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Topic 1: Definitions of
1. Description of deviation from social norms &
2. 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses of the deviation from social
   norms definition, inc. cultural relativism.
3. Description of deviation from Ideal Mental health inc.
   Jahoda’s 6 criteria.
4. 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses of the deviation from idea
   mental health definition
5. Description of Failure to Function Adequately with
6. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the failure to
   function adequately.
1. Description of deviation from social
          norms & examples.
• Social norms are the rules that society has for
  ‘acceptable behaviour’.
• Deviation from social norms means acting in a
  way that would be considered abnormal.

e.g. Standing too close in face-to-face
Not queuing if you’re English.
Laughing when you should be crying.
2. 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses of the
deviation from social norms definition,
        inc. cultural relativism.
• Can help to find          • Cultural relativism – so,
  abnormalities, for           throwing tomatoes at
  example if someone           people in England
  seems lost, they may         would be weird, but in
  have Alzheimer's             Spain, it’s a tradition
• Fluid, so it can change   • Role of context –
  with the times. For          singing on a stage = fine
  example, homosexuality      singing in a shop = weird
  was deemed as
  ‘abnormal’ until 1967
3. Description of deviation from Ideal
 Mental health inc. Jahoda’s 6 criteria.

1.   Positive attitudes toward oneself
2.   Self-actualisation of one’s potential
3.   Resistance to stress
4.   Personal autonomy
5.   Accurate perception of reality
6.   Adapting to and mastering the environment
4. 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses of the
   deviation from idea mental health
• Focuses on the positives,   • Difficulty of self-actualising.
  not the negatives.          • Some people benefit from
                                working in stressed
                              • Cultural issues – Jahoda’s
                                theory was based on
                                Western ideals of self-
                              • Too simplistic.
                              • Someone could be assessed
                                when they’re having a bad
5. Description of Failure to Function
      Adequately with examples.

Someone who is unable to take part in everyday
life, for example, unable to work or socialise.
6. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the
     failure to function adequately.
                               • Exceptions to the rule –
• Humane, non-invasive           e.g. students feeling
  way of helping to              anxious about exams, not
  diagnose abnormality.          necessarily abnormal.
• The ‘Global Assessment       • Cultural issues – minority
  of Functioning Scale’          ethnic groups could feel
  (GAF) is on a continuum,       harassed, leading to them
  and therefore allows           being less social. Does not
  fluidity within the model.     mean abnormal.
                                 (COCHRANE and
                                 SASHIDHARAN 1995)
Topic 2: Models of
1. Description of the BIOLOGICAL MODEL.
2. Outline 4 biological explanations for mental health
   disorders (infection, biochemistry, brain damage, genetics)
3. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the approach.
4. Description of the PSYCHODYNAMIC MODEL – inc. mental
   health disorders being linked to conflicts in
   childhood/unconscious mind.
5. Description of the psychosexual stages, and how they link
   to abnormality.
6. Either Anna O or Little Hans CASE STUDY
7. At least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the approach
8. Description of the BEHAVIOURAL MODEL.
9. Description of operant conditioning
Topic 2: Models of
  abnormality/psychopathology pt 2
10. Description of classical conditioning.
11.APFC of Little Albert (Watson and Raynor 1920)
12.2 strengths and weaknesses of the approach.
13.Description of the COGNITIVE MODEL.
14.Description of the BECK ABC MODEL.
15.Description of ELLIS’ COGNITIVE TRIAD.
16.At least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the
   Cognitive model.
1. Description of the BIOLOGICAL
• States that mental disorders are caused by
  abnormal physiological processes.
1. Genetic
2. Biochemical
3. Illness
4. Disease
2. Outline 4 biological explanations for
  mental health disorders (infection,
biochemistry, brain damage, genetics)
1. Brain damage:
As your brain wears away, you become more abnormal.
    E.g. Alzheimers.
Case study: Phineas Gage – pole through head. Changed
    personality type completely. Shows that different
    parts of your brain account for different things.
2. Infection:
Brown et al (1990) found correlation between women
    contracting influenza in their first trimester, and the
    consequent onset of schizophrenia in their child.
(not reliable – not been proved since!)
3. Genetics:
Evidence suggests disorders are inherited.
   Identical twins – 44.3% concordance rates of
   schizophrenia, compared to
   Non-identical twins – 12% concordance rates.

4. Biochemistry:
Cortisol – calms you down.
Imbalance of serotonin = Depression.
Imbalance of dopamine = Schizophrenia.
Drugs are produced to balance the imbalances.
3. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the
• Objective – deals with    • Everybody’s different.
  hormones, and sciencey    • Stigma – fears of being
  stuff!                      classed as ‘mentally ill’
• ‘No blame’ – people are   • Reductionist – broken
  not to blame for their      down into fundamental
  abnormalities,              levels.
  therefore they should
  be helped through it.
• Puts less stress on the
  patient, as doctors can
  try to sort things out.
4. Description of the PSYCHODYNAMIC MODEL – inc.
  mental health disorders being linked to conflicts in
             childhood/unconscious mind.
Tripartite theory:
ID – I want it all.
Superego- The nice, and
  social. (can lead to
Ego – The balance.
Psychodynamic model - Freud
Ego defence mechanisms:
Repression – Pushing traumatic events into the
Regression – Reverting back to child-like state.

Denial – Refusal to admit something that has
 occurred, or is currently occurring.
5. Description of the psychosexual stages, and how
                they link to abnormality.
Oral – Stuck in this stage = OCD

Anal - OCD

Phallic – Jealous of parents genitalia

Latency – Social development with people
  of the same gender.
Genital – Development of heterosexual
6. Anna O
Breuer and Freud (1896):
• Anna O, 21 year old woman. V. Intellectual.
• Father became ill, she nursed him, got sick herself, became
  bed ridden, lacked interest in food (regression).
• Before her father died, she also became a mute
• Her dad died, she got anxious (superego) and depressed
  (ID). Then, aggressive (ID).
• She would occasionally talk, and make links for her
  symptoms. She made an association between her deafness
  and when her brother caught her listening to her parents
  having sex. (Phallic)
• The symptoms would worsen as she thought back.
• Anna’s deafness would go when she recalled the incident
  with her Bro.
7. At least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses
       of the psychodynamic model:
• Freud’s theories have     • Blames the parents, make
  been enormously             them feel guilty perhaps –
  influential.                not fair on them!
• Subjective – no science   • Retrospective data means
  involved.                   that childhood problems
                              may not necessarily
                              emerge in problems in
                            • Deterministic:
                            The philosophy that
                              everything is ultimately
                              determined by things
                              beyond our will/control.
                              simple enough?
8. Description of the BEHAVIOURAL
• Claim that abnormal behaviour is learned
  through experience.
• But that behaviour can be changed if
  dysfunctional, due to classical conditioning,
  operant conditioning, and social learning
9. Description of operant conditioning
The idea that behaviours are learned.
  Behaviours with good outcomes continue,
  however behaviours with undesirable
  consequences become less frequent.
10. Description of classical
Form of learning where a neutral stimulus is
  paired with a response-producing stimulus, so
  over time, the neutral stimulus also produces
  that response.
11. APFC of Little Albert (Watson and
             Raynor 1920)
Wanted to see how a phobia could be conditioned.
They got Little Albert, an 11 month old child, and they tested
   him to find things he was afraid of. The only thing they
   found was the sound of a hammer striking a metal bar
   behind his head.
They took a tame rat, (neutral stimulus) and as Little Albert
   reached out to touch the rat, the bar would be struck. Over
   time, he was afraid to touch the rat. (conditioned
They were able to condition a phobia by (classical)
12. 2 strengths and weaknesses of the
• We know that phobias      • Was never desensitised
  can be created by           as his parents removed
  classical conditioning.     him from the
                            • No consent from Albert.
                            • Ethical issues – Albert
                              was left to play with
                              burning newspaper.
13. Description of the COGNITIVE
• Focuses on cognitive problems – such as
  irrational thinking.
• Ellis 1962
• If we think rationally, we behave rationally.
14. Description of the BECK’sABC
                                         Belief              Consequence

Activating event:
An event that triggers an emotion.

How the patient reacts… Either rationally or irrationally.

Other thoughts/behaviours.
15. Description ofBECKS’ COGNITIVE
                                                  • Typical of depression.
                                                  • People believe they’re
                Negative views
               about the world                      worthless.
                                                  • People believe they’ll
                                                    never amount to
 Negative views                  Negative views
                                                  • People believe the
about the future                 about oneself
                                                    world is against them.
16. At least 2 strengths and 2
 weaknesses of the Cognitive model.
• Supported by Gustafson • No cause and effect.
  1992 who found          • Blaming of the
  maladaptive thinking      individual, which could
  was linking to anxiety.   draw away the need to
                            improve social
Topic 3: Treatments of
Biological treatments:
1. Explain how chemotherapy works
2. Outline the 3 types of drugs
• Anti-anxiety- beta blockers, BZ
• Anti-psychotics – conventional & atypical
• Anti-depressants – tricyclics and SSRI’s.
3. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of chemotherapy (&
    side effects)
4. Outline the two types of ECT (uni + bilateral)
5. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of ECT (& side effects)
1. Explain how chemotherapy works:
Drug therapy, to treat mental disorders often by
stabilising chemical imbalance.
2. Outline the 3 types of drugs
1. Anti-anxiety drugs
• BZs (Benzodiazepines) - Calming effect
• Enhance GABA, calming brain activity.
2. Anti-depressants
• SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors)
• Increase serotonin to improve mood.
3. Anti-psychotic drugs
• Major tranquillisers
• Seduce and alleviate symptoms like hallucinations
• Stop schizophrenia
3. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of
      chemotherapy (& side effects)
• Quick to get.              • Doesn’t necessarily
• Easily obtainable.           work for everyone
• Only have to take pills.     (FISHER AND
                               GREENBERG 1989)
                             • Side effects such as
                               tiredness, stiffness and
                             • Only treats the
                               symptoms, not the
4. Outline the two types of ECT (uni +
• Unilateral – one electrode to either one
  temple, or the centre of the head.
• Bilateral – two electrodes on both temples.

• The patient is shocked with 70-130V, for ½ a
• Patient is anaesthetised, and has no memory
  of the shocks.
5. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of ECT
             (& side effects)

• Quick, and effective.   • Side effects, inc.
• Proven to work,           memory loss, and bone
  objective.                fractures.
• Last resort.            • Don’t know how ECT
                          • Ethical issues – has
                            been used without
                            consent to
                            institutionalised people.
Topic 3: Treatments of
2. Psychoanalysis:
- Explain how treatment is focused upon the
  unconscious mind, outline 3 treatments:
1) Dream analysis
2) Free association
3) Transference
- 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of
    psychoanalysis, i.e. lack of side effects.
1. Explain how treatment is focused
upon the unconscious mind, outline 3
1. Dream analysis – the unconscious mind may
   be revealed in dreams. Freud believed in
   repressed memories.
2. Free association – clients let their thoughts
   wander, and say the first thing they think of.
   Bringing out repressed memories/thoughts.
3. Transference – Client projects characteristics
   of other people onto the analyst.
2. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of
psychoanalysis, i.e. lack of side effects.
• No side effects.          • Expensive – lots of time
• Allows the patient to       taken, therefore lots of
  move along at their own     money.
  pace, no pressures.       • Works better for neurotic
                              disorders (anxiety) than
                              psychotic disorders
                            • Difficulty in evaluating.
                            • Subjective.
                            • Ethical issues MASSON
                              1988 said all the power
                              was with the analyst.
Topic 3: Treatments of
3. Behavioural treatments:
1. Explain how treatment changes BEHAVIOUR,
    not the underlying cause. (Hierachy;
    systematic desensitisation)
2. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of systematic
    desensitisation. Inc. lack of side effects.
1. Explain how treatment changes BEHAVIOUR, not
    the underlying cause. (Hierarchy; systematic
Systematic desensitisation:
Uses counter-conditioning to replace a bad response
(fear) to a healthier response (relaxation).
With the hierarchy method, a graded series of thought
provoking situations is created, and the patient moves up

These methods only change the behaviour, as they only
change the response to the fear, not the fear itself.
2. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of
systematic desensitisation. Inc. lack of
              side effects.
• No side effects.          • Time consuming,
• Allows patient to feel      therefore expensive.
  comfortable with each     • Heavily involved in
  stage before moving on.     imagination – not
                              suited to all patients.
Topic 3: Treatments of
4. Cognitive behavioural therapy:
- Explain how treatment is focused on changing
  faulty thoughts and perceptions to lead to a
  change in behaviour; outline REBT/ABC model
- 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of CBT, inc.
  focus on free will.
1. Explain how treatment is focused on changing faulty
 thoughts and perceptions to lead to a change in behaviour;
               outline REBT/ABC model (Beck)

• REBT (ELLIS 1962) – Rational-emotive
  behaviour therapy.
• They become calm over a long period of time.
• (ADAPTED BY) Ellis 1991 – ABC model.
• Activating event, Beliefs, Consequences.

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Abnormality - PSYA2

  • 2. Topic 1: Definitions of abnormality/psychopathology: 1. Description of deviation from social norms & examples. 2. 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses of the deviation from social norms definition, inc. cultural relativism. 3. Description of deviation from Ideal Mental health inc. Jahoda’s 6 criteria. 4. 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses of the deviation from idea mental health definition 5. Description of Failure to Function Adequately with examples. 6. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the failure to function adequately.
  • 3. 1. Description of deviation from social norms & examples. • Social norms are the rules that society has for ‘acceptable behaviour’. • Deviation from social norms means acting in a way that would be considered abnormal. e.g. Standing too close in face-to-face conversation. Not queuing if you’re English. Laughing when you should be crying.
  • 4. 2. 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses of the deviation from social norms definition, inc. cultural relativism. • Can help to find • Cultural relativism – so, abnormalities, for throwing tomatoes at example if someone people in England seems lost, they may would be weird, but in have Alzheimer's Spain, it’s a tradition • Fluid, so it can change • Role of context – with the times. For singing on a stage = fine example, homosexuality singing in a shop = weird was deemed as ‘abnormal’ until 1967
  • 5. 3. Description of deviation from Ideal Mental health inc. Jahoda’s 6 criteria. 1. Positive attitudes toward oneself 2. Self-actualisation of one’s potential 3. Resistance to stress 4. Personal autonomy 5. Accurate perception of reality 6. Adapting to and mastering the environment
  • 6. 4. 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses of the deviation from idea mental health definition • Focuses on the positives, • Difficulty of self-actualising. not the negatives. • Some people benefit from working in stressed conditions. • Cultural issues – Jahoda’s theory was based on Western ideals of self- fulfilment. • Too simplistic. • Someone could be assessed when they’re having a bad day.
  • 7. 5. Description of Failure to Function Adequately with examples. Someone who is unable to take part in everyday life, for example, unable to work or socialise.
  • 8. 6. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the failure to function adequately. • Exceptions to the rule – • Humane, non-invasive e.g. students feeling way of helping to anxious about exams, not diagnose abnormality. necessarily abnormal. • The ‘Global Assessment • Cultural issues – minority of Functioning Scale’ ethnic groups could feel (GAF) is on a continuum, harassed, leading to them and therefore allows being less social. Does not fluidity within the model. mean abnormal. (COCHRANE and SASHIDHARAN 1995)
  • 9. Topic 2: Models of abnormality/psychopathology 1. Description of the BIOLOGICAL MODEL. 2. Outline 4 biological explanations for mental health disorders (infection, biochemistry, brain damage, genetics) 3. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the approach. 4. Description of the PSYCHODYNAMIC MODEL – inc. mental health disorders being linked to conflicts in childhood/unconscious mind. 5. Description of the psychosexual stages, and how they link to abnormality. 6. Either Anna O or Little Hans CASE STUDY 7. At least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the approach 8. Description of the BEHAVIOURAL MODEL. 9. Description of operant conditioning
  • 10. Topic 2: Models of abnormality/psychopathology pt 2 10. Description of classical conditioning. 11.APFC of Little Albert (Watson and Raynor 1920) 12.2 strengths and weaknesses of the approach. 13.Description of the COGNITIVE MODEL. 14.Description of the BECK ABC MODEL. 15.Description of ELLIS’ COGNITIVE TRIAD. 16.At least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the Cognitive model.
  • 11. 1. Description of the BIOLOGICAL MODEL. • States that mental disorders are caused by abnormal physiological processes. 1. Genetic 2. Biochemical 3. Illness 4. Disease
  • 12. 2. Outline 4 biological explanations for mental health disorders (infection, biochemistry, brain damage, genetics) 1. Brain damage: As your brain wears away, you become more abnormal. E.g. Alzheimers. Case study: Phineas Gage – pole through head. Changed personality type completely. Shows that different parts of your brain account for different things. 2. Infection: Brown et al (1990) found correlation between women contracting influenza in their first trimester, and the consequent onset of schizophrenia in their child. (not reliable – not been proved since!)
  • 13. 3. Genetics: Evidence suggests disorders are inherited. Identical twins – 44.3% concordance rates of schizophrenia, compared to Non-identical twins – 12% concordance rates. 4. Biochemistry: Cortisol – calms you down. Imbalance of serotonin = Depression. Imbalance of dopamine = Schizophrenia. Drugs are produced to balance the imbalances.
  • 14. 3. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the approach. • Objective – deals with • Everybody’s different. hormones, and sciencey • Stigma – fears of being stuff! classed as ‘mentally ill’ • ‘No blame’ – people are • Reductionist – broken not to blame for their down into fundamental abnormalities, levels. therefore they should be helped through it. • Puts less stress on the patient, as doctors can try to sort things out.
  • 15. 4. Description of the PSYCHODYNAMIC MODEL – inc. mental health disorders being linked to conflicts in childhood/unconscious mind. Freud: Tripartite theory: ID – I want it all. Childish. Superego- The nice, and social. (can lead to anxiety) Ego – The balance.
  • 16. Psychodynamic model - Freud Ego defence mechanisms: Repression – Pushing traumatic events into the subconscious. Regression – Reverting back to child-like state. Denial – Refusal to admit something that has occurred, or is currently occurring.
  • 17. 5. Description of the psychosexual stages, and how they link to abnormality. Oral – Stuck in this stage = OCD Anal - OCD Phallic – Jealous of parents genitalia Latency – Social development with people of the same gender. Genital – Development of heterosexual relationships.
  • 18. 6. Anna O Breuer and Freud (1896): • Anna O, 21 year old woman. V. Intellectual. • Father became ill, she nursed him, got sick herself, became bed ridden, lacked interest in food (regression). • Before her father died, she also became a mute (regression) • Her dad died, she got anxious (superego) and depressed (ID). Then, aggressive (ID). • She would occasionally talk, and make links for her symptoms. She made an association between her deafness and when her brother caught her listening to her parents having sex. (Phallic) • The symptoms would worsen as she thought back. • Anna’s deafness would go when she recalled the incident with her Bro.
  • 19. 7. At least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the psychodynamic model: • Freud’s theories have • Blames the parents, make been enormously them feel guilty perhaps – influential. not fair on them! • Subjective – no science • Retrospective data means involved. that childhood problems may not necessarily emerge in problems in adults. • Deterministic: The philosophy that everything is ultimately determined by things beyond our will/control. simple enough?
  • 20. 8. Description of the BEHAVIOURAL MODEL. • Claim that abnormal behaviour is learned through experience. • But that behaviour can be changed if dysfunctional, due to classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning theory.
  • 21. 9. Description of operant conditioning The idea that behaviours are learned. Behaviours with good outcomes continue, however behaviours with undesirable consequences become less frequent.
  • 22. 10. Description of classical conditioning. Form of learning where a neutral stimulus is paired with a response-producing stimulus, so over time, the neutral stimulus also produces that response.
  • 23. 11. APFC of Little Albert (Watson and Raynor 1920) Aim: Wanted to see how a phobia could be conditioned. Procedure: They got Little Albert, an 11 month old child, and they tested him to find things he was afraid of. The only thing they found was the sound of a hammer striking a metal bar behind his head. Findings: They took a tame rat, (neutral stimulus) and as Little Albert reached out to touch the rat, the bar would be struck. Over time, he was afraid to touch the rat. (conditioned response). Conclusion: They were able to condition a phobia by (classical) conditioning.
  • 24. 12. 2 strengths and weaknesses of the approach. • We know that phobias • Was never desensitised can be created by as his parents removed classical conditioning. him from the experiment. • No consent from Albert. • Ethical issues – Albert was left to play with burning newspaper.
  • 25. 13. Description of the COGNITIVE MODEL. • Focuses on cognitive problems – such as irrational thinking. • Ellis 1962 • If we think rationally, we behave rationally.
  • 26. 14. Description of the BECK’sABC MODEL. Activating Belief Consequence event Activating event: An event that triggers an emotion. Belief: How the patient reacts… Either rationally or irrationally. Consequences: Other thoughts/behaviours.
  • 27. 15. Description ofBECKS’ COGNITIVE TRIAD. • Typical of depression. • People believe they’re Negative views about the world worthless. • People believe they’ll never amount to anything. Negative views Negative views • People believe the about the future about oneself world is against them.
  • 28. 16. At least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the Cognitive model. • Supported by Gustafson • No cause and effect. 1992 who found • Blaming of the maladaptive thinking individual, which could was linking to anxiety. draw away the need to improve social conditions.
  • 29. Topic 3: Treatments of abnormality/psychology: Biological treatments: 1. Explain how chemotherapy works 2. Outline the 3 types of drugs • Anti-anxiety- beta blockers, BZ • Anti-psychotics – conventional & atypical • Anti-depressants – tricyclics and SSRI’s. 3. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of chemotherapy (& side effects) 4. Outline the two types of ECT (uni + bilateral) 5. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of ECT (& side effects)
  • 30. 1. Explain how chemotherapy works: Drug therapy, to treat mental disorders often by stabilising chemical imbalance.
  • 31. 2. Outline the 3 types of drugs 1. Anti-anxiety drugs • BZs (Benzodiazepines) - Calming effect • Enhance GABA, calming brain activity. 2. Anti-depressants • SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) • Increase serotonin to improve mood. 3. Anti-psychotic drugs • Major tranquillisers • Seduce and alleviate symptoms like hallucinations • Stop schizophrenia
  • 32. 3. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of chemotherapy (& side effects) • Quick to get. • Doesn’t necessarily • Easily obtainable. work for everyone • Only have to take pills. (FISHER AND GREENBERG 1989) • Side effects such as tiredness, stiffness and tremors. • Only treats the symptoms, not the cause.
  • 33. 4. Outline the two types of ECT (uni + bilateral) • Unilateral – one electrode to either one temple, or the centre of the head. • Bilateral – two electrodes on both temples. • The patient is shocked with 70-130V, for ½ a second. • Patient is anaesthetised, and has no memory of the shocks.
  • 34. 5. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of ECT (& side effects) • Quick, and effective. • Side effects, inc. • Proven to work, memory loss, and bone objective. fractures. • Last resort. • Don’t know how ECT works. • Ethical issues – has been used without consent to institutionalised people.
  • 35. Topic 3: Treatments of abnormality/psychology: 2. Psychoanalysis: - Explain how treatment is focused upon the unconscious mind, outline 3 treatments: 1) Dream analysis 2) Free association 3) Transference - 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of psychoanalysis, i.e. lack of side effects.
  • 36. 1. Explain how treatment is focused upon the unconscious mind, outline 3 treatments: 1. Dream analysis – the unconscious mind may be revealed in dreams. Freud believed in repressed memories. 2. Free association – clients let their thoughts wander, and say the first thing they think of. Bringing out repressed memories/thoughts. 3. Transference – Client projects characteristics of other people onto the analyst.
  • 37. 2. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of psychoanalysis, i.e. lack of side effects. • No side effects. • Expensive – lots of time • Allows the patient to taken, therefore lots of move along at their own money. pace, no pressures. • Works better for neurotic disorders (anxiety) than psychotic disorders (schizophrenia). • Difficulty in evaluating. • Subjective. • Ethical issues MASSON 1988 said all the power was with the analyst.
  • 38. Topic 3: Treatments of abnormality/psychology: 3. Behavioural treatments: 1. Explain how treatment changes BEHAVIOUR, not the underlying cause. (Hierachy; systematic desensitisation) 2. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of systematic desensitisation. Inc. lack of side effects.
  • 39. 1. Explain how treatment changes BEHAVIOUR, not the underlying cause. (Hierarchy; systematic desensitisation) Systematic desensitisation: Uses counter-conditioning to replace a bad response (fear) to a healthier response (relaxation). Hierarchy: With the hierarchy method, a graded series of thought provoking situations is created, and the patient moves up them. These methods only change the behaviour, as they only change the response to the fear, not the fear itself.
  • 40. 2. 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of systematic desensitisation. Inc. lack of side effects. • No side effects. • Time consuming, • Allows patient to feel therefore expensive. comfortable with each • Heavily involved in stage before moving on. imagination – not suited to all patients.
  • 41. Topic 3: Treatments of abnormality/psychology: 4. Cognitive behavioural therapy: - Explain how treatment is focused on changing faulty thoughts and perceptions to lead to a change in behaviour; outline REBT/ABC model (Beck) - 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of CBT, inc. focus on free will.
  • 42. 1. Explain how treatment is focused on changing faulty thoughts and perceptions to lead to a change in behaviour; outline REBT/ABC model (Beck) • REBT (ELLIS 1962) – Rational-emotive behaviour therapy. • They become calm over a long period of time. • (ADAPTED BY) Ellis 1991 – ABC model. • Activating event, Beliefs, Consequences.