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Policy Issues:
Mental Health & Addictions
        HLTH 405 / Canadian Health Policy
                    Winter 2012
      School of Kinesiology and Health Studies

                    Course Instructor:
                    Alex Mayer, MPA
• HLTH DSC Bake Sale
  o Wednesday, 11AM to 4PM
  o In the ARC

        Video: Bake Sale Advertisement
• Briefing Note
  o Last week to see me
     (office hours: 12pm – 5pm tomorrow, KHS 301A)
  o 2 weeks left before due date
     • Do you have a topic?
     • Have you completed some preliminary research?
• Briefing Note Ideas
  o How could outcome-based physician incentives be used to
    promote chronic disease prevention? (Learning from the
    UK experience)
  o Incentivizing workplace wellness programs in Ontario
  o Banning fast food advertisements targeting children: how
    effective is it? (Learning from Quebec)
  o Promoting physician-dietitian partnerships in every FHT:
    what are the challenges?
  o Assessing the merits of health impact assessments in urban
    planning: an international survey of current evidence
  o Strengthening health promotion partnerships with First
    Nations Reserves
  o Making Canada’s Food Guidelines reflect the best scientific
    evidence: the political and organizational challenges
• Briefing Note Ideas
  o Promoting healthier food choices among youth
  o Reducing prevalence of binge drinking among youth
  o Social and health strategies to address the health
    challenges of house-insecure populations in a cost-
    effective manner
  o Primary care strategies to effectively keep low acuity
    patients from seeking emergency room care
  o Provincial bulk purchasing of pharmaceutical drugs:
    Benefits and challenges of instituting a pan-Canadian
    purchasing agency
  o Programs and regulations to prevent cellphone-
    related car accidents
• Briefing Note Ideas
  o Teaching healthy cooking and grocery shopping
    skills: Exploring a new health care role to increase
    clinical adherence with lifestyle-based treatment
    protocols in high-risk patients
  o Exploring a new partnership model with personal
    trainers and/or kinesiologists in primary care
  o Implementing harm reduction strategies in Ontario
    for people with high-risk addictions
  o Preventing the spread of communicable diseases in
    Canada’s penitentiary system
  o Reducing mental health stigma and promoting
    careseeking behavior among high school youth
In the News
• ‚Canadians to speak out on mental health‛
                  - Global News (Feb 8th, 2012)

• ‚Unstable Tactics: Recent deaths throw into question
  how police confront mental health‛
                  - National Post (Feb 11th, 2012)

• “In an aging society, dementia may be the new
  impaired driving”
                  - Toronto Star (Feb 11th, 2012)
Mental Health & Addictions
Topics for today’s lecture:

Policy Issue #2: Mental Health & Addictions
• Mental health trends
• Social stigma
• Trauma and Self-medication
• Principles of a recovery approach to mental
• Principles of harm reduction
Defining a Healthy Mental
• More than merely the absence of physiological
  impairments/imbalances (CMHA):
  o Striking a fulfilling balance between
    social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental activities
  o Building a healthy self-concept and sense of self-worth
  o Ability to freely give and receive emotional affirmation
  o Access to nurturing relationships (e.g. family, friends)
  o Managing stress and coping with change effectively
  o Feeling a sense of belonging and connectedness to one’s
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Approaches to Mental Health
Different approaches to delivering Mental Health Care
in Canada have evolved over time:
• Reflect shifts in social values and cultural mores
• Reflect shifts in social perceptions of illness (i.e.
  myths, prejudices)
• Reflect paradigm shifts in the dominant
  view/definitions of mental illness

Let’s travel back in time…
Ancient Greece
  Individuals with severe mental illnesses thought to be
  vessels for angry gods (Prince, 2003).
  o Sufferers were abused, humiliated, treated with
  o Early precursor of Western values towards mental
    illness (i.e. stigma)
Middle Ages (5th to 16th century)
  Many European cultures identified mental illness with
  supernatural affliction (e.g. demonic
  possession, witchcraft).
  o Sufferers were often tortured, burnt at the
    stake, hanged or decapitated to release demonic
    presence (Stein and Santos, 1998)
‘Age of Enlightenment’ (17th to 18th century)
  In Europe, dominant view of mental illness as a physical
  impairment that results from a ‘excess of passion’.
   o Sufferers were poorly treated and often left to linger
     in bad living conditions. In some cases, they were
     confined to cages or chained to walls.
   o Seen as ‚self-inflicted‛ and ‚incurable‛ condition.
Late 18th century: ‚Moral Treatment‛
  French physician named Dr. Philippe Pinel pioneers the belief
  that people who behave ‘strangely’ have a medical illness and
  should be cared for; Advent of psychiatry.
  o Consequently, the ‘deranged’ are seen as less blameful
     than sinners or criminals – they are merely ‘sick’.
   o ‘Lunatic asylums’ are replaced with psychiatric
     institutions, which promote semi-normal, autonomous
     lives and seek to treat patients with respect.
19th and 20th century: Biomedical Model
  Advances in mapping out physiological functions of the
  brain lead medical scientists to explain mental illness as
  resulting from damage to the physical tissues of the
  brain, either from trauma, pathogens, or the sequelae of
  congenital/hereditary defects.
  o Leads to pessimistic view of prospect for
Early 20th century
Following World War I, the prevalence of ‚shell shock‛
lends credibility to the idea of psychological causes of
mental illness and the notion that everyone has a ‘breaking
  o Birth of modern psychiatry and clinical psychology
Late 20th century: Biopsychosocial Model
In 1977, Engel introduces the BPS model of health, which stipulates
that a combination of biological, psychological and social factors
combine to produce disease and disability.
   o Social norms, cultural expectations and traditions become
     integral ways of understanding what ‘qualifies’ as mental illness
   o Social determinants and aggravating environmental factors now
     understood to play a large role in mediating mental illness
Approaches to Mental Health
        in Canada
3 Distinct Periods (like most developed countries)
in the way we as a society have approached mental

Pre-1900s: Moral/Humanitarian Treatment
• Mental health pioneers move beyond a ‘custodial’ model
  of care and seek to provide patients with the benefit of
  moral treatment. Few institutions exist, but those that do
  have a high staff-patient ratio and report high success
Approaches to Mental Health
        in Canada
1900-1960s: Institutionalization
• Following success of moral treatment, institutions appear all
  over the country.
• Patients spend most of their lives in psychiatric institutions.
• Paternalistic relationship between staff and their patients.
• Introduction of paid work through occupational therapy.
• Government and CMHA began to concern themselves with
  reducing stigma:
   o Inauguration of ‘Mental Health Week’ (1951)
   o Push to eliminate terms like ‘imbecile’, ‘idiot’, ‘lunatic’
     from existing statutes and the public vernacular
Approaches to Mental Health
        in Canada
1960s-present: De-institutionalization
• By 1960s, institutions are overcrowded.
• New research exposes the long-term developmental
  harms of mental institutions.
• Health advocates argue that mental health should not be
  treated any differently than physical health
  (episodically, in hospitals).
• Unfortunately, deinstitutionalization was not coupled
  with increased investments in mental health supports.
How prevalent is mental
      illness in
  Canada, anyway?
Very Prevalent
• 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a severe mental
  illness or drug misuse disorder during their
  lifetimes. The remaining 4 will know someone
  who does.

• Has overtaken cardiovascular disease as the
  leading cause of disability claims in Canada.
Major Clinical Diagnoses in Canada
   Condition            1-Yr. Prevalence

   Anxiety Disorder     12.2%

   Major Depression     4.1 – 4.5%

   Alcohol Dependence   3%

   Dysthymia            0.8 – 3.1%

   Bulimia              1.5% (women)
                        0.1% (men)
   Anorexia             0.7% (women)
                        0.2% (men)
   Bipolar Disorder     0.2 - 0.6%

   Schizophrenia        0.3%

   Suicide              24% of deaths (15-24 yr.)
                        16% of deaths (25-44 yr.)
Who is Affected?
• 70% of mental health issues have their onset during
  childhood or adolescence.

• Young people (15 - 24yr.) are the most likely to
  experience a mental health issue or substance use

• The prevalence of age-related mental illness (e.g.
  dementia) is on the rise due to demographic aging. By
  age 80, 1 in 3 Ontarians will experience dementia.
Who is Affected?
• Low-income Canadians are 3-4X more likely than those
  in high-income group to report ‘fair’ to ‘poor’ mental

• Males are more likely to be high-risk drinkers (25%) than
  females (9%), and to experience a substance dependence
  (2.6X more likely).

• Women are 1.5X more likely to experience a mood or
  anxiety disorder than men.
Underutilization of
   Mental Health Services
Only a third of those who need mental health services
actually receive them.
• Individuals with Several Mental Illness:
   o 40-61% receive services

• Individuals with Moderately Severe Mental Illness:
   o 24-40% receive services

• Individuals with Mildly Severe Mental Illness:
   o 13-27% receive services
Underutilization of
Mental Health Services
Underutilization of
Mental Health Services
Cost of Mental Illness in Canada
 • Number one cause of disability in
   Canada, accounting for 30% of disability claims
   and 70% of total disability costs.

 • $51 Billion/year in lost productivity in
   Canada, including $34 Billion/year in Ontario
   o On average, short-term disability leave for mental health
     reasons costs employers twice as much as leaves due to
     physical illness
According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), depression will be the single biggest
medical burden on human health by 2020.
The Policy Challenge
• Defeat mental health stigma.

• Prevent the onset of mental illness among young, in
  the workplace, and among older Canadians.

• Provide more integrated, effective and patient-
  centered primary care, social and health
  services, and community supports for people with a
  mental illness.
Social Stigma
Why is social stigma a health problem rather than
merely a social problem?
Social Stigma
• Both a proximate and distal cause of
  employment inequity, housing
  insecurity, poverty, lack of access to health
  services and poor support networks for people
  with a mental illness.

• Main barrier to seeking care.

• Aggravating factor in mediating the frequency
  and severity of a mental illness.
Ontario’s 10-Year Strategy
• Dispel myths and misperceptions about mental

• Employ people with lived experience as
  spokespeople on behalf of people with a mental

• Work with CMHA to produce an anti-stigma
  campaign targeting children, youth and health
  care practitioners.
Ontario’s 10-Year Strategy
• Provide anti-stigma training to first responders (e.g.
  health, legal, emergency teams) to improve perceptions
  of the service system.

• Provide anti-stigma training for employers and
  landlords to make them aware of their legal
  responsibilities under the Ontario Human Rights Code
  and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

• Develop policies and mechanisms to better enforce
  regulations on behalf of people with a mental illness.
Prevention of Mental Illness
 through Continuous Care
• Mental health & addictions are often the result of
  modifiable risk factors such as stress, anxiety, poor
  response to major life events/changes, lack of social
  support, lack of self-esteem, or the feeling that life is out
  of one’s control.
• There are known ways of promoting coping skills in
  youth and adults, and delaying the onset of degenerative
  brain disease (e.g. Alzheimer’s) in older adults.
• Services exist but continue to be offered in a
  disjointed, inefficient and provider-centric manner. A
  patient-centered model of care is needed to promote
  accessible, continuous care.
Ontario’s 10-Year Strategy
• Healthy development approach: Work with parents and
  their children to promote healthy coping skills, through
  school-based and community-based programs.

• Cross-sector training (schools, primary care, social
  services, first responders, etc.) for early identification
  and support of people with a mental illness.

• Target programs to reach high-risk groups:
   o Children, college and university students, elderly, First
     Nations, unemployed and low-income groups, victims of
     domestic violence, newcomers, LGBT
Ontario’s 10-Year Strategy
• Be aware of and promote mental health in all aspects of the
  delivery of government services.
• Work with communities and private sector (e.g. Bell’s ‘Let’s
  Talk’ Campaign) to deliver education/awareness programs
  about mental health.
• Provide wellness and mental health supports for seniors in
  community settings (e.g. recreational programing and seniors’
• Bolster the role of primary care providers by targeting
  incentives, developing screening and brief intervention
  tools, and ensuring that FHTs coordinate with mental health
  and addictions treatment providers.
Given the recessionary economic
    Should Ontario be investing
more money in mental health
    Or should we try to get more
value for what we already spend?
Trauma, Self-Medication,
    and Addictions
Medication, and
• 3 out of 10 people with a mental illness will be
  dependent on alcohol or illicit drugs.

• Substance use disorders develop when people with a
  mental illness, and underlying self-regulatory
  vulnerabilities, discover that the specific action or effect
  of a drug changes or relieves a painful affect state.

• Given prevalence of stigma around mental illness, the
  prevalence of substance use suggests a desire to treat
  painful symptoms while avoiding diagnosis.
Medication, and
• Dube et al. (2003) measured the effect of adverse
  childhood events (ACEs) on the subsequent
  development of illicit drug use and drug addiction.

   o ACEs included abuse (sexual, physical, emotional), neglect
     (physical or emotional), growing up with household substance
     abuse, criminality of household members, and parental discord.

• A child with exposure to 5 ACEs was ~11 times more
  likely than a child with no exposure to report illicit drug
Recovery Approach to
     Mental Health Care
• Considering the whole person, including her lived
  experience, to generate an individualized wellness plan
  that draws from a variety of community resources.

• Emphasis on positive self-concepts, the patient’s
  autonomy, and turning attention towards her strengths
  and life goals (rather than her illness).

• Provide evidence-based pharmacotherapy, as needed.
Harm Reduction Approach
• In some cases, however, the history of trauma and the
  seriousness of substance use disorder may be such that
  there is a very low prospect that someone will overcome
  an addiction.

• Fortunately, most harms associated with drug use are a
  result of bad policy. Undo the bad policies, and we undo
  most of the harm.
What do I mean by this?
Black market caffeine
• Caffeine has just been banned in Canada, following
  xenophobic political discourse linking coffee
  consumption to the arrival of new immigrant
  groups, who are avid coffee drinkers.
• Accompanied by sensationalist (i.e. unproven)
  government claims about the health effects of caffeine on
  the human body -- tremors, psychosis, criminal
  behavior, immoral thoughts.
• Workers (e.g. transport drivers, doctors, university
  professors) who rely on caffeine for work are forced to
  buy unregulated products from the black market.
Black market caffeine
• Coffee in beverage form is too conspicuous, so dealers
  trade in caffeine pills and caffeine injections.
• Due to the growing price of coffee beans, caffeine
  products are often cut with chemical fillers and other
• Many workers are caught consuming caffeine, stripped
  of their licenses, and burdened with a criminal record
  that all but eliminates their job prospects. Due to the
  stigma of addictions from employers, most become
  welfare recipients.
Black market caffeine
• Traumatized by their dramatic socioeconomic decline
  and social isolation, many former caffeine users become
  depressed and turn to more powerful drugs for
  emotional relief.
• The prejudice of some social service providers towards
  ‘addicts’ causes some individuals to lose their benefits.
  Without the needed resources to pursue legal avenues,
  some caffeine users listlessly accept their fate – to be
  homeless and sick.
Principles of
           Harm Reduction
• Compassionate approach to understanding and working
  with people who use illicit drugs.
• A therapeutic relationship based on respect, acceptance
  and community inclusion of society’s most abused and
  marginalized individuals.
• Does not seek to impose naive treatment options (e.g.
  detox) for ideological (e.g. ‘moral’) reasons.
• Rather, it focuses on safer drug use practices, celebrating
  small victories, and empowering clients to prevent
  harms to which they are routinely exposed.
Examples of
           Harm Reduction
• Needle exchange programs.
• Supervised injection facilities.
• Distribution of safer crack smoking kits.
• Distribution of free or subsidized condoms in high
  schools and universities.

                      Other examples?
Vancouver’s Supervised
 Injection Site (‘InSite’)
Vancouver’s Supervised
   Injection Site (‘InSite’)
• First opened in 2003.
• Response to dual epidemic of overdose-related deaths
  and HIV infections in the Vancouver Downtown East
• Distributes safe injection kits, supervises
  injections, provides medical interventions as
  needed, offers primary care and access to counseling and
  detox programs (on a strictly voluntary basis).
• Receives about $2M in annual funding from Health
  Canada and B.C. Ministry of Health.
Vancouver’s Supervised
   Injection Site (‘InSite’)
Very effective
• In 2009 alone, 484 overdoses were reported at Insite. Not
  one resulted in a fatality, thanks to medical supervision.
• Overdose-related deaths in the Insite area have dropped
  by 35% since the opening of the site.
• Prevents 35 cases of HIV and 3 AIDS-related deaths per
  year, for a net-social benefit of over $6M per annum.
• Has resulted in increased referrals to detox programs.
Vancouver’s Supervised
    Injection Site (‘InSite’)
• Though a majority of public opinion is now in favor of harm
  reduction sites such as Insite, some ‘law and order’ attitudes
  still hold back the public health gains that could be gleaned
  from wider adoption.
• The RCMP, a critical stakeholder, has been lukewarm to the
  harm reduction approach.
• Legal challenges from the Harper Government have thrown
  the future of Insite into question. However, the 2011 Supreme
  Court Decision that closing the site is unconstitutional was a
  sound victory for harm reduction advocates.
‚Nothing worth doing is completed in
            our lifetime;
Therefore we must be saved by hope.‛

          - Reinhold Niebuhr
Have a great week!

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Week 6 - Mental Health and Addictions

  • 1. Policy Issues: Mental Health & Addictions HLTH 405 / Canadian Health Policy Winter 2012 School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Course Instructor: Alex Mayer, MPA
  • 2. Announcement • HLTH DSC Bake Sale o Wednesday, 11AM to 4PM o In the ARC Video: Bake Sale Advertisement
  • 3. Announcement • Briefing Note o Last week to see me (office hours: 12pm – 5pm tomorrow, KHS 301A) o 2 weeks left before due date • Do you have a topic? • Have you completed some preliminary research?
  • 4. • Briefing Note Ideas o How could outcome-based physician incentives be used to promote chronic disease prevention? (Learning from the UK experience) o Incentivizing workplace wellness programs in Ontario o Banning fast food advertisements targeting children: how effective is it? (Learning from Quebec) o Promoting physician-dietitian partnerships in every FHT: what are the challenges? o Assessing the merits of health impact assessments in urban planning: an international survey of current evidence o Strengthening health promotion partnerships with First Nations Reserves o Making Canada’s Food Guidelines reflect the best scientific evidence: the political and organizational challenges
  • 5. • Briefing Note Ideas o Promoting healthier food choices among youth o Reducing prevalence of binge drinking among youth o Social and health strategies to address the health challenges of house-insecure populations in a cost- effective manner o Primary care strategies to effectively keep low acuity patients from seeking emergency room care o Provincial bulk purchasing of pharmaceutical drugs: Benefits and challenges of instituting a pan-Canadian purchasing agency o Programs and regulations to prevent cellphone- related car accidents
  • 6. • Briefing Note Ideas o Teaching healthy cooking and grocery shopping skills: Exploring a new health care role to increase clinical adherence with lifestyle-based treatment protocols in high-risk patients o Exploring a new partnership model with personal trainers and/or kinesiologists in primary care o Implementing harm reduction strategies in Ontario for people with high-risk addictions o Preventing the spread of communicable diseases in Canada’s penitentiary system o Reducing mental health stigma and promoting careseeking behavior among high school youth
  • 7. In the News • ‚Canadians to speak out on mental health‛ - Global News (Feb 8th, 2012) • ‚Unstable Tactics: Recent deaths throw into question how police confront mental health‛ - National Post (Feb 11th, 2012) • “In an aging society, dementia may be the new impaired driving” - Toronto Star (Feb 11th, 2012)
  • 8. Mental Health & Addictions
  • 9. Topics for today’s lecture: Policy Issue #2: Mental Health & Addictions • Mental health trends • Social stigma • Trauma and Self-medication • Principles of a recovery approach to mental health • Principles of harm reduction
  • 10. Defining a Healthy Mental Life • More than merely the absence of physiological impairments/imbalances (CMHA): o Striking a fulfilling balance between social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental activities o Building a healthy self-concept and sense of self-worth o Ability to freely give and receive emotional affirmation o Access to nurturing relationships (e.g. family, friends) o Managing stress and coping with change effectively o Feeling a sense of belonging and connectedness to one’s community
  • 12. Approaches to Mental Health Different approaches to delivering Mental Health Care in Canada have evolved over time: • Reflect shifts in social values and cultural mores • Reflect shifts in social perceptions of illness (i.e. myths, prejudices) • Reflect paradigm shifts in the dominant view/definitions of mental illness Let’s travel back in time…
  • 13. Ancient Greece Individuals with severe mental illnesses thought to be vessels for angry gods (Prince, 2003). o Sufferers were abused, humiliated, treated with contempt o Early precursor of Western values towards mental illness (i.e. stigma)
  • 14. Middle Ages (5th to 16th century) Many European cultures identified mental illness with supernatural affliction (e.g. demonic possession, witchcraft). o Sufferers were often tortured, burnt at the stake, hanged or decapitated to release demonic presence (Stein and Santos, 1998)
  • 15. ‘Age of Enlightenment’ (17th to 18th century) In Europe, dominant view of mental illness as a physical impairment that results from a ‘excess of passion’. o Sufferers were poorly treated and often left to linger in bad living conditions. In some cases, they were confined to cages or chained to walls. o Seen as ‚self-inflicted‛ and ‚incurable‛ condition.
  • 16. Late 18th century: ‚Moral Treatment‛ French physician named Dr. Philippe Pinel pioneers the belief that people who behave ‘strangely’ have a medical illness and should be cared for; Advent of psychiatry. o Consequently, the ‘deranged’ are seen as less blameful than sinners or criminals – they are merely ‘sick’. o ‘Lunatic asylums’ are replaced with psychiatric institutions, which promote semi-normal, autonomous lives and seek to treat patients with respect.
  • 17. 19th and 20th century: Biomedical Model Advances in mapping out physiological functions of the brain lead medical scientists to explain mental illness as resulting from damage to the physical tissues of the brain, either from trauma, pathogens, or the sequelae of congenital/hereditary defects. o Leads to pessimistic view of prospect for rehabilitation.
  • 18. Early 20th century Following World War I, the prevalence of ‚shell shock‛ lends credibility to the idea of psychological causes of mental illness and the notion that everyone has a ‘breaking point’. o Birth of modern psychiatry and clinical psychology
  • 19. Late 20th century: Biopsychosocial Model In 1977, Engel introduces the BPS model of health, which stipulates that a combination of biological, psychological and social factors combine to produce disease and disability. o Social norms, cultural expectations and traditions become integral ways of understanding what ‘qualifies’ as mental illness o Social determinants and aggravating environmental factors now understood to play a large role in mediating mental illness
  • 20. Approaches to Mental Health in Canada 3 Distinct Periods (like most developed countries) in the way we as a society have approached mental illness. Pre-1900s: Moral/Humanitarian Treatment • Mental health pioneers move beyond a ‘custodial’ model of care and seek to provide patients with the benefit of moral treatment. Few institutions exist, but those that do have a high staff-patient ratio and report high success rates.
  • 21. Approaches to Mental Health in Canada 1900-1960s: Institutionalization • Following success of moral treatment, institutions appear all over the country. • Patients spend most of their lives in psychiatric institutions. • Paternalistic relationship between staff and their patients. • Introduction of paid work through occupational therapy. • Government and CMHA began to concern themselves with reducing stigma: o Inauguration of ‘Mental Health Week’ (1951) o Push to eliminate terms like ‘imbecile’, ‘idiot’, ‘lunatic’ from existing statutes and the public vernacular
  • 22. Approaches to Mental Health in Canada 1960s-present: De-institutionalization • By 1960s, institutions are overcrowded. • New research exposes the long-term developmental harms of mental institutions. • Health advocates argue that mental health should not be treated any differently than physical health (episodically, in hospitals). • Unfortunately, deinstitutionalization was not coupled with increased investments in mental health supports.
  • 23. How prevalent is mental illness in Canada, anyway?
  • 24. Very Prevalent • 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a severe mental illness or drug misuse disorder during their lifetimes. The remaining 4 will know someone who does. • Has overtaken cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of disability claims in Canada.
  • 25. Major Clinical Diagnoses in Canada Condition 1-Yr. Prevalence Anxiety Disorder 12.2% Major Depression 4.1 – 4.5% Alcohol Dependence 3% Dysthymia 0.8 – 3.1% Bulimia 1.5% (women) 0.1% (men) Anorexia 0.7% (women) 0.2% (men) Bipolar Disorder 0.2 - 0.6% Schizophrenia 0.3% Suicide 24% of deaths (15-24 yr.) 16% of deaths (25-44 yr.)
  • 26. Who is Affected? • 70% of mental health issues have their onset during childhood or adolescence. • Young people (15 - 24yr.) are the most likely to experience a mental health issue or substance use disorder. • The prevalence of age-related mental illness (e.g. dementia) is on the rise due to demographic aging. By age 80, 1 in 3 Ontarians will experience dementia.
  • 27. Who is Affected? • Low-income Canadians are 3-4X more likely than those in high-income group to report ‘fair’ to ‘poor’ mental health. • Males are more likely to be high-risk drinkers (25%) than females (9%), and to experience a substance dependence (2.6X more likely). • Women are 1.5X more likely to experience a mood or anxiety disorder than men.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. Underutilization of Mental Health Services Only a third of those who need mental health services actually receive them. • Individuals with Several Mental Illness: o 40-61% receive services • Individuals with Moderately Severe Mental Illness: o 24-40% receive services • Individuals with Mildly Severe Mental Illness: o 13-27% receive services
  • 33. Cost of Mental Illness in Canada • Number one cause of disability in Canada, accounting for 30% of disability claims and 70% of total disability costs. • $51 Billion/year in lost productivity in Canada, including $34 Billion/year in Ontario alone. o On average, short-term disability leave for mental health reasons costs employers twice as much as leaves due to physical illness
  • 34. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression will be the single biggest medical burden on human health by 2020.
  • 35. The Policy Challenge • Defeat mental health stigma. • Prevent the onset of mental illness among young, in the workplace, and among older Canadians. • Provide more integrated, effective and patient- centered primary care, social and health services, and community supports for people with a mental illness.
  • 36. Social Stigma Why is social stigma a health problem rather than merely a social problem?
  • 37. Social Stigma • Both a proximate and distal cause of employment inequity, housing insecurity, poverty, lack of access to health services and poor support networks for people with a mental illness. • Main barrier to seeking care. • Aggravating factor in mediating the frequency and severity of a mental illness.
  • 38. Ontario’s 10-Year Strategy • Dispel myths and misperceptions about mental illness. • Employ people with lived experience as spokespeople on behalf of people with a mental illness. • Work with CMHA to produce an anti-stigma campaign targeting children, youth and health care practitioners.
  • 39. Ontario’s 10-Year Strategy • Provide anti-stigma training to first responders (e.g. health, legal, emergency teams) to improve perceptions of the service system. • Provide anti-stigma training for employers and landlords to make them aware of their legal responsibilities under the Ontario Human Rights Code and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. • Develop policies and mechanisms to better enforce regulations on behalf of people with a mental illness.
  • 40. Prevention of Mental Illness through Continuous Care • Mental health & addictions are often the result of modifiable risk factors such as stress, anxiety, poor response to major life events/changes, lack of social support, lack of self-esteem, or the feeling that life is out of one’s control. • There are known ways of promoting coping skills in youth and adults, and delaying the onset of degenerative brain disease (e.g. Alzheimer’s) in older adults. • Services exist but continue to be offered in a disjointed, inefficient and provider-centric manner. A patient-centered model of care is needed to promote accessible, continuous care.
  • 41. Ontario’s 10-Year Strategy • Healthy development approach: Work with parents and their children to promote healthy coping skills, through school-based and community-based programs. • Cross-sector training (schools, primary care, social services, first responders, etc.) for early identification and support of people with a mental illness. • Target programs to reach high-risk groups: o Children, college and university students, elderly, First Nations, unemployed and low-income groups, victims of domestic violence, newcomers, LGBT
  • 42. Ontario’s 10-Year Strategy • Be aware of and promote mental health in all aspects of the delivery of government services. • Work with communities and private sector (e.g. Bell’s ‘Let’s Talk’ Campaign) to deliver education/awareness programs about mental health. • Provide wellness and mental health supports for seniors in community settings (e.g. recreational programing and seniors’ centres). • Bolster the role of primary care providers by targeting incentives, developing screening and brief intervention tools, and ensuring that FHTs coordinate with mental health and addictions treatment providers.
  • 43. Given the recessionary economic climate, Should Ontario be investing more money in mental health services? Or should we try to get more value for what we already spend?
  • 44. Trauma, Self-Medication, and Addictions
  • 45. Medication, and Addictions • 3 out of 10 people with a mental illness will be dependent on alcohol or illicit drugs. • Substance use disorders develop when people with a mental illness, and underlying self-regulatory vulnerabilities, discover that the specific action or effect of a drug changes or relieves a painful affect state. • Given prevalence of stigma around mental illness, the prevalence of substance use suggests a desire to treat painful symptoms while avoiding diagnosis.
  • 46. Medication, and Addictions • Dube et al. (2003) measured the effect of adverse childhood events (ACEs) on the subsequent development of illicit drug use and drug addiction. o ACEs included abuse (sexual, physical, emotional), neglect (physical or emotional), growing up with household substance abuse, criminality of household members, and parental discord. • A child with exposure to 5 ACEs was ~11 times more likely than a child with no exposure to report illicit drug use.
  • 47. Recovery Approach to Mental Health Care • Considering the whole person, including her lived experience, to generate an individualized wellness plan that draws from a variety of community resources. • Emphasis on positive self-concepts, the patient’s autonomy, and turning attention towards her strengths and life goals (rather than her illness). • Provide evidence-based pharmacotherapy, as needed.
  • 48. Harm Reduction Approach • In some cases, however, the history of trauma and the seriousness of substance use disorder may be such that there is a very low prospect that someone will overcome an addiction. • Fortunately, most harms associated with drug use are a result of bad policy. Undo the bad policies, and we undo most of the harm.
  • 49. What do I mean by this?
  • 50. Black market caffeine • Caffeine has just been banned in Canada, following xenophobic political discourse linking coffee consumption to the arrival of new immigrant groups, who are avid coffee drinkers. • Accompanied by sensationalist (i.e. unproven) government claims about the health effects of caffeine on the human body -- tremors, psychosis, criminal behavior, immoral thoughts. • Workers (e.g. transport drivers, doctors, university professors) who rely on caffeine for work are forced to buy unregulated products from the black market.
  • 51. Black market caffeine • Coffee in beverage form is too conspicuous, so dealers trade in caffeine pills and caffeine injections. • Due to the growing price of coffee beans, caffeine products are often cut with chemical fillers and other substances. • Many workers are caught consuming caffeine, stripped of their licenses, and burdened with a criminal record that all but eliminates their job prospects. Due to the stigma of addictions from employers, most become welfare recipients.
  • 52. Black market caffeine • Traumatized by their dramatic socioeconomic decline and social isolation, many former caffeine users become depressed and turn to more powerful drugs for emotional relief. • The prejudice of some social service providers towards ‘addicts’ causes some individuals to lose their benefits. Without the needed resources to pursue legal avenues, some caffeine users listlessly accept their fate – to be homeless and sick.
  • 53. Principles of Harm Reduction • Compassionate approach to understanding and working with people who use illicit drugs. • A therapeutic relationship based on respect, acceptance and community inclusion of society’s most abused and marginalized individuals. • Does not seek to impose naive treatment options (e.g. detox) for ideological (e.g. ‘moral’) reasons. • Rather, it focuses on safer drug use practices, celebrating small victories, and empowering clients to prevent harms to which they are routinely exposed.
  • 54. Examples of Harm Reduction • Needle exchange programs. • Supervised injection facilities. • Distribution of safer crack smoking kits. • Distribution of free or subsidized condoms in high schools and universities. Other examples?
  • 55. Vancouver’s Supervised Injection Site (‘InSite’)
  • 56. Vancouver’s Supervised Injection Site (‘InSite’) • First opened in 2003. • Response to dual epidemic of overdose-related deaths and HIV infections in the Vancouver Downtown East Side. • Distributes safe injection kits, supervises injections, provides medical interventions as needed, offers primary care and access to counseling and detox programs (on a strictly voluntary basis). • Receives about $2M in annual funding from Health Canada and B.C. Ministry of Health.
  • 57. Vancouver’s Supervised Injection Site (‘InSite’) Very effective • In 2009 alone, 484 overdoses were reported at Insite. Not one resulted in a fatality, thanks to medical supervision. • Overdose-related deaths in the Insite area have dropped by 35% since the opening of the site. • Prevents 35 cases of HIV and 3 AIDS-related deaths per year, for a net-social benefit of over $6M per annum. • Has resulted in increased referrals to detox programs.
  • 58. Vancouver’s Supervised Injection Site (‘InSite’) Challenges • Though a majority of public opinion is now in favor of harm reduction sites such as Insite, some ‘law and order’ attitudes still hold back the public health gains that could be gleaned from wider adoption. • The RCMP, a critical stakeholder, has been lukewarm to the harm reduction approach. • Legal challenges from the Harper Government have thrown the future of Insite into question. However, the 2011 Supreme Court Decision that closing the site is unconstitutional was a sound victory for harm reduction advocates.
  • 59. ‚Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime; Therefore we must be saved by hope.‛ - Reinhold Niebuhr
  • 60. Have a great week!