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Facebook features
Sivaprasanth Rentala
Facebook Introduction
Facebook is a social network service and website launched
in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by
Facebook, Inc.
As of July 2010[update] Facebook has more than 500
million active users,[6] which is about one person for
every fourteen in the world.
Users may create a personal profile, add other users as
friends and exchange messages, including automatic
notifications when they update their profile. Additionally,
users may join common interest user groups, organized
by workplace, school, or college, or other characteristics.
Facebook Social network service
Facebook Social Network
Social Network
Facebook Social network service
A social network service is an online service, platform, or
site that focuses on building and reflecting of
social networks or social relations among people, e.g.,
who share interests and/or activities. A social network
service essentially consists of a representation of each
user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of
additional services. Most social network services are
web based and provide means for users to interact over
Facebook Social network service
The internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging.
Facebook and Twitter widely used worldwide; MySpace and
LinkedIn being the most widely used in North America;[1]
Nexopia (mostly in Canada);[2] Bebo,[3] Hi5, Hyves
(mostly in The Netherlands), StudiVZ (mostly in
Germany), iWiW (mostly in Hungary), Tuenti (mostly in
Spain), Nasza-Klasa (mostly in Poland), Decayenne,
Tagged, XING,[4] Badoo[5] and Skyrock in parts of
Europe;[6] Orkut and Hi5 in South America, India and
Central America;[7] and Friendster, Mixi, Multiply, Orkut,
Wretch, renren and Cyworld in Asia and the Pacific
Islands and Twitter, Orkut and Facebook in India
Facebook IntroductionFacebook was founded by
Mark Zuckerberg with his college
roommates and fellow computer
science students Eduardo Saverin,
Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.[8]
The website's membership was initially
limited by the founders to Harvard
students, but was expanded to other
colleges in the Boston area, the
Ivy League, and Stanford University. It
gradually added support for students at
various other universities before
opening to high school students, and,
finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. .
Facebook founders Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates
and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin
Moskovitz and Chris Hughes
Facebook features
• 1.1 Chat
• 1.2 Credits
• 1.3 Easter eggs
• 1.4 Facebook Live
• 1.5 IPv6
• 1.6 Messages and Inbox
• 1.7 Networks, Groups, and Like Pages
• 1.8 News Feed
• 1.9 Notifications
• 1.10 Phone
• 1.11 Poke
• 1.12 Smartphones
• 1.13 Status Updates
• 1.14 URL shortener
• 1.15 Usernames
• 1.16 Wall
• 2 Applications
• 2.1 Events
• 2.2 Marketplace
• 2.3 Notes
• 2.4 Places
• 2.5 Platform
• 2.6 Questions
• 2.7 Photos
• 2.8 Videos
• 3 Former features
• 3.1 Gifts
• 3.2 Lite
• 4 See also
• 5 References
Facebook features-Chat
• Chat:-On April 5, 2008, Facebook pre-
released Facebook Chat.
• As of April 23, 2008, Facebook Chat was
released to the entire Facebook user base.
Users are only able to chat with their
Facebook friends and on a one-to-one
basis, although a user may chat with
multiple friends simultaneously through
separate chat interfaces.
• Instant messaging clients that currently
support Facebook Chat include eBuddy,
Flock, Miranda IM, Trillian, Empathy, Digsby
, Adium, Nimbuzz, FIM (Windows Mobile),
Palringo (Windows Mobile), Meebo, Tokbox
with a Firefox plugin as well as Pidgin with a
cross-platform plug-in.
Windows Live Messenger 2011 (Wave 4)
can connect to Facebook as well.
• Facebook Chat can also be run on the
desktop using Gabtastik, a dedicated web
chat browser
Facebook features-CreditsFacebook Credits
Facebook Credits are a virtual currency
you can use to buy gifts, and virtual goods
in many games and applications on the
Facebook platform. As of July 2010, users
of Facebook can purchase Facebook
credits in Australian Dollars, British Pound,
Canadian Dollars, Chilean Peso,
Colombian Peso, Danish Krone, Euro,
Hong Kong Dollar, Japanese Yen,
Norwegian Krone, Swedish Krona,
Swiss Franc, Turkish Lira, US Dollars, and
Venezuelan Bolivar. Facebook credits can
be used on many popular games such as
Happy Aquarium, Happy Island, Zoo
Paradise, Happy Pets, Hello City,[5]
FarmVille, and Mafia Wars.
As on 30 August 2010, facebook gifts were
disabled and from then on, facebook
credits are being used for the Games alone
Facebook features- Easter eggs
Easter eggs
• The following are easter eggs that
Facebook had at one time or another.
• At one time, entering the
Konami Code followed by Enter at the
home page caused a lensflare-style
series of circles to display when
clicking, typing, or scrolling.[citation
• Facebook chat supports some
unusual emoticons.[citation needed]
• Asking "how is babby formed?" with
the Questions feature released
September 23, 2010 will Rickroll the
• A user can change his/her language
to Leet Speak, Pirate language, and
upside down English.
Facebook-Easter eggs
Facebook features-Live
Facebook Live
On August 13, 2010 Facebook launched a
new service called "'Facebook Live'", a
live streaming video channel that is
intended to keep Facebook users updated
to what is happening on the
social networking site.[6] The service,
powered by Livestream, will feature videos
from Facebook staff members and
celebrity interviews, but not designed for
Facebook users to showcase their own
videos. All the content shown on
Facebook Live will have some tie-in with
Facebook products, features, or how
people are using the site.[7] Facebook
said this is not an opening to get them into
the video distribution space. The first
official guest was America Ferrera, the
leading actress in the television series
Ugly Betty. She discussed her new
independent film The Dry Land, that was
being promoted almost exclusively
through social media channels.[7]
Facebook features-IPv6
• According to a June 2010 report by Network World,
Facebook said that it was offering "experimental, non-
production" support for IPv6, the long-anticipated upgrade
to the Internet's main communications protocol. The news
about Facebook's IPv6 support was expected; Facebook
told Network World in February 2010, that it planned to
support native IPv6 user requests "by the midpoint of this
• In a presentation at the Google IPv6 Implementors
Conference, Facebook's network engineers said it was
"easy to make [the] site available on v6." Facebook said it
deployed dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 support on its routers,
and that it made no changes to its hosts in order to support
IPv6. Facebook also said it was supporting an emerging
encapsulation mechanism known as
Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP), which
separates Internet addresses from endpoint identifiers to
improve the scalability of IPv6 deployments. "Facebook was
the first major Web site on LISP (v4 and v6)," Facebook
engineers said during their presentation. Facebook said that
using LISP allowed them to deploy IPv6 services quickly
with no extra cost. Facebook's IPv6 services are available
at,, and[8]
Facebook features-Messages and
Messages and Inbox
Since the website's founding,
it has allowed users to
send messages to each
other.[9] A facebook user
can send a message to
any number of his/her
friends at a time. Deleting
a message from one's
inbox does not deletes it
from the inbox of other
users, thus disabling a
sender to redo a message
sent by him.
Facebook-Inbox and messages
Facebook features- Networks, Groups, and Like
PagesNetworks, Groups, and Like Pages
• Facebook allows different networks and groups to which many users can
join. It also allows privacy settings on basis of networks. Groups are used
for discussions and events etc. Groups are a way of enabling a number of
people to come together online to share information and discuss specific
subjects. They are increasingly used by clubs, companies and public
sector organizations to engage with stakeholders - be they members of the
public, employees, members, service users, shareholders or customers. A
group includes but is not limited to the following: the members who have
joined, recent news contents, discussion board contents, wall contents,
photos, posted items, videos and all associated comments of such items.
In this respect, groups are similar to pages but contain more features[
citation needed]. Groups are limited to 300 groups per user, though it is
possible to find some users with more than 300 groups because it was
possible to dodge this limit in a few ways, until recently when they fixed
those exploits. The urls of group pages start with
/group... and do not include the name of the group.
• Individuals or companies can create "Like Pages" which allows fans of an
individual, organisation, product, service, or concept to join a facebook fan
club. Like Pages look and behave much like a user's personal private
profile, with some significant differences. Public Profiles are integrated with
Facebook's advertising system, allowing Public Profile owners to easily
advertise to Facebook's users.
Facebook- Networks, Groups,
and Like Pages
Facebook features-News Feed
• News Feed
• On 6 September 2006, Farooq Khan announced a new home page feature called News Feed.[12] Originally, when
users logged into Facebook, they were presented with a customizable version of their own profile. The new layout, by
contrast, created an alternative home page in which users saw a constantly updated list of their friends' Facebook
activity. News Feed highlights information that includes profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays, among other
updates. This has enabled spammers and other users to manipulate these features by creating illegitimate events or
posting fake birthdays to attract attention to their profile or cause.[13] News Feed also shows conversations taking
place between the walls of a user's friends. An integral part of the News Feed interface is the Mini-Feed, a news
stream on the user's profile page that shows updates about that user. Unlike in the News Feed, the user can delete
events from the Mini-Feed after they appear so that they are no longer visible to profile visitors.
• Initially, the addition of the News Feed caused some discontent among Facebook users. Many users complained that
the News Feed was too cluttered and full of undesired information. Others were concerned that the News Feed made it
too easy for other people to track activities like changes in relationship status, events, and conversations with other
users. This tracking is often casually referred to as "Facebook-Stalking."[14] In response to this dissatisfaction, creator
Mark Zuckerberg issued an apology for the site's failure to include appropriate customizable privacy features.
Thereafter, users were able to control what types of information were shared automatically with friends.[15] Currently,
users may prevent friends from seeing updates about several types of especially private activities, although other
events are not customizable in this way.[16]
• With the introduction of the "New Facebook" - in early February 2010 - came a total redesign of the pages, several new
features and changes to News Feeds.[17] On their personal Feeds (now integrated with Walls), users were given the
option of removing updates from any application as well as choosing the size they show up on the page. Furthermore,
the community feed (containing recent actions by the user's friends) contained options to instantly select whether to
hear more or less about certain friends or applications.[18]
Facebook- News feed
Facebook features-Notifications
• Notifications
• Notifications of the more important events, e.g.
someone sharing a link on the user's wall or
commenting on a post the user previously
commented on, briefly appear for a few seconds in
the bottom left as a popup message (if the user is
online), and a red counter is updated on the toolbar
at the top, thus allowing the user to keep track of all
the most recent notifications.
Facebook features-Phone
• Phone
• On September 2010, rumors of a "Facebook
Phone" similar to Google's Android, circulated
in business and tech industry news. In an
interview with well-known technology blog
Techcrunch, CEO Mark Zuckerberg was
noted to have said, "Our strategy is very
horizontal. We're trying to build a social layer
for everything," while denying that they were
attempting to compete with the Apple iPhone
or the Android.[19]
Facebook features-poke
• Poke
• The poke feature is intended to be a "nudge"
to attract the attention of another user. Many
facebook users use this feature to attract
attention or say "hello" to their friends.[20] It
can also be interpreted as flirting. A previous
version of Facebook's FAQ gave additional
insight into the origin of the feature, stating:
"When we created the poke, we thought it
would be cool to have a feature without any
specific purpose. People interpret the poke
in many different ways, and we encourage
you to come up with your own meanings."
• There are several applications on Facebook
which extend the idea of the poke feature by
allowing users to perform other actions to
their friends—such as "kick" or "wave to"—
including's SuperPoke!
application. People often reciprocate pokes
back and forth until one side gives up, an
event known as a "Poke War".
Facebook features- Smart phones
• Smartphones
• Facebook mobile graphical user interface
• Many new smartphones offer access to the Facebook services either through their web-
browsers or applications. The Facebook iPhone-compatible web site was launched August
2007 and as of July 2008 over 1.5 million people used it regularly, at the point when a free
application for the iOS named "Facebook for iPhone" was launched.[21] Version 2.0 of this app
was released in September 2008 and featured improved services such as being able to
respond to friend requests and notifications.[22] Version 3.0 was released in August 2009 and
added features such as events, and uploading video with an iPhone 3GS.[23] In the latest
update for the Facebook for iPhone app, GPS use is also integrated in the app under the
section "places" in which you can discover moments and experiences when you and your
friends are at the same place at the same time. This app is compatible with iPhone 3G, 3Gs,
and 4, running iOS 3.0 or later.[24]
• Nokia offers a Facebook app on its Ovi Store for Nokia S60 devices such as the N97 and
contains most of the functionality of the full website.[25]
• Google's Android 2.0 OS automatically includes an official Facebook app. The first device to
use this is the Motorola Droid. The app has options to sync Facebook friends with contacts,
which adds profile pictures and status updates to the contacts list. Microsoft also offers an
Facebook application for its Windows Mobile platform, including features such as messaging,
uploading pictures and video straight from the device, managing profile information, contact
integration allowing users to call anyone in their friends list that has their number in their profile
information. It is also possible to add an chat feature to Windows Mobile via third-party
software. Research In Motion also offers a Facebook application for the BlackBerry. It includes
a range of functions, including an ability to integrate Facebook events into the BlackBerry
calendar, and using Facebook profile pictures for Caller ID.[26]
Facebook-Smart phone
Facebook features- Status Updates
• Status Updates
• Facebook has a feature called "status updates" (also referred to
simply as "status") which allows users to post messages for all
their friends to read. In turn, friends can respond with their own
comments, and also press the "Like" button to show that they
enjoyed reading it. A user's most recent status update appears at
the top of their profile, and is also noted in the "Recently updated"
section of a user's friend list.
• Originally, the purpose of the feature was to allow users to inform
their friends of their current "status" (i.e. their current feelings,
whereabouts or actions) by referring to themselves in the third
person (e.g. "George is happy" or "John is with Robert at his
house"). However, users are no longer required to write in the third
person. Facebook originally prompted the status update with
"Username is..." and Facebook users filled in the rest. However, on
December 13, 2007, the requirement to start a status update with
is was removed.[27] The question "What are you doing right now?"
was introduced. In March 2009, the status update question was
changed from "What are you doing right now?" to "What's on your
• In 2009, Facebook added the feature to tag certain friends (or
groups etc.) within one's status update by adding an @ character
before their name, turning the friend's name into a link to their
profile and including the message on the friend's wall.
Facebook-Status updates
Facebook features-URL shortener
• URL shortener
• On December 14, 2009, Facebook launched its own
URL shortener based on domain name.[29] From
that point on, all links based on can be
accessed under, which is seven characters shorter.
• '''TinyURL''' is a web service that provides short aliases for
redirection of long [[Uniform Resource Locator|URL]]s.
[[Kevin Gilbertson]], a web developer, launched the service
in January 2002 so that he would be able to link directly to
[[newsgroup]] postings which frequently had long and
cumbersome addresses.
Facebook-URL shortener
Facebook features- Usernames
• Usernames
• Starting June 13, 2009,
Facebook introduced a feature
that allowed users to choose a
Facebook username to make
user location easier. The user is
able to direct others to their page
through a simple link such as
rather than an otherwise
complex URL. This feature on
Facebook quickly spread, with
more than 1 million users
registering usernames in the first
three hours.[30] Usernames are
now available to any existing or
newly registered user.
• According to the FAQ,
"Facebook reserves the right to
remove and/or reclaim any
username at any time for any
Facebook features-Wall
• Wall
• The Wall is a space on each user's profile page
that allows friends to post messages for the
user to see while displaying the time and date
the message was written. One user's Wall is
visible to anyone with the ability to see his or
her full profile, and different users' Wall posts
show up in an individual's News Feed. Many
users use their friends' Walls for leaving short,
temporal notes. More private discourse is saved
for messages, which are sent to a user's inbox,
and are visible only to the sender and
recipient(s) of the message, much like email.
• In July 2007, Facebook allowed users to post
attachments to the Wall,[32] whereas
previously the Wall was limited to text only. In
May 2008, the Wall-to-Wall for each profile was
limited to only 40 posts. Recently Facebook has
allowed users to insert html code in boxes
attached to the wall via apps like Static FBML
which has allowed marketers to track use of
their fan pages with Google Analytics.[33]
• Marketplace
• In May 2007, Facebook
introduced the Facebook
Marketplace allowing users to
post free classified ads within
the following categories: For
Sale, Housing, Jobs, and Other.
Ads can be posted in either
available or wanted format.[35]
The market place is available for
all Facebook users and is
currently free.[36] In 2009,
Facebook transferred ownership
of the Marketplace to Oodle.[37]
• Events
• Facebook events are a way for
members to let friends know about
upcoming events in their community
and to organize social gatherings.[34]
Events require an event name,
network, host name, event type, start
time, location, and a guest list of
friends invited. Events can be Public
or Private. Private events cannot be
found in searches and are by invitation
only. People who have not been
invited cannot view Private event
description, Wall or photos. They also
will not see any Feed stories about the
event [2]. When setting up an event
the user can choose to allow friends to
upload photos or videos. Note that
unlike real world events, all events are
treated as separate entities (when the
reality is some events sit inside other
events, going to one event would
preclude going to another, and so on).
• Notes
• Facebook Notes was
introduced on 22 August
2006, a blogging feature that
allowed tags and
embeddable images. Users
were later able to import
blogs from Xanga,
LiveJournal, Blogger, and
other blogging services.[38]
• A recent use of Notes
includes the Internet meme -
"25 Random Things About
Me" which involves writing 25
things about the user that
their friends don't already
know about them and using
the tag function to ask 25
friends to also do so. Nearly
5 million "25 Random Things"
notes were written on
Facebook profiles in the first
week of February 2009.[39]
Applications- Places
• Places
• Facebook announced Places on
August 18, 2010. It is a feature that
lets users "check in" to Facebook
using a mobile device to let a user's
friends know where they are at the
• Platform
• Main article: Facebook Platform
• The Facebook Platform provides a set of APIs and tools which enable 3rd party developers to integrate with the
"open graph" — whether through applications on or external websites and devices. Launched on
May 24, 2007, Facebook Platform has evolved from enabling development just on to one also
supporting integration across the web and devices.
• Facebook Platform Statistics as of May 2010:
• More than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries
• More than 550,000 active applications currently on Facebook Platform
• Every month, more than 70% of Facebook users engage with Platform applications
• More than 250,000 websites have integrated with Facebook Platform
• More than 100 million Facebook users engage with Facebook on external websites every month
• Third party companies such as Adonomics, Kontagent and Mixpanel provide application metrics, and blogs such as
AppRate, Inside Facebook, and Face Reviews have sprung up in response to the clamor for Facebook
applications. On July 4, 2007, Altura Ventures announced the "Altura 1 Facebook Investment Fund," becoming the
world's first Facebook-only venture capital firm.
• On August 29, 2007, Facebook changed the way in which the popularity of applications is measured, to give
attention to the more engaging applications, following criticism that ranking applications only by the number of
people who had installed the application was giving an advantage to the highly viral, yet useless applications.[4]
Tech blog Valleywag has criticized Facebook Applications, labeling them a "cornucopia of uselessness."[5] Others
have called for limiting third-party applications so the Facebook "user experience" is not degraded.
• Primarily attempting to create viral applications is a method that has certainly been employed by numerous
Facebook application developers. Stanford University even offered a class in the Fall of 2007, entitled, Computer
Science (CS) 377W: "Create Engaging Web Applications Using Metrics and Learning on Facebook". Numerous
applications created by the class were highly successful, and ranked amongst the top Facebook applications, with
some achieving over 3.5 million users in a month.
• Questions
• In May 2010, Facebook began testing
Questions, an application in which
users submit questions for their
friends to answer. It is expected to
compete directly with services such as
Yahoo! Answers.[41]
• Photos
• One of the most popular
applications on Facebook is the
Photos application, where users
can upload albums of photos,
tag friends, and comment on
photos. According to Facebook,
• 50+ billion user photos [42] (in
July 2010)
• More than 1.5 petabytes (1.5
million gigabytes) of photo
storage used[43] (in May 2009).
• 220 million photos added each
week which take up 25
terabytes of disk space (in May
• 3+ billion photo images served
to users every day[44] (in May
• 550,000+ images served per
second during peak traffic
windows (in May 2009).
• Videos
• During the time that
Facebook released its
platform, it also released an
application of its own for
sharing videos on Facebook.
[45] Users can add their
videos with the service by
uploading video, adding
video through Facebook
Mobile, and using a webcam
recording feature.
Additionally, users can "tag"
their friends in videos they
add much like the way users
can tag their friends in
photos, except the location
of the friend in the video is
not displayed. Users also
have the option of video
messaging. Videos cannot
be placed in categories,
whereas photos are sorted
by albums.
• Gifts
• Some of Facebook's gifts, as displayed in the website's gift
• In February 2007, Facebook added a new virtual gift
feature to the website. Friends could send gifts - small
icons of novelty items designed by former Apple designer
Susan Kare - to each other by selecting one from
Facebook's virtual gift shop and adding a message. Gifts
given to a user appear on the recipient's wall with the
giver's message, unless the giver decided to give the gift
privately, in which case the giver's name and message is
not displayed to other users. Additionally, all gifts (including
private gifts) received by a user are displayed in the
recipient's gift box (right above their wall on their profile),
marked with either the first name of the user (for public
gifts) or the word "Private." An Anonymous option is also
available, by which anyone with profile access can see the
gift, but only the recipient sees the message. None will see
the giver's name, and the gift goes in the recipient's gift box
but not the wall.
• Facebook users are given one free gift to give upon
registering their account. Each additional gift given by a
user costs US$1.00. The initial selection of gifts was
Valentine's Day themed, and 50% of the net proceeds
(after credit card processing fees were taken out, etc.)
received through February 2007 were donated to the
charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure. After the month of
February, the proceeds were no longer donated. Soon
after, Facebook began making one new gift available each
day, most of which had a limited supply or were available
for a limited time.
Former features-Gifts
Former features- Lite
• Lite
• In August 2009, Facebook
announced the rollout of a "lite"
version of the site, optimized for
users on slower or intermittent
Internet connections. Facebook
Lite offered fewer services,
excluded most third-party
applications and required less
bandwidth.[48] A beta version of
the slimmed-down interface was
released first to invited testers
[49] before a broader rollout
across users in the United
States, Canada, and India.[48] It
was announced on 20 April
2010 that support for the "lite"
service had ended and that
users would be redirected back
to the normal, full content,
Facebook website. The service
was only operational for eight
Facebook Lite
10 Less Known Facebook Features
• 1. Tag other people in status updates
• 2. Block people on chat
• 3. Create a “top friends” list, without an app
• 4. Login with your username
• 5. Edit the tabs on your profile
• 6. Publicize your event without sending annoying messages
• 7. Select multiple people at a time for Facebook event invites
• 8. Restrict your wall activity
• 9. Use your friend groups to easily send messages
• 10. Changing Your Privacy Settings
See also
• Facebook
• Criticism of Facebook
• Facebook Beacon
• Google Friend Connect
References• References
• ^ "Facebook Chat at TechCrunch". TechCrunch. Retrieved 2008-03-15.
• ^ "Facebook Chat at Facebook's support sites". Facebook.
Retrieved 2008-03-15.
• ^ "Using Facebook Chat via Jabber". David Reiss.
=1&story=110. Retrieved 2008-05-14.
• ^ "Facebook Chat Launches XMPP Support". TechCrunch. Retrieved 2010-02-12.
• ^ Dean Takahashi (June 29, 2010). "Social game firm Crowdstar
embraces Facebook Credits in five-year agreement". VentureBeat.
. Retrieved 13 July 2010.
• ^ John Boitnott (August 13, 2010). "Amateurish Facebook Live will suck up your time". Venture Beat. Retrieved August 16,
• ^ a b Chloe Albanesius (August 13, 2010). "Facebook Launches 'Facebook Live' Video Channel". Ziff Davis, Inc..,2817,2367815,00.asp. Retrieved August 16,
• ^ a b Duffy Marsan, Carolyn (11 June 2010). "Facebook adds IPv6 support". Network World. Retrieved 28 June 2010.
• ^ [1]
• ^ Facebook. "Facebook Pages".
• ^ Nick O'Neill. "Facebook’s “Become A Fan” Officially Switches To “Like”".
• ^ Paul, Mohit (2006-09-06). "Facebook Gets a Facelift". The Facebook Blog. http:// Retrieved 2008-02-11.
• ^ "Facebook: Celebrate Your Birthday Every Day". Retrieved 2010-03-09.
• ^ Zuckerberg, Mark (2006-09-06). "Calm down. Breathe. We hear you.". The Facebook Blog. http:// Retrieved 2008-02-11.

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Facebook features

  • 2. Facebook Introduction Facebook is a social network service and website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of July 2010[update] Facebook has more than 500 million active users,[6] which is about one person for every fourteen in the world. Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common interest user groups, organized by workplace, school, or college, or other characteristics.
  • 3. Facebook Social network service Facebook Social Network Social Network Service
  • 4. Facebook Social network service A social network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over
  • 5. Facebook Social network service The internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Facebook and Twitter widely used worldwide; MySpace and LinkedIn being the most widely used in North America;[1] Nexopia (mostly in Canada);[2] Bebo,[3] Hi5, Hyves (mostly in The Netherlands), StudiVZ (mostly in Germany), iWiW (mostly in Hungary), Tuenti (mostly in Spain), Nasza-Klasa (mostly in Poland), Decayenne, Tagged, XING,[4] Badoo[5] and Skyrock in parts of Europe;[6] Orkut and Hi5 in South America, India and Central America;[7] and Friendster, Mixi, Multiply, Orkut, Wretch, renren and Cyworld in Asia and the Pacific Islands and Twitter, Orkut and Facebook in India
  • 6. Facebook IntroductionFacebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.[8] The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. . MarkZuckerberg Facebook founders Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes
  • 7. Facebook features • 1.1 Chat • 1.2 Credits • 1.3 Easter eggs • 1.4 Facebook Live • 1.5 IPv6 • 1.6 Messages and Inbox • 1.7 Networks, Groups, and Like Pages • 1.8 News Feed • 1.9 Notifications • 1.10 Phone • 1.11 Poke • 1.12 Smartphones • 1.13 Status Updates • 1.14 URL shortener • 1.15 Usernames • 1.16 Wall • 2 Applications • 2.1 Events • 2.2 Marketplace • 2.3 Notes • 2.4 Places • 2.5 Platform • 2.6 Questions • 2.7 Photos • 2.8 Videos • 3 Former features • 3.1 Gifts • 3.2 Lite • 4 See also • 5 References
  • 8. Facebook features-Chat • Chat:-On April 5, 2008, Facebook pre- released Facebook Chat. • As of April 23, 2008, Facebook Chat was released to the entire Facebook user base. Users are only able to chat with their Facebook friends and on a one-to-one basis, although a user may chat with multiple friends simultaneously through separate chat interfaces. • Instant messaging clients that currently support Facebook Chat include eBuddy, Flock, Miranda IM, Trillian, Empathy, Digsby , Adium, Nimbuzz, FIM (Windows Mobile), Palringo (Windows Mobile), Meebo, Tokbox with a Firefox plugin as well as Pidgin with a cross-platform plug-in. Windows Live Messenger 2011 (Wave 4) can connect to Facebook as well. • Facebook Chat can also be run on the desktop using Gabtastik, a dedicated web chat browser Facebook-Chat
  • 9. Facebook features-CreditsFacebook Credits Facebook Credits are a virtual currency you can use to buy gifts, and virtual goods in many games and applications on the Facebook platform. As of July 2010, users of Facebook can purchase Facebook credits in Australian Dollars, British Pound, Canadian Dollars, Chilean Peso, Colombian Peso, Danish Krone, Euro, Hong Kong Dollar, Japanese Yen, Norwegian Krone, Swedish Krona, Swiss Franc, Turkish Lira, US Dollars, and Venezuelan Bolivar. Facebook credits can be used on many popular games such as Happy Aquarium, Happy Island, Zoo Paradise, Happy Pets, Hello City,[5] FarmVille, and Mafia Wars. As on 30 August 2010, facebook gifts were disabled and from then on, facebook credits are being used for the Games alone Facebook-Credits
  • 10. Facebook features- Easter eggs Easter eggs • The following are easter eggs that Facebook had at one time or another. • At one time, entering the Konami Code followed by Enter at the home page caused a lensflare-style series of circles to display when clicking, typing, or scrolling.[citation needed] • Facebook chat supports some unusual emoticons.[citation needed] • Asking "how is babby formed?" with the Questions feature released September 23, 2010 will Rickroll the user. • A user can change his/her language to Leet Speak, Pirate language, and upside down English. Facebook-Easter eggs
  • 11. Facebook features-Live Facebook Live On August 13, 2010 Facebook launched a new service called "'Facebook Live'", a live streaming video channel that is intended to keep Facebook users updated to what is happening on the social networking site.[6] The service, powered by Livestream, will feature videos from Facebook staff members and celebrity interviews, but not designed for Facebook users to showcase their own videos. All the content shown on Facebook Live will have some tie-in with Facebook products, features, or how people are using the site.[7] Facebook said this is not an opening to get them into the video distribution space. The first official guest was America Ferrera, the leading actress in the television series Ugly Betty. She discussed her new independent film The Dry Land, that was being promoted almost exclusively through social media channels.[7] Facebook-Live
  • 12. Facebook features-IPv6 IPv6 • According to a June 2010 report by Network World, Facebook said that it was offering "experimental, non- production" support for IPv6, the long-anticipated upgrade to the Internet's main communications protocol. The news about Facebook's IPv6 support was expected; Facebook told Network World in February 2010, that it planned to support native IPv6 user requests "by the midpoint of this year."[8] • In a presentation at the Google IPv6 Implementors Conference, Facebook's network engineers said it was "easy to make [the] site available on v6." Facebook said it deployed dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 support on its routers, and that it made no changes to its hosts in order to support IPv6. Facebook also said it was supporting an emerging encapsulation mechanism known as Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP), which separates Internet addresses from endpoint identifiers to improve the scalability of IPv6 deployments. "Facebook was the first major Web site on LISP (v4 and v6)," Facebook engineers said during their presentation. Facebook said that using LISP allowed them to deploy IPv6 services quickly with no extra cost. Facebook's IPv6 services are available at,, and[8] Facebook-IPV6
  • 13. Facebook features-Messages and Inbox Messages and Inbox Since the website's founding, it has allowed users to send messages to each other.[9] A facebook user can send a message to any number of his/her friends at a time. Deleting a message from one's inbox does not deletes it from the inbox of other users, thus disabling a sender to redo a message sent by him. Facebook-Inbox and messages
  • 14. Facebook features- Networks, Groups, and Like PagesNetworks, Groups, and Like Pages • Facebook allows different networks and groups to which many users can join. It also allows privacy settings on basis of networks. Groups are used for discussions and events etc. Groups are a way of enabling a number of people to come together online to share information and discuss specific subjects. They are increasingly used by clubs, companies and public sector organizations to engage with stakeholders - be they members of the public, employees, members, service users, shareholders or customers. A group includes but is not limited to the following: the members who have joined, recent news contents, discussion board contents, wall contents, photos, posted items, videos and all associated comments of such items. In this respect, groups are similar to pages but contain more features[ citation needed]. Groups are limited to 300 groups per user, though it is possible to find some users with more than 300 groups because it was possible to dodge this limit in a few ways, until recently when they fixed those exploits. The urls of group pages start with /group... and do not include the name of the group. • Individuals or companies can create "Like Pages" which allows fans of an individual, organisation, product, service, or concept to join a facebook fan club. Like Pages look and behave much like a user's personal private profile, with some significant differences. Public Profiles are integrated with Facebook's advertising system, allowing Public Profile owners to easily advertise to Facebook's users. Facebook- Networks, Groups, and Like Pages
  • 15. Facebook features-News Feed • News Feed • On 6 September 2006, Farooq Khan announced a new home page feature called News Feed.[12] Originally, when users logged into Facebook, they were presented with a customizable version of their own profile. The new layout, by contrast, created an alternative home page in which users saw a constantly updated list of their friends' Facebook activity. News Feed highlights information that includes profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays, among other updates. This has enabled spammers and other users to manipulate these features by creating illegitimate events or posting fake birthdays to attract attention to their profile or cause.[13] News Feed also shows conversations taking place between the walls of a user's friends. An integral part of the News Feed interface is the Mini-Feed, a news stream on the user's profile page that shows updates about that user. Unlike in the News Feed, the user can delete events from the Mini-Feed after they appear so that they are no longer visible to profile visitors. • Initially, the addition of the News Feed caused some discontent among Facebook users. Many users complained that the News Feed was too cluttered and full of undesired information. Others were concerned that the News Feed made it too easy for other people to track activities like changes in relationship status, events, and conversations with other users. This tracking is often casually referred to as "Facebook-Stalking."[14] In response to this dissatisfaction, creator Mark Zuckerberg issued an apology for the site's failure to include appropriate customizable privacy features. Thereafter, users were able to control what types of information were shared automatically with friends.[15] Currently, users may prevent friends from seeing updates about several types of especially private activities, although other events are not customizable in this way.[16] • With the introduction of the "New Facebook" - in early February 2010 - came a total redesign of the pages, several new features and changes to News Feeds.[17] On their personal Feeds (now integrated with Walls), users were given the option of removing updates from any application as well as choosing the size they show up on the page. Furthermore, the community feed (containing recent actions by the user's friends) contained options to instantly select whether to hear more or less about certain friends or applications.[18] Facebook- News feed
  • 16. Facebook features-Notifications • Notifications • Notifications of the more important events, e.g. someone sharing a link on the user's wall or commenting on a post the user previously commented on, briefly appear for a few seconds in the bottom left as a popup message (if the user is online), and a red counter is updated on the toolbar at the top, thus allowing the user to keep track of all the most recent notifications. Facebook-Notification
  • 17. Facebook features-Phone • Phone • On September 2010, rumors of a "Facebook Phone" similar to Google's Android, circulated in business and tech industry news. In an interview with well-known technology blog Techcrunch, CEO Mark Zuckerberg was noted to have said, "Our strategy is very horizontal. We're trying to build a social layer for everything," while denying that they were attempting to compete with the Apple iPhone or the Android.[19] Facebook-Phone
  • 18. Facebook features-poke • Poke • The poke feature is intended to be a "nudge" to attract the attention of another user. Many facebook users use this feature to attract attention or say "hello" to their friends.[20] It can also be interpreted as flirting. A previous version of Facebook's FAQ gave additional insight into the origin of the feature, stating: "When we created the poke, we thought it would be cool to have a feature without any specific purpose. People interpret the poke in many different ways, and we encourage you to come up with your own meanings." • There are several applications on Facebook which extend the idea of the poke feature by allowing users to perform other actions to their friends—such as "kick" or "wave to"— including's SuperPoke! application. People often reciprocate pokes back and forth until one side gives up, an event known as a "Poke War". Facebook-Poke
  • 19. Facebook features- Smart phones • Smartphones • Facebook mobile graphical user interface • Many new smartphones offer access to the Facebook services either through their web- browsers or applications. The Facebook iPhone-compatible web site was launched August 2007 and as of July 2008 over 1.5 million people used it regularly, at the point when a free application for the iOS named "Facebook for iPhone" was launched.[21] Version 2.0 of this app was released in September 2008 and featured improved services such as being able to respond to friend requests and notifications.[22] Version 3.0 was released in August 2009 and added features such as events, and uploading video with an iPhone 3GS.[23] In the latest update for the Facebook for iPhone app, GPS use is also integrated in the app under the section "places" in which you can discover moments and experiences when you and your friends are at the same place at the same time. This app is compatible with iPhone 3G, 3Gs, and 4, running iOS 3.0 or later.[24] • Nokia offers a Facebook app on its Ovi Store for Nokia S60 devices such as the N97 and contains most of the functionality of the full website.[25] • Google's Android 2.0 OS automatically includes an official Facebook app. The first device to use this is the Motorola Droid. The app has options to sync Facebook friends with contacts, which adds profile pictures and status updates to the contacts list. Microsoft also offers an Facebook application for its Windows Mobile platform, including features such as messaging, uploading pictures and video straight from the device, managing profile information, contact integration allowing users to call anyone in their friends list that has their number in their profile information. It is also possible to add an chat feature to Windows Mobile via third-party software. Research In Motion also offers a Facebook application for the BlackBerry. It includes a range of functions, including an ability to integrate Facebook events into the BlackBerry calendar, and using Facebook profile pictures for Caller ID.[26] Facebook-Smart phone
  • 20. Facebook features- Status Updates • Status Updates • Facebook has a feature called "status updates" (also referred to simply as "status") which allows users to post messages for all their friends to read. In turn, friends can respond with their own comments, and also press the "Like" button to show that they enjoyed reading it. A user's most recent status update appears at the top of their profile, and is also noted in the "Recently updated" section of a user's friend list. • Originally, the purpose of the feature was to allow users to inform their friends of their current "status" (i.e. their current feelings, whereabouts or actions) by referring to themselves in the third person (e.g. "George is happy" or "John is with Robert at his house"). However, users are no longer required to write in the third person. Facebook originally prompted the status update with "Username is..." and Facebook users filled in the rest. However, on December 13, 2007, the requirement to start a status update with is was removed.[27] The question "What are you doing right now?" was introduced. In March 2009, the status update question was changed from "What are you doing right now?" to "What's on your mind?"[28] • In 2009, Facebook added the feature to tag certain friends (or groups etc.) within one's status update by adding an @ character before their name, turning the friend's name into a link to their profile and including the message on the friend's wall. Facebook-Status updates
  • 21. Facebook features-URL shortener • URL shortener • On December 14, 2009, Facebook launched its own URL shortener based on domain name.[29] From that point on, all links based on can be accessed under, which is seven characters shorter. • '''TinyURL''' is a web service that provides short aliases for redirection of long [[Uniform Resource Locator|URL]]s. [[Kevin Gilbertson]], a web developer, launched the service in January 2002 so that he would be able to link directly to [[newsgroup]] postings which frequently had long and cumbersome addresses. Facebook-URL shortener
  • 22. Facebook features- Usernames • Usernames • Starting June 13, 2009, Facebook introduced a feature that allowed users to choose a Facebook username to make user location easier. The user is able to direct others to their page through a simple link such as rather than an otherwise complex URL. This feature on Facebook quickly spread, with more than 1 million users registering usernames in the first three hours.[30] Usernames are now available to any existing or newly registered user. • According to the FAQ, "Facebook reserves the right to remove and/or reclaim any username at any time for any reason".[31] Facebook-Usernames
  • 23. Facebook features-Wall • Wall • The Wall is a space on each user's profile page that allows friends to post messages for the user to see while displaying the time and date the message was written. One user's Wall is visible to anyone with the ability to see his or her full profile, and different users' Wall posts show up in an individual's News Feed. Many users use their friends' Walls for leaving short, temporal notes. More private discourse is saved for messages, which are sent to a user's inbox, and are visible only to the sender and recipient(s) of the message, much like email. • In July 2007, Facebook allowed users to post attachments to the Wall,[32] whereas previously the Wall was limited to text only. In May 2008, the Wall-to-Wall for each profile was limited to only 40 posts. Recently Facebook has allowed users to insert html code in boxes attached to the wall via apps like Static FBML which has allowed marketers to track use of their fan pages with Google Analytics.[33] Facebook-Wall
  • 24. Applications-Marketplace • Marketplace • In May 2007, Facebook introduced the Facebook Marketplace allowing users to post free classified ads within the following categories: For Sale, Housing, Jobs, and Other. Ads can be posted in either available or wanted format.[35] The market place is available for all Facebook users and is currently free.[36] In 2009, Facebook transferred ownership of the Marketplace to Oodle.[37] Facebook-Marketplace
  • 25. Applications-Events • Events • Facebook events are a way for members to let friends know about upcoming events in their community and to organize social gatherings.[34] Events require an event name, network, host name, event type, start time, location, and a guest list of friends invited. Events can be Public or Private. Private events cannot be found in searches and are by invitation only. People who have not been invited cannot view Private event description, Wall or photos. They also will not see any Feed stories about the event [2]. When setting up an event the user can choose to allow friends to upload photos or videos. Note that unlike real world events, all events are treated as separate entities (when the reality is some events sit inside other events, going to one event would preclude going to another, and so on). Facebook-Events
  • 26. Applications-Notes • Notes • Facebook Notes was introduced on 22 August 2006, a blogging feature that allowed tags and embeddable images. Users were later able to import blogs from Xanga, LiveJournal, Blogger, and other blogging services.[38] • A recent use of Notes includes the Internet meme - "25 Random Things About Me" which involves writing 25 things about the user that their friends don't already know about them and using the tag function to ask 25 friends to also do so. Nearly 5 million "25 Random Things" notes were written on Facebook profiles in the first week of February 2009.[39] Facebook-Notes
  • 27. Applications- Places • Places • Facebook announced Places on August 18, 2010. It is a feature that lets users "check in" to Facebook using a mobile device to let a user's friends know where they are at the moment.[40] Facebook-Places
  • 28. Applications-Platform • Platform • Main article: Facebook Platform • The Facebook Platform provides a set of APIs and tools which enable 3rd party developers to integrate with the "open graph" — whether through applications on or external websites and devices. Launched on May 24, 2007, Facebook Platform has evolved from enabling development just on to one also supporting integration across the web and devices. • Facebook Platform Statistics as of May 2010: • More than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries • More than 550,000 active applications currently on Facebook Platform • Every month, more than 70% of Facebook users engage with Platform applications • More than 250,000 websites have integrated with Facebook Platform • More than 100 million Facebook users engage with Facebook on external websites every month • Third party companies such as Adonomics, Kontagent and Mixpanel provide application metrics, and blogs such as AppRate, Inside Facebook, and Face Reviews have sprung up in response to the clamor for Facebook applications. On July 4, 2007, Altura Ventures announced the "Altura 1 Facebook Investment Fund," becoming the world's first Facebook-only venture capital firm. • On August 29, 2007, Facebook changed the way in which the popularity of applications is measured, to give attention to the more engaging applications, following criticism that ranking applications only by the number of people who had installed the application was giving an advantage to the highly viral, yet useless applications.[4] Tech blog Valleywag has criticized Facebook Applications, labeling them a "cornucopia of uselessness."[5] Others have called for limiting third-party applications so the Facebook "user experience" is not degraded. • Primarily attempting to create viral applications is a method that has certainly been employed by numerous Facebook application developers. Stanford University even offered a class in the Fall of 2007, entitled, Computer Science (CS) 377W: "Create Engaging Web Applications Using Metrics and Learning on Facebook". Numerous applications created by the class were highly successful, and ranked amongst the top Facebook applications, with some achieving over 3.5 million users in a month. Facebook-Platform
  • 29. Applications-Questions • Questions • In May 2010, Facebook began testing Questions, an application in which users submit questions for their friends to answer. It is expected to compete directly with services such as Yahoo! Answers.[41] Facebook-Questions
  • 30. Applications-Photos • Photos • One of the most popular applications on Facebook is the Photos application, where users can upload albums of photos, tag friends, and comment on photos. According to Facebook, • 50+ billion user photos [42] (in July 2010) • More than 1.5 petabytes (1.5 million gigabytes) of photo storage used[43] (in May 2009). • 220 million photos added each week which take up 25 terabytes of disk space (in May 2009). • 3+ billion photo images served to users every day[44] (in May 2007). • 550,000+ images served per second during peak traffic windows (in May 2009). Facebook-Photos
  • 31. Applications-Videos • Videos • During the time that Facebook released its platform, it also released an application of its own for sharing videos on Facebook. [45] Users can add their videos with the service by uploading video, adding video through Facebook Mobile, and using a webcam recording feature. Additionally, users can "tag" their friends in videos they add much like the way users can tag their friends in photos, except the location of the friend in the video is not displayed. Users also have the option of video messaging. Videos cannot be placed in categories, whereas photos are sorted by albums. Facebook-Videos
  • 32. • Gifts • Some of Facebook's gifts, as displayed in the website's gift shop. • In February 2007, Facebook added a new virtual gift feature to the website. Friends could send gifts - small icons of novelty items designed by former Apple designer Susan Kare - to each other by selecting one from Facebook's virtual gift shop and adding a message. Gifts given to a user appear on the recipient's wall with the giver's message, unless the giver decided to give the gift privately, in which case the giver's name and message is not displayed to other users. Additionally, all gifts (including private gifts) received by a user are displayed in the recipient's gift box (right above their wall on their profile), marked with either the first name of the user (for public gifts) or the word "Private." An Anonymous option is also available, by which anyone with profile access can see the gift, but only the recipient sees the message. None will see the giver's name, and the gift goes in the recipient's gift box but not the wall. • Facebook users are given one free gift to give upon registering their account. Each additional gift given by a user costs US$1.00. The initial selection of gifts was Valentine's Day themed, and 50% of the net proceeds (after credit card processing fees were taken out, etc.) received through February 2007 were donated to the charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure. After the month of February, the proceeds were no longer donated. Soon after, Facebook began making one new gift available each day, most of which had a limited supply or were available for a limited time. Former features-Gifts Facebook-Gifts
  • 33. Former features- Lite • Lite • In August 2009, Facebook announced the rollout of a "lite" version of the site, optimized for users on slower or intermittent Internet connections. Facebook Lite offered fewer services, excluded most third-party applications and required less bandwidth.[48] A beta version of the slimmed-down interface was released first to invited testers [49] before a broader rollout across users in the United States, Canada, and India.[48] It was announced on 20 April 2010 that support for the "lite" service had ended and that users would be redirected back to the normal, full content, Facebook website. The service was only operational for eight months. Facebook Lite
  • 34. 10 Less Known Facebook Features • 1. Tag other people in status updates • 2. Block people on chat • 3. Create a “top friends” list, without an app • 4. Login with your username • 5. Edit the tabs on your profile • 6. Publicize your event without sending annoying messages • 7. Select multiple people at a time for Facebook event invites • 8. Restrict your wall activity • 9. Use your friend groups to easily send messages • 10. Changing Your Privacy Settings
  • 35. See also • Facebook • Criticism of Facebook • Facebook Beacon • Google Friend Connect
  • 36. References• References • ^ "Facebook Chat at TechCrunch". TechCrunch. Retrieved 2008-03-15. • ^ "Facebook Chat at Facebook's support sites". Facebook. Retrieved 2008-03-15. • ^ "Using Facebook Chat via Jabber". David Reiss. =1&story=110. Retrieved 2008-05-14. • ^ "Facebook Chat Launches XMPP Support". TechCrunch. Retrieved 2010-02-12. • ^ Dean Takahashi (June 29, 2010). "Social game firm Crowdstar embraces Facebook Credits in five-year agreement". VentureBeat. . Retrieved 13 July 2010. • ^ John Boitnott (August 13, 2010). "Amateurish Facebook Live will suck up your time". Venture Beat. Retrieved August 16, 2010. • ^ a b Chloe Albanesius (August 13, 2010). "Facebook Launches 'Facebook Live' Video Channel". Ziff Davis, Inc..,2817,2367815,00.asp. Retrieved August 16, 2010. • ^ a b Duffy Marsan, Carolyn (11 June 2010). "Facebook adds IPv6 support". Network World. Retrieved 28 June 2010. • ^ [1] • ^ Facebook. "Facebook Pages". • ^ Nick O'Neill. "Facebook’s “Become A Fan” Officially Switches To “Like”". • ^ Paul, Mohit (2006-09-06). "Facebook Gets a Facelift". The Facebook Blog. http:// Retrieved 2008-02-11. • ^ "Facebook: Celebrate Your Birthday Every Day". Retrieved 2010-03-09. • ^ Zuckerberg, Mark (2006-09-06). "Calm down. Breathe. We hear you.". The Facebook Blog. http:// Retrieved 2008-02-11.