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Specificity of gene expression:
         “different folks, different

A cell typically
only a fraction
  of its genes,
     and the
 types of cells
in multicellular
 arise because
 different sets
  of genes are
Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
Levels of eukaryotic gene
 Genome (amplification or
  rearrangement of DNA
  segments, chromatin remodeling:
  decondensation/ condensation
  and DNA methylation).
 Transcription.
 Processing (and nuclear export)
  of RNA.
 Translation (and targeting) of
 Posttranslational events (folding
  and assembly, cleavage, chemical
  group modifications and
  organelle import/secretion).
 Degradation of mRNA and
  proteins http://highered.mcgraw-
 Yeast mating-type
  switching depends upon
  the swapping of genetic
  cassettes to alter the
  DNA sequence.
 Saccharomyces
  cerevisiae has mating-
  types (sexes): α or a.
 Chromosome III contains
  three separate copies of
  the mating-type
 The HML α and HMR a
  loci contain complete
  copies of the α and a       The cell's actual mating type is determined
  forms but the                by the allele present at the MAT locus.
  transcription of these      When a cell switches mating types, the α or
  loci is inhibited by the     a DNA at the MAT locus is removed and
  products of gene the SIR     replaced by a DNA "cassette" copy of the
  gene.                        alternative mating type DNA.
Active genes are
  attached to the
nuclear matrix by
    AT-rich DNA
sequences called
 regions (MARs),
     which are
recognized by an
 that unwind the
     DNA helix
complexes disrupt
    and reform
nucleosomes. The
  same complex
  might catalyze
  both reactions.
 The DNA-binding
proteins could be
 involved in gene
 expression, DNA
  replication, or
   DNA repair.
Normal chromatin
      blocks the
   association of
     factors and
 polymerase II with
the DNA. Chromatin
can enter a "silent"
   state or can be
   converted to a
   "poised" state
  through histone
Transcriptional activation by
 acetylation. p300/CBP can
   interact with a variety of
  transcriptional regulators
   such as pCAF (a histone
 acetyltransferase) and TBP
     (which recognizes the
       promoter). During
  transcription, they are all
 assembled at the promoter
 region. Histone acetylation
    by p300/CBP, pCAF and
    TAFII250 facilitates the

 Transcriptional repression
          by histone
     deacetylation. The
 repressor Mad/Max dimer
  interacts with SIN3 (or N-
   CoR, SMRT, etc.) which
recruits histone deacetylase
       (HDs) to repress
 CpG islands (CG clusters) occur in 40,000 regions
  near 5’ ends of genes.
 They are typically
  unmethylated; are thought
  to indicate the positions of
  ‘housekeeping’ genes.
 DNA methylase methylate CG regions on DNA.
  creating a “5th base" in DNA, 5-methylcytosine.
 This base is made enzymatically after DNA is
  replicated, at which time
  about 5% of the cytosines
  in mammalian DNA are
  converted to 5-methyl
 Both methylation and acetylation provide means
  for maintaining the state of activity of
  developmental genes even after the original
  signals for activation or repression have
 Examples: globin promoters in RBC are
  unmethylated, globin promoters are highly
  methylated in other cells.
How is methylation involved in
       repressing genes?
 Methylated DNA is preferentially
  bound by histone H1, the
  histone that associates
  nucleosomes into higher-order
  folded complexes.
 Histone deacetylases aggregate
  in methylated regions of
  DNA, causing them to bind
  tightly to DNA, and form a stable
 Acetylation of histones reduces
  their affinity to DNA and cause
  the nucleosomes to disperse.
 This opens up chromatin
  structure for binding with the
  transcription complex.
How DNA methylation patterns are faithfully inherited.
  During replication, the DNA template strand retains the
 methylation pattern, while the newly synthesized strand
     does not. However, the enzyme DNA cytosine-5-
     methyltransferase has a strong preference for a
methylated strand, and when it sees a methyl-CpG on one
side of the DNA, it methylates the new C on the other side.
 Differential methylation in germ cells is
  implicated in genomic imprinting, the marking
  of a gene as
  either maternal or
 Paternal 15q- causes
  Prader-Willi syndrome
  (mild mental retardation,
  obesity, small gonads,
  short stature)
 Maternal form causes
  Angelman syndrome (severe mental
  retardation, seizures, lack of speech,
  inappropriate laughter).
In human females, random X-inactivation is due
    to unmethylation of the Xist gene, which
  produces a XIST transcript that coats the X-
 chromosome. This produces a XIST-Barr body
   complex that inactivates the chromosome.
 Since DNA methylation is not encoded in the DNA
  sequence itself, it is called an EPIGENETIC modification.
 DNA methylation is therefore a form of cellular memory.
 Epigenetic marks are ERASED during gametogenesis and
  reset to ensure appropriate gene activity. Old marks are
  purged and new tags are established in a process called
 However, some methylated epigenomes can escape
  purging during gametogenesis.
 These genes are inherited by mature gametes and are
  carried into the next generation as GENOMIC IMPRINTS.

                                 In a pregnant mother, 3
                                 generations are directly
                                   exposed to the same
                                  conditions at the same
                                   time. Germ cells thus
                                    carry the effects of
                                 gorgeous lola’s lifestyle!
 Bisphenol A in baby’s
  bottle is linked to obesity.
 Causes demethylation
  that reprograms the
  hypothalamus resulting
  to increased appetite
 Supplementing the
  mothers' diets with
  substances (folic acid,        Mice are GENETICALLY
  vitamin B12) and                    identical but
  genistein in soy products        EPIGENETICALLY
  counteract the reduction              different.
  in DNA methylation
  caused by bisphenol A.          The yellow mouse is
                                 exposed to bisphenol A
 Different subsets of
       genes are
     transcribed in
   different tissues.
    Tissue specific
  gene regulation is
    responsible for
  these differences.
   DNA microarrays
  are used to profile
   gene expression
 patterns in various
Differences between the populations of mRNA sequences in the
cytoplasm of different kinds of cells reflect corresponding differences in
 nuclear RNA populations which result from differential transcription of
   genes. cDNA probes for tissue-specific transcripts are prepared by
eliminating from the tissue's mRNA population the molecules also found
    in another tissue and reverse-transcribing the remaining mRNA.
 The core promoter is where the general transcription factors
  and RNA polymerase assemble for the initiation of
 Presence of basal transcription factors is not sufficient for
  the activation of the promoter. DNA-binding proteins regulate
  genes either by repression or activation.
 Regulatory sequences (enhancers or silencers) serve as
  binding sites for these proteins, whose presence on the DNA
  affects the rate of transcription initiation.
A Model for Enhancer Action

                                       An enhancer is brought
                                     close to the core promoter
                                      by a looping of the DNA.
                                         The influence of an
                                     enhancer on the promoter
                                     is mediated by regulatory
                                        transcription factors
                                          called activators.

                               The activator proteins bind to the
                                enhancer elements, forming an
                                enhanceosome. Bending of the
                                DNA brings the enhanceosome
                               closer to the core promoter. TFIID
                                is in the promoter's vicinity. The
                              DNA-bound activators interact with
                              specific coactivators that are part
                              of TFIID. This interaction facilitates
                              the correct positioning of TFIID on
                                the promoter. The other general
                                 transcription factors and RNA
                               polymerase join the complex, and
                                     transcription is initiated.
Enhancers are modular. There are various DNA
elements that regulate temporal and spatial gene
expression, and these can be mixed and matched.
   Whether the gene is transcribed or not will
   depend on the combination of transcription
                 factors present.
The gene for the protein
   albumin is associated
       with an array of
       regulatory DNA
    elements. Cells of all
    tissues contain RNA
     polymerase and the
 general TFs, but the set
of RTFs available varies
 with the cell type. Liver
    cells contain a set of
  RTFs that includes the
  factors for recognizing
    all the albumin gene
 control elements. When
these factors bind to the
     DNA, they facilitate
     transcription of the
  albumin gene at a high
 level. Brain cells have a
        different set of
    RTFs, which does not
  include all the ones for
    the albumin gene. In
        brain cells, the
   transcription complex
    can assemble at the
  promoter, but not very
 efficiently. The result is
        that brain cells
  transcribe the albumin
gene only at a low level.
 The DNA response sequences that bind transcription
  factors are often comprised of inverted repeat elements.
 Reading the sequence of the glucocorticoid response
  element in the 5’- 3’ direction from either end yields the
  same DNA sequence (5’-AGAACA -3’).
 The thyroid hormone element contains the same
  inverted repeat sequences as the estrogen element but
  the 3 bases
  that separate
  the 2 copies
  of the
  sequence in
  the estrogen
  element are
The glucocorticoid receptors activate       Binding the steroid
     gene transcription. Cortisol, a    causes the release of an
  hydrophobic steroid hormone, can        inhibitory protein and
 diffuse through a plasma membrane              activates the
      then bind to the intracellular    glucocorticoid receptor
        glucocorticoid receptor.        molecule's DNA binding
                                         site. The glucocorticoid
                                         receptor molecule then
                                         enters the nucleus and
                                        binds to a glucocorticoid
                                           response element in
                                        DNA which causes a 2nd
                                        glucocorticoid receptor
                                         molecule to bind to the
                                        same response element.
                                               The resulting
                                        glucocorticoid receptor
                                              dimer activates
                                            transcription of the
                                                target gene.
 Transcription factors are proteins that bind to
  the enhancer or promoter regions and interact
  such that transcription
  occurs from only a small
  group of promoters in any
 Most have:
   a.DNA- binding domains
      that bind to promoter
      or enhancer regions of DNA of specific genes
   b.trans-activating domain that binds RNA polymerase II
      or other transcription factors to regulate amount of
      mRNA that the gene produces
   c.protein-protein interaction domain that allows the
      transcription factor's activity to be modulated by TAFs
      or other transcription factors.
motifs that
 can read
Different base pairs in DNA can be recognized from
their edges without the need to open the double helix.
Regulatory proteins make contact with major groove .
Determining DNA
sequence recognized
by a regulatory protein
A DNA fragment is labeled at
   one end with 32P. The DNA is
        cleaved that makes
 random, single stranded cuts.
After the DNA denaturation, the
  resultant fragments from the
labeled strand are separated on
       a gel and detected by
autoradiography. The pattern of
     bands from DNA cut in the
    presence of a DNA-binding
  protein is compared with that
   from DNA cut in its absence.
    When protein is present, it
    covers the nucleotide at its
 binding site and protects their
   phosphodiester bonds from
    cleavage. As a result, those
  labeled fragments that would
     otherwise terminate in the
binding site are missing, leaving
a gap in the gel pattern called a
Several structural motifs are commonly found in the DNA-binding domains
of regulatory transcription factors. The parts of these domains that directly
 interact with specific DNA sequences are usually α helices (or recognition
    helices) which fit into DNA's major groove. The helix-turn-helix motif
contains 2 α helices joined by a short flexible turn. The zinc finger motif has
   an α helix and a 2-segment, antiparallel ß sheet, all held together by the
interaction of 4 cysteine residues (or 2 cysteine & 2 histidine residues) with
a zinc atom. Zinc finger proteins normally contain a number of zinc fingers.
The leucine zipper motif contains an α helix that has a regular
arrangement of leucine residues that interacts with a similar region
 in a 2nd polypeptide to coil around each other. The helix-loop-helix
  motif contains a short and long helix connected by a polypeptide
 loop that interacts with a similar region on another polypeptide to
      create a dimer, e.g. human TF MAX, lac and trp repressor.
The homeodomain is a
 helix-turn-helix DNA-
    binding domain
containing 3 α helices
 encoded by a 180 bp
 homeobox. This was
  originally found in
homeotic genes which
      control the
   establishment of
pattern in an organism
  such as the spinal
column in vertebrates.
Superclass: Basic Domains                Families
                             AP-1(-like) components: Jun,
                              Fos, GCN4, CRE-BP/ATF
  Leucine zipper factors
                             CREB: CREB, ATF-1,
                             C/EBP-like factors and 4 other
 Helix-loop-helix factors    Myogenic transcription factors
         (bHLH)               and 8 other families

 Helix-loop-helix / leucine  Cell-cycle controlling factors:
zipper factors (bHLH-ZIP)     Myc, Max, and 1 other family

Superclass: Zinc-coordinating DNA-binding domains
                         Steroid hormone receptors
   Cys4 zinc finger of   Thyroid hormone receptor-like factors:
 nuclear receptor type    RAR, RXR, Vitamin D receptor, PPAR,
                         4 families: WT-1 in the kidney, Krox20 in
    Cys4 zinc fingers
                          the rhombomeres of the hindbrain
                         Ubiquitous factors: TFIIIA, Sp1
                         Developmental / cell cycle regulators:
  Cys2His2 zinc finger    Krüppel, Hunchback
         domain          3 other families involved in cytoskeletal
                          organization, organ development and
   Cys6 cysteine-zinc
                         Metabolic regulators in fungi
     Zinc fingers of
                         2 families
alternating composition
Superclass: Helix-turn-helix
                  Homeodomain only: Antp, Ubx,
                   Engrailed, Eve
                  POU domain factors: Oct-1, Oct-2
  Homeodomain      (activate IgG genes)
                  2 other families implicated in
                   craniocaudal segmentation of
                   the body.
                  Pax1-9: Pax6 in the eye, Pax3 in the
   Paired box
                   developing somite
Fork head / winged  Developmental regulators: Forkhead
       helix        2 other families: HNF3
Heat shock factors
                     Myb
Tryptophan clusters
                     2 other families
    TEA domain
Superclass: β-Scaffold Factors with Minor Groove Contacts
                             Rel/ankyrin: NF-kappaB1
RHR (Rel homology region)
                             2 other families
                             Regulators of differentiation:
        MADS box              Agamous, AP1, Deficiens, AP3
                             2 other families
beta-Barrel alpha-helix TFs
  TATA-binding proteins      TBP
                             TDF-SRY, TCF factors
                              activated by the Wnt pathway
Heteromeric CCAAT factors
Cold-shock domain factors
Superclass: Other Transcription Factors
   Copper fist proteins
                           Rb - retinoblastoma
     Pocket domain
                           1 other family
     E1A-like factors      E1A
                           AP2
AP2/EREBP-related factors
                           2 other families
 The most recent update of the transcription factor
   database lists 2785 entries. Many of these are
    homologous proteins from different species,
  nevertheless this number is indicative of the vast
  number of transcription factors now known that
regulate the expression of eukaryotic genes. Majority
   function as ligands in cell signaling pathways.
 Alternative splicing makes it possible for the
  same gene to produce several different mRNAs,
  by splicing together different combinations of
  exons from the primary transcript.
 Different proteins formed from the same gene
  are called splicing isoforms.
 Genes coding for the human
  antibody heavy chains are
  created by DNA rearrangements
  involving multiple types of V, D
  and J segments.
 Initially, the DNA of the immune
  cells is arranged as tandem
  arrays of V, D and J regions
 DNA excision randomly removes
  several D and J segments to
  place individual D and J
  sequences side by side.
 A second random excision
  removes several V and D
  segments to join a V section to
  the others to form a VDJ
 After transcription, the
  sequences separating the VDJ
  segment from the C segment are
  removed by RNA splicing.
The antibody protein immunoglobulin M (IgM) exists in 2 forms, as secreted IgM and
membrane-bound IgM. These molecules, encoded by a single gene, differ in their heavy
 chain’s carboxyl ends. The IgM gene has 2 possible poly(A) addition (termination) sites
  and a number of exons that can produce 2 alternative forms. The plasma membrane-
 bound form contains a transmembrane anchor which is encoded by exons 5 and 6. If a
 splice junction within exon 4 is used, exons 5 and 6 (carrying the anchor) are added to
generate the IgM heavy chain. The secreted product is produced when the exon 4 splice
           is not made and these transcripts are terminated just after exon 4.
Developing RBC
 synthesize hemoglobin
 (4 globin polypeptides
 and a heme prosthetic

    The heme-controlled inhibitor (HCI)
protein regulates hemoglobin synthesis in
response to the presence of heme. When
present, heme binds to inactivate the HCI.
 When heme is absent, the HCI is active.
   Active HCI functions as a kinase that
 catalyzes the phosphorylation of eIF2, a
    key TF. P-eIF2 is inactive; it cannot
                                                When heme is
combine with methionyl tRNA and GTP to
form the translation initiation complex. In
                                                translation of
  the absence of heme, translation of all
                                                   the mRNA
mRNA in the cell is inhibited. The effect is
                                               proceeds. Newly
on globin synthesis because globin mRNA
                                                made globins
constitutes most of the developing RBC’s
                                                combine with
                                                 heme to form
Translation of ferritin is activated in the presence of iron.
Translation is inhibited by binding of the IRE-binding protein
to the hairpin structure of an iron response element (IRE) in
  the 5’UTR leader sequence of ferritin mRNA. When iron
binds to IRE-binding protein, it contorts into a conformation
   that does not recognize the IRE. When iron is available,
   ribosomes can assemble on the mRNA and proceed to
  translate ferritin. The hairpin does not interfere with the
                      ribosome activities.
Degradation of the transferrin receptor mRNA (required for
 iron uptake) is also regulated by the allosteric IRE-binding
protein. Transferrin receptor mRNA has an IRE in its 3’ UTR.
   When intracellular [iron] is low, the IRE-binding protein
remains bound to the IRE which 1) protects the mRNA from
   degradation and 2) allowing more transferrin receptor
    protein to be synthesized. When intracellular [iron] is
  high, iron binds to the IRE-binding protein, it releases the
             IRE and the mRNA can be degraded.
By RNA interference, short RNA's can
    lead to silencing the expression of
    genes that contain complementary
  sequences in their mRNA. A complex
       of dsRNA is cleaved into short
 fragments of 21-22 bp in length by the
ribonuclease Dicer. The fragments are
 siRNA's (short interfering RNA's). The
siRNA's bind to the RISC (RNA-induced
silencing complex). One of the strands
  of siRNA is degraded. The remaining
    single-stranded siRNA , complexed
       with the RISC can then bind to
 complementary mRNA. If a perfect or
     near perfect match, the mRNA is
   cleaved. In addition, the RISC-siRNA
 complex can enter the nucleus, binds
  the genomic sequence and initiates a
    DNA methylation based chromatin
condensation inactivation of the gene.
microRNAs (miRNAs) are gene
        products that are 21-22
     nucleotides in length. The 10
miRNAs are transcribed, form hair-
 pin structures and are cleaved by
      Drosha to make precursor
    microRNAs (70 nucleotides in
     length). The pre-miRNAs are
  exported to the cytoplam where
 they are cleaved by Dicer into the
       21-22 nucleotide mature
   microRNA's. The miRNA's form
RNP complexes with mRNA's. If the
      match is exact, the mRNA is
      destroyed, similar to siRNA
 mechanisms. If the match is less-
than-exact, then binding (usually of
       several miRNA's) inhibit
   translation. Genes for miRNA's
    make up 0.5-1.0% of the total
  number of genes in multicellular
   organisms, i.e. 200-250 miRNA
           genes in humans.
 Several changes can still take place that determine
  whether or not the protein will be active.
 In the ER, the protein becomes further processed (e.g.
  formation of disulfide bonds, glycosylation,
  phosphorylation). The folded proteins are carried in
  vesicles to the Golgi apparatus where further processing
  of the carbohydrates occurs, and then to exocytotic
  vesicles where they are released.
Proteins can be marked for
     destruction by the addition of
  ubiquitin. 1) A protein targeted for
     degradation is bound at its N-
terminus by a ubiquitinating enzyme
  complex. 2) In an ATP-dependent
     series of reactions, ubiquitin
molecules are sequentially attached
 to the protein's lysine residues. The
ubiquitinating enzyme complex then
      detaches. 3) A proteasome
 degrades the ubiquitinated protein
 into short peptides. The ubiquitin is
    released and can be recycled.
 Some newly synthesized proteins are inactive
  without the cleaving away of certain inhibitory
  sections. (e.g., insulin is processed from its larger
  protein precursor).
 Some proteins must be "addressed" to their
  specific intracellular destinations in order to
 Proteins are often sequestered in certain regions,
  such as membranes, lysosomes, nuclei, or
 Some proteins need to assemble with other
  proteins to form a functional unit.
 Some proteins are not active unless they bind an
  ion such as calcium, or are modified by the
  covalent addition of a phosphate or acetate group.




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Gene regulation eukaryote spptx

  • 1.
  • 2. Specificity of gene expression: “different folks, different A cell typically strokes” expresses only a fraction of its genes, and the different types of cells in multicellular organisms arise because different sets of genes are expressed.
  • 3. Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Levels of eukaryotic gene regulation:  Genome (amplification or rearrangement of DNA segments, chromatin remodeling: decondensation/ condensation and DNA methylation).  Transcription.  Processing (and nuclear export) of RNA.  Translation (and targeting) of protein.  Posttranslational events (folding and assembly, cleavage, chemical group modifications and organelle import/secretion).  Degradation of mRNA and proteins http://highered.mcgraw-
  • 4. GENOMIC CONTROL  Yeast mating-type switching depends upon the swapping of genetic cassettes to alter the DNA sequence.  Saccharomyces cerevisiae has mating- types (sexes): α or a.  Chromosome III contains three separate copies of the mating-type information.  The HML α and HMR a loci contain complete copies of the α and a  The cell's actual mating type is determined forms but the by the allele present at the MAT locus. transcription of these  When a cell switches mating types, the α or loci is inhibited by the a DNA at the MAT locus is removed and products of gene the SIR replaced by a DNA "cassette" copy of the gene. alternative mating type DNA.
  • 5. Active genes are specifically attached to the nuclear matrix by AT-rich DNA sequences called matrix-associated regions (MARs), which are recognized by an enzyme- topoisomerase that unwind the DNA helix
  • 6. Different chromatin remodeling complexes disrupt and reform nucleosomes. The same complex might catalyze both reactions. The DNA-binding proteins could be involved in gene expression, DNA replication, or DNA repair.
  • 7. Normal chromatin blocks the association of transcription factors and polymerase II with the DNA. Chromatin can enter a "silent" state or can be converted to a "poised" state through histone acetylation.
  • 8. Transcriptional activation by histone acetylation. p300/CBP can interact with a variety of transcriptional regulators such as pCAF (a histone acetyltransferase) and TBP (which recognizes the promoter). During transcription, they are all assembled at the promoter region. Histone acetylation by p300/CBP, pCAF and TAFII250 facilitates the transcription. Transcriptional repression by histone deacetylation. The repressor Mad/Max dimer interacts with SIN3 (or N- CoR, SMRT, etc.) which recruits histone deacetylase (HDs) to repress transcription.
  • 9.  CpG islands (CG clusters) occur in 40,000 regions near 5’ ends of genes.  They are typically unmethylated; are thought to indicate the positions of ‘housekeeping’ genes.  DNA methylase methylate CG regions on DNA. creating a “5th base" in DNA, 5-methylcytosine.  This base is made enzymatically after DNA is replicated, at which time about 5% of the cytosines in mammalian DNA are converted to 5-methyl cytosine.
  • 10.  Both methylation and acetylation provide means for maintaining the state of activity of developmental genes even after the original signals for activation or repression have disappeared  Examples: globin promoters in RBC are unmethylated, globin promoters are highly methylated in other cells.
  • 11. How is methylation involved in repressing genes?  Methylated DNA is preferentially bound by histone H1, the histone that associates nucleosomes into higher-order folded complexes.  Histone deacetylases aggregate in methylated regions of DNA, causing them to bind tightly to DNA, and form a stable nucleosome.  Acetylation of histones reduces their affinity to DNA and cause the nucleosomes to disperse.  This opens up chromatin structure for binding with the transcription complex.
  • 12. How DNA methylation patterns are faithfully inherited. During replication, the DNA template strand retains the methylation pattern, while the newly synthesized strand does not. However, the enzyme DNA cytosine-5- methyltransferase has a strong preference for a methylated strand, and when it sees a methyl-CpG on one side of the DNA, it methylates the new C on the other side.
  • 13.  Differential methylation in germ cells is implicated in genomic imprinting, the marking of a gene as either maternal or paternal.  Paternal 15q- causes Prader-Willi syndrome (mild mental retardation, obesity, small gonads, short stature)  Maternal form causes Angelman syndrome (severe mental retardation, seizures, lack of speech, inappropriate laughter).
  • 14. In human females, random X-inactivation is due to unmethylation of the Xist gene, which produces a XIST transcript that coats the X- chromosome. This produces a XIST-Barr body complex that inactivates the chromosome.
  • 15.  Since DNA methylation is not encoded in the DNA sequence itself, it is called an EPIGENETIC modification.  DNA methylation is therefore a form of cellular memory.
  • 16.  Epigenetic marks are ERASED during gametogenesis and reset to ensure appropriate gene activity. Old marks are purged and new tags are established in a process called PROGRAMMING.  However, some methylated epigenomes can escape purging during gametogenesis.  These genes are inherited by mature gametes and are carried into the next generation as GENOMIC IMPRINTS. In a pregnant mother, 3 generations are directly exposed to the same environmental conditions at the same time. Germ cells thus carry the effects of gorgeous lola’s lifestyle!
  • 17.  Bisphenol A in baby’s bottle is linked to obesity.  Causes demethylation that reprograms the hypothalamus resulting to increased appetite  Supplementing the mothers' diets with methyl-donating substances (folic acid, Mice are GENETICALLY vitamin B12) and identical but genistein in soy products EPIGENETICALLY counteract the reduction different. in DNA methylation caused by bisphenol A. The yellow mouse is exposed to bisphenol A
  • 18. TRANSCRIPTIONAL CONTROL Different subsets of genes are transcribed in different tissues. Tissue specific gene regulation is responsible for these differences. DNA microarrays are used to profile gene expression patterns in various cells.
  • 19. Differences between the populations of mRNA sequences in the cytoplasm of different kinds of cells reflect corresponding differences in nuclear RNA populations which result from differential transcription of genes. cDNA probes for tissue-specific transcripts are prepared by eliminating from the tissue's mRNA population the molecules also found in another tissue and reverse-transcribing the remaining mRNA.
  • 20.  The core promoter is where the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase assemble for the initiation of transcription.  Presence of basal transcription factors is not sufficient for the activation of the promoter. DNA-binding proteins regulate genes either by repression or activation.  Regulatory sequences (enhancers or silencers) serve as binding sites for these proteins, whose presence on the DNA affects the rate of transcription initiation.
  • 21. A Model for Enhancer Action An enhancer is brought close to the core promoter by a looping of the DNA. The influence of an enhancer on the promoter is mediated by regulatory transcription factors called activators. The activator proteins bind to the enhancer elements, forming an enhanceosome. Bending of the DNA brings the enhanceosome closer to the core promoter. TFIID is in the promoter's vicinity. The DNA-bound activators interact with specific coactivators that are part of TFIID. This interaction facilitates the correct positioning of TFIID on the promoter. The other general transcription factors and RNA polymerase join the complex, and transcription is initiated.
  • 23. Enhancers are modular. There are various DNA elements that regulate temporal and spatial gene expression, and these can be mixed and matched. Whether the gene is transcribed or not will depend on the combination of transcription factors present.
  • 24. The gene for the protein albumin is associated with an array of regulatory DNA elements. Cells of all tissues contain RNA polymerase and the general TFs, but the set of RTFs available varies with the cell type. Liver cells contain a set of RTFs that includes the factors for recognizing all the albumin gene control elements. When these factors bind to the DNA, they facilitate transcription of the albumin gene at a high level. Brain cells have a different set of RTFs, which does not include all the ones for the albumin gene. In brain cells, the transcription complex can assemble at the promoter, but not very efficiently. The result is that brain cells transcribe the albumin gene only at a low level.
  • 25.  The DNA response sequences that bind transcription factors are often comprised of inverted repeat elements.  Reading the sequence of the glucocorticoid response element in the 5’- 3’ direction from either end yields the same DNA sequence (5’-AGAACA -3’).  The thyroid hormone element contains the same inverted repeat sequences as the estrogen element but the 3 bases that separate the 2 copies of the sequence in the estrogen element are absent.
  • 26. The glucocorticoid receptors activate Binding the steroid gene transcription. Cortisol, a causes the release of an hydrophobic steroid hormone, can inhibitory protein and diffuse through a plasma membrane activates the then bind to the intracellular glucocorticoid receptor glucocorticoid receptor. molecule's DNA binding site. The glucocorticoid receptor molecule then enters the nucleus and binds to a glucocorticoid response element in DNA which causes a 2nd glucocorticoid receptor molecule to bind to the same response element. The resulting glucocorticoid receptor dimer activates transcription of the target gene.
  • 27.
  • 28.  Transcription factors are proteins that bind to the enhancer or promoter regions and interact such that transcription occurs from only a small group of promoters in any cell.  Most have: a.DNA- binding domains that bind to promoter or enhancer regions of DNA of specific genes b.trans-activating domain that binds RNA polymerase II or other transcription factors to regulate amount of mRNA that the gene produces c.protein-protein interaction domain that allows the transcription factor's activity to be modulated by TAFs or other transcription factors.
  • 29. Gene regulatory proteins contain structural motifs that can read DNA sequences
  • 30. Different base pairs in DNA can be recognized from their edges without the need to open the double helix. Regulatory proteins make contact with major groove .
  • 32. A DNA fragment is labeled at one end with 32P. The DNA is cleaved that makes random, single stranded cuts. After the DNA denaturation, the resultant fragments from the labeled strand are separated on a gel and detected by autoradiography. The pattern of bands from DNA cut in the presence of a DNA-binding protein is compared with that from DNA cut in its absence. When protein is present, it covers the nucleotide at its binding site and protects their phosphodiester bonds from cleavage. As a result, those labeled fragments that would otherwise terminate in the binding site are missing, leaving a gap in the gel pattern called a "footprint.“
  • 33. Several structural motifs are commonly found in the DNA-binding domains of regulatory transcription factors. The parts of these domains that directly interact with specific DNA sequences are usually α helices (or recognition helices) which fit into DNA's major groove. The helix-turn-helix motif contains 2 α helices joined by a short flexible turn. The zinc finger motif has an α helix and a 2-segment, antiparallel ß sheet, all held together by the interaction of 4 cysteine residues (or 2 cysteine & 2 histidine residues) with a zinc atom. Zinc finger proteins normally contain a number of zinc fingers.
  • 34. The leucine zipper motif contains an α helix that has a regular arrangement of leucine residues that interacts with a similar region in a 2nd polypeptide to coil around each other. The helix-loop-helix motif contains a short and long helix connected by a polypeptide loop that interacts with a similar region on another polypeptide to create a dimer, e.g. human TF MAX, lac and trp repressor.
  • 35. The homeodomain is a helix-turn-helix DNA- binding domain containing 3 α helices encoded by a 180 bp homeobox. This was originally found in homeotic genes which control the establishment of pattern in an organism such as the spinal column in vertebrates.
  • 36. Superclass: Basic Domains Families  AP-1(-like) components: Jun, Fos, GCN4, CRE-BP/ATF Leucine zipper factors  CREB: CREB, ATF-1, (bZIP)  C/EBP-like factors and 4 other families Helix-loop-helix factors  Myogenic transcription factors (bHLH) and 8 other families Helix-loop-helix / leucine  Cell-cycle controlling factors: zipper factors (bHLH-ZIP) Myc, Max, and 1 other family NF-1 RF-X bHSH
  • 37. Superclass: Zinc-coordinating DNA-binding domains  Steroid hormone receptors Cys4 zinc finger of  Thyroid hormone receptor-like factors: nuclear receptor type RAR, RXR, Vitamin D receptor, PPAR, Knirps  4 families: WT-1 in the kidney, Krox20 in Cys4 zinc fingers the rhombomeres of the hindbrain  Ubiquitous factors: TFIIIA, Sp1  Developmental / cell cycle regulators: Cys2His2 zinc finger Krüppel, Hunchback domain  3 other families involved in cytoskeletal organization, organ development and oncogenesis Cys6 cysteine-zinc  Metabolic regulators in fungi cluster Zinc fingers of  2 families alternating composition
  • 38. Superclass: Helix-turn-helix  Homeodomain only: Antp, Ubx, Engrailed, Eve  POU domain factors: Oct-1, Oct-2 Homeodomain (activate IgG genes)  2 other families implicated in craniocaudal segmentation of the body.  Pax1-9: Pax6 in the eye, Pax3 in the Paired box developing somite Fork head / winged  Developmental regulators: Forkhead helix  2 other families: HNF3 Heat shock factors  Myb Tryptophan clusters  2 other families TEA domain
  • 39. Superclass: β-Scaffold Factors with Minor Groove Contacts  Rel/ankyrin: NF-kappaB1 RHR (Rel homology region)  2 other families STAT p53  Regulators of differentiation: MADS box Agamous, AP1, Deficiens, AP3  2 other families beta-Barrel alpha-helix TFs TATA-binding proteins  TBP  TDF-SRY, TCF factors HMG activated by the Wnt pathway Heteromeric CCAAT factors Grainyhead Cold-shock domain factors Runt
  • 40. Superclass: Other Transcription Factors Copper fist proteins HMGI(Y)  Rb - retinoblastoma Pocket domain  1 other family E1A-like factors  E1A  AP2 AP2/EREBP-related factors  2 other families The most recent update of the transcription factor database lists 2785 entries. Many of these are homologous proteins from different species, nevertheless this number is indicative of the vast number of transcription factors now known that regulate the expression of eukaryotic genes. Majority function as ligands in cell signaling pathways.
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  • 42.  Alternative splicing makes it possible for the same gene to produce several different mRNAs, by splicing together different combinations of exons from the primary transcript.  Different proteins formed from the same gene are called splicing isoforms.
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  • 44.  Genes coding for the human antibody heavy chains are created by DNA rearrangements involving multiple types of V, D and J segments.  Initially, the DNA of the immune cells is arranged as tandem arrays of V, D and J regions  DNA excision randomly removes several D and J segments to place individual D and J sequences side by side.  A second random excision removes several V and D segments to join a V section to the others to form a VDJ segment.  After transcription, the sequences separating the VDJ segment from the C segment are removed by RNA splicing.
  • 45. The antibody protein immunoglobulin M (IgM) exists in 2 forms, as secreted IgM and membrane-bound IgM. These molecules, encoded by a single gene, differ in their heavy chain’s carboxyl ends. The IgM gene has 2 possible poly(A) addition (termination) sites and a number of exons that can produce 2 alternative forms. The plasma membrane- bound form contains a transmembrane anchor which is encoded by exons 5 and 6. If a splice junction within exon 4 is used, exons 5 and 6 (carrying the anchor) are added to generate the IgM heavy chain. The secreted product is produced when the exon 4 splice is not made and these transcripts are terminated just after exon 4.
  • 46. Developing RBC synthesize hemoglobin (4 globin polypeptides and a heme prosthetic group). The heme-controlled inhibitor (HCI) protein regulates hemoglobin synthesis in response to the presence of heme. When present, heme binds to inactivate the HCI. When heme is absent, the HCI is active. Active HCI functions as a kinase that catalyzes the phosphorylation of eIF2, a key TF. P-eIF2 is inactive; it cannot When heme is combine with methionyl tRNA and GTP to present form the translation initiation complex. In translation of the absence of heme, translation of all the mRNA mRNA in the cell is inhibited. The effect is proceeds. Newly on globin synthesis because globin mRNA made globins constitutes most of the developing RBC’s combine with mRNA. heme to form hemoglobin molecules.
  • 47. Translation of ferritin is activated in the presence of iron. Translation is inhibited by binding of the IRE-binding protein to the hairpin structure of an iron response element (IRE) in the 5’UTR leader sequence of ferritin mRNA. When iron binds to IRE-binding protein, it contorts into a conformation that does not recognize the IRE. When iron is available, ribosomes can assemble on the mRNA and proceed to translate ferritin. The hairpin does not interfere with the ribosome activities.
  • 48. Degradation of the transferrin receptor mRNA (required for iron uptake) is also regulated by the allosteric IRE-binding protein. Transferrin receptor mRNA has an IRE in its 3’ UTR. When intracellular [iron] is low, the IRE-binding protein remains bound to the IRE which 1) protects the mRNA from degradation and 2) allowing more transferrin receptor protein to be synthesized. When intracellular [iron] is high, iron binds to the IRE-binding protein, it releases the IRE and the mRNA can be degraded.
  • 49. By RNA interference, short RNA's can lead to silencing the expression of genes that contain complementary sequences in their mRNA. A complex of dsRNA is cleaved into short fragments of 21-22 bp in length by the ribonuclease Dicer. The fragments are siRNA's (short interfering RNA's). The siRNA's bind to the RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex). One of the strands of siRNA is degraded. The remaining single-stranded siRNA , complexed with the RISC can then bind to complementary mRNA. If a perfect or near perfect match, the mRNA is cleaved. In addition, the RISC-siRNA complex can enter the nucleus, binds the genomic sequence and initiates a DNA methylation based chromatin condensation inactivation of the gene.
  • 50. microRNAs (miRNAs) are gene products that are 21-22 nucleotides in length. The 10 miRNAs are transcribed, form hair- pin structures and are cleaved by Drosha to make precursor microRNAs (70 nucleotides in length). The pre-miRNAs are exported to the cytoplam where they are cleaved by Dicer into the 21-22 nucleotide mature microRNA's. The miRNA's form RNP complexes with mRNA's. If the match is exact, the mRNA is destroyed, similar to siRNA mechanisms. If the match is less- than-exact, then binding (usually of several miRNA's) inhibit translation. Genes for miRNA's make up 0.5-1.0% of the total number of genes in multicellular organisms, i.e. 200-250 miRNA genes in humans.
  • 51.  Several changes can still take place that determine whether or not the protein will be active.  In the ER, the protein becomes further processed (e.g. formation of disulfide bonds, glycosylation, phosphorylation). The folded proteins are carried in vesicles to the Golgi apparatus where further processing of the carbohydrates occurs, and then to exocytotic vesicles where they are released.
  • 52. Proteins can be marked for destruction by the addition of ubiquitin. 1) A protein targeted for degradation is bound at its N- terminus by a ubiquitinating enzyme complex. 2) In an ATP-dependent series of reactions, ubiquitin molecules are sequentially attached to the protein's lysine residues. The ubiquitinating enzyme complex then detaches. 3) A proteasome degrades the ubiquitinated protein into short peptides. The ubiquitin is released and can be recycled.
  • 53.  Some newly synthesized proteins are inactive without the cleaving away of certain inhibitory sections. (e.g., insulin is processed from its larger protein precursor).  Some proteins must be "addressed" to their specific intracellular destinations in order to function.  Proteins are often sequestered in certain regions, such as membranes, lysosomes, nuclei, or mitochondria.  Some proteins need to assemble with other proteins to form a functional unit.  Some proteins are not active unless they bind an ion such as calcium, or are modified by the covalent addition of a phosphate or acetate group.
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Editor's Notes

  1. The structure of a human transcription complex. The transcription complex that positions RNA polymerase at the beginning of ahuman gene consists of four kinds of proteins. Basal factors (the green shapes at bottom of complex with letter names) are transcriptionfactors that are essential for transcription but cannot by themselves increase or decrease its rate. They include the TATA-binding protein,the first of the basal factors to bind to the core promoter sequence. Coactivators (the tan shapes that form the bulk of the transcriptioncomplex, named according to their molecular weights) are transcription factors that link the basal factors with regulatory proteins calledactivators (the red shapes). The activators bind to enhancer sequences at other locations on the DNA. The interaction of individual basalfactors with particular activator proteins is necessary for proper positioning of the polymerase, and the rate of transcription is regulated bythe availability of these activators. When a second kind of regulatory protein called a repressor (the purple shape) binds to a so-called“silencer” sequence located adjacent to or overlapping an enhancer sequence, the corresponding activator that would normally have boundthat enhancer is no longer able to do so. The activator is thus unavailable to interact with the transcription complex and initiatetranscription.