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Production Reflection 2
Tamzin Twose
I had only intended to create two pages for my feature article, but when I added the article onto the page I realised it it
was too long, so I decided, instead of shortening it and potentially ruining what I’d written, I would make a third page
for the article and a fourth page with some fun additional info on.
I saved the first feature article as a second page so that I had a duplicate that I could edit. This would save me a lot of
time so that I don’t have to set up all of the guides again.
The only problem with creating a third page was that I only had my summary column of text and I soon realised that I
needed more for my article than I had originally written. However, I had already thought that I wanted more content
about the actually gameplay, so this was the perfect opportunity to add more.
I wrote out another section in my word document after removing the original text and copied and pasted the new part
into my Photoshop article.
Next I removed all of the photos from the first article that I didn’t need and rearranged the text so that I could fit a
picture in above.
I kept the captions from the old pictures, just in case they could be reused for the new pictures.
I also moved the pull quote as I wanted this page to be slightly different to the first.
For the main feature image I needed to
remove the names of the players to
protect their privacy and conform to ASA
code 6. I used the clone stamp tool to
duplicate the background around the
The name on the right-hand side was more
difficult than the others to remove because
the background was of a building.
For this I still used the clone stamp tool,
but I changed the brush size to 6px so that
it I could duplicate the background in
smaller sections, that way I could keep the
definition of the door and building details.
This worked really well and I was extremely
pleased with the finished result. When I
saw where it was I worried that I wouldn’t
be able to make it look good.
I exported the picture and placed it
onto the article page. I then resized
it to fit the space above the text.
Next, I wanted some additional
pictures and realised that a picture
of a particular sniper rifle that I had
mentioned would link really well to
the main image.
I didn’t have access to the game at
college so I found a similar image
online to what I wanted to use and
used that as a placeholder in the
bottom left corner.
I also moved the pull quote over
and added in a quote from this part
of the article.
Now that I had my images in place, I rearranged the text to fit the space and realised that I had one line too many in the
third column. I had planned to put something in this space and wanted it to line up with the picture on the left.
I also realised I hadn’t indented the first line of some of the paragraphs like I had in the first part of the article, so I did
In order to make all of the columns the same length, I found a suitable paragraph that had a short final sentence and
chose the words “in the mix” to remove as the sentence still sounded fine without them. This removed the shorter
sentence which gave me a spare line in the second column to add a line from the third column.
After sorting the text, I was looking at my pull quote and felt it didn’t quite sound right, “enemies come knocking” just
didn’t quite fit the context of the gameplay. Instead I decided to use “enemies get you in their sights” This worked so
much better, not only is it using direct address to speak to the audience, it also links to the main image on this page.
I also made sure I changed the sentence within the article, so that it was the same.
Because I’d placed in the small image in the bottom left corner,
I’d had to move the pull quote back to the bottom of the middle
column. I was back to the initial problem of where to put it as I
really wanted it to be in a different place to the first page.
In my additional research, I researched a PC Gamer article,
because that was the most popular magazine brand in my
survey. Within that article, they had placed their pull quote
centrally within the text.
They had actually placed it quite large so that it overlapped the
column space and they’d aligned the text around it, but I didn’t
feel this was something I could achieve as my text fit the page
perfectly now. Also, I didn’t want to directly copy the style of
that article, so instead I simply copied the bottom portion of the
text, up to where I wanted the pull quote to begin and created a
new text box using the horizontal type tool. I then copied the
body text into the new text box and switched around with the
pull quote. The only issue I then had was that the text was
slightly out of line from the other columns so I had to realign it
My next step was to add in a rating box. I added in a large
orange rectangle, the same size as the right hand picture, but it
looked too bright and stood out way too much, so instead I
changed it to a long thin rectangle.
I then added in “OUR RATING” and inserted in a picture of a star
to use for the rating. I also added in a small reason for the rating
and added my name below it.
I tried switching the colours of the box and star, for the rating, but I
felt it worked better the other way around, so I changed it back.
Then I noticed that my column separator lines were still set up for
the first page style, so I adjusted these to fit the current columns.
I then reused some of the caption boxes from the right hand page,
which I’d left there from the first article and changed the caption
text to suit the pictures and resized the boxes using free transform.
Now that the third page of my article was mostly complete, it was time to work
on the right-hand page. I decided that I wanted to a create an additional page,
not specifically linked to the article, but for the Apex Legends game. This would
give the audience additional content to the article and would make them feel
like they were getting good value for money. I decided to add in a Top 5 Apex
Legends section.
For this I split the page into five horizontal boxes using the ruler and guide. In
order to get them roughly the same size I had to calculate the size of each box.
I then added in 5 rectangle boxes using the rectangle tool and set the radius of
each corner to 50 to round the corners. I also changed the outline to alternate
between the blue and orange from my colour scheme and set it to 5px.
After placing in the boxes, I realised I had made a mistake because I hadn’t left a space
for the title. I then had to delete all of the boxes, readjust the guides, leaving a space at
the top, and repeated the process of placing the boxes in.
My next step was to add in some detail to the boxes, I created a second rectangle, set
the radius of two corners to 50, changed the colour to orange and placed it at the left-
hand side.
I then duplicated the shape, flipped it horizontally and changed it to blue. I wanted to
alternate which side these rectangles sat on to ensure that it wasn’t too heavy with
colour at one side.
When all of the boxes were set up I placed a text box in each so that I could add the
numbers 1-5. I set the size to 60pt and changed the font to Apex Mk2. I also altered the
size of the title slightly to 48pt and added in the word “APEX” to fill out the space and
make sure the audience would recognise it was linked to the article.
I added in an extra box and curved the corners to fit in an image of the
character in each box. I flipped and recoloured them alternating
between blue and orange to match the colour of each box.
I took screenshots of the 5 characters from Apex Legends that I
wanted to feature in my top 5 section and pasted them into paint so
that I could save them as a jpg. I then inserted each picture into my
Photoshop document and edited the images using the rectangular
marquee tool and the eraser so that I could remove any parts of the
picture that sat outside of the box I had created. This created the
effect that the picture sat within the frame. I was extremely pleased
with the finished result.
I added in all of the info for the characters. I went to the official
Apex Legends website to gather the information as this was not
something I could re-write or alter, because it’s factual.
I tried to add the text into sections so that it wouldn’t look too
messy, but some of the characters had more information than
others, or longer descriptions.
In order to fit the information in for all of the characters and keep
all of the boxes the same size, I reduced the size of the number
I also added in a grey background. The white seemed too bright for
the article and I had thought about using the stone colour from the
background but I realised that would make it blend too much.
I wanted to also add the images into the ability section of my top 5.
I saved the images and inserted the first three in for the first
character and resized them to fit. I realised that when I came to the
characters that had more info that the images wouldn’t fit.
Also I wanted to make sure the images lined up with each
description. In order to separate the ability descriptions I altered
the leading to 18pt to create a gap between. This made it look a lot
Furthermore, I added in a line to make a clear definition between
the character bio section and the abilities.
Now that the leading was finished, I inserted all of the images
and resized them to fit.
Looking at the finished result, I am extremely proud of how it
has turned out. The boxes and pictures alternating sides works
really well. It looks clean and organised and I really feel that my
audience would find it appealing to look at and would find the
extra page of information useful and informative.
When the top 5 page was complete, I took a fresh look at my third article page and noticed that
the article text was too close to the featured image.
In order to widen the gap, I had to cut off a small portion of the feature image. I used the
rectangular marquee tool and cut a thin strip off the top. This allowed me to move the image up,
which made the text look less squashed.
Finally, I needed to replace the temporary image that I had
downloaded for the Kraber sniper rifle.
I took a screenshot of the gun in game and pasted it into MS Paint
so that I could save it as a jpg file.
I then inserted the image into Photoshop, resized it slightly and
then lined it up with the temporary image.
I turned the opacity of the old image to 68% so that I could see the
new image, this allowed me to resize it further, making sure that
the gun within the size that I needed without being too big or too
I used the rectangular marquee tool to remove the excess
parts of the image that I didn’t need.
When the image was the size I needed, there was a small
part of the equip button visible in the image, so using the
clone stamp tool, I replicated the background around the
button to remove it.
For my final Gamers Unite product I
decided to make a radio advert. I
wrote out a draft script in Microsoft
Word. Noting the key points that I
wanted to talk about and tried
reading it aloud. As I read it realised it
didn’t flow properly so I revised the
script in a way that was easier to read.
Next, I opened up Wondershare
Filmora and clicked the option to
record a voiceover. Pressing the
microphone button to begin.
After recording the first attempt, I
listened back and felt like I repeated
the same words too much so I revised
the script again.
After several attempts, where I made
mistakes, I finally had a version that I
was happy with.
I opened up a Premiere Pro document and inserted my
voiceover onto the timeline. In order to make the radio advert
more appealing, I needed to find a music track to use as
background music.
I found a track called After All that I liked from the YouTube
library and added it into Premiere Pro.
The track was too loud so I altered the volume to -18db so
that it was now at a reasonable level, but the track didn’t suit
my voice recording.
I found a few other tracks that I liked from the YouTube
library, but none of them seemed to work with my voice over.
So I needed to rethink my idea.
After giving it some thought, I decided to change my idea from a radio advert
to a video advert.
I created a 1920x1080px document in Photoshop so that I could create a
background for the video. I decided to use the stone coloured background from
the magazine cover. I inserted this into my Photoshop document, but it didn’t
cover the whole area, so I used to eyedropper tool to pick out the stone colour
and used the paint bucket tool to fill in the white space.
I then exported the file as a jpg file and placed it into Premiere Pro.
Next, I wanted to place my magazine brand name into the video, but I didn’t
want to lose the alternate colour shadowing effect that I had created.
I didn’t want to recreate it because I didn’t feel I could duplicate it exactly, so I
loaded up my magazine cover and linked the two separate text boxes together.
I then dragged them into my background document, so I could ensure they
weren’t going to be too small. They worked perfectly, so I resize them and then
merged the two layers together so that I could export them as one image.
I added the exported logo into the video and made sure it
placed in the centre. Next I added in two separate text boxes
using the type tool, one with the word “Introducing” and one
with the word “magazine”. I created them separately because
I wanted to them to transition on screen at different times.
Next I removed the white noise from the beginning of my
voice recording. I did this by using the slice tool at the point
where I wanted the voice recording to begin. I then selected
the first part and deleted it.
Finally I carefully listened to the beginning of my voice over
and aligned each layer of text to begin as I spoke the words.
I added in the exported file for my magazine cover, with the intention of having text transition in as I speak, on
the right-hand side.
Then I split the voice recording using the razor tool, so that I could separate the sections of speech. This would
allow me to easily align the speech with the image transitioning in.
I added in some transitions for the opening text boxes. I used a cross zoom transition for the brand name, which I
really liked and a film dissolve transition for the word “magazine”, to fade in the word. I also used a push
transition for the word “introducing” which brought the word on from left to right. I wasn’t sure if I would keep
this last transition though, as I felt like there might be another that I prefer more.
Finally, I rearranged the cover image to start when the introduction ended and added in a cube spin transition.
The cube rolled the wrong way, so I set it to reverse, so that it rolled from right to left.
Video revealed (2017) Animated Bullet Points in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (
I had some technical issues with the project and could no
longer work on the video at college, due to Premiere Pro
crashing a lot. Thankfully, I found way that I could continue
with making the video by using my study days at home to
work on it.
To set up my text transitioning in, I needed to create separate
text boxes, which I could see was going to either cause
problems for the program to load, with too many elements, or
be too messy to work with, so I decided to see if there was a
way to make it easier.
I found a video on YouTube(see link below) which was a
tutorial on how to create animated bullet points within one
text box. This would allow me to time the words as they are
spoken in the video.
To do this I selected the text box and toggled the animation
on, I then added key frames for each bullet point. My next
step was to play the audio back and ensure that each key
frame was lined up correctly with the relevant part of the
To add in an actual bullet point in Premiere Pro I had to turn
Num Lock on and press Alt 0149.
I also changed the transition of the word “Introducing” to film
dissolve as I thought it would look better if it transitioned in
the same as the word “Magazine”.
For the 10 Page Simulation Special part of the video, I tried the
text as blue but it didn’t look right, so I decided to change it to
For each change of information, I used razor to split the image
so that I could add a cube spin transition. I chose to repeat this
to create a consistency with the style of video and also to show
a clear change of information.
For the reviews part, I added in the text and added a cross
dissolve transition to fade it in. Ensuring that I had the graphics
window selected, I added in two additional key frames to
introduce the two game titles.
Next, I inserted a logo image for the two games. I felt the page
looked too empty with just a title and two bullet points, so by
adding the logos it filled the space. Also, these two articles are
the more important reviews from the magazine, so I felt adding
in the logo would create brand recognition.
After inserting the images on to the timeline, I carefully
listened to the voice over to ensure that they were lined up to
appear when the game title was spoken and when the bullet
point appeared.
For the competition part of the video, I added
the word “WIN!” using the text tool. I wanted
to really grab the audiences attention with this
so I set the text size to 150pt.
I added a picture of the SteelSeries headset
that was featured on the magazine cover. It
inserted central to the whole video so I
repositioned it to just below the text box.
I then added in the brand name and the name
of the headset. I also resized the image slightly
to make it fit between both text boxes and
added in a slide transition, which brought the
headset image in from right to left.
When everything was added in and all of the transitions were
lined up with the right audio cues, I watched the video and I
felt it was missing something and would benefit from the
addition of some sound effects or music.
I searched through the YouTube audio library, listening to lots
of different tracks, until I finally found a pop track called
Payday. The track sounded really upbeat and happy, which I
felt would work really well with the vibe I wanted to create
with my video.
I added the track onto the timeline and listened to it. As it was
the volume was way too loud and heavily overpowered my
voice over, but there was a drum roll at the beginning that I
didn’t want to quieten as I felt it would be a good intro to
grab the audiences attention. I set the initial volume to -20db
and then set a key frame to change the volume to -30db while
my introduction page began and then I added in a final key
frame to lower the volume to -35db so that it was a
reasonable level for the information part of the video. The
gradual lowering of the volume was subtle and worked well.
The track was longer than the video, so I found a suitable
point of the track to become the end. I used the razor tool to
split it and deleted the unwanted ending and then added in a
2sec15 exponential fade transition to gradually fade out the
When the music and all of the audio and transitions were
set up, I watched the video back and realised that some of
the text wasn’t lined up in each part of the video. I realised
that it was possible to add in rulers and guides like in
Photoshop. I turned on safe guides which set up a frame
around the edge and then added in two central guides by
setting them to 50% horizontal and vertical. I also split the
right hand side of the page with a central guide so that I
could position the text correctly.
I changed the magazine cover size to fit with the safe guide
frame and repositioned all of the text to sit within the top
guide. I felt this made it look much more organised and
I also felt some of the text, like the reviews heading, was
too small and needed a bit more emphasis. This meant that
I had to reposition and resize the game logo images and
also had to change the leading of the text so that it each
line of text had enough space to fit the images in between.
Finally, I realised I had a small
portion of blank audio at the
beginning of the video, which
meant that there was too much of
a pause between the video starting
and the text and audio starting, so
I removed the blank audio by using
the razor tool and then deleted it.
Now my video is complete and I
feel really pleased with the end
result. With the technical issues in
the beginning, I thought I was
going to have to cancel the idea of
making this video and just have my
magazine products, so I’m relieved
that I found a way to complete it.

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P4 - 7. Evaluation (Interactive)P4 - 7. Evaluation (Interactive)
P4 - 7. Evaluation (Interactive)
P4 - 6. Production Reflection (Interactive)
P4 - 6. Production Reflection (Interactive)P4 - 6. Production Reflection (Interactive)
P4 - 6. Production Reflection (Interactive)
P4 - 5. Pre-Production (Interactive)
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6. FMP Production Reflection Part 2

  • 2. Process I had only intended to create two pages for my feature article, but when I added the article onto the page I realised it it was too long, so I decided, instead of shortening it and potentially ruining what I’d written, I would make a third page for the article and a fourth page with some fun additional info on. I saved the first feature article as a second page so that I had a duplicate that I could edit. This would save me a lot of time so that I don’t have to set up all of the guides again. The only problem with creating a third page was that I only had my summary column of text and I soon realised that I needed more for my article than I had originally written. However, I had already thought that I wanted more content about the actually gameplay, so this was the perfect opportunity to add more. I wrote out another section in my word document after removing the original text and copied and pasted the new part into my Photoshop article. Next I removed all of the photos from the first article that I didn’t need and rearranged the text so that I could fit a picture in above. I kept the captions from the old pictures, just in case they could be reused for the new pictures. I also moved the pull quote as I wanted this page to be slightly different to the first.
  • 3. Process For the main feature image I needed to remove the names of the players to protect their privacy and conform to ASA code 6. I used the clone stamp tool to duplicate the background around the names. The name on the right-hand side was more difficult than the others to remove because the background was of a building. For this I still used the clone stamp tool, but I changed the brush size to 6px so that it I could duplicate the background in smaller sections, that way I could keep the definition of the door and building details. This worked really well and I was extremely pleased with the finished result. When I saw where it was I worried that I wouldn’t be able to make it look good.
  • 4. Process I exported the picture and placed it onto the article page. I then resized it to fit the space above the text. Next, I wanted some additional pictures and realised that a picture of a particular sniper rifle that I had mentioned would link really well to the main image. I didn’t have access to the game at college so I found a similar image online to what I wanted to use and used that as a placeholder in the bottom left corner. I also moved the pull quote over and added in a quote from this part of the article.
  • 5. Process Now that I had my images in place, I rearranged the text to fit the space and realised that I had one line too many in the third column. I had planned to put something in this space and wanted it to line up with the picture on the left. I also realised I hadn’t indented the first line of some of the paragraphs like I had in the first part of the article, so I did this. In order to make all of the columns the same length, I found a suitable paragraph that had a short final sentence and chose the words “in the mix” to remove as the sentence still sounded fine without them. This removed the shorter sentence which gave me a spare line in the second column to add a line from the third column. After sorting the text, I was looking at my pull quote and felt it didn’t quite sound right, “enemies come knocking” just didn’t quite fit the context of the gameplay. Instead I decided to use “enemies get you in their sights” This worked so much better, not only is it using direct address to speak to the audience, it also links to the main image on this page. I also made sure I changed the sentence within the article, so that it was the same.
  • 6. Process Because I’d placed in the small image in the bottom left corner, I’d had to move the pull quote back to the bottom of the middle column. I was back to the initial problem of where to put it as I really wanted it to be in a different place to the first page. In my additional research, I researched a PC Gamer article, because that was the most popular magazine brand in my survey. Within that article, they had placed their pull quote centrally within the text. They had actually placed it quite large so that it overlapped the column space and they’d aligned the text around it, but I didn’t feel this was something I could achieve as my text fit the page perfectly now. Also, I didn’t want to directly copy the style of that article, so instead I simply copied the bottom portion of the text, up to where I wanted the pull quote to begin and created a new text box using the horizontal type tool. I then copied the body text into the new text box and switched around with the pull quote. The only issue I then had was that the text was slightly out of line from the other columns so I had to realign it all. My next step was to add in a rating box. I added in a large orange rectangle, the same size as the right hand picture, but it looked too bright and stood out way too much, so instead I changed it to a long thin rectangle. I then added in “OUR RATING” and inserted in a picture of a star to use for the rating. I also added in a small reason for the rating and added my name below it.
  • 7. Process I tried switching the colours of the box and star, for the rating, but I felt it worked better the other way around, so I changed it back. Then I noticed that my column separator lines were still set up for the first page style, so I adjusted these to fit the current columns. I then reused some of the caption boxes from the right hand page, which I’d left there from the first article and changed the caption text to suit the pictures and resized the boxes using free transform.
  • 8. Process Now that the third page of my article was mostly complete, it was time to work on the right-hand page. I decided that I wanted to a create an additional page, not specifically linked to the article, but for the Apex Legends game. This would give the audience additional content to the article and would make them feel like they were getting good value for money. I decided to add in a Top 5 Apex Legends section. For this I split the page into five horizontal boxes using the ruler and guide. In order to get them roughly the same size I had to calculate the size of each box. I then added in 5 rectangle boxes using the rectangle tool and set the radius of each corner to 50 to round the corners. I also changed the outline to alternate between the blue and orange from my colour scheme and set it to 5px.
  • 9. Process After placing in the boxes, I realised I had made a mistake because I hadn’t left a space for the title. I then had to delete all of the boxes, readjust the guides, leaving a space at the top, and repeated the process of placing the boxes in. My next step was to add in some detail to the boxes, I created a second rectangle, set the radius of two corners to 50, changed the colour to orange and placed it at the left- hand side. I then duplicated the shape, flipped it horizontally and changed it to blue. I wanted to alternate which side these rectangles sat on to ensure that it wasn’t too heavy with colour at one side. When all of the boxes were set up I placed a text box in each so that I could add the numbers 1-5. I set the size to 60pt and changed the font to Apex Mk2. I also altered the size of the title slightly to 48pt and added in the word “APEX” to fill out the space and make sure the audience would recognise it was linked to the article.
  • 10. Process I added in an extra box and curved the corners to fit in an image of the character in each box. I flipped and recoloured them alternating between blue and orange to match the colour of each box. I took screenshots of the 5 characters from Apex Legends that I wanted to feature in my top 5 section and pasted them into paint so that I could save them as a jpg. I then inserted each picture into my Photoshop document and edited the images using the rectangular marquee tool and the eraser so that I could remove any parts of the picture that sat outside of the box I had created. This created the effect that the picture sat within the frame. I was extremely pleased with the finished result.
  • 11. Process I added in all of the info for the characters. I went to the official Apex Legends website to gather the information as this was not something I could re-write or alter, because it’s factual. I tried to add the text into sections so that it wouldn’t look too messy, but some of the characters had more information than others, or longer descriptions. In order to fit the information in for all of the characters and keep all of the boxes the same size, I reduced the size of the number boxes. I also added in a grey background. The white seemed too bright for the article and I had thought about using the stone colour from the background but I realised that would make it blend too much.
  • 12. Process I wanted to also add the images into the ability section of my top 5. I saved the images and inserted the first three in for the first character and resized them to fit. I realised that when I came to the characters that had more info that the images wouldn’t fit. Also I wanted to make sure the images lined up with each description. In order to separate the ability descriptions I altered the leading to 18pt to create a gap between. This made it look a lot better. Furthermore, I added in a line to make a clear definition between the character bio section and the abilities.
  • 13. Process Now that the leading was finished, I inserted all of the images and resized them to fit. Looking at the finished result, I am extremely proud of how it has turned out. The boxes and pictures alternating sides works really well. It looks clean and organised and I really feel that my audience would find it appealing to look at and would find the extra page of information useful and informative.
  • 14. Process When the top 5 page was complete, I took a fresh look at my third article page and noticed that the article text was too close to the featured image. In order to widen the gap, I had to cut off a small portion of the feature image. I used the rectangular marquee tool and cut a thin strip off the top. This allowed me to move the image up, which made the text look less squashed.
  • 15. Process Finally, I needed to replace the temporary image that I had downloaded for the Kraber sniper rifle. I took a screenshot of the gun in game and pasted it into MS Paint so that I could save it as a jpg file. I then inserted the image into Photoshop, resized it slightly and then lined it up with the temporary image. I turned the opacity of the old image to 68% so that I could see the new image, this allowed me to resize it further, making sure that the gun within the size that I needed without being too big or too small.
  • 16. Process I used the rectangular marquee tool to remove the excess parts of the image that I didn’t need. When the image was the size I needed, there was a small part of the equip button visible in the image, so using the clone stamp tool, I replicated the background around the button to remove it.
  • 17. Process For my final Gamers Unite product I decided to make a radio advert. I wrote out a draft script in Microsoft Word. Noting the key points that I wanted to talk about and tried reading it aloud. As I read it realised it didn’t flow properly so I revised the script in a way that was easier to read. Next, I opened up Wondershare Filmora and clicked the option to record a voiceover. Pressing the microphone button to begin. After recording the first attempt, I listened back and felt like I repeated the same words too much so I revised the script again. After several attempts, where I made mistakes, I finally had a version that I was happy with.
  • 18. Process I opened up a Premiere Pro document and inserted my voiceover onto the timeline. In order to make the radio advert more appealing, I needed to find a music track to use as background music. I found a track called After All that I liked from the YouTube library and added it into Premiere Pro. The track was too loud so I altered the volume to -18db so that it was now at a reasonable level, but the track didn’t suit my voice recording. I found a few other tracks that I liked from the YouTube library, but none of them seemed to work with my voice over. So I needed to rethink my idea.
  • 19. Process After giving it some thought, I decided to change my idea from a radio advert to a video advert. I created a 1920x1080px document in Photoshop so that I could create a background for the video. I decided to use the stone coloured background from the magazine cover. I inserted this into my Photoshop document, but it didn’t cover the whole area, so I used to eyedropper tool to pick out the stone colour and used the paint bucket tool to fill in the white space. I then exported the file as a jpg file and placed it into Premiere Pro. Next, I wanted to place my magazine brand name into the video, but I didn’t want to lose the alternate colour shadowing effect that I had created. I didn’t want to recreate it because I didn’t feel I could duplicate it exactly, so I loaded up my magazine cover and linked the two separate text boxes together. I then dragged them into my background document, so I could ensure they weren’t going to be too small. They worked perfectly, so I resize them and then merged the two layers together so that I could export them as one image.
  • 20. Process I added the exported logo into the video and made sure it placed in the centre. Next I added in two separate text boxes using the type tool, one with the word “Introducing” and one with the word “magazine”. I created them separately because I wanted to them to transition on screen at different times. Next I removed the white noise from the beginning of my voice recording. I did this by using the slice tool at the point where I wanted the voice recording to begin. I then selected the first part and deleted it. Finally I carefully listened to the beginning of my voice over and aligned each layer of text to begin as I spoke the words.
  • 21. Process I added in the exported file for my magazine cover, with the intention of having text transition in as I speak, on the right-hand side. Then I split the voice recording using the razor tool, so that I could separate the sections of speech. This would allow me to easily align the speech with the image transitioning in. I added in some transitions for the opening text boxes. I used a cross zoom transition for the brand name, which I really liked and a film dissolve transition for the word “magazine”, to fade in the word. I also used a push transition for the word “introducing” which brought the word on from left to right. I wasn’t sure if I would keep this last transition though, as I felt like there might be another that I prefer more. Finally, I rearranged the cover image to start when the introduction ended and added in a cube spin transition. The cube rolled the wrong way, so I set it to reverse, so that it rolled from right to left.
  • 22. Process Video revealed (2017) Animated Bullet Points in Adobe Premiere Pro CC ( I had some technical issues with the project and could no longer work on the video at college, due to Premiere Pro crashing a lot. Thankfully, I found way that I could continue with making the video by using my study days at home to work on it. To set up my text transitioning in, I needed to create separate text boxes, which I could see was going to either cause problems for the program to load, with too many elements, or be too messy to work with, so I decided to see if there was a way to make it easier. I found a video on YouTube(see link below) which was a tutorial on how to create animated bullet points within one text box. This would allow me to time the words as they are spoken in the video. To do this I selected the text box and toggled the animation on, I then added key frames for each bullet point. My next step was to play the audio back and ensure that each key frame was lined up correctly with the relevant part of the voiceover. To add in an actual bullet point in Premiere Pro I had to turn Num Lock on and press Alt 0149. I also changed the transition of the word “Introducing” to film dissolve as I thought it would look better if it transitioned in the same as the word “Magazine”.
  • 23. Process For the 10 Page Simulation Special part of the video, I tried the text as blue but it didn’t look right, so I decided to change it to black. For each change of information, I used razor to split the image so that I could add a cube spin transition. I chose to repeat this to create a consistency with the style of video and also to show a clear change of information. For the reviews part, I added in the text and added a cross dissolve transition to fade it in. Ensuring that I had the graphics window selected, I added in two additional key frames to introduce the two game titles. Next, I inserted a logo image for the two games. I felt the page looked too empty with just a title and two bullet points, so by adding the logos it filled the space. Also, these two articles are the more important reviews from the magazine, so I felt adding in the logo would create brand recognition. After inserting the images on to the timeline, I carefully listened to the voice over to ensure that they were lined up to appear when the game title was spoken and when the bullet point appeared.
  • 24. Process For the competition part of the video, I added the word “WIN!” using the text tool. I wanted to really grab the audiences attention with this so I set the text size to 150pt. I added a picture of the SteelSeries headset that was featured on the magazine cover. It inserted central to the whole video so I repositioned it to just below the text box. I then added in the brand name and the name of the headset. I also resized the image slightly to make it fit between both text boxes and added in a slide transition, which brought the headset image in from right to left.
  • 25. Process When everything was added in and all of the transitions were lined up with the right audio cues, I watched the video and I felt it was missing something and would benefit from the addition of some sound effects or music. I searched through the YouTube audio library, listening to lots of different tracks, until I finally found a pop track called Payday. The track sounded really upbeat and happy, which I felt would work really well with the vibe I wanted to create with my video. I added the track onto the timeline and listened to it. As it was the volume was way too loud and heavily overpowered my voice over, but there was a drum roll at the beginning that I didn’t want to quieten as I felt it would be a good intro to grab the audiences attention. I set the initial volume to -20db and then set a key frame to change the volume to -30db while my introduction page began and then I added in a final key frame to lower the volume to -35db so that it was a reasonable level for the information part of the video. The gradual lowering of the volume was subtle and worked well. The track was longer than the video, so I found a suitable point of the track to become the end. I used the razor tool to split it and deleted the unwanted ending and then added in a 2sec15 exponential fade transition to gradually fade out the track.
  • 26. Process When the music and all of the audio and transitions were set up, I watched the video back and realised that some of the text wasn’t lined up in each part of the video. I realised that it was possible to add in rulers and guides like in Photoshop. I turned on safe guides which set up a frame around the edge and then added in two central guides by setting them to 50% horizontal and vertical. I also split the right hand side of the page with a central guide so that I could position the text correctly. I changed the magazine cover size to fit with the safe guide frame and repositioned all of the text to sit within the top guide. I felt this made it look much more organised and uniformed. I also felt some of the text, like the reviews heading, was too small and needed a bit more emphasis. This meant that I had to reposition and resize the game logo images and also had to change the leading of the text so that it each line of text had enough space to fit the images in between.
  • 27. Process Finally, I realised I had a small portion of blank audio at the beginning of the video, which meant that there was too much of a pause between the video starting and the text and audio starting, so I removed the blank audio by using the razor tool and then deleted it. Now my video is complete and I feel really pleased with the end result. With the technical issues in the beginning, I thought I was going to have to cancel the idea of making this video and just have my magazine products, so I’m relieved that I found a way to complete it.

Editor's Notes

  1. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  2. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  3. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  4. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  5. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  6. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  7. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  8. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  9. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  10. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  11. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  12. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  13. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  14. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  15. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  16. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  17. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  18. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  19. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  20. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  21. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  22. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  23. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  24. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  25. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  26. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.