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Dept. of Botany
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra
Cell Cycle
 Term cell cycle was proposed
by Howard and Pelc.
 Cell cycle is the cyclic
representation of events of
cell division.
 Cell division occurs in
recurrent manner with a
freedom to quit only at one
point in G1 phase.
 Cell cycle is a progressive
events, no chance of
 Potu Rao and Johanssen performed fusion
experiment of cells in different stages of cell cycle
using sendai virus as a fusogen and observed that
cell cycle occurs in a progressive ordered manner
having arrival of phases in forward side and there is
no chance of reverse.
 The experiments were as follows:
1. S – Phase + G2 phase = heterokaryon
(Synkaryon shows DNA repair but no DNA
2. G1 phase + G2 phase = heterokaryon
(Synkaryon shows only DNA repair)
Stages of cell cycle
I. I Phase (Interphase)
1. G1 phase
2. S phase
3. G2 phase
II. M - Phase
1. Karyokinesis
A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
2. Cytokinesis
A. Cell plate formation
B. Cell furrow formation
Why cell divide?
 Cell is the site of metabolic reaction and
continuous metabolism in the cell increases its
cytosolic volume, number of ER, Golgi,
Mitochondria, Chloroplast and micro bodies.
 As a result nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio disturbed
and to restore its proportional ratio a cell has
to divide.
There are some permanently or terminally
differentiated cells such as Neurons and bone
cells which do not divide.
Why neurons and bone cells
never divide?
 Gene responsible for cytosolic growth
are repressed in these cells hence their
cytoplasm remain illdeveloped with
reduced cell organelles.
 Further these cells are specialized for
some special functions and gene
governing these functions have
selective expression.
 In plants differetiated cells are not
found because of totipotency.
Duration of various stages
of cell cycle
 One turn of cell cycle
is usually completed
in 24 h, observed
through the culture of
embryogenic cells.
 But this time period is
never constant
because different
type cells of different
species takes
different time period
for completion of one
turn of cell cycle.
 Range of variation in this time period may be from hrs to
years or days to years.
 The time period for M - Phase is nearly constant for all cell
types but the variations in time periods are reported in the
length of G1 S and G2 phases.
 Although all these three phases shows variations in length
but the G1 phase shows maximum variation.
G1 > S > G2 > M (Prophase > Telophase >
Metaphase > Anaphase)
*Metaphase is highly dynamic phase due to
microtubule formation and deformation.
I – Phase v/s M – Phase
 Metabolically most
active phase but
cytologically resting
 G1 is metabolically
and biochemically
most active phase.
 G1 > S > G2
 Metabolically resting
phase but cytologically
most active phase.
 Karyokinesis is
cytologically most
active phase.
 Prophase > Telophase >
Metaphase > Anaphase
I – Phase M – Phase
Prophase and Telophase are cytologically more and almost equally active phase
G0 Phase
 Also called phase of cell differentiation.
 In this phase cell quit from cell cycle hence also
called phase of cell quiscence.
 Quiscence of cell can be reversible or irreversible.
 Reversible quiscence is found in plant cells where
differentiated cells can show dedifferentiation and
enter in cell cycle.
 Irreversible quiscence is reported in animal cell like
neurons and osteoclasts which are permanently
differentiated cells and never shows dedifferentiation.
G1 Phase (1st Growth phase)
 It is the 1st growth phase after cell division.
 It is the initial phase of cell cycle in which cell matures
by making more cytoplasm and organelles.
 It is most durable and highly variable in length.
 In this phase cell carries on its normal metabolic activities and
events in the G1 Phase are:
 Biosynthesis of dNTPs (dATP, dGTP. dCTP, dTTP).
 Biosynthesis of amino acids.
 Synthesis of cyclin proteins.
 Active gene expression.
 Synthesis of energy currency (ATP) and (GTP)
 RNA synthesis (Transcription)
I – Phase (Interphase)
S Phase
 S Phase is called
synthesis phase.
 Events of S Phase:
 DNA is copied or
replicated (DNA
 Histone synthesis
 Centriole synthesis
copies of
Original DNA
Animations during S - phase
What the cell looks like
What’s occurring
G2 Phase (2nd growth phase)
 Occurs after DNA has been copied.
 Both organelles and proteins are synthesized.
 Events of G2 Phase:
 Repair of DNA damages which have occurred during DNA
 Histone DNA packaging to form chromatin
 Repression of gene activity (transcription) begins
(completed up to Anaphase)
Sketch of the Cell Cycle
DNA Copied
Cells prepare for Division
Cell Divides into Identical cells
Cell division
M – Phase (Maturation Phase)
 Karykinesis is of two types:
1. Open karyokinesis (conventional
type karyokinesis) – nuclear
membrane disintegrates before
separation of chromosome
1. Prophase
2. Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase
2. Closed karyokinesis
(karyochorisis or dinomitosis) –
nuclear membrane remain intact
e.g. Yeast, Diatoms and Fungi
 Cytokinesis is of two
1. Cell plate formation
(in plants)
2. Cell furrow
(in animals)
Karyokinesis (Division of nucleus) Cytokinesis (Division of
 Karyokinesis:
1. Mitosis (somatic cells)
2. Meiosis (germ cells)
General account of Karyokinesis
Characteristics events:
 The structural maintenance chromosomal proteins (SMC) binds to
chromatin to allow the condensation of chromatin, hence the
reduction of size.
 The SMC proteins are non – histone proteins and they are also
called cohessions.
 The SMC mediated chromatin condensation is called aconemic for
plectonemic condensation which reduce the chances of paranemic
 Paranemic coiling offers barrier for the separation of chromatids
and if it occurs, it may leads to annueploidy or structural aberration
in chromosome.
1. Prophase
Transition of cell from G2 phase to Prophase
 The chromatin condensation through acronemic coiling
continuous till anaphase.
 The condensation of chromatin reduces the
transcriptional activity of genes.
 Phosphorylation of nuclear lamins occurs, thus
disassembly of nuclear lamina. This phosphorylation is
done by cdk-cyclin complex.
 Disorganization of nuclear envelop.
 ER disorganizes to vesicles.
 Nucleolus disappears due to the dispersal of its
 Chromosomes along with their respective centromere get aligned in the
equatorial plane of the cell.
 Microtubule growth occurs through polimerization of tubulins to form
spindle fibers.
 Kinetochore grows through polimerization of tubulins on centromeres and
DAM 1 ring of 32nm gets attached to kinetochores.
 Large number of spindle microtubules originates from centrosome in animal
cells (Astral spindles).
 The growth of these microtubule spindles occurs through polymerization at
+ (plus) end.
 In plants the spindle microtubule formation is anastral because no
centrosome and the cationic zone and in some cases the Y – tubulin acts as
nucleation centres for microtubule polymerization.
2. Metaphase
 With regard to microtubule cytoskeleton formation, the
metaphase stage is called most dynamic stage of cell
 The microtubule grows blindly towards the equator of the
cell and where they find their respective kinetochores
through search and capture method.
 This mechanism of search and capture by microtubule
spindle is called metaphase congression.
 Origin of large number of microtubules in bipolar manner
ensures that all chromosome will be captured during
search and capture methods thus reduce the chances of
Types of metaphase microtubule
 It gets attached to their
respective kinetochore.
 Discontinuous
microtubules from both
pole forces kinetochores
towards each other
hence decides the
equatorial plane of the
cell (metaphase plate).
 It continuously grow and
their length is maintained
by microtubule
 They do not find
kinetochores in search
and capture method hence
they continue to grow and
reaches upto opposite
Discontinuous Continuous
 Continuous microtubules are helpful because:
1. Motor proteins can deliver the cargo from one side to
another side of the cell using these microtubules as
2. They pushes the poles opposite to each other thus the
cell elongates and the cell takes the shape of dividing
 The motor proteins of kinesin group gets loaded over
chromatids at many places using the chromatids as
 At the end of metaphase the APC is activated which
acts as ubiquitin ligase enzyme (E3 enzyme).
 APC causes polyubiquitinization at N-terminal Lys residues of
target proteins (Seccurin is the 1st target here and 2nd target is
 APC forms isopeptide bond of ubiquitin’s COOH group with
epsilon NH2 group of Lys thus APC act as ubiquitin ligase.
 Ubiquitin is a low molecular weight protein which is a death
signal to target protein.
 As a result of seccurin digestion the separase become on . The
separase is a Cys rich protease which cleaves the cohession and
other cohession associated proteins.
 As a result of separase activity the onset of anaphase occurs.
3. Anaphase
Least durable phase of cell division as a result
of cohession cleavage, sister chromatids gets
separated and then attached motor proteins
load on microtubules.
Due to sister chromatid separation and motor
protein loading the contraction force is
developed on centromere which causes
detachment of centromeres (doubling of
This doubling of centromere is the
characteristic feature of Anaphase.
Upon centromere division, the two centromere
start to repel each other in opposite direction
due to similar net positive charge.
 As a result of centromeric repulsion and oppositely
oriented force of continuous spindle fibres, the
discontinuous spindle fibres shows conformational
bending hence the dissociation of MAP (microtubule
associated proteins) from microtubules and
depolymerization of microtubules begins from the plus
end and inside the kinetochore.
 Beta tubulins of microtubules hydrolyses their bound
GTP to GDP during depolymerization.
 The motor proteins continue to move on microtubule
with chromosome cargo at a rate of 1µm/sec.
4. Telophase
 It is also called reverse prophase
because following events occur which
are direct reversal of prophase:
 The continuous degradation of cohesins
which is started from anaphase, leads to
the loss of acronemic coiling
(decondensation of chromatids)
 Nuclear envelope reassembles to form
nucleus, the assembly of nuclear
envelope occurs through the
dephosphorylation of nuclear lamins.
 Nucleolus reorganised in NOR (
nucleolar organizer region) of SAT
 Means division of the
 Division of cell into
two, identical halves
called daughter cells
 In plant cells, cell
plate forms at the
equator to divide cell
 In animal cells,
cleavage furrow
forms to split cell
Cleavage furrow in
animal cell
Cell plate in plant
1. Mitosis
 It was first reported by
strassburger in onion root tips.
 Only occurs in eukaryotes.
 Division of the nucleus occurs,
one parent cell divides into two
daughter cells and both have
identical chromosome
composition hence are genetically
 The chromosome no. and
karyotype of the cell remains
 It has four stages
 Does not occurs in some cells
such as Brain cells.
*if copy error occurs , then daughter
cell may be not identical.
Four Mitotic Stages
 Prophase
 Metaphase
 Anaphase
 Telophase
Early Prophase
 Chromatin in nucleus condenses to form
visible chromosomes
 Mitotic spindle forms from fibers in
cytoskeleton or centrioles (animal)
Nucleolus Cytoplasm
Nuclear Membrane
Late Prophase
 Nuclear membrane and nucleolus are broken
 Chromosomes continue condensing & are
clearly visible
 Spindle fibers called kinetochores attach to
the centromere of each chromosome
 Spindle finishes forming between the poles
of the cell
Late Prophase
Nucleus & Nucleolus have disintegrated
Spindle Fiber attached to Chromosome
Kinetochore Fiber
Review of Prophase
What the cell looks like
Spindle Fibers
 The mitotic spindle form from the
microtubules in plants and centrioles in
animal cells
 Polar fibers extend from one pole of the
cell to the opposite pole
 Kinetochore fibers extend from the pole to
the centromere of the chromosome to
which they attach
 Asters are short fibers radiating from
 Chromosomes,
attached to the
fibers, move to
the center of the
 Chromosomes
are now lined up
at the equator
Pole of the
Equator of Cell
Review of Metaphase
What the cell looks like
What’s occurring
 Occurs rapidly
 Sister chromatids
are pulled apart
to opposite poles
of the cell by
Anaphase Review
What the cell
looks like
Sister chromatids at opposite poles
Spindle disassembles
Nuclear envelope forms around each
set of sister chromatids
Nucleolus reappears
Chromosomes reappear as chromatin
Comparison of Anaphase & Telophase
Daughter Cells of Mitosis
 Have the same number
of chromosomes as
each other and as the
parent cell from which
they were formed
 Identical to each other,
but smaller than
parent cell
 Must grow in size to
become mature cells
(G1 of Interphase)
What is
the 2n or
 In mitosis doubling of genetic material occurs
during S – phase while it reduce to half during
 Since doubling and halving of the genetic material
occurs only once hence chromosome no. remains
 Although the two daughter cells formed through
mitosis are almost genetically identical, yet there
may be exceptional differences, originated through
copy errors during S – Phase.
Significance of Mitosis
 Used for growth and repair
 Produce two new cells identical to the original cell
 Cells are diploid (2n)
 Mitosis is the only way to increase the cell no. without any
change in genetic material.
 Somatic cells or vegetative cells divide through mitosis only.
 The rate of mitotic division in a cell is set according to the
cytoplasmic growth of the cell hence the mitosis can be slow
or fast depending upon the status of the cell.
 Mitosis always maintains a gap between two rounds of a cell
division which is essential for:
1. Repair of DNA damages and
2. Cytoplasmic growth of the cell
 Mitosis is most significant for immune cells and
embryonic cells because they shows proliferation
according to the need through mitosis.
 Mitosis is helpful in the replacement of dead cells
by new daughter cells.
Disadvantages of Mitosis
 Mitotic division can be made uncontrolled if loss of
function mutation occur in tumor suppressor gene
and gain of function mutation occur in proto-
 Uncontrolled mitosis can lead to the tumor
Uncontrolled Mitosis
 If mitosis is not
controlled, unlimited cell
division occurs causing
cancerous tumors
 Oncogenes are special
proteins that increase the
chance that a normal cell
develops into a tumor
Cancer cells
Facts About Meiosis
 It was reported by Farmer and Moore in anther of onion
flower bud.
 Two meiotic divisions occurs and parent cell divides two
times thus giving rise to four daughter cells ---
 Meiosis I and Meiosis II
 Original cell is diploid (2n)
 Daughter cells are monoploid (1n)
 Meiosis is the feature of germ cells and germ cells are
committed to divide two times through meiosis I and II.
 Produces gametes (eggs & sperm or pollen grains & ovule)
 Occurs in the anther (microsporogenesis)
 Occurs in the ovaries (megasporogenesis)
 Daughter cells contain half the number of chromosomes as
the original cell
 Doubling of genetic material occurs only once (in S – Phase
before meiosis I) while the halving of genetic material occurs
twice thus the daughter cells receives only half of the genetic
material but this genetic material is complete genome (haploid
set) of an organism.
Facts About Meiosis
 Meiosis I is called reductional division or heterotypic division
because the ploidy level of meiocyte is reduce to half during meiosis I.
 This reduction of ploidy in meiosis I is due to the separation of
homologous chromosome sets in Anaphase I .
 After meiosis I meiosis II is essential because it separates the sister
chromatids which have been duplicated during S – Phase.
 The duplication of centromere occurs in Anaphase II. Hence meiosis II
is identical to mitosis that’s why it is called meiotic mitosis or
homotypic division or equational division.
 The 4 daughter cells formed through meiosis are genetically different
from each other (genetically heterogenous) . It is due the crossing over
which occurs in pachytene stage of meiotic prophase I.
Facts About Meiosis
Why Do we Need Meiosis?
 It is the fundamental
basis of sexual
 Two haploid (1n)
gametes are brought
together through
fertilization to form a
diploid (2n) zygote
Fertilization – “Putting it all
1n =3
2n = 6
1n 2n
In plants In animals
Replication of Chromosomes
 Replication is the
process of duplicating a
 Occurs prior to division
 Replicated copies are
called sister chromatids
 Held together at
Occurs in
A Replicated Chromosome
(same genes, different
(same genes,
same alleles)
Gene A
Homologs separate in meiosis I and therefore different
alleles separate.
Meiosis Forms Haploid Gametes
 Meiosis must reduce the chromosome number by half
 Fertilization then restores the 2n number
From male parent from female parent
meiosis reduces
genetic content
The right
F1 plants
Meiosis: Two Part Cell Division
Meiosis I Meiosis II
 Prophase I
 Leptotene
 Zygotene
 Pachytene
 Diplotene
 Dikinesis
 Metaphase I
 Anaphase I
 Telophase I
 Prophase II
 Metaphase II
 Anaphase II
 Telophase II
Meiosis I Meiosis IIInterkinesis
Meiosis I
 This phase of cell division is responsible for
bringing genetic heterogeneity and the reduction of
ploidy level.
 Only the cells with even ploidy level can enter in
meiosis I round.
Meiosis I: Reduction Division
Nucleus Spindle
Early Prophase I
number doubled)
Prophase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I Telophase I
Prophase I
Early prophase
Homologs pair.
Crossing over
Late prophase
Chromosomes condense.
Spindle forms.
Nuclear envelope fragments.
Prophase I
 It is longest and highly variable phase of meiosis.
 Higher variability in the length of prophase I is due to the
prolonged diplotene stage in mammalian oocytes and sea urchin
oocytes where oocytes may remain arrested in diplotene stage for
many years (12 – 45 years) this is called diplotene arrest.
 In this stage bivalent (dyad) homologous chromosomes shows
homologous pairing to form tetravalent.
 In this regard meiotic prophase I is different from meiotic
prophase II and mitotic prophase because prophase I has
tetravalent chromosome while prophase II and mitotic prophase
has bivalent chromosomes.
Tetrads Form in Prophase I
Homologous chromosomes
(each with sister chromatids)
Join to form a TETRAD
 In this phase synapsis of homologous chromosome sets occurs at
many points due to the formation of synaptonomal complex.
 Generally two nearer non-sister chromatids of a tetravalent
participates in synapsis.
 Centromere interferes with syneptonemal complex formation in its
close vicinity due to stearic clash offered by its structure that’s why
the genes nearer to centromere usually do not synapse freely hence
no free crossing over.
 Further the formation of one syneptonemal complex also interferes
with the formation of another syneptonemal complex in its nearer
area. This is called Interference(I).
 Syneptonemal complexes are the future sites of crossing over but not
the guaranteed sites of crossing over.
 This is the stage characterized by crossing-over
 Crossing over generally occurs in areas of
syneptonemal complex. Such crossing over are
called expected crossing over.
 But the actual crossing over or observed crossing
over may be lesser or higher than the expected, but
there are very less chances of higher cross-overs.
 Higher than the expected crossing over is possible
through coincidence.
 Homologous
chromosomes in a
tetrad cross over
each other
 Pieces of
chromosomes or
genes are
 Produces Genetic
recombination in
the offspring
Crossing-over multiplies the already huge number
of different gamete types produced by independent
 In this phase of cell division chaismata are formed due to
the migration of DNA strands from one DNA molecule
to another DNA molecule in reciprocal manner.
 This is called homologous recombination.
 These chaismata are called holiday junction in holiday
model of homologous recombination.
 Dikinesis:
 The terminalization of chaismata occurs in this phase.
 According to holiday model, the resolution of holiday
junction occurs during dikinesis.
Metaphase I
 Equatorial plane of metaphase I has tetravalent
chromosomes attached by bipolar microtubule
Homologous pairs of
chromosomes align
along the equator of
the cell
Anaphase I
 Separation of homologous chromosome sets occurs thus
tetravalent becomes bivalent and division of centromere not
 The segregation of Mendelian factors occurs in Anaphase I.
Homologs separate and move
to opposite poles.
Sister chromatids remain
attached at their centromeres.
Telophase I
 Each anaphase plate receiving bivalent chromosome enters in telophase I
but here telophase I is not the true reversal of Prophase I.
 Telophase I reverses the prophase I for the following events:
 Nucleolus reorganisation
 Chromatin decondensation
Nuclear envelopes reassemble.
Spindle disappears.
Cytokinesis divides cell into
It is the short resting phase between meiosis I
and meiosis II.
Meiosis II
 Meiosis II is divided in following 4 phases:
1. Prophase II
2. Metaphase II
3. Anaphase II
4. Telophase II
 All these phases have similar characteristic
events to that of Mitosis except telophase.
 In telophase II tetrad is formed while in
mitotic telophase dyad is formed.
Meiosis II
Only one homolog of each
chromosome is present in the
Meiosis II produces gametes with
one copy of each chromosome and thus one
copy of each gene.
Sister chromatids carry
identical genetic
Gene A
Meiosis II: Reducing Chromosome
Prophase II Metaphase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II
4 Identical
haploid cells
Prophase II
Nuclear envelope
Spindle forms.
Metaphase II
Chromosomes align
along equator of cell.
Anaphase II
Sister chromatids
separate and move to
opposite poles.
Telophase II
Nuclear envelope
Spindle disappears.
Cytokinesis divides cell
into two.
Results of Meiosis
Gametes form
Four haploid cells with one
copy of each chromosome
One allele of each gene
Different combinations of
alleles for different genes
along the chromosome
Comparing Mitosis
and Meiosis
Mitosis Meiosis
Number of divisions 1
Number of daughter
2 4
Yes No
Chromosome # Same as parent Half of parent
Where Somatic cells Germ cells
When Throughout life At sexual maturity
Role Growth and repair Sexual reproduction
Comparison of Divisions
Cell Cycle Regulation
 The whole course of cell cycle is tightly regulated
by the protein players:
 Cyclin proteins (Regulatory proteins for cell
 Cyclin dependant kinases (cdk) (Catalytic
proteins of cell cycle)
 Structural Maintenance Chromosomal Proteins
(SMC) (Non-Histone proteins)
 Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC)
Need of cell cycle regulation
 Necessary to maintain the integrity of genome of the cell
because the DNA replication in S – phase of cell cycle
creates copy errors and these copy errors should be repaired
before the next round of replication.
 Cell division is an expensive process hence cell requires
sufficient time for active metabolism to generate energy
currency and to synthesize required amount of proteome.
 Proper cytoplasmic growth of the cell before cell division is
required because the halving of cytoplasm has to be done
during cell division.
 The primary aim of cell cycle regulation is to prevent the
onset of mutations.
Key regulators of cell cycle
 Timothy Hunt, Paul Nurse and
Leland Hartwell (Noble Prize,
2001) two types of key regulators of
cell cycle in mammalian cells:
1. Cyclin (key regulatory protein)
2. Cdk (cyclin dependant kinases;
catalytic protein)
 Beside these two key regulators,
other regulators also have
significant role in cell cycle
regulation such as:
1. Rb protein
2. P53 protein
Tumor Suppressor
 Regulatory proteins of cell cycle and shows
continuous rise and fall during the various stages of
cell cycle.
 Synthesis of cyclin proteins begins during G1 phase
and they increases their concentration till
Metaphase but in Anaphase they are degraded by
the activity of APC.
 The degradation of cyclin proteins at Anaphase
stage occurs through the APC mediated
Functions of cyclin proteins
1. Cyclin proteins binds to inactive cdk enzyme and
causes activation of these enzymes.
2. Cdc is the active stage of cdk which causes selective
phosphorylation of target proteins in following
3. Cdc causes transfer of ATP driven phosphate on the
serine or threonine residues of the target protein,
hence these cdc are also called Ser/Thr kinases.
4. Phosphorylation causes covalent modulation of target
 Following are the target proteins for cdc in the cell:
 E2f
 Histones
 Nuclear Lamins
Types of regulatory cyclins
1. Cyclin A – G2 cyclin
2. Cyclin B – Mitotic cyclin
3. Cyclin D – G1 cyclin
4. Cyclin E – Late G1 S cyclin
D E A B is the working sequence of cyclins.
Cyclin D (G1 cyclin)
 Its higher concentration is reported in G1 phase
hence it is called G1 cyclin.
 It binds with cdk2 enzyme and causes the
activation of cdk2 by means of forming cdc2.
 It helps in the progression of cell cycle across G1
Cyclin E (Late G1 – S cyclin)
 Its concentration begins to increase at the end of G1
phase and it reaches at the peak during S – phase.
 It binds with cdk4 thus forming active cdc4.
 It allow the cell to progress from G1 phase to S –
 It causes activation of replicons in DNA thus the
replicon becomes Ori site (origin of replication or
replication bubble).
Cyclin A (G2 phase)
 It increases its peak concentration at G2 phase and
allow the cell cycle progression from G2 to M
 It activates cdk1 to cdc1.
Cyclin B (Mitotic Cyclin)
 It increases at peak during metaphase stage of cell cycle and it
causes the progression of cell from metaphase to anaphase by
means of activating cdk20 thus forming cdc20.
 Cdc 20 binds with APC thus APC gets activated.
 Almost all cyclin proteins begins to synthesize in G1 phase
and they reaches their peak in different stages of cell cycle
while their concentration suddenly falls down during
 Cyclin E is reported to be present in nearly constant
concentration from their synthesis till anaphase. It means
cyclin E is the long lived cyclin protein.
 Researcher believe that it is due to the proper folding of N
terminal of cyclin E, thus not freely accesible to E3 enzyme,
till the half life is achieved.
 In A. thaliana, 50 genes encode cyclin-related proteins
 Where 32 cyclins have putative functions in cell-cycle
 10 A-type (encoded by10 genes),
 11B-type (11 genes encodes it),
 10 D-type (encoded by10 genes), and
 1 H-type cyclins (encoded by single gene)
Graph of cyclin conc. v/s cell cycle phases
Cyclin dependent kinases (CdKs)
 These are Ser-Thr kinases which acts as catalytic proteins for
cell cycle.
 They remain inactive when unbound to cyclins. They are
activated upon cyclin binding hence there is no need of
regulation of CdK concentration by rise and fall method
because it is regulated in this manner.
 The CdK concentration remains nearly constant throughout
the cell cycle, but they remain inactive and activated only
upon cyclin binding.
 Thus cyclin is most important key regulator of cell cycle and
it regulates the activity of CdK.
 There are many different isoforms (isozymes or isoenzymes)
in CdK group which acts in different stages of cell cycle with
different kinetic parameters (Vmax and Km)
Different types of CdK
1. CdK1
2. CdK2
3. CdK 4
4. CdK 20
 G2 to M
 G1 to S
 G1 to S
 Metaphase to
Rb Protein (Retinoblastoma protein)
 It is the tumor supressor protein, Ist discovered in
patient suffering from retinoblastoma, hence the
name Rb given.
 Retinoblastoma is a tumor of eye retina which occurs
due to mutation in Rb gene, thus forming mutant Rb
 Rb is a tumor supressor gene in mammals and its
product called Rb protein prevents the cell to migrate
from G1 to S phase.
 Thus Rb protein acts as the break for the cell cycle
progression from G1 phase.
Working of Rb protein in normal cell
Active TF
Allows expression of genes coding
for replication initiation protein
Inactive TF
P 53 Protein (Guardian of genome)
 A protein of 53 kd coded by a gene called P 53
gene or TP 53 gene.
 Acts to maintain the genome integrity of organism
because it pushes a cell towards apoptosis at any
stage of cell cycle when a cell has DNA damage.
 In this regaed P53 is called as the guardian of the
genome and the main tumor supressor gene.
Role of P 53 in Healthy and Tumor cells
In healthy cells
p53 get poly-
ubiquitinized and
degraded by 26s
Regulation check points of cell cycle
 Although the cell cycle is
regulated at all stages of its
progression but some steps of
cell cycle are tightly regulated,
thus tightly regulated
checkpoints are called check
points or transition points.
 Following are the 3 main
transition checkpoints in cell
1. G 1 to S
2. G 2 to M
3. Metaphase to anaphase
G1 to S transition checkpoint
 Known as START in Yeast and restriction point in
 For transition cell requires active E2 F
 E2 F is activated by cyclin D – cdk complex
 In the absence of cyclin – D cell quit from cell
division and enters in G0 phase
 If active E2 F is avalable in the cell, it enters in
nucleus and activate genes for replication initiation.
How the cell passes from G1 to S phase
G1 to S phase transition in plant cell
Role of
and other
factors in cell
cycle regulation
• CYCD3 genes are the
key targets of cytokinin
that promote cell
• CYCD3 expression
was also upregulated
by brassinosteroid
G2 to M – Phase checkpoint
 To cross this check point phosphorylation of nuclear lamins
 Phosphorylated nuclear lamins disintegrates hence onset of M –
phase (prophase) occurs
DNA damage checkpoint pathways in mammals and plants
 (A) DNA damage checkpoint mechanism in mammals
 (B) DNA damage checkpoint mechanism in A. thaliana Orthologs of Chk1,
Chk2, and Cdc25 have not been identified in plants
Metaphase to Anaphase or Spindle
assembly checkpoints
Cell Cycle Control in Plant
Control of the mitotic cycle and
 (A) In the mitotic cell cycle, a high
level of CDK activity triggers entry
into M phase and inhibits S phase
entry by preventing pre-RC
formation. At the end of mitosis,
APC/C induces cyclin degradation and
thus lowers CDK activity, leading to
pre-RC formation on chromatin.
 (B) In endoreduplicating cells, CDK
activity is lowered by the action of
CCS52A1-APC/C and the CDK
inhibitors SIM/SMR and KRP. Low
CDK activity leads to the inhibition of
M phase entry and the activation of
An overview of cell cycle regulation
Cel cycle and its regulation
Cel cycle and its regulation

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Cel cycle and its regulation

  • 1. CELL CYCLE & ITS REGULATION ARTI YADAV Dept. of Botany Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra
  • 2. Cell Cycle  Term cell cycle was proposed by Howard and Pelc.  Cell cycle is the cyclic representation of events of cell division.  Cell division occurs in recurrent manner with a freedom to quit only at one point in G1 phase.  Cell cycle is a progressive events, no chance of retrogression.
  • 3.  Potu Rao and Johanssen performed fusion experiment of cells in different stages of cell cycle using sendai virus as a fusogen and observed that cell cycle occurs in a progressive ordered manner having arrival of phases in forward side and there is no chance of reverse.  The experiments were as follows: 1. S – Phase + G2 phase = heterokaryon (Synkaryon shows DNA repair but no DNA replication) 2. G1 phase + G2 phase = heterokaryon (Synkaryon shows only DNA repair)
  • 4. Stages of cell cycle I. I Phase (Interphase) 1. G1 phase 2. S phase 3. G2 phase II. M - Phase 1. Karyokinesis A. Prophase B. Metaphase C. Anaphase D. Telophase 2. Cytokinesis A. Cell plate formation B. Cell furrow formation
  • 5. Why cell divide?  Cell is the site of metabolic reaction and continuous metabolism in the cell increases its cytosolic volume, number of ER, Golgi, Mitochondria, Chloroplast and micro bodies.  As a result nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio disturbed and to restore its proportional ratio a cell has to divide. Note: There are some permanently or terminally differentiated cells such as Neurons and bone cells which do not divide.
  • 6. Why neurons and bone cells never divide?  Gene responsible for cytosolic growth are repressed in these cells hence their cytoplasm remain illdeveloped with reduced cell organelles.  Further these cells are specialized for some special functions and gene governing these functions have selective expression.  In plants differetiated cells are not found because of totipotency.
  • 7. Duration of various stages of cell cycle  One turn of cell cycle is usually completed in 24 h, observed through the culture of embryogenic cells.  But this time period is never constant because different type cells of different species takes different time period for completion of one turn of cell cycle.
  • 8.  Range of variation in this time period may be from hrs to years or days to years.  The time period for M - Phase is nearly constant for all cell types but the variations in time periods are reported in the length of G1 S and G2 phases.  Although all these three phases shows variations in length but the G1 phase shows maximum variation. G1 > S > G2 > M (Prophase > Telophase > Metaphase > Anaphase) *Metaphase is highly dynamic phase due to microtubule formation and deformation.
  • 9. I – Phase v/s M – Phase  Metabolically most active phase but cytologically resting phase.  G1 is metabolically and biochemically most active phase.  G1 > S > G2  Metabolically resting phase but cytologically most active phase.  Karyokinesis is cytologically most active phase.  Prophase > Telophase > Metaphase > Anaphase I – Phase M – Phase Note: Prophase and Telophase are cytologically more and almost equally active phase
  • 10. G0 Phase  Also called phase of cell differentiation.  In this phase cell quit from cell cycle hence also called phase of cell quiscence.  Quiscence of cell can be reversible or irreversible.  Reversible quiscence is found in plant cells where differentiated cells can show dedifferentiation and enter in cell cycle.  Irreversible quiscence is reported in animal cell like neurons and osteoclasts which are permanently differentiated cells and never shows dedifferentiation.
  • 11. G1 Phase (1st Growth phase)  It is the 1st growth phase after cell division.  It is the initial phase of cell cycle in which cell matures by making more cytoplasm and organelles.  It is most durable and highly variable in length.  In this phase cell carries on its normal metabolic activities and events in the G1 Phase are:  Biosynthesis of dNTPs (dATP, dGTP. dCTP, dTTP).  Biosynthesis of amino acids.  Synthesis of cyclin proteins.  Active gene expression.  Synthesis of energy currency (ATP) and (GTP)  RNA synthesis (Transcription) I – Phase (Interphase)
  • 12. S Phase  S Phase is called synthesis phase.  Events of S Phase:  DNA is copied or replicated (DNA doubling).  Histone synthesis  Centriole synthesis (centromere) duplication. 12 Two identical copies of DNA Original DNA
  • 13. Animations during S - phase What the cell looks like Cell What’s occurring
  • 14. G2 Phase (2nd growth phase)  Occurs after DNA has been copied.  Both organelles and proteins are synthesized.  Events of G2 Phase:  Repair of DNA damages which have occurred during DNA replication.  Histone DNA packaging to form chromatin  Repression of gene activity (transcription) begins (completed up to Anaphase)
  • 15. 15 Sketch of the Cell Cycle Daughter Cells DNA Copied Cells Mature Cells prepare for Division Cell Divides into Identical cells
  • 17. M – Phase (Maturation Phase)  Karykinesis is of two types: 1. Open karyokinesis (conventional type karyokinesis) – nuclear membrane disintegrates before separation of chromosome 1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Telophase 2. Closed karyokinesis (karyochorisis or dinomitosis) – nuclear membrane remain intact e.g. Yeast, Diatoms and Fungi  Cytokinesis is of two types: 1. Cell plate formation (in plants) 2. Cell furrow formation (in animals) Karyokinesis (Division of nucleus) Cytokinesis (Division of cytoplasm)
  • 18.  Karyokinesis: 1. Mitosis (somatic cells) 2. Meiosis (germ cells)
  • 19. General account of Karyokinesis Characteristics events:  The structural maintenance chromosomal proteins (SMC) binds to chromatin to allow the condensation of chromatin, hence the reduction of size.  The SMC proteins are non – histone proteins and they are also called cohessions.  The SMC mediated chromatin condensation is called aconemic for plectonemic condensation which reduce the chances of paranemic coiling.  Paranemic coiling offers barrier for the separation of chromatids and if it occurs, it may leads to annueploidy or structural aberration in chromosome. 1. Prophase
  • 20. Transition of cell from G2 phase to Prophase
  • 21.  The chromatin condensation through acronemic coiling continuous till anaphase.  The condensation of chromatin reduces the transcriptional activity of genes.  Phosphorylation of nuclear lamins occurs, thus disassembly of nuclear lamina. This phosphorylation is done by cdk-cyclin complex.  Disorganization of nuclear envelop.  ER disorganizes to vesicles.  Nucleolus disappears due to the dispersal of its components.
  • 22.  Chromosomes along with their respective centromere get aligned in the equatorial plane of the cell.  Microtubule growth occurs through polimerization of tubulins to form spindle fibers.  Kinetochore grows through polimerization of tubulins on centromeres and DAM 1 ring of 32nm gets attached to kinetochores.  Large number of spindle microtubules originates from centrosome in animal cells (Astral spindles).  The growth of these microtubule spindles occurs through polymerization at + (plus) end.  In plants the spindle microtubule formation is anastral because no centrosome and the cationic zone and in some cases the Y – tubulin acts as nucleation centres for microtubule polymerization. 2. Metaphase
  • 23.  With regard to microtubule cytoskeleton formation, the metaphase stage is called most dynamic stage of cell division.  The microtubule grows blindly towards the equator of the cell and where they find their respective kinetochores through search and capture method.  This mechanism of search and capture by microtubule spindle is called metaphase congression.  Origin of large number of microtubules in bipolar manner ensures that all chromosome will be captured during search and capture methods thus reduce the chances of aneuploidy.
  • 24. Types of metaphase microtubule spindles  It gets attached to their respective kinetochore.  Discontinuous microtubules from both pole forces kinetochores towards each other hence decides the equatorial plane of the cell (metaphase plate).  It continuously grow and their length is maintained by microtubule depolymerization.  They do not find kinetochores in search and capture method hence they continue to grow and reaches upto opposite poles. Discontinuous Continuous
  • 25. Note:  Continuous microtubules are helpful because: 1. Motor proteins can deliver the cargo from one side to another side of the cell using these microtubules as road. 2. They pushes the poles opposite to each other thus the cell elongates and the cell takes the shape of dividing cells.  The motor proteins of kinesin group gets loaded over chromatids at many places using the chromatids as cargo.  At the end of metaphase the APC is activated which acts as ubiquitin ligase enzyme (E3 enzyme).
  • 26.  APC causes polyubiquitinization at N-terminal Lys residues of target proteins (Seccurin is the 1st target here and 2nd target is cyclins).  APC forms isopeptide bond of ubiquitin’s COOH group with epsilon NH2 group of Lys thus APC act as ubiquitin ligase.  Ubiquitin is a low molecular weight protein which is a death signal to target protein.  As a result of seccurin digestion the separase become on . The separase is a Cys rich protease which cleaves the cohession and other cohession associated proteins.  As a result of separase activity the onset of anaphase occurs.
  • 27. 3. Anaphase Least durable phase of cell division as a result of cohession cleavage, sister chromatids gets separated and then attached motor proteins load on microtubules. Due to sister chromatid separation and motor protein loading the contraction force is developed on centromere which causes detachment of centromeres (doubling of centromeres). This doubling of centromere is the characteristic feature of Anaphase. Upon centromere division, the two centromere start to repel each other in opposite direction due to similar net positive charge.
  • 28.  As a result of centromeric repulsion and oppositely oriented force of continuous spindle fibres, the discontinuous spindle fibres shows conformational bending hence the dissociation of MAP (microtubule associated proteins) from microtubules and depolymerization of microtubules begins from the plus end and inside the kinetochore.  Beta tubulins of microtubules hydrolyses their bound GTP to GDP during depolymerization.  The motor proteins continue to move on microtubule with chromosome cargo at a rate of 1µm/sec.
  • 29. 4. Telophase  It is also called reverse prophase because following events occur which are direct reversal of prophase:  The continuous degradation of cohesins which is started from anaphase, leads to the loss of acronemic coiling (decondensation of chromatids)  Nuclear envelope reassembles to form nucleus, the assembly of nuclear envelope occurs through the dephosphorylation of nuclear lamins.  Nucleolus reorganised in NOR ( nucleolar organizer region) of SAT chromosome.
  • 30. Cytokinesis  Means division of the cytoplasm  Division of cell into two, identical halves called daughter cells  In plant cells, cell plate forms at the equator to divide cell  In animal cells, cleavage furrow forms to split cell
  • 31. Cytokinesis Cleavage furrow in animal cell Cell plate in plant cells
  • 32. 1. Mitosis  It was first reported by strassburger in onion root tips.  Only occurs in eukaryotes.  Division of the nucleus occurs, one parent cell divides into two daughter cells and both have identical chromosome composition hence are genetically homogenous.  The chromosome no. and karyotype of the cell remains constant.  It has four stages  Does not occurs in some cells such as Brain cells. *if copy error occurs , then daughter cell may be not identical.
  • 33. Four Mitotic Stages  Prophase  Metaphase  Anaphase  Telophase
  • 34. Early Prophase  Chromatin in nucleus condenses to form visible chromosomes  Mitotic spindle forms from fibers in cytoskeleton or centrioles (animal) Chromosomes Nucleolus Cytoplasm Nuclear Membrane
  • 35. Late Prophase  Nuclear membrane and nucleolus are broken down  Chromosomes continue condensing & are clearly visible  Spindle fibers called kinetochores attach to the centromere of each chromosome  Spindle finishes forming between the poles of the cell
  • 36. Late Prophase Nucleus & Nucleolus have disintegrated Chromosomes
  • 37. 37 Spindle Fiber attached to Chromosome Kinetochore Fiber Chromosome
  • 38. Review of Prophase What the cell looks like
  • 39. Spindle Fibers  The mitotic spindle form from the microtubules in plants and centrioles in animal cells  Polar fibers extend from one pole of the cell to the opposite pole  Kinetochore fibers extend from the pole to the centromere of the chromosome to which they attach  Asters are short fibers radiating from centrioles
  • 40. Metaphase  Chromosomes, attached to the kinetochore fibers, move to the center of the cell  Chromosomes are now lined up at the equator Pole of the Cell Equator of Cell
  • 41. Review of Metaphase What the cell looks like What’s occurring
  • 42. Anaphase  Occurs rapidly  Sister chromatids are pulled apart to opposite poles of the cell by kinetochore fibers.
  • 43. Anaphase Review What the cell looks like What’s occurring
  • 44. Telophase Sister chromatids at opposite poles Spindle disassembles Nuclear envelope forms around each set of sister chromatids Nucleolus reappears Chromosomes reappear as chromatin
  • 45. Comparison of Anaphase & Telophase
  • 46. Daughter Cells of Mitosis  Have the same number of chromosomes as each other and as the parent cell from which they were formed  Identical to each other, but smaller than parent cell  Must grow in size to become mature cells (G1 of Interphase) What is the 2n or diploid number? 2
  • 47.  In mitosis doubling of genetic material occurs during S – phase while it reduce to half during Anaphase.  Since doubling and halving of the genetic material occurs only once hence chromosome no. remains constant.  Although the two daughter cells formed through mitosis are almost genetically identical, yet there may be exceptional differences, originated through copy errors during S – Phase.
  • 48. Significance of Mitosis  Used for growth and repair  Produce two new cells identical to the original cell  Cells are diploid (2n)  Mitosis is the only way to increase the cell no. without any change in genetic material.  Somatic cells or vegetative cells divide through mitosis only.  The rate of mitotic division in a cell is set according to the cytoplasmic growth of the cell hence the mitosis can be slow or fast depending upon the status of the cell.  Mitosis always maintains a gap between two rounds of a cell division which is essential for: 1. Repair of DNA damages and 2. Cytoplasmic growth of the cell
  • 49.  Mitosis is most significant for immune cells and embryonic cells because they shows proliferation according to the need through mitosis.  Mitosis is helpful in the replacement of dead cells by new daughter cells.
  • 50. Disadvantages of Mitosis  Mitotic division can be made uncontrolled if loss of function mutation occur in tumor suppressor gene and gain of function mutation occur in proto- oncogenes.  Uncontrolled mitosis can lead to the tumor formation.
  • 51. Uncontrolled Mitosis  If mitosis is not controlled, unlimited cell division occurs causing cancerous tumors  Oncogenes are special proteins that increase the chance that a normal cell develops into a tumor cell Cancer cells
  • 52. Facts About Meiosis  It was reported by Farmer and Moore in anther of onion flower bud.  Two meiotic divisions occurs and parent cell divides two times thus giving rise to four daughter cells ---  Meiosis I and Meiosis II  Original cell is diploid (2n)  Daughter cells are monoploid (1n)  Meiosis is the feature of germ cells and germ cells are committed to divide two times through meiosis I and II. 2.Meiosis
  • 53.  Produces gametes (eggs & sperm or pollen grains & ovule)  Occurs in the anther (microsporogenesis)  Occurs in the ovaries (megasporogenesis)  Daughter cells contain half the number of chromosomes as the original cell  Doubling of genetic material occurs only once (in S – Phase before meiosis I) while the halving of genetic material occurs twice thus the daughter cells receives only half of the genetic material but this genetic material is complete genome (haploid set) of an organism. Facts About Meiosis
  • 54.  Meiosis I is called reductional division or heterotypic division because the ploidy level of meiocyte is reduce to half during meiosis I.  This reduction of ploidy in meiosis I is due to the separation of homologous chromosome sets in Anaphase I .  After meiosis I meiosis II is essential because it separates the sister chromatids which have been duplicated during S – Phase.  The duplication of centromere occurs in Anaphase II. Hence meiosis II is identical to mitosis that’s why it is called meiotic mitosis or homotypic division or equational division.  The 4 daughter cells formed through meiosis are genetically different from each other (genetically heterogenous) . It is due the crossing over which occurs in pachytene stage of meiotic prophase I. Facts About Meiosis
  • 55. Why Do we Need Meiosis?  It is the fundamental basis of sexual reproduction  Two haploid (1n) gametes are brought together through fertilization to form a diploid (2n) zygote
  • 56. Fertilization – “Putting it all together” 1n =3 2n = 6 1n 2n In plants In animals
  • 57. Replication of Chromosomes  Replication is the process of duplicating a chromosome  Occurs prior to division  Replicated copies are called sister chromatids  Held together at centromere Occurs in Interphase
  • 58. A Replicated Chromosome Homologs (same genes, different alleles) Sister Chromatids (same genes, same alleles) Gene A Homologs separate in meiosis I and therefore different alleles separate.
  • 59. Meiosis Forms Haploid Gametes  Meiosis must reduce the chromosome number by half  Fertilization then restores the 2n number From male parent from female parent meiosis reduces genetic content too much! The right number! F1 plants
  • 60. Meiosis: Two Part Cell Division Homologs separate Sister chromatids separate Diploid Meiosis I Meiosis II Diploid Haploid
  • 61. Meiosis  Prophase I  Leptotene  Zygotene  Pachytene  Diplotene  Dikinesis  Metaphase I  Anaphase I  Telophase I  Prophase II  Metaphase II  Anaphase II  Telophase II Meiosis I Meiosis IIInterkinesis
  • 62. Meiosis I  This phase of cell division is responsible for bringing genetic heterogeneity and the reduction of ploidy level.  Only the cells with even ploidy level can enter in meiosis I round.
  • 63. Meiosis I: Reduction Division Nucleus Spindle fibers Nuclear envelope Early Prophase I (Chromosome number doubled) Late Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I (diploid)
  • 64. Prophase I Early prophase Homologs pair. Crossing over occurs. Late prophase Chromosomes condense. Spindle forms. Nuclear envelope fragments.
  • 65. Prophase I  It is longest and highly variable phase of meiosis.  Higher variability in the length of prophase I is due to the prolonged diplotene stage in mammalian oocytes and sea urchin oocytes where oocytes may remain arrested in diplotene stage for many years (12 – 45 years) this is called diplotene arrest. Leptotene:  In this stage bivalent (dyad) homologous chromosomes shows homologous pairing to form tetravalent.  In this regard meiotic prophase I is different from meiotic prophase II and mitotic prophase because prophase I has tetravalent chromosome while prophase II and mitotic prophase has bivalent chromosomes.
  • 66. Tetrads Form in Prophase I Homologous chromosomes (each with sister chromatids) Join to form a TETRAD
  • 67. Zygotene:  In this phase synapsis of homologous chromosome sets occurs at many points due to the formation of synaptonomal complex.  Generally two nearer non-sister chromatids of a tetravalent participates in synapsis.  Centromere interferes with syneptonemal complex formation in its close vicinity due to stearic clash offered by its structure that’s why the genes nearer to centromere usually do not synapse freely hence no free crossing over.  Further the formation of one syneptonemal complex also interferes with the formation of another syneptonemal complex in its nearer area. This is called Interference(I).  Syneptonemal complexes are the future sites of crossing over but not the guaranteed sites of crossing over.
  • 68. Pachytene:  This is the stage characterized by crossing-over events.  Crossing over generally occurs in areas of syneptonemal complex. Such crossing over are called expected crossing over.  But the actual crossing over or observed crossing over may be lesser or higher than the expected, but there are very less chances of higher cross-overs.  Higher than the expected crossing over is possible through coincidence.
  • 69. Crossing-Over  Homologous chromosomes in a tetrad cross over each other  Pieces of chromosomes or genes are exchanged  Produces Genetic recombination in the offspring
  • 70. 70 Crossing-over multiplies the already huge number of different gamete types produced by independent assortment Crossing-Over
  • 71. Diplotene:  In this phase of cell division chaismata are formed due to the migration of DNA strands from one DNA molecule to another DNA molecule in reciprocal manner.  This is called homologous recombination.  These chaismata are called holiday junction in holiday model of homologous recombination.  Dikinesis:  The terminalization of chaismata occurs in this phase.  According to holiday model, the resolution of holiday junction occurs during dikinesis.
  • 72. Metaphase I  Equatorial plane of metaphase I has tetravalent chromosomes attached by bipolar microtubule spindles. Homologous pairs of chromosomes align along the equator of the cell
  • 73. Anaphase I  Separation of homologous chromosome sets occurs thus tetravalent becomes bivalent and division of centromere not required.  The segregation of Mendelian factors occurs in Anaphase I. Homologs separate and move to opposite poles. Sister chromatids remain attached at their centromeres.
  • 74. Telophase I  Each anaphase plate receiving bivalent chromosome enters in telophase I but here telophase I is not the true reversal of Prophase I.  Telophase I reverses the prophase I for the following events:  Nucleolus reorganisation  Chromatin decondensation Nuclear envelopes reassemble. Spindle disappears. Cytokinesis divides cell into two.
  • 75. It is the short resting phase between meiosis I and meiosis II. Interkinesis
  • 76. Meiosis II  Meiosis II is divided in following 4 phases: 1. Prophase II 2. Metaphase II 3. Anaphase II 4. Telophase II  All these phases have similar characteristic events to that of Mitosis except telophase.  In telophase II tetrad is formed while in mitotic telophase dyad is formed.
  • 77. Meiosis II Only one homolog of each chromosome is present in the cell. Meiosis II produces gametes with one copy of each chromosome and thus one copy of each gene. Sister chromatids carry identical genetic information. Gene A
  • 78. Meiosis II: Reducing Chromosome Number Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II 4 Identical haploid cells
  • 81. Anaphase II Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles. Equator Pole
  • 82. Telophase II Nuclear envelope assembles. Chromosomes decondense. Spindle disappears. Cytokinesis divides cell into two.
  • 83. Results of Meiosis Gametes form Four haploid cells with one copy of each chromosome One allele of each gene Different combinations of alleles for different genes along the chromosome
  • 85. Mitosis Meiosis Number of divisions 1 2 Number of daughter cells 2 4 Genetically identical? Yes No Chromosome # Same as parent Half of parent Where Somatic cells Germ cells When Throughout life At sexual maturity Role Growth and repair Sexual reproduction Comparison of Divisions
  • 86. Cell Cycle Regulation  The whole course of cell cycle is tightly regulated by the protein players:  Cyclin proteins (Regulatory proteins for cell cycles)  Cyclin dependant kinases (cdk) (Catalytic proteins of cell cycle)  Structural Maintenance Chromosomal Proteins (SMC) (Non-Histone proteins)  Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC)
  • 87. Need of cell cycle regulation  Necessary to maintain the integrity of genome of the cell because the DNA replication in S – phase of cell cycle creates copy errors and these copy errors should be repaired before the next round of replication.  Cell division is an expensive process hence cell requires sufficient time for active metabolism to generate energy currency and to synthesize required amount of proteome.  Proper cytoplasmic growth of the cell before cell division is required because the halving of cytoplasm has to be done during cell division.  The primary aim of cell cycle regulation is to prevent the onset of mutations.
  • 88. Key regulators of cell cycle  Timothy Hunt, Paul Nurse and Leland Hartwell (Noble Prize, 2001) two types of key regulators of cell cycle in mammalian cells: 1. Cyclin (key regulatory protein) 2. Cdk (cyclin dependant kinases; catalytic protein)  Beside these two key regulators, other regulators also have significant role in cell cycle regulation such as: 1. Rb protein 2. P53 protein Tumor Suppressor Protein
  • 89. Cyclin  Regulatory proteins of cell cycle and shows continuous rise and fall during the various stages of cell cycle.  Synthesis of cyclin proteins begins during G1 phase and they increases their concentration till Metaphase but in Anaphase they are degraded by the activity of APC.  The degradation of cyclin proteins at Anaphase stage occurs through the APC mediated polyubiquitinization.
  • 90. Functions of cyclin proteins 1. Cyclin proteins binds to inactive cdk enzyme and causes activation of these enzymes. 2. Cdc is the active stage of cdk which causes selective phosphorylation of target proteins in following manner. 3. Cdc causes transfer of ATP driven phosphate on the serine or threonine residues of the target protein, hence these cdc are also called Ser/Thr kinases. 4. Phosphorylation causes covalent modulation of target proteins.
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.  Following are the target proteins for cdc in the cell:  E2f  Histones  Nuclear Lamins  APC
  • 96. Types of regulatory cyclins 1. Cyclin A – G2 cyclin 2. Cyclin B – Mitotic cyclin 3. Cyclin D – G1 cyclin 4. Cyclin E – Late G1 S cyclin D E A B is the working sequence of cyclins.
  • 97. Cyclin D (G1 cyclin)  Its higher concentration is reported in G1 phase hence it is called G1 cyclin.  It binds with cdk2 enzyme and causes the activation of cdk2 by means of forming cdc2.  It helps in the progression of cell cycle across G1 phase.
  • 98. Cyclin E (Late G1 – S cyclin)  Its concentration begins to increase at the end of G1 phase and it reaches at the peak during S – phase.  It binds with cdk4 thus forming active cdc4.  It allow the cell to progress from G1 phase to S – phase.  It causes activation of replicons in DNA thus the replicon becomes Ori site (origin of replication or replication bubble).
  • 99. Cyclin A (G2 phase)  It increases its peak concentration at G2 phase and allow the cell cycle progression from G2 to M phase.  It activates cdk1 to cdc1.
  • 100. Cyclin B (Mitotic Cyclin)  It increases at peak during metaphase stage of cell cycle and it causes the progression of cell from metaphase to anaphase by means of activating cdk20 thus forming cdc20.  Cdc 20 binds with APC thus APC gets activated.  Almost all cyclin proteins begins to synthesize in G1 phase and they reaches their peak in different stages of cell cycle while their concentration suddenly falls down during anaphase.  Cyclin E is reported to be present in nearly constant concentration from their synthesis till anaphase. It means cyclin E is the long lived cyclin protein.  Researcher believe that it is due to the proper folding of N terminal of cyclin E, thus not freely accesible to E3 enzyme, till the half life is achieved.
  • 101.  In A. thaliana, 50 genes encode cyclin-related proteins  Where 32 cyclins have putative functions in cell-cycle regulation:  10 A-type (encoded by10 genes),  11B-type (11 genes encodes it),  10 D-type (encoded by10 genes), and  1 H-type cyclins (encoded by single gene)
  • 102. Graph of cyclin conc. v/s cell cycle phases
  • 103. Cyclin dependent kinases (CdKs)  These are Ser-Thr kinases which acts as catalytic proteins for cell cycle.  They remain inactive when unbound to cyclins. They are activated upon cyclin binding hence there is no need of regulation of CdK concentration by rise and fall method because it is regulated in this manner.  The CdK concentration remains nearly constant throughout the cell cycle, but they remain inactive and activated only upon cyclin binding.  Thus cyclin is most important key regulator of cell cycle and it regulates the activity of CdK.  There are many different isoforms (isozymes or isoenzymes) in CdK group which acts in different stages of cell cycle with different kinetic parameters (Vmax and Km)
  • 104. Different types of CdK 1. CdK1 2. CdK2 3. CdK 4 4. CdK 20  G2 to M  G1 to S  G1 to S  Metaphase to anaphase
  • 105. Rb Protein (Retinoblastoma protein)  It is the tumor supressor protein, Ist discovered in patient suffering from retinoblastoma, hence the name Rb given.  Retinoblastoma is a tumor of eye retina which occurs due to mutation in Rb gene, thus forming mutant Rb proteins.  Rb is a tumor supressor gene in mammals and its product called Rb protein prevents the cell to migrate from G1 to S phase.  Thus Rb protein acts as the break for the cell cycle progression from G1 phase.
  • 106. Working of Rb protein in normal cell Rb Active TF Allows expression of genes coding for replication initiation protein Inactive TF
  • 107. P 53 Protein (Guardian of genome)  A protein of 53 kd coded by a gene called P 53 gene or TP 53 gene.  Acts to maintain the genome integrity of organism because it pushes a cell towards apoptosis at any stage of cell cycle when a cell has DNA damage.  In this regaed P53 is called as the guardian of the genome and the main tumor supressor gene.
  • 108. Role of P 53 in Healthy and Tumor cells In healthy cells p53 get poly- ubiquitinized and degraded by 26s proteasome
  • 109. Regulation check points of cell cycle  Although the cell cycle is regulated at all stages of its progression but some steps of cell cycle are tightly regulated, thus tightly regulated checkpoints are called check points or transition points.  Following are the 3 main transition checkpoints in cell cycle: 1. G 1 to S 2. G 2 to M 3. Metaphase to anaphase
  • 110.
  • 111. G1 to S transition checkpoint  Known as START in Yeast and restriction point in mammals.  For transition cell requires active E2 F  E2 F is activated by cyclin D – cdk complex  In the absence of cyclin – D cell quit from cell division and enters in G0 phase  If active E2 F is avalable in the cell, it enters in nucleus and activate genes for replication initiation.
  • 112. How the cell passes from G1 to S phase
  • 113. G1 to S phase transition in plant cell Role of phytohormone and other environmental factors in cell cycle regulation • CYCD3 genes are the key targets of cytokinin that promote cell division. • CYCD3 expression was also upregulated by brassinosteroid
  • 114. G2 to M – Phase checkpoint  To cross this check point phosphorylation of nuclear lamins required  Phosphorylated nuclear lamins disintegrates hence onset of M – phase (prophase) occurs
  • 115. DNA damage checkpoint pathways in mammals and plants  (A) DNA damage checkpoint mechanism in mammals  (B) DNA damage checkpoint mechanism in A. thaliana Orthologs of Chk1, Chk2, and Cdc25 have not been identified in plants
  • 116. Metaphase to Anaphase or Spindle assembly checkpoints
  • 117. Cell Cycle Control in Plant Control of the mitotic cycle and endocycle.  (A) In the mitotic cell cycle, a high level of CDK activity triggers entry into M phase and inhibits S phase entry by preventing pre-RC formation. At the end of mitosis, APC/C induces cyclin degradation and thus lowers CDK activity, leading to pre-RC formation on chromatin.  (B) In endoreduplicating cells, CDK activity is lowered by the action of CCS52A1-APC/C and the CDK inhibitors SIM/SMR and KRP. Low CDK activity leads to the inhibition of M phase entry and the activation of rereplication.
  • 118. An overview of cell cycle regulation