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Speaker Dr.Krishna Sandeep
Moderator Dr.Kalyan ,Asst Professor
 4th week embryologic
 growth, ventral & dorsal
 outpouchings develop at
 the junction of the
 foregut and midgut.
 Ventral bud is divided
 into left and right
 the left ventral portion
 generally atrophies
 8 weeks of gestation:
 Right ventral portion
 rotates dorsally & fuses
 with      the     dorsal
 outpouching to form the
 The dorsal bud develops
 into the pancreatic body,
 tail, and superior portion of
 the pancreatic head

 ventral bud develops into
 the inferior portion of the
 pancreatic    head      and
 uncinate process of the
 7th gestational week, the dorsal and ventral
 pancreatic ducts fuse in the region of the neck.

 Dorsal pancreatic ductal system drains the tail, body,
 and anterior portion of the pancreatic head.

 Ventral component drains the posterior aspect of the
 pancreatic head.
 The portion of the ventral duct between the dorsal-
  ventral fusion point and the major papilla is termed
  the duct of Wirsung.

 The portion of the dorsal duct proximal to the dorsal-
  ventral fusion point is called the main pancreatic duct

 If a segment of the dorsal duct persists distal to the
  dorsal-ventral fusion point, it is termed the duct of
  Santorini, or accessory duct.

 Located in the anterior pararenal space of the
  retroperitoneum except the tail (lies in spleno renal lig)
Relationship to surrounding
Relations - Head
 Dorsally- inferior vena cava (IVC)
 Medially - SMA and SMV
 Anterolaterally - gastroduodenal
   artery (GDA) and
  pancreaticoduodenal arcade
 Epiploic foramen (foramen of
  Winslow) entrance into the lesser
  peritoneal sac located Cephalic to
  the pancreas adjacent to IVC and PV
Relations - Uncinate process
 The uncinate process
  wraps around behind the
  SMA and SMV
 The uncinate process is
  medial and dorsal to the
  SMA and SMV
Relations - Neck
 Part of the pancreatic
 body ventral to the SMA-
 SMV and portosplenic
Relations - Body
 Splenic vein (SV), its
  confluence with the
  superior mesenteric vein
 superior
  mesentericartery (SMA)
Relations - Tail
 Is related to the splenic
  vien at the hilum
Normal size and echo texture
 Head -6 to 28 mm(17.7 +/-      The parenchyma is usually
  4.2 mm)                         isoechoic or hyperechoic
 Body - 4 to 23 mm (10.1 +/-     compared with hepatic
  3.8 mm)                         parenchyma
  Tail - 5 to 28 mm (16.4 +/-    pancreatic echogenicity
  4.2 mm).                        increases with age
 Size dec with age
Ductal anatomy
 The duct of Wirsung unites with the CBD and drains
 into the major papilla.

 The duct of Santorini, or accessory duct, drains the
 anterior and superior portion of the head into the
 minor papilla.

 The distal CBD and duct of Wirsung traverse the
 sphincter of Oddi (which consists of three separate
 smooth muscles) to enter the duodenum.
 In most cases (80%–90%),
  the CBD and duct of
  Wirsung unite within this
  sphincteric segment, with
  the muscular wrap being
  10–15 mm in length.
 This common channel may
  be long (Y-type
  configuration) or short (V
 Sphinter of oddi – three
Anamolies of pancreas and ducts

 Ectopic                   atrophic accessory duct
  Pancreas/accessory         persists as tiny accessory
  nodules                    duct in 60%;
 Annular pancreas          accessory (upper)
 Pancreas divisum           duct atrophies completely
 Agenesis of the dorsal     - no connection with
  pancreatic moiety          duodenum (20%);
                            major and minor ducts
                             open separately and do not
                             communicate (10%);
                            both ducts persist,
                             communicate and open
 Annular pancreas : Baldwin's theory -persistence of
 the left ventral bud,which normally atrophies

 Pancreas divisum :failure of fusion of the dorsal and
 ventral moieties

 Accessory nodules (pancreatic rests) may occur in the
 wall of the stomach, the duodenum, the small
 intestine or within a Meckel's diverticulum.
Blood supply
Arterial supply
  Coeliac vessels                                     Superior mesenteric .a

Hepatic.a Splenic.a

Gastro duodenal.a

Superior pancreatico-duodenal.a                Inferior pancreatico-duodenal.a

  Anterior          Posterior                         Anterior       Posterior

                      Splenic/Coeliac/Superior mesenteric.a

                                Dorsal pancreatic.a

                        Right                         Left (Transverse pancreatic.a)
Venous drainage

 Neck, Body & Tail
                       Lymphatic drainage
  Splenic Vein
       Head           Preaortic coeliac nodes

Superior mesenteric
   Portal veins
 An acute inflammatory process of the pancreas with variable
   involvement of other regional tissues or remote organ systems

 Severity

 Mild acute pancreatitis
    Minimal organ dysfunction
    lacks the features of severe acute pancreatitis.
    Usually normal enhancement of pancreatic parenchyma on CECT
    uneventful recovery

 Severe acute pancreatitis
    local complications such as necrosis, abscess or pseudocyst
    organ failure

(ref: The Atlanta Classification of acute pancreatitis revisited)
   Gallstones 40%
   Alcoholism 40%
   Idiopathic 10%
   Other 10%
            - Congenital:Annular pancreas
                           Pancreas divisium
            - Infections : Viral :Mumps,CMV,Glandular fever
            - Inflamations:SLE,Polyarteritis
            - Traumatic:Injury,Surgery,ERCP
            - Malignancy:Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
            - Metabolic &Endocrine:Hyperlipidemia
                                        Heriditary pancreatitis -AD
            - Drugs:Steriods,azathioprine,Thiazides
Pancreatic Injury: Pathophysiology
                Premature activation of pancreatic enzymes

   Interstitial fat necrosis         necrotizing vasculitis &thrombosis

                    autodigestion &devitalisation
             pancreatic parenchyma & peripancreatic tissues

                           Interleukin (IL)-1
                        Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
                         Plateletactivating factor

                               Organ dysfunction
Clinical features

   Cullens sign     Grey turners sign
Biochemical markers
 Pancreatic enzymes
  amylase(sensitive but not specific),
  lipase(> sensitivity and specificity)
 not useful in assessment of disease severity
 Urinary trypsinogen activated peptide
 Methemalbumin - hemorrhagic pancreatitis
 Pancreatic ribonuclease - necrotic tissue.
 IL-6 and phospholipase A2 Concentrations
Peritoneal lavage
 Severe pancreatitis

          > 10 -20mL
          Dark coloured lavaged fluid
Ranson criteria
                   11 objective signs

                   Five determined initially, six
                    within 48 hours

                   < 3 Positive signs
                                         no mortality

                   6 or>6 Positive signs
                                   50% mortality
Other scores
 Simplified AcutePhysiology    Acute Physiology and Chronic
  score                          Health Evaluation (APACHE II)

                                12 physiologic measurements

                                > 8 score
                                      severe pancreatitis

 Radiograph
 Sonography
 Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT)
 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
 Endoscopic ultrasound
 Ultrasound - First line invstigation
         To detect gallstones and bile duct obstruction
 CECT - Investigation of choice
         To diagnose pancreatic necrosis.
          Best to differentiate fluid from solid lesions

 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
          accurate means of detecting stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts.
 Endoscopic ultrasound
          more sensitive than TAS for the detection of common bile duct stones
Radiographic signs
 Duodenal ileus
 Sentinel loop sign
 Colon cutoff sign
 Abdomenal fat necrosis
 Intra pancreatic gas
Increased gastrocolic
 Gasless abdomen
 Ascites
Radiographic signs
 Elevated diaphragm
 Pleural effusion: left
 Left sided
   parenchymal changes
Barium studies

Spiculation of posterior wall of stomach

Enlargement of duodenal sweep,thickened
irregular mucosal folds

 Poppel’s Papillary Sign
 Frostberg’s Sign
Acute pancreatitis
Scanning techniques
 Compression scanning
 Left lateral decubitus position -Head of the
    pancreas and the distal (ampullary) pancreatic and
    bile ducts
   Right lateral decubitus position -pancreatic tail
    through the spleen and left kidney
   Right anterior oblique position -through the water
    filled stomach for tail
   Scanning during a Valsalva maneuver
   oral water or contrast administration
   Color Doppler sonography for the tail related to
    splenic artery and vein
 Echogenicity
   Typically decreases due to interstitial edema.
   Rarely, echogenicity may increase
             Hemorrhage or fat saponification

 Pseudopancreatitis
 Normal pancreas may appear hypoechoic due to fatty
 infiltration of the liver
Pancreatic heterogeneity
Focal hypoechoic regions
Enlargement of the pancreas
 Universal
 >22 mm (mean plus 3
 standard deviations)
 Pancreatic inflammation is
  typically hypoechoic

 Extrapancreatic inflammation -
  ventral and adjacent to pancreas

     Prepancreatic retroperitoneum
     Rt & lt anterior pararenal spaces
     Perirenal spaces
     Transverse mesocolon

 Diffrentiation from fluid collections
acute fluid collections.
  Non encapsulated homogenous hypo echoic collections
  in the pancreas /retroperitoneum /abdomen
  Develop in 40% of AP half resolve spontaneously

Displaced stomach

                                             Lesser sac fluid
 Diffrentiation from inflamation
  convex margins
  thicker and more localized
  cause a mass effect
  through-transmission of sound
 Well   defined round/oval collections with hypo
 echogenicity with well defined fibrous capsule
 persisting greater than 6 weeks

 Purely cystic or with mural irregularity ,septations
 ,internal echoes - debris from necrosis, hemorrhage or
Simple pseudocyst following trauma

Hemorrhagic pseudocyst

Pseudocyst causing CBD obstruction

Pseudocyst with irregular margins &
 Conservative management

 Indications for drainage of a pseudocyst

 abdominal pain - growth /hemorrhage
 biliary obstruction
 gastrointestinal obstruction (usually duodenal)
 Internal or external fistula formation - pancreatic ascites
 or pleural effusion
 Should be differentiated from cystic neoplasms
 In light of clinical history or imaging evidence of acute
 or chronic pancreatitis.

 Necrosis    cannot   be   definitively   diagnosed   by

  CECT is the modality of choice
 The Atlanta Classification

Two types -

 1.Pancreatic   abscess,    an     infected    fluid
 collection/pseudocyst, which has minimal necrosis.

 2.Infected necrosis with a fluid collection due to
 infection of necrotic pancreatic tissue
Vascular Complications
 Clinically insignificant hemorrhage
                            - related to venous &small vessel
 Potentially fatal hemorrhage
                           - related to major vessels
                              splenic& gastroduodenal arteries.
 Vascular erosion
  sudden pain expansion of the cyst
  gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding-bleeding into the pancreatic
  duct-“Hemosuccus pancreaticus”
Pseudo -aneurysm
     Encapsulations of arterial haemorrhage which are in
       communication with the eroded vessel

pseudoaneurysm of the gastroduodenal .a.
Swirling flow in the center (yin-yang sign)
surrounded by a hypoechoic rim of a
thrombus is clearly shown
venous thrombosis
 Splenic vein thrombosis
 Portal vein thrombosis
Secondary changes due to thrombosis

                  Splenic vein thrombosis
        Left sided (“sinistral”) portal hypertension

 Hepatopetal pathway to bypass
  the splenic vein clot includes

      Short gastric collaterals

       gastric mural varices


   then flow toward the liver
 Isolated gastric varices - GI
Short gastric collaterals   Gastric mural varices
Secondary changes due to thrombosis
                       Portal vein Thrombosis

 Main portal vein is clotted,
  blood flows to the liver
  around the clot.

 Cavernous transformation
  of the portal vein

 Gallbladder wall varices
CT evaluation
CT Evaluation
 Water is the preffered oral contrast media but it
  obscures the small stones at ampullary region
 Iv contrast is used
 Three phases
 arterial phase 20 s delay
 Pancreatic parenchymal phase 40s delay(optimum for
  pancreatic study)
 Portal venous phase 65 s delay
 Normal pancreas enhances uniformly
 Pancreatic duct is seen as linear non enhancing
 Pit fall normal fat plane between the splenic vein and
  the posterior surface of the gland should not be
  mistaken for duct
Mild pancreatitis
 Interstitial / Edematous pancreatitis
 Pathology –interstitial inflamation & edema with
 microscopic necrosis-
          -low attenuation &enlarged pancreatic gland
 intact capillary network with vasodilation
         - uniform enhancement of the pancreatic gland
Mild pancreatitis
Severe pancreatitis
 Necrotising /Suppurative /Hemorrhagic pancreatitis
 Pathology – severe inflamation,acinar necrosis &
  necrosis of vessel wall
 Low attenuation ,Non enhancing areas indicate
  decreased blood flow and relate to pancreatic zones of
  ischemia or necrosis
Severe pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis
 Pancreatic changes- (due to inflamation)
                   diffuse enlargement of gland
                   decrease in density
                   blurring of margins
 Peripancreatic changes –
                   fat stranding (mucky fat)
                   blurring of fatplanes
                   thickening of involved fascia
 Fluid collections
 Pseudocyst
 Necrosis(liquefactive necrosis)
 Abcess
 Phlegmon
 Haemorrhage
 Thrombosis
 Pseudo-aneurysms
 Pancreatic ascites
Diffuse enlargement with decreased attenuation
Fatstranding and thickening of fascia
Fluid collections
 Non encapsulated illdefined homogenous collections
 of fluid attenuation in the pancreas/retroperitoneum/
Fluid collections
Fluid collections
Fluid collections
 Resolve spontaneously /develop into pseudocysts
 Should be differentiated from pseudocyst
 lack capsule
 confined to the anatomical space –lesser sac/ant para
 renal space
 time of appearance
 Well defined round/oval collections with fluid
 attenuation with well defined fibrous capsule
 persisting greater than 6 weeks which shows contrast
 Should be differentiated from
  Fluid collections
  Pseudo aneurysm
  Fluid filled Stomach /duodenum
Necrosis /Necrotising pancreatitis
 Focal /diffuse areas of nonenhancement on CECT

 Considered significant on CECT
     More than 30% of the gland is affected
     An area larger than 3 cm is present

 Appears with in first 24 to 48 hours
   So CT should be performed after 2-3 days
   Initial CT with in 12 hrs only show equivocal findings
Suppurative pancreatitis
 Two types

  1.Pancreatic abcess

  2.Infected necrosis/Emphysematous pancreatitis
Pancreatic abcess
 Infected fluid collection/pseudocyst, which has
 minimal necrosis.

 Focal, low-attenuation collection with thick wall that
 often contains gas bubbles
Infected necrosis
    Emphysematous pancreatitis
 Infected necrosis with a fluid collection, which arises
  from infection of necrotic pancreatic tissue
 Heterogenous low attenuation areas with gas bubbles
How to differentiate ?
               Low-attenuation zone

            Needle aspiration is crucial

     Liquid pus             Liquefied infected tissue

False-positive result
  Contamination by intestinal material when it passes
  through it
Why to differentiate ?
 For intervention

 Abscesses -Percutaneous catheter drainage

 Infected necrosis surgical necrosectomy &
 Leakage from Infected granulation tissue

 Enzymatic digestion of blood vessels
                     Splenic arteries
                     Gastro duodenal arteries
 High-attenuation fluid (blood) within the
                  peritoneal cavity
                  preexisting fluid collection
Treatment of choice
 Emergency angiography & selective embolization.

 Pseudoaneurysm         preceeds

 Encapsulations    of   arterial
 haemorrhage              which
 communication       with    the
 eroded vessel

 Swriling and to and fro pattern
 is seen
 Balthazar A    Balthazar B
 Balthazar C    Balthazar D
Balthazar E
Modified CT severity index

    stronger prognostic correlation
 CT
 overall accuracy of 87%
 sensitivity of 100% for the extended necrotic areas
 sensitivity of 50% for minor necrotic areas
 specificity of 100% -no false-positives
Pit falls in CT
 Enhancement values of the pancreas with a bolus of contrast material
  can be substantially decreasedin Healthy patients with fatty
  infiltrationof the pancreas Patients with interstitial pancreatitis,due
  to parenchymal edema

 Slight variation in the enhancementvalues of the head, body, andtail of
  the pancreas (usually 30 HU) is sometimes seen in healthy individuals.

 Pancreatic necrosis should not be diagnosedin these cases unless a
  localized or diffuse change in the texture of the gland is recognized
 Pancreatic necrosis develops early, within the first 24–48
  hours after the onset of clinical symptoms
 CT performed during the initial 12 hours may show only
  equivocal findings, with a slight heterogeneous decrease in
  attenuation of the pancreas (ischemia) but a normal
  parenchymal texture
 2–3 days after the initial onset pancreatic necrosis develops,
  zones of tissue liquefaction become better defined and
  more easily recognized
 Thus CT scans obtained 3 days after clinical onset yield
  higher accuracy in the depiction of necrotizing pancreatitis
 CT cannot be used to help reliably diagnose
  retroperitoneal fat necrosis.
 In clinical practice all heterogeneous peripancreatic
  collections should be considered areas of fat necrosis
  untilproven otherwise
 Posterior
      SMV
      Splenic vein
      IVC
      Terminal portion of renal vein
      Right crus of diaphragm

 Anterior
    Transverse colon
    Uncinate process passes in
       front of aorta

 Lateral
    Bile duct
 Anterior
    Pylorus
    Omental bursa

 Posterior
    SMV
    Beginning of portal vein
 Anterior
    Stomach separated by
     omental bursa
 Posterior
    Aorta
    SMA
    Left crus of diaphragm
    Left adrenal
    Left kidney
    Left renal vein
    Splenic vein
 Inferior
    Transverse mesocolon
    Duodeno-jejunal junction
    Left colic flexure
 Superior border
    Splenic artery
 The tail of the
  pancreas lies in the
  splenorenal ligament
  and enters the hilum
  of the spleen with
  splenic vessels.
Scanning techniques
   Compression scanning
   left lateral decubitus position view the
    rightmost portion of the pancreas and the
    distal (ampullary) pancreatic and bile
    ductsmay also be useful, especially to see the
    left part of the body and more central tail.
   Position the transducer to the right of the
    midline and angle “down the barrel”
    (longitudinal axis) of the pancreatic body and
   Scanning during a Valsalva maneuver
    oral water or contrast administration
   Right anterior oblique position and scan
    through the waterfilledstomach for tail
   pancreatic tail is coronal imaging through the
    spleen and left kidney, with the patient in a
    right lateral decubitus position
   Color Doppler sonography can reveal the
    splenic artery and vein, facilitating
    identification of the tail
 Vascular landmarks for the
   head are the inferior vena cava
    (IVC) dorsally,
   the SMA and (SMV medially,
    and the gastroduodenal
   artery (GDA) and the
    pancreaticoduodenal arcade
   Cephalic to the pancreas, the
   IVC is adjacent to the portal
    vein; this location is the
   entrance into the lesser
    peritoneal sac, the epiploic
   foramen (foramen of
Diffuse enlargement with decreased attenuation

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Acute pancreatitis radiological approach

  • 1. Speaker Dr.Krishna Sandeep Moderator Dr.Kalyan ,Asst Professor
  • 2. Embryology  4th week embryologic growth, ventral & dorsal outpouchings develop at the junction of the foregut and midgut.  Ventral bud is divided into left and right portions: the left ventral portion generally atrophies
  • 3.  8 weeks of gestation: Right ventral portion rotates dorsally & fuses with the dorsal outpouching to form the pancreas
  • 4.  The dorsal bud develops into the pancreatic body, tail, and superior portion of the pancreatic head  ventral bud develops into the inferior portion of the pancreatic head and uncinate process of the pancreas.
  • 5.  7th gestational week, the dorsal and ventral pancreatic ducts fuse in the region of the neck.  Dorsal pancreatic ductal system drains the tail, body, and anterior portion of the pancreatic head.  Ventral component drains the posterior aspect of the pancreatic head.
  • 6.  The portion of the ventral duct between the dorsal- ventral fusion point and the major papilla is termed the duct of Wirsung.  The portion of the dorsal duct proximal to the dorsal- ventral fusion point is called the main pancreatic duct (MPD).  If a segment of the dorsal duct persists distal to the dorsal-ventral fusion point, it is termed the duct of Santorini, or accessory duct.
  • 7.
  • 8. Anatomy  Located in the anterior pararenal space of the retroperitoneum except the tail (lies in spleno renal lig)
  • 9.
  • 11.
  • 12. Relations - Head  Dorsally- inferior vena cava (IVC)  Medially - SMA and SMV  Anterolaterally - gastroduodenal artery (GDA) and pancreaticoduodenal arcade  Epiploic foramen (foramen of Winslow) entrance into the lesser peritoneal sac located Cephalic to the pancreas adjacent to IVC and PV
  • 13. Relations - Uncinate process  The uncinate process wraps around behind the SMA and SMV  The uncinate process is medial and dorsal to the SMA and SMV
  • 14. Relations - Neck  Part of the pancreatic body ventral to the SMA- SMV and portosplenic confluence
  • 15. Relations - Body  Splenic vein (SV), its confluence with the superior mesenteric vein (SMV)  superior mesentericartery (SMA)
  • 16. Relations - Tail  Is related to the splenic vien at the hilum
  • 17. Normal size and echo texture  Head -6 to 28 mm(17.7 +/-  The parenchyma is usually 4.2 mm) isoechoic or hyperechoic  Body - 4 to 23 mm (10.1 +/- compared with hepatic 3.8 mm) parenchyma Tail - 5 to 28 mm (16.4 +/-  pancreatic echogenicity 4.2 mm). increases with age  Size dec with age
  • 19.  The duct of Wirsung unites with the CBD and drains into the major papilla.  The duct of Santorini, or accessory duct, drains the anterior and superior portion of the head into the minor papilla.  The distal CBD and duct of Wirsung traverse the sphincter of Oddi (which consists of three separate smooth muscles) to enter the duodenum.
  • 20.  In most cases (80%–90%), the CBD and duct of Wirsung unite within this sphincteric segment, with the muscular wrap being 10–15 mm in length.  This common channel may be long (Y-type configuration) or short (V type).  Sphinter of oddi – three sphinters
  • 21. Anamolies of pancreas and ducts  Ectopic  atrophic accessory duct Pancreas/accessory persists as tiny accessory nodules duct in 60%;  Annular pancreas  accessory (upper)  Pancreas divisum duct atrophies completely  Agenesis of the dorsal - no connection with pancreatic moiety duodenum (20%);  major and minor ducts open separately and do not communicate (10%);  both ducts persist, communicate and open separately
  • 22.  Annular pancreas : Baldwin's theory -persistence of the left ventral bud,which normally atrophies  Pancreas divisum :failure of fusion of the dorsal and ventral moieties  Accessory nodules (pancreatic rests) may occur in the wall of the stomach, the duodenum, the small intestine or within a Meckel's diverticulum.
  • 23.
  • 25. Arterial supply Coeliac vessels Superior mesenteric .a Hepatic.a Splenic.a Gastro duodenal.a Superior pancreatico-duodenal.a Inferior pancreatico-duodenal.a Anterior Posterior Anterior Posterior Splenic/Coeliac/Superior mesenteric.a Dorsal pancreatic.a Right Left (Transverse pancreatic.a)
  • 26. Venous drainage Neck, Body & Tail Lymphatic drainage Splenic Vein ---------------- Head Preaortic coeliac nodes Superior mesenteric & Portal veins
  • 27. ACUTE PANCREATITIS  An acute inflammatory process of the pancreas with variable involvement of other regional tissues or remote organ systems  Severity  Mild acute pancreatitis Minimal organ dysfunction lacks the features of severe acute pancreatitis. Usually normal enhancement of pancreatic parenchyma on CECT uneventful recovery  Severe acute pancreatitis local complications such as necrosis, abscess or pseudocyst organ failure Mortality (ref: The Atlanta Classification of acute pancreatitis revisited)
  • 28. Etiology  Gallstones 40%  Alcoholism 40%  Idiopathic 10%  Other 10% - Congenital:Annular pancreas Pancreas divisium - Infections : Viral :Mumps,CMV,Glandular fever Parasitic:ascariasis,clonorchis - Inflamations:SLE,Polyarteritis - Traumatic:Injury,Surgery,ERCP - Malignancy:Pancreatic adenocarcinoma Lymphoma - Metabolic &Endocrine:Hyperlipidemia Hypercalcemia Hyperparathyroidism Heriditary pancreatitis -AD - Drugs:Steriods,azathioprine,Thiazides
  • 29. Pancreatic Injury: Pathophysiology Premature activation of pancreatic enzymes Interstitial fat necrosis necrotizing vasculitis &thrombosis autodigestion &devitalisation pancreatic parenchyma & peripancreatic tissues Cytokines Interleukin (IL)-1 Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) Plateletactivating factor Organ dysfunction
  • 30. Clinical features Cullens sign Grey turners sign
  • 31. Biochemical markers  Pancreatic enzymes amylase(sensitive but not specific), lipase(> sensitivity and specificity) not useful in assessment of disease severity  Urinary trypsinogen activated peptide  Methemalbumin - hemorrhagic pancreatitis  Pancreatic ribonuclease - necrotic tissue.  IL-6 and phospholipase A2 Concentrations
  • 32. Peritoneal lavage  Severe pancreatitis Aspiration > 10 -20mL Dark coloured lavaged fluid
  • 33. Ranson criteria  11 objective signs  Five determined initially, six within 48 hours  < 3 Positive signs no mortality  6 or>6 Positive signs 50% mortality
  • 34. Other scores  Simplified AcutePhysiology  Acute Physiology and Chronic score Health Evaluation (APACHE II)  12 physiologic measurements  > 8 score severe pancreatitis
  • 35. Imaging  Radiograph  Sonography  Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) Others  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  ERCP  MRCP  Endoscopic ultrasound
  • 36.  Ultrasound - First line invstigation To detect gallstones and bile duct obstruction  CECT - Investigation of choice To diagnose pancreatic necrosis.  MRI Best to differentiate fluid from solid lesions  Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography accurate means of detecting stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts.  Endoscopic ultrasound more sensitive than TAS for the detection of common bile duct stones
  • 37. Radiographic signs Abdomen  Duodenal ileus  Sentinel loop sign  Colon cutoff sign  Abdomenal fat necrosis sign  Intra pancreatic gas Increased gastrocolic separation  Gasless abdomen  Ascites
  • 38. Radiographic signs Chest  Elevated diaphragm  Pleural effusion: left sided.  Left sided parenchymal changes
  • 39. Barium studies Spiculation of posterior wall of stomach Enlargement of duodenal sweep,thickened irregular mucosal folds  Poppel’s Papillary Sign  Frostberg’s Sign
  • 40. Acute pancreatitis Sonology
  • 41. Scanning techniques  Compression scanning  Left lateral decubitus position -Head of the pancreas and the distal (ampullary) pancreatic and bile ducts  Right lateral decubitus position -pancreatic tail through the spleen and left kidney  Right anterior oblique position -through the water filled stomach for tail  Scanning during a Valsalva maneuver  oral water or contrast administration  Color Doppler sonography for the tail related to splenic artery and vein
  • 42.
  • 43. Ultrasonogram-features  Echogenicity  Typically decreases due to interstitial edema.  Rarely, echogenicity may increase Hemorrhage or fat saponification  Pseudopancreatitis Normal pancreas may appear hypoechoic due to fatty infiltration of the liver
  • 44.
  • 46. Enlargement of the pancreas  Universal  >22 mm (mean plus 3 standard deviations)
  • 47. Inflamation  Pancreatic inflammation is typically hypoechoic  Extrapancreatic inflammation - ventral and adjacent to pancreas Prepancreatic retroperitoneum Rt & lt anterior pararenal spaces Perirenal spaces Transverse mesocolon  Diffrentiation from fluid collections
  • 48.
  • 49. acute fluid collections.  Non encapsulated homogenous hypo echoic collections in the pancreas /retroperitoneum /abdomen  Develop in 40% of AP half resolve spontaneously Displaced stomach Lesser sac fluid collection
  • 50.  Diffrentiation from inflamation convex margins thicker and more localized cause a mass effect through-transmission of sound
  • 51. Pseudocyst  Well defined round/oval collections with hypo echogenicity with well defined fibrous capsule persisting greater than 6 weeks  Purely cystic or with mural irregularity ,septations ,internal echoes - debris from necrosis, hemorrhage or infection
  • 52. Simple pseudocyst following trauma Hemorrhagic pseudocyst Pseudocyst causing CBD obstruction Pseudocyst with irregular margins & debris
  • 53.  Conservative management  Indications for drainage of a pseudocyst abdominal pain - growth /hemorrhage biliary obstruction gastrointestinal obstruction (usually duodenal) Internal or external fistula formation - pancreatic ascites or pleural effusion
  • 54.  Should be differentiated from cystic neoplasms In light of clinical history or imaging evidence of acute or chronic pancreatitis.
  • 55. Necrosis  Necrosis cannot be definitively diagnosed by ultrasound CECT is the modality of choice
  • 56. Suppuration  The Atlanta Classification Two types -  1.Pancreatic abscess, an infected fluid collection/pseudocyst, which has minimal necrosis.  2.Infected necrosis with a fluid collection due to infection of necrotic pancreatic tissue
  • 57. Vascular Complications Haemorrhage  Clinically insignificant hemorrhage - related to venous &small vessel disease  Potentially fatal hemorrhage - related to major vessels splenic& gastroduodenal arteries.  Vascular erosion sudden pain expansion of the cyst gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding-bleeding into the pancreatic duct-“Hemosuccus pancreaticus”
  • 58.
  • 59. Pseudo -aneurysm  Encapsulations of arterial haemorrhage which are in communication with the eroded vessel pseudoaneurysm of the gastroduodenal .a. Swirling flow in the center (yin-yang sign) surrounded by a hypoechoic rim of a thrombus is clearly shown (arrowhead).
  • 60. venous thrombosis  Splenic vein thrombosis
  • 61.  Portal vein thrombosis
  • 62. Secondary changes due to thrombosis Splenic vein thrombosis Left sided (“sinistral”) portal hypertension  Hepatopetal pathway to bypass the splenic vein clot includes Short gastric collaterals gastric mural varices coronaryVein then flow toward the liver  Isolated gastric varices - GI bleeding
  • 63. Short gastric collaterals Gastric mural varices
  • 64. Secondary changes due to thrombosis Portal vein Thrombosis  Main portal vein is clotted, blood flows to the liver around the clot.  Cavernous transformation of the portal vein  Gallbladder wall varices
  • 66. CT Evaluation  Water is the preffered oral contrast media but it obscures the small stones at ampullary region  Iv contrast is used  Three phases  arterial phase 20 s delay  Pancreatic parenchymal phase 40s delay(optimum for pancreatic study)  Portal venous phase 65 s delay
  • 67.  Normal pancreas enhances uniformly  Pancreatic duct is seen as linear non enhancing structure  Pit fall normal fat plane between the splenic vein and the posterior surface of the gland should not be mistaken for duct
  • 68.
  • 69. Mild pancreatitis  Interstitial / Edematous pancreatitis  Pathology –interstitial inflamation & edema with microscopic necrosis- -low attenuation &enlarged pancreatic gland  intact capillary network with vasodilation - uniform enhancement of the pancreatic gland
  • 71. Severe pancreatitis  Necrotising /Suppurative /Hemorrhagic pancreatitis  Pathology – severe inflamation,acinar necrosis & necrosis of vessel wall  Low attenuation ,Non enhancing areas indicate decreased blood flow and relate to pancreatic zones of ischemia or necrosis
  • 73. Acute pancreatitis  Pancreatic changes- (due to inflamation) diffuse enlargement of gland decrease in density blurring of margins  Peripancreatic changes – fat stranding (mucky fat) blurring of fatplanes thickening of involved fascia
  • 74. Complications  Fluid collections  Pseudocyst  Necrosis(liquefactive necrosis)  Abcess  Phlegmon  Haemorrhage  Thrombosis  Pseudo-aneurysms  Pancreatic ascites
  • 75. Diffuse enlargement with decreased attenuation
  • 77. Fluid collections  Non encapsulated illdefined homogenous collections of fluid attenuation in the pancreas/retroperitoneum/ abdomen
  • 80. Fluid collections  Resolve spontaneously /develop into pseudocysts  Should be differentiated from pseudocyst lack capsule confined to the anatomical space –lesser sac/ant para renal space time of appearance
  • 81. Pseudocysts  Well defined round/oval collections with fluid attenuation with well defined fibrous capsule persisting greater than 6 weeks which shows contrast enhancement
  • 82. Pseudocysts  Should be differentiated from Fluid collections Necrosis Pseudo aneurysm Fluid filled Stomach /duodenum
  • 83.
  • 84. Necrosis /Necrotising pancreatitis  Focal /diffuse areas of nonenhancement on CECT  Considered significant on CECT More than 30% of the gland is affected or An area larger than 3 cm is present  Appears with in first 24 to 48 hours So CT should be performed after 2-3 days Initial CT with in 12 hrs only show equivocal findings
  • 86. Suppurative pancreatitis  Two types 1.Pancreatic abcess 2.Infected necrosis/Emphysematous pancreatitis
  • 87. Pancreatic abcess  Infected fluid collection/pseudocyst, which has minimal necrosis.  Focal, low-attenuation collection with thick wall that often contains gas bubbles
  • 88. Infected necrosis Emphysematous pancreatitis  Infected necrosis with a fluid collection, which arises from infection of necrotic pancreatic tissue  Heterogenous low attenuation areas with gas bubbles
  • 89. How to differentiate ? Low-attenuation zone Needle aspiration is crucial Liquid pus Liquefied infected tissue False-positive result Contamination by intestinal material when it passes through it
  • 90. Why to differentiate ?  For intervention  Abscesses -Percutaneous catheter drainage  Infected necrosis surgical necrosectomy & debridement
  • 91. Hemorrhage  Leakage from Infected granulation tissue  Enzymatic digestion of blood vessels Splenic arteries Gastro duodenal arteries  High-attenuation fluid (blood) within the peritoneal cavity retroperitoneum preexisting fluid collection pseudocyst.
  • 92. Treatment of choice  Emergency angiography & selective embolization.
  • 93. Pseudo-aneurysms  Pseudoaneurysm preceeds hemorrhage  Encapsulations of arterial haemorrhage which communication with the eroded vessel  Swriling and to and fro pattern is seen
  • 94.
  • 95.  Balthazar A  Balthazar B
  • 96.  Balthazar C  Balthazar D
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100. Modified CT severity index stronger prognostic correlation
  • 101.  CT overall accuracy of 87% sensitivity of 100% for the extended necrotic areas sensitivity of 50% for minor necrotic areas specificity of 100% -no false-positives
  • 102. Pit falls in CT  Enhancement values of the pancreas with a bolus of contrast material can be substantially decreasedin Healthy patients with fatty infiltrationof the pancreas Patients with interstitial pancreatitis,due to parenchymal edema  Slight variation in the enhancementvalues of the head, body, andtail of the pancreas (usually 30 HU) is sometimes seen in healthy individuals.  Pancreatic necrosis should not be diagnosedin these cases unless a localized or diffuse change in the texture of the gland is recognized
  • 103.
  • 104.  Pancreatic necrosis develops early, within the first 24–48 hours after the onset of clinical symptoms  CT performed during the initial 12 hours may show only equivocal findings, with a slight heterogeneous decrease in attenuation of the pancreas (ischemia) but a normal parenchymal texture  2–3 days after the initial onset pancreatic necrosis develops, zones of tissue liquefaction become better defined and more easily recognized  Thus CT scans obtained 3 days after clinical onset yield higher accuracy in the depiction of necrotizing pancreatitis
  • 105.
  • 106.  CT cannot be used to help reliably diagnose retroperitoneal fat necrosis.  In clinical practice all heterogeneous peripancreatic collections should be considered areas of fat necrosis untilproven otherwise
  • 107.
  • 108. HEAD  Posterior  SMV  Splenic vein  IVC  Terminal portion of renal vein  Right crus of diaphragm  Anterior  Transverse colon  Uncinate process passes in front of aorta  Lateral  Bile duct
  • 109. Neck  Anterior  Pylorus  Omental bursa  Posterior  SMV  Beginning of portal vein
  • 110. Body  Anterior  Stomach separated by omental bursa  Posterior  Aorta  SMA  Left crus of diaphragm  Left adrenal  Left kidney  Left renal vein  Splenic vein  Inferior  Transverse mesocolon  Duodeno-jejunal junction  Left colic flexure  Superior border  Splenic artery
  • 111. Tail  The tail of the pancreas lies in the splenorenal ligament and enters the hilum of the spleen with splenic vessels.
  • 112. Scanning techniques  Compression scanning  left lateral decubitus position view the rightmost portion of the pancreas and the distal (ampullary) pancreatic and bile ductsmay also be useful, especially to see the left part of the body and more central tail.  Position the transducer to the right of the midline and angle “down the barrel” (longitudinal axis) of the pancreatic body and tail  Scanning during a Valsalva maneuver  oral water or contrast administration  Right anterior oblique position and scan through the waterfilledstomach for tail  pancreatic tail is coronal imaging through the spleen and left kidney, with the patient in a right lateral decubitus position  Color Doppler sonography can reveal the splenic artery and vein, facilitating identification of the tail
  • 113. Relations  Vascular landmarks for the pancreatic  head are the inferior vena cava (IVC) dorsally,  the SMA and (SMV medially, and the gastroduodenal  artery (GDA) and the pancreaticoduodenal arcade anterolaterally  Cephalic to the pancreas, the  IVC is adjacent to the portal vein; this location is the  entrance into the lesser peritoneal sac, the epiploic  foramen (foramen of Winslow).
  • 114. Diffuse enlargement with decreased attenuation

Editor's Notes

  1. Mild includes –edematous and interstitial pancreatitisSevere includes-necrotising,haemorrhagic,suppurative pancreatitis
  2. premature activation of pancreatic enzymes leading to autodigestion of the pancreatic parenchyma and peripancreatic tissuesextensive interstitial fat necrosis, necrotizing vasculitis with occlusions and thrombosis of small feeding arteries and draining veins, areas of hemorrhage, and devitalized pancreatic parenchymaCytokines interleukin (IL)-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and plateletactivating factor organ dysfunction
  3. increased amylase: sensitive but not specificincreased lipase: &gt; sensitivity and specificity – and stays elevated longer
  4. pancreatic enzymes amylase and lipase, while useful diagnostic indicators, have no role in the assessment of disease severityurinary trypsinogen activated peptide levels has recently been shown to be promising in identifying patients with severe pancreatitiscorrelates directly with premature activation of trypsinogenmethemalbumin hemorrhagic pancreatitis pancreatic ribonuclease necrotic tissue.IL-6 and phospholipase A2 Concentrations and the clinical severity of pancreatitis
  5. The presence, volume, and color of aspirated intraperitoneal fluid has beenused as an indicator of the severity of anattack of acute pancreatitis
  6. Glasgow original or modified system
  7. Necrosis appears as nonenhancement of the pancreas considered significant,when more than 30% of the gland is affected,on CECT or an area larger than 3 cm is present 
  8. increased gastrocolic separation in the left upper quadrant (region marked by stars). This separation between the stomach and the transverse colon is consistent with a fluid collection in the lesser sacCOLON CUT OFF SIGN: is paucity of gas distal to the splenic flexure caused by functional colonic spasm secondary to spread of the pancreatic inflammation into the phrenocolic ligament.SENTINAL LOOP: A mildly dilated ,gas-filled segment of small bowel with or with out air fluid levels is seen.ABDOMINAL FAT NECROSIS SIGN: presence of innumerable mottled radiolucencies and ill defined densities scattered over large areas of upper abdomenGas-less abdomen: multiple loops of fluid-filled bowel
  9. Spiculated appearance of posterior wall of stomachEnlargement of duodenal sweep, atony, thickened irregular spiculated mucosal folds.Poppel’s Papillary Sign-enlargement of papilla of vaterFrostberg’s Sign- Inverted configuration of duodenal loopInduration of root of mesentery may compress 3rd duodenal segment leading onto proximal dilatation.
  10. Compression scanningLeft lateral decubitus position view the rightmost portion of the pancreas and the distal (ampullary) pancreatic and bile ducts may also be useful, especially to see the left part of the body and more central tail.Right anterior oblique position and scan through the waterfilledstomach for tail Right lateral decubitus position coronal imaging of pancreatic tail through the spleen and left kidneyScanning during a Valsalva maneuveroral water or contrast administrationColor Doppler sonographycan reveal the splenic artery and vein, facilitating identification of the tailPosition the transducer to the right of the midline and angle “down the barrel” (longitudinal axis) of the pancreatic body and tail
  11. Extrapancreatic inflammatory changes most often seen ventral and adjacent to the pancreas in the prepancreaticretroperitoneum, right and left anterior pararenal spaces, the perirenal spaces, and the transverse mesocolon
  12. Pancreatic abscess” is reserved for infected fluid collections, essentially pseudocysts that become infected.
  13. Splenic vein thrombosis is most common than portal vein thrombosis,Clot at the splenicvien not extending to the confluence
  14. Diagnosis of splenic vein clot may depend on detection of collaterals, such as short gastric varices or an enlarged coronary vein
  15. Cavernous transformation of the portal vein -If the portal veinclot persists, these hepatopetal collaterals may enlargeGallbladder wall varices were present in 30% of patients with portal vein thrombosis
  16. Fluid collections –non encapsulated homogenous collections of fluid attenuation in the pancreas/retroperitoneum/abdomenPseudocyst-well defined round/oval collections with fluid attenuation with well defined fibrous capsule persisting greater than 6 weeksNecrosis- (liquefactive necrosis) areas with lack of contrast enhancement on bolus contrast Necrosis appears as nonenhancement of the pancreas considered significant,when more than 30% of the gland is affected,on CECT or an area larger than 3 cm is presentAbcess- loculated fluid collections may contain gasPhlegmon –mass of edema&amp;inflamation –illdefinedheterogenous soft tissue and fluid densitiesHaemorrhage – high attenuation in retroperitoneum /peritoneumThrombosis –the vessels are distended &amp;fail to enhance on venous phase scansPseudo-aneurysms-encapsulations of arterial haemorrhage which are in communication with the eroded vessel-swriling and to and fro pattern is seenPancreatic ascites-due to leakage
  17. Necrosis by low attenuation with out surrounding enhancing capsule and acute condition
  18. initial