phylum echinodermata phylum annelida phylum porifera phylum mollusca phylum arthropoda phylum platyhelminthes phylum coelenterata phylum protozoa factors mechanism properties digestive system theorems of probability kinds of probability basic concept types of probability calculated different methods difference mean or median merits and demerits of mean merits and demerits of median merits and demerits of mode phylum protozoa diffused & advance primitive phylum coelenterate comparative anatomy & phy. phylum mollusca phylum arthopoda phylum playtyhelminthes comparative anatomy &phy. no c nervous system in echinoderma nervous system in mollusca nervous system in arthropoda nervous system in annelida nervous system in platyhelmint nervous system in coelentreat nervous system in porifera nervous system in protozoa locomotion in echinodermata locomotion in mollusca locomotion in arthropoda locomotion in annelida locomotion in platyhelminths locomotion in coelenterate locomotion in porifera locomotion in protozoa aschelminthis diseases few nemathelminths type nemathelminths diseases nematodes & diseases pathogenic nematodes & disease instincts behaviour types of taxes types of behaviour reflexes action innate behaviour stereotyped behaviour drives reflexes patterns of behaviour taxes & water vascular system of star fish pedicellaria external part of body (oral & ab oral surface) respiratory system of pila digestive system of pila classification of placenta and function placentation in mammal fate map and primitive streak cleavages development of chick embryo- structure of egg invertebrates&vertebrates sp. types of regeneration regeneration controls types of differentiation cell diffrentiation diffrentiation green gland& physiology part of excretory system excretory system of prawn female reproductive part &development reproductive system of prawn-male reproductive par appendages of prawn deference between male and female prawn structure of prawn formula of gills working of mechanism structure of gill plates types of gills prawn respiratory system structure of hastate plate parts of alimentary canal prawn digestive system female reproductive part cocoon formation reproductive system of earthworm-male reproductive structure of septal nephridia three types of nephridia xcretory system of earthworm blood circulatory system of earthworm properties and biological importance structure of protein proteins-classification alimentary parts of earthworm physiology of digestion external features &digestive system of earthworm life cycle of ascaris comparison of ascaris general feature of male & female ascaris peptides-types and biological importance amino acid -classification of amino acid and functions types of cbh carbohydrates-structure of carbohydrates different larva stages fasciola hepatic.- life cycle nervous system flame cell execratory system external structure archenteron formation gastrula stage blastula stage development of frog up to formation of three germ significations of parthenogenesis artificial parthenogenesis natural parthenogenesis parthenogenesis types of cleavage cleavage structure of chick egg structure of frog egg classification of eggs types of egg chemistry of fertilization and signification step of fertilization process types of fertilization fertilization compare spermatogenesis & oogenesis structure of sperm & ovum and regulation types of gametogenesis gametogenesis groups of aquatic mammals general feathers of aquatic mammals aquatic mammals and their adaptation meta &eutheria & affinity to pro features of prototheria to eutheria eutheria &amp mete comparative pro compare archaeopteryx and modern birds archaeopteryx birds are glorified reptiles their cause advantage and disadvantage of birds types of birds bird migration metachronous movement. synchronous recovery stock effective stock paramecium locomotion paramecium structure poisonous & non poisonous structure and function of mitochondria structure and function of golgi body golgi body function of cell types of cell cell theory cytoplasmic organelles cell component plasma membrane heart physiology earthworm blood vascular system earthworms circulatory system alimentary canal feeding method classification annelida earthwarm external feature genetics mutation genetic defects genetic diseases
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