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Ear, Nose and
Throat infections
Dr. Ihsan Edan Alsaimary
Dept.Microbiology , College Of Medicine-
University Of Basrah , Basrah- Iraq
Ear canal
 Ear canal 2.5 cm sac.
 Cartilaginous covered
by layers of sebaceous
and apocrine glands
and hair.
 The glands produce a
thin layer of ceruman.
Defence mechanisms of ear
 Outer ear
 Hair
 Ceruman
 Internal ear
 External bony part of the labyrinth has
 Internal membrane part contains endolymph
Antibacterial properties of ceruman
 Contains lysozyme.
 Contains saturated fatty
 Has a pH of 6.9
 Lateral epithelium
migration towards external
os mechanically cleans the
ear canal.
 Insufficient ceruman
predisposes to ear
 Perforation of tympanic
membrane due to
insertion of a 'q' tip. This
is likely to result in both
an otitis media and otitis
Otitis externa
 Acute localised otitis externa
 Acute diffuse otitis externa
 Chronic otitis externa
 Malignant otitis externa
Ear swabs
 Culture of ear swabs
 Used for OE not very useful for OM
unless fluid from the middle ear is
 Neonatal screening
Acute OE
 Majority of infections are due to
bacteria – Staphylococcus aureus,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
 Fungal infections account for only
Acute OE
 Acute localised OE usually caused by
Staph.aureus which causes furuncles or
pustule of a hair follicle.
 Acute diffuse OE. Also called ‘swimmers
ear’ and is associated with hot humid
conditions. Polymicrobial infections usually
involving Staph.aureus, pseudomonas and
Treatment of acute OE
 Usually using topical rather than systemic
antibiotics unless there is significant
infection of the pinna and surrounding
 In less severe cases topical antibiotics and
steroid are all that is required. In more
severe cases suction of debris and
application of wicks or packs of antibiotic
and steroids are required.
 Aminoglycosides such as neomycin or
Chronic otitis externa
 External auditory canal with
Aspergillus overgrowth
manifesting as a cottony matrix
topped by small black balls.
 Chronic OE is usually
caused by colonization
by coliforms or fungi
and is best treated by
topical cleansing
rather than antibiotic
 Rarely caused by
syphilis or leprosy
Malignant otitis externa
 Malignant external otitis with pus
draining from the necrotic ear canal
and underlying osteomyelitic bone.
 Life threatening condition
affecting diabetics, the
immunocompromised and
 Severe necrotizing infection of
soft tissues, bones, blood
vessels and cartilage with risk
of neurological involvement
and facial paralysis.
 The patient requires hospital
admission and treatment with
high dose antibiotics, surgery
to debride dead tissue and
occasionally hyperbaric
Non-bacterial cause of OE
Ramsey Hunt Syndrome –
Herpes Zoster Oticus. Severe
otalgia, facial paralysis and
varicelliform rash over the
pinna. Treated with antivirals.
Otitis media
 Occurs between the ear drum and the inner
ear and includes the eustachian tube.
 It is defined by the accumulation of fluid in
the middle ear with symptoms of acute
 Serous OM or Sterile OM does occur and is
often attributed to an allergy or radiation
Acute Otitis media
 Usually caused by migration of bacteria from the
naso-pharynx up the eustachian tube and into the
 Common disease of children (80% - 90% by the
age of 2 years old) with frequent recurrence of
infection. The highest incidence rate is between 6-
24 months old.
 This is because up to the age of seven years the
eustachian tube is relatively short, and more
horizontal than in older children & adults.
 It is important to treat as it can lead to hearing loss
and affect the speech and behaviour of children.
Acute OM (pathogens)
 Often viral – RSV and parainfluenzae
 Can lead to bacterial infections usually due
to S.pneumoniae, H.influenzae and
Moraxella species.
 Less commonly S.pyogenes, S.aureus,
enterobactericaea and anaerobic Gram
negative non-sporing rods such as
Prevotella, Fusobacteria, Porphyromonas
and Bacteroides .
Chronic OM
 Caused by perforation of the tympanic membrane
or problems with immune function.
 Very destructive and persistent and can result in
loss of hearing. May be associated with
 Commonly caused by pseudomonades and
S.aureus including MRSA. Anaerobes and fungi
are found in a quarter of cases. More likely to be
polymicrobial than acute OM.
 Can be caused by viruses – RSV, Influenza,
enteroviruses & rhinoviruses.
 Other unusual bacteria
 Alloiococcus otitidis - Gram positive cocci
 Turicella otitidis – Gram positive bacilli
Mycobacterium OM
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
 Incidence 0.04% - 0.9%
 Can get to ear by haematogenous route,
regurgitation through the eustachian tube,
through previously existing tympanic
membrane perforations, or direct extension
of a nasopharyngeal site of infection.
Evaluation of patient
 History of contact with TB.
 Culture and staining of ear fluid for AAFB.
 Chest X Ray, urinalysis and sputum
Microscopy & culture for AAFB.
 LP if CNS involvement suspected.
6 – 9 month treatment with isoniazid,
rifampicin and pyrazinamide.
 Ascaris worms have
been found in the
middle ear causing
chronic OM after
migrating from the
naso-pharynx via the
eustachian tube.
Treatment of OM
 Oral antibiotics.
 Surgical treatment by
Myringotomy. Allow
fluids to drain out can
be used with
Tympanostomy tubes.
 Inflammation of the tympanic
 Myringitis can be caused by bacteria
such as S.pneumoniae, M.
pneumoniae, H.influenzae or viruses
such as Herpes zoster and influenza.
 Bacterial infections are usually treated
with antibiotics.
Upper respiratory tract
 External region is composed of a framework
of bone & cartilage overlain with skin and
lined with mucous membrane. The external
nares lead to a vestibule lined with skin
bearing hairs for coarse filtering.
 Inner nasal cavity lies above the mouth and
communicates with the pharynx via 2
internal nares. 4 paranasal sinuses also open
into this cavity. The inner nose is also lined
by a mucous membrane which secretes
mucous. Its walls are thrown into a series of
 Muscular and lined with a mucous
 Upper nasopharynx. Receives air from the
internal nares and also communicates, via 2
openings of the eustacian tubes, with the
ears. This is also the site of the adenoids.
 Oropharynx. Lies behind the mouth and is a
common passage way for the respiratory and
digestive tracts. The 2 pairs of tonsils are
found here.
 Lower laryngopharynx. The digestive and
 This connects the pharynx and
trachea. The epiglottis, a cartilage
overlying the larynx, moves like a
trapdoor to close off the remainder
of the respiratory tract during
swallowing of food.
Respiratory immune defence mechanisms
Site Mechanism
Nose Hair
Mucous secretion
Nasopharynx Mucous secretion
Ciliated epithelium
Oropharynx Tonsils
Mucocilliary clearance
Secretary antibody
Laryngopharynx Mucocilliary clearance
Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue
Colonization resistance
Normal flora Respiratory pathogens that
can be carried
Transient colonisation
α haemolytic streptococci S. pyogenes Enterobacteriaceae
Neisseria species S. pneumoniae Pseudomonades
Diphtheroids H. influenzae Candida
Anaerobic cocci C. diphtheriae
Nose swabs
Nasal carriage
 S.aureus including MRSA
 Lancefield group A streptococci
 C. diphtheriae
 Epistaxis – S.aureus carriage
 Frontal sinuses (in the forehead)
 Maxillary sinuses (behind the cheek
 Ethmoid sinuses (between the eyes)
 Sphenoid sinuses (behind the eyes)
 Sinusitis, nasal discharge.
 Looking for: S.pneumoniae,
H.influenzae but may be caused by
‘S.milleri’ group and anaerobes
especially if the condition is chronic.
 Nose swabs are no good. Pus, antral
wash outs, nasopharyngeal swabs or
ethmoid biopsies needed.
 Caused by:
Absidia, Mucor,
and Mortierella.
 Most infections are life-threatening, and risk
factors, such as diabetic ketoacidosis and
neutropaenia, are present in most cases.
Severe infection of the facial sinuses, which
may extend into the brain, is the most
common presentation.
 Successful treatment requires correction of
the underlying risk factor or factors,
antifungal therapy with amphotericin B, and
aggressive surgery.
 Mucormycosis carries a very high mortality
Fungal balls
 Sphenoidal and maxillary fungal
 Non-invasive
 Headaches
 Can lead to recurrent bacterial
infections and central nervous
system complications
Sphenoid fungal balls
Computed tomography scan of
the sinuses.
Axial view of sphenoid sinus
showing opacity, small
hyperdensities (white arrow) and
osteosclerosis (black arrow) of
the bone wall
Photography of the fungus ball, or truffle.
Maxillary fungal balls
Removal of fungal ball from maxillary sinus
Rarely seen nasal infections
 Caused by Klebsiella
rhinoscleromatis. Rare
form of chronic
granulomatous nasal
infection affecting nasal
passages and sinuses and
can include the larynx and
pharynx. Progressive –
tumour-like growths.
 Found in Eastern Europe,
Latin America, Central
Africa and South East
Hebra nose
 Endemic to North and Central Africa, Central and
South America and Southeast Asia.
 Rhinoscleroma has been identified as an
opportunistic infection that can occur in patients
with HIV infections
 There are three histologic stages of development of
rhinoscleroma. In the catarrhal stage, the mucosa
contains non-specific inflammatory changes with
neutrophils, cellular debris and granulation tissue.
In the proliferative stage, there is an intense
infiltrate of plasma cells and large foamy
histiocytes termed "Mikulicz cells" which contain
numerous rod-shaped bacteria within their
 Diagnosis is usually made by the identification of
the Mikulicz cells in tissue biopsy. The bacteria
may be seen in H&E stained sections, but are
more easily identified with PAS, Geimsa or
Warthin-Starry stains.
 Therapy is with traditional antimicrobial therapy -
streptomycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole which may successfully treat
early lesions. Prolonged high dose oral
ciprofloxacin has been successful in achieving
resolution in patients with extensive disease.
Surgical debridement may be necessary in cases of
airway obstruction.
Rarely seen nasal infections
 Chronic atrophic rhinitis.
 Can destroy the mucosa –
characterized by purulent, chronic
foul smelling nasal discharge.
 Klebsiella ozaenae thought to be
the causative organism.
Rarely seen nasal infections
 Originally thought to be
 It is a novel aquatic
protistan parasites
(DRIP clade)that infects
fish & amphibians as well
as man. Found in Eastern
Europe, South East Asia,
Central Africa & Latin
Section of human nasal polyp stained
with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) showing
Rhinosporidium seeberi cysts.
 Slow growing tumour like masses –
usually leading to unilateral obstruction
and polyp formation.
 Diagnosis is by staining of tissue
 Treatment by surgical excision
although relapses are common (10%).
Antimicrobial therapy ineffective.
 Streptococcus pyogenes
Scarlet fever
Non-suppurative post streptococcal sequelae:- Rheumatic
Fever. Glomerulonephritis.
Occur 2 -3 weeks after infection
 Lancefield groups C & G
 Vincents organisms
 Viral – EBV, CMV, Enteroviruses, Adenovirus, Herpes
simplex, influenza viruses
 Non-toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae
 Arcanobacterium haemolyticum
 Candida
 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
 H. parainfluenzae
S. Pyogenes
Determinants of pathogenicity
Lipoteichoic acid Mediates adherence to bucchal mucosa,
complexes with M protein and binds to
M Protein Anti-phagocytic
Pyrogenic exotoxin (erythrogenic toxin)
A, B and C
All phage mediated.Dermal reactivity thought
to be a hypersensitivity reaction
Streptolysin O Extracellular
Oxygen labile
Membrane injury to cells
Streptolysin S Cell bound
Oxygen stable
Leucotoxic (after ingestion) to cell
NADase Especially produced by nephritogenic
strains (eg M12)
A, B, C and D
Association of M types with disease
M type Pharyngitis Pyoderma
1 +++ ?
2 0 +++
3 ++ +/-
4 +++ +/-
12 ++++ +/-
25 ++ +/-
49 ++ ++++
55 0 +++
57 0 ++
Scarlet fever
 Sore throat, fever, bright red tongue and fine
pinkish-red rash on the body that feels like
sandpaper to touch. It may start in one
place, but soon spreads to many parts of the
body, commonly the ears, neck, chest,
elbows, inner thighs and groin.
 The rash does not normally spread to the
face, but the cheeks become flushed and the
area just around the mouth stays quite pale.
 Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin A (SPE A)
(scarlet fever toxin)
 Associated with M types:1, 3, 4, 6, 18, and 22
S. Pyogenes
Non-suppurative sequelae
 Rheumatic fever
 Causes arthritis, carditis, Sydenham chorea,
erythema marginatum and sub-cutaneous
 Associated with phayngitis attack 3-4 weeks
 Common in children 6 -15 years old
 Thought to be caused by antibody cross
reactivity. Characteristic rheumatic
granulomata develop in the connective
tissues and heart – Aschoff’s nodules.
 Repeated attacks lead to valvular disease
S. Pyogenes
Non-suppurative sequelae
 Acute glomerulonephritis
 7-14 days post pharyngitis (or 14 -21
days post pyoderma)
 Immune complexes in renal tubules
 Associated with M types: 12 from
pharyngeal strains but 49 from
 Clinical symptoms – Oedema, oliguria,
Complications of throat infections
 Quinsy
 Lemierre’s disease – infection of
the jugular vein which can lead to
septicaemia. Caused by
Fusobacterium necrophorum.
 Epiglottitis – Haemophilus
Fusobacterium necrophorum
 Recurrent or persistent sore throat
 3 -5 days anaerobic incubation on
supplemented blood plates such as
Fastidious Anaerobic Agar.
 MAST-ID ring resistant to
vancomycin & sensitive to
kanamycin & colistin.
 Colonies fluoresce green under UV
(300-412 nm)
 Diphtheria is an upper
respiratory tract illness
characterized by sore throat,
low fever, and an adherent
membrane (called a
pseudomembrane on the
tonsils, pharynx, and/or nasal
 Diphtheria toxin produced by
C. diphtheriae, can cause
myocarditis, polyneuritis, and
other systemic toxic effects. A
milder form of diphtheria can
be restricted to the skin.
Metachromatic granules
 Corynebacterium
4 biotypes –
Gravis, mitis,
intermedius & belfanti
Gel diffusion test (ELEK plate) for C.diphtheria
Outer strains are non-toxigenic, those in the
centre show toxin production. The anti-toxin
had been absorbed with non-toxic proteins
obtained from a non-toxigenic culture and thus
behaved as a monospecific antiserum. The
intersection of the bands with the bacterial
growth is removed some distance from the
piece of filter paper impregnated with
antiserum because horse anti-toxin has been
employed, which inhibits the precipitin
reaction in the region of antibody excess. Note
that the lines of precipitate generated by the 2
toxigenic strains merge to form arcs, indicating
that the toxins elaborated are immunolog
ically identical. (King et al, Am. J. Pub. Health,
1949, 39, 1314).
 The Diphtheria Toxin
(DTx) Monomer. A (red)
is the catalytic domain; B
(yellow) is the binding
domain which displays the
receptor for cell
attachment; T (blue) is the
hydrophobic domain
responsible for insertion
into the endosome
membrane to secure the
release of A. The protein is
illustrated in its "closed"
Oral thrush
 Overgrowth of
Candida albicans due
 Broad spectrum
antibiotic therapy
 Impaired immunity –
eg leukaemia,
lymphoma, AIDS
 Diabetes
Whooping cough
 The first recorded
outbreaks were in the 16th
 B. pertussis was isolated
in pure culture in 1906 by
Jules Bordet and Octave
 The term whoop
originates from the
inflammation and
swelling of the laryngeal
structures that vibrate
when there is a rapid
inflow of air during
inspiration. Jules Bordet
 Historically, the whooping cough vaccine has been
administered as a merthiolate-killed bacterial cell
suspension which is part of the DTP vaccine
 Children are vaccinated at two, three and four months and
again before they start school
 Immunity is not lifelong and older teenagers and adults are
still susceptible to whooping cough
 Unfortunately, about 20% of the children that receive the
whole cell vaccine experience mild side effects. About 0.1%
of infants experience convulsions soon after receiving the
vaccine and in a very small number of cases (1 in 150,000?)
severe or irreversible brain damage may occur.
 Acellular pertussis has fewer side effects than the whole cell
Methods for detection
 Culture
 Direct immunofluorescence
 Serology
 B. pertussis can only be recovered for
the first 3 weeks of infection
 PCR can be of use for a further 3 weeks
 Serology
Pernasal swab
 With the patient's head
immobilized, a swab
should be gently
inserted into the nostril
until it reaches the
posterior nares and is
then left in place for a
few seconds. The
tickling sensation of
the swab usually
induces a cough.
Bordetella pertussis
Whooping cough
 Bordetella pertussis
3 stages:
 Colonisation
 Toxaemic
 Recovery
1-Colonisation stage
 Catarrhal stage. Fever & cough, worse at
night. ‘Runny nose’ and sneezing.
 Organism readily isolated from pharyngeal
 Severity and duration of illness can be
reduced by antibiotic treatment
 Adherence mechanisms - Filamentous
Haemagglutinin (FHA), a fimbrial like
structure and cell bound Pertussis Toxin
2-Toxaemic stage
 Spasmodic (Paroxysmal) stage.
Paroxysms of coughing followed by
inspiratory whoop.
 Apnoic attacks & cyanosis.
 B.pertussis rarely recovered.
 Antimicrobial agents no effect on
progress of disease.
3-Recovery stage
Gradual abatement of disease
The cough is very persistent, long after
infection is past and may last for 2 or 3
months. It was called 'the 100 days' cough'.
 Bronchopneumonia (commonly with H.
influenzae or S. pneumoniae.
 Atelectasis leading to bronchiectasis.
 Convulsions leading to brain damage.

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dr.Ihsan alsaimary
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Ear, nose and throat infections dr.ihsan alsaimary

  • 1. Ear, Nose and Throat infections Dr. Ihsan Edan Alsaimary Dept.Microbiology , College Of Medicine- University Of Basrah , Basrah- Iraq
  • 2. Ear canal  Ear canal 2.5 cm sac.  Cartilaginous covered by layers of sebaceous and apocrine glands and hair.  The glands produce a thin layer of ceruman.
  • 3. Defence mechanisms of ear  Outer ear  Hair  Ceruman  Internal ear  External bony part of the labyrinth has perilymph  Internal membrane part contains endolymph
  • 4. Antibacterial properties of ceruman  Contains lysozyme.  Contains saturated fatty acids.  Has a pH of 6.9  Lateral epithelium migration towards external os mechanically cleans the ear canal.  Insufficient ceruman predisposes to ear infection.
  • 5.  Perforation of tympanic membrane due to insertion of a 'q' tip. This is likely to result in both an otitis media and otitis externa
  • 6. Otitis externa  Acute localised otitis externa  Acute diffuse otitis externa  Chronic otitis externa  Malignant otitis externa
  • 7. Ear swabs  Culture of ear swabs  Used for OE not very useful for OM unless fluid from the middle ear is swabbed  Neonatal screening
  • 8. Acute OE  Majority of infections are due to bacteria – Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, anaerobes  Fungal infections account for only 10%
  • 9. Acute OE  Acute localised OE usually caused by Staph.aureus which causes furuncles or pustule of a hair follicle.  Acute diffuse OE. Also called ‘swimmers ear’ and is associated with hot humid conditions. Polymicrobial infections usually involving Staph.aureus, pseudomonas and anaerobes.
  • 10. Treatment of acute OE  Usually using topical rather than systemic antibiotics unless there is significant infection of the pinna and surrounding tissues.  In less severe cases topical antibiotics and steroid are all that is required. In more severe cases suction of debris and application of wicks or packs of antibiotic and steroids are required.  Aminoglycosides such as neomycin or
  • 11. Chronic otitis externa  External auditory canal with Aspergillus overgrowth manifesting as a cottony matrix topped by small black balls.  Chronic OE is usually caused by colonization by coliforms or fungi and is best treated by topical cleansing rather than antibiotic treatment.  Rarely caused by syphilis or leprosy
  • 12. Malignant otitis externa  Malignant external otitis with pus draining from the necrotic ear canal and underlying osteomyelitic bone.  Life threatening condition affecting diabetics, the immunocompromised and elderly.  Severe necrotizing infection of soft tissues, bones, blood vessels and cartilage with risk of neurological involvement and facial paralysis.  The patient requires hospital admission and treatment with high dose antibiotics, surgery to debride dead tissue and occasionally hyperbaric treatment.
  • 13. Non-bacterial cause of OE Ramsey Hunt Syndrome – Herpes Zoster Oticus. Severe otalgia, facial paralysis and varicelliform rash over the pinna. Treated with antivirals.
  • 14. Otitis media  Occurs between the ear drum and the inner ear and includes the eustachian tube.  It is defined by the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear with symptoms of acute infection.  Serous OM or Sterile OM does occur and is often attributed to an allergy or radiation treatment.
  • 15. Acute Otitis media  Usually caused by migration of bacteria from the naso-pharynx up the eustachian tube and into the ear.  Common disease of children (80% - 90% by the age of 2 years old) with frequent recurrence of infection. The highest incidence rate is between 6- 24 months old.  This is because up to the age of seven years the eustachian tube is relatively short, and more horizontal than in older children & adults.  It is important to treat as it can lead to hearing loss and affect the speech and behaviour of children.
  • 16. Acute OM (pathogens)  Often viral – RSV and parainfluenzae  Can lead to bacterial infections usually due to S.pneumoniae, H.influenzae and Moraxella species.  Less commonly S.pyogenes, S.aureus, enterobactericaea and anaerobic Gram negative non-sporing rods such as Prevotella, Fusobacteria, Porphyromonas and Bacteroides .
  • 17. Chronic OM  Caused by perforation of the tympanic membrane or problems with immune function.  Very destructive and persistent and can result in loss of hearing. May be associated with mastoiditis.  Commonly caused by pseudomonades and S.aureus including MRSA. Anaerobes and fungi are found in a quarter of cases. More likely to be polymicrobial than acute OM.  Can be caused by viruses – RSV, Influenza, enteroviruses & rhinoviruses.  Other unusual bacteria  Alloiococcus otitidis - Gram positive cocci  Turicella otitidis – Gram positive bacilli
  • 18. Mycobacterium OM  Mycobacterium tuberculosis  Incidence 0.04% - 0.9%  Can get to ear by haematogenous route, regurgitation through the eustachian tube, through previously existing tympanic membrane perforations, or direct extension of a nasopharyngeal site of infection.
  • 19. Evaluation of patient  History of contact with TB.  Culture and staining of ear fluid for AAFB.  Chest X Ray, urinalysis and sputum Microscopy & culture for AAFB.  LP if CNS involvement suspected. Treatment 6 – 9 month treatment with isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide.
  • 20. Parasites  Ascaris worms have been found in the middle ear causing chronic OM after migrating from the naso-pharynx via the eustachian tube.
  • 21. Treatment of OM  Oral antibiotics.  Surgical treatment by Myringotomy. Allow fluids to drain out can be used with Tympanostomy tubes.
  • 22. Myringitis  Inflammation of the tympanic membrane  Myringitis can be caused by bacteria such as S.pneumoniae, M. pneumoniae, H.influenzae or viruses such as Herpes zoster and influenza.  Bacterial infections are usually treated with antibiotics.
  • 24. Nose  External region is composed of a framework of bone & cartilage overlain with skin and lined with mucous membrane. The external nares lead to a vestibule lined with skin bearing hairs for coarse filtering.  Inner nasal cavity lies above the mouth and communicates with the pharynx via 2 internal nares. 4 paranasal sinuses also open into this cavity. The inner nose is also lined by a mucous membrane which secretes mucous. Its walls are thrown into a series of
  • 25. Pharynx  Muscular and lined with a mucous membrane.  Upper nasopharynx. Receives air from the internal nares and also communicates, via 2 openings of the eustacian tubes, with the ears. This is also the site of the adenoids.  Oropharynx. Lies behind the mouth and is a common passage way for the respiratory and digestive tracts. The 2 pairs of tonsils are found here.  Lower laryngopharynx. The digestive and
  • 26. Larynx  This connects the pharynx and trachea. The epiglottis, a cartilage overlying the larynx, moves like a trapdoor to close off the remainder of the respiratory tract during swallowing of food.
  • 27. Respiratory immune defence mechanisms Site Mechanism Nose Hair Mucous secretion Nasopharynx Mucous secretion Ciliated epithelium Adenoids Oropharynx Tonsils Mucocilliary clearance Saliva: Secretary antibody Lysozyme Lactoperoxidase Laryngopharynx Mucocilliary clearance Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT)
  • 28. Colonization resistance Normal flora Respiratory pathogens that can be carried Transient colonisation α haemolytic streptococci S. pyogenes Enterobacteriaceae Neisseria species S. pneumoniae Pseudomonades Diphtheroids H. influenzae Candida Anaerobic cocci C. diphtheriae Fusobacteria Bacteroides Micrococci
  • 29. Nose swabs Nasal carriage  S.aureus including MRSA  Lancefield group A streptococci  C. diphtheriae  Epistaxis – S.aureus carriage
  • 30. Sinuses  Frontal sinuses (in the forehead)  Maxillary sinuses (behind the cheek bones)  Ethmoid sinuses (between the eyes)  Sphenoid sinuses (behind the eyes)
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. Sinusitis  Sinusitis, nasal discharge.  Looking for: S.pneumoniae, H.influenzae but may be caused by ‘S.milleri’ group and anaerobes especially if the condition is chronic.  Nose swabs are no good. Pus, antral wash outs, nasopharyngeal swabs or ethmoid biopsies needed.
  • 35. Mucormycosis  Most infections are life-threatening, and risk factors, such as diabetic ketoacidosis and neutropaenia, are present in most cases. Severe infection of the facial sinuses, which may extend into the brain, is the most common presentation.  Successful treatment requires correction of the underlying risk factor or factors, antifungal therapy with amphotericin B, and aggressive surgery.  Mucormycosis carries a very high mortality
  • 36. Fungal balls  Sphenoidal and maxillary fungal balls  Non-invasive  Headaches  Can lead to recurrent bacterial infections and central nervous system complications
  • 37. Sphenoid fungal balls Computed tomography scan of the sinuses. Axial view of sphenoid sinus showing opacity, small hyperdensities (white arrow) and osteosclerosis (black arrow) of the bone wall Photography of the fungus ball, or truffle.
  • 38. Maxillary fungal balls Removal of fungal ball from maxillary sinus
  • 39. Rarely seen nasal infections Rhinoscleroma  Caused by Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis. Rare form of chronic granulomatous nasal infection affecting nasal passages and sinuses and can include the larynx and pharynx. Progressive – tumour-like growths.  Found in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Central Africa and South East Asia. Hebra nose
  • 40. Rhinoscleroma  Endemic to North and Central Africa, Central and South America and Southeast Asia.  Rhinoscleroma has been identified as an opportunistic infection that can occur in patients with HIV infections  There are three histologic stages of development of rhinoscleroma. In the catarrhal stage, the mucosa contains non-specific inflammatory changes with neutrophils, cellular debris and granulation tissue. In the proliferative stage, there is an intense infiltrate of plasma cells and large foamy histiocytes termed "Mikulicz cells" which contain numerous rod-shaped bacteria within their
  • 41. Rhinoscleroma  Diagnosis is usually made by the identification of the Mikulicz cells in tissue biopsy. The bacteria may be seen in H&E stained sections, but are more easily identified with PAS, Geimsa or Warthin-Starry stains.  Therapy is with traditional antimicrobial therapy - streptomycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole which may successfully treat early lesions. Prolonged high dose oral ciprofloxacin has been successful in achieving resolution in patients with extensive disease. Surgical debridement may be necessary in cases of airway obstruction.
  • 42. Rarely seen nasal infections Ozaenia  Chronic atrophic rhinitis.  Can destroy the mucosa – characterized by purulent, chronic foul smelling nasal discharge.  Klebsiella ozaenae thought to be the causative organism.
  • 43. Rarely seen nasal infections Rhinosporidiosis  Originally thought to be fungus  It is a novel aquatic protistan parasites Mesomycetozoea (DRIP clade)that infects fish & amphibians as well as man. Found in Eastern Europe, South East Asia, Central Africa & Latin America. Section of human nasal polyp stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) showing Rhinosporidium seeberi cysts.
  • 44. Rhinosporidiosis  Slow growing tumour like masses – usually leading to unilateral obstruction and polyp formation.  Diagnosis is by staining of tissue biopsies.  Treatment by surgical excision although relapses are common (10%). Antimicrobial therapy ineffective.
  • 46. Tonsillitis/pharyngitis  Streptococcus pyogenes Scarlet fever Non-suppurative post streptococcal sequelae:- Rheumatic Fever. Glomerulonephritis. Occur 2 -3 weeks after infection  Lancefield groups C & G  Vincents organisms  Viral – EBV, CMV, Enteroviruses, Adenovirus, Herpes simplex, influenza viruses  Non-toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae  Arcanobacterium haemolyticum  Candida  Neisseria gonorrhoeae  H. parainfluenzae
  • 47. S. Pyogenes Determinants of pathogenicity Lipoteichoic acid Mediates adherence to bucchal mucosa, complexes with M protein and binds to fibronectin M Protein Anti-phagocytic Pyrogenic exotoxin (erythrogenic toxin) A, B and C All phage mediated.Dermal reactivity thought to be a hypersensitivity reaction Streptolysin O Extracellular Oxygen labile Antigenic Membrane injury to cells Streptolysin S Cell bound Oxygen stable Leucotoxic (after ingestion) to cell NADase Especially produced by nephritogenic strains (eg M12) DNAase A, B, C and D Antigenic
  • 48. Association of M types with disease M type Pharyngitis Pyoderma 1 +++ ? 2 0 +++ 3 ++ +/- 4 +++ +/- 12 ++++ +/- 25 ++ +/- 49 ++ ++++ 55 0 +++ 57 0 ++
  • 49. Scarlet fever  Sore throat, fever, bright red tongue and fine pinkish-red rash on the body that feels like sandpaper to touch. It may start in one place, but soon spreads to many parts of the body, commonly the ears, neck, chest, elbows, inner thighs and groin.  The rash does not normally spread to the face, but the cheeks become flushed and the area just around the mouth stays quite pale.  Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin A (SPE A) (scarlet fever toxin)  Associated with M types:1, 3, 4, 6, 18, and 22
  • 50. S. Pyogenes Non-suppurative sequelae  Rheumatic fever  Causes arthritis, carditis, Sydenham chorea, erythema marginatum and sub-cutaneous nodules  Associated with phayngitis attack 3-4 weeks previously  Common in children 6 -15 years old  Thought to be caused by antibody cross reactivity. Characteristic rheumatic granulomata develop in the connective tissues and heart – Aschoff’s nodules.  Repeated attacks lead to valvular disease
  • 51. S. Pyogenes Non-suppurative sequelae  Acute glomerulonephritis  7-14 days post pharyngitis (or 14 -21 days post pyoderma)  Immune complexes in renal tubules  Associated with M types: 12 from pharyngeal strains but 49 from pyoderma  Clinical symptoms – Oedema, oliguria,
  • 52. Complications of throat infections  Quinsy  Lemierre’s disease – infection of the jugular vein which can lead to septicaemia. Caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum.  Epiglottitis – Haemophilus influenzae
  • 53. Fusobacterium necrophorum  Recurrent or persistent sore throat  3 -5 days anaerobic incubation on supplemented blood plates such as Fastidious Anaerobic Agar.  MAST-ID ring resistant to vancomycin & sensitive to kanamycin & colistin.  Colonies fluoresce green under UV (300-412 nm)
  • 54. Diphtheria  Diphtheria is an upper respiratory tract illness characterized by sore throat, low fever, and an adherent membrane (called a pseudomembrane on the tonsils, pharynx, and/or nasal cavity.  Diphtheria toxin produced by C. diphtheriae, can cause myocarditis, polyneuritis, and other systemic toxic effects. A milder form of diphtheria can be restricted to the skin.
  • 55.
  • 57.  Corynebacterium diphtheriae 4 biotypes – Gravis, mitis, intermedius & belfanti
  • 58. Diphtheria Gel diffusion test (ELEK plate) for C.diphtheria toxin. Outer strains are non-toxigenic, those in the centre show toxin production. The anti-toxin had been absorbed with non-toxic proteins obtained from a non-toxigenic culture and thus behaved as a monospecific antiserum. The intersection of the bands with the bacterial growth is removed some distance from the piece of filter paper impregnated with antiserum because horse anti-toxin has been employed, which inhibits the precipitin reaction in the region of antibody excess. Note that the lines of precipitate generated by the 2 toxigenic strains merge to form arcs, indicating that the toxins elaborated are immunolog ically identical. (King et al, Am. J. Pub. Health, 1949, 39, 1314).
  • 59.  The Diphtheria Toxin (DTx) Monomer. A (red) is the catalytic domain; B (yellow) is the binding domain which displays the receptor for cell attachment; T (blue) is the hydrophobic domain responsible for insertion into the endosome membrane to secure the release of A. The protein is illustrated in its "closed" configuration.
  • 60. Oral thrush  Overgrowth of Candida albicans due to:  Broad spectrum antibiotic therapy  Impaired immunity – eg leukaemia, lymphoma, AIDS  Diabetes
  • 61. Whooping cough  The first recorded outbreaks were in the 16th century  B. pertussis was isolated in pure culture in 1906 by Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou  The term whoop originates from the inflammation and swelling of the laryngeal structures that vibrate when there is a rapid inflow of air during inspiration. Jules Bordet
  • 62. Vaccines  Historically, the whooping cough vaccine has been administered as a merthiolate-killed bacterial cell suspension which is part of the DTP vaccine  Children are vaccinated at two, three and four months and again before they start school  Immunity is not lifelong and older teenagers and adults are still susceptible to whooping cough  Unfortunately, about 20% of the children that receive the whole cell vaccine experience mild side effects. About 0.1% of infants experience convulsions soon after receiving the vaccine and in a very small number of cases (1 in 150,000?) severe or irreversible brain damage may occur.  Acellular pertussis has fewer side effects than the whole cell vaccine
  • 63. Methods for detection  Culture  Direct immunofluorescence  PCR  Serology  B. pertussis can only be recovered for the first 3 weeks of infection  PCR can be of use for a further 3 weeks  Serology
  • 64. Pernasal swab  With the patient's head immobilized, a swab should be gently inserted into the nostril until it reaches the posterior nares and is then left in place for a few seconds. The tickling sensation of the swab usually induces a cough.
  • 66. Whooping cough  Bordetella pertussis 3 stages:  Colonisation  Toxaemic  Recovery
  • 67. 1-Colonisation stage  Catarrhal stage. Fever & cough, worse at night. ‘Runny nose’ and sneezing.  Organism readily isolated from pharyngeal cultures.  Severity and duration of illness can be reduced by antibiotic treatment (erythromycin).  Adherence mechanisms - Filamentous Haemagglutinin (FHA), a fimbrial like structure and cell bound Pertussis Toxin
  • 68. 2-Toxaemic stage  Spasmodic (Paroxysmal) stage. Paroxysms of coughing followed by inspiratory whoop.  Apnoic attacks & cyanosis.  B.pertussis rarely recovered.  Antimicrobial agents no effect on progress of disease.
  • 69. 3-Recovery stage Gradual abatement of disease The cough is very persistent, long after infection is past and may last for 2 or 3 months. It was called 'the 100 days' cough'. Complications:  Bronchopneumonia (commonly with H. influenzae or S. pneumoniae.  Atelectasis leading to bronchiectasis.  Convulsions leading to brain damage.