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TTC Biology
Seminar 2012
    JaySze Yong

Let’s start!
It’s not about how many times have you studied, but how much
did you understand

Syllabus of the day:
 Dynamic Ecosystem
 Endangered Ecosystem
☺ Transport
The system and its components:


        Pump              Blood vessels
But why do we need a circulatory system?
 Multicellular organisms have small TSA/V ratio(long
  distances between body cells and environment.
 Impermeable skin

These lead to inefficiency in substances exchange.
Circulatory Systems

   Open Circulatory System

  Closed Circulatory System

                             ☺ Movie time!
☀ Open Circulatory
Found in INSECTS, prawns, snails and etc.


Haemolymph flows out of circulatory
                                      Dorsal     Ostia
system into body cavities.            Vessel

Haemolymph reaches the body cells DIRECTLY.
Start pumping!

 heart             haemolymph     heart    haemolymph
                     flow into               flows back
contracts           haemocoel    relaxes   into the heart
☀ Closed Circulatory

Found in ALL vertebrates (e.g. humans/fishes) and some

Blood flows within the blood circulatory system WITHOUT
moving into body cavities
Has a two-          Has a three-         Has a four-
chambered heart,    chambered heart,     chambered heart,
single and closed   double, closed       double, closed
circulatory         circulatory system   circulatory system
2 types of closed circulation
 Pulmonary Circulation ( heartlungheart)
   Blood flows from the right ventricle to the lungs via pulmonary
    artery and return to the left atrium via pulmonary vein.

 Systemic Circulation ( heartrest of bodyheart)
 Blood flows from the left ventricle to the body tissues via aorta and
  return to the right atrium via vena cava.
   Four chambers : two atria and two ventricles

   Made up of MYOGENIC cardiac muscles

   Located in the thoracic cavity

   Connected to the lungs
Sequence of Heart Pumping
                                        1) The contractions of
                                           the heart are
                                           initiated by the
                                           sinoatrial(SA) node.
                             SA node    2) SA node generates
                                           electrical impulses
                                           which make atria
                                           contract to pump
                                           blood into ventricles.
                                   AV node
                                        Electrical signals reach
                                        the atrioventricular
       Electrical impulses              node(AV) node, Bundle
                            Bundle of
       spread to the ventricles         of His, Purkinje fibres.
       and causes ventricles to
       contract and pump
       blood out of heart.
What is meant by the term MYOGENIC?

It means the ability to contract and relax without stimulation of nervous

Describe the sequence of heart pumping!

Everything in previous slide! 

What is the function of valves?

Ensure one way flow of blood/ prevent back flow.

Why left ventricle is thicker than right ventricle?

Left ventricle needs to pump blood at higher pressure through the body.
Overall flow of blood
 Deoxygenated blood!

Vena cava  Right atrium  Right ventricle 
Pulmonary Arteries  Lungs

 Oxygenated blood!

Lungs  Pulmonary veins  Left Atrium  Left Ventricle
 Aorta  Body Cells

                                               ☺ Movie time!
We the                  • Arteries
              Blood vessels
                          • Capillaries
                          • Veins
Let’s compare!
Explain two characteristics of capillaries which allow
efficient substances exchange.

State THREE differences between arteries, capillaries
and veins.
Hmm…what is in a drop of blood? Let’s see..
! A yellowish

    ! Formed
 containing RBC,
  WBC, Platelets
Red blood cells
• Red in colour

• Biconcave disc shape

• Elastic

• Contain haemoglobin for respiratory gases transportation

• Manufactured in bone marrow, destroyed in spleen and liver

• Lose nucleus upon maturity
 Why RBC need all those characteristics?

   WHY..                            BECAUSE..
   Biconcave disc shape?            Increase surface area for rapid
                                    substances exchange.
   Lose nucleus upon maturity?      Accommodate more
                                    haemoglobin to transport
   Elastic membrane?                Easily squeeze through small
                                    capillary membrane.
   Blood is red?                    Red pigments are present in
   RBC can act as binding site of   Oxygen can bind with Iron
   oxygen?                          atom in the haem group.
White blood cells
•   Nucleus present

•   Irregular in shape

•   Important in body defense mechanisms against

•   Manufactured at bone marrow and spleen

Types of WBC
•   Multi lobed nucleus
•   Rich in granules
•   Short live span (often few days)

•   No granules

•   Compact nucleus

•   Cell tiny fragments of large cell in bone marrow
•   Involved in blood clotting mechanism
•   Short life-span (few days)
•   Irregular shape
Let’s compare!
Blood clotting mechanism
Platelets adhere to
 damaged wall of      Platelets release          Platelet plug
  blood vessels       clotting factors.             formed

 Blood clot dries
 off to form scab.
                             Fibrinogen - Fibrin by
                               Fibrin forms threads
                             network over the wound                 Prothrombin -
                             trapping RBC and form                      Thrombin
                                    blood clot.
                                                                   in the presence of
                                                                      calcium ion +
                                                                 Thrombokinase + Vit K
Why blood clotting is so
•   Prevent excessive loss of blood

•   Maintain blood pressure

•   Main circulation of blood in a closed system

•   Prevent entry of microorganisms and foreign particles
    into the body

•   Form scab and helps in healing wounds
Cardiovascular disorders
Blood pressure regulation
•   Increase in blood pressure
       Baroreceptor stimulated
       Increase stimulation of cardiovascular centre
       Increase discharge of parasympathetic nerve
           reduce heart rate
           reduce contractility of heart
           vasodilation of blood vessels
    → Blood pressure drops back to normal
•   Decrease in blood pressure
       Baroreceptor less stimulated
       Decrease stimulation of cardiovascular centre
       Increase discharge of sympathetic nerve
           increase heart rate
           increase contractility of heart
           vasoconstriction of blood vessels
       Blood pressure rise back to normal
Lymphatic system
What is a lymphatic system?

✐ Lymphatic system is a network of lymph vessels
  running alongside the veins

✐ Lymph is found inside lymph vessels

✐ Lymph composition = interstitial fluid composition but
  maybe lymph has more fats
Why need a lymphatic system?

☃ Interstitial fluid formed in the
  interstitial space must be
  returned into the circulation

☃ 90% returns to the venule ends

☃ 10% can only return into the
  circulation by lymphatic system
How is interstitial fluid formed?

•   Changes in the diameter of lumen between arterioles and

•   High hydrostatic pressure at the arteriole ends

•   Forces blood contents into interstitial space forming interstitial fluid

* Interstitial fluid composition is almost the same as blood contents
    •    Erythrocytes
    •    Platelets
    •    Plasma proteins
Sequence of lymphatic pathway
                            interstitial spaces

      back into the heart
                                                  lymphatic capillaries
     (circulatory system

       thoracic duct flow
        to left subclavin
           vein right                             lymphatic vessel
     lymphatic duct flow
      to right subclaviab

   In between, lymph            thoracic duct  right
                                   lymphatic duct
   nodes are present for
   filtration of lymph
Lymphatic vessels return the lymph to the heart via two

Right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the right arm, the
right side of the head and the thorax and opens into the
right subclavian vein near the heart.

Thoracic duct receives lymph from left side head, neck,
chest, upper limb and the rest of the body into the left
subclavian vein near the heart.
Lymphatic flow Hmm…How do lymph
                                                       flow back to the
                                                       heart? What aids its
 Present of valves in lymphatic system which prevent the
  back flow of lymph.

 Contraction of skeletal muscles around the lymphatic
  channels which milk the lymph towards the heart.

 Peristaltic contraction of intestinal organs

 Changes in body cavities pressure during respiration
                     # What happens if tissue fluid is not returned
                         • Oedema
Defense mechanism
  First line                Second line                  Third line
  defense                    defense                     defense

                         First line defense
                 • Physical and chemical barriers
   • Non-specific defense (do not distinguish, destroy all kind of
                        pathogen  bacteria)
                    • Inborn (natural built in)
      • Do not involve circulatory system  lymphatic system
• Examples : Skin, Mucus membrane, Saliva, Tears, Gastric acid
 • Prevent entrance of pathogens into circulatory system and body
Second line defense
•   Non specific defense

•   Eliminate bacteria or ANY TYPE of pathogens by phagocytosis
    (meal time! *eat up everything)

•   Involve circulatory system

•   Phagocytosis carried out by phagocytes

#iNFO! The makan members are all M-E-N of white blood cells

M: Macrophages E: Eosinophils N: Neutrophils
Phagocytosis is a process where an organism or a
specific type of cell surrounds, engulfs and ingests
a pathogen.
Third line defense
•   VERY SPECIFIC DEFENSE (Recognises pathogens - produces specific
    antibodies to destroy them)

•   Involve immune, circulatory, lymphatic system *produces lymphocytes

•   Involves the interaction between antigen and antibody

•   What’s an antigen? “Name tag” of all cells – Membrane surface protein found in
    every cell but differ in type in each individual

•   Antigen STIMULATES the production of antibody in the body

•   What’s an antibody? The “killer” – Protein produced on the surface of

•   Antibody have specific binding site(antigen receptors) that bind with specific

#To fight against PERSISTENT infections
After pathogens killed by antibodies, phagocytosis carried out by
     •    Mechanisms of action:
             Agglutination                 Neutralisation
Antibodies cause                                                       Antibodies
pathogens to clump                                                     neutralise toxins
together, making                                                       produced by
them easy for                                                          bacteria by binding
phagocytes to                                                          to toxin molecule.
           Opsonisation                     Lysis
Antibodies bind to                                                     Antibodies bind to
antigens to act as                                                     antigens and cause
markers so that                                                        the antigens to
antigens can be                                                        rupture.
recognised and
destroyed by

     #All by which the specific antibodies bind to specific antigens of pathogens
Types of immunity
    Immunity – The ability of human body to resist infection.

         Active immunity                           Passive immunity
Body produces own antibodies to          Body obtains antibodies directly
  fight against infection when                   from outside source
             infected                   Short term immunity – Antibodies die
 Requires the present of antigens       off, or removed from body as foreign
            (infection)                                 protein
       Long term immunity
Active immunity
•   Natural active : Lymphocytes activated
    by antigens to produce antibodies
    naturally when infection attacks. (You
    fall sick - recover)

       Example? If you have throat
        infection, lymphocytes in your body
        actively produce antibodies to
        combat it

•   Artificial active : Antigens are injected
    on purpose to artificially stimulate
    lymphocytes to produce
    antibodies(Vaccination) (Without
    falling sick)
                                                Vaccine is a preparation of
       Example? All vaccine injections –       weakened, dead or non-virulent
        Hepatitis B, Cervical cancer            forms of pathogen that is harmless
        vaccination                             to the person who receives it.
Passive immunity
•   Natural passive :
    •   Baby in the uterus
    •   Breastfed babies
•   Obtained antibodies naturally from mother
    across placenta/when babies breastfeed.

•   Artificial passive :

       Antibodies extracted from other
        infividual/animal are injected as a
        serum into body of person who has no
       Immediate, temporary
       Example? Antivenom injection given to
        treat snake bites
Let’s compare!

Graph A                       Graph B

          Which type of immunity are they?
What’s AIDS? Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome
caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficency Virus)

How does it occur?

 Attacks a specific type of lymphocyte

 Leading to failure of defense activation(Other
  infections/cancers take advantage to come in!)

 Vulnerability to minor infections which can cause dead
Mode of transmission
                          Direct transmission
                                Body fluids (blood,
                                semen, vaginal
     AIDS is NOT                secretion, joint fluids ,
   TRANSMITTED                  spinal cord fluid)
   #by insect bites
                          Indirect transmission
  #through the air –
       sneezing              Contaminated blood
#by hugging, touching,        products, needles
     handshaking          Vertical transmission
#by living in the same
         house               From mother to baby
 #by sharing food and         through placenta
  #by sharing cups,
    glasses, plates
Prevention of AIDS
☀ Screen blood products for HIV
☀ Sex education program
☀ Safe sex (wear condom)
☀ Avoid needle sharing (tattoos,
  drugs, body piercing practices)
☀ Avoid multiple sex partners
☀ Avoid free sex
☀ Avoid exposure to blood
  products and bodily fluids
☺Chapter 8 revision
!   What are the interactions between living things (biotic

       Symbiosis
       Saprophytism
       Prey-predator
       Competition

    Memorise TWO EXAMPLES at least for each! 
 Commensalism – Benefits one species(commensal)
  but neither benefits nor harms the other species(host)
    Examples : Epiphytes(Plants) , Epizoic(Animals)

 Parasitism – Parasite benefits, but the host is harmed
    Examples : Endoparasites , Ectoparasites

 Mutualism – Both species gain benefit
    Examples : Lichen, Sea anemone and hermit crab
 Living organism obtain food from dead and decaying
  organic matter.

☂ Examples of saprophytes(plants) : Bread mould,
  Mushrooms, Fungus

☂ Examples of saprozoites(animals) : Protozoa in frog
 weaker animal (prey) is hunted  eaten by another
  stronger animal (predator)

 Examples : Snake(predator) hunts and eats a
Colonisation and succession
Colonisation : occurs in newly formed area where no life has existed previously

Succession : gradual  continuous process in which one community changes the
environment so that it is replaced by another community
Adaptations of Mangrove Swamps
       Problems faced                              Adaptations
 Soft muddy soil  strong      ·   Long, extensive cable roots
 coastal winds pose support    ·   Ex. Avicennia sp.  Sonneratia sp.
 problems                      ·   Prop roots @ aerial roots
                               ·   Ex. Rhizophora sp.
                               ·   Buttress roots
                               ·   Ex. Bruguiera sp.
                               ·   These roots anchor the plants
                                   onto the muddy soil

 Waterlogged conditions of     ·   Breathing roots (pneumatophores) which grow
 the soil reduce the amount        vertically upwards  have numerous pore for
 of O2 leading to anaerobic        gaseous exchange during low tides
 environment                   ·   Ex. Avicennia sp.  Sonneratia sp.
                               ·   Lenticels are present on the bark of the plants for
                                   gaseous exchange to occur

 Direct exposure to the sun    ·   Leaves are covered by a thick layer of cuticle to
 leads to a high rate of           reduce transpiration during hot days
 transpiration                 ·   Leaves are thick  succulent to store H2O

 High salinity of sea H2O      ·   Cell sap of root cells of mangrove plants has a
 causes the surrounding            higher osmotic pressure than surrounding soil H2O
 H2O in the soil hypertonic    ·   This enables diffusion of salty H2O into root cells
 compare to cell sap of root   ·   Excessive mineral salts will be then excreted
 cells                             through hydathodes in the form of crystalline salt

 Seeds which fall onto the     ·   Mangrove plants show viviparity where the seeds
 ground die because they           germinate while still attached on mother plant
 are submerged in the soft     ·   This increase the chance of survival as the
  waterlogged soil                seedlings can float horizontally on the H2O 
                                   subsequently get washed up on the sand or
                                   mudflats where they start to grow
                               ·   During low tide, the seedlings fall vertically  bind
                                   to the mud that prevent them from carry away by
                                   H2O current
☼ Zonation of Mangrove Swamps

Seaward zone
(exposed to high tides twice daily)
 Avicennia sp.  Sonneratia sp.

Middle zone
 Rhizophora sp.

Inland zone
(less frequent covered by sea H2O  receives freshwater from
 Bruguiera sp.
Colonisation and succession in
                  Mangrove Swamps
Pioneer species!
Avicennia sp. and
Sonneratia sp.
 Extensive root systems
   trap  collect
 Soil becomes more
   compact  firm
 The condition favours
   the growth of
   Rhizophora sp.

Successor species: Rhizophora sp                Successore species: Bruguiera sp.
 Replaces pioneer species                       Replaces Rhizophora sp.
 Prop root system traps silt  mud, creating    Buttress root system form loops to trap more silt 
   firmer soil structure                            mud
 Ground becomes higher  less submerged by      As more sediments are deposited, shore extend
   sea H2)                                          further to the sea  is like terrestrial ground
 The condition now favours the growth of        Terrestrial plants (nipah palm  Pandarus sp.) begin
   Bruguiera sp.                                    to replace Bruguiera sp.
                                                Gradual transition  succession from a mangrove
                                                swamp to a terrestrial forest  eventually to a
                                                tropical rainforest which is climax community takes
                                                a long time
Colonisation and succession in a
Pioneer species: submerged plants (Hydrilla sp., Cabomba sp.,
Elodea sp., phytoplankton  algae. )
    Fibrous roots penetrate deep into the soil to absorb nutrients  bind sand
     particles together

    Able to photosynthesise

    When pioneer species die  decompose, organic nutrients are released into
     the pond  being converted into humus at the pond base

    Humus  soil eroded from the sides of the pond are deposited on the base
     of the pond, making the pond shallower

    The conditions become unfavourable for submerged plants but more
     suitable for floating plants.
Succession by the aquatic floating plants (Lemna sp., Eichornia sp., Nelumbium sp.)
   Float freely on the surface of H2O

   Reproduce by vegetative propagation  spread to cover a large area of H2O surface,
    preventing sunlight from reaching the submerged plants

   Submerged plants die due to unable to photosynthesise  the decomposed remains of the
    submerged plants add more organic matter on the base of the pond

   At the same time, erosion at the pond edge results in more sediments being deposited on the
    base of the pond

   Pond becomes more  more shallow which makes it unsuitable for floating plants

   Submerged plants are subsequently replaced by emergent plants which can live in H2O  lands.

Successor species: Emergent plants (sedges, cattails)

 Rhizomes grow horizontally
 Extensive roots bind soil particles together  penetrate deeply to absorb more mineral
 Grow from the edge of the pond towards the middle of the pond as the pond becomes
  more shallow
 When these plants die, decomposed remains add to the sediments on the base of pond 
  further reduce the depth of the pond
 The condition of the pond becomes more favourable for land plants.
At the end….

Successor species : Land plants (Ageratum conyzoides, Euphoria hirta,
Oldentandia dichotoma, shrubs, bushes, woody plants)
   As time passes, the land becomes drier  land plants become more numerous

   Primary forest emerges  turns into tropical rainforest
    which is known as climax community
☺ Population ecology
Few formulas!
   Percentage frequency =

   Density =
                            X 100%

   Percentage coverage =
                            X 100%

   Population size =                  For capture,
                            X 100%   mark, release
                                     and recapture
Maintains the
The Nitrogen Cycle   nitrogen balance
                     in water, soil and
☺Chapter 9 revision
! What is meant by eutrophication?

Eutrophication is the process whereby a body of
water (e.g. pond or lake) becomes rich in dissolved
nutrients (nitrates or phosphates) either naturally or
due to human activities.
         Algae boom is the increase of
         rate of growth of algae and blue
         green bacteria.

         Causes of eutrophication:
         ☃ Overuse of fertiliser
         ☃ Run-off of manure from farms
         ☃ Discharge of untreated and
           treated sewage
         ☃ Erosion from cultivated land
Describe Eutrophication
1.   Eutrophication is the artificial enrichment of an aquatic system with nutrients,
     causing the excessive growth of aquatic plant life.

2.   Excess nutrients from agricultural run-off cause the rapid growth of algae, which
     is algae boom.

3.   Algae use a lot of oxygen and block sunlight penetration.

4.   Photosynthesis decreases and further depletes oxygen in the lake.

5.   Algae and some aquatic plants die.

6.   Dead matter is decomposed by bacteria.

7.   Aerobic bacteria use up oxygen, deplete oxygen content in the water.

8.   B.O.D high, dissolved oxygen low.

9.   Aquatic animals die.
Describe how CFCs destroy the
           ozone layer
1. UV radiation strikes a CFC molecule  causes a chlorine
   atom to break away.

2. The chlorine atom collides with an ozone molecule 
   steals an oxygen atom to form chlorine monoxide and
   leaves a molecule of oxygen.

3. When a free atom of oxygen collides with the chlorine
   monoxide  the two oxygen atoms form a molecule of
   oxygen. The chlorine atom is thus released and free to
   destroy more ozone molecules.
What is greenhouse effect?

1. Solar energy from the sun enters the atmosphere.

2. Some energy is reflected back to space.

3. Earth’s surface is heated by the sun.

4. Earth radiates the heat back towards space.

5. However, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some
   of the heat and cause global warming.

6. Greenhouse gases are produced by burning fossil fuels.
Formation of acid rain
Caused by oxidation process :
•    SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) + ½02 + H20  H2S04 (Sulphuric Acid)

•    2NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide) + ½O2 + H20  2HNO3 (Nitric Acid)

1.   Acidic gases(Sulphur Dioxide and Oxides of Nitrogen) released by factories

2.   Gases carried by the wind.

3.   Gases dissolved in rainwater to form acid rain.

4.   Acid rain kills plant life, pollutes rivers and streams, and corrodes stonework.

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Bio seminar 2012 (with answers)

  • 1. TTC Biology Seminar 2012 JaySze Yong WELCOME!
  • 2. Let’s start! It’s not about how many times have you studied, but how much did you understand Syllabus of the day: Transport Dynamic Ecosystem Endangered Ecosystem
  • 3. ☺ Transport The system and its components: Blood Circulatory system Pump Blood vessels
  • 4. Question! But why do we need a circulatory system? Because…  Multicellular organisms have small TSA/V ratio(long distances between body cells and environment.  Impermeable skin These lead to inefficiency in substances exchange.
  • 5. Circulatory Systems Open Circulatory System Closed Circulatory System ☺ Movie time!
  • 6. ☀ Open Circulatory System Found in INSECTS, prawns, snails and etc. Aorta Haemocoel Haemolymph flows out of circulatory Dorsal Ostia system into body cavities. Vessel Dorsal Diaphragm Haemolymph reaches the body cells DIRECTLY.
  • 7. Start pumping! heart haemolymph heart haemolymph flow into flows back contracts haemocoel relaxes into the heart
  • 8. ☀ Closed Circulatory System Found in ALL vertebrates (e.g. humans/fishes) and some invertebrates(earthworms) Blood flows within the blood circulatory system WITHOUT moving into body cavities
  • 9. Has a two- Has a three- Has a four- chambered heart, chambered heart, chambered heart, single and closed double, closed double, closed circulatory circulatory system circulatory system system
  • 10. 2 types of closed circulation  Pulmonary Circulation ( heartlungheart)  Blood flows from the right ventricle to the lungs via pulmonary artery and return to the left atrium via pulmonary vein.  Systemic Circulation ( heartrest of bodyheart)  Blood flows from the left ventricle to the body tissues via aorta and return to the right atrium via vena cava.
  • 11. Heart The PUMP!  Four chambers : two atria and two ventricles  Made up of MYOGENIC cardiac muscles  Located in the thoracic cavity  Connected to the lungs
  • 12.
  • 13. Sequence of Heart Pumping 1) The contractions of the heart are initiated by the sinoatrial(SA) node. SA node 2) SA node generates electrical impulses which make atria contract to pump blood into ventricles. Purkinje AV node Fiber Electrical signals reach the atrioventricular Electrical impulses node(AV) node, Bundle Bundle of spread to the ventricles of His, Purkinje fibres. His and causes ventricles to contract and pump blood out of heart.
  • 14. Question! What is meant by the term MYOGENIC? It means the ability to contract and relax without stimulation of nervous system. Describe the sequence of heart pumping! Everything in previous slide!  What is the function of valves? Ensure one way flow of blood/ prevent back flow. Why left ventricle is thicker than right ventricle? Left ventricle needs to pump blood at higher pressure through the body.
  • 15. Overall flow of blood  Deoxygenated blood! Vena cava  Right atrium  Right ventricle  Pulmonary Arteries  Lungs  Oxygenated blood! Lungs  Pulmonary veins  Left Atrium  Left Ventricle  Aorta  Body Cells ☺ Movie time!
  • 16. We the • Arteries containers! Blood vessels • Capillaries • Veins
  • 18. Question! Explain two characteristics of capillaries which allow efficient substances exchange. State THREE differences between arteries, capillaries and veins.
  • 19. Blood Hmm…what is in a drop of blood? Let’s see..
  • 20. ! A yellowish fluid containing soluble substances ! Formed elements containing RBC, WBC, Platelets
  • 21. Red blood cells *Erythrocytes • Red in colour • Biconcave disc shape • Elastic • Contain haemoglobin for respiratory gases transportation • Manufactured in bone marrow, destroyed in spleen and liver • Lose nucleus upon maturity
  • 22. Question!  Why RBC need all those characteristics? WHY.. BECAUSE.. Biconcave disc shape? Increase surface area for rapid substances exchange. Lose nucleus upon maturity? Accommodate more haemoglobin to transport oxygen. Elastic membrane? Easily squeeze through small capillary membrane. Blood is red? Red pigments are present in haemoglobin. RBC can act as binding site of Oxygen can bind with Iron oxygen? atom in the haem group.
  • 23. White blood cells *Leucocytes • Nucleus present • Irregular in shape • Important in body defense mechanisms against disease • Manufactured at bone marrow and spleen • TWO BASIC TYPES : GRANULOCYTES AGRANULOCYTES
  • 24. Types of WBC Granulocytes • Multi lobed nucleus • Rich in granules • Short live span (often few days) Members:
  • 25. Agranulocytes • No granules • Compact nucleus Members:
  • 26. Platelets • Cell tiny fragments of large cell in bone marrow • Involved in blood clotting mechanism • Short life-span (few days) • Irregular shape
  • 28. Blood clotting mechanism Platelets adhere to damaged wall of Platelets release Platelet plug blood vessels clotting factors. formed Thrombokinase (activator) released Blood clot dries off to form scab. Fibrinogen - Fibrin by Thrombin Fibrin forms threads network over the wound Prothrombin - trapping RBC and form Thrombin blood clot. in the presence of calcium ion + Thrombokinase + Vit K
  • 29. Why blood clotting is so important? • Prevent excessive loss of blood • Maintain blood pressure • Main circulation of blood in a closed system • Prevent entry of microorganisms and foreign particles into the body • Form scab and helps in healing wounds
  • 31. Blood pressure regulation • Increase in blood pressure  Baroreceptor stimulated  Increase stimulation of cardiovascular centre  Increase discharge of parasympathetic nerve  reduce heart rate  reduce contractility of heart  vasodilation of blood vessels → Blood pressure drops back to normal
  • 32. Decrease in blood pressure  Baroreceptor less stimulated  Decrease stimulation of cardiovascular centre  Increase discharge of sympathetic nerve  increase heart rate  increase contractility of heart  vasoconstriction of blood vessels  Blood pressure rise back to normal
  • 33. Lymphatic system What is a lymphatic system? ✐ Lymphatic system is a network of lymph vessels running alongside the veins ✐ Lymph is found inside lymph vessels ✐ Lymph composition = interstitial fluid composition but maybe lymph has more fats
  • 34. Why need a lymphatic system? ☃ Interstitial fluid formed in the interstitial space must be returned into the circulation ☃ 90% returns to the venule ends ☃ 10% can only return into the circulation by lymphatic system
  • 35. How is interstitial fluid formed? • Changes in the diameter of lumen between arterioles and capillaries • High hydrostatic pressure at the arteriole ends • Forces blood contents into interstitial space forming interstitial fluid * Interstitial fluid composition is almost the same as blood contents EXCEPT WITHOUT • Erythrocytes • Platelets • Plasma proteins
  • 36.
  • 37. Sequence of lymphatic pathway interstitial spaces back into the heart lymphatic capillaries (circulatory system thoracic duct flow to left subclavin vein right lymphatic vessel lymphatic duct flow to right subclaviab duct In between, lymph thoracic duct right lymphatic duct nodes are present for filtration of lymph contents
  • 38. Lymphatic vessels return the lymph to the heart via two ducts: Right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the right arm, the right side of the head and the thorax and opens into the right subclavian vein near the heart. Thoracic duct receives lymph from left side head, neck, chest, upper limb and the rest of the body into the left subclavian vein near the heart.
  • 39. Lymphatic flow Hmm…How do lymph flow back to the heart? What aids its movement? Present of valves in lymphatic system which prevent the back flow of lymph. Contraction of skeletal muscles around the lymphatic channels which milk the lymph towards the heart. Peristaltic contraction of intestinal organs Changes in body cavities pressure during respiration # What happens if tissue fluid is not returned completely? • Oedema
  • 40. Defense mechanism First line Second line Third line defense defense defense First line defense • Physical and chemical barriers • Non-specific defense (do not distinguish, destroy all kind of pathogen bacteria) • Inborn (natural built in) • Do not involve circulatory system lymphatic system • Examples : Skin, Mucus membrane, Saliva, Tears, Gastric acid • Prevent entrance of pathogens into circulatory system and body tissues.
  • 41. Second line defense • Non specific defense • Eliminate bacteria or ANY TYPE of pathogens by phagocytosis (meal time! *eat up everything) • Involve circulatory system • Phagocytosis carried out by phagocytes #iNFO! The makan members are all M-E-N of white blood cells M: Macrophages E: Eosinophils N: Neutrophils
  • 42. Phagocytosis is a process where an organism or a specific type of cell surrounds, engulfs and ingests a pathogen.
  • 43. Third line defense • VERY SPECIFIC DEFENSE (Recognises pathogens - produces specific antibodies to destroy them) • Involve immune, circulatory, lymphatic system *produces lymphocytes • Involves the interaction between antigen and antibody • What’s an antigen? “Name tag” of all cells – Membrane surface protein found in every cell but differ in type in each individual • Antigen STIMULATES the production of antibody in the body • What’s an antibody? The “killer” – Protein produced on the surface of LYMPHOCYTES • Antibody have specific binding site(antigen receptors) that bind with specific antigen #To fight against PERSISTENT infections
  • 44. After pathogens killed by antibodies, phagocytosis carried out by MACROPHAGES. • Mechanisms of action: Agglutination Neutralisation Antibodies cause Antibodies pathogens to clump neutralise toxins together, making produced by them easy for bacteria by binding phagocytes to to toxin molecule. destroy. Opsonisation Lysis Antibodies bind to Antibodies bind to antigens to act as antigens and cause markers so that the antigens to antigens can be rupture. recognised and destroyed by phagocytes. #All by which the specific antibodies bind to specific antigens of pathogens
  • 45. Types of immunity Immunity – The ability of human body to resist infection. Active immunity Passive immunity Body produces own antibodies to Body obtains antibodies directly fight against infection when from outside source infected Short term immunity – Antibodies die Requires the present of antigens off, or removed from body as foreign (infection) protein Long term immunity
  • 46. Active immunity • Natural active : Lymphocytes activated by antigens to produce antibodies naturally when infection attacks. (You fall sick - recover)  Example? If you have throat infection, lymphocytes in your body actively produce antibodies to combat it • Artificial active : Antigens are injected on purpose to artificially stimulate lymphocytes to produce antibodies(Vaccination) (Without falling sick) Vaccine is a preparation of  Example? All vaccine injections – weakened, dead or non-virulent Hepatitis B, Cervical cancer forms of pathogen that is harmless vaccination to the person who receives it.
  • 47. Passive immunity • Natural passive : • Baby in the uterus • Breastfed babies • Obtained antibodies naturally from mother across placenta/when babies breastfeed. • Artificial passive :  Antibodies extracted from other infividual/animal are injected as a serum into body of person who has no immunity  Immediate, temporary  Example? Antivenom injection given to treat snake bites
  • 48. Let’s compare! Graph A Graph B Which type of immunity are they?
  • 49. AIDS What’s AIDS? Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficency Virus) How does it occur?  Attacks a specific type of lymphocyte  Leading to failure of defense activation(Other infections/cancers take advantage to come in!)  Vulnerability to minor infections which can cause dead
  • 50. Mode of transmission  Direct transmission  Body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal AIDS is NOT secretion, joint fluids , TRANSMITTED spinal cord fluid) #by insect bites  Indirect transmission #through the air – sneezing  Contaminated blood #by hugging, touching, products, needles handshaking  Vertical transmission #by living in the same house  From mother to baby #by sharing food and through placenta water #by sharing cups, glasses, plates
  • 51. Prevention of AIDS ☀ Screen blood products for HIV ☀ Sex education program ☀ Safe sex (wear condom) ☀ Avoid needle sharing (tattoos, drugs, body piercing practices) ☀ Avoid multiple sex partners ☀ Avoid free sex ☀ Avoid exposure to blood products and bodily fluids
  • 52. ☺Chapter 8 revision time! ! What are the interactions between living things (biotic components)?  Symbiosis  Saprophytism  Prey-predator  Competition Memorise TWO EXAMPLES at least for each! 
  • 53. Symbiosis Commensalism – Benefits one species(commensal) but neither benefits nor harms the other species(host) Examples : Epiphytes(Plants) , Epizoic(Animals) Parasitism – Parasite benefits, but the host is harmed Examples : Endoparasites , Ectoparasites Mutualism – Both species gain benefit Examples : Lichen, Sea anemone and hermit crab
  • 54. Saprophytism Living organism obtain food from dead and decaying organic matter. ☂ Examples of saprophytes(plants) : Bread mould, Mushrooms, Fungus ☂ Examples of saprozoites(animals) : Protozoa in frog intestine
  • 55. Prey-predator  weaker animal (prey) is hunted eaten by another stronger animal (predator)  Examples : Snake(predator) hunts and eats a rat(prey)
  • 56. Colonisation and succession Colonisation : occurs in newly formed area where no life has existed previously Succession : gradual continuous process in which one community changes the environment so that it is replaced by another community
  • 57. Adaptations of Mangrove Swamps Problems faced Adaptations Soft muddy soil strong · Long, extensive cable roots coastal winds pose support · Ex. Avicennia sp. Sonneratia sp. problems · Prop roots @ aerial roots · Ex. Rhizophora sp. · Buttress roots · Ex. Bruguiera sp. · These roots anchor the plants onto the muddy soil Waterlogged conditions of · Breathing roots (pneumatophores) which grow the soil reduce the amount vertically upwards have numerous pore for of O2 leading to anaerobic gaseous exchange during low tides environment · Ex. Avicennia sp. Sonneratia sp. · Lenticels are present on the bark of the plants for gaseous exchange to occur Direct exposure to the sun · Leaves are covered by a thick layer of cuticle to leads to a high rate of reduce transpiration during hot days transpiration · Leaves are thick succulent to store H2O High salinity of sea H2O · Cell sap of root cells of mangrove plants has a causes the surrounding higher osmotic pressure than surrounding soil H2O H2O in the soil hypertonic · This enables diffusion of salty H2O into root cells compare to cell sap of root · Excessive mineral salts will be then excreted cells through hydathodes in the form of crystalline salt Seeds which fall onto the · Mangrove plants show viviparity where the seeds ground die because they germinate while still attached on mother plant are submerged in the soft · This increase the chance of survival as the waterlogged soil seedlings can float horizontally on the H2O subsequently get washed up on the sand or mudflats where they start to grow · During low tide, the seedlings fall vertically bind to the mud that prevent them from carry away by H2O current
  • 58. ☼ Zonation of Mangrove Swamps Seaward zone (exposed to high tides twice daily)  Avicennia sp. Sonneratia sp. Middle zone  Rhizophora sp. Inland zone (less frequent covered by sea H2O receives freshwater from ground)  Bruguiera sp.
  • 59. Colonisation and succession in Mangrove Swamps Pioneer species! Avicennia sp. and Sonneratia sp.  Extensive root systems trap collect sediments  Soil becomes more compact firm  The condition favours the growth of Rhizophora sp. Successor species: Rhizophora sp Successore species: Bruguiera sp.  Replaces pioneer species  Replaces Rhizophora sp.  Prop root system traps silt mud, creating  Buttress root system form loops to trap more silt firmer soil structure mud  Ground becomes higher less submerged by  As more sediments are deposited, shore extend sea H2) further to the sea is like terrestrial ground  The condition now favours the growth of  Terrestrial plants (nipah palm Pandarus sp.) begin Bruguiera sp. to replace Bruguiera sp. Gradual transition succession from a mangrove swamp to a terrestrial forest eventually to a tropical rainforest which is climax community takes a long time
  • 60. Colonisation and succession in a pond Pioneer species: submerged plants (Hydrilla sp., Cabomba sp., Elodea sp., phytoplankton algae. )  Fibrous roots penetrate deep into the soil to absorb nutrients bind sand particles together  Able to photosynthesise  When pioneer species die decompose, organic nutrients are released into the pond being converted into humus at the pond base  Humus soil eroded from the sides of the pond are deposited on the base of the pond, making the pond shallower  The conditions become unfavourable for submerged plants but more suitable for floating plants.
  • 61. Succession by the aquatic floating plants (Lemna sp., Eichornia sp., Nelumbium sp.)  Float freely on the surface of H2O  Reproduce by vegetative propagation spread to cover a large area of H2O surface, preventing sunlight from reaching the submerged plants  Submerged plants die due to unable to photosynthesise the decomposed remains of the submerged plants add more organic matter on the base of the pond  At the same time, erosion at the pond edge results in more sediments being deposited on the base of the pond  Pond becomes more more shallow which makes it unsuitable for floating plants  Submerged plants are subsequently replaced by emergent plants which can live in H2O lands. Successor species: Emergent plants (sedges, cattails)  Rhizomes grow horizontally  Extensive roots bind soil particles together penetrate deeply to absorb more mineral salts  Grow from the edge of the pond towards the middle of the pond as the pond becomes more shallow  When these plants die, decomposed remains add to the sediments on the base of pond further reduce the depth of the pond  The condition of the pond becomes more favourable for land plants.
  • 62. At the end…. Successor species : Land plants (Ageratum conyzoides, Euphoria hirta, Oldentandia dichotoma, shrubs, bushes, woody plants)  As time passes, the land becomes drier land plants become more numerous  Primary forest emerges turns into tropical rainforest which is known as climax community
  • 63. ☺ Population ecology Few formulas! Percentage frequency = X100% Density = X 100% Percentage coverage = X 100% Population size = For capture, X 100% mark, release and recapture technique!
  • 64. Maintains the The Nitrogen Cycle nitrogen balance in water, soil and atmosphere!
  • 65. ☺Chapter 9 revision time! ! What is meant by eutrophication? Eutrophication is the process whereby a body of water (e.g. pond or lake) becomes rich in dissolved nutrients (nitrates or phosphates) either naturally or due to human activities.
  • 66. Eutrophication Algae boom is the increase of rate of growth of algae and blue green bacteria. Causes of eutrophication: ☃ Overuse of fertiliser ☃ Run-off of manure from farms ☃ Discharge of untreated and treated sewage ☃ Erosion from cultivated land
  • 67. Describe Eutrophication 1. Eutrophication is the artificial enrichment of an aquatic system with nutrients, causing the excessive growth of aquatic plant life. 2. Excess nutrients from agricultural run-off cause the rapid growth of algae, which is algae boom. 3. Algae use a lot of oxygen and block sunlight penetration. 4. Photosynthesis decreases and further depletes oxygen in the lake. 5. Algae and some aquatic plants die. 6. Dead matter is decomposed by bacteria. 7. Aerobic bacteria use up oxygen, deplete oxygen content in the water. 8. B.O.D high, dissolved oxygen low. 9. Aquatic animals die.
  • 68. Describe how CFCs destroy the ozone layer 1. UV radiation strikes a CFC molecule  causes a chlorine atom to break away. 2. The chlorine atom collides with an ozone molecule  steals an oxygen atom to form chlorine monoxide and leaves a molecule of oxygen. 3. When a free atom of oxygen collides with the chlorine monoxide  the two oxygen atoms form a molecule of oxygen. The chlorine atom is thus released and free to destroy more ozone molecules.
  • 69. What is greenhouse effect? 1. Solar energy from the sun enters the atmosphere. 2. Some energy is reflected back to space. 3. Earth’s surface is heated by the sun. 4. Earth radiates the heat back towards space. 5. However, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some of the heat and cause global warming. 6. Greenhouse gases are produced by burning fossil fuels.
  • 70.
  • 71. Formation of acid rain Caused by oxidation process : • SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) + ½02 + H20  H2S04 (Sulphuric Acid) • 2NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide) + ½O2 + H20  2HNO3 (Nitric Acid) 1. Acidic gases(Sulphur Dioxide and Oxides of Nitrogen) released by factories 2. Gases carried by the wind. 3. Gases dissolved in rainwater to form acid rain. 4. Acid rain kills plant life, pollutes rivers and streams, and corrodes stonework.

Editor's Notes

  1. Notes (page 14)
  2. One cell thick/ moist/surface area