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Pre-Production Techniques
Chloe Stead
Give a definition for each of the terms listed
Self Financed
Self finances means that the producer funds the project themselves. They would perhaps have set aside
some of their own money in order to complete the project.
Employer/Client Financed
Employer or client financed means that the client funds the producer to create their product for them.
The client would give them enough money to cover the materials and equipment costs that they
would require to complete the project, and perhaps some other costs such as travel, which they
might need in order to help them to complete the project.
Kickstarter is a website which allows the producer to request for funding from the public to make their
product. They would set up a page on Kickstarter, explain what they are trying to fund and how
much it will cost, and if the public want to help to fund what they are doing, they can donate to
them. They will only receive the money until they have reached their target amount of donations.
Which source of funding will be most likely for your production and why?
The most likely way that we will fund this project is through ourselves. We will need to set
aside some of our own money in order to pay for the materials we need. Firstly, this is
because we are completing this project for free, and also because the materials we will
need are fairly basic.
Advantages- The advantage of self financing is they we can decide our own budget, it is not
being set by our client. It might allow us some freedom in terms of materials, as we will
be able to choose what kind of quality and price we want. For example, if we need to
purchase the food perhaps for a chef to cook in order to take photographs of it, we can
select the kind of quality and price that we want to spend.
Disadvantages- The disadvantage of self financing is that we are taking time out of our
lives, when we could be earning money, to complete a project where we will be
spending money. It is possible that we will not be able to afford the materials that we
want with our own money, which could be detrimental to the project.
Explain the aspects of your production that could require finance.
One aspect of the project that may require finance is to pay for the purchase, or rental of a camera, in order for
us to take pictures. If we purchase a camera, we may also need to pay for some insurance for it. It is
possible that the camera will break due to over use or damage, and that would require us to pay some
some maintenance, or for a new one.
In order to comply with the clients brief, we will need to purchase recycled paper. The brief also requires us to
laminate the paper so that they are easy to wipe is the consumer gets food on it. This means that we will
need to pay to have them laminated.
We will perhaps need to pay for Photoshop in order to design our cards. Also, in order to print our cards out
will we need to have access to a printer. This might mean paying for the use of a public printer, or a
professional printing service, though we could use our own at home.
We may also need to pay for the ingredients for the meals we need to take photographs of for the recipe cards.
It is possible that we will need a chef to prepare our meals, and so we would need to pay the chef. They
may require a wage, and perhaps money for travel if they are coming from far away. It is possible that we
will need to pay to travel ourselves, if we need to go to the chef rather than them coming to us.
Perhaps if we require access to a studio in order to take our photographs of the food, we will need to pay for
access. We might only require it for a few hours, though it may end up being a few days, so the cost will
depend on how quickly we can get the photographs done.
What methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why
would this be beneficial to your project?
Using examples from your own experiences can help you add detail here.
In order to help me to stick to my deadline, I will create a schedule. The schedule will include a detailed
plan of what I will be doing and when. It will allow me to see how much time I have to complete a
certain task, and so I will be able to take some steps in ensuring that I complete that task in the set
time. If I create my schedule with enough detail, I will clearly be able to see if I am on target to
complete my task in time. If I am not on target, then I will get the chance to take some steps in
getting back on track. Perhaps I will take some time to do work at home to catch up. In order to
help me to keep my concentration in order to get my tasks complete, I will perhaps allow myself
some mini breaks between working. For example, I might give myself a 5 minute break every half
an hour.
Before each project in college, we will create a schedule in order to help us understand how to stick to
our deadline. This means that I have some experience in creating schedules, and so I will be able to
come up with one that has enough detail, so that I know exactly what I need to be doing, and
when, in order to stick to the deadline. I usually work best if I create a deadline that splits the day
up into the morning and the afternoon, and shows me what I need to me doing during those times
of the day. Perhaps to make it more detailed I could add in exact times, and add in the times of my
What is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project?
Considering some general risks to your project could help you give a more detailed
Contingency time is extra time allowed to catch up on any unfinished work, or
improve work. Allowing ourselves extra time will be beneficial to our project as it
will ensure we get the most done that we possibly can, and to the highest
standard we can achieve. It means that we will not have to rush our work and end
up with something of low quality. It also means that if we fall behind, then it will
not be detrimental to the project.
For example, if our camera breaks, and we need to pay for repairs, we could lose days,
or even weeks out of the project. Though if we have a contingency plan, than we
will have a little extra time to compensate for this.
What size team will you use for your production (large or small)? How many people
will you have in your team? Consider the reasons for this. Think about the
advantages and disadvantages of your team size.
For the main part of this project there will only be two of us. The advantage of having
so few people working on this project is that it will be easier to compromise on
which recipes we will use for the cards, or the look of the cards, with only two
people. If there were more people in the team there is more chance of conflicting
ideas. The disadvantage of only working in a team of two is that we may have
limited skills. If we recruited some more people to the team to do jobs that we do
not have the skills to do then the outcome of this project may be better. We could
consider bringing in some people into our team in order to complete the tasks that
we are less skilled at. For example, we could bring in a chef to cook our meals for
us so that we do to learn how to cook these recipes. Bring in a chef to cook the
meals would also allow us some more time to concentrate on the design side of
the project.
What job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience
would be required? Think back to your early work on jobs roles and departments
and also the skills you know you need to use to produce work. Drawing on your own
experience as well as your industry knowledge will help you here.
For our production, we will perhaps need a chef to advise us about the recipes to use for our cards, and to cook
the food ready for photographing. The will need to have knowledge of vegetarian and vegan food
requirements, and know about the meals that would suit us for our project.
We will need a photographer to take the photographs of the food to put on the cards. Our photographer might
need pervious experience of food photography, as I think that it is perhaps different to other kinds of
photography. They might need knowledge of what lighting, location and what angle would suit the look of
the recipe cards best, and would make the food look its best.
We will also need an editor, in order to write up the copy for the recipe cards. They would need to know
everything about the recipes that they were writing about, in order to make sure that everything is written
Finally, we would need a graphic designer to design the recipe cards. They would firstly need to create the
layout of the recipe cards, and then they would add in the photographs that the photographer took, and
the copy that the editor wrote up. They would need to have experience using Photoshop, or InDesign,
depending on which they felt would be most suitable to use.
How could you find people to be in your production team? Think back to your own
career development plans to help you with this.
One step we could take to finding people to be in our production team is looking online for
suitable people such as a photographer, graphic designer or chef. We could look to a
industry specific website, such as which advertises people looking
for work, or jobs from the creative industry, or we could perhaps look on a social media
site such as Linkedin that has lots of people from different industries.
We could also advertise our job online so that people looking to work in the fields we
require can find us. We could perhaps advertise our job on a industry specific website
like, or we could advertise it on a website that is less specific such as
Another way in which we could find people to be in our production team is by looking to an
agency. They might already have someone in their database that would suit a job that
we require. If they didn’t have someone suitable immediately, then they would perhaps
keep our details, and let us know when someone suitable does come along.
List the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source
Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for
College Self Client
Printer; to print out recipe cards This could be
used at college.
You could seek out
a high quality
printing facility for
Camera; to take pictures of food for the recipe cards This could be
borrowed from
You could use the
camera you
already own if it is
Food; to take pictures of the recipes You could get
students to
make the food.
You could make
the food yourself.
You could
request the
client hires a
chef to
prepare the
Recipes; you need to find suitable recipes that are tasty and are vegetarian You could take
a recipe book
out of the
library .
You could look on
the internet or
look in books you
already own.
The client
could provide
you with the
recipes that
they might
Computers and software; to design and put the recipe card layout together You could
borrow a
computer and
the software
from college.
If you already have
the computer and
software you
could use your
Contributor Type of Contributor
Team member Expert/Talent/Public
Client Expert
Tutor Expert
Photographer of Sourced Images Expert
Model Talent
What method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production
(production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful?
To find out if a location is worth using you can conduct a recce to weigh up the pros and cons of going to
a chosen location and to find out if it is suitable or not. The kind of questions that need to be asked
are, how long does the location take to travel to, is it really appropriate and fit in with the theme of
the recipe card e.g. photographing the food in an abattoir kitchen wouldn’t be appropriate. Is the
location safe to use, so if it was on a building site is there any danger of anyone getting injured and
also is it illegal to go on to the property without permission, could it involve trespassing and if it
does then this means this location wouldn’t be accessible so you couldn’t photograph there. The
length of time it takes to get to the location is also important, if it takes a long time then extra
planning will be needed because you wouldn’t be able to go round the corner if you had forgotten
to take a piece of equipment to the shoot. Cost of transport to get models and food and equipment
to a location, if this is too expensive then a location that is nearer may have to be an option. Size of
the location could also be an issue, if there is not enough space in the place you want for
equipment like cameras and lighting and models, so you need to make sure there is enough space
to fit everything you need in. Style and colour pallet are also important to set a mood and carry out
a theme, if you are going for an old style, rustic kind of food then you want a rustic location, with a
colour pallet of oranges, browns, greens, earthy tones and visa versa with a modern feel to the
menu, you want a modern location with a colour pallet of greys, whites, blacks and some vibrant
unnatural colours. You want this to keep up a running theme and have everything matching so you
have to make sure the location is matching to the rest of the style of the recipe cards.
Are there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations?
Location Limitation/Risk
Kitchen Space; there may not be a lot of space to move around and place equipment and for storage.
Tripping hazards; if there is a lot of equipment and electrics for lighting, cameras and laptops then there will also
be a lot of wires so these could go unseen and people may trip and fall over, injuring themselves.
Heat from lamps; if the area is enclosed that the team would be working in then the lamp and body heat may
climb to a hazardous temperature to human health and may induce fainting or headaches.
Food allergies; model may be allergic to some of the food that they are going to be photographed in the recipe
Studio Tripping hazard; there would be a lot of equipment in the studio, such as lighting equipment, desks and wires from
computers, all of which you could potentially trip over. The lighting could also potentially fall on you.
Codes of Practice - Clearances
What is a model/location release form and why is it important to your production?
When you would like to hire a model, then before you do so, both you and the model must sign the
model release form. The model release form states that the model agrees to the terms and
conditions of the shoot. The form often stated that the model assigns the photographer full
copyright to the photographs, and that they have unrestricted use of them. This is to make sure
that they understand their rights to the photographs, and the photographers rights to the
photographs. This might be be beneficial to our project, if we were to use any models in any of our
photographs, then we would need this in order to protect us from any misunderstandings, or legal
action being taken against us if there were to be a misunderstanding.
If we were to require the use of a specific location, then we could need to seek the consent of the
owner of the property. We would need to have them sign a location release form, which would
state that the photographer has the right to be on the property, and bring their equipment to the
property. It would state that they have the right to photograph on the property, and would have full
rights to those photographs. It would also state that if there were to be any loss, damage or costs as
a direct result of the photographer, then they or their agent would be solely responsible. Again, this
covers the photographers back, and covers the land owners back. The form would hopefully
prevent any misunderstanding about the usage of the location.
Codes of Practice - Legal
What legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they
relate to?
Aspect of Production Legal Consideration
Copyright material You will have to avoid using products that show any logos from other
companies that have a copyright law. These will either have to be
hidden or avoided.
Health and safety Necessary health and safety checks need to be carried out, things like
risk assessments should be conducted regularly, and at each location
that is used.
Food labelling On the recipes there needs to be allergy advice and labels to tell people
the food is suitable for vegetarians or vegans, if it is not suitable for
lactose intolerant people.
Advertising standards The advertising on the recipe cards need to meet the legal regulations
and need to make sure they are true, that the adverts match the food.
Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies
Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your
production? Where could you source that information from. Be specific.
When creating this product of a recipe card the regulatory body guidelines I would need to follow would
be the ASA (advertising standards authority). This authority has guidelines that can ensure products
are not harmful to viewers, and that manufacturers don’t lie on the packaging about what is in the
product. For example, if the product was sold, claiming that it was vegetarian, when in actual fact it
contained meat. I would need to make sure to abide by their guidelines so that I don’t suffer legal
The ASA also have restrictions on where the product is advertised, and who it is advertised at. This will
mean that if the food I use for the recipe cards promotes unhealthy food, like fried food and food
that is full of fat, then it is not allowed to be aimed at children and must be placed in shops higher
up, so out of view of children.
Another regulatory body’s guidelines that I could look to could be the food standards agency. One of
their guidelines states that all food products must have allergens information clearly on the label.
This could mean that I need to include some allergen information on my recipe cards.

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Pre- Production Techniques Pro-Forma (improved)

  • 2. Finance Give a definition for each of the terms listed Self Financed Self finances means that the producer funds the project themselves. They would perhaps have set aside some of their own money in order to complete the project. Employer/Client Financed Employer or client financed means that the client funds the producer to create their product for them. The client would give them enough money to cover the materials and equipment costs that they would require to complete the project, and perhaps some other costs such as travel, which they might need in order to help them to complete the project. Kickstarter Kickstarter is a website which allows the producer to request for funding from the public to make their product. They would set up a page on Kickstarter, explain what they are trying to fund and how much it will cost, and if the public want to help to fund what they are doing, they can donate to them. They will only receive the money until they have reached their target amount of donations.
  • 3. Finance Which source of funding will be most likely for your production and why? The most likely way that we will fund this project is through ourselves. We will need to set aside some of our own money in order to pay for the materials we need. Firstly, this is because we are completing this project for free, and also because the materials we will need are fairly basic. Advantages- The advantage of self financing is they we can decide our own budget, it is not being set by our client. It might allow us some freedom in terms of materials, as we will be able to choose what kind of quality and price we want. For example, if we need to purchase the food perhaps for a chef to cook in order to take photographs of it, we can select the kind of quality and price that we want to spend. Disadvantages- The disadvantage of self financing is that we are taking time out of our lives, when we could be earning money, to complete a project where we will be spending money. It is possible that we will not be able to afford the materials that we want with our own money, which could be detrimental to the project.
  • 4. Finance Explain the aspects of your production that could require finance. One aspect of the project that may require finance is to pay for the purchase, or rental of a camera, in order for us to take pictures. If we purchase a camera, we may also need to pay for some insurance for it. It is possible that the camera will break due to over use or damage, and that would require us to pay some some maintenance, or for a new one. In order to comply with the clients brief, we will need to purchase recycled paper. The brief also requires us to laminate the paper so that they are easy to wipe is the consumer gets food on it. This means that we will need to pay to have them laminated. We will perhaps need to pay for Photoshop in order to design our cards. Also, in order to print our cards out will we need to have access to a printer. This might mean paying for the use of a public printer, or a professional printing service, though we could use our own at home. We may also need to pay for the ingredients for the meals we need to take photographs of for the recipe cards. It is possible that we will need a chef to prepare our meals, and so we would need to pay the chef. They may require a wage, and perhaps money for travel if they are coming from far away. It is possible that we will need to pay to travel ourselves, if we need to go to the chef rather than them coming to us. Perhaps if we require access to a studio in order to take our photographs of the food, we will need to pay for access. We might only require it for a few hours, though it may end up being a few days, so the cost will depend on how quickly we can get the photographs done.
  • 5. Time What methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why would this be beneficial to your project? Using examples from your own experiences can help you add detail here. In order to help me to stick to my deadline, I will create a schedule. The schedule will include a detailed plan of what I will be doing and when. It will allow me to see how much time I have to complete a certain task, and so I will be able to take some steps in ensuring that I complete that task in the set time. If I create my schedule with enough detail, I will clearly be able to see if I am on target to complete my task in time. If I am not on target, then I will get the chance to take some steps in getting back on track. Perhaps I will take some time to do work at home to catch up. In order to help me to keep my concentration in order to get my tasks complete, I will perhaps allow myself some mini breaks between working. For example, I might give myself a 5 minute break every half an hour. Before each project in college, we will create a schedule in order to help us understand how to stick to our deadline. This means that I have some experience in creating schedules, and so I will be able to come up with one that has enough detail, so that I know exactly what I need to be doing, and when, in order to stick to the deadline. I usually work best if I create a deadline that splits the day up into the morning and the afternoon, and shows me what I need to me doing during those times of the day. Perhaps to make it more detailed I could add in exact times, and add in the times of my breaks.
  • 6. Time What is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project? Considering some general risks to your project could help you give a more detailed response. Contingency time is extra time allowed to catch up on any unfinished work, or improve work. Allowing ourselves extra time will be beneficial to our project as it will ensure we get the most done that we possibly can, and to the highest standard we can achieve. It means that we will not have to rush our work and end up with something of low quality. It also means that if we fall behind, then it will not be detrimental to the project. For example, if our camera breaks, and we need to pay for repairs, we could lose days, or even weeks out of the project. Though if we have a contingency plan, than we will have a little extra time to compensate for this.
  • 7. Personnel What size team will you use for your production (large or small)? How many people will you have in your team? Consider the reasons for this. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of your team size. For the main part of this project there will only be two of us. The advantage of having so few people working on this project is that it will be easier to compromise on which recipes we will use for the cards, or the look of the cards, with only two people. If there were more people in the team there is more chance of conflicting ideas. The disadvantage of only working in a team of two is that we may have limited skills. If we recruited some more people to the team to do jobs that we do not have the skills to do then the outcome of this project may be better. We could consider bringing in some people into our team in order to complete the tasks that we are less skilled at. For example, we could bring in a chef to cook our meals for us so that we do to learn how to cook these recipes. Bring in a chef to cook the meals would also allow us some more time to concentrate on the design side of the project.
  • 8. Personnel What job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience would be required? Think back to your early work on jobs roles and departments and also the skills you know you need to use to produce work. Drawing on your own experience as well as your industry knowledge will help you here. For our production, we will perhaps need a chef to advise us about the recipes to use for our cards, and to cook the food ready for photographing. The will need to have knowledge of vegetarian and vegan food requirements, and know about the meals that would suit us for our project. We will need a photographer to take the photographs of the food to put on the cards. Our photographer might need pervious experience of food photography, as I think that it is perhaps different to other kinds of photography. They might need knowledge of what lighting, location and what angle would suit the look of the recipe cards best, and would make the food look its best. We will also need an editor, in order to write up the copy for the recipe cards. They would need to know everything about the recipes that they were writing about, in order to make sure that everything is written accurately. Finally, we would need a graphic designer to design the recipe cards. They would firstly need to create the layout of the recipe cards, and then they would add in the photographs that the photographer took, and the copy that the editor wrote up. They would need to have experience using Photoshop, or InDesign, depending on which they felt would be most suitable to use.
  • 9. Personnel How could you find people to be in your production team? Think back to your own career development plans to help you with this. One step we could take to finding people to be in our production team is looking online for suitable people such as a photographer, graphic designer or chef. We could look to a industry specific website, such as which advertises people looking for work, or jobs from the creative industry, or we could perhaps look on a social media site such as Linkedin that has lots of people from different industries. We could also advertise our job online so that people looking to work in the fields we require can find us. We could perhaps advertise our job on a industry specific website like, or we could advertise it on a website that is less specific such as Another way in which we could find people to be in our production team is by looking to an agency. They might already have someone in their database that would suit a job that we require. If they didn’t have someone suitable immediately, then they would perhaps keep our details, and let us know when someone suitable does come along.
  • 10. Facilities List the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for production College Self Client Printer; to print out recipe cards This could be used at college. You could seek out a high quality printing facility for yourself. Camera; to take pictures of food for the recipe cards This could be borrowed from college. You could use the camera you already own if it is suitable. Food; to take pictures of the recipes You could get catering students to make the food. You could make the food yourself. You could request the client hires a professional chef to prepare the meals. Recipes; you need to find suitable recipes that are tasty and are vegetarian You could take a recipe book out of the library . You could look on the internet or look in books you already own. The client could provide you with the recipes that they might want. Computers and software; to design and put the recipe card layout together You could borrow a computer and the software from college. If you already have the computer and software you could use your own.
  • 11. Contributors Contributor Type of Contributor Team member Expert/Talent/Public Client Expert Tutor Expert Photographer of Sourced Images Expert Model Talent
  • 12. Locations What method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production (production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful? To find out if a location is worth using you can conduct a recce to weigh up the pros and cons of going to a chosen location and to find out if it is suitable or not. The kind of questions that need to be asked are, how long does the location take to travel to, is it really appropriate and fit in with the theme of the recipe card e.g. photographing the food in an abattoir kitchen wouldn’t be appropriate. Is the location safe to use, so if it was on a building site is there any danger of anyone getting injured and also is it illegal to go on to the property without permission, could it involve trespassing and if it does then this means this location wouldn’t be accessible so you couldn’t photograph there. The length of time it takes to get to the location is also important, if it takes a long time then extra planning will be needed because you wouldn’t be able to go round the corner if you had forgotten to take a piece of equipment to the shoot. Cost of transport to get models and food and equipment to a location, if this is too expensive then a location that is nearer may have to be an option. Size of the location could also be an issue, if there is not enough space in the place you want for equipment like cameras and lighting and models, so you need to make sure there is enough space to fit everything you need in. Style and colour pallet are also important to set a mood and carry out a theme, if you are going for an old style, rustic kind of food then you want a rustic location, with a colour pallet of oranges, browns, greens, earthy tones and visa versa with a modern feel to the menu, you want a modern location with a colour pallet of greys, whites, blacks and some vibrant unnatural colours. You want this to keep up a running theme and have everything matching so you have to make sure the location is matching to the rest of the style of the recipe cards.
  • 13. Locations Are there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations? Location Limitation/Risk Kitchen Space; there may not be a lot of space to move around and place equipment and for storage. Tripping hazards; if there is a lot of equipment and electrics for lighting, cameras and laptops then there will also be a lot of wires so these could go unseen and people may trip and fall over, injuring themselves. Heat from lamps; if the area is enclosed that the team would be working in then the lamp and body heat may climb to a hazardous temperature to human health and may induce fainting or headaches. Food allergies; model may be allergic to some of the food that they are going to be photographed in the recipe card. Studio Tripping hazard; there would be a lot of equipment in the studio, such as lighting equipment, desks and wires from computers, all of which you could potentially trip over. The lighting could also potentially fall on you.
  • 14. Codes of Practice - Clearances What is a model/location release form and why is it important to your production? When you would like to hire a model, then before you do so, both you and the model must sign the model release form. The model release form states that the model agrees to the terms and conditions of the shoot. The form often stated that the model assigns the photographer full copyright to the photographs, and that they have unrestricted use of them. This is to make sure that they understand their rights to the photographs, and the photographers rights to the photographs. This might be be beneficial to our project, if we were to use any models in any of our photographs, then we would need this in order to protect us from any misunderstandings, or legal action being taken against us if there were to be a misunderstanding. If we were to require the use of a specific location, then we could need to seek the consent of the owner of the property. We would need to have them sign a location release form, which would state that the photographer has the right to be on the property, and bring their equipment to the property. It would state that they have the right to photograph on the property, and would have full rights to those photographs. It would also state that if there were to be any loss, damage or costs as a direct result of the photographer, then they or their agent would be solely responsible. Again, this covers the photographers back, and covers the land owners back. The form would hopefully prevent any misunderstanding about the usage of the location.
  • 15. Codes of Practice - Legal What legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they relate to? Aspect of Production Legal Consideration Copyright material You will have to avoid using products that show any logos from other companies that have a copyright law. These will either have to be hidden or avoided. Health and safety Necessary health and safety checks need to be carried out, things like risk assessments should be conducted regularly, and at each location that is used. Food labelling On the recipes there needs to be allergy advice and labels to tell people the food is suitable for vegetarians or vegans, if it is not suitable for lactose intolerant people. Advertising standards The advertising on the recipe cards need to meet the legal regulations and need to make sure they are true, that the adverts match the food.
  • 16. Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your production? Where could you source that information from. Be specific. When creating this product of a recipe card the regulatory body guidelines I would need to follow would be the ASA (advertising standards authority). This authority has guidelines that can ensure products are not harmful to viewers, and that manufacturers don’t lie on the packaging about what is in the product. For example, if the product was sold, claiming that it was vegetarian, when in actual fact it contained meat. I would need to make sure to abide by their guidelines so that I don’t suffer legal action. The ASA also have restrictions on where the product is advertised, and who it is advertised at. This will mean that if the food I use for the recipe cards promotes unhealthy food, like fried food and food that is full of fat, then it is not allowed to be aimed at children and must be placed in shops higher up, so out of view of children. Another regulatory body’s guidelines that I could look to could be the food standards agency. One of their guidelines states that all food products must have allergens information clearly on the label. This could mean that I need to include some allergen information on my recipe cards.