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Product Research
On the Surfers Against Sewage online shop they have a range of women’s clothing, men’s clothing, children’s clothing and accessories.
This is a product that I found on the SAS’ online shop. I found this T-
shirt in the women’s clothing section. The T-shirt features SAS’ logo,
which resembles an image of an eye incorporated into an image of a
wave. Their logo is typically 2 shades of blue, however for this T-shirt
they have incorporated images of marine litter collected by artist Steve
McPherson. This is very much representative of what SAS are fighting
against. All of the litter that Steve McPherson has collected is very grey.
I think that this is perhaps trying to be reflective of how dirty and grey
this litter is making the sea.
They have stated in the information section that the T-shirt is made
from 100% organic cotton. Just like the surfboard bag form my
pervious example they have put emphasis on the environmentally
friendly materials that their product is made from.
By featuring the brand logo on the T-shirt, they are promoting
themselves to anyone who sees the T-shirt. For example, a person who
sees a friend wearing this T-shirt and likes it, might ask where they got
it from. They might purchase the T-shirt for themselves, and they may
gain an interest in the organization.
This towel is also on sale on SAS’
online shop.
Like the T-shirt, the towel features the
logo, however this time in their more
classic style. As well as the main
image they have featured the
organizations name. this makes it
more effective in promoting
themselves to anyone who sees the
towel. People would be able to search
the organizations name in Google if
they are interested in finding out
about them. They haven’t used the
typical colours for the towel. They
have used a much darker shade of
blue for the background, and off
white for the logo.
I think that choosing to sell a product
such as a towel was a good idea, as it
is a product that would perhaps be
relevant to surfers, and surfers are
their main audience.
This is an example of one of SAS’ campaign posters.
The imagery that they have used for this campaign poster is very
powerful. They have set a load of surfboards in the sand in a way
that makes they resemble a grave yard. They state underneath
“Sewage, litter and offshore developments are threatening to kill
our waves.” The word “kill” I think has been used to back up the
imagery, and emphasize their message.
The photograph is extremely dull and grey looking, making it look
even more morbid. The dark clouds are something that you don’t
often associate with surfing, people tend to think more of warm
sunny days, so the surfboards in the image look quite out of place
and a bit sad. All of the surfboards are quite dirty, indicating that
they have been disused for some time. This might tell the viewer
that if they don’t act on the issue they might not be able to surf.
Further to the bottom of the image, it fades out to black. This
darkens the image quite a bit to give it a much more morbid feel.
In the top right corner they have featured their logo, however it is
in black rather than blue. Again, I think this is to make the poster
look morbid. The logo is placed right at the edge of the image, in a
place where not much important is going on, and it is quite small. I
think that this has been done to stop it from obstructing the
image. I think if it were to obstruct the image in any way it might
diminish the impact it would make on the audience.
There is some text in a very simple, square white font in the
bottom right corner of the poster. Again, it is small and tucked
away to not obstruct the image. They have put the text in white so
that it stands out against the dark background, but doesn’t look
bright or colourful. The font is very simple as there is no need to
do anything exciting with it because all of the focus is on the
image. Using a more eye catching font might diminish the morbid
feel that they were going for.
As well as trying to create an emotional
response in the viewer, this poster
provides you with information.
Down at the bottom of the poster it
explains to you how you can get involved
and help the organization. They state
“Sign our petition to save them” and they
provide a link to the website. This might
encourage people to support SAS as they
know how to find them.
Here is what the SAS logo normally looks like.
It looks as if they have taken an image of an eye and tried to incorporate an image of a wave into it. The logo is in 2 shades
of blue. They have also used their organizations name in their logo to give people some context.
The logo is quite effective in reflecting what their organization is about in their imagery and use of colour. The logo
definitely reminds me of water due to the colour blue that they have used, and also the curled around shape that looks like
a wave.
The font is very readable. They have used quite a bold black font that covers almost the same amount of space as the
image. This might enable people to see the organizations name at a distance. This could be important for posters as people
are not likely to be standing very close to the poster, and will probably be walking past it rather than standing to look at it.
The blue that has been used for the logo is quite a bright, cheerful looking blue. This might create a positive image of the
organization in the publics mind, making people feel more inclined to get involved or donate.
As this logo is every clear and straight forward, it would definitely work in a range of sizes. It is still recognizable in a smaller
size, and you can still read the organizations name, which is useful for adding onto small posters or leaflets.
Here is an image of an old SAS logo.
As you can see the logo is following a similar
idea to the current logo. It incorporates in
image of an eye into an image of a wave. They
have used the organizations name in the logo
like the current logo, however with this logo
they have incorporated it better into the
image itself. The font is a lot more rough and
unreadable than their current logo. They have
used a font that is more reflective of the
image content, so it blends in.
The logo has lots more detail to it, making it I
think less effective. The other logo is straight
to the point and memorable. I think because
of its detail it would be less recognizable. I
also think that the font wouldn’t work in all
sizes. At a smaller size the logo is unclear. The
current logo is clear and bright, and works in
a range of sizes. I think the same goes with
the font. With this logo, at a smaller size the
organizations name is completely unreadable,
but the font for the current logo is bold and
clear and would be readable at many sizes.
Also, because of the font, people might be
less likely to remember the organizations
name because they are less likely to be able
to see it. Unlike the current logo, as the name
is in bold clear writing.
Below is a screenshot of SAS’ membership form.
As you can see it has been very well designed. The images are definitely there to be seen and make an impact, taking up the majority on the
screen. The page is split up into 3 parts. There is the form in the middle and 2 large images on either side.
The images feature a surfer stuck in a jar of water. I think that these image create a sense of danger and urgency. The lids of the jars are banded
up tightly, so the surfer would be unable to take it off from the inside. It almost makes you want to take the band off. I think that by creating this
sense of urgency and danger, its making people associate that feeling with the issue. It could make people more likely to donate more if they
develop stronger feelings about the issue.
They have used really dark, nasty grey colours for the image. I think that this is reflective of the dirty sea water that SAS are fighting against. It
also makes the image look more morbid and sad looking.
In the image furthest to the right, you see the person in the jar looking as if they are struggling. It might be that they have passed out from
holding their breath, or they have died. I think
that they are trying to make people see that this
is the impact that dirty sea water could have. It
might make surfers think that this could happen
to them. This again will create this sense of
urgency, and perhaps fear. They might feel as if
they need to donate more in order to feel safe
surfing again.
At the top of the form, you can see that the
default setting is to donate £10 a month, though
you have the option to edit. This might catch
people out if they forget to edit, or don’t realize,
and they might end up donating more than they
would have. It might be the case that it shows
people what they are expecting people to
donate, and that expectation might put people
under slight pressure to donate more.
Looking through Greenpeace’ merchandise I found this magnet.
The magnet is clearly aimed at children. They have created a little
whale character to encourage children to be interested in whales,
and want to learn more about whales. They have included a
website link that children would be able to go to to find out
about whales. On the website, perhaps they will provide
information about whaling, and how to help them, which may
persuade children to want to donate.
They have named the whale character Mr Splashy Pants. They
have also featured an image of the whale character, and its
wearing a pair of pants. This is very childish humor, that
Greenpeace’ young audience would perhaps find funny.
The whale character has been made to look very small and
childlike. Children might find this character more relatable than
an adult whale.
I think that by creating a character they have also made “Save Mr
Splashy Pants” sound more like a game. Children might think its
more fun to get involved with saving whales if they think of it as a
They have used the colour blue for some of the magnet, such as
the words “Mr Splashy”, the whale character, and the picture of
the big splash of water in the background. The blue is bright, and
so might be interesting to children. The colour is associated with
water, and also with whales.
In the information about the product they have
again tried to be appealing to children. They suggest
to “Collect ‘em, trade ‘em”. This makes it seem even
more game like, perhaps like Pokemon cards that
children collect and trade.
As well as children’s merchandise Greenpeace also
make a range of other merchandise, such as mugs,
cards, mouse mats and fridge magnets aimed at an
older audience.
Here is another piece of merchandise from
Similarly to the SAS beach towel, though
Greenpeace mouse mat just features their
organizations name in their signature font and
colour. This product might be more appealing to
an older audience than the previous product as it
doesn’t feature the childish humor or design. It is
just a simple product, that enables people to own
a piece of merchandise from Greenpeace, but
without a fussy design.
The mouse mat also features a link to their
website. As the person is probably seeing this
mouse mat at a computer, this is a good
opportunity to provide them with a link. It might
remind them to go and visit the website, perhaps
to find ways to get more involved with them, or to
make a donation.
This is one of Greenpeace’ campaign posters against climate change. They have based this campaign poster in the future, as if they are looking
back on the mistakes of the past that have lead to catastrophic climate change.
They have used an image of Barak Obama, though they have made him look years older so it looks like an image from the future (specifically
2020). The poster was made back in 2009, so I think that they were trying to make people feel as if catastrophic climate change was only about
11 years into the future, so in a lot of peoples lifetimes back then. They state on the poster in the made up quote from Barak Obama that “We
could have stopped catastrophic climate change”. They also say “Act now- change the future”. These will make people feel a bit less doomed, and
like there is something that they can actually do about it, but they will have to act before its too late. This creates a sense of urgency, that might
encourage people to donate or get involved with Greenpeace after seeing this poster.
They have used lots of red in this poster. Red has connotations of danger, which is why I think they might have used it. They might have also used
it as red is an eye catching colour. It is important for the poster to be eye catching so that people in the street for example will take notice of it
and might stop to read it. The text is also very bold and large, this makes people think that the writing is important and might encourage them to
read it. The majority of the poster is quite straight forward. The background is plain white and the layout is clean and simple. This draws the
focus to what the text says, rather than anything else, as the text is the most important thing on the poster.
Greenpeace has put their name on the poster at the bottom, along with another organization tcktcktck, who are also fighting for against climate
change. This provides the public with information on who the poster was designed for, and lets people know where to find out how to get
involved or to donate to stop climate change.
Here is an example of one of Greenpeace’ logos.
One thing that stands out to me is that the font is very
recognizable. The font is quite distinctive I think, and
without reading it, just looking at the shape, I can
recognize what it is.
They have also used the colour green for the whole of
their logo. This is appropriate as “Green” in in their
name and also green has connotations of
ecofriendliness and nature, which are things that
Greenpeace are definitely in favor of. The shade of
green that they have chosen for the logo is bright and
I think this makes it seem very positive, friendly and
happy. I think it’s a good idea for Greenpeace to build
up an association with friendliness and positivity as
that might make it more likely for people want to get
This logo features an image of a hand holding up the
world. I think this might make people think perhaps
that the world is in our hands, and that we need to
look after the world.
Like SAS’ current logo, I think that logo is effective in
that it would be recognizable in a range of sizes. Its
bright, and it has a simple shape which means that
even at a small size it is visible. This is very useful for
putting on small posters, flyers and leaflets.
This is Greenpeace’ membership form.
As you can see, its a lot less emotive and
engaging than the SAS membership form.
They have only included the form, some
key information about signing up, and a
big orange button there to encourage you
to donate to one of Greenpeace’ causes.
Unlike the SAS membership form, they are
not trying to encourage you the sign up
and donate with emotive images, but with
information on the benefits of signing up.
For example they state that you can “Join
a local group”. For people who are really
interested in the cause, this might be very
appealing to them.
Next to the form there is a little advert for
a particular Greenpeace cause that you
can donate to. This is quite a good place to
promote a cause as when they are first
signing up is probably the time when
people are most likely to be looking to
Looking at Friends of the Earth’s (FOE’s) online shop, I noticed a lot
of candle products on sale. For example these beeswax candles (top)
and a make your own candle kit.
The information provided by FOE states that the beeswax candles
are Fair Trade, and the make your own candle kit is organic and eco-
friendly. These are both things that are important to the
organization, and would be important to their audience.
The designs for the packaging of the product look a lot more high
quality than the designs for most of Greenpeace’ products. This is
perhaps suggestive of what the audience for FOE cares about and
would like. I think the fact that FOE sells candles, and non on the
other organizations I have looked at so have have, is again
suggestive of who the audience is, and what they like.
Unlike SAS and Greenpeace who use their logo and name on a lot of
their products, FOE haven’t. They have chosen to sell other brands.
Perhaps their audience cares about those particular brands, and
would be more likely to buy from the FOE shop because of them.
This is one of FOE’s campaigns, aimed to raise awareness of
how we are harming bees, and what we can do to help.
This campaign is a lot more friendly and inviting that the
previous 2 I looked at by SAS and Greenpeace. Theirs were
designed to make people feel shocked and perhaps emotional.
This campaign has used bright colours, and an almost hand
drawn looking font which makes the poster look friendly and
childlike. I think that the hand drawn look to the font might
make people feel more connected, like they are on the same
level as the organization.
They provide you with information on how to donate £3, and
even give you a clear step by step guide. They offer you a gift of
some ‘bee-friendly’ flower seeds for donating, which might
appeal to some as it means that they can do more to help than
just giving money away.
They have chosen a colour scheme that reflects the colours of a
bee. They have used bright yellow for the background, and
black for some of the text, and an image of some grass at the
bottom of the page. They have also included some orange in
the poster, keeping it bright. They have also included a childlike
cartoon drawing of a bee above the step by step guide, in order
to draw your eye to it. This campaign poster could be aimed at
children, as I think that there are quite a few childlike elements
in it. They might be trying to get children interested in helping
the planet from a young age so that the future generations
know about how to help the planet.
Here is FOE’s logo. The logo is very similar to
SAS’ and Greenpeace’ logo’s, in the way that
it’s very simple and readable. They also use a
colour that is associated to the nature of their
cause, in this case its green. FOE are associated
with eco-friendliness and nature, which are
things that are also associated with the colour
green. The logo features their name, a little
image of a green circle, and unlike SAS and
Greenpeace it features a slogan. Their slogan
“see things differently”, is perhaps reflective of
what FOE are trying to achieve. They are trying
make people realize how the planet is being
damaged, and trying to teach people how they
can stop it, so therefore making people see
things differently. It might also be them trying
to separate themselves from other
organizations, making people choose them
over another similar organization. Their slogan
might make people think that they have
something new and different to offer that the
other organizations don’t.

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National Union of Journalists Presentation Part 3 (improved)National Union of Journalists Presentation Part 3 (improved)
National Union of Journalists Presentation Part 3 (improved)
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National Union of Journalists Presentation Part 1 (improved)
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National Union of Journalists Presentation Part 1 (improved)
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Product Research

  • 1. Product Research On the Surfers Against Sewage online shop they have a range of women’s clothing, men’s clothing, children’s clothing and accessories. This is a product that I found on the SAS’ online shop. I found this T- shirt in the women’s clothing section. The T-shirt features SAS’ logo, which resembles an image of an eye incorporated into an image of a wave. Their logo is typically 2 shades of blue, however for this T-shirt they have incorporated images of marine litter collected by artist Steve McPherson. This is very much representative of what SAS are fighting against. All of the litter that Steve McPherson has collected is very grey. I think that this is perhaps trying to be reflective of how dirty and grey this litter is making the sea. They have stated in the information section that the T-shirt is made from 100% organic cotton. Just like the surfboard bag form my pervious example they have put emphasis on the environmentally friendly materials that their product is made from. By featuring the brand logo on the T-shirt, they are promoting themselves to anyone who sees the T-shirt. For example, a person who sees a friend wearing this T-shirt and likes it, might ask where they got it from. They might purchase the T-shirt for themselves, and they may gain an interest in the organization.
  • 2. This towel is also on sale on SAS’ online shop. Like the T-shirt, the towel features the logo, however this time in their more classic style. As well as the main image they have featured the organizations name. this makes it more effective in promoting themselves to anyone who sees the towel. People would be able to search the organizations name in Google if they are interested in finding out about them. They haven’t used the typical colours for the towel. They have used a much darker shade of blue for the background, and off white for the logo. I think that choosing to sell a product such as a towel was a good idea, as it is a product that would perhaps be relevant to surfers, and surfers are their main audience.
  • 3. This is an example of one of SAS’ campaign posters. The imagery that they have used for this campaign poster is very powerful. They have set a load of surfboards in the sand in a way that makes they resemble a grave yard. They state underneath “Sewage, litter and offshore developments are threatening to kill our waves.” The word “kill” I think has been used to back up the imagery, and emphasize their message. The photograph is extremely dull and grey looking, making it look even more morbid. The dark clouds are something that you don’t often associate with surfing, people tend to think more of warm sunny days, so the surfboards in the image look quite out of place and a bit sad. All of the surfboards are quite dirty, indicating that they have been disused for some time. This might tell the viewer that if they don’t act on the issue they might not be able to surf. Further to the bottom of the image, it fades out to black. This darkens the image quite a bit to give it a much more morbid feel. In the top right corner they have featured their logo, however it is in black rather than blue. Again, I think this is to make the poster look morbid. The logo is placed right at the edge of the image, in a place where not much important is going on, and it is quite small. I think that this has been done to stop it from obstructing the image. I think if it were to obstruct the image in any way it might diminish the impact it would make on the audience. There is some text in a very simple, square white font in the bottom right corner of the poster. Again, it is small and tucked away to not obstruct the image. They have put the text in white so that it stands out against the dark background, but doesn’t look bright or colourful. The font is very simple as there is no need to do anything exciting with it because all of the focus is on the image. Using a more eye catching font might diminish the morbid feel that they were going for.
  • 4. As well as trying to create an emotional response in the viewer, this poster provides you with information. Down at the bottom of the poster it explains to you how you can get involved and help the organization. They state “Sign our petition to save them” and they provide a link to the website. This might encourage people to support SAS as they know how to find them.
  • 5. Here is what the SAS logo normally looks like. It looks as if they have taken an image of an eye and tried to incorporate an image of a wave into it. The logo is in 2 shades of blue. They have also used their organizations name in their logo to give people some context. The logo is quite effective in reflecting what their organization is about in their imagery and use of colour. The logo definitely reminds me of water due to the colour blue that they have used, and also the curled around shape that looks like a wave. The font is very readable. They have used quite a bold black font that covers almost the same amount of space as the image. This might enable people to see the organizations name at a distance. This could be important for posters as people are not likely to be standing very close to the poster, and will probably be walking past it rather than standing to look at it. The blue that has been used for the logo is quite a bright, cheerful looking blue. This might create a positive image of the organization in the publics mind, making people feel more inclined to get involved or donate. As this logo is every clear and straight forward, it would definitely work in a range of sizes. It is still recognizable in a smaller size, and you can still read the organizations name, which is useful for adding onto small posters or leaflets.
  • 6. Here is an image of an old SAS logo. As you can see the logo is following a similar idea to the current logo. It incorporates in image of an eye into an image of a wave. They have used the organizations name in the logo like the current logo, however with this logo they have incorporated it better into the image itself. The font is a lot more rough and unreadable than their current logo. They have used a font that is more reflective of the image content, so it blends in. The logo has lots more detail to it, making it I think less effective. The other logo is straight to the point and memorable. I think because of its detail it would be less recognizable. I also think that the font wouldn’t work in all sizes. At a smaller size the logo is unclear. The current logo is clear and bright, and works in a range of sizes. I think the same goes with the font. With this logo, at a smaller size the organizations name is completely unreadable, but the font for the current logo is bold and clear and would be readable at many sizes. Also, because of the font, people might be less likely to remember the organizations name because they are less likely to be able to see it. Unlike the current logo, as the name is in bold clear writing.
  • 7. Below is a screenshot of SAS’ membership form. As you can see it has been very well designed. The images are definitely there to be seen and make an impact, taking up the majority on the screen. The page is split up into 3 parts. There is the form in the middle and 2 large images on either side. The images feature a surfer stuck in a jar of water. I think that these image create a sense of danger and urgency. The lids of the jars are banded up tightly, so the surfer would be unable to take it off from the inside. It almost makes you want to take the band off. I think that by creating this sense of urgency and danger, its making people associate that feeling with the issue. It could make people more likely to donate more if they develop stronger feelings about the issue. They have used really dark, nasty grey colours for the image. I think that this is reflective of the dirty sea water that SAS are fighting against. It also makes the image look more morbid and sad looking. In the image furthest to the right, you see the person in the jar looking as if they are struggling. It might be that they have passed out from holding their breath, or they have died. I think that they are trying to make people see that this is the impact that dirty sea water could have. It might make surfers think that this could happen to them. This again will create this sense of urgency, and perhaps fear. They might feel as if they need to donate more in order to feel safe surfing again. At the top of the form, you can see that the default setting is to donate £10 a month, though you have the option to edit. This might catch people out if they forget to edit, or don’t realize, and they might end up donating more than they would have. It might be the case that it shows people what they are expecting people to donate, and that expectation might put people under slight pressure to donate more.
  • 8. Looking through Greenpeace’ merchandise I found this magnet. The magnet is clearly aimed at children. They have created a little whale character to encourage children to be interested in whales, and want to learn more about whales. They have included a website link that children would be able to go to to find out about whales. On the website, perhaps they will provide information about whaling, and how to help them, which may persuade children to want to donate. They have named the whale character Mr Splashy Pants. They have also featured an image of the whale character, and its wearing a pair of pants. This is very childish humor, that Greenpeace’ young audience would perhaps find funny. The whale character has been made to look very small and childlike. Children might find this character more relatable than an adult whale. I think that by creating a character they have also made “Save Mr Splashy Pants” sound more like a game. Children might think its more fun to get involved with saving whales if they think of it as a game. They have used the colour blue for some of the magnet, such as the words “Mr Splashy”, the whale character, and the picture of the big splash of water in the background. The blue is bright, and so might be interesting to children. The colour is associated with water, and also with whales. In the information about the product they have again tried to be appealing to children. They suggest to “Collect ‘em, trade ‘em”. This makes it seem even more game like, perhaps like Pokemon cards that children collect and trade. As well as children’s merchandise Greenpeace also make a range of other merchandise, such as mugs, cards, mouse mats and fridge magnets aimed at an older audience.
  • 9. Here is another piece of merchandise from Greenpeace. Similarly to the SAS beach towel, though Greenpeace mouse mat just features their organizations name in their signature font and colour. This product might be more appealing to an older audience than the previous product as it doesn’t feature the childish humor or design. It is just a simple product, that enables people to own a piece of merchandise from Greenpeace, but without a fussy design. The mouse mat also features a link to their website. As the person is probably seeing this mouse mat at a computer, this is a good opportunity to provide them with a link. It might remind them to go and visit the website, perhaps to find ways to get more involved with them, or to make a donation.
  • 10. This is one of Greenpeace’ campaign posters against climate change. They have based this campaign poster in the future, as if they are looking back on the mistakes of the past that have lead to catastrophic climate change. They have used an image of Barak Obama, though they have made him look years older so it looks like an image from the future (specifically 2020). The poster was made back in 2009, so I think that they were trying to make people feel as if catastrophic climate change was only about 11 years into the future, so in a lot of peoples lifetimes back then. They state on the poster in the made up quote from Barak Obama that “We could have stopped catastrophic climate change”. They also say “Act now- change the future”. These will make people feel a bit less doomed, and like there is something that they can actually do about it, but they will have to act before its too late. This creates a sense of urgency, that might encourage people to donate or get involved with Greenpeace after seeing this poster. They have used lots of red in this poster. Red has connotations of danger, which is why I think they might have used it. They might have also used it as red is an eye catching colour. It is important for the poster to be eye catching so that people in the street for example will take notice of it and might stop to read it. The text is also very bold and large, this makes people think that the writing is important and might encourage them to read it. The majority of the poster is quite straight forward. The background is plain white and the layout is clean and simple. This draws the focus to what the text says, rather than anything else, as the text is the most important thing on the poster. Greenpeace has put their name on the poster at the bottom, along with another organization tcktcktck, who are also fighting for against climate change. This provides the public with information on who the poster was designed for, and lets people know where to find out how to get involved or to donate to stop climate change.
  • 11. Here is an example of one of Greenpeace’ logos. One thing that stands out to me is that the font is very recognizable. The font is quite distinctive I think, and without reading it, just looking at the shape, I can recognize what it is. They have also used the colour green for the whole of their logo. This is appropriate as “Green” in in their name and also green has connotations of ecofriendliness and nature, which are things that Greenpeace are definitely in favor of. The shade of green that they have chosen for the logo is bright and I think this makes it seem very positive, friendly and happy. I think it’s a good idea for Greenpeace to build up an association with friendliness and positivity as that might make it more likely for people want to get involved. This logo features an image of a hand holding up the world. I think this might make people think perhaps that the world is in our hands, and that we need to look after the world. Like SAS’ current logo, I think that logo is effective in that it would be recognizable in a range of sizes. Its bright, and it has a simple shape which means that even at a small size it is visible. This is very useful for putting on small posters, flyers and leaflets.
  • 12. This is Greenpeace’ membership form. As you can see, its a lot less emotive and engaging than the SAS membership form. They have only included the form, some key information about signing up, and a big orange button there to encourage you to donate to one of Greenpeace’ causes. Unlike the SAS membership form, they are not trying to encourage you the sign up and donate with emotive images, but with information on the benefits of signing up. For example they state that you can “Join a local group”. For people who are really interested in the cause, this might be very appealing to them. Next to the form there is a little advert for a particular Greenpeace cause that you can donate to. This is quite a good place to promote a cause as when they are first signing up is probably the time when people are most likely to be looking to donate.
  • 13. Looking at Friends of the Earth’s (FOE’s) online shop, I noticed a lot of candle products on sale. For example these beeswax candles (top) and a make your own candle kit. The information provided by FOE states that the beeswax candles are Fair Trade, and the make your own candle kit is organic and eco- friendly. These are both things that are important to the organization, and would be important to their audience. The designs for the packaging of the product look a lot more high quality than the designs for most of Greenpeace’ products. This is perhaps suggestive of what the audience for FOE cares about and would like. I think the fact that FOE sells candles, and non on the other organizations I have looked at so have have, is again suggestive of who the audience is, and what they like. Unlike SAS and Greenpeace who use their logo and name on a lot of their products, FOE haven’t. They have chosen to sell other brands. Perhaps their audience cares about those particular brands, and would be more likely to buy from the FOE shop because of them.
  • 14. This is one of FOE’s campaigns, aimed to raise awareness of how we are harming bees, and what we can do to help. This campaign is a lot more friendly and inviting that the previous 2 I looked at by SAS and Greenpeace. Theirs were designed to make people feel shocked and perhaps emotional. This campaign has used bright colours, and an almost hand drawn looking font which makes the poster look friendly and childlike. I think that the hand drawn look to the font might make people feel more connected, like they are on the same level as the organization. They provide you with information on how to donate £3, and even give you a clear step by step guide. They offer you a gift of some ‘bee-friendly’ flower seeds for donating, which might appeal to some as it means that they can do more to help than just giving money away. They have chosen a colour scheme that reflects the colours of a bee. They have used bright yellow for the background, and black for some of the text, and an image of some grass at the bottom of the page. They have also included some orange in the poster, keeping it bright. They have also included a childlike cartoon drawing of a bee above the step by step guide, in order to draw your eye to it. This campaign poster could be aimed at children, as I think that there are quite a few childlike elements in it. They might be trying to get children interested in helping the planet from a young age so that the future generations know about how to help the planet.
  • 15. Here is FOE’s logo. The logo is very similar to SAS’ and Greenpeace’ logo’s, in the way that it’s very simple and readable. They also use a colour that is associated to the nature of their cause, in this case its green. FOE are associated with eco-friendliness and nature, which are things that are also associated with the colour green. The logo features their name, a little image of a green circle, and unlike SAS and Greenpeace it features a slogan. Their slogan “see things differently”, is perhaps reflective of what FOE are trying to achieve. They are trying make people realize how the planet is being damaged, and trying to teach people how they can stop it, so therefore making people see things differently. It might also be them trying to separate themselves from other organizations, making people choose them over another similar organization. Their slogan might make people think that they have something new and different to offer that the other organizations don’t.