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1. What is leukaemia?
2. Does a cockroach have blood?
3. Does a cockroach have
haemoglobin? How do the body
tissues obtain oxygen?
4. Where is the hole for a patient who
has a hole in the heart?
5. Why do some patients reject the
organs they received from
6. Can we be infected with AIDS if we
touch a HIV positive patient?
7. Does the blood clot in the blood
vessels? Why?
8. What causes the heartbeat?
1. What is leukaemia?
It is blood cancer in which the
leukocytes count decreases while
erythrocytes count increases.
2. Does a cockroach have blood?
Yes. It has fluid called haemolymph
which acts as a medium of
3. Does a cockroach have haemoglobin?
How do the body tissues obtain oxygen?
No. oxygen enters the body directly
through the spiracles at the sides of the
body. Oxygen is then transported along
the tracheal system directly into the body
4. Where is the hole for a patient who has a
hole in the heart?
5. Why do some patients reject the
organs they received from
The patient’s body recognises the
transplanted organ as a foreign
object. This triggers an immune
response in which antibodies are
produced to attack the organ. This
may lead to death in a patient.
6. Can we be infected with AIDS if we
touch a HIV positive patient?
We would not be infected if there is
no exposed wound at the point of
contact between the two persons.
7. Does the blood clot in the blood
vessels? Why?
No. The blood inside the body
contains heparin which prevents
blood clotting in the blood vessels.
8. What causes the heartbeat?
It is the result of the closing of the
bicuspid and tricuspid valves as well
as the semilunar valves.
Diperlukan oleh
haiwan tumbuhan
Sistem peredaran
Mekanisme pembekuan
Sistem limfa
Salur limfa
Nodus limfa Sistem
Ganda duatunggal
Tak lengkap lengkap
Terdiri drp comprises
Bila musnah
Sel darah,
plasma darah
Sistem Peredaran
• Membawa nutrien dan oksigen ke sel
• membawa hasil buangan keluar
daripada sel.
• melindungi badan daripada jangkitan
• mempunyai tiga komponen utama;
• medium diperlukan untuk membawa bahan
ke seluruh sistem peredaran
• manusia dan haiwan darah
• invertebrata (serangga) hemolimfa
• darah adalah sejenis tisu penghubung yang
terdiri daripada plasma, sel- sel darah dan
• Jantung berfungsi sebagai pam
berotot yang mengedarkan darah
seluruh badan.
• Salur darah adalah salur yg
mengandungi arteri, kapilari dan
vena yg bersambung dengan jantung
untuk mengangkut darah ke seluruh
tisu badan.
Sel darah merah
Sel darah putih (Granulosit)
Sel darah putih (agranulosit)
Fungsi darah
• oksigen daripada peparu ke sel seluruh
badan, karbon dioksida daripada sel
badan ke peparu.
• Angkut nutrien, hormon dan antibodi ke
seluruh badan.
• Angkut hasil buangan keluar daripada sel
ke organ perkumuhan.
• Kawal atur
– pH darah
– Suhu badan
– Kandungan air dalam sel
• Melindingi kita
– drp kehilangan banyak darah apabila cedera
melalui mekanisma pembekuan darah 
menyembuh luka.
– drp penyakit dan bantu melawan jangkitan.
Fungsi darah…samb
Fungsi hemolimfa
• Transports water, inorganic salts and
organic compounds throughout the
haemocoel. Angkut air, garam tak organik
dan sebatian organik seluruh hemoselom.
• tidak mengangkut gas respirasi.
• Dalam serangga, gas respirasi diangkut
melalui sistem trakea.
Komposisi darah manusia
The differences between arteries, capillaries
and veins
Arteries Capillaries Veins
thick, no
muscle or
Thin, less
less elastic
Lumen Small Very small Large
Valve No valve No valve
Arteries Capillaries Veins
of blood
From the heart
to the organs
From arteries to
From all parts
of the body to
the heart
blood except
the pulmonary
blood at the
arteriole ends &
blood at the
venule ends
blood except
the pulmonary
To transport
blood quickly
at high
Allow rapid
Allow blood
from the
The flow of blood in the heart
1. Oxygenated blood from the lungs
enters the left atrium through the
pulmonary veins.
2. Deoxygenated blood from the rest of
the body enters the right atrium via
the vena cava.
3. As blood fills the atria contract and
push the blood through the bicuspid
and tricuspid valves into the two
The flow of blood in the heart… cont
4. When the ventricles contract, the
semi-lunar valves are forced open
and blood is pushed into the
pulmonary arteries and the aorta.
5. Deoxygenated blood is pumped
through the pulmonary arteries to
the lungs.
6. Oxygenated blood is pump through
the aorta to the rest of the body.
Jantung Manusia
The pumping of the heart
• Each time the heart contracts, it acts
as a pump which sends blood
throughout the body.
• The heart is made up of a strong
muscle, called the cardiac muscle.
The pumping of the heart… cont
• The cardiac muscle cells are
• This interconnection allows electrical
impulses to spread rapidly through
the heart and, at the same time,
stimulates the cardiac muscle cells
to contract in a coordinated
The pumping of the heart… cont
• The cardiac muscle is myogenic.
• This means it contracts and relaxes
without the need to receive
stimulation by nerve impulses to
make it contract.
• The contractions of the heart are
initiated and coordinated by a
The pumping of the heart… cont
• The pacemaker is a cluster of
specialised heart ,muscle cells that
set the rate of contraction.
• It is located in the wall of the right
• The pacemaker generates electrical
impulses which spread rapidly over
the walls of both atria, causing the
atria to contract rhythmically.
The pumping of the heart… cont
• The heart’s primary pacemaker is the
sinoatrial (SA) node because it keeps the
heartbeats regular.
• From the SA node, the impulses are
relayed to the atrioventricular (AV) node,
located at the bottom of the right atrium.
• From the AV node, bundle of His fibres,
bundle branches and Purkinje fibres
send the impulses to the apex of the
heart and throughout the walls of the
pengecutan otot jantung
pengepaman jantung
1. The SA node generates electrical
2. The electrical impulses spread rapidly
over the walls of both atria, making the
walls contract simultaneously.
Contractions of the atria help to pump
blood into the ventricles.
3. The electrical signals reach the AV node.
The bundle of His fibres, bundle
branches and Purkinje fibres send the
impulses to the apex of the heart.
4. The electrical impulses spread to the
ventricles, causing them to pump and
push blood out to the lungs and body
pengawalaturan tekanan
Mekanisme kawal atur tekanan darah
• Tekanan darah adalah daya yang mengepam
darah sepanjang ateri dan kapilari.
• Apabila darah mengalir sepanjang salur, ia
memberi tekanan terhadap dinding salur
• Tekanan darah lebih tinggi dalam arteri
berbanding dalam vena.
• mengalir daripada kawasan bertekanan tinggi
ke bertekanan rendah.
• Semasa pengecutan ventrikel, tekanan darah
paling tinggi dalam aorta dan arteri besar
apabila darah dipam ke dalam aorta dan arteri
Mekanisme kawal atur tekanan darah … cont.
• semasa rehat, seorang dewasa yg sihat
mempunyai tekanan darah pada 120/80
• Nilai pertama dikenali tekanan sistolik,
tekanan tertinggi direkod dalam arteri apabila
ventrikel mengecut.
• Nilai kedua, tekanan diastolik, tekanan
terendah dicatat semasa pengenduran
denyutan jantung.
Tekanan darah Elektronik
Perbezaan sistem peredaran
manusia, ikan dan amfibia.
Perbezaan sistem peredaran
manusia, ikan dan amfibia
kriteria manusia ikan Amfibia
Ganda dua tunggal Ganda dua
Lengkap - Tak Lengkap
4 ruang
2 ruang
3 ruang
Wound in skin
Platelet gather  StickyForms a
temporary plug
in leaking vessel
Forms the threads
of the clot
Harden (scab)
of blood clotting
Vitamin K
Ion Calcium
Whenever an injury occurs a chain reaction
is set off.
Wound in skin
Wound in skin
Platelets gather at a site of the injury and
become sticky
Forming a temporary plug in the leaking
Wound in skin
Temporary plug
Prothrombin (non-active enzyme)
need ion calcium to convert into
Vitamin K
Ion Calcium
Thread of clot
•Thrombin converts soluble fibrinogen (plasma
protein formed by the liver) into insoluble fibrin.
•Fibrin forms the threads of the clot.
•A mesh-like network of fibrin traps red blood cells
together, forming the blood clot, which later
hardens into a scab.
Consequences of an impaired
Blood Clotting Mechanism
• Haemophilia is a hereditary disease due to the
lack of certain gene for the production of certain
clotting factors.
• This is an impaired clotting mechanism which
causes serious bleeding particularly in the joints.
• The afflicted person may die as a result of
excessive bleeding from even minor cuts and
bruises because blood clotting cannot take place.
Consequences of an impaired Blood
Clotting Mechanism
• Sometimes a local blood clot (thrombus) is
formed on the damaged rough inner wall of
the artery. This may cause blockage of the
artery, a condition known as thrombosis.
• When a thrombus dislodges and is carried
away by blood circulation, it is known as an
embolus. The embolus may be trapped in a
small artery where it blocks the blood flow.
This condition is called embolism.
Consequences of an impaired Blood
Clotting Mechanism
• The blocked coronary artery cuts off the
supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart
muscles, hence causes heart attack.
Formation of the Interstitial Fluid and Lymph
Formation of the Interstitial Fluid and Lymph
• When the blood flows from arteries into
capillaries, there is higher hydrostatic
pressure at the arterial end of the
• This high pressure forces some fluid out
through the capillary walls into the
intercellular spaces between the cells.
• Once the fluid leaves the capillary walls, it
is called interstitial or tissue fluid. The
interstitial fluids fills the spaces between
the cells and constantly bathes the cells.
Formation of the Interstitial Fluid and Lymph
• The interstitial fluid that has not been
reabsorbed into the bloodstream goes into
the lymph capillaries. Once inside the
lymph capillaries, the fluid is known as
Composition of the Interstitial Fluid
• The composition of the interstitial fluid
is similar to the blood plasma.
–Consists of water, dissolved nutrients,
hormones, waste products, gases, small
proteins and leucocytes.
–Has no erythrocytes, platelets and large
protein molecules (albumin, globulin and
Importance of the Interstitial Fluid
• Interstitial fluid is important because :
–It forms the internal environment of the
–It bathes the cells and supplies them
with oxygen and nutrients which diffuse
from the blood through the interstitial
fluid into the cells.
–Excretory waste products (carbon
dioxide and urea) diffuse out of the cells
into the interstitial fluid.
Structure of the Lymphatic System
• The lymphatic system is a one-way system
consisting of a network of lymph capillaries,
lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.
• The lymph capillaries are blind-ended tubes
located in the spaces between the cells.
• The interstitial fluid that has not been
reabsorbed into the bloodstream goes into the
lymph capillaries. Once inside the lymph
capillaries, the fluid is known as lymph.
Structure of the Lymphatic System
• Lymph is the colourless fluid found in
the lymphatic vessels.
• Lymph capillaries converge into larger
lymphatic vessels.
• Lymph nodes are located at intervals
along the lymphatic vessels. The
lymph nodes produce lymphocytes
that help to protect the body against
Structure of the Lymphatic System
• Lymph contains a higher number of
lymphocytes than blood.
• Within the lymphatic vessels are one-
way valves to ensure the continuous
flow of the lymph to prevent the
backflow of the lymph.
The Relationship between the Lymphatic
System and Circulatory System
• Lymph is returned to the circulatory
system via the thoracic duct and the right
lymphatic duct.
• The vessels from the left side of the body
flow into the thoracic duct. The thoracic
duct is the largest lymphatic vessel in the
body that carries lymph to the left
subclavian vein back into the bloodstream.
• The right lymphatic duct transport lymph
from the right side of the head and chest
into the right subclavian vein.
Role of the Lymphatic System in Transport
• Collects the interstitial fluid and returns it
to the circulatory system.
• Fats and fat-soluble vitamins are absorb
through lacteals and transported to the
blood circulatory system.
• The lymph nodes filter out bacteria and
other foreign particles. Phagocytes
present in the nodes engulf and destroy
foreign particles.
• Lymphocytes produce antibodies which
aid in the destruction of pathogens and the
neutralization of toxins.
Defence system
specificNon specific
1st line 2nd line
3rd line
lymphocyte antibody
passive active
naturalartificial natural artificial
Divided into
Divided into is
Divided into
Divided into Divided into
Carry out
• Beside transport function, our circulatory system also
defends the body against disease abolition of the disease-
causing microorganisms or pathogens.
• There are three lines of defence mechanisms in our body:
– The first line of defence: prevention of pathogens
entering the body.
– The second line of defence: killing the pathogens that
entered our body by action or phagocytic white blood
– The third line of defence: killing the pathogens by means
of antibody actions.
Body’s Defence Mechanisms
• Prevention of pathogens entering the body by mean of
physical and chemical barriers.
• A non-specific defence, that is never differentiate among
various type of pathogens.
i. Skin
– As a physical barrier, skin is made up of a dead
keratinised layer, tough enough for pathogens to
– If there is a scratch or cut, the blood clots to seal the
wound and avoids infections.
– Also acts as chemical barrier as it secretes sweat
which contains salt. Sebaceous glands produce
sebum which contains acid and oil. All these
substances are unfavourable for growth of
– Sweat also contain lysozyme which destroy
The First Line of Defence
ii. Tears and Saliva
– Contain lysozymes which protect the eyes
and mouth from pathogen invasion.
iii. Gastric juice in stomach
– Contain hydrochloric acid which destroys
most pathogens in foods and drinks taken.
iv. Mucous membranes
– Secrete mucus in nasal cavity and trachea to
trap the dust particles and spores.
– The cilia in the respiratory track sweep the
trapped particles to the pharynx and
stimulates sneeze or cough to expel out the
The First Line of Defence
• The killing action brought by some of the white
blood cells like neutrophil and monocyte. They
are called phagocytes and the process is
• It is also a non-specific defence.
• Phagocytosis occur when pathogens get through
the first line defence. Phagocytes move to the
infected area due to the stimulation by chemicals
released by damaged cells, example cut skin.
• Sometimes the phagocytes are killed by toxins
produced by the pathogens.
• Dead bacteria, tissue cells and phagocytes may
accumulate to form pus at the site of injury
The Second Line of Defence
• The steps involved in phagocytosis by a
phagocyte e.g. Neutrophil
• Neutrophil moves toward a bacterium by
using its pesudopodia.
• Pseudopodia elongate and surround the
• Neutrophil engulfs the bacterium to form a
• Enzymes (lysozyme) are released into the
vacuole to digest the pathogen.
• Useful product of digestion is the absorbed
and assimilated by phagocyte
• The third line of defence in the body is antibody.
• Antibody is a kind of protein released by
lymphocyte in response to the presence of foreign
substance, called antigen in our body.
• Lymphocytes are white blood cells found in lymph
nodes and in the blood circulatory system. There
are two types of lymphocytes, B-lymphocyte that
secretes antibodies and T-lymphocyte that helps
B-lymphocyte in antibody production.
• An antigen is a substance (usually protein)
normally found on the outer surface of pathogen.
Different types of pathogen act as different types
of antigen.
The Third Line of Defence
• The third line of defence is a specific defence
because when a specific antigen invades the
body, lymphocyte is stimulated and produces
specific antibody to destroy these specific
• This response is known as immune response
because it resists the body from pathogens or
• After any infection, some lymphocytes remain in
the body as memory cells which may last for
several months or years. This memory cells help
to defend the body against next infection by the
same antigen. During this period, someone is sad
The Third Line of Defence
• What is the mechanism used by antibodies to
destroy antigen?
– Antibody binds to the specific antigen
binding site
– Hence, inactivates antigen by several ways
The Third Line of Defence
Antibody or antitoxin
coats the bacterial toxin or
viral binding sites
The Third Line of Defence
Agglutinates bacteria cell
and stops their moving
and stimulate
Disintegration (lysis)
Breakdown the bacterial
cell wall.
The Third Line of Defence
Attaches itself to the
bacteria surface and
stimulates phagocytosis.
• Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
• Caused by HIV – Human Immunodeficiency
• Attacks the central nervous system and
helper T-cells in the body’s immune system.
• Helper T-cells are essential to activate B-
cell lymphocyte in antibody production.
• HIV needs 8-10 years of incubation period
before the symptom appears.
• The immune system of infected person
gradually becomes weakened and
defenceless against many pathogens.
• Decreases in function of central nervous
system followed by body weight loss.
• Eventually death occurs. The patient does
not die from AIDS itself but from other
secondary infections such as pneumonia
and meningitis, tuberculosis, fungal
infections or certain forms of cancer like
Kaposi’s sarcoma
AIDS – Transmission Methods
• HIV only survive in body fluid such as semen, blood and
vaginal fluid.
• Therefore, HIV can be transmitted through :
– sexual intercourse
– Blood transfusion
– Injection with contaminated needle used to inject
• HIV infected mother can pass HIV to her baby through
placenta or breast milk.
• HIV cannot be spread by touching, sharing of food or
through the use of public toilets.
Appreciating a Healthy Cardiovascular System
• Disorder of the heart and blood circulatory
system; hypertension, artherosclerosis,
coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis,
angina, stroke.
• Factors that contribute to cardiovascular
– Obesity
– A diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol in
daily life and low in fibres.
– Salty foods
– Lack of exercise
– Cigarette smoking
Water & mineral Food
xylem phloem
stem root leaf
Transported by
Relate to
Relate to
Transpirational pull
1. Air movement
2. Temperature
3. Light intensity
4. Relative humidity
Results in
Found in

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Chapter1f5 150328080338-conversion-gate01

  • 2. QUESTIONS 1. What is leukaemia? 2. Does a cockroach have blood? 3. Does a cockroach have haemoglobin? How do the body tissues obtain oxygen? 4. Where is the hole for a patient who has a hole in the heart?
  • 3. QUESTIONS 5. Why do some patients reject the organs they received from transplant? 6. Can we be infected with AIDS if we touch a HIV positive patient? 7. Does the blood clot in the blood vessels? Why? 8. What causes the heartbeat?
  • 4. QUESTIONS 1. What is leukaemia? It is blood cancer in which the leukocytes count decreases while erythrocytes count increases. 2. Does a cockroach have blood? Yes. It has fluid called haemolymph which acts as a medium of transport.
  • 5. QUESTIONS 3. Does a cockroach have haemoglobin? How do the body tissues obtain oxygen? No. oxygen enters the body directly through the spiracles at the sides of the body. Oxygen is then transported along the tracheal system directly into the body tissues. 4. Where is the hole for a patient who has a hole in the heart? Septum
  • 6. QUESTIONS 5. Why do some patients reject the organs they received from transplant? The patient’s body recognises the transplanted organ as a foreign object. This triggers an immune response in which antibodies are produced to attack the organ. This may lead to death in a patient.
  • 7. QUESTIONS 6. Can we be infected with AIDS if we touch a HIV positive patient? We would not be infected if there is no exposed wound at the point of contact between the two persons.
  • 8. QUESTIONS 7. Does the blood clot in the blood vessels? Why? No. The blood inside the body contains heparin which prevents blood clotting in the blood vessels. 8. What causes the heartbeat? It is the result of the closing of the bicuspid and tricuspid valves as well as the semilunar valves.
  • 9.
  • 11. haiwan Sistem peredaran Mekanisme pembekuan darah Sistem limfa Limfa Salur limfa Nodus limfa Sistem pertahanan Sistem imun darah Salur darah jantung Sistem tertutup Sistem terbuka Ganda duatunggal Tak lengkap lengkap jenis dibahagikan perlu contributes termasuk Terdiri drp comprises Bila musnah Sel darah, plasma darah mengandungi
  • 12. Sistem Peredaran • Membawa nutrien dan oksigen ke sel • membawa hasil buangan keluar daripada sel. • melindungi badan daripada jangkitan • mempunyai tiga komponen utama; –medium –pam –salur
  • 13. • medium diperlukan untuk membawa bahan ke seluruh sistem peredaran • manusia dan haiwan darah • invertebrata (serangga) hemolimfa • darah adalah sejenis tisu penghubung yang terdiri daripada plasma, sel- sel darah dan platlet.
  • 14. • Jantung berfungsi sebagai pam berotot yang mengedarkan darah seluruh badan. • Salur darah adalah salur yg mengandungi arteri, kapilari dan vena yg bersambung dengan jantung untuk mengangkut darah ke seluruh tisu badan.
  • 15.
  • 17. Sel darah putih (Granulosit) Basofil Eosinofil Neutrofil
  • 18. Sel darah putih (agranulosit) monosit Limfosit
  • 19. Fungsi darah • oksigen daripada peparu ke sel seluruh badan, karbon dioksida daripada sel badan ke peparu. • Angkut nutrien, hormon dan antibodi ke seluruh badan. • Angkut hasil buangan keluar daripada sel ke organ perkumuhan.
  • 20. • Kawal atur – pH darah – Suhu badan – Kandungan air dalam sel • Melindingi kita – drp kehilangan banyak darah apabila cedera melalui mekanisma pembekuan darah  menyembuh luka. – drp penyakit dan bantu melawan jangkitan. Fungsi darah…samb
  • 21. Fungsi hemolimfa • Transports water, inorganic salts and organic compounds throughout the haemocoel. Angkut air, garam tak organik dan sebatian organik seluruh hemoselom. • tidak mengangkut gas respirasi. • Dalam serangga, gas respirasi diangkut melalui sistem trakea.
  • 23.
  • 24. The differences between arteries, capillaries and veins Characterist ic Arteries Capillaries Veins Wall Thick, muscular, elastic One-cell thick, no muscle or elastic tissue Thin, less muscular, less elastic Lumen Small Very small Large Valve No valve No valve Have valves
  • 25. Characteri stic Arteries Capillaries Veins Direction of blood flow From the heart to the organs From arteries to veins From all parts of the body to the heart Blood content Oxygenated blood except the pulmonary artery Oxygenated blood at the arteriole ends & deoxygenated blood at the venule ends Deoxygenated blood except the pulmonary vein To transport blood quickly at high Allow rapid gaseous exchange Allow blood from the
  • 26.
  • 28.
  • 29. The flow of blood in the heart 1. Oxygenated blood from the lungs enters the left atrium through the pulmonary veins. 2. Deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body enters the right atrium via the vena cava. 3. As blood fills the atria contract and push the blood through the bicuspid and tricuspid valves into the two ventricles.
  • 30. The flow of blood in the heart… cont 4. When the ventricles contract, the semi-lunar valves are forced open and blood is pushed into the pulmonary arteries and the aorta. 5. Deoxygenated blood is pumped through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. 6. Oxygenated blood is pump through the aorta to the rest of the body.
  • 32. The pumping of the heart • Each time the heart contracts, it acts as a pump which sends blood throughout the body. • The heart is made up of a strong muscle, called the cardiac muscle.
  • 33. The pumping of the heart… cont • The cardiac muscle cells are interconnected • This interconnection allows electrical impulses to spread rapidly through the heart and, at the same time, stimulates the cardiac muscle cells to contract in a coordinated movement.
  • 34. The pumping of the heart… cont • The cardiac muscle is myogenic. • This means it contracts and relaxes without the need to receive stimulation by nerve impulses to make it contract. • The contractions of the heart are initiated and coordinated by a pacemaker.
  • 35. The pumping of the heart… cont • The pacemaker is a cluster of specialised heart ,muscle cells that set the rate of contraction. • It is located in the wall of the right atrium. • The pacemaker generates electrical impulses which spread rapidly over the walls of both atria, causing the atria to contract rhythmically.
  • 36. The pumping of the heart… cont • The heart’s primary pacemaker is the sinoatrial (SA) node because it keeps the heartbeats regular. • From the SA node, the impulses are relayed to the atrioventricular (AV) node, located at the bottom of the right atrium. • From the AV node, bundle of His fibres, bundle branches and Purkinje fibres send the impulses to the apex of the heart and throughout the walls of the ventricles.
  • 37.
  • 39.
  • 40. 1. The SA node generates electrical impulses. 2. The electrical impulses spread rapidly over the walls of both atria, making the walls contract simultaneously. Contractions of the atria help to pump blood into the ventricles. 3. The electrical signals reach the AV node. The bundle of His fibres, bundle branches and Purkinje fibres send the impulses to the apex of the heart. 4. The electrical impulses spread to the ventricles, causing them to pump and push blood out to the lungs and body
  • 42. Mekanisme kawal atur tekanan darah • Tekanan darah adalah daya yang mengepam darah sepanjang ateri dan kapilari. • Apabila darah mengalir sepanjang salur, ia memberi tekanan terhadap dinding salur • Tekanan darah lebih tinggi dalam arteri berbanding dalam vena. • mengalir daripada kawasan bertekanan tinggi ke bertekanan rendah. • Semasa pengecutan ventrikel, tekanan darah paling tinggi dalam aorta dan arteri besar apabila darah dipam ke dalam aorta dan arteri pulmonari.
  • 43. Mekanisme kawal atur tekanan darah … cont. • semasa rehat, seorang dewasa yg sihat mempunyai tekanan darah pada 120/80 mmHg. • Nilai pertama dikenali tekanan sistolik, tekanan tertinggi direkod dalam arteri apabila ventrikel mengecut. • Nilai kedua, tekanan diastolik, tekanan terendah dicatat semasa pengenduran denyutan jantung.
  • 46. Perbezaan sistem peredaran manusia, ikan dan amfibia kriteria manusia ikan Amfibia Ganda dua tunggal Ganda dua Lengkap - Tak Lengkap 4 ruang Jantung 2 ruang jantung 3 ruang jantung
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. ProduceTrombokinase Wound in skin Platelet gather  StickyForms a temporary plug in leaking vessel Fibrinogen Fibrin Forms the threads of the clot Later Harden (scab) Mechanism of blood clotting Need Vitamin K Trombokinase Ion Calcium ProthrombinThrombin
  • 53. Whenever an injury occurs a chain reaction is set off. Wound in skin
  • 54. Wound in skin Platelets gather at a site of the injury and become sticky Platelet
  • 55. Forming a temporary plug in the leaking vessel Wound in skin Temporary plug
  • 56. Prothrombin (non-active enzyme) need ion calcium to convert into thrombin. Need Vitamin K Trombokinase Ion Calcium ProthrombinThrombin
  • 57. Thread of clot •Thrombin converts soluble fibrinogen (plasma protein formed by the liver) into insoluble fibrin. •Fibrin forms the threads of the clot. •A mesh-like network of fibrin traps red blood cells together, forming the blood clot, which later hardens into a scab.
  • 58. Consequences of an impaired Blood Clotting Mechanism • Haemophilia is a hereditary disease due to the lack of certain gene for the production of certain clotting factors. • This is an impaired clotting mechanism which causes serious bleeding particularly in the joints. • The afflicted person may die as a result of excessive bleeding from even minor cuts and bruises because blood clotting cannot take place. Haemophilia
  • 59. Consequences of an impaired Blood Clotting Mechanism • Sometimes a local blood clot (thrombus) is formed on the damaged rough inner wall of the artery. This may cause blockage of the artery, a condition known as thrombosis. • When a thrombus dislodges and is carried away by blood circulation, it is known as an embolus. The embolus may be trapped in a small artery where it blocks the blood flow. This condition is called embolism. Thrombosis
  • 60. Consequences of an impaired Blood Clotting Mechanism • The blocked coronary artery cuts off the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles, hence causes heart attack. Thrombosis
  • 61.
  • 62. Formation of the Interstitial Fluid and Lymph CO2O2
  • 63. Formation of the Interstitial Fluid and Lymph • When the blood flows from arteries into capillaries, there is higher hydrostatic pressure at the arterial end of the capillaries. • This high pressure forces some fluid out through the capillary walls into the intercellular spaces between the cells. • Once the fluid leaves the capillary walls, it is called interstitial or tissue fluid. The interstitial fluids fills the spaces between the cells and constantly bathes the cells.
  • 64. Formation of the Interstitial Fluid and Lymph • The interstitial fluid that has not been reabsorbed into the bloodstream goes into the lymph capillaries. Once inside the lymph capillaries, the fluid is known as lymph.
  • 65. Composition of the Interstitial Fluid • The composition of the interstitial fluid is similar to the blood plasma. –Consists of water, dissolved nutrients, hormones, waste products, gases, small proteins and leucocytes. –Has no erythrocytes, platelets and large protein molecules (albumin, globulin and fibrinogen)
  • 66. Importance of the Interstitial Fluid • Interstitial fluid is important because : –It forms the internal environment of the body. –It bathes the cells and supplies them with oxygen and nutrients which diffuse from the blood through the interstitial fluid into the cells. –Excretory waste products (carbon dioxide and urea) diffuse out of the cells into the interstitial fluid.
  • 67. Structure of the Lymphatic System • The lymphatic system is a one-way system consisting of a network of lymph capillaries, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. • The lymph capillaries are blind-ended tubes located in the spaces between the cells. • The interstitial fluid that has not been reabsorbed into the bloodstream goes into the lymph capillaries. Once inside the lymph capillaries, the fluid is known as lymph.
  • 68. Structure of the Lymphatic System • Lymph is the colourless fluid found in the lymphatic vessels. • Lymph capillaries converge into larger lymphatic vessels. • Lymph nodes are located at intervals along the lymphatic vessels. The lymph nodes produce lymphocytes that help to protect the body against infections.
  • 69. Structure of the Lymphatic System • Lymph contains a higher number of lymphocytes than blood. • Within the lymphatic vessels are one- way valves to ensure the continuous flow of the lymph to prevent the backflow of the lymph.
  • 70. The Relationship between the Lymphatic System and Circulatory System • Lymph is returned to the circulatory system via the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct. • The vessels from the left side of the body flow into the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct is the largest lymphatic vessel in the body that carries lymph to the left subclavian vein back into the bloodstream. • The right lymphatic duct transport lymph from the right side of the head and chest into the right subclavian vein.
  • 71. Role of the Lymphatic System in Transport • Collects the interstitial fluid and returns it to the circulatory system. • Fats and fat-soluble vitamins are absorb through lacteals and transported to the blood circulatory system. • The lymph nodes filter out bacteria and other foreign particles. Phagocytes present in the nodes engulf and destroy foreign particles. • Lymphocytes produce antibodies which aid in the destruction of pathogens and the neutralization of toxins.
  • 72.
  • 73. Defence system specificNon specific 1st line 2nd line 3rd line •Skin •mucous membrane Phagocyte Phagocytosis lymphocyte antibody passive active naturalartificial natural artificial immunisation immunity Divided into Divided into is through produce gives Divided into Divided into Divided into are Carry out eg
  • 74. ROLE OF CIRCULATORY SYSTEM IN THE BODY’S DEFENCE SYSTEM • Beside transport function, our circulatory system also defends the body against disease abolition of the disease- causing microorganisms or pathogens. • There are three lines of defence mechanisms in our body: – The first line of defence: prevention of pathogens entering the body. – The second line of defence: killing the pathogens that entered our body by action or phagocytic white blood cells. – The third line of defence: killing the pathogens by means of antibody actions. Body’s Defence Mechanisms
  • 75. • Prevention of pathogens entering the body by mean of physical and chemical barriers. • A non-specific defence, that is never differentiate among various type of pathogens. i. Skin – As a physical barrier, skin is made up of a dead keratinised layer, tough enough for pathogens to penetrate. – If there is a scratch or cut, the blood clots to seal the wound and avoids infections. – Also acts as chemical barrier as it secretes sweat which contains salt. Sebaceous glands produce sebum which contains acid and oil. All these substances are unfavourable for growth of microorganisms. – Sweat also contain lysozyme which destroy pathogens. The First Line of Defence
  • 76. ii. Tears and Saliva – Contain lysozymes which protect the eyes and mouth from pathogen invasion. iii. Gastric juice in stomach – Contain hydrochloric acid which destroys most pathogens in foods and drinks taken. iv. Mucous membranes – Secrete mucus in nasal cavity and trachea to trap the dust particles and spores. – The cilia in the respiratory track sweep the trapped particles to the pharynx and stimulates sneeze or cough to expel out the The First Line of Defence
  • 77. • The killing action brought by some of the white blood cells like neutrophil and monocyte. They are called phagocytes and the process is phagocytosis. • It is also a non-specific defence. • Phagocytosis occur when pathogens get through the first line defence. Phagocytes move to the infected area due to the stimulation by chemicals released by damaged cells, example cut skin. • Sometimes the phagocytes are killed by toxins produced by the pathogens. • Dead bacteria, tissue cells and phagocytes may accumulate to form pus at the site of injury The Second Line of Defence
  • 78. • The steps involved in phagocytosis by a phagocyte e.g. Neutrophil pathoge n pseudopodiu m vacuole
  • 79. • Neutrophil moves toward a bacterium by using its pesudopodia. • Pseudopodia elongate and surround the bacterium. • Neutrophil engulfs the bacterium to form a vacuole. • Enzymes (lysozyme) are released into the vacuole to digest the pathogen. • Useful product of digestion is the absorbed and assimilated by phagocyte
  • 80. • The third line of defence in the body is antibody. • Antibody is a kind of protein released by lymphocyte in response to the presence of foreign substance, called antigen in our body. • Lymphocytes are white blood cells found in lymph nodes and in the blood circulatory system. There are two types of lymphocytes, B-lymphocyte that secretes antibodies and T-lymphocyte that helps B-lymphocyte in antibody production. • An antigen is a substance (usually protein) normally found on the outer surface of pathogen. Different types of pathogen act as different types of antigen. The Third Line of Defence
  • 81. • The third line of defence is a specific defence because when a specific antigen invades the body, lymphocyte is stimulated and produces specific antibody to destroy these specific antigens. • This response is known as immune response because it resists the body from pathogens or diseases. • After any infection, some lymphocytes remain in the body as memory cells which may last for several months or years. This memory cells help to defend the body against next infection by the same antigen. During this period, someone is sad The Third Line of Defence
  • 82. • What is the mechanism used by antibodies to destroy antigen? – Antibody binds to the specific antigen binding site – Hence, inactivates antigen by several ways The Third Line of Defence Neutralisation Antibody or antitoxin coats the bacterial toxin or viral binding sites
  • 83. The Third Line of Defence Agglutination Agglutinates bacteria cell and stops their moving and stimulate phagocytosis Disintegration (lysis) Breakdown the bacterial cell wall.
  • 84. The Third Line of Defence Opsonisation Attaches itself to the bacteria surface and stimulates phagocytosis.
  • 85. AIDS • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome • Caused by HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus • Attacks the central nervous system and helper T-cells in the body’s immune system. • Helper T-cells are essential to activate B- cell lymphocyte in antibody production. • HIV needs 8-10 years of incubation period before the symptom appears.
  • 86. AIDS • The immune system of infected person gradually becomes weakened and defenceless against many pathogens. • Decreases in function of central nervous system followed by body weight loss. • Eventually death occurs. The patient does not die from AIDS itself but from other secondary infections such as pneumonia and meningitis, tuberculosis, fungal infections or certain forms of cancer like Kaposi’s sarcoma
  • 87. AIDS – Transmission Methods • HIV only survive in body fluid such as semen, blood and vaginal fluid. • Therefore, HIV can be transmitted through : – sexual intercourse – Blood transfusion – Injection with contaminated needle used to inject drugs • HIV infected mother can pass HIV to her baby through placenta or breast milk. • HIV cannot be spread by touching, sharing of food or through the use of public toilets.
  • 88. Appreciating a Healthy Cardiovascular System • Disorder of the heart and blood circulatory system; hypertension, artherosclerosis, coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, angina, stroke. • Factors that contribute to cardiovascular diseases; – Obesity – A diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol in daily life and low in fibres. – Salty foods – Lack of exercise – Cigarette smoking
  • 89. Plants Water & mineral Food xylem phloem Vascular tissues involves stem root leaf structure translocation need Transported by Relate to Relate to involves Root pressure Transpirational pull Factors 1. Air movement 2. Temperature 3. Light intensity 4. Relative humidity Capillary action affecting Transpiration Results in Found in