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Section 3.1
    Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponentials

                           Math 1a

                      February 20, 2008

   Problem Sessions Sunday, Thursday, 7pm, SC 310
   ALEKS due today (10% of grade).
   Office hours Wednesday 2/20 2–4pm SC 323
   Midterm I Friday 2/29 in class (up to §3.2)

   Derivatives so far

   Derivatives of polynomials
      The power rule for whole numbers
      Linear combinations

   Derivatives of exponential functions
      By experimentation
      The natural exponential function
      Final examples
Derivative of the squaring function

   Suppose f (x) = x 2 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).
Derivative of the squaring function

   Suppose f (x) = x 2 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).


                        f (x + h) − f (x)       (x + h)2 − x 2
           f (x) = lim                    = lim
                    h→0         h           h→0       h
                          x2         2  x2
                            + 2xh + h −  
                                                   2x h + h¡
                 = lim                       = lim
                   h→0          h              h→0      h
                 = lim (2x + h) = 2x.

   So f (x) = 2x.
Derivative of the cubing function

   Suppose f (x) = x 3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).
Derivative of the cubing function

   Suppose f (x) = x 3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).


               f (x + h) − f (x)       (x + h)3 − x 3
   f (x) = lim                   = lim
           h→0         h           h→0       h
                                                                                1   2

                 x3 +
                        3x 2 h   +   3xh2   +   h3    x3
                                                                   3x 2 h     2
                                                                       ¡ + 3xh¡ + h¡
                                                                              !    3
         = lim                                             = lim
           h→0             h                                 h→0            h
         = lim 3x 2 + 3xh + h2 = 3x 2 .

   So f (x) = 2x.
Derivative of the square root function
   Suppose f (x) =       x = x 1/2 . Use the definition of derivative to find
   f (x).
Derivative of the square root function
   Suppose f (x) =         x = x 1/2 . Use the definition of derivative to find
   f (x).


                                             √         √
                    f (x + h) − f (x)          x +h− x
        f (x) = lim                   = lim
                h→0         h            h→0      h
                    √          √ √              √
                       x +h− x          x +h+ x
              = lim                  ·√         √
                h→0        h            x +h+ x
                        (& + h) − &
                         x         x                  h
                        √                        √
              = lim               √ = lim                √
                h→0 h     x +h+ x          h→0 h
                                               ¡   x +h+ x
              = √
                2 x
   So f (x) =       x = 1 x −1/2 .
Derivative of the cube root function
   Suppose f (x) =   3
                         x = x 1/3 . Use the definition of derivative to find
   f (x).
Derivative of the cube root function
   Suppose f (x) =   3
                         x = x 1/3 . Use the definition of derivative to find
   f (x).

               f (x + h) − f (x)         (x + h)1/3 − x 1/3
   f (x) = lim                    = lim
           h→0         h             h→0         h
               (x + h) 1/3 − x 1/3 (x + h)2/3 + (x + h)1/3 x 1/3 + x 2/3
         = lim                     ·
           h→0          h            (x + h)2/3 + (x + h)1/3 x 1/3 + x 2/3
                              (& + h) − &
                               x         x
         = lim
           h→0 h (x + h)2/3 + (x + h)1/3 x 1/3 + x 2/3

                                 ¡                        1
         = lim                                         = 2/3
           h→0 h (x + h)2/3 + (x + h)1/3 x 1/3 + x 2/3
               ¡                                        3x

   So f (x) = 1 x −2/3 .
One more

  Suppose f (x) = x 2/3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).
One more

  Suppose f (x) = x 2/3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).


                      f (x + h) − f (x)        (x + h)2/3 − x 2/3
         f (x) = lim                     = lim
                 h→0          h            h→0         h
                      (x + h) 1/3 − x 1/3
               = lim                      · (x + h)1/3 + x 1/3
                 h→0           h
               = 1 x −2/3 2x 1/3 = x −1/3
                 3                    3

  So f (x) = 2 x −1/3 .
The Power Rule

  There is mounting evidence for
  Theorem (The Power Rule)
  Let r be a real number and f (x) = x r . Then

                            f (x) = rx r −1

  as long as the expression on the right-hand side is defined.

      Perhaps the most famous rule in calculus
      We will assume it as of today
      We will prove it many ways for many different r .

   Derivatives so far

   Derivatives of polynomials
      The power rule for whole numbers
      Linear combinations

   Derivatives of exponential functions
      By experimentation
      The natural exponential function
      Final examples
Remember your algebra

   Let n be a positive whole number. Then

      (x + h)n = x n + nx n−1 h + (stuff with at least two hs in it)
Remember your algebra

   Let n be a positive whole number. Then

       (x + h)n = x n + nx n−1 h + (stuff with at least two hs in it)

   We have
                 (x + h)n = (x + h) · (x + h) · · · (x + h)
                                        n copies

   Each monomial is of the form ck x k hn−k . The coefficient of x n is
   one because we have to choose x from each binomial, and there’s
   only one way to do that. The coefficient of x n−1 h is the number of
   ways we can choose x n − 1 times, which is the same as the
   number of different hs we can pick, which is n.
Theorem (The Power Rule)
Let r be a positive whole number. Then
                         d r
                            x = rx r −1
Theorem (The Power Rule)
Let r be a positive whole number. Then
                            d r
                               x = rx r −1

As we showed above,

     (x + h)n = x n + nx n−1 h + (stuff with at least two hs in it)

     (x + h)n − x n   nx n−1 h + (stuff with at least two hs in it)
           h                               h
                    = nx n−1 + (stuff with at least one h in it)

and this tends to nx n−1 as h → 0.
The Power Rule for constants

   Let c be a constant. Then

                d 0
   Kind of like    x = 0x −1 , although x → 0x −1 is not defined at
The Power Rule for constants

   Let c be a constant. Then

                d 0
   Kind of like    x = 0x −1 , although x → 0x −1 is not defined at
   Let f (x) = c. Then

                     f (x + h) − f (x)   c −c
                                       =      =0
                             h             h
   So f (x) = lim 0 = 0.
New derivatives from old

   This is where the calculus starts to get really powerful!
Adding functions

   Theorem (The Sum Rule)
   Let f and g be functions and define

                       (f + g )(x) = f (x) + g (x)

   Then if f and g are differentiable at x, then so is f + g and

                      (f + g ) (x) = f (x) + g (x).

   Succinctly, (f + g ) = f + g .
Follow your nose:

                      (f + g )(x + h) − (f + g )(x)
    (f + g ) (x) = lim
                    h→0              h
                      f (x + h) + g (x + h) − [f (x) + g (x)]
                = lim
                  h→0                   h
                      f (x + h) − f (x)       g (x + h) − g (x)
                = lim                   + lim
                  h→0         h           h→0          h
                = f (x) + g (x)

Note the use of the Sum Rule for limits. Since the limits of the
difference quotients for for f and g exist, the limit of the sum is
the sum of the limits.
Scaling functions

   Theorem (The Constant Multiple Rule)
   Let f be a function and c a constant. Define

                              (cf )(x) = cf (x)

   Then if f is differentiable at x, so is cf and

                              (cf ) (x) = cf (x)

   Succinctly, (cf ) = cf .
Again, follow your nose.

                              (cf )(x + h) − (cf )(x)
              (cf ) (x) = lim
                         hto0             h
                              cf (x + h) − cf (x)
                       = lim
                         hto0          h
                                f (x + h) − f (x)
                       = c lim
                           hto0         h
                       = cf (x)
Derivatives of polynomials

   Find      2x 3 + x 4 − 17x 12 + 37
Derivatives of polynomials

   Find      2x 3 + x 4 − 17x 12 + 37

        2x 3 + x 4 − 17x 12 + 37
                d            d 4      d               d
             =      2x 3 +      x +       −17x 12 +      (37)
               dx           dx       dx               dx
                        d        d 4         d
                    = 2 x3 +        x − 17 x 12 + 0
                        dx       dx         dx
                      = 2 · 3x 2 + 4x 3 − 17 · 12x 11
                                              = 6x 2 + 4x 3 − 204x 11

   Derivatives so far

   Derivatives of polynomials
      The power rule for whole numbers
      Linear combinations

   Derivatives of exponential functions
      By experimentation
      The natural exponential function
      Final examples
Derivative of x → 2x

   Let f (x) = 2x . Use a calculator to estimate f (0).
Derivative of x → 2x

   Let f (x) = 2x . Use a calculator to estimate f (0).

   We have
                         20+h − 20       2h − 1
              f (0) = lim          = lim        ≈ 0.693147
                     h→0     h       h→0    h
                               d x
Use the previous fact to find      2 .
                               d x
Use the previous fact to find      2 .

             d x         2x+h − 2x       2x 2h − 2x
                2 = lim            = lim
             dx     h→0      h       h→0      h
                             2 h−1
                  = lim 2x ·
                    h→0          h
                           2 h−1
                  = 2x lim
                       h→0     h
                  ≈ (0.693147)2x
                               d x
Use the previous fact to find      2 .

             d x         2x+h − 2x       2x 2h − 2x
                2 = lim            = lim
             dx     h→0      h       h→0      h
                             2 h−1
                  = lim 2x ·
                    h→0          h
                           2 h−1
                  = 2x lim
                       h→0     h
                  ≈ (0.693147)2x

Here we have a function whose derivative is a multiple of itself!
(Much different from a polynomial.)
       d x
Find      3 .
       d x
Find      3 .

                d x         3x+h − 3x       3x 2h − 3x
                   3 = lim            = lim
                dx     h→0      h       h→0      h
                                3 h−1
                     = lim 3x ·
                       h→0          h
                              3 h−1
                     = 3x lim
                          h→0     h
                     ≈ (1.09861)3x
Let a > 1, and let f (x) = ax . Then

                         f (x) = f (0)f (x)
The natural exponential function

                 d x
      If a = 2,    a     <1
                 dx x=0
                 d x
      If a = 3,    a     >1
                 dx x=0
      We would hope there is a number a between 2 and 3 such
            d x
      that     a     =1
            dx x=0
      We call this number e. Then by definition
                             d x
                                e = ex
          d             1    √
               4x 2 +     + 3 4 x + 6e x
          dx            x
                  d             1    √
                       4x 2 +     + 3 4 x + 6e x
                  dx            x

           1            √
Remember     = x −1 and 4 x = x 1/4 . So
                 dy        1  3
                    = 8x − 2 + x −3/4 + 6e x
                 dx       x   4

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Lesson 8: Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential functions

  • 1. Section 3.1 Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponentials Math 1a February 20, 2008 Announcements Problem Sessions Sunday, Thursday, 7pm, SC 310 ALEKS due today (10% of grade). Office hours Wednesday 2/20 2–4pm SC 323 Midterm I Friday 2/29 in class (up to §3.2)
  • 2. Outline Derivatives so far Derivatives of polynomials The power rule for whole numbers Linear combinations Derivatives of exponential functions By experimentation The natural exponential function Final examples
  • 3. Derivative of the squaring function Example Suppose f (x) = x 2 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).
  • 4. Derivative of the squaring function Example Suppose f (x) = x 2 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x). Solution f (x + h) − f (x) (x + h)2 − x 2 f (x) = lim = lim h→0 h h→0 h x2 2 x2   + 2xh + h −       2 2x h + h¡ ¡ = lim = lim h→0 h h→0 h ¡ = lim (2x + h) = 2x. h→0 So f (x) = 2x.
  • 5. Derivative of the cubing function Example Suppose f (x) = x 3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).
  • 6. Derivative of the cubing function Example Suppose f (x) = x 3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x). Solution f (x + h) − f (x) (x + h)3 − x 3 f (x) = lim = lim h→0 h h→0 h 1 2 x3 +   3x 2 h + 3xh2 + h3 x3 −    3x 2 h 2 ¡ + 3xh¡ + h¡ ! 3 ! = lim = lim   h→0 h h→0 h ¡ = lim 3x 2 + 3xh + h2 = 3x 2 . h→0 So f (x) = 2x.
  • 7. Derivative of the square root function Example √ Suppose f (x) = x = x 1/2 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).
  • 8. Derivative of the square root function Example √ Suppose f (x) = x = x 1/2 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x). Solution √ √ f (x + h) − f (x) x +h− x f (x) = lim = lim h→0 h h→0 h √ √ √ √ x +h− x x +h+ x = lim ·√ √ h→0 h x +h+ x (& + h) − & x x h √ √ ¡ = lim √ = lim √ h→0 h x +h+ x h→0 h ¡ x +h+ x 1 = √ 2 x √ So f (x) = x = 1 x −1/2 . 2
  • 9. Derivative of the cube root function Example √ Suppose f (x) = 3 x = x 1/3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).
  • 10. Derivative of the cube root function Example √ Suppose f (x) = 3 x = x 1/3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x). Solution f (x + h) − f (x) (x + h)1/3 − x 1/3 f (x) = lim = lim h→0 h h→0 h (x + h) 1/3 − x 1/3 (x + h)2/3 + (x + h)1/3 x 1/3 + x 2/3 = lim · h→0 h (x + h)2/3 + (x + h)1/3 x 1/3 + x 2/3 (& + h) − & x x = lim h→0 h (x + h)2/3 + (x + h)1/3 x 1/3 + x 2/3 h ¡ 1 = lim = 2/3 h→0 h (x + h)2/3 + (x + h)1/3 x 1/3 + x 2/3 ¡ 3x So f (x) = 1 x −2/3 . 3
  • 11. One more Example Suppose f (x) = x 2/3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x).
  • 12. One more Example Suppose f (x) = x 2/3 . Use the definition of derivative to find f (x). Solution f (x + h) − f (x) (x + h)2/3 − x 2/3 f (x) = lim = lim h→0 h h→0 h (x + h) 1/3 − x 1/3 = lim · (x + h)1/3 + x 1/3 h→0 h 2 = 1 x −2/3 2x 1/3 = x −1/3 3 3 So f (x) = 2 x −1/3 . 3
  • 13. The Power Rule There is mounting evidence for Theorem (The Power Rule) Let r be a real number and f (x) = x r . Then f (x) = rx r −1 as long as the expression on the right-hand side is defined. Perhaps the most famous rule in calculus We will assume it as of today We will prove it many ways for many different r .
  • 14. Outline Derivatives so far Derivatives of polynomials The power rule for whole numbers Linear combinations Derivatives of exponential functions By experimentation The natural exponential function Final examples
  • 15. Remember your algebra Fact Let n be a positive whole number. Then (x + h)n = x n + nx n−1 h + (stuff with at least two hs in it)
  • 16. Remember your algebra Fact Let n be a positive whole number. Then (x + h)n = x n + nx n−1 h + (stuff with at least two hs in it) Proof. We have (x + h)n = (x + h) · (x + h) · · · (x + h) n copies Each monomial is of the form ck x k hn−k . The coefficient of x n is one because we have to choose x from each binomial, and there’s only one way to do that. The coefficient of x n−1 h is the number of ways we can choose x n − 1 times, which is the same as the number of different hs we can pick, which is n.
  • 17. Theorem (The Power Rule) Let r be a positive whole number. Then d r x = rx r −1 dx
  • 18. Theorem (The Power Rule) Let r be a positive whole number. Then d r x = rx r −1 dx Proof. As we showed above, (x + h)n = x n + nx n−1 h + (stuff with at least two hs in it) So (x + h)n − x n nx n−1 h + (stuff with at least two hs in it) = h h = nx n−1 + (stuff with at least one h in it) and this tends to nx n−1 as h → 0.
  • 19. The Power Rule for constants Theorem Let c be a constant. Then d c=0 dx d 0 Kind of like x = 0x −1 , although x → 0x −1 is not defined at dx zero.
  • 20. The Power Rule for constants Theorem Let c be a constant. Then d c=0 dx d 0 Kind of like x = 0x −1 , although x → 0x −1 is not defined at dx zero. Proof. Let f (x) = c. Then f (x + h) − f (x) c −c = =0 h h So f (x) = lim 0 = 0. h→0
  • 21. New derivatives from old This is where the calculus starts to get really powerful!
  • 22. Adding functions Theorem (The Sum Rule) Let f and g be functions and define (f + g )(x) = f (x) + g (x) Then if f and g are differentiable at x, then so is f + g and (f + g ) (x) = f (x) + g (x). Succinctly, (f + g ) = f + g .
  • 23. Proof. Follow your nose: (f + g )(x + h) − (f + g )(x) (f + g ) (x) = lim h→0 h f (x + h) + g (x + h) − [f (x) + g (x)] = lim h→0 h f (x + h) − f (x) g (x + h) − g (x) = lim + lim h→0 h h→0 h = f (x) + g (x) Note the use of the Sum Rule for limits. Since the limits of the difference quotients for for f and g exist, the limit of the sum is the sum of the limits.
  • 24. Scaling functions Theorem (The Constant Multiple Rule) Let f be a function and c a constant. Define (cf )(x) = cf (x) Then if f is differentiable at x, so is cf and (cf ) (x) = cf (x) Succinctly, (cf ) = cf .
  • 25. Proof. Again, follow your nose. (cf )(x + h) − (cf )(x) (cf ) (x) = lim hto0 h cf (x + h) − cf (x) = lim hto0 h f (x + h) − f (x) = c lim hto0 h = cf (x)
  • 26. Derivatives of polynomials Example d Find 2x 3 + x 4 − 17x 12 + 37 dx
  • 27. Derivatives of polynomials Example d Find 2x 3 + x 4 − 17x 12 + 37 dx Solution d 2x 3 + x 4 − 17x 12 + 37 dx d d 4 d d = 2x 3 + x + −17x 12 + (37) dx dx dx dx d d 4 d = 2 x3 + x − 17 x 12 + 0 dx dx dx = 2 · 3x 2 + 4x 3 − 17 · 12x 11 = 6x 2 + 4x 3 − 204x 11
  • 28. Outline Derivatives so far Derivatives of polynomials The power rule for whole numbers Linear combinations Derivatives of exponential functions By experimentation The natural exponential function Final examples
  • 29. Derivative of x → 2x Example Let f (x) = 2x . Use a calculator to estimate f (0).
  • 30. Derivative of x → 2x Example Let f (x) = 2x . Use a calculator to estimate f (0). Solution We have 20+h − 20 2h − 1 f (0) = lim = lim ≈ 0.693147 h→0 h h→0 h
  • 31. Example d x Use the previous fact to find 2 . dx
  • 32. Example d x Use the previous fact to find 2 . dx Solution d x 2x+h − 2x 2x 2h − 2x 2 = lim = lim dx h→0 h h→0 h 2 h−1 = lim 2x · h→0 h 2 h−1 = 2x lim h→0 h ≈ (0.693147)2x
  • 33. Example d x Use the previous fact to find 2 . dx Solution d x 2x+h − 2x 2x 2h − 2x 2 = lim = lim dx h→0 h h→0 h 2 h−1 = lim 2x · h→0 h 2 h−1 = 2x lim h→0 h ≈ (0.693147)2x Here we have a function whose derivative is a multiple of itself! (Much different from a polynomial.)
  • 34. Example d x Find 3 . dx
  • 35. Example d x Find 3 . dx Solution d x 3x+h − 3x 3x 2h − 3x 3 = lim = lim dx h→0 h h→0 h 3 h−1 = lim 3x · h→0 h 3 h−1 = 3x lim h→0 h ≈ (1.09861)3x
  • 36. Theorem Let a > 1, and let f (x) = ax . Then f (x) = f (0)f (x)
  • 37. The natural exponential function d x If a = 2, a <1 dx x=0 d x If a = 3, a >1 dx x=0 We would hope there is a number a between 2 and 3 such d x that a =1 dx x=0 We call this number e. Then by definition d x e = ex dx
  • 38. Example Find d 1 √ 4x 2 + + 3 4 x + 6e x dx x
  • 39. Example Find d 1 √ 4x 2 + + 3 4 x + 6e x dx x Solution 1 √ Remember = x −1 and 4 x = x 1/4 . So x dy 1 3 = 8x − 2 + x −3/4 + 6e x dx x 4