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 To be professionally effective ,pharmacists
need to be aware of:
a) The different messages they are sending.
b) How these could be perceived
c) The messages others are sending to us
d) The ways in which we are interpreting these
messages,which may be inaccurate.
e) How to ensure that communication is
tailored to the situation and supports good
pharmacy practice and human relations.
 Non-verbal communication includes
messages conveyed through body postures.
Eg:a person who is sitting with their arms and
legs crossed signals a ‘closed’ body posture
or hinders the free flow of communication.
 Other non-verbal signals like looking away
,doing something else at the same time or
allowing people to interrupt you can also
signal inattention and inhibit communication.
 Sometimes the non-verbal signals from
others we notice can be used to modify
 Eg:a person who is appearing restless can
signal that they are uneasy and want to
change the topic or end the
 In such a case action needs to be taken
,like changing the topic temporarily or
asking if they are uncomfortable.
 Facial expression is an important indicator
of emotional state.
 Eye-contact can indicate the level of
attention or honesty or confidence.
 An effective communicator will be aware of
the exchange of non-verbal messages and
not only of other’s reactions ,but of his or
her own behaivour and impact.
 Another form of non-verbal message is to
convey information through the use of
 These could be used in place of medicines
labels for the illiterate or may demonstrate
how to administer a dosage form such as
eye drops.
 It takes place using the meaning of words.
 Can be spoken or written.
 The meaning of words can however be altered by
the non-verbal aspects of voice tone or
 Writing is less sensitive than spoken
language,but there are different writing styles
that can be used for different purposes and to
convey different meaning and tone.
 As in spoken communication ,written materials
should be carefully composed to suit the needs
of the particular audience.
 For reliable communication ,it is important to
use a language in which both parties are
fluent and comfortable.
 Developing and using a professional
vocabulary as well as being familiar with
everyday terms are important facets of
clinical pharmacy education and practice.
 The abbreviations and terms used for
prescribing medicines represent a specialised
type of communication,usually to the
exclusion of patients.
 Two activities are principally involved in
communication: the sending and receiving of
 The passive, one-way verbal process of
traditional lecturing is a relatively inefficient
communication .
 Effective communication and learning are
essentially two-way,interactive processes:
both parties are actively participating in
speaking and listening and in interpreting
the meaning of communication
 Developing good listening skills is important to
promote a good interactive communication and
to obtain information.
 It is important that the listener maintains
undivided attention and is not distracted by
external or internal matters.
 Non-verbal cues such as keeping eye contact can
indicate attention, as can nodding,or asking
 If the speaker moves off the topic then it is
appropriate to politely interrupt and reintroduce
the topic from the point of deviation.
 When all the messages have been received
by the patient ,it is important to
emphasise and check for correct
understanding of the main points by
summarising or stating the main points.
 In pharmacy practice ,communication
frequently lasts only a few minutes.
 This makes it more imporatant that the time
is used properly.
1) Introduction: establishes a connection
between those communicating.It can
promote rapport,build up trust,engage
interest and encourage open interaction.It
involves the exchange of ordinary courtesies
and general enquiries.
2) Opening:the topic to be covered is
introduced and briefly explained.
3) Business: the main messages are delivered or
informations are obtained .
4) Reconnection: it is important that a personal
reconnection is made as a preparation for
ending the interaction.It is often helpful at
this point to make sure the patient
understands the detail and relevance of the
material and can obtain clarification.
5) Closure:during this stage non-verbal
language can play an important role in
signalling the end of a session.Concluding
courtesies will round off the encounter
 All forms of professional writing require
clarity and precision.
 Short sentences and paragraphs ,simple
words and sentence structure ,are among the
most important qualities of the best writing.
 Words need to be chosen carefully,with
correct grammar ,easily legible handwriting
or font ,and format and structure that are
clear,accessible and effective.
 Written messages require a logical
structure which may be similar to the one
suggested for verbal messages earlier.
 There should be a brief and thorough
introductory summary ,outlining the
purpose of communication .
 The ideas should be presented in a clear
,logical structure with sub-headings .
 Lastly,a concluding summary ,repeating
the main messages should be written.
 People interact best when they feel
comfortable with their surroundings ,are at
ease with and feel respected by those they
are communicating with.
 Hospital wards or busy dispensary counters
are very difficult environments for effective
 Clothing and presentation are also important.
 A clean ,pressed ,white coat conveys the
appearance of professionalism and a link with
the medical profession.
 Pharmacist-Physician Communication:
 To communicate effectively, pharmacists must be
comfortable with their role on the health care
team and confident in their unique knowledge
and contributions to patient care.
 Be prepared with specific questions or facts and
recommendations when initiating a patient care–
related conversation with physicians.
 Stay within the pharmacist’s area of expertise.
 Choose the right time and place for the
 Never interrupt a physician-patient interaction,
except in a life-threatening situation.
 Do not go to an attending physician when the
question or recommendation is more
appropriate for a less senior member of the
medical team.
 Do not interrupt teaching rounds with trivial
questions and observations better
communicated one to one with individual
 Pharmacists and nurses must treat one another
with respect; both professionals must realize that
they share the same goal (e.g., optimal patient
care) and are on the same patient care team.
 Communication should be clear, to the point, and
 An added barrier to effective pharmacist-nurse
communication is the use of the telephone as the
primary means of communication.
 It is easy to be rude, either intentionally or
unintentionally, during telephone conversations.
 Pharmacists on the patient care team need to update consulting
pharmacists frequently.
 Consulting pharmacists should be aware that the primary team
may have more information than that documented in the patient
record; they should not make recommendations in isolation.
 Inpatient patient-focused care takes place 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.
 Continuity between shifts requires clear communication of
patient information, plans for the patient, and other patient
 A common communication system is the exchange of patient
information during sign-out rounds or the discussion of patient
specific issues and the passing on of patient monitoring forms
and other types of written documentation between the
pharmacist leaving the service and the pharmacist assuming
responsibility for the patient.
 Effective communication between
pharmacists and patients or family members
is extremely important to pharmaceutical
 Ineffective communication leads to confusion
and misunderstanding and may contribute to
inappropriate decisions regarding drug
 Common courtesy dictates that patients be
addressed by appropriate title (e.g., Mr., Mrs.,
Ms., Rev., Dr.).
 Use the correct title by asking each patient
how he or she wants to be addressed.
 The one exception to this approach is in
addressing disoriented, confused, or sedated
patients; these patients usually respond
better to their first names than to their titles.
 Display a genuine respect for the patient.
 Respond to the patient as a person, not a
prescription or case.
 Maintain a professional relationship and avoid
exchanging personal information and
confidences with the patient.
 Respect for the patient is conveyed by
acknowledging, without judgment, patient-
specific attributes that may be different from the
pharmacist’s value system or even offensive to the
 Attributes such as smoking, excessive drinking,
use of illicit drugs, self-destructive behaviors,
nonadherence to prescribed regimens, deficient
hygiene, and gross obesity may be offensive but
must be dealt with nonjudgmentally.
 Other patientspecific traits such as beliefs in folk
physiology or use of alternative medications or
unorthodox medical treatments also must be
acknowledged without judgment.
 Pharmacists also must be able to acknowledge
differences in socioeconomic backgrounds and
ethnic origins without passing judgment.
 Arrange adequate time for patient interaction
and minimize interruptions from phone calls,
beepers, and other patients or health care
 Introduce yourself, obtain permission to
interact with the patient, and explain the
purpose of the interaction.
 Explain who will see the information obtained
by the pharmacist and how the information
will be used.
 Pharmacy students need to clearly identify
themselves as students and explain who will
see information obtained during the student-
patient interaction and the way inwhich the
information will be used (e.g., for teaching
purposes, for patient care, for research).
A. Medication History Interviews:
 When health professionals are making
decisions about treatment it is important
that a complete medication history is
 A well-prepared ,structured approach helps
to avoid ommissions.
Following information is commonly
 Currently or recently prescribed medicines
 OTC medicines
 Vaccinations
 Alternative or traditional remedies
 Description of allergies or reactions to
 Medicines found to be ineffective
B. Labelling Medicines:
All containers of medicines should be clearly
labelled to identify:
 The medicine
 Dosage form,number of dosage units supplied
 Number of dose units to be taken at one time.
 Frequency and specific precautions
 The patient’s name
 Date of dispensing
 Batch numbers and expiry dates for non-
prescription medicines and medicines not
likely to be used immediately.
C. Patient information leaflets(PILs):
 PILs are used to outline key information to
assist patients and their caregivers in the
effective and safe use of a medicine.
 Where computer technology is available PILs
can be customised for individual patients or to
be prepared for groups of patients.
 Following information is commonly included
1. Trade and generic names
2. Indication for which the medicine is being
3. Administration advice
4. Information on the action required if a dose
is missed.
5. The common or serious side effects.
6.Action to be taken if a side effect is
7.Storage information
8.Name and contact details of the institution
providing the information
9.Author and date of publication
All sheets should be regularly reviewed and
When writing PILs it is important to include
all essential information without making a
document too lengthy or small.
D.Patient Medication Sheets:
 When patient are taking several medicines
,handwritten or computer – generated
medication records can improve
compliance and understanding.
 A tabular form will present the
information clearly.
 Dose –timing can be identified as a specific
time ,meal times,or a phase of the day.
 Other information such as when a
medicine should be stopped ,history of
adverse reactions experienced and
purpose of the medicine can be recorded.
E.Medication counselling for patients:
 Effective patient counselling can assist
patients in using their medicines safely and
 All the principles of effective verbal
communication are important to the success
of an encounter.
 The medication record can be used to focus
an interview,supported by patient information
leaflets or product demonstrations.
 Before giving information,it is important to
check the patient’s level of understanding and
what they remember of their doctor’s
instruction so that the information to be
provided can be acoordingly tailored.
 Physical Barriers
 Lack of Privacy
 The Telephone
 Physical barriers commonlyencountered in
community pharmacies include the large
countertops and display areas behind which
many pharmacists work, windows with
security bars and protective glass, drive-
through windows that isolate the pharmacist
from the patient, and the elevated pharmacy
work area that accentuates the pharmacist’s
position of authority and places the patient in
an inferior position.
 Hospital and other institutional pharmacists have
fewer physical barriers to contend with but have
the additional problem of communicating with
patients who are in bed.
 Patients in bed are easily intimidated by people
standing over them; interviews may be strained
or limited depending on the patient’s level of
 One way to minimize patient discomfort is to
make sure that all conversations take place face
to face at or below the patient’s eye level.
 Lack of privacy is a common communication
 Although lack of privacy often is identified as a
barrier to effective communication with patients,
it also is an important barrier when
communicating with other health care
 Do not discuss or debate specific or nonspecific
patient information or health care issues in
public areas such as hallways, walkways,
elevators, cafeterias, libraries, and parking lots.
 Do not discuss patient-specific information with
family or friends without the permission of the
 The lack of privacy makes the voicing of
personal concerns and the exchange of
accurate and complete information difficult
for many patients.
 patients may withhold potentially
embarrassing personal information or
avoid asking potentially embarrassing
questions if they think the conversation
may be overheard.
 Provide as much privacy as possible. Ideally,
converse with patients and discuss patient-
specific information with other health care
professionals in private counseling or
consultation rooms.
 If physically separate space is not available,
converse in a space that is as private as
 In community pharmacies, converse with
patients in a corner of the pharmacy away
from the cash register, drop-off windows, and
pickup windows.
 In hospitals and other institutions, create a
sense of privacy by closing the door to the
room and pulling the curtain around the bed.
 The telephone is an important
communication tool used to communicate
with patients, patient family members,
physicians, nurses, other pharmacists, and
other health care professionals.
 Speak clearly, listen carefully, be organized,
and state facts clearly and calmly.
 Those initiating the telephone conversation
should identify themselves by name and state
the purpose of the call.
 Be prepared to repeat the request several
times before being connected to the right
 When answering telephone calls, identify
yourself and ask for the caller’s identity.
 Make every effort to deal with the call
immediately; avoid putting the other
person on hold.
 If you are too busy to speak with the caller
at that moment, explain the situation to
the caller immediately and arrange to call
back at a mutually convenient time rather
than placing the person on hold.
 Most telephone calls are directly related to
patient care and need to be dealt with as soon
as possible.
 Interruptive telephone calls should be dealt
with as unhurriedly and professionally as
 Pharmacists sometimes receive telephone calls
from angry and upset patients, patient’s
family members, nurses, physicians, and other
health care professionals.
 The best way to deal with these types of calls
is to stay calm, listen to what the person has
to say, clarify the issue, and then handle the
problem as professionally as possible.
A. Antagonistic Patients:
 Antagonistic patients do not want to be bothered
with medication histories, interviews, or other
pharmacist-patient interactions.
 The natural response to these patients is to leave
them alone and avoid them if possible or to become
angry or patronizing.
 The best way to deal with such patients is to be as
professional and direct as possible.
 These patients may be frightened or simply fed
upwith the entire health care system; therefore
clarification of the purpose of and reasons for the
interaction and the ways in which the information
obtained from the interaction are used may be
 Chronically ill patients present unique
communication challenges.
 Chronically ill patients may be sophisticated
and/or demanding health care consumers.
 Some chronically ill patients know more about
the management of their disease than many
health care professionals; this situation may be
threatening for the pharmacist.
 Some chronically ill patients may be completely
disillusioned by repeated unsatisfactory
interactions with the health care system and may
be bitter, cynical, and difficult to engage in
 The intensive care unit is a highly
depersonalizing environment.
 Patients have little privacy or sense of control.
 Patients are surrounded by high-tech equipment
and may be sleep deprived, drowsy from pain
medication, or uncomfortable from procedures,
tests, or surgery.
 This environment makes it difficult to relate to
the patient as a person.
 Nevertheless, it is important to communicate
directly with the patient.
 Never assume that the patient cannot hear or
comprehend what is said in her or his presence.
 Make eye contact with the patient.
 Endotracheal intubation renders patients mute,
but do not assume that intubated patients cannot
 Intubated patients can respond to yes/no
questions by blinking their eyes or raising an
 Acknowledge and communicate directly with the
patient’s family and friends, who may be very
anxious or frustrated.
 Talk with the patient about his or her beliefs
and work to integrate the patient’s beliefs
into the prescribed regimen.
 Elderly patients may have impaired hearing
and vision.
 The hearing loss associated with aging is
characterized by loss of ability to distinguish
between high-frequency sounds, which
makes it difficult for patients to differentiate
conversational tones from background
 Take the time to engage elderly patients in
unhurried conversation.
 Speak slowly and distinctly.
 Treat elderly patients with respect.
 Do not assume that every elderly person
has impaired hearing.
 Speak directly to the patient and do not
assume that the patient is incompetent or
that the person accompanying the patient
is a caregiver or guardian.
 Use large-print labels and printed
materials and reinforce written information
with verbal communication.
 Touching the patient lightly on the arm or
shoulder may reassure the patient and
reinforce the context of the conversation.
 Hard-to-reach patients include those of low
socioeconomic status, minorities, and
illiterate persons.
 They may have little knowledge about health
care in general and their own health in
particular and may have different coping
mechanisms and expectations.
 Help illiterate patients organize complex
medication regimens by using different-sized
bottles for each medication or color-coding
the labels.
 Be sensitive to the cost of medications and
the ability of the patient to pay for the
 Low-income elderly patients in particular
may be too embarrassed to ask about the
cost of medications and may accept
expensive medications they cannot afford.
 Communicate as clearly as possible with
hearing impaired patients.
 Verbalize slowly and distinctly; minimize
background noise.
 Face patients who can read lips and avoid
turning away from the patients during the
 Written communication may be necessary for
two-way communication.
 communicate clearly and directly with the
patient’s caregiver.
 Many degrees of mental retardation are
possible; be flexible enough to assess the
level to which each patient can participate
and communicate appropriately for each
 Noncommunicative patients never volunteer
information or express much interest in
anything anyone has to say.
 These patients answer all questions with
unenthusiastic yes/no responses.
 To facilitate communication, get the patient
talking about any topic and then ask simple,
open-ended questions that will provide at
least some of the information being sought
during the interaction.
 Overly communicative patients digress
when asked even simple direct questions.
 Pharmacists eventually obtain the
information being sought, but only after
investing a lot of time in the interview.
 The best way to deal with this type of
patient is to take firm control of the
conversation from the start and redirect
the patient when he or she wanders off the
 Communicate directly with the pediatric
patient as well as with the parent or guardian.
 information must be age appropriate.
 In-depth information exchange is appropriate
for many preteens and teenagers.
 Direct communication with preteens and
teenagers who have chronic disease for which
they follow long-term medication regimens is
especially important.
 The best way to develop professional
communication skills is through intelligent
observation and regular practice and
discussion with colleagues.
 As competence develops ,a pharmacist can
move from taking medication histories to
providing medication counselling under
supervision for a limited and then an
increasing range of medicines.
 This approach helps develops skills and
confidence and also protects patients

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Communication skills

  • 1. 1
  • 2.  To be professionally effective ,pharmacists need to be aware of: a) The different messages they are sending. b) How these could be perceived c) The messages others are sending to us d) The ways in which we are interpreting these messages,which may be inaccurate. e) How to ensure that communication is tailored to the situation and supports good pharmacy practice and human relations. 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4.  Non-verbal communication includes messages conveyed through body postures. Eg:a person who is sitting with their arms and legs crossed signals a ‘closed’ body posture or hinders the free flow of communication.  Other non-verbal signals like looking away ,doing something else at the same time or allowing people to interrupt you can also signal inattention and inhibit communication. 4
  • 5.  Sometimes the non-verbal signals from others we notice can be used to modify communication.  Eg:a person who is appearing restless can signal that they are uneasy and want to change the topic or end the communication.  In such a case action needs to be taken ,like changing the topic temporarily or asking if they are uncomfortable.  Facial expression is an important indicator of emotional state.  Eye-contact can indicate the level of attention or honesty or confidence. 5
  • 6.  An effective communicator will be aware of the exchange of non-verbal messages and not only of other’s reactions ,but of his or her own behaivour and impact.  Another form of non-verbal message is to convey information through the use of diagrams.  These could be used in place of medicines labels for the illiterate or may demonstrate how to administer a dosage form such as eye drops. 6
  • 7.  It takes place using the meaning of words.  Can be spoken or written.  The meaning of words can however be altered by the non-verbal aspects of voice tone or emphasis.  Writing is less sensitive than spoken language,but there are different writing styles that can be used for different purposes and to convey different meaning and tone.  As in spoken communication ,written materials should be carefully composed to suit the needs of the particular audience. 7
  • 8.  For reliable communication ,it is important to use a language in which both parties are fluent and comfortable.  Developing and using a professional vocabulary as well as being familiar with everyday terms are important facets of clinical pharmacy education and practice.  The abbreviations and terms used for prescribing medicines represent a specialised type of communication,usually to the exclusion of patients. 8
  • 9.  Two activities are principally involved in communication: the sending and receiving of messages.  The passive, one-way verbal process of traditional lecturing is a relatively inefficient communication .  Effective communication and learning are essentially two-way,interactive processes: both parties are actively participating in speaking and listening and in interpreting the meaning of communication 9
  • 10.  Developing good listening skills is important to promote a good interactive communication and to obtain information.  It is important that the listener maintains undivided attention and is not distracted by external or internal matters.  Non-verbal cues such as keeping eye contact can indicate attention, as can nodding,or asking questions.  If the speaker moves off the topic then it is appropriate to politely interrupt and reintroduce the topic from the point of deviation. 10
  • 11.  When all the messages have been received by the patient ,it is important to emphasise and check for correct understanding of the main points by summarising or stating the main points. 11
  • 12.  In pharmacy practice ,communication frequently lasts only a few minutes.  This makes it more imporatant that the time is used properly. 1) Introduction: establishes a connection between those communicating.It can promote rapport,build up trust,engage interest and encourage open interaction.It involves the exchange of ordinary courtesies and general enquiries. 12
  • 13. 2) Opening:the topic to be covered is introduced and briefly explained. 3) Business: the main messages are delivered or informations are obtained . 4) Reconnection: it is important that a personal reconnection is made as a preparation for ending the interaction.It is often helpful at this point to make sure the patient understands the detail and relevance of the material and can obtain clarification. 5) Closure:during this stage non-verbal language can play an important role in signalling the end of a session.Concluding courtesies will round off the encounter positively. 13
  • 14.  All forms of professional writing require clarity and precision.  Short sentences and paragraphs ,simple words and sentence structure ,are among the most important qualities of the best writing.  Words need to be chosen carefully,with correct grammar ,easily legible handwriting or font ,and format and structure that are clear,accessible and effective. 14
  • 15.  Written messages require a logical structure which may be similar to the one suggested for verbal messages earlier.  There should be a brief and thorough introductory summary ,outlining the purpose of communication .  The ideas should be presented in a clear ,logical structure with sub-headings .  Lastly,a concluding summary ,repeating the main messages should be written. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17.  People interact best when they feel comfortable with their surroundings ,are at ease with and feel respected by those they are communicating with.  Hospital wards or busy dispensary counters are very difficult environments for effective communication.  Clothing and presentation are also important.  A clean ,pressed ,white coat conveys the appearance of professionalism and a link with the medical profession. 17
  • 18.  Pharmacist-Physician Communication:  To communicate effectively, pharmacists must be comfortable with their role on the health care team and confident in their unique knowledge and contributions to patient care.  Be prepared with specific questions or facts and recommendations when initiating a patient care– related conversation with physicians.  Stay within the pharmacist’s area of expertise.  Choose the right time and place for the conversation.  Never interrupt a physician-patient interaction, except in a life-threatening situation. 18
  • 19.  Do not go to an attending physician when the question or recommendation is more appropriate for a less senior member of the medical team.  Do not interrupt teaching rounds with trivial questions and observations better communicated one to one with individual physicians. 19
  • 20.  Pharmacists and nurses must treat one another with respect; both professionals must realize that they share the same goal (e.g., optimal patient care) and are on the same patient care team.  Communication should be clear, to the point, and timely.  An added barrier to effective pharmacist-nurse communication is the use of the telephone as the primary means of communication.  It is easy to be rude, either intentionally or unintentionally, during telephone conversations. 20
  • 21.  Pharmacists on the patient care team need to update consulting pharmacists frequently.  Consulting pharmacists should be aware that the primary team may have more information than that documented in the patient record; they should not make recommendations in isolation.  Inpatient patient-focused care takes place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Continuity between shifts requires clear communication of patient information, plans for the patient, and other patient issues.  A common communication system is the exchange of patient information during sign-out rounds or the discussion of patient specific issues and the passing on of patient monitoring forms and other types of written documentation between the pharmacist leaving the service and the pharmacist assuming responsibility for the patient. 21
  • 22.  Effective communication between pharmacists and patients or family members is extremely important to pharmaceutical care.  Ineffective communication leads to confusion and misunderstanding and may contribute to inappropriate decisions regarding drug therapy. 22
  • 23.  Common courtesy dictates that patients be addressed by appropriate title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Rev., Dr.).  Use the correct title by asking each patient how he or she wants to be addressed.  The one exception to this approach is in addressing disoriented, confused, or sedated patients; these patients usually respond better to their first names than to their titles. 23
  • 24.  Display a genuine respect for the patient.  Respond to the patient as a person, not a prescription or case.  Maintain a professional relationship and avoid exchanging personal information and confidences with the patient. 24
  • 25.  Respect for the patient is conveyed by acknowledging, without judgment, patient- specific attributes that may be different from the pharmacist’s value system or even offensive to the pharmacist.  Attributes such as smoking, excessive drinking, use of illicit drugs, self-destructive behaviors, nonadherence to prescribed regimens, deficient hygiene, and gross obesity may be offensive but must be dealt with nonjudgmentally.  Other patientspecific traits such as beliefs in folk physiology or use of alternative medications or unorthodox medical treatments also must be acknowledged without judgment.  Pharmacists also must be able to acknowledge differences in socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnic origins without passing judgment. 25
  • 26.  Arrange adequate time for patient interaction and minimize interruptions from phone calls, beepers, and other patients or health care professionals.  Introduce yourself, obtain permission to interact with the patient, and explain the purpose of the interaction.  Explain who will see the information obtained by the pharmacist and how the information will be used.  Pharmacy students need to clearly identify themselves as students and explain who will see information obtained during the student- patient interaction and the way inwhich the information will be used (e.g., for teaching purposes, for patient care, for research). 26
  • 27. A. Medication History Interviews:  When health professionals are making decisions about treatment it is important that a complete medication history is available.  A well-prepared ,structured approach helps to avoid ommissions. 27
  • 28. Following information is commonly recorded:  Currently or recently prescribed medicines  OTC medicines  Vaccinations  Alternative or traditional remedies  Description of allergies or reactions to medicines  Medicines found to be ineffective 28
  • 29. B. Labelling Medicines: All containers of medicines should be clearly labelled to identify:  The medicine  Dosage form,number of dosage units supplied ,strength  Number of dose units to be taken at one time.  Frequency and specific precautions  The patient’s name  Date of dispensing  Batch numbers and expiry dates for non- prescription medicines and medicines not likely to be used immediately. 29
  • 30. C. Patient information leaflets(PILs):  PILs are used to outline key information to assist patients and their caregivers in the effective and safe use of a medicine.  Where computer technology is available PILs can be customised for individual patients or to be prepared for groups of patients.  Following information is commonly included 1. Trade and generic names 2. Indication for which the medicine is being taken 3. Administration advice 4. Information on the action required if a dose is missed. 5. The common or serious side effects. 30
  • 31. 6.Action to be taken if a side effect is experienced. 7.Storage information 8.Name and contact details of the institution providing the information 9.Author and date of publication All sheets should be regularly reviewed and updated. When writing PILs it is important to include all essential information without making a document too lengthy or small. 31
  • 32. D.Patient Medication Sheets:  When patient are taking several medicines ,handwritten or computer – generated medication records can improve compliance and understanding.  A tabular form will present the information clearly.  Dose –timing can be identified as a specific time ,meal times,or a phase of the day.  Other information such as when a medicine should be stopped ,history of adverse reactions experienced and purpose of the medicine can be recorded. 32
  • 33. E.Medication counselling for patients:  Effective patient counselling can assist patients in using their medicines safely and reliably.  All the principles of effective verbal communication are important to the success of an encounter.  The medication record can be used to focus an interview,supported by patient information leaflets or product demonstrations.  Before giving information,it is important to check the patient’s level of understanding and what they remember of their doctor’s instruction so that the information to be provided can be acoordingly tailored. 33
  • 34.  Physical Barriers  Lack of Privacy  The Telephone 34
  • 35.  Physical barriers commonlyencountered in community pharmacies include the large countertops and display areas behind which many pharmacists work, windows with security bars and protective glass, drive- through windows that isolate the pharmacist from the patient, and the elevated pharmacy work area that accentuates the pharmacist’s position of authority and places the patient in an inferior position. 35
  • 36. 36
  • 37.  Hospital and other institutional pharmacists have fewer physical barriers to contend with but have the additional problem of communicating with patients who are in bed.  Patients in bed are easily intimidated by people standing over them; interviews may be strained or limited depending on the patient’s level of discomfort.  One way to minimize patient discomfort is to make sure that all conversations take place face to face at or below the patient’s eye level. 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39.  Lack of privacy is a common communication barrier.  Although lack of privacy often is identified as a barrier to effective communication with patients, it also is an important barrier when communicating with other health care professionals.  Do not discuss or debate specific or nonspecific patient information or health care issues in public areas such as hallways, walkways, elevators, cafeterias, libraries, and parking lots.  Do not discuss patient-specific information with family or friends without the permission of the patient. 39
  • 40.  The lack of privacy makes the voicing of personal concerns and the exchange of accurate and complete information difficult for many patients.  patients may withhold potentially embarrassing personal information or avoid asking potentially embarrassing questions if they think the conversation may be overheard. 40
  • 41.  Provide as much privacy as possible. Ideally, converse with patients and discuss patient- specific information with other health care professionals in private counseling or consultation rooms.  If physically separate space is not available, converse in a space that is as private as possible.  In community pharmacies, converse with patients in a corner of the pharmacy away from the cash register, drop-off windows, and pickup windows.  In hospitals and other institutions, create a sense of privacy by closing the door to the room and pulling the curtain around the bed. 41
  • 42.  The telephone is an important communication tool used to communicate with patients, patient family members, physicians, nurses, other pharmacists, and other health care professionals.  Speak clearly, listen carefully, be organized, and state facts clearly and calmly.  Those initiating the telephone conversation should identify themselves by name and state the purpose of the call. 42
  • 43.  Be prepared to repeat the request several times before being connected to the right person.  When answering telephone calls, identify yourself and ask for the caller’s identity.  Make every effort to deal with the call immediately; avoid putting the other person on hold.  If you are too busy to speak with the caller at that moment, explain the situation to the caller immediately and arrange to call back at a mutually convenient time rather than placing the person on hold. 43
  • 44.  Most telephone calls are directly related to patient care and need to be dealt with as soon as possible.  Interruptive telephone calls should be dealt with as unhurriedly and professionally as possible.  Pharmacists sometimes receive telephone calls from angry and upset patients, patient’s family members, nurses, physicians, and other health care professionals.  The best way to deal with these types of calls is to stay calm, listen to what the person has to say, clarify the issue, and then handle the problem as professionally as possible. 44
  • 45. A. Antagonistic Patients:  Antagonistic patients do not want to be bothered with medication histories, interviews, or other pharmacist-patient interactions.  The natural response to these patients is to leave them alone and avoid them if possible or to become angry or patronizing.  The best way to deal with such patients is to be as professional and direct as possible.  These patients may be frightened or simply fed upwith the entire health care system; therefore clarification of the purpose of and reasons for the interaction and the ways in which the information obtained from the interaction are used may be helpful. 45
  • 46.  Chronically ill patients present unique communication challenges.  Chronically ill patients may be sophisticated and/or demanding health care consumers.  Some chronically ill patients know more about the management of their disease than many health care professionals; this situation may be threatening for the pharmacist.  Some chronically ill patients may be completely disillusioned by repeated unsatisfactory interactions with the health care system and may be bitter, cynical, and difficult to engage in conversation. 46
  • 47.  The intensive care unit is a highly depersonalizing environment.  Patients have little privacy or sense of control.  Patients are surrounded by high-tech equipment and may be sleep deprived, drowsy from pain medication, or uncomfortable from procedures, tests, or surgery.  This environment makes it difficult to relate to the patient as a person.  Nevertheless, it is important to communicate directly with the patient. 47
  • 48.  Never assume that the patient cannot hear or comprehend what is said in her or his presence.  Make eye contact with the patient.  Endotracheal intubation renders patients mute, but do not assume that intubated patients cannot communicate.  Intubated patients can respond to yes/no questions by blinking their eyes or raising an arm.  Acknowledge and communicate directly with the patient’s family and friends, who may be very anxious or frustrated. 48
  • 49.  Talk with the patient about his or her beliefs and work to integrate the patient’s beliefs into the prescribed regimen. 49
  • 50.  Elderly patients may have impaired hearing and vision.  The hearing loss associated with aging is characterized by loss of ability to distinguish between high-frequency sounds, which makes it difficult for patients to differentiate conversational tones from background noises.  Take the time to engage elderly patients in unhurried conversation.  Speak slowly and distinctly. 50
  • 51.  Treat elderly patients with respect.  Do not assume that every elderly person has impaired hearing.  Speak directly to the patient and do not assume that the patient is incompetent or that the person accompanying the patient is a caregiver or guardian.  Use large-print labels and printed materials and reinforce written information with verbal communication.  Touching the patient lightly on the arm or shoulder may reassure the patient and reinforce the context of the conversation. 51
  • 52.  Hard-to-reach patients include those of low socioeconomic status, minorities, and illiterate persons.  They may have little knowledge about health care in general and their own health in particular and may have different coping mechanisms and expectations.  Help illiterate patients organize complex medication regimens by using different-sized bottles for each medication or color-coding the labels. 52
  • 53.  Be sensitive to the cost of medications and the ability of the patient to pay for the medication.  Low-income elderly patients in particular may be too embarrassed to ask about the cost of medications and may accept expensive medications they cannot afford. 53
  • 54.  Communicate as clearly as possible with hearing impaired patients.  Verbalize slowly and distinctly; minimize background noise.  Face patients who can read lips and avoid turning away from the patients during the conversation.  Written communication may be necessary for two-way communication. 54
  • 55.  communicate clearly and directly with the patient’s caregiver.  Many degrees of mental retardation are possible; be flexible enough to assess the level to which each patient can participate and communicate appropriately for each situation. 55
  • 56.  Noncommunicative patients never volunteer information or express much interest in anything anyone has to say.  These patients answer all questions with unenthusiastic yes/no responses.  To facilitate communication, get the patient talking about any topic and then ask simple, open-ended questions that will provide at least some of the information being sought during the interaction. 56
  • 57.  Overly communicative patients digress when asked even simple direct questions.  Pharmacists eventually obtain the information being sought, but only after investing a lot of time in the interview.  The best way to deal with this type of patient is to take firm control of the conversation from the start and redirect the patient when he or she wanders off the subject. 57
  • 58.  Communicate directly with the pediatric patient as well as with the parent or guardian.  information must be age appropriate.  In-depth information exchange is appropriate for many preteens and teenagers.  Direct communication with preteens and teenagers who have chronic disease for which they follow long-term medication regimens is especially important. 58
  • 59.  The best way to develop professional communication skills is through intelligent observation and regular practice and discussion with colleagues.  As competence develops ,a pharmacist can move from taking medication histories to providing medication counselling under supervision for a limited and then an increasing range of medicines.  This approach helps develops skills and confidence and also protects patients 59
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