled Revit to do more researches. Comparisonbetweenthe BIM systemand the CAD system: The abbreviation of CAD system stands for Computer Aided Design. It is a process based mainly on preparing of computer-aided design drawings which is dealt with by drawing lines no more. The programs that use this system cannot identify the elements because these programs consider the elements as lines so we have to draw all the plans to show a specific element and this is eliminated by the BIM system, because BIM deals with the elements separately; the model is done by specifying its elements rather than by drawing its lines. And so the results are amazing where all plans, sections and even a three-dimensional model are created easily to define every element and not draw it more than once in different plans. When we want to make a change to one of the building elements, it requires us to redraw the change in all plans, elevations, detailed sections and other views if we use the CAD technique (it is a purely drawing technique, which means they are just lines whose function cannot be determined and physical properties cannot be added to). Building Information Modeling provides us with a complete library of three-dimensional elements for physical representation of the building. In essence, BIM is a practical way of constructing the building before it is actually implemented. It is a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of the building and creating a model using BIM is quite different from drawing 2D and 3D (as in CAD). When a BIM model of a building is created, we rely on using intelligent elements, thus its difference from a CAD model is almost radical. As an example, we can define a wall in the BIM system in terms of its thickness, its constituent layers and material of each layer, and we can also make a complete inventory of these layers and another of the wall as a whole, and deduct
  • 5. BIMarabia – Omar Selim places of doors and windows of its total area ... and other data and results which are difficult to provide them in the CAD environment. By comparison, building a project by BIM system takes more time than the CAD system in the beginning, but defining the properties of each element from the beginning will save a great deal of time during extracting all documents necessary to execute and accomplish the project, unlike the CAD system. Because everything has advantage and disadvantage, when the experts discovered faults of the CAD system, they thought and invented the concept of BIM. For example, CAD has many faults such as not detecting faults of drawing and problems except at the time of implementation, and difficulty of resolving clashes during implementation because it does not distinguishes between lines of architecture and lines of air conditioning, for example.
  • 6. BIMarabia – Omar Selim ComparisonbetweenBIM programs and 3D MAX program: The 3DMax program is one of the most powerful rendering programs, but it does not provide features such as enormous features of BIM system. It deals with a group of engineering masses, provides relationship between them, allocates materials to them and controls how these materials are properly presented to the client. in other words, the 3D MAX program and similar rendering programs does not provide us with tools to define physical and functional properties of these masses, and therefore lacks the most important distinguishing feature of the BIM system which is possibility of defining elements through their properties. In order to address the problem of rendering in the BIM system in a way that simulates its magnificence in the 3DMax program, the Revit program (which uses the BIM system) provides final output tools (Render) which allow users to output images of the project in a way that is close to quality of specialized programs such as 3-DMax, and provides special tools for exporting the Revit model to 3- DMax.
  • 7. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Benefits of BIM: The BIM system enables its users to exchange information between the design team, which reduces losses and provides more useful information to the project owner. In addition to providing a model supporting decision making process, which is an important and essential process for the project engineer and its manager. As a matter of fact, any building is embodiment of cooperation of a group of engineers of different disciplines, and this technology enables us to exchange information between design team (architects, structural engineers, surveyors and mechanical engineers), main contractor, subcontractors and then project owner. It provides information more easily and enables us to avoid problems so it reduces losses, saves expenses and finds early solutions to clashes that may emerge among participating disciplines of the project during its execution before the project starts actually. We can summarize some of benefits of BIM technology as follows: 1- Creating an accurate and informative model of the building. 2 - Saving time, solving problems before they occur- especially problems that occur during design and implementation- and avoiding cost wasted due to poor planning and
  • 8. BIMarabia – Omar Selim lack of clear vision of the project. Applying BIM technology keeps us away from serious and obvious errors that can be made during implementation without noticing them in design phases as shown in the grouped images in the following figure: 3- Ease of presentation and navigation even before signing contract of project and this has its direct effect on client. When he sees only 2D drawings, he will not be able to understand them well and will not object. But after accomplishing the building, he will require some modifications either when he will see the building realistically or when he will realize them before implementation.
  • 9. BIMarabia – Omar Selim 5- Improving the final visualization, simulation and rendering. 6- Applying coordination technology between different plans, sections and tables of a single project, which depends on automatic update of any modification in element.
  • 10. BIMarabia – Omar Selim 7- Merging all types of drawings; drawings of design, shop drawing and as-built are the similar with few modifications. 8- Ease of making modification to the model and its updating 9- Accurate inventory of all parts of the project especially in the early stages.
  • 11. BIMarabia – Omar Selim 10- Assistance in maintenance process after accomplishing the project. 11- It is a modern way of flexible building which saves money and better quality using modern ideas such as: Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) 12- Providing a realistic visualization of construction processes; 92% of clients acknowledge that designs drawn by using the CAD system are not sufficient for construction processes. The favorite colourof BIM: The favorite colour of BIM is green which symbolizes green buildings and preserving the environment. Using BIM reduces expenditure costs, reduces energy use and seeks to reduce material waste during construction.
  • 12. BIMarabia – Omar Selim The role of governments in implementing BIM: Governments certainly play an effective role in implementing the BIM technology. They should support the issue, develop a special code with appropriate standards for the State and then make it mandatory for public sectors as in Europe and America now. So this has a significant influence on saving a lot of money and resolving clashes in any new project. In May 2011, the British Government published a document stating that BIM is a requirement for state-funded projects starting from 2016. The document focuses on improving purchases in publicly funded projects in the UK which represents 40% of all capital expenditures. It helps in its adopt such as existence of tolerance or reward for those who use BIM in construction, such as allowing more area to be built by 30-50%, or reducing fees. Years later, BIM will be made mandatory with no commitment to a specific program of BIM programs. The target is not BIM implementation but profit, saving and enhancing productivity because BIM technology is a means, not a target. In the Arab countries, Dubai Governor, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, announced project of transforming Dubai into a smart city which ensure managing all the city's facilities and services through intelligent, interconnected electronic systems,
  • 13. BIMarabia – Omar Selim providing high-speed Internet access for all residents in public places and distributing sensors everywhere to provide Information and live services for moving to a new quality of life for all residents and visitors of the Emirate of Dubai. One of the smart city's strategies was implementation of the BIM system in line with Dubai Municipality's efforts to upgrade the level of services. Dubai Municipality's pertained to the application of the first stage of BIM in the construction and mechanical (parts) on buildings which are above 40 floors, buildings which their area is larger than 300 thousand square feet, specialized buildings such as hospitals and universities, and all buildings requested on behalf of a foreign office.
  • 14. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Global projects implemented BIM technology
  • 15. BIMarabia – Omar Selim  Build London Live 2012  Build Qatar Live 2012  D.C. Riverside Office Building  Ellicott Heights  Arboleda Open BIM project BIM in the Middle East Housing and Building National Research Center is working on a BIM code to force companies to implement BIM technology. Now most of the engineers know about BIM but only the multinational companies changed their system to BIM as in ECG, Dar Al-Handasah, Al-Diyar, Orascom CC, Sons of Hassan Allam and many other large companies as well and the rest have started. But the others change their system according to their projects if the client seeks using the BIM in his project. Egypt still has many issues with the political and economic situations so most owners think twice about moving toward BIM because the change needs costs to be implemented. ‫الكبير‬ ‫المصري‬ ‫المتحف‬ The GreatEgyptian Museum ‫أوراسكوم‬ ‫بيسيكس‬ :‫المقاول‬JV • Contractor: Bisex Orascom JV ‫تكلف‬795‫دوالر‬ ‫مليون‬ Cost: $ 795 million
  • 16. BIMarabia – Omar Selim ‫المصرية‬ ‫الثقافة‬ ‫وزارة‬ ‫العميل‬ Client : the Egyptian Ministry of Culture ‫مساحة‬480‫م‬ ‫ألف‬2(5،200،000)‫مربع‬ ‫قدم‬ area : 480,000 square meters (5,200,000 square feet ) ‫بنغ‬ ‫هنغان‬ ‫مهندس‬Heneghan Peng Engineers : Heneghan Peng , Boro Habold ‫المهندس‬‫أروب‬ ‫شركة‬ ‫للخدمات‬ ‫اإلنشائي‬ Structural engineer: Arup Services Company ‫هابولد‬ ‫بورو‬ ‫مهندس‬ / ‫لإلنشاء‬ ‫أوراسكوم‬ ‫الرئيسي‬ ‫المقاول‬BESIX Main contractor: Orascom Construction (BESIX) ‫مصر‬ ‫مول‬ Mall of Egypt ‫أوراسكوم‬ ‫بيسيكس‬ :‫المقاول‬JV Contractor: Bisex Orascom JV ‫الفطيم‬ ‫:ماجد‬‫العميل‬ Client: Majid Al Futtaim Qatar is a unique country in presence of projects designed using BIM. BIM delivery of 2022 FIFA World Cup stadiums, Doha Metro projects, ongoing developments in Lusail and Katara, and almost every major new project is required. Construction growth is also
  • 17. BIMarabia – Omar Selim the motivation behind Qatar’s National Vision 2030. The state aims to become an advanced country by diversifying its economy, achieving sustainable development and providing high standards of living for the population. Qatar National Museum, internal area is 40,000 square meters; total area is 140,000 square meters. ● ‫العالم‬ ‫لكأس‬ ‫قطر‬ ‫استاد‬2022.‫م‬ Qatar Stadium for 2022 World Cup  .‫الدوحة‬ ‫مترو‬ Doha Metro 1.United Arab Emirates The UAE decided to be part of worldwide change by reformulating AEC industry and adopting BIM in this industry. Baldwin 2012 stated that government bodies and associated bodies in the Middle East have also taken some important steps to make BIM as an integral part of the construction process. Tourism Development and Investment Company Mubadala in the UAE government increasingly require BIM as a part of their qualification process. At the same time, Dubai Municipality's has imposed BIM as a mandatory requirement for most buildings in Dubai on 1 January 2014 through the issued circular No. 196 for all developers, contractors and consultants. "Changes for adoption of BIM are still going on .whether we like that or not” Jernigan said (2014). Therefore, those who are not good at adapting to the new change and expressing their unwillingness to implement the BIM technology will be severely affected and will be soon out of the game (outside the field). "When the new technology moves towards you, you will be just part of the road if you do not succeed in being part of that technology," Steward Brand said.
  • 18. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Many important projects in the UAE have benefited from using BIM, for example but not limited to the following: Cultural Center on SaadiyatIsland, Abu Dhabi ‫مبادلة‬ :‫العميل‬Mubadala)‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫(حكومة‬ Client: Mubadala (Abu Dhabi Government) ‫هابولد‬ ‫بورو‬ + ‫االعلى‬ ‫في‬ ‫كما‬ :‫تصميم‬ ‫استشارات‬ Design Consulting : as above + Boro Habold ‫من‬ ‫بدعم‬ ‫تب‬ُ‫ك‬ :‫البيم‬ ‫مواصفات‬Gehry Technologies BIM specifications: books supported by Gehry Technologies ‫أبوظبي‬ ،‫مصدر‬ ‫مدينة‬ MasdarCity, Abu Dhabi ‫مبادلة‬ :‫العميل‬Mubadala)‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫(حكومة‬ Client: Mubadala (Abu Dhabi Government) :‫المساحة‬6‫كم‬2 Area: 6 square kilometers :‫التكلفة‬19‫دوالر‬ ‫مليار‬
  • 19. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Cost: $19 billion ‫بنتلي‬ :‫البيم‬ ‫مواصفات‬Bentley BIM Specifications: Bentley ‫يذكر‬IFC‫تطلب‬ ‫ولكن‬DGN‫األولي‬ ‫النموذج‬ ‫تسليم‬ ‫بتنسيق‬ ‫البناء‬ ‫ودعم‬‫والتنسيق‬ ‫النمذجة‬ :‫المتطلبات‬ Requirements: modeling, coordination and construction support ‫أبوظبي‬ ،‫المفرق‬ ‫مستشفى‬ Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi ‫صحة‬ :‫العميل‬-‫الصحة‬ ‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫هيئة‬ Client: Health - Abu Dhabi Health Authority ‫هيل‬ ‫بيرت‬ :‫االستشاريون‬ ‫تصميم‬ Design consultants: Bert Hill :‫المساحة‬246‫م‬ ‫ألف‬2 Area: 246,000 square meters :‫التكلفة‬‫دوالر‬ ‫مليار‬ Cost: $1 billion ‫النموذج‬ ‫ويقدم‬ ،‫المطلوب‬ ‫البيم‬ ‫برنامج‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الريفيت‬ ،‫استشاري‬ ‫تصميم‬ :‫بقلم‬ ‫البيم‬ ‫مواصفات‬ ‫شكل‬ ‫على‬RVT‫ذلك‬ ‫في‬ ‫(بما‬ ‫أخرى‬ ‫أشكال‬ ‫في‬ ‫نماذجها‬ ‫تقديم‬ .IFC.‫مقبول‬ ‫غير‬ ) BIM Specifications By: Design Consultant, Revit is the required program of BIM and the model is delivered in the form of RVT. Delivery of models in other forms (including IFC) is unacceptable. ‫الوسط‬ ‫محطة‬ ‫لبناء‬ ‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫مطار‬ Abu Dhabi Airport for building the center station ‫شركة‬ ‫ظبي‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫مطار‬ :‫العميل‬ Client: Abu Dhabi Airport Company :‫االستشاري‬ ‫تصميم‬KPF‫اروب‬
  • 20. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Design Consultant: KPP Arup :‫المساحة‬630‫م‬ ‫ألف‬2 Area: 630,000 square meters :‫التكلفة‬6.8‫دوالر‬ ‫مليار‬ Cost: $ 6.8 billion ‫بالتعاون‬ ‫كتب‬ :‫البيم‬ ‫مواصفات‬‫مع‬building SMART ME. BIM specifications: books in collaboration with SMART ME building. There are also other projects: Louvre Abu Dhabi Guggenheim Abu Dhabi Dubai International Airport Concourse 4 Investment Council Headquarters (ICHQ). EXPO2020. Some other government authorities in the UAE, particularly in Dubai, have admitted benefits of BIM and decided to change to BIM. The Roads and Transport Authority ( RTA) decided to change to BIM, it started in 2014 and will reach the third level of BIM in 2019. Similarly, the Water Authority (Dewa) used BIM in their new head office (AL- Sheraa), in addition to Dubai Electricity that is in the phase of moving to BIM. 2.:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Centerof Abdul-Aziz Khalid for International Culture Client: Saudi Aramco Design: Consultants :Snøhetta, Boro Habold
  • 21. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Area: 45,000 square meters Cost: $ 400 million ‫المملكة‬ ‫برج‬ Kingdom Tower  Client: Saudi Bin Laden Group  Contractors: SBG Abraj Al-Bait in Mecca Dar Al-handasah Shair & Partner
  • 22. BIMarabia – Omar Selim 3.:‫الكويت‬Kuwait ‫الوطني‬ ‫الكويت‬ ‫بنك‬ Nationalbank of Kuwait  Client: Emaar for Trading and Contracting  It is located in a prominent location in Kuwait city and designed by Foster & Partners. Because its height is 300 meter, it has a distinct presence among high-rise buildings in the east. Its design combines structural innovation with an anonymous form with high efficiency and protects offices from harsh climates in Kuwait where temperatures average is 40 ° C in the summer months. 4.:‫األردن‬Jordan Jordan is a rich country in human resources eager to learn. It is also a major country in exporting manpower to the Gulf countries, which are distinguished in large-scale real estate and urban development, which requires applying the latest technology of construction management. But at the same time, traditional methods are still used for design and construction due to limited development projects, and the limited number of construction projects does not encourage construction companies to invest in new technology and methods. However, with recent exceptions, there has been a demand for Building Information Modeling from two parties: - Some engineering consulting companies have started or attempted to apply BIM in response to requirements of Gulf Arab companies where in this case ,clients are Gulf or foreign companies working in the Arabian Gulf. - Companies are modeling existing designs for countries such as Qatar, Dubai or foreign countries because of the low cost of manpower in Jordan.
  • 23. BIMarabia – Omar Selim I do not remember existence of projects carried out or designed within the Building Information Modeling System in Jordan except a hotel project in Abdali. It was modeled during the design phase and the qualified contractors were requested to complete it within the BIM requirements, but I think it was not completed as required and the traditional methodology was used. ‫َمان‬‫ع‬ ‫ريجيس‬ ‫سانت‬ ‫المعبر‬ ‫شركة‬ :‫العميل‬ ‫أرابتك‬ :‫المقاولون‬ ‫أرابتك‬ ‫جردانة‬ :‫االستشاريون‬ 5.:‫مان‬ٌ‫ع‬Oman ‫مان‬ُ‫ع‬ ‫مطار‬ Oman Airport :‫العميل‬Pierre Dammous & Partners Client: Pierre Dammous & Partners ‫من‬ :‫المشروع‬ ‫مدة‬2011‫حتى‬ ‫م‬2012‫م‬ Project duration: from 2011 to 2012
  • 24. BIMarabia – Omar Selim 6.:‫لبنان‬Lebanon ‫العربي‬ ‫بيروت‬ ‫جامعة‬–‫تريبولي‬ Beirut Arab University - Tripoli :‫العميل‬Qualco, Quality Construction Company :‫المقاولين‬Qualco, Quality Construction Company ‫برج‬SkyGate Sky Gate Tower ‫مؤسسة‬ :‫المقاولون‬MAN Contractors: MAN Corporation ‫غالم‬ ‫نبيل‬ :‫المستشارين‬ Consultants: Nabil Ghulam :‫الحجم‬40‫طابق‬ Size: 40 floors
  • 25. BIMarabia – Omar Selim 7.:‫المغرب‬Morocco ‫حوارة‬ ‫مشروع‬Hawara Project  Client: Erga Group  Consulting Company: Erga Group  Area: 2,350,000 square meters