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Language diversity is
a human beings’ treasure:
It enriches thinking, creating
and understanding the world.

                        Sam Francis
Language learning spaces:
                                                               diversity and transversality
       Educational Policies
       to develop the Social Dimension of Language Learning
                                        Catalonia, April 2013

                                                                                                     Maria Neus Lorenzo i Galés

Short introduction: the Catalan education system
Exploring concepts and tendencies
Reflecting on present and future with some data
Interaction for collective knowledge building
… and then what?
Questions and Starting point

   What?                       How?
     History doesn’t happen to us...
     We actively build it everyday!
Catalonia, a Mediterranean region
       with a long history.

                              Expansion: XIV-XV century

Languages of Europe (Wikipedia)

An autonomous territory with
                                   7.565.603 inhabitants (2012)

Ref:       Population density: 231,5 inhab/km2 (2011)
Educational context:
Postwar language policy at school:
1939-1978                                                1939-1978
                                       School subject              school
                                     Latin Greek French

                                                           Bilingual society

Democracy: new language policy at school
                                                Calo (Roman)
 CATALAN                                                           school

 SPANISH                    School subject
                              ENGLISH                      Bilingual society
                          FRENCH, GERM. ITAL.
Looking for an educational system
Several monolingual societies ?   One plurilingual society?
PRESENT: Immigration 2000 - 2013

              Present language policy at school
                                             SPANISH           school

                                             FRENCH GERMAN ITALIAN

                                              IMMIGRATION LANGUAGES

       SPANISH                     CATALAN           ENGLISH

                                                    Intercultural society
The new Catalan generation:
     merging students from immigrant families
        Marroc                                                                                                        29.561

       Equador                                                       14.073

       Romania                                    6.329

        Bolívia                                  5.962

      Colòmbia                                  5.806

      Argentina                               5.159

           Xina                       3.788

          Perú                       3.371

        Gàmbia                  2.720

Rep. Dominicana                2.502

        Uruguai                2.491

       Pakistan              1.933

           Xile              1.931                                Origen country of newly arrived students
         Brasil              1.847

        Rússia          1.519

        Ucraïna         1.377

          Itàlia       1.216

    Regne Unit         1.102

     Veneçuela         981

       Bulgària        931

                   0                    5000              10000      15000        20000             25000             30000
                                                                              From: Servei d’Immersoó i Ús de la llengua, 2008-09
Catalan challenges today

                                                    to live together
  Identity             • 10M speakers in 4 countries
- self-recognitions        (Spain, Andorra, Italy, France)
- participation          • Local identity in Globalization processes
- leadership
- vision of the future • From Bilingualism to Plurilingualism
- dealing with diversity • Intercultural dialogue

     What?      How?
The Catalan Education System

   Education System Structure


                  UEE        HGVET Vocational training

                 Bacalaureate                   MG VET Vocational training      SGP- Social Adaptation

                                                  Secondary Education

                                                   Primary Education

                95,5 %
                                                  Pre-school Education

                     Non-Compulsory Education                    Compulsory Education

MGVET- Medium Grade Vocational Education and Training             SGP- Social Guarantee Programme
HGVET- Higher Grade Vocational Education and Training             UEE- University Entrance Examination
Chart D1.2a. Ins truction tim e pe r s ubje ct as a pe rce ntage of total com puls ory ins truction tim e for 9-11 ye ar-olds (2007)
              Percentage of intended instruction time devoted to various sub ject areas within the total compulsory curriculum

                                                      Reading , writ ing and lit erat ure                                                              M at hemat ics                                                             Science

                                                      M o dern f oreign lang uag es                                                                    Ot her compulsory core curriculum                                          Co mpulso ry f lexible curriculum




          40%           Maths


                                                                               Russian Federation

                                                                                                    Czech Republic2


                                                                                                                                                                                             Belgium (Fl.)














1.   Includes 11-year-olds only.
2.   For 9-10 year-olds, social studies is included in science.
3.   German as a language of instruction is included in "Reading, w riting and literature" in addition to the mother tongue Luxemburgish.
4.   Includes 10-11 year-old

Reading, writ ing and lit erat ure                                              M at hemat ics                                                                        Science

                                                           M odern f oreign languages                                                      Ot her compulsory core curriculum                                                     Compulsory f lexible curriculum




                           Version 1 - Last updated: 19-Aug-2009
                             Chart D1.2b. Instruction tim e per subject as a percentage of total com pulsory instruction tim e for 12-14 year-olds (2007)

                          Maths Percentage of intended instruction time devoted to various subject areas within the total compulsory curriculum

                                                                                                                                    Russian Federation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Czech Republic
                                                                                                                   Belgium (Fr.)3

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Belgium (Fl.)














1. For 13-14 year-olds, arts is included in non-compulsory curriculum.
2. German as a language of instruction is included in "Reading, w riting and literature" in addition to the mother tongue Luxemburgish.
3. Includes 12-13 year-olds only.
Countries are r

Catalan educational policies focus on…
 Providing citizens in new
 generations with the necessary
 competencies for employability,
 sustainability and flexibility to face
 future unexpected challenges.

                           Consolidating social cohesion
                           with inclusive education, and
                           enriching citizenship in diversity.

Community building: intercultural dialogue
              Inner frontiers are the ones
                 that really separate us

                 Dealing with diversity
              empowering rights and duties

           reading, speaking, writing, listening, interacting
              communicating in many languages
       sharing, negotiating, networking, bridging the gap
Communication skill is plurilingual




Catalan society: the plurilingual growth

International L.        Media
Professional L.          Society
Environmental L.         Friends

School L.                  School
Family L.
Main educational strategies
 Social dimension         Attitudinal
                          Attitudinal    Linguistic
 Social dimension
   action-plans         School Project
                        School Project     Project

                    environment plan
                     Inclusive school

                     Initial Immersion
                                                 CLIL, ICT
between school                                    Catalan
and municipal authorities
Learning, communicating, and sharing
in formal, informal and non formal education
  •European LLP
Europa is multilingual…
        Are European citizens plurilingual?


     What?      How?
Working skills in labour markets in the 21st c.

                                 Complex Communication
        Knowledge                     Expert Knowledge

                                       Manual Routine
                                        Cognitive Routine
                                   Handicraft and art
Unemploiment rates (2007-2012)
Youth population 16-20 NEET
                 (NINIs 2009)
European programmes

Biodiversity, adaptating to environmen

  Culture, adaptatingthe environmen
The social mutation that help human adaptation and development,

          thanks to language (it provides cognitive and communicative resopurces)
There are 5500/6000 languages in the world

       Only 20% have a state = policy suport

  80 % are minority languages

 75% are threatened or extinguishing

            In 100 years more than 2500
            may vanish and desapear

 When a language disappears,
 a whole culture vanishes, with its unique,
 collective, unrepeateble view of reality.

Source: « Halte à la mort des langues » Claude Hagège
Languages are
                                      learning strategies

                                       Expression skills
                                       Comprehension skills
         From family bonds to          Personal development
         emotional connections
                                       Social belonging
From school subject
to learning skill                      Intercultural exchange
               From cognition
Fom personal burst
to artistical output
               to critical thinking
        From cultural
        identity to
Languages are
                             Social tool   social resources
                            to influence
                                           Cultural Expression
                                           Social inclussion
    From collaborative                     Collective development
    work to economic                       Interaction and collaboration
    growth                                 Influence and leadership
                                           Connectivity enlargement
 Bridging cultures and
                                           Collective consciousness
 blending communities
Learning tools to develop
personal networking
 Growing expectations,
 future opportunities
Learning several languages
    develops more competent citizens
            Knowledge                                        Procedures
                         Plurilingual                   Communication
                         Knowledge                      skills

Competencies for a shared future        Dialogue
   - team working
   - networking
   - bridging cultural gaps                   Attitudes
   - flexibility, plural criteria
   - critical thinking
   - innovation and entrepreneurship
   - personal learning autonomy
   - language learning ability,
   - mass media competences
   - creativity, artistic sensitivity
   - ... … …
Learning languages to live together

     What?      How?
 Changing focus                          Phonetics
                          g              Grammar
                      ch                 … ... …
Content tasks
Project work                                                 ng )
                                                           ni CT
Networking (ICT)                                         ar , I
Active Learning                                       Le IL
Negotiating, participating                             (CL
Living together … … …
Flipping classrooms

                      … from passive instruction...

…to active learning
Inclussive school

                    Developing students strategies
                    for lifelong learning,
                    active citizenship
                    and free choice
                    to work together for a better future.
Language: evolving concepts

                      Sociocultural context
      Sociology        and participation space

              Learning strategy and
                      communication tool
          Subject at school

Diversity of CLIL for enhazing Plurilingualism

                Plurilingual school Project

                                           Vocational Edu.       Baccalaureate
Primary schools       Secondary schools        Training           16-18 (pre-
3-6 (pre-primary)                          16-18 (VET, pre-
                      12-16 (CLIL. ICT)                           university)
 6-12 (primary)                             professional)


  Initial        CLIL          Virtual        Open                     Enterprise
                                           Classrooms    Volunteers
immersion       projects      projects                                & Research
Language and communicative skills
                                      Adapted from Cummings, 1986 and Vicent Pascual 2007

                               Language learning

                                                                Superficial abilities
                                          Superficial abilities L3      Superficial
                                                  L1                      abilities
      Language Learning
                          Communication                                      L2

language learning
and cultural                                               Shared and
development                Plurilingual
                           skills                         competencies

                  New learning consolidates previous learning
                   and improves personal learning autonomy
New education for new needs

•   Prioritizing reading
•   Basic learning skills
•   European programs
•   PISA exams
•   Strong ITC policy
•   Teachers trainning
•   School autonomy
•   Social networking
Coherent learning for contiongent situations

   It’s raining
-Why…? windy
-… …
   …                         It’s raining, It’s windy...
                          -Where…?an umbrella,
                             I need Why…? When...?
                          -In US,to a raincoat,
                             I have attract tourists
                               can’t walk
ORIOL is 23,
        when he was at school…
ANNA is 17,
when she was at school…
MARTA is 12,
            now at school…

European priorities: Strategies 2020
                                                 New aims at the European Union (2009)

   Reactivating economy and competitively
   Fighting for social cohesion, against poverty and unemployment
   Reinforce European citizenship and social participation
   Looking for a sustainable Europe improving ecology
   Providing citizens with security and common spaces in Europe

                                                                   Androulla VASSILIOU:
                                                Commissioner Education, Culture, Multilingualism Youth

                                      Priorities: José Manuel Barroso, president of the UE.
Source :
European targets 2020:
                                                 social indicators
     •75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed.

     •3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D.

     •The "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be met. (i.e.
     reduce 20% greenhouse gas emissions, increase 20% renewable
     energy consumption, achieve a 20% increase in energy efficiency).

     •The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at
     least 40% of the younger generation should have a degree or

     •20 million less people should be at risk of poverty.

Common aim EU 2020
Secondary graduated students, increasing
Chart D1.1. Total num be r of intended instruction hours in public institutions betw ee n the ages of 7 and 14 (2007)

                                      Ages 7 t o 8                    Ages 9 t o 11                     Ages 1 t o 1
                                                                                                              2     4

 Russian Federation
           Sw eden
           Norw ay
    Czech Republic
       Belgium (Fl.)
       Belgium (Fr.)

                          0   1 000       2 000      3 000    4 000         5 000     6 000        7 000     8 000       9 000      10 000
                                                                                              Total number of intended instruction hours

Countries are ranked in ascending order of total number of intended instruction hours.
Source: OECD. Table D1.1. See Annex 3 f or notes ( ).
Results in education according to the invested capital

                                PIB & maths results in PISA
 + Money doesn’t mean + score
   Score (maths results)

                                               budget- & investment

Education results and equity zones
            Education results & social discrimination

                                     Equity zone

           - dif. income
                                     + dif. income
           + dif. results            + dif. results

           - dif. income
           -dif. Results             + dif. income
                                     - dif. results
Annual report: language results
(15 years old students Catalonia)

      Dep. Ensenyament, 4t ESO
School results in Catalonia:
                     PISA indicators 2006-2009
    reading              maths                science

But the Spanish average is still far from the European goals
School should open to the world

Ref: "Cours de philosophie a Paris", sXIV. Grandes chroniques de France

 Social dimension is out there!....
Individual commitment to a group effort
   Connectivity                          - that is what makes a team work,
                                         a society work, a civilization work.
   Commitment                                                            Vince Lombardi

  Behaviourism            Structuralism        Constructivism         Connectivism

Focus on Science Focus on                     Focus on             Focus on
design, Positivism, Linguistics,              Psycholinguistics,   Sociolinguistics
Empiric analysis    Form. & Function.         Evolutionism         Neuro-Sciences
Ivan P. Pavlov, B. F.   Ferdinand Saussure,   Jean Piaget,         Howard Gardner ,
Skinner, Albert         Roman Jacobson,       Lew S. Vygotsky,     George Siemens
Bandura, Ed. Lee        Claude Lévy-Straus,                        Stephen Downes
                                              eromeBruner, J
Thorndike,;             Herbert Spencer,                           Sugata Mitra
                                              Laurence Kohlberg,
John B Watson                                                      Mark Johnson
                        Talcott Parson,       Egan Kieran          Lakoff. George
Turning farming    Turning Industrial         Multinational econ., Virtual economy,
societies into     Societies into             growing into a       networking in a hyper-
Industrial economy multinational              Worldwide
                                              transnational        connected world, to
                   Capitalism                                      social awareness
Augmented reality... In expanding schools



Looking for balance and sustainability
know how & resources?   sensitivity & complicities
Difficult times, lots of cut outs...

           … we need not only resources,
          but knowing how to use them properly
Mayber we are living uncertain times,
but future is there:

      History is not what happens to us,
      it is what we build together everyday.
Enjoy your visit!

Moltes gràcies!

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Social dimension of language learning

  • 1. Language diversity is a human beings’ treasure: It enriches thinking, creating and understanding the world. Sam Francis
  • 2. Language learning spaces: diversity and transversality Educational Policies to develop the Social Dimension of Language Learning Catalonia, April 2013 @NewsNeus Maria Neus Lorenzo i Galés Ref:
  • 3. Content Where? Short introduction: the Catalan education system What? Exploring concepts and tendencies Why? Reflecting on present and future with some data How? Interaction for collective knowledge building … and then what? Questions and Starting point
  • 4. Where? Why? What? How? History doesn’t happen to us... We actively build it everyday!
  • 5. Catalonia, a Mediterranean region with a long history. Expansion: XIV-XV century
  • 6. Languages of Europe (Wikipedia) Gascon Occitan
  • 7. An autonomous territory with 7.565.603 inhabitants (2012) Ref: Population density: 231,5 inhab/km2 (2011)
  • 8. Educational context: Postwar language policy at school: 1939-1978 1939-1978 SPANISH Monolingual School subject school Latin Greek French Bilingual society Democracy: new language policy at school 1980’s-2000 Bilingual Calo (Roman) CATALAN school SPANISH School subject ENGLISH Bilingual society FRENCH, GERM. ITAL.
  • 9. Looking for an educational system Several monolingual societies ? One plurilingual society?
  • 10. PRESENT: Immigration 2000 - 2013 Present language policy at school CATALAN Plurilingual SPANISH school ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN ITALIAN IMMIGRATION LANGUAGES SPANISH CATALAN ENGLISH Intercultural society
  • 11. The new Catalan generation: merging students from immigrant families Marroc 29.561 Equador 14.073 Romania 6.329 Bolívia 5.962 Colòmbia 5.806 Argentina 5.159 Xina 3.788 Perú 3.371 Gàmbia 2.720 Rep. Dominicana 2.502 Uruguai 2.491 Pakistan 1.933 Xile 1.931 Origen country of newly arrived students Brasil 1.847 Rússia 1.519 Ucraïna 1.377 Itàlia 1.216 Regne Unit 1.102 Veneçuela 981 Bulgària 931 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 From: Servei d’Immersoó i Ús de la llengua, 2008-09
  • 12. Catalan challenges today Learning to live together Identity • 10M speakers in 4 countries - self-recognitions (Spain, Andorra, Italy, France) - participation • Local identity in Globalization processes - leadership - vision of the future • From Bilingualism to Plurilingualism - dealing with diversity • Intercultural dialogue
  • 13. Where? Why? What? How?
  • 14. The Catalan Education System Education System Structure Age University UEE HGVET Vocational training Bacalaureate MG VET Vocational training SGP- Social Adaptation Secondary Education Primary Education 95,5 % Pre-school Education Non-Compulsory Education Compulsory Education MGVET- Medium Grade Vocational Education and Training SGP- Social Guarantee Programme HGVET- Higher Grade Vocational Education and Training UEE- University Entrance Examination
  • 15.
  • 16. Chart D1.2a. Ins truction tim e pe r s ubje ct as a pe rce ntage of total com puls ory ins truction tim e for 9-11 ye ar-olds (2007) Percentage of intended instruction time devoted to various sub ject areas within the total compulsory curriculum Reading , writ ing and lit erat ure M at hemat ics Science M o dern f oreign lang uag es Ot her compulsory core curriculum Co mpulso ry f lexible curriculum 100% 80% 60% Languages Science 40% Maths 20% Reading... Russian Federation Czech Republic2 Luxembourg3 Netherlands1 Belgium (Fl.) Denmark Germany Portugal4 0% Hungary England Slovenia Greece Estonia Turkey Australia France Mexico Finland Iceland Ireland Japan Sweden Norway Israel Austria Korea Spain Chile 1. Includes 11-year-olds only. 2. For 9-10 year-olds, social studies is included in science. 3. German as a language of instruction is included in "Reading, w riting and literature" in addition to the mother tongue Luxemburgish. 4. Includes 10-11 year-old Ref:,3343,en_2649_39263238_43586328_1_1_1_1,00.html
  • 17. Reading, writ ing and lit erat ure M at hemat ics Science M odern f oreign languages Ot her compulsory core curriculum Compulsory f lexible curriculum 100% 80% 60% Languages 40% Science Version 1 - Last updated: 19-Aug-2009 Chart D1.2b. Instruction tim e per subject as a percentage of total com pulsory instruction tim e for 12-14 year-olds (2007) Maths Percentage of intended instruction time devoted to various subject areas within the total compulsory curriculum 20% Reading... Russian Federation Czech Republic Belgium (Fr.)3 Luxembourg2 Belgium (Fl.) 0% Denmark Germany Portugal England Ireland1 Hungary Slovenia Greece Turkey Estonia France Mexico Iceland Finland Australia Japan Israel Sweden Norway Italy3 Austria Korea Chile Spain 1. For 13-14 year-olds, arts is included in non-compulsory curriculum. 2. German as a language of instruction is included in "Reading, w riting and literature" in addition to the mother tongue Luxemburgish. 3. Includes 12-13 year-olds only. Countries are r Ref:,3343,en_2649_39263238_43586328_1_1_1_1,00.html
  • 18. Catalan educational policies focus on… Competencies: Providing citizens in new generations with the necessary competencies for employability, sustainability and flexibility to face future unexpected challenges. Inclusion: Consolidating social cohesion with inclusive education, and enriching citizenship in diversity. ESPRONCEDA School
  • 19. Community building: intercultural dialogue Inner frontiers are the ones that really separate us Dealing with diversity for empowering rights and duties reading, speaking, writing, listening, interacting communicating in many languages sharing, negotiating, networking, bridging the gap
  • 20. Communication skill is plurilingual interculturality enterpreneurship collaboration working participation learning implicatiom interaction conviventiality
  • 21. Catalan society: the plurilingual growth Environment International L. Media Professional L. Society Work Environmental L. Friends School L. School Family Family L.
  • 22. Main educational strategies Social dimension Attitudinal Attitudinal Linguistic Linguistic Social dimension action-plans action-plans School Project School Project Project Project Cultural environment plan Inclusive school Networking Initial Immersion classroom CLIL, ICT Co-responsibility between school Catalan and municipal authorities
  • 23. Learning, communicating, and sharing in formal, informal and non formal education
  • 24. Networking •Diversity •Autonomy •Plurilingualim •European LLP
  • 25. Europa is multilingual… Are European citizens plurilingual? TWITTER MESSAGES LANGUAGE USAGE IN TWITTER Ref: Eric Fischer
  • 26. Where? Why? What? How?
  • 27. Working skills in labour markets in the 21st c. Complex Communication Communication Knowledge Expert Knowledge Manual Routine Tasks Cognitive Routine Tasks Handicraft and art
  • 29. Youth population 16-20 NEET (NINIs 2009)
  • 30. European programmes Ref:
  • 31. Biodiversity, adaptating to environmen Culture, adaptatingthe environmen indies-caribbean_i-G-38-3830-XJ6YF00Z.jpg
  • 32. Culture The social mutation that help human adaptation and development, thanks to language (it provides cognitive and communicative resopurces)
  • 33. There are 5500/6000 languages in the world Only 20% have a state = policy suport 80 % are minority languages 75% are threatened or extinguishing In 100 years more than 2500 may vanish and desapear When a language disappears, a whole culture vanishes, with its unique, collective, unrepeateble view of reality. Source: « Halte à la mort des langues » Claude Hagège
  • 34. Languages are learning strategies Expression skills Comprehension skills From family bonds to Personal development emotional connections Social belonging From school subject to learning skill Intercultural exchange From cognition Fom personal burst building to artistical output to critical thinking From cultural identity to
  • 35. Languages are Social tool social resources to influence people Cultural Expression Social inclussion From collaborative Collective development work to economic Interaction and collaboration growth Influence and leadership Connectivity enlargement Bridging cultures and Collective consciousness blending communities Learning tools to develop personal networking Growing expectations, future opportunities
  • 36. Learning several languages develops more competent citizens Knowledge Procedures Plurilingual Communication Knowledge skills Intercultural Competencies for a shared future Dialogue - team working - networking - bridging cultural gaps Attitudes - flexibility, plural criteria - critical thinking - innovation and entrepreneurship - personal learning autonomy - language learning ability, - mass media competences - creativity, artistic sensitivity - ... … …
  • 37. Learning languages to live together
  • 38. Where? Why? What? How?
  • 39. Spelling Changing focus Phonetics Vocabulary g Grammar in ch … ... … Tea Speaking Listening Reading Writing Interacting Content tasks Project work ng ) ni CT Networking (ICT) ar , I Active Learning Le IL Negotiating, participating (CL Living together … … …
  • 40. Flipping classrooms … from passive instruction... …to active learning
  • 41. Inclussive school Developing students strategies for lifelong learning, active citizenship and free choice to work together for a better future.
  • 42. Language: evolving concepts Sociocultural context Sociology and participation space Learning strategy and communication tool Psychology Subject at school Linguistics
  • 43. Diversity of CLIL for enhazing Plurilingualism Plurilingual school Project Vocational Edu. Baccalaureate Primary schools Secondary schools Training 16-18 (pre- 3-6 (pre-primary) 16-18 (VET, pre- 12-16 (CLIL. ICT) university) 6-12 (primary) professional) CATALAN-OCCITAN ENGLISH - FRENCH ENGLISH CURRICULAR SPANISH ITALIAN - GERMAN LABOUR LANGUAGES LANGUAGES Initial CLIL Virtual Open Enterprise Classrooms Volunteers immersion projects projects & Research
  • 44. Language and communicative skills Adapted from Cummings, 1986 and Vicent Pascual 2007 Language learning interdependencies Superficial abilities Superficial abilities L3 Superficial L1 abilities Language Learning Communication L2 evidence Transversal language learning and cultural Shared and transversal development Plurilingual skills competencies New learning consolidates previous learning and improves personal learning autonomy
  • 45. New education for new needs • Prioritizing reading • Basic learning skills • European programs • PISA exams • Strong ITC policy • Teachers trainning • School autonomy • Social networking
  • 46. Coherent learning for contiongent situations It’s raining -Where…? -Why…? windy It’s … -When...? -… … … It’s raining, It’s windy... -Where…?an umbrella, I need Why…? When...? -In US,to a raincoat, I have attract tourists -ItIis can’t walk
  • 47. ORIOL is 23, when he was at school…
  • 48. ANNA is 17, when she was at school…
  • 49. MARTA is 12, now at school… >
  • 50. European priorities: Strategies 2020 New aims at the European Union (2009) Reactivating economy and competitively Fighting for social cohesion, against poverty and unemployment Reinforce European citizenship and social participation Looking for a sustainable Europe improving ecology Providing citizens with security and common spaces in Europe Androulla VASSILIOU: Commissioner Education, Culture, Multilingualism Youth Priorities: José Manuel Barroso, president of the UE. Source :
  • 51. European targets 2020: social indicators •75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed. •3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D. •The "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be met. (i.e. reduce 20% greenhouse gas emissions, increase 20% renewable energy consumption, achieve a 20% increase in energy efficiency). •The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a degree or diploma. •20 million less people should be at risk of poverty. Ref:
  • 52. Common aim EU 2020 Secondary graduated students, increasing 2001-2010
  • 53.
  • 54. Chart D1.1. Total num be r of intended instruction hours in public institutions betw ee n the ages of 7 and 14 (2007) Ages 7 t o 8 Ages 9 t o 11 Ages 1 t o 1 2 4 Estonia Finland Slovenia Russian Federation Sw eden Korea Norw ay Hungary Germany Japan Denmark Iceland Czech Republic Luxembourg Austria Spain Turkey Belgium (Fl.) Portugal England Greece Ireland Israel Mexico France Belgium (Fr.) Australia Netherlands Italy Chile 0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000 Total number of intended instruction hours Ref:,3343,en_2649_39263238_43586328_1_1_1_1,00.html Countries are ranked in ascending order of total number of intended instruction hours. Source: OECD. Table D1.1. See Annex 3 f or notes ( ).
  • 55. Results in education according to the invested capital PIB & maths results in PISA + Money doesn’t mean + score Score (maths results) budget- & investment •,2350,en_32252351_32235731_1_119669_1_1_1,00.html •,2966,en_32252351_32235907_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
  • 56. Education results and equity zones Education results & social discrimination Equity zone - dif. income + dif. income + dif. results + dif. results - dif. income -dif. Results + dif. income - dif. results
  • 57. Annual report: language results (15 years old students Catalonia) Dep. Ensenyament, 4t ESO
  • 58. School results in Catalonia: PISA indicators 2006-2009 reading maths science But the Spanish average is still far from the European goals
  • 59. School should open to the world Ref: "Cours de philosophie a Paris", sXIV. Grandes chroniques de France Social dimension is out there!....
  • 60. Individual commitment to a group effort Connectivity - that is what makes a team work, a society work, a civilization work. Commitment Vince Lombardi Behaviourism Structuralism Constructivism Connectivism Focus on Science Focus on Focus on Focus on design, Positivism, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics Empiric analysis Form. & Function. Evolutionism Neuro-Sciences Ivan P. Pavlov, B. F. Ferdinand Saussure, Jean Piaget, Howard Gardner , Skinner, Albert Roman Jacobson, Lew S. Vygotsky, George Siemens Bandura, Ed. Lee Claude Lévy-Straus, Stephen Downes eromeBruner, J Thorndike,; Herbert Spencer, Sugata Mitra Laurence Kohlberg, John B Watson Mark Johnson Talcott Parson, Egan Kieran Lakoff. George Turning farming Turning Industrial Multinational econ., Virtual economy, societies into Societies into growing into a networking in a hyper- Industrial economy multinational Worldwide transnational connected world, to Capitalism social awareness economy
  • 61. Augmented reality... In expanding schools 2001 2004 2006
  • 62. Looking for balance and sustainability know how & resources? sensitivity & complicities
  • 63. Difficult times, lots of cut outs... … we need not only resources, but knowing how to use them properly
  • 64. Mayber we are living uncertain times, but future is there: History is not what happens to us, it is what we build together everyday.

Editor's Notes

  1. Jorge Wagensberg ac
  2. A human being cannot live in the sea… but we live in the sea A human beingn cannot run as fast as a horse… but we can run faster than horses A human being is not as strong as a bear… but we can be stronger than animals A human being cannot fly… but we can flay to the other part of the planet
  3. Brussels, 3rd March 2010 Europe 2020: Commission proposes new economic strategy in Europe. The European Commission has launched today the Europe 2020 Strategy to go out of the crisis and prepare EU economy for the next decade. The Commission identifies three key drivers for growth, to be implemented through concrete actions at EU and national levels: smart growth (fostering knowledge, innovation, education and digital society), sustainable growth (making our production more resource efficient while boosting our competitiveness) and inclusive growth (raising participation in the labour market, the acquisition of skills and the fight against poverty). This battle for growth and jobs requires ownership at top political level and mobilisation from all actors across Europe. Five targets are set which define where the EU should be by 2020 and against which progress can be tracked. President Barroso said, "Europe 2020 is about what we need to do today and tomorrow to get the EU economy back on track. The crisis has exposed fundamental issues and unsustainable trends that we can not ignore any longer. Europe has a growth deficit which is putting our future at risk. We must decisively tackle our weaknesses and exploit our many strengths. We need to build a new economic model based on knowledge, low-carbon economy and high employment levels. This battle requires mobilisation of all actors across Europe." First of all, Europe must learn the lessons from the global economic and financial crisis. Our economies are intrinsically linked. No Member State can address global challenges effectively by acting in isolation. We are stronger when we work together, and a successful exit therefore depends on close economic policy coordination. Failure to do so could result in a "lost decade" of relative decline, permanently damaged growth and structurally high levels of unemployment. The Europe 2020 Strategy therefore sets out a vision for Europe's social market economy over the next decade, and rests on three interlocking and mutually reinforcing priority areas: Smart growth, developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation; Sustainable growth, promoting a low-carbon, resource-efficient and competitive economy; and Inclusive growth, fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion. Progress towards these objectives will be measured against five representative headline EU-level targets, which Member States will be asked to translate into national targets reflecting starting points: 75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed. 3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D. The "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be met. The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a degree or diploma. . 20 million less people should be at risk of poverty. In order to meet the targets, the Commission proposes a Europe 2020 agenda consisting of a series of flagship initiatives. Implementing these initiatives is a shared priority, and action will be required at all levels: EU-level organisations, Member States, local and regional authorities. Innovation union - re-focussing R&D and innovation policy on major challenges, while closing the gap between science and market to turn inventions into products. As an example, the Community Patent could save companies 289€ million each year. Youth on the move - enhancing the quality and international attractiveness of Europe's higher education system by promoting student and young professional mobility. As a concrete action, vacancies in all Member States should be more accessible through out Europe and professional qualifications and experience properly recognised. A digital agenda for Europe - delivering sustainable economic and social benefits from a Digital Single Market based on ultra fast internet. All Europeans should have access to high speed internet by 2013. Resource-efficient Europe - supporting the shift towards a resource efficient and low-carbon economy. Europe should stick to its 2020 targets in terms of energy production, efficiency and consumption. This would result in €60 billion less in oil and gas imports by 2020. An industrial policy for green growth – helping the EU's industrial base to be competitive in the post-crisis world, promoting entrepreneurship and developing new skills. This would create millions of new jobs ; An agenda for new skills and jobs – creating the conditions for modernising labour markets, with a view to raising employment levels and ensuring the sustainability of our social models, while baby-boomers retire ; and European platform against poverty - ensuring economic, social and territorial cohesion by helping the poor and socially excluded and enabling them to play an active part in society.  The ambition of Europe 2020 means that leadership and accountability must be taken to a new level. The Commission invites Heads of State and Government to take ownership for this new Strategy and endorse it at the Spring European Council. The role of the European Parliament will also be enhanced. The governance methods will be reinforced to ensure that commitments are translated into effective action on the ground. The Commission will monitor progress. Reporting and evaluation under both Europe 2020 and the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) will be carried out simultaneously (while remaining distinct instruments) to improve coherence. This will allow both strategies to pursue similar reform objectives while remaining as separate instruments. Further information :   http:// ec . europa . eu /eu2020/ index _en. htm Ref: http:// europa . eu / rapid / pressReleasesAction .do? reference =IP/10/225& format=HTML&aged=0&lg=es&guiLanguage=en