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Abby Downing
Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?
 The intended purpose of my final finished products was to change attitudes, raise awareness and provide information for my
audience (16+) to see what the massive problem is about sewage in the sea. I think that my final pieces really showed this
and have fit their intended purpose.
 My logo was clear about what the organisation was about; it was also eye catching to the audience, which I wanted to intend.
I created my logo on Photoshop, which I thought was the most appropriate software in creating a logo. Through research I
found that many marine conservation logo’s showed animal graphics, these logos were the ones that I mostly remembered
and linked with the company when I saw them, and as I apply within the boundaries of my target audience I went with what I
thought worked best. The logo below was one that was linked in marine conservation, which is what Surfers Against Sewage
are doing as well. This logo stood out to me because it showed good use of colour and a human next to a dolphin, showing
that it is helping the dolphins. I wanted to include dolphins within my logo, but the logos’ that I thought were most creative and
worked best were those that are round and are neat with all the graphics and text inside like the image at the bottom middle.
My logo (bottom right) I think catches your eye above the other existing logos, because it shows repetition which is the
process that the company is doing to help make marine conservation better, the bright colours also indicate that the
organisation are looking for a brighter future. This piece of work fits the intended purpose of what the organisation was looking
for. The font used is soft and calming, which I think fit into the logo nicely. The logo is very simple but also recognisable, which
is what I was trying to achieve.
 My membership form was creative and full of images; this is the look I was going for, for this type of membership form. I
believe a membership form needs to catch your eye and stand out towards you for you to sign up to something that gives
something better back to you, like a more healthy and sustainable environment. A membership form needs to show you the
problem for you to help change that, this is why I put images into the membership form to show litter in the ocean, which is
damaging it, I also placed surfers into the membership form to show the audience who came up with the organisation.
Images of progress were also placed into the membership forms to show what the organisation is doing to help, which is
another good thing because the money that you are donating is for this kind of help, so it is good to show the audience what
they could be helping to pay for. Another aspect of the membership form I wanted is for it to be neat and clear and also
colourful. I created 1 of the membership forms on ‘In Design’ and the other on ‘Photoshop’ to see which software worked
better for the type of membership form I was designing. Their was many versions I came up with but the 2 final products from
both software’s I think worked really well together.
 The first membership form I created was on
Photoshop and was a simple double sided A5
sheet. On the front I placed an image that was
someone surfing and under the waves was litter in
the sea. This photograph really catches your
attention which makes you want to read what the
page is about. The text at the bottom of the image
is ‘sewage, marine litter and climate change are all
aspects that are affecting the environment, help us
make change’ this text is to make people want to
turn over and read what is said on the back which
is persuading them to join the SAS organisation.
There is another image on the other side which is
also a surfer in the ocean with litter around him.
This image is lower opacity so it does not draw your
attention away from the text above the image. I
decided to show that if you become a members
then you can win one of the free t-shirts and phone
case from the merchandise collection I created.
The background behind the text is another way to
try and make the text stand out above the
photograph. The intention of this membership form
was to persuade the audience to join up to the
organisation which I think I have achieved. The
aspects of this membership form that I do not like
are that it is really busy, but it still works together.
Existing membership forms I looked at were much
more simple, but looking at them myself, they did
not persuade or make me want to join up to the
organisations. The SAS membership form gave me
the idea to put a negative photograph on the front
of the membership form to show the actual damage
that it is causing.
 The second membership form was made on ‘in
design’ I thought that because it was double sided
and also a booklet form it would be easier to
produce in ‘in design’
 I used the same photograph as the first
membership form for the front cover because I
thought it was a really good image and was
negative for the audience to become interested in
the subject. The back page was filled with
photographs that were the progress that the SAS
organisation has made, these images were made
on Photoshop.
 The inside left has information of the campaigns
that SAS have and are trying to make change on, I
think these are important for the audience to know
because it shows what they’re spending their
money/donations on trying to help. The inside right
is the information you need to provide to become a
member. This membership form does not have the
free t-shirt of phone case because that membership
form isn’t the main one and is just a rare one for
when they are trying to encourage more members.
Again this background has low opacity to not draw
the attention away from the text. The logo really fits
in with the membership form and all the other
products, you can tell they are all from the same
 The intension of this membership form was to show
the audience what they should be signing up for
because it is a really good organisation because it
benefits us and our environment.
1st set
 I produced 2 sets of different campaign posters which all
showed the type of damage litter and sewage is causing the
 First set - The first campaign poster is showing surfers in
the sea with rubbish all around their feet. The text at the
bottom states ‘just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean
it’s not there’ The intention of these posters are to show the
damage and make people think about the problem more, I
think these posters make people think more because the
text is small and formal they have to concentrate more on
the photograph to read the text, which makes the look at the
poster for longer and think about it more. All the posters
link together and have the same text and logo at the
bottom. They also have the same colours within them.
When seeing these posters without the logo or text you will
be able to tell what organisation they are from. I got this
idea from an existing organisations campaign poster. The
poster at the bottom shows a tyre in the ocean and the text
says there is no such thing as a little bit of rubbish. Which
shows that even a little bit of litter can make a damage. I
have found a lot of these campaigns with the same text at
the bottom but a different photograph of litter in the sea,
which makes all of the posters in a set, which is how I
wanted mine to look.
 Second set – the first idea I came up with was replacing
the dolphin by drink cans with the message help make
change, it’s not only the oceans that are in danger, which
widens up the picture and shows that the animals are in
danger to, and we need to help them. I liked this idea
because it was different, although it is clearly not real it
opens peoples minds to see that the litter they are
throwing into the ocean are actually threatening the
wildlife living in it. I made this on Photoshop by creating
a clipping mask of the cans into the outline of the dolphin
and then lowing the opacity so you can still see the
features of the dolphin. I did the same with the turtle. I do
not like how the image quality of the dolphin photograph
is low, the image is also very dark. I wanted to keep
experimenting with this idea because I liked the sound of
it and it is different from the rest. I then created animal
shapes of trash/litter. I made a dolphin and sea horse out
of things that you can find in the sea that are most
common. This campaign poster reaches out more to a
younger audience because they will see the animal and
wonder why it is made out of trash and want to read more
into it, which will help realise awareness I think this
intention really works with these campaign posters
because they show the damage in an illustrative way.
The text at the bottom of these ones stats ‘help make
change. Trash is replacing sea life’ this suggests that
there is going to be more rubbish in the sea then life itself
and it needs to stop.
 I like the bright colours of the second idea, they really
make the poster stand out and catch your eye
immediately to all the aspects of the poster. This one is a
lot different to the other things within this organisation
and doesn’t fit into the other products, but it reaches out
to a younger audience and shows creativity which is what
I wanted to achieve, the audience that I was looking at
was over 16s but the younger audience could also be
interested and needs to see the picture as well as an
older audience, so this campaign will reach out to them.
2nd Set
 The merchandise I created fits in for there intended
purpose because they show creativity. The only thing
about them Is they do not show the damage and danger
like the other products do (campaign posters) but they
show images of what the beach should look like and
more positive photography. T-shirts do not look
attractive with negative images on them, which is what I
thought I should change.
 Existing merchandise I looked at was simple and had a
simple colour with the logo of the organisation on it to
show where the item is from and to raise awareness of
this organisation, I thought this was a good idea to
decided to create a simple white hoodies with the SAS
logo I created to place on the top right of it. I also found
they had create t-shirts with typography on them that I
thought looked interesting, I tried out this idea for myself
and created some warped text of surfers against
sewage on Photoshop inside a circle to help create that
shape and also create a clipping mask of the sea and
sand to place into the text. This idea worked out well
and I think is a piece of attractive merchandise showing
positive photography.
 Another design I came up with was the text surfers
against sewage on top of a beach background that
would be good as a phone case, although it doesn’t
show negative photography of things that they are trying
to change it shows what the beach could look like if we
looked after it properly. I don’t believe the merchandise
should be created to show negative things, it should be
a give back to the progress the organisation is making
as a reward, and the reward should show positiveness.
The bright colours within the merchandise are to
connote the bright positive progress that they are
making within the organisation.
Do they communicate your message clearly?
 My products communicate the message clearly because they show negativity in the images which
makes the audience think more in depth about the problem and make them think about the fact
that the problem is not massively expressed around the world for people to see it, which is why
their should be more campaign posters around highlighting the problem.
 The logo clearly shows that the organisation is about marine conservation, the dolphins in the logo
show that it is about the ocean straight away and the text surfers against sewage shows that it is
an organisation trying to change peoples attitudes about the ocean and to look after it. This Is
clearly shown in my logo creation because of the graphics and text.
 The membership form shows images of the danger and problem and offers a sign up to the
organisation where you can become and member and send money of to help change the problem.
It shows the message clearly through negative photography, as does the campaign posters
showing in every element all the things that are under the ocean that we can not clearly see for
ourselves and also in text showing that you need to help and that you should stating that we can’t
see the big problem and the trash is replacing the life in the ocean.
Are they appropriate for your target
 The products I have produced are appropriate for my target audience because they
are done specifically to target between 16-50 year olds, because these are most likely
the people to be interested in this type of cause/organisation. I didn’t want to aim it
any younger because of the negative photography used without the products and the
content doesn’t suit anyone younger. It is aimed at both male and female. The
campaign posters of the dolphin and sea horse made out of trash that are animated
are aimed at a slightly younger audience, I wanted to create this to widen the
audience which makes the problem more likely to be solved and looked at more.
Compare and contrast your original
intentions with the outcomes you arrived at
 My original intentions were a lot different to my actual outcomes. My original logo idea was to
include surf boards in the logo to clearly show what the organisation is about, by changing this with
animals I thought that it made the organisation more clear to that it is to save animals as well as
humans, I believe that the old logo didn’t show any clue as to what the organisation was about. I
wanted the new look to give us an idea as to what it is about.
 The membership form idea has only changed slightly from the original idea, by switching around
background images to find the right one, and also the layout changed around lightly because when
planning you do not see the outcome but when you come to the final it is always good to switch
things around to fit the purpose in the best possible way.
 My merchandise idea was very simple, to make t-shirts and hoodies with the logo on the front and
back, to promote the organisation, but when actually making the products I came up with many
more good ideas, a full range of different merchandise that you can buy throughout the store. It
gives you a much larger variety to choose from which is always better.
 My original intention for the campaign posters was the showing of people on surfboards and a lot of
litter in the sea below them with the text ‘just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean its not there’. I
liked this idea a lot and still went forward with it but came up with other ideas along the way like the
making of animals out of trash because I think this widened the target audience slightly so more
people got involved and I think it catches your eye and stands out to be a good campaign poster.
Along with the beach clean up one.
How effective are the techniques you have used? What are the
technical and aesthetic qualities of your work?
 Campaign poster - 1st set - The techniques I used were the use of the tools in Photoshop to edit the
stock images I found of Google and place trash into them, creating a horrible look to the ocean. I
use the Gaussian blur tool to make the litter look like it is further away then some in the ocean, I
also did this by resizing the images. Another tool I used was the clone stamp tool. I also edited the
images colour and blending mode to make them fit into the picture more and for it to look more
real, this took me a long time and patience but I believe that they look good at the end and real,
they also send out a clear powerful message to the audience.
 Campaign poster - 2nd set – the techniques I used for these campaign posters were finding an
image on Photoshop and of a marine animal eg. Dolphin, seahorse and creating stroke around it
and filling it with white. I then placed images of trash into the page and created a clipping mask of
them into the animal so that they fit in with it. I also Rota scoped the images of trash on the
animated versions to show it is for children. The plain blue background is to connote the sea and
also make the main image stand above it nicely.
 Merchandise – by creating the top on the right I firstly created a circle with the ellipse tool on
Photoshop. I then added in the text surfers against sewage and warped each work to fit within the
circle. I then create a clipping mask of them both and placed an image of waves in. this design was
simple but worked well because it looks creative and is different from anything else I’ve seen. The
quality of it is good. The words are their to promote the organisation in a stylish way. It doesn’t
show any negative photograph but no one wants this when it comes to merchandise. People don’t
want to walk around with a dirty beach on their T-shirt. The merchandise is to show people what
impact they could be making on the beaches and ocean. The other merchandise were just simple
the logo and the words over an image of the beach.
Is the content effective? What impact do you think
your advertising campaign will have on the public?
 The content in my work is effective I think because just by looking at the campaign
posters and membership forms you can see that it is a serious subject and because it
touches upon me it must to the target audience as I fit into the sectors. It is effective
because it shows the problem from a real perspective even though the photographs
are not real. Showing the litter in the ocean disturbing humans and animals can make
a massive impact on what people think afterwards about seeing litter and actually
dropping it themselves. It isn’t just about the animals and environment, sports and
things people actually enjoy for a living like surfing and swimming can be ruined just
by littering as it is damaging the ocean.
 The impact I want the advertising campaigns to have on the public is to raise
awareness of the subject that is happening (danger to oceans), change attitudes on
the subject, strengthen community ties, provide information and to build relationships
with the subject. I want the impact to be people helping change the way they see the
ocean and actually help make a change, this doesn’t mean having to become a
member or donating but simply picking up litter they find on a beach and not dropping
it themselves, not just around the ocean but anywhere. I think my adverts will have
this effect on people because I have used negative photography to show the real
problem and to raise awareness of how bad it actually is, but we can’t see it. The
animated posters are their to show that it isn’t just damaging the environment but it is
actually killing the sea life. I believe my products will make the difference.

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  • 2. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?  The intended purpose of my final finished products was to change attitudes, raise awareness and provide information for my audience (16+) to see what the massive problem is about sewage in the sea. I think that my final pieces really showed this and have fit their intended purpose.  My logo was clear about what the organisation was about; it was also eye catching to the audience, which I wanted to intend. I created my logo on Photoshop, which I thought was the most appropriate software in creating a logo. Through research I found that many marine conservation logo’s showed animal graphics, these logos were the ones that I mostly remembered and linked with the company when I saw them, and as I apply within the boundaries of my target audience I went with what I thought worked best. The logo below was one that was linked in marine conservation, which is what Surfers Against Sewage are doing as well. This logo stood out to me because it showed good use of colour and a human next to a dolphin, showing that it is helping the dolphins. I wanted to include dolphins within my logo, but the logos’ that I thought were most creative and worked best were those that are round and are neat with all the graphics and text inside like the image at the bottom middle. My logo (bottom right) I think catches your eye above the other existing logos, because it shows repetition which is the process that the company is doing to help make marine conservation better, the bright colours also indicate that the organisation are looking for a brighter future. This piece of work fits the intended purpose of what the organisation was looking for. The font used is soft and calming, which I think fit into the logo nicely. The logo is very simple but also recognisable, which is what I was trying to achieve.  My membership form was creative and full of images; this is the look I was going for, for this type of membership form. I believe a membership form needs to catch your eye and stand out towards you for you to sign up to something that gives something better back to you, like a more healthy and sustainable environment. A membership form needs to show you the problem for you to help change that, this is why I put images into the membership form to show litter in the ocean, which is damaging it, I also placed surfers into the membership form to show the audience who came up with the organisation. Images of progress were also placed into the membership forms to show what the organisation is doing to help, which is another good thing because the money that you are donating is for this kind of help, so it is good to show the audience what they could be helping to pay for. Another aspect of the membership form I wanted is for it to be neat and clear and also colourful. I created 1 of the membership forms on ‘In Design’ and the other on ‘Photoshop’ to see which software worked better for the type of membership form I was designing. Their was many versions I came up with but the 2 final products from both software’s I think worked really well together.
  • 3.  The first membership form I created was on Photoshop and was a simple double sided A5 sheet. On the front I placed an image that was someone surfing and under the waves was litter in the sea. This photograph really catches your attention which makes you want to read what the page is about. The text at the bottom of the image is ‘sewage, marine litter and climate change are all aspects that are affecting the environment, help us make change’ this text is to make people want to turn over and read what is said on the back which is persuading them to join the SAS organisation. There is another image on the other side which is also a surfer in the ocean with litter around him. This image is lower opacity so it does not draw your attention away from the text above the image. I decided to show that if you become a members then you can win one of the free t-shirts and phone case from the merchandise collection I created. The background behind the text is another way to try and make the text stand out above the photograph. The intention of this membership form was to persuade the audience to join up to the organisation which I think I have achieved. The aspects of this membership form that I do not like are that it is really busy, but it still works together. Existing membership forms I looked at were much more simple, but looking at them myself, they did not persuade or make me want to join up to the organisations. The SAS membership form gave me the idea to put a negative photograph on the front of the membership form to show the actual damage that it is causing.
  • 4.  The second membership form was made on ‘in design’ I thought that because it was double sided and also a booklet form it would be easier to produce in ‘in design’  I used the same photograph as the first membership form for the front cover because I thought it was a really good image and was negative for the audience to become interested in the subject. The back page was filled with photographs that were the progress that the SAS organisation has made, these images were made on Photoshop.  The inside left has information of the campaigns that SAS have and are trying to make change on, I think these are important for the audience to know because it shows what they’re spending their money/donations on trying to help. The inside right is the information you need to provide to become a member. This membership form does not have the free t-shirt of phone case because that membership form isn’t the main one and is just a rare one for when they are trying to encourage more members. Again this background has low opacity to not draw the attention away from the text. The logo really fits in with the membership form and all the other products, you can tell they are all from the same organisation.  The intension of this membership form was to show the audience what they should be signing up for because it is a really good organisation because it benefits us and our environment.
  • 5. 1st set  I produced 2 sets of different campaign posters which all showed the type of damage litter and sewage is causing the ocean.  First set - The first campaign poster is showing surfers in the sea with rubbish all around their feet. The text at the bottom states ‘just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there’ The intention of these posters are to show the damage and make people think about the problem more, I think these posters make people think more because the text is small and formal they have to concentrate more on the photograph to read the text, which makes the look at the poster for longer and think about it more. All the posters link together and have the same text and logo at the bottom. They also have the same colours within them. When seeing these posters without the logo or text you will be able to tell what organisation they are from. I got this idea from an existing organisations campaign poster. The poster at the bottom shows a tyre in the ocean and the text says there is no such thing as a little bit of rubbish. Which shows that even a little bit of litter can make a damage. I have found a lot of these campaigns with the same text at the bottom but a different photograph of litter in the sea, which makes all of the posters in a set, which is how I wanted mine to look.
  • 6.  Second set – the first idea I came up with was replacing the dolphin by drink cans with the message help make change, it’s not only the oceans that are in danger, which widens up the picture and shows that the animals are in danger to, and we need to help them. I liked this idea because it was different, although it is clearly not real it opens peoples minds to see that the litter they are throwing into the ocean are actually threatening the wildlife living in it. I made this on Photoshop by creating a clipping mask of the cans into the outline of the dolphin and then lowing the opacity so you can still see the features of the dolphin. I did the same with the turtle. I do not like how the image quality of the dolphin photograph is low, the image is also very dark. I wanted to keep experimenting with this idea because I liked the sound of it and it is different from the rest. I then created animal shapes of trash/litter. I made a dolphin and sea horse out of things that you can find in the sea that are most common. This campaign poster reaches out more to a younger audience because they will see the animal and wonder why it is made out of trash and want to read more into it, which will help realise awareness I think this intention really works with these campaign posters because they show the damage in an illustrative way. The text at the bottom of these ones stats ‘help make change. Trash is replacing sea life’ this suggests that there is going to be more rubbish in the sea then life itself and it needs to stop.  I like the bright colours of the second idea, they really make the poster stand out and catch your eye immediately to all the aspects of the poster. This one is a lot different to the other things within this organisation and doesn’t fit into the other products, but it reaches out to a younger audience and shows creativity which is what I wanted to achieve, the audience that I was looking at was over 16s but the younger audience could also be interested and needs to see the picture as well as an older audience, so this campaign will reach out to them. 2nd Set
  • 7.  The merchandise I created fits in for there intended purpose because they show creativity. The only thing about them Is they do not show the damage and danger like the other products do (campaign posters) but they show images of what the beach should look like and more positive photography. T-shirts do not look attractive with negative images on them, which is what I thought I should change.  Existing merchandise I looked at was simple and had a simple colour with the logo of the organisation on it to show where the item is from and to raise awareness of this organisation, I thought this was a good idea to decided to create a simple white hoodies with the SAS logo I created to place on the top right of it. I also found they had create t-shirts with typography on them that I thought looked interesting, I tried out this idea for myself and created some warped text of surfers against sewage on Photoshop inside a circle to help create that shape and also create a clipping mask of the sea and sand to place into the text. This idea worked out well and I think is a piece of attractive merchandise showing positive photography.  Another design I came up with was the text surfers against sewage on top of a beach background that would be good as a phone case, although it doesn’t show negative photography of things that they are trying to change it shows what the beach could look like if we looked after it properly. I don’t believe the merchandise should be created to show negative things, it should be a give back to the progress the organisation is making as a reward, and the reward should show positiveness. The bright colours within the merchandise are to connote the bright positive progress that they are making within the organisation.
  • 8. Do they communicate your message clearly?  My products communicate the message clearly because they show negativity in the images which makes the audience think more in depth about the problem and make them think about the fact that the problem is not massively expressed around the world for people to see it, which is why their should be more campaign posters around highlighting the problem.  The logo clearly shows that the organisation is about marine conservation, the dolphins in the logo show that it is about the ocean straight away and the text surfers against sewage shows that it is an organisation trying to change peoples attitudes about the ocean and to look after it. This Is clearly shown in my logo creation because of the graphics and text.  The membership form shows images of the danger and problem and offers a sign up to the organisation where you can become and member and send money of to help change the problem. It shows the message clearly through negative photography, as does the campaign posters showing in every element all the things that are under the ocean that we can not clearly see for ourselves and also in text showing that you need to help and that you should stating that we can’t see the big problem and the trash is replacing the life in the ocean.
  • 9. Are they appropriate for your target audience?  The products I have produced are appropriate for my target audience because they are done specifically to target between 16-50 year olds, because these are most likely the people to be interested in this type of cause/organisation. I didn’t want to aim it any younger because of the negative photography used without the products and the content doesn’t suit anyone younger. It is aimed at both male and female. The campaign posters of the dolphin and sea horse made out of trash that are animated are aimed at a slightly younger audience, I wanted to create this to widen the audience which makes the problem more likely to be solved and looked at more.
  • 10. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at  My original intentions were a lot different to my actual outcomes. My original logo idea was to include surf boards in the logo to clearly show what the organisation is about, by changing this with animals I thought that it made the organisation more clear to that it is to save animals as well as humans, I believe that the old logo didn’t show any clue as to what the organisation was about. I wanted the new look to give us an idea as to what it is about.  The membership form idea has only changed slightly from the original idea, by switching around background images to find the right one, and also the layout changed around lightly because when planning you do not see the outcome but when you come to the final it is always good to switch things around to fit the purpose in the best possible way.  My merchandise idea was very simple, to make t-shirts and hoodies with the logo on the front and back, to promote the organisation, but when actually making the products I came up with many more good ideas, a full range of different merchandise that you can buy throughout the store. It gives you a much larger variety to choose from which is always better.  My original intention for the campaign posters was the showing of people on surfboards and a lot of litter in the sea below them with the text ‘just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean its not there’. I liked this idea a lot and still went forward with it but came up with other ideas along the way like the making of animals out of trash because I think this widened the target audience slightly so more people got involved and I think it catches your eye and stands out to be a good campaign poster. Along with the beach clean up one.
  • 11. How effective are the techniques you have used? What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work?  Campaign poster - 1st set - The techniques I used were the use of the tools in Photoshop to edit the stock images I found of Google and place trash into them, creating a horrible look to the ocean. I use the Gaussian blur tool to make the litter look like it is further away then some in the ocean, I also did this by resizing the images. Another tool I used was the clone stamp tool. I also edited the images colour and blending mode to make them fit into the picture more and for it to look more real, this took me a long time and patience but I believe that they look good at the end and real, they also send out a clear powerful message to the audience.  Campaign poster - 2nd set – the techniques I used for these campaign posters were finding an image on Photoshop and of a marine animal eg. Dolphin, seahorse and creating stroke around it and filling it with white. I then placed images of trash into the page and created a clipping mask of them into the animal so that they fit in with it. I also Rota scoped the images of trash on the animated versions to show it is for children. The plain blue background is to connote the sea and also make the main image stand above it nicely.  Merchandise – by creating the top on the right I firstly created a circle with the ellipse tool on Photoshop. I then added in the text surfers against sewage and warped each work to fit within the circle. I then create a clipping mask of them both and placed an image of waves in. this design was simple but worked well because it looks creative and is different from anything else I’ve seen. The quality of it is good. The words are their to promote the organisation in a stylish way. It doesn’t show any negative photograph but no one wants this when it comes to merchandise. People don’t want to walk around with a dirty beach on their T-shirt. The merchandise is to show people what impact they could be making on the beaches and ocean. The other merchandise were just simple the logo and the words over an image of the beach.
  • 12. Is the content effective? What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public?  The content in my work is effective I think because just by looking at the campaign posters and membership forms you can see that it is a serious subject and because it touches upon me it must to the target audience as I fit into the sectors. It is effective because it shows the problem from a real perspective even though the photographs are not real. Showing the litter in the ocean disturbing humans and animals can make a massive impact on what people think afterwards about seeing litter and actually dropping it themselves. It isn’t just about the animals and environment, sports and things people actually enjoy for a living like surfing and swimming can be ruined just by littering as it is damaging the ocean.  The impact I want the advertising campaigns to have on the public is to raise awareness of the subject that is happening (danger to oceans), change attitudes on the subject, strengthen community ties, provide information and to build relationships with the subject. I want the impact to be people helping change the way they see the ocean and actually help make a change, this doesn’t mean having to become a member or donating but simply picking up litter they find on a beach and not dropping it themselves, not just around the ocean but anywhere. I think my adverts will have this effect on people because I have used negative photography to show the real problem and to raise awareness of how bad it actually is, but we can’t see it. The animated posters are their to show that it isn’t just damaging the environment but it is actually killing the sea life. I believe my products will make the difference.