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 The cell cycle, is the series of events that leads to
the duplication and division of a cell.
 The cell cycle is driven by changing states of the
cytoplasm created by shifting balances of protein
phosphorylation and degradation machinery.
 The orderly progression of cells through the
various phases of cell cycle is orchestrated by
Cyclin dependent kinases &
By their inhibitors.
 The tissues of the body are divided into three
groups on the basis of their proliferative activity
 In Continuously dividing tissues(labile tissues)
cells proliferate throughout life replacing those
that are destroyed.
 Surface epithelia such as stratified surfaces of
skin, oral cavity, vagina, & cervix;
 Lining mucosa of all the excretory ducts of the
glands of the body(ex.,salivary glands,
pancreas,biliary tract)
 Columnar epithelium of GIT & uterus
 Transitional epithelium of urinary tract, &
 Cells of bone marrow & hematopoietic tissues.
 In most of these tissues, mature cells are derived
from stem cells, which have an unlimited
capacity to proliferate & whose progeny may
undergo various streams of differentiation.
have a low level of replication; however cells
from these tissues can undergo rapid division in
response to stimuli and are thus capable of
reconstituting the tissue of origin.
 Considered to be in G0 stage of the cell cycle but
can be stimulated to enter G1 .
 Parenchymal cells of liver, kidneys, & pancreas;
 Mesenchymal cells, such as, fibroblasts &
smooth muscle;
 Vascular endothelial cells; &
 Resting leukocytes & other leukocytes.
 Regenerative capacity of stable cells best
exemplied by the ability of liver to regenerate
after partial hepatectomy & after acute chemical
 Fibroblasts, endothelial cells, smooth muscle
cells, chondrocytes, & osteocytes are quiescent in
adult mammals but proliferate widely,
constituting the connective tissue response to
contain cells that have left the cell cycle cannot
undergo mitotic division in postnatal life.
 Neurons
 Skeletal muscle cells &
 Cardiac muscle cells.
 If neurons in the central nervous system, are
destroyed, the tissue is generally replaced by the
proliferation of central nervous system
supportive elements, the glial cells.
 Recent results demonstrate that neurogenesis
from stem cells may occur in adult brains.
 Mature skeletal muscle cells do not divide ,
skeletal muscle does have some regenerative
capacity, through the differentiation of the
satellite cells that are attached to the endomysial
 If the ends of severed muscle fibers are closely
juxtaposed, muscle regeneration in mammals
can be excellent, but this condition that can
rarely be attained under practical conditions.
 Cardiac muscle has very limited, if any
regenerative capacity, and a large injury to the
heart muscle, as may occur in myocardial
infarction, is followed by scar formation.
 Newly born cells are in the G1 phase of the cell
 These cells need to decide whether to commit
themselves to a round of proliferation or to
withdraw from the proliferation rat race and enter
a quiescent or differentiated state called G0 cells.
 Cells that are considering proliferation must pass
two inspections
Restriction point – a biocemical control circuit
that determines whether internal & external
conditions are suitable for proliferation
Malfunctions  cancer
Second quality control ( the G1 phase
checkpoint) verifies that the chromosomes are
intact before allowing the cell to replicate its
 Cells that decide to proliferate must replicate
their DNA in a timely and accurate manner.
S phase
 During G2 phase cells conduct a final “cockpit
check” before embarking on the great adventure
of division.
 Another key cell cycle checkpoint looks for
damaged or unreplicated DNA and restrains cells
from entering into mitosis before it is repaired.
 This is also the last point in the cell cycle at
which the genome is scanned for damage so that
it can be repaired before division.
 The goal of the cell cycle in most cases is to
produce two daughter cells that are accurate
copies of the parent .
 The cell cycle integrates
 a continuous growth cycle (the increase in cell
mass) with a
 discontinuous division or chromosome cycle
(the replication and partitioning of the genome
into two daughter cells).
 The chromosome cycle is driven by a sequence
of enzymatic cascades that produce a sequence of
discrete biochemical "states" of the cytoplasm.
 Each state arises by destruction or inactivation of
key enzymatic activities characteristic of the
preceding state and expression or activation of a
new cohort of activities
 convenient to divide the process into a series of
 Recognition of cell-cycle phases began in 1882,
when Flemming named the process of nuclear
division mitosis (from the Greek mito, or
"thread") after the appearance of the condensed
 It initially appeared that cells were active only
during mitosis, so the rest of the cell cycle was
called interphase (or resting stage).
 Once DNA was recognized as the agent of
heredity in the 1940s, it was deduced that DNA
must be duplicated at some time during
interphase so that daughter cells can each receive
a full complement of genetic material.
 A key experiment identified the relationship
between the timing of DNA synthesis and the
mitotic cycle and defined the four cell-cycle
 M phase: Cell division, comprising mitosis, when
a fully grown cell segregates the replicated
chromosomes to opposite ends of a molecular
scaffold, termed the spindle, and cytokinesis,
when the cell cleaves between the separated
chromosomes to produce two daughter cells.
 In general, each daughter cell receives a
complement of genetic material and organelles
identical to that of the parent cell
 Interphase: The portion of the cell cycle when
cells grow and replicate their DNA. Interphase
has three sections.
 The G1 (first gap) phase is the interval between
mitosis and the onset of DNA replication.
(Presynthetic phase)
 The S (synthetic) phase is the time when DNA is
 The G2 (second gap) phase is the interval
between the termination of DNA replication and
the onset of mitosis.(Premitotic phase)
 In multicellular organisms, many differentiated
cells no longer actively divide.
 These nondividing cells (which may
physiologically be extremely active) are in the G0
phase, a branch of the G1 phase
 Each cell is born at the completion of the M
phase, which includes mitosis, the partitioning
of the chromosomes and other cellular
components, and cytokinesis, the division of the
 All cycling cells have a M phase and a S phase.
 However, some early embryos have minimal G1
and G2 phases.
 The G1 phase is typically the longest and most
variable cell-cycle phase.
 When cells are "born" at cytokinesis, they are
half the size they were before mitosis, and during
G1, they grow back toward an optimal size.
 During this time, many genes involved in cell-
cycle progression are switched off so that the cell
cannot initiate a new round of proliferation. This
repressive system is termed the restriction point
 If the supply of nutrients is poor or if cells
receive an antiproliferative stimulus such as a
signal to embark on terminal differentiation, they
delay their progress through the cell cycle in G1
or exit the cycle to enter G0.
 However, if appropriate positive stimuli are
received, cells overcome the restriction point
block and trigger a program of gene expression
that commits them to a new cycle of DNA
replication and cell division.
 Faulty restriction point control may result in cell
proliferation under inappropriate conditions.
 Cancer cells often have defects in restriction
point control and continue to attempt to divide
even in the absence of appropriate environmental
 Most cells of multicellular organisms
differentiate to carry out specialized functions
and no longer divide.
 Such cells are considered to be in the G0 phase.
 G0 cells are not dormant; indeed, they are often
actively engaged in protein synthesis and
secretion, and they may be highly motile.
 The G0 phase is not necessarily permanent.
 In some cases, G0 cells may be recruited to
reenter the cell cycle in response to a variety of
 This process must be highly regulated, as the
uncontrolled proliferation of cells in a
multicellular organism can lead to cancer.
 Chromosomes of higher eukaryotes are so large
that replication of the DNA must be initiated at
many different sites, termed origins of
 In budding yeast, the approximately 400 origins
are spaced an average of 30,000 base pairs apart.
 An average human chromosome contains about
150 × 106 base pairs of DNA, about 10 times the
size of the entire budding yeast genome, so many
more origins are required.
 Each region of the chromosome that is replicated
from a single origin is referred to as a replicon.
 Proliferating diploid cells must replicate their
DNA once and only once each cell cycle.
 Each origin of replication is prepared for
replication by the formation of a prereplication
complex (a process that is referred to as
licensing) during G1.
 As each origin "fires" during S phase, the
prereplication complex is dismantled and cannot
be reassembled until the next G1 phase.
 This ensures that each origin fires only once per
cell cycle.
 The cyclic nature of origin licensing is driven at
least in part by fluctuations in the activity of
cyclin-dependent kinases.
 During replication, the duplicated DNA
molecules, called sister chromatids, become
linked to each other by a protein complex called
 This pairing of sister chromatids is important for
their symmetrical segregation later in mitosis
 In most cells of metazoans, G2 is a relatively
brief period during which key enzymatic
activities that will trigger the entry into mitosis
gradually accumulate and are converted to active
 When their activities reach a critical threshold
level, the cell enters mitosis
 In parallel, the chromatin and cytoskeleton are
prepared for the dramatic structural changes that
will occur during mitosis.
 If unreplicated or damaged DNA is detected
during G2, a mechanism called a checkpoint
delays entry of the cell into mitosis.
 During M phase (mitosis and the subsequent
cytokinesis), chromosomes and cytoplasm are
partitioned into two daughter cells.
 Mitosis is normally divided into 5 discrete phases
 Prophase
 Prometaphase
 Metaphase
 Anaphase
 Telophase
 Prophase is defined by the onset of chromosome
condensation inside the intact nucleus and is
actually the final part of G2 phase.
 The duplicated centrosomes (centrioles and
associated pericentriolar material ) separate and
form the two poles of the mitotic spindle.
 Prometaphase begins when the nuclear envelope
breaks down (in higher eukaryotes) and
chromosomes begin to attach randomly to
microtubules emanating from the two poles of
the forming mitotic spindle.
 Chromosomes may also nucleate some spindle
 Once both kinetochores on a pair of sister
chromatids are attached to opposite spindle poles,
the chromosome slowly moves to a point midway
between the poles.
 When all chromosomes are properly attached,
the cell is said to be in metaphase.
 The exit from mitosis begins at anaphase with
the abrupt separation of the two sister
chromatids from one another.
 The metaphase-anaphase transition is triggered
by the proteolytic degradation of molecules that
regulate sister chromatid cohesion.
 During anaphase, the separated sister chromatids
move to the two spindle poles (anaphase A),
which themselves move apart (anaphase B).
 As the chromatids approach the spindle poles, the
nuclear envelope reforms on the surface of the
 At this point, the cell is said to be in telophase.
 Finally, during telophase, a contractile ring of
actin and myosin assembles as a circumferential
belt in the cortex midway between spindle poles
and constricts the equator of the cell.
 The separation of the two daughter cells from
one another is called cytokinesis
 The cell cycle is highly regulated, and
checkpoints control transitions between cell-
cycle stages.
 Checkpoints are biochemical circuits that detect
external or internal problems and send inhibitory
signals to the cell-cycle system.
 Checkpoints: Biochemical circuits that regulate
cell-cycle transitions in response to the
physiological condition of the cell and the state
of its environment.
 Checkpoints detect the
 presence or absence of external signals telling the
cell to proliferate,
 damage to the DNA, and
 problems that arise during DNA replication and
chromosome segregation.
 There are four major types of checkpoints.
 The restriction point in the G1 phase is sensitive
to the physiological state of the cell and to its
interactions with the surrounding extracellular
 Cells that do not receive appropriate growth
stimuli from their environment do not progress
past this point in the G1 phase and may commit
suicide by apoptosis
 DNA damage checkpoints operate in G1, S, and
G2 phases of the cell cycle. In general, these
checkpoints block cell-cycle progression, but
they can also trigger cell death by apoptosis.
 The DNA replication checkpoint detects the
presence of unreplicated or stalled DNA
replication forks.
 This checkpoint shares some components with
the DNA damage checkpoints but has the
additional feature that it specifically stabilizes
stalled replication forks so that they can be
 During mitosis, the spindle assembly
checkpoint (also called the metaphase
checkpoint) delays the onset of chromosome
segregation until all chromosomes have attached
properly to the mitotic spindle.
 The checkpoints in G1, S, and G2 use common
strategies to regulate cell-cycle progression.
 DNA damage is detected by sensors.
 These activate transducers, which are often
protein kinases but may also be transcriptional
(Cell cycle arrest,
DNA repair, Apoptosis)
 The transducers act on effectors, which
ultimately block cell-cycle progression and may
also fulfill other functions.
 Two key protein kinases, ataxia-telangiectasia
mutated (ATM) and ataxia-telangiectasia and
Rad9 related (ATR), lie at the head of the
pathway and may act as sensors of DNA damage.
 They activate two transducer kinases Chk1 and
Chk2 and also stabilize a transcription factor
called p53 that induces the expression of a cohort
of genes involved in halting cell-cycle
progression as well as genes that trigger cell
death by apoptosis.
 In general, DNA damage checkpoints block cell-
cycle progression by inhibiting the cyclin-
dependent kinases by a variety of mechanisms.
 Transitions between cell-cycle phases are
triggered by a network of protein kinases and
phosphatases that is linked to the discontinuous
events of the chromosome cycle by the periodic
accumulation, modification, and destruction of
several key components.
 Genetic studies revealed that the yeast cell cycle
is a dependent pathway whereby events in the
cycle occur normally only after earlier processes
are completed.
 The cell cycle can be modeled as a line of
dominoes, each domino corresponding to the
action of a gene product that is essential for cell-
cycle progression and the nth domino falling only
when knocked down by the (n - 1)th domino
 According to the model, mutations in genes that
are essential for cell-cycle progression cause an
entire culture of yeast to accumulate at a single
point in the cell cycle (the point at which the
defective gene product first becomes essential).
This is referred to as the arrest point.
 Figure shows this by including a "mutant"
domino that does not fall over when struck by the
upstream domino.
 Mutants that meet this criterion are called cell
division cycle mutants or CDC mutants. (Cdc
is used in fission yeast.)
 Genetic screens for CDC mutants have identified
many important genes involved in cell-cycle
 Genetic analysis of the cell cycle in the fission
yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe identified a
gene called cell division cycle-2+ (cdc2+) that is
essential for cell-cycle progression during both
the G1 → S and G2 → M transitions
 The product of this gene, a protein kinase of
34,000 D originally called p34cdc2, is the
prototype for a family of protein kinases that is
crucial for cell-cycle progression in all
 Humans have more than 10 distinct protein
kinases related to p34cdc2, although only a few are
involved in cell-cycle control.
 To be active, these enzymes must each associate
with a regulatory subunit called a cyclin. Thus,
they have been termed cyclin-dependent kinases
 p34cdc2, now termed Cdk1, seems to function
primarily in the regulation of the G2 → M
transition in animal cells.
 A second family member, Cdk2, is involved in
regulation of the G1 → S and G2 → M
 Two other family members-Cdk4 and Cdk6-are
involved in passage of the restriction point.
 Cdk7 is important for activation of other Cdks,
and also appears to participate in RNA
transcription and repair of damaged DNA.
 Other Cdks participate in diverse processes
ranging from transcriptional regulation to
neuronal differentiation and may play as-yet-
undiscovered roles in cell-cycle regulation.
 The defining feature of Cdks is that they require
binding of cyclins for catalytic activity.
 Cyclins are a diverse group of proteins ranging in
size between 35 kD and 130 kD, all with a
similar core structure based on two symmetrical
domains of five α-helices.
 Cyclins were discovered in rapidly dividing
invertebrate embryos as proteins that accumulate
gradually during interphase and are abruptly
destroyed during mitosis.
 This process of cyclic accumulation and
destruction is the derivation of their name.
 Subsequently, at least 16 different cyclins have
been identified in humans, although only a
handful are involved in cell-cycle control.
 Of those that are, some function during G1 phase,
others during G2 phase, and still others during M
 Cyclins are synthesized during specific phases of
the cell cycle, & their function is to activate
 Cyclins D,E,A & B appear sequentially during
the cell cycle and bind to one or more Cdks.
 Cdks have a bilobed structure with the active site
in a deep cleft between a small N-terminal and
larger C-terminal domain.
 However, newly synthesized monomeric Cdks
differ from other kinases in that they appear to be
incompletely folded: a flexible loop (T loop)
blocks the mouth of the catalytic pocket.
 In addition, misorientation of a short α-helix
causes a glutamic acid required for adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis to point away
from the catalytic cleft.
 As a result, ATP bound by the monomeric kinase
is distorted and cannot transfer its α-phosphate to
protein substrates
 Cdks are expressed consitutively during the cell
cycle but in an inactive form.
 They are activated by phosphorylation after
binding to the family of proteins called cyclins.
 At least four different mechanisms regulate Cdk
 cyclin binding and phosphorylation of the T loop
stimulate enzyme activity.
 On the other, phosphorylation of residues
adjacent to the ATP-binding site and binding of
inhibitory proteins inhibit Cdks.
 Cyclin binding profoundly changes
Cdk structure, causing the retraction of th
of the T loop back from the mouth
of the catalytic pocket
 Cdk-cyclin complex has only partial
c catalytic activity.
 Complete activation of most Cdks
requir requires the action of a kinase called
Cdk-a Cdk -activating kinase (CAK), which
phosphphosphorylates threonine160 in the T loop
of Cdk of Cdk2-cyclin A (this threonine gives
the loo the loop its name).
 At least two mechanisms slow or stop the cell
cycle by inactivating Cdks .
 During G2 phase, the protein kinases Myt1 and
Wee1 hold Cdk1 in check by phosphorylating
threonine14 and tyrosine15 in the roof of the ATP-
binding site.
 These phosphates interfere with ATP binding and
 Because threonine14 and tyrosine15 are accessible
to the regulatory kinases only following cyclin
binding, this phosphorylation of Cdks depends, at
least in part, on the availability of cyclins.
 Three Cdc25 phosphatases reverse these
inhibitory phosphorylations.
 Cdc25A is involved in the regulation of both the
G1 → S and G2 → M transitions and is essential
for life of the cell.
 Ccd25B is dispensable for mitosis, but it is
essential for the production of gametes in
 Cdc25C is a target of the G2 DNA damage
checkpoint that prevents cells from undergoing
mitosis with damaged DNA , but cells can
survive without it.
 A second strategy for inactivating Cdks involves
the binding of small inhibitory subunits of the
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CKI) and
inhibitor of Cdk4 (INK4) families.
 The activity of cyclin-CDK complexes is tightly
regulated by inhibitors, called CDK inhibitors.
 Two main classes of CDK inhibitors:
 Cip/Kip &
 INK4/ARF families.
 These inhibitors function as tumor supressors &
are frequently altered in tumors.
 The Cip/Kip family(CKI) has three components,
p21, p27, & p57, which bind to inactivate the
complexes formed between cyclins and CDKs.
 The human INK4a/ARF locus (a notation for
“inhibitor of kinase 4/alternative reading frame”)
encodes two proteins, p16INK4a & p14ARF,
which block the cell cycle and act as tumor
 CKI molecules inactivate Cdk-cyclin A
complexes most efficiently.
 The CKI p27Kip1 inactivates Cdk2-cyclin A
complexes in two ways.
 One part of p27Kip1 associates with the cyclin
subunit, while another invades the N-terminal
domain of the Cdk, profoundly disrupting its
structure and competing with ATP for binding to
the active site.
 Members of the INK4 family preferentially
inactivate Cdk4 and Cdk6. They do this in two
ways .
 First, interaction with monomeric Cdk opposite
the catalytic cleft distorts the orientation of the
N- and C-terminal lobes so that cyclin D does not
 INK4 family inhibitors also inhibit preformed
Cdk4/6-cyclin D complexes by binding the Cdk
and distorting the ATP-
binding site so that the
kinase uses ATP much
less efficiently.
 Cdk inhibitors are important for growth
regulation during the G1 and G0 phases of the cell
cycle .
 They also play a critical role in the cell-cycle
arrest that occurs in response to DNA damage
and to anti-proliferative signals.
 Mitosis is a state of the cytoplasm dominated by
high levels of active Cdk1-cyclin B-Cks.
 Phosphorylation of key components by this
kinase leads to dramatic reorganization of the cell
and, ultimately, to separation of sister chromatids
on the mitotic spindle.
 Once chromatids are separated, the cell must
return to a state with low levels of Cdk activity
so that nuclear envelope reassembly, spindle
disassembly, and cytokinesis can occur.
 Thus, exit from mitosis requires Cdk
 This occurs through the action of the ubiquitin-
directed proteolytic machinery that targets,
among other key proteins, A- and B-type cyclins
and a protein called securin, which regulates the
onset of sister chromatid separation at anaphase.
 Destruction of cyclins inactivates the Cdk1 and
Cdk2 kinases, allowing various phosphatases to
reverse the action of Cdks and bring mitosis to a
 The proteasome is the second major cellular
compartment for proteolysis.
 Proteasomes are multisubunit structures about
half the size of a ribosome that are located in
both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm .
 They are abundant, often accounting for up to 1%
of total cellular protein.
 Proteasomes contain an array of proteolytic
active sites arrayed on the interior wall of a
cylindrical chamber.
 They degrade abnormal and misfolded proteins
as well as selected normal proteins down to the
level of small peptides .
 Proteasomes degrade key substrates in response
to signaling cascades or at key transitions of the
cell cycle.
 One class of proteasomes processes intracellular
antigens for presentation by the immune system.
 The proteasome has two major structural
components: the core and the cap.
 The core, referred to as the 20S proteasome
(named according to its sedimentation
 The proteasomes of eukaryotes and Archaea are
"capped" on one or both ends of the 20S barrel
with regulatory complexes to form the 26S
 The type of regulatory complex varies depending
on the function of the proteasome.
 The key to regulating degradation by
proteasomes is controlling access of molecules
into the central proteolytic chamber.
 The best-characterized targeting mechanism
involves the reversible, covalent linkage of a
small protein, ubiquitin, onto the target protein.
 Ubiquitin is a very abundant and highly
conserved protein of 76 residues.
 The C-terminal four amino acids extend from
the compact globular structure, and its C-
terminus is linked to target proteins
 Ubiquitination directs the selective degradation
of many different proteins:
 abnormally folded proteins;
 regulatory proteins, including some that control
cell cycle progression;
 components of signal transduction systems; and
 regulators of transcription.
 Reversible ubiquitination is also involved in
other cellular functions, such as the
 assembly of ribosomes, proteasomes, and other
multimeric complexes,
 DNA repair, and
 chromosomal structure.
 Proteins with bound ubiquitin are directed to
their various fates by interaction with proteins
that contain ubiquitin-binding domains.
 Low-affinity interactions of ubiquitin-binding
domains with ubiquitinated proteins allow the
system a great degree of dynamic flexibility.
 Humans also have more than 80 deubiquitinating
enzymes that remove ubiquitin from target
proteins, thereby increasing the flexibility of
ubiquitin-based signaling pathways.
 Ubiquitination of protein substrates proceeds
through a tightly regulated multistep pathway,
which has been elucidated through biochemical
purification of mammalian components and in
vitro reconstitution of partial reactions.
 The overall scheme can be subdivided into three
 Activation of ubiquitin
 Substrate recognition
 Specific ubiquitinisation
 Ubiquitin-mediated destruction of cyclins
involves the action of a series of enzymes .
 E1 enzyme  ubiquitin-activating enzyme
activates the small protein ubiquitinby forming a
thioester bond between the C-terminus of
ubiquitin and a cysteine on the enzyme..
 Activated ubiquitin is then transferred to another
thioester bond on an E2 enzyme (ubiquitin-
conjugating enzyme).
 E2 may either transfer ubiquitin directly to the ε-
amino group of a lysine of a target protein or
combine with a third component (an E3 or
ubiquitin-protein ligase) to do so.
 E3s are particularly important for imparting
substrate specificity.
 Finally, the same enzymes build a chain of
ubiquitins by successive conjugations of the C-
terminus of a new ubiquitin to a lysine side chain
of the previous ubiquitin
 The resulting polyubiquitinated proteins are
usually targets for destruction by the cylindrical
26S proteasome.
 Tight regulation of ubiquitination pathways
ensures that only the appropriate target proteins
are recognized, ubiquitinated, and consequently
 The proteasome is a large multienzyme complex
that functions like a cytoplasmic garbage
disposal, grinding target proteins down to short
peptides and spitting out intact ubiquitin
monomers for reuse in further rounds of protein
 Its role was originally thought to be the removal
of damaged proteins from the cytoplasm;
however, it is now recognized as a central factor
in cell-cycle control.
 The primary responsibility for substrate
selectivity lies with the E3 family of enzymes.
 The key factor regulating proteolysis of cyclins is
a large (20S) complex with E3 activity consisting
of 12 to 13 subunits called the anaphase-
promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C).
 The APC/C is inactive during the S and G2
phases of the cell cycle.
 Binding of protein "specificity factors" such as
Cdc20 and phosphorylation by Cdk1-cyclin B-
Cks1 activate the APC/C in early mitosis.
 APC/CCdc20 is responsible for triggering the
metaphase-anaphase transition.
 Later in mitosis, the APC/C binds a second
specificity factor, Cdh1.
 Cdk phosphorylation blocks Cdh1 binding to
APC/C, so APC/CCdh1 forms only after cyclin
levels (and therefore Cdk activity) start to fall
late in mitosis.
 Further repression of Cdk activity and
destruction of Cdc20 by APC/CCdh1 are critical
both for mitotic exit and during G1 phase in
preparing chromatin for the initiation of DNA
 As cells pass from G1 into S phase, a newly
synthesized protein, Emi1, binds to APC/CCdh1
and inactivates it.
 This allows the accumulation of cyclins during S
and G2.
 Remarkably, APC/CCdh1 also has a role in
nondividing neurons, where it is involved with
regulating the activity of synapses.

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  • 2.  The cell cycle, is the series of events that leads to the duplication and division of a cell.  The cell cycle is driven by changing states of the cytoplasm created by shifting balances of protein phosphorylation and degradation machinery.
  • 3.  The orderly progression of cells through the various phases of cell cycle is orchestrated by Cyclins Cyclin dependent kinases & By their inhibitors.
  • 4.  The tissues of the body are divided into three groups on the basis of their proliferative activity  In Continuously dividing tissues(labile tissues) cells proliferate throughout life replacing those that are destroyed.  Surface epithelia such as stratified surfaces of skin, oral cavity, vagina, & cervix;  Lining mucosa of all the excretory ducts of the glands of the body(ex.,salivary glands, pancreas,biliary tract)
  • 5.  Columnar epithelium of GIT & uterus  Transitional epithelium of urinary tract, &  Cells of bone marrow & hematopoietic tissues.  In most of these tissues, mature cells are derived from stem cells, which have an unlimited capacity to proliferate & whose progeny may undergo various streams of differentiation.
  • 6.  QUIESCENT OR STABLE TISSUES normally have a low level of replication; however cells from these tissues can undergo rapid division in response to stimuli and are thus capable of reconstituting the tissue of origin.  Considered to be in G0 stage of the cell cycle but can be stimulated to enter G1 .
  • 7.  Parenchymal cells of liver, kidneys, & pancreas;  Mesenchymal cells, such as, fibroblasts & smooth muscle;  Vascular endothelial cells; &  Resting leukocytes & other leukocytes.
  • 8.  Regenerative capacity of stable cells best exemplied by the ability of liver to regenerate after partial hepatectomy & after acute chemical injury.  Fibroblasts, endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, chondrocytes, & osteocytes are quiescent in adult mammals but proliferate widely, constituting the connective tissue response to inflammation.
  • 9.  NONDIVIDING (PERMANENT) TISSUES contain cells that have left the cell cycle cannot undergo mitotic division in postnatal life.  Neurons  Skeletal muscle cells &  Cardiac muscle cells.
  • 10.  If neurons in the central nervous system, are destroyed, the tissue is generally replaced by the proliferation of central nervous system supportive elements, the glial cells.  Recent results demonstrate that neurogenesis from stem cells may occur in adult brains.
  • 11.  Mature skeletal muscle cells do not divide , skeletal muscle does have some regenerative capacity, through the differentiation of the satellite cells that are attached to the endomysial sheaths.  If the ends of severed muscle fibers are closely juxtaposed, muscle regeneration in mammals can be excellent, but this condition that can rarely be attained under practical conditions.
  • 12.  Cardiac muscle has very limited, if any regenerative capacity, and a large injury to the heart muscle, as may occur in myocardial infarction, is followed by scar formation.
  • 13.  Newly born cells are in the G1 phase of the cell cycle.  These cells need to decide whether to commit themselves to a round of proliferation or to withdraw from the proliferation rat race and enter a quiescent or differentiated state called G0 cells.
  • 14.  Cells that are considering proliferation must pass two inspections Restriction point – a biocemical control circuit that determines whether internal & external conditions are suitable for proliferation Malfunctions  cancer Second quality control ( the G1 phase checkpoint) verifies that the chromosomes are intact before allowing the cell to replicate its DNA.
  • 15.  Cells that decide to proliferate must replicate their DNA in a timely and accurate manner. S phase  During G2 phase cells conduct a final “cockpit check” before embarking on the great adventure of division.
  • 16.  Another key cell cycle checkpoint looks for damaged or unreplicated DNA and restrains cells from entering into mitosis before it is repaired.  This is also the last point in the cell cycle at which the genome is scanned for damage so that it can be repaired before division.
  • 17.  The goal of the cell cycle in most cases is to produce two daughter cells that are accurate copies of the parent .  The cell cycle integrates  a continuous growth cycle (the increase in cell mass) with a  discontinuous division or chromosome cycle (the replication and partitioning of the genome into two daughter cells).
  • 18.  The chromosome cycle is driven by a sequence of enzymatic cascades that produce a sequence of discrete biochemical "states" of the cytoplasm.  Each state arises by destruction or inactivation of key enzymatic activities characteristic of the preceding state and expression or activation of a new cohort of activities
  • 19.  convenient to divide the process into a series of phases.  Recognition of cell-cycle phases began in 1882, when Flemming named the process of nuclear division mitosis (from the Greek mito, or "thread") after the appearance of the condensed chromosomes
  • 20.  It initially appeared that cells were active only during mitosis, so the rest of the cell cycle was called interphase (or resting stage).  Once DNA was recognized as the agent of heredity in the 1940s, it was deduced that DNA must be duplicated at some time during interphase so that daughter cells can each receive a full complement of genetic material.
  • 21.  A key experiment identified the relationship between the timing of DNA synthesis and the mitotic cycle and defined the four cell-cycle phases.
  • 22.  M phase: Cell division, comprising mitosis, when a fully grown cell segregates the replicated chromosomes to opposite ends of a molecular scaffold, termed the spindle, and cytokinesis, when the cell cleaves between the separated chromosomes to produce two daughter cells.  In general, each daughter cell receives a complement of genetic material and organelles identical to that of the parent cell
  • 23.  Interphase: The portion of the cell cycle when cells grow and replicate their DNA. Interphase has three sections.  The G1 (first gap) phase is the interval between mitosis and the onset of DNA replication. (Presynthetic phase)  The S (synthetic) phase is the time when DNA is replicated.
  • 24.
  • 25.  The G2 (second gap) phase is the interval between the termination of DNA replication and the onset of mitosis.(Premitotic phase)  In multicellular organisms, many differentiated cells no longer actively divide.  These nondividing cells (which may physiologically be extremely active) are in the G0 phase, a branch of the G1 phase
  • 26.  Each cell is born at the completion of the M phase, which includes mitosis, the partitioning of the chromosomes and other cellular components, and cytokinesis, the division of the cytoplasm.  All cycling cells have a M phase and a S phase.  However, some early embryos have minimal G1 and G2 phases.
  • 27.  The G1 phase is typically the longest and most variable cell-cycle phase.  When cells are "born" at cytokinesis, they are half the size they were before mitosis, and during G1, they grow back toward an optimal size.  During this time, many genes involved in cell- cycle progression are switched off so that the cell cannot initiate a new round of proliferation. This repressive system is termed the restriction point
  • 28.  If the supply of nutrients is poor or if cells receive an antiproliferative stimulus such as a signal to embark on terminal differentiation, they delay their progress through the cell cycle in G1 or exit the cycle to enter G0.  However, if appropriate positive stimuli are received, cells overcome the restriction point block and trigger a program of gene expression that commits them to a new cycle of DNA replication and cell division.
  • 29.  Faulty restriction point control may result in cell proliferation under inappropriate conditions.  Cancer cells often have defects in restriction point control and continue to attempt to divide even in the absence of appropriate environmental signals.
  • 30.  Most cells of multicellular organisms differentiate to carry out specialized functions and no longer divide.  Such cells are considered to be in the G0 phase.  G0 cells are not dormant; indeed, they are often actively engaged in protein synthesis and secretion, and they may be highly motile.
  • 31.  The G0 phase is not necessarily permanent.  In some cases, G0 cells may be recruited to reenter the cell cycle in response to a variety of stimuli.  This process must be highly regulated, as the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in a multicellular organism can lead to cancer.
  • 32.  Chromosomes of higher eukaryotes are so large that replication of the DNA must be initiated at many different sites, termed origins of replication.  In budding yeast, the approximately 400 origins are spaced an average of 30,000 base pairs apart.
  • 33.  An average human chromosome contains about 150 × 106 base pairs of DNA, about 10 times the size of the entire budding yeast genome, so many more origins are required.  Each region of the chromosome that is replicated from a single origin is referred to as a replicon.  Proliferating diploid cells must replicate their DNA once and only once each cell cycle.
  • 34.  Each origin of replication is prepared for replication by the formation of a prereplication complex (a process that is referred to as licensing) during G1.  As each origin "fires" during S phase, the prereplication complex is dismantled and cannot be reassembled until the next G1 phase.  This ensures that each origin fires only once per cell cycle.
  • 35.  The cyclic nature of origin licensing is driven at least in part by fluctuations in the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases.  During replication, the duplicated DNA molecules, called sister chromatids, become linked to each other by a protein complex called cohesin.  This pairing of sister chromatids is important for their symmetrical segregation later in mitosis
  • 36.  In most cells of metazoans, G2 is a relatively brief period during which key enzymatic activities that will trigger the entry into mitosis gradually accumulate and are converted to active forms.  When their activities reach a critical threshold level, the cell enters mitosis
  • 37.  In parallel, the chromatin and cytoskeleton are prepared for the dramatic structural changes that will occur during mitosis.  If unreplicated or damaged DNA is detected during G2, a mechanism called a checkpoint delays entry of the cell into mitosis.
  • 38.  During M phase (mitosis and the subsequent cytokinesis), chromosomes and cytoplasm are partitioned into two daughter cells.  Mitosis is normally divided into 5 discrete phases  Prophase  Prometaphase  Metaphase  Anaphase  Telophase
  • 39.  Prophase is defined by the onset of chromosome condensation inside the intact nucleus and is actually the final part of G2 phase.  The duplicated centrosomes (centrioles and associated pericentriolar material ) separate and form the two poles of the mitotic spindle.
  • 40.  Prometaphase begins when the nuclear envelope breaks down (in higher eukaryotes) and chromosomes begin to attach randomly to microtubules emanating from the two poles of the forming mitotic spindle.  Chromosomes may also nucleate some spindle microtubules.
  • 41.  Once both kinetochores on a pair of sister chromatids are attached to opposite spindle poles, the chromosome slowly moves to a point midway between the poles.  When all chromosomes are properly attached, the cell is said to be in metaphase.
  • 42.  The exit from mitosis begins at anaphase with the abrupt separation of the two sister chromatids from one another.  The metaphase-anaphase transition is triggered by the proteolytic degradation of molecules that regulate sister chromatid cohesion.  During anaphase, the separated sister chromatids move to the two spindle poles (anaphase A), which themselves move apart (anaphase B).
  • 43.  As the chromatids approach the spindle poles, the nuclear envelope reforms on the surface of the chromatin.  At this point, the cell is said to be in telophase.  Finally, during telophase, a contractile ring of actin and myosin assembles as a circumferential belt in the cortex midway between spindle poles and constricts the equator of the cell.  The separation of the two daughter cells from one another is called cytokinesis
  • 44.  The cell cycle is highly regulated, and checkpoints control transitions between cell- cycle stages.  Checkpoints are biochemical circuits that detect external or internal problems and send inhibitory signals to the cell-cycle system.  Checkpoints: Biochemical circuits that regulate cell-cycle transitions in response to the physiological condition of the cell and the state of its environment.
  • 45.  Checkpoints detect the  presence or absence of external signals telling the cell to proliferate,  damage to the DNA, and  problems that arise during DNA replication and chromosome segregation.
  • 47.  The restriction point in the G1 phase is sensitive to the physiological state of the cell and to its interactions with the surrounding extracellular matrix.  Cells that do not receive appropriate growth stimuli from their environment do not progress past this point in the G1 phase and may commit suicide by apoptosis
  • 48.  DNA damage checkpoints operate in G1, S, and G2 phases of the cell cycle. In general, these checkpoints block cell-cycle progression, but they can also trigger cell death by apoptosis.
  • 49.  The DNA replication checkpoint detects the presence of unreplicated or stalled DNA replication forks.  This checkpoint shares some components with the DNA damage checkpoints but has the additional feature that it specifically stabilizes stalled replication forks so that they can be repaired
  • 50.  During mitosis, the spindle assembly checkpoint (also called the metaphase checkpoint) delays the onset of chromosome segregation until all chromosomes have attached properly to the mitotic spindle.
  • 51.  The checkpoints in G1, S, and G2 use common strategies to regulate cell-cycle progression.  DNA damage is detected by sensors.  These activate transducers, which are often protein kinases but may also be transcriptional activators.
  • 53.  The transducers act on effectors, which ultimately block cell-cycle progression and may also fulfill other functions.  Two key protein kinases, ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad9 related (ATR), lie at the head of the pathway and may act as sensors of DNA damage.
  • 54.
  • 55.  They activate two transducer kinases Chk1 and Chk2 and also stabilize a transcription factor called p53 that induces the expression of a cohort of genes involved in halting cell-cycle progression as well as genes that trigger cell death by apoptosis.  In general, DNA damage checkpoints block cell- cycle progression by inhibiting the cyclin- dependent kinases by a variety of mechanisms.
  • 56.  Transitions between cell-cycle phases are triggered by a network of protein kinases and phosphatases that is linked to the discontinuous events of the chromosome cycle by the periodic accumulation, modification, and destruction of several key components.
  • 57.  Genetic studies revealed that the yeast cell cycle is a dependent pathway whereby events in the cycle occur normally only after earlier processes are completed.  The cell cycle can be modeled as a line of dominoes, each domino corresponding to the action of a gene product that is essential for cell- cycle progression and the nth domino falling only when knocked down by the (n - 1)th domino
  • 58.
  • 59.  According to the model, mutations in genes that are essential for cell-cycle progression cause an entire culture of yeast to accumulate at a single point in the cell cycle (the point at which the defective gene product first becomes essential). This is referred to as the arrest point.  Figure shows this by including a "mutant" domino that does not fall over when struck by the upstream domino.
  • 60.  Mutants that meet this criterion are called cell division cycle mutants or CDC mutants. (Cdc is used in fission yeast.)  Genetic screens for CDC mutants have identified many important genes involved in cell-cycle control.
  • 61.  Genetic analysis of the cell cycle in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe identified a gene called cell division cycle-2+ (cdc2+) that is essential for cell-cycle progression during both the G1 → S and G2 → M transitions  The product of this gene, a protein kinase of 34,000 D originally called p34cdc2, is the prototype for a family of protein kinases that is crucial for cell-cycle progression in all eukaryotes.
  • 62.  Humans have more than 10 distinct protein kinases related to p34cdc2, although only a few are involved in cell-cycle control.  To be active, these enzymes must each associate with a regulatory subunit called a cyclin. Thus, they have been termed cyclin-dependent kinases
  • 63.  p34cdc2, now termed Cdk1, seems to function primarily in the regulation of the G2 → M transition in animal cells.  A second family member, Cdk2, is involved in regulation of the G1 → S and G2 → M transitions,  Two other family members-Cdk4 and Cdk6-are involved in passage of the restriction point.
  • 64.  Cdk7 is important for activation of other Cdks, and also appears to participate in RNA transcription and repair of damaged DNA.  Other Cdks participate in diverse processes ranging from transcriptional regulation to neuronal differentiation and may play as-yet- undiscovered roles in cell-cycle regulation.
  • 65.  The defining feature of Cdks is that they require binding of cyclins for catalytic activity.  Cyclins are a diverse group of proteins ranging in size between 35 kD and 130 kD, all with a similar core structure based on two symmetrical domains of five α-helices.
  • 66.  Cyclins were discovered in rapidly dividing invertebrate embryos as proteins that accumulate gradually during interphase and are abruptly destroyed during mitosis.  This process of cyclic accumulation and destruction is the derivation of their name.
  • 67.  Subsequently, at least 16 different cyclins have been identified in humans, although only a handful are involved in cell-cycle control.  Of those that are, some function during G1 phase, others during G2 phase, and still others during M phase.
  • 68.  Cyclins are synthesized during specific phases of the cell cycle, & their function is to activate Cdks.  Cyclins D,E,A & B appear sequentially during the cell cycle and bind to one or more Cdks.
  • 69.  Cdks have a bilobed structure with the active site in a deep cleft between a small N-terminal and larger C-terminal domain.  However, newly synthesized monomeric Cdks differ from other kinases in that they appear to be incompletely folded: a flexible loop (T loop) blocks the mouth of the catalytic pocket.
  • 70.  In addition, misorientation of a short α-helix causes a glutamic acid required for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis to point away from the catalytic cleft.  As a result, ATP bound by the monomeric kinase is distorted and cannot transfer its α-phosphate to protein substrates
  • 71.  Cdks are expressed consitutively during the cell cycle but in an inactive form.  They are activated by phosphorylation after binding to the family of proteins called cyclins.
  • 72.  At least four different mechanisms regulate Cdk activity.  cyclin binding and phosphorylation of the T loop stimulate enzyme activity.  On the other, phosphorylation of residues adjacent to the ATP-binding site and binding of inhibitory proteins inhibit Cdks.
  • 73.  Cyclin binding profoundly changes Cdk structure, causing the retraction of th of the T loop back from the mouth of the catalytic pocket
  • 74.   Cdk-cyclin complex has only partial c catalytic activity.  Complete activation of most Cdks requir requires the action of a kinase called Cdk-a Cdk -activating kinase (CAK), which phosphphosphorylates threonine160 in the T loop of Cdk of Cdk2-cyclin A (this threonine gives the loo the loop its name).
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  • 76.  At least two mechanisms slow or stop the cell cycle by inactivating Cdks .  During G2 phase, the protein kinases Myt1 and Wee1 hold Cdk1 in check by phosphorylating threonine14 and tyrosine15 in the roof of the ATP- binding site.  These phosphates interfere with ATP binding and hydrolysis.
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  • 78.  Because threonine14 and tyrosine15 are accessible to the regulatory kinases only following cyclin binding, this phosphorylation of Cdks depends, at least in part, on the availability of cyclins.  Three Cdc25 phosphatases reverse these inhibitory phosphorylations.
  • 79.  Cdc25A is involved in the regulation of both the G1 → S and G2 → M transitions and is essential for life of the cell.  Ccd25B is dispensable for mitosis, but it is essential for the production of gametes in meiosis.  Cdc25C is a target of the G2 DNA damage checkpoint that prevents cells from undergoing mitosis with damaged DNA , but cells can survive without it.
  • 80.  A second strategy for inactivating Cdks involves the binding of small inhibitory subunits of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CKI) and inhibitor of Cdk4 (INK4) families.  The activity of cyclin-CDK complexes is tightly regulated by inhibitors, called CDK inhibitors.  Two main classes of CDK inhibitors:  Cip/Kip &  INK4/ARF families.
  • 81.  These inhibitors function as tumor supressors & are frequently altered in tumors.  The Cip/Kip family(CKI) has three components, p21, p27, & p57, which bind to inactivate the complexes formed between cyclins and CDKs.  The human INK4a/ARF locus (a notation for “inhibitor of kinase 4/alternative reading frame”) encodes two proteins, p16INK4a & p14ARF, which block the cell cycle and act as tumor suppressors.
  • 82.  CKI molecules inactivate Cdk-cyclin A complexes most efficiently.  The CKI p27Kip1 inactivates Cdk2-cyclin A complexes in two ways.  One part of p27Kip1 associates with the cyclin subunit, while another invades the N-terminal domain of the Cdk, profoundly disrupting its structure and competing with ATP for binding to the active site.
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  • 84.  Members of the INK4 family preferentially inactivate Cdk4 and Cdk6. They do this in two ways .  First, interaction with monomeric Cdk opposite the catalytic cleft distorts the orientation of the N- and C-terminal lobes so that cyclin D does not bind.
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  • 86.  INK4 family inhibitors also inhibit preformed Cdk4/6-cyclin D complexes by binding the Cdk and distorting the ATP- binding site so that the kinase uses ATP much less efficiently.
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  • 88.  Cdk inhibitors are important for growth regulation during the G1 and G0 phases of the cell cycle .  They also play a critical role in the cell-cycle arrest that occurs in response to DNA damage and to anti-proliferative signals.
  • 89.  Mitosis is a state of the cytoplasm dominated by high levels of active Cdk1-cyclin B-Cks.  Phosphorylation of key components by this kinase leads to dramatic reorganization of the cell and, ultimately, to separation of sister chromatids on the mitotic spindle.
  • 90.  Once chromatids are separated, the cell must return to a state with low levels of Cdk activity so that nuclear envelope reassembly, spindle disassembly, and cytokinesis can occur.  Thus, exit from mitosis requires Cdk inactivation.
  • 91.  This occurs through the action of the ubiquitin- directed proteolytic machinery that targets, among other key proteins, A- and B-type cyclins and a protein called securin, which regulates the onset of sister chromatid separation at anaphase.  Destruction of cyclins inactivates the Cdk1 and Cdk2 kinases, allowing various phosphatases to reverse the action of Cdks and bring mitosis to a close.
  • 92.  The proteasome is the second major cellular compartment for proteolysis.  Proteasomes are multisubunit structures about half the size of a ribosome that are located in both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm .  They are abundant, often accounting for up to 1% of total cellular protein.
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  • 94.  Proteasomes contain an array of proteolytic active sites arrayed on the interior wall of a cylindrical chamber.  They degrade abnormal and misfolded proteins as well as selected normal proteins down to the level of small peptides .
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  • 96.  Proteasomes degrade key substrates in response to signaling cascades or at key transitions of the cell cycle.  One class of proteasomes processes intracellular antigens for presentation by the immune system.  The proteasome has two major structural components: the core and the cap.  The core, referred to as the 20S proteasome (named according to its sedimentation coefficient)
  • 97.  The proteasomes of eukaryotes and Archaea are "capped" on one or both ends of the 20S barrel with regulatory complexes to form the 26S proteasome.  The type of regulatory complex varies depending on the function of the proteasome.  The key to regulating degradation by proteasomes is controlling access of molecules into the central proteolytic chamber.
  • 98.  The best-characterized targeting mechanism involves the reversible, covalent linkage of a small protein, ubiquitin, onto the target protein.  Ubiquitin is a very abundant and highly conserved protein of 76 residues.  The C-terminal four amino acids extend from the compact globular structure, and its C- terminus is linked to target proteins
  • 99.  Ubiquitination directs the selective degradation of many different proteins:  abnormally folded proteins;  regulatory proteins, including some that control cell cycle progression;  components of signal transduction systems; and  regulators of transcription.
  • 100.  Reversible ubiquitination is also involved in other cellular functions, such as the  assembly of ribosomes, proteasomes, and other multimeric complexes,  DNA repair, and  chromosomal structure.
  • 101.  Proteins with bound ubiquitin are directed to their various fates by interaction with proteins that contain ubiquitin-binding domains.  Low-affinity interactions of ubiquitin-binding domains with ubiquitinated proteins allow the system a great degree of dynamic flexibility.  Humans also have more than 80 deubiquitinating enzymes that remove ubiquitin from target proteins, thereby increasing the flexibility of ubiquitin-based signaling pathways.
  • 102.  Ubiquitination of protein substrates proceeds through a tightly regulated multistep pathway, which has been elucidated through biochemical purification of mammalian components and in vitro reconstitution of partial reactions.  The overall scheme can be subdivided into three stages  Activation of ubiquitin  Substrate recognition  Specific ubiquitinisation
  • 103.  Ubiquitin-mediated destruction of cyclins involves the action of a series of enzymes .  E1 enzyme  ubiquitin-activating enzyme activates the small protein ubiquitinby forming a thioester bond between the C-terminus of ubiquitin and a cysteine on the enzyme..  Activated ubiquitin is then transferred to another thioester bond on an E2 enzyme (ubiquitin- conjugating enzyme).
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  • 105.  E2 may either transfer ubiquitin directly to the ε- amino group of a lysine of a target protein or combine with a third component (an E3 or ubiquitin-protein ligase) to do so.  E3s are particularly important for imparting substrate specificity.  Finally, the same enzymes build a chain of ubiquitins by successive conjugations of the C- terminus of a new ubiquitin to a lysine side chain of the previous ubiquitin
  • 106.  The resulting polyubiquitinated proteins are usually targets for destruction by the cylindrical 26S proteasome.  Tight regulation of ubiquitination pathways ensures that only the appropriate target proteins are recognized, ubiquitinated, and consequently degraded.
  • 107.  The proteasome is a large multienzyme complex that functions like a cytoplasmic garbage disposal, grinding target proteins down to short peptides and spitting out intact ubiquitin monomers for reuse in further rounds of protein degradation.  Its role was originally thought to be the removal of damaged proteins from the cytoplasm; however, it is now recognized as a central factor in cell-cycle control.
  • 108.  The primary responsibility for substrate selectivity lies with the E3 family of enzymes.  The key factor regulating proteolysis of cyclins is a large (20S) complex with E3 activity consisting of 12 to 13 subunits called the anaphase- promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C).  The APC/C is inactive during the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle.
  • 109.  Binding of protein "specificity factors" such as Cdc20 and phosphorylation by Cdk1-cyclin B- Cks1 activate the APC/C in early mitosis.  APC/CCdc20 is responsible for triggering the metaphase-anaphase transition.
  • 110.  Later in mitosis, the APC/C binds a second specificity factor, Cdh1.  Cdk phosphorylation blocks Cdh1 binding to APC/C, so APC/CCdh1 forms only after cyclin levels (and therefore Cdk activity) start to fall late in mitosis.
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  • 112.  Further repression of Cdk activity and destruction of Cdc20 by APC/CCdh1 are critical both for mitotic exit and during G1 phase in preparing chromatin for the initiation of DNA replication
  • 113.  As cells pass from G1 into S phase, a newly synthesized protein, Emi1, binds to APC/CCdh1 and inactivates it.  This allows the accumulation of cyclins during S and G2.  Remarkably, APC/CCdh1 also has a role in nondividing neurons, where it is involved with regulating the activity of synapses.
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