SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Production Reflection
James cooper-abel
• I began my project by working on the logo first as to begin
with I gather some image from google and compiled them
together to create the image down below.
• Next I hid the other images except the helmet so I knew what
to draw around first and making it easier to draw around and
making it easier and quicker to make my logo.
• When I had only the helmet I started to draw through the use of the pencil
tool which made it easier to be more precise with the tracing and drawing
some lines around the image at certain points, and used bright blue as it
was easier to see through all the black on the image until I had a full line
drawn helmet in which after I filled in the gaps with the pain bucket tool
which made filling in the empty spaces in the image quicker and easy, and
filling the gaps red as my avatar in the video is in red armour with greys and
black to help define the image and I painted the blue lines black with the
paint bucket tool.
• After finishing the helmet I began work on the key blade I have which I
called the kingdom key from kingdom hearts in which I followed the same
process as I did for the helmet as I drew some trace lines using the pencil
tool again because it made for more précises tracing easier, in blue fill in
the gaps with the paint bucket tool because it made filling in the gaps
quicker and easy, then paint bucket tooled the blue lines black then merged
the helmet with the blade. So far I feel quite pleased with how the logo is
turning out so far.
• After finishing the first key blade I began work on the second key
blade which is the know as the Halloween town key blade from
again kingdom hearts which my mum has and as a thank you to
her helping me throughout the years I decided to include her key
blade in my logo in which I drew some trace line with the pencil
tool for precise tracing of the reference image, in blue around the
blade and fill in the gaps with the paint bucket tool for quicker and
easier filling in of the gaps, with grey instead of black as the blade
would look of as it would look like a shadow behind the blade
rather than the blade itself.
• After finishing both blades off I began work on the small autism symbol on
the helmet which is the symbol for Asperger syndrome in which this time I
found an image of a puzzle piece copied it a few times then used the warp
tool to bend the puzzle pieces into the shape of the reference image I did
this because it was quicker and easier than having to trace around the
image like before, then used the paint bucket tool to paint them black and
grey for the moment the reason for my doing this is because I would know
which half was the bottom layer and which was the top layer as the grey
was the top and the black was the bottom layer.
After bending the puzzle pieces into the shape I needed I colored in the
black and grey pieces red blue yellow and green with the paint bucket
tool as it made the process of coloring the shape quicker meaning I
saved time that could be dedicated to another piece of work later, after
finishing coloring the symbol I moved onto the controllers on the logo in
which I hid what I had drawn so far so it would be easier to keep track of
what needed tracing.
After hiding what I had done so far I began drawing tracing line with the
pencil tool to make tracing the outline more easier and detailed for both
controllers, and after finishing I painted the xbox controller mainly white
and the ps4 controller grey with the paint bucket tool for a quick fill in of
the gaps ,and after finishing merged all the images making the hiding
process quicker as I would only have to hide one layer instead of
multiple ones, and so far together and so far I'm still happy with how
the logo is looking.
With the main part of the logo finished I began work on the
banner part of the logo however for this I used the magic
wand tool because allows for a quick selection of a specific
color, and selected the black out line then filled in the empty
selected layer with the pint bucket tool because it allows for
a quick fill in of the empty spaces, black and left the gaps
empty until I can decide on what color to have the banner
After a bit of thinking I decided to use the paint bucket tool because it allows for a
quick fill of empty spaces meaning more time can be dedicated to other products, to
paint the banner green however it didn’t feel right and didn’t fit with the logo so I
went back and painted the banner white again with the paint bucket tool then used
the text tool because then I would have a good example of how the name would be set
out to write the name of my channel and changed the font to skirmisher and painted
the letters with the help of the paint bucket tool because it saves time and allows for
quick and easier recoloring of the letters and the magic wand tool to select the letters
so the paint bucket tool wouldn't paint the wrong letter the wrong color, and painted
them the same color as the autism symbol red, blue, yellow and green.
After finishing off the banner I decided to uses the paint bucket tool to paint the
background a dark green which I think really helps the logo stand out allowing the
design to feel unique and interesting among other logos with the logo finished off I'm
proud to say I am quite happy with how the logo turned out and the reason for the
colors and design I chose to do for my logo was because of my research as 80% of
people said that a logo stands out more when using bright colors and 70% of people
said that a simple design also makes a logo stand out more.
With the logo finished I moved onto producing my shirt design which began with me
pulling up the plan I had done earlier and exporting it from a previous Photoshop.
To begin I hid the unnecessary parts of the plan and then drew up the basic trace lines
in blue with the pencil tool because it allowed me to be more detailed with my trace
of the outlines, then after wards filled in the empty gaps with the paint bucket tool
because it allowed for quick fill in of empty gaps in images, in the colors of the
character you see in the review series and after filling in the gaps with color I drew a
halo in the gap of one of the fingers and added movement lines to imply movement
with the pixel pen tool because it made drawing easer for me but also turned down
the opacity of the paint brush tool because then I could paint around the halo to give it
a glowing effect.
After finishing the body I moved onto doing the table my character from the t-shirt design
would lean on in which I hid the body I had done then pulled up the reference image and began
drawing the tracing line with the pencil tool for accurate trace lines, in which after wards I filled
in the gaps brown with the paint bucket tool because it allows for quick colouring in of the
empty gaps in the image, instead of grey as I wanted the table to be wood instead of metal and
after which I brought back to body design I had done and used the select tool and the reason for
this a it easier to use a select area of the image and then use to help delete unneeded space on
the image mean less time is used up getting rid of unneeded space with the eraser tool, then
selected the left and right arm then drag the selected area over too the table design and then
deleted a space on the table so I would know where my character had to go on the table later.
Next I drew a beer bottle in the left hand with the pencil tool because it allows for
detail trace of the reference image and turned down the opacity of the paint bucket
tool because then I could filled in the bottle brown but making it have the illusion of it
being translucent, and also drew the poll the table would stand on with the shape tool
and the reason I used it is because it was quick and easy to do as the poll doesn’t
require much attention so it more simpler just to draw in a rectangle and move on,
and then i brought down the body down on the table, next I began my work on the
helmet by doing the trace line with the pencil too because it allows for a detail trace of
the reference images out lines in black this time as the colour of the reference image
was mainly blue and white meaning it would be hard to keep track of were each trace
line was, I also did some earlier painting on the helmet for certain parts.
After finishing up with the trace line I started to colour in the helmet the same colour as the
characters armour through the use of the paint bucket tool after because it made colouring in
the gaps quick and easy meaning more time could be dedicated to other things in the project
and turning the opacity back up. After finishing up the helmet I began work on the wings in
which a drew the trace lines with the pencil tool because it allow the trace to be more detailed
on one of the wings then selected the tracing lines then used the paint bucket tool because it
makes colouring in the empty space faster and easier, and recolour them black and I then used
the copy and past command to make a copy wing and flipped the copied wing horizontally, I did
this because it streamlines the process as it much more simpler to copy one finished wing and
then paste it and flip it since both wing will be in the same position as the other.
After finishing the trace lines for the wing i went on to fill in the empty spaces white
with the paint bucket tool because it make colouring in the empty gaps faster and
easier. Once the wings had been finished I decide to take a break from doing the shirt
design and decide to do an animation that will appear in the video review I am making
which I stated by importing a picture of some plains and then imported another t-shirt
design I did in my spare time and added a motion tween to it then I selected certain
frame and moved the image to that positions in the frame in which I ended up with a
hopping motion, the reason I did this is because it would be boring watching just one
shirt in some plain doing nothing and your audience may get bored and watch
something else.
After creating the motion tween I went back over to photoshop and created a new file in which I
took my logo design and put it on a shirt which is a thing youtubers do when selling their merch
is that have there logos on things like mugs badges and of course shirts which is why I also used
the paint bucket tool to turn one of the shirt grey and the reason for this is because it make the
colouring in process quick and easy, however I also intend on using these in the animation. After
doing that I went pack to my shirt design and finally drew using the pencil tool because it makes
drawing easier for me, a head for my character on the shirt and then used the paint bucket tool
to fill in the gaps because it made colouring in the gaps quick and easy thou I'm not really happy
with how that turned out.
After finishing the head I moved onto the phrase that would be on the
shirt as phrase I wrote was not every angle is perfect and changed the
font to comic tragedy and then after painted the letters using the paint
bucket tool because it made colouring in the letters easier red and
yellow to represent the words being on fire’ next I moved onto merging
all the images I had done for the shirt design and merged them all
together into one and the results I'm not happy with as feel the design is
to messy and doesn’t fit with what I'm looking for so I may have to ask
or commission someone to do the drawing instead and colour it in
After finishing the shirt design I decided to go back and redid the autism symbol on the
helmet in which I took a picture of the tattoo on my mums arm and recreated it on
adobe illustrate using the pencil tool because it made drawing the symbol more easier
and quick for me on that program to draw the symbol then went back to photoshop
and deleted the first symbol with the new one colored in the gaps with the use of the
paint bucket tool because it made coloring in the symbol faster and easier. After
editing the logo I went back to my animation and added more 4 more images of two
more t-shirt designs and one being a youtube page and motion tweened the shirt
designs like I did with the previous design because the reason why I used that
command as it would be boring seeing a bunch of image just there doing nothing, and
I was able to create a animation I was quite happy with to put in my review.
After finishing off on the animation I began work on my video review by importing the
thumbnail I had done months ago into premier and also a download of the main
theme for spyro the reignited trilogy, after that I went onto export in footage of the
beginning of the game the boss fight in it and the two ending of the game then I went
on to cut the video using the razor tool because it makes going through footage and
cutting out the bits you don’t need easier and quicker allowing me to stay on time with
my project, and cutting the footage into pieces and delete out unneeded footage from
the footage I had gathered until I had some footage of the opening cutscene, the
bosses for each world being defeated and the two endings for the game.
However after a bit of thinking I decided after importing some recorded line I had done that I would cut up the audio using
the razor tool because it also make cutting up audio and isolating unneeded audio quick and easy, then use the lines being
said as a base of what clips need to be used where and when. Before I began full work on the video review I began finishing
the t-shirt re-design of the shirt design as first I scanned in the drawing my mum had done then exporting the image over to
adobe illustrate and used the paint brush tool because it made drawing trace line quick easy for me as it would neat up any
small mistake and smooth them out to draw the outline in the reference image and used used the live paint command to
allow the use of the paint bucket tool which I would use as it made colouring in the gaps quick and easy to fill in the empty
spaces with the colours for the character and finally I finished of the design by adding the phrase not every angle is perfect
in a new different font from what I had planed and coloured it purple and the reason for this choice is that the font I had
planned didn’t fit well with the image and when I looked at this font I felt it fitted the image better also drew some random
objects with the pencil tool and live paint command to fill in the spaces to cover up the feet of the character on the design
that couldn’t be drawn that being said I am quite happy with how the design came out and is a vast improvement from the
first one that I had done as I feel it fitted with what I wanted and what the people from my research wanted as 50% wanted
a cartoony style to the shirt design and the other 50% wanted a realistic design to the shirt design so I asked mum to do a
style that mixes both which was a anime like style as the drawing has the simple ness of a cartoon but the details of a
realistic design so it appeal to both side of that research but also I did a shirt design as 60% of people said that a shirt made
a better piece of merchandise so I with what most people wanted and did a shirt design.
Whilst finishing of the shirt design I came up with an idea for the avert for my merch as at some point the
video was suppose to cut to a clip of someone wearing one of the shirt and getting tea bagged by a lot of
other players to emphasise them doing it but that would be difficult as dead body in the halo 5 engine
disappear at certain points making recording a bit of a pain and trying to find other people to be the body
actors is difficult which is why I decided that instead I would do a simple animation of it with stick figure and
make a joke about it with an editors note in at the bottom saying due to the budget running out they made a
simple animation in 5 minutes. To begin with I went over to adobe illustrate and used the shape and line
tools to draw some stick men because the stick men aren't meant to be detailed they’re meant to look
quickly cobbled together which is why a used those to simple tools as I could quickly draw a simple stick
man then copied over my old shirt design and put it on one of the stick men and drew some more line on
another to emphasise that that one was a women I then exported three of the stick men images over the
adobe animate and them motion tweened all three to create because it allows me to create a simple
animation quickly seen in the video review by moving the images to certain point in certain frames with the
system creating the in between movements.
After finishing the animation I began work on the video review and tackling the advert part of the review
first in which I imported some video footage I had recorded from halo 5 and also some voice recordings
which include some music as well in which I began by importing the voice recordings used in the advert to
adobe premiere and started looking through the footage from halo 5 and razor tooled the footage I needed
and deleted the accesses footage I didn’t need, during this time and the reason I used this tool was because
it made editing footage easier and I could go to a certain point of footage and cut both side of the unneeded
footage and delete them, I was also trying to find a song I could use in my advert and after a while I found a
song huey Lewis's power of love which came out in 1985 as it give the advert this positive and energetic feel
to it which I had to turn down a bit so the viewer can still hear the character within the review Is what I
wanted however there were still some footage and sound effects I need for the advert so I will have to come
back to it later. I began the review section by I once again importing audio and sound effects and game
footage this time from spyro and halo 5 into premiere and began using the audio as a bases for which clips I
needed from the footage and where to place them by using the razor tool to cut up the footage and then
select the splited footage needed and delete the unneeded footage.
After editing audio and cutting up footage with the razor tool because it allowed for more precise editing of
footage and audio and placing them where they needed to be I then went back to the beginning and added
in the video thumbnail and theme song of the game that was being reviewed I also imported in some images
I need for when I go on a rant in the video with this is mind I am quite happy with how the video is coming
out so far. Next I went back to the advert section and added the footage of some characters I will have in the
advert to the video which involved cutting out paused section in the footage with the razor tool because it
allowed me to go to those point and isolate them and delete them without deleting the useful and needed
footage to make the line and the footage fit together better but also I made info boxes for each character in
photoshop and then sequenced them to appear after each other when the video moved onto the next
character and the reason for the sequencing is because it make it easier for the viewer to get a clear
understand of each character as they can start reading the text boxes as each starts to appear then once
there done reading the card they can turn their attention back to the character and then repeat the process
for the next character.
After finishing cutting up the footage in the advert I
went back to the review section and added in every
image that would be in the video and also sound
effect for weapons in the advert and review sections
and using the razor tool because it allows for more
precise editing of audio to cut out the pause section
in the sound effects so it doesn't become awkward for
the viewer.
For the video review I went to the video review section and edited the
footage clips from the footage I recorded from spyro and took specific
clips I would need to use as examples for the video review such as
examples of the game teaching player how to play the game and certain
gripes I had within the game and used the razor tool because it allowse
me to do very precise editing of footage to split the footage up and then
delete the unneeded footage. After that I went and exported footage
form halo 5 again and edited them with the use of the razor tool
because I could do more precise editing of footage to cut out pauses
making the host parts run more smoothly in-between each section in
the video.
Next I began adding background footage from the game and shrinked it down to fit In
the small screen in the main footage through the use of the selection tool and resize
tool because they allowed me to select a specific object and then shrink its size down
quick and easy with no fuss and to finish off the video I went over to adobe animate
and did a end credits in which I had taken an image I had done in my spare time and
used it as the background and then used the text tool to write down who edited the
video who did the voices for who what songs were used footage borrowed from other
people who did what design and finally the outro music and then motion tweened and
the reason I used this is because it allowed me to make a simple and quick animation
of the text moving upwards like you see in most end credits in movies shows or
YouTube videos allowing me to save time and use that time for something else.
With the animated end credits finished I then exported it over to premier and added it to the end of the
video over the end song. Finally to finish my video product off I copied over the finished advert I had done
over to my review section and then added it to the review section finishing my video review and finally
exporting it over to my hard drive the reason for this is that copying and pasting the work done in one file is
quick and easy to do than having to convert that video and then exporting it over to the other one than just
copying the work done there and moving it over to other one meaning only one file will have to be
converted than two saving time, with that said I am very happy with how the video turned out and it should
appeal to those in my research as 60% of people I asked said they liked review to have fact and opinions but
also have comedic bit in them to make the video more interesting to watch which I have as my review has
both fact and options about the game but also had comedic bit put in to keep the video interesting but also
90% prefer that a review also have images and footage to do with the game so the viewer can make their
own decision on weather the product being reviewed is worth buying or not which I have done as well as I
have include image and footage from the game being reviewed and finally 100% thought that a game review
should tell the audience about bits of the story so the viewer isn’t going in fully blind about what to expect if
they buy that product and if the story itself is good as well which my review includes.

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6. fmp production reflection

  • 2. Process • I began my project by working on the logo first as to begin with I gather some image from google and compiled them together to create the image down below. • Next I hid the other images except the helmet so I knew what to draw around first and making it easier to draw around and making it easier and quicker to make my logo.
  • 3. Process • When I had only the helmet I started to draw through the use of the pencil tool which made it easier to be more precise with the tracing and drawing some lines around the image at certain points, and used bright blue as it was easier to see through all the black on the image until I had a full line drawn helmet in which after I filled in the gaps with the pain bucket tool which made filling in the empty spaces in the image quicker and easy, and filling the gaps red as my avatar in the video is in red armour with greys and black to help define the image and I painted the blue lines black with the paint bucket tool.
  • 4. Process • After finishing the helmet I began work on the key blade I have which I called the kingdom key from kingdom hearts in which I followed the same process as I did for the helmet as I drew some trace lines using the pencil tool again because it made for more précises tracing easier, in blue fill in the gaps with the paint bucket tool because it made filling in the gaps quicker and easy, then paint bucket tooled the blue lines black then merged the helmet with the blade. So far I feel quite pleased with how the logo is turning out so far.
  • 5. Process • After finishing the first key blade I began work on the second key blade which is the know as the Halloween town key blade from again kingdom hearts which my mum has and as a thank you to her helping me throughout the years I decided to include her key blade in my logo in which I drew some trace line with the pencil tool for precise tracing of the reference image, in blue around the blade and fill in the gaps with the paint bucket tool for quicker and easier filling in of the gaps, with grey instead of black as the blade would look of as it would look like a shadow behind the blade rather than the blade itself.
  • 6. Process • After finishing both blades off I began work on the small autism symbol on the helmet which is the symbol for Asperger syndrome in which this time I found an image of a puzzle piece copied it a few times then used the warp tool to bend the puzzle pieces into the shape of the reference image I did this because it was quicker and easier than having to trace around the image like before, then used the paint bucket tool to paint them black and grey for the moment the reason for my doing this is because I would know which half was the bottom layer and which was the top layer as the grey was the top and the black was the bottom layer.
  • 7. Process After bending the puzzle pieces into the shape I needed I colored in the black and grey pieces red blue yellow and green with the paint bucket tool as it made the process of coloring the shape quicker meaning I saved time that could be dedicated to another piece of work later, after finishing coloring the symbol I moved onto the controllers on the logo in which I hid what I had drawn so far so it would be easier to keep track of what needed tracing.
  • 8. Process After hiding what I had done so far I began drawing tracing line with the pencil tool to make tracing the outline more easier and detailed for both controllers, and after finishing I painted the xbox controller mainly white and the ps4 controller grey with the paint bucket tool for a quick fill in of the gaps ,and after finishing merged all the images making the hiding process quicker as I would only have to hide one layer instead of multiple ones, and so far together and so far I'm still happy with how the logo is looking.
  • 9. Process With the main part of the logo finished I began work on the banner part of the logo however for this I used the magic wand tool because allows for a quick selection of a specific color, and selected the black out line then filled in the empty selected layer with the pint bucket tool because it allows for a quick fill in of the empty spaces, black and left the gaps empty until I can decide on what color to have the banner be.
  • 10. Process After a bit of thinking I decided to use the paint bucket tool because it allows for a quick fill of empty spaces meaning more time can be dedicated to other products, to paint the banner green however it didn’t feel right and didn’t fit with the logo so I went back and painted the banner white again with the paint bucket tool then used the text tool because then I would have a good example of how the name would be set out to write the name of my channel and changed the font to skirmisher and painted the letters with the help of the paint bucket tool because it saves time and allows for quick and easier recoloring of the letters and the magic wand tool to select the letters so the paint bucket tool wouldn't paint the wrong letter the wrong color, and painted them the same color as the autism symbol red, blue, yellow and green.
  • 11. After finishing off the banner I decided to uses the paint bucket tool to paint the background a dark green which I think really helps the logo stand out allowing the design to feel unique and interesting among other logos with the logo finished off I'm proud to say I am quite happy with how the logo turned out and the reason for the colors and design I chose to do for my logo was because of my research as 80% of people said that a logo stands out more when using bright colors and 70% of people said that a simple design also makes a logo stand out more. With the logo finished I moved onto producing my shirt design which began with me pulling up the plan I had done earlier and exporting it from a previous Photoshop.
  • 12. To begin I hid the unnecessary parts of the plan and then drew up the basic trace lines in blue with the pencil tool because it allowed me to be more detailed with my trace of the outlines, then after wards filled in the empty gaps with the paint bucket tool because it allowed for quick fill in of empty gaps in images, in the colors of the character you see in the review series and after filling in the gaps with color I drew a halo in the gap of one of the fingers and added movement lines to imply movement with the pixel pen tool because it made drawing easer for me but also turned down the opacity of the paint brush tool because then I could paint around the halo to give it a glowing effect.
  • 13. After finishing the body I moved onto doing the table my character from the t-shirt design would lean on in which I hid the body I had done then pulled up the reference image and began drawing the tracing line with the pencil tool for accurate trace lines, in which after wards I filled in the gaps brown with the paint bucket tool because it allows for quick colouring in of the empty gaps in the image, instead of grey as I wanted the table to be wood instead of metal and after which I brought back to body design I had done and used the select tool and the reason for this a it easier to use a select area of the image and then use to help delete unneeded space on the image mean less time is used up getting rid of unneeded space with the eraser tool, then selected the left and right arm then drag the selected area over too the table design and then deleted a space on the table so I would know where my character had to go on the table later.
  • 14. Next I drew a beer bottle in the left hand with the pencil tool because it allows for detail trace of the reference image and turned down the opacity of the paint bucket tool because then I could filled in the bottle brown but making it have the illusion of it being translucent, and also drew the poll the table would stand on with the shape tool and the reason I used it is because it was quick and easy to do as the poll doesn’t require much attention so it more simpler just to draw in a rectangle and move on, and then i brought down the body down on the table, next I began my work on the helmet by doing the trace line with the pencil too because it allows for a detail trace of the reference images out lines in black this time as the colour of the reference image was mainly blue and white meaning it would be hard to keep track of were each trace line was, I also did some earlier painting on the helmet for certain parts.
  • 15. After finishing up with the trace line I started to colour in the helmet the same colour as the characters armour through the use of the paint bucket tool after because it made colouring in the gaps quick and easy meaning more time could be dedicated to other things in the project and turning the opacity back up. After finishing up the helmet I began work on the wings in which a drew the trace lines with the pencil tool because it allow the trace to be more detailed on one of the wings then selected the tracing lines then used the paint bucket tool because it makes colouring in the empty space faster and easier, and recolour them black and I then used the copy and past command to make a copy wing and flipped the copied wing horizontally, I did this because it streamlines the process as it much more simpler to copy one finished wing and then paste it and flip it since both wing will be in the same position as the other.
  • 16. After finishing the trace lines for the wing i went on to fill in the empty spaces white with the paint bucket tool because it make colouring in the empty gaps faster and easier. Once the wings had been finished I decide to take a break from doing the shirt design and decide to do an animation that will appear in the video review I am making which I stated by importing a picture of some plains and then imported another t-shirt design I did in my spare time and added a motion tween to it then I selected certain frame and moved the image to that positions in the frame in which I ended up with a hopping motion, the reason I did this is because it would be boring watching just one shirt in some plain doing nothing and your audience may get bored and watch something else.
  • 17. After creating the motion tween I went back over to photoshop and created a new file in which I took my logo design and put it on a shirt which is a thing youtubers do when selling their merch is that have there logos on things like mugs badges and of course shirts which is why I also used the paint bucket tool to turn one of the shirt grey and the reason for this is because it make the colouring in process quick and easy, however I also intend on using these in the animation. After doing that I went pack to my shirt design and finally drew using the pencil tool because it makes drawing easier for me, a head for my character on the shirt and then used the paint bucket tool to fill in the gaps because it made colouring in the gaps quick and easy thou I'm not really happy with how that turned out.
  • 18. After finishing the head I moved onto the phrase that would be on the shirt as phrase I wrote was not every angle is perfect and changed the font to comic tragedy and then after painted the letters using the paint bucket tool because it made colouring in the letters easier red and yellow to represent the words being on fire’ next I moved onto merging all the images I had done for the shirt design and merged them all together into one and the results I'm not happy with as feel the design is to messy and doesn’t fit with what I'm looking for so I may have to ask or commission someone to do the drawing instead and colour it in afterwards.
  • 19. process After finishing the shirt design I decided to go back and redid the autism symbol on the helmet in which I took a picture of the tattoo on my mums arm and recreated it on adobe illustrate using the pencil tool because it made drawing the symbol more easier and quick for me on that program to draw the symbol then went back to photoshop and deleted the first symbol with the new one colored in the gaps with the use of the paint bucket tool because it made coloring in the symbol faster and easier. After editing the logo I went back to my animation and added more 4 more images of two more t-shirt designs and one being a youtube page and motion tweened the shirt designs like I did with the previous design because the reason why I used that command as it would be boring seeing a bunch of image just there doing nothing, and I was able to create a animation I was quite happy with to put in my review.
  • 20. process After finishing off on the animation I began work on my video review by importing the thumbnail I had done months ago into premier and also a download of the main theme for spyro the reignited trilogy, after that I went onto export in footage of the beginning of the game the boss fight in it and the two ending of the game then I went on to cut the video using the razor tool because it makes going through footage and cutting out the bits you don’t need easier and quicker allowing me to stay on time with my project, and cutting the footage into pieces and delete out unneeded footage from the footage I had gathered until I had some footage of the opening cutscene, the bosses for each world being defeated and the two endings for the game.
  • 21. process However after a bit of thinking I decided after importing some recorded line I had done that I would cut up the audio using the razor tool because it also make cutting up audio and isolating unneeded audio quick and easy, then use the lines being said as a base of what clips need to be used where and when. Before I began full work on the video review I began finishing the t-shirt re-design of the shirt design as first I scanned in the drawing my mum had done then exporting the image over to adobe illustrate and used the paint brush tool because it made drawing trace line quick easy for me as it would neat up any small mistake and smooth them out to draw the outline in the reference image and used used the live paint command to allow the use of the paint bucket tool which I would use as it made colouring in the gaps quick and easy to fill in the empty spaces with the colours for the character and finally I finished of the design by adding the phrase not every angle is perfect in a new different font from what I had planed and coloured it purple and the reason for this choice is that the font I had planned didn’t fit well with the image and when I looked at this font I felt it fitted the image better also drew some random objects with the pencil tool and live paint command to fill in the spaces to cover up the feet of the character on the design that couldn’t be drawn that being said I am quite happy with how the design came out and is a vast improvement from the first one that I had done as I feel it fitted with what I wanted and what the people from my research wanted as 50% wanted a cartoony style to the shirt design and the other 50% wanted a realistic design to the shirt design so I asked mum to do a style that mixes both which was a anime like style as the drawing has the simple ness of a cartoon but the details of a realistic design so it appeal to both side of that research but also I did a shirt design as 60% of people said that a shirt made a better piece of merchandise so I with what most people wanted and did a shirt design.
  • 22. process Whilst finishing of the shirt design I came up with an idea for the avert for my merch as at some point the video was suppose to cut to a clip of someone wearing one of the shirt and getting tea bagged by a lot of other players to emphasise them doing it but that would be difficult as dead body in the halo 5 engine disappear at certain points making recording a bit of a pain and trying to find other people to be the body actors is difficult which is why I decided that instead I would do a simple animation of it with stick figure and make a joke about it with an editors note in at the bottom saying due to the budget running out they made a simple animation in 5 minutes. To begin with I went over to adobe illustrate and used the shape and line tools to draw some stick men because the stick men aren't meant to be detailed they’re meant to look quickly cobbled together which is why a used those to simple tools as I could quickly draw a simple stick man then copied over my old shirt design and put it on one of the stick men and drew some more line on another to emphasise that that one was a women I then exported three of the stick men images over the adobe animate and them motion tweened all three to create because it allows me to create a simple animation quickly seen in the video review by moving the images to certain point in certain frames with the system creating the in between movements.
  • 23. process After finishing the animation I began work on the video review and tackling the advert part of the review first in which I imported some video footage I had recorded from halo 5 and also some voice recordings which include some music as well in which I began by importing the voice recordings used in the advert to adobe premiere and started looking through the footage from halo 5 and razor tooled the footage I needed and deleted the accesses footage I didn’t need, during this time and the reason I used this tool was because it made editing footage easier and I could go to a certain point of footage and cut both side of the unneeded footage and delete them, I was also trying to find a song I could use in my advert and after a while I found a song huey Lewis's power of love which came out in 1985 as it give the advert this positive and energetic feel to it which I had to turn down a bit so the viewer can still hear the character within the review Is what I wanted however there were still some footage and sound effects I need for the advert so I will have to come back to it later. I began the review section by I once again importing audio and sound effects and game footage this time from spyro and halo 5 into premiere and began using the audio as a bases for which clips I needed from the footage and where to place them by using the razor tool to cut up the footage and then select the splited footage needed and delete the unneeded footage.
  • 24. process After editing audio and cutting up footage with the razor tool because it allowed for more precise editing of footage and audio and placing them where they needed to be I then went back to the beginning and added in the video thumbnail and theme song of the game that was being reviewed I also imported in some images I need for when I go on a rant in the video with this is mind I am quite happy with how the video is coming out so far. Next I went back to the advert section and added the footage of some characters I will have in the advert to the video which involved cutting out paused section in the footage with the razor tool because it allowed me to go to those point and isolate them and delete them without deleting the useful and needed footage to make the line and the footage fit together better but also I made info boxes for each character in photoshop and then sequenced them to appear after each other when the video moved onto the next character and the reason for the sequencing is because it make it easier for the viewer to get a clear understand of each character as they can start reading the text boxes as each starts to appear then once there done reading the card they can turn their attention back to the character and then repeat the process for the next character.
  • 25. process After finishing cutting up the footage in the advert I went back to the review section and added in every image that would be in the video and also sound effect for weapons in the advert and review sections and using the razor tool because it allows for more precise editing of audio to cut out the pause section in the sound effects so it doesn't become awkward for the viewer.
  • 26. process For the video review I went to the video review section and edited the footage clips from the footage I recorded from spyro and took specific clips I would need to use as examples for the video review such as examples of the game teaching player how to play the game and certain gripes I had within the game and used the razor tool because it allowse me to do very precise editing of footage to split the footage up and then delete the unneeded footage. After that I went and exported footage form halo 5 again and edited them with the use of the razor tool because I could do more precise editing of footage to cut out pauses making the host parts run more smoothly in-between each section in the video.
  • 27. process Next I began adding background footage from the game and shrinked it down to fit In the small screen in the main footage through the use of the selection tool and resize tool because they allowed me to select a specific object and then shrink its size down quick and easy with no fuss and to finish off the video I went over to adobe animate and did a end credits in which I had taken an image I had done in my spare time and used it as the background and then used the text tool to write down who edited the video who did the voices for who what songs were used footage borrowed from other people who did what design and finally the outro music and then motion tweened and the reason I used this is because it allowed me to make a simple and quick animation of the text moving upwards like you see in most end credits in movies shows or YouTube videos allowing me to save time and use that time for something else.
  • 28. process With the animated end credits finished I then exported it over to premier and added it to the end of the video over the end song. Finally to finish my video product off I copied over the finished advert I had done over to my review section and then added it to the review section finishing my video review and finally exporting it over to my hard drive the reason for this is that copying and pasting the work done in one file is quick and easy to do than having to convert that video and then exporting it over to the other one than just copying the work done there and moving it over to other one meaning only one file will have to be converted than two saving time, with that said I am very happy with how the video turned out and it should appeal to those in my research as 60% of people I asked said they liked review to have fact and opinions but also have comedic bit in them to make the video more interesting to watch which I have as my review has both fact and options about the game but also had comedic bit put in to keep the video interesting but also 90% prefer that a review also have images and footage to do with the game so the viewer can make their own decision on weather the product being reviewed is worth buying or not which I have done as well as I have include image and footage from the game being reviewed and finally 100% thought that a game review should tell the audience about bits of the story so the viewer isn’t going in fully blind about what to expect if they buy that product and if the story itself is good as well which my review includes.

Editor's Notes

  1. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  2. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  3. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  4. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  5. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.