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Course Code: BIS-531 
The Department of Business Administration 
Prime University 
Under the supervision of 
Md. Shahidul Islam Fakir 
Department of Business Administration 
Prime University 
Name: Md. Riad Hossen 
ID NO: 131020102086 
Batch: 32nd 
Program: MBA 
Department of Business Administration 
Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216 
Date of Submission: 17 May, 2013.
Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create 
profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and 
colleagues. Facebook offers a range of privacy options to its members. A member can make all 
his communications visible to everyone, he can block specific connections or he can keep all his 
communications private. Members can choose whether or not to be searchable, decide which 
parts of their profile are public, decide what not to put in their newsfeed and determine exactly 
who can see their posts. For those members who wish to use Facebook to communicate 
privately, there is a message feature, which closely resembles email. 
In May 2007, Facebook opened up its developers' platform to allow third-party developers to 
build applications and widgets that, once approved, could be distributed through the Facebook 
community. In May 2008, Facebook engineers announced Facebook Connect, a cross-site 
initiative that allows users to publish interactions on third-party partner sites in their Facebook 
Facebook is the most popular social networking site. Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, the 
site is free to members and derives its revenue from ads. The name comes from the paper 
document with names and faces issued to college freshmen to help them get acquainted with 
each other. Using the search facilities, members can locate other Facebook members and "friend" 
them by sending them an invitation, or they can invite people to join Facebook (see Faceslam). 
Facebook offers instant messaging and photo sharing, and Facebook's e-mail is the only 
messaging system many students ever use. 
Facebook allows each user to set privacy settings, which by default are pretty strict. For example, 
if you have not added a certain person as a friend, that person will not be able to view your 
profile. However, you can adjust the privacy settings to allow users within your network (such as 
your college or the area you live) to view part or all of your profile. 
Objectives of the Study: 
i. To determine the benefits of using by businessmen. 
ii. To determine gaps between expectations and benefits taken by businessmen. 
iii. To provide recommendations to develop
Data and Methods: 
Nature of the Study: 
Facebook is developed as one monolithic application. According to an interview in 2012 
with Chuck Rossi, a build engineer at Facebook, Facebook compiles into a 1.5 GB binary 
blob which is then distributed to the servers using a custom BitTorrent-based release 
system. Rossi stated that it takes approximately 15 minutes to build and 15 minutes to 
release to the servers. The build and release process is zero downtime and new changes to 
Facebook are rolled out daily. Facebook used a combination platform based on HBase to 
store data across distributed machines. Using a tailing architecture, new events are stored 
in log files, and the logs are tailed. The system rolls these events up and writes them into 
storage. The User Interface then pulls the data out and displays it to users. Facebook 
handles requests as AJAX behavior. These requests are written to a log file using Scribe 
(developed by Facebook). 
Data collection method: 
The data required for this report were secondarily collected by online resources from the site. 
Method of Data processing and preparing report: 
For the data processing and preparing report, We used a PC, Microsoft Word, Key- 
Board, Internet, Mouse, etc. 
History of Facebook: 
Mark Zuckerberg wrote Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook, on October 28, 2003, while 
attending Harvard as a sophomore. According to The Harvard Crimson, the site was comparable 
to Hot or Not, and "used photos compiled from the online facebooks of nine houses, placing two 
next to each other at a time and asking users to choose the 'hotter' person". 
To accomplish this, Zuckerberg hacked into the protected areas of Harvard's computer network 
and copied the houses' private dormitory ID images. Harvard at that time did not have a student 
"facebook" (a directory with photos and basic information), though individual houses had been
issuing their own paper facebooks since the mid-1980s. Facemash attracted 450 visitors and 
22,000 photo-views in its first four hours online. 
Facebook launched a high-school version in September 2005, which Zuckerberg called the next 
logical step. At that time, high-school networks required an invitation to join. Facebook later 
expanded membership eligibility to employees of several companies, including Apple Inc. and 
Microsoft. Facebook was then opened on September 26, 2006, to everyone of age 13 and older 
with a valid email address. 
In March 2011, it was reported that Facebook removes approximately 20,000 profiles from the 
site every day for various infractions, including spam, inappropriate content and underage use, as 
part of its efforts to boost cyber security. 
On April 19, 2013 Facebook officially updated their logo. Facebook's new logo no longer 
includes the faint blue line at the bottom of their "F" icon. The letter is also pulled closer to the 
edge of the box. 
The Business Value of Facebook: 
Learn how to leverage the Facebook platform in order to drastically strengthen your web 
presence and be a more efficient and effective professional. 
When talking about web 2.0 and social networks in particular, the first name that usually comes 
up is Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg’s brainchild currently has more than 100 million active users 
worldwide. The social networking giant acts just like all the others, in that users can create 
profiles, add friends, write on walls, upload photos and most importantly…POKE. These 
applications do not separate Facebook from competitors, like MySpace, but there are several 
factors that do. Firstly, the clean user interface came as a breath of fresh air to all the MySpace 
users who became aggravated by their cluttered profiles. Secondly, Facebook started out as a 
college student online social network, where members had to register with an .edu email address. 
The security Facebook instilled in their members came just at the right time in the market, as
MySpace was becoming a haven for stalkers. Finally, Facebook opened up its doors to outside 
developers, who have created over 33,000 applications for the community. Applications have 
been developed, which allow members to send bumper stickers or find real estate listings. Their 
incredible success and mass utilization makes it a perfect web 2.0 tool for all types of businesses. 
Everyone understands the concept of Facebook, but few business professionals understand how 
their company can capitalize on utilization of the platform. This article will be your step-by-step 
guide for unlocking the hidden value of Facebook. 
1. Registration: The first thing to do for all new members is obviously registration. Once logged 
in, take a look around your home page and become familiar with the new feed. Your news feed 
will keep you up to date with all the actions of your friends. The setting can easily be changed if 
you only want to be notified of certain actions. 
2. Friend Requests: Once you have your bearings it is time to invite partners, friends and 
colleagues to join your network. Now it is time to get down to business. 
3. Complete Profile Info: Fill out all the information in your profile exactly how you would 
with your LinkedIn Profile. Search engines are going to crawl this page, so you want as much 
professional information as possible, as it will help with your ranking. 
4. Add Applications: Browse through the application gallery and add apps that you see useful. I 
recommend adding the RSS reader to your page and then linking your personal or corporate blog 
to it. This will drive traffic to your blog and will add another link to your blog. Another useful 
app to add is the Twitter app, which will directly feed all your twitters to your profile. 
5. Create Groups: Create a group for your whole company, departments or project teams. You 
can set these groups to private or leave them open for the public based on the reason the group 
was created. Applications can be added to groups if needed. Use the discussion forum and wall 
to quickly communicate with team members on specific projects or problems. 
6. Create Product/Service Fan Page: Establish your brand by creating a large following on 
Facebook. Fan Pages are vital because they allow consumers to communicate directly with the 
company and/or other consumers. If you just released a new product, your fan page can give you 
a great deal of value feedback, as most likely your fans will start discussions on the page. These 
pages also allow your consumers to be very hands on because they can upload pictures and 
7. Advertising: Facebook makes all of its revenue from advertising and has developed quite the 
impressive ad platform. Depending on the size of your company, you can choose different types 
of advertising. Anyone can buy ads at any time by number of clicks or by number of 
impressions. When you run this type of ad, you choose what you want to advertise type in the 
text of the ad, upload the photo for the ad, choose a social action, pick the location (worldwide, 
state, city), pick the sex, pick the age, type in keywords, set a daily budget, pick your max bid 
and finally choose your schedule. 
8. Insights: Along with the superior ad platform, Facebook has developed a powerful research 
platform to track the performance of your ads. You have access to data on activity, fan 
demographics, ad performance and trends. With this information, you are better equipped to 
improve your custom content on Facebook and adjust your ad targeting. Their robust database of 
authentic demographic information provides you with deep understanding of exactly who is 
engaging with your business and how. Best of all, this service is completely free. 
9. Application Creation: Another great way to promote your company is to develop a powerful 
application. With Facebook Platform, you can create applications that integrate deeply into 
Facebook, harness the power of the social graph and create new opportunities for you business. 
The platform provides you with all the necessary tools to quickly create custom experiences for 
users to interact with your business. There is currently over 400,000 registered developers on 
Facebook, so don’t wait any longer. 
Facebook should not be taken lightly. It is one of the most powerful web 2.0 platforms available 
in the current market and all businesses should be implementing a few of these discussed steps. 
Social networks are not just for fun anymore, which is why companies like Ernst and Young, 
Apple and Nike all have strong presences on Facebook. 
Benefits of Facebook: 
Facebook is a site which is used by teens and adults alike for social networking. The Facebook 
application is owned and operated by Facebook, Inc., which was established in September 2006. 
This private website is founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The founders of Facebook 
were Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg. This group of
people was roommates in college and they were classmates in their computer science course. 
Initially, Facebook was available only for students of Harvard University. It later then expanded 
to other universities in the United States and currently, it is serving more than 400 million users 
around the world. 
1. Facebook lets you connect with you family, friends and relatives: 
Because of the popularity of the Facebook website, a lot of people are registering and becoming 
users of the application. Because of this, the website has become a common ground for people 
which results to finding your old friends, relatives and family members. This makes it easier for 
you to interact with them, and coordinate with them. 
2. Facebook lets you post anything on your wall: 
Another benefit of becoming a Facebook user is that you will be able to post almost anything on 
your wall. The wall of a particular user is a common ground for all your friends and yourself. 
This is a page in your profile which gives you the latest news and posts from your other friends 
including yourself. A lot of people are taking advantage of this page to post some information 
and updates on their personal lives. It can also be used to announce a reunion, and outing, event 
and the like. Through this wall, you can also tell your friends how you feel, and they are free to 
react with your wall post by commenting on it. Finally, not only can you post written content, but 
you can also put some videos, pictures and music on your wall. At the same time, all changes in 
your profile will be displayed on your wall as well. 
3. Facebook is a great opportunity for businesses to make their products known: 
Facebook is home to more than 400 million users around the world, and is growing every day. 
This number of users will be the market of any advertisement posted in the website which is why 
businesses are taking advantage of this opportunity. Facebook could greatly benefit these 
businesses by increasing their income through advertising.
Research Questions: 
1. Facebook is an online social networking service. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
2. Facebook eventually filed for an initial public offering on February 1, 2012. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
3. Mark Zuckerberg wrote Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook, on October 28, 2003. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
4. Facebook launched a high-school version in September 2005, which Zuckerberg called the 
next logical step. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
5. The media often compares Facebook to MySpace. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
6. Facebook Notes was introduced on August 22, 2006, a blogging feature that allowed tags and 
embeddable images. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
7. On July 6, 2011, Facebook launched its video calling services using Skype. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
8. Facebook is not developed as one monolithic application. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
9. In April 2011, Facebook launched a new portal for marketers. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
10. Facebook has affected the social life and activity of people in various ways. 
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 
Problems of Facebook:
Facebook has met with controversies. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries 
including the People's Republic of China, Iran, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Syria and Bangladesh on 
different bases. For example, it was banned in many countries of the world on the basis of 
allowed content judged as anti-Islamic and containing religious discrimination. It has also been 
banned at many workplaces to prevent employees from using it during work hours. Facebook has 
settled a lawsuit regarding claims over source code and intellectual property. In May 2011 emails 
were sent to journalists and bloggers making critical allegations about Google's privacy policies; 
however it was later discovered that the anti-Google campaign, conducted by PR giant Burson- 
Marsteller, was paid for by Facebook in what CNN referred to as "a new level skullduggery" and 
which Daily Beast called a "clumsy smear". In July 2011, German authorities began to discuss 
the prohibition of events organized on Facebook. 
The decision is based on several cases of overcrowding by people not originally invited. In one 
instance, 1,600 "guests" attended the 16th birthday party for a Hamburg girl who accidentally 
posted the invitation for the event as public. After reports of overcrowding, more than a hundred 
police were deployed for crowd control. A policeman was injured and eleven participants were 
arrested for assault, property damage and resistance to authorities. In another unexpectedly 
overcrowded event, 41 young people were arrested and at least 16 injured. 
Facebook should not be taken lightly. It is one of the most powerful web 2.0 platforms available 
in the current market and all businesses should be implementing a few of these discussed steps. 
Social networks are not just for fun anymore, which is why companies like Ernst and Young, 
Apple and Nike all have strong presences on Facebook. 
· Print out this article and turn it into a checklist. Make sure you have at least attempted all 
9 steps. 
· Lose the preconception that social networks hold no true professional value. Once 
organized correctlly and frequently energized through the submission of unique and 
valuable content, you will begin to 
· Notice a measurable increase in page strength. 
· Update! Update! Update! Never let your profile page lay inactive for more than two 
· Try to find a friend or a co-worker to build you a simple, yet engaging and rewarding 
widget to plug into facebook and other social networks with open source. 
Facebook is an online social networking service, whose name stems from the colloquial name 
for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university 
administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other. It was founded in 
February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University 
students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. 
The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was 
expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It 
gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school 
students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. Facebook now allows any users who 
declare them to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site. 
Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add 
other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they 
update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by 
workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such 
as "People from Work" or "Close Friends". As of September 2012, Facebook has over one 
billion active users. According to a May 2011 Consumer Reports survey, there are 7.5 million 
children under 13 with accounts and 5 million under 10, violating the site's terms of service. 
1. ^ "Facebook Current Report, Form 8-K, Filing Date July 26, 2012". Retrieved July 26, 2012. 
2. ^ a b c d e SEC (February 1, 2013). "Facebook, Inc. Financial Statements". 
Securities and Exchange Commission. Retrieved February 1, 2013. 
3. ^ "Key Facts". Facebook Newsroom. Facebook. Retrieved May 2, 2013. 
4. ^ Gavin, Clarke (July 2010). "Facebook re-write takes PHP to an enterprise past 
Remember C++? They do". Archived from the original on 2012-05-30. Retrieved 2 
February 2010. 
5. ^ " Site Info". Alexa Internet. Retrieved 2013-01-14. 
6. ^ a b "Facebook Reports First Quarter 2013 Results". Facebook. Retrieved 2 May 
7. ^ Eldon, Eric (December 18, 2008). "2008 Growth Puts Facebook In Better 
Position to Make Money". Venture Beat (San Francisco). Retrieved December 19, 2008. 
8. ^ Carlson, Nicholas (March 5, 2010). "At Last – The Full Story Of How 
Facebook Was Founded". Business Insider. 
9. ^ "Information for Parents and Educators". Retrieved November 22, 2011. 
10.^ "Facebook Tops Billion-User Mark". The Wall Street Journal (Dow Jones).

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Lewis Wimba Presentation Social Networking Facebook

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  • 1. Course Code: BIS-531 TO The Department of Business Administration Prime University Under the supervision of Md. Shahidul Islam Fakir Lecturer, Department of Business Administration Prime University By Name: Md. Riad Hossen ID NO: 131020102086 Batch: 32nd Program: MBA Department of Business Administration Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216 Date of Submission: 17 May, 2013.
  • 2. Abstract: Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Facebook offers a range of privacy options to its members. A member can make all his communications visible to everyone, he can block specific connections or he can keep all his communications private. Members can choose whether or not to be searchable, decide which parts of their profile are public, decide what not to put in their newsfeed and determine exactly who can see their posts. For those members who wish to use Facebook to communicate privately, there is a message feature, which closely resembles email. In May 2007, Facebook opened up its developers' platform to allow third-party developers to build applications and widgets that, once approved, could be distributed through the Facebook community. In May 2008, Facebook engineers announced Facebook Connect, a cross-site initiative that allows users to publish interactions on third-party partner sites in their Facebook newsfeed. Introduction: Facebook is the most popular social networking site. Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, the site is free to members and derives its revenue from ads. The name comes from the paper document with names and faces issued to college freshmen to help them get acquainted with each other. Using the search facilities, members can locate other Facebook members and "friend" them by sending them an invitation, or they can invite people to join Facebook (see Faceslam). Facebook offers instant messaging and photo sharing, and Facebook's e-mail is the only messaging system many students ever use. Facebook allows each user to set privacy settings, which by default are pretty strict. For example, if you have not added a certain person as a friend, that person will not be able to view your profile. However, you can adjust the privacy settings to allow users within your network (such as your college or the area you live) to view part or all of your profile. Objectives of the Study: i. To determine the benefits of using by businessmen. ii. To determine gaps between expectations and benefits taken by businessmen. iii. To provide recommendations to develop
  • 3. Data and Methods: Nature of the Study: Facebook is developed as one monolithic application. According to an interview in 2012 with Chuck Rossi, a build engineer at Facebook, Facebook compiles into a 1.5 GB binary blob which is then distributed to the servers using a custom BitTorrent-based release system. Rossi stated that it takes approximately 15 minutes to build and 15 minutes to release to the servers. The build and release process is zero downtime and new changes to Facebook are rolled out daily. Facebook used a combination platform based on HBase to store data across distributed machines. Using a tailing architecture, new events are stored in log files, and the logs are tailed. The system rolls these events up and writes them into storage. The User Interface then pulls the data out and displays it to users. Facebook handles requests as AJAX behavior. These requests are written to a log file using Scribe (developed by Facebook). Data collection method: The data required for this report were secondarily collected by online resources from the site. Method of Data processing and preparing report: For the data processing and preparing report, We used a PC, Microsoft Word, Key- Board, Internet, Mouse, etc. History of Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg wrote Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook, on October 28, 2003, while attending Harvard as a sophomore. According to The Harvard Crimson, the site was comparable to Hot or Not, and "used photos compiled from the online facebooks of nine houses, placing two next to each other at a time and asking users to choose the 'hotter' person". To accomplish this, Zuckerberg hacked into the protected areas of Harvard's computer network and copied the houses' private dormitory ID images. Harvard at that time did not have a student "facebook" (a directory with photos and basic information), though individual houses had been
  • 4. issuing their own paper facebooks since the mid-1980s. Facemash attracted 450 visitors and 22,000 photo-views in its first four hours online. Facebook launched a high-school version in September 2005, which Zuckerberg called the next logical step. At that time, high-school networks required an invitation to join. Facebook later expanded membership eligibility to employees of several companies, including Apple Inc. and Microsoft. Facebook was then opened on September 26, 2006, to everyone of age 13 and older with a valid email address. In March 2011, it was reported that Facebook removes approximately 20,000 profiles from the site every day for various infractions, including spam, inappropriate content and underage use, as part of its efforts to boost cyber security. On April 19, 2013 Facebook officially updated their logo. Facebook's new logo no longer includes the faint blue line at the bottom of their "F" icon. The letter is also pulled closer to the edge of the box. The Business Value of Facebook: Learn how to leverage the Facebook platform in order to drastically strengthen your web presence and be a more efficient and effective professional. When talking about web 2.0 and social networks in particular, the first name that usually comes up is Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg’s brainchild currently has more than 100 million active users worldwide. The social networking giant acts just like all the others, in that users can create profiles, add friends, write on walls, upload photos and most importantly…POKE. These applications do not separate Facebook from competitors, like MySpace, but there are several factors that do. Firstly, the clean user interface came as a breath of fresh air to all the MySpace users who became aggravated by their cluttered profiles. Secondly, Facebook started out as a college student online social network, where members had to register with an .edu email address. The security Facebook instilled in their members came just at the right time in the market, as
  • 5. MySpace was becoming a haven for stalkers. Finally, Facebook opened up its doors to outside developers, who have created over 33,000 applications for the community. Applications have been developed, which allow members to send bumper stickers or find real estate listings. Their incredible success and mass utilization makes it a perfect web 2.0 tool for all types of businesses. Everyone understands the concept of Facebook, but few business professionals understand how their company can capitalize on utilization of the platform. This article will be your step-by-step guide for unlocking the hidden value of Facebook. 1. Registration: The first thing to do for all new members is obviously registration. Once logged in, take a look around your home page and become familiar with the new feed. Your news feed will keep you up to date with all the actions of your friends. The setting can easily be changed if you only want to be notified of certain actions. 2. Friend Requests: Once you have your bearings it is time to invite partners, friends and colleagues to join your network. Now it is time to get down to business. 3. Complete Profile Info: Fill out all the information in your profile exactly how you would with your LinkedIn Profile. Search engines are going to crawl this page, so you want as much professional information as possible, as it will help with your ranking. 4. Add Applications: Browse through the application gallery and add apps that you see useful. I recommend adding the RSS reader to your page and then linking your personal or corporate blog to it. This will drive traffic to your blog and will add another link to your blog. Another useful app to add is the Twitter app, which will directly feed all your twitters to your profile. 5. Create Groups: Create a group for your whole company, departments or project teams. You can set these groups to private or leave them open for the public based on the reason the group was created. Applications can be added to groups if needed. Use the discussion forum and wall to quickly communicate with team members on specific projects or problems. 6. Create Product/Service Fan Page: Establish your brand by creating a large following on Facebook. Fan Pages are vital because they allow consumers to communicate directly with the company and/or other consumers. If you just released a new product, your fan page can give you a great deal of value feedback, as most likely your fans will start discussions on the page. These pages also allow your consumers to be very hands on because they can upload pictures and videos.
  • 6. 7. Advertising: Facebook makes all of its revenue from advertising and has developed quite the impressive ad platform. Depending on the size of your company, you can choose different types of advertising. Anyone can buy ads at any time by number of clicks or by number of impressions. When you run this type of ad, you choose what you want to advertise type in the text of the ad, upload the photo for the ad, choose a social action, pick the location (worldwide, state, city), pick the sex, pick the age, type in keywords, set a daily budget, pick your max bid and finally choose your schedule. 8. Insights: Along with the superior ad platform, Facebook has developed a powerful research platform to track the performance of your ads. You have access to data on activity, fan demographics, ad performance and trends. With this information, you are better equipped to improve your custom content on Facebook and adjust your ad targeting. Their robust database of authentic demographic information provides you with deep understanding of exactly who is engaging with your business and how. Best of all, this service is completely free. 9. Application Creation: Another great way to promote your company is to develop a powerful application. With Facebook Platform, you can create applications that integrate deeply into Facebook, harness the power of the social graph and create new opportunities for you business. The platform provides you with all the necessary tools to quickly create custom experiences for users to interact with your business. There is currently over 400,000 registered developers on Facebook, so don’t wait any longer. Facebook should not be taken lightly. It is one of the most powerful web 2.0 platforms available in the current market and all businesses should be implementing a few of these discussed steps. Social networks are not just for fun anymore, which is why companies like Ernst and Young, Apple and Nike all have strong presences on Facebook. Benefits of Facebook: Facebook is a site which is used by teens and adults alike for social networking. The Facebook application is owned and operated by Facebook, Inc., which was established in September 2006. This private website is founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The founders of Facebook were Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg. This group of
  • 7. people was roommates in college and they were classmates in their computer science course. Initially, Facebook was available only for students of Harvard University. It later then expanded to other universities in the United States and currently, it is serving more than 400 million users around the world. 1. Facebook lets you connect with you family, friends and relatives: Because of the popularity of the Facebook website, a lot of people are registering and becoming users of the application. Because of this, the website has become a common ground for people which results to finding your old friends, relatives and family members. This makes it easier for you to interact with them, and coordinate with them. 2. Facebook lets you post anything on your wall: Another benefit of becoming a Facebook user is that you will be able to post almost anything on your wall. The wall of a particular user is a common ground for all your friends and yourself. This is a page in your profile which gives you the latest news and posts from your other friends including yourself. A lot of people are taking advantage of this page to post some information and updates on their personal lives. It can also be used to announce a reunion, and outing, event and the like. Through this wall, you can also tell your friends how you feel, and they are free to react with your wall post by commenting on it. Finally, not only can you post written content, but you can also put some videos, pictures and music on your wall. At the same time, all changes in your profile will be displayed on your wall as well. 3. Facebook is a great opportunity for businesses to make their products known: Facebook is home to more than 400 million users around the world, and is growing every day. This number of users will be the market of any advertisement posted in the website which is why businesses are taking advantage of this opportunity. Facebook could greatly benefit these businesses by increasing their income through advertising.
  • 8. Research Questions: 1. Facebook is an online social networking service. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 2. Facebook eventually filed for an initial public offering on February 1, 2012. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 3. Mark Zuckerberg wrote Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook, on October 28, 2003. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 4. Facebook launched a high-school version in September 2005, which Zuckerberg called the next logical step. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 5. The media often compares Facebook to MySpace. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 6. Facebook Notes was introduced on August 22, 2006, a blogging feature that allowed tags and embeddable images. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 7. On July 6, 2011, Facebook launched its video calling services using Skype. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 8. Facebook is not developed as one monolithic application. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 9. In April 2011, Facebook launched a new portal for marketers. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree 10. Facebook has affected the social life and activity of people in various ways. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree Problems of Facebook:
  • 9. Facebook has met with controversies. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including the People's Republic of China, Iran, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Syria and Bangladesh on different bases. For example, it was banned in many countries of the world on the basis of allowed content judged as anti-Islamic and containing religious discrimination. It has also been banned at many workplaces to prevent employees from using it during work hours. Facebook has settled a lawsuit regarding claims over source code and intellectual property. In May 2011 emails were sent to journalists and bloggers making critical allegations about Google's privacy policies; however it was later discovered that the anti-Google campaign, conducted by PR giant Burson- Marsteller, was paid for by Facebook in what CNN referred to as "a new level skullduggery" and which Daily Beast called a "clumsy smear". In July 2011, German authorities began to discuss the prohibition of events organized on Facebook. The decision is based on several cases of overcrowding by people not originally invited. In one instance, 1,600 "guests" attended the 16th birthday party for a Hamburg girl who accidentally posted the invitation for the event as public. After reports of overcrowding, more than a hundred police were deployed for crowd control. A policeman was injured and eleven participants were arrested for assault, property damage and resistance to authorities. In another unexpectedly overcrowded event, 41 young people were arrested and at least 16 injured. Solutions: Facebook should not be taken lightly. It is one of the most powerful web 2.0 platforms available in the current market and all businesses should be implementing a few of these discussed steps. Social networks are not just for fun anymore, which is why companies like Ernst and Young, Apple and Nike all have strong presences on Facebook. · Print out this article and turn it into a checklist. Make sure you have at least attempted all 9 steps. · Lose the preconception that social networks hold no true professional value. Once organized correctlly and frequently energized through the submission of unique and valuable content, you will begin to · Notice a measurable increase in page strength. · Update! Update! Update! Never let your profile page lay inactive for more than two weeks. · Try to find a friend or a co-worker to build you a simple, yet engaging and rewarding widget to plug into facebook and other social networks with open source. Conclusions:
  • 10. Facebook is an online social networking service, whose name stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other. It was founded in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. Facebook now allows any users who declare them to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site. Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People from Work" or "Close Friends". As of September 2012, Facebook has over one billion active users. According to a May 2011 Consumer Reports survey, there are 7.5 million children under 13 with accounts and 5 million under 10, violating the site's terms of service. References: 1. ^ "Facebook Current Report, Form 8-K, Filing Date July 26, 2012". Retrieved July 26, 2012. 2. ^ a b c d e SEC (February 1, 2013). "Facebook, Inc. Financial Statements". Securities and Exchange Commission. Retrieved February 1, 2013. 3. ^ "Key Facts". Facebook Newsroom. Facebook. Retrieved May 2, 2013. 4. ^ Gavin, Clarke (July 2010). "Facebook re-write takes PHP to an enterprise past Remember C++? They do". Archived from the original on 2012-05-30. Retrieved 2 February 2010. 5. ^ " Site Info". Alexa Internet. Retrieved 2013-01-14. 6. ^ a b "Facebook Reports First Quarter 2013 Results". Facebook. Retrieved 2 May 2013. 7. ^ Eldon, Eric (December 18, 2008). "2008 Growth Puts Facebook In Better Position to Make Money". Venture Beat (San Francisco). Retrieved December 19, 2008. 8. ^ Carlson, Nicholas (March 5, 2010). "At Last – The Full Story Of How Facebook Was Founded". Business Insider. 9. ^ "Information for Parents and Educators". Retrieved November 22, 2011. 10.^ "Facebook Tops Billion-User Mark". The Wall Street Journal (Dow Jones).