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 your entire body is made up of chemicals
 chemical processes underlie all body
 the food you eat, the medicines you take,
it’s all chemistry!
 chemistry: the science that deals with the
composition and properties of substances and
various elementary forms of matter.
 biochemistry: the chemistry of living
 matter: anything that has mass and takes
up space
 it is the “stuff” of the universe
 chemistry studies the nature of matter
 three main states of matter
 1. solid – definite shape, definite volume
 2. liquid – no definite shape, definite volume
(fits to the size of its container)
 3. gas – no definite shape, no definite volume
(expands to fill available space)
 Bodily examples:
 1. solid – bones, teeth
 2. liquid – blood, urine
 3. gas – air, digestive byproducts
 Element: substances that cannot be broken
down into simpler substances
 Can you name some examples?
 (Please say yes!)
 A complete listing of all the elements
appears in the Periodic Table
 It is called periodic because it repeats
 The modern Periodic Table was developed in
1869 by a Russian scientist named Dimitri
 A vertical column is called a group or a
 These groups usually contain the same number of
valence electrons
 A horizontal row is called is called a period
or a series
 These periods show similarities in ionization and
activation energy
 On the left hand side are the metals
 Usually solid, shiny, good conductors of heat and
 On the right hand side are the non-metals
 Usually gaseous, dull, poor conductors of heat
and electricity
 In the diagonal space between metals and
non-metals are the metalloids
 Some characteristics of both metals and non-
 Review: (fingers crossed here)
 All elements are made up of only one type of
 Atom: the smallest part of an element,
indivisible by normal chemical means
 Every atom is composed of three types of
subatomic particles:
 1. Protons (P+) positively charged, found in
the nucleus, has mass
 2. Neutrons (N0) neutrally charged, found in
the nucleus, has mass
 3. Electrons (E-) negatively charged, found
outside the nucleus, had negligible mass
 The Chemical/Elemental Name of the
element is given
 The abbreviated symbol related to the name
of the element is called the
Chemical/Elemental symbol
 The atomic number is the number of
 And in a balanced atom, the number of
electrons is equal to the number of protons
 Think here, - = + means no charge!
 Then the atomic mass is equal to the mass of
the nucleus (protons + neutrons)
 Remember, neutrons add mass but have no
 To find the number of neutrons all you must
do is:
 Atomic mass – atomic number
 (protons + neutrons) – protons = neutrons
 Easy!
 You should be able to tell me the chemical
symbol, chemical name, atomic mass, atomic
number, number of protons, neutrons and
 Ok, so now that you are experts (or at least
not clueless) let’s try so advanced uses of the
Periodic Table
 Electrons exist outside the nucleus of the
atom and move continuously
 They are negatively charged and are always
pulled towards the positively charged
 But they do this at different locations
 Electron shells or energy levels: the regions
in which electrons travel
 Each shell can only hold a certain number of
 The outer most level is called the valence
level and the electrons in that level are
called valence electrons
 In English,
 Level 1 = 2
 Level 2 = 8
 Level 3 = 18
 Level 4 = 32
 That’s all I will
make you learn for
 Because electrons are not stationary it is
important to show where they are generally
 In order to do this we can used either a Bohr
Diagram or a Lewis Diagram (Dot Diagram)
 Bohr Diagrams show ALL electrons in their
correct energy levels
 Let’s look at Oxygen:
 Now try Neon on your own.
Not Neon
 Does your diagram look something like this?
 Now on the other hand, a Lewis Diagram
(also called a Dot Diagram) only shows the
VALENCE electrons
 Now try Chlorine on your own
 Let’s hope yours looks like this:
 Isotopes: atoms of the same elements with a
different number of neutrons
 Therefore, they have a different atomic mass
 The mass changes but the charge does not!
 Because isotopes have the
same number of electrons
their chemical properties
are the same
 They have the same
reactivity and bonding
 Radioisotopes: the heavier isotopes of
certain atoms are unstable and tend to
decompose (to become more stable)
 Radioactivity: the spontaneous decay of
 The most commonly used radioisotope is C13
 Radioisotopes are used in minute amounts to
tag biological molecules so that they can be
followed throughout the body
 Valuable for medical diagnosis and treatment
 matter may be changed both physically and
 physical changes do not alter the basic
nature of a substance
 ex. melting, contraction of the muscles,
blood vessel contraction
 chemical changes do alter the composition of
the substance
 ex. burning, fermenting, lactic acid
production, hormone release
 energy: the ability to do work
 massless and does not take up space
 kinetic energy: energy of motion
 potential energy: inactive or stored energy
 all forms of energy exhibit both kinetic and
potential work capacities
 Remember!
 All living things are made or matter and all
living things require a continuous supply of
 1. Chemical Energy
 2. Electrical Energy
 3. Mechanical Energy
 4. Radiant Energy
 is stored in the bonds
of chemical
 when the bonds are
broken, the potential
energy is unleashed
and becomes kinetic
 ex. car engine
(internal combustion
 results from the movement of charged
 in the house, electrical energy is the flow
through your wiring
 in your body, an
electrical current is
generated when charged
particles (ion) move
across cell membranes
 the nervous system uses
electrical currents
called nerve impulses to
transmit messages from
one part of the body to
 energy directly involved in moving matter
 as the muscles in your legs shorten, they
pull on your bones, causing your limbs to
 travels in waves
 the energy of the electromagnetic spectrum
 this includes x rays, infrared radiation,
visible light, radio, uv rays
 with a few exceptions, energy is easily
converted from one form to another
 in the body, chemical
energy of foods is
trapped in the bonds of
a high-energy chemical
called ATP (Adenosine
 ATP’s energy may
ultimately be
transformed into the
electrical energy of a
nerve impulse or
mechanical energy of
shortening muscles
 Energy conversions are inefficient
 some of the energy supply is always “lost” to
 it is not really lost but rather unusuable
 Remember, energy is neither created nor
destroyed, it only changed form
 for example, when matter is heated, the
particles move more quickly (their kinetic
energy increases)
 Organic compounds:
Molecules that contain
atoms of Carbon,
Hydrogen and usually
 High energy molecules, it
takes energy to make
 The ability to use energy
to make or synthesize
organic compounds is an
important characteristic
of all living things
 On their own, organic compounds would
break down, releasing energy
 Organisms are able to control this breakdown
in order to harness the energy released
 Most organic compounds belong to one of
four main groups: Carbohydrates, Proteins,
Lipids, Nucleic Acids
 Carbohydrates are composed mainly of just
the basic elements of other organic
molecules: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
 monomer: monosaccharides, polysaccharides
 Simplest one is glucose
 Most complex sugars are formed from a chain
of simple sugars
 Starches and more complex sugars consist of
very long chains that may include more than
just simple sugars
 Some carbs are structural molecules which
provide support and protection
 Ex. Chitin and cellulose
 Healthy carbs are naturally occurring sugars
 Unhealthy carbs are refined, added simple
and complex sugars
 kCals only, no nutritional value
 Made up of amino acids - 20 different a.a.
 Monomer: amino acids
 Enzymes: proteins that speed up or
catalyze, specific chemical reactions
 All enzymes are proteins but all proteins
are not enzymes
 work in enzyme-substrate complex
 enzyme is the “lock”
 substrate is the “key”
 Without enzymes, most metabolic
reactions would proceed very slowly or
not at all
 Ex. Lipases break down lipids (fats)
 Some hormones are proteins
 Ex. Insulin
 Hormones: chemicals that act as
messengers to help different parts of the
body to work together
 Four stages of Protein Folding
 1. Amino Acid strand - disulfide bridges
 2. A helix or B pleated sheets
 3. Tertiary folding - hydrogen bonding,
more disulfide bridging within the same
 4. Quaternary structure, multiple tertiary
structures joining together
 Humans can synthesize 11 of 20 a.a.
required for protein synthesis - “non-
essential a.a.”
 Remaining 9 - “essential a.a.”
 must be included in diet
 Monomers: Glycerol molecule bonded to 3
fatty acid molecules
 Lipids are often used for energy storage,
helping form membranes, and waterproofing
 Some hormones are fats
 Ex. Steroid hormones
 Saturated Fats - “bad” fats
 no “kinks” in the chain, able to pack together
 Unsaturated Fats
 Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated
fats - “good” fats
 “kinks” allow fats to stay free
 Nucleic acids store and transmit the basic
genetic information of all living things
 Monomer: nucleotides
 Nucleotides consist of a simple sugar joined
to molecules containing phosphorus and
 One type of nucleic acid is DNA
(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
 DNA specifies all the instructions for an
organism’s construction and maintenance
 Genome: An organism’s complete genetic
 The 4 nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides
are: Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, and
 Nitrogenous bases are like letters in a word,
and genes are like complete “words” in a
 RNA – Ribonucleic Acid
 Uracil instead of Thymine
 Many RNA molecules help
convert the genetic info
contained in DNA into
proteins - protein
 Some RNAs catalyze
reactions like enzymes
 When two or more atoms
combine chemically
molecules are formed
 For example, when two
Nitrogen atoms bond, a
molecules of Nitrogen gas
is formed
 N + N -> N2
 In the Nitrogen example the reactants are
the substances involved in the chemical
reaction (the single Nitrogen atoms)
 The product is the substance that results
from the reaction (the Nitrogen molecule)
 A Molecular formula shows the chemical
composition or atomic makeup of a molecule
 What chemicals are in NaCl?
 Bonus points if you know what this is!
 When two or more different atoms bond
together to form a molecule, the molecule is
called a compound
 For example 2H + O -> H2O
 Thus a molecule of water is a compound
 It is important
to remember
that compounds
have properties
different from
those of the
elements of
which they are
 Chemical reactions: when two or more atoms
combine with or dissociate from each other
 A chemical bond is an
energy relationship
 Bonds are directly
related to the number of
valence electrons and
the electron levels
 Remember, electrons occupy generally fixed
regions of space around the nucleus called
electron shells or energy levels
 The electrons closest to the nucleus are the
most strongly attracted and those farther
from the nucleus are less securely held
 The only electrons that
are important when
considering bonding
behavior are those in
the valence level
 When the valence level
has 8 electrons, the
atom is completely
stable and is chemically
inactive (inert)
 When the
valence shell
contains fewer
than 8
electrons, an
atom will tend
to gain, lose or
share electrons
to reach a
stable level
1. Ionic Bonds
2. Covalent Bonds
3. Hydrogen Bonds
 Ionic Bond: A chemical bond formed when
electrons are completely transferred from
one atom to another
 Atoms are electrically neutral, but when
they gain or lose electrons during bonding,
their positive and negative charges are no
longer balanced
 This creates ions or charged particles
 Polyatomic ions: Ions composed of multiple
 Ex. Ammonium NH4
 Anions: negatively charged ions that result
from the addition of an electron
 Cation: a positively charged ion that results
from the loss of an electron
 Both anions and cations result when an ionic
bond forms
 Because opposite charges attract, the newly
created ions tend to stay together
 Ex. Sodium chloride (Table Salt)
 Salts: are ionic compounds that result from
the neutralization of an acid and a base
 They are composed of a cation and an anion
so the resulting product is neutral
 Electrons do not need to be completely
gained or lost for atoms to become stable
 Covalent molecules: molecules in which
atoms share electrons
 Covalent bonds: bonds resulting from a
shared pair of electrons
 (co = with, valent = having power)
 Ex. formation of diatomic gases
 Molecules in which the electrons are shared
equally are called nonpolar covalently
bonded molecules
 When the electron pairs are not equally
shared, the result is a polar molecule
 (A molecule with two poles)
 Hydrogen bonds:
extremely weak bonds
formed when a Hydrogen
atom bound to one
electron-hungry atom is
attracted by another
electron-hungry atom
 (Nitrogen or Oxygen are
good examples of
electron-hungry atoms)
 Forms a “bridge”
 Hydrogen bonds are also important
intramolecular bonds
 They help binds different parts of the same
molecule together
 They are fragile but very important in
helping maintain the structure of protein
Synthesis reactions
Decomposition reactions
Exchange reactions
 Synthesis reactions: when two or more atoms
or molecules combine to form a larger, more
complex molecules
 Always involve bond formation
 Energy must be absorbed to make bonds
 Underlie all anabolic (constructive) activities
in body cells
 Important in growth and tissue repair
 Decomposition reactions: when a molecule is
broken down into smaller molecules, atoms
or ions
 Synthesis reactions in reverse
 Bonds are always broken
 Chemical energy is released
 Underlie all catabolic (destructive) processes
in body cells
 Molecule-degrading reactions
 Ex. food digestion and glycogen breakdown
 Exchange reactions: reactions that involve
both synthesis and decomposition reactions
 Bond are both made and broken
 A switch is made between molecule parts and
different molecules are formed
 Remember! Regardless of the type of
reaction, most chemical reactions are
 Also temperature, particle size,
concentration of particles and catalyst
presence influence the rate of chemical

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Basic Chemistry

  • 2.
  • 3.  your entire body is made up of chemicals  chemical processes underlie all body processes  the food you eat, the medicines you take, it’s all chemistry!
  • 4.  chemistry: the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter.  biochemistry: the chemistry of living material
  • 5.  matter: anything that has mass and takes up space  it is the “stuff” of the universe  chemistry studies the nature of matter
  • 6.  three main states of matter  1. solid – definite shape, definite volume  2. liquid – no definite shape, definite volume (fits to the size of its container)  3. gas – no definite shape, no definite volume (expands to fill available space)
  • 7.  Bodily examples:  1. solid – bones, teeth  2. liquid – blood, urine  3. gas – air, digestive byproducts
  • 8.  Element: substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances  Can you name some examples?  (Please say yes!)
  • 9.  A complete listing of all the elements appears in the Periodic Table  It is called periodic because it repeats  The modern Periodic Table was developed in 1869 by a Russian scientist named Dimitri Mendeleev
  • 10.
  • 11.  A vertical column is called a group or a family  These groups usually contain the same number of valence electrons  A horizontal row is called is called a period or a series  These periods show similarities in ionization and activation energy
  • 12.  On the left hand side are the metals  Usually solid, shiny, good conductors of heat and electricity  On the right hand side are the non-metals  Usually gaseous, dull, poor conductors of heat and electricity  In the diagonal space between metals and non-metals are the metalloids  Some characteristics of both metals and non- metals
  • 13.
  • 14.  Review: (fingers crossed here)  All elements are made up of only one type of atom  Atom: the smallest part of an element, indivisible by normal chemical means
  • 15.  Every atom is composed of three types of subatomic particles:  1. Protons (P+) positively charged, found in the nucleus, has mass  2. Neutrons (N0) neutrally charged, found in the nucleus, has mass  3. Electrons (E-) negatively charged, found outside the nucleus, had negligible mass
  • 16.  The Chemical/Elemental Name of the element is given  The abbreviated symbol related to the name of the element is called the Chemical/Elemental symbol
  • 17.  The atomic number is the number of electrons  And in a balanced atom, the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons  Think here, - = + means no charge!
  • 18.  Then the atomic mass is equal to the mass of the nucleus (protons + neutrons)  Remember, neutrons add mass but have no charge!
  • 19.  To find the number of neutrons all you must do is:  Atomic mass – atomic number  (protons + neutrons) – protons = neutrons  Easy!
  • 20.  You should be able to tell me the chemical symbol, chemical name, atomic mass, atomic number, number of protons, neutrons and electrons.
  • 21.  Ok, so now that you are experts (or at least not clueless) let’s try so advanced uses of the Periodic Table
  • 22.  Electrons exist outside the nucleus of the atom and move continuously  They are negatively charged and are always pulled towards the positively charged nucleus  But they do this at different locations
  • 23.  Electron shells or energy levels: the regions in which electrons travel  Each shell can only hold a certain number of electrons  The outer most level is called the valence level and the electrons in that level are called valence electrons
  • 24.  In English,  Level 1 = 2  Level 2 = 8  Level 3 = 18  Level 4 = 32  That’s all I will make you learn for now
  • 25.  Because electrons are not stationary it is important to show where they are generally located  In order to do this we can used either a Bohr Diagram or a Lewis Diagram (Dot Diagram)
  • 26.  Bohr Diagrams show ALL electrons in their correct energy levels  Let’s look at Oxygen:
  • 27.  Now try Neon on your own. Not Neon
  • 28.  Does your diagram look something like this?
  • 29.  Now on the other hand, a Lewis Diagram (also called a Dot Diagram) only shows the VALENCE electrons
  • 30.  Now try Chlorine on your own
  • 31.  Let’s hope yours looks like this:
  • 32.  Isotopes: atoms of the same elements with a different number of neutrons  Therefore, they have a different atomic mass  The mass changes but the charge does not!
  • 33.  Because isotopes have the same number of electrons their chemical properties are the same  They have the same reactivity and bonding ability
  • 34.  Radioisotopes: the heavier isotopes of certain atoms are unstable and tend to decompose (to become more stable)  Radioactivity: the spontaneous decay of radioisotopes  The most commonly used radioisotope is C13
  • 35.  Radioisotopes are used in minute amounts to tag biological molecules so that they can be followed throughout the body  Valuable for medical diagnosis and treatment
  • 37.  matter may be changed both physically and chemically  physical changes do not alter the basic nature of a substance  ex. melting, contraction of the muscles, blood vessel contraction
  • 38.  chemical changes do alter the composition of the substance  ex. burning, fermenting, lactic acid production, hormone release
  • 39.
  • 40.  energy: the ability to do work  massless and does not take up space
  • 41.  kinetic energy: energy of motion  potential energy: inactive or stored energy  all forms of energy exhibit both kinetic and potential work capacities
  • 42.  Remember!  All living things are made or matter and all living things require a continuous supply of energy
  • 43.  1. Chemical Energy  2. Electrical Energy  3. Mechanical Energy  4. Radiant Energy
  • 44.  is stored in the bonds of chemical substances  when the bonds are broken, the potential energy is unleashed and becomes kinetic energy  ex. car engine (internal combustion engine)
  • 45.  results from the movement of charged particles  in the house, electrical energy is the flow through your wiring
  • 46.  in your body, an electrical current is generated when charged particles (ion) move across cell membranes  the nervous system uses electrical currents called nerve impulses to transmit messages from one part of the body to another
  • 47.  energy directly involved in moving matter  as the muscles in your legs shorten, they pull on your bones, causing your limbs to move
  • 48.  travels in waves  the energy of the electromagnetic spectrum  this includes x rays, infrared radiation, visible light, radio, uv rays
  • 49.  with a few exceptions, energy is easily converted from one form to another
  • 50.  in the body, chemical energy of foods is trapped in the bonds of a high-energy chemical called ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate)  ATP’s energy may ultimately be transformed into the electrical energy of a nerve impulse or mechanical energy of shortening muscles
  • 51.  Energy conversions are inefficient  some of the energy supply is always “lost” to heat
  • 52.  it is not really lost but rather unusuable  Remember, energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only changed form  for example, when matter is heated, the particles move more quickly (their kinetic energy increases)
  • 54.  Organic compounds: Molecules that contain atoms of Carbon, Hydrogen and usually Oxygen  High energy molecules, it takes energy to make them  The ability to use energy to make or synthesize organic compounds is an important characteristic of all living things
  • 55.  On their own, organic compounds would break down, releasing energy  Organisms are able to control this breakdown in order to harness the energy released  Most organic compounds belong to one of four main groups: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic Acids
  • 56.  Carbohydrates are composed mainly of just the basic elements of other organic molecules: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen  monomer: monosaccharides, polysaccharides  Simplest one is glucose
  • 57.  Most complex sugars are formed from a chain of simple sugars  Starches and more complex sugars consist of very long chains that may include more than just simple sugars
  • 58.  Some carbs are structural molecules which provide support and protection  Ex. Chitin and cellulose  Healthy carbs are naturally occurring sugars  Unhealthy carbs are refined, added simple and complex sugars  kCals only, no nutritional value
  • 59.  Made up of amino acids - 20 different a.a.  Monomer: amino acids  Enzymes: proteins that speed up or catalyze, specific chemical reactions  All enzymes are proteins but all proteins are not enzymes  work in enzyme-substrate complex  enzyme is the “lock”  substrate is the “key”
  • 60.  Without enzymes, most metabolic reactions would proceed very slowly or not at all  Ex. Lipases break down lipids (fats)  Some hormones are proteins  Ex. Insulin  Hormones: chemicals that act as messengers to help different parts of the body to work together
  • 61.  Four stages of Protein Folding  1. Amino Acid strand - disulfide bridges  2. A helix or B pleated sheets  3. Tertiary folding - hydrogen bonding, more disulfide bridging within the same molecule  4. Quaternary structure, multiple tertiary structures joining together
  • 62.
  • 63.  Humans can synthesize 11 of 20 a.a. required for protein synthesis - “non- essential a.a.”  Remaining 9 - “essential a.a.”  must be included in diet
  • 64.  Monomers: Glycerol molecule bonded to 3 fatty acid molecules  Lipids are often used for energy storage, helping form membranes, and waterproofing surfaces
  • 65.  Some hormones are fats  Ex. Steroid hormones
  • 66.  Saturated Fats - “bad” fats  no “kinks” in the chain, able to pack together  Unsaturated Fats  Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats - “good” fats  “kinks” allow fats to stay free
  • 67.  Nucleic acids store and transmit the basic genetic information of all living things  Monomer: nucleotides  Nucleotides consist of a simple sugar joined to molecules containing phosphorus and nitrogen
  • 68.  One type of nucleic acid is DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)  DNA specifies all the instructions for an organism’s construction and maintenance
  • 69.  Genome: An organism’s complete genetic information  The 4 nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides are: Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, and Guanine  Nitrogenous bases are like letters in a word, and genes are like complete “words” in a sentence
  • 70.  RNA – Ribonucleic Acid  Uracil instead of Thymine  Many RNA molecules help convert the genetic info contained in DNA into proteins - protein synthesis  Some RNAs catalyze reactions like enzymes
  • 71.  When two or more atoms combine chemically molecules are formed  For example, when two Nitrogen atoms bond, a molecules of Nitrogen gas is formed  N + N -> N2
  • 72.  In the Nitrogen example the reactants are the substances involved in the chemical reaction (the single Nitrogen atoms)  The product is the substance that results from the reaction (the Nitrogen molecule)
  • 73.  A Molecular formula shows the chemical composition or atomic makeup of a molecule  What chemicals are in NaCl?  Bonus points if you know what this is!
  • 74.  When two or more different atoms bond together to form a molecule, the molecule is called a compound  For example 2H + O -> H2O  Thus a molecule of water is a compound
  • 75.  It is important to remember that compounds have properties different from those of the elements of which they are composed
  • 76.  Chemical reactions: when two or more atoms combine with or dissociate from each other
  • 77.  A chemical bond is an energy relationship  Bonds are directly related to the number of valence electrons and the electron levels
  • 78.  Remember, electrons occupy generally fixed regions of space around the nucleus called electron shells or energy levels  The electrons closest to the nucleus are the most strongly attracted and those farther from the nucleus are less securely held
  • 79.  The only electrons that are important when considering bonding behavior are those in the valence level  When the valence level has 8 electrons, the atom is completely stable and is chemically inactive (inert)
  • 80.  When the valence shell contains fewer than 8 electrons, an atom will tend to gain, lose or share electrons to reach a stable level
  • 81. 1. Ionic Bonds 2. Covalent Bonds 3. Hydrogen Bonds
  • 82.  Ionic Bond: A chemical bond formed when electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another
  • 83.  Atoms are electrically neutral, but when they gain or lose electrons during bonding, their positive and negative charges are no longer balanced  This creates ions or charged particles
  • 84.  Polyatomic ions: Ions composed of multiple atoms  Ex. Ammonium NH4 +
  • 85.  Anions: negatively charged ions that result from the addition of an electron
  • 86.  Cation: a positively charged ion that results from the loss of an electron
  • 87.  Both anions and cations result when an ionic bond forms  Because opposite charges attract, the newly created ions tend to stay together  Ex. Sodium chloride (Table Salt)
  • 88.  Salts: are ionic compounds that result from the neutralization of an acid and a base  They are composed of a cation and an anion so the resulting product is neutral
  • 89.  Electrons do not need to be completely gained or lost for atoms to become stable  Covalent molecules: molecules in which atoms share electrons  Covalent bonds: bonds resulting from a shared pair of electrons  (co = with, valent = having power)
  • 90.  Ex. formation of diatomic gases
  • 91.  Molecules in which the electrons are shared equally are called nonpolar covalently bonded molecules
  • 92.  When the electron pairs are not equally shared, the result is a polar molecule  (A molecule with two poles)
  • 93.  Hydrogen bonds: extremely weak bonds formed when a Hydrogen atom bound to one electron-hungry atom is attracted by another electron-hungry atom  (Nitrogen or Oxygen are good examples of electron-hungry atoms)  Forms a “bridge”
  • 94.  Hydrogen bonds are also important intramolecular bonds  They help binds different parts of the same molecule together  They are fragile but very important in helping maintain the structure of protein molecules
  • 96.  Synthesis reactions: when two or more atoms or molecules combine to form a larger, more complex molecules
  • 97.  Always involve bond formation  Energy must be absorbed to make bonds  Underlie all anabolic (constructive) activities in body cells  Important in growth and tissue repair
  • 98.  Decomposition reactions: when a molecule is broken down into smaller molecules, atoms or ions
  • 99.  Synthesis reactions in reverse  Bonds are always broken  Chemical energy is released  Underlie all catabolic (destructive) processes in body cells  Molecule-degrading reactions  Ex. food digestion and glycogen breakdown
  • 100.  Exchange reactions: reactions that involve both synthesis and decomposition reactions
  • 101.  Bond are both made and broken  A switch is made between molecule parts and different molecules are formed
  • 102.  Remember! Regardless of the type of reaction, most chemical reactions are reversible.  Also temperature, particle size, concentration of particles and catalyst presence influence the rate of chemical reactions