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Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care (2004) 15, 392–399
Evoked potentials and their clinical application
S.M. MasonÃ
Medical Physics Department, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK
Summary Electrical activity evoked in a sensory pathway by an external stimulus
is termed an evoked potential (EP). EPs are one class of investigations within
electrophysiology which also includes areas such as electromyography and
electroencephalography. The methodology of recording an EP is well-documented
and primarily relies on techniques to detect and extract small responses from a
somewhat noisier background signal. The activity being recorded from suitably sited
electrodes, typically surface scalp electrodes. The three main modes of stimulation
in clinical practice are auditory, visual and somatosensory and each provides a
valuable, objective means of investigating the functioning of their respective
pathways and diagnosis of pathology. EPs also play a major part in the intraoperative
monitoring of surgical procedures. The practical application of EPs will be discussed
both in their diagnostic role and as monitoring tools in the operating theatre.
& 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electrical activity evoked in a sensory pathway by
an external stimulus is classed as an evoked
potential (EP). The three main modalities of
stimulation in clinical practice are auditory, visual
and somatosensory and each of these provides a
valuable objective means of investigating the
functioning of their respective pathways. EPs play
an important role in both the diagnosis of pathology
and as an intraoperative monitoring tool during
surgical procedures.1–3
The methodology of record-
ing an EP is well-established and primarily relies on
techniques to detect and extract small responses
from a somewhat noisier background signal. This is
achieved by filtering and averaging the signal which
improves the signal-to-noise ratio and enables
visualization and analysis of the final averaged
response waveform. The response is recorded from
the patient using suitably positioned electrodes,
typically surface scalp electrodes.
EPs are one class of investigations within electro-
physiology which also includes areas such as electro-
myography and electroencephalography. The
practical application of the three main modalities
of EPs—auditory, visual, and somatosensory—will be
discussed both in their role in the clinic and as
monitoring tools in the operating theatre.
Practical application
The characteristics of the stimulus and data
collection parameters are optimized within each
Auditory evoked po-
Visual evoked poten-
evoked potentials;
Clinical application;
Intraoperative moni-
0953-7112/$ - see front matter & 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ÃCorresponding author. Tel.: +44 115 9249924x43455.
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modality so as to evoke an EP that is diagnostic at
different levels of the sensory pathway. The
majority of EPs are recorded from surface electro-
des attached to the scalp. However, some techni-
ques require more specialized electrodes such as an
electrode positioned on the front of the eye to
record retinal responses (electroretinography) or
an epidural electrode to record spinal cord re-
sponses during monitoring in spinal surgery. The
electrode forms the all important interface be-
tween the patient and the recording equipment
and is a key component in achieving good quality
EPs. For this reason it is essential to achieve a
stable, low impedance contact with the electrode
(typically less than 5 kO) which helps to reduce the
level of interference on the signal baseline,
particularly 50 Hz mains.
EPs range in amplitude from less than 1 mV for
surface recordings of the auditory brainstem
response (ABR) up to 200–300 mV for an electro-
retinogram. The majority of EPs are small when
compared to the level of background noise and
techniques are employed to enhance the signal to
noise ratio of the final recording of the response.
Firstly, the frequency content of the signal picked
up by the electrodes is controlled by a filter where
the lower and upper cut-off frequencies (band-
width) are set so that the response is passed
through but as much of the background noise is
excluded. Secondly, time synchronized signal aver-
aging is employed to enhance the signal-to-noise
ratio. A train of stimuli is presented and time
locked responses from individual stimuli add to-
gether, whereas background noise is generally
random and tends to cancel out.
EPs are often called objective investigations. How-
ever, it is important to remember that they are only
objective as far as the patient is concerned, because
the recorded waveform in the majority of clinical
applications still requires the skilled interpretation of
an experienced professional. Passive cooperation of
the patient is required in order to achieve a quiet
signal baseline with minimal contamination with
movement artefacts and myogenic activity. High levels
of noise can easily mask out a small amplitude
response. These recording conditions may be difficult
to achieve in a young child and may require the use of
sedation or even a general anaesthetic.
Interpretation of evoked potential
The two main characteristics of the response
waveform that typically define where or not it lies
within the normal range are its amplitude and
latency with respect to the stimulus. The overall
response waveform often consists of a number of
different components, as shown in Fig. 1 for the
ABR. Measurement of the amplitude and latency of
these components is essential when using the ABR
as a diagnostic tool. The diagnostic ability of an EP
relies on the pathology affecting the relevant
sensory pathway and thereby disrupting the gen-
eration and transmission of response activity.
Auditory evoked potentials
It is possible to record a range of different auditory
EPs originating from progressively higher structures
along the pathway from cochlea to cortex as
described in Hall:1
1. Electrocochleography (ECochG): cochlear hair
cells and peripheral auditory nerve.
2. Auditory brainstem response (ABR): neural path-
ways in the brainstem from auditory nerve to the
inferior colliculus.
3. Middle latency response (MLR): upper brain-
stem, thalamus and primary auditory cortex.
4. Auditory cortical response (ACR): primary, sec-
ondary and associated cortical areas.
Auditory stimuli
There are three types of transient stimuli routinely
employed in the generation of these auditory EPs:
 Click—a short duration, fast rise time stimulus
which has good synchronization properties for
generation of EPs in the cochlea and brainstem
pathways (ECochG and ABR). Acoustically this is a
wideband stimulus with poor frequency specifi-
 Tone pip—a slightly longer, slower stimulus than
the click, consisting of a few cycles of a pure
tone. The slower rise time of this stimulus
improves its acoustical frequency specificity but
this is achieved at the expense of degradation of
the EP from the cochlea and brainstem path-
ways. However, this stimulus is employed widely
with the ABR and ECochG but to a lesser extent
with the MLR and ACR.
 Tone burst—a longer burst of a pure tone
with a relatively slow rise time. This stimulus
has excellent frequency specificity equivalent
to the stimuli used in subjective pure tone
Evoked potentials and their clinical application 393
audiometry. It is an ideal stimulus for evoking
the ACR but cannot be used for ECochG and the
ABR as there is insufficient synchronization of
neural activity to enable identification of the
In addition to these transient stimuli, an ampli-
tude and frequency modulated tonal stimulus can
be used to evoke an auditory steady-state response
(ASSR) from the auditory system as reviewed
by Jerger.4
The modulation frequency of the
stimulus determines primarily where the recorded
response originates from; 80 Hz predominantly
auditory brainstem and 40 Hz mainly middle latency
Clinical application
Auditory EPs have a major diagnostic role in a wide
range of clinical applications in the disciplines of
audiology and neurology. The most widely studied
and applied EP is the ABR3,5
followed by the ACR
and ECochG and to a lesser extent the MLR. The
ABR is used for the objective assessment of hearing
in babies and young children when behavioural
testing is not reliable. It is also a valuable oto-
neurological tool for investigation of auditory nerve
tumours and brainstem pathology although over
recent years MRI has become the primary investiga-
tion in many of these cases. However, ABR is still
required in some patients due to long waiting lists
1.9 3.0 4.1 5.2 5.8 5.9 7.6 9.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CZ −
4.0 ms
Figure 1 The characteristics and origins of the auditory brainstem response.
S.M. Mason394
for MRI, patients with claustrophobia or obesity,
and in specific types of pathology.
The ACR is a valuable clinical tool for objective
assessment of hearing thresholds in older children
and adults who are unwilling or unable to comply
with subjective tests of hearing. It assesses the
whole of the auditory pathway and the measure-
ment of threshold is frequency specific. However
the ACR is dependent on the subject being awake
and alert and this highlights the advantage of ABR
in young subjects as it is resistant to the effects of
sleep, sedation and anaesthesia.
Newborn hearing screening
Since 2002 newborn hearing screening programmes
(NHSP) have been introduced in the UK across an
increasing number of centres following a review by
Davis et al.14
The ABR is an integral part of a
hearing screening programme. It is used at the
early screening stage where automated ABR sys-
tems (AABR) provide a completely objective pass or
refer result for the screening test that does not
require interpretation by a skilled observer. This
objective result is determined by a computer
scoring algorithm that detects the presence or
absence of an ABR at a fixed screening level of
45 dBnHL. The AABR is a rare example of where the
subjectivity of interpretation has been removed
from the investigation. EPs are ripe for wider
application of these objective scoring techniques in
the future.
The ABR is also heavily involved in the early
follow-up of babies that are referred following the
screening test. In striving to achieve more fre-
quency specific objective information about hear-
ing loss there has been an increased emphasis on
the use of tone pip stimuli with the ABR rather than
a wideband click stimulus. Recordings of the ASSR
also offer the possibility of an alternative method
of measuring frequency specific thresholds. Re-
cently this technique has been bolstered by the
availability of commercial ASSR systems which
apply objective statistical methods for detection
of the presence of a response. Although this
technique of estimating hearing thresholds shows
considerable promise, its consistency and reliabil-
ity still needs to be established in routine clinical
use, particularly when testing very young babies.
Cochlear implantation
In the last 10–15 years cochlear implantation has
been increasingly used as a means of restoring some
perception of sounds and speech in patients with
profound hearing loss. Auditory EPs play an
essential role in the management of these patients
and particularly in young children.7,8
An example of
this is the ABR which can be evoked using electrical
stimulation presented to the auditory nerve by the
cochlear implant rather than conventional acous-
tical stimulation.9
The electrically evoked ABR
(EABR) can used to assist with tuning of the implant
which involves setting an appropriate dynamic
range for the electrical stimulus.
A recent development in cochlear implant
technology is a technique for recording the
electrically evoked, compound auditory nerve
action potential from the electrode array within
the cochlea. One electrode on the array is used as a
stimulating electrode and an adjacent electrode as
the recording site. Information is passed to and
from the implant using a radio frequency telemetry
link. On the Nucleus cochlear implant supplied by
Cochlear Europe Ltd. this technique is known as
neural response telemetry (NRT). An example of
recordings acquired using the NRT software is
shown in Fig. 2.
Visual evoked potentials
EPs can be recorded which represent electrical
activity originating from the retina, optic nerve and
visual cortex
1. Electrooculography (EOG): pigment epithelium
layer of the retina;
2. Electroretinography (ERG): rod and cone recep-
tors and the inner and outer nuclear layers; and
3. Visual evoked potential (VEP): response activity
from the visual cortex.
Visual stimuli
Two important characteristics associated with the
visual stimuli are contrast and luminance and are
incorporated in the main types of visual stimuli
used in clinical practice.
 Plain flash of light—a low contrast stimulus that
can be presented at high and low levels of
 Pattern onset—a black and white checkerboard
stimulus that is flashed on and off the screen with
an overall constant luminance. The field size of
the stimulus is typically 201 with individual check
sizes ranging from 15 to 60 min of arc subtended
at the eye.
 Pattern reversal—a checkerboard stimulus
where the individual black and white checks
are reversed on successive stimuli.
Evoked potentials and their clinical application 395
ERG and VEPs are subdivided depending on the
characteristics of the stimulus presentation and
whether the investigations are carried out in the
dark adapted (scotopic) or light adapted eye
(phototopic). Recordings of the ERG and VEP are
standardized to the recommendations of the Inter-
national Society for the Clinical Electrophysiology
of Vision (ISCEV). For example, the standardized
ERG to a full field flash stimulus includes a range of
measurements that specifically investigate differ-
ential function of the rods and cones. The ERG can
also be evoked by a checkerboard pattern stimulus
(pattern ERG). The response components of the
PERG arise from more central structures and are
selectively affected in macular disease and gang-
lion cell dysfunction. The full field flash ERG and
the pattern ERG complement each other in the
differential diagnosis of peripheral retinal involve-
ment and more central dysfunction.
A more recent development of the ERG and the
VEP is the use of a multifocal stimulus where a two-
dimensional array of small stimulus elements is
used to evoke response activity from specific small
regions of the visual field. A detailed discussion of
the multifocal technique is described in Hood.10
typical recording of the multifocal ERG in a normal
subject is shown in Fig. 3.
Clinical application
Visual electrodiagnostic investigations of the func-
tioning of the retina, optic nerve pathways and
visual cortex will complement, and often supple-
ment, clinical examination.11,12
Typical examples
of their role, either individually or in combination,
are as follows:
 Identification of the location and possible nature
of dysfunction along the visual pathway, for
example, a delayed response from the visual
cortex (VEP) due to inflammation of the optic
nerve (optic neuritis).
 Involvement of particular retinal cell types such
as in cone dystrophy or more gross retinal
involvement as in cases of retinitis pigmentosa
where there is reduction in all components of the
 Involvement of a particular subpopulation of
visual nerve fibres or processing system such as
in cases of macular degeneration (e.g., Star-
gardt’s disease). The pattern ERG is a valuable
clinical tool in the assessment of macular
 In non-organic aetiology (e.g., hysterical am-
blyopia) the VEP evoked by different stimulus
Figure 2 Recording of the electrically evoked compound auditory nerve action potential (ECAP) using the NRTsoftware.
In this example the electrical stimulus has been applied to electrode 10 of the 22-electrode array and the ECAP
response recorded from electrode 12.
S.M. Mason396
check sizes is a valuable tool to objectively
assess visual function.
Historically, visual electrodiagnostic investiga-
tions have been extensively studied and documen-
ted in adults but more recently their value in
paediatric work has been highlighted. Practical
application of these tests in a young child or baby is
a challenge. It requires special techniques to
address issues such as compliance with the proce-
dure and need for fixation of the stimulus by an
awake child. This is in contrast to auditory EPs
where testing can often be carried out with a child
asleep or sedated.
The multifocal techniques for ERG and VEP are
rapidly becoming essential clinical tools in the
visual electrodiagnostic investigation of patients.
Retinal functional losses due to regional disorders
in outer retinal layers can be described in detail
with the multifocal ERG. In macular disease there
are decreased or absent central ERG components
surrounded by normal ERG activity. In diseases of
the outer retina the pattern of distribution of
multifocal ERG activity is similar to the pattern of
the visual field defect. However this relationship is
dependent on whether the disease primarily affects
the outer retina (retinitis pigmentosa) or the
ganglion cells (glaucoma) or optic nerve (ischemic
optic neuropathy and optic neuritis). It is important
to measure not only the amplitude of the response
but also the timing as some diseases affect one
of these measures and not the other. There is
currently a big drive in documenting and comparing
disease-related findings in both multifocal ERG
and VEP.
Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP)
The most common form of stimulus used to evoke
an SSEP is an electrical pulse applied to a
peripheral afferent nerve such as the median nerve
at the wrist or the posterior tibial nerve in the
lower limb. The resultant EP can be recorded from
electrodes positioned at various sites along the
Figure 3 A multifocal ERG in a normal subject showing the array of responses and a 3D representation of response
activity (courtesy of Colin Barber and Yaqin Wen).
Evoked potentials and their clinical application 397
pathway where the nerve becomes superficial or at
cortical level.
The amplitude of the SSEP varies consider-
ably across subjects, and the interpretation of
clinical diagnostic studies is based primarily
on component latencies rather than amplitude.
They have diagnostic role in peripheral neuro-
pathy and more central degenerative disorders
through measurement of the conduction time of
the afferent nerves. However, the develop-
ment and easier access of imaging such as MRI
have had an impact on the usage of SSEPs in
clinical practice and fewer studies are now per-
Intraoperative monitoring
Implementation of intraoperative monitoring re-
quires a somewhat different approach when com-
pared to recording EPs in the outpatient clinic. The
environment and practical procedure is more
challenging from the point of view of electrical
interference, lack of access to the patient during
the procedure, time pressures and a requirement
to provide immediate feedback of information on
which the surgeon can act if necessary. A team
approach is required involving the surgeon, anaes-
thetist, and the monitoring staff.
The use of EPs in intraoperative monitoring
of surgical procedures can provide valuable feed-
back about the status and potential compromise
of important neural pathways and vascular struc-
 Monitoring the status of the auditory pathway
during cerebello-pontine angle (CPA) surgery
where the aim is to prevent avoidable post-
operative hearing deficit during tumour removal
 Recording EPs related to monitoring of spinal
cord function during spinal surgery, such as
correction of scoliosis deformatives.
 Monitoring cranial/vascular procedures such as
endartectomy and aneurysm surgery using soma-
tosensory EPs.
 Monitoring the functional status of a cochlear
implant and stimulation of the auditory pathways
during implant surgery.
In addition to the surgical procedure there
are other factors that can affect the EP recorded
intraoperatively such as tissue temperature,
blood pressure and anaesthetic agents. These
need to be taken into consideration when report-
ing potential changes in the EP as a result of the
surgery. The most susceptible EPs to the effects
of anaesthesia are those arising from more central
structures and particularly cortical responses
whereas more peripheral responses are sparred.
In general the longer the latency of a response
component, the more synapses there are between
the stimulation site and the neural generator, the
greater the degree of effect of the anaesthetic
This susceptibility of the EP to anaesthetic agents
is exploited in a technique to monitor the depth of
anaesthesia. It has been demonstrated by Davies et
that components of the auditory MLR show
changes in latency during transitions between
consciousness and unconsciousness. Analysis of
these changes may provide an indicator of potential
awareness during anaesthesia.
EPs have a wide ranging role in assisting with the
diagnosis and management of patients both in the
clinic and during surgery. They can provide objec-
tive information about the functioning of sensory
pathways which is difficult to acquire using other
techniques. Some recordings are well-established
and form part of standard clinical practice whereas
others have an exciting future ahead such as
developments with multi-focal ERG and VEP,
electrical EPs associated with cochlear implanta-
tion, and the ASSR.
1. Hall III JW. Handbook of auditory evoked potentials. MA:
Allyn  Bacon; 1992.
2. Misulis KE. Essentials of clinical neurophysiology. Boston:
Butterworth-Heinemann; 1997.
3. Mason SM. Electric response audiometry. In: McCormick B,
editor. Paediatric audiology 0–5 years. 2nd ed. London:
Whurr Publishers Ltd; 2004. p. 188–264.
4. Jerger J. The auditory steady state response: parts 1 and 2.
J Am Acad Audiol 2002;13:numbers 4 and 5.
5. Hood LJ. Clinical applications of the auditory brainstem
response. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing; 1998.
6. Davies FW, Mantzaridis H, Kenny GN, Fisher AC. Middle
latency auditory evoked potentials during repeated transi-
tions from consciousness to unconsciousness. Anaesthesia
7. Cullington HE. Cochlear implants: objective measures.
London: Whurr Publishers; 2003.
8. Mason SM. Electrophysiological and objective tests. In:
McCormick B, Archbold S, editors. Cochlear implants
for young children. 2nd ed. London: Whurr Publishers;
2003. p. 162–216.
9. Mason SM. The electrically evoked auditory brainstem
response. In: Cullington H, editor. Cochlear implants:
S.M. Mason398
objective measures. London: Whurr Publishers Ltd; 2003.
p. 130–59.
10. Hood DC. The multifocal technique: topographical ERG and
VEP responses. Documenta Ophthamologica: 100, No 2/3;
11. Halliday AM, editor. Evoked potentials in clinical testing.
2nd ed. London: Churchill Livingstone; 1993.
12. Fishman GA, Birch DG, Holder GE, Brigell MG. Electrophy-
siologic testing in disorders of the retina, optic nerve, and
visual pathway. 2nd ed. Mongraph published by American
Academy of Ophthalmology. 2001.
13. Jones SJ, Boyd S, Hetreed M, Smith NJ, editors. Handbook of
spinal cord monitoring. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub-
lishers; 1994.
14. Davis A, Bamford J, Wilson I, Ramkalawan T, Forshaw M,
Wright S. A critical review of the role of neonatal hearing
screening in the detection of congenital hearing impair-
ment. Health Technol Assess 1997;1(10):i–iv 1–176.
Evoked potentials and their clinical application 399

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Evoked potentials and their clinical application

  • 1. Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care (2004) 15, 392–399 FOCUS ON: MONITORING Evoked potentials and their clinical application S.M. Masonà Medical Physics Department, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK Summary Electrical activity evoked in a sensory pathway by an external stimulus is termed an evoked potential (EP). EPs are one class of investigations within electrophysiology which also includes areas such as electromyography and electroencephalography. The methodology of recording an EP is well-documented and primarily relies on techniques to detect and extract small responses from a somewhat noisier background signal. The activity being recorded from suitably sited electrodes, typically surface scalp electrodes. The three main modes of stimulation in clinical practice are auditory, visual and somatosensory and each provides a valuable, objective means of investigating the functioning of their respective pathways and diagnosis of pathology. EPs also play a major part in the intraoperative monitoring of surgical procedures. The practical application of EPs will be discussed both in their diagnostic role and as monitoring tools in the operating theatre. & 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Electrical activity evoked in a sensory pathway by an external stimulus is classed as an evoked potential (EP). The three main modalities of stimulation in clinical practice are auditory, visual and somatosensory and each of these provides a valuable objective means of investigating the functioning of their respective pathways. EPs play an important role in both the diagnosis of pathology and as an intraoperative monitoring tool during surgical procedures.1–3 The methodology of record- ing an EP is well-established and primarily relies on techniques to detect and extract small responses from a somewhat noisier background signal. This is achieved by filtering and averaging the signal which improves the signal-to-noise ratio and enables visualization and analysis of the final averaged response waveform. The response is recorded from the patient using suitably positioned electrodes, typically surface scalp electrodes. EPs are one class of investigations within electro- physiology which also includes areas such as electro- myography and electroencephalography. The practical application of the three main modalities of EPs—auditory, visual, and somatosensory—will be discussed both in their role in the clinic and as monitoring tools in the operating theatre. Practical application The characteristics of the stimulus and data collection parameters are optimized within each ARTICLE IN PRESS KEYWORDS Auditory evoked po- tentials; Visual evoked poten- tials; Somatosensory evoked potentials; Clinical application; Intraoperative moni- toring 0953-7112/$ - see front matter & 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cacc.2004.12.003 ÃCorresponding author. Tel.: +44 115 9249924x43455. E-mail address:
  • 2. modality so as to evoke an EP that is diagnostic at different levels of the sensory pathway. The majority of EPs are recorded from surface electro- des attached to the scalp. However, some techni- ques require more specialized electrodes such as an electrode positioned on the front of the eye to record retinal responses (electroretinography) or an epidural electrode to record spinal cord re- sponses during monitoring in spinal surgery. The electrode forms the all important interface be- tween the patient and the recording equipment and is a key component in achieving good quality EPs. For this reason it is essential to achieve a stable, low impedance contact with the electrode (typically less than 5 kO) which helps to reduce the level of interference on the signal baseline, particularly 50 Hz mains. EPs range in amplitude from less than 1 mV for surface recordings of the auditory brainstem response (ABR) up to 200–300 mV for an electro- retinogram. The majority of EPs are small when compared to the level of background noise and techniques are employed to enhance the signal to noise ratio of the final recording of the response. Firstly, the frequency content of the signal picked up by the electrodes is controlled by a filter where the lower and upper cut-off frequencies (band- width) are set so that the response is passed through but as much of the background noise is excluded. Secondly, time synchronized signal aver- aging is employed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. A train of stimuli is presented and time locked responses from individual stimuli add to- gether, whereas background noise is generally random and tends to cancel out. EPs are often called objective investigations. How- ever, it is important to remember that they are only objective as far as the patient is concerned, because the recorded waveform in the majority of clinical applications still requires the skilled interpretation of an experienced professional. Passive cooperation of the patient is required in order to achieve a quiet signal baseline with minimal contamination with movement artefacts and myogenic activity. High levels of noise can easily mask out a small amplitude response. These recording conditions may be difficult to achieve in a young child and may require the use of sedation or even a general anaesthetic. Interpretation of evoked potential waveforms The two main characteristics of the response waveform that typically define where or not it lies within the normal range are its amplitude and latency with respect to the stimulus. The overall response waveform often consists of a number of different components, as shown in Fig. 1 for the ABR. Measurement of the amplitude and latency of these components is essential when using the ABR as a diagnostic tool. The diagnostic ability of an EP relies on the pathology affecting the relevant sensory pathway and thereby disrupting the gen- eration and transmission of response activity. Auditory evoked potentials It is possible to record a range of different auditory EPs originating from progressively higher structures along the pathway from cochlea to cortex as described in Hall:1 1. Electrocochleography (ECochG): cochlear hair cells and peripheral auditory nerve. 2. Auditory brainstem response (ABR): neural path- ways in the brainstem from auditory nerve to the inferior colliculus. 3. Middle latency response (MLR): upper brain- stem, thalamus and primary auditory cortex. 4. Auditory cortical response (ACR): primary, sec- ondary and associated cortical areas. Auditory stimuli There are three types of transient stimuli routinely employed in the generation of these auditory EPs: Click—a short duration, fast rise time stimulus which has good synchronization properties for generation of EPs in the cochlea and brainstem pathways (ECochG and ABR). Acoustically this is a wideband stimulus with poor frequency specifi- city. Tone pip—a slightly longer, slower stimulus than the click, consisting of a few cycles of a pure tone. The slower rise time of this stimulus improves its acoustical frequency specificity but this is achieved at the expense of degradation of the EP from the cochlea and brainstem path- ways. However, this stimulus is employed widely with the ABR and ECochG but to a lesser extent with the MLR and ACR. Tone burst—a longer burst of a pure tone with a relatively slow rise time. This stimulus has excellent frequency specificity equivalent to the stimuli used in subjective pure tone ARTICLE IN PRESS Evoked potentials and their clinical application 393
  • 3. audiometry. It is an ideal stimulus for evoking the ACR but cannot be used for ECochG and the ABR as there is insufficient synchronization of neural activity to enable identification of the response. In addition to these transient stimuli, an ampli- tude and frequency modulated tonal stimulus can be used to evoke an auditory steady-state response (ASSR) from the auditory system as reviewed by Jerger.4 The modulation frequency of the stimulus determines primarily where the recorded response originates from; 80 Hz predominantly auditory brainstem and 40 Hz mainly middle latency components. Clinical application Auditory EPs have a major diagnostic role in a wide range of clinical applications in the disciplines of audiology and neurology. The most widely studied and applied EP is the ABR3,5 followed by the ACR and ECochG and to a lesser extent the MLR. The ABR is used for the objective assessment of hearing in babies and young children when behavioural testing is not reliable. It is also a valuable oto- neurological tool for investigation of auditory nerve tumours and brainstem pathology although over recent years MRI has become the primary investiga- tion in many of these cases. However, ABR is still required in some patients due to long waiting lists ARTICLE IN PRESS ms 60dBnHL STIM 1.9 3.0 4.1 5.2 5.8 5.9 7.6 9.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CZ + CZ − 4.0 ms vUNITS COCHLEA AUDITORY CORTEX MEDIAL GENICULATE BODY INFERIOR COLLICULUS MIDBRAIN LEVELNUCLEUS OF LATERAL LEMNISCUS DORSAL COCHLEAR NUCLEUS VENTRAL COCHLEAR NUCLEUS ACOUSTIC NERVE ORGAN OF CORTI OUTER HAIR CELLS INNER HAIR CELL SUPERIOR OLIVARY COMPLEX PONTO- MEDULLARY I II III IV VI VII V 0.1 Figure 1 The characteristics and origins of the auditory brainstem response. S.M. Mason394
  • 4. for MRI, patients with claustrophobia or obesity, and in specific types of pathology. The ACR is a valuable clinical tool for objective assessment of hearing thresholds in older children and adults who are unwilling or unable to comply with subjective tests of hearing. It assesses the whole of the auditory pathway and the measure- ment of threshold is frequency specific. However the ACR is dependent on the subject being awake and alert and this highlights the advantage of ABR in young subjects as it is resistant to the effects of sleep, sedation and anaesthesia. Newborn hearing screening Since 2002 newborn hearing screening programmes (NHSP) have been introduced in the UK across an increasing number of centres following a review by Davis et al.14 The ABR is an integral part of a hearing screening programme. It is used at the early screening stage where automated ABR sys- tems (AABR) provide a completely objective pass or refer result for the screening test that does not require interpretation by a skilled observer. This objective result is determined by a computer scoring algorithm that detects the presence or absence of an ABR at a fixed screening level of 45 dBnHL. The AABR is a rare example of where the subjectivity of interpretation has been removed from the investigation. EPs are ripe for wider application of these objective scoring techniques in the future. The ABR is also heavily involved in the early follow-up of babies that are referred following the screening test. In striving to achieve more fre- quency specific objective information about hear- ing loss there has been an increased emphasis on the use of tone pip stimuli with the ABR rather than a wideband click stimulus. Recordings of the ASSR also offer the possibility of an alternative method of measuring frequency specific thresholds. Re- cently this technique has been bolstered by the availability of commercial ASSR systems which apply objective statistical methods for detection of the presence of a response. Although this technique of estimating hearing thresholds shows considerable promise, its consistency and reliabil- ity still needs to be established in routine clinical use, particularly when testing very young babies. Cochlear implantation In the last 10–15 years cochlear implantation has been increasingly used as a means of restoring some perception of sounds and speech in patients with profound hearing loss. Auditory EPs play an essential role in the management of these patients and particularly in young children.7,8 An example of this is the ABR which can be evoked using electrical stimulation presented to the auditory nerve by the cochlear implant rather than conventional acous- tical stimulation.9 The electrically evoked ABR (EABR) can used to assist with tuning of the implant which involves setting an appropriate dynamic range for the electrical stimulus. A recent development in cochlear implant technology is a technique for recording the electrically evoked, compound auditory nerve action potential from the electrode array within the cochlea. One electrode on the array is used as a stimulating electrode and an adjacent electrode as the recording site. Information is passed to and from the implant using a radio frequency telemetry link. On the Nucleus cochlear implant supplied by Cochlear Europe Ltd. this technique is known as neural response telemetry (NRT). An example of recordings acquired using the NRT software is shown in Fig. 2. Visual evoked potentials EPs can be recorded which represent electrical activity originating from the retina, optic nerve and visual cortex 1. Electrooculography (EOG): pigment epithelium layer of the retina; 2. Electroretinography (ERG): rod and cone recep- tors and the inner and outer nuclear layers; and 3. Visual evoked potential (VEP): response activity from the visual cortex. Visual stimuli Two important characteristics associated with the visual stimuli are contrast and luminance and are incorporated in the main types of visual stimuli used in clinical practice. Plain flash of light—a low contrast stimulus that can be presented at high and low levels of luminance. Pattern onset—a black and white checkerboard stimulus that is flashed on and off the screen with an overall constant luminance. The field size of the stimulus is typically 201 with individual check sizes ranging from 15 to 60 min of arc subtended at the eye. Pattern reversal—a checkerboard stimulus where the individual black and white checks are reversed on successive stimuli. ARTICLE IN PRESS Evoked potentials and their clinical application 395
  • 5. ERG and VEPs are subdivided depending on the characteristics of the stimulus presentation and whether the investigations are carried out in the dark adapted (scotopic) or light adapted eye (phototopic). Recordings of the ERG and VEP are standardized to the recommendations of the Inter- national Society for the Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV). For example, the standardized ERG to a full field flash stimulus includes a range of measurements that specifically investigate differ- ential function of the rods and cones. The ERG can also be evoked by a checkerboard pattern stimulus (pattern ERG). The response components of the PERG arise from more central structures and are selectively affected in macular disease and gang- lion cell dysfunction. The full field flash ERG and the pattern ERG complement each other in the differential diagnosis of peripheral retinal involve- ment and more central dysfunction. A more recent development of the ERG and the VEP is the use of a multifocal stimulus where a two- dimensional array of small stimulus elements is used to evoke response activity from specific small regions of the visual field. A detailed discussion of the multifocal technique is described in Hood.10 A typical recording of the multifocal ERG in a normal subject is shown in Fig. 3. Clinical application Visual electrodiagnostic investigations of the func- tioning of the retina, optic nerve pathways and visual cortex will complement, and often supple- ment, clinical examination.11,12 Typical examples of their role, either individually or in combination, are as follows: Identification of the location and possible nature of dysfunction along the visual pathway, for example, a delayed response from the visual cortex (VEP) due to inflammation of the optic nerve (optic neuritis). Involvement of particular retinal cell types such as in cone dystrophy or more gross retinal involvement as in cases of retinitis pigmentosa where there is reduction in all components of the ERG. Involvement of a particular subpopulation of visual nerve fibres or processing system such as in cases of macular degeneration (e.g., Star- gardt’s disease). The pattern ERG is a valuable clinical tool in the assessment of macular dysfunction. In non-organic aetiology (e.g., hysterical am- blyopia) the VEP evoked by different stimulus ARTICLE IN PRESS Figure 2 Recording of the electrically evoked compound auditory nerve action potential (ECAP) using the NRTsoftware. In this example the electrical stimulus has been applied to electrode 10 of the 22-electrode array and the ECAP response recorded from electrode 12. S.M. Mason396
  • 6. check sizes is a valuable tool to objectively assess visual function. Historically, visual electrodiagnostic investiga- tions have been extensively studied and documen- ted in adults but more recently their value in paediatric work has been highlighted. Practical application of these tests in a young child or baby is a challenge. It requires special techniques to address issues such as compliance with the proce- dure and need for fixation of the stimulus by an awake child. This is in contrast to auditory EPs where testing can often be carried out with a child asleep or sedated. The multifocal techniques for ERG and VEP are rapidly becoming essential clinical tools in the visual electrodiagnostic investigation of patients. Retinal functional losses due to regional disorders in outer retinal layers can be described in detail with the multifocal ERG. In macular disease there are decreased or absent central ERG components surrounded by normal ERG activity. In diseases of the outer retina the pattern of distribution of multifocal ERG activity is similar to the pattern of the visual field defect. However this relationship is dependent on whether the disease primarily affects the outer retina (retinitis pigmentosa) or the ganglion cells (glaucoma) or optic nerve (ischemic optic neuropathy and optic neuritis). It is important to measure not only the amplitude of the response but also the timing as some diseases affect one of these measures and not the other. There is currently a big drive in documenting and comparing disease-related findings in both multifocal ERG and VEP. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) The most common form of stimulus used to evoke an SSEP is an electrical pulse applied to a peripheral afferent nerve such as the median nerve at the wrist or the posterior tibial nerve in the lower limb. The resultant EP can be recorded from electrodes positioned at various sites along the ARTICLE IN PRESS Figure 3 A multifocal ERG in a normal subject showing the array of responses and a 3D representation of response activity (courtesy of Colin Barber and Yaqin Wen). Evoked potentials and their clinical application 397
  • 7. pathway where the nerve becomes superficial or at cortical level. The amplitude of the SSEP varies consider- ably across subjects, and the interpretation of clinical diagnostic studies is based primarily on component latencies rather than amplitude. They have diagnostic role in peripheral neuro- pathy and more central degenerative disorders through measurement of the conduction time of the afferent nerves. However, the develop- ment and easier access of imaging such as MRI have had an impact on the usage of SSEPs in clinical practice and fewer studies are now per- formed. Intraoperative monitoring Implementation of intraoperative monitoring re- quires a somewhat different approach when com- pared to recording EPs in the outpatient clinic. The environment and practical procedure is more challenging from the point of view of electrical interference, lack of access to the patient during the procedure, time pressures and a requirement to provide immediate feedback of information on which the surgeon can act if necessary. A team approach is required involving the surgeon, anaes- thetist, and the monitoring staff. The use of EPs in intraoperative monitoring of surgical procedures can provide valuable feed- back about the status and potential compromise of important neural pathways and vascular struc- tures2,8,13 Monitoring the status of the auditory pathway during cerebello-pontine angle (CPA) surgery where the aim is to prevent avoidable post- operative hearing deficit during tumour removal Recording EPs related to monitoring of spinal cord function during spinal surgery, such as correction of scoliosis deformatives. Monitoring cranial/vascular procedures such as endartectomy and aneurysm surgery using soma- tosensory EPs. Monitoring the functional status of a cochlear implant and stimulation of the auditory pathways during implant surgery. In addition to the surgical procedure there are other factors that can affect the EP recorded intraoperatively such as tissue temperature, blood pressure and anaesthetic agents. These need to be taken into consideration when report- ing potential changes in the EP as a result of the surgery. The most susceptible EPs to the effects of anaesthesia are those arising from more central structures and particularly cortical responses whereas more peripheral responses are sparred. In general the longer the latency of a response component, the more synapses there are between the stimulation site and the neural generator, the greater the degree of effect of the anaesthetic agent. This susceptibility of the EP to anaesthetic agents is exploited in a technique to monitor the depth of anaesthesia. It has been demonstrated by Davies et al.6 that components of the auditory MLR show changes in latency during transitions between consciousness and unconsciousness. Analysis of these changes may provide an indicator of potential awareness during anaesthesia. Summary EPs have a wide ranging role in assisting with the diagnosis and management of patients both in the clinic and during surgery. They can provide objec- tive information about the functioning of sensory pathways which is difficult to acquire using other techniques. Some recordings are well-established and form part of standard clinical practice whereas others have an exciting future ahead such as developments with multi-focal ERG and VEP, electrical EPs associated with cochlear implanta- tion, and the ASSR. References 1. Hall III JW. Handbook of auditory evoked potentials. MA: Allyn Bacon; 1992. 2. Misulis KE. Essentials of clinical neurophysiology. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1997. 3. Mason SM. Electric response audiometry. In: McCormick B, editor. Paediatric audiology 0–5 years. 2nd ed. London: Whurr Publishers Ltd; 2004. p. 188–264. 4. Jerger J. The auditory steady state response: parts 1 and 2. J Am Acad Audiol 2002;13:numbers 4 and 5. 5. Hood LJ. Clinical applications of the auditory brainstem response. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing; 1998. 6. Davies FW, Mantzaridis H, Kenny GN, Fisher AC. Middle latency auditory evoked potentials during repeated transi- tions from consciousness to unconsciousness. Anaesthesia 1996;51(2):107–13. 7. Cullington HE. Cochlear implants: objective measures. London: Whurr Publishers; 2003. 8. Mason SM. Electrophysiological and objective tests. In: McCormick B, Archbold S, editors. Cochlear implants for young children. 2nd ed. London: Whurr Publishers; 2003. p. 162–216. 9. Mason SM. The electrically evoked auditory brainstem response. In: Cullington H, editor. Cochlear implants: ARTICLE IN PRESS S.M. Mason398
  • 8. objective measures. London: Whurr Publishers Ltd; 2003. p. 130–59. 10. Hood DC. The multifocal technique: topographical ERG and VEP responses. Documenta Ophthamologica: 100, No 2/3; 2000. 11. Halliday AM, editor. Evoked potentials in clinical testing. 2nd ed. London: Churchill Livingstone; 1993. 12. Fishman GA, Birch DG, Holder GE, Brigell MG. Electrophy- siologic testing in disorders of the retina, optic nerve, and visual pathway. 2nd ed. Mongraph published by American Academy of Ophthalmology. 2001. 13. Jones SJ, Boyd S, Hetreed M, Smith NJ, editors. Handbook of spinal cord monitoring. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub- lishers; 1994. 14. Davis A, Bamford J, Wilson I, Ramkalawan T, Forshaw M, Wright S. A critical review of the role of neonatal hearing screening in the detection of congenital hearing impair- ment. Health Technol Assess 1997;1(10):i–iv 1–176. ARTICLE IN PRESS Evoked potentials and their clinical application 399